Page 1: An Inconvenient Reality · term agenda of equally occulted, criminal-minded bloodlines. To an “awakened” individual, these ... While some parts of our History can be reasonably

An Inconvenient Reality


George Orwell once said that those who control the past can then control the future; AN

INCONVENIENT HISTORY showed how our History is, most likely, not superficially what we have

been told that it is. This will further be substantiated in THE CODE: REVISITED, but here I will go into how even the present we live in is not what we are told it is. BEYOND WHAT IS PLACED BEFORE

YOUR VERY EYES gave an introduction to this sort of thing, but here I will go into more specific examples relating to what was laid out in that chapter.

Remember that, at the lowest level of perception, world events are accepted as occurring according

to the say-so of the Mainstream, while higher levels of perception, obtained via the asking of

questions, even the “stupid” ones, reveal these same events to take place according to a hidden, long-term agenda of equally occulted, criminal-minded bloodlines. To an “awakened” individual, these

events are dots that can be connected to produce a hidden picture that would otherwise have remained as mere dots to those “asleep” individuals.

Here, I will go into various “Sacred Cows,” alongside other pertinent information, including Global

Warming, vaccines, fluoridation, the War on Terror, the UN, the Powers That Be, and modern-day

Science in general. As much of the Word Magic involved here will have been covered in WORD MAGIC, here I will focus primarily on observational and logical evidences in support of what

Conspiracy Theorists have recently been espousing. Once again, a wild ride full of typically hard-to-swallow concepts abound within….

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How to manipulate History (without even trying).

As Max Igan has pointed out, it takes only one

generation to completely rewrite all of History up to that point. For those who believe that to be impossible, I shall illustrate how it is done:

>Seize control of the Education System and

then remake it using sympathetic teachers and textbook publishers to conform to the new version of History desired.

>Teach the new version of History to the newest generation via the Education System.

>Because children rarely, if ever, speak to their parents about exactly what they are

taught, the parents, who are too busy working

to keep the family alive, will not be any the wiser.

>Even when parents are able to pass down

their version of History to their children, the children still will tend to refuse that

information because children generally like to

believe they are more knowledgeable, especially with goings-on nowadays, than their parents are.

>Once the children become adults, the new version of History will become gospel.

It really is as straight-forward as that.

It is no different with Science.

Scientists can only do research if they have

funding to undertake that research. Funding

agencies generally refuse to fund research they fear is too “fringe” to risk funding a

scientist to research the topic. As a result, the vast majority of scientists will stay clear of

“fringe” topics like over-unity devices, antigravity devices, paranormal and cryptid

research, and looking objectively into conspiracy-theory topics.

Another thing to keep in mind is that scientists are forced to study only a tiny sliver of what is

the full breadth of Science itself. For example, one scientist may be an Earth Scientist but

they will specialize in Greenschist-facies metamorphism (which is only one pressure-

temperature regime in metamorphism, which

in turn is only one of three processes affecting rocks, which in turn is only one aspect among

many in the discipline of Geology, which in turn is only one discipline among several

within the area of Earth Science), and be very lacking in knowledge of the work of a

colleague specializing in artesian aquifers (which is only one type of aquifer, which in

turn is only one manifestation of groundwater

in general, which in turn is only one aspect among many within the discipline of

Environmental Studies, which in turn is only one discipline among several within the area of Earth Science) – and vice versa.

Also, due to the existence of several academic

journals within each and every discipline of study within Science, Mathematics, and the

Humanities, virtually any kind of academic paper can find itself published regardless of

how poorly it was written, how poorly the topic of study was carried out, and even how blatantly false the work is.

One merely needs to fund, and promote,

certain research and papers to alter scientific

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consensus to something that may not at all jive

with what can actually be shown to be true through unbiased experimentation and observations.

Given all that, is it any wonder so much of what we believe to be true is actually false?

Once you can fully grasp this, you can then see why I place so much importance on asking questions and finding things out for yourself.

While some parts of our History can be

reasonably shown to have taken place to some degree, particularly in so much as etymology

can help confirm what had taken place, other things that can be seen to have occurred via

direct physical evidence of what remains from those times but has more recently been

tweaked to either have never existed or not have gone the way physical proof suggests.

Max Igan’s travels have illuminated some of these things, and Ancient Astronaut Theory

has made light of a bunch of other things related to our real History.

