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American and Florida History

Mrs. Maddox & Mr. Piernick


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First Industrial Revolution

• Spread from Great Britain to the United States• Production passed to factories powered by

machines, mostly in northern states.• Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin. Southern

states became major cotton producers.• Erie Canal built, as well as other canals,

railroads, and roads.• Robert Fulton developed the first

commercially successful steamboat


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Social reform movements

• Abolitionism (Harriet Tubman, William Lloyd Garrison, John Brown, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Beecher Stowe)

• Temperance• Women’s rights (Lucretia Mott, Elizabeth Cady

Stanton, Elizabeth Blackwell)• Movements to improve conditions for workers

and prisoners• Public education (Horace Mann)


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Famous writers• James Fenimore Cooper• Washington Irving• Ralph Waldo Emerson• Henry David Thoreau• Nathaniel Hawthorne• Edgar Allan Poe• Herman Melville• Walt Whitman• Henry Wadsworth Longfellow


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North vs South

• Slavery existed in all 13 colonies, but widespread slavery was only profitable in the South.

• After independence, the North and South differed on tariffs, banking and currency, internal improvements at federal expense, and slavery.

• North was more commercial and industrialized, while the South was more agricultural.

• The Southern economy depended on slavery, but most Southern whites did not own slaves.


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Missouri Compromise 1820

• Balance of power in Congress between slave and free states was maintained, when Maine was admitted along with Missouri.

• Maine had been part of Massachusetts. Missouri was a slave state.

• Slavery in western territories was banned north of 36° 30’ N. latitude


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Compromise of 1850

• California was admitted as a free state• Abolition of the slave trade in the District of

Columbia• Western territories could decide whether to

permit slavery• Fugitive Slave Act


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Kansas-Nebraska Act 1854

• Missouri Compromise had banned slavery in these areas.

• Law allowed these territories’ citizens, however, to decide whether to allow slavery upon statehood.

• Bleeding Kansas: violent clashes between opponents and supporters of slavery.


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Dred Scott case 1857

• Supreme Court decided that Dred Scott, a slave from Missouri, did not become free by entering Illinois, a free state.

• The Court declared that slaves were property, not citizens, and had no standing to sue.

• The Missouri Compromise was declared unconstitutional because Congress could not prohibit slavery in western territories


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John Brown

• John Brown led a raid on Harper’s Ferry, Virginia, attempting to seize a federal arsenal and begin a slave uprising in the South.

• Brown was defeated and he was hanged.• South saw this as proof that most Northerners

wanted to achieve abolition by force.


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Outbreak of the Civil War

• The new Republican Party opposed the expansion of slavery. Its candidate, Abraham Lincoln of Illinois, won the presidential election of 1860 because the Democratic party had split over the issue of the expansion of slavery.

• Southern states responded by seceding from the Union, starting with South Carolina, followed by Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Carolina


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Outbreak of the Civil War

• These eleven states formed the Confederate States of America

• War started with the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter in Charleston, SC, in April 1861


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North and South• Larger population• Greater wealth and more

natural resources• Far more railroads and

factories• Controlled the navy , which

blockaded the South, and continued trading overseas

• Motivation was to preserve the Union, which didn’t command everyone’s support

• Only needed to fight a defensive war.

• Hoped for British and French recognition and assistance, since they depended on Southern cotton

• Excellent military leadership

• Stronger motivation to fight, since they were defending their homeland and their independence.


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War strategies

• North• Blockade the Confederate

coast in order to cripple the Southern economy

• Seize control of the Mississippi valley in order to cut the South in half.

• Seize the Confederate capital of Richmond, VA

• South• Capture Washington, DC

and force the North to surrender

• Exhaust the North, wear it down through determined and brave resistance, and force it to surrender, since it was less motivated to fight.


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Civil War• Battle of Gettysburg, July 1863. Robert E. Lee’s

invasion of the North failed• Battle of Vicksburg, July 1863. North captured

last remaining Southern position on the Mississippi

• Ulysses Grant then became commander in the North. He invaded Virginia, while William Sherman invaded through Georgia, cutting the Confederacy in half.

• Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Courthouse, VA, in April 1865.


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Consequences of the Civil War• More Americans were killed than in any other war in

U.S. history• Southern way of life was lost, and bitterness and

resentment remained as a legacy in the South for decades.

• Modern technologies and techniques played a decisive role: trench warfare, repeating rifles, submarines, ironclad ships, telegraphs, railroads.

• The principle that no state can leave the Union became accepted, and a unified US went on to become a great power.

• Slavery was abolished, although racism survived.


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Reconstruction• Lincoln wanted generous terms for the Confederacy,

but he was assassinated days after the war ended.• Under President Andrew Johnson, Congress imposed

harsher terms as it was dominated by Radical Republicans.

• States were under federal army occupation. The Freedmen’s Bureau was supposed to aid former slaves, which led to resentment among Southern whites.

• Southern states adopted black codes, which denied basic civil rights to blacks. Ku Klux Klan was established a secret terrorist organization in order to intimidate blacks through violence.


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• Congress responded by passing the 13th Amendment (abolition of slavery), 14th Amendment (former slaves became citizens), and the 15th Amendment (blacks could not be denied the right to vote).

• Andrew Johnson was impeached because of his conflicts with the Republican Congress.


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Society and economy 1870-1914

• After the Civil War, the United States became fully industrialized and urbanized, and railroads linked the entire country.

• The United States had abundant natural resources: coal, iron, forests, copper, oil.

• Railroads and mass production made consumer goods widely available.

• New technologies: electric light bulb, phonograph, typewriter, telephone, barbed wire, automobile, skyscraper


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Society and economy 1870-1914

• Mass immigration, which provided a labor force and market for industry.

• Large corporations grew, and many monopolies and trusts arose.

• Workers and farmers formed unions and organizations to defend their rights.

• Susan B. Anthony began campaigning for women’s suffrage. Wyoming became the first state to grant women the right to vote.


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Progressive reforms (T. Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson)

• Civil Service or Pendleton Act• Introduction of the secret ballot.• Direct election of senators• Muckraking journalists exposed abuses and

corruption• Sherman and Clayton Antitrust Acts• Federal Reserve Bank was established• Safety of food and drugs• Conservation of natural areas


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Imperialism• 1890s. US became more interested in foreign

affairs, and some wanted to expand overseas, as European powers were doing.

• Cuba rebelled against Spanish rule, and many Americans wanted to intervene on Cubans’ behalf.

• U.S. declared war on Spain in 1898 after the battleship Maine blew up in Havana.

• Treaty of Paris. U.S. acquired Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. Spain lost Cuba, which became independent after U.S. occupation.


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• President Theodore Roosevelt believed that the U.S. should be a world power and in intervening in the Americas. “Speak softly and carry a big stick.”

• U.S. intervened in countries like the Dominican Republic, Mexico, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Cuba

• Panama became independent, and the U.S. gained the right to build, operate, and own the Panama Canal


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World War I

• President Woodrow Wilson declared American neutrality, but the U.S. entered the war in 1917 because of Germany’s practice of unrestricted submarine warfare.

• Zimmermann Telegram: US discovered that Germany was encouraging Mexico to enter the war against the United States.

• New technologies: tank, poison gas, airplane, submarines, machine guns


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• Massive mobilization of men and industry to fight the war.

• Wilson’s peace plan was the Fourteen Points: peace without victory, self-determination, disarmament, new international organization to preserve peace.

• Paris Peace Conference ignored most of the Fourteen Points, but Wilson went along in order to get his League of Nations established.

• The Central Powers were punished harshly. They lost territory and were forced to pay reparations.

• U.S. Senate rejected the League because most Americans did not want to commit themselves to automatic involvement in foreign wars.


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• 18th Amendment: Prohibition of the manufacture and sale of alcoholic beverages

• 19th Amendment: women won the right to vote.

• Much greater influence of automobiles.• Jazz, motion pictures, aviation, household

appliances, and radio became part of daily life.• Tremendous economic boom, with much

investment in the stock market.


