Page 1: Ancient · 05/11/2017  · Coming Up at Community Every Sunday At Community 8:30 am Worship Service in Bonfils Chapel

4601 Main StreetKansas City, MO 64112

(816) 561-6531 www.

Rev. Shanna SteitzSenior Minister

Rev. Ryan MotterAssociate Minister

Rev. Suzanne MotterChildren’s Minister

Amy FisherYouth Director

Jennifer GilbertNursery Supervisor

Levon WeaverBusiness Administrator

Kae KellerExecutive Assistant

Kevin FreemanBuilding Supervisor

Will EvansMaintenance

Jonathon AntleOrganist

John StaffordChoir Director

Tim WhitmerPianist

NOVEMBER 5, 2017

Ancient ProphetsFor Modern People

Be A SAintThis Sunday, November 5, is All Saints Sunday. So many of the saints we remember were generous in many ways. As a tribute to them and as an opportunity to live into their legacies of generosity, a Special Offering to support the work of Community Christian Church Food Pantry will be collected. We invite you to give as you are able so that your life may support the lives of others.

We will hold a time of remembrance for all of our Saints during the Pastoral Prayer moment. You will have the opportunity to come forward and light candles in remembrance of those you have loved and lost. If you’d like, you can bring a picture or a memento to place on the Communion Table and/or the Candle table as we remember those saints with you. All mementos and memorials can be re-collected after worship is over.

Additionally, the next two Sundays, November 12 & 19, Louanne cary will be selling pumpkin bread to benefit the Food Pantry, as well. Get yours for only $5/loaf!

SAintS RememBeRedWe especially pray for those Community members that have left us in this past year:

curt HamptonSandi HoLderman

uzzieL pecinaGeorGe SaLLerdean SpurGeon

cHarLotte BevinGton

November 5I Kings 18-19 (adapted)

November 12Amos 5:14-24

November 19 one Service:

conGreGationaL meetinG &tHankSGivinG Sunday

Isaiah 9:1-7

November 26Jeremiah 29:4-14

Page 2: Ancient · 05/11/2017  · Coming Up at Community Every Sunday At Community 8:30 am Worship Service in Bonfils Chapel

Coming Up at CommunityEvery Sunday At Community8:30 am Worship Service in Bonfils Chapel 9:30 am Education Hour9:30 am Youth Group in the Youth Room10:30 am Worship Service in the Sanctuary 11:30 am Coffee Fellowship

Sunday, November 511:45 am Coffee Fellowship in the Gallery4:00 pm Sunday Meal in the Park

Tuesday, November 7 9:00 am Finance Meeting 2:00 pm Staff Meeting6:00 pm Diaconate Meeting in the Jenkins Room8:00 pm AA Meeting in Bonfils Chapel

Wednesday, November 87:00 pm Choir Practice

Thursday, November 910:00 am Chair Yoga in the Narthex7:00 pm Alpha Group at the Cayton Residence in Blue Springs

Friday, November 107:00 pm AA Meeting in Bonfils Chapel

Saturday, November 116:00 pm Youth Progressive Dinner

Sunday, November 129:30 am Administrative Council Meeting11:45 am Elders' Meeting in the Jenkins Room

prayer concernS

New This Week:

Continued Prayers For: Bonnie Penegar, Bob Maygar, Merit Hill, Jack Bohne,

Chuck Motter, Norma Henderson, Leland Brown & his mother,

& the families of C.E. Leigh & Richard Doak


Doors open at 5:30 pmSwitch thrown at 6:54 pm

What I really want to say . . . These weeks between the end of our

commitment campaign and Advent were harder than usual to plan around. I decided to rely on the narrative lectionary to be our guide because it forces me to explore topics I might not otherwise choose. It gets me out of my comfort zone. Immediately upon looking at the passages—before even opening up my Bible and just looking at the books and verses—I knew I was in trouble.

The narrative lectionary is one of a couple different prescribed structures to help move the church through an annual cycle of exploring the breadth and width of scripture. The narrative lectionary is on a four-year rotation. So, four years ago one could have looked at Fall 2017 and seen that the scriptures to be used in worship would be these tricky passages from the Hebrew prophets: Elijah, Amos, Isaiah, and Jeremiah to be specific.