Was there really a “mud flood” that swept across parts of Europe ~300 years ago, yet this

event was apparently never recorded in the mainstream history? Was the implementation

of the current System as recent as the days of

the Roman Empire? Was the “Dark Ages” truly

~1,000 years of history that, either in full or in part, simply did not happen?

Above all, might there be truly strong evidence

that a global civilization far more advanced than we are now once existed deep in our past?

Several civilizations worldwide had made use

of a technique for locking two stones together by using an “I”-shaped incision into both cut

stones which is then filled with a metal. This included the Romans and Greeks, and

apparently was used also by the Ancient Hindu

peoples and even by some Mesoamerican peoples. How would this method have been

spread so far abroad and over thousands of years? Logically, either we first developed this

method over 100 ka (prior to our first migration out of Africa – which rewrites

history) or one of the earliest civilizations developed this technique and then somehow

spread this knowledge worldwide (also

rewrites history, regardless of how one looks at it). It is too improbable for “accidental”

discovery by all these civilizations to have played a role here, if we are to use Occam’s Razor.

The story is pretty similar when it comes to

pyramids. The designs differ between cultures, moreso than the “I”-mold technique,

but still their worldwide presence and their being built over thousands of years also hints

at a need to look through our History again to find a presently-missing piece.

I will probe a few more pieces of inconvenient history later, including more recent things we may have been completely duped about.

Next, though, I will be looking into a number of “Sacred Cows” regarding current Worldly

affairs such as Global Warming, vaccines, and water fluoridation.

Be assured that some things you may not ever want to consider will be considered here….

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Global Warming: True or False – or something else?

I will not go into the conspiracy saying that the

Club of Rome “invented” Global Warming as part of an occult agenda. Here, I will just go

into why Earth’s climate is nowhere near as “figured-out” as most would like to believe.

The current spiel with Global Warming is that Humans are causing it by throwing up too

much CO2 into the atmosphere which is causing a greenhouse effect that will spiral out

of control soon enough unless carbon taxes and Green tech is rolled out everywhere.

Instead of simply going along with that – or railing equally blindly against it – let us begin

asking questions about it and seeing where the answers may take us.

What has your hometown’s yearly climate been doing for as long as you can remember?

Think, if you can, back to your own, personal experience and not rely on what your local

weather station says has been the yearly trend. Which years do you remember being

warmer/drier than normal, and which were cooler/wetter than normal?

For example, the Canadian Boreal Forest, for

the most part, experienced abnormally warm/dry yearly climates from ~2000 to

~2012, while since then the trend has

switched (exceptions notwithstanding) to cooler/wetter than what was typical during

the 1990’s. However, that latter trend was not always mirrored by the stats local weather

stations put up – instead, it was fairly common to see the warmer trend carried on despite what the physical evidence would suggest.

Is CO2 really to blame, here? In fact, CO2 is only

one of a handful of greenhouse gases in Earth’s atmosphere. Not only that, but CO2 is,

arguably, the weakest of these greenhouse gases (in many cases, by far). CO2 is also one

of the sparsest of the gases in Earth’s atmosphere.

Arguably, the most potent greenhouse gas present is water vapour. Water vapour is

many times more potent than CO2, and it comprises ~1% of Earth’s atmospheric composition (while CO2 is only ~0.01%).

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So, does that mean we should ban clouds instead?

Another potent greenhouse gas is methane, which is also produces a more potent

greenhouse effect though is even less abundant than CO2.

Another thing to be mindful of is that CO2 is “eaten up” daily, in large amounts, by several

things: Plants, obviously, inhale CO2, and generally the more CO2 is present in an area

the more fruitful the plants in that area can grow. Shell-building organisms also lock away

CO2 dissolved into the surrounding water, by

converting it to CaCO3 that they use to build their shells. Igneous rocks, even, are a sink for

CO2 – feldspars in the rocks use up atmospheric CO2 to convert into clay minerals that are more stable on Earth’s surface.

Just as water vapour is one aspect of the Water

Cycle, where each aspect of the Cycle is important for Earth’s continued life-bearing

ability, CO2 is one aspect of a “Carbon Cycle,” where, again, each aspect of this Cycle is

equally as important for Earth’s continued life-bearing ability.

“Global Warming” has evolved over the years to accommodate more and more of Earth’s

atmosphere’s inherent complexity and to explain them within its limits.

As a result, “Climate Change” nowadays can

often be interchangeable with Global

Warming. Arguably, this was because it was necessary to accommodate those areas

actually cooling down over the past two decades or so even while the planet’s global-average temperature was slowly rising.

