

By Matt Tucker

Now that Christmas is right around the corner, you may find yourself saying things like “Christmas is my favorite time of year!” or “I wish Christmas would last

all year long! “ or “Are we done yet?” If so, Iʼm sure youʼll find youʼre not alone. For many Americans, Christmas and the holiday season is a personal favorite. For many others, however, it is not. Which position do you find yourself in? I believe thereʼs a solution to be found, a way of bridging the gap between these two perspectives, allowing the Christmas spirit to last longer and at the same time bring healing and fresh perspectives to our American minds.

For starters, think about the thoughts you associate with the phrase “the spirit of Christmas.” Are they pleasant thoughts? Are they fond memories? Memories of traditions, such as your family coming together around the dinner table. Warm apple cider, snowy days, and carol singing? Waking up in the morning to a fresh breakfast and gifts wrapped beneath the tree? Maybe youʼre one of the many who havenʼt had a Christmas like this in a long time. Perhaps for you they are feelings of loss and lack, or simply a jaded perspective from all the materialism that comes with Christmas.

With these conflicting perspectives, Christmas now has an identity crises. What IS the spirit of Christmas? In my pursuit of this question, I decided to look into some of the most famous and influential beginnings, the Nativity Story and Saint Nicholas.

So often we gloss over the stories that are most familiar to us, and, thinking of the countless times weʼve heard them, assume we know them well. Do we really? Have they worked their way into our understandings and into our hearts?

In the Book of Luke, Gabriel goes to Mary and tells her she will give birth to Jesus. Mary is poor and unmarried, in a culture where having a baby out of wedlock could have gotten her killed. In terms of human wisdom, this probably couldnʼt have happened at a more inconvenient time! Not to mention the fact that this could ruin her reputation, as well as Josephʼs, and what of their marriage to be?

She says “yes,” without knowing what this will look like, what sheʼll have to go through, and how itʼs all going to come about. She stepped out in faith. Do you feel this way when you think of the holidays and the coming year? We can say that the spirit of Christmas all begins with faith. And if it begins with faith, then it is certainly followed by sacrifice.

A good friend of mine recently introduced me to a wonderful album titled Andrew Peterson Presents: Behold the Lamb of God. In it is a song called “Labor of Love,” singing of the night that Jesus was born.

AMPLIFIEDDecember Issue, 2010



“It was not a silent nightThere was blood on the groundYou could hear a woman cryIn the alleyways that nightOn the streets of Davidʼs town

And the stable was not cleanAnd the cobblestones were coldAnd little Mary full of graceWith the tears upon her faceHad no motherʼs hand to hold

It was a labor of painIt was a cold sky aboveBut for the girl on the ground in the darkWith every beat of her beautiful heartIt was a labor of love.”

Not a song youʼd likely hear in the average familyʼs house at Christmastime, or a scene weʼd like to watch around the television on Christmas day! Yet, this is where it all began.... with the story of Mary, and of her faith and sacrifice. Itʼs our story too. Christmas is a time of faith in the past year and the one to come, and sacrifice, usually through our time, money, and emotions to give good gifts to our friends, family, and the underprivileged.

The word “spirit,” speaks to the attitudes and intentions towards something. As with all things, the spirit of Christmas is a matter of the heart. I believe that faith is absolutely necessary, and that sacrifice should be a way of life, giving ourselves for others. And

when we do this, something beautiful happens: in the process we take our minds off ourselves and put them towards others and their needs, and in the process we too find health, healing, and blessing.

So the Nativity Story does indeed hold many meanings towards the spirit of Christmas.

What about Santa? Did you know that “Santa” comes from the Latin word for “Saint”? And his inspiration comes from a Saint, a Saint whose life shines with the spirit of Christmas.

Saint Nicholas“The true story of Santa Claus begins with Nicholas, who was born during the third century in the village of Patara. At the time, the area was Greek and is now on the southern coast of Turkey. His wealthy parents, who raised him to be a devout Christian, died in an epidemic while Nicholas was still young. Obeying Jesus' words to "sell what you own and give the money to the poor," Nicholas used his whole inheritance to assist the needy, the sick, and the suffering. He dedicated his life to serving God and was made Bishop of Myra while still a young man. Bishop Nicholas became known throughout the land for his generosity to those in need, his love for children, and his concern for sailors and ships.

