
    An Economic Framework for Dynamic SpectrumAccess and Service Pricing

    Shamik Sengupta and Mainak Chatterjee

    AbstractThe concept of dynamic spectrum access will allowthe radio spectrum to be traded in a market like scenario allowingwireless service providers (WSPs) to lease chunks of spectrum ona short-term basis. Such market mechanisms will lead to compe-tition among WSPs where they not only compete to acquire spec-trum but also attract and retain users. Currently, there is little un-derstanding on how such a dynamic trading system will operate soas to make the system feasible under economic terms.

    In this paper, we propose an economic framework that can beused to guide i) the dynamic spectrum allocation process and ii) theservice pricing mechanisms that the providers can use. We proposea knapsack based auction model that dynamically allocates spec-trum to the WSPs such that revenue and spectrum usage are max-imized. We borrow techniques from game theory to capture theconflict of interest between WSPs and end users. A dynamic pricingstrategy for the providers is also proposed. We show that even ina greedy and non-cooperative behavioral game model, it is in thebest interest of the WSPs to adhere to a price and channel thresholdwhich is a direct consequence of price equilibrium. Through sim-ulation results, we show that the proposed auction model enticesWSPs to participate in the auction, makes optimal use of the spec-trum, and avoids collusion among WSPs. We demonstrate howpricing can be used as an effective tool for providing incentives tothe WSPs to upgrade their network resources and offer better ser-vices.

    Index TermsDynamic spectrum access, pricing, game theory,auction theory.


    T HE early success in wireless services can be attributedto the operational licensing of multiple wireless serviceproviders (WSPs) in one geographic location. This has resultedin a competitive environment that allowed fast deploymentof wireless infrastructures, better services, and competitivepricing. Currently, WSPs buy spectrum from the spectrumowner (for example, Federal Communications Commission(FCC) in the United States of America) and use it for providingservices to the end users. Such static spectrum allocations arecommon in most countries [11]. These spectrum allocations areusually long-term and any changes are made under the strictguidance of a governmental agency, for example the FCC.

    Manuscript received March 06, 2007; revised November 21, 2007; approvedby IEEE/ACM TRANSACTIONS ON NETWORKING Editor M. Buddhikot. Firstpublished February 02, 2009; current version published August 19, 2009.

    S. Sengupta is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5991 USA (e-mail:[email protected]).

    M. Chatterjee is with the School of Electrical Engineering and ComputerScience, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816-2450 USA (e-mail:[email protected]).

    Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available onlineat

    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TNET.2008.2007758

    However, studies have shown that the usage of spectrum is bothspace and time dependent.1 Hence, the current practice of staticspectrum allocation often leads to low spectrum utilization andresults in fragmentation of the spectrum creating white space(unused thin bands) that cannot be used for either licensed orunlicensed services. With the disproportionate and time-varyingusage of the spectrum, it is intuitive that the notion of fixedspectrum assignment to providers is questionable. Though itmight be argued that the implementation and administration ofstatic spectrum allocation is very easy, the fact remains that thecurrent system is ineffective and deprives not only the serviceproviders but also the end users.

    In order to break away from the inflexibilities and ineffi-ciencies of static allocation, the concept of Dynamic SpectrumAllocation (DSA) is being investigated by network and radioengineers, policy makers, and economists. In DSA, spec-trum will be allocated dynamically depending on need ofthe service providers which in turn depends on end usersdemands. The spectrum owner will create a common poolof open spectrum using parts of the spectrum band that arenot allocated or are no longer used. These parts of the bandthat are open to all are known as the coordinated access band(CAB) [4]. Examples of such bands include the public safetybands (764776, 794806 MHz) and unused broadcast UHFTV channels (450470 MHz, 470512 MHz, 512698 MHz,698806 MHz).A. Dynamic WSP Switching

    The presence of multiple WSPs in any geographic region to-gether with the freedom of users in switching WSPs is forcinga competitive environment where each WSP is trying to max-imize its profit. As far as the end users are concerned, there isstill a strong association with a single WSP, i.e., a user usuallyconnects to one provider for a period of time (e.g., 12 years)and gets the services as per the contractual agreement. How-ever, it is anticipated that in the near future, the concept of ser-vice brokers, technically known as Mobile Virtual Network Op-erators (MVNO),2 will evolve that will act as an interface be-tween the providers and the users [29]. These service brokerswill allow end users more freedom to move from long-term ser-vice provider agreements to more opportunistic service models.

    With such a loose association between the users and theWSPs, the first question that arises is how or which wirelessservice provider should be selected by a user? Second, whatprice must the WSPs charge such that they are able to attract theusers and maximize their profit? By introducing the providers



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    Fig. 1. Cyclic dependency.

    and users in a market like environment, it becomes convenientto leverage the concept of prices to regulate the demands ofusers who consume resources (bandwidth). In such a scenario,the goal of each service provider is twofold: acquire the neces-sary spectrum and serve as many users as possible. As both thenumber of end users and capacity of spectrum band are finite,this gives birth to an interrelated two-tier competitive behavior,where wireless service providers compete among themselves toacquire a large portion of the spectrum and also attract as manyusers as possible.

    B. Cyclic DependencyThe trading system under consideration arises due to the pres-

    ence of multiple competing WSPs in an oligopoly3 market. Thedynamic spectrum allocation is controlled by a spectrum broker[3] as shown in the upper half of Fig. 1. On the other hand, wire-less service providers use the spectrum to offer services to theend users as shown in the lower half of Fig. 1. Though thesetwo problems have been discussed separately, there is a strongcorrelation between them.

    The most important factors that the WSPs need to considerare the amount of spectrum they need and the price they arewilling to payboth of which are determined by the demandsof the users and the revenue generated from these users. In ef-fect, estimation of the demand for bandwidth and the expectedrevenue will drive the providers strategies. Service pricing bythe providers, in turn, will affect the demand for the servicesby the users, thus resulting in a cyclic dependency in a typicalsupplydemand scenario shown by the arrows connecting theupper and lower halves of Fig. 1. As a result, these two tightlycoupled problems must be analyzed together.