This, if anything, is proof of the complexity of

Earth’s climate across its surface. One cannot simply attribute a few years of steady

warming to “Global Warming” – forget attributing Humans to it. Interestingly, Cold

War-era scientists were predicting a new iceage due to several years of abnormally cool

global temperatures. Those who lived through the 1960’s may remember this.

The truth is that NOBODY can, in good conscience, make heads or tails of Earth’s

climate trend EVEN by using the last 100 or even 200 years of data. The fact is that Earth’s

climate is ALWAYS changing – “Climate

Change” is Earth’s atmosphere’s normal state, so it is actually a good thing Climate Change is happening.

One cannot even think about trying to predict Earth’s climate without first trying to

understand ALL the myriad of factors that play

into the climate. These factors include all the gases making up Earth’s atmosphere, the

landmasses and what biomes exist on each one, the lakes, rivers, ice caps, and oceans and

what temperatures they are at at any given time of the year, the Sun itself and its myriad

of solar cycles that change its energy output over time, the gravitational effects of the Moon

and the other planets in the Solar System over

any given year, Earth’s own geologic activity such as volcanism, the amount of interstellar

radiation Earth receives over any given year, and, of course, the life-forms that reside on

Earth’s surface including Humans and every other animal alive right now.

That was not all the factors at play, but hopefully one can see how complex it will be

to accurately tell what Earth’s climate is doing, and going to do at any point in the future.

Truly, the only answer to this question, in

keeping with scientific principle, is simply “I

do not know what Earth’s climate is up to, nor will we be able to find out anytime soon.”

That said, we can still remove any effect we

might have on the greenhouse effect by using those technologies that are persistently being

withheld from us – like Keshe’s devices, and

the plenty of other over-unity and clean-energy devices that already exist, ready to be deployed, yet nobody is being told about them.

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Vaccines, fluoride, and pharmaceuticals in general.

Those who accept what they are told without

question will see vaccines, water fluoridation, and pharmaceuticals as being the only means of ensuring one’s own health.

Again, instead of simply accepting that let us

start asking questions about these things and looking into them with our own eyes.

Vaccines are supposed to introduce our bodies to harmless strains of a disease, that way our

bodies can easily fight off the real thing should it come our way. However, the fact that there

are groups rallying to make vaccines mandatory is all kinds of unsettling. While Ego

is to blame here, since people like forcing their ideals onto everyone else (but hate it when the

same is done back on them), governments are

looking to hop aboard that bandwagon which brings up logical concern.

People should be able to refuse vaccines,

regardless of how beneficial they prove to be. Similarly, people should be able to harm their

own bodies, by smoking poisons or what-not, without having to be punished for doing so.

Likewise, we should not be subjecting everyone to fluoride – even if it were more

beneficial than water itself. The simple truth is that fluoride is not more important than

nutritrious food and fresh water for Humans,

so there is no logical reason to have to subject everyone to it.

Even if it were as beneficial as vitamins and minerals to the human body (the fact is that it

is not – the body can do without fluoride, since it serves zero notable benefit to the body; it

can help strengthen tooth enamel, but that is all and even then is not required), we know

better than to pump out a standard dosage of

vitamins and minerals into the water supply because what may be fine for most people may

be hazardous to a select few for whatever reason. Yet, that logic appears to go out the window when considering fluoride.

We must also keep in mind that only CaF2 has

any real “benefit” when it comes to strengthening enamel (due to the chemical

nature of the apatite that comprises enamel), and even then only in tiny doses. The fluoride

compounds used in the West, on the other hand, are actually rather toxic to Humans.

Finally, like any corporation the pharmaceutical industry must make a profit

from their products. No money is to be had from being healthy, so it stands to reason that

pharmaceuticals are not entirely designed to make us well – but to keep us buying more.

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The UN, EU, and the concept of a New World Order.

George Bush Sr. first brought “New World

Order” into public awareness, and since then, especially in the past decade, this phrase has

been issued via various media on a regular basis.

However, the first notable mention of this

concept can be found on the American Dollar Bill.

‘ANNUIT COEPTIS, NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM’ in Latin means “it was birthed on this year, a new

order of the world.” In other words, the New

World Order was initiated the year indicated

on the pyramid – 1776. This is the year of

America’s Independence, but it is also the year of the formation of the Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt.

The U.S. was always meant to be the stepping-

stone for NWO domination, never as an “experiment in liberty.”

