Download - AM-Session 25

  • 8/7/2019 AM-Session 25


    You are Given hand outs, sit in groups andanswer following :

    How body language and attire affectsyour personality and communication?

    Are they important part in Business

    world?What kind of posture do you think you

    will appreciate from a person coming

    to you and wanting to do business withyou? Why?

  • 8/7/2019 AM-Session 25


    Self Answering

    What kind of posture you think is deliveringfollowing messages :

    Not ready to change Close for communication

    Scared ComfortableOpen to learning and positiveWelcoming changes

    Do you think you also belong to some of thesechoices? Which once? Be honest to self If anything, what would you like to change

    about your body language?

  • 8/7/2019 AM-Session 25


    Session 25Budgeting : Advertisements

  • 8/7/2019 AM-Session 25


    I know half the money I spend onadvertising is washed, but can NEVERfind out which half(John

    Wanamaker, founder of a departmentstores)

  • 8/7/2019 AM-Session 25


    Economic Marginal Analysis Marginal Revenue? Incremental Expenditure?

    Optimal Price? MC=MR So for every incremental cost added to

    advertisement (every Rs added) the

    marginal revenue should exceed the cost(so every ad thus produce must becapable of generating more than thecost: say 1:5 ratio)

  • 8/7/2019 AM-Session 25


  • 8/7/2019 AM-Session 25


    How long to add in advertising ?

    Till Incremental expenditure exceeded bythe marginal RevenueSales potential /account increasing

    (Industrial products)

    Very high levels of competitionOther factor market mix components (If

    sum of expenditure exceeds theavailable resources, then marketingbudget for each must be scaled down)

    Sales promotionPersonal sellingDistributionPricing

  • 8/7/2019 AM-Session 25


    Some more conditions : Which phase in PLC advertising is a required

    function? What will be the impact on Elasticity of Sales

    in response to Price cuts? In which phase of PLC price cut is a preferred

    option? Which is better :

    Price discounting or Advertising increase? How about having bigger no. of Industrial

    sales accounts? what will be a betterchoice : Personal calling or Advertising cost?

    If 1Rs of advertising lead to an equalincrease in sales volume of TWO Brands,

    which brand will you allocate for more

  • 8/7/2019 AM-Session 25


    Gross Margin?what do you mean by Gross margin of


    What it is used for?Contribution Margin?

    If you determine that the contribution

    margin for product A is 40% , which islower than that of product B?

    What will you do to improve its CM?

  • 8/7/2019 AM-Session 25


    Some problems of Marginal Concept :

    Advertising is considered as SalesfunctionAdvertising is considered as the ONLY

    input and IMMEDIATE Sales OUT put

    How about other factors :Condition of Market?Change in competitive environment?

    Using Advertising as function of Sales:

    Strong creative ad vs tasteless, miss-directed ad with same expenditurelevels

    Selection of target market for adThe message strategy

  • 8/7/2019 AM-Session 25


    Advertising as Immediate tool for Sales :Good for direct mail response, coupon

    stimulated responses

    Most instances considerable lack in timeof advertising and the time of sales

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    Case 1st : % of Sales or of Gross MarginAd budget based on past experience

    utilizing % of Sales

    Eg : A brand has devoted 3% ofbudget to advertising in past for a

    given qt, so if for next year the plancalls for say 30,00, 000/- worth ofbusiness, the share of Ad will be

    90,000 for the qtrWhat are the flaws?

  • 8/7/2019 AM-Session 25


    Excessive expenditure in case of large establishedbrands

    Keep serving loyal customers, who otherwise willalso buy the brand (in absence of ad)

    Inadequate budget for promising brand that havepotential to become competitive by advertising Ignore brand profitability, as only brand sales is

    considered More logical method could be to use brands GM or

    % contribution to-overhead What happen when :

    Brand is making major positioning move? Becomes established and dominant? Brand is just introduced?

  • 8/7/2019 AM-Session 25


    Competitive Parity and Share -of-Voice Need to adjust to competitor ads There is Norm for Industry optimal for ad budget and

    any departure from optimal will lead to warconditions

    You are Manager Marketing Pepsico for North India,asked to forecast the budget required in your regionfor advertisement for coming up season.

    Based on your understanding of Competitive Parityand share of voice, what will be your possibleforecast ?

