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Survey research

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What is your age?

As you can see from the graph the results were mainly from 17 year olds therefore my magazine target audience will be 16-18 year olds e.g. the audience are teenagers. The target audience will impact the theme of the magazine such as the colours used, the fonts and text size also the layout of the magazine. I will have to pick the right genre of music my magazine will be based on in order to appeal to the target audience, I will pick the genre based on the research I have gathered. I will have a bigger font as this appeals to the younger generation and a easy to read font style also I will make sure the layout features lots of pictures and the colours used are bright, bold and colourful. However it only shows the ages of who answered the questionnaire even so I will still have the same target audience but I will take this under consideration.

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As you can see from the results the questionnaire was answered from mainly females therefore my magazine is going to be dedicated to a female audience. This will affect the colours used as I will follow the girl stereotype colours and use pastel/pink colours. Also it will affect how I portray the artists in the magazine and which artists I feature such as male dominate in order to appeal to female lust and female role models to appeal to the female audience.

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The results show that the majority of the participants lived in the north east and north. This information means my magazine will reach out to more people in the north.

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As you can see from my graph the favourite genre of music is hip hop therefore I am going to make the genre of my music magazine to be hip-hop. This will mean the artists that I feature will have to be from the hip hop genre. The layout of the magazine and house style will all have to be compatible with the genre such as fonts, colours and the structure of the text.

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The results show that people would spend £1.55-£2.00 on a music magazine therefore my target price for my magazine will be between £1.55-£2.00. I will make the cost of my magazine £2.00 as magazine do cost a lot to manufacture also it is the cheapest it could be in order to make a profit and it suits the target audience.

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The graph shows that the majority of people who took my questionnaire don’t actually buy magazines. Hence I will try to change this by having my magazine reach all target criteria's and fully meet the audience needs and wants from a music magazine. The participants who completed my questionnaire may have not previously bought music magazines due to the price of music magazines being to high. Or the magazines could not have appealed to them I will take this in to consideration when making/designing my music magazine.

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As you can see from the graph the majority of the results tells us that the participants listen to more than 9 hours music a week. Therefore using these results I will make my magazine features lots of current music that people will be listening to. Therefore I will feature new music that has just been released or is yet to be released moreover it will meet the target audience needs. The fact that the audience listens to a lot of music shows that my magazine could be of high interest to them and could sell well.

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As you can see from the graph the audience prefers equal text and pictures therefore I will use this research to help design my magazine. As the cover, contents and double page spreads will all have to have equality between pictures and text.

In a magazine do you prefer:

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Some answers I received to the question:• Informative articles about current celebrities.• Lots of information about a variety of artists, information about tour dates, upcoming

festivals, albums etc. • Music articles, latest music news etc. • I would expect a adequate proportion of writing in comparison to images. Colours to be

in theme with the genre or festivities and for there to be a few posters. • Interesting news and interviews.• Interviews, latest news, big names, upcoming bands, images.• Lots of information on artists lives, interviews, tour dates, festival information.• Relevant news/information/history. Concentrated on the music not the celebrity/gossip. • Talk about the best music right now.• Show latest charts and upcoming trends.• Interviews from famous bands of the genre I enjoy.

I will use these results when designing my magazine and the content of the text to summarise these results I need to include articles on current artists, information on tour dates and up coming festivals and artists and information on the best current music and finally the charts. All these things need to relate to the hip hop genre.

What would you expect from a music magazine?

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Have you attended a festival if so what did you like about it ? • Amount of No answers-13Those who attended wrote, they liked the:• Live bands/ atmosphere • a concert, seeing the artist live, listening to the music and singing along • I did! The live music, alcohol, social interaction with people who like the same

music, alcohol. • I have. I liked the artists that played there. • LEEDS FEST • The atmosphere • No full festivals, only individual gigs. • yes I just liked the experience and happiness • tents and welliesTherefore if I did a double page on a festival I will know what to include I will need the article to focus on the live bands that attended or the line up if the festival is upcoming.

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