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Support for this research was provided by the Ford Foundation

2May, 2014

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Executive SummaryCalifornia is currently debating how to invest greenhouse gas (GHG) cap-and-trade auction proceeds so that they result in real, quantifiable and verifiable greenhouse gas reductions.

A new analysis of data from Caltrans’ California Household Travel Survey (CHTS) completed in February 2013 shows that a well-designed program to put more affordable homes near transit would not just meet the requirements set by the California Air Resources Board (ARB), but would be a powerful and durable GHG reduction strategy – directly reducing driving while creating a host of economic and social benefits.

Conducted by the nationally recognized Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT), the analysis identified 36,000-plus surveyed households that had provided all relevant demographic and travel data and divided them into five income groups, living in three types of locations based on their proximity to public transportation:

Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) as defined by the CaliforniaDepartment of Housing & Community Development (HCD) requires homes be built within a 1/4 mile radius of a qualifying rail or ferry station or bus stop with frequent service.

TOD as defined by the Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008 (SB 375) requires housing to be built within a 1/2 mile radius of a rail or ferry station, or a bus stop but with lesser frequencies than HCD’s definition.

Non-TOD areas that do not meet either of these definitions.

Here are two key findings:

mile of transit than those living in non-TOD areas. When living within

more than twice as many vehicles as Extremely Low-Income households living within 1/4 mile of frequent transit. This underscores why it is critical to ensure that low-income families can afford to live in these areas.


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In response to soaring demand from Higher Income households for condos and luxury apartment developments near public transit, there has been a surge of new development.  The CNT report shows the tremendous greenhouse gas reductions the state can achieve by ensuring that more low-income households can also live in these areas through investment of cap-and-trade auction proceeds.


The CNT analysis provides robust evidence that an investment by the state in the creation and preservation of affordable housing located within 1/4 mile of frequent transit can dramatically reduce GHGs.  

Using conservative assumptions, TransForm and the California Housing Partnership

program for the three years of FY 2015/16 through FY 2017/18 would result in 15,000 units that would remove 105,000,000 miles of vehicle travel per year from our roads.

Over the 55-year estimated life of these buildings, this equates to eliminating 5.7 billion miles of driving off of California roads. That equates to over 1.58 million metric tons of GHG reductions, even with cleaner cars and fuels anticipated.

What’s more, the State can significantly increase these GHG reductions. The savings in miles driven described above is based solely on location and income, but HCD has a variety of ways their program could further reduce GHGs such as giving priority to developers who provide free transit passes for residents, adjacent carsharing pods, and bicycle amenities.

Finally, TransForm and CHPC offer a methodology for verifying and reporting the reductions.  


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IntroductionCalifornia has been a leader on climate change since passing AB 32, the California Global Warming Solutions Act in 2006.

Recognizing that transportation-related GHGs accounted for

SB 375 in 2008. The primary aim of this law is to reduce the amount people drive and associated GHGs by requiring the coordination of transportation, housing, and land use planning at a regional scale.

Ensuring that households of all incomes, and especially lower-income households who

use transit most, are able to live near transit and jobs is crucial to the GHG reduction

framework set up by SB 375. Yet the law does not provide any new financial resources

to make the production and preservation of affordable homes near transit feasible.

AB 32 enabled the California Air Resources Board (ARB) to use market mechanisms to

support reductions in GHGs. With the auction of greenhouse gas pollution allowances

now taking place every quarter, state leaders are debating how to invest greenhouse

gas cap-and-trade auction proceeds so that they result in real, quantifiable and

verifiable greenhouse gas reductions.

In May 2013, ARB released its Cap-and-Trade Auction Proceeds Investment Plan, which

identified “priority State investments to achieve GHG reduction goals and produce

valuable co-benefits.” ARB recommended that Sustainable Communities and Clean

transportation receive the largest investment amount.

Importantly, ARB also recognized that the creation and preservation of affordable

homes near transit should be part of this investment strategy, specifically naming the

Department of Housing and Community Development’s Transit-Oriented Development

Housing program (HCD TOD) as an existing program that would be able to carry out a

GHG reduction program relatively quickly and efficiently.

This report begins with CNT’s analysis demonstrating for the first time the interrelation-

ship between income and living in close proximity to transit, as defined by the HCD

TOD criteria as well as by the SB 375 criteria.


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The report then uses this information to calculate the GHG savings that would result

from investing a portion of the cap-and-trade auction proceeds in affordable TOD

homes over the next three years.

The key to CNT’s ability to analyze these critical relationships is excellent, recent,

statewide data made available by the California Household Travel Survey (CHTS) in

2013. The CHTS data, the collection of which was coordinated by Caltrans with

support from a host of state and regional agencies, consists of one day travel surveys

from over 40,000 households from all 58 counties in California and was collected

from February 2012 through January 2013. CNT identified 36,197 household surveys

from the CHTS that contained all relevant household demographic, location, and

travel information needed for this analysis. A final report from CNT with additional

data is anticipated in June 2014.