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Great Depression

• Much stock speculation involved investing in stock with borrowed money.

• Stock market crash of October 1929 led to financial ruin for many, the failure of many banks, business failures, and very high unemployment. Foreign trade collapsed.

• Depression was more severe in Germany, which relied on American bank loans to pay its war debts.


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Origin of World War II

• Italy was fascist, under Benito Mussolini.• Japan, under Emperor Hirohito, was increasingly

militaristic.• Both dictatorships saw aggressive nationalism and

expansion as the solution to their economic problems. Japan invaded China, and Italy invaded Ethiopia.

• The humiliation of the harsh peace treaty, loss of territory, the economic collapse, and the failure of democratic governments led to the rise to power of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party in Germany in 1933.


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Origin of World War II

• Nazi Germany began rearming. It remilitarized the Rhineland in 1936, annexed Austria in 1938, seized the Sudetenland in 1938, and occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia in 1939.

• Italy and Germany intervened in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), and the Soviet Union under Stalin aided the other side.

• Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939, beginning World War II. Germany then conquered much of the rest of Europe.


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United States and World War II

• President Franklin Roosevelt sympathized with the Allies and feared an Axis victory. U.S. supplied Allies with war materials.

• Isolationists did not want to get involved.• U.S. opposed Japanese expansionism in Asia, and

restricted exports to Japan.• In 1941, Japan attacked the Pearl Harbor naval

base in Hawaii in order to disable the U.S. fleet so that it could have a free hand in the Pacific.


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World War II in Europe

• Allies agreed to concentrate on defeating Germany before Japan. Allied leaders: Roosevelt, Stalin, and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill

• U.S. invaded North Africa, and then Italy in 1943.• Germany had invaded the Soviet Union in 1941,

violating the Nazi-Soviet nonaggression pact of 1939. Battle of Stalingrad was the turning point, where Germany started losing.

• D-Day (June 1944). Allies invaded France at Normandy.• Germany was overrun by Allied armies from the East

and West, and surrendered in May 1945.


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World War II in the Pacific

• Japan conquered much of Southeast Asia and the Pacific.

• U.S. pursued island-hopping to push toward Japan.

• Japan surrendered after atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945.


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Consequences of World War II• Germany and its capital Berlin were divided into four

occupation zones (United States, Soviet Union, Great Britain, and France). Germany lost its eastern territory to Poland and the Soviet Union

• Nazi Party was banned, and the German military disbanded.

• War crimes trials were held for German and Japanese leaders.

• Japan was under U.S. military occupation, under General Douglas MacArthur. Japan’s new constitution eliminated the political role of the emperor and denied Japan the right to wage war.

• United Nations was established to prevent future wars.


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Consequences of World War II

• Millions were killed in Nazi concentration camps. Holocaust. Millions of civilians were killed, and cities destroyed.

• United States and the Soviet Union became the world’s leading powers., and their alliance soon fell apart.

• Soviets established communist governments across Eastern Europe.

• Mao Zedong’s communist forces seized control of China in 1949.


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Cold War

• Dominated U.S. foreign policy between 1945 and 1990.

• Struggle and intense hostility between communist bloc, led by the Soviet Union, and the U.S. and its allies. Never became a “hot war.”

• Nuclear arms race: both sides built up their arsenals until they developed the ability to destroy each other.

• Truman Doctrine or containment: US policy was to “contain” or halt the spread of communism


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• Marshall Plan (1947) After World War II, social and economic chaos in Western Europe led to fears that it could fall to communism. Marshall Plan helped rebuild Western Europe economically and assist its recovery

• Soviets tried to prevent German economic unification and to expel the western Allies from West Berlin through a blockade. Berlin Airlift (1948): Western Allies resupplied the city by air.


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Korea and Vietnam• Korean War (1950-1953) North Korea invaded South

Korea, and US troops, along with other UN members, defended the South.

• War ended with a cease-fire, and Korea remains divided.

• US under Eisenhower and Kennedy began aiding South Vietnam defend itself from communist forces supported by North Vietnam.