One story tells of a poor man with three daughters. In those days a young woman's father had to offer prospective husbands something of value—a dowry. The larger the dowry, the better the chance that a young woman would find a good husband. Without a dowry, a woman was unlikely to marry. This poor man's daughters, without dowries, were therefore destined to be sold into slavery. Mysteriously, on three different occasions, a bag of gold appeared in their home-providing the needed dowries. The bags of gold, tossed through an open window, are said to have landed in stockings or shoes left before the fire to dry. This led to the


custom of children hanging stockings or putting out shoes, eagerly awaiting gifts from Saint Nicholas. Sometimes the story is told with gold balls instead of bags of gold. That is why three gold balls, sometimes represented as oranges, are one of the symbols for St. Nicholas. And so St. Nicholas is a gift-giver.”

Two pillars in our Christmas traditions, the Nativity Story and Saint Nick. Full of faith, sacrifice, and gifts. History can feel distant, however, and so I thought Iʼd take a look at something much closer to home - a way we here at Resound are striving to live the spirit of Christmas. So I sat down with Xavier Gonzalez, head of our ByWay ministry, which is a mentoring-through-the-arts program we have to kids living in the projects.

To begin, I asked Xavier if he could explain the ByWay, and instead he gave a beautiful series of thoughts of what he has learned through serving these young kids:

Xavier: The ByWay, if I could sum it up, would be bringing an awareness to your own soul; as in bringing the eyes of your heart to understand that these are your brothers and sisters in Christ, instead of simply poor kids. They may be materially poor, but theyʼre still your brothers and sisters in Christ. Your first thought is that theyʼre poor and they live in the projects, but when youʼre eyes are awakened then you start seeing them as your brothers and sisters in Christ first.

Me: So Xavier, how do you feel the ByWay relates to living the spirit of Christmas?

Xavier: With regards to the ByWay, I feel that Christmas is a day of remembrance of what we do all year which is sacrificing our time, pouring ourselves out. Itʼs almost like a solemn day for us to think “letʼs do this again, for another year.” Itʼs sobering how far weʼve come in one year. You know that feeling you get for New Yearʼs Eve? “Oh here we go! This yearʼs up and weʼre coming up to the next.” Thatʼs how it is, itʼs like consecrating yourself again. Iʼm giving another year again.

Me: Why do you feel the ByWay Christmas Party you put on each year is so important for the kids?

Xavier: Well for most of these kids, they donʼt have a regular service to attend-weʼve been bringing the church to them, and they understand itʼs a place to meet and worship Jesus. So this is important to them because itʼs what theyʼll remember about Christmas every year. What are your Christmas childhood memories filled with? Your mom coming in with cookies, and things like that perhaps? But for them it will be Jesus being preached, every year at Christmas. Jesus is preached every year at Christmas, instead of Santa Claus.

Me: Thanks Xavier, I appreciate it!

In my searching I have found that faith, sacrifice, and the giving of gifts for the sake of others are all answers to the Jesusʼ call of loving our neighbors as ourselves. When we live this out, we are truly living the spirit of Christmas. Mary gave her life for Jesus, Saint Nicholas gave his life to the “needy, the sick, and the suffering,” and just as they did, so we do. Each day we give our lives to something or someone.

For those of us with less-than-beautiful memories or jaded perspectives of Christmas, I find two primary lessons to be learned from this. One is that we must begin to focus on others rather than on ourselves and our pasts if we hope to live and to be the spirit of Christmas in the lives of those around us. And the other is that the true spirit of Christmas is oftentimes perverted nowadays into its antithesis.

Christmas is now to many a season of lusting after material things, selfishness, materialism, and greed...polar opposites to faith, sacrifice, and the giving of gifts; selflessly loving others. How can we combat this to win hearts? By living the spirit of Christmas always.

Not only living these values during Christmas, but to live them as a lifestyle. The spirit of Christmas is a way of living - all year long.

By//Way Christmas Party, 2009



FEATURE ARTICLES:Christmas Spirit 1Fill ‘em up... Pour ‘em out 5 Victory Belongs to the Lord 10Maafa 21: Update 13The Wall: Update 15Thank you...from Leah Ramirez 19

IN EVERY ISSUE:At the movies with Chris and Tay 7 Letter from the Editor 8 Cody’s Corner 12 Gaming with Brian 17Mama Knows Best 18

EDITOR-IN-CHIEFMarcia Thorsell


Brian CouvillionCody Duncan

Nicole HawkinsChris and Taylor Oltman

Abby PritchardLeah Ramirez

Kendall ThorsellMatt TuckerDebra Wynn


By Leah Ramirez

It started about 3 years ago…  I was driving down John Young Parkway, passing the Citrus Bowl, when suddenly I heard the audible voice of the Lord.  He said, “Fill the bowls and I will pour them out.”  I knew it was the Lord, but to think that He would call me to fill a stadium seemed utterly ridiculous.  We had just launched Resound School of Ministry, and I was having trouble motivating 30 young adults.  Stadiums, really?  It seemed, well, crazy.

