
Alhambra - Granada

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Nasrid Palace

History of Al Andalus and Moorish Spain

Al-Andalus 1035

In 711, an invading force of Muslims made up of Arabs from

Damascus and Berber from North Africa defeated the Visigoth

of Spain. This gave rise to the most brilliant civilization of

early medieval Europe. The Muslim settlers, the Moors

called Spain, Al Andalus. By 714, the Moors were in control

of all of Spain, except for a narrow strip along the north coast.

A rich and powerful caliphate (a kind of Islamic Republic) was established in Cordoba and

mathematics, science, architecture and the decorative arts flourished. Together with Christian and

Jews, they studies and translated the discoveries and achievements of the Ancient Greek into books,

which eventually found their ways into Italy and became the driving forces behind the Renaissance.

As time went by the Cordoba caliphate broke up into smaller kingdoms, as the Christian north regained

some of the lost territories (see map).

In 1492, Ferdinand II and Isabella re-conquered Spain, by defeating the last of the Islamic kingdoms,

Emirate of Granada. This ended over 700 years of Islamic rules in Spain. The last of the Islamic

palace, the Nasrid Palace at Alhambra in Granada fell into the possession of the Catholic Monarchs,

Ferdinand II and Isabella.




Patio de los Leones (Courtyard of the lions) has a fountain in the middle connecting to the surround rooms with

water channels, help to cool the airs.



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History and Art of the Palace

The palace is only a part of the Alhambra,

which included other palaces, gardens and

even a fortress.

The palace was built in the 14C, before 1492,

when emirate fell into the Spanish hands.

Therefore the palace reflects the culture of the

last century of Moorish rules. The palace is a

testament of the skills of Muslim, Jew and

Christian artisans, craftsmen and builders of

the time.

Horse-shoe arches, developed during the

Islamic rules were widely used in particular

around the courtyards. Stalactite-like lantern

ceilings were used in several chambers. The

lantern ceilings created drafts around

fountains that help to cool the rooms

There were extensive uses of stucco

decorated with calligraphy and arabesques

intricate geometric patterns.

All rights reserved. Available free for non-commercial and non-profit use only

Music – 2nd movement from Concierto de Aranjuez (Adagio), by Joaquin Rodrigo (1901-1999)

composed in 1939. He was blinded at the age of three.

The EndA



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