The New World Order involves merging

together presently-distinct aspects of the

World’s nations: A “One World Government,” a “One World Army,” and a “One World

Currency.” This also means no nations as we know them, and no sovereignty of any kind whatsoever.

A glimpse of this kind of World can be seen in

Europe. The European Union (EU) is comprised of European nations that maintain

their own national governments yet those governments must answer to the unelected

government of the EU. The Schengen Agreement, which is a part of the EU’s overall

goal of turning Europe’s nations into one body, allows for public road travel between member

nations without needing to go through the border processes.

While such things are certainly convenient (and, in fact, we must strive to make

something very similar, but without the central authority part, occur), what is this convenience ultimately leading to?

Given that all entities in this System are

corporations, the end-goal is thus to eliminate competition and make a profit from their

services. When it comes to the EU/UN-type of One-World governance, this translates to one

almighty governing body over all of the Earth and all the World’s people in service to it alone.

We must do away with countries, but maintain our personal sovereignty. We must do away

with hierarchy and money, but maintain self-governance and free trade.

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We must do away with organized religion, but

maintain pure spirituality. We must come together in a spirit of brotherhood, but stop

holding your breath waiting for the UN to make that happen for you. That was never

their intention, and we are the only ones who can make real change happen anyway.

The System, like Its masterminds, cannot create from scratch. They need something to

exist already, before They can work with it. They take whatever has been created by Us

and They manipulate it to serve a Dark agenda. As a result, Their “solutions” are still fairly

similar to what We actually need to do to

preserve Good in this World despite those “solutions” serving only to propagate more

Evil. This has the added benefit, for Them, of duping Us into believing They are doing Good

because what They propose is not so far from Truth as to make it blatantly obvious to Us

what is going on. Of course, this means waking people up to this is that much harder because

they cannot differentiate between Our

propositions and what the System has told them is the “right thing” to do.

What is the end-goal of this “New World

Order,” that is being foisted onto us by various media nowadays? These media give us the clues we need.

Even as far back as the publishing of the books 1984 by George Orwell and Brave New World

by Aldous Huxley, the end-goal has been

revealed for all, who wish to look, to see. Such a World, ultimately, is ruled ruthlessly by a

single governing body that dictates all peoples of Earth, and any who dare oppose them will

be ruthlessly dealt with by a single, massive, standing army that answers only to that one

governing body. Surveillance of the masses will be total – nobody will be allowed even a

moment of privacy for any reason. Also,

nobody will be allowed any personal liberties of any kind – yet, everyone will be drugged

into “happiness” by the one pharmaceutical corporation responsible for all medical-

related things. There will be only one educational board controlling all the World’s

schools and colleges, only one media outlet, only one agricultural producer, and only one

energy company for all of Earth; no other

companies will be allowed to exist independent of these corporations. Those

select few who are able to escape this System will have to live as “savages” deep in the

wilderness areas of the World remaining; meanwhile, everyone else will be forced into a

handful of densely-packed, mainly impoverished, mega-cities, made to live in

shoebox-like apartment rooms while they

work long days for their entire lives just to stay alive. Finally, the handful of Elites who run

everything will be the only ones able to travel and live freely (since the “savages” will be

confined to the wilds, making their ability to freely live and travel hindered in certain ways

by Nature itself). Barely anyone will ever actually see these Elite individuals.

In other words, zero future is allowed for you. Thus, if a future is something you would like to have then stopping this “NWO" is a must.

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Modus Operandi – Terror, and the War on Terror.

Above all, this System requires fear to proceed.

This System cannot even function, let alone effectively, if We are full of love instead of fear.

People full of love need no “saviour” figure to

protect them from an unforgiving World, because love-filled people can fend for

themselves (you are willing to go to great measures to defend those you love, right?).

Fearful people, on the other hand, feel powerless and in constant need of protecting by someone else who has that power.

Given this, it is no wonder so many bad things

are happening in the World today and why so many measures are being taken to ensure the

people never have the power to fight against it. Arguably, this is the real reason why those

who serve the State want the public to be disarmed at all times. If you cannot defend

yourself, then you will need to rely on

someone who can – the Elites want that to be Them, since otherwise They serve zero purpose alive on this planet.

The War on Terror is the present epitome of that. Its purpose is to manifest a “war without

end,” so that They can profit from the endless

supply of weaponry and armoury required of an endless war while ensuring an endless

supply of fear They (and their masters) can feed on. The War on Terror cannot end

because terror is not a physical entity that can be defeated by physical means; with no enemy

to defeat, such a war must therefore go on forever – OR UNTIL WE WAKE UP AND END IT BY NOT PARTICIPATING IN IT.

