
Analysis of Magazine coversEMINEM : representations

Francis Evdokimov

These three magazine covers are representing EMINEM. There are many similarities and differences in these magazine covers in the way they portray EMINEM to the audience.


Looking at all three magazines there are many similarities in the way EMINEM is presented. ‘Vibe’ ‘Billboard’ and ‘Rolling stones’ have used the same NVC (non verbal communication) for Eminem. As clearly seen the facial expressions of all three Eminem's are very similar. All have eye brows down, mouth closed and little emotion in the face. Eminem looks very intimidating in all three magazines. This is also shown by his body expressions. In the magazine ‘Vibe’, Eminem has his hands crossed. This stance presents Eminem as a hard strong and serious man. Eminem's facial expression in ‘Vibe’ again shows his serious side and has given the reader the idea that the magazine will feature a serious article. In magazine ‘Billboard’ and ‘Rolling stones’ this same seriousness is shown, portraying Eminem as a very serious character. Eminem's solemnity also represents the character he is as well also giving the impression that his music may as well be as serious as his look.

WHITE The background is plain for both these magazine covers. This could be implying that the sole of these magazines are based around Eminem. The whiteness may also be challenging the presentation of a rapper. Usually we would associate rappers as unclean, gangster, rude and thug like. This white colour may show Eminem as a clean, pure, innocent person but as we all know Eminem in not all that clean. The colour may portray a change as quoted in both magazines ‘Rolling Stones’ : “Eminem reborn” giving the idea there has been a change to character, and a new start. In ‘Vibe’ : “Eminem comes clean” this again shows a change for purity and a new start, which both magazines may be trying to show. This is seen in resent years that Eminem has become clean of drugs and his music has also become fun.

REDThere is a very clear and similar colour scheme in both these magazine covers. The red is a strong and vibrant colour that is used in certain points sections of the cover to highlight and emphasise certain points and articles. The red colour connotes a rebellion a typical representation of a rapper, someone against society. The colour red in both magazines may also show action and confidence to go after your dreams just as Eminem has done. The red also portrays protection from fears and anxieties linking well to both the stances used by Eminem.

BLACKThe colour black is also used along the red and white in both magazines. Eminem is also wearing a black shirt and a black jacket in the magazines. The colour black portrays power, strength, illegality and Mystery. Eminem may be wearing black to show he is not all that clean. The colour may represent his power and control. As known Eminem is a massive hit nearly everywhere in the world and his music is appreciated. The black may not show his past of illegality or public hate but power and authority. The colour is also associated with a mystery. Black is the unknown. It is secretive, keeping a lot buried inside. This gives the idea that Eminem is ready top come clean and discusses his serious side to the audience in the magazine. Strength is shown as the stance and colour of the costume portray Eminem starting an new life but full of confidence and power.

Costume & Props

In all three magazine covers there is a trend of colours used in the costumes for the artist. All three costumes look like street wear and represents a typical gangster look. The black gives the idea again that Eminem has started a new leaf and is walking into a mystery. He has opened a new door not knowing where he will end up. All three Eminem's wear black to show all magazines think alike when representing Eminem. They may have specifically used this black colour to show Eminem is a good and a bad guy. ‘Billboard’ especially represents Eminem as bad guy. The colour black is seen both in the costume and background. In ‘Vibe’ Eminem wears a vest. This shows both openness but still keeping a guard. The vest unveils his arms and can shows his openness, nothing to hide character. On the other hand he has his arms crossed showing he is still guarded and not as open, giving the impression there are things he is hiding from the public. Eminem may also be showing his masculinity, putting it onto display for people to see the positive changes

‘Vibe’ therefore differentiates to the two other magazine covers. ‘Rolling Stones’ and ‘Billboard’ showed this closed off character. In the ‘Rolling Stone’ cover, Eminem is point his finger imitating a gun showing his closed of personality. Eminem in ‘Billboard’ is likewise in the way that he is wearing a jacket with a hoodie . The hoodie represents a stereotype of a rapper. Hoodie’s give the idea of a thug and a gangster. It may also represent a closed character and the colour black backs up the idea.

Props are used in all three of the magazines. All these necklaces are minimal, which portrays his lack in materialistic possessions and a man who does not want to express everything about him, in a sense holding back and not revealing everything. Props as a whole are very minimal, which does challenge stereotype of typical trappers. We would expect as seen more in the Rolling stones front cover of Eminem, a far more in your face open artist. Eminem is portrayed in Rolling stones as a typical rapper as seen through props. Out of the three magazines, Eminem in this one has more then two props. He has a bracelet, watch and a necklace. The watch is bold and big, which presents his wealth to the audience, typically of what we would expect. His character in this magazine is far more open, which compliments well with the use of more props. He is portrayed far more of a mainstream typical rapper, as he shows of his wealth through props unlike the other Eminem’s in the two other magazines. The other Eminem’s are far more distinct in body expressions, and in the wealth they show. The props (watch and necklace) are hidden and not made bold or easy for the eye to spot. It represents Eminem as a humble and different type of rapper, one which challenges the typical rapper.

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