And smarter preachers than I would have made a different decision. However, as I spent some time with these texts, I realized how much these ancient prophets have to say to modern peoples. It has been a difficult 12-months in our world—everything from the election that caused tremendous division, to the destruction of fires and hurricanes, to terrorism of all types. We wrestle with these issues, and it would seem our faith should inform all this. I know Jesus was certainly using these ancient prophets to inform his preaching in the stories you read of him, because just like these prophets, Jesus was dealing with oppression and injustice and how to live in a secular world that seems ever more complicated.

I hope you will come to worship during this month having read these passages. I use to explore several different translations because sometimes one word will spark something in me, and I invite you to do the same. I know many of you even have new study Bibles from your recent work with my Ryan in the Deacon’s Sunday School class. Let’s really use them and engage both our heads and our hearts around these ancient messages to see how they might guide us in this time.

Speaking of my Ryan and the Deacons Sunday School class, Ryan will resume leading a Sunday morning gathering this Sunday at 9:30am. By request of the group, they will be exploring God’s activity in the world today. Is it true that, “God is still speaking” What is God doing and what are we supposed to be doing as disciples of Jesus? As Community Christian Church?

We really didn’t plan this, but sometimes the Holy Spirit helps you out! I think there can be really beneficial conversations between our worship, study, and prayer around these issues. I hope you’ll be engaged, and even if you can’t come to class that you’ll prepare for worship by having read the scriptures in advance. Heck, send me questions, concerns, or thoughts. I may dump you back to our education time, but it might prompt something in me for our sermon as well.

This is one more way we are invested in our own relationship with God and with our Community. How are we growing in our faith? How are we making our congregation stronger by deep and thoughtful conversations? I’m going to pray about this and I hope you’ll join me.

Make sure you pay special attention to the items on the cover under the heading “Be A Saint.” And I look forward to seeing you in worship on Sunday.

Blessings,— rev. SHanna

Page 3: Ancient · 05/11/2017  · Coming Up at Community Every Sunday At Community 8:30 am Worship Service in Bonfils Chapel

Cornerstones of Care:Wish Upon a Star

It's that time of year again! We will continue our partnership with cornerStoneS of care by sponsoring Christmas gifts for local children in foster care. Sponsorship wish cards will be available in the Narthex following each service beginning Sunday November 5th. Please contact Liz mccuLLouGH at 785-317-0790 for additional details or with any questions or concerns.


The much-desired new Pictorial Directory is happening!

We have scheduled 6 photo days with LifetoucH:

November 24, 25, & 26as well as December 8, 9, & 10.

We request that those in close proximity to the church building schedule their sitting on Friday or Saturday, leaving the Sunday times for those who come from further away.

8:30 worshipers, please feel free to make appointments for Sunday mornings immediately following worship!

Each family will receive acompLimentary 8x10 portrait

& directoryfor participating

In addition to the printed directory, we will also have an online directory! Click here to schedule your sitting!

Norma AbernathyBrenda BarnesSuzanne BerryAaron & Mollie BlackburnLinda BlackshereCarolyn & Jack BohneShelly Bolling-StricklandRay & Nan BordenEd & Sondra BowersLetha BoydErv & Margaret BrewsterKarl BublitzScott & Ingrid BuschJorge CarballeiraLouanne CaryDick & Lura CaytonGeorge & Rachel ChrismanTruman & Myra ChristopherBob & Donna ClarkJim CoakleyTom & Diane CranshawDale & Lisa CravenMike & Christie CrumpMark & Denise DickersonJim Dugan & Gaye HendersonOverton & Sue DurrettScott & Donna DuschenDanny & Jackie EbertsCarol EdmondsonDorothy ElliotOrvil & Helen EmanuelLarry Evans & Gayle WoodsRon & Toni FaustLois FitzgeraldGeorge & Lyndia FlanaganTyrone & Jennifer GilbertEsther GutierrezDarrel & Amy HananKathy HogartyPam HollowayCarol HonMarce IrelandTrent & Jan JonesArt Kent & Lydia ButlerKay KetchamBill LangleyBetty LaughmanJan Marcason & Dick Purucker

