
Northern-style goat stew, the thickened and the Omelette of Stripe gastronomic elements of the cultural identity from Lambayeque Peru

Baca Caldas, Alejandra1


The gastronomy is becoming increasingly important in Peru as in many countries. The cuisine is an art of tasteful meals. As we know, these activities are at their peak, as they are potential economic activities, all this advantage has generated a new activity called, culinary tourism, where tourism is performed only by eating a good stew. Within the tourism and gastronomy will find some features for better understanding. The overall objective of this research is to determine the most representative dishes there is in the region of Lambayeque, such as the Northern Kid to the Thickening and Omelette of stripe. This study is a descriptive research since have followed the following procedure: Selection of the research topic, gathering information from libraries and books, then I applied survey techniques (underlining, note taking, summarizing and others), then organized the information in the registration forms and research subsequently conducted the drafting process of the information in the word processor Microsoft Word. Finally, we reach to the conclusion that the Tourism and Gastronomy in Lambayeque are the new revolution of Peruvian culture and thus strengthening Lambayeque culture

Key words: Tourism, gastronomy, culture

Resumen.La gastronomía está adquiriendo cada vez mayor importancia en el Perú al igual que en muchos países. La gastronomía, es un arte del buen gusto en las comidas. Como bien sabemos, estas actividades se encuentran en su mayor auge, ya que son actividades económicas muy potenciales, toda esta ventaja ha generado una nueva actividad llamada, turismo gastronómico, en el cual se realiza turismo solo por comer un buen potaje. Dentro del turismo y la gastronomía encontraremos algunas características propias para un mejor entendimiento. El objetivo general de esta investigación es conocer los platos más representativos existentes en la Región de Lambayeque, tales como, el Cabrito a la Norteña, el Espesado y la Tortilla de Raya. El presente trabajo es una investigación descriptiva, ya que ha seguido el siguiente procedimiento: Selección del tema de investigación, recopilación de información de bibliotecas y de libros electrónicos, luego hemos aplicado las técnicas de estudio (subrayado, toma de notas, resumen y otros), luego organizamos la información en las fichas de registro y de investigación, posteriormente se llevó a cabo el proceso de redacción de la información en el procesador de texto Microsoft Word. Finalmente, se llega a concluir que el Turismo y Gastronomía en Lambayeque, son la nueva revolución de la cultura peruana y por ende el fortalecimiento de la cultural Lambayecana. Palabras claves: Turismo, gastronomía, cultura

Introduction1 Student of the tenth cycle of the School of Hospitality Management and Tourism Services in the Faculty of Business Studies, Catholic University of Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo in Chiclayo, Peru. Email:__

The present research discusses three typical meals of the region of Lambayeque, such as: the young goat to the northern The Thickening and omelette of stripe icons of gastronomy in the region, the same as the ingredients are characterized and shaped preparation, which are themselves and form part of a process of local cultural identity.

Lambayeque is a city that holds a great gastronomic tradition. In each of its dishes are variety and originality. The dishes are full of flavor, taste and color. Lambayeque is a marvelous food heritage that comes from pre-Columbian times. Their food is characterized by its diversity and nutritional richness. Many tourists come to enjoy the delicious dishes at restaurants in the region.

The purpose why I chose for this topic is to publicize the importance of gastronomy in Lambayeque, as one of the best most profitable and progressive economic activities. Also to realize and know what you really have as rich cultural heritage.

The issue we propose making the following question: How does the Lambayecana cuisine influence? Therefor, we propose the following general objective, Meet the most representative dishes there are in the region of Lambayeque. This objective is based on the following specific, such as, Identifying Representative dishes typical of the region of Lambayeque objectives; know the history of the typical dishes of the region of Lambayeque; determine the types and class of inputs involved in each dish.

Research is important, so that it becomes a precedent and of comparison for future researches in local restaurants and entertainment in the city of Chiclayo. The significance of this work is that it will be a contribution to the knowledge of the cuisine of Lambayeque, on which there is little research on the subject.

The lambayecana cuisine.

Alarcon (2003) manifests, that the region of Lambayeque has typical dishes prized by lovers of good food. The tasty cuisine of Lambayeque is one of its distinguishing marks of interest to travelers around the world, which is why we must work to its dissemination and preservation.

Cabrejos (2013) proposed that the loche is a fruit that is genuine in the Lambayeque region, has been and is an important input in the kitchen, and even today, they entered the world and gourmet. This prodigious land has delighted our tables with iconic dishes like rice with duck, dry loche kid with the

panquitas of life, the alverjado duck soup or thickened cholo "indicates the researcher, who exposes all her research the book, "The kingdom of loche"

Adrianzen (2014) commented that the rise of Peruvian cuisine is a source of pride. Not only our most successful restaurants receive global recognition. Peruvians presume, sometimes disproportionately, a map of our mestizaje (the food) is increasingly appreciated worldwide. This culinary boom boom is the result of hunger. Hunger private. From Virgil, and another bright Gastones cooks who innovated and began his culinary business with ambition. So our kitchen led to a global positioning unthinkable until recently.