    C. Economic Paradigm ShiftCurrently, each provider gets a chunk of the spectrum and has

    a unique user pool that they cater to. In the future, a paradigmshift as depicted in Fig. 2, is very likely to occur where eachprovider will get a part of the spectrum from the common spec-trum pool as and when they need through a spectrum broker.The users will be able to select their service provider as per theirrequirements through a service broker. In light of these new de-velopments, it is important to investigate the economic issues

    3An oligopoly is a market form in which a market is dominated by a smallnumber of sellers (oligopolists).

    Fig. 2. The paradigm shift.

    that has a profound impact on the service quality and the pricespaid by the end users.

    D. Contributions of This WorkIn this paper, we analyze the spectrum allocation scenario

    using the auction-theoretic model. We assume that the WSPsbid to acquire extra chunks of spectrum in addition to the stati-cally allocated band and the spectrum broker tries to allocate thespectrum in such a manner so as to maximize their revenue. Wemap the winner determination problem to the knapsack problemand use a sealed-bid mechanism to find the optimal allocation.Through a game-theoretic model, the conflicting objectives thatare inherent in the WSP-user interactions are captured. We de-viate from the notion of per-service static prices [20], [24] andallow the providers to set the prices dynamically. Such a marketmechanism is more flexible and realistic, as there does not existany centralized authority to determine the price of a service[32]. One fundamental question that arises in such an environ-ment is the existence of a price (Nash) equilibrium, where noprovider finds it beneficial to change its price unilaterally [23].Each service provider decides the price based on their currentload and the service requested by the users. Obviously, the de-cision cannot be made unilaterally and the user must be in-volved. Through QoS and price preferences, a user selects aprovider that best characterizes his preferences, usually givenby the utility function.

    In particular, we answer the following questions: i) how thespectrum will be allocated from the coordinated access band(CAB) to the service providers, ii) how service providers willdetermine the price of their services, and iii) how are the abovetwo inter-related. More specifically, the contributions are:

    We devise a winner determining sealed bid knapsack auc-tion mechanism that is used to dynamically allocate spec-trum to multiple competing WSPs.

    The bidding strategies of the WSPs are investigated underfirst price and second price schemes in this knapsack auc-tion.

    For WSP-user interaction, we provide the conflict and de-cision models under an incomplete information game sit-uation, and propose utility functions for both WSPs andusers.

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    We investigate threshold conditions that determine theNash equilibrium and propose a dynamic pricing policythat helps both providers and users to maximize theirutilities.

    We estimate the demand for bandwidth and the expectedrevenue generated from the users under the equilibriumcondition; we argue that the revenue generated from usersis the prime factor that governs the reservation price for theWSPs.

    Through a simulation study, we show that the proposedauction mechanism entices the WSPs to participate in theauction, makes optimal use of the common spectrum pool,and avoids collusion among WSPs. Also, we demonstratethat there are incentives for the providers to upgrade theirnetwork and radio resources.

    The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Section II,we discuss the body of work that relates to this research. Wedescribe the proposed auction method in Section III. The gamemodels and equilibria conditions are presented in Section IV.The demand for bandwidth is estimated in Section V. The sim-ulation model and results are presented in Section VII. Conclu-sions are drawn in the last section.


    Economic theories have been used to analyze networking andcommunications problems where interacting decision-makershave conflicting objectives. In particular, auction and game the-ories have been proved to be very powerful tools to deal withdistributed problems from an economic point of view. This isbecause the service quality that each user receives in a compet-itive environment is often affected by the action of other userswho also try to contend for the same pool of resources.

    Auction theory has been used to understand markets, es-pecially to model auction participants who bid to win andmaximize profit [25]. Currently, most auction sites (e.g., eBay4)support a basic bidding strategy through a proxy service fora single-unit auction where bidding continues till a winnerevolves. In a single unit auction, Vickrey proved that Englishand Dutch type auctions yield the same expected revenueunder the assumptions of risk neutral participants and pri-vately known value drawn from a common distribution [33].Vickreys result is embodied in the Revenue EquivalenceTheorem (RET) [14]. However, with emerging markets likeelectricity and spectrum band, single unit auctions are fallingshort to address the issues where bidders bid for multi-units andmultiple winners emerge [1]. As bidders compete for a part ofthe available resource and are willing to pay a price for that partonly, the auction model needed must be more generalized and isbeing currently investigated [2]. The implications of flat pricingand congestion pricing for capacity expansion are studiedin [18]. Maille et al. designed a bandwidth pricing mecha-nism based on second-price auctions that solves congestionproblems in communication networks [19]. A decentralizedauction-based approach to pricing of edge-allocated bandwidthin a differentiated services Internet is presented in [27]. In [9],microeconomics based mechanisms are followed to manage


    dynamic spectrum allocation among the collaborating agents,where the agents can be either the service providers or basestations or user terminals. The optimized allocation strategyfor spectrum investigated in this paper follows a discriminatorypricing for both bargaining and auctions. Secondary pricingand allocation of spectrum from a primary license holder toother service providers is considered in [7]. Their proposedcharging model is based on per admitted call in proportionto the interference the buyer networks generate. Though thisis a simplistic pricing approach, the objective is still to max-imize the profit by the primary lease holder. In contrast tothe simplified approach, a real-time spectrum auction frame-work is presented in [8] under interference constraints. Apiecewise linear demand curve for spectrum is assumed fromthe providers where maximization of revenue and spectrumutilization are attempted. However, the issue of collusion is notaddressed. Collusion-resistant dynamic spectrum allocation isinvestigated in [12] with the help of pricing, where the aimis to optimize overall spectrum efficiency in the presence ofuser collusion. Though this approach maximizes the wirelessnetworks utilities, it does not consider the revenue maximiza-tion objective from spectrum owners perspective. On the otherhand, in a totally separate approach, the problem of dynamicspectrum access in cellular networks is investigated throughinterference constrained graphs and max-K-cut formulationsin [31]. Secondary spectrum sharing with the similar QoSconstraints is studied in [21], [36]. However, pricing issues arenot considered.

