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EXERCISE ‘O’ LEVEL1). A new number is formed by interchanging

the position of the digits of a two-digit number. The difference of the two numbers must be divisible by

(1) 9 (2)18 (3) 5 (4) 2

2).The extreme digits of a three-digit number are interchanged to form a new number. The difference of the old and the new numbers must be divisible by

(1) 9 (2)11 (3) 9and11 (4) 2

3). abc is a three-digit number in which a, b and c represent the digits at their respective positions. We find another number (N) by performing the operation N=abc-cba.Which of the following statements is /are correct?

A).N is a two – digit number B).N is divisible by 9 C).N is divisible by 11. D).The ten’s digit of N is 0. (1) Only A (2) Only B, C and D (3) Only A and B (4) Only B and C 4). x=abc and y=cba are two three- digit

numbers. If N=x-y and M=x+y, then which of the statements is not correct?

(1) If x is even then M and N are also even. (2) If x is a multiple of 11 then M and N are

divisible by 11 (3) N is always divisible by 11 (4) If a= c then M=M+N is true

5). N=AB is a two-digit number, which is perfectly divisible by 13.A and B are two digits at their respective places. To find N which of the following information(s) is /are necessary/sufficient?

A).N is an even number B).N is divisible by 3 C). N is divisible by7 (1) Only B alone (2) Only A&B together (3) Only C alone (4) A and B together or C alone can give

the answer but answers may be different.

6). N=10x +y, where x and y are single – digit natural numbers. To find N, which of the following informations is /are necessary/sufficient?

A). y is a multiple of 3 and x is a multiple of 2

B). N is a prime number C). N is a perfect square. (1) Only A and B together (2) Only B and C together (3) Only A and C together (4) All even together are not sufficient.

7). N=ab, N2 = bcb where a, b and c are non-zero digits, Find N2 +2N

(1) 525 (2) 649 (3) 728 (4) can’t be determined

8). N=abc is a three –digit number, a, b and c being their respective digits, N is a perfect square of an even number. To find N which of the following informations is/are necessary/sufficient?

A). a, b, c are three consecutive digits but not in order

B). N is divisible by 18 C). Units digit of N2 is c (1) Only A and B together are sufficient (2) Only A and C together are sufficient (3) Only B and C together are sufficient (4) Either A and C together or B and C

together are sufficient

9). There is a three- digit number, N=xyz; x, y, z are three different digits. If x2+y2=41, x2+z2=89 and y2+z2=80, find N

(1) 458 (2) 854 (3) 548 (4) 485

10). When the reverse of a two-digit number is added to it, we get a perfect square. Find the difference between the two-digits of the original number.

(1)1 (2) 3 (3) 5 (4) All of these

11). When the reverse of a two-digit number is added to it, it becomes a multiple of 9.Find the sum of the squares of the two digits of the number, given that both digits are different.

(1) 53 (2) 65 (3) 41 (4) All of these

12). N= abcde is a five-digit even number where a, b, c, d and e are five consecutive digits. M=baecd is also a five-digit number. If N+M is also a five-digit number, find the value of M-N.

(1) 9891 (2) 8919 (3) 9189 (4) can’t be determined

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13). 20x21x22x…..x30 =A. If A is divisible by 10x, find the maximum value of x.

(1) 3 (2) 4 (3) 5 (4) 6

14).How many zeros exist at the end of the product of 104x123x154x213x163x254?

(1) 12 (2) 14 (3) 16 (4) 18

15). What digit exists at the units place in (483)82?

(1) 8 (2) 9 (3) 10 (4) 11

16). What digit exists at the unit’s place of (39)42x (27)23x (36)12?

(1) 2 (2) 4 (3) 6 (4) 8 17). What unit’s digit exists in the product of

all prime numbers between 10 and 30? (1) 5 (2) 4 (3) 3 (4) 2

18). What digit will exist at the unit’s place of (347)42-(763219)2 x (53213)4?

(1) 8 (2) 10 (3) 12 (4) 14

19). N=13+23+…..373.What digit exists at the unit’s place of N?