Later that same day, I was leading a prayer meeting with those very same 30 young people, and the singers were prophesying about the atmosphere of heaven, and so I turned my Bible to Revelation 5, where it describes Jesus on the throne.

Revelation 56 And between the throne and the four living creatures and among the elders I saw a Lamb standing, as though it had been slain, with seven horns and with seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth. 7 And he went and took the scroll from the right hand of him who was seated on the throne. 8 And when he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four

elders fell down before the Lamb, each holding a harp, and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. 9 And they sang a new song, saying, “Worthy are you to take the scroll and to open its seals, for you were slain, and by your blood you ransomed people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation, 10 and you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God,and they shall reign on the earth.”

Another suddenly!  I had read this passage countless times, but right there in that prayer meeting, I felt certain that this scripture had everything to do with filling stadiums.  Our prayers affect the atmosphere of heaven in profound ways.  Our prayers fill the bowls of heaven.  I wondered if maybe I had been presumptuous about my interpretation of the stadium.  May be God was inviting us to fill the bowls in heaven?  I wasn’t sure what He was showing me, but I liked it, either way.

When I got home later that night, Larry had the news on.  As I walked into the living room, I turned to see the news coverage of the East Coast Bowls!  They were doing a story on the stadiums of the East Coast!!!  My

jaw literally dropped.  Have you ever felt caught in destiny?  It’s hard to describe… I felt exhilarated and terrified all at once.  Was God really commissioning me to fill the bowls of heaven and earth?  More and more, I was being convinced that He was and is.

That same night I sat down and began to research the stadiums in Florida and up the East Coast.  In my google search, a prophesy came up from a man named Paul Cain.  The website said, “click here” to hear the Stadium word.  So, of course I listened.  He talked about a vision he had while driving though Florida.  He saw stadiums being filled with day and night worship. A  newscaster came to the bowls and asked who was running the event and no one knew.  Yet people were saved and healed, dead people were raised and Jesus was glorified.  I listened to Paul Cain with chills, as I considered that God was speaking those very things to me.

That was just the beginning.  I told our team of 30 about this encounter and we would talk together about what it may mean.  Different ones in our school began to have dreams about stadiums.  In fact, stadium dreams became almost normal in our little company of prayer warriors.  And over the years, day

Fill ‘em up... pour ‘em out


after day, we would lift up our prayers in agreement with God.  We would say, “God fill the bowls and pour them out.”  It became just part of our everyday language.  We agreed with God, then and now.  And what’s amazing to me is that the more we pray into it, the more reasonable it seems.  Why not?  I’m more convinced that we will see stadiums filled than ever.  Of course we will see the bowls filled!  And of course God will pour them out!

Let’s skip ahead a bit… After Stand4Life in May, we met for lunch with some friends and were talking about life and justice and revival and God.  Somehow, in the midst of it all, we brought up the bowls and God’s word to us.  And they said the craziest thing.  “You should do a bowls tour.”  And that was it… suddenly we were planning a trip to pray into the word.  Isn’t it amazing how God can make almost anything seem reasonable.  If you had told me 5 years ago I would lead a team to stadium sites in Florida to pray, well, I don’t know what.  But something!

6 cities in 6 days.  Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville, Tallahassee, Gainesville and Orlando.  2 vans, a puppy, 26 young adults (and yes, I’m counting Marcia, Larry and I)…  It  was amazing.  Every city was unique, but the longing for revival and justice were the same everywhere.  The way I see it, filling a stadium with worship is not even a tithe of the region.  Stadiums won’t be able to hold what God is about to do!

One of the highlights of the trip for me happened in Tallahassee.  Our Florida Representative, Scott Plakon, hosted our team when we arrived to the Florida Capital.  While in the House Chamber, Rep. Plakon introduced our team to several new

members of Congress.  They shared their hearts with our intercessors and asked for prayer during their term in office.  Speaker of the House, Dean Cannon, came in, welcomed us and thanked us for praying.  We gathered around these godly men and prayed for God to use them the same way He used William Wilberforce to end slavery in his day.  We prayed for abortion to be overturned in Florida.  IT WAS AWESOME!  I mean, seriously, just awesome!  It felt significant.

Moments later, we were able to get into the Stadium on the FSU campus.  As we walked underneath the infrastructure towards the open field, tears welled up in my eyes.  The presence

of God gripped my heart.  Our team stood silent for a moment, and then we offered up our prayers to heaven, “God raise up the champions of our day!”  Larry sounded the shofar.  We cried, “Jesus, come!”

