Page 1:… · An Astociaied Prc98 NewsoflP^^ THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Fair VoL 23,

A n A s to c ia ie d

P rc9 8 N e w s o flP ^ ^ T H E TWIN FALLS NEWS T O D A Y :F a ir

VoL 23, N o : 2S8OrVlCIATr C

NEWai-A T W IN F A L I^ , IDAHO, S U N D A Y M O UNING, J A N U A R Y 12, .lO U P r ic c F iv e Cents

B i lk Proposed to Scrap Two B oards, T ax Com m issioner

x. w --------------------------- ..

AdniiniBtratioii I«c!«lers Press Clark’s - Program .for Eliiiiiiialioii o f _

. ' ‘Useress’ Offices

Plenty of Subject Matter for Bean Week

"BOISE, Jnn. JJ Scrapping .of tlTc-state liquor control .board, thc^publlc wclfftrc,board and tho orrice o f tax com­missioner was proposed to the Idaho house of. rcprcscnia- tlvcs toddy as administration leaders pressed Governor Clark's program o f fellmlnallnB ■•useless’'- commls-slons and offices;

The recommendations were contained in six bills, a ll o f which*carrled emergency-clauscs to place them In e ffcc t

.Immedhitcl:^ upon Q.naetment. y- Tho liquor and public wel-

Tnrc boards were set xip In 1030 by-a Repiibllcan legisla­ture, (lie offlct of lax conunl.ulqncr In 1031. UnTll Uie liwt blcrmlum It

•ncvcc had b «n tilled,' Queiilloncd Velors

« hill I

b o r^ o r "Botlolf.ic!) bill did I

U. CurUV oftljo witliln llic BUituloK' time Hinli.1 ond so were.dccInrwJ law b/ CurtLi,

ncprc.ienuitlvc Mlllon Hon.!ey (R-Ciirlboti) nm! Arnolil Wllllwi.-. (D-Mndlwn). mlliorlly fttid mnjortly leniltrr. rwiweUvely, nub- mlLted Uio mcMiiri:, but Ifor.-'lfy In- tllcoted iBler It would be wlClKlrau-n and 8cpftral« bUl.i prcf.enled of the questionable lows,

Nino mcMures In nil wore' Intro­duced before the hoaie nrijoumed until 10 n, m. Monday. Tbo (icnnte. fttilcli quit for the weekend yes­terday'. nbw) will reconvene Monday, when U wUl Imvo before It for eon-' tlrmfttlon Governor CInrlt'a reap­pointment of a . W. Supplger lo the

. Induatrlnl ftcclflent board.

) presented. It wm leut » acore more megmirea would b» nibroltl«d Monday.

Uqaor Control ThoM l.lo nboUih thi liquor con­

trol board, latroduced ’by tho «talo ^ arraln commltte«, calls lor a su- ^ perlDt«ndent of a nUt« liquor dla-

pentuy aM b secretwy and rei>e«Js . all ScU in conruct with It.

The BUpcrlntendent would dnw 13.600 at amual «bIU7 .and would bo appotatoT^th* eorenjor.,'

At proMnt a tbm-man board ,d ra w -..i)^ 4 ^ iiloA. dad' tnve2ln«< e» pti«ea. * mnnaRcr U pald'tSpO lAonthl^

Tfie bill dolne awi '.wlUt the pub« llo welfare bo^ 'wou la make the governor ex-ofMfc> cotnmlulonor of public welfaro^aad authorize him to nppolnt'ii dlroctor for Uie var­ious dlvlsloo* of the department, such as .public tusUlonce, publle

■ health, and }ndu«trla] liygloae.• also would set up a merit aya- tem, Buch,a« Utat now In^fftct in th> department, for nubortuutte^- ileerv and employe* to be i(ppo)mcd t>y the eovemor. The sovemw also would have power to establish addl- tiontd divisions and bureaus and to

• tmnsfeMunctipna, It was Introduced Gy .the ways and means commltt^

Under present law, cniteled Tn IflSO. ttve-mon boai^ appoints a commiisloner, who In turn lyunes hi* subordinates. A merit system council also has been .set up. under

.^ticeestlon of the social security board, .

Taz^uncUsns ' F >urpropoAcd nets dealt w tM func-

. tlonji now held'by the state’ affairs committee. '- OiiQ u-ould transfer tlib duUes of MCEcUiry of the slate boord - of equallfcntlon from tlie tax ccnvnis- slonetf back to the sUte 'audllor.In the past:

Two oUiera would cliarse Ute com­missioner or flnoJice wiU). collection

(ConUqMd on Tu* i. Column 4)-


GoCANTON, f». Y.—Half of three »

not onS and a half tn the Canton postofflce. .

FoelAl workers returned two sealed letter* to the woman wholuid mailed them with halt of a tbreo cent, atamp on each. ,

TER W O O U IE''Governor Says W ilk ins. Can — -Bc-Brought Back-if-He -

• M isbehavwDOISB, J«n, 11 (.iv^Tlic condl-

tlonnl pardon of LcQoy;Wllki:w..I}r- Kro. convicted In Palls coMnly of attempted rnpe will noi be --

• ' Governor Clark said toda Rovcmor had been reque»ted

by Tfi-ln PnlLi county, official.! cancel Uie pardon. ^

Wilkins was srantfda condlllonal xrdon by Uie state prison board ut n mcelinir early this week and "has

been placed on long-tlmo probatlonT If he doc.1 not behave himself" Uie Bovemor said, "we eon quickly, ■ cej hla pardon. •■ItLi'toolntclodonnythlnRabout

Twin Falls counly commissioner^ yesterday wired Governor Clwlt thair pardon of LeRoy Wilkins had caused "sliarpest resentment”* In thla i

son Neifro___u>e new «tat«, he had served s year prlion KB

Odd Fisli-BtOOMPtetoJd Sheriff Otiarles Blantoa stmnBe storlee of eatchtng; canned'sooda in Whlt« river near here. ^

17)0 sheriff fished up two busliels of vegetable stew, chicken soup and consommej v

He deducted that sroe^-tr^ck faiirslan had dropped the stufT' there —then he took it home arfd put It In the Jail pantiy.

—fltrftnnont-PHOENIX—ThlnK the west's pret­

ty tome DO«f ,.

■water tommlMioner; igy« at hear. Inss' in his offlee he's *Vltneased fist Ushts, nshti with roclcs and knives.” .

- W Ufe has been threatened throe occasions." .

Ooanty Pays AliBTJQUEBQUE. • N, M,-Court.

house employes got free drloks when something went wrons and pop bot­tles cascaded out of the Tending na>'chine, ....... • • • • •

^ Then Joseph B. VelasQu^ couDtjr

. Thee - jve to pi

' J b a »o fn

r, he explain^, would

London Fights Fire DroppM From Skies By German Raiders

American Observer Gives Odds to Britain

Clllrf (> dtvbloi

I ul'j — lirlKiullrr . .'■(ironK. tomiff

"l>rv;-'ftlliil mid


'WTXIi BRING lEANS” U the auuran« of efilcftrt of toe Bean' Gnoers Wsrrjigmr a iorlatloii

duricir Ctill period, J^R. 17 to 35. Other recocnltloni o( itft week Include if^enokrtie r(intr>l fcaluriuc Idaho fieant. beau dlihes an mrnu» am! promotional mstcrlal. Both.^e Twin Falla Oliambtr nf Commerce and Its mrrchsnls’ bureau have'pledged fnll sdpport In the ob»ei;v»nfr.' .Shown litre wllli lirsni to span ^ John .S. Fctdhuurn llrft). ax.«o);lallon manaier and member'of llir*ro<nmlltrr nn pUns for tlie

' c^and Carl IrHln.' TwIri Falls, association pmlilrnt and cpmmlttre chairman. (NrK« I'lioln-Kntravlnc).

N£w In d u stry Suggested To F acilita te Sp ud Sales

prlvnlr oiHiiloii" t(xr;i\ lliii } Knulaml Mood n ri,’i-45 t

unr wllli Grrm:in: il StroiiK. rio'*' i.<i rnlli cor JS «rr;i w

q'uarliTS hrrp. jrtpliiliii'd 1 lervlrw thnl Ini'oddi wprr lu-ji; uii Ocfmnny-lnsi June 1 liiit by Sriit. I (liry h:id dropped to ntlll onGernifiny, Tlii'n llicv .Miltclird niul DiKlimd 'brciinie lim luvorlle. Hr -Vi'BiJllJiutlauiL'ffi.-im-Auicticiui.tiU.- aerver lor r.cvcrni nioniht fall-

He prrdcled .iJint a balance of mllllnry fllclo .•/ hlllln c toward ilie Urlllsli. plii.n ft i»v,ll)le crillcal,jliorl- nue of Gcrninn oil nnd Kn.nollne sup* plirs; will raii;,e arriimiiy t- clrsperati'ly for a knocLoul by irtrr. k

'Ehr’ nio.'it ^prloll». uiriince to Iniid. General Strong iiiiiny’.'i coiiiiler-blocVatle nnd Uie rilnkinB flf Brltlr.h ,iliip.i by .\ub- marliira, surface raiders and planes.

I-;.- 'Tlir.;Ham

■ii'Tul S;ri>iiK nl;,Q prrdlclcd Hir 'AIM'-ilrvcidp iillo a twci;fi'(int , u i'.li ili>- x-coiid Ininl in Ilitl; ,

Hip ilnlkiiti.'. or tlie nrnr p . l, 'nun would liili> KnKhuid brcniir.e Clcr- niiinv i)ri)li;iblv would Ijp pri-.'-'.pil lor "iL'iiblP" li'xiii',. blrons rx|iliitni-(l.

i;o-•.lljllily 1)1 iiy lUvllJUi ro11ii|>yv■I l)p e cUldn

I Ihrj illie

AI-I'I Ai.S TO »-HJ;SC'Jl I.O.SDON, .lati. n l-Tj - Vlcr-

Ailiiilriil Eiiill Mii:.cllcr. cniiiiimnd-'i* Jii.chlcinil l!ia."i;cu-tTcnch. ua.viti W p i lliin . Iitr lliiliilni; on ui iJrltaUi -- .'iilp npp1*;ilcd In a''l)r cn-M KinlKlil 10 iiirn of Uir iim tvpiirh Ilrrl M Alexandrla'lo ihr slnii;i;Ie. ‘, P'rnifli unit.-, ihrrc wprr dl.n:irmril itTlrr tlie rri'iu-li nniiUllce, ' '

me vlor raid llif VfriT njgCh" fleel now lind 30 nifilfT)r ^iiTTO^ISt) mprcliiiiitmpn in ;irrvlcp nnd llCt all r.avr 50 of llie ntrr- clinntmrn wprr mnniicd by IVpikIi


Twin Falls Chamber o f Commerce Considers Proposed-PIant fo r Production

o f Dri-Spuds

. 3a»ycar-old noger- nei, was released by b ^ o n board after i:tifty8.of a 3-to-M-

_ 'er^ woman. m(Ts' measaice to the

d by all three .3,Ben S. Potter, jd.C. B. lindscy.

of. tto li» iiE i"i6 5 85 i?F S «ctiiln » AttorBct Bverett M. Bweeley suid Sheriff L. WoJUawkins, and sUte- ment by District Judge:Jamc9 W,

(Cenliniud tra f, Columa I)

L E A O W I l RF 0 U R « I E 1

S p lit Legislative S e s s io n , Call fo r New R e ve n u e ^ '

Claim A tten tion-DOiaE. Jon. 11 -* SenatOT R. O.

Bailey, first-term slate senator fron\ Lewiston who previously hod sefved three lem ) In thehou-ie, hasn’t ior* Rotten his Idea of a spilt session for the Idalio legislature.

That proposal, tosether with aenU- ment for fotir-year terms of office for'state alid counly offtelals and methods of obulnins the $3,700,000 Jn additional revenue asked ^ Oov- .errtbr Clark were occupying Idaho lawmakers tonlRht. 'X.

- AdmlnUtratlen BltUAlso in tlielr minds were ndmlnis-

tniUon bills. Introduced today, to abollsli'the state llqbor and public welfare -boards- and _the office of tax <ommisslOT

Asitallon fo: - ___ ____ ______at tlie University 'fif Idaho soulAem branch also was reotxned. the latest stratesm belns sending of cards to leslslaton . telUng tliem southern branch studehts cannot complete their'educaVlon.wlthout a foktt-year euniculum. . ^ .

Bailey said he had conferred with' house and senate members on the spUt-sesslon proposal, but would not inttoduce it imieaa sufficient back­ing appeared to assure a reasonably Bood prospect of success.

A 'Joint resolution would be neces­sary and a constitutional amen{ir ment prepared for submi^on to the

C o n t e s t to Be'. Held in ■C o^ono^n W ith

'B w rt Week

Most twenl nddlUon to'plons thot will .brtne Idaho Bean week before the publfc from Jan. I7 to 36 i.i a coqklns contest uUllxIng Oem'tCiite beaiui! according to Mrs. Amy VITla', who Ir directing tho Mniest. '

All M&gis Valley hmetnakers he welcome to enter tfih event, which w}U be hold m the Mitnii Power company auditorium Monday, Jan. SO from 1 to 3 p, m. Judging will be coiJdueled nt Uiar' time and awards presented. A display will also cent*r about Uie cooke<l' foods In the power company windows.

Mrs. L. V. Morgr\n and Mrs. Rus­sell Miller, with two other wohiqi yet to be named, will serve as JuQgc- Ailhough fio entry'blanks are r..- quirra. all competing food miuii'be

recipe and Uie

There will be two divisions—one dLih meals (hot), including baked and chiU beans, combined with meats, bean loafa. unusual .dl.ihes, such as .sandwiches, salads, -^ups and ci^uettes.

Prlies are: division 1—first prlu of »7J0 second. »3.«), offered by the Bean Growers a-t-wlatlon; di­vision 3—t7.A0 first ptlzc and second prlie of an electric-.clock, offered by the Chamber of Commerce.

^Siamese Forces Continue AdvanceBANGKOK. Jan. lV.(/TV-Tlialland

(81an>eS(7~Tk«tiiorltlea' enforced a' strict blsckoibC^ere and in many other ^rovlnciaKclties tonig^it in Asia’s undeclared tidesltow war with Thai and French Indo-Chlna forces sUrmlslilnf- along the (jungleland bonier between the two countries,

The Thai.rWgh command .said Thai forces. haH crossed Into tho Cambodl*T»roTlnc« of Pteftch Indo- Chlna at several polnta and sUU

i Ginftre rattled acroai the Me­kong rlvsr frontier farther rwrth.

neven ’ Thai bombers atUcked the Indo-Chinese city or<eiemreap, about 100 miles from Thai's bonftf In Cambodia, and ahot down three French pursuit planes in an aerial .fight, the high command said.

Feur-Ye*c Term .Both house and senate'leadem. It

was reliably rep(trted,' looked with favor on the four-year term of office

(Centlaud an r»«* t.CoImaa t).


(British) dUpatch from Istanbul said that h^avy damage was done ■ - today by earth shocks.

Robs^Minked^ With War

An industry that woiild facilitate In markellnR of the Idaho potato crop Ls to be outlined at a .spcclal niectliiB of Twin- Falls Chamber o f Commerce directors next Monday Tuesday, Harry Elcoc^, president, announced last evening.

Under consideration, Elcock said. l.i proposed con.strucLlon o f a factory to"produce"Drl-Spuds, a product pejfe'ctcd by Orville-Oano, Burley chcmlcal enBlnecr, follow ing‘more than 13 years .experimentation, Gano obtained his patents only recently and has in operation now a smali plant at hi*-.resi­dence at flurley; •

In .aano’5 proccs. , between elRhl' and 10 ^und.t of raw potatoes are converted Into one. pound of cooked, dried an(l,nhriildcd Dri- Spuds. One pound of.Drl>8ptuh will provide 30 individual lervlnM of

ift:(ied pointocs..wlien mlxrd w'lih arm water and tcasMlnit,TliC product'sells iU/r_e iill for 15 Mils a pound.Cull and low grade potatoes votild

be utilized In preparation of the product,

EllmlnatlQn of bulk would rcduce freight charges, and persons fam­iliar with the product say It is pre­ferred by dealers, os well as by- hou-iewlves'and cooks.

PoMlblHty of a defense jiroRrnm ..c-li> for^ t»O iew product wns pointed out .ycirterday by J-Ycwk H.Adams of Twin Palls, potato grower and shipper, who han returned from a conference with army nnd naiy research oUlclnls. .Tlicsp' of­ficials. he said, were favombly im­pressed by posslhUitlcs for ««e of th* product in dftts for troops.

NegollaUons fo a defense coniragt -re being carried on by Joe YouiIk of Oftkland. C>U<?L former eroccry operator whoeejiofdlngs Include a “ :lo ranch. . • '

inder consldcrAlon forUie Tain Falls area is propoaed construction of a four-unit plant that would conl- would handle about 25 carloatLi of approximately $39,000,’ and that raw potatoes weekly. Conitructlon would require abeut 40'daj'«. Qptr- atlon of such a plant would invOlv*

payroll qf abcH^.OOO even' two

Adams suggested yesto^ay •iV! conitniction of sevVal

.. handle potatoes through- Snake H»er district between

• Twirl Palls and-flt. Amhony.

Ru-isians Assijil U.'S.-Ui-ilish . Lcatlt-rs. ' ..

Hrflulii'd.-; (jf» Londoner.'; on rooIlo|).s aiitl In strcpl.-, worked fra:uj(-i'illy for four hours Inst ,iili:ht to '.■;!ivc thi; cliy from

iiollic^ (icv.’islatliiK fire/as'" .scbrf'.s of N'a/( warplanes .sljow-^ iTL'ti Inci'udlary bombs'on the tlaplli l.

Fire ' fiiKlnc.’:. .-(Irens and i;unN iiii a terrific ’

iiiiur 'in’>iJi''rl;i*< llir drone of the

In an aiH>iirc-iil. altrmpl to . IK.. ihr bU- lire of Dec. Sa-JO.

• Kill tlir ■ iill-<-j-,\r" sounded before fo 1). Ml, '2 p. m,-Mfm mid Uierr

Ili(* dyiinse wan tlw previous as-

A ir Raid Alarms Soilhd G'enfeva

- GENEVA. Jwi. U (Sunday) (-F) - Plve air rald'alarms la Geneva lastnlffht

LONDON, Jan. 11 MV-A Reuteff reported over the western tip of thisneutral country.

The fifth alarm In Geneva sound­ed at 13:20

TULSA, Jan. 11 (/P>-Alf >i. Lan*

............- himself .. _ . ...poUcy” in hU message to congress by urging full support of people# re-

*Tf this poUcy Is to prevaU, we must fight. If need be, In order to m a k ^ e president's wottl good.** tfie 193B presidential nominee Asserted in a speech prepared .for the ander-^amllton club's annuil din­ner, ' ^. “What then becomes^f hU pftdge noti to send an armed expedlOonair force to Europe?. . . . . '

■^ere Is.a n»w,and'cntl^ dU-

elgn.poUcy than bt stressed durinK his pn-'electlo^campalgTL . ’Tbea be lo ca te d *kU aid ta

win. - “Instead of ‘aidishort of war'; the

president further <^mmltted himself to a war policy by,urging -fuU sop- port of all .those« resolute peoples. ------- — who are rralsUng a«*

In g j^ dUnerlcan ibips in war sones.'*7hls U a Tl,tal teue becauu the

mlnote an 'American ship Is iunle. and the American n«g U fired tipon.

Landon Bald Ihe'.AmerleanjwbpIa '■"* ■ »nd very real Interest.

------ but-tq’^“have a

national security resta on her victory

U ^ ^ i i id •wins thU .. . and the pAaldOit assures us she wll\

many years to come. < - ' T f Killer vlni, (t-wlll be a t and tmlblQ eraior’ a tlihe, and ... will,suffer stUl greater economic and pollUcal dlaturtancoa ^or

^ "But in -W»e. end iree' labor, will always-whljrtorsjd labor, ani^wilh- put c ^ .M .w u io .d o i&

-U to mW» ouisitTes:>tRms enough to preserve that w y of life, no taat-


A irline ‘ Schedules Out of Lake CJty Sus- •

■ pchdedSALT LAiCE CITY. Jan. 11 '(.n -

Nortlvcenlral UUth. from V/endover to the Wft.mlch mountains and from Brigham Clly to Jordan Nftrrbus, tonight lay under a fog blanket 3.900 feel-Uilck while most of IJie rc.1t of the filtermountaln wp. L basked in teruperature.i 10 degree.i Bbo\e normal.' . '—■

Tlie dense •' clonk hanging over the Great Salt LiTtt valley nol'otily kept the mercury al subnormal U-v- elfl m that area buL added tm- pifasurably to the difficulties of winter-driving ond- Brought -nearly complete suspension of Airline itched- ulca In nnd oiTl t>f Salt L.-»ke City. Vlolblllty around Tooele was 're­ported less than 50 feel.

Elsewheuk except in southern DtAh nnd /southcasleni Nevada, where light nrin*<fe!l, the weather

(ConUnuol en I'lx* t. Coluran

OR41 SI O lV llN

N o S ln ie s t’s T r o o p s 'o t t o ^ . 'M u rra y Engage iti G ru c P "

ling Maneuvers. CAMP MtJBRAY. Wm Ii., Jon. II {/!*>—Realistte but mock •**-ar' come to^tfrt'^st d lW ^^


British Capital Beats Off Furious Onslaught

N^zir^ Hundreds o f Bombs in Ifour- ^ ^ ( )u r Attack on London

' Dy DREW MIDDLETON LONDON, Jan. 11 — This citadel of Britain stood firm to

n ight agBlnst an onslaught o f hundreds o f fire and explosive bombs dropped by squadrons o f heavy German bomfiers in a short but Intense raid, • -.‘■....The attack threatened but nbver achlty^ed the destruction ddoc in London's great fire o f 1040 — tb « ” 'Ilif& 'blltz" Dec. 20 on the "City.'- ton don ’fi-crowded old financia l district.• Volunteer fire watchers and

fighters ra llied ttilnceiidlarlcs hurtled d o w n . .The^ ex­tinguished ilres which were so bright for a time that you could read n newspaper on the blacked oul clti-’« roofs. /

On Ineelfdlarlea Trail An Associated Press reporter saw

nt least &Q Incendiaries swish to the ground at one time and start row.i of Ijrigiit blue lUhU. One by one Uiry went out as llremen reaciied them.

Changing weather conditions .were believed to have caused Uie abruiit all-clear after about four hours be- catiie of Uie risk of landing cm.ih for the homing boml»rs.

It WAS* learned laUr Uiat raldera aho Itod dropped bombs, on three dls- -tricU of souUieastem England.

•In London, one bomb 'cra- lied through the roof of the rfb^ay cau.i-• ig some fatallUes among occupants I an air raid slielwr,Olhers were killed by a dlrwt

bomb hit onsubus., ‘Dynamite Sandwich’

■Die tftlders appeared lb have de­veloped a new "dynamite sandwich" technique. Plrst they dropped Incen­diaries. then bjgh explosives—as they usually do after fire bombs light up largei^but tonight they finally loaied tnBtelncehdlarles. Itwest>e- lleved they hoped to set fire to debris caused by the high explosive. .

From Uie supper hour until, 10 p. m.. an endless, chain of Naxls sprayed the clly 'plth incendiary and. iilgh explosives.

U wa.1 deseribed as Uie hardest tsAk so far for the capital’s aug­mented force or lire watchen. One fire- officer reported “Ihere were'Tttleast 30 watcliers for every bomb.....fell' nnd we .had them oul Ir time" but there was the eerie spec­tacle of Jmndr^ of fire fighter* batUlng incendlariea on rooftops in the .glare of hot flame while the nUds lasted. . . .

One deafening blast after another at timesiforeed the roof watchers

id them. naUonol Oregon. Washlng- ana and-Wyomlng

In gruelling bal^llon • include the use of

UieoreUcaJ suiff-

•bf miniature batUe^were waged throughout Use tllvlslon'* trce-dott<d and plaln<ut tralnUig----

i two weeks, the troops wUl glmental problems Involving

• attack theories and

the. enure division. Bbotily mer«' after, the lis t undoiibte^ will en- ptfe In larBe-acale wti'gamu wiUi other dWlsioos of the fourUi army;

d'to'tesl. _ . i khUlty *o,»m>ort an oflenslv* or aet^up 4 ,defaDalr«;po«lUod..'n>lt iQclnM the rapid, moraioent of 79 lAC sinursDd the pnbkm:of eam-

’ .(CM tis«a .«.nn a.

FOR Bf ISH1Senate Comm ittee M ajority

Counted fo r R o tfs c v e lf ’• W ar Progra m ''

_ IHmPTON. Jan. 11 l-n — A poll Indlcnled that the admlnUilra- Hon could count on a mnlorlcy of the senate 'foreign relations ifom- m\itee to support its legLilallon. gl»- ing^re.iidenf. noc.ievelfbroad pow­ers to send war au^les to natlogS reilstlng ‘'agKTO^rs.’"- Eight • eotpinlttee memben said they were for the measure: four de­clared Against It; f^ur said they had not m,ade up their mlitds. and five were ellher unavailable or made " statemenL

“ tore the commltieexacts. how- V..-.. Iwo new membeKi will be chosen to fill vacanciesNnnd ^le leader.ihlp certainly will 'pltk ap- polnlees who favor the program.

Tlie-lioute will act first oiV-Uie leglslaUcn. and on mecQng Monday ^11 have to sellle a dispute - - “w-hlch of Its commllUea should die it.

drove thm to underground shelter. Associated Press obserrers tele*

(CooUbb as T u O .


ments on three/springs in Boake river canyon a year aga the News and Times wish to oall atUnUon to their present opinion W the revised plans no«r submit­ted by Uie power cconpany as It applies once more tor permiU to develop these spripga. . ‘ ■

Thu opioiarlmiob points out that the power company:'! as- suranm now overcame much of the. cause for protest 1*

. preswd.oa todsT^ «dttorlal pagev It U cxplalnedalM.taat the Ne«> and.Ttmea wfll wikcb:tbeM de- ■vetoiitnenUaU pnaalm m ftUtDad. *

IlKlllfT I saull.

I'ortamuuth Scarred,Pur Miuiiitti, raided by Uip Ger-

1n;in.i IVldny iiIkIu . wns bailly-atar- hltili. expIoMvi-s nnd fire

bonvb.i i\nd llir Kovermnenl. admit- ‘ " ipd -a number of J.aUillUes*- and "cwi.ildcrnble dnninRC,” '

On Uir iiorUi African front Brit- nin's amili'.i were Mielllng Tobruk^ iDiiJnr Libyan bn.*ic on the Mcdlter-

italy Ki'VB a flRvire^of leM llian 1,300 0.1 her total ca.\ualtlea "dur- Inij Drcr.inber" In all of Africa—a period' wlilcii did not take in the Isll r»f Bardl.i. Libya,

Ttir Qrlthh »>ld Italian casualties In killed and capturcd al Bardla. taken two week.i ago. numl>erf<i :,(H1 officers and «,627 riien. bring- _ jng to atMUt 85.500 the aggregatit of troopa claimed by the . BriU.-Oi to have i>ecn made Inellec- live Mnco tlie BrlU.ih offensive ID Egypt began a month ago. •

BriUsh Warships Hit The Italian high'commattd laid

nA' ’j o ln t 'O ^ S ’- ^ S a ^fen'slVD against &i«laD'd'< Medlter- , ranean fleet. Tlie communlQue list-

aircraft carrier aa h lfb y an Italian aerial torpedo, a cruiser sunick by two heavy bombs frem Italian dive bot^ rs , a second-air- craft carrier hit by heavy Italian bombs, and one ,o f these aircraft carriers hit also by both hoAvy and ' medium Geimon bombs, as well as a flostroyer hit by Uie Oetmoos.

ITie attack occurred Friday in the SlcUlan channel,-the Ilallana said. They-spoke >-armly of the "frater- : nal. close co6pemUon" of the Geri> man air force In thla a^ a l offen-i^ sive—Uie first for Uie Germans In ■ Mediterranean wtylers.

- • BBsslans Reboka -The Gennans' thexuelvea. were lore reserved and aaid nothing'of '

fraternity, or even of the Itallana in Uie engagement except IndlrecUy.

Sovlet..nus<la‘a government and party pVtes aharply justified Ui* new economic deal between Oer-,. many and Russia — Intended amonc . other Uiings to rflvo the Naris enor- motts-»upplies-of-Tnatertai»-Tital-to— war—and rebuked * -British and- American cr Uca of the denl:

Russia. It was said, would mak* addlUonal trade treatlee wherever she pleased', with countries at peac*

Tlie mlUtftfy commlltee' decided, IS to 4. today to demand control of vihe measure, which already had beenassigned to the foreign affairs----mittee.

Speaker Raybum told reporters Uiat there was. not a "porUcle of doubt" that the house would ap- pnrre the leglslaUoa..

A sunng fight was m the making on the senate aide, however, and a group led by Senator "Wheeler (D- MonU -----------

____________ ______v " f « nextWednesday,

Even among some supporter* .. the measure ,0»ere wu talk. of re- sWcUre ^mflndmenta. Chatanan George (D-Ga.) of Uie foreign re- lattoRs committee predicted that it would-be aniteded to require that nations fecelrinc war materials poet

TC>nliat»4 m Puv t Cohma l>

Greelts Advance Talceg Prisonera

.—■HENSi iajST UfCSunday) <ff>— 2loK>lng up openUlQot, Ui which the Greeks hitfb| eapt«r«l about lOT mot« Italians and additional quan­tities of WK m k te^ were report ed by the.htgb cda’

AlUuiuglMto o tioned ooly -rwtr„. ln( np openUoos.'’ . the troQt-reportad;! day from captondL Bent^ ,t»der .cerer .o afeek.aadJ------ -

International At a .Qlance(By Tlie Associated Press)

BATTLE O f BRITAINLondon fl'ghu desperately to

avoid repetition of disastrous Dec. • »-30 fire damace as Nasi air raiders appear in force for four-' bour incendiary attack on British capital: government admit* - W - ' aidenOile” destrnctlon and *taan-' ber of casualties'* at Portmouth, south Bngluid bubor.eity. as ' suit of Mdajr nlgM assault br Getman luf^v^Ky,

UEOITBRSANEAN 8CBNK .German warplanes* jota withr.,

ItAlisju In reported raid « q Brt(- -« t? Ish nav«a tiniu Is SIdllaa eb$ar'-c' nel,'causing damage to two ss '-.i' craft carriers, » .e u ls e r «M '« '4 iUoyert Rome claim* ^ '

Page 2:… · An Astociaied Prc98 NewsoflP^^ THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Fair VoL 23,

PAGE TWIN f a l l s NJ;WS, t w in f a l l s ' pAHQ. SUI^TDAY-MpRNING. JANUARY 12. T941

P r ^ ' ^ t i e sFrom llaKllnn — Mm. FYhnk

Howsmon imd Mri.'K. K. Delmpnt if Huelton wera Twin M ia rL-.Kors

Three Changes in O ffic ia l Family E ffec tive Fol­

low ing ElectionA Dew member o( Uis bonrrt o(

T»'ln f>lla county emmlMlOTors wlU enl -r- upon bU oIllelAl t«nn Wmorrow when.-n#wly aleetcd c'ounty officers Uko over followUiK lu l Kbvcmbcr'i clceUon.. »

Th» new member of tlio board •Iji 'Ernest' Molnrder (R) of Buhl. «lKt«d to aucceed O. R. Hart (D) ol Buhl, lone time member of the bo&rd. Anotber board member, Beni E. Potter itt ) ,ef Kimberly wm re­elected November for & four- ypur.term, nnrt C. H. Llnd&fy'.CR) of trwln 5 ^ iJ the liold-over mem­ber.'

•“ C6mmlAslonor» will ndmlntster lh« oath of office to other county ef> flelal* »f»«r thej h«ve been nwom 111 early Monday by Waller C.-Mu.n.grave. (R) cleric of the dl*lrlr...... -BiWltof and recorder ^ho wj ed two ycara «fio for n four-yeiv Urm.

Ttt'o oUier new offlclaln ■will Uke ovfr Monday. .

, They are Warren Lowery etfctrd ahfirlff to siiccrcfl L.' W HAwlclm. (B>. niid }{ar6ld WllUiim MerrUt (R). electcd coUDty siir- Teyor to lucreed W. A. .Mlnnlck (Di

m e .retiring'slicrlff who ap­pointed to that position a year ncn to fill a vacancy cnuset! by denUi of the Iftte Artliur C, Purlccr. said

» Inst cvrnlns he wlirretum ■iarm we.ifof'Filer.

Re'-cleewd -county official; will take, the ofUcla) ontb ngaln to*

_morro.«.arc l-------------—E^erelC M. Bweeley <R). prosecul'

lnB«ltoq>cy; O. A. Bailey (R», pro. bat« Judge; ^Qeorgtf A. Childs iR aiA«uor: Mr«, Corft Stev*--

j. RAT

jnty wp«rlnt<naent: Dr. Alfred A. Newbeny (B). coroner.'

. . Th«‘e weire no announceiiicnt* Ja« evcnlns "IndleatlTtf -of • conipllonce wltli tho recommendation by tJie Republican county central commit- tei th»t Republican bfflclaU cm-

;_ploy only quallfleid Republicans In-offices to wliich- they have ------«Iect«<l.


{ConUnMd from Pm« Ont)Porter that the local court Afld proS' tcutor hod not been consulted.

Tha.commlaslonem niUd;“In behalf of the ciatena of Twin

Palls county, we vlRorousIy protest • «f&ins( the piardon of I/eRoy Wilkins

by'your board, and urgo that Uve same be canceUed cr rpcalled. The BcUon of your board has arou-'.cd the sharpest regentmenC In -this eouaty."

L«a»n — Mr. snd Mi... L«H)«tler have retumrd lo Klai Fnlls.-Ore., after spendlnf a wptk '.wiUi Lullxtter'* p.irenU, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. BiTrkhoIiler.

. nolM VUKera — Mr. sml Mrs. Dan J. CnvnnnnH-W. A. rtiflmnJn-Fnvl.i Cain. Mr, nm! Mrt- A. D, Sianlry -iwl rrfd lioOilJ. all of Twin mils,

ere Dolar-vl.'Uors ye&lerdsy. .

Rrctlrri Honor — MLu Alice Irish, ho li atiriKlliii: Lonn Bench Junior

collciio nt Lonu Ceacli. C «ir. hits hern eltclr<l vlrr-iirtilclrnt of Sknlcl.r

iry creative wdllni society of :hool. . J.

le from Cna»t - Frank II, ^Tctumert FriiiRj Utun Bar

rmnclMO nfier 'a .week-j tiii.ilnc.M trip. durlnK which he^nferred with army, nnvy and sovemment re. seareh offlplslv _

• Jamr.i Afnn[l(;nbnrl:, ha: rril I'i.tBtc aBpncy frnm niiiTlv occuplrtl on Slin- •t north to Iho bn.n-:fl'-iit •dnntit liolH butlillnn.'SOl (reel scuitli, •

la n’a.liJnflrtii — J-fln.i juk left muy/-” 'n. C.'to rT.i\niJ Miiti-rlor d-p llin holWw

itKl Mrs! M, A

cr.oof— ’iV^wllllnmnor-1 of Salt L.iko Cliy. reT*;-

. ...tliii.' cauciiUoii iQul’mli.iioiis. wl l coniiutV ^ r. >;clRt owdfcy tthoo\. on "Uprooted AniprJcans” ’ Wrdnesdny Jail. 1$. from 10 a. m, until K p. m

: the local rrf.'.byterlan chUrch.

Marrlftte Llcen»«*-AppHcanls for ■urrlnjB llccnsiJn lirtird at Twin all.-i counly recorder’s offlcp yester­

day were Clntcnj;e DnROall. 2i, Ruprrt, and Ellen-Coleiib LfiM ltc 24. T»ln rallr. Joe Tsyne, 557 nn LaVnime OcorRC. ID. bctih of BuhJ.

RetunTitrlV—.Mr. and Mn, SUii Icy C. Phlllliu have retunie<' Twin Falls from a weddlns trl Salt Lake City, Mr*. Plillllp* Hrli“fV C. niittnfr before her rrl«Kr In Burlry la.-M week, Tliey »t horn? at 130J Poplar it'enue.

• Relumi to towyWlllnrd'l-iindin has I'clumrd ,io-cfnklln, In., aftrr r wo«Ui-« vl:,lt at the home of hi: parenLj, Mo. and^lr In T«'ln Fnlh. «

•piirtm^ of

O R I T I S MDomtnol security for future pay

‘n tli security, he aald. islsbt taka the Jorm of an exchange o f prop­erty mtetesU now In the hsnds'of

■ for«len citizens.-If we could acquire some Inter

est In' the Un and rubber bu.Unea eft the BrlUsh.- ha said. "It wouldn'

- d <Jb for I “OT'Thorom#' Senator'I ■<D-Utah).

mlt-tM. said: --------------------------

Senator Murray <D-Mont) other member, said: “I fbvoi measure reneraUy. . . . I am wllllne to f i^ t this war to the last Eaigl' '

.....m«D. because I feel that-the def<of <3reat Britain Is Important to future securltjr.” . '

In » radio oddreM <CB8), Rep. yiih Ol-N.Y.) called the bill -a motiMUttMy" «iid said that "undtr

^ tb9 tpeelous guise of aiding demo- '.«raclet>*t>rosd.'lt la a completof-* tbtol' ibrosatlon of democracy home.'* . . ^

-T{]U propotal of the president means the surrender by congrcu of

,r,lU two most ImporUnt, Umc-h^nor- ' ^ constitutions! powers — the con

trol of the. .purse an{] the sword, be declared.

' rish said he was 'convinced that once the people back home h

' made their v l fn and wishes ■ congress known — and they should

do so at onc»—the president's dicta­tor bill will be s6 amended that he will not recognise IL.'

Weddlsr aaa t»—Mrs. Paint' je r and son. Oerald. ahd.Mlss Olad -i White of Twin Kalis were among the out*of*town guests last week at the toocrtace of Wsa Vlrstnla Louise

W. K lar of Burley, and WllllaJn IL amlth of Frsnklln. Va., at the Bur- Isy Presbyterian church. •

,Keer) th e W hite Flag

o f Sa fetv \ F lv ino


WinsJ?!C M 'B aske tba ll Te; Hoop ChamBionsI

K ing HillKlNCf HILL. Jan, j f - Jerome

Jaycfe-1 battled tlieU- way lo viel/iry In three Ksmea today to annex the King mu Outlaw " basketbsll to r-

imrnt chflmpfonshlp.Ooodtnff, the oUier flnalUU showed le pffecUi of n hard d»y o luniey coJrt In dropplns tin )ntf»t t^ Jerome by a n-32 The viclorloiui club let nooth tcilmwork lo roll up lu .. . IvtttitrtKc In the .flrnt half Bob niiRht wn* Qoodlng's top-performer. CoodlnK Kalntd .the championship •acket by clowning llountaln Homo.