Jeanne MartinBob & Kay MaygarRon & Carol McAdooPauline McCrearyZach & Liz McCulloughJudy MeltonNicole MeltonKen MohlerRyan & Suzanne MotterDonna MuillerVernie& Kristy NerstheimerLouise NybergJanet PageMarj PalmerLinda ParvinDonna PorterJay & Mary ReadingMary RelifordArthur RidgeJudy RobinetteJonne RoseVern Rourke & Cindy GillispieTom & Elaine ScatizziDoug ShaferLuanne ShroutCathy SilveyEarl Spurgeon & Susan Walker SpurgeonRyan & Shanna SteitzBob & Sandra SteitzVirgina StewartSteven & Sandra StitesAnDray StricklandEugene & Carol SuterGerald SwansonGary & Karen TannenDavid & Carol ThompsonPam ThompsonSharon ThompsonClyde ThompsonLettie VogelJon & Gayla VossLevon & Courtney WeaverAnn WeaverRex Wiant& Laura Whitener

as of 11-02-2017

Steeple of Light

The Steeple of Light is dedicated this weekend, Friday, November 3, 2017 through Sunday, November 5, 2017by Megan Brownlee in honor of Becca and Will

and in celebration of Megan & Bill's 29th wedding anniversary on Sunday, November 5, 2017.

The Chancel Flowers may be dedicated any Sunday for $50.The Steeple of Light can be dedicated for $30 for one weekend evening, $75 for the entire weekend, and $50 for one weeknight.

Lifetouch Photography Session

For over 125 years, the saints of this church have annually made it possible for future generations to thrive because of their com-mitments to this beloved community. One of the ways each of us can be a living saint is by saying, "I'm invested" in something big-ger than ourselves and something that might

last beyond our time on the planet. Thanks to everyone who has made an investment for 2018. You can still make your financial commitment and we'll run a finalized list on our Thanksgiving Sunday, November 19th.



Page 4: Ancient · 05/11/2017  · Coming Up at Community Every Sunday At Community 8:30 am Worship Service in Bonfils Chapel

The midweSt cHamBer enSemBLe held a wonderful concert in our sanctuary on Sunday night!

Testing out that ice cream from Betty rae'S that rev. SHan-na mentioned in her sermon!

Follow us on social mediaDid You Know?

You can order CDs of any of Rev. Shanna’s Sunday sermons

in the office, or even listen to them on

cHriStmaS movie & pizzaSunday, decemBer 10 — noon

Join us for a fun Christmas movie with a pizza lunch in the Jenkins Room after worship!

Please RSVP to the Church Office by Monday, December 4

so we can order enough pizza.

Please let us know if there are special food needs.

Community’s Kids & YouthCommunity’s Kids & YouthCommunity’s Kids & Youth

Last Week at Community

DRAFTThank You!

The baby shower that was thrown for my family last Sunday was truly an awesome time! We cannot say thank you enough to the entire team that helped make it so special. The hospitality from the Tannen’s and the entire fellowship team, the “homegrown” bags that Marce made and the decorations were spectacular. Courtney walked into Centennial Hall and let out a big “WOW!”

Jack loved all of his gifts and we love the jogging stroller! It was such a fun time and we were very overwhelmed by all the generosity. We simply can’t say thank you enough!

Sincerely, — Levon, courtney, & Jack weaver

Our new nursery has been busy! This week our littles made sure EVERY toy was pulled off the shelves.

— rev. Suzanne

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*Please Stand, If Able

community of fAith in WoRShiP — 8:30ANNOUNCEMENTS .............................................................................................................................................. Rev. Shanna Steitz

Please fill out an attendance card, which can be found in the back of the pews, and place it in the offering basket.

PRELUDE .........................................................................................................................................................................Tim Whitmer

*CALL TO WORSHIPMinister: Gather near, saints of God. Gather near to remember.Community: We gather to remember all those saints who journeyed before us in the footsteps of Jesus. Saints now gone yet blazed a path for us to travel.Minister: Gather near, saints of God. Gather near to be inspired.Community: We gather to be inspired by those same saints to blaze our own path as Jesus calls us into new and faithful journeys.Minister: Gather near, saints of God. Gather near to be challenged.Community: We are ordinary saints. Gathering together with extraordinary saints. Prayerfully and courageously journeying into God's future.Minister: Gather near, saints of God. Gather near and rejoice.