Salas (2014) I mention that several chef looking consecrate Peru Peruvian food such as mango ceviche with avocado, grilled and roasted until this ocean plate is undoubtedly the most variations have the vast Peruvian cuisine, thanks to the imagination of the chef who like and enjoy doing kitchen.

Gastronomy in the worldGastronomy is the art of preparing food, a love of good food; while the cuisine is the perfect blend of seasonings, spices, meats, poultry, seafood, vegetables, legumes and an unknown world of flavors, aromas and colors. The difference between these is that the cuisine of the preparation and presentation of food in an attractive way for the diner, while the cuisine is based on the preparation of food to be the perfect combination of ingredients in a dish

Gastronomy, According to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) (2005) conceptualizes the cuisine as "art of preparing a good meal" (p.76) Fuentes (2007) in an interview with Gaston Acurio commented that the food you are interested in from the social, human and anthropological perspective, as these are the factors that demonstrate the momentum of certain countries such as Peru, where its food culture is declared World Heritage.According to the RAE, we can see that the food not only has to do with food but also with the different cultures in the world. Since gastronomy, is linked to the culture of a country. Thus one can speak French, Italian, Peruvian cuisine among others.

Lopez (2011) tells us that without our food is going through its best phase, thanks to the hard work of renowned Peruvian chefs, who put aside their differences to build and defend a brand: Peru therefore, at present our cuisine is complimented harmoniously with tourism, become relevant for the creation of jobs and new business opportunities factor.

Ginocchio (2011) comments that the food is now one of the elements that distinguishes us and we treasure as good, especially like ours. It is one of

the few national expressions that do not generate discussion or antagonism. You can say that it is a mechanism of Peruvians claim amid the internationalization process in the country.

Peruvian Gastronomy

Alva and Vazquez (2004) stated that Peru is a country with quite varied because, in their different departments have prepared dishes such as the department of Arequipa which has exquisite dishes like stuffing Rocoto, the shrimp chowder . On the other hand we Libertad department which has the dish on Shambar and trujillano fried which its main ingredient is pork, we also have departments of Cuzco with his typical the Olluquito with meat and pepián cuy dish, is also the Piura department with dry chavelo and the kid and the northern Lambayeque past whose main dishes rice with duck, tortilla line, chinguirito among others.

Riveira (2002) commented that cuisine has great potential that still remains to explode. However comments that our food is not only a great resource but a sum of kitchens, further states that not only need to be next to natural resources, but it must be processed in order to sell and market them through a country brand.

Gonzales (2011) mention that Peruvian cuisine has become the positive contribution of Peruvian migration in the development of transnational social space where a series of practices and relationships that give rise to that space originates. Peruvian immigration in the USA has a special feature among diverse immigrant communities and Peruvian food is where the origins of Peruvians reaffirms and provide the reinforcement that ride more than two cultures. The kitchen was the natural meeting point of all cultures.

Valderrama (2011) stated that Peruvian cuisine is not for the economic side, but cultural. It has become a factor to reaffirm our identity revaluation of local food and our agricultural and marine products. The novel also involves multicasting that file reaches the regional food. Beyond social and regional distinctions, pride grows Peruvian food and becomes of increasing interest.

Gastronomic Tourism

Henderson (2009), present seeks to provide a comprehensive definition, stating that: culinary tourism is the movement of visitors, tourists and hikers, the main reason is the food, and it involves practices that range from simple shifting of residence to a restaurant where taste a dish; the shift towards a given

destination to learn how to prepare certain foods; and to conducting gastronomic routes with the intention of learning something more about certain

Medina and Serrano (2010) analyzed the food tourism as a means to recover the traditional food of each area and has become more important in the world in recent decades, becoming a key player for the positioning of regional foods. Thus, eating is part of the cultural identification of a territory. Given its historical and cultural, food has become in tourism resource, not only as facilitators of tourist experiences.

Flavian (2011) mentions that the focus on the food and food quality are the key to its success, noting that derrick gastronomy is becoming a motivation to travel increasingly important nowadays. In fact, currently visiting our country for this reason mainly around five and a half million people each year. In addition, most of the fifty million are foreign tourists.

Medina and Serrano (2010) analyzed the food tourism as a means to recover the traditional food of each area and has become more important in the world in recent decades, becoming a key player for the positioning of regional foods. Thus, eating is part of the cultural identification of a territory. Given its historical and cultural, food has become in touristic resort and not only as facilitators of tourist experiences.

Gasco (2011) indicate, how important it is to know the demand in order to know what kind of tourism product we develop. It is basic and essential to know what is the motivation of tourists to the culinary resource in any of its manifestations. Knowing the motivation is especially important because the type of tourism that is generated is different in each case presented different characteristics in terms of seasonality, expenditure, overnight stays, etc.