-43-10 36. In a semi-final thriller. Jeromo advanced over Wendell, tiiking n top-notch hoop attraction

10 24.

•Elr;>iior r Si Wii.ihhmlon •orl: 'Iti .ll nrr.-.|K-m)l



U. Wr •nil h-r


Tonight's program Included a hlRh .schdyl cln.ih which Olenns Ferry won Ironi KlnR Hill, 15 to 13. -

Oilier tournament rciul.t.i ttxlay; Cnmiifl Faculty 49. King Hill 32. Jrram© Jifyccrs M. UUm 17. •

0.|niSntftin Home h , Olcnns Fero’

. Kjilrflnld town inim ,5j, Cumii

C W i FOB 4iS,T D

oufliiEinB them from

iitrj'. quarienniisvtrrenBliicei ;?cllrnl irooiw not thclr.Jhnr« nlng. The 110th qiiariermii.s-

ohlnn tnieht,

TGartionly .'oldlers not | ■ittlo practice were

mlliuiry iKillcr, Uiicounriiicd nmiors clt

Cnmp Murray snlil the • Mrvlci*

juk! r iitlti ■I If the pr<'.'.cr

. John L. IXWUi (


C illfornU BUllttl of L<

Marli plans to lr> vblt frtei

ournt — Mrs. UerjO Aiirtlcs 1.% ft,gJttr,l of

I Kloppenhurs- She e next Werinwday to

.............. . .irnl relatUes in siouxFalbi. 8.-D.. before retunilnK to the

lanU Mlsa KJoppenburK wlU Uko her r i « l t^ flun Valley today.

To New York Oten Davis ha. one to SohenecUuly, N. Y.. lo lo .iboratory worX for the anioral Elcctrlo company after vlsltlni; his mother. Mrs. Clare DsvIa of Twin rain. lUs wife returned lo New Ytfrk from Ujc west coiwt r.i-voral 'eeka ago. ^ _

Return Here-- Mr. sml Mrs, K. O, eplHherr: returned lo T»ln PnlLi liuil.-fvoiihiK from IMvr;'*. wlicre they have been for- tha piu'.l two months In the Intrrevs of Mr. Splrl- bers's hnvlUi. Mr. SpiclbrrB Is re-i IwrtM much lmi'rov<sl niid staxl the relurn trip sntUfarlorlly. Aa-oni- pnnyliiK Uinn to IVlii I'lUb were Mr. and Mr'i.M^Hbur Roulx-rry nnd family of ruyette. «oii-tn-1sw- and daughter of'Mr. mid Mn. Splelbrrj.

To S\in Vallry -r Mr. and • Mrs. We-'.ley .KlrkJimn of roa>;elIo. who ufe vlsltlo* Mr. Klrimiairi parent*. Mr. and Mr.n. June IClrki>i»ii; Mr. nnd Mm. Dnn Klrkmnn, Mr, nnd Mrs. Oarih Ivirkman. Mr. uj Ray Anderson and Mr, mi Jufie Kltkmon, wilt s|<end t Sun Valley »lRht-«r,lnK, Mr, a Wesley Klrkm'ati wtip iimrc October in McAllen, Tex,. I: the bride.


(vnn;>■ 14 KuesU'., Mr. anil Mn, Fay •d cnin/4:ltQii, who were «p«.

;iai 81IC.M.1. were CflebrntlnE theli !8th wiTClillnK nnnlveraary.

Fsrcwrll KiVty — MLis Dorothy Anderson was hnnortd at a surprise fajewcll party Monday after r/:hool: The to Kiii'MHSvcrc met nt the school

by Clayton Callen for a .ilclRh ride Ir

drawn nl'‘d. before arrlvi of Inn Mae I'rue. am llrrt!—Mr*. An: ind flimily have retii

Trejcott. Ariz.. where tlirv holldaya with Mr. and Mrs. rverett Ooodmi

Narad* Trip -r-Mr, luiil Mrs. Leo 01»:i3crry and son are in Jju Vcpaa.

Jolm E, :halrlnan

of Pnrent-

F i v 4 com ecv tive d a v * w ith out a fa ta l tra if lc a cd -

' den t in ou r Maaio VaUev.

- To Board Hajes. natlonM puljllclof the National Consrr: .............Teacher (Lvorlatlonf If'ft yesterday Jop_>}?w Y6flf City «HfK she wlU 'attend sessions of rtlio executive ccmmlttea ot the Nasionul Confcress ani^of the directors of the National Parent-Tcacher niftiiarine. She Is chairman 6f the edllorltU commit­tee. The group will mske prepara, tions for the naUonsl cqnvcntton al Boston In the .'<p ln| rn route home Mis. Ilayoa will atop In tSUcago oiid Cheyenne. Wyo. \

ifotpltal Notef — SU Howells. Miss’ nacl;el Ballcnger. Bonnie Smith, Larry • -Whitney and Mrs. Henry SUegemeycr of. Twin FalU, Jack>J.»fTnyr r .i] nl <jJarbldge. Kev.. havs.lseen admitted to th# Twin:rails county general hoipltal. DlsmL-wftls Include Delores JolnMon. Mias Mabel Buker, Robert Brone, I^le Gordon. Mn. Oenevlevt Draney; Mrs. m d Abbott and Mrs. Rubea stohler of T«1n PXlU.-Mrs. Loyd Darts of 'MurtaughnCelth Shewmaker of Kimberly. Carol Kan. caster of Ooodlng. Mlu Edith 6taa> ger of lUnsen and Mrs. P. W-.Welch and son of WcndelL


Mrs. Edith Jane Noyes wUl be at Monday st the Declo L.D. S. «rard diurch with Bbhop Wln- -tleld Hurst otllclaUng.' Burial vm b« tn tha Declo cemetery under the direction of Vem Mcculloch of "

a - ■

f c : -

Acconllng ur'traine authorities, when a fnnt lire blowi out. the best thln« to 4o U to IncreaM the speed of the car'flTS miles an hour, la-order to <mla tncUon.


FVert VIielr 141

Party—Mr. -lOTit Mri

wrddlh>rd a

Nov wher tnry I

iKl Mr

f M , Addl

W iilie WUlis' Uy ROnKRT QUILLEN

fiow peopl«' figured


: top: Boliie and I 110, 38 nich,' _ -

pHrtl^oudliie,« wiis'fprccMl lor :ouiorroft' In both Utnli nnd Idalio, ,vlth foK contlnulni; In the centm' region of Uie former slate.

POCATELLO. Jan. 11 Ml — Po- ratrllo municipal airport, often ha­ven to .transcontlheiitnl alrllncn imrred b>‘ fog from Salt Lake City'; poet, appeared due for more ‘bit biLilnes.1*’ tonight'after the Utah llrld again reported i.harply redi vlilblUty.

Grounded nt I'ocatcllo with Its cleivr i,klca fintf ".^cnil-sprliiK" wen'Ui» .•r;, a r.outhbouiul Wiv.lrrn Air

fllsht dp.itlnecl for aalt y. One itprlhboun^night,

..................... point,Liil:.-

• City" In-

inorrow from Uie Utnl;. capital, bi; rerouting of Uultcd 'Alrlin.'s n:i Wcr.trni J\1r Eiinr.v. trulv-contfr cnul tluiii.'.vthriniuh Pocatello np [iciircd JiUi'ly If the den;,e liiyrr c


of the txiiuloii Ir hfuvl nlKhl jTt.r

.:h root l«3em-(l by fnll- iiiK hombi," onr of tlicm ;iald.

Soon after the start of Uie.......ft largo number of plailen could be heard overhead, SomeofUien bellrvp<l In br nrlllsh nlKlw-lli

Except .for Portsmouth. 1 yi-aa vlrtuiilly bomb-frcr_ : nluhl 9,t\rt the onl>’ i\lr tvHAck the nightfnll alarm In London on one tOMi In rn;,t Ki'nt w the KOvununent,Mld,-ftii encrn; craft (Irojiprd Iximlis" jincl kill( small numb«r of person.',.". The RAF, hoacver. had cii iut nvpriilKht raid/i on the Qcr held Prcnch ports oT « ^ t ai;

OkclUei...............Concltulr VUll — M

W. C. Ill'll, nnd eliililrpii, Mamarrt Roberta and Phllhp. hud Mrs. Addle Bradley I'ave returned from Loni llrach, Ciihf., Whrrr thr>‘ MWlJ. lllC holidays. Whili- their, tt ■Jhe wecldlUK of MIm Vli Iry, a RranSi Bradley.

Boardthe Mil)trlcl met in the nff-olflce Tues­day. Offlcjrs for ilie tnmlng year were In^Ulled its' fnllnwn; E. W. MoormnrC prr,'.ldent; Loyd Davlsi *eC «tar^•}’ atl{I A. L. Eubert. treas­urer. EULTl-Sears was elected book- 'koeper. *

To CallfomL^ — Mrs. J. W, Rob- erU ha.n gone to Los Angeles lo spend Uic winter with her children.

.fltlatlvR Dies—Mrs. Zola Cray hn-1 received wortl of the deatlv of her grand,ion. Marvin Dean, fon of Mr. and Kfrn, Harrv Gray, at Lead, S. D,

EiUnclrtl vuu — Mrs. George Harlley hns returned from .a six weeks' trip to Coqullle, Ore. Shi was ftccompivnled home by her mother, Mrs. Emery Hersey. who will spend soteral weekn with Mr. and Mr*. Hanley.

Shippiiu; Le Havre u Utry comiv

the ftlini lel ItncKcd. I . .ue ^ald, and dir

iiiui were rorl■(1 onithe bow of a 1 ves.vd In atl»<ks on the naval bi at Bre.'it. just "around the roim of the French ct).'L t from the ,wr cm entlipnre of llie clmniicl.

•■'Many atlck i.of hish exp!o?i bombs were droiiped ncro.v. d<K

pilot i,iiw a very IrvrKwher rrlved whlcl I' Btlll


Four Essential Human Free­doms Enumerated by


By hiCHAIlQ L. TURNER W>SHmaTON, Jan. 11 (/T) —

Many who resd President Roosevell mesjaJje to congress stopped to n amine with care a series of fl' pdrsRraphs which seemed to contain •‘ le nei-ds of history,

m Jhat pas.sage. looktng ahead. ;rh»p9 far ahead, tb.the end of the nr. the president said that If there lo bo'securlty In the world, the

orld order must be lotmded upon. mr-eMantlal himian freedoms,'' fjit on to enumerate them. * Wnrld-wlde freedom of speech and

exprcvilon, •• •World-Wide freedom of.worship, World-Wide freedom' from’ i^nt,

wlflth Iranslat*^ Into lnteniaiJona\ terms, he raid, meant “economle derslandliigs which will’ »ecur every nation a healthy peacetime life for Itjv InhabltanU." .

Reduction of annamentSjo a point at phlch It win be lmp&«lble for

.aiiv nntion to* “commit an ac' * against a nbljthbor

tlon.While these decia)

OW'pi: Cill _____________er.i, some- Ihouflhi/iiJ

'Clamiona were Dw^vby the 1 -»il fOr,,[he e

Trtle. 1Artd

not R

of Ulrallstlc principles. More o fl«i mrMJiir\T to do with rueh coi crrfe matters as Intematlonnl bour darv lines. Indemnltlfs nnd othi resU’ ilc concerns of Inlernatlnn

nln-s full nnd. official Imve not yet be'Jn enimsiatrd, for Winston Churchill's .tntcmenl Hint Digland irny the Nazi rrRlme. P f» siit;KeRttd; niff prrllnilnary dl:i-' ns on the new lease-fend plan 'll<ln(T Uie Brlllih Included n.s- rei thnt London would make r.'.ldenfn four polnLi tlie fnun- 1- for Its .atatement' of pur-

:itcver Its meaning'and effect.

W e a t h e rTDAUO: Fair Sunday ao'd partly

eieudy Monda] : msderate tempera' (itre.

nijh temperature lli Twin Palfl Saturday was « . degrees; low-30 degrees. Southsost^lnds prevailed; weatlier wa* tlear; barometer 2«.«0 and U.M.

Cloudy tUet ind kattered Ughi •alns occurred Saturday • ovef Aa Rona. western New Mexico and ex­treme southern Nevada and south- *-n Utah.

^ewhero In thiregion tha weather waa fair except for valley fogs In the vicinity (JI the great Salt Lake.

Maximum tcmperaturea in south- lastem Wyoming A>d easUm'Colo­rado were 00 degrees or slightly .higher. Most sUUons In Utah and Idaho ranged from 30 to .40 cfa-

Mok. Min. Prec. Wthr.-----. » FogfT

3S to .00 Clear.29 t .00 CJoudy3S ' H .04 Clear '60 M ,00 tleadyU U .00 Ocar •

U 11 .00 Clear84 U .00 CloudyM 28 .00 CleariO 13 .00 Clear ‘

.00 Clear

E E R I N V B * l u s t O B J E C l E

■Rcich Taps Raw Resources Pool W ithout Resort ti)

Pred lotedW ar.

ay PRESTON GROVER BHILIN. Jarf. 11 - Germany as onco more tAPped the pool of

Russian raw resources without re- aortlng to the ■war-fc'hlch some neu­tral rources hare long Insisted is 'Inevitable."

Under the terms of yesterdays "tconomlo agreement between Ruisln and Oermany-made public In part

claims she wlU ro« ■upplles of much

Intte _____Chleafo----l>en»er ____Kansas City Mpls.-S(. P .,New Vork '__OmaliPoeatcllo Portland. Ore. USt. Loul* ..... 40 U ' .00 CleaVSalt Lake City .30 U .00 Fogcr San y'TMcUco '62i U . .oo ClearSeattle .....— U Si .00 ClearTwin Falls__40 , HO .00 ClearSpokane 29 21 M fo tn Ymna _______CC 82 .00 CWud;


of Uie state Income tax, chair license tax, transfer nnd Inhei tA ? and a levy on exprrM co

A fourth would Iraiufer I idtpartmenl of law enforcemei lection of Uie kilowatt tax,.-1. ...„ .—I. ___. ,

lilen, this ■ inuy will n

Into lUi i.hell of n.1 It dy nft<*r the.WorUrKur, thnt Ajnrrlca Ims4>lt,i Miy-nnd In- fhlpn^ In patl<Tnlng the world (ifthc,futupu_. ■ '

''•Mueh wattrr and, mnnv d nlliirs hnve Kone iijmrr the brldgf^and' down the ntrenm since th* days ot Uio preclsc llt«b budgets whlcli tal- vtn Coolldge nnd Andrew Mellon sent to fonRre.M'each year. Wi\ah- Ingtoh could .pick .up one of Tliof.o budgctv look at*" Uie figures and know tliftt file expenditures H'oiild actually work out lo'spveraj million dollars lew Uian, CofiUdge nnd Mel­lon hnrteiUmat^Hl. With complete as­surance It could say that, govern­ment revenues would be many mil­lion dollars more .lhan Uie budget figures predicted.

Thene nre different days nnd dif­ferent ilmes-dlffcrent and iiitcer- taln. TliP Vildgct which Mr, Roose­velt sent to congrp.-s this week was

■sldenfs ac- mpre than

bycompanylng a rough txvi

Expendltu .t begins

fbcnl yew............ ......... e placed b1

l l ‘;.48S,000.000 the whole to be In- crcft.ird by i.he iincertiiln cost ol manuftvcturliiR wnr lmplement.s U bo loaned lo B^gland, • i .

"Wlien we recall the staRgerlm :hiuiRes In the world_ Mil

iHze how tensaid, '

ites rt•e all pesent ta

fuels ta>.. . crlift. beer license tnx untL contractlfig'licer

Repre;.entiulvi..3kn) introOiicc cliarglnK a I'aU

William D-Mlii <l a bin to prevent

of'lnlereit (jr It for a year

shorter time. He «po.nnc>rc<l a sli bin In 1030. but tt was not pn

llie stnle Alfnlrn committee mlttod a mciiaure at Uie request of national piard officers to tl\« irtaws of the adjuvant Ktn»n»\. The bill would ellmliratn from Malio statute,-!, In'onler to'avoid eoiifllct wlUi fcdenil rcgulaUim.irJi provUlon fixing Uic salary of Uifr'odjutfmt general av «2,400 annually.


it is precl.iely thew-raw eommodl. es which Qermany needs to offsat

the BrlU.ih blockflde and preservi Jjcr strength for po«1ble tmubli ^ llh the \3t\ll«l Btatfs-whlch, «tx. 'celvsbly. lies beyond-the-horlson.

In return'for raw pfoducts out of Russia. Germany .promises to.sitpnJy the IndiistrisI moehlnery which R v sla has long been wanUnfr in- < der lo make herself to some degi self-MipporUng and able to maka i of her own product, now large­ly ii.-.euble only for export. '

How greatly'Ocnnariy’s supplies win l>e augmented has not beenKlv- en out, nor at any time has there bren publlfJied nny Indlentlon ?f how mucJu material Germany’ hn;; recelvetf'"from .RumIu under the lerms of Uie tnUle treaty concluded I eb. II. 1040. ., Informed pource-<'nr.'.erted Hint lncrenslni.vTmnuht of crnltj, petrole­um and oth»r/e*JienlL-«lj were aV- rnnged un'der the new ngreement.

What was described as "the eslnt4la-(l6iil In history" has beer worked out under the p«»n»TilRrtet yesterday..nnd "many billions o mrtrks” are said to be Involved In tin prooojed exchnnge.

Dlea-,t AiLi D6uU'.ch!ajicl. o highly placed news oommentarj' source, aji- ■f/rted that, de.ipllc the Increasing amount of raw materials now twcd by RiisJila-Ji'i>eirt she still Is able10 dclUYr Kwoualy such Hen-011 becftiir.e of the development ••socnnd Baku" oil fleltLftt Romny, beta-een the middle Volga and "

F i l m C o m e d i a n ‘ R e - M a r r i e s W i f e

M B VSOAB, N«»., Jan. 11 MV-.Film Comedian Stan Laurel, M, re­married th# second.of hU four^wives

^**^ey were re-wed at th« Hitting Post V/»«t<51ng Chanel byttte Rev. Albert C. Melton oMmmanucl Com­munity church, aslng an oW-fosh- loned gold ring. • ^

Each of the couple voiced •thrills" it trying matrimony togethsr again. •

They were first married In Mexi­co in April. 1034, anO dlforcad In December. 1036.

Laurel and his fourth wtfe, Vera -nilan* Laurel. Russian dancer, were divorced In H30. In the oast seven or eight years. Laurel TlG been de­fendant in numerous marital wlu by his yarloufl spouses. Incluaing- Mrs. Mae Laurel nnd Mrs. LoU N. Laurel, bekliles thtf other two,

L*urel'a comedy'pnrtner. Oliver N. Hardy, wed Virginia LuelUe Jones here Iasi July.

UraL.TransportaUon of the Increased

supply-'of goods from Ru.'i1a, one the grente.1t problems on account .. llmKfd rail faclUUe.i, was declared "A soluble problem" -by- authorlicd

Pi^ Uiider Stack Loses Pounds

. CLEVELAND. Jan. U (/I>-A lit­tle pig Uiat "stayed home" had jL bud time of It.- llil.i lltUo'Porker got caught under, a hiiystack -four inonUis ago. and when hl» (ijvner found him today the pig was pork by B5

Harve-stcrs nt William

Black stuck ft. pitch stack today, and porker—welshing former 135 pound;

AftMS CACHE-'SKIZED \N-J03E, Costa'Rlca. an. 11 (/li RIcnn officials have seized irhe of rifles, pI.'Kols and knives a quantity of Ntsl emblems at illng pliico In San laldro, a rural' •cr. It waa reported here tonight.


O, E. S. Meet — Nnoml chapter, O; E. S. rnet lR.1t Tliursday n-enlng. MLss Marguerite Scars, worthy ma­tron. proiilded. Kext-/iaeUng wMI be Insinuation ot officers, lira,- Lula Sean and Mlts Marga.'ct Sesra served .refreshnients.

Entertains Club ^ Mts. Ronald Reed entertained Uie Mmday af­ternoon bridge ^lub-Mondiy.

Ts Nevada *^MIss Jean Cunning- hRR\ le ft . MontU7-> fcr £ly. Nev.. where she will spefid me rest of the school year with relaUves.

From Jerome — Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Chatbum and family of Jer­ome spent Wedncudsy at the home of Mr. Chathum’s parentji. Mr. aqd Mrs. J. B. Chatburn.

Return Here—Mr. and Mrs. Alvin •Kcmpton returned ThursdayJafter spending the week vLsUIng friends In Salt LAke City and Buhl.

VIslU llubund Mrs. O tus Al­bertson spent-Wednesday In Boise visiting her husband who is recelv. Ing t ’ edlciil atteptlon al the Veter­ans' hospital.

Pocatello Trip — Mr. and Mrs. 1-Tcd Ilngar and son, LaMar, spent 'Wednesday and Thursday visiting friends and relatives In PocatclIo;

L [A B E R t F I \ W . FOUR-YEAB T E i. frtA'linu..! trum On-1

proiywnl. nnd ihrre were Indlcnllnns It Would be noted upon, A Joint reso- Irttlon nnd coiuitltutlonal 'amenil-

il alao'wquld bo required to put It Into effect;* . - :

Bullex. who i3ld hfr abo favorv four-year- tcniis. added he would lltnlL the governor to ono term.

•A.S It Is now; a gnvemor is ocrtt- pletl the first yesr of his t^rm with patronni;e pr>»bttmfl and the second year with getting himself reelected,"

’ commented, "If we had a single ir-year term, the flnt year wuld about the namfl but the state,

)ul(l get three yfars of real ser-. ■vice," ..■ CInrk'.t re<juesl frjr nddlUonnl rev­enue. which he,n.ik,'i lo match fully alt federal funds offered for stalo, endeavors. wa.i doubly­cause coupled-wlMi It wa.1 a recom­mendation that the nd valorem Ux . for .'.Uiie purpaies be nt»llfhed. e

Lawmakers scratched their heads for new methods of supplying rcve-'

, *“ Sales Tax Loom*_ UnlciiS ft Inrgo number ofTffian "nulsnnce" taxes are levied. It wa.s nre<llcled In some quarter* that a rPtum to the sales tax, rejected In 1D30 by Un InltlaUvc of Uie peoj^e. mlgh£ be-Uic answer,

Tlie Republican minority. It wn.-i reliably reported. Is bppoRcd to such » levj-.

Were the ad volorem levy for state |iurj)o,'.e.n.entirely abolish^. Gover­nor Clark estimated ITJDO.OOO would IM necc.isnry from otlier tax sourcds for Uin biennium.

.. Uie approximately 20 monUis Idnl'ioiuis paldn 2 i>er cent sales tax It returned about 13,500,000.

Byron Defenbach, tax commls- iloncr under former Governor ^o t- ' tolfscn. cAtlmaUd In his biennial re­port Uiat were Idaho to adopt UiB - Utali sales ,tox of one mlU on each sale of 6 cctfts or major portion fherwf the slate would rtCelve'-at »3i00,000 a year.-That would leave *3500,000 for the biennium to bo raised from oUfer new levies. Defenbach has suggested

2-cent tax on clga^cts would bring I about 1300,000 or $350,000.

burning as fiercely-wh...................hour latcrf’ r.aia'an air ministry

service 'nmpllflcallon of the' communique. ' ' . . .

Despite "lliJht nnd heavy antl-alr- craft sjien* bur.alng In a contlnu- ou^rlntr around Ihexlocks." tlie Brli

Fin* diamond aotltAir*In smart jrold moant-inr. Matchlnc watJdln* ; •nnit. ,


• "rhe TltM Den"

Isli* raider said t e peni

Ir biL es

Tlio FlnnWj Red Crorji has or­dered watehes with Braille fnces for soldiers whose eves were Injured In

war wlUi RiL-ula. . .

PowerfulIf man Vnew how to harucM Uie

energy rclense<i by spllMlnc Uie uranium atom; a iwo-dollar pound o f uranium’could produce as much u.seful heat and power oa 1.250 tons of coalj


PAYETTE, Idftho. Jan.'^l IfiV- Funeral services %1U be held In New Plymouth tomorrow for WlllKun Et- 'bflrt Stuart, bom In Falk. Idaho. Dec. a>M89a.'ftnd a rt.rtdent there since. BurTalSrtll be In the Palk cemetcry. Stuarrdfed Thtirwlay.

Survivors Include* a slaUr, Mrs. Minnie Cappon of'Jerome.-

In^England today there ar« 2,000,- 000 private motor <ftrs capable 'of service.

SPECIAL TO THE SICK!. 'Dr. Wyatt Will Hold His .

JANUARY 13-14-15Dttrmg thb Cllnlo .you will recelw • thorough ReolUi Examination for ta.00 (regular fee *10M). Ducms my absenpe I took special work' In diagnosis and anTbelter qualified to give you InformaUos u to your oondlUon lhan ever. ' ' I '

Wrm THB AID ef Uis Ilcmoilalaketer and other'p<*olsJon Instrumenta 1 wiq'flTa yon iBfermatloa la regard 1<h—

*. Tow Tltallty.VW bai jonr ollmenl la.

-What If M i in t It.T.'Year dlftory mineral and Titamln

AHUimT.L Wbat to da a b ^ IL

IN ADDITION (a the above I »Ut (tre taklac the oboT*exoBlnatttm a demeoitraUon es tb* New CwdlejectoraAcr—« sew Instmmtnt thrsagh which yon ara BElR h>itr own Beait. Set'jBtt wbat yaur Bleed PrcMttr* la 8m -db »V eter the tlraictb • f yea- Beart action. There wU be iw.axtn ebaVga for UUs 4oTlnff thb CUalo. DON'T MI88 IT.

DR. S. C. WYATT,151 Third Are. N , Twin Palb Phone 1377.

for.Discrimhmting Piople

Richardson’s Offer



Sale of 8^e* Onf Jannarj Clearance and I t e p o T a l Sale combined. Here are bargains the- imaU'car buyer Is not passing «p. They are buylnt the** Monty Ravert, Time HaTett. Worry Sar- ers. and Qaa SaTtrs. come In and look these orer, yon’ll find price* cut to the bone wUh-*P«cUI tenpa, small down payment*.

qo LnwilW* Sedan with radio, • heater Just , turned In o.n

Mercur>- ....................1095

hir those of you who find It convenient to bring your clothes tn and call for them w» aro offt|lttg you_our regular high grtde cleaning at a 90% <li8c^t.

J f l P E N 3 0 J D A iL C H A K G E : A £ X . Q I I l i lS L _V -7XM live ln < t^ and would like to hare us eaU for and deliver your cleaning w^ 'not phone 870 now and o s ^ a «har** aecount. Wo would, apprtclat* your busbieai and We wifi piarantee gatli- factloo on all work.

35 Oldsmoblle Sedan, 0 cyl. ISOS » Ford Olx. Fordor Sedan U9i 39 Ohemlat Town Sedan isso 39 Pord Std. Tlidor Sedan (iU36 Ford std. Tudor -Sedan »t2S

Coupe39 Mercury Town Sedan — MW '37 Lincoln Zephyr Sedan —149S37 Bulck 41 Sedan ---------148531PPtord Coupe___ — WS37'Pord Coupe new Mtt. :—*a#538 Ford Tudor Sedan ........U W34. Chevrolet Coupe — -----*10&35 Chevrolet Sedan

34 Ford Fordor Sedan i30 Ford Coupe _____30 Chevrolet Coupe .M ■ Plymouth Coupe

38 Chevrolet Truelc'198___ W7S37 Chevrolet Truek.l»dy;iM »37S 34 Cherrotet pickup ,37 Ford Pickup'_________ _38 Ford Pickup _________Then onKlfo Spedala.t« ( i t ew price amoahlng Bsed car sale

Jlft with ft bong, al) reprised far lolek sale, payments a* tow J104« mentUy.. Spaelal tenu op tlMM tMt '

U N I O N M O T O R [0

H . .

Page 3:… · An Astociaied Prc98 NewsoflP^^ THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Fair VoL 23,


.T u n on Ice’— Wilson Lake Variety—"-for Magic Valley Skaters

winter, weekends are busy weekends for Mnglc Valley resident*: who Ifkc Uio . out-of-doors, [ind Wilson Inko near Hnzclton has been attracting lUs share. 9! sk:iU ' Ipg onthuslaats. During cold periods, the 20-acrc sheet of Icc has been mnlnialn- ed in top condition by thc.H azcIton American Cegion post and "other Interested groups In that locality, so tha t there nrc cxcellcnt opportunities for fun. cxerclsi nnd pra,ctlce for blade fans. Representative scenes appear here, ranging from lil^ate: ready for a day's wear to skaters In action. Shown In the sccond photo as they laced' on shoS^skates Is -a bevy o f young Tw in Falls women — Misses Martha-Holmes, Mona Hulbert, Naomi -K lrkm an and Jdycc, Adamson. Next illu.striillon showss that-skating has Its .ups and downs, w ith little Mbs Margaret G and^ga about .to experience the latter. Other sccnes show skaters"'on the lake. (Ncjvs Photos and

S I f f i H flSPIT Il IP P O R fG

' T w o Measurcs Suggested fo r Tuberculosis. Treatment


noiSE, Jan. J1 OtVrSenUment /or a IJIO.OOO luberculcuLi ha-.pltfll tar Itlslio Brew in Bobe lonlght n» two bllli were prcpixrcd for iniro- ducllon to the 1041 ICRL lnture.. -

I t «-u undcntocxl onti bill would xpccKy Uiat Uie tiMiplial bo built Al Ltvs Hot 6crlnK<. Tlie olhtr would provide & hwiplUL but would IcavQ UiD 'location up-lo Uie dla> cretlon of ti npcclnl commlttco.

Boih mco.'ftres con for IIH.OOO In Atnt« funds nnd too,000 In -MeraJ fund*.

•«. Tho public welfnrc board ursed ' provlslcm for such a hojpllAl Sn lU

bJcnnUl report. _ •Foiir years #50 ■ bill W(u pnaicd

to coiuiruct a sinlc luberculoals hospital nt ft eentrnlly locntcd point on a rallrond. a dli>put« nnionE crnl cl;ies wanttns Uie laitUuilon ended vlien the Idntio supremo court held the law Invalid bfcnu.i8 Uicro

■ was no "eentrnlly locnted point” on a mllroad. ^ -

Spectators Barred From Ho'op;Game"anEENWLLE. Tcnn.. Jftn.' II Cn

- * Mereenw minded biukotball plnyer»coi|W have counl«d UiJ spcc- tators nt'Uie Tu3culum-Unlon col­lege suite" here, l»3l nl«ht wlUi no troublo wbatcrer. "

Cosh customei^und gtiident«-^ 'wereib&rred irotn the oth because o f tb» nu epldonle.

To ■ conspicuous lUenee. 0nlon ■won 4T la 3S.

Gontractors Close Sessions at Dance

SOISE, Jnnril {AV*ApproxlmAt«'> ly 604 memben And Rueats of the Unho chAPt«r of AsMcUted Oeneral ContnKtors attended a buiQuet and danee tenisht endlos ttielr annual xaeotinr . v • -

Henry Kntppel of Pocatello elected president of 'Uia auocli


I j i per cent Increase In tJie retail cost* of food between Nov. 13 and

. Dec. n wna Rported todn; by the bureau of latw" statistics.

P<;titioii on File 111 N ixon Estate

AppolnUnent of Edwin A; Wilson, IV ln Falls public ciccountiuit. to lie admlnUtrator Of. Uie estole of tho inlfl W. B.-Nixon was requested by nobcrt M. Nixon of Spokane. Mr. Nixon's Aon. and only heir, in a pe- ULlon {lied In prot»t« court in TMln Pidls yesterday.

official, died laat-Jan. 7. Tlio pctl*- Uon lUts rotil and.^aonal properly valued nt n.OOO. Jndudlng a Twin PaJla rcildence. Hearlnj: wiw aet for next Jan. M. Pany and Tljomon of Twin Falla are tha petlUoncr’a at­torn egi.


lllrlhday Party—Mr. ;uid Mra. M. O. Parka cntertAlned at a lur'key dli^ner Wednesday tn'lionor of C. M. Abercrombie’s birthday onnlveranry.

Coaat Trip—Mrs, \V11I TupW and Bpbby left last week for Los AnRclea tOsvisit relatlve.i. ^

Grance Mectlnfl—R ^ ln r raectlnR of Uie Haserman Valley Oraniie wiv? held Monday, at the recreation room of the> reorjonlied L. D. 8. church; j^- pot luck dinner was sen'ed at noon. Tljo business ses-' slon waa hold nt 2 Ervin Condit reported on t^e Pomona -meetlne held last SoUmlay at West Point.

netam Hen>\Mr. and Mrs. Jotm W. Jones, norcace, Mary and Billy have' retume<v<^t«r apendlns tha

__ Offllfomla vlaltlnB'itla-UvM. h35 Dorothy LoUndorf ac­companied 'the Jones to California iwhere slio visited her alstcr at Oak­land,

Work PrefresMB —..Work on Methodist Episcopal chur^ Is prb- irrcsslns satlafaetorlly. It la hoped. It will be fur enough advanced In th« next two weeks io re lune »er- vlcea In the building. At prtsenC the. Sunday school will meet at the U D. S. church a t 3 p.^m. and the churcl) aervlce wlll'tM-ot3 p.n.

To Wlaeonaln—Mrs. Oeorse Welch’ and daushter left lor Sparta, Wls., where she vUl join her husband, who has'been stationed at tho Ha- serman CCC cAmp and accompanied the .troop train to Camp McOoy .In Wisconsin. Be his recclTcd or pokttment In th»Kimy.


- s e iiIces for Mrs. DeU« Strawn. 63, who died here today wlU be held Moa> day. - :

Mn. etnwTt, prominent In the Idaho Women's Relief corps and the OapUst church, U cunrlved by four 4iona and two' datishters. Ineludlng Mn. NelUe 'Johansen of Brmerton. Wub., and a son, H, U, Strawn ol Yotn>«itor, O.

The St«-Well

- rTwin Palls, Idaho

De&f Onta All: - . * .■nils not« ts to teir)-bu.of ft meetlns.Tueaday nlsbt,

Jin. 14. Claud Pratt will be there In perso« anit.glvfi a . demODStrtUon of bow he can read tine print without glasaes

■ and he'UKd to wear bifocal: BUssca. He wtU BlTC you ft • losoD OQ how to improve .your memoty, too, will, beUlostrated plcttu'ts showing how the eye work*, and otbex pictures of Interest *U you want to .get-rW,of your ftchea ,r..

•and polnj.-Be atihe hoU naxt tfc Poet rflce, 3SS Main West, at 8:0b P. M. Tuu(]ay. Admission 3So. -U'you have

' poor vlalcn or aches and paint you.cannot afford to miss tharneetmc..

8tm youn for better healUi.'MR. AND MBS. ^ M. OBdUT -


Rock Creek Highway D is tric t.Moves Against The ft of

Bricfge M a te ria l'•Two men nccuRwl Ifi a prand lar­

ceny cl)iirK(^of KtcnllnK Rock Crrck hlHhwny dislrlct brlilRp itcct were held In Tnln Pnlla county Jail iMt ewninic. •

Tlio two men. BUI Allrn and Dave, SUlilnB i. were arrested’ porly yc.i- • •rdny afternoon ^y ix member ofiho sWrlfr.i force. TJiey pleaded t;ot RUlJty when Uiey KertrarralKncd before JudRC C. A. Iliillcy In proUalo court In T»-ln PalU. nnd called for prt-llmlnnry, hearing whlcli WTW'/Ct for.Friday, (Jaji. 17. Lracklnft MOO bhll each, rfirj’ were 1 tho . .flherlffa custody.- Pa-vloiLily Jim LiiprJey had pleiid- rd Kullty In Justice of Uie Pence L. E. Ward’s court at Kimberly to a peUt larceny churt!e of steivllnK some of die Rock Creek dlfltrlct's .flteel. Ho wa.i sentenced to. pa;: »20 fine ond serve a 20-diiy -J-'U term.> Officers' expressM tlie opinion nil Uirec men »Tro 'Involved In Uie at«Jl Uiefts. •

Tlie complaint,, alsncd ycst rdaj- by Pel«r Ne^mat>. a director of the Itoek Creflc dbtrlct, oocmc» Allen and StllllnRS of ateallng; 1300 pounds of brIdRO ateel valued nt $73,- Sheriffs offlccm aild Uie n___Uileve.1 had sold DOO pound.i of Uie »toIm'^t«el to n acmp Iron dealer.

Tho ateel wn.THo have been used by the dLitrlct to replace a wooden, opin over the high lino caniU.

Prison Term for Slaying Attempt

" IDAIIO PALLB. Jftn; 11 (jn-Hnr- voy Smith. <6, Salt Loke city, t «a y was sentenced to serve 5 to 14 years in Uio state penitentiary for n.'jiault wIUj Intent to murder an Idaho PalU farmer and hla two sons.

•BmlUi was captured by hi* Intend­ed vlcttmwRobcrt <Bob) Milligan, andliiisohs. He pleaded pullty.

' heart of a normal adult pumps about one' paUon of blood minute.

Boise Bids forTraining Camp

BOISE. Jon. 11 <.T>-A letter ure- lliK army ofilcliil.i iift lir Pre.sUllo, Snn FmncLico, to lijo the national Kuanl barrack-'v nt Bobe for iin nrmy trnlnlnK cnmp wa-i on lui way day from Governor Clark.

Tilt! Kovcmor wroK" thn letter uficr conferrlnir with T. n. Jnck-ioil, prrs- Ident of Ui8 Boise Chaml>er of Com­merce,

Ho polntwl out the bftrmcka ' pqulnxtl with IB kltclicnn imd (cii office hradouifrtrrs fjulldln«.i. wiUi Riifllelrnt trtit floors to cnre foi er.tlmnte<l 1,200 men.



Keil -CroJi Work — Mrs. A. J. Fluke, clialrmnn of Ilic Iluhl Red Crtxvi cliapttr. roporta Ujat yarn nnd mnlrrlnLrfor Rarment.n nnd nwrat rs have been received nnd are nvallnblo to any women's or«anlr.atlon wWi- InK to mnke th^ Knrmcntt vtlilch should be completed by Jnn. 31 In be spijt to refuRPes In Pcbruarj-. A toinl of UlO.fiO was netted durliiK tlie annual Rrd Crou roll cnll drive. In- cluillMK Ilio Castleford and Clover dWrlcl.*.,,

Veterinarian Return* — Dr. W. V. fiwliier. chief deputy slate veter­inarian 'Under Oovemor Botlollseti. has returned to Buhl to resume lil.i private preeUce.