    As far as game theory is concerned, there is an emerging bodyof work that deals with decision making in a multi-provider set-ting. A broad overview of game theory and its application todifferent problems in networking and communications can befound in [35] and the references therein. Network services, in-cluding pricing issues, have been studied with the help of sta-bility and fairness in [13]. In [5], a market in the form of abazaar was introduced where infrastructure-based wide areawireless services are traded in a flexible manner and at any timescale. The mobile bazaar architecture allows fine-grained ser-vice through cooperative interactions based on user needs. Theproblem of dynamically selecting ISPs for forwarding and re-ceiving packets has been studied in [34]. A multi-homed user,i.e., user with access to multiple ISPs, has the freedom to choosea subset of ISPs from the available ones. Shakkottai et al. ex-amine how transit and customer prices are set in a network con-sisting of multiple ISPs and propose the equilibrium based onthreat strategies [30]. Zemlianov et al. assumed the existenceof two orthogonal technologies that were overlaid [37]. In par-ticular, cellular and WLANs were considered where users werevertically transferred from one network to another based on theload of each network. In [17], service admission control wasdone based on the outcome of a game and Nash equilibriumwas reached using pure strategy. Users were offered differenti-ated services based on the price they paid and the service degra-dation they could tolerate. However, dynamic pricing was notexplored in [17]. In [22], Musacchio et al. study the economicinterests of a wireless access point owner and his paying client,and model their interaction as a dynamic game. Resource allo-cation and base-station assignment problems for the downlink

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    in CDMA networks is studied based on dynamic pricing in [16].He et al. presented a non-cooperative game for pricing Internetservices but concluded with an unfair Nash equilibrium wherefuture upgradation of the networks were discouraged [10].

    In spite of all the above-mentioned works, there is stillno unified framework that studies the interdependencies be-tween spectrum ownerservice provider interaction and serviceproviderend-user interaction [28]. In this work, we proposean economic framework that deals with dynamic spectrumaccess and service pricing. To the best of our knowledge, thisis the first attempt to present the cyclic dependency amongthe two interactions and solve both the competition problemssimultaneously.


    In this section, we analyze a part of the logical model pre-sented in Fig. 2, i.e., the interaction between the spectrum brokerand the service providers. Auction is invoked only when the totaldemand of spectrum exceeds the total spectrum available in theCAB. The spectrum auction should be conducted on a periodicbasis and on a small time granularity (e.g., every 1, 12, or 24hours). Such synchronous auctions, i.e., allocations and de-al-locations done periodically, will allow the spectrum broker tomaximize revenue since the spectrum broker will be in a po-sition to compare all the bids. If the auctions were to be con-ducted in an asynchronous manner, i.e., the providers can makerequests at any point of time, the spectrum broker cannot choosethe optimal winner set among all the bids. For example, if ser-vice provider Bs higher bid comes after service provider Asbid (who has already been allocated), then the spectrum brokerlooses revenue if Bs request cannot be granted due to unavail-ability of spectrum at that instant.

    A. Auction Issues

    A good auction design is important for any type of successfulauction and often varies depending on the item on which the auc-tion is held. Unlike classical single-unit auctions, spectrum auc-tions are multi-unit where bidders bid for a part of the spectrumband, i.e., the bids are for different amounts of bandwidth. (Notethat we do not differentiate between bands with regard to the fre-quency. We assume that total spectrum is homogeneous and thusno band is superior or inferior than any other band. Consideringfrequency constraint to the spectrum allocation problem is be-yond the scope of this research.) Also, multiple winners evolveconstituting a winner set. Thus, determination of winner set de-pends heavily on the auction strategy adopted. In our auctionmodel, the spectrum broker is the seller who owns the coordi-nated access band and service providers are the buyers/bidders.For designing the auction, we consider following important is-sues:

    How to maximize the revenue generated from bidders. How to maximize the spectrum usage. How to entice bidders by increasing their probability of

    winning. How to prevent collusion among providers.

    B. Formulation of Auction RulesRecall, the service providers already have some spectrum that

    was statically allocated. It is the additional spectrum that issought from the CAB. In such model, the amount of extra spec-trum that the WSPs are requesting from the CAB depends onthe bandwidth demand from the end-users. We assume that thespectrum requested by the WSPs is a hard requirement to satisfytheir end-users, i.e., the WSPs need at least the spectrum amountrequested. Obtaining anything less than the minimum require-ment will not provide positive payoff with the correspondingbid submitted. So, it is better from a rational WSPs perspectiveto obtain no spectrum instead of getting less than the minimumrequirement that yields negative utility.

    Though the objective of the spectrum broker is to sell theCAB and earn revenue, it is not at all intended that only bigcompanies with higher spectrum demand are given additionalspectrum. The goal here is to increase competition and bringnew ideas and services at the same time. As a result it is neces-sary to make the small companies, who also have a demand ofspectrum, interested in taking part in the auction.

    The problem described here has a very close connection tothe classical knapsack problem, where the goal is to fill a sack offinite capacity with several items such that the total valuation ofthe items in the sack is maximized. Here, the sack represents thefinite capacity of spectrum in the CAB that is to be alloted to theWSPs in such a manner that the revenue generated from theseWSPs is maximized. In this regard, we propose the WinnerDetermining Sealed Bid Knapsack Auction.

    To formalize mathematically, we consider WSPs (bidders)who compete for a total spectrum in a particular geographicregion. All the service providers submit their demands at thesame time in a sealed bid manner. We follow sealed bid auc-tion strategy, because sealed bid auction has shown to performwell in all-at-a-time bidding and has a tendency to prevent col-lusion [26]. Each service provider has knowledge about its ownbidding quantity and bidding price but do not have knowledgeabout others quantity and price.

    We formulate the auction as follows. We denote the strategyadopted by service provider by a tuple where

    denotes the amount of spectrum requested and denotes thecorresponding price that the service provider is willing to pay.If the sum of the bidding quantities do not exceed the spectrumavailable, , then the requested quantities are allocated. Other-wise, auction is initiated when


    Our goal is to solve the winner-determination problem in such away so that the spectrum broker maximizes revenue by choosinga bundle of bidders , subject to condition that the total spec-trum allocated does not exceed , i.e.,


    Note that a more realistic approach would have been amultiple-choice knapsack formulation with each provider(bidder) submitting a continuous demand curve. However,

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    optimizations with continuous demand curve is hard. Approx-imation of continuous demand functions such as piecewiselinear demand curve has been considered by Gandhi et al. [8].Our approach of a single point demand can be thought of as aspecial case of Gandhis approach. Though this is a simplifiedapproach, our emphasis is on the determination of that point,i.e., what should be ideal bandwidth request and what would bethe corresponding price.