(1) 0 (2) 1 (3) 2 (4) 9

20). The number of positive integers less than or equal to 100, which are not divisible by 2,3or 5, is

(1) 24 (2) 26 (3) 29 (4) 32

21).Find the number of positive integers which are not greater than 200 and also not divisible by 3, 5 or 7.

(1) 80 (2) 88 (3) 90 (4) 92

22). Find the number of positive integers not greater than1000 and not divisible by any of 3, 5 or 7 but perfectly divisible by both 11 and 13.

(1) 1 (2) 2 (3) 3 (4) 4

23).How many zeros exist at the end of the product of all integers from 1 to 50?

(1)11 (2)12 (3)13 (4)14

24). S1 = sum of all even numbers less than 25 S2 = sum of all odd numbers less than 25.How many zeros does S1S2 (S1+S2) have at its end?

(1) None (2) One (3) Two (4) Three

25). Given that a=26 and b=54.If N=ab and M=b a, then how many zeros exist at the end of the product NM?

(1)3750 (2)256 (3)4006 (4) None of these

26). a=12, b=23, c=34…………….. z = (26)27 .In the product of all the alphabets, how many zeros exist at the end?

(1)100 (2)104 (3)80 (4)106

27). In the product of all the natural numbers which are multiples of 15 and less than 301, how many zeros exist at the end?

(1)24 (2)20 (3)18 (4)10

28). When a four-digit number is divided by 85 it leaves a remainder of 39. If the same number is divided by 17 the remainder will be

(1)5 (2)6 (3)7 (4)9

29). When a number is divided by 63 we get 1104 as quotient and 30 as remainder .Find the difference of the quotient and the remainder when the same number is divided by 21

(1)2440 (2)2704 (3)3304 (4)3604

30).Find the remainder when 293 is divided by 7. (1)1 (2)2 (3)4 (4)6

31).Find the remainder when 721+722+723+724

is divided by 25 (1) Zero (2)2 (3)4 (4)6

32).N=901x902 x903.If N is divided by25, we get the remainder

(1)1 (2)4 (3)6 (4)8

33).Find the remainder when N=1821x1823x1827 is divided by12.

(1)9 (2)12 (3)15 (4)18

34).Consider a 55 –digit number created by writing side by side the natural numbers as follows:

1234567891011…….. The above number when divided by 8 will

leave a remainder of (1)1 (2)2 (3)3 (4)4

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35). Consider a 75- digit number created by writing side by side the natural numbers as follows:

123456789101112…….. (I) The above number when divided by 9

will leave a remainder of (I)1 (2)2 (3)3 (4)4 (II) The above number when divided by

25 will leave a remainder of (1)4 (2)8 (3)12 (4)17

36). An intelligence agency decides on a code of 2 digits selected from 0, 1, 2 ...9.But the slip on which the code is handwritten allows confusion between top and bottom, because these are indistinguishable. Thus, for example, the code 91 could be confused with 16.How many codes are there such that there is no possibility of any confusion?

(1) 25 (2) 75 (3) 80 (4) none of these

37). P, Q and R are three consecutive odd numbers in ascending order. If the value of three times P is 3 less than two times R, find the value of R.

(1) 5 (2) 7 (3) 9 (4)11

38). A telecom service provider engages male and female operators for answering 1000 calls per day. A male operator can handle 40 calls per day whereas a female operator can handle 50 calls per day. The male and the female operators get a fixed wage of Rs.250 and Rs.300 per day respectively. In addition, a male operator gets Rs.15 per call he answers and female operator gets Rs.10 per call she answers. To minimize the total cost, how many male operators should the service provider employ assuming he has to employ more than 7 of the 12 female operators available for the job?

1)15 2)14 3)12 4)10

39). Three Englishmen and three Frenchmen work for the same company. Each of them knows a secret not known to others. They need to exchange these secrets over person –to-person phone calls so that eventually each person knows all six secrets. None of the Frenchman know English, and only one Englishman knows

French. What is the minimum number of phone calls needed for the above purpose?

1)5 2)10 3)9 4)15

40). A rectangular floor is fully covered with square tiles of identical size. The tiles on the edges are white and the tiles in the interior are red. The number of white tiles is the same as the number of red tiles. A possible value of the number of tiles along one edge of the floor is:

1)10 2)12 3)14 4)16

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