• Under Lyndon Johnson, US troops entered the conflict. War grew immensely unpopular, and US was divided.

• US in 1973, under Nixon, signed an agreement with North Vietnam, and withdrew its troops.


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Cuban Missile Crisis 1962

• Soviets decided to install nuclear missiles in Cuba in order to defend Cuba from a feared US invasion. US spy planes discovered them. Kennedy decided to “quarantine” Cuba and demanded the missiles’ withdrawal.

• Worst crisis of the cold war.• Soviets withdrew the missiles from Cuba, and

US withdrew its missiles from Turkey. US promised not to invade Cuba.


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Richard Nixon 1969-1974

• US had not recognized the communist government of China since 1949. Nixon went to China in 1972 in order to gain leverage in its negotiations with North Vietnam and the Soviet Union. Changed the nature of the cold war. US and China established relations in 1979.

• Nixon resigned in 1974 after his involvement in covering up the break-in at the Democratic Party headquarters in the Watergate was discovered.


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Jimmy Carter 1977-1981

• Hosted negotiations at Camp David between Egypt and Israel, who signed a peace treaty in 1979.

• Shah of Iran was overthrown in 1979, replaced by an Islamic theocracy under Ayatollah Khomeini. US embassy in Iran was overrun, and the diplomats were held hostage.

• Soviets invaded Afghanistan in 1979.• US was now seen as weak.


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Ronald Reagan 1981-1989

• US helped stop communist forces in El Salvador, and tried to overthrow the communist government in Nicaragua.

• Iran-contra scandal: Profits from selling arms to Iran were used to fund Nicaraguan rebels.

• 1983: Hundreds of US marines were killed in a suicide bombing in Beirut, Lebanon.

• 1983 US invasion of Grenada.


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End of the cold war

• Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev began to reform the Soviet Union and ease tensions with the United States.

• Berlin Wall fell in 1989.• Communist governments fell across Eastern

Europe, and replaced by democracies.• Yugoslavia fell apart, and some of its ethnic

groups went to war with each other.


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George H. W. Bush 1989-1993

• 1989. US invaded Panama to overthrow military dictator Manuel Noriega.

• 1990 Iraq under Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait.

• 1991 Operation Desert Storm. US and its allies freed Kuwait from Iraqi control.


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Bill Clinton 1993-2001

• North American Free Trade Agreement.• 1993 Failed intervention and withdrawal in

Somalia• Military Intervention in wars in Bosnia (1995)

and Kosovo (1999)• 1994 Invasion of Haiti to restore Aristide


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George W Bush 2001-2009

• Election decided by the Supreme Court after disputed election in Florida

• September 11, 2001 Islamic suicide hijackers crashed planes into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon

• “War on terror” began. Invasion of Afghanistan (2001) and overthrow of the Taliban.

• 2003 Invasion of Iraq and overthrow of Saddam Hussein.


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• New Deal (response to the Great Depression): relief for farmers, regulation of banks, public works, social security.

• Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) ended segregation of public schools.

• Civil rights movement (1950s-1960s). Led by Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Civil Rights Act (1964) prohibited racial discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations.

• Use of oil led to dependence on imports, which left US vulnerable to shortages and price increases. Also contributed to pollution


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• 19th century immigrants served as a labor force for the Industrial Revolution.

• Before about 1880, most immigrants were from the British Isles, Scandinavia, Germany, and the Netherlands.

• After, most came from Southern and Eastern Europe.

• Large numbers of Chinese went to the Pacific coast states, especially to work on the railroads.


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• Hispanics, mostly from Mexico, came in the first half of the 1900s to work in California and the Southwest, mostly in agriculture, and many seasonally.

• Problem of illegal immigration: Millions have come from Latin America to work without permission to work or reside in the United States.


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• After the Civil War and the abolition of slavery, African-Americans still suffered from discrimination and inequality.