*OPENING HYMN No. 476 — "Rejoice in God's Saints" (vs 1-3)

*OPENING PRAYER .............................................................................................................................................................Rev. Steitz


SCRIPTURE READING — I Kings 18-19 (adapted) .................................................................................... Shelly Bolling-StricklandReader: The Word of God for the people of God.Community: Thanks be to God.

*Scripture Response - Hymn No. 305:Lord, listen to your children praying, Lord, send your spirit in this place; Lord, listen to your children praying, send us love, send us pow’r, send us grace!

PASTORAL PRAYER ................................................................................................................................................. Rev. Ryan MotterMinister: Christ be with you.Community: And also with you.Minister: Let us pray.

The Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever.” AMEN

SHARING OUR OFFERING — Improvisation .............................................................................................................Tim Whitmer*The Doxology:

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.


WELCOME TO THE TABLE — “In the Lord I'll Be Ever Thankful”In the Lord I'll be ever thankful, in the Lord I will rejoice! Look to God, do not be afraid. Lift up your voices, the lord is near, lift up your voices, the Lord is near.

THE PARTICIPATION IN HOLY COMMUNIONAll are welcome to receive the gifts of bread and cup. If you are unable to come forward, we are glad to serve you in your seat.

*MUSIC FOR THE JOURNEY — “We Give Thanks"Oh, we give thanks for this precious day, for all gather'd here, and those far away;For this time we share with love and care, Oh, we give thanks for this precious day.

*THE BENEDICTION ............................................................................................................................................... Rev. Ryan Motter

POSTLUDE ...................................................................................................................................................................................Tim Whitmer

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PRELUDE ............................................................................................................................................................Jonathon Antle


*CALL TO WORSHIP..................................................................................................................................Rev. Shanna SteitzMinister: Gather near, saints of God. Gather near to remember.Community: We gather to remember all those saints who journeyed before us in the footsteps of Jesus. Saints now gone yet blazed a path for us to travel.Minister: Gather near, saints of God. Gather near to be inspired.Community: We gather to be inspired by those same saints to blaze our own path as Jesus calls us into new and faithful journeys.Minister: Gather near, saints of God. Gather near to be challenged.Community: We are ordinary saints. Gathering together with extraordinary saints. Prayerfully and courageously journeying into God's future.Minister: Gather near, saints of God. Gather near and rejoice.

*OPENING HYMN No. 476 — "Rejoice in God's Saints" (vs 1-3)

*OPENING PRAYER ................................................................................................................................................. Rev. Steitz

CHILDREN’S MOMENT .......................................................................................................................... Rev. Suzanne MotterFollowing the blessing, the children will remain in worship with their parents. Worship bags are available.

SCRIPTURE READING — I Kings 18-19 (adapted)Reader: The Word of God for the people of God.Community: Thanks be to God.

*THE GLORIA PATRI — No. 35“Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.”

PASTORAL PRAYER ......................................................................................................................................Rev. Ryan MotterMinister: Christ be with you.Community: And also with you.Minister: Let us pray.

The Lord’s Prayer: “Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever.” AMEN

SHARING OUR OFFERING — “Improvisation” .............................................................................................Jonathon Antle*The Doxology:

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

*PRAYER OF DEDICATION .................................................................................................................................. Sue Durrett

SPECIAL MUSIC — “Sine Nomine (For All the Saints)” Williams .............................................................. The Chancel ChoirJohn Stafford, Choir Director


WELCOME TO THE TABLE — “For All The Saints"

PRAYER FOR THE BREAD & CUP ..................................................................................................................... Doug Shafer

WORDS OF INSTITUTION FOR THE BREAD & CUP ..........................................................................Rev. Ryan Motter

THE PARTICIPATION IN HOLY COMMUNIONAll are welcome to receive the gifts of bread and cup. Partake of the elements as they are passed and then share them with your neighbor.