    Following data is given to you by your analysts : Market optimal in advertising expenditure for North

    India is 1.5 crs for the season The Share of Voice (Brands share of total category

    advertising(between all brands in the market) is23%

    The Share of Market(SOM) is 0.9% lower than SOV foryour brands

    You VP India has indicated that Pepsico has plans tointroduce their new brand extension Pepsi Chilli in

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    Is there a guarantee, that Coke will alsoinvest the same amount of ad cost aswhat you will, for next year/season?

    Are there impacts of market conditions?Recession?

    How about situations of individual firms?Are they same as that of competitor?

    How about Share of Market (SOM) for thebrand? What should be higher SOV orSOM?

    What if you have lower SOM for anestablished brand?

  • 8/7/2019 AM-Session 25


    Market Experimentation and Budgeting

    A direct method of estimating salesresponse to advertising

    Ad expenditure are deliberately and

    systematically varied across area andSales changes are monitored1960s Budweiser conducted field exp

    and varied ad expenditure from -100(no advertising) to 0 (Advertisingunchanged) to +200%

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    Advertising and Sales, Budweiser beer

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    Results and interpretations

    less advertising is better? When ?

    What types of ads will or can probablyshow this impact?

    Think about ONE of the Surf Excel Ad:which strategy will be better?To have frequent exposure of it or to have

    fewer exposure?What will/can increase the sales?

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    What is the impact of Media mix on suchexperiments?Like seasonal efforts/plans

    Mix of productsAvailability of productExploring new customers not reached


    Analyzing and restating or re-groupingtarget segments Is it good to repeat what customer already

    know about your brand or better to havesomething novel?

    How about tailoring ads for local market

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    Split-Cable testing

    Ad weight: Increasing Ad budget withsimultaneous increase in changes incopy or brand strategy or a new target

    segment with a changed media plan

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    Other Marketing Mix Ad and price levels:

    Heavy ad weight + base priceHeavy ad weight + 10p+ Base priceHeavy ad weight +20p+ base price

    Which one should be more effective andefficient? Measuring other variables along with

    Advertising variable is very important

    These variables are called as Covariates The sales effects of covariates can be further

    use to vary the ad weight

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    Problems with Market Experimentation Direct cost of setting up exp, collecting and

    analyzing Management decisions are delayed Timelines is a problem for research for getting near

    perfection results Less likelihood that situations wil change? Security cost for new products Imbalance advertising in some areas, in some below

    optimal and the cost will be ..? Controlled market experimentation is problem Companies sales force will work extra hard to get

    the results, impacting the actual findings Retailers can run out of stock due to offers etc

    negative impact How about those areas where the testing has been

    at optimal or below optimal levels?

    Imbalance in the competitors market, jagocompetitors there counter action will impact the

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    Current methods generally used in Market

    1. The Percent of Sales Method:

    The advertising campaignbudget is a constant percentage of desired sales. A carmanufacturer may spend less than 1% of sales, while a smallretailer may budget 3 -7% of sales. A jewelry store may budget 8-12% of sales, and other companies may budget 20% or more.

    This method works as long as the advertising campaign budget isset as a percentage of desired sales. If the budget is set to actual

    sales, and sales drop, you do not want to cut your advertisingcampaign budget, or you will get caught in a downward spiral.

    2. The Task Objective Method: How much money do you need tospend to reach the specific goals you have outlined for theadvertising campaign? This is especially effective when you arestarting out, or if you are trying to grow rapidly. Some advertisingcampaign strategies call for heavy spending upfront in order to

    win long-term customers. 3. The Historical Method: How much did you spend to reach your

    sales goals in previous years or periods? You will find that bytracking your ads, you will know in advance what you need to doto accomplish your goals.

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    4.Share of Market - Share of Voice: This method linksmarket share to advertising expenditure. A companywith a 20% market share would spend slightly more than20% of the total advertising dollars spent in the marketfor that product or service. For new companies,expenditures would be 1.5 times the desired market

    share until that position is attained. [So if you want 20%market share, you spend 30% of total advertising dollarsin that market until you get it].

    5.Competitive Parity: With competitive parity you spendin equal amounts to your competitors as a percentage ofmarket share. This is a self-defense method of budgetingmarketing and advertising expenditures.

    6. The Combination Method: The best advertisingcampaign budget you can set will be based on somecombination of all of the previous models. You want tomaintain a minimum level of advertising, fulfill specific

    goals, maintain your market share, keep up with yourcompetitors, and compare everything to last year.

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