From Nevada—Mr, and Mr?, An­drew Buller'and daURljTcr.'Rita, of ConUict, Ncv;, vLilted at ^le Ken­neth Curtis home 'niursdiiy.

InJumI In Fall—Ai «v result of a fall on tlic Icy' walk near the po«l office lost Sunday, Mrs, LonL'.e C.- McClunky will be confined ni Ijer home for several weeks. MLm Jane Olbb Is coring tor her.''Women Recover—Mru. Saul Moore, who has . bcci>. acrloualy 111 from compHcntWta followlrftr the flu, la reportftd much Improved nt the pres- ent-tlme. Mrs. K. K. Sliott Is nl»9 recovfrlni: from her aerloun Illness. Her' noUjer. Mrs. E lla Dlnl of-Rcx- bum, haa been c a r^ for her.

MaM*ef nl-^Pritnlc Briggs, man- ager of Uie C. O. Anderson store, has been conOned at home with flu nnd thr«ftten«l pneumonia.

Will Leave—Jerry Flaher, for many years a'populor rcskSont and

of Buhl, ■

Produ(Jion Credit Corpora­tion Points to Gain in

Financial StatusIDAHO FALLS.-Jun. 11 W.^-Thc

flniinclnl pcnilion of Idaho farmers In common wlUi fanners generally lin.i been ntrenglhened e.cjnslderably by "cheap money" according to Otto Allgnlcr, Spokiine, trensurer of Uic Produuion Credit corporation.

Tlic fe<Vnl offlclaLi who addres-i- eU the annual mcctlnB of the cni Idnho Production Credit claUon here today auerted loo. be- lorc 500 of Uio OA.ioclaUon-« 1200 members that the producUon creillt ayatem had "blaaed tho tffill" for ft reduction of mte.s by other money lendlnc Inatltutloim,

■'As a result," «vld Allgnler, •‘form , now cnn set loans for four J one-hnlf per cent where

Uiey were formerly cliarged na much 5 elghtipcr cent."Clarence Hart, oecretary-treasurer

of tho n.woclallon and manager' of Uto offices Jiere and at Pocatello, reported loans amountlna to more Uinn $3,100,000 during 1B«. The amounU he added, reprosenti ati In- of about J200.000 over,Joansin 1030.

Eden Couple’sDaiighlcr Dies

F.DEN. Jun. II A mrs-iaKC re­ceived here Friday momlnK by Mr. and .Mrs, Jnttn Cralg told Uicm of the driiUt Hint momliu: .jif tliclr (lauKhtcr, Mr , Elvn CrnlK DnvLi,

L. Port Towiincnd,. Wash. Death uno nfler a lUiKcrliiK lllnc. s of lorc thnn two years. 'She,WHS bom April 12, »307, In

Twin FiUls county. She cauic with her pnrentJi In Uie North.. Side In 1013, attending schools nt tilen.aiid llaselion. She was married to Virgil Davla Nov. 0, They made Uielr.

homp„ nt Eden imlll the ^prlng of 1037 when tlify enUibli.ihetl n home

. Port Town.v^teurvlvhift he.-.ide Ih f husband, l.i daiiKhtrr, Maiuurrli-17, her pnr-

cnlfl, Mr. nml Mrs. John Criilg; a brothcp. K.vle, mid Kl.sler, Louise, of Eden, three other sinltr/i. Mrs. I’MIU) Un<llry and Mn, Doroiliy Oklrborry of Porl Tuwn;icnd. Waah., and Mrn, Leona Weaver, of Hnn- sen. Other relatives Include three

c.iio. iwi> uivuirn, ^nri nu^iia,oC Hnjuien, and Prank Hughes, of Nya-ia. Ore. ' • ’

Governor Backs , Products Week

BOISE, Jan. 11 W — aovemor Cliasc A. Cla,rk ursed Idahoans to­day to ob.iervo. Idaho Potato and Onion week Jan. 17-M In hU first .

{clnmatlon alnco taking tho oath tlilef executlvo Monday.

' Announcing Office of DR. A R T H U R A LB A N

. . Dentist . .

Approximately 03 per cent of the ew cars eold laat year In th# United

States, and GO per eent'of the used cam involved Uio trade-in of other usedcata. _


SHOP. . . Ifl always ready with the best'equipinent nWd: skilled workmen lo do your weldlnfr, machine work, blacksmithinR and plow share sharpening, idea] . Ime for disc sharp- Right now Is also the enlng*.Also . wc ' manufncfcure special machinery such, os the Cplorado corru- ffatorl&9peciaUy-&dapt«d- for forfnlng wnditiona iti Magic Valley.'liet us help you with- your fanning problems ^ t h this spc<

~U d t limcHiimiji m by^ buildinj what<y«ur prob­lem demands.'

In our hardware department you can find the tools and the materials you will be need­ing for fixing up the farm maclpnery for the corning spring. We stock a good many farm machinery parts in addition to S com- - ^lete stock of bolts and other pairs. We'have a fine line of

‘ tools and everything in supplies.

Remember to get our prices on your fencing needs too. We havd all kinds of regular

—fencing-Bupplies-pIus-omamentat^ard-fmo-T- ing, electric fences and other special fmcing-:, items.

— igii--ynur_TfrPTip l»fl hardware now the things you need in the hardware;^Mne:;i; to ^et ready for spring on the fapru ' '

Page 4:… · An Astociaied Prc98 NewsoflP^^ THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Fair VoL 23,



f CoolMM. t- Ib r*p»pt hr u

T cilUn murvd M ■*eoo4 tUa* aitU' atcur Apr >1 tb« ixal affla* U T»Ib FilU. Iliho. usd«T tS*, ><*■ **’ *■ BUnSClUPTION.KATM


Wllfcia U>h» «k4 KIko Coanl>!'Kn><«i Ob« 7W. p*T»bl* Ib •il.»nc«-----------

- UEMDCn OF ASSOaATTO PBtSa iMOcIilxl rraw b •icIoalNlr •MJIM Is Um kin e>( <11 n«w. dUp*Ub« cndlud t» IL or B ■tiud »*»«r to th. l« .l n.*i.All rlfbik-»f-mublk4iloB o( tp«Ul <U»4Ut>

aft Uaafu AMMUUd Tnu

Uin.'Tow^. t i t Ua«h Sttmx. 8Tb« >Jee Sa»UfB#e ha flnftnelftj

>4Nrtl*«n«f^ but Ip t»»« «b«T* U rKlkio ot iru p>rt ef th> >4*>nl

t. a A. I « » u (lUxl lb<r*to b

• A N O T H E R L A Y O U T / _When tpe Idaho Power company hied

nppllcatlons a year o r so ago with thb stnlc department o f reclamation for pormlt.’uto de-

I- velop. several springs In the Snake river • •' canyon north o f Buhl, the Twin Falls News ,, - and Idaho Evening Tim es strenuQUslyV)pposc(f

. the power projects aa planned. —' . Thc.Tw ln F^lls newspapers were Joined by .. stfveral sportsmen's ofganlzatlons. the Twin

. - Fa lls county p lanning bbard, arid scores of “ Indlvlduala In m aking formal protesLn to the

. .reclam ation department. .1 The projects In question were Box canyon) and Crystal arid N iagara sprJugs-.One pJant

•vas designed to use the waters of Box canyon ' and Banbury 8prlng8^ Another was planned

fo r C o s ta l springs, and the third at Niagara springs. ' ' '

\ Inasmuch as applications to construct •• ^ these plants were made Jointly, the opposition

lUcewJse was directed against, all three as a . ^means o f forestalling actual construction on

any one unit until the objections had.been satisfied.

Ch ief jjb jectlons * e r e that thts^sprlngs . are among the few remaining beanty .ipots

I along Snake rlver.-ln this vicinity; that thT} construction o f power plants would ruin their scenic value; that the powcp-co'mpnny did not

■ neecLthe additional power; that even If It. did, the power could be developed elsewhere on Snake r iv e r w ithout destroying such ot-

• tractions. , .’"So Btrenuolis was the opposition that the' power company decided to hold its applica­tions In abeyance, and so notified the state

•department o f reclamation.NowJt Ro8 made new filings on these loca­

tions, b tit in so d o l^ ha.T called, attention to changes in plans which. It hbpe.i, w ill answer a ll objections.

' - The Tw in Palls News an'd Idaho Evening T im es believe that most o f the original crltl- clsTn centered around the proposed develop­m ent o f Box canybn, an Ideal m o ffr o m the standpoint o f natural beauty ^n d excellent fishing. Plans fo r the plant a f th a t Jocatldn showed an Utter disregard for the natural surroundings. M ost o f the water \wwld have

-been diverted from Box canyon Itself and dumped In to the river thrpugh n power plant located beyond the natural m oiith ' o (. the stream. Fishermen fam ilia r with the sur­roundings know such an arrangement would

< s o t only spoil the ir sport, but the power plant,. buildings, flumes, transmission lines and the

like would also transform the natural .scenery• Into anything but somethInj>pf bcnuty.

. Now, Investigation -discloses and> power com pany engineers assure us, that wlth a d lfv feren t layout. Box canyon can be developed 50 as to disturb neither fishing nor scenery. I f granted permission to develop the site, the company promises to set the power plant back In Box.conyon where it w ill be unnoticed. W ater diverted at the source o f the canyon would thereby be returned to . the 'canyon several hundred feet above thcmputh o f the

■ 'stream and would stjll flow into the r lververy much the same as It does nflw. "^ e power plant itself and pracllcnlly'Till consUructlon would be obscured by natural obstacles and the connecting p ipeline from Banbury springs would likewise be concealed, mait o f it being burled underground.

I f the Idaho Power company, will fu lfill Its promises In connection, with Its prc.serrt plans ■for Box canyon, the Twin Fa<ls Nows and

• Idaho Evening Times w ill have accomplished their purpose. In-any event these newspapen w ill be on the alert to see that these promHcs are carried out.

' Inasmuch as many others Joined w ith the . News and T imes In U ielr opposition to these

three projects as originally planned, however, we wish to call particu lar attention to the fact, tha t the way Is still open for protiist against the power company’s present-plans If anyone still feels there is cause for opposition.

The, new applications were filed Dec. 31, According to law, a period o f 40 days ts pro-

.vlded In which <0 flic protest^ with the state departm ent o f reclamation before permits

------m aj( be granted. I f protests arc filed,-thciuthe' depc^rtment mu5t~hold a hearing. I f not, the

perm its may fas' granted autothatlcally..I t ne^w remains fo r the people of this .vlcln-

• Ity to decide whether they wish to approve the ' power com pany’s present-plans for de'veloplrtg

---- il iesB sprlDgs'tUo - - ■ •

l.s' not wanting but I;; Ip view o f the better methods-that are being brought to bear-upon-ihe soil. The other is that America, In a day when the people.'? o f much o f the earth arc uncertain o f the 50>irce p f their next meal. h { « bulging gran- orles and storehou.-ic.'s. '

Probably there l.s,easily available In thl-s country such an cxce.'a.Of the ba.slc foods and fibers as to tide America over a full year without additional crop.i. And so far-as rain­fa ll is concem cd the foundation has been laid for^another big crop year. ^ ’

This situation orlnRS. to America heavy responsibility and the nece.'jslty o f a sharp vigilance. The responsibility Is to have the machinery o f distribution ready for a starv-

'Jng world when distribution becomes feasible. .Vigilance b necessitated by the fact that the only great nation possessing "bulging storehouses would be the first to he looted In a world given over to brigandage If It should drop Its guard for an Instant. /

p r i s o n k r s ’ 'P a c k a ( ;e s .I f you were a prisoner o f war. what would

■Ije the food you most required? There seem:/ to be a satisfactory answer to' that for the American Red Cross Is 'now preparing 5,000 packages fo r ‘J>rlsoners o f war In Europe which have bften scientifically prepared under the eye o f nutrition sbrvlce o f the Red Cross, tho quartermaster corps pf,.thc United States army and the supply corps of the United States navy. - . -

The w e igh t o f each packngo Is eleven pounds and Its cost is $2.75, I t contains evap­orated mlJJc. oQtmcal, chccse, .sardines, o leo­m argarine, dried fruit-, corned- beef, orange Juice, sugar, cigarcttes and vltamlzcd dry bev­erages requiring only the addition o f water.

An Am erican ship will carry'these packages to Uiibon where a Red man w ill fo r­ward them tO/Qeneva-and the organization'' there w ill try to make an equal division of them am ong the Pqllsh, Belgian. .French and British w ar prisoners held In German camps.

Other Points o f ViewjJEar D R E a j i E D ^

Fttsli5gn designers and Uie tnyrlBd of others enguged In ttUleU occupnlions. In.iplred by Uie le*lUmaU> but not unmalerlttlUUc smblUon U> ccmUnue to sell cIoLhes to cusioraen. have Juu none throuah the ftnnutl rll« or selocllnK.Uifl worId's-mt«en best dresMd women. They *re. of course -x or- most of Uicm — Amerlcim women. And-Mra. Harrl.non WklllBiiis hands Uie list u usual.' (This hu reminded ooe commentator Uiat one

-iny he ihould loolt«up Mr. Harrison William*. NoUilne U ever printed In Uie piRcrs about him.)

Jlie avemse American lias no particular feellnR about Uio' selectloiL’i. except UiM he dne.m't nsree thojc cliaien arc the world's b « t drca-itil woiuni. Since everythlnif Is reUUve In i)ll mnticni of comparison,iJt may>be supposed Uib bf.%1flrra.-uMl Ainerlciin womwii Is some shopslrl or houstfwlle wlio nunnucs to look like a million dollars wlUiout a million dollam. A week's pfty supplies her wlili a trouwcnu. Her ni;m« Is leijlon, and she can be seen everywhere In America.' WJielher bIw U In a kllchen or b«hlnd a. lypewrller __ - ---- perfonris miracles with what she

womon wlio U making a. career of cloUie.-.. Tin the Impressions,' of,' of on avemse Ignorant American mule who niprely knows what he likes— which U to seen any time on# walks up Malq stre<U. —LcFlaton^lbune.-Lewis ton'l


Ridicule may not win wars, but It dcmonslrale.% Uib counige of the peoples In aerniun occuplcc! Europe. 11 1,1 said that next to belnc lifnorctl. Uie aermnn urmlcs deieat ridicule most. Many stories coming ihrouKli demonstrate i.omo nfiBrnvaUiig tactics employed by the clUxens of occupied Friuice and thi lowiaiid*- They are rertitnlscent of Uie chllilreii of during ll-i World war occupaUon. Thwe ;,pirlied younRiWrs >i:,ed lo walk backward shouUiiK. "On to PftrLi." In Uio presence of Oermans of high rank.■ Now'one reads of such stunts as the slmulfUlon of

sounds of drowning and stiouu of 'Swim. ;,tniii,'’ whenever anyUilng luggeatlve of sengohiK r/iuipment U obser%’«d'^n the possession of Oerman soUllcr;i. Par moro aggmvatliiR to the aermaai would be Uic Inci­dent jeveallnB' the Instant traiuinilr.ilon of war In-

' formation to England from Uie low countrle:;. It r,eems tljAt the day following tho completion of a. fake Ger­man '‘airdrome on English bomtxr dropped a bomb— It was a woodnn bomb

.Anotlier lllumlnaUng slory Li iv de:.crlpUon of tlio plIolA who were supposed to Ocmian fil.mcs built in Prance. Tnieso pilot# took off and thefeupoii flrw to Erglana. Multtpw ihese few liielrteiila as'reported by even a reasonable factor of multlpllcatlnn and It Li easy to vUuallu the mental rtnciioii upoI men nc- cujtomed to tlie groveling of, fear or insaniradoration In Uielr homDiands^-Solt Lake TrlUune.-*

The power cojnpany has learned that the lndl5crim lnat« exploitation o f such natural resources- must come <0 an end; that the people m u st b e' given some consldemtlon

.'When developments o f this klird are contem­plated. H aving learned its lesson. It how sub­mits Its revised proposals fo r public approval.

PLENTY OF FOOD • - Complete returns now show th(it crop

yields In IMO wero the highest per acre In • United States history and total production ' the Urgest of any year except 1837. ■,__ This brings into focus two happy clt^m «

stances. One la that the fertUl^ of.America

SOUND SENSE VEIUSUfi HysTKKlA . • Charles A. Beard, dean of the men' uriuiis hl.itory

today, who opposed .America’s entry Into World War No. I. opposes Just as rlgorsuily Ihe "Aid to Britain* •hlirrah now sweeping over tl'ie nation and urges Uio United Stales to fofliet trj'lnKdo "ixillce.the world.” Tlje naUon's problem. Beiiril wijvi. Involvrn more than aid to Drltiiln or even war In sypiiori of Brlil.ih policy In Europe. It is "whether we luy (o Iniild and defend a clvllltaUon of our continental domiiln or to resume. In effect, our former status ai a (lonilnatioh In tho Brltfsh empire and rely upon Brtihh jiollcy and arms for our very existence," Sounrii like siew.e versus lystcrla.—Pocnlcllo Tribune.

MOTORISTS MAY G_KT IT IS THE NKCK ■AUcmpU are brUib' made .to give the »5 license fee

a black eye wid there In tali of n .properly atse.u- ment on aulomoblle.i.

Before Ulc pro|)n(;iindlM.*rfor blsKcr iind better taxes becoflic too vocal. It mliiht be well to reciill a few facts.

In 1920. an extra cent a Riillon was added to Uie gik'ollne tax to finance a rpad building program au­thorized at a spAClol seMlon of Uie IcKlslature called by Oovemor Baldridge. Tlie tax' was' scheduled to expire when the bonds were retired.

The bond.i were paid off several years ago. but the lax was kcpt.-v - • •

The ts Ilccnse fee was adopted lo give niotorl-ilJi some relief. Money the countle.i l(»i uaa replaced by an appropriation of IIMO.OOO a year taken from Ra o• line wx lunds.-'fllil.i *1.000,000 Ln about what one cenl of eajiOllne titx collects.

Btrlppeil'to bore..lacls.-UJiy move to wibotiige Uie »: license Icr U nothing more than an att/;mpt to Increiuf

-lhe.--hurdcn_on_Jhe already overlnxeij automobll*

° If Urp license fee Is Increased. elUicr directly or In­directly. Uie motorists liave every right to expcct Ui« gasoline tax lo be'reduced one cenL And tho *5 license,!-', the best inswer lo the situation. 11 nhould ■be preserved aa It ls.~Bol*e Statesman.

Breakfast FoodBEO PARI50N

bovtmmenl officer—"Are you married or Einglc?" Applicant—"Married."Officer—“Whero were you married?'Applicant—“I don't know,"Officer—“You dont know where you were mjfrled' AppUcaht—"Oh. I thought you said 'why.'"

RELIEVJNO UNEMPLOYUENT "Senator, you pronilsed me a Job." _“But Uiere are-no jobs ojten."

• you aald you'd give me onc."' "TBl you what 111 do. Ill appoint a commlislon to lnve«Ugati why there are no Jobs, atid you ciw ' on thU.* • . .

An Ounce o f Prevention

National WHirligig' News, Behind ; Tho ‘News

W .\SJCIN0TON By Hay Tnekrr

I’OLICK. In hl-i budget inerjinRl^ n In hli rcpoil lo congrc.',.-. on "tho iije of the uiiloff*’ — President tyi.'.evell reveiiled his iilllmnje war mi — nnd‘ |irp,iuniably Chuchlll’f.

Tlie priv.ldriit gave the an;,wcr lo a ilr.illOli which win decide Uio- rx- ■nt of Amerlcnii participation In

LUtopean war, ‘ . ■*V'HiP president .lald Unit. Ihr Unit­

ed SiAte.i muit MipTlort nullon-i . nre rc.iliUnr: the lmno;,lilon of form* .pf Koveniment upon' -He wn.T obviounly reterrlng to

Nari and.»Bi!.cUl So. In this forUirlght speech, he eommlUed the Unlted-Stales to the tiuk of re-

of fallen govern-......... .......... only a few, here Istho Ibt of Hlllrr-con<iucrrd‘ nr con­trolled MMen.whlch -Wii.ihlnKton tllll

Norway, llollimd,- DpI-Blui Poln)

. •Ir.e<l by Jtuv.lii, MoUlnvlii and Besr.arabta, Ethlnplii. parts of China. Mnnfluikiio, French Inilo- Clilna,

Mr. Rooievt'lt’.i new forelBii jxillfv —If It hiis any ml-ntilliR'-mrani ili;iC

liivokril the Monrnp <lnc- I worldwide bulls. We ha;<-. Kimrnntced to police the

world wlOi our armies and navici.

NORSIAI.CY. n ie A. T. of L, nirUil trades recently corrol>oriHe<I thb rol- umn's report Shat Uiry re;,.'iii Slri- ney-lUllmaii's etnvatlon -U>. Uio -lvut Of labor medlntor^n the . iiiitlnnal defense commlviion- Both the A, P, p f U ami the C. I. O, want .to relUe

dl,ipui' ........../lihoul iiey'A

Intecventlon Sidney's lnle,-,L scheme coiiiem-

plated-the cr,tabllslim> nt of 22're. Rlontil labor /illlcr,i iimirr hi-. Jur. l. dlcUon. 'llidr job be U

ach'for and i.ellle-.Mrlki-,'. on Im- porjajit natlonaldcfpn.'.econtracUi.Il appeared to be a logical and *en- idble Idra. but organlr rt labor buck-

ilch It comld-

t. Defen:^

'Uie arlilier of Itp desUnler..Both Dill Green and John'LewLs

realise Uiat If labor problems.Be- eome Involved will) those of nation­al defeitie. labor will have to make great sacrifices. 1-hereforc. both the A. P. of L. and Uie C. I. O. want (luesllon-i Involving wage# and hour* iind ilrlke.1 Jianilled by Uie depart- mnii of labot raUier than Ui«,Knud- iten'lllllman ouUll. In short, Uie la­bor lopnotcliem-llke Uie heads of great Industries—In.ilr.t on -buslije.n5

CHOICE. Re.'.pltft •diplomatic do- iilalfl. our Mate dcpanmcht has nerv­ed nhan> notice on Franco that ho must play with the United States and Great Britain—or suffer the conse(]uence.i. Wa.-.lilnKton Is giving Britain full .support In .the move­ment to allennle Kpfih from the axLi powers.

Spain Li r.tnn’lng. No other.Euro­pean coiintrj- la in n worse condition as lo food. Time rind again Franco ha.1 begKPd the'Unlled Slates and Brllaln to supply needed foodstuffs.' But our swio-Tlpparlmrnt Reta word that Pranco's dIplomaUi In South Amchca, apparently needled by Hit­ler. a^f opposing Aini-rlcan InteresLi thetf-.Jniey are po.''tlnK placards de- m ^ lh g .Uie. retiini of the PhlUp- plnes to Spafn—aUu> 'Loulalana. They- arc. In sliort. ;.crklng to generate haired Uncle Sam.

Franco will ki-I no food from Uie United Slates no long he permits Jilmselt-lQibe used as a Pa.nclsC or Nuil agenlHln -Soulli America. He has been Ifijd by Iwlh London'and Washington that he must ntako his choice. He mu,it line up wl\li the "demoeracles" or wlUi the axis pow- er*~or star\'e!

S^LEM ENT. Our new ambas­sador to Vichy—Admiral Leahy- told close friends befofa he left for

Prance, Uiat h# favored a "neROllat- ed peace." P. D, B. n«ver 'heard oi tho adnilral'K uftllude. or he woiiU' not have «n t hlih l » Uils dellcait md difficult l»*t.'•Bill BuUlli. our pre-war ambiis- ;ador to ParLi. was .lupposedly w iro'French ihat- he encournncd 3alad!cr to .declare war w|lh llio proml.'.e that Uio Uiilt<kl SUilc; vould follow suit. Mr, Butlltt dcnlri IIP Indictment, w t plru l-

ful evidence to thi contrary. Oenrrnl Per.ililiig was originally choticn our ambassador lo Vichy becauie his well-knoTO nnU-Oemian viei -

wanted Uie Preneh troops, the ih and the A, E. P. to maroh iiud .imnsh Germany once II back In laiS.Ihe place of Messrs. Bullitt and

Pershing, two aermlln hlilcfii. we have sent to Vichy in Admiral Leahy a.jnan who believes In a sen­sible and negotiated peace. Tliat does iiot-niean. In his opinion, a seiUeinnit dictated by HUIer. It

ans the best kind of a peoco Ui ' ti be accomDlLshed-and one wliI II the world a JO or 100-years

EMERGKNCV •• . . .The boys at the sheriffs.oliice are

nccuslomed lo iiboui cveryiliing In Uie book, but n n<-w one wan thrown At Uiem yesterday nflcmnon.1 A telephone cnll Informp l them 'Uiat « baby UM about lo arrive at n ccrUln Twin KnII.i uddrrr-s mid Uie Inference wiu ihM r.nmcthlnK i.hould be dono about ll. Afler a haniy con

UirouRh by call-

Tills teeihed to be the wrong move, ho'ii.’ever. a.s wlii-n Mie medic arrived, he found anotlier M.D. on llil! Bcene; flO UlB ihcrUf's aldci arc «U11 wratch-. Ing tllelr head.s and pondering Uie«i different Uieorlea;

1) It might have been an. civerly clDled father wha Jell the occa.ilon worthy of calling %ui Uic Aherlff'i force and even Uie naUonal guart-

2) Someone noticing that Sheriff L. W. Hawkins' nickname li "Doc- mlght have ihfliiKhi U'at lib 'would lake a profcv.lonirl IniereM in such Uilngs, ' .

3) Or tome eiclled person who had received a-v.Wanee in past emer­gencies from law cnforconirnl offl- cers declde<l lhat “now Ir^he Ume."

AUDACITY Dyed-ln-Uie-wool duck lumlerri.

who find Uiemaelves aiming i fingers, oars or anylhlnR'ebe hi at ducks out of 'r.ea-vin Just lo feel aa Uiough Uiey'wert actually tak- Ing a crack at them, should avoid such parts of the Snake river as neni

Buht The ducks wcrc so thick thL.. yesterday that Uie woler eeemed to rlM up'In places, and one bl« m»l- tard pracUcally refused to get out of Uie way of. a moior boat, walUng unHl the last minute to grudgingly sidestep the craft.

celred by the New# is tho speJUng of pinochle. The correspondenr spdls U "peaknuckle.'' —

____ coming from a "Juka" box »ndfUstUr bnnched off onto "HoU. H*U,

Oaog'c All Hero.’’After listening'.for oocne time •

customer In a -less fesUve mood re< "Somebody musU^put ttu

comB>~tne wrong olot.”

SUFPLtr UNEXHAUSTED Nlghl Sdllor recenUy told of ho«

Secretory vlvUn Carloon of U)t ChamSer of Commerce itArt«d tome- (hing tiben the requested jutcrial

Now York- hotels.The first flood of lltmture waa

juit « bint of the npply tho hod uppod. for yesterday the glowing n -port* on hotel accommodaUona------sUU coming.

BACHKI.OUS. Tlie American Re­gion Inlrtxiuccd u bill- revising

il rtvohulonlilng Uic draft sjH' n nnw In'' effeeU Week.n ago Ir- 1 coliimnlheneedfornmendmcnt s .lUBRested, and ai U li raotfd Uic allenllon of the e

pcrI .T-he prrrenl measure driUta men—

50,000 or 100,000 a year—who becomi llRlble for marriage soon'aflcr liiel

training. Tli#' government-^apends mllllonr. of dollars to roake good sola dicrs out of them. then, through marrlsRC ami the bearing of ehll- Iren, thpy niake -themselves Inelig­ible.for future military servlce. Thls mistake wili brought to the atten-

of the framers of nhe latest I law. blit In the hysteria af fall of Prance Uvy rcfa-,ed

•give 11 consldcralSon,'Now Ihe LfRion, ■wlUi Uie backing

if InflucKilal eongrej poses a draft bill which will 'recruit

ily yomiR,-,icrs between 10 and 21 According to Uie marriage tables, 60 «r cent of lhp*;^en lle trolne' rill be cllclbfe lor service, for i

least Uiree years afler Uiey ha' lefl Uie army ‘ '

News in Twin FallsTnkon From Iho T\iin Fulls Now s F ilo » '

22 Y E A R S AGOSalnrday, Jan. II. 1019

16 YKARS AGOThurwlay. Jan. 8, lOU

OPPORTUNITY CO’OD No 'great volume of enUles for

awards at the elghUi aiTnual seed show of Ihe Idaho Seed Grower ’ asaoclaUon. lo be held here next week In conJuncUon wlUi the Joint conference of .Idaho agricultural, livestock. ■ engineering and Irrlga* Uon societies, has yet been received, and It is polnttd out by members of Uie local eommlttee that local grow­er! eftterlntcxhlblU now stand an excellent chince for a share of the t700 that U to be distributed among prUe winners.

MAK>NO NEW BANK HOME Definite .wotk on\the new.Twlq

Palls NaUonal bank has started. .0 room occupied by the Roger- i drug store Is being used as well Uie old lobby of the hoUl, The

„ . j f store under the managemenl of Mr. KltUrman will In all pr«rt)- iblllty occupy the corner where the Plain Price slore Is now. In order -. make room fdr on altracUve lob­by twelve feet taken from Uia dining roonf and Uie sample Mms back of Uie dbsk will be used.

TAKES HP Y. W. C. A. WORK Mlaa Beatrice OstraSd'er "left Uils

mornlnr for Chfcugo where she will In charge of recreaUon workjWor

..jtors and ,p.uc»ca under the Y. W. C. A. moflatfement for the next *4ireo months. She will probably .'Isll. on the eastern coasi before ihe rcliirn-1. Ml:-i 0,ilrandcr w fi the .uicce.i.ifiil chairman of Uie Red ClirLilmas Roll Call drive In thlicoimly. • . . '

RjrrUllNS FROM CAPITAL Olyde W. Simpson, mu of Mr, and

irn- O. M. Slrtp.ion, has returned from Wa.nhlnglon. D.,C,. having ■ elved hU disciiargfc' from Uie

lllary service after serving there for several monllis on duty In the adjutanl- general's department. Ho was promoted lo the grade of bat­talion sergeant major.. ••

BLOOnrt) STOCK COMING IN ConslRnmenlJi of registered live,

lock for the three days sale to hi held here Tiienday. Wedne.iday am Tluirsday next In conjunction will- ilio Joint confcrcncc of Idolio agrl- :ullural. Uvcs\ock.‘ engineering one Irrfgallon aocletles. are reaching ex- |)cclaUonH. C. A. McMosler, sales nianager. says. IJe slates positively Uiat Uiere will bo at least 200 lieacf if high class stock cntertolncd be- orc the, opening day.

- MISSIONARY SOCILTY The Women's Home Mlwlonao'

.loclely of the ■Melhodlalr church met on Thursday aflcnioon at Che homt of-the pa.'.tor.'Rev. Elmer, Gmni Keith. A large attendance. Includ­ing several new members, and ar enlcrulnlng and .Instniell^e pro­gram. were featuris of the'mecUns^

ENTERS ON NEW DCTJEHJohn P. Hansen' of Twin Palls,

who has been appplnUd as or hti depuUea by C. O. Slgglns. clerk of Uie district court-elect. ^n Fri­day, entered upon the work which will be his porUoa regularly afi Monday next. '


The Twin Palls Jilgh «h «i3 b « - kelboU team will make lU Initial appearance on the local court nsxt Monday against the Kimberly tquad.'Uie game U> bo called at 7:35. _ -season, opepa PHday and gamea will \ bo played erery week' and »o*n# . weeka two conteaU wUl be played.In former ycaiii'-Uio Twin P«IU team played one fame » week but. under CoMh PlasUno Uie system being used U » heavy pre-touma- ment scModuIo and agxlntt Uie liatdest Uama-ln Uie eectlon. ^

TliB ilate tournament'Uil« year Is being held » t Uie Unlnrslty of Idaho as In former years, and'each team will play a-ure-loumament achedule to .be fo^owed by sub^ls- trlct and district toumamenta ko determine the contestants In the’ lUio toumanient. The schedule haa A been almeat 'JMmplelod and the V woric will soon'selUe Into a definite shape. Sereral achoola are request­ing gamas with-the locals.' among these being tho Boise team, Ust year's sUlO champions. They want a four-game serlea with Twin Palls, t»i,’o games In Boise and Uie re­mainder on Uio homo court

SURPBISC PARrr' m e L. A. 8 ,,of the-LuUier'an

church succeeded veil In surprising Mr. and Mrs. Albert Oevker on t^s

1 iinnlversftry of their wedding, January 7. A great- numbw of la- ’ dlp.i wlUi Uielr hunba tds came and' iJiowenxI aluminum gifts. Be.ilde.*. these guests. Mr. and Mri. Ru«l Mcir- leivi. Mr. aiid.Mr*. A. List, Uielr rel­atives, hut como-from Clover. Also Mr. and Mrs. C. Relnke, whoie ra- ^ * • dlo added to Ute pleasant enUrtaln- meni. His ladles served a eumpiu- ouj midnight luneheon.


Building hero of'tlio round'house and olher Wrmlnal fucUIUe.i In con- Q) nrcllon wl.ih Uie 'construcUoii of tlie Rogerson-Wclls line. wUI begin early next spring, according to How- a'rd M, Pifttt. Orrgon Short Line gene'rlil manager, who with other of- flclal!! of Uie. road, vlsllwl Twin JMlls Sunday on a tour of* IfUpec- Uon. Mr.' J>latt' declined to fix a dale for Uie hatiUuilng of UiLi work, but Indicated that It would be start­ed when settled weaUier Is assured.Sites for .Uio buUdfngs 'and yards alrcndyhftve been securtd.. . ' '>• .


The JorUicomlng annual conven- Uon of Uie IdtU'io Wool Orowera as- rocluUoii which will b« hold Iti BoLie January }3 niul 13. will bo one of Uie, best and biggest convenUoai ever lield by Idaho wool-men. ac­cording lo Donald McLean, isecre- tnry. National auUiorftle* In Uie sheep Industry are scliedultd to ad- dre.u Uie convenUon, rr part of the sesslons - of wUlch. wlU b« open to Ujo.geneml public and by means oT"” which U Is hoped to dluemlnaie mucli general tiAormntlon aiient Uie — nhecp and wool Industry In Ihe' Inv^ lerestji of a belter and wider under­standing of Uio Industry on the part

I of the public M a whole.. . .-

%Oi/r Children'” by/Jhsfelq P etri

EXPENaiVE. Uple.1.1 ASCAP »et- C3 ll.'i difficulties wlUi Uie broad­

casters before InauguraUoo day or Jan. 30. Lieutenant Charlie Bcnlet ■ Uie Navy band may find hltnself I the fliianclal hoojegow. The,l«aders of the olher Inaugural

band*—Uie army and marines — have agreed to play no numbers owned and barred by ASCAP. In­cluding “Anchors Awelgh," F. D. R.'« favorite song—also several Sousa marches. But Nary band Command­er Benler sweatv Uiat he will play J . D. IL’a favoHle lunea, even If It nuuirta a huge approprlaUon by congress to pay his floe.


Tlie dinner hour 1* about Uii only ;lmt«JJdien the family Is logeUier aod that hour should, be made lo count for aa mucli.os poulble to­ward family unity.'harmony an'd growUi.—It_lS-nQ-tlino_XOE_le!Ui:K. U»e day'a troubles, .or for corTCcUng behavior, or for .asking personal Questions. It Is the -Ume to be checrful. understanding and kind­ly, Ute time for exercising good man- lere Jiencrally.

The QuenUons rise as to what Mnveraailon should be held at Uie ;able, .Nobody can answer Uiat

■tillndly. Each family must tellle it for Uiemselvca. because each family's Interests, tastes and slluatlon.%.dlffer from Uiat of every oUicr family. One cliaraeterlstlc holds alwa>»-Uie love of> laughter to flavor good food.

Tliere should be at lfsst one good laugh In every meal, “niat, doe.i not mean silly giggling Uiat'some nervous children indulge In at every opportua1ly„ betraying ihclr lack of. security,and' control. It means an appreclaUon of some human pre- dlsament that b funny, and there are enough of them In any. one day to meet all requlremnnls. The ability to laugh at oneself Is a to be cherished and cuiuvatcd B than It usually Is.Reading Alend N e lF -

_■ overlooked In many scliools. from elementary through tho uni­versity.

Father. In SUr Role If father, who has.tho beil cluince nywny. &rlngn,liome some Inlet--

esUng topic fdc.,dlacusslon. and a brlghl nlory to-Enliven'll, and. I f ' nfouicf doM her .sKarTTjy'ehcour- aging Iilm and Uie clUIdren to talk about It. there will be no need for- set schedules, prograjns Uiat Impof.e restraints and bring on dreods'that hinder dlge.iU9n and make Uie meal.

nightmare. ’ .Children.look forward to dinner--

Ume first because Ihey are hungry, no the meal Is Important In Its con­tent a"hd serving. They look for­ward to being with Tathv, and he 1* very Important In his InflwJnce and leadership. 'Mother con plan, but ll UkesJaUier to make her plon-

ig complete by doing his . bit dt Uie dinner Uiblc. .•

ibiMWn* h.blu'ln ekildm


to reading aloud meaU. That Is not easy to ae^pUsh. H«w Is moUier to offer another spoonful of beans U father is in Uie mldit of an Emerson essay? And how, U the arUcle Is sad pr aolemfl. U digestion to wait on appeUto? It seems to me Uiat ono might do betU^ than to read at the table.

Some parenlAt and lo me they strangely tnlsgulded, hour for testing the Infor Uie children. When one consider*

BeUry 8peaker_Lee Kenuiidy of Shoehone. assocUted wlU> the Texas

guni spesXET'tt tlie Tuesday meeUng of U\e RoUi^club, speaking on the rubber Indust^ and tynUiello products.

ClBb MmK*—Mrt- Prtd Kennedy entertained members of the Pleas­ant Hour elub Wednesday afterDoori

Needlec^l Clqb — Mts.~-eTina Oleason was - hostess WeSoMday afternoon to memben of the Needle* croft elub.

VlslU En meol^LesUe Spencer. Namp*, nephew of Ur. and Mrx. John .1., Qould,

H»e number of haln o; 'cffi heaiHuually ranges froi


In scho^ and worry about Uiem, wlthttul^vlng Uiem offered along wlUi one’s bread atid poUtoea. Much of the InforniaUon that Is so proudly dUplayed during teet periods Is perfect^ useless anyway. Who cares how many toes are on a eat'i pow? Whoever does can count Uiem aadvfeel superior abcmi It If he wlshbs.. *-A5 for tUUng th4 numb> er of people-who Uvt In this coun« try and that, there Is lha good old encyclopaedia readyto lupply the Information accurately end pain­lessly by the (Uok ot a linger. Iso­lated faeta do ijot enrich the mind. That requlrefnent U to be met wlU» constnicUve thinking and thatl an­other matter entirely, one that

t. Box Tl. HUlIan 0

Beqocat—Mn. O. W. Pptter, choir- lan of Oie Red Croas Christmas

seal drli/e, mjueste Uiat all who can send In payment for seals oent to them before Uie holidays as this . money b needed to oirty on Uie pro-

Hsner :. aeorge Clark,Uacher of Uie claw »tUie BapUst , church, was guest of honor at ^rly^lven Tuesday at the homtf, of Mr«, Ben Olss^ger.