6 cities in 6 days… so much I could say.  But what you need to know is this:  Revival is coming!  

Stadiums will be filled, and He will pour out our prayers and petitions over the regions!  Don’t give up.  Don’t give in.  Little by little, day by day… just keep saying yes.  He’s going to fulfill His end of things.  You just stay positioned.  It’s all going to be worth it!  It already is.

One last thing, but it may be the most important of all.  When I think about the trip, the thing I remember most is the Resound team.  Oh, you would have been so proud.  They prayed without ceasing!  They prayed their hearts out.  Squished in vans all day, and cramped on floors all night, they prayed like the saints of old.  If what we’re seeing now in them is anything like the harvest that is coming… I think Jesus will be well pleased!


Taylor: Chris and I decided to go and see the Disney movie Tangled! It is about the story of Repunzel, her long blonde hair, and her first adventure out in the world.

I thought this movie was very cute and funny. Of course it was clean (which is always a plus), and Mandy Moore did the voice of Repunzel.

Chris: I am kind of neutral on this one…. I know its pretty unusual of me to pass up on a cartoon, but it just seemed like the same song and dance of every other Disney movie I have seen. It definitely had its cute and funny moments, but I don’t know. After leaving the movie, I just felt like I had seen it before.

Taylor: Well it was another Disney “princess” movie, but there was one thing I didn’t expect. Disney movies equal……singing.Oh man! The movie was going fine, but once the music started playing, I said, “Oh no, I forgot…,” and the singing began.But that was the only thing I didn’t like. Wait…Chris, didn’t the movie make you do something?

Chris: You mean the part when I was singing along… “ A Whole New World! Don’t you dare close your eyes…”

Taylor: No! Not that! I mean the part that showed what a big softie you are. Explain that.

Chris: Ohh… You mean when I had some dust or something in my eye?

Taylor: Ha ha. Yeah that. If that’s what you want to call it. You know the movie made you cry. Admit it. I know it made me well up at one moment.

Chris: Whatever you say…Dear.

Taylor: Well anyway, overall I thought it was really good. A good, clean, family movie. I also want to keep that little chameleon, though I can’t pronounce his name. He is so cute!I give the movie and A- for Awesome Animation!

Chris: I would have to rate it a C- … Could have waited for the rental.

Taylor: You know you loved it you big sap.


RSM ministering at The By//Way...

Why stay at home, when it’s so much fun to go out? You don’t have to go to another country to do missions work. Orlando has lots of people who need God. You don’t

need a degree, you just need to be


Join us!!!

At the Movies with Chris and Tay...Reviewing: TANGLED



I love Christmas! I love everything about it! I complain about the busy schedule and the frantic pace…..but truth be told….I probably love that too!!! I love driving through neighborhoods and seeing houses lit up with beautiful lights…seeing the tree through their windows; I love the feeling in the mall, watching all the people with all their packages, seeing all the Christmas decorations and some gigantic tree in the center; I love driving into my own driveway and having a smile come across my face, even though I am dead tired, as I am mesmerized at the light display in my yard; I love the warm, cozy, fuzzy feeling as I sit in my own family room watching a “sappy” Christmas movie with my family, sipping hot chocolate, looking at my beautiful Christmas tree; and I love seeing wrapped presents under it and the anticipation of Christmas morning!!

Does this make me “unspiritual?” Is there something wrong with me? There probably isn’t a Christian out there that doesn’t wrestle with these questions as we try to be “in the world and not of it,” as we try to focus on the birth of Jesus and not get caught up in the fanfare of the holiday season, as we search our hearts to determine if we feel guilty or not, or even if we should feel guilty or not.

I loved Matt’s cover article about the Spirit of Christmas, because…guess what…it really is about the spirit of Christmas, not about the do’s and don’ts of how we participate in or celebrate the holiday. A person can celebrate their child’s birthday with a big “shebang” party with lots of people, gifts, and food; or they can celebrate it one-on-one with the passing of a gift, and a cupcake with a candle. Both can love their child with all their heart but have preference as to how they celebrate, or financial limitations as to how they celebrate. One is not better; one is not more spiritual, one does not love their child more than the other necessarily.

What I have come to know about myself is this: I love all the Christmas glitz….and I still love Jesus with all my heart! I can celebrate Christmas and give gifts and still celebrate His birthday because the greatest Giver (God) gave the greatest gift (Jesus) who gave another awesome gift (the Holy Spirit) who lives in me………….I am a giver and I love to give! I no longer feel guilty about giving gifts, because it is a spirit of giving within me that motivates my giving. I really care nothing about the receiving of them……just love to give!!!!!