• Booker T. Washington advocated self-improvement and vocational education. Founded the Tuskegee Institute

• W.E.B. DuBois advocated continuous protests against injustice. Founded the NAACP


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• Major Native American tribes in Florida: 1) Calusa and Tequesta (South) 2) Ais (Central) 3) Timucuans (North Central and Northeast) 4) Apalachee (Northwest)

• Juan Ponce de Leon landed in northeastern Florida on Easter Sunday 1513 and named it after Pascua Florida (Spanish for Easter). Spain would rule Florida for the next 250 years.


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• Spain sponsored several failed attempts at colonizing Florida: Juan Ponce de Leon in 1521, Panfilo de Narvaez in 1527, Hernando de Soto in 1539, Tristan de Luna in 1559 in Pensacola. They were looking unsuccessfully for treasure.

• French Protestants established Fort Caroline in 1562, which led Spain to establish a permanent settlement nearby.

• Pedro Menendez de Aviles established Saint Augustine in 1565, which became the first permanent European settlement in the United States.

• Most of the French were killed. Spanish fort in St. Augustine is the Castillo de San Marcos.


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Colonial Florida

• Spanish established Catholic missions and forts in Florida.

• In the 1700s, English colonists in South Carolina and Georgia were hostile to Spain and attacked Florida several times. Most of the missions were burned.

• Creek Indians moved into Florida at this time, and were known as Seminoles.

• British obtained Florida in 1763 in the Treaty of Paris, in exchange for Havana.


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Colonial Florida

• British split Florida into two colonies. East (Saint Augustine) and West (Pensacola).

• Spain was an ally of the American revolutionaries, and invaded and captured Pensacola in 1781. Spain regained Florida in 1783 in the peace treaty.

• Spain would again rule Florida until 1821.• Andrew Jackson led an army into Florida in 1818

in an expedition against Seminoles. Spanish Florida was also a haven for escaped slaves.


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Territorial Florida

• US military pressure led to the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819, where Spain agreed to cede Florida to the United States, which occurred in 1821. Andrew Jackson established the territorial government as Florida’s military governor.

• Settlers came to Florida from the southern states to establish plantations. Tallahassee became the capital because it was midway between Pensacola and St. Augustine.


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Seminole Wars and statehood• Whites desired Indian lands, and resented the

Seminoles for giving sanctuary to fugitive slaves.

• Jackson wanted to remove them to the West. This led to the Seminole wars. Many Seminoles were able to seek refuge in the Everglades.

• Florida became a state on March 3, 1845. William D. Moseley became its first governor.


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Civil War• Most white Floridians supported slavery and

opposed the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. As a result of his victory, Florida seceded from the Union on January 10, 1861.

• No decisive Civil War battles were fought in Florida. Many ports were in Union hands, but the interior remained Confederate.

• Florida supplied the South with agricultural supplies. Tallahassee was the only Confederate capital east of the Mississippi which remained in Confederate hands until the end of the war.


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• Reconstruction. Republicans held office in Florida, and blacks were able to vote.

• The Republican state government ensured that Rutherford Hayes won Florida in the election of 1876.

• Reconstruction then ended, and white Democrats reestablished control of the state government

• Economic development: cattle ranches, phosphate mining, paper mills, lumber, cigar manufacturing, citrus farming, railroad building (under Henry Plant and Henry Flagler)


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• With steamships and railroads, tourism began in the 1870s as northerners came to Florida for its warm climate.

• The state offered land cheaply to those building railroads.

• Railroad builders like Flagler built lavish hotels near their railroad lines.

• Tampa served as the primary staging area for the U.S. intervention in Cuba during the Spanish-American War in 1898.


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• Early 20th century. With the automobile, Florida was even more accessible to tourists. In South Florida, land was developed and swamps were drained.

• Many military bases were built in Florida during World War II, and many soldiers came to train. Many veterans later settled in Florida after the war.

• In the 1950s, Cape Canaveral became the center of US space exploration. Satellites and manned space missions launch from the Kennedy Space Center.

• 1960s to the present: Major immigration to Florida, especially from Cuba and Haiti.

• Tremendous urban and suburban growth, especially after the construction of Walt Disney World in the 1970s.


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