  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler



  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


    Kegagalan yang sering terjadi padaindustri pembangkit tenaga yang sudah


    1.Kegagalan akibat fatigue

    2.Kegagalan akibat korosi

    3.Kegagalan akibat creep4.Kegagalan akibat overheating

    5.Kegagalan akibat erosi

  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


    Boiler Safety

  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler



    Pressure gauge & Test connection

    Safety Valves (Drum & Super-heater)

    Blow down valve

    Drum Level Water Gauge Glasses

    Stop Valve in Steam line

    Stop & Check Valves in Feed Line

  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


    Safety valve

    Fungsi untuk mengantisipasi tekanan dari boiler dengan

    mengeluarkan steam yang berlebih ledakanbisa dihindari

    1 boiler harus memiliki 1 SV, tetapi untuk boiler yang memiliki

    permukaan panas lebih dari 500 sq.ft dan power input lebih dari500 KW sebaiknya memiliki 2 atau lebih SV

  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


    Capacity of Safety valve

    In any case , SV capacity must be such as to discharge all thesteam the boiler can generate without allowing pressure to

    rise more than 6 % above the highest pressure at which any

    valve is set & in no case more than 6 % above the maximum

    allowable working pressure.

    All the Safety valves used on Steam boilers must be of Direct

    Spring Loaded type.

  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


    ASME markings required on

    High Pressure Safety Valves:

    Name or identifying trade mark of manufacturerManufacturers design or type number

    Size in inches, Seat Diameter in inches( i.e the pipe size of

    valve inlet )

    Pressure in lbs/ sq.ftor Kg / (Steam pressure at

    which it is to blow)

    Blow down in Kgs or lbs ( BD is the difference between the

    opening & closing pressure )Capacity in lbs / hror kg / hr

    Capacity lift in inches. It is the distance the valve disc rises

    under the action of steam when the valve is blowing under a

    pressure of 3 % above the set pressure.

  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


    Number of Safety Valves requirement

    Each Boiler requires at least one SV, but if the heating surface exceeds 500 Sq.ft, the

    boiler must have two or more Safety relief valves.

    When not more than two valves of different sizes are mounted singly on the boiler,the smaller valve must not be les than 50 % in relieving capacity of the larger valve.

    Every super-heater attached to a boiler with no intervening valves between thesuper-heater & boiler requires one or more safety valves on the super-heater outletheader.With no intervening stop valves between the super-heater & boiler, thecapacity of the safety valves on the super-heater may be included in the totalrequired for the boiler, provided the safety valve capacity in the boiler is at least 75 %of the aggregate SV capacity required for the Boiler.

    Ex- If a boilers steaming capacity is 100 tons, a minimum of two valves are required

    on Boiler with a total relieving capacity of 75 % of (100 Tons) I.e 75 tons. The

    super-heater would then require a SV with a capacity of (10075) tons

    i.e 25 Tons.

  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


    Important PointsHeating Surface :

    That side of the boiler surface exposed to the products of combustion,exclusive of super-heating surface.The areas to be considered for this

    purpose are tubes, fire-boxes, shells, tube sheets & the projected area

    of the headers.

    Sequence of Safety valves Blowing:

    The super-heater safety valves should always be set at a lower

    pressure than the drum safety valve ,so as to ensure steam flow

    through the super-heater at all times. If the drum safety valve blowsfirst, the super-heater could be starved of cooling steam, leading to

    possible super-heater tube overheating & rupture.

  • 8/10/2019 Analisa Kegagalan Pd Boiler


    Important Points

    Re-heater Safety valves :

    The capacity of re-heater safety valves can not be included in the total

    safety valve capacity required for the boiler & super-heater.The

    relieving capacity of re-heater safety valve must not be less than 15 %

    of the required total on the header. The total capacity on the re-heatermust be at least equal to the maximum steam flow for which the re-

    heater is designed . One SV must be on the re-heater outlet.

    Installation of Safety valves:

    Every safety valve shall be connected so as to stand in an up-right

    position with spindle vertical.

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