To Virginia—ChHter Denton has returned to Norfolk. V*., where he .1s sUUened on. Uie V. S. S. Mel-

whieh win leave soon for Cut»UGnetU UaT»-M r. and Mrs. 0. P.

Ktrby, who have been -vlslUng at - the home of her porenls. have r*» -turned-to-Bole,- O:—A—number - of— dinner parUes were given In their honor durlntf the holiday season.

B«tam ner« — Mro. Nat,2mian and &lr. and Mrs. J. D. SloaU have reUvned from m trip to 731eodale and Sari Diego, wher* they visited relatives.

Te BatUD—Ur. and Uis. Harold Halnllne and children are feUimlng , Uils W6«k from a visit vlUi relaUve*

Lot Angalec.EatsrUJns Oab-44n. 0 .3. Ohllds

enterUlped her contract brtdge club Friday at a one-thirty d t s ^ lun- j cheon -wlUi Mrs. O. W.'Anthony } and Mts. 0. H. Fox as Bu«t«. Fricea were presented for acofti for the past eight meeUoga -wllh Mft. B U -- Ttgon receiving the high Kore prize.

Page 5:… · An Astociaied Prc98 NewsoflP^^ THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Fair VoL 23,


.S A V IS LISTEDRetiring Manager Reports

$26,334 Reductions in Salaries, Expense

BOISE. Jnn. II ,(fl->-MnnnKcr O. O. WrlKht of Uic Idixiio Hciuor con­trol board iwUI j-Mlcrtiny snlnrlra nnd txpcnnps of b^rtl mcmbem for

' 1030-40'«crf» $28,334 luut UlnnUlose or n Blmltor board In 1D37-38.

'nio bonrd »mi ncjnibllcan-con- t IrollKl Outing the biennium ! /nnd Democmllc In Uie previous two- " yenr period.

THrco commVv.loncn urnlcr for­mer Oovemor DnrzlIIa W. Clorlc rc- eclvl d (4.000 kwU ARnunlly. WriRht iiuUd. while Ui>« under former Oov- emor Bottoltf.en were ollowpd |>er diem pay wtille In /te.ulon nnd trav- cIlnR cxpen.ic.i.

Tlio report uIko rJiowe<l iv net prof­it of 1231,853 more darlni; 1D3S-40 thnn durliiB 1937-38. nlUiouHh 11B30 leM BoUon.n of lltjuor ntwl wine were

-'jiold. Tlie flRurM. however, contaln- Kl only nn «llm atc of revenues and takii lot Dccembcr, 10« .

Scnntor K. C. Unrlow (R-.'CilisU). comni!;nUn(5 on the report tvfu;r Itn releiLie by WrlKlrt. sold: "An.cxivm- Inatlon of Uie-ilqu'or report for.Uie

EiK^anipmerit Staff Seated at GoodingaOODINO. Jnn. U — In.itnllntlon

Of officers wn.1 ticid FYldny I'venliiR nl Hit rfHiilnr meellnic of the Oood- Ind Encnmpmciit of the 1,0.0. P. District D«puty Orind Pntrliirch ^f. I,. R«befLi of OoodlnffKiicampment, n.viLited by Dciiuty-Orj«\d Junior Warden J. W. tlenry. Grnnd 8ccretnr>' E. B. Hushes nr.d Dppitty Grntid Trensurer Aivlile Noll ncted

1 Iruitnlllnir offlccr.i.New offlccm liislnllM uere Jolin

nolton,~’chlef palrlnrch;- •K.^W, Uwyer. high prlca^Irn liubiink.i. jieiilor wnrUon; C. t f Dolton, junior wnrden: P; A. Roblnion. »crlbo; JI, A. Clevnlnnd. trcn.-Mirrr: John Sirnx-

BUldc; A-- F. McLloud. first ;h: 6wi»n Johrutjn, .^woii.l

wiitcJi; H, C. Cyriim, Uilrd wuKU: Gerald Tnylor, fourth wulcli; J. A. Tripp, Ilrrit of JI- K-no’nnt. ^econtl RUiird of tent; E- V. Hood. liLilde t.entlnel; Herbert Claik, oulflldc fientlnel. ' c { In K0«rn -

s mnde dc.iplwUie.ndclltloi,oC Uio poiAtlon of TOvnRBtr to "UNft llrjuor control board In Fcbrutiry. 1030.

He reporte<l !iL-i salary for 11 .monUis of 1039 lui MJOO nnd for Uic ■year 10« m $3^0.

T h e F o r u m

College Increases Plant Collection

CALDWELL. Jnn’. 'l i - A collection ~ of Idrelio flBVi'ort—a desert plant

/.Imllar In nppcnrance lo Uie blue­bell—har. been lulded to UiiJ jlx tliou- Rand prfcvird nnd clnMlflc<l planti In Uie ColIeRe of Ididio coltectlon. D. K, 6nov.benter of pnyette <lo- nnte<l his collection of flRwort, lcnoi,-n U> the. botanist i>.i penutC' mon. tn Uie collese botany depart-

• mcnii. Uji.i week.Mr. SnowberRcr. ti rctlre<l biuilnew,

man In Payctt<?, I.i n collcctnr of wildplant.1. J ot, only doc.i ho co.........plnnui, but ho hnn become plant At one time. Mr. SnowbcrRer'fl imrtlcn hold r.pcclmcnj- of morf;. than 50 Idaho pent-it^mon. He nlso has n colleeUon of Idftho cncU.

: HU collpctlon of pcnt-itemoii,/ plnjit family whlclj lonif hn.i been clauUylnF! botnnlit.*!, U be- Inc ftddetl to Uie collcRC herbarium of Uircc tlioiLiand Idnho planLi nnd thrpo th'OLLiiufd,out-of..itnle specl- nicai. Wlillo Mr. SnowberKcr'.i coU

^>*'ctlon conUjln* out-ot-stnw Kpecl- mem. 11 ti mat5(» up cWelly of na­tive ^daho plants.

Lions Club Formed By- Gooding 0 1 *0 0 ?

JEROME, Uftnrll—A Inruo mup of Jerome Lions club member.i trav- e!e<l lo OoodliiK Momljy evening to nwLit with the on?anlaxUon of n Lions club there. ^ -. Tlioso who went were Art Pyle. Jr., Barney Olodow.ilcl. Dr, C. W. Al­drich, Lou Pratt. Gcorne BrowtilnR. R. H. Seelcj’. Bud PolKr nnd Uay Remoldfl. . .

Doth <H<RlowakI nnd Seeley npokt nt Uie meeting, RlvlnR UIk.i or UonLim,.

Clarence Manlofi, Intcmntlonal replwcDtatlve from'Uie Lloai club from'ChlcnRo<.wn.i special speaker of the evenlntt. inlltlni; on eye iilRht

. conservation na a major project for the chib.1. - ' ,, Ton.itinn.iter wa.i n. H. Seeley of Jerome, wlille" Art I^le' wa« sontr

. .— leader.,._________Eddie Boer was elected present'

of tJie OoodbiR club. .

School O fficials Address Rotarians

'T^ecemity Placed Firnt In W ar fo r Defense

Editor. Tlie News: I am its much li favos of defendliiK my country _n: ntiyoiio If It werp In any rnil Kcr.'TJut when -ihe Nar.l.'l can't croa 20 miles of witter I cuiinot u-e why

'country l.-i In diuiRcr with three thou innd mile.-! of water between IcJini not wintiiR tn^w «iy brothers KO ,to war utiliv-1 It Li really jieciM- •iar>'. My nonii arc too youiiK lint If Uie power.i Uiat be K' t nwiiy wlUi UiLi war. In 15 yem Uiey will t. my 80ai and I iim unwllllnB .lec my brotliera or my iom In thh picture unlcM It were real ilefrnse.

IN- FLANDERS •By Jnmt-n Nnrmnn Hall

"Cpuld you hiive r.cen thum mntxh - SiiK. ■Ten lliou:.mKl men In line.You would hnvr «ald Uiut wiir mu.-

be tidventiirou.s and fim-.You would haVc felt your ptil.-c.'i hen riuit to the trc-iid of marcMInK fee

But had you feen Uirhi crccpln hack. . .

In Uie Rtey, Krcy dawn,Tlie broken, blcedins botlle.i WlUi'iiIl their beauty Koiie.OhI never could you cherr iiRaln “ see Icn Uiou.'.aiid flKhtlm

n, A f IrxTlie.5llHatlon In Eiiroiw li In i fieiiie pnrixllol to our own. ^

Slnttrely yours.Mrs. Hnwnrd W. Mill.-:,

nout* 1, . ^T»in Falls. Idaho, -


Only One o f Month’s 75 New. Arriva ls^ Cofpes on

C liristm as Day 0? blrtln 111 Twin I^lls

county ilurhiK Decemhrr .mlv mi<* was on Chrl tnlar. (In Dec. 5. 13. 10 nnd !D, blrtlw cneh day. and days, Dec. 3. «. in aud four births cnch liny, report by J. O. Pui Pall* county rei;lMrartlBtlC.1

Of llie lotnl 1>lrth.i I were.boy.i nnd ni The report Includer

bcr blrthi

1-. On (our dayj ihi’j f were flvi

m (our other :n. il.rre nccordli Hilirey._ Twin of

(StCT Ui

ir Ihr monUl.- erehrte Novem- ri-ported. lint pi December

blrlJw.Dec. 1—Mr. nnil Mrn. Jamei Jlon-

ftld Townn, Twin Pnlls. j:on; Mr, ani ^ s. Dale A.’ Tlionins, Jrrnme. boy.

c. 2-Mr, and Mm. •F.jI Ai'rter-___ Kimberly. Rlrl; Mr. and Mrs.John R. Smnllle, Buhl, irtrl.

Dec. 3—Mr. nnd Mrs. F.veri'tl Ikin- nlck.ien. Filer. Gov;, Mr. and Mrs. Max n. Vanau-rdeln. Twin Fall.i, boy; Mr. nnd Mr.-i. .lolin A, iCins, InillD. Calif.. h»y; Mr.n. and Mrs, Edward P. Wll;;on, nhickfTiot, «lrl

Dec. 4—Mr. nnd Mm. Ravnionil P Schmidt, fliihl. Rlrl; Mr.-'nml Mf.i Jullun E. Herr. lUer. hoy: Mr.'nni Mrs.'EnrI If. Ownui: KIcrllni;. Idn.

It nryn-

Jerome. Ixiy; Mr. and Mr.v Du g. Prrklni, MiirtauRli. clrl: Mr, i Mrs. DoS'd ^ -Drown, Buhl, ulrl.

Ore. n-'J.Ir. and Mr.i, Rjilpli HenMftck, Hnllbler. Iwy; Mr, i Mrs. Arnnid H. Olrr. KImlirrly. Rlrl.

Dec. 7-Mr. nnd Mni. Jt;.rl Ilarnes, Urnsen. bov; Mr. niid Jrr.. JohilRoben Ih-ck. iV ln FalH, bov;

d Mrs, Elmrr Hoffnmn. Jn

and Mrr,

'M«r^ia and Mr

rlrl. , llmrije ^

B ra n d In spector , Law Enforcement • Officials Named

IIOISE. Jan. II MV-8U»t« Com- iv.loner of U»w Enforcement J. U idderiton todny announced Ap* iintmeiii of Clyda Courtney ef'

' n-'- chief clerk find eaptaln of pollcc.

Court iiey, whoprevlpnaly woadUef rrk iindet former commls-ilonem

•;nmieit Pfo»tnnd Ualderston. «uc- :rrd» Hownrd^rl--.on. -

Jlauierstnn alfl>..announ(»d Kftrry * nppolnted i

fcailUJmr rro sx . former con xloner.or Uw enforcemenl. Idaho'f chief brand Inipector,

* ■* *P fos l Appointed .. . Brand Inspector

BOISE, Jan, 11 (,r»-CommL«ion r of AKrlcuUure Jarne.-i New,T»^ tn ny nnnouncetl appointment on-:ni

mctt PfO'it. commissioner of Inw cn forccmi-nl. for j.Ix years under Gov l-riior C. Don no,vi. a-i chief brnn liiNpcclor.

L, (Duck) Davi;;, fonner Power itiiity sheriff, nnd Warren E, Rami

Jiidwc Slaiilon Sp<^aks at Buhl

DUau-Jnn.’ ll-CnrryhiR his lis­teners bftck lo flic early dnyn of Idn­ho, w*i tmclns Uie trlal.i nnd stsufj-

oC eorly *ettler» \n dcveloplnR the land and natural rcrujurce.i of ihft-itAM/ Jud««'01arS:e.SUinUin of Jerome Ruve tin_lmprtislve talk, on his .,experiences upd .oticrvntlons durlnR-seventy-one yearn of, resi­dence In Idnho. nt the luncheon meetlntf of Buni lUiUry club Tliurs- day noon. • , ' . "

JudRc Stnnton Is elRht-two ycBni' of aRe. nnd (ibly presented the aub- Ject of )ils tnllc. Hla elRlit-year-oUi son snnc two solos. Other club vis­itors were Ernest y. Klfljatwlec w\d Olln V. Smith. , • •

J, C, J^obsen. In sayltif; fare­well lo the Buhl,cl,ub prlpr lo Rolnit lo California thLi weekend, snnft the tenor solo which made him iC fa'- vorlte soloist in Duhl. "When IrWi E 'e.i Arc SmlllnB."

Murtaugh Students Score W ith Drama

MORTAOOK. Jan. U — ^Inrgc nnd npptcelnllve audience wn* present aVUie.mmuaJ nenlor play ■pncrented—Jnnt-Thurs<>fcy—tvenlnpr

John I). Darlins direct^ the three^act melodmmn.

b07.nee, ft-Mi

WlUlnmsou. Filer; (Mel;Mni, Dnvid I>:iller Grnj t1efor<l.j:lrl; Mr, nnd ^r.■ a, Frnnrl.N, Bnhl, clrl; Mi John A. Ol.'.en, Kimberly.

Di^.Tl-Mr. nhd Mrs. .Seharfor.vrivln Fall.i. Rlrl.

Dee. lO-Mu. and Mr.i. Inin John Fimke, T\iln Fnll:!. .Mr:i, Alton E. Hiin.ien. Hurellon, bnj-: Mr. and Mn. Clnrenee K, Rob- In-on, Tv.’ln Pnll.i, Rlrl

Dec, U - Mr. and. Mrs. Wade lUnmtfui. Twill FnlLi. clrl. .

Dec, 12-Mr. and Mrs, Jnmi Foulke, Twill Fall.i,' l>oy; Mr, nnd Mrs. Farrell C'lrKtn-iherson, HIKs, Sirl: Mr, and Mfs. A:ihrr R. Mor- ton. Buhl, hov.

Dee, 13-Mr, nnd Mrs, Wfwxlrow J, Hfirvey, Tw-tn Falls. Rlrl; Mr. ntld Mr-1, I.ernv H. Fox. Filer boy: Mr, nnil Mrs. Elnnr Randr. TMn Falls. Coy; Mr, and Mrs. W, W, Tliomp- son. Duhl, Rlrl: M^ nnd Mrs. Fxlward SchomherK. Tivln Fnlls, ( rl,

Dec, H — Mr. nnd Mrs- OcorRe E. BennciV, Twin FnlVi. RirV ' ~

Dec. 1.'—Mr, nnd Mrs. Clifiord B Ppllls.' ICImherly. bov: Mr.^n* Mrs. Oliver J, Llephnrdt., Twin Fnlls. bov; Mr, anil Mw. Merl V. Oroff, Duhl. Rlrl: Mr. nnd Mr.i. Chnrles H.

Wedneiduy noon.'.’prlnclpftl R. D. ArmsUonR imd Conch Jerry Del- llniter were ( uel t spenkcra, .dlscus-

'fllnc boi-s’ wofk nnd boy*’ problems.Robert Doclcr . (rf'Rupert ^ilgh

nchool was a rnresenUns Iho Bchool,

Ell W. Dorln>t,waa nnmM prosrnm • chairman for Ui6 Hrjit Uiree months

of Uie year. Mrs. Ednn Sinclair pre­sided'nb Uie plnno for community slnRlnR and - Mrs. Joe DoUn en< tertAlned wlU» o reading. "A Pretty Out« UtUo SUinL"

O ffic ia ls Approve • Murtaiigh Project

AfDRTAUOH. Jon. 11 — Melvin Bhubert and Hugh Paddock, man­agers ot ttie deportment of Publlo AMlitanco of the Twin PalU office, hftve approved Uia hi»t lunch proj­ect of the Murtaugh school which they visited laat l^cAday.

Two hundred forty children were serred. The owject J« sponsored by the Commufflty Cotincfl and the school board.

Cooks (ire Mrs. Zola Qrey, Mnj. LeU KORue. Miss AlUi Orey and Mil­lard Caulk.

Electric SisrnalsN o w ^ C ross in g s

JEROMR J iSTll-Por th«.*afety of travelera oa the nmln UMrou^ - lare twlween Jerome and wen^U]two elecWcoIIy-contwlled signal noahcr* hove been Inilalled on each side or the «airoo.4 cweolna «u t of the'Jerome depot.

Abo Installed at tho croatlng U on atitomatle BVtngtng.Qtop algn which is 'Ulumlnated when b»ln* onTlo the signal block. ' Similar set* - o( signab Have- also been lostaBed WendelL^

Jaschft HeUeli. not«d TioUnlst, v - rtved here iodar with Mrs. BeUeti. Tliev plan to remola about f i m

BrIdRc nt Mldnlglit," which w<wi pre. sented' by the foUowIng student.'i

icis True. Corlenn SnvaguMnx- Castor Clnlr PerUtis. Oeorge

Andenion. VlvUn Hestbeck. Leah Eg­bert; DoroUied Ifofpje, Leora Itose. Lonrn Davis. Robert Lee, Dqnal Bron'son and Glen Morrison,

Preccdlnj the pUiy, -Miis B^c Welrlch snng. " I Dont Wont to Play In Your yard" and "111 Make Lovo' U> Uie Man in the Moon."

Between nets, Mlu 'Welrlcl nnd Mlu Afton Cunningham ployed r piano duet. “Wedding of Uie Wind*.' Mlu Cunningham also played i plino solo. / .

Esaay Contest Set _ By Jerome LegionJEROME. Jan. 11—At'Uio lost

meeting of the JerotnQ. American Legion auxiliary, Mrs. Jessie Baker, chairman o ( Americanism and na- Uonal deferuOi announcc<l Umt tho Legion naUonn] estay contest will again be- carried out In the Jerome schools.

AU essays stjbmltted must be post­marked not later than-Apni so to be elislble for competlUon. Tltb for the Junior e«8ay contest will be. "How Can I Protect America?", and (or the senior essay conl«t. “Stlec- Uve Service—Its Effect on Youth.’

:WALK GIVES WAY CHJOAOO, Jan. it UPh-One wo- lan was ktUed and two oUiers In­

jured when a W-fijoVsection-of side­walk collapsed on Uie west side and


. 10—M>. aiul Mrs, ,Adoltih Hleb.,Twlii Fnll.i, hov:, Mr. nnd Mrs. Vernon D.'Pfjrry, Buhl, boy; Mr- ami Mrs. RoCcrt H. Eutslcr. T' ’ln Fall.i,- Rlrl; Mr. and Mrs, C, E,*niackburn, MiirtaiiRh, Rlrl: Mr. nnd Mrs, Edttnr Roberts, Twin Palis, i lrl,

Dcc- 17-rMr, -and - Mrs. Arnold 6rywn, Twin Falls, boy; Mr. and

Herman Prlesen, Haaien. boy. _.o. lO-Mr. nnd Mrs. Phillip

Upp. TwltrFnlls. l«y : Mr. nnd Mi Wendell. niihU fflrl,

D^c. a)-M r. nnd Mrs, Clifford M. narrow. Twin Fall.i. boy: Mr. nnd. Mrs, Roy D, AlbrlRht, Kimberly, bov; -Mr. nnd Mr;i, Emil Wnvrn. Duhl. Rlrl. '■ ‘

Dec, 2J—Mr. and Mrs, "Rudy R. ..itrney.-Fller, girl: Mr.*-nnd Mrs, J()ieph P. Abnhlre, Bnhl. boy,^D fc. 23—Mr. nnfl Mrs, Homer S.

Diih l" >, Mr. ' Bnd"“Mrsr Walter D. fflllolt. Twin Pallii. Rlrl; Mr. iw l Mrs. V. L. SUinfleid, Twin Palls. Rlrl,

Dec. 35-Mr. nnd Mrs. Horhce L, Turner. Pller. girl.

Dec. 28—Mr. nnd Mrs. 0*en R, Klnncy> Kimberly. ..boy. ,

Dec, 2fl-Mr, nnd Mrs. Charles fa. Vlcker*. Twin Fnlls, boy; Mr. nnd Mrs. Pnul P. Prochnow. Ha»!lton, boy; Mr, and Mrs. Hobcrl a Hon- derlck. Filer, boy; Mr, nnd Mm. Rnjmond Reynold.1. Twin Pnlla. boy.

Dec. 28-Mr. nnd Mrs. Prederick P. CutLi, Twin Palls, boy; Mr. mid Mr*. Jiunes W. Hart, Buhl, boy: Mr.

A Witness t^d “police that- the sidewalk "opened up like a huge trap door." dropping the women from sight.

EBglneers aald lUo-ground under Uie iddewalE liad been excavoted years ago.

: i ^ B 5 3 D B U G S ? ‘'Phone 2414

rer csarmatMd uimnlBatUm wUhmrt tbAinomrenlcnea of •' (smI«*tloti. *

T w ill Fiillfi Y ou lli A ir Corps .O fficer

TACOMA,'Jan. 11 - Second Llel leniuil Robert K. Munihy. nlr n serve, of route 1. Twin Fnlls, Idnh . ,who wa.-i RrndlintMl from Uie U. S. nriny nlr co'nvi nl Kelly Field, Texn cln.'i.iof 40‘0.sccltoii in , on Nw, 1 1040, hn,i been nMlKfir'd for duty llic nsui bombardment wiuadroii baiie<! nt .McChoril Field. neat Tacoma. Wa.vh.. lUTOriiinK-to Cap- tJiln Ernest H. ‘ AC. eoifl.munilJnK officer.

t.liKitn«uii Murphy It n Rracluatc of-'Twln l'all« liluli -w.liool, ilntnr atti-iidliii: Albion Normal i;chool, Albion. Idnho. where he majored In e<liic»'yon and WJl. Kri»duaicd in ID30, Me nl.-,o atteiulrtl Uie Unlver- r.lty of Idaho for a time. mtvjorhiK in iwlltlcal -■'clrlice. .

County Officials T o Hear Speiikers

NAMPA. ItinllO, Jup, 11 (-T) ~ Speakers for the annual meellnR ot Idaho county commKslotiers mid clerkii In Jnn. in-lR were nn- louiiced lodiiy by T. M, De Cour.iej.>f Nnmpn. pre.iident of the orsMil-

AmonR toplc.1 nre to b^thc food iUtinp plan. road;i, noxlou? we<^ ., control, educational problems, tin- ' lloiial nnd the work project--. odmltiLiirntloti', * >

Among rpeakera on the proKnim nre Oovcrnor Clark. Attorney Oen- trnl Bert H, Miller. Bupcrlntendenl ef Publlp Irtitructlon C. E. Robert*. Secrela^'of State OeorRe H. Cartls nnd Mnyor JamejrxE. Straliihl.

Sam V. Tuiik.1. Bonr Lnke county auditor nnd clerk, l.i secretary of Uie orniiiilzntion.

Offlccra will be olccted Jan. IB, •

nmn: Tnvlnr ot jrfjnr ot Ne7 Frrce. Mnon Aiidni.i of nomievlllt Dannock. Clirlsthiii.iei Ritchie of OoMlliK-. Vt rtle. Mill", of lioL-ie of Tw in Falls.

Eiiijron;;ed nnd Eiirolird Dljl.v —

Jerom e Sets Bean W eek Observance

JEROME. Jan, I I—Five committeo icmlwrrs were named recently In

Jerome county to enrr>- out annual Bcnn week. Tliey Inelude-H. S. Stockton. Prank Peter.ion nnil Von A-ilett. nil of Jerome: Alan Oor- dotl, Eden, nnd L. p. Pool of llaxel- toii.

veek begins Jan, 17 for Jer- Uy. Tlie cbmmlttcr'wUI con­

tact loc>l-business houses and stores In nn'effort to obtain Uielr parU- clpntlon. in tho nnllonnl nmnml bran ww:t progmm. Chief fenUirrs of the -obflervftno».wl»-bo-|A nbtjilr; oartlcl- pnUon of bean KTOWern. whole.«le nnd retail doalem In helping to i— Bor and sell beans.

The county committee Jnn. 10 In tho offices of Uie county extcn ilon )^enC -to<lay plniis tor the proKrnm. Tne bean'lnduslry In Uils county li of major Importance. Mncc there nre approximately . 2.500 bean growers In this area.


United 6tat«Sk-

.. . of Tilwhone, Woofl of KtoU'iial. ne'l Of Minidoka nnd .^Monhix '

Fl.ih nnd Onme—Miirnhy of Slio- .iltnne, rhnlrman; MrC3l»-j't Bein*- ':llh, Whitlow of Adams, Llndley of Power. vEKbn t of Trton. Seek ot ninJtie.-Ifowe of Valley. I)u*mnnn of Twill Fnllii, Atidernoii ot BinR- hiim, Stnrr of Lemhi nml Dell .’of ■Minidoka.

Fotnstr)’—Meeker of Boundarv', ■halrmanr Mooru ofDonner. Liil- trv>pp of Cltarwi'vVcv, McCab* of Betiewnh, -Moj-nnrd of ncmner. Mor­ris of Lntiill and Mills of Boise. *

rJtRhwn.v.i—MuiLiev of Caijyon. elmlnnan: Ifowe of Valley, Moore of

. Drunl of Donnci'llle.Mones ot-Owyhee, Jeiuen ot Gem. JJell ot Minidoka, Diymiann of Twin Falls. Dnrrfm of Camfp. MorKnn of.Tv.ln FoJIs^id Jones of t-lncorii.

ImhistrlWi nnd Comomtlona—Mc­Neil of Canyon, chafrmun: Cemet if Shoshone, Zlcmann of Nez Perce. -Cocnitt of. Twin Palls, TnteDf Ada. Sufllvan of Ada and KoenlR of Tttln Palls,

Judiciary nnd Unlfonn Lntt's — BudRe of Ada. cluilrmnn: Sglllvan 6f Ada, Drown, of Kootenai. McNeill of Canyoa. RlUhte of aoodlns. Bcok of Blaine, nnd P/esU5n of Cnnyon,

Joumnl-Peck of Baitliock. chalr- tnn: wnltlQW of Adatrui. Sulllvnn

ot A(]n,Livestock and Dairies—WhlUow ot

Adnms. chnirinnn: Jones of Owyhee, Seani of Cn. iln. E^Kbert'oi^Teton. Cox of BinRhnm. Tnylor of Custer. Wnddoups of putte. Andfr.'.on of DlpKhnm, Tale of Adiv and Morris, of LiilAli..niid Stnrr or Lemhi.

Mileage nnd LegLilallve Exi>cnse— Murphy of Bhonhone. chairman; Meeker of Boundary and Sctiwcndl- ' inn of premont.

Mining—Min^iy o f ' Sho.ilione, chairman: AncJersap ot Elmorti Kln- nlck of Idnho. Taylor of Custer, -Maynard of Bonner. Beck of Dlalne,

Insurance — P.eck' of DannCc);. chairman: Newihnn of N « Peree, Meeker of Boundary. Jones ot Owy­hee. Randelman of Wn.itilngton, Andrus of Bonneville, Budge ot Ada:

of Nf?. i>rn'.Kootenai, McNellJ ol Canyon, I'nin of Doniirville. nandelimiii of Wii: h Uwtoxi, IIor.'.1ey of Carllxiii,- iJa;.miiN

>r Clurk. WjddQupi of Dutf. .Sulllvnn of Ada,

Stale I.lhrary—Andcr,v)ii, ot El :hi>lnnaii; Prrrton of Canyni

of Gem, Monliii-of Adi Zljmiinn » f Nez Perce,

Wnviu and Mcniv—Newman t Nes perte. clialrmnn; WilWanv. c Mii<U;inn, Miirjihy (it filiosliono. Peck of Ilnnnoi:k. Andnis of IJonnrvllle, H<iV;.lcy ot Qyrlbou nnd Hudtce t '

Cnr« IravcHnK bI mlks citn .Hop wllh S7 feel on 'nntlsUd strretB .lurfiiced wlU/"- doldinllc. Asplia4t nn(i filler.


PhoTve 201 * .

3uhl........................... - ..-hns-bakcr, Pller. boy: Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Rodden. Twin Palls, boy.

Dec.- 30-Mr, nnd Mrs. John W.‘ Brodeen, Twin Pnlli. girl: Mr. and Mrsu Earl'L. Cross, Kteibetly, boy.

Dec. *01-Mr. and Mrs. Ployd 0, Welch, Wendell, boy: Mr. and Mr*. AlonsS- Moriln, Twin Palls, girl. .

Previously unreported Novenjber births were to Mr. and Mn. O. W. Meyer. Eden, girl, Nov. 0: Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W.‘ CttrroU. Twln Polls, girl. Nov. 10; Mr. and Mrs. Jess'R. Erickson. Jr., Kimberly. gW. Nov. ai,


Shoe Repair



la d ie s ’ H ee l L iftsOne P a ir ; ..... ...... Il9fcTw o P m r .... :‘....:...2dc

Composition or Leather

SEARSSemnffFAlJrS Agents J * ' B a l ^ i i y

1936 OLDS SIX SEDAN Motor rwxmdJMoned, .Very.

condlUoh . . £ ^ $ 3 9 5


Bctrft good eondlUoh » $ 4 8 5

■hcli)uisianal?urchiist,,madc In 1803 at a co»l of

^ jlS.OOO.QOO. added more than

a’million square mile* to the area of

the United States. President Thomas Jefferson'with difficulty secured an

appropriation of $3,500 from Congr«»• for exploraHon of this vast and rich,

but wild ernwre, and cho»e M» feTmcir private secritary. Captain Meilwether Lewli, with Captain Wiiliain Clark ef

Virginia, to lead the kxpeditlbn

They *tarted up the Missouri River

from-a point rnjar St. Louis In May, -~l804. and did not return to St Iduls

As interpreter* they, had Toustaint Charbonncau.ji French CarK>dIan trap* per and his Indian wH'e. Sacajawet. w^ose name has become l^endary in the atinais of. the Northwest

Lewis and Qark were theirall>]blazerf . who open ^ up this vast new t i^ to r y holding so much o f promise tbr the ' futuri o f th*T»uhtry. ; ■

TherearctraU'blazm inindiistrytfr* . day. In the'te|ephone » ^ c e they-are^:. not only the (pen who build tfte Kite* '• over mountains, desefts and pta!iA 6ut y ! the.trall-Uazerf In sdenM in ;th eJdL - Tclep.hone Laboratet^ '€vw -.*e*k lng -' belter.way* to^


A rea l., buy « t . $345


Mifes J.: Browning, Inc.. , B u ii Dealer. ■'

muniation open day is theijob.^yotot; p.ny...Vte;i>or

until September. 1806. They not'only found ajand route to the Pacific, and

located a river flowing to the «ea. but ___________ ________traiisferr^ the we»tem boundaiy*of . eag^y .W hetl^k ii^oeJthe Unlted State* from the* 8 ^ &r.onedrnat»^3i

arid Missouri iUver* to the P^ne«oa<t jnep and;woipr~

v j - / ■ T H E - M O U f i w N ? p i ^ ^

m E P H o K E / A iy b ^ n u ^ i


Page 6:… · An Astociaied Prc98 NewsoflP^^ THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Fair VoL 23,

Ku iiib li^gs <)f A ilem p l to Kally Legiy- liiloi-R-BeliiBcl Mer(8iirc Kcvam ping

l^I<)irraiii Stirs Opposition

BOISE, Jan. 11 <IP] ■— Pcrliirbcd. by reports e ffo rls m ight be mode hi the 1041 Icglsltilure to chnnqc tlin (ish and giimc commission, sport-smcn Irom throutfiout Idirtio Riithcred In Boise tonlRht for the fifth nnniinl con f^cncc of the Idnho W ildlife Federation tomorrow' and M oiiflV .

■■ that his board-eradlcatinB' proRrnm 1;; inuial mcssnge >• dp.slpins‘ on the

(Ish nnd Rnme cohfflTISslon, there we'rc'riiniblliiR.s o f moves to rally IcRlslntors-b 0 h i n d^ measure to chnnRc thc-prigrani:

••Tills Is one o f the most Im- portniit meellnsa the /wlcrallnn ever Jifls hart/' luild R. O. Colo of not r. post prcslrieiil. "Nnl Ohly mint, It net tiD Its fiiUiro poUclM. )iuL U imn.i (icl to fftiard the gains nlrtnrty mdilf-

“SporUmwi nrc ctiUrcly nalliflfcl wlUi lilt, commlinloii jiPl-iip, fmnt whttl I Imve Icnmed UtrouKlt my conUictA. and da not wntit It clmnKwl In »ny wmy.bJ^** lpptL-\lftturc

MeeU with Fedemllon Members of ihe commiMloii pliin

to meet wllh the fcdcrntlon tomor­row ftnd Mondty.

' fllream jjolluilon. promollon of tourlaflravil, dbcuMlon oLJWilnB

, (»nd hunUni »e*30iis ftnd'blR itnme [, protection also were major toolca X expected to come before the fedeni- ■ llon’B convention. Theo H, Wpsencr

of Bolic, president, u-lll lead Hi •etalonj.

The commUiton, In Its iwnual re port, cslled for more' ndeoiti^ meuurM lo care for slream polltt* tlon, and urged towns and Induatrln to Inttall modem sewRgs and rcfu.’.e dUpoaU plant«.

W. J. emllh,.pniildent of Uie Ore- son Wildlife federation, Is scheduled

. to speak tonqmw on what his stnte hM dene to guard against the haurd to flab. • "

Win 'CJlne. BoLie advertising mnn, will dlecUM to>»rUt. trjvvel promotion

' arthe Bnnuai-t)f*iinet-t«norrowrafr

' Inilitilf nf Bob« wllJ bf

'Or:iiiKi‘ OlM'ii of Oi;den, ti.n,'.lr,tnnrrnlon;il lorcktcr'In clmrRe of k.....

iimnHriiifiil. b . lllt(xl to dl‘ . mtrf)! of (nn^'r lirrd on tlip mltUlle irk of tlip Siilinon river. <lcrp In IP [irlmlllvr nrrn.Commission niPtpljfr.i ppiirirulwl IP tPSlotl MtlU fcdpral fiiiuiP nx-

liprl;; Inst fnll iind found llic licul fiicrd with pxtlnctlon duo <o Inck of fornKr, It WH!, nt.oho time pit>- |ioi,rd lo nllow Inmterd to tnkc two (Iter rncli from the nrtn next lall lo cut dn/’n .tlio size of Hie herd. . , ^

Dlrrtlor lo Kcport Dlretlor Oivtn W. Morris of tlir

st.ite fifth and Riiine dnpartmeiil will report on ilrpnrlmrntnl netlvlUi . to­morrow and Haul Cole of -Ma-HTDw, fe<lemtlon rjfe prenUlcnt, U lo talk

ptieiuant Aen. oIl5, bnifNllmlLi nnd shlnpliiR reitrlctlotu.

“ Hirers will be elected, cominll- tee.i report and the iw A-iurpr re­port heard Monday, wllh the cwfer-

ice enrilne at noon. nobert Sessions of Holic b recre-

tiirj-nrcMurer.' Vice presldcal-i nrc A. h. Trade of Coeur d'Alene, L. L. Johmon of Orfiflno, n.‘*C5.' Cole of DoIm, W. n. Prlebe of IV 'ln ' rnlLi

;id V. E. Babcock of Blnckfoot. , Dr, C. W, Chenovi’cftlh of llie Uni­

versity of Idaho, wildlife rnUui''ln*t.' mid Pcder Pederson, pre.ililmt of th# Idaho Pnlb S|»rU.Wen’.i cUib,

Albion Normal l^insOver Weber College

Oklahoma City Retains Hornsby

ST, LOin3,>Jan, H (/P)—Ro«ers, Hornsby, former major league its: and manager, will‘manage the Ok' lahoma Oily t«sm of the. Texas league affftln^iU season.

The announcement Uiat Honuby ’ «,-oul<l be relAlned wu made by Joliii

. D. HoUand, presldex U and E. J. Rumiiiirles. vic« president, of Uie Oklahoma City dub. after a con-

. ferendT tiday with Hornsby.The Oklahoma City t«am flnlAh-

ed fourtJi and qualllled for tlie champlor^lp plaj'ttff after Uomi- by took over' the manaterUl reins last June.

Mimsid Defeats Famous Milers

Missouri Athlete' Races to ^V ictory Over B rillia n t

Field -. By BILL HINT.

DOSTON, Jan, 11 (-rh-JolirvMun- ski,’ recent University o f Mli-iourl

> l^nlght' by 0Ut-dlAiJUiclni( brilliant flelQ-ia.tlie Veterorw of PorelRij Wars’ fealur^ at Barton Garden. \

Slightly<r than \whcii ' he Oftoned the year's eampfilKH by win­ning the Sugar Dowl mite In' Uie (low . time of i:lS.2. umiald beat such Wlscoiuln rivals as Waiter Mchl and Chuck Fe Indoor sensation, by n fiood 10 yards while bunUng the tape ln-4:il.r

Lea'McMlU^ell of New York uni­versity ffnUhed fourth and Gene

•- Venzke. the Kew York A. C.’s veter­an, fifth. / *

•nie.sllm crowd of 8,500, recalling Venzke's setuanonol eyelasli win over the supposedly invincible Glenn Ounningham |r .4:13.1 in thu meet last year. _s4t on U^lr hands during

up with a rush during Uie iMlng ’ stages of last year's indoor track 'campaign, jump^ Into (he 1041 waia

otit-fooUn« Johnny Quigley of - -Manhattaa by serea-yards la the

. 600«ran Invitation event,------Jtemjjr-Hwtoet -of— New— Yortr_3 u rld rseord hokler for Uie "COO- , laal yeir^ meet winner, -wound

mi^ «i Coch-______ j t ^ o u p e ia 1:13.9.