    C. Bidders StrategiesWe investigate bidders strategies for both first and second

    price bidding schemes under knapsack model. In first price auc-tion, bidder(s) with the winning bid(s) pay their winning bid(s).In contrast, in second price auction, bidder(s) with the winningbid(s) do not pay their winning bid but pay the second highestbid.

    Let each bidder submit its demand tuple . Then the op-timal allocation of spectrum is done by considering all the de-mand tuples. We denote this optimal allocation as , whereincorporates all the winning demand tuples and is subject tocondition given in (2). Without loss of generality, we assumebids can take only integer values (as bids in dollar values arealways expressed as integer) and number of bidders (providers)is typically of the order of 10.5 Thus, we are able to solve thewinner determination problem through dynamic programmingwith reasonably low computation. The aggregate bid can be ob-tained by summing all the bids from winning bidders, i.e.,


    Let us consider a particular bidder who was allocated spec-trum and thus belongs to . Then the aggregate bid generatedfrom the optimal allocation minus the bid of bidder is


    Now consider that bidder does not exist and the auction isamong the remaining bidders. Let the optimal allocationbe denoted by . The aggregate bid generated in this case is


    Therefore, minimum winning bid of bidder must be at leastgreater than


    Through (6), we find that there exists a minimum winningbid of bidder , given the strategies of other bidders and auc-tioneer are fixed. We also find that the existence of this minimumwinning bid signifies that bidder will be granted the request ifthe corresponding bid , and not granted if . If

    , bidder is indifferent between winning and losing.This implies that in an ideal hypothetical world, if bidder hadany way of knowing the bids of other bidders, the computation


    of would have been helpful in presenting his own bid andthus would govern the strategy of bidder .

    However, in the real world scenario, the knapsack auctionis conducted in a sealed bid manner and thus bidder has noway of knowing what other bidders are bidding. Clearly, this isan example of incomplete information game among the bidderswhere bidder has no knowledge of . The only informationwith which bidder is playing is his own reservation price. Afterthe game is played, if bidder wins and is granted allocation,then the concept of is necessary to evaluate the payoff ob-tained from this game. In such a game scenario, it is importantto find if there exists any Nash equilibrium strategy of the bid-ders so that bidders cannot dominate the game. In other words,we investigate for the dominant best response from the biddersperspective which is considered as the bidders strategies in thisgame.

    In this regard, we present two lemmas (lemma 1 and 2) tostudy the dominant best response from the bidders under bothsecond price and first price knapsack auctions. The auctioneermay choose any of the first or second price bidding strategy;however, there are certain differences between the the two whenit comes to the perspective of the bidders. In first price bidding,bidders continuously need to guess how their opponents will bidinstead of bidding the exact value of the resource under auc-tion. In second price bidding, bidders do not need to guess otherbidders bids but can offer a bid request which reflects their ownvaluation of the resource. As a result, first price auctions makebidding more complex than the second price bidding for the bid-ders. Thus, it is found that first price bidding does not presentany dominant strategy for the bidders while second price bid-ding strategy does provide dominant strategies for bidders. Thisdifference in the bidding strategy leads to lemmas 1 and 2. Be-fore we proceed with the proofs, we first define bidders reser-vation price.

    Bidders Reservation Price: Bidders reservation price isdefined as the maximum price a bidder would be willing topay. When a service provider buys spectrum from the spectrumbroker, the service provider needs to sell that spectrum in formof services to the end users who pay for these services. Therevenue thus generated helps the provider to pay for the fixed(static) cost for the statically assigned spectrum and the extraspectrum that the provider might need from the CAB. If the totalrevenue generated from the users is and goes towardsthe fixed cost, then the difference, , is the maximumamount that the provider can afford for the extra spectrum fromCAB, i.e.,

    (7)Note that is not the bidders reservation price but is

    a prime factor that governs this reservation price.Lemma 1: In the second price knapsack auction, the domi-

    nant strategy of the bidder is to bid bidders reservation price.Proof: Let us assume the th bidder has the demand tuple

    and its reservation price for that amount ofspectrum requested is . Now, as shown above in (6), the thbidders request will be granted and consequently belong to op-timal allocation , only if the bid generated by the th bidder isat least . Then according to the second price bidding policy,

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    the th bidder will pay the second price which is in this case.Then the payoff obtained by the th bidder is


    Through proof by contradiction, we show that the th bidderstrue bid is its reservation price .

    We assume that the th bidder does not bid its true evaluationof the spectrum requested, i.e., . Accordingly, bidderhas two options of choosing .

    Option 1: Bid is less than the reservation price, i.e., .The values of and are such that:

    , then bidder falls inside the optimal allo-cation and its request is granted. The expected payoffobtained by th bidder is still given by .

    , then bidder loses and its request is notgranted. Accordingly, the expected payoff becomes 0.

    , bidder still loses and the expected payoffis again 0.

    Option 2: Bid is more than the reservation price, i.e.,. The values of and are such that: , then bidder falls inside the optimal allo-

    cation and its request is granted. The expected payoffobtained by th bidder is still given by .

    , though bidder wins but the expectedpayoff becomes negative in this case. The expected payoffobtained by th bidder is given by: . Bidder

    will not be interested in this scenario. , bidder loses and the expected payoff is

    again 0.It is evident that if bidder wins, then the maximum expected

    payoff is given by and bidding any other price(higher or lower) than its reservation price will not increasepayoff. Thus, the dominant strategy of a bidder in second pricebidding under knapsack model is to bid its reservation price.

    Comments: Our result corroborates with the result shown inother contexts in the economics literature, e.g., in Clarkes tax[6]. Thus, it is clear that bidders have no option of manipulatingthis auction.

    Lemma 2: In first price bidding, reservation price is the upperbidding threshold.

    Proof: Contrary to the Lemma 1, in first price bidding, theexpected payoff obtained by th bidder can be given by,

    , as the actual price paid by the bidder is the same as thebid. Then, to increase the expected payoff, i.e., to keep

    must be less than .Again at the same time, to win, bid must be greater than[(6)]. Thus, the weak dominant strategy for the bidder in first

    price auction is to bid less than the reservation price.