In other words…: “Forfeit the Game.”

Because terror is a state of mind, ending it can

only be accomplished through a change in state of mind – to happiness. Like terror,

happiness is a matter of perception: If you

believe everything on Earth is out to get you, then that is what you will attract to you in life.

Likewise, happiness cannot be had through physical things but instead can only come to

those who are happy with how things already are even during the worst of times.

In the end, the only way to end widespread terror is with widespread love. This means

doing some “unthinkable” things – like loving and forgiving those who hurt, torture, and/or

try to kill you. As Max Igan has said, you must learn to “put down your stuff”….

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The coming Dark, and the Light within that Darkness.

Let us return to the probability that our history has been “re-made,” potentially many times over.

As George Orwell once said, control over the

Past allows the controllers to control the People’s Present as well as Future. If the

People can believe that their Past went a certain way, and not what actually happened,

then they can be made to commit atrocities over and over again so long as each new

generation is made to forget what the prior generation had done – which is surprisingly easy to do.

The Cold War happened just two generations

ago, yet what happened during that time is already fast fixing to happen again with the

present generation. Now, hardly anyone alive even knows with any second-hand, forget

first-hand, certainty what actually happened

during WWII – and for WWI, consider yourself lucky if you can obtain third-hand knowledge

on what happened back then. The Elites can easily muddy what happened during the Cold

War, let along WWII and WWI, so that the current generations would not know any

better nor be able to reliably fact-check what they were taught – remember that children

tend not to want to listen to what their parents

have to say on such matters. Recently, a Discovery Channel show portrayed WWI as an

alien invasion; there is no doubt that the Elites could actually have ran with that for real and

nobody alive today would ever be able to truly fact-check such a history change.

If you think covering up real history is not so easy, consider that parts of Europe had,

according to some recent findings, been afflicted by a “mud flood” that buried those

areas in a thick layer of muddy sediment just

~300 years ago – and you, most likely, had never even been taught about it (even if you

were raised in Europe; your parents and grandparents may not have heard about it either).

If something of that nature, that should have

been quite devastating, could have taken place around the time of America’s Independence,

and all that apparently happened is that the people there just rebuilt their buildings and

streets one level higher up, then how easy can it be for similarly impactful events to be placed

in an untruthful light nowadays since everyone trusts news media over trying to see for themselves?

With the current push to roll out the

5G/SmartGrid systems worldwide, how much easier can we expect the fudging of History to

become once everything Humanity currently knows is transferred to solely virtual media

(and all the physical media is left to crumble

away)? Reseting our History, at that point, becomes as simple as “pulling the plug” on the Internet.

This 5G/SmartGrid system will grant other “benefits” to the Elites: The wave-forms the

5G system uses can also serve as an “active

denial” system capable of literally frying dissidents at will. It also allows for a fully

autonomic AI system to run the New World

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Order so that total, global, surveillance

becomes feasibly possible and by extension dissidence becomes virtually impractical.

We may consider this system as being one of

the last stepping stones required for the NWO to be fully realized. Therefore,

inconveniencing the roll out of this system can

prove to be valuable in slowing down the NWO enough to buy ourselves more time to actually

start fighting back against the System in general.

For now, We should focus on working to

withdraw, at the very least, from the 5G/SmartGrid. Though, withdrawal from as

many parts of the System as possible, as quickly as one’s mind can handle, is more

ideal. Once enough of Us reach a high-enough level of understanding on what is actually

going on nowadays, however, it then becomes possible for Us to literally change this entire System around practically overnight.

Let us hope a day like that will actually come, sooner rather than later….

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References and Further Reading:

>“9 Shocking Dangers of Fluoride Exposure”;

>C2ES; “Main Greenhouse Gases” (water vapour not included…);

>Information in the 5G system:

>Information on the Illuminati:

>Max Igan; “Piecing Together the Past”;

>NASA; “Paleoclimatology: The Ice Core Record”;

>NASA; “The Sunspot Cycle”;

>NOAA; “Solar Cycle Progression”;

>Philipp Druzhinin; “Mud flood evidence worldwide”;

>“Smart” tech….

>The Lancet: “MMR vaccination and autism”;

>The New World Order….

>The War on Terror….

JD… RE-23

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