I am saying this to my fellow believers who may be struggling with the balance. Condemnation is not from the Lord; it is from Pharisaical “friends” not allowing you to make your own godly choices and form your own godly values. My hope is to give you a sense of freedom to celebrate this absolutely incredible day……however you want to!!!!!!

By Marcia Thorsell


Faith without works is dead...Prayer meetings are good! But there’s

something even better... When prayer and faith combine, the result is divine combustion. We have prayed for God to send revival. We have asked the Lord to heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons and

raise the dead. Now it’s time for us to stretch out our hands in faith and believe He will answer.

God’s intentions are toward our city. He has

revival in His heart. But who will go for Him? You don’t have to cross an ocean to be

effective. The broken are all around us. The hurting are on every side. Open your eyes and see the fields are ready for

harvest. Pick up your net and become a fisher of men. The Lord always uses those

who are willing. Say YES and join us.


We will fix you right up!


FRIDAYSTouch those

right here in Orlando who need hope. No degree

required... Just love!

WEDNESDAYStand with our team in front of Planned Parenthood. Babies are


WEDNESDAYReaching out

to the inner-city

communities in Orlando.

TBAEvery week the

schedule changes, so email:

[email protected]



By Chenine Clemens

In Romans 13, Paul says, “…For there is no authority except from God, and those who exist are established by God.” This thought is so

bizarre to those of us who well up with righteous indignation every time one of the officials in political offices speak slander and false messages, or they sign a bill to support abortions in other countries, or even to veto a bill that could severely lessen the number of abortions in Florida. Every time I read or hear about any of these heartbreaking circumstances, I have to remind myself of what Paul says. Everyone in any office of authority has been established from God.

How could God allow such a pro-choice, and anti-God president into office over the United States? Well, Israel had her share of unrighteous rulers didn’t she? And every time an unrighteous ruler rose up, the people turned back to their God. There is an apparent theme going on here. I, by no means, think America is Israel, but I do think that there is a commonality in how righteous people react to the Lord, and to unrighteous leaders. Later, in 1st Timothy, Paul encourages Timothy to pray for all men, and to pray for kings and all those who are in authority. Talk about a mandate. So just by Paul’s teachings we see that the Lord sets up leaders in all positions of authority, and that we should give prayers, petitions, and thanksgiving on behalf of them.

With all of that being said, I am sure you know, we had the midterm election come and pass us by in November. The election was crucial because it held the potential to decide what type of

government we would have in future generations. I was overwhelmed by the voter turnout on Election Day, and the amount of people I heard talking to each other prior to the election. The ticker on the top of the facebook page was priceless! Welcome to the age of technology! Several million people added themselves to the count and published their voter pride. After all the districts had reported in, and all of the votes had been tallied, there was a rush of excitement. Despite all adversity, despite the majority of the population crying for peace, safety, equality, and government subsidized comfort, all that we had hoped for had come true. The Republicans had completely swept the House, and Nancy Pelosi lost her position as the speaker of the House. Almost every local office in Florida was filled with a conservative leader. The Lord truly showed His might and authority over our government. As David said in his 21st psalm “…victory belongs to the Lord.” Jesus wins every battle He enters, and

His hands are over all things upon the earth (and off it).

Now that the primary obstacle has been overcome, the men and women of righteous standing that are now in office need continued support, both in prayer and in the natural. Taking Paul’s advice, we need to offer prayers, petitions and thanksgiving to the Lord on behalf of these men and women. We, as the church, also need to be involved in

what they are doing, to hold them accountable to the standard of Christ, as well as contacting them by phone, email, and snail mail to encourage them in their decisions.

Here is a list of some of the wonderful people that were elected into office, and need our support! I’ll probably be doing spotlights on the bills and events they sponsor, and support in the future so we can all hone in on and cover them with prayer and encouragement from the body of Christ.

Victory Belongs to the Lord


Representative Daniel Webster - one of Florida’s Representatives in the US

Senator Marco Rubio – One of Florida’s Senators in the US

Governor Rick Scott- Governor of

Attorney General Pam Bondi – Attorney General of Florida ( very pro-life)

Representative Dean Cannon- Representative in the Florida

Chief Financial Officer Jeff Atwater- Chief Financial Officer of

The list of the other Representatives in the Florida House and Senate who were elected by district is a very long list. I encourage you to look up your district by going to Google (my

best friend) and in the search bar enter your county (Orange Seminole, Volusia, etc) and then “supervisor of elections”. It is typically the first link that comes up, and by using the “track my absentee ballot” link you just enter your house number, zip code, and birthday and it will pull you up, and tell you what districts you are in. Then, you can go to both and and find your people! Once you know who is in your district, you can claim them as your own and pray them through their term in office. .

