Page 1: Alexander the Great 356- 323 BC. Early Life and Education  Alexander III of Macedon was born on July 20/21 st in 356 BC  Son of King Philip II of Macedon

Alexander the Great

356- 323 BC

Page 2: Alexander the Great 356- 323 BC. Early Life and Education  Alexander III of Macedon was born on July 20/21 st in 356 BC  Son of King Philip II of Macedon

Early Life and Education Alexander III of Macedon was born on July 20/21st in 356 BC Son of King Philip II of Macedon and his mother was Philip’s 4th

wife, Olympias (from Northern Greek state of Epirus). On his father’s side he claimed descent through Heracles through

Caranus of Macedon (first King) and on his mother’s side, a descendent from Achilles through her father.

On the night of his parent consummation of their marriage, Olympias is said to have dreamed about her womb being struck by a thunder bolt causing a flame that spread.

Philip is said to have seen himself in a dream sealing up Olympias’ womb with a seal that had a lion engraved on it

This is suspected to symbolize that either she was pregnant before the marriage or that Alexander’s father was Zeus.

Page 3: Alexander the Great 356- 323 BC. Early Life and Education  Alexander III of Macedon was born on July 20/21 st in 356 BC  Son of King Philip II of Macedon

As a young boy Alexander and the other boys of noble families were taught by Aristotle at the Temple of Nymphs at Mieza.

Alexander developed a strong passion for the works of Homer, especially his Illiad

His tutorship came to an end when Philip had to go to war against the Byzantium. He left Alexander in charge.

During his time in charge, the Thracian Maedi revolted against Macedonian rule and Alexander successfully crushed them. He drove them far enough from their own territory and conquered one of their cities, which he named Alexandropolis.

While Philip is gone he falls in love with a women named Cleopatra Eurydice, the niece of one of his generals. They have a son which means there is now a FULLY Macedonian heir.

On the night of their wedding, Cleopatra’s father, Attalus makes a speech praying to the Gods for a legitimate heir. Alexander becomes angry and shouts out “what am I then, a bastard!” and throws his goblet at him.

Philip draws his sword, then passes out. Alexander is forced to leave Macedonia, taking his mother and her brother to the capital of Epirus.

Page 4: Alexander the Great 356- 323 BC. Early Life and Education  Alexander III of Macedon was born on July 20/21 st in 356 BC  Son of King Philip II of Macedon

Alexander’s rise to King After he is exiled, he seeks refuge as a guest to the Illyrians (even

though they had just been beaten by the Macedonians in battle). After 6 months he is able to return to Macedon as a family friend

served as mediator between the two parties. In 336 BC King Philip is murdered while attending the wedding of his

daughter by Olympias and he is assassinated by one of his own body guards.

Alexander becomes King at age 20. He consolidates his power by having rivals to the throne murdered: his cousin and two other Macedonian princes

Olympias has Cleopatra Eurydice and her daughter burned alive. Alexander has Attalus murdered. News of Philip’s death caused many states to revolt including Thebes,

Athens, Thessaly and Thracian tribes. Alexander successfully put them down and adds their cavalry to his forces.

Page 5: Alexander the Great 356- 323 BC. Early Life and Education  Alexander III of Macedon was born on July 20/21 st in 356 BC  Son of King Philip II of Macedon

Alexander’s Military Campaigns and Conquests

NORTHERN/ BALKIN CAMPAIGN Before he would cross over to Asia, he wanted to safeguard

Northern boundaries and he does this by successfully putting down all uprisings in the North and he secures the Northern Frontier.

PERSIAN CAMPAIGNAsia Minor In 334 BC, his army crosses the Hellespont with 42 000 soldiers

from Macedon combined with various Greek states. He wins: The Battle of the Granicos, The Siege of Halicarnassus and

the Siege of Miletus. After campaigning in Asia Minor, his army crosses the Cilcian Gates

in 333 BC and he defeats the Persian army under the command of Darius III at the Battle of Issus

In 332 BC, he attacked Tyre and with its capture he crucifies all men of military age and forces all women into slavery.

Page 6: Alexander the Great 356- 323 BC. Early Life and Education  Alexander III of Macedon was born on July 20/21 st in 356 BC  Son of King Philip II of Macedon

Egypt After the siege of Tyre, most Egyptian towns gave in to Alexander and

his army, except Gaza which was fortified on a hill. It was eventually taken.