    IV. SERVICE PROVISIONING USING GAMESIn this section, we consider the most generic abstraction of

    always greedy and profit seeking model that exists betweenWSPs and end-users. The WSPs compete among themselves toprovide service to a common pool of users. The resource for theWSPs are the spectrum bands that have been statically allocatedand the additional spectrum that they buy on a dynamic basis.

    Users on the other hand select service providers depending onthe benefit they obtain for the prices they pay. Let us discuss theconflict that arises between the WSPs and the users.

    A. Conflict ModelWe consider the model as shown in the lower half of Fig. 2,

    where any user can access any WSP. The users are the poten-tial buyers who buy services from the WSPs. The selection of aWSP is done on a dynamic basis, i.e., a user compares the of-ferings both in terms of QoS and price for a particular service.Once a service is completed, the user relinquishes the radio re-sources. As the prices offered are not static, the users do nothave any information about other users strategies, i.e., demandfor resources or price willingness to pay. In such an incompleteinformation scenario, the benefit of a user depends not only onits own strategy but also on what others do. Since we assumethat every user is selfish, the problem is modeled as a non-co-operative game.

    Service providers, very much like the users, also act in theirself-interest. As a seller of the services, they determine the pricefor its services depending on the amount of spectrum acquiredand the price paid. Similar to the non-cooperative incompleteinformation game among the users, the service providers alsodo not have any information about other providers strategies,such as, price assigned for services, alloted resource, remainingresource, existing load, etc. Based on this conflict model, weneed to define the decisions that we need to make. First, let usstate the assumptions.

    Assumptions: The devices carried by the users have the capa-bility of measuring the received signal strengths from the basestations belonging to different service providers. The wirelessservice providers are selected on a session by session basis. Forevery session, a user chooses one of multiple service providersthat has the capability of providing the resource (bandwidth) de-manded by the user application.

    B. Decision ModelAs a user, the decision problem is to select the best service

    provider for the session requested. Now the question arises, howto select the best service provider or rather what criteria deter-mines the best. The quality of service perceived by a user in anetwork must be considered in this regard. As quality of servicedepends on the traffic load, pricing strategies, and channel con-ditions, we must therefore perform a cost benefit analysis to findthe best service provider.

    As a service provider, the decision problem is to advertise aprice for a service without knowing what prices are being adver-tised by its competitors. The optimization is to find a price suchthat the provider is able to sustain profit in spite of offering alow price, i.e., is there any price threshold to reach equilibrium?

    C. Utility FunctionAn utility function is a mathematical characterization that

    represents the benefits and cost incurred. Here, we define theutility functions for both WSP and users.

    We consider service providers that cater to a common poolof users. Let the price per unit of resource advertised by theservice provider , at time be . Let

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    be the resource consumed by user , served byprovider . We further assume that the total resource (capacity)of provider is .

    The utility obtained by user under the provider can begiven by [35]


    where the coefficient is a positive parameter that indicatesthe relative importance of benefit and acts as a weightage factor.

    Note that we could have chosen any other form for the utilitythat increases with . But we chose the function becausethe benefit increases quickly from zero as the total throughputincreases from zero and then increases slowly. This reflects theintuition that the initial increase in the perceived throughput ismore important to a user. Moreover, function is analyticallyconvenient, increasing, strictly concave and continuously differ-entiable.

    Next, we consider the cost components incurred by the user.The first cost component is the direct cost paid to the providerfor obtaining amount of resource. If is the price perunit of resource, then the direct cost paid to the th provider isgiven by


    This direct cost component decreases user s utility. Note thatin expression (10), both price per unit resource and the resourceamount requested are variables.

    The second cost component incurred by the user is the per-ceived quality of service, one of the manifestations of whichis the queuing delay. We assume the queuing process to be

    at the links. Thus, the delay cost component can bewritten as


    where is the number of users currently served by providerand is a mapping cost function of delay.

    The last cost component is the cost due to the inherentcharacteristics of the wireless medium, viz. channel condition.Due to the relative distances of the user from the base stationsof different networks (providers), and due to the various radiopropagation effects, the signal received from different basestations will be different. If the channel quality is good, then theloss due to the channel will be less leading to higher empiricalbenefit to the users. On the other hand, if the quality of thechannel is poor, then loss probability will be more leading tolower empirical benefit. We assume that denotes the wire-less channel quality received from the base station of the thprovider. We model this cost component as an inverse functionof and write as


    Combining all the components obtained in (9), (10), (11), and(12), we get the net utility as


    We also obtain the utility as obtained by the service providers.The utility of service provider at time is


    where is the cost incurred to provider for maintaining net-work resources. For the sake of simplicity, we assume this costto be constant.

    With the utility functions for the providers and users known,we investigate whether there exists any strategy that will helpthe users and providers to reach an equilibrium in the incom-plete information game. The equilibrium we seek in this kindof a game is the Nash equilibrium [23]. Nash equilibrium is anequilibrium point where none of the players (i.e., the users andservice providers) will find it beneficial to change the strategyunilaterally. Thus, we need to examine conditions that will yieldthe Nash equilibrium.

    D. Price ThresholdConsider user has a certain resource demand and wants to

    connect to a provider at time . All the providers advertise theirprice per unit of resource amount and the existing load. Beingrational, user wants to maximize his net utility (potential ben-efit minus cost incurred).

    To simplify our analysis, we assume all the users main-tain a channel quality threshold. Later, in Section IV, we nolonger hold this assumption and investigate the channel qualitythreshold strategy from users perspective. Then without loss ofgenerality, we combine the cost components

    and and modify (13) as



    (16)Basically, the function absorbs and , and we

    assume that in captures the behavior of channelquality. If the channel quality is good, less amount of (re-source) would be required; and a possibility of serving morenumber of users by that provider. On the other hand, if thechannel quality is poor, then more resources (e.g., more timeslots) will be required to maintain the QoS of user .

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    Let us investigate if there exists any optimal resource amountfor the users and any pricing bound from the providers that willmaximize the users net utility. To do so we need to find whetherthe net utility given in (15) can be maximized with respect to theresource amount. If so, then a unique maximization point existsfor with respect to .