Also, one last thing, I encourage you to go to Liberty Council’s site, choose a liberal from their list, and commit to praying for them. I believe that it is crucial for us to be involved in the decisions of our elected officials; otherwise we forfeit our rights to disagree, or to do anything about it. Without the church (us) being involved in the government at any level, we will lose what makes America unique, and when we pray for all those leaders and rulers in authority (according to Paul’s mandate) we will live a “tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity, this is good and acceptable in the sight of God, our Savior.” Sounds like a pretty sweet gig if you ask me.


Have you ever felt like there was more of God, but had no proof? Maybe you’ve looked in the wrong places. I challenge you to challenge your doubt and step into something that will change your life forever. Hold onto your hat; or better yet, just let it fly away, because I’m about to let you in on a little secret. Jesus is alive. He is putting His Spirit in people all across the globe, and those people are seeing things that are… humanly speaking….unexplainable, and completely impossible. A shift is happening on our planet, as people everywhere are beginning

to believe and see the power of God break into their lives. Do you want in? He does. In the book MEGASHIFT, James Rutz gathers records of miracles from across the earth and opens our eyes to the truth behind the church and the truth behind the church. No, that wasn’t a typo. What does this mean? That things are shifting, the truth is coming out, and believers everywhere are awakening to the real Gospel of Jesus. Your neighbors may even be written about in this book. It’s time to check out MEGASHIFT.


Want to order MegaShift?


MEGAShiftby James Rutz




Fax: 407.299.7654Phone: 407.299.3147Ask for Patrice, Mike or JohnEmail: [email protected]


By Nicole Hawkins

When I spoke to the right-hand person of a black megachurch pastor here in Orlando, inviting him to come and see the movie Maafa21, I explained to her that Resound was inviting local black pastors only. Then I shared that the movie has well-documented evidence that American eugenics was started to bring the Black culture to extinction and this led to the current abortion movement. But to convince her, I didn’t give her eloquent words or statistics. I said, ”We’re not reaching out to other types of leaders to see this film; we’re reaching out to those who are leading in the government of God in Orlando. If they can’t stop it, who will?” And even though the “pastor” couldn’t come, she showed up to the private event 10 minutes early and watched the film.

Proverbs 29:18 states that, “Where there’s no revelation or vision, the people perish (or made naked),” and we don’t want to see this happen to any culture, especially African-Americans, when it comes to abortion. This has become the current day 21st century holocaust, hence the title of the movie: Maafa (Swahili for holocaust or great disaster) 21 (the current century we are living in). And it is happening right here in Central Florida, with 5 clinics in our town. Someone must speak up!

Our school watched the movie earlier this year, and we wanted to gather other ministries to see it, but more importantly the Black ministries first since they are the target of this controversy.

Through meeting Pastor Riva Tims, being on her radio show and connecting with her, she agreed to help rally local Black leaders to see this film and discuss how they could turn their city to learn more about abortion, the history of eugenics, and how they can take a stand. Eleven other pastors showed up, including Resound, and the movie was shown at the Wells Built Museum of African-American History, named after the Black doctor who delivered a generation of babies before the Civil Rights movement!

This was a historical moment, because to see a diverse school of ministry invite and connect with 11 black pastors to watch a Christian documentary on abortion has never happened before, at least in Central Florida. Leaders such as Pastor Sherman Adams, Pastor Errol Thompson, and Bishop Frank

Thompson spoke up from their reaction stating that we need to show Maafa21 to the masses, and wanted to set up a screening for early 2011. They see that abortion is a problem in our city, and they wanted their members to see and watch the film, and connect on getting more involved.

Our directors Leah and Larry Ramirez have had a word that our school would be like Charles Parham’s school, and one of his students was William Seymour, a black man who had poor eyesight, and segregation was an issue back then. However, their school embraced and partnered with him, and he later started Azuza Street, one of the greatest American religious revivals in history!

We have been praying for the William Seymours to arise, and start a revival like Azuza Street again, but not without…a vision. Has the Black culture lost its vision? Who will partner with them, and show them a revelation with a renewed focus on the legacy of their children? Anyone who is willing to partner, even a small school of ministry like Parham’s, to see abortion end. I believe that a new Civil Rights movement is starting, where the 55 million American unborn children that never made it since 1973 will see Orlando take a stand. We’re not waiting on politicians or laws to change; we’re going to change public opinion through the local “government of God”, and we will partner with those who will be like Dr. King, to spread the vision so no more babies, will perish.