?r«d Woloott o; mc« insUtute . look the <S«yard InvllaUon hurdles

the tape wUfi a fooc to Bporie on EH- (lie Dugser of Tulls, (he naUonal collegiate and IC iA champlon^Wal- Ur Ball, also of Tufta. plaotid thim.

Wolcott vent on to cajjture the C0*7ard tnxUaUon dash In even • ^ e r ia m S S Ba otjt>fobt«(l &>b

'■ McaioDO of Boly Croa by a good #t(ft yard -and had at least three to iQare oo Tolmich. whQa turning

Jn a B£ MCOtuU performance./ Lak year's middle distance sland-

out. John B w l ^ of the Shore A.

Hult’s Team Uallies to Register 46-43


ALBION, Jan. l l — Two lads from B u rlcy^Ern le Mflliird and Glenn Cannejl, led the way tonight os Albion Normal, school hoopsters rallied In the closing minutes for a 40-43 victory over the webcr college quintet. • '

Starting t)ie ir basket cam ­paign with a thrilling oxhlbl- Uon against Ui« strong Ogden team, the Alblens surged from b lilnd to knot Uie count on six different oc- Ci lona. With seven mliiules of plsy. remaining, the locals edged ahead for (lie first Ume and then held Uiolr narrow advantage untU the/final jun. . • •

Millard, former Burley sur. and Cahiiell. a young sharpshooter who had no high school- basketball ex-' perlcnce. paced" Coooti Oryll'* Hult'.i outfit In its drive agalait the UUihns.

At Uit half the score wa.i 30-n In Weber's favor. '

llljih scoring honors went to Mil­lard. who accounted for llpoliiU , William* chalked up II for tlie win- era and Ciuuiell, who* went In as ButMlltute. scQred nine. ’ OBVrles, Weber guard, topjied Uie

visitor* with nine polni.i,Albion mcffa the UiilverHiy of

Idaho Soulhtrn qulntrfhcre next WSdncsdny, ‘ ' . •Albion-— I’m . ' WelierWllllims (ID ...>•..... '((I) HanrryCoroaiUon-U) — * '__ 181 SneddonSllllanl , (12| .....(;.... .. (8) Child.-McCombs (3) .....G,.-:;.,. (fl) DrVrIn

laylon. 13) .......C..... ai-CafdnerHuhifltutlon*:Alblon-Knre C). Itirhflrcli Cl,

Cannfll <B|. Wldemlfr C». nutlrr.Wel>er—I^nnn (2), Jiihnnon (3i,

Bon (Jl.

O. Elberon. N. J., who ntruni; tliree Indoor wxirld records together on DsrtnwuUi's famed 8 3/3 lajS track, wlll^ badly In. the veurans' hnJf- mlle, whlcli Campbell Kne of In­diana won In 1 ;58 flat, a nfool ahead of Olmmy Kehoe bf Wa.ililngton. D. C, former University of Maryland star. Borlcan was third.

the UnlUd SUtes Is 4K.000 miles.

Burlej Wins O ver ' I B iadfoot, 29-28Bobcats’ Take V icto ry in

- Closc-Battic W itli Bron CO Quintet

DUKLFTY. Jan. II - Durltfy ba.i- ki leers rdRr.l out Uir Illnckfoot Hrniiri):,, lo';:fl. here loiiUht In ii faiit si'iyi! that_wa.'i done IhroUKhout,

Bliickfool led 13 to D at the closi or .the /flNt quarter, but IJnrley nillled If) place thi; l oiini nt 17 all 111 Ihr half,'In llm lliird quiirter Hurley rorncd ahead, :!J to 22. and, althniifh the Irad cli.’iii'Bnl hujiits .III thf •r-'- l (|uiirt<-r. Uurlry canii- tliroiiKh for n win when a field ko!«1 provlili'd till- wlniilnK inarKlli.

nolious, niirley HiiHioninre. wa/; hlKhJ^llli 11 polnt,i;'W'hlle John: W0.1 hiKh for Dlackliwv wllh

Herd:,. Bnrlfy guiirtl, onl.iliindliiK pcrforniiily-

I.lnc’U |).i: IJUIll.KV - Evan!i |2) . ... Itob rt , (II) Arallurrl (4)

's hlgb'^c< r^ 7



) (ID,Wanwarli>( (7)

.spciu 141......... u ........Canister (t) .nrad^havr lOl ... f i ......... Wrlllii (2)

Suhitltuthiiii: nurler — Jonri IKI; Klink |0); DIackfool — Wliltllii (0|; Wrl£hf (0).

Skiers Vie f o r , Places on Team

I d a ffo 's ■ O u ls tand iT ftj'P cr- . formers Comijole a t

McCallMcOALL. Idaho, Jim, JI (/I'l-rnic

clans of Idnho’n hklrrs vie here to­morrow, for pliicc* on a i.lx-man team to rcprei.ent the ntnte In an lnterf.Ui(e .-.kl nic.-t at Ijim Valley later (his nin\h.

fc:iRlltcen ronijirlltors, IncliiilInK •ilx frum .Siuii Valley.Ski club, are entered,- KaUilcen Unrrlnian. dnuglilcr ot Unlijn PaclJIc Imnrd Chairman Aver- 111 llarrlnian nnd all-arouii<l won)— en’s choniploii at Sun Vnlley la.-,t year, b («> race. ‘ AL.o listed from, aun Valley ate Niincy RcyiioUl;. and Bally Mtchfklii,‘ Sun Valley mni enlrunl.i nrr Adolf

RouUlcek. A r r liiR a and

P A G E S I X ' — - T W p T l ^ U ^ ^ E W S , T W I^ P A L L S , ID AH O , S U N D A Y \ o n N p IG . JAN tJAR Y 12. 1841 / , /

SPORTSM^ GATHER FOE IMPORTANT SESSION .Idaho Wildlife Federation Fights Move to Change^Game Commission Set-Up

Game Commbsipm Elects New Chairmanw a l t e S I T s c u s

SUCCEEDS BO(^HIn Idaho Fish and Gqme Spotlight"

WAT.TCR .FIKCU3 (left) is the' new chairman ot the lU le flih and gama eemott^leo. snceeedlnr Goarze llontli nf Burley; R. G. Cole (center), pre lilrnt of the Idahs Wildlife Faderatlon. spoke eut yesterday at. linlke agaln>t any move lo change '^ r kl;tic'» game commlulon lyilem daring the current sesilon 'bt the Ipffl-ilaturr ai memheni of hi* nrganliillnn salliered for their «l5le roitferenee: Owen W. Morrli tH*nt1. hlate (Cih and rahie dlrectoK \iltt pre«eiii'a report on u'ork ot hli depsrJmcnt Co (he WfdUfe rederslinn

'mcellnc opening today In Holne. , ^

little CoUegian -Wins Over Riggs

1— 0,

Tiny Eddie Alloo Triumphs Over Former Tennis

Champion•i'ajITp a , Kill., Jan. 11 <i.r,-r-dfite

Alloo, lliiv netter from Rollln.s col- leCE.iil Winter Pi»tiu-J'ia., today lU'icL iilin-,rU-lnin"Uir finals of the 17th Annual Dixie Tennis toiirna-

_K or Ihr third stralRht day the • [tie ti-llow bla:.t«t his way UiroiiKh

hiKh riiijkliiH.slar. and today's vlc- m wa.i Hobby RIbbh of QilcaRO, inner niillnuiil .'.InRles chamjilon 11(1 ilir nrc-.cnt No, ; [ilnver In liic

country. - / -It look Alloo five seU In Whittle

IUuk;,, Uiinl;.' ma-Mer .'.lioiinaker.lllf. tor Ihe kill. •Ilie

•a„nta.:•nic vli:tory Inoved the Rollins star

inin the lliml,i tomorrow aflcrnoon iinaliiM tall il-ankle Kovaca. Uie c'mintrj r. thlr(l-raiilcl,nK player (rom 0;il;lancl. Calif., who beat Don Mc- Nei:i. the iiatloiiul rlnnlet chumplnii Imm’ Oklaliomii City, ,

McNrlll. apparently over-trnnlned

OeorKc Piilhkr, the latter two being Halloy nallv?;..

I’ roin Idaho f ins Chick Do« and Mell Carmen are intercd; from Moa-'

Jai;k NiimlHra and Jim Conley of Ihe Unlver lly of Idaho ski team; McCall. Warren Brown. JCaare En- Kcn. Jack Shlefer, Llojd Johnson, IJlll Urown, )r„ and Hollln Close; Dolr.c, John Hearno and Frftnk Da- -vldnon, Jr.

Otlo LiiiiR. Sitn Galley !ikl in- iilruclor. ha« laid out dlalotn ami Jump courses Jor the meet, won l>y Enficn ln;.t yeaiT ' y

Jack Dempsey Urged As .‘Czar’ of Boxing

■ hv jo sk ph TRiN iiaPIr. ldent ol iho NaUonal Bpxlnft /- Aoclailon

Ch j cAGOj JnYi. 11 (/I’j — Th o U lm c hits comc to place professional boxliiR under federal supervl.slon.

Only n fcdcrnl boxing board w ith properly - vcaled niiUior- l ly cfin corrci;t cxlslliiR evils and nbusej In the sport. Tliero was ti time when I held the opposite view, but now 1 feel boxlnK needs'u coiuUerpurt o f basebali’.s Commlsslon(^r Koiie- saw Mountain Landis,

My nomlniitlon fbr theto handle -that job Is Juek Denii>,sL‘y. He could head a federal bo.-\id alili-'li woiilil not cllin- limle stale lm*ijn: (-•omnihslons buV would art a.-, a Miivrvhory body. In the lnlrilr;tiile inatlrr.s 'anil n.i i\ rollni! body„fi). ihe intcTKlnle. W l-

T lii Niillunal IloxInK ni.-.oclntlon ad a-nnrneisliil ntid coiialnictlvc

.ciir'ln 13<0, hiKhllKhted by the Srpteinber convention at which the orunnlrJiUon look the MnntI that lilies niii--,t ^e won or lo.a In the rhiK. not nromid a conference tabic.

Chaniplon-1 will be a-ikcd to de­fend Uielr tlile.\aKnln;.t om.itnndlns contendj-r.' Jf, lo r lelfWi or mer-

Blven K tJiQt nt.the iltlc:i. then Uie tltle.i .will hot bo vacated but the champions .will be prohibited

W A N T C l)• Hides 9 PrlU # Fors.# Wool % nry Junk'Dones IDAHO HIDE & TALLOW C67

twin ValU

Attention Sportismen |The Annual M eeting . «

Of the Southern Idnho Fiflh and Game AHfloi:i:ition gW IL L BE H E LD ■ |

Tuesday Night, Jan. 14- 7:30 pt Idaho Pow er A'tiditorium ■ |

. Coffee and'Ssndwichcs W ill've Served. n' ALL rtBMDEBS ABE HEQCE8TEO.TO ATTEND! 2

from atipearlnR In any of the 3i alAlcs inidcr our JiirlMllellon.

I t Is my conlentlon that any tlnio n champton Mri» Into a rlni; at or under the wcluhi of his and meets an-Opponent at or unikr the welBht ot.lhnl clftr„s he 1* rljklnK his title, irrespective of any pniatc nrn'cemeuts or contract. . I i Ls ROrry i.late of alftilrn when a ilinin- plon of n heavier cl i;.-, iRnorc.s the demands of rlithifnl contenders for his title and meeW tlie claimantof R llRhter''dlvlsion‘fhamploii'.hiponly because of tire Kale rrcelpis, Abu.ic3 of tljls type must be ellmln- aU)d If boxhiE In 1% remain n.s a tr'!o American sport. . ^

FOR SALE!North Side eighty. Rood houw and fair oulbulldhiRs, Tills ts one of Uic bes» eighties on the North Side. Will take nereace In on thls.IGO >«cre,i, Nlre. imooth T»-ln FolU county land. Good four room hoiLve, ^mall ouiiulldlnEs. Will trade aereaRc or etjully In forty.

ii.l'alb-.IrocL Large Iidil-.c, fair Kmnary and bnm. spud cellar. Barsaln price M.760. KiOO cash and bal- once tcnns. No rock on Uils, 100 acres (ine land. Good home with email oiitbiiHdlnK», Price tIOS per acre, EasyTerms.We have V.i'', money for tsms a;id city hornet , /

F.,C. GRAVES & S O NReal Estate

fiom ti:-. rrcent lour of South Ainer- icii, nc '.'T KOI hi* power shot.s work- inR aiul lost In'siralRht sets, Ttin -.corrN were 0-3. 0-<, O-'J.

Fiiinh In Ulo women's similes and intn'i. <lci(ibl« also are on toirior- rows .srhedule.

Ml:.s Paiillne Betz. Amerlca'.s (hl(d rankiiiK v,omon player. iiUo from i{olUn lOlIcBe. meets Mrs! Sarah p. Coo'<e of New York, Jor Uie wom­en's uilf. and McNeill mid Jack KriuncT, lUih ranklnK player from OakliiMil. Calif,, meet Uii:.sell Hob- blit nf .\tlanta. aiid'Frank Criiem- sey of Orlando. Fla.. In the doubles flnah, •

Declo'^ins . iQlose Game

DKCl.O, Jan, 11 — LeadUm by a 2(1-1C More at tlie end of die thlril (luarler, Usclo btL koteers rurvlveil Halt HIver'n clof.lnc rally-to cmene, from la;,t nlRht's encounter ■ i.llh a J8-U7 victory.

The local club led 7-< at the eml a{-Uie-oi>fnlni:-(rnme-nnd-TCached- the half wllh a 12-10 advantiiBe.

Plckeil. with clRlit points, wan lop i rt-lnK star for Declo,?

Tlie Aei'rjula quintet ptnys here nexl Wednesday.

OAKK nuv OllT^N<i)EROAKLAND..Calif.. Jan. N. (4 ,—

PurchiLie.of Kred Tnuby, rlghiXaiirt- cd hitting and UirowhiB outfieliler. from Blrmlnahnm ot Uie Southern «c.oclfttloii was onnoiinced today by the Oakland Icasue >elub. Terms were not dLscItued.'.

.TaUby will replace Mika Clirlstolf. drafted by the world's champion Cincinnati Jteds. .

Boxers Battle In l ^ ^ n g

/^h letiiTAssociation Sponsors Soven-Bout Card a t ■' Auditorium

niTpEflT, Jun. ll-Boxcr,'! fn -Albion Normal .school will clash w the Rttiiert AUiIeUc club's be;.l mill . men In a seven-bout card hercTdon- iluy niftht.

Tile amateur rliiR stiuw wlll’ iitjiri ut 11:30 p. m. at the Civic uudltorlum.

Tlie Rupen Atliletlc luv-.oclatluii. iponsor.t of the rlnt mec^ an­nounced that the card will con.1l l of the follflwlnu inaCches (Albion boxer. flrsti:

Jack Boclni, laJ, vs. Gnie, I2fl, — •

Ardu-s Wartl. MS, vs, Beriien Sco'.t, 35, . ■


It. liM been estlmale<l lea-U 2,000,000' Amcntinn.s from arthrlUs.

K lh a l, al ■nsNwifer



■ ^ B A R G A INIB30 CllcvroleL Coupn — V#c- ulun i>ower rcii shift,r«rdlo.Jidater..............563 31040 Ford Deluxe Coupe — Siecrlns l>ost near shift, radio,heater. 0,000 mllen.....S73S1030 Plymouth Deluxe Bport Sedan •— Motor, finish, up­holstery good, hrntcr S ^ 5 193« rord Coupe — OOod'con­dition,, radio. heat«r . .S 4 2S

*~19SB Chevrolet Deluxe Coupe —Motor, finish, body' good, heater ......... .............SS2S1037 Chevrotd Deluxe To'vn Sedan — Moibr rccondlUoned,rinlati Rood, healer ....S4351937 Tord Coupe - - Motor re­conditioned, new finish, ra­dio, healer .... .......... S 35 01038 4 Door Sedan — Motor, finish. uptioUtery, Ures'

trunk, heater....SS4B1036 Chevrolet Delitiie^wn 0«Un — Motor flnUh, heater __S 37 81036 Dodfe Door SeSm -

1DI3 Plymouth 4dart _______ ________ «1 2 S1B30 Ford 4 Door S e * a —

.Motor recondlttoned . -S lO O ' 1920 Tord Fordor Sedan M S 1BJ7 Ford IH Ton TRJcT-

.Long W. dual*. bMt . . .body ------ __________ S37B1930 Ohevrotet I'.j Ton Trrick—Lons w. B.. duals__;iTJ5 ChtvT3I?t‘ l ’, r T 6 a _____—Lone W. B.. duals -...S22S 1P37 Ford M Ton Pick­up ...................... - - * 3 2 51039 Chevrolet H Ton Pickup —4 tpeed tmnsmtsslofl1034 InterhaUonal ',i Ton

■ Pickup ;.....................S 1 6 51033 Chevrolet \i Ton Pick*“ P -------SX25,

Csrl lUchardMin. U7. v.%, BUI Aike, 47,M(jo»e Majr Isa. vs. Antelo Del

Nagro, liS;Al 'Horshbarger. lOOj vs. Sleepy

Hardesty,-i«.A pair of younmter.s will mert In

Uio curtani-ral-scr. M*ulB will be provided lietwceii bouts by Uie RU' ]>ert municipal band.

Budgjet aiui 1 ‘>U Seasons Claim


BOISE, Jnn. IU,T’ ) — Wnlter Plscu^ o f Potlatch will direct the Idaho fish and gi^me com­mission during 1041, (iucecca- Ing Gcojffp Booth o f Burley.

Flficus was elected chairman at a meeting o f the commis­sion today and George Qrcbe o f Kuna was renamed secre- tury.

Also to come before the nieellns will be Its proposed biennial budRel and adoption of 1011 flshlni and hunting seasons.

Mshj»nd Game Director Owen W, Morris sold the .sea.soni probably would not be i(npQUnccil-until late •lext week.

Only major chnnae expected, Ife lald, .would affecl .openliiR of Uie trouL flslilns season.*- Last year It bcRUn May 1 Iiikteiul of the former May 30, but many anslcrs proteited Uio date as loo early;

Public hearlnes are planned by the comniliilon Monday and Tuts- dny. Wllh the members also mwL InK wlUi Uie Idaho Wildlife Kedcr-

Ion tomorrow and Maodaj'.A, L. Troda of Coeur d'Alene, ap­

pointed by former Cidvernor Bollolf- MU to fill the vacancy caused l.y Mlgnatlon of Mi J. Bollenelll of -ellogB, WU.1 sworn In today. .,Alton Uowell-of Rlrle U the lllth

commlulotier,. Members of the senate rniil houve Ibh and same committees conferred with comml.sslflTT members today. J, E. Gralinm of lUzbunt Is chair­man of Uie senate commUlee and A. P. Murphy nf Mullnn heads the coinmlltce. Both are Demo-

£ i v e : 4 t t e n d — 1

Boise Meet.Leaving early this mornin; lor the Idaho .stat« Wildlife session >t BoIm: will be !lve memben of tlio D.*Jub of, Sporu-onen, In accordnire «lUi Uipi decision reached durjig tlie orftanlisaLlon's recmt meeijiiu here,

ComprLslnE Uie deJesatlwt will Im Dr, aeortiR p. .Sclioler. cliainnan; L/d Drcxler. Bart*-Dovld.WTr, K.'V. wniRht and W. R. PrIeUe.

Oakley Takes 21-15 Victory

FILEUI. J a n ^ l l — Tlie''Oakley Hornets addc<r a victory lo Uielr collection nlRlit by defeatlns the , Filer hoop.stei . ai to 15.

Oakley Bnhiod a 7-5 lead In Uio .flr.%t quarter andi at Uie IntermLi- slon had a 12-7 advantage. Score at Uio clo.'.e o fthe third period was 14-11 InJovor of Uie visitors.

Sneers of Oakley and Walk^r ot filer each posted seven points lo tic for hiKh Bcorlnff honors.

Lineups: - e Filer Po*. ^ OsklerMonnalian ........ K....... (2) LarsonWalker (7) .......F,.;,.... (71 KastrnPond 14) ........C.......... (2) PalmerVincent { 'I ..... <J............... Elliot ■Lbenele (21 ....... C.. (8) ^fe^lur lJ'

(iuhilKutlons: ^. Filer—Johnson, Gary, tlelchert; Oakler—Rice, MlUii (4l,Xake,'Mar- Un. tiulUvan, McKven.

Hoppe Recovering From Pneumonialillia rd Champion’ s Condi-

' tiorv Reported ‘ Much Im proved’

CniCAQO. Jan. 11 m — .Tlie tcnaclly wlijcli brought him from behind In many a match came to Wlllle Hoppers nld today as Uie world tliree-cuslilon billiards champion lay 111 of pneumonia at St. Luke's hos- pltiil.

The 13-year-old New Tfork star, attendlnz. ^hynlclan.s said, w’as "much Improvfld’ over .hLi condl- ■ tloii tJurlnB Uic early morning hours, when hi" lempcralure K»e lo .106 (IcKrees. DurhiB Uie dny ll'droppeS_^ ili_i!esrcci.-and-pliyslolann-ii*ld-he— (.howed remarkable recuperative iwwers.

Pneumonia de\'cloped from an at­tack of Influenu whicli forced Uie Ulleholrter to withdraw Thursday night froni'iiLn Utle elmllengjudue'l wlUi Joke Schaefer of Cleveland. ?7iat n'rauh wa« In Uie final block. wiUi Hoppe well nliead, when the, champion colUiMCd.

Curtllff tnke.i Uie le'ad nnions EnBll'h clllea for havlnc nn nt- Timsphere almo«t free from soot.

' A rriw ’s Choice

for this/Monith . . .

A r d m o r e S t r i p e s

; fa a tu r id In Ihe F a b ru ory E iqw lr*

S T*«T the year Bmartly -with ihi* hindsoine, newj' Arrow

Ardmoro pattrj-n shirll I t has twin white atripcs, aeparated by -

uiiUr Btripca ol grey, on <unbra .hroadclotii grounds.'Ardmore Strips Shirta have the pcrfect* Titling Arrow co lla r^ . the trim

Mitoga figurc-fitol2.

They atio haTO aomo p ^ oc tly mate*) Arrow Ttea, Shoi'to, and

liandkerdiicfa, designed in har* mo^xin^ Ardmor« patterns, Tho tie* knot perfectly and are wrinklo' resitta iu^l, The»hort« btve no

' aeama in'tho leat or croteh. 65e>, A ;i^ o re handkercbitfiy tiiat ^ ve the final dreii'Up touch. 35c<

0 * < bsatiieee Utba Arrow Bin shin,a B*tt fittiec, fiflf, wUu Jmadclotli aa Arrow eollsr U>«t n«T«r will*. II,

V i Jit Arrow Shtru end e(Jot^U il inUag, lm ihu,l% )t,

I ,

- I D A M Q -

V S'

Page 7:… · An Astociaied Prc98 NewsoflP^^ THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Fair VoL 23,


Cowboys Obtain Manager ill - Straight Cash" Transaction


WasJj lEtiin ;

Officials of /Club Elated.

Over Deal .


Andy,HarrlnRton Is tU j new ** manngcr o f the Tw in Fnlls

Cowboys.T he deal, a straight cash

^transaction,"brings the popu- 'la r Boise baseball p layer and p ilot to the local camp where he w ill go to ly. lin ing up players fo r the com ing season and laying ijlnns lor aprlwj lr«lnln(r.' An nirrccnient wili readied Itut nlKhl In Ion? distance.convcnwtlons between Hndj'n Walker, o w rr of.tlie' DoLie cIiib. nnd Carl Anderson, busi- new mt»im(jcr for Uie Ctwboys, and Frnnk MnRCl, prealdcnt.

It wna nn occasion for rejoicing on Uio part Of Uin Twin Falls offl- claLn nnd old Handy Andy himself.

•TliU Is Rrcnt news, not only't* ~ me but to faiui tftrouahout MUth

central.Idiili^" M»Bcl dfclnred aftir Wnlker hndNnnnounccd th»t he would forwtrd th« J « * l dtjcumentj ftt once. " I am very hnppy and I know ihftt Ifarrlhfflan. nn out tAnd- InB leader nnd one of the finest In banebntl. will -turn oQt a top- nolih ball club." he added.

Anderson waa oqunUy enthuilastlc. PralftlnB Harrington ii« an excellent

} xecond baaeman u well os a baae- ' ball fleld-Bcneral Who Inspires hU

players and keeps the fans* Interest nt B-hlsh plt£h, ho .predicted ct.Kful year for the Cowl^a.

To the Neva HanrlnRton said ht wta "more tlian happy t« havo an opportunity to manase a ehib tn tht bfst town I know — Twin Palls."

‘T am lura erery »n « of us wlU do our beat to *m that Twin Falls hu a Kped team {ind that baieball will be »uppert«d In t r m way poMibk. Dellert me, It will be •

, plnsure itt terre Twin fans ^4?— a*-an-«npl8y«'8 fH il ij^riametT

•' who are m teneroualy cirlhf lhair

orranlMd baacball tn your Aft«r ho had received word from

Walker. Anderson telephoned Har- rlnslon at BoLie. ITie manager, who hnd-asked for his release earlier In the wenk. said the Boise club ownir notified him of 'the'Purchase las( nlRht and that he would arrlTO In'

^ I n Fulls Monday to atUnd a -^fiellnit Of Uie local club’s board 'of •directors. , - . >

rroin here Uio Oowboy pUoE and Anderiwn wlU co to PoCatallO' to make ti report to Jack KalllvtU, president of the Pioneer lengue. oM cmnplete detallc In connection with Uie deal. Tht prl£8 pnld for Har- rlhtrton was not disclosed by the Tn’ln Palls men > lio said that any announoemcnt aa to the sum In­volved would come from Walker.

T)ie actual purchase will'not b« completed until approval has I mbr

, • Riven by W. O. Sramhom. president of the National ArJioctAUon of P«>- fe.-islonfti Baseball leaffUeCThe pay* mcnt must so through Bram hwl office.

Mrmben of the Cowboy bao«« ball firm— and huiMlr*da or fau

. ~han> lone had thair er«a «■ .Harrtncton. AT^lIUUen of th«. peppery a«eand a«eker eamt aftor a sertea « f canr«renOM at whieh

- At one time 1( was btUevad that I j Vem -Reynolds would ip> to Bo{M

-£~.aJHf-wlUv<v«hunk'^t o«aii-T«tn IPdtr'TCniTlnt Joe z^atle . BSdm I

‘ ' ’ 'OTeiueBr a member of ths BoJm Ipl»«nin8 lU ff and Harrltlkten. IEfforts to mate Uie deal failed, bow f ever, and the baseball :

.^arrowed their Ulk< t 'lebaU manaU* I to the playlne nount to ba paid.

ItlrkK 47, Maint^a Nonnal 40. SlanforJ p. 31, Sinlj Clan 3?.

liillrsr .'.K, llruncli Ajjirv ciillrsr (O ibr CUy. Illalil 4R.

.\U>l<iii Normal Ki. U’rl>rr Call.'13. 'orlllw^ ( N.i/.\rrnr lo llfjf 3(1,

Lo'r’ loM NiiniiM 31 Irurriimr)....... —- :S. Idaho

33,II, <)hl.ilinm;> ;

(o^rrtlmr). .•Iry St.Hr in. Cnlcrailo IMlii.

35, Trx.i

.3.', l.iiuMxnasiaip ::i:. "

Soullirrti Me4h Clirl.tlan3l, .

Hire CS. Trxj. A, A M, III.Indiana 4H. I1Iiniii« 3>i,'>A1at).lma 21. Tfiitiri«rp ZZ.Vlorldn H, ncorjla i:,Konlham Colsatr Arkaim-. 41. 31.I'unhif 41. Mlclilfan 4(i. .v.- N..(rc'I)4mf 45. n.illrr 3r..VJ>L I'lilvrrjllv of Calltonil.i 3rt,j irnb;

TfnKv of S 'WrMmlin

UUIll 37. i

Idaho, 39*^0 3 JWashinoton Quinlel Scores

Sccond Btra ig lit Win Over Vandals

SK.Vrn.K, Jail. \l M'.—Wn:.liln(;-

Ben Hogan Sets New Golf Mark

ny'RU.‘i3 N!:\vt..^^I)0 ;\ K L ^ N IV < :iiir-. Jiu'. n U-*! — I.:uiky L*,, J. "D u t^ ril.'ion. from .^rklm.‘ias, loci thn piirivdc tMit-hjiir-plnl Urtui: can, a lran:.|)l;inlrtl Tcxu'ii l)c’atlni; Iho biw;;

todiiy In the MjIk I CQlincl fif 7'.!-hii!<', S.'i.dOn-Oakland oja’ i K<)lf loiirnnini’nt.

lloKan, nnw rciii.slorcd from .WliUc' Plain:;. N. Y„ hatu-.rcl . a phenoineiiiil G2. cH;liV iiiulcr i)ar, for the Sequoyah

II .s(’l a new focord forP,C.A. ■^finclloiicd ' lournii-

rnl:; and pfniallcd^tlic .score Miadr by Ld Diulloy of I’ i.illti- di'liililii. 111 riunlKyliiC-kfi'i'Ihr P. Cl. A, cl;;iiiij)loii-.lilii n l

iDiiiul n[ -Icv-M yriir'.i irndliii; iii; uliiii'T iimouK Hir u.'fV' romp'' ovon.lmtlnwrri*- flu- c'ffoi-l.i of Uir bnlitiio' » f IhP llek!.

liiirtl-oii, wltli tv iliird round cliinif to 111,.; Ir;.cl liv one Mrc>V». Up ■|iri-;tr<l a ,Vl-tlOli- n[ llrnln

:ir,d IMK.Ul -Mr.Siwd-li.IT, .Mil.---... wftli (17; .hltc- nn. of WhUe Pluln'., N. Y.. uni'

Jmiinv ilinc. nf Gr.'M Krt:k, I..' T

Kii iMJil iwliii n 08 lirilie iliird round.

•nic oUii-r .t>l .-.liooKTr. uere .7lm WfiUtip. of Odct..M«,'Trxii.l. vjtli n

nf -JlSj Hiirlflil rtiilUi'U Oak Piitu, riu M ;:ir> nnU .^im nulla, ofCirrni'ibfTro, •*!, C.' v

for . niKl (


li 'Tiiillfintillv.kiinv.n .'liolm.iHrrS llmrnn Ultlr nf* l->Mirl.«co I .llnirnv DfiifnTrt of Ilmi.-.loii,., Mil', .Sflini'lti’ i'. Okidrii.■ li, iniiiitrv <-hi1> p:otr:.,'.l/n:il.

:iv. -.vIH'Ii rointllnfd wlili lin 143'' ih?- Iir l 31;i„viiv.- liliu-a^l3 n- Ini.) III.- fliiiil icmid. il-ip III '.|i:i wnr Hrmy flm^otii Hi;i Wnrt!i. T f\ . nnd Ci.lildr .

.i: prl:,ndtri-'Iti,:!i" fi'-M tilinli;i-dJo tlip CH . iinil low..iViir-. rirtc-iVli'’ nUril _ ' '

■ppt-.n litr> h

wln'd'jp lomorroM', i-ni* r<1, |lrvll <1 provide nn. rxcltliiK Jilioln JlSl.'l

3 [tnunri n«lnu jnIf't uiirlli a rtliiir <l;iy. rivr rntilrrv kn'«lf<l

rniindr. Ix-ltiiv the 70 rfri'IIS u "liuidiird lor (he 0,3W)-ynid rn liti: b<'(junv;ili i'o;iri«. ■• rxvmilni; oiif, lil:r n JlKliHloa;


In llic nortliprn dlvi.-.lnii nf the i'acl- cnnlcri’iicc liaskethiilL n

tonliiUl. 'ilPfrnlliii; lind'o, 3ir*i7..1 ovrrtlmc Kuivie lirrrV Idaho mailr ii di':.(n-ra(* rttciiipt I win for rcllrlnK Cojiclj l-■or c. l

T»'OKOOd nnd ncnrly rtldfj^ ‘ 'lliP vlaltlng Vnndnt.' Iroin during mn>,i nt the lirM IwiC nn(t kept the (.coro uhonl cveii die second hnlf. Wui.hlnKlon. Uowrver.

i-poliiMead wlUi onl5’ tlirrc seconds di>- llic otJicliil clnck) left to play. Tlicn Oils Ulllon. lilRli kor- ■ . Idsho center, .innk i\ Iniiu !.Hnt Uint forced the wiime lnio_ovi'mme.

irrthtrmrr'iKTiixl.' \Viu.Mint?ion hn.nkijt and ft free lliroM,' wKlIc

Idaho was.held to a *Imk1c foul shot.TonlclU’tt victory left-WBsliliiKton

tied with Orcjton Htnle kjr leader­ship In the northern dlvblon of the Cinferenc* aflcr a week of piny. Each has won'two viclorlrs. Wunh- Ington Stale, by defcatln; Oregon

. 11 U>'tlni: nlillll) furn«l IKi*

Ilr;.t nln' hi 3n mul niiiip hninn In 31’ lU- lud ten l>lt<lli\i on the trip iind

ni;ulc two-iiibiii . , mind ynii, jiiccpi for bclnic sliort nf tlir i:recn <ui " lltli and tluw iniiUni: (he l5tli, for botf)' Sfr^ii' uniild have carilwl liir tinbellevablp .icnrr nf (10.

Til'' pace WlU fn.'.l iind liirioiis tlir Held hc'ndPrt Into tlipi home r.trptcli. •

'nilPP slit)t.i bcliliiil tlif IriitliT Lroniiril Dod.'flll of Knn;a;, City, of tllc dny':i 00 nn-ii. Ur- Imd n three iQiind aHurcKalc

lliirn’ Cooner: of C!ilij«lic-f, Mar-’ ., iinil Diiiijy S ' - ' -lUy Shute.^roin

!1. SllUtn biiKRCd ft Cl! I. ^Ucntlnn. Cooper n ---- ---------- - at:0!)


tnnlKlil. ondert Uie week's mo.nL areniioiia i.cticdule with two wlivs ftinl two lo«fs, while riTaho and OrcRon have only two '

T h i s S p a c e R c s c it c ‘ c1

F o r T h e A i^ n o u n c c m c n t

' O f T h e N e w


“ W a ich ( o r i i A ^ : ■ ,

^ M O T O T A m -S iA -T ^ ^I M P L E i y C E N T C O .

I ;A v£ _ A ^ '^Phone 358

M y pay than Chevrolet’s low prices whenCHEVROLET

you all these greatFEATURES andECONOMltoo!

PreparatlonB for the 1041 iSrta Fa lls took a apurt forward laat nlffhtwhen otUclals ot the Cowboy dub and Haclyn W&lk«r. ownar o f th'i Bolso PUot«,-agreed on a price fo r Andy HarrlnBton, above, who w ill take command at Jayce« parte as m'anager

1 second baaetnan. As leader a t Boise the last tw o years, Harrington brqusht hla club a thlrd-pIace finish In ,1039 and second to the champion Salt Lake C lty^ ee s at the

------------ ’ the conferenceand at leatUfl headquarters In Poca­tello. Harrington will return to BoUe to wind up hit affolra tn the capital city. PMk up hla beionginj*, and close o f the 10<0 season. (News Engraving), move to Twin J lla.

Next major project on the baae- ball scljedule here I* Uie slttnlns of a player aEreement. Magil report«d Uiat 'TonAji’’ Torrance of Uia SentUe Rolnleni buslneu^offlM, U eiipected In Twio FaJla wJlhln the week to dliouu n)Whereby the ehamplon chifr of th# Pacific Coaat leaeue will Xann play­ers to the Oowboya.

Montana Statg^ Decisions DISB

B le a ts S t a v ^ f f Rally to- ' Emerge-Wfth 25-23 ' ' V icto ry


COMMERCIAL UUOUE Tmou / * Woa iM i ret.

Hallali CeoMo .........«fl SO MTnraatwM ....................

ocrrtEAGue ^ ^ m a ' Wen Lott r<!(.KImbU'a_______ -— ..,41 1> 6SSTime

■Montana BUte lUved off- - ___hilnute rally to emerge 35-3} victor over Idaho southern branch of Poca­tello tonight In the second of a-t«o> Eame baskethall series.'

It .was a U«ht defenslva 'game which saw the visitors leavt'the

—flotu'-at-httlftlntB wltfi n bns-i lead. n-IO.

Qreaves. fUaho scorer, who was <suc««4sfuH;.........was again

' hut hU t«atnratt« Quinn found tht basket five Utnea to fcort nine pdlnti for thb Bengals and shuo soring honor* with BrtcUcy of MoQtaat SUte.

Katlonal Uundry . L. N, BertngaIdaho rawer_____Elks....................

.X . 21 SU


T. r. Bank-TfMt u_..3»' SIIdaho Egr _______ __Si- SI' - itDonntalnSMidCoU SI '


_____ IhB BoticaU acortd ninepoints from tbs foul ltn«. Although

. ^ e Sabeats tud 38 fouls caUed on m them. Idaho enbr inada three of tht

gift ahota.^Uoataz^StoU win tnrel to

teUo--Baxt* weekend fo . «erlBB_^th the Bengals.

cou&vc-^un ■

pit* by an attomay that his e lln t ntrer had b e e i^ court t>efot* w u of no avaU to » defendant eharved wttli- pfftiffftlffn of illtgal whlakT htre. •

rx think, you're mlstakm." said .Jiidgo E. J. Bhodes. “as I ropreMnU ed him o fK lf sereral jretn ago."

Harrington Club Finished Second

Owner o f Boise P ilo ts Has Several In M in d ,(o r

M anagerJobBOISE, Jan. 11 (ip>—Andy'Har-

rbifUn. popular isanacer of the Boise PUol4,\who was sold tonight to ths TwUiMlls baseball club, coise hm fracQ Yaklm» In ISSSf to lead the PUots to third place In the leone itandlnes afttr a poor start e s ^ In (Jtal yu t. U st ytsir he brought his olub stoood only to ttie Stic U U Oltr BMt.

Walker said SaUuday alght that ht had not signed a new manager but-tntlmated -that he had *sm n l men in mind for Qi« Job and might tioeo a deal for a "

— i?M fC5is^t<PsanFalls dul first eamt t« light Walker was sngllnc for an unnamed catcher wtio played last year in the Tntas league. Of tht BoUe ownyr suoeeeds

Carl Anderson, the Trfln^Jfalli

asMOl w«n lopm ed' aenace, BMdem hem« «neHtBt-|9eaUea, tB eltr UBdti 10 intfS tor «7 m.'-Botftni Borne, cltec I Writ* Box l i Ktw-IfaDefc.^

buslnew msnsger, and Walker had long Ulks about Harrington earlier In the wetk but couldnt resell

lee agreement;T1)«n. too. WaUti. 4 veUrans to peddle and wanUxl.

„ send u n i of them (a Twin Fo7i. •HiB Oowboy-own»rf;‘howeTer. held out for Karrlngton alone.