    Differentiating (15) with respect to , and finding the firstand second derivatives, we find that contains a uniquemaximization point. Detailed derivations are presented in theAppendix. Thus, equating first derivative to 0, and solving for

    gives the optimal amount of resources needed by the usersfor a certain price and this resource amount will maximizethe utility of the user. From the reverse point of view, it is alsoclear that there exists a maximum threshold for the price ,which is given by


    For notational simplicity, we represent and. Again, the derivations for finding the

    price upper bound is provided in the Appendix.With the users maximization strategy in effect, it is clear

    that the best response from the service providers perspectivewould be to maintain the non-zero, non-negative price thresholdso that the userss net utility can be maximized. We need toinvestigate if this price upper bound also helps the providersin maximizing their utilities. In other words, we are interestedin finding mutual best responses from both users and serviceproviders so that they do not find better utility by deviatingfrom the best responses unilaterally, i.e., we seek the Nash equi-librium. With users maximization strategy known, we find ifproviders net utility equation has any maximization point. Re-placing by , we get


    Differentiating (18) with respect to , we get


    Differentiating again, and studying the expression for , weget, ; which implies that utility for the providers hasa maximization point obeying the price bound.

    Thus, it is clear that this pricing upper bound from theproviders helps both the users and the providers to maximizetheir respective utilities and reach the Nash equilibrium point.If all of the other providers and users keep their strategiesunchanged, and a provider decides not to maintain its pricingupper bound unilaterally, then that provider will not be able tomaximize its users utility. Thus, the users will not connect to

    this provider decreasing providers revenue and the providerwill not be able to reach the Nash equilibrium point.

    With the existence of the Nash equilibrium known, we con-duct a detailed analysis for finding the expected optimal re-source amount requested by the users and the optimal price ad-vertised by the providers in the next section.


    The amount of extra (dynamic) spectrum that a providerneeds depends on the demand for services by the users itsupports. Therefore it is essential to estimate the resourcesconsumed by the users and the price that is recovered fromthem. These estimates will help a provider determine the tuple


    For finding the optimal resources, we proceed the followingway. We equate (19) to 0, which gives the optimal value of

    . Equation (19) is not in closed form because the exact na-ture of is not known. We assume the solution of the aboveequation to be . Of course, for a given , the valueof can always be obtained.

    The optimal price that will maximize provider s utility canbe obtained by substituting in (17). Thus, we get theoptimal price as


    Note that is clearly dependent on .To have a better insight into the analysis, we assume a simple

    closed form of as , whereis a power coefficient in the delay and congestion component.While taking an exact form of , we made sure that it sat-isfies the constraint of its first, second, and third derivatives tobe positive. Any other form of would also suffice if thederivatives are positive. Rewriting (19), we get


    Equating (21) to 0, we can find the solution of for findingthe maxima. It can be seen that the equation is not in its closedform. Thus, to solve the equation, we consider a special case.

    Special case: We assume and and equate(21) to 0 to obtain


    Solving the above equation for optimal , we get, where .

    Using the optimal value of , we get the optimal valueof as


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    Thus, we see that the providers can achieve Nash equilibriumunder the given pricing constraint and at the same time they canmaximize their utility if the price is set as given by (23). Next,we use this pricing strategy as an incentive for the providers toupgrade their resources and users to improve their utility.

    A. Pricing as an IncentiveWith the strategies to determine the prices and the expected

    profit known, let us investigate if there is any incentive for theproviders to upgrade their radio/network resources, and if thisadditional resource provides any incentive to the users too.

    Substituting in (46), we get


    We know ; the optimal resource consumedby user under provider is given by


    Thus, the optimal amount of resources for a provider to bedemanded from a spectrum broker in the equilibrium can begiven by . Moreover, the utility of provider canbe written as .

    Note that by using a proper transformation function (which isbeyond the scope of this research), the total utility of providercan be converted to a dollar value denoted by (refer (7))thetotal revenue obtained by provider .


    where is some transformation function.Thus, providers reservation price is governed by


    VI. CHANNEL THRESHOLD BASED PROVIDER SELECTIONIn this section, we analyze whether there exists any strategy

    for the users in choosing wireless service providers with respectto channel condition. We investigate if there exists any channelquality threshold, i.e., any minimum acceptable channel qualitybelow which it will not be beneficial to select a network. Also,we show that any unilateral decision to deviate from the min-imum threshold will not help a user, i.e., the threshold is theNash equilibrium.

    Theorem 1: Under varying channel conditions, a rational usershould be active (transmit/receive) only when the channel con-dition is better than the minimum channel quality threshold setby the system to achieve Nash equilibrium.

    Proof: We modify the net utility equation given by (13) toemphasize the channel quality cost component. We present themodified equation as




    The notation emphasizes that the th users utilitynot only depends upon his own strategy but also on the strategiestaken by the rest of the users denoted by . For notationalsimplicity, we use instead of throughout the proof, where

    defines the channel condition perceived by the user when theintended WSP is the th one.

    1) Attaining Nash Equilibrium: From (27), it is clear thatdue to the inverse nature of cost due to channel condition, utilitydecreases monotonically with decrease in channel condition.We hypothesize that a user should be active with th serviceprovider, only if its channel quality is better than a giventhreshold. Let this threshold be . Note that this threshold iseffective with regard to th wireless service provider only. Thethreshold might be different for different WSPs. Therefore, theprobability that a user is active with provider is


    where is the probability density function of . Now, if weassume that all the other users in the network act rationally andmaintain the minimum channel quality threshold , then theprobability that users out of other users in the th networkwill be active is given by


    Then, the expected net utility of the th user (if the user is active)is given by


    As , the above equa-tion can be written as


    If we define as


    then the expected net utility of user , if active, is given by


    If the user is not active then by definition the expected netutility is 0. Thus, the achievable gain net utility consideringboth modes (active and not active) obtained by user is


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    where .Now we will show that if the users act rationally and are active

    only when the channel condition is better than , then Nashequilibrium can be reached, i.e., they will reach a stable statewhere the gain of a user cannot be increased further by unilater-ally changing the strategy of that user. For a user, the expectednet utility for being active and not being active should be equalat the threshold. Therefore, the solution to


    gives the value of the threshold. We will now show why main-taining this threshold will help reach the Nash equilibrium.