Maafa 21 Summit




For a little over a month, God has been leading the wall youth group in....I guess you could call it "Group deliverance." We just finished the teaching series called, "I have issues... The substitute of fruit." The weeks included "Insecurity," "Rebellion," "Fear," "Offense," and "Pride." (It will be in the Resound store soon.)

What excites me is that there really is a generation arising that longs for freedom. They are willing to sit in a service, listen to messages that make you aware of chains on your own feet, and then do something about it! I mean, c'mon, these are not messages you would normally hear in a youth group....but they are necessary. I believe this will not be the "Lazy Generation" for much longer. In our last service, we talked about how we are called to live a "free falling" lifestyle. Sounds easy... But you are likely to change your mind once you get to the edge of the cliff. Will you jump? Are you willing to take a step of action that will force you to rely on God? Do you trust Him as your only hope? Well, this is exactly how we are called to

live. Giving up all control of your life...and letting God be God.

The students at The Wall Youth Group are beginning to say “yes” to this way of life. You can't jump when you are chained to the ground...first you have to get rid of your chains. That is exactly what has been happening in this youth group. Students are seeing that these issues they struggle with are not just part of their "personality"... but are chains that we need to get rid of.

So I write this last article of 2010 with one word on my mind..."FREEDOM." This has been a great year, and couldn't have ended better. God is faithful...always faithful.

Thank you to all of the students, and to my staff. I have loved running with you, and am so excited for this next year. Keep seeking freedom, and longing to be blameless. He is coming back soon... And He loves you! Oh, and remember... You are a watchman!

Kendall ThorsellYouth Director

THE WALLWednesday Nights @ 7pm

THE WALL Youth Group


By Abby Pritchard

Where do I even begin to describe this past year at THE thing is for's not your ordinary youth group! Being apart of it has made me see how a ministry should really function. From the start, our philosophy has been to attract people by the sheer awesomeness of God. No shows or gimmicks...just the presence of God. We have had service in a warehouse, with no lights or giveaways...and yet we have  faithful students. What brings them back? GOD. Even the messages themselves that are preached by not only our amazing Youth Pastor, Kendall Thorsell, but by the students and other staff members, release the true word and standard to this generation. The Wall is releasing a standard of purity and holds its students accountable to the Word. I thank God for creating this youth group, as it is being used to train up this generation to make war in the spiritual realm. This has been a fruitful year and I can't wait to see what God has in store for 2011!



HALO: ReachYou won’t find many M rated reviews in Amplified, but I thought I would take a look at HALO: REACH. In the past, I never saw Halo as a game that deserved an M rating.

When compared to almost every other mature rated game, Halo just seems to scream teen. But after taking a second look at it, I think the M rating is justified.

I’ll go ahead and get the language issue out of the way. There are a few of the usual

obscenities; however, HALO: REACH also has many violent factors. Normally, I wouldn’t mind some violence, but I think the tendencies of a game like this run too

deep. After being pulled in by the dazzling settings of the game, I was already drawn into the spirit of violence. Because of the Lord’s mercy, I had my

accountability partner there to clearly point out my shift in character. You can’t expect to be entertained by violence and walk

away unaffected. Because of this spirit of violence, I believe HALO: REACH deserves its M rating, no matter how it compares to other games in its category.

Over all, HALO: REACH is very fun and entertaining. But, the influence of violence is too strong for me to comfortably suggest it as a spiritually healthy use of your time. Even though it’s obvious that the game is an aggressive, first-person shooter, the influence it will have on your spirit is easily masked. As always, the language is something we should always avoid if possible.

THE LEGEND OF ZELDA: TWILIGHT PRINCESSAnother well known and popular series, Zelda, is known for its kid “fun and

friendly” adventures. In TWILIGHT PRINCESS, Link is out to save Hyrule from the powers of darkness. But, as it turns out, the Zelda saga isn’t as pure as it may seem from the outside.

Looking back, I remember playing other games in the Zelda series and noticing bits of impurity. In Majora’s Mask for example, the great fairies are

seen as being clothed in nothing but vines. In TWILIGHT PRINCESS, the great fairy can be seen topless with her hair covering her chest. There is also a female bar keep who shows a lot of cleavage, and your helper through the

game turns into a princess who wears a very revealing outfit at the end. Zelda continues to be fairly modest herself, but her games seem to be getting more risqué.

On a positive note, there doesn’t seem to be much else wrong with Zelda as a whole. The monsters can be a little scary, but there is no bad language, blood or gore. Barely anyone even talks outside of text. When an enemy is defeated, they typically turn black and expire with a small, dark explosion. Zelda also is a story of good vs. evil, with the sides typically being clearly


As a whole, Zelda is a really entertaining and fun game to play. But it does have a few issues with modesty. It’s nice that you

can play the whole game without seeing the great fairy, but all the other characters are inescapable. I couldn’t help but feel a

bit of conviction while playing through the game. Zelda is not generally known for immorality, but it is not without the

influence. Where I used to not think twice about recommending such a game, I can no longer do so without issuing a warning.