; ^ W . 8. C. BEATS OREGON '^ O E N B , Ore., Jan. I I (rtV-Wa^» inglon State made It two In a tow - - the towering University of Ore-

baskelball Uam tonight u it ed back the WebfooU, K to 4D.

___ game that belisnged to the Cou­gars from the outset. ‘

DOSE or omuMEoinNEBERKELEY, Calif. yP)-Pollce

Judge OUver Youngs turned the Ubles cm four University of Call- iomla itudenu who amused them­selves by toning paper bags a " water out of a tratamlty bouse dow on-people's heads.

He onsered Bailiff Charlas Mat* to l«a>-b««s o f waUr-oul of a

city hall window. Tlie four defend­ant . bad to stand and take it.

For Sale:XrrtgaUon Rancliet-depth of wells. 110 feet. Bandy.ioas> •oil-vsry fertile, pnees from SIS to tas Ml aae. Pirtlcu- Urly adapted for - poUtoea,' HfufOBd'BMaiT'BevBtiaar <100 feel.-', , . .

:C .'A v .B ro w n :

Page 8:… · An Astociaied Prc98 NewsoflP^^ THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Fair VoL 23,

r A S t t - E l^ r r' ■ - ..... .... ' '■ ■ ■■■ ■ ■ ■ • ■ CTWJN K ALLS n e w s , t w in f a l l s , ID AnO r-SU N M Y MOKNWG, ,TANCTARY 12, 1041 '

Hollywood’s Tall ActressesForm Uni(iue Orjjauization

New Appointee^ For Public Works

HOIHK, Jiiii, U Co!iiilUoncr of Public'Works MIcil Merrill nnnniincfil two nOdllUitJs (lppi»rtmcill jXTiiOtliK-l liMlny.


Kui>ert Kvfiit — TUc EpaorUi lr!iK\iP of Ptiiil nicl Thursday

IK MrUiodL-it p<(nonnROIII Huixjrl, «1icrn Uiry wcrft cnKr- tuliKxl by Ilcv, liiia.Mn. Albcrl E.

■ Piirrrlt.‘ VWl—Mr. Biiil Mrs. Wll-■ lliim Ilmi?kuiiil)-.(in, KUly. of Wiuili- '

KUiM.'D. C.. iirrlvwl Dcc, 23 luid,N-iii i!n-‘ Chrl.Mmiui oml New ----------

liolUliiys ll'c liomc of her purcnu.»iKl Mr.%, K. IC. Mulcr. Icavlns

I. « for AmiTlcim riOla wlicrcj .• y will Vl,-.ll lib iKirciiUi, Mr. iiiiU ^ ;. Jiicol) HaiicK. ’Hicy cxix.-ei'io • irii 10 Pnul Inter for iifioUicr vLi- iirfon* roiiiniliiK to iJjpIr liorn#

! Mr^ Iln\irlt. la ciftiijoyctl In

"Oofth. lioncy." he siiUI. ry. Mr. Powi-rn hn.1<l ii up to liLi hoiisd for liivcli.

••Oh!" r.ald Polly.. ••He'd .KOI tt. lx>ok oil rpforp.'

tlon h<*''uniit.i mo t<

*^_lhnt sort of tiiliic, you kmr*' •'Yi'ji, I know." r.jilil Polij'. Uirn; •'All rUhl:■ Mtiiii I ’vr ko

, tnlk over will Kcri),"•'Coiililll't I comr ovit 'to ym

plurc IhU ovoiiliiK?- David n-'.l:.' ' •■Of coursc." Mild Polly, "iiiiU'. .MiirKO Powcnv iliitri you >i|i."

Tontcht nt KIglit■nmt, DHvld tlmiiKhl. dldn'l i.niil;

n Wt llkp Polly. 'niP .•.llnlii tliu:i''< 8arcii.Mn Iw dp[«-!i-<l ,ln lu-r t.':uiii Musli't clnirn«tcrl;.llc pj Pully—;

Mild. •'Girls ll5> -MiiKi) up MlllllllOW.’:) KilM Ukr

' .1........(iim’t ki»-n. iliit I'll

look-^or yoiriirouiid rlKlil."•'I'll br lliPrr!' D.ivid ii-.Mirtvl.

"Ciiii'l you’ t.'lUmp now wluifs on your mind—and iiu ii <1i.'4ui-.i It In dPNill lhl:i rvcnlni!?-'

•'I'll father not." Mild Piiliy, ••Niil - ovpr the tck'plionc—"

•'Okiiy, Uicii—TonlRhl nt rlirht.'; David hum: «i> tlio n-cclvrr an'il

uviil bnck 10 'his' lyjilnR. Som>- Uilnc wn.1 boUiiTlnt: roll)'- Hccoiikl t -ll by thr tone or litr volcr, It probnbly tlii- .miiiip UiIuk Unit 1 hceii boUicrhiK her the othor t .

' nlntc out nt IhiHnn. it worricil him. He wWicd Unit he hmln’t told Mr. Power.i Uint lw-would ko u for Ills hiiich hour . wpuld much riillipr hiiich tearoom, niul find on Polly's mliul. lie vx-. ci,'cii tempt- et! to brciik the cnniiKPmcntf Mr.’ .Powcm If lie could «inkc U oome oUicr day. And yet liM ldu't like to do Uiln. AfUT all. Mr. Powrni u-n.i hl3 iKVis, nnd he «ns trylnK to bo kind nnd helpful. . .

flnnlly he forrcd hV»sclf to pi cverytJilnK out of liLi mind but Hi work ot- hond, lie flnlilu.xl tl: tivbulntlon rui Mn I>-.ven ciuii out of his prlvftto offlco'to sjiy

- « ............................emted In

Irty slinrp. I Anrtxprescntly

the Ions, paneled mi ' the Pow<TB house up on the hill.

"Lpenofuilly sclcete<l .every piece ■ ' o? wvlc Ujsvt went, Into IHost pantVn.” __ Mr. Poweni Mid with pride. "A lot

• of people RO to Europe and buy Uit ,' paneled wulla of Aome CiLitle. bui

___ noi Andy Po»TrjtrMc ior_liitt-waodof my own eiuntry/:.

Mortco Inushed. ' ^“Supposo you forget wood lot'

h llUle while. Dad.” rtie said. -Sure­ly you and Dnvid hAve plenty of

' contoct with wood dovn « l tlio pUnU Let's toUc ftlMUt something

^ ;* t* 7 a 11


i - n

/fl 'f i'.

h l i ■ib

^7- la -■1 JO

i r 35-


ts *74e io Sa

is- W * * n> h ia

bo i r fca- bt .

^ , U,

'>7 •f

Page 9:… · An Astociaied Prc98 NewsoflP^^ THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Fair VoL 23,


SOCIETY EVENTS and.. CEUB' NEWS^- 'Y ' Club of G irl Reserves' W ill

Entertain M Gala Cotton BallPhmy^urc golnfj forward rapidly for the Cotton Ball, to

bo s ta'B «l,at the Am erican LcRlon Mcmorlul hall Wednesday evening, February 10. by tho " Y ” club ot the Q lrl Reserves ot tho-y. W .C .A .. Mrs, Helen Henderson, Y. W .C .A . secretary, announced Inat cvcnlnp. Pre-


^urteen tncmbfr;i of ihe Wlrndly CIrele club and Imo kup. h n'lPi i, Tlii«:!<lny^leniooii at the li

Hlliiler, Tlip pr co^ic(e<l brief bu.iiiy.v, scwlon iiiter wlilcjrft Koclitl hntir luid're !r4‘Hm«nU wern tnjoyixi. Chib prise -WM.won by NcJJJd Cn-

■I luM

Umlnnry plnns for tho event were made at the meeting ol the "Y " club Inst wtek ot Uie Farm- M.V Aulo InsurftiicumidlUirlum with Mb* Hiellle Thomns, jweslileiil, Iti chorgc. ---

MiM Joan Denolt nnU Mlu Muy Alice Buchanan are ct>-ch»Imiei> of iirrwiBtnwntfl Xor , Uio Fcbruiiry ilancc, to wHlch K 1.1 |>Iiiimcil to lii-

. vll« oul'OptDu'n Olrl RcJicrvc.1 a:Kl their fscort

Clev • Scber 1 ria iA clever dccoraUvo sclieme Is be-

IrR worlted out by U)o Rlrla. and a larirc number of drcornllon commit­tee members will Insur# Uie desired ellccU .

Al Use inccUntf week, m w• Loreen PiiUcr led tlio dcvoUonal* and prof;ram.i for Iho >'m j dLieur-ietl. . ,

Di*. JoueDli' Mamhiill dkcuiuietH •'ProMtm# of YouUi" durlnit tiio pro- Kram hour.

■MUs Olive J.? ofthe decoration commlUre and her nMl-it<mt« for llie bnll Include:

CemtnKlee Mcmbera■ML'J Betty Rommelve<lt. Mlai

Luclllo Jacklln. MLvt Dorothy Hud- .non. Ml«i Betty Jncky. Ml.w Norcne AnnK MKi El.ilr Annls. MLw Betty StUfirt, ML*li Mojlnp NlrMcn. Mtvi Mnxine UeaUi. ML-u Belly Lu Dailey. MUi Betty Bnbcock.. Mlsn Yvonda nice. MLvi Ocontla WoUllnmn. Ml.« LoLi Louden. Mlin Vlrttlnla Uvlugs-

Mb«-Marllyn«r. MLw Mary Anno Duerig, Ml«i Marion Teof.ely.

• Ml.« Lol.n Oalo Beam. MLm Nanette Wood. MlM Vern Ttllcy. MLu Rosella Quint. 'ML'j Miuctno llerre. MIm Laura Anne Seaton. MIm Juno Seat­on. MLvj Nyle T>’Ier, MLvi Jo Anne Ankeny nnd MIm Babe Oee.

Mlii Bftly Anno ThomoU. Mins Jean Parker;* MLw Julia McBride. MU.1 Edna Foster. MImi Lj-nottc Smith. MlM DcNolB Winter. Mlti

■ Norma Jenn DIOBle, MLm tJorla Jean Crowley. M l«i Pat Ooodyenr. MLvi Mftrjean Crown. MIm DoroUiy Earl, MIsa Helen Bvrl, MIjw Melba Holme.-i, MLw Tlielma Moon MLvi Dahrl Self, Ml.w Imift Rleman.

Punch house:' Lotv-OL'ien, MIr.1 VlrKlnla Jonca. MIsa Bclty Ed- mondJon. Nonna Andrew!!. MLw nuih Adele Emltli, MLvi Annii Iluth Oooddlna. MliT Nlnn WlLion. MLw Lolfi Waddell, MUo Grace Wcgc MlM Marj- VlrKlnW Ben.non. ML-j Gernndlne G a.v 'cr.- _ _ _

Plan ProjrnmProffnim.i: Mlsa Bctli CO'der, ML's

Julia Ann nyan, MJm Oraco Bniley, Mta Gwen Heirrccht. Ml.i.i Helen Tinker. Mlsa Shirley Oreenhalsl), MIm Jeon PaynUr, MIm VtrRlnla Wolt«r.-- M l^ Betty MIsb

• Anno EltsM.wlJi. MlM Jennie SiBSlna and MLm Jean Ilnyward.

noor sliow: Mary Jano Sheareni, Erma Lea Skinner, Alta Frailer. Pimch cotvuDllt«e: Mias Helen Thomas and MLm June Daniels.

• finance commutes; ML-.i Mary Lou Dlffendarfer, MIm Vlnslnla Morris, MlM EsUier Qlvcirond MLis Lorctn Fuller.

Invltatloroi commlllee: ML*j Vi Ooodmnn nnd -Miss Mary Helen

- Clapper. Errand elrl.i. Ml.w MarKurct Chevalier. MLw Barbara Wanmiui nnd MLia.Pmnces Scliwelcklmrdt,

Property rItIs: Miss Betty McVey, Velrta Schnmp., ML-a Jean Nicholson. MLis Prl.icllltt Dean and M1.-J Eleanor Mao Wall. OreJiestri

' nnd hall; Miss Maniaret Vnzque and MIm Heletr Browj.

Prize commlllee: MIm Vlrslnli Allen. Mla.1 Vema Lou Bownmn iinc

nnvemcrlfl, Mlia HelKu Romraeu vcdt. MIm Iris Orodorff. Miss Mario Louden. MI.1S 'Ruby CarL-«n. MLvi Bonnio Jean Kunkle. MLvi Shirley

■ Hlnu, Mbii Oenevlevo Benolt. MKi Lillian -Uubcnhelm,' MIm Vlrslnla .Sttpbell, Mlu Betty Lou WootLi : Edearlna T>'Ier. Mlu Adda Mae Brocken, MLu Wanda Jortlon. Miss Alice Mao Bertie, MIm MarUia Wise MIm Audrey Wcthcrbee. MLis Bonnie Brown and Miss Lucille Thomas.

Coast 'V isitor - Feted at Party}lonoTlnf: her Bueiit,, Mrn. Bery

Bimttl of LO-s.AnRcIcs.- Ml.M Miuinn Kloppcnburs entertained' at ai " formal ptnodile party Friday

•nilnK at her home, 601 Sccond avenue norU>.. Mrs. BlllltM. who arrived last Wed' nesday from Uie coast, plant lo lesvo

-Wednetrtgy for. filoux JPnlla. .visit relaUves nnd friends. MJss Kloppenburs and Mm. BlllttU vere nchoolmatcii tn Sioux Falls, - gnul-' uailntr from hlfili ichool togother.

Mrs. LoATll KJoppenburs and Mlw Lorraine Jensen won honors » t pin­ochle Ittst Friday evening and a suest prlro was presented to Ujc honor*e. Re/reslunents concluded tho eve- nlnK's v en t..

Othtf Buesta Included Mrs. Virgil sutler, Mrs. Arthur Vlslck. Mrs. H. W. Zimmerman. Miss Maurlne Xuko, Mlu Allco Beatty\ond Miss Amo PVinkhouser. > \ -

Todvr. MIm iriiifiiiiTniwg nJHtnkn. her guest to Sun Valley on a wghtf

Lieutenant Ralph Leighton and "Kimberly Teacher Pledge Vows

, Marriage Told

nins IIALPH LEIGIITdN, who Mlu Fnye Uehlcy of. Kimberly before her fceent maxrlaio. fiho win Join her tiuiband, LleuUnant Halph Lelfhton, at Camp Murray, Waih.. this week. (Neg* Enjriv-

Miss Grace Cook And W.Kit^ktnan Wed in Texas

Mr. nnd Mrs. June Klrkmon nounca Uie marrlauc of Uiclr .... Wc.iley Klrkman. juvl. Miss Grace Cook. dauBliter of htr. nnd Mrs, Bert Cook, of McAllen. Tex., on Thursday. October tO, 10<0, at .Mc­Allen.

Mr., and Mm. Wesley Klrkman, •ho rcaldcj In I’ooatello. a ' ’ ‘ ■wiir Friday for

end visit with Mr. IClrkmi ... ent.1 and other relatives. Ho Roclaled with Ihe Union bus lino 6ut of PoeatoUo.

•file couple, who met In Yellow, one puk..oarly lo«e>iimia>r wlierg

the brido *na vacaUonUiR and Mr. Klrkman was driving a U. P. bus, was married at the home of Ihe brldc'.i pnrenta In Texas. Only mem­bers of Uio family and a few close friends were prctent.

•Mrs. Klrkman was graduated from McAllen high sch&l and Hlurtled volco >mdcr an Ensllsh profensor In Umt city. Mr. Klrkman wort grad- uaied from Twin Falla high school.

Honoring tlie visitors. Mr. and Mrs.. Hadley Potec entertained at an informal dinner Jllday ovenlng at their home.

Ouests, besides the honorces and the ho.iLi. included Mr. nnd Mrs. Don Klrknmn, Mr. and Mrs. Garth Klrkman. Atr. and Mrs. Uny Ander­son. Mr. and Mm. June Klrkman, Mr;i. Clara Hnn-icn nnd Dlclc Han-

Stork &hower Honors Woman

A^cltfvcr pink and blue shcrt’cr was iirraiiKcd In honor of Mrs. ArlU Jones by her sir,ter, Mm. Clifford Kiinpc. i40T~FlfUi nvenuo cast, one afternoon last week.

Pinochle and checkers were Uic aficmoon's dlvernlons with checker honors going to Mrs. Helen Hoskens and Mrs. Ooldy Devon win' nlns.pinochle honors.

Master Clifford Dene Knnpe vn; honored by his moUicr with a birth'

'.finy cake, which centered the n- . frcshmcnt’ table In honor of his .second anniversary..'-Ouest« Included Mrs, Kalht^’n

l^mlth, Mrs. Anna Smith. Kirs. DO' von. Mrs. Pansy Alger, Mm. Wah'..... a QUlntl, Mrs. Fredreka Nebon,Mrs. Jnez .Holland. MrsrPSye Coa- nerlj-. Mrs. Helen Haskens iind Mrs. Lucille Stewart.

pefreahmenta wer« served by Mrs. Paj-c Connerljr. Mrs. Viola Knap*. Mrs. Kathryn SmlUi and Mm. Hol­land. and gifts were opened by " honorec. ..

Drama and L iterature Group to Hear Review

Centuo' club will hear a revlev of "Tlio Family." bc4l-«llcr novel by Nlnft'rtdoroTO; ty Bo«-leU al tlie «6nUily oeetlng next


FUns for a Vajcntlne's party to b« held Saturday evening, February 15. wew made by metnbera of tho Pwt*l Clerks' and Carriers* auxUlary

- at their meeting Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Froderlc Bangor.

ot Mr. and M ii oij'nn* Smith with husbands as speclol gueato.

At the meeting Friday. Mrs. A. L . ; BOM wu a suftst. Ut«. H. A. smith.

« assistant hcst«u. and Mrs. Banger, wrved refnahmenU. Next regular

at the American Legion Memorial ball.

The story Is a reailstic and ___log record of the Ufo of a White Russian famfly in Tlentatn from 1&19 to 1D37. The author Is-now a rest' dent of BU]rene, Orel

Chairman of Uie hbelesa compilt-

;and Mrs. Oslo

. Frlend.i learnca of the rC' cont marrlaljft., o f Miss Faye Holflley, K.1 m-b'e r I y school toncher. and Lieutenant Ralph Lelghtonrnow stationed with tho United States Army at Camp Murray. Wash, party Friday cvcninp at the home of Mrs. Hazel Lclfjhtot^ when the honorce was Inlro' duced as Uri>. Letuhlon.

Mrs. I.<:li;hton »H1 Icuvc nirly this week for Tucoina. Wu-ih,. near Camp Murray, to establish her resi­dence. She is the tlaugliicr of Mr. and Mrs. oai'HeUley ol Tlie brlilCKrooin In Uie son of Oie late Cftptnln R. E. Li'lghton. oiictli Chief of police hi Tv.ln FnlU. u Mrs, K a «l LelHhtwi.'

Ilrldal Shiwer Mrs. Leighton and Mrs. Carrie

Personette. moUier and sL-.icr ol Uie bridegroom, presided at a -liiowcr In honor of tlie. Ijritlu Friday (ivfiiing at the Leighton honie. Oame.i lorin- ed Uie diversion with prizes eolng lo . Mr*. MarUia SmlUi and Virginia Morrl.’on of Twin FiilLi and Iklrs, Kay Bra>'lon of Klitihcily.

Refre.ihmcnts featured diiltitlly decorated tea cakes of pink and white, made for Uir octfiuloii by Mrs. Mar\ln D, Jlll, wlUi wliom Mrs. Leighton made her homo while UjachliiK In Kimberly. '—

GuestA Included Mrs. Smith,Mable John.»n. Mrs. Vlvla L«i' . .. Mrs. BertJm Clyde, Mrs. G. C. Hal- ley. Mr*. Addle Moore. Mrs. Loiialla Adams and .MLj Morrison ot Twin Falls; Mra, Bmylon of Kimberly and .Mrs. L. A. Hardy of Ilarxlt^n

, Reiiisiu l>o»ltlon Mrs. LelRliton tendered her rpt,lg

latlon to the Kimberly Mliool boiird latl Monday. Members of the lilgl school and grade sclio^ faculty en terlAlned al a dlnnorf' party In he

• last evening at Ui _ rson hotel, and'siieni Uie latte

part'Of the evening at Urn theal«i The BTDUp'presented he? with a gif ii«l a corsage.

Mrs. l.el8hton- Li a graduate o Albion State Normal school. Sh

»ecn an lruiinictor.^r Uie piini three and one-half years at Kim­berly.

Lleuteunnl Leighton hmi had ex­tensive mlUtaxy training, followliiK his grnduaUon from the Twin FaiUr" high rchooL He attended Uie Chemr leal Warfare«school al Edgewood amenal. near Baltimore; UiU en- Klneirlng school at Fort Bevolr. Va.. •and wa-1 a member of Uie rifle team from Idaho for two years at Camp Perry. O,

Writers’ Club Chooses Staff

Mrs Alice Mae Smock was elected prtildcnl of the Scribblers' clulT at Uie meeting ye^crday afternoon al Uie home ot Mm. RuUi Johniiton and Mm. Johnston was named vleC' pre.ildent.'

Mra. EUiel Gray was re-elected secreUry and Mrs. D. Harvey Cook

as clected reporter.During the buslne«:i scj . .

group voted on a coursu of tludy for the enaulng year, and plans were made for'the next meeting to be held in February al the homo of Mrs.Cook..-.......................... .. .........

Al the February meeUng, menv

Mis^Adda -Mae Bracken Wins ' ' Right to Compete for D A R Trip

M ay W in Honor

MISS ADDA MAE B R A C K E N , duuthter ot .Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Ilrackeii of Tvrin Falls, who Is now ellclhie for eompplltlon In the DaughUfi of thr .\mrrlcan Revo- luMnn contfit for Ihr annual good

. rllltpnuhip pllerlmacp lo Waahlng- ton. I). C She was rhon^n lo rep- m enl Twin FBU.hlth school.

Se sind Ward plans' Dance

Feting.QueenJfonorlni: thclr quern, whoso iden­

tity will nnt 1)0 rcvc-iilird iinlll time for the coronntlon ccrrmonles. the Sccond wnnl M.IA. the LX).S. church will rntertaln ^ a dnnclng parly next Wednr.Kt* evcnInK nt H:30 o'clock a l tlio Second v ■hnpel. ofllclaLi announced last


m e diiiice will follow porlod'a 7:30 o'clock, and the enUre Second ward In InvllfHl to attend. Tlieru will lio no ailmlsalun chiii

Tlie O'lecri nnd hfr altendanU • be nimouixcd durlnK thr even by the committee In charge, i they will promptly be crowned wlUi due ciTcmony.

Tlie qurrii nnd hi'r two iiitendiinti •111 rcprr.'cnl the Twin .Falls atnke -t the iinmial Gold nnd Oret^ ball #t Radloland ballroom later Uils monUi.

DecornUnnn for the cient will be nder Ihc direction of Clnude Brown.

. ’., Mm . Iflurn Drowti and Junior Farmer. • Tlie dance nnd mu.‘.lc uill I)'! nrranKcd by Mrs. Frnnces Carver

lye Jolmson.l.’.s Caiherlne Ward will ri;e of making the crown for the •11 nnd ML-u Merlii Snlmon will n chnfje of Uie coronation

CHEHKCHAMAyChc.’ kchurmy uroup of Hie Camp

Fire OIrIn met last Prlday_aflemoon at. the home of Mn. Thoma.i .Sjx'ody, a.viL-,;ant miardlan of Uie grouj). Ml- i

airsln. vice-presldtnl, con- duoii-il ilii' rticctlng. nnd Uie time wn!i ;.p<'ni In working on hendlj iiid.i. Ilefrcnhmtiit.1 were scr 'e<l byhofste.vr,


c Unvtki'n, iiojiular 1 :,(.'liMil Kin nnd O'lrl;,' league, has

r-'[>ri-.«nt the high > Kjr .'>iiiir cojjiMt conduct- ir DiiiiKhtorn of Uie Ajnerl- volutlnn for Uielr annual :lllrx-ivlilp pllgrlniaao to

WoAlilngton. D. C.. It was announc­ed Friday by Mr::. Ucc .M, MorUi. of Klrln al Uie scliool.

WlUi wlnner.i ot Uie honor from oUier nchools in Idaho where a D. A. R. chapter l.i aclivp. Mbs Bracken will submit an e.isiiy on cltlrenshlp to Uie BUte chairman ot Uie con-

compeUtlon~for Uie ' stat« honor nnd the ^Kriniage to the nn- Uon> capltiU. ^

Senior hlKli ;chool tudenis voted >r tliPlr cJu)k<- tor Uie honor, and

from the lop Uirep, MLj Bracken was ^e!ecled by meiiiber.i of Uie Bcliool fiicuUy.

sue Is Uie daunhter of .Mr. nnd :rs. E. O. IJrackm nnd the grand- lUKhtrr Of Jr.i. V. F. llrncken. Qimlltlr.-, upon WhlcJl Ihr .'.rlrc- 011 ivii.'i ninde Include (Iri-'iulabll-

liy,-whlcl» ...Includi'i... UiiOiIuliinki. loyiiUy luiii pinictnidliy; »<T,-ice. which lnclu.l.'r, c<>.ip. ration, rV.iirt-

Virginia Kaar, W. Smith Wed, A t Bijrley Rites

• nUllLKY, .Jun. I I-A I n flvr (,'clock cundU'llt;ta eci-emony la.M Tuu'.day ;>l the i’riv.liylermn chun-Ji, VliRlnlii Ix)ul5c Kruir. dauKhur of Ur. nnd Mr . C. W. Knar, and \Vil- liojn Herman Hmiih were uniip<i ii marriage, The Rrv. N'Wl.i M. Hurrc offlelatod. u.'>hiB the new rrc:.hy, terlun •single rlnK i^rvlce.

Tlin brldi* wa.i liy her fnther. Sh bliio llOdivIenRUi wlUi ryebrow hnl fincer-lengUi tulle liig sliadf-i. Hf nrcc.'.'.orlc-’i wen tlie handmnde chief which h« her wixldlng er bouquet t whlt sw.trl p

|l of mit<-h- girdle niii.

;Slie carrlnl handker

:nm>:d 01lay. Tlie bridal as of white ijmc.i

Weds at High Noon

.The entire procriim at thc^.liiiu:lu'i)n m cciln i; of Twin Falls c)i;ii>tcr, Ainerlpan As.soclutloii o f Unlvpr.'ilty Women, yesterday afU'rhooti nt the lioiiic nt Mr;;. C. H. kronRpl, Tenth avPJHie fa;it. ccnlorcd'nrovind fpllowiihlji.'i anti wiu; prc.sented under the direction ot -Mr.'s.Tlioma.% C. Pcavcy; fellowiihl)) rtftrfnian. Fc\iir .skits fmm the

nd«iitr<i fr

MRH. CLARENCE HAGNALL, wh »»•< Mlv« Ellen fnlene I.rlehll before her marrbce atJilcIi iv ye lentay. The rouple »lll I.e a

--hflmc In Rupcrl.altcr.Jjnu;iry. (I’I.olo hy Jafoby.Ne~» Kii*rav Inc).

Ancestral Ho me O f Bride- S it I

^Ft)r -MarriageAl lilKli noun yc^U-nlay. M

Kllr'ii colcno Lclchlltcr (tf Twin Fall;;. (la\iKhter o f Mr, nnil M r;;.'Lee Lclfh llter, be­came the brfde of Clarence Daunall of Ilupcil. ;;on o f Mr, ami .Mr.s.- C. G.. IJnRnaM''6'f Ruj)LTt. Thoy are former Uni' verrlty o f ' Itlahn at Mo.'icqv .itiitlotUa.

.iKed II' of

lirltle, ) Bhlf' thnt the t.

Program on Fellowships -Given A t A.A. U. W. Luncheon Meeting

Mr:. IlOM' M. Ngrlli. In hn luclorv reinark.1 on lln- Mun

of ffllo'A-. iliis. trld tlK- s' Ellen Oo-'lx'], an liv,tnirt..r Twin I'-nll-. hich r,<-lirv>l yearr tnllo- lni: ITHn. who> > II <„ .11................ .


.nt^ML'.i Audrey Parke, brldcunuld.oro a mauve silk marquL’icitc gown

'*'ltli Eton Jaeket and an otf-Uie- hat In l>ii»lel alindcs. Her cor- woa of red rwe.i ami violets, brldc'.i moUier was kowne<l.ln

. blue gcorRClt«, wlUi TulUmnn corjiige. nnd wore a moire hut coraaKc,lo Peacock .'erved the bride­

groom ns best, man. tionuld Pnrlu ami James Lynch were ushers and Calvin Dworsliiik was Uie acolyte.

Gleaming ajnong Uie pine needles arxl Juniper Uia; b«ike<l Uip-fdtnr, Uie dioItNoft and'wjndow lerlgei of, Uic cliurcli were lighted white COJKIIOS.

Nuptial mii;,lc was played UirouKh- oul Uie .enUri* ceremony by Mrs, K. Corlnne Tcrhune who wiw ai>. sL'itcd on the violin by Mrs', i’ nul Zlllner.

Wtddlng ReevpllonTlie HTddlng rccepUon was held

at Uie family home with Dr.' and Mni. Knar. Mr, nrul Mm, SmlUi. AiMlrey Piirke. Julr. Peacock and Mr,i. EllsiibeLlj Gllffiyl. aunt of Uie bride. In Uie receiving line.

Pouring at the coffee table were Mesdamea Ida Pnrkc, Ella ROse- crans, J. I. Burge.ti luid M,.H. Klnit, AaslsUng in the dining roem wei MesdameH J, C, Lynch and Joli ilUQ and Uic Mlsjca Ellcii Mau Obtr- holtzer. Mary Barclny, and Prnnce.i

vverr imltMl I3H. Mr;. I/'Ichllter wn.i formrrly MI-1 Eldn Carlson an<l Uie home nas biilll by her iiiirenli!. tli** late O. K. CnrLwn, nne-tlme Twin PalLi rountv comnilmloni'r. nnd Mn. Ciirlron, pioneer re.nldents of Tain Fall-..

'.-H. O. Mi:Cnlllstfr.T}2itflr of Uie MrUiodIU churrli, oUlclMe<l nt

le .vrvlcr. wltne.'^ed only by imi'dlate niembrra of the fainlllc-i. Vo-A-fi were pledged before n bnck-

ground of flowers and grecnerj', Tlie bride wore an afternoon gown of wool creiie -In soldlerjjlue, and a corsage of orchIrf.i. Tiie couple chose lo by unattended.

A wedding dinner ot attmctlve ftpPQlnUncnt.1 was served Inter. Uie

vir. nnd Lua. y aJtt^oii |) to Jj^inar

15 In Rtlprlt. Mrs. l)sni;.ll

IMlb hlKl

nnll lefl ye I brief wedding iced dMtlnatlon, e after January

Antiqm Fixtures at Frontier Luncheon Show Ladies’AidMeets Need Not Be Dull

•By LETHA- WEBB l -Eg n g t OOODtNO, Jan. 11 — Ladles' Aid

meetings oee'd not be dull. That was definitely proved b one division of U»e W3.03. of the Ooodlns Meth­odist ciiurcii recentiy. '

InvltsUons were extended to all membm If. tlio division to'i^tlexul a ITonUor/unfaioon at tho home of Mr*. P. K Robinson. Gucsla were greeted at tho front door by the sign. 4 Son*' Rimch." sincehoatosses for tho occasion weire Mrs. Ed Kel"»on", Mrs. V. W. Cai‘ '*on", Mrs. Glen PBr"eon“8 and Mrs. Rob- ln"ton." As they cams through the doorwtky. KucsIa were given a colored bandana 'kerchlet to wear about Uielr Uiroata and thtlr choice ot an old cowbo; name to b« pinned oq their d rtM H W ^

^Spwt(Bedr«o(n'Ouesti were > Invited Into tho

'spare bedroom" to remove their wraps and found there all the fum- tshlnss Of an old frontier bedroom— a washbowl and pitcher set consist-

>f boTl. pitcher, toothbrush r, soap dish and » muff, placed

_____old fashioned commode. Thesetoilet artuies Mt well over TO yea's old. hsTlRi been handed down In the

old comb eise.belonging to the family of Dr. J, H. Cromwell, and Is estimated to be more than 7S 7ean old.

Each of U)0 beds in the bedrooms as covered wlU) old hand-pieced

quUta. and tho clUows covered vlth old plilo* thaau. There vere sev> era! hooked and cnchetM ruts fcat- t«reil about the floors.------T6Ja-notircatfeiin>r*i:e^

0pon rctumins to the dtnlns . 3001. the suesta discovered thtf foM « u being dlsbtd vp.trom the rear of a chuck i huon arransenent In the Utehen <H^cway. being pUccd

EPISCOPAL M CmNQ The Young People's PeUoviMp

W1Q meet at • p. m. Wedneedar at on the table &-lArtft bowU tract tt)a perish biU or Aaceulon which it w u t«rved ^ they werePU chttitb. I passed aiDttad the table*.'Tba tables

Were laid wllh red and while checkcd cioUis; onejf pure while linen was

1' wlilch belonged to Uie i;rrui___ idmoUier ot Mrs. Lleuni Luckeor GoocllnK, and U Ihoubht to be wvU over 50 ytsra old. The plates were turned down In'lrue fronUer style, .... knlVM nnd forks placed bci.lde tbe plate-wid spoons In old fash­ioned spoon holders. There were old Wlll0«-WM« plates, heavy glass butter dtihes. and ellver scrvice of oldrn times. - .

•nio menu served “ conslsUd of baked besns. com bread, meat btflU. applD bulten—sliced—onions;—dlU- pickles, canned tomatoes, lorshum molaase»,-and- apple pie. BouqOets o£-«ld fojhloned straw flowers were placed about tho rooois. ,

Two of the guests came In coslum? or old ironUcr dsy», one attired In

fomial afteriioon frock and Uie other on everyday dress. Each of tho hosteues wore old gingham, and White tnuilln kitchen aprons which had twlonged to their iaothen''when they wen yotmg.

AnUque PJetsresOa the walls cf the rooms ----

several pletorea In hand carved frames, nuigtnj la age from 60 to veil over 7S yean. Two had hung in

Mrs. NelJon's old family home. There was also an old certificate of life uembenhlp in theirorcign Mission' u y Society olgned by Peter Cart' wrlght, an oW circuit rider, issued to Jane Roblmbnj Mr. Robinson's moUier. This cerUflcate Is over onr hundred xean olil.

One frsaod''record of great in- tarest « u the Company Record ol T«irc5Qfltjr'nnii5oi*rcoiBp»nr' Xnfant37. which wu tnustered fnu tenrlce eo July M. XWt, conUlolng- all the nunes of prlratca, eooipany

BoblnMn. f*tljer of Mr. Robinson of

-aa eld-ebalr UOr. •

wedding gift to Mr.- and Mrs. H. P. Blodgett of Gooding, &0 years old and sUll as fresh and bright as now. placed on the back of an easy chair. An old rocking cluUr. and a great contrast In Umes was the old fa.ih- loned oil lamp aotUng on the modem electric radio. L<o-lng across Uie sofa .was an old paisley shawl worn by Mra. Robinson's gmndmoUier. which she thinks U more than 7S years old.

Displayed oa WaU In prominent display on the wall as on old lambrequin; a drapery

■peiKUBV-fop-B-clock-Bheifr-'nieee were considered a “must have" In days long gone by. This partlcuUr lambrequin U made of beads, worked In lovely design by sewing bead at a time, aiid was .r Che widow of a Civil war vrt Is one or the prize posses:Mrs. E. Ib Stitson or Oooding. havingiKcn Iq her family for ........... .be» of year*.

Having prominence on a reading stand was an old copy of Uie New Teatament, whleh was presented to Ann Green in IBSO at the Ume or her departure frocn London for America. The tnscripUon on the fly-* leaf reads as foliors. ‘'Given by the■ ..... 9 ^ 8 mubh ' ■■Female Emigrant Society." Ann Green was an aunt of Mrs. Roblason.

Another book of interest wu U>e old family Bible belonging to O. D. Moore's grandfather, published In 1873.

And lu t but not least of the many articles oa display, was the old fam­ily album,'whleh belonged to

. p h o to g ra p h of Abraham

' indeed. Litdlas* AM meetings caa Wooat-tntareetlng.

c llnl of Idi t Mc>r.


tlir ac'jillli of Uie • (WTfPTpd. wul tlirrr- •I' lirivriioriuiiy oTOsnreu-

iTniip would liniiie ofMr'i. M Ihp Book

•r iw.r'flinlr-

. Her ai-Kl-

'S n c i c ly On Pape' Ten

. the............... . . Sitlrl:

ajid Gladya While.Tlie Wfdillng cnke was cut by Ihi

rldegroom atul Mimll Mcci-s were wrnppe<l by Mrs. P. H. Parke and pre.iented to eacli gup.-.i. MIm Audrey Parke liafl char«p of ■‘le guest book. "

Traveling Ensemble Tlio brkle's golng-nway cofiUime (ii a smart black .drcas nnd lint ltl> Ji mink trimmed coat, Tlie

honeymoon trip will Include Sun Valley, San FrancLnco nnd oUiei polni.i of Interest-along the MUth- eni motor route la Arlington, Vnr where the couple will make Uicli home. \

'Mrs. SmlUi Li a naUve-iUuiehlei of Burley. She allended M IlU^l- IcRo.ln OiikJand. Callf.,-U.«.l)nlveT-

;y of Idaho. Moecofi-, nnil U -t iuluato"bf SouUieastem law col' ,10 of-WiuihlnHton.-D. O. Stie 1* iw emilloycd In the renearch dl'

vli.lon of soli conservation service.' Mr. SmlUl. n graduate-of Run- dolpli-Mncon college of Vlrglpls, L exxmtner oa Uio staff of the b o ^ of appeals . ^ r e v ie w of Uie U. S. civil scrvice cdknmlMlon in Wash­ington. D, C.

Out-of-town guests were Mrs. ElliabeUi aUfoyl ot North Platte, Neb,. Mr. and Mrs, August NeLion of Ransen, Mrs. O. Leroy Painter and son. OerAldnthd Miss Qladyi White of Tw l^ FnJls.

Elks LodgW^TMwuncea , . Secojid Party Host<{

Second* of a ecrles of contract brldfce parties will be (irranged by Ta-ln Falla Elks lodge riexl Wednes­day (sveninft at theTVeneUan room in the lodge hall. Play win begin at 8 o'clock.

Mr. anCTMrs. E. E. Ostrander. Mr,- and-Mra.-Kenyort-Qreen-and- Mr. and Mrs. Asher B, WlLion members of the'hoet committee.

Prltcfl will be awarded for the evening's game, and-’scores will be kept’ for the final event, when the grand tournament prizes will I awarded.