*MUSIC FOR THE JOURNEY — “Make Me a Servant"

*THE BENEDICTION ....................................................................................................................................Rev. Ryan Motter

POSTLUDE ........................................................................................................................................................Jonathon Antle

All are invited Coffee FellowshipSponsored by the Diaconate

in the Gallery

*Please Stand, If Able

community of fAith in WoRShiP — 10:30

Page 7: Ancient · 05/11/2017  · Coming Up at Community Every Sunday At Community 8:30 am Worship Service in Bonfils Chapel

Scripture for Sunday, November 5

Say: The scripture reading today is I Kings 18-19 (adapted)

Listen for God to speak:

God’s word came to the prophet Elijah after three years of a terrible drought. “Go and present yourself to Ahab; I’m about to make it rain on the country.” Elijah set out to present himself to Ahab and the moment Ahab saw Elijah he said, “So it’s you, old troublemaker!”“It’s not I who has caused trouble in Israel,” said Elijah, “but you and your government—you’ve dumped God’s ways and commands and run off after the local gods, the Baals. Assemble everyone in Israel at Mount Carmel. And make sure that the all the prophets of Jezebel, the four hundred and fifty prophets of the local gods, the Baals, and the four hundred prophets of the goddess Asherah, are there.”So Ahab summoned everyone in Israel, particularly the prophets, to Mount Carmel.Elijah challenged the people: “How long are you going to sit on the fence? If God is the real God, follow him; if it’s Baal, follow him. Make up your minds!”Nobody said a word; nobody made a move.Elijah challenged the prophets of Baal to a dual. Each would pray to their God and the one who answered with fire would win and all the people agreed. Fourteen verses later - Yahweh, God of Israel and of Elijah proved to be the winner. All the people fell on their faces in awed worship, exclaiming, “God is the true God! God is the true God!”After that, Elijah massacred all the prophets of Baal.Ahab reported to Jezebel everything that Elijah had done, Jezebel immediately sent a messenger to Elijah with her threat: “The gods will get you for this and I’ll get even with you! By this time tomorrow you’ll be as dead as any one of those prophets.”Elijah ran for his life. He ran as far as he could get from the


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wrath of Jezebel. Finally, he collapsed under a tree wanting in the worst way to be done with it all—to just die: “Enough of this, God! Take my life—I’m ready to join my ancestors in the grave!” Exhausted, he fell asleep.Suddenly an angel shook him awake and said, “Get up and eat!”He got up, ate and drank his fill, and continued walking for forty days and nights, all the way to the mountain of God, to Horeb. When he got there, he crawled into a cave and went to sleep.Reader StopsThen the word of God came to him: “ Elijah, what are you doing here?”“I’ve been working my heart out for You, O God” said Elijah. “The people of Israel have abandoned your covenant, destroyed the places of worship, and murdered your prophets. I’m the only one left, and now they’re trying to kill me.”Then he was told, “Go, stand on the mountain at attention before God. God will pass by.”A hurricane wind ripped through the mountains and shattered the rocks before God, but God wasn’t to be found in the wind; after the wind an earthquake, but God wasn’t in the earthquake; and after the earthquake fire, but God wasn’t in the fire; and after the fire a gentle and quiet whisper.When Elijah heard the quiet voice, he muffled his face with his great cloak, went to the mouth of the cave, and stood there. A quiet voice asked, “So Elijah, now tell me, what are you doing here?” Elijah said it again, “I’ve been working my heart out for God, because the people of Israel have abandoned your covenant, destroyed your places of worship, and murdered your prophets. I’m the only one left, and now they’re trying to kill me.”God said, “Go back the way you came through the desert to Damascus. Meanwhile, I’m preserving for myself seven thousand souls: the knees that haven’t bowed to the god Baal, the mouths that haven’t kissed his image.”

Reader: The Word of God for the people of God.Community: Thanks be to God.

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POSITION RESPONSIBILITIES3 & 4. Bring offering down for blessing6. Serve roped area, Conference Room, & BalconyMONITORS: Count attendance; sort/secure offering with #3&4 positions; return communion trays to prep room post service.




6 5 4 3 2 1

2 14 36 5

Tyrone Gilbert

AnDray StricklandTrent JonesLiz McCulloughDonna Muiller

Aaron Blackburn

DATE: 11/05/2017

Sue DurrettDoug Shafer

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