    Let be the equilibrium solution to (36). Suppose, a usernow unilaterally changes his strategy and decides the thresholdto be . All the other users keep their threshold at . Thenplugging in appropriate values in the integration in (35), the dif-ference, , in the gain is given by

    (37)Two cases might arise depending on the relative values of

    and .Case 1:

    (38)Case 2:

    (39)Thus, we find that a user cannot increase his gain by unilater-ally changing his strategy. As a result, it becomes evident thata channel quality constraint exists for the users and maintainingthis threshold will help the users to reach Nash equilibrium.

    VII. NUMERICAL RESULTS AND INTERPRETATIONWe present our results in this section. In Section VII.A, we

    simulate our auction model and show how the knapsack syn-chronous auction outperforms the classical highest bid auctionmodels. In Section VII.B, we model the interaction betweenWSPs and users.

    A. Spectrum AuctioningThe main factors that we consider for demonstrating the per-

    formance of the proposed knapsack auction are: revenue gener-ated by spectrum broker, total spectrum usage, and probability

    Fig. 3. (a) Revenue and (b) usage maximization with auction rounds for knap-sack synchronous and classical highest bid.

    of winning for bidders. For the simulation model we followsecond price sealed-bid mechanism. In second price bidding,bidders do not need to guess other bidders bids and thus canoffer a bid request which reflects their own valuation of theresource. Thus, second price bidding does provide dominantstrategies for bidders as shown in lemma 1 earlier. Moreover,second price bidding reduces the risk that the winning biddersmight be subject to winners curse [15]. We assume that allthe bidders are present for all the auction rounds; bidders takefeedback from previous rounds and generate the bid tuple fornext round. The bid tuple generated by bidder consists of i)amount of spectrum requested, and ii) the price the bidder iswilling to pay, .

    For simulation purpose, the parameters considered are as fol-lows. Total amount of spectrum in CAB is assumed as 100 units,whereas minimum and maximum amount of spectrum requestedby each bidder is 11 and 50 units, respectively. Minimum bid perunit of spectrum is considered as 25 units.

    Revenue and spectrum usage: Fig. 3(a) and (b) comparesrevenue and spectrum usage for knapsack synchronous andclassical highest bid strategies for each auction round. Thenumber of bidders considered is 10. Note that both revenue andusage are low in the beginning and subsequently increases withrounds. In the initial rounds, bidders are dubious and make lowbids. With increase in rounds, potential bidders emerged asexpected and raised the generated revenue. We observe that theproposed auction generates 10%15% more revenue comparedto the classical model and also reaches steady state faster. Sim-ilarly, in Fig. 4(a) and (b) we compare revenue and spectrumusage for both the synchronous and asynchronous strategies. Itis observed that knapsack synchronous strategy provides betterrevenue and spectrum usage compared to asynchronous bidsubmission mechanism as spectrum broker can synchronize allthe bids.

    Figs. 5(a), (b) and 6(a), (b) show the average revenue andspectrum usage with varying number of bidders for both com-parisons (knapsack synchronous with classical highest price andknapsack synchronous with knapsack asynchronous).

    Bidder participation: In Fig. 7(a) and (b), we look at ourauction model from the bidders perspective. Higher revenuerequires high participation in number of bidders. However,classical auctions always favor bidders with high spectrumrequest and/or high bid, thus discouraging low potential biddersand giving the higher potential bidders a chance to control the

    Authorized licensed use limited to: Barbara Lange. Downloaded on August 22, 2009 at 00:52 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


    Fig. 4. (a) Revenue and (b) usage maximization with auction rounds for syn-chronous and asynchronous bid requests.

    Fig. 5. (a) Revenue and (b) usage for knapsack synchronous and classicalhighest bid.

    Fig. 6. (a) Revenue and (b) usage for synchronous and asynchronous bid re-quests.

    auction. In order to evaluate the bidder participation, we con-sider two cases: 1) bidder with the lowest spectrum request and2) bidder with the lowest bid. For these two cases, we compareknapsack synchronous with classical highest bid strategiesin terms of probabilities to win a bid. We observe that theproposed auction strategy has a significantly high probability ofwinning compared to classical strategy. Note that probability ofwinning in classical strategy almost reaches zero with increasein bidders.

    Collusion prevention: The occurrence of collusion must beprevented in any good auction so that a subset of bidders can notcontrol the auction that might decrease the spectrum brokersrevenue. We consider two cases: 1) when bidders collude and2) when bidders do not collude. In our simulation model, weassume bidders randomly collude in pair in all possible combi-nations with others.

    In Fig. 8(a), we show the average revenue generated by spec-trum broker with increase in number of bidders both in presenceand absence of collusion. Though at the beginning with lessnumber of bidders, presence of collusion reduces the averagerevenue slightly, but with increase in number of bidders the ef-

    Fig. 7. (a) Probability of winning with lowest spectrum request. (b) Probabilityof winning with lowest value bid.

    Fig. 8. (a) Average revenue with and without collusion. (b) Average usage withand without collusion.

    Fig. 9. Average probability of winning with and without collusion.

    fect due to collusion decreases. Thus, with increase in numberof bidders, i.e., with increase in (perfect) competition, revenuegenerated even in the presence of collusion reaches almost thesame value as that of without collusion. Fig. 8(b) presents theusage of spectrum in the presence and absence of collusion. Themost interesting result from bidders perspective is shown inFig. 9. When the number of bidders is low (less than or equal to 4in our case) collusion provides better probability of winning butas the number of bidders increases, probability of winning withthe help of collusion decreases, discouraging bidders to collude.

    B. Pricing: Numerical ResultsHere, we provide some insights on how the pricing strategies

    proposed for WSP and end users interaction work as incentivesfor both. We consider two casesfixed and increasing numberof users.

    Fixed number of users: We keep the number of users fixedwith the total resource of the provider increasing. Recapit-ulate from (23) and (25) that increasing resource implies

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    Fig. 10. Price per unit of resource versus resource (with number of users fixed).