Dishes of Lambayeque

Castañeda (2012) commented, that the kid is the northern one of the most important dishes of the country and the main dish is usually served at social events in the Andean country. The taste of Northern Peru lies is a stew served with goat meat. Today seco de cabrito is one of their flagship dishes and is widespread throughout the country. Proof of this is the variety of restaurants that offer it in his letters.

It is a typical northern food very tasty and even if done with wood is an indescribable flavor. Contains goat meat seasoned with salt, pepper, cumin, minced garlic, a part of Marisol liquefied aji, aji panca soaked and ground, in preparing chicha is used. It comes with its share of rice, boiled yucca and at its

northern beans. In the conventional way, I marinated in chicha de jora, and served with beans, rice and cassava.

Bernis (2012) commented, the most economical and delicious dishes of Lambayeque. The stripe is dried fish and salted before their preparation. The dish consists of an omelette with green onion, red pepper, wheat flour, seaweed, and the frayed line. Mix in a saucepan over low heat and served with corn and cassava. The line provides many nutrients, including vitamins, are those belonging to group B

Valderrama (2013) I mentioned that regional flavor drink is chicha, either to season a kid, give strength to sweat or to accompany a "nibbling" or a regional stew, chicha always be present. It is a key ingredient in the northern cuisine, and cheerleader quintessential big parties and lambayecana bohemia. In many cases the beer is the queen of the celebration and the "snacks" are the pages that accompany it.

Estrada (2014) commented, to discuss the thickened we start talking about their historical origins. Throughout history our department has had many customs many of which talk to today, one of these customs is to eat only thickened Monday. The dish is thickened Moche origin, considering by many as a typical dish of Peru and historical.


This article is aimed at a descriptive and analytical research, where the most representative dishes are diagnosed in the province of Lambayeque, which provide sustenance objectives and explain the features of each of the variables.

Item will be proven based on the results obtained in relation to the surveys, which will be processed based on SPSS and Excel programs, which will set percentage frequencies and demonstrate if our hypothesis is true or not.

The population consists of the inhabitants province of Lambayeque, which is the target population. Sampling shall be determined based on a universe of 113 respondents throughout the area visited.

Z .p .q.N

Z .p.q+e (N-1)




where:Z = 1.96 value of the normal distribution that ensures a level of reliability of 95%.E= is considered a failing grade of 8% (0.08) for our case.P= 75% = 0.75 Prevalence of Poverty (INEI 2007).Q=1-P=0.25.N = 850 484 population

The survey sample is 113. The methodology used is in accordance with the following procedure. Method: The method used in this research is the Description. Technical: Technical Cabinet, where we use the so-called: Technical Analysis of Texts The following techniques are used.

Analysis and Results

This chapter provides information about the habits and preferences of consumers regarding their food and in and out of house. Furthermore it shows how the food is a source of pride for Peruvians of various regions and sectors, becoming a source of identity and social cohesion. The development of gastronomy can assess the biological and cultural diversity, increases the sense of pride in us and strengthens our identity as a nation.

Gráfico N° 1

Fuente: Elaboración propia (2014)

Gráfico N°2


The following section is analyzed and the results obtained in the previous section is discussed. The main purpose of this research was to identify the reaction of Peruvian Peruvian cuisine before and know what the most typical

Fuente: Elaboración propia (2014)

Gráfico N° 3

Fuente: Elaboración propia (2014) Fuente: Elaboración propia (2014)

dishes we eat are. In connection with the dishes they like we can realize that the kid is the northern most consumed dish lambayecanos with 31% of those who were surveyed. Compared with 23% who prefer the duck with rice. (See Figure No. 1). Reasons to promote food are many because of them, that one of the questions that I do is to know which is the most representative of the region of Lambayeque plate and was the duck rice 27% compared to 26% who believe the dish more representative to the Northern kid is. (See Figure No.2). In restaurants you usually go to the respondents under the Pacific with 44% majority as mentioned which is the best known food restaurant in the region of Lambayeque compared to 31% who attend The Jug restaurant. (See Figure No. 3)


• Our food has aroused sympathy and envy. Its international presence is increasingly taking up the point of being considered by many experts as the best in Latin America. Gastronomy is the art of tasteful dishes in Peru, thanks to that our cuisine is considered cultural heritage of the world, which gives us great advantages worldwide.Undoubtedly influenced gastronomy tourism a revolution called: culinary tourism, where tourism is focused on those people (tourists or visitors) who tend to visit different places in order to taste the typical dishes of this area .Boom promotes gastronomic landmark revaluation of agricultural products such as chillies, native potatoes, quinoa, coffee, etc ..


• Today, the cuisine of Peru can be considered an asset, originality and diversity one of the best and most unique in the world. We as Peruvians must maximize the wealth of the Peru both gastronomic, cultural, social, etc. Promote the cuisine as the basis of cultural identity and a factor of economic development, progress and prosperity for all Peruvians. Promote excellence of inputs and safeguard our biodiversity. Encourage the formation of new generations of professionals committed to gastronomy.


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