Page 1: Alfred Nobel Presentation

Alfred Nobel

By Mohammad ayoubi

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*The Nobel's brothers .

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Alfred Nobel was born in Stockholm, Sweden on October 21, 1833.chemist, engineer, innovator, and armaments manufacturer.He was the inventor of dynamite

Immanuel nobel Swedish engineer, architect, inventormoved and founded a war supplies factory in Russia in 1838 Faced bankruptcy at the end of Crimean war

Ludvig Nobel was an engineer, a noted businessman . With his brother Robert, he operated Branobel, an oil company in Baku , which at one point produced 50% of the world's oil .He also became the richest man in the word .Ludvig Nobel invented oil tankers

Emil Nobel (1843–1864) Died at the age of 21 His father love for experimenting explosoins ( nitroglycerin ) with his sons was an familly amusement activity and at the same time related to their jobs .This lead to Emil Nobel death from explosion at the

The Nobel's Family

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The family invested in the education of the boys. All instruction was provided by private tutors in their home

The Nobel brothers had a Swedish tutor – Lars Sanderson, Master of Arts – who taught them Swedish language and history ,  literature and philosophy

They also had a skilled russian teacher who taught them mathematics, physics and chemistry

They learned to speak Russian, English, French, and German and Swedish fluently

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Alferd loved poetry and literature however In his fathers mind these subjects brought no profit . There for he disagreed with him studying literature

at age 17 he was sent to Paris by his dad to study chemistry , In the lab he met the inventor of Nitroglycerine Jules PalouseThis Is where Alfred became interested in nitroglycerine

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Alfred Nobel built bridges and buildings in Stockholm. His construction work inspired Nobel to research new methods of blasting rock.

In 1860, the inventor first started experimenting with nitroglycerine which lead to inventions of dynamite

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One year later, Alfred Nobel Build a factory in germany ... This business exported a liquid combination of nitroglycerin and gunpowder called "Blasting Oil", but this was extremely unstable and difficult to handle,. The buildings of the Factory were destroyed twice.[6]

Liquid nitroglycerin was w banned, and these problems led to Alfred Nobel and his company's developing dynamite in 1867

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*The dangers of Liquid nitroglycerin

*During the production of Liquid nitroglycerin Alferds factory was exploded two times .

Doing Experiments with Liquid nitroglycerin killed his youngest brother emil from explosion

After emil’s death , alferd hoped of finding a safe way to control the explosive’s 

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in 1867. By chance, he discovered that mixing with silica turned liquid into a paste . The following mixture of nitroglycerin and silica was much safer to use and easier to handle than nitroglycerin alone. He called his mixture dynamite

From greek work dyno meanig power

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WARS Fishing


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During world war one alferd invention had a very high demend .He opened more than 200 factories in 20 different countries supplying explosives .

This factories brought nobel a wealth of 472 $ million dollars

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Feeling the guiltThe Dynamite was used in many wars by many countries resulting in death of millions of people this gave nobel a strong sense of guilt

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Solution to the guilt

 Alfred wrote a will inspired by one of his friends, She inspired him to create the Nobel Foundation. Which gives monetary prize for people who promoted peace, chemistry, physics, medicine, and literature

 Each recipient, or laureate, receives a gold medal, A Diploma and a sum of money (1.2$ us million dollars)

the awards are given every year at the same date of alferd nobels death

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Nobel peace price Nobel peace price

Nobel physic price Alexender fleming medicin

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Many people believed that Nobel prize was to leave Nobel a good history behind In despite of his evil invention of dynamite

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