    Fig. 11. Total profit of a provider versus resource (with number of users fixed).

    increasing and fixed number of users implies a fixedvalue of . We consider all users have equal weightagefactor and the value of varies from 1 to 100units. These values used for obtaining the numerical resultsare arbitrary and are merely for the sake of demonstration.Any other values of and can be used as long as theysatisfy the constraint that the price per unit resource is pos-itive.Fig. 10 shows how the provider must decrease the price perunit of resource if the total amount of resources increaseswith the same user base. This decrease in unit price is nec-essary if resource utilization is to be maximized which alsoserves as an incentive for the users.The total profit of the provider is presented in Fig. 11. Withthe number of users fixed, we observe that the total profitof the provider increases till a certain resource and thendecreases. For a fixed number of users, this result allows usto estimate the amount of resource that the provider musthave such that its profit is maximized.We show how the net utility of users increases with moreresources in Fig. 12. It is clear that for fixed number ofusers, more resources is an incentive for the users. An im-portant aspect to note here is that, for initial increase inresource the utility increased very quickly from 0 but theutility slowly saturates indicating that more resources havelimited value beyond a certain point, i.e., the users will notfind ways to utilize abundant resources.

    Increasing number of users: The number of users (pop-ulation base) is increasing in this case which is typical ofany market. We start with 1 user under a provider. For faircomparison with the previous case (i.e., with fixed numberof users), we increase resources from 1 to 100 units. Notethat is no longer fixed and increases with increasingnumber of users. For this simulation, we assume that the

    Fig. 12. Net utility of a user versus resource (with number of users fixed).

    Fig. 13. Price per unit of resource versus resource (with increasing number ofusers such that the ratio of and is fixed).

    Fig. 14. Total profit of a provider versus resource (with increasing number ofusers such that the ratio of and is fixed).

    increase in number of users is such that the ratio of andis fixed.

    In Fig. 13, the price per unit of resource is presented whereboth users and resources increase. As the initial number of usersis very low, increasing resource necessitates an initial increasein price per unit of resource. But as the number of users increase,it is imperative that price per unit resource decreases providingincentive for the users.

    In Fig. 14, we present the total profit of the provider. Unlikethe previous case (Fig. 11), we see that with users increasingproportionally with resources, the total profit is always in-creasing which presents a better incentive for the providers thanthe case with fixed number of users. It is evident that to increasetotal profit, the providers would prefer more number of users,each getting less resource, rather than having less number ofusers, each having more resource. Note that the linear increasein profit is just due to the assumption: the ratio between theusers and resources is fixed. Fig. 15 justifies the hypothesis thatwith increasing number of users and resources, the increase inthe amount of resource for users saturates.

    In Fig. 16, we show the net utility of the users. We see that thenet utility increases with increasing resources; thus providing

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    Fig. 15. Resource allocated to a user versus resource (with increasing numberof users such that the ratio of and is fixed).

    Fig. 16. Net utility of a user versus resource (with increasing number of userssuch that the ratio of and is fixed).

    incentive for the users but unlike Fig. 12, the increase in netutility saturates early. It is evident that to increase net utility,users would like to be in a lightly loaded system (i.e., with lessnumber of users), thereby getting a larger share of the resources,rather than having to share the resources with more number ofother users. This presents the classic case of conflict betweenthe providers and users.


    Dynamic spectrum allocation coupled with fine granularityswitching of services by end-users will engender a flexibleand competitive environment for trading wireless services. Inthis research, we provide a framework based on auction andgame theories that capture the interaction among spectrumbroker, service providers, and end-users in a multi-providersetting. We propose a winner determining sealed bid knapsackauction that dynamically allocates spectrum from CAB and atthe same time maximizes revenue generated, entices WSPs byincreasing their probability of winning, and prevents collusion.We construct utility functions for users and service providersconsidering their conflicts with each other. We show that bothof them can reach Nash equilibrium if they maintain certainthreshold conditions. We also demonstrate how proper pricingcan provide incentives to providers to upgrade their resourcesand users to opt for better services.


    We provide the detailed derivation steps for finding the priceupper bound for WSPs as continuation from Section IV. Themodified utility function of the user as presented in (15) is


    Differentiating (40) with respect to ,


    Similarly, the second derivative is


    If we assume delay and congestion component, such that, then and it is clear

    that is strictly concave in the region bounded by; and as .

    Moreover, it can be inferred from (42) that ascontains a unique maximization point.

    Thus, equating first derivative (41) to 0, and solving forgives the optimal amount of resources needed by the users for acertain price and this resource amount will maximize theutility of the user.

    As the users are homogeneous, to maximize users utility, thefirst derivative of all the users can be equated to zero:


    Recall that is the number of users currently served byprovider . Thus, (43) reduces to


    If and with the help of identity, we get


    For notational simplicity, we represent and. Thus, (45) can be written as


    Putting the above form into (41), we get


    Note is strictly decreasing with the values of lyingin the interval . Then for achieving the Nash equi-librium by the providers, the pricing constraint is upperbounded by


    Authorized licensed use limited to: Barbara Lange. Downloaded on August 22, 2009 at 00:52 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.


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    Shamik Sengupta received the Ph.D. degree fromthe School of Electrical Engineering and ComputerScience at the University of Central Florida, Orlando,in 2007.

    He is a Postdoctorate Researcher in the De-partment of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ. Hisresearch interests include keyless security, networkeconomics, resource management in wireless net-works, dynamic spectrum access, auction and gametheories, and WMAN technologies.

    Mainak Chatterjee received the B.Sc. degree inphysics (Hons.) from the University of Calcutta,India, in 1994, the M.E. degree in electrical com-munication engineering from the Indian Institute ofScience, Bangalore, in 1998, and the Ph.D. degreefrom the Department of Computer Science andEngineering, University of Texas at Arlington, in2002.

    He is currently an Associate Professor in theSchool of Electrical Engineering and ComputerScience, University of Central Florida, Orlando. His

    research interests include economic issues in wireless networks, applied gametheory, resource management and quality-of-service provisioning, ad hoc andsensor networks, CDMA data networking, and link layer protocols. He serveson the executive and technical program committee of several internationalconferences.

    Authorized licensed use limited to: Barbara Lange. Downloaded on August 22, 2009 at 00:52 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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