As he advanced through Egypt in 332 BC, he was regarded as a liberator and was pronounced “Master of the Universe.”

Assyria and Babylonia He left Egypt in 331 BC and marched eastward into Mesopotamia

(Northern Iraq) and he defeated Darius at the Battle of Gaugamela. Darius was forced to leave the field and flee over the mountains to

Ecbatana. Alexander marched on to capture Babylon.Persia From the capture of Babylon, Alexander successfully moved on to win

the Battle of the Persian Gate, where he obtained legendary treasures.

Page 7: Alexander the Great 356- 323 BC. Early Life and Education  Alexander III of Macedon was born on July 20/21 st in 356 BC  Son of King Philip II of Macedon

Fall of the Empire in the East Alexander continued onward in pursuit of Darius towards Media and

then Parthia. King Darius had been taken prisoner by Bessus (his successor, a

nobleman and a relative to Darius). Bessus had his men stab Darius to death and he declared himself King.

Alexander gave Darius a proper burial, where it was stated by Alexander that while he was dying Darius named him successor.

Alexander, considering himself the legitimate King, set off to defeat Bessus.

He went through various cities, conquered them and named them all Alexandria (cities in modern day Afghanistan and Tajikistan).

Bessus was eventually betrayed by Spitamenes who hands him over to a trusted friend of Alexander.

Page 8: Alexander the Great 356- 323 BC. Early Life and Education  Alexander III of Macedon was born on July 20/21 st in 356 BC  Son of King Philip II of Macedon

India After Persia, Alexander turned his attention to India. He ordered all

chiefmen to submit to his rule. Many did, however some of the hill clans, Aspasioi and Assakenoi

refused to. He defeated them and then crossed the Indus and fought and won an

epic battle against a local ruler, Porus in the Battle of Hydaspes in 326 BC.

Alexander was impressed by Porus’ bravery and therefore made an alliance with him and appointed him satrap (province governor), giving him some extra land too.

He probably also did this for political reasons as controlling land that far would take cooperation.

REVOLT FROM HIS OWN ARMY Alexander’s army refused to go further east when Alexander wanted to

move eastward past Porus’ Kingdom near the Ganges River to the powerful Nanda Empire of Magadha and the Gangaridai Empire of Bengel.

He agreed to go back with his troops and on the way he defeated Mali clans and other Indian tribes.

Page 9: Alexander the Great 356- 323 BC. Early Life and Education  Alexander III of Macedon was born on July 20/21 st in 356 BC  Son of King Philip II of Macedon

Last Years As a gesture of thanks, he paid off the debts of his soldiers and

announced he would send old and disabled veterans home. His troops misunderstood him and revolted at the town of Opis.

They criticized his adoption of Persian customs and dress. He had also married Roxane (daughter of Sogdian/Bactrian nobleman) and brought in Persian officers into his army and soldiers into Macedon units.

He executed ringleader of uprising. Some of the governors or satraps that he left in charge did not do a

good job and they were punished for it. Some had desecrated the tomb of Cyrus the Great. Since he had left them in charge of guarding it, they were executed.

Page 10: Alexander the Great 356- 323 BC. Early Life and Education  Alexander III of Macedon was born on July 20/21 st in 356 BC  Son of King Philip II of Macedon

Death and Despair After Alexander traveled to Ecbatana to retrieve the bulk of his

Persian treasure, his closest friend and possibly lover, Hesphaestion died.

This caused him much despair and he ordered for expensive and extensive funeral arrangements.

Alexander died himself on June 10/11, 323 BC in Babylon at the age of 32.

The cause of his death is unknown, but was likely a result of poisoning from unmixed wine or a natural illness such as malaria.

The large empire that he had created split apart and each one of his best generals took parts of it for themselves.

Page 11: Alexander the Great 356- 323 BC. Early Life and Education  Alexander III of Macedon was born on July 20/21 st in 356 BC  Son of King Philip II of Macedon

Alexander’s Empire

Page 12: Alexander the Great 356- 323 BC. Early Life and Education  Alexander III of Macedon was born on July 20/21 st in 356 BC  Son of King Philip II of Macedon

Alexander Revisited

Scene 1: Beginning and Battle of Guagamela4 min- 38min

Scene 2: Death of Darius, marriage to Roxane and criticism from his friends, fellow general1:18-1:27

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