MLis Gloria Catskadeh, daughter of Mr. and Mra. Oarskaden'of Hol- Uslcy, became the bride of Eklon W. Mort, sog o f Mr. and Mrs. A. Mart.or Twin,Palls,at..».cerrmony.

rrned last " — ■*-------- ‘— **

anil Kappo prf-.ldrnl of DrlA

a. yoiiiiKi-r l)u.';lnc.i.-i Klrlf,' ....... of Uie V.W, C. A. in 'm nl^ni.i.

A craduate of Rupert hl';h nchool. Mr.-UaKniOl attended Uir University ot TilnUo. souiJiern branch at Poca­tello and the Unlvernity of Idaho al Mavrow. He Is asooclnlcd with the bureau of reclamaUop at Rupert.

Rose and Silver Theme fo r Club Limcheon MeetMrs. LouI.i SaUerlee! Jr., entcr-

talned members b f'th e^ , T. cluV al her homji lasl Friday oflemoon with a 1:30 o'clock des<iert lunclieon

' In g the nftenioon's card

and silver theme was . .___ in the deeomUons, thewhile linen-covered tnblo being cen-

wllh a sllyer bowl filled wlUi nanked by rose tapers in

silver holders.Favors were tiny .clear bell-shaped

figures containing powder p i i f f \ ^ “Meet-'wa-AU" brldga waB played

during tlie afternoon.Ml.'Ji Doris Sattcrlee and MUs

Florence Lusk were ^ests with Miss Lusk and MnT. Can Boy4 winning, honors at bridge. '.

Next meeUng will be an evenlog party at the home or Mr. and Mn, SatUrlee January 20.




NAZIMQVA Bonita Granvltle

Fells BrtMart

perfonned lasl'^ursday'wen'lng' it Uic home_or_R«.J^dlow. 375-Tay-

The brtd?wore a bhie crepe aftei noon gown, and a corsage of pink

:buds.. [r. Mort wm return to Washing­

ton to rteume a t w duUes at Oamp Murray and M n. Mort wiU Join him Uter.

J^g ia tra tio nStudenU in Plano. Harmony. Tbecgy and Musical History.

EDITH U FOSS . MStteATa,M. P»«w.8<9^-

Page 10:… · An Astociaied Prc98 NewsoflP^^ THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Fair VoL 23,

S T O C K S lO lE A T e [E W L S


A v e r a g r Slips Onc-Tcnth Point in Light ' Trading

Markets A t A Glancc

liirkcl (sllKlilly Ic)wrck ol Kciicriilly ri.-.liiK inlcr.n.

A few r\ibl)rrs nml .-.iiocliilllr.-i mini o«c<l lo tiirk on ndvaiici-s durliiK tli'

----- brlcf-(ic->l<.ii liiil niotof^, ulrcratw ii!iil iPiiilrrs In oilier Kroiiji flnl-ihctl wlili II prrcriHlblp llini).

A J«rcc (x)rtlo:i of.Uie rclHtli'rlj ncKllKlblc folllliir WHS iicoouiHecl fo by scvernl low-prlcctT sli. re,, iln majority o( wlilrli ciiil’xl ii nlii-nd.• ’Die Airocliilri! I’rr.vs uvcrnt;'- n

. CO InUM was oft .1 oJ ti i)'>lnl ii«0 . ,

•^nnsfrr* loulcd 3ill,440 lian-.v rtJslnrM licWR, brokrrn Nalil, krp

nellli ' llKlU nnil iti:.plrr<l ii intlo buyliiB here nnil ilirrc,• AmonB Rtock-1 iiml»r wntcr frac­tions lo a. polnl wrre U. 6. HtPi'l, DeUjlehcm. Chrj'slrr, An<v«Triiln, Dow ChrmlMl. U, S, GypMim, J, I. Ca-ie. Uciloii Pacific. N. Central and Scars Iiorhuck.

AmtJrlcmi Loonmoilve prrferrrd pushed up n poliiUlo n new 1B')0>'I1 top. Modest Kix5n« wcrs rciuUicd ljy U. 8. Rubber common niid prcfrrreil. Ooodyear. Ooo<!rlcli. Chcjinpcnke A: Ohio. "Winyn - Overlimd, Orahatti

TaRc. Brooklyn-Maiihatlnn Traii.-.l .Com ProducUi and Celoiex.• Bonds and commodlilc.n were .'trlflo uneven.

Stock Averages

I . ,S«tiird*r* «J." Vr.r. .Ur «1.S

Trend o f S^laple^NBW YOIIK. J«n. II—Th. A»<>rl>l> w.l»hu.1 wIk.Ip..- -



■ " IS

Butter a ;cl EgjianAS rKAKCIAOO

*AN niANCISCO—|li,tl»rl OJ

rr*»l L»r*« *1Ht. IBfllum S«

fln«>iiot r»w i

a Of. »n iiMd totiUr

^ ^ ^ S T O C K S :

L i v e s t o c k M a i i v e l s

iinr.MKNTs o r id a k ol-It()I)l.CTS I.lSTKr

BOISE. Jnli. 11 <-T,-Tllc Idaho piiljllc utilities fominlr.Mon rcporwd today 3,3fi~ carlninl? of perWiablc rnrm lirortucts-u-rrr Khlp^'our'or the alalfi In Dt-ft-mljrr.

For the . ,carloads were r.lilpprd.

For 1040. ^lotcil of «.OfiO w» shipped comfinrrd with 7.545 1 the corrr.iponrllnK prrlod 'of injg.


lE A 'Sliarp Drop Wines^.dul. A ll

)f AdvaTTctr Sco'rcd During Week

1. 111ANKMN MIIU.IN l AtiO, .);in- II i-n-A s - p ;

nf ulir;it prlcM lodny, J of tliL- nrw y.-ar, wlp- .ill d( tlic- lnl>orlou% rrrrplnK - rliall:-d UJ) tlllN,;vr.i-k. M'thark W!i'. lUlrlluilcil to

1 liili'ipictiajoiis of lli<; Kov- ii: i-'i-orl on farm ;,twk.' and •pi.rli.l Un:.-.o-Cifrnian Kruln •• urll ni the unsettled lone of I.' .. A Icl-iip In jiiin .miinort, li:r. r.Milrlliui.'d i.lroniith inor.l ••M ck, pcrinmnl r.liorl ellln [

ri.lii taklnt: lo <ti>rnimite-fhc -■Miinotleali-r.H iil;.o iioti’il stinia litiv lncrea;.c(I,,tt}iirkulUiKr. re­in Vctlon--. (iftlie Ijpit and ....... .•... ..........

Lf.“ WIIEpt.KU. Hulil f«.t- ':irh. who »ntfrrfd a'lirarl wlillr refeseelnc a banket-

romp t'riil»r ity mill


KjiIK cli:•X.I. Vll

l>. jn, Turiday a jile. Mr;,. :Inlllil Cloiichrk will 1) cltiirvc (>r (he proiiram iind .Mr.

Khitlon Kill nuct la 7ns p >morrow ul lioir.c. nil rL'pnv.riiUitiv.-jr ironv the IiIkU ;hool will dl.'.nl; .’ iii-llvlllr.i nt thr Hrl.V leaHtie and Hoys' club , and 1C iittirjc d<-iMrl4iii';i; of the hlRh diool will pn-.'.--!iL numbers. All .irt:nl.i Iirf lnvlie<l to aitond.

Kt-C Ar.IIMNAir^-'All nlumniie t.r iln- TrI-C cliib ivllwl to Ilie nn . liii;: of tlie T; lumniic iuvv>cla:iijii ncxL Tiic;.d.iy t 0 p, m- ul !ini;u: of Mrr.. JarlC ■arwni. HOnii.pIp nvrnuc. Mr?, T. f, Bobcnson. Jr., will l„- (-liainnan f tho hodUw comiiilltre. a.«Mixl by trs. ChurlM cnmn-. Jr, Ilfldfie will

; lie plaj’M fqllowliiff ihe buslneu

R J IE S PENDINGServices fo r ‘ Mel’ Wheeler

to Be Planned A fte r ‘ W ife ’ s Return

iJUHL. J im .T l- - Awa^SpK the rrlviil of hU wlfo Stniduy^tnernl

.•■ervlces arc jx^ndlns for Molvern tL Wliceler, who collnpne<l dnriiiit tlir IliihUJeromp bnskclbdll Rame Krlilny

»nd died U'entv, mlnuiej botly now tcSu ni the “ '"in.ioti fiineriil home,

had been a metnt)«r t) nchooUuculty .nlncr

, . ,;mbcr.' itHO. Ite wiS- football KOach.Vnchcr of ply.ilcs and inattie-. matlc.1. In the .■vliorl time he lisil been II fiicuUy member, lie.hnd t iiii- c<I th? respect and admlmlfSn of lils cnllro icam and of Uic school., Floyd Boywcrs. Buhl hlKh iiclinol principal, Mr. Luft niid Mr. Cooper, ba.iketball coiu:hen iiud luemlii-rs of the school Jaciilty.'were with .Mr. Wheeler when ho died.

Mr.i‘. Wheclcj and her Mnall aUKhler were vl.illlna- lier^parciitj

In Grpnd Junction. Cola, ii'id were notlllcd 6f the tranedy by OrorKc

Likeness, superintendent of the null! schools.

UoUi Mr. and Mrs, Wheclrr's p'aif- etitn.-whoTTsl:{j*-in“Colomtic»,-bri:''TI

trip to Buhl thb nfteniooii* uiiil exppo.tcU Sunday mornliiK, Mr^

Wheeler v.111 mlso arrive .•.omellnie Sundar. ; • —

1‘rlor to c’oinInK lo nuhl, Mr, Wheclrr .icrvird iui coach" at Brllcvuc

le war. nil uut.ilundlnR lilKh i.choAl 1 collc-Kc football player nnd wns iieinber of thir clismplon Ealldn.

CoU)., hiKh .•cliool I'aui., it r was r.aptaln of tlie football team at IlrlKhajn Youiii; Uiilverjlty. at I'rovo

iirlni: one year ' of vun tij- piny. Id wns II Kr.vltiiiic.ofN».Y,U.Mr. Wllreler hud i> (Oii;ht..ciue ol

flu. durUlK thi past week, but ,11 ,:i not' coiir.ldernl serious enoiiKll keep him at home, . '

il/ i.s -.s l i i d l i N e ls o n ,I i . B r e w e r U n il'cd

nURLKY. Jan. 11 - MUs Kulli . el:.on. d;<UKlilrr of Mr, and Mrs. A. O. Ncl.-.on of Ouklpy nnd.-Riibi'rl W, prcwer of.'’BOJK-a City. Okla.

t: married Dec. 31, at thc.homi iIk; bride's il.Mer. Mr.n. Kmmelt

In Sale l-|ike City. Bl.'linp

Onkfey hlKh .-.cliool nnd ilntll ly 1ms been employed at;Oene'5 Con- feellonery here.

Mr. Brewer Is travelUiB auditor tor ilie ConllnentBl Oil comp;iny with headauaricrn In Twin'Falls. ,

J u n io r L c f i i o n U n i tTjo E x c h a n q c Book.

At their mcetlnB yeaterdiiy morn- liiK at tJie home of MLvi Catherine Day, mrmbcr.1 of Twin Falla Junior Auxlllnrj- unit No. T voted to tend llii'lr notebook on Idaho and Ita Industries to a unit In Ma.vachus etLs. In retnrn, the Mft-ssachtisett: rlub will send Ule iocal nn>up a book' let •coiilaliiInK nlmllar 'informntlon aboulthat'alate.

A brlrf buslnewi nei-ilon wa.-. i •riucli'd, alter which the ulrls tic ilimi fcir the women'j wclfar^ c

itedtotake up knlltlnfr, l.ielvcs and Inter, when

___ proficient, willLlie Red Cross and

will be held In two of MI.M Phyllis


British Investors Release Ilolaiuga

NEW vontc, Jan. 11 (-n —“ Addl- llonat blocks of slock out of British lio ld lfN is of American AeciirltlK' worth neTirly lIJM.OOO at currcrj Miurkel prices, were dl.ntrlbutrd yes­terday' to Investors by Wall street rirju. •

! continued to uncover,6i<e'lnvrstiTieiit banker cnllnl

lonnou.n" Intent dfmiUJfl for lie conlende<l max-fssful

blocks of M'CUrlt!?Si DrlllMi\holdlnKs lately Indleat-

•d’ lhe llaulcft loil could be pces.wl

wliat.di^p an "Mior sectirltVfs siitfca.B^

\ lump to n Kfoup of inveMment :ompnnlcs, ' (

Several substuntla) - <leal.-> have jecn carrlnl nut the la-st two week.-, whereby Investment hulisps liave taken oyer j.ecurllles from British selUnK nitenus, Ihen dlsix>r.ed «it them off. the stbck exclianiie lo customers and lii:.tltutU>nnl llives^rs.

RcmalnlnK lioldUiKs of Amerlcun securities were estimated In certain flnnnclal tiiiartccs lit up- wnnU of »500,000,000. . .


Douglas^ Speaks ~ A t'Pea MeetingJNK, iDouKln.u. hend of the local

bureaa hf entoinoloKy. will be umonK tJio.-.c ApeakUiK durlnK the arca- wide gftthfapi; of uca.urowcra.MQiir day VfX the Twin IMJls American

,LckIoA hall, Bccordlni: to officials ot il'l- co;:cer;j .ipo/isorlnc Ule o'rm.

Olller.i appearlnu will be T, A. Brl/ldley. USDA, dlvl.ilon of truck null Rarden llwect Investlnallons; andTJrMV. E..Shull. head of the Unlvcnilly'bf Idaho cntomoIoKy dc- imrtmenl. Dr. Drlndlcy will •i>re,'.ent slides upon the life cycle ol the pea weevil and-Mr. DouitlnM will dUcti.-.s ihe white fly problem. i; ,

Tlie sc.v.lon oiv o.i at 10 ii.m. and a turkey dinner will be ;,crvcd‘ at

■alen E. Trail, rcpresrntatlve of the MWisorloB Wii.'.libiirn-Wllson aped company of Mo^cow. po1nte<I (jfft tiie ImportniKe of the pea weevil problem .because of the lucrra.-.i! In I>ea crops and milder winters.

Death Comes to Deep Creek IMah

BUHL. Jan. l.l-Funerivl ;.crvl«',s for Ales N. ItliiibrouKh. Deep Crn-k rancher, who died tlil.s inornliiK at lhc 7Vln F.111.S county nmrral lio,-,- pltal.- are teliUllvely set for Tur.w day at, with. di-llnlu->ar-

lUKCmeills I'walUnR ' « «d Iruiu-Wk. allves in Te'xaii:

Mr. JClmbrouuh had been a. putlciil at tho hoiptlar for tlic IilsI week.

Beilde.s hLi cslrnnKftd'*Jfe. M. Vlrift KlttibrouRh. Twin 't'alb, whom he wa.'. marrle<l Sept. 2. Io:o, at Salt Lake City, he is sun'lved by two broUiera nnd n abler, but no children. Ho wa.i horn Jan. 10, 1!)82. at Klmbroush. Ala.

He wa-1 n member of Uiu Mulh- odbl church, and aervlccs will be held In Uie Buhl MethodLM church, with burial In Uie DutUeemcteo’ bPNldii tlin Rmve of ii,bffnTi*B.

■ Tlie brolhcm uni! dl.sier ounfftlii lire I i N, KlmbrouRh. AUiens. Tex. Clay KlmbrouRh, Haakel. Tex.; nn Mrs. Luui Pelham.'Rosebud, T et

Tlie bodj’ rwia at the Evnns an Joha^ort funeral bom^

W. I,. Graham lo -Final Here

FmiPMl .M'rvlccs for Wllllnin Louis inili;iin, C!), rp.MilPiit of the I'wlij

Falls M-ctlon for'Ihe past 3(1 yeiir.-i, poiiilUPK'd .ver.terdav nfternoon IP lieyiiolds funpral lioine by g

Itrv. Mark C. Cronenbemer of the ^ ClirlMlaii church, i,

Mtisic was by Jam.-s fcr Reyivilds. in-ompiinlPd by-Mr.'i. O. P. Duvall,,1ni!ln< ' CiilllnB 'Hiee'-. and "AbUlo With Mr,"

Pallliparen were Mnn’ln Mayo, ' Noiilr NIchob, Hrnry il.iyliorn, Wll-

Ilawklns. Oi-orKC lirhardl nnd Waller MusKnxve.

Ilurlal uii,-. In Uie Twin Fnlbi ccme-


COALVILLE, Utah. Jafl'. 11 M’)-. Wlllnlm Slicrwood Stixton. 76. t tlre<l fBmicr. dletl here ‘yc.stcrdny afternoon after a lonR llliie.-.s, He was Ui6 lather of EuRcne Saxton of Ilnymond, Idaho, nrxl of Elmer pnd William S, Snxton or Declo, Idaho.


in»V[.r. > r., 1

kri .lltf>»«.





Cliarirr No. 11100 Ilcierro DUlrict No, 12- Ileporl o fllie Carnyilon of the

-KIDKLITY NATIONAI.,nANK of Twin FalU In the SUtc of Idaho •->, .

f Al the-TTlMfl of Builnei. onVDee. 31. .19« \Publlslii-d tn 'renponae lo call made by Complrtllet^of tfte Currency, Under

. BecUon 5211. U. S.SRcvIsedVStAtut]-* ' r ' . ■ ASSETS

-1. 1/ians and dl3cotint.s-ilnchidlnir IHt.lO-overdrnfln) ........t »- DS3.803.Cr72. United atuw.s Oovcrtimfnt obligations, dlrecl and RUi-----

340.7B0J0 in,732.74 .31.001.00


Qenulne Imi5orted| Swei Ep.anLsh Yellnw Viilenc:

---------- OMON-Srm------------Just a few pounds left. Place iTtur, order now; marktl ....

'ijcf Your Tractor Cleaned, Repainted; and Relettered for. . . H A L F PRICE

>u aren't u»lnt youiIt fo ra fo w d i, ........ ..............., ........ ......

____ ■ compUl«, fir.t-<UM in t Job, includlnc thorou(l^ cleaninc•nd'rcUttarint. for H^LF PRICE. ChancM *ra jour tractor ncada

ir tractor *o much rl(ht now, and you could wJ^are not ,»o buf)r'«ith*r--M wo will sii

3. Obltiiatlons of SUMi and poUUctl subdivisions ..... ......•iL.Oth'rr bnnrt.v notea, and debentures5. Cori>orate stock.-;. includlnK stock of Federad Rc-scrve Bwik. B. Co.'h. b;;lance:i wllli^uier bank.1. Including rescn'e balaacc,

and ca.-'h-ltcma In process of collection ..........-........1. Bai;k,pr.vml.'.e« owned »MJOO:oo, fumlturc'and fl*turi-j

$5.M11 tx> ilJnnk premL-.e3 owTwd are subject to none llcnanot a-vumed by bank>........ ........................ '•...........

II, Other A. sp|.s .....>.............................— ................Total A».-cUi

___ UADILmES13. Demand drpo.-.lU of Indlwiu^s. potinerslilps. and corpor-^.

atloiw .....................................................................$I.HM35V00K. Time drjxxslt.-. ot IndlvW^W: partneraWps and corporations 307.021.0110, Deportlt.n of Ktiiirs Political aubdlvldloiu... .......... .17, Deposlt.s ofs hanks ........ .... ............ -............... —..........IB, Other depoMi.n lecrtlfled and caJihler'a chetki, etc.) .........

Total Drpa-iUs ........................... ....„tl.0M.C15.05Oll'-r llnbimie.s ....................... L ................................

put It in ihap* Tor tprinc work and RtCKT NOW U tho b«.t tl/b« for both of us. Our (hop Ii fully • quippodi our mochanlci «rs •ipert workmen. JiVa ean'do th« work to suit reu— NOW you rot th* lowoit ratal. Phono ua^

call for'andnnd we will a: d tllrx^ rou r tact

. rtull MihoM UM '


InlernaUon'ttl Trucks Sales ofld Scnlcc '

at MMlicd.dUirlbuUf LUiikk wld«uppM rru=<i«. "tr ismtd (w bi»toCTttaUr tMlti and flit t4 Ud eaciiwe-0«a »akt tkli MM.I 10/rtw tDU Bpf«ad*i Ik* in»il ptpulei aa t&* pwM !«toy. 5«.. Ilm.. labat aai

wUb tUa KIW mu. 3m I) lada r>

Hownrd iTraclor Co.“ ^ e1lr lIe■a=AlIlJpEK»^Jntl -

Twlji Falli

. 02.000.0Q 323.00




24, , ToUil LliibllltleO A p iT A L 'A ^ 'u ^


» , Cnpltnl .Stock: _- (n)-Cia.-;r"A-lircferr^ar'lolil“ p1v:'»T730(>.MrfiVlri.Wff--

vnlue ................................ 3 v ..... -...... *27,600.00aiAte of dividends oa reilntbic YbIuo la 3f<>

(c) Common j^ k . total par .

17. Undlvla«3'pro/if!'; n.-..— ..-_____- ... ........... —38, Rcsen’cs (and rcilfement account for preferred.stock) _ 50.< • Total CivplUl Accounts --- ------------ -----------



TO^cj^ila] Uablllilrs nnd Capital Accotlnla .MEMORANDA

31. PIMrA aisi d securlUa loaned) (book value):

.u.oi..ura .................. ......— ......................... .JMiKUa<b) OUiera«ietsplcd«MtoM<uredMoplUan(Jo*erlU- J

/.> Total32. Secured Llablllllc};.

(a)'D6poslt.i lAurcd by pledfed aueta punitant t qun-emcnta^t la w __________i------i— ~.~—

Vd) Total 383.1833«StM« of Idaho. County of T wln Falla, u:

iNloi'-Palnler. ca.ililer of tho above-named feaak. do solemnly swear that Uio above at4>t«menl la tnie-U> the best of mr IcMwledge ai^d belief.

.ROY PAINTER, Caahler.' ' ' Corttet-Attest: .


A. R. SCOTT. '......... ................................. - - --- ------Direetoiir ......... ..

Sworn lo and aubicribed befora me this 10th day of January. IMI, t x u t CEDARHOLM.' Notary Publla

(Seal)' . • ,

' ' ' t ' .

i l t O O K BRIGHT- >10RIdaho W ater Supply Condi­

tions Pronounccd' Favorable

nOiyK. Jim, It r-17—IdiitnrTtater iipply, condltums arr fiivorabli' .so iir. ■ I-Vilrral IrrlRnllon KnRlneer allies C. Marr repiwlrd today."At thL'. early «late ll Is, of coitne.

lnipo«ilb!e to r.stlmalc how much will bp nvnlltjblo Uil.s yeiir for

IrrlKiitloii and oUie/ riuri»'.cs." Mnrr cald In a rrimri sftnwlPK conditions Inn. 1. "U can be stated conditions .0 far lire favDrable."

Miirr addPd. Rround-water condl- lon:i had improve l Rreally .slncn

nd I rally t : brltet

'LUcwl.'.e. Uiy amount of w;iter' r.'d 111 rrvrvolrs hajJiyirVa.scd .

malerially <lurliit: thi- three f months nnd, hi most case;:, np- pr'oachivi norii;ji1 for this time t>f •

'• Marr raid. "ProvliliHl Ihere l.n ';uial ruii-off.from .'.now covrr.•niter already Klorcd wlU liudlcn

with friv r p.>pllon.';."■ al:.a iK^nlcd outj hn.wfvrr_, that __ t.Dini' ImpofLml resc.rvolrs wa- ilfrafly sKirrd wn;.."con:l<leVnbly than ilurhiK tin- l:u-.t (W( years."

.Snoj,f;i/l was ilrc^ni'iL^sntlsfiictory. and llii'momil;iln sniiwH^rHrmuoh 'i

Norlh ■ hlalio preclpltntlon from Oct, I to la.-.t Oif, 31 was 121 prr

nl or nomml, f)Uthw . [ rn Idaho 3..'T|yr criit anil .'.oiiUiciisteriy Ida- I 213:< per cent.

Rcnl Dstato Transfers

^Vednesday. January (I De^. Pcople.n-Plttriburnh IV Co. to .

D. alCunkcI. Jl, SESE D-13-10.Deed. S. M. Ilnmnr to H.TJ, West-

by. $10, l,Ql« B. 0. Investor's 1st Addn.Peed. U E. Jonlln to N. V. Sharp.

»31I7.M, N‘4NW: NEt;.32-15-ia.Deed. A. D. Bellamy to A. Llnden- lan, $5700, Lots 3fl; 30, Blk 0 Blue

Lakes Addn.Deed. A. Beam to Fllfr American

LcKlnn Post No, ■7. »1, LoUl/H, 15,»lk 20,TlkT. ------ 1~

ThuRday, January 8l "■Deed. II. W. Yaw tOTt, RoHi.Pt. I/)t 3. Sec. in. 10, J8.

Lea;,e, Tlie Scottjah >m, MtK, Ctv to F, Barker, E’i NE NE 20: N'.i nW 2l: 10. H. .


at the lowest prices and all ready to CO. Wfl are eleanlnc up now. (etilne ready, for Sprint bnilnesau

1D2J DODGE .Hedan, \Good clean ear-----:----- $ 5 5

1D30 FORD Model A Coach..S45 1«9 8TUDEDAKER Bedan. lood ;Urei. mcehanic%lly nnndSGO

lOJr CIIEVnOLE^^dan,Oo4d rubber .................» 7 5

m s CiiEVROLF.T Mailer Coach.lew mlleafc, orlr paint

m s STITDEBAKER Badan.DlcUtor ...;.............--SSG S

1IIJ9 DODGE PIcknp, new- I» ln ra fla - «D M = 7 r~ S 2 6 018S7 INTERNATIONAL Plckop.

C-1, loni wH5jIba*e... ,$ 3 2 5ton FLYMOU'ni Pickup With

■take rack. In excellent. condiUan ____ ________$ 3 5 ^1939 CHEVROLET « T.

Pickop, 4-fpe/d trant....$465 1939 INTERNATIONAL Plcknp,

Lone w. base. lUui new_$595 1040 INTERNATIONAL

P'^kop ... ........-------- $ 5 9 5

eondiUon. ileere motor-5250 SaTrFOPIM^e-Di-toa-----

mo CHEVROLET 1^ (on tnsek. I »p«d a»l«i.8i5x20 Urtt ........ ............... $ 9 2 5

JJV haTe 24 head of .»o*d ■^rk honwf. SeTcral food

matched tcfips.Rea onr w i^ n o im .

M c V e y ’ i

Stadebaktr Pa^enjer Can-

Page 11:… · An Astociaied Prc98 NewsoflP^^ THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Fair VoL 23,


Reciting, buying, investigate the homes listed in yoiir classified adsW A N T A D R A T E S

Publlc&Uon In bolh thi NE^VS AND TIMEb

Da«ed on Cost-rcrrifofd1 dity............ ............. -Jc per word3 dfiys......4c per word per dny

• 6 d ays ............... 3c p e r w ordper day

^ minimum of teft'swrcls is required Mn tin^ono dnnslticdw. TIimo rntM

the comblntd circulations ot Now# and Uib Ttme».

Term* (or kll cInMlXled aUs . . .' CASI^



L*Bve Ada nt K 4s W Roqt Dccr DEADLINES

For Insertion In Uia Newi 8 P- ni. ..ft

For Iruertlon In the xinlti — n il. m.

TlJlJ pivpcr lubscrlbci to ihc co< e of ethlcv of Che A.uoctallon oC News-

. pujirr CIoMlfled AdvortliliiK Man- nnd rciervc.i the rlslil to edll

» CBject any cln-.sltlcd ndverllalng_ "mind Ads" enrryiiii. ri News . Ilmts ’ 'bok'numbcr'oro alrlcUy confljcnllal

and no lnforn\»Uon cnn bo given li rcKurd to the ndvcrilser.'Errors sliould be reported Itntm-dl' ntely. No sUowAnce will be mndo for more-than’ one Incorrcci insertion



ALL eommerclnl branches taushl by the use of modern meUioUs. There are more Jobs offered tJiivn we can fill. Enrol! at iiny time. Twin Falli DmlncM University.

J IE N FOR A IR C R A F TTlioimnds of qunUIled nirii uracnt-

ly needed In CiiUfornlii factories. Truln at an accredltenl ichool In fnetorj' nelshborhoort. Coiiriie* from S47.50. Terms. See Mr^R. P. Clnrke. Hotel RoRcmon, SMurday. Sunday. Monday.


NEW cJaises now opening In nenut] Culture. Limited number of itud- enla may earn 80% tuition while lenrnlnR, Enrol nowi Sprclalty School of Dcauly Culture. ISO Main

. A v t North......... ...... .“ 7"

D E F E N S E program: Have that broketi-fflndow or door glasi pUecd now at Moon's. Defend ^our health.

r o u LEASE-Servlco station and Broccry »tor«. Fine locatloti. dolne good builnwji. Capital for stock needed. Jerome. Idaho. Phone 410. Tv.'ln FalW


MRS. licH ejT Bpeclals: $5.00. ) oil waves, half price.


EJCPEniENCED RenUeman keeper wiinLi work. J. J. t Ehoshonc. Phone 03.

EXPJvRIENCED Indy nlcnoBrnplwr. ' ' bookkeeper. 2Q. wants poililon.

Cabin 15. HI Ulue LnKM BouUi.MIDDLE-ftRcil /iidy wants work by

day or wcla nttcr Janimry inth. Cabin IB. HI nine Lakes South.

*^'OUNO niiin wnnt.-T>>orl:. Faniilne Mperlciicc. Rnymon£Kj?,'an5. 1

^outh. Eft!,I. EiLSt Five PoUiU.

H E L P W A N T E D ^ W O M I'iN

lEKEEPIIIOOSEKEEPER—einnle. or widow, No objocllon one-ehlld. Must be ntat, -State OKC.J^^atlon. *30 room and Uoord. b5x 3, New*- Tlme.s. y •

MAKE up to 123 Wkly. and gel drc.s.'.ea Xreei.Bhow "Siyle-Datcd" drtjses. Exper. unnecessary. Nr' canvoAS. Janalene, DepL 673, In­dianapolis. Ind.

YOUR OWK/DhESSE3 FREl and up tfl »2« wkly. Just »hi

Fashion Troclu to friends. N per. needed. No Invest. Fashion Proc^. Dept. R-8197. cinclnnaU,

Sn.L Nylon hojleo’ »J£fi iunouM 8na«-Prot*eled- silk hotlerr. 8«a-

• Mtlonol profit opportunity. Wrll« fuUy tor sample sUk itocklns, Am­erican MlUs. DepU P»B7. njdUa- apolls.____ apollg, lad.

WANTED': Pe...... ...... : Penn, rep: for HooraUniforms. S m i^ , aprou. (rodu; nurtM, doctors, waitresses uni-

- foniu. Smart sCylM. Sisett quaU. ty. ExeepUonal comm. Llae free. Hoorer. 331 W. IBth 61., Dept. 8S0S, New Tork City.

H E L P W A N T E D — M EN

UEN over 80 for-loctl rout« 'work. Bamlnsa aTeroffo t2S weekly and tip, m Uberty. WlBona, Minn.


fannero. No expcr. or capiui re­quired. Writ* McNISB CO.. UiS Ma«nolU 6t, OtUosd, CaUf.

WANTED: lUllable iKee salesman for this district Sell to wearer for nallonall; known c^p«n r; Dress,

• sport luxl work tbocf for men. Ub- - - , Miung

oplU. Minn.r,.Mlnneap-

' AMBmOUB MAN WANTED Bell mineralized tonic* and other

Watkliu p^tiet« to hundreds of families In a neorb? ootmtry rout«. Earn money ereiy day. i f* easy to quality If you «nJoy & good repu- UUotx oQtf ban a cor. VfriU K. A. Klelsco, 1303 34(h St, Denver, CoJa.

Twin Falls homesr " y

for rent — for sale

■ I f you are in the market fo r a nexu hoWic,

either to buy it or rent it, comult your

•l^exvs-Times classified cobtmim fo r the 6 c i- ter bi5!Sffnin!t. ••


“ U n fu rn is h e d

H o u s es ”

See “ Horats

for • Sale”


TRACTOR repalrUiK — pll malte.i. Four year.i *fp.-ier with AlUn-Chul- mers. Phntip Oi-ltfi. Kimberly.

F20 nibber tlr<'<! t er. disc. culUva dIUon. Utlinm.

TBACrORS-Teated-wlth dial, to show eonrtlllon. Precision repair­ing. Phons 3308-W. Oeorgo Wftods, 732 Main North.

■IVANTED-Two Rumley clovnr hull- ers. number 0. Must be In good condition. Mountain States Im­plement,

H E L P W A N T E D — M EN

r. Ref-

TO TRADE—Buf.lness tn-T»'ln Palls • fonn^^;Ja«8»^Box fiO, Ncws-

SUPER. icrvlce staUon ,o!i r.—hlKhway. Groceries, repair r4iop.nickel-plating plant. Will t ‘ pliiUnK trjide. Phone 25fl-j,


O FFICE SU IT E Slow and tlrlctly modern. frooi NflwbenyB. phone 3033.


R«e<] Aponmeota.

FIVE'TIOOM apartment, nov avail­able. .Benoit AparUnenU. Phone 10-10,


TiniEE roonin. mo<ltrrn, heated. Phono iliO, lieforo 0:00. Parisian Apartmcnta.

ONE-room, Electrle stove. refriKer- ator. Adults.. aiJK^Thlrd Avenue NcrO}. '

apartment. Private ..., ........ 1413 'Kimberly Road.I Phone 1747. . .

FURNISItED apartments. Justa- mere Inn. Phone 4SS. Oasis Home. Phona 971.



FURNISHEHD ROOMSPLEASANT room , with or without

b u t 4ia Fifth

STOKER heated sleeping room, i l l 'mird i Tenue west. Phone

MODERN. nlceJy fumlihed room, adjofntng bsUi. 31B ‘Htltxl «nou « north. ■


mue out. Phone'03$6-M.

TWO 'room houM. drenlrig room, shower, full cemented basement. Inquire « » . Secondi^/Tentte E '

mETooms. fumlahe<l, tn M ; fl»e rooms,-unfurnished,- $3X60: O n rooms, ftimaea he*t, ttO. Fbone ect, B o t^ s and ~


MODEBN five i jx)rcll. I'Mrnace eiwl. .


FOOR-ROOM modem. Elcctrlc rahse. garage. Adults. Inquire 230 PwirUt avenue,


nnST mortRftRo-ioani.-nr-iow as4'.4%. Swim Investment Com' pany.

VE can save you money and r your Interest laH.-illment« on rirst mortsBRo refinanclns- Swim in

JIEFINANCE your present loan moDty. Low intVreat—long w ,,, Nstl^^Farm Uan Office. Twin


Best rate* and tcrm«l Firs and automobUs Imurance.

FARM l.Ml’ L E M E N T S

•actor, pfow. mow. or. Exccllent con- 2I1-R4 Kimberly.'

H A Y , G R A IN , FE E D

HA^ fo'r.Bsle t(p5 p.,m.

TUHEE cutlll seed hay. b fencni. Jcro Northeiir.t cc

n briKh

-. l^llmcyer. ler Uuhl.

hny; \Ln beet topTT


CVSTOM OnWDINO -3 ton ac cwt; over 3. 7c. Huy chop- plnK- Knife Machine, Floyd .Mllkr, Filer. Pli. 7W3-ChI1s off jtrlndlng.


MORELAND MILLING SERVICE PU 318. Filer Ph calb off grinding



HIGHEb'I priera paid for your fat


WE WILL psy good prlcM on your hlilei. pelts and lurs. Idaho Junk

■ House.


LEEDV trap drum si rwiK®. $23. A-1 c 03»0-J4.


FOR TRADE—Eouliy In four room miMlcrn home'for cattle, J. E. White.

SIX-ROO.M modern, stoker. Karrfiie, IrrlKuUoii water, sacrifice prlcc, J3.2M). K. L, Jenkins.

REMODELED nparimcnta. OoodMn- 'come. Reosoiiablc. 137 Ntntn ave­nue ncwth. 1175-W.

NICE four rooms uud bnUi. Stokri.water heater, fireplace. .Would

• trade for .imnl! acrease. 301 Wul- 4jut.-Phone 80-R.

New fi-nn. house, good location, cor- • ner lot. hardwood floors, full ce­

ment basement, fiimnce, Bonme. .. .I3.400—MOO dotm. •S rms.. sK cplng porch, hardwood

floon, cement basement, furriace, garage. Fifth avenue north, im­mediate poAsestlon. Only $3/H0.



OOOD business corner, choice resi­dential section. - home adjoining. Box 3. News-Tlmes.


BEST forty acris in Tiler vlclnliy. Mp buUdlngs. Qrover Beeg.'.

eO-ACRK ranch. 70' sharaa .water. Fouc>room house. Near Dietrich. Otho McClure.


FORTV owe*, goQd land, tood Jm- provemaou. Immediate possession. 1200 per acre. MUe south Curry. O.W.RetUr

FORTY acre* avrea mllos from Twin ?slK. «10DO. 130 on pared highway.

• t»e Mt« btUldln- .................per acre. O. A.

FARMS on nortl) tail ^ i h aid *- Urmi you ctn «ffonL WIU b« at Lincoln Inn, aoodlns. Ifltb: Buhl Kot«I,. nth.uth. W riu 6, U.

> chadbtim, Jerooie..Phona 33T-U.

10% down, IntOMt 4%. I»lanc« like rent. Ineludea stock farm ofear UurUugh. Sot me at Perrlne Bo-


.......... lell « to 180 A. tract*.WOOO. Lons ttfxd. oootract. U L. ^ e d » . CkMxUns

, Box or S38. Jtfoafc

'AIR lUmoji new OVj-ft. Ituiilnutet Ander;.on-Tliomiv.oii iiHb, wiUioui blndlnKi. Thono 1333.

AlITO glifa. eanvtu, cnn Ins. Thomet* Top Works

FOR SALE—Blow torchc;i, plumbers funiaces and plumbers’ tools all klnrti. Krenger.n Hardware.

FOR SALE-nigh fiunllty .-.oot de- itroyer. Saves dollnrs. Co%t. onlj ;0c. Krcittel’B Hardware. . /

:Al.VAO,b. Koods; Army <|iillt; bliinket.i. overshot-r;, rain coat; Klovi-:,. commo<Ilty Mi k;;. tciita an Lirps. Idaho Junk Hou. c.


L ife ’ s Like That By Neher

HOME FU RNISH ING S ( T ~ \ AU TO S FOR S ALE A N D A P P L IA N C E S - ' — ^ ^ --------------

SMALI, enaiii.-l riinl nmt|L-7JTrpl!tnt ronillllon: fhlld'x bed, compleli. Phtinc-OIDr.-Jl.