Zelda makes for an epic adventure, but like all adventures, it has its pits and downfalls.



MAMA KNOWS BEST...Don’t know what to do? Ask you know who!

'Tis the season . . . To be with those you only see once in a while . . . like family you wish were more than that, true friends you saw all the while.  Or to be with those who are related yet never  do . . . and seem to never will.  Or old acquaintances  not forgotten, yet polarized by all. But what is this season? is it passing like the Big 4 – Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall – to come ʻround again as it always has . . . but never to resolve? Or is it the time to hunker down and realize this is the time for all  to Listen . . . instead of trying to reason, or debating what caused the Great Fall.Letʼs pay attention to those around and give an ear that heardPerhaps to understand is more important than sharing all the good  Our Lord gives instructed tongues to know the word that sustainsAnd wakens our ears to listen with heart like one who is being taught.Yet He Himself says “Come unto me, all you who are weary and tiredFor I will give you rest” for He is certainly gentle and humble for all in His heart. 'Tis the season to bring rest  . . . to be so gentle and mildFirst to listen to those who gather close, that they may share their heartsFeeling safe and warmed in the love from The Who who lives inside.Oh, He is The Man For All Seasons . . .Yes, Amen, and Amen.

Debra Wynn attends Resound Church and LOVES it. Debra is married to Tom Wynn, has 4 children and 3 grandchildren. She is a passionate teacher of Word. Oh, and did we mention that she is Leah’s mom... Yes-sir-ee-bob!

If you would like to ask Mama Wynn a question, please email [email protected].

Why Not?

Friday Nights @ 7pmResound Missions Base



Live Provoked

Dream Big

Love Hard

Order our newteaching


As the end of the year approaches, there is a familiar flood of emotions as we begin to remark about the quickness of this year’s passing and reflect on everything that has occurred. 2010 has been a year of some remarkable events and incredible experiences for Resound Missions Base. However, rather than focus on these happenings, as awesome as they are, Larry and I would rather comment on what really has made a lasting impression in our memories…..the people behind it all!!

If that sounds “sappy” and “sentimental” and has a “goosebump” effect on you as you read……perfect! That is exactly how we feel when we speak of not only the staff and students of Resound Ministry School, but of everyone connected with Resound Missions Base as a whole. You have heard us talk about “doing life together” and we absolutely would not choose to do it with any people other than the ones who have been called here so far!

Words to describe the “family” of Resound…hmmmm…...faithful, understanding, perseverant, diligent, loving, united, sacrificial, dedicated, giving, talented, humorous, unique….to name just a few. I could continue on with a heartfelt list of adjectives and I’m sure Larry could too. Suffice it to say, we love and appreciate our Resound family more than we could ever begin to put on paper. When you love a group of people who love you back, are dedicated to the same things as you, are faithful to hold up your arms in prayer, and are even sacrificial to meet needs, your heart is overwhelmed with gratitude.

God, in His infinite wisdom, knows just who to draw to Resound to make a body that is “fitly joined together.” It has been a joy this year to watch as this congregation began to step into some of their positions and callings, forming a foundation that God can build upon. There has been a maturing in the faith and a deepening of love for God as we have worshiped and searched the Word together. We are humbled to play any part in that process with you, as you have absolutely been provoking us in the very same ways.

If “what the world needs now is love, sweet love,” then we are blessed because we have an abundance here at Resound. The economy can’t change that! Trials and tribulations won’t change that! Nothing should change that! We feel your commitment to us, and we are committed to you all!

We feel that the Lord is saying it is time to grow! He has been tilling, planting, and fertilizing us to make us ready for His harvest. 2011 is going to be an exciting and thrilling time to be in a race! We are so thankful you all are running the race with us! We love you very much!

Leah and Larry RamirezDirectors, Resound Missions Base


THE WALLYouth Group

CALLING ALL YOUTH!It is easy to say that we are not your ordinary youth group. We are a group of people who

have said “Yes!” to rebuild “The Wall” of righteousness in our city. IT IS POSSIBLE to live for God...not being fake... But REALLY live for God.

... And It’s worth it.

If you are ages 13-18 and are looking for more of God, looking for a good community of believers, or just wanting to see why we are so CrAzY... Come join us!

Wednesday Nights @ 7:00

Ezekiel 22:30,”I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land, I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall.”

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