/;r. ;CTRIC portasinner Srw


yrflVEitSAI, r.ii»;o, 1 largfl clrcu ■Titiir, 1 br(iM.-;i(l Hinl nprinKf.. In <iulrn 300 Sth iv.-. 1-;. aflrr 12 p, ir

Kn»OSSK.SS!-;D L iiiid H comblna- iloii rn:ii;e. Like new. Half price.

>C. C. Aiiilcr.'oii Company.

HOT POINT, Ion lilsh-npfixi ele-. Coal raimr, ll>:or. Shop. Plipne 0.

KOIIGE rHrlKi-ral


Ihtren lt.-.r<I to 1:ven uaed washers, SWO to t ri?o dl'count on 1940 Alios,

V-RADIO A N D M l lS i r "

LEAVING for CalUornla, ritire iip-.i.- i)l;iiio lor ca.nh. Fourth North:

Jerome Sets Potato And Onion W eek Plan

JEROME. Jim. l l - In oteervancc of Idftho Potato.nnd Oninn Week. Jan. 17-23. mrmtirr.-* of tlir Jerome Chamber of Coniincrco have Murtcd plans for n.-•;L-.Ilni; In Uii-.-.e i>ro<liicl.-.

'nil- Jcro!iic chamb'-r li r(X)[in'-


: belnt

r-rln« Iher.e producui i\nJ will rc iiUrai-tlvc dbplfty/i of I iiit-i and Dillons, all diirliiR ■ck. AdverlLiliiK pck'tcn will l>p nlliibic troin Uie chamber of :rco olflcM.

'Business i^nd Professional

D IR E C T O R YBai/is and flJassaffcs

SU-Well. 63; Mom W. Phone IM.

Mfllloty. Mam north, phone 118R

Bicycle Sales & ServiceBLASIOS CYCLERY. ph.-18l

A U TO LO ANSRefinance yo'ur present contract— reduce payments—cosh advanced.

• I/)caI Company V JScxt to Fidelity Bank WESTERN-FINANCE CO.

ChiropraciorsDr. Wyatt, IBI 3nl Ave. N. Pn. 1377.

-.CoaLand-W.ood-Exclusive dealer in Royal v.d Sprlni

CanyoQ, Utah; coal. Ph. 1B7. BENSON COAL i t SEItVICE

PEONS 3 for Aberdeen coal, movtne and

transfer. UcOoy Cool & Traosler.

Floor SandingPrcd PfelflB. 733 Locust Ph. 1M«-J.

Job PrintingQU.u t


. Stationerr TIMES and NEWS


^Key ShopsBLASID8 C y q iiR Y m Ualn&


. 'C A S H / L O A a ^ S

M on ey to L o a n '

insc CIIRYSLL-n illo. good Phor)C 207.

Licu lenanl Governor Gossctl Announces Appoiitlments

fo r Upper HouseDOISK, Jai

Oovcmor Cli prr.ildrnt of I

niunwl t for tiif

1S41 IrKUIatui

. 11 (4’/—Llouicnani rlr% C. Oo-.-.ctl,IB Idaho !irr.iitc,10 followlnn com ipper brunch of

,,, — Dorr (/I lloiiiir clialrman; liudd of Frrmont.

of -A.lams. Melfher o! Clr;ii •. SmlUi of Jefferson. IJurKhf inldoka, Talboy of Wa.ihinmo)

Sanborn of Goodlnit, Wllljamti < ninKham, Nrala ol T*'lh Fall.-,. Yaiinu oi Payette. Crts of Idaho I>-«1 of Ciinyon.

Diink-s and bMiklnu-Ciuiiion Elmore, chiiirman; Miuwu ol Sho-

Ualril ot Ada. OT,'en nf U ncvtlU-. WUliiuiis of Ociii. Wllll, of H1iu:1,iljii.' Nrulc- ot

iml Thoriw

0 (1<1 FelloivB at Gooding Install

aOODINO. J n i 'l l '— WlUl DI.s- • 'let Dr]iiity Gmnrl Mn«ll| Mf-'<l-'trd y ri(-|)iity.Grand M»r:,hal H. A. Icirlaiiclx nrpmy Kr-nlor Wnnlen

K. IJ. lluslie.-;. DrjiHly Grand Seere- ;an’ E. L. 5tll.-nn. Deputy Grand • rrcii.Mirfr J. W. He!ir>--iiiicl Deputy r.rand ChapUln M. L. Robert/i. nevr itflrrr. of OrKxlliiK l(Xli:r, I.O.O.P,

lUc-d Monday evening attlip hall.

s Installed were E. W. r. nnWr Krand; Itoy Denny, vice : r. A. Rt)!iin-.on. r.rcrclary; p .N'oll. trca.-.urc-r; J. A. Tripp.

noble and;. . \upi>orti-r nobli ,.

I•Ml>,lnk. , warden; Geori coiiiliit.-tor; T. A. Myers, risl . UIJ;)tlru-r; James W. Jone«i, •rno :.unr>ortrr; Guy Drum,

, r:',


kiittun; mcl-i Holland. L-.h. rlKht siip- ;. V. Hood. left

Gdtf ■>I v. vy'

cnx 'i, Hurt



J of, Cari-


.MODERN IraUrf i lot.-!, campn .•\ncl to to takc'ti! ■


REPCJSSESSED Ural buy.v All slr.• Auto 6i Center, m Sccond ttrcet eii

r laiAUTO uiul truck paid’-U — bodli-.n, door;:, fraine.i iderii. RlaRs and lot-i of dlffrreni ru. Kavo on 'repairs and set rome Auto Parts. Phono 41, Jer-


NOTICE iO ST0CKH0LT)EK8Nollcc U hereby given tliat tl

r^Blor annual meeting of the StockWlders ot the T«'ln Falls B.-»nk & Trust Company, for tho purpose ■ elcctlniT Directors for tlii cn.nulng fir. and for tho tran.iactlon of

OUirr liuslnes-i ns may pro|il-rly c ....before nald meeting, will be held Tuc.iday. Jin. 31. 1041. at 4/)0 o’clock P. M., In the Danklni: Room of the Twin Falls Bunk St Trust Co.. Twin Pnll.rJdftho.

CURTIS TURNER. Ca.'.hlei Pub. Jan. 5, 12. lim. .

Formula Aitls in ‘Liniih Sickness’

. nuiIL. Jon, n -D r. K. K. Sh Ruiil veterinary surueon. aft.-r y< of ri'.M.'i»rcli. hns piciiarrd a formula that h;ui provrtl. succerjfut durlnc th(* 10 days In trratlnR lamb i.lcknr.-,.-!. a prcsnancy dl. cnse of rwi*. TliLi ha.s In r.ome ca.'.ra taker 25 per cent- of a flock.' e>-mptom.i of the dUrpre are lo.-i.- of uppctlte and .'.tupejlciitl^n i,lml!ai to that oL horJiM. witli brain fever n ie disease h*!i been attributed t<

<t:cs,s flesh gained on fall pasturc.s. .lYie flock or W. A. r,0«-o. Castle-

.fdrd. waa the-flrr.t treaicd with the newr formula, which Is Inji-cted Into the Jugular vein of the lick ewe. On Decerjjber 25. Dr. fiJS)U treate<l four of the dl.seajied aiflmalsNand all re­sponded Immediately. A w e on tho Glenn OoukN^^rm. Monday, showed ---------------------- ten mjnutes

E(lucat;o:i — Melch'-r. chairman; udil. lUiCHlrs of Kootrnal, Perklnr. ■ lirar Ukr, Uurt;her, Ilarrb, Deal, mbron,. orCaiter and Wl.-tter, K.Uicutlunul mstltiiin^Slms ot

Uauiidary, cliiilrman: PiinTnlre iH 'liannoci:, 6 ,\.-n. llhtxlr,'.. Robhu o! Bciifu-ah. and Jinxrll of Bcl-.e,

nn;!rr.-,-rtl bills—Oraha.ti. chulr- iin: I'rricin;. iind’Crra.

iiIi.wBaHey of •r.-

lette.iiilnn;in; Rhode.s n

I'inanee Conimltlra ri—Dalrfl, chairman: Derr. Cannon. Oralmm, Barln-j.-.

Heiith of Franklin. Hnll of Onc-lila nnd Robiii.'..^^_^_j^

Tbh andlfame^raliajn. rhatr- iniin: Foreman of Owyhee. Wllr.on i>f Valley. SmlUi. Mrlrlier. Hiinsen nf Butte, yarn of Cltirk, jlowrll nnd Jl-nhr.

Fori-ntr}-—WlI.-,on, chalnnan: D'-rr. CiLScman. Melcher. Hnp. en, Howell lid Crca.HlRhways, hrldnes and ferrle.s—

Slm.1 of Lcmhl. chal.'mnn; Foreman, Rudd. Graham. Sims of Bouiidary.

elBcn. Tltori>e. Anibrv'e. Young. iniittUI of Mncn/n nmt Cren. Immliiriiiloti and Itibor—Melcher.

ch;iirman; Talboy, Piitnnlre, Per- kll'. Hnll. UeaRlr. hf Blaine and Williams of Blnnh;.m. -

Inruranci- — llliwlcs. chairman; Mltcliell. BiiJIey. Harn and Deal.

Irrlijatliin and waU-r re,-,ourcM— Baird, chairman: Craham,*Cannon, Cascm.->n, Owen. Sims of Boundary. BurKhtr. Haruirn. Neale. Harris. .Tliorpe. M.invi,-lll and Olllctic.

Joint nile.i—Nelron. chairman: Mltdieii and.Youni:, -

Journal — PviKmlre. Chalnnan; Wilson and Bahr.

Jui!l(l.ir7 Judiciary—Owen, chairman; Mlt-

chell.-Hjilboy, NcLwn, Ambrose, Goff and Bahr.

Llyr.iiock ~ Forfmnn. c^inlrnian;. ^l;n.s of Lemhi. Talljoy. Perkins.


mpliirinrnl—Giro Con- <: en-.plciynient In tho

factory Immedl- finl-hlnc hti atfcralt

I'rom Wyomlne-Morris Cortriell, ivrnmle, W’a o ; wa.i a KiieM Tliurs- av a( Ihc- ho:nr (if hi.-, aunt. Mm. itr,:ln liiithc-rfonl.ArU;.n«s Trlp-Mr. nnd, Mrs. Hal

.'al):.-r uii.l daut!!i;<-r. Bonnlr. re- irni-.I Tur,/!ay fiom a vl.'.lt With , i-lKUv,-. m Murb>, Arte.Itelstlve I)le»-M;r.. Joe TllbmiiH

i-<-rlvr<l ur,!d or the' tlialh ofc her iicli-. C. T. Neaihiim. at Salt Lakn liy. tin- iMw.i wii-k followliiu a ircffMliiy lllii(-:_i. Mr, and Mrs. Nea- m:ii Were with Mrs. Thomas’ fa- ipr ajid mo:h‘cr. Slicriff and Mrs. rl Parker, m ihe tUne of ttio occl« rnt resulting in Mr. Parker’s death.

-C A R E V

Marrlate I^eanied—According 1 ord rt-ci-ivcd here by relnllves;Mr •v.ii- Kellf-y. ‘who Li .ipendlng tlio inter montli.1 with her father, Wll- iim Baird; r.r.. In St. George. Utah.' as married on ChrUtmas eve to

Fred Falor at St. George. They V.1I1 stay In Utah for a while and Olicn-wUl.go-to-Los Angolss.-wher*':- Uie brldcFtroom Is engaged In busl-

Bath .\fr. nnd Mm. Falcr *r»!ll knoun In Blaine county, having,

llvi-d at Itiilli-y und (?arey most ' their lives.

VUlu Uauihltr—Mrs. Annie Ivle of-Sallnn, UUh, Is vbltlng.-her dauKhter. Mrs. Ullle-Condle.

Return to Coait- — Miss Phyllla - Qnlncey and her brotlier, Rlcbard.. who have been visiting tholr par* enti In Cwey ovtr.thoioUdays, re­turned la-M Saturday to Walnut Creek. Calif., wlwre they-are em­ployed,— '.


. affairs— ;mlrc-. Sims '[ Btnxham

after the InJkUon.Dr. Shott will report on hls.form-

tila and'experlmentAtlon at the con­vention of tlie Ihtermountain Live­stock Sanllary OMOclatlon In Salt Lftke City next week. .

iwnaji. llarrlal 11a und'’VWjHams of BIjikIi

Mllltr^y, nnd Hull:Cn-'i'mnn, chnlrmati; P I'f Boundarj’, WJIIli.m.-i and Goff ot I-itah.

Mlni-a und inlnlni;-.siin.s of I^m- hl. chiurman: .Ma wi. m.nian. Wll- i,on. Melcher. lIcaKle, Crea. Howell and Ambrose.

Privileges nnd el«H'’ ' ' -WlIllams of Gem. ctialnnan; Smith.' Rhode.t. l^blns and lleagle.

Public land.s—Tnlboy. clmlniinn: Wlli.on. Graham. Bufuhsr, Harris.

, Hnii.M!n and Gillette.Public healtli—Uuriiher, dialr- an: simn ot Lemhi, Mitchell. Rob-

UiA andIlule.i—Foreman, chairman: Wll-

tlami of Gem, Talboj-. Sanborn and Hall.-■ State affairs—MltcheU. chairman; Bnlrd, Derr, Sims of Lehim, Can­non. Mason. Pusmlre, Owen. Bafiey, Heath, Barlow. Haro, Hall. Sanborn and Ooff.


Funeral Rites for Mrs. Millie Kelly


$ 2 5 ^ 0 $1000D iryoTJ ircTC R

UP TO la M Ojnns t o repay 'Contraeta refinanced—prlvata (olet

. financed—cash advanced

Consumers Credit Company _

Commluloaert .........county official* will be sworn Into office here Monday, am. 13. at the first regular meetlnf of the board of canmistloners In IBM. Offlclala roinc Into office (or the flrst'-Ume ■T6—Alfred—Johan»OB.— D«i»ocratr county commissioner frcca the fUat ilUlrlct: Un . Hattie Lunson, Demo­crat, county luperistendent o.' ochooli, and J. li. Hlrsch, BepubU- can, ohertff.

(or flilfi OlTffim imlta of ■Ut« land, or i^>prax)mat«ly 4,000

Oateopathie PhyaiclanDr. K. J. M Uler:^ Main N .J^ 1977

Plumbing and Heating

Radio RepairingPOWXLL Radio. 1S3 2nd Arenue N,

TrailersTrailer Bouiea.- 0«m Tialler Oa

Typewrites •Salea rantali and ■Brrlec. Pbig>e W

VphoUteri^gretlalitalns. Orm A Bra-

Jo Fttna. UO 2od 8(. S. R l »> .


d TaSue ot tM,000, are bo f^ t f for aale at the courthouse ■In Fairfield at public* aiKtlon Mon­day, Feb. 3. at a p. m.’ Bell* BMltwai o. .R.,..,^ney. harsSM and a&M repairer m Fair­field for the past 30 yean, has »o1d bu butinea to u assistant. Abe £. Loewen. fomerlylf Chinook, MonC •nie new owner toot pcwesslon Jan:

Hoods Btoclced-stubbleneld and Strattoa. operator! of the Kln« of th« .Went mine off the Carrietown road, are maklns a strenuotia effort to reach their property rla a tne^ir and tied.-The 2S-taile atretob U corered bv'Mtween three and foor feet of now. On* attempt oo ‘mea-. day wma unfueeectful, the party of flf* returalas afUr eima hauia ot breaklac trail* to wUhln a •mD* of'Well* summit

Ben r----------------- •, and Mnu' BurtonQlflord are tb i pareaU of a daogb- ter bem Jan. 9 U>» OeeOlag hoe- pltal. acr. OUfdM l i an butmetor In tbt local hlfh MbooL

Itetttms Here—Mrs. L. R. Adam*returned last Saturday from Grl*^ wold, la., where she had spent sev­eral months during Uia last Illness o f her fatlier, Frank Nelson.

l->tim Arkansas — Mrs. Ma^t Crumm and Mrs. Beatrice Wardlow, of RoRcrs, Ark., are-here to be with their nunt. Mrs. Jo. Rasmussen, who tins been 111 for several montt^

VNlti Daueiiier—Mrs. H; V. Crea- .-.on left TucMlay for Aberdeen where she 1.1 a sue.1t of her daughter, Mrs. , Ronald Toftyi

Conclude Trtp-^Mr. and Mrs. R. B., Turner, son. Ransome. and ' daushter. Joan, relumed Tuesday, from Pnsn<lena where tliey went by •

s ten rtnys ago. Tliey were ac-' ipanltd by their daughter. Shir- •

BURLEY. Jan. 11-Flnal tribute aa pftid Mrs. Millie Kelly last Mon­

day at the Payne mortuary chapel at—Iunerol sen,'lces conducted by BLshop Jolyi Holyoftk.

A fiuvlcN^Wig “The Old RugKcd Cross"^lnvocaUoD-n-as by Horace Hall: ■Wrum S. Lewis of Declo woa the first speaker; Mrs. Carter and Mrs. Oeorge Bray' ssn; u duet. “Seroetlme. Somewhere"; an uncle of the deceased. Oeorre Day of Oak­ley. Was the next speaker and by re- -itlieit-^prpKTrPaynriatijr^eaiir tlful Isle of Somewhere"; benedic­tion was by WllUom Waite; Inter- mm^-wM In the Burley cemetery with erave dedication by-Bishop Bolyoak.

Tvo dsushUn of Mr*. Kelly who reelde tn California and a son from Nevada come 'here to attend the stfTlces. .___________

Final R itw forMan at B.urley

BURLEY, Jan. 11—Funeral acr ices for aien PuckeU were held at j Fsyne mortuary chapel last T at a p. SU with BUbop I*-

lowsr Prelude by Un. Kathryn Tay­lor; duet rjeius-My SaTlour* by

' -Ira. Joseph P. Payr *- _ _ Bishop ■ Marchant;M th tn Thee' Baymond Joho-

son: first speaker, Bls£--------------followed hy jose dt F.

Bopa" tv Ur, a n d ---------- -benediction by Baymood.MussBtf.

interment was-ln the Btsltyeem* M r >wltb traTo detUatteB . feT Blahcp uuchanb

traS in-uJta i;

’ l l , . '

ley. whom they left_at Palo Alto to ;r school, work at Leland '

-.(IV -• r.resume her .......Stanford university.

Faeloty Closes—Rupert-J^u! sug- pr factory closcd last Sunday after . an 09 day nin. Two hundred and \- flfty men wen employed during the :ampalgn. wages for that - time - imountlnR (o *122,000. Sugar beets - sliced toUled I36i03 tons.

ConilDcU Meet—;;. W. Frank, dis­trict manager for Conoco dealers. . held a meeting Wednesday night at tlie Mountain View service station att«nded by eight service station -operators from Burley and three from Rupert.

ArUana Trlj^Mr, and Mra. A. ?. Beymer left Wednesday for Phoenix,:. Arts, to spend ths rest of the winter, They will be Joined by a brother-'' In-law and sister ol Mrs., Beymer,^ Mr. and Mrs. F..O. Ofccy of Con>- Ing. la. • ^

UeUday Gaeet-Edward Rlgg, who has been employed for the past tw » i years In a rt«arch Uboratoty Madison. Wli, and IT also a s -dent-lnr a scluiul - tor-attaMa: there, spent two weeks Taeatlon « — „ hU mother. Mrs. Florence lUgg, ai4 '>/ his sister. Patsy Rlgg, teacher - “■ - Twin Falls, echoob.

And Man But-^lm tear Ured, farmer who makes hU h Rupert, supped on the ley wat In the cit£ park Wednesds fractured his j5t hip. He wai - to Rupert general hospttal aad s ready for a trip tr ‘H e _________Moellmer an d__entered th* U>£.-

T* Weet' Co

by De.


atump returned 1 — tual,- Okla.,

Page 12:… · An Astociaied Prc98 NewsoflP^^ THE TWIN FALLS NEWS TODAY: Fair VoL 23,



M ajo r D ilton oh Ocean Town Hall Meeting W ill Hear

Bases. . •- InniiKurnlliiK a 'llyiiii; t' iKiricr"

fpftluro.of IrcHire club i>rt;i-ii:iilloiis,• Mnjor Tliomn.i A, 11. iJitioii. primi-

Inent mlllinrj- uniily.'i.i, will (ll ol A "^IB New Allnnllc mul (heOrowlnB Driil.'li-AiHcTiciiii AM.i" Iw- (ofB Wedlir.Mlny cvniaiK'' inccllliK ot Uif Twin TiUh Town Hnll club. •ceordinK w> Prr:>uirnt J. A. Cixlrr- QUlaU

Mfttcflnl prc.iclilrd diirtiiK the Jnii, IS snUirrinK will br bnsfd iijwi u jecenl Birplaiip nwlns iiroiind ilie new buses. liltroducliiK llic «l)fn!ccr ftt Uie MMlon. .whliTli MiirUi (vt 6 o'clock In tlic lilKti nfliool tiudl-

• torlum. will bff O. A. KclKer/ Twin miU npwjpnpcniinn.

PJr/il hand rcporu by Mujor Dlt- ton will InniiKuralc a new wrvlrr hy the nollonnl orminluitlnu wltli wliirh the club here U nftillntrrt whipli »11I niinmrnt Uift scrlc* tif <lLviii-

, /'~i)on» on hailnru. niiHonnl nnc ‘world ftlfnlr* by oiiUiwndinK nifi. Jn Uiflr rcjpecilvn fields m (in monthly mcctlnK of the more itaii 13.000 key mm in 70 ot tJie liirniT ^merlcnn cltlcs-trom Plorliia to

. . »{ate ot Wn.'ihlnicion.Mnjor Dliton liiui been nljle —

eniwe of his bnckRToiiiiil ot 10 y u officer ot llie UrllLih army diirlMK

, which he Kftw service Li-Uie Itoyiil Flyliis corii’.—to obtain Information linnvRllable to otticr obsfrvcni. *• an American clliron. lip upDrnlM- from the Amcricim point of vlnw

Difficult TaskHe wns slve»\ utolsumeiit.

cause of hl.i iinunuiil liblllty iind perlencr which ennbles him to tAin and analyze nillltar}'. naval;

'aviation new.i with clnrli*t and curacy. Por a quarter of a ccntury lie lind a colorful carcer which hn.i given him an Intlmnte ncfjualnUince- alilp wlU\ tlie many lands and pop­ulation* whlrti flK'irc jiromlncntly In. the day’s war ncwrfs

Born In 'America, the son 'ot a ' prominent Drltl.ih political leader

and an American moyirr. lie lias »pent most of- hln life In America and htui traveled to nil jmrtji of it. lie was ft member of the Unhxmlty of Hawaii faculty, and hold.i Uie degree of doctor of llterftture from

- Cambridge 'unlverMty* ~

Cast f o r J u n io r

P la ^ A ii i iq i in c c d*fryout* have Tieen complelcd am!

•CMtJi named lor tho Twin Falln liluh uchool junior clai-i play, to be prt-flcntcd February 13 and U, Miss Flor­ence M. R « « . director, announced laib cvenlnR.

Tlie play Ij Clifford GoIdimlUi's “What A Lite!" and concem.i the trials, mliifortune.1 and ftmuscmcnts In tho Htc of Henry Aldrich of radio

- tamo.Sluilcnta who will appear wlUvthS.

ca<t Inolude Dtclc Snlladay. Don’ •Zuclc. NOrmon Johnson. Dick Oiir- rett. DuiJ Ollb. Dob Jones. Sherman

__ pbon. Cob Damrtt. Clarence Ctid->ey. Carroir Hljtifln.v Archie Web­ber. Dill Reynolds. Paul Taber, Dick tAwrence: ;

Norma Dickey, Lou HaBKurt. Vera ' Goodman. Marine Nlcwon. Marie / Louden, Dorothy Van EiiKHcn, Mur-

Barct Detwpller; Eleanor Mae Ruth­erford. Deth Cr>’der, Julia McBride, Mary Jane Shearer. Mary AJlce Bu-

.chanan. Owen Dnvis;Lucille Tliomn.1. Joiin .Benoit,

-Owendolm lleltrecht. Jrnn AmiKa, Mildred JennlnKs, Ann Lnura Pl h t, Mary Helen Clapper, Marie Phllllixi and Ruby nillllps. '

S u i t G r o w s ' O i i t

O f R o a d ( > a s hM, E. DdlUnR-ot Twin Falls. Mfiun-

Vtaln Slates Telephone company jmanaRrr, started wilt In dlnlrlct court in Ttt'ln Falls yesterday MG0.80 damah'es iVnm Josrph

. lonelll. rwner. anil Lee .McMillan, driver of a tfiick Involved In o Jlslon with Mr.’Dolllni-n car. '

Tlie enllLslon ocnurrr<l Nov. jnSO. on ft hlRhway curve rrvcn

• elKht miles east of Kins Hill. It alleRcd McMillan was drIvliiR qu t Iril sldr of the center i.irlpe.

Harry Benoit of Twin Falls Is 1 claimant's ttorn^.

D r i v e r G e t s 'J 't u - i i i

O n . L i o e i i s c ( ^ o i i i i lFor falllnK to have a valltl drive:;',

llccnso. Lawrence Ilrecdtni!., IVin ■ rails, operator of a niachint; In­

volved In an accldciit hi-re Dec. HI, wa* committed to the Tuln I'alU city Jnll yesterday to nerve a two-day

.term. ,Record.1 of MuncliuU JutlRe j. O.

Pumphrtiy show that rtTWr tjic cra.'.h, Dreedlns wa* given a prrlo<l In which to produce the llccn. e. but he.failed to do so. He tJjen n<Iniltted'"the

--- cOUIlt,-ftnd-wa»-Iln(Hl-M,-rhleh-he-la scn-lns out.

.MiJOIt TIK)M,\S A. n. niTTON.viUl oiUlif.% WtiSnemlaj

'• iilnr’* liieelliis.tif Hie Twin 1 .. Town Hall rliih In the hlfli xeliool autlltorliim. Tlir noled military nnaly«V U, the flr»l " prtrtrr” to «prak l>rfi>re the loeal crmiii, and he will illnei>»<''lhe Iranlin nf nif ki»r» In Ih'e Allan- tlf amt ajivAtrHt tetncnUnj of A.nirrlcun-IlillMi relallnn*.

Durlni: thr IiK-;>l Ciinp 1ft'rirk ,CHv .

Town Hall Speaker

HroadciiKls Set Diirinj* Nalioiial

('amp Fire M eetmill conference ot xi-cutlves In New 13 ttiroiiKli

..........................1 natlonnl radiobroiKlAj.M.n will jiav tribute to CaniD I'lte UUh. Ml CivmP'V'lrc th(lr famlllf. and friends will he intrrcMi'ii iti tJie proRrams, local Caiijp Ktre-ortirr.i announced ycs- criliiy,I'llr.'rliiy, J»n M. from . 7 uiilll

;30 oVIm'k, MS.T.. over the Na- loiial Ilrnadea lliiK company's rtxl

Iietwurk. Uie lire Field work-prs iiltcnilliiK the conferenec will malch wlt.i inst »ny Scout lead­ers on the -llaltle IK. tlic .He protjram. comliiclctl by’ Julia £ dersnn and JYank Cnimmlt. '

Mar>' Margaret MeHrlde, faniou.i rndlo enluinni.'.t. will talk about Camp Pire OIrls with upeclal

. . mfi'/encn from 1 uiilil 1:15 pm- AVedne.-.diiy. Jan. 15,

the_CoUiml)la UroadcastlnR sy.stem.

Tliurwlay mnrnhiK. Jun. Ifl, from 0:45 until "! oViock, over the Columbia system. MIm Edith M, KemptJiome, Camp Hre's national field neeretarj', will l>c fc«\irc<l Adelaide Hawley's "Woman's Pn

tlic Air." Ml.-.s Kcmpthome ■bratlns her twenty-llfth am

ver.iary as national field .lecretar)' and will -be honored at the con­ference baiKiuet I'rldny. Jon. 17. MK-. Haaley ,1s a former Camii Pirc 01r\ hcr^ell.

Ml.M-De'MoLs. of Uie natlonikl Camp Fire GIrLs staff, will be In Twin FallTimd vicinity from Jan, to Feb. <. the local otflcca alio a . nounced. She wiui In Twin 'l-'Sillir nhput a year ajjo and was honorecL at several meeUnRs In Ma«lc Valley.

CHKSlNAMPA. Idaho. Jan. 11 i/l’)—(V7

Ander.'oiTT' Br' pioneer Imvyi-r! died here liut iright nfler reveral months’ lllne-s.i. Andcrr.on had been an at- Inrney .hero for 31 year% nntt'*\'j;i.'i rnunsel for Uie local ltli;h\vay dL>- trlct.

P M I S I S P ParasBiEw

Unit to Reorganize a t Later ^Session; Finances

Reviewed • >

r the Twin I'lilH chap- iilliM>Mf Inli^nillc i>ar-

r J.larr

nn-v (er !ur

■ . . day alli'rnion'r. inc'rlliu;

Alwnrlh. nil nt llie tx>ivrd wH1

III,a liiler i.r.'isloil.The illreclnrali- now ri>ti',l\l.s ot

Mrs. Pi;iiiKlc AlworUi, l) e. l( ent; .Mrs. IJel r 1ld on, Mrs. ». H. A<Ucln- J.nn. Mr.’,. W. R. Cha.-.e. .Mlvi Mary Ann Rc ber uiul Dr. SUx tk-lirank. '

.since II.'. nrcanliatlon In May. IMS, the chapter hns rontrlbu'wl many,n to Uii- imil-'|mralysl;i cauM'. lliese Include a.v,l;,tance In .M-iulliik* Mrs. Jame.'i Lundy lo the Warm .SprniRs. Oa., foundnllnn:*iind

iildhiR Mr*. LaRlIda J/flncs lo

d(. Ilkrvbri»uiit I . . . .fiiiiiulalioii;. tollowUiK iwrlodn ot ircutiiK'nt. in'd provided funds to- «;.irl I,„.;.llall/atlnii an<l. Iravellnii exi-'U ' ■. In jilaelilK Mn, t.undy In «•lldl c' tii...|>llill.

Al .ci iniil wa;. a >i)fclal >examlnH- llTOi I- - lor Mf3. Mary Baker to <Ie- tiTiirnir Mliiit mlnhl be <lone toward

i-ripp:irliil report pre.'icnlfl ni'.li on hiuKt as of j/i 73 lid. RecelliUs l i i c l^

Pre.- (lcnf«ybal

land wiui HO.'l.n, )lal to $<:>2.00. Ex- ; 1212.13 from No- 3 AllRiist, IS40,


• IlOI.SK, Jan. J1 M-j-Jack Sharp. Hol.v ( (intfaclor, today became stnto .iijKTiiilendeni of bwlldlnc r.oantruc- lion. Appointed by__piwernoc Clark, lie .••uocewls MelvTn Stevens, former

hufldlne Inspector who

senlHilve from Ada coimiy.

/ The Beast'I Who Urnnds IUk UnwillinK SulijcctH with a ■'

m a r e :IN t h e :

- FOREHEAD, ' a n d / ^

HANDt'ATHKIts: -lln ynu know that »ooi>, unleniT you art. yiiiir riaufhleni .

and ycmr «vlvr> are In be liranilecl with this mark; that If you wait you rannot help them? >

SIOTHKKS: Do you know that ynur hu.banda and Mtii are lo ' be. Inrlured anil destroyed by a devlllnh fate; and that soon your prayer* and lear» will avail them nolhlnc?

MlStSTl-'llS'. t>« you katt)* thal Nonn ynur cnncrrt;atlnna rannol buy a miiroel of f»>od or a drop'of water unlevi they »ell Ihelr, souH to this ilevlllsh heast? If y»u know, wnn’t you warn them lhat that day U Hcht upon them? If you don't khow, wnn'l you live Ihla'HUbJeet your eandid attrnUnn?

Sunday, January 12, 7:45 P.


ironjH'tlc 1

' S

Chief o f L fo iis

T o Visit IdahoKftTl M. Sorlck. International pres­

ident of Lion* clubs, wlli meet souUi cmtrnl Idaho Lions during^ two meeUnga next month, acconlInK lo

■ nonftW L. Omes. dlsUSct ttovenwjt.H« will attend Lad.tca' night at

Bo!M~Feb. 10 and a similar gaUier- Ing at jUoho Falla FV;b. II. All MaKlc Valltjr Wona clubs ftro urged to plan

-ta aend dclefcoUon.i to the evenl and ft Cftnwi may make the trip.

i l N O 'S K f H O W M U C H M O R E YO U CETT



'•X ^tSO /»V ....................I N the flnc-car daaa at n_prica D R IV E ! *n priwell within your buBijetlJuat . omparedo/uxemodelsoriowest*

■ -----------T O jr

Rites .Conducted For Mrs. Carder

PlnaJ rll<* for Mrs. Daisy Carder were held ycatcrtlay aftemoon at the White mortuary chapel, ReV. H,

^A-M cCalll5 t«r of the MeUiodlstchurch offlcl^lns_______ ___________

-----Hlas LlUJan Laubentielm aani:• “Sveet Hour of Prayer" and ,

Blns'eth Low' In Every Heart." at' compaAled by MU* Loreen Puller. •

Pallbeftren were'Art Parrott. Alf _yWBtt.^taLfiiirott._CtJda-Cook. .

Om v Houae and M. MaUiewrf. Main and Fourth Stirtal wu in the n ier cemel«t7.

UICUKIUOOMIV.It-FlSIIER UQDY • NEW INTEBlOB LltXUWY . * COIL- SJ'RtNCRHYTllMICRIDE-yAMOUS «- thatOldaRiVMyOUopora^nflccofl- # opU ««U I OLOa qtJALlTY TUROUCllOUTt otny thatcomparca with tlic beitl E>m Co«i

• wiihour* clinch! Dilv« without ahttlin

TFT-------- ---Olds Special. You’ll (5nd but littlo ______difl'cfenca in pHcc. And you'll nnd ^

i;0 L D S M 0 ECHANEY MOTOR GO.rlh East . . ' ^ ;


Starting the Last W eek O f The BIG S E M I-A N N U A LCLE/VRANCE





$395Rcffuliir valiit'H to fH,7B



' V ila lity !

■Colors o f bluck, bltifi brown, y ine anti combi- nntioiis.'IJrokon sizes und sliorl lot.'!.

Another L tr t '^ '



100 Pairs o f


Dress ShoesSome Johnn.ien and Foot

-J)diKhL_«hoeB-inoludo(i- in 'this Kroty). Mnrkcd for quick .miie.

Values to $6.95"

26 Pairs

Ladies' Rubber SNOW SHOE


.JRcKUlar. .S2.-I5- - valuuK. W liite und beige colors in low find medium heels.

Main Floor Shoe Dcpl-


, -Re-reduced!

ONE GROUP DRESSESRegular .$7.90 Values. First Sale C . ^ price $5.§8. N o w ^ -

.ScveraJ Jum|vr .it'yles* In velveteen, wov li and coriluroya. Slsea 0 to IB. •.

o.sK ni.ACK ru jsu c o a t — siw A reKiilar tin.05 O O value ........L . f . ..............

ON'E IJLACK KAimiC (.'OAT — Sla- 10. Seml-fltted style. A reRUlor ^ -jg a O JM.1S value ....I,........'.......

Re-reduced! ^O NE G KOIIP O F DRESS A N D

Sl‘ O U T_«LO U SK S HoRtilar Vjiluc.'t’ to $2.r>0 .

Flmt Mile price 78c and OBc. mNow ............ ........ ........4 9 c ,8upn rayon.1, cotton and Kftbcrdlnc.t, aat- l s and crrpes.

M E N ’5

. - . 2 3 •• 11 wool .ilcevelcss nweater;', thl.i a renuiar ■ one value, llic- colonv arc prey, brown nnd green. SIrer, 30 to « . 'To Clean Up ..........................

• 100 Pa ir . -P(U1 wool «)x. Tlie.M: iox- all fancy pat-, teriu: ClKk.1, Urlpc.%-iind plaid. Quite a few of tliem have etiistle to[u. Tlity nro sllRhtly IrteRulars of our rtsulivr Soc svnit '

To_Clean Up, Palr^...................2 5 ®

96Nceletle.i, Tlic;ie we clean ups of our rcK- ular 65c values. Tlic patterni; arc very Kood. Mo.1t of them arc pure allk tlca nnd have hnud tailored conatnicUori ......... .................

lO Pairftool twcfd Slaclu. Pleated front with a dpper fly. Tho'pnttenjs oro amall ccftt blue nnd Kreen licrrln(ibono flgurta. ^ « a are 4-21: 1-30; 3-34 and 3-35 wiiUt . Tliece hold rcsular for ^ « id A m s . To Clean Up ..........


50cRcKular 79c and 98c^'aliity»

15 only yoiilhs’ short sleeve Hport collar .4hirt.><, Fancy ■ ■ vpiittern.-i in bfoadclolli material. Size.-i: 1-13: V m # *ri-l.'U/.; . ^ ■ - ■ VTo Clean Up______________M F

V BOYS’ CAPS / ' ■ 50% O ff

TlUi^lht»ta of wool ski caii-,, wttli ear'mJll.i'aitached. Wool and cnrduroj- n1<1 caps wlUi fur hibands and wool helmcLt. -RcRulur priccs from 19c lo D8c.

•Now to Clean........ S O l ' f l

, Small Boys’ Corduroys


8 only boys' corduroys. Qrown and navy' blue, nepitar ll.po special, sale

. prlce-77c-«ow 6nly 60c. 5 nlze 0, 1 size. a.V'P ' ______________

K A Y N E E SECONDSBi ot ly boj's' dreas alilrta. Sfconds of regular 70c and 08c 6U>ck. Tlili wa.<i a real RtwclaJ at 5!)c. NOW to clean up nt 50c. Slies —' 21 Mze 0. 13 slr.e 7. 2 sire 0. 8 Rlr« 0. * «1m 10.

rfi;,l?r 11, J2.nlM 12, 7 8lM,ia’s. lOslre 13. 3 8lre 13(j. l.alM H. Oalre H>i m a Or ulres from ace C to II. sites 12i4 to H '.i......................... ............. ....5 ” ®

Krrinnmy llaiieRient Spccinl Lot •


. PANTSValuer, lo »1.03, Your choice

5 0 cKconomy iluementBo>.s* FcmUiiill___

StyleS W E A T S lim T SValUM to 79c. Clean

4 9 cKconomy na»cmenl Spccinl Clean Up

o f Bovs’ WOOL

^ SW EATERS Slip over ntyle.v Good colors. Slsc.1 only JO. 13, 14 and 10. Regu*

37cEconomy naieitient



$ i . i 7All lined cn -iack and belted back styles. Some have, ripper pockeLi. All have tip­per fronts.'Sites S to"' la. The«! arc regulal' »J 8 iaclceL-L._____

Top Related