DEFINING TRANSIT-RICH AREAS AND STUDY METHODOLOGYTo determine accepted definitions of transit-rich areas, CNT worked with CHPC,

TransForm and other experts to review California law and programs. Two well-used

definitions were identified. The first is used by the California Department of

Housing and Community Development (HCD) in its Transit-Oriented Development

(TOD) Housing Program and the second is from the language of SB 375 defining

High-Quality Transit Areas (HQTAs).

- HCD’s TOD Housing Program Guidelines define TOD areas as

being within 1/4 mile of a qualifying rail or ferry station or a bus stop with ten

minute headways during the peak period defined as 7am to 10pm and 3pm to

7pm on weekdays. For any transit stop to qualify, it must offer hourly service

on weekday evenings from 7pm to 10pm and have at least ten trips on both

Saturday and Sunday. (TOD Housing Program: Third Round Guidelines, 2013.)

– SB 375 defines HQTAs as the area within

1/2 a mile of a rail or ferry station, regardless of service frequency at that

station, as well as all bus stops with at least 15-minute headways during the

peak period, as defined above.

CNT identified these geographies using its proprietary AllTransitTM database, which

is based on the general transit feed specification (GTFS). AllTransitTM is the most

comprehensive repository of GTFS data because CNT compiles publicly available

feeds, acquires feeds that exist but are not publicly available, and codes its own

feeds where none exist or are available. Areas that do not meet either of these

definitions are defined as “non-TOD”.


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INCOME CATEGORIESCNT categorized surveyed households using U.S. Department of Housing and Urban

Development (HUD) income categories in order to compare households across all of

California, which has wide variation in local incomes and housing costs. HUD pub-

lishes an annual listing of income thresholds based on the area Median Family Income

(MFI) for each county by metropolitan area and includes adjustments for household

size. HUD includes three lower income categories in this annual spreadsheet and CNT

added two additional categories for moderate and higher income households based

on the same assumptions used to calculate the lower income categories:

INITIAL RESULTSPreliminary findings from CNT’s analysis of the CHTS reveal that living in proximity

to transit-rich areas and household income are two major factors that impact the

number of household trips as well as household vehicle miles traveled (VMT).

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FIGURE 1. Household VMT per Day


The report data clearly shows that all income groups experience significant differences in average daily VMT depending on where they live. The difference in VMT for households living in HCD TOD

lower VMT than similar-income households living in non-TOD.

Extremely Low-Income households living in HCD-TOD areas have by far the lowest VMT of any

VMT of Higher income households also residing in HCD TOD areas.

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FIGURE 2. Household Vehicle Ownerhship



The biggest single determinant of VMT–and therefore GHG emissions–is ownership of a private

than non-TOD areas. However, Extremely Low-Income households particularly economize on vehicle ownership when living in TOD. On average, these households own only 0.70 vehicles per household – less than half the number of cars owned by Higher Income households (1.65 vehicles per household).

The chart below demonstrates that, contrary to popular perception, lower income households have relatively high car ownership when they lack access to transit. This finding is significant because it indicates the large financial savings that lower income households can accrue by being able to avoid vehicle ownership by living near transit.1 Transportation costs, primarily those associated with vehicle purchase, maintenance and operations, are the second highest household cost after housing.2 In other words, providing affordable TOD homes not only lowers GHGs but also reduces both transportation and housing costs while providing strong access to services and employment opportunities.

There are other benefits of low-vehicle ownership rates. For example, vehicles take up significant space in the form of parking and street space. Locating affordable homes near transit allows communities to maximize the beneficial uses of these areas as shown in graphic on page 13.

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FIGURE 3. Household Vehicle Trips per Day



Income and location also have a significant correlation with the number of vehicle trips that are made. Figure 4, below, shows that households of all incomes make fewer vehicle trips when they live in HCD TOD areas compared to non-TOD locations. On average, Extremely Low Income households make only 3.22 vehicle trips per day – roughly half the number of trips made by Higher Income households (6.34 trips) in HCD TOD areas.

Fewer vehicle trips means not only fewer vehicle miles traveled but also less congestion and fewer vehicles idling in stop-and-go traffic. Congested driving conditions due to more vehicles on the road result in higher GHG emissions and criteria air pollutants. Reducing the number of trips in highly populated areas also has beneficial air quality impacts and can improve bicycle and pedestrian safety.3

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FIGURE 4. Household Transit Trips per Day



From a transportation investment policy and planning perspective, it is important to know that households in transit-rich areas not only drive less, but also use transit more. In this regard the findings on differences based on both location and income are profound:

Households living in HCD TOD areas use transit at rates that are triple or quadruple the rates of households living in non-TOD areas. The transit trip bonus4 is much higher, however, for the groups making less than 50% of median income. Extremely Low Income and Very Low Income households living in a HCD TOD take transit 50% more than their neighbors from higher income brackets.

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Designing a Cap-and-Trade Investment Program that Maximizes GHG ReductionsThe California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) developed a program for funding affordable homes near transit, with the first rounds of funding. Initially funded by the passage of Proposition 1C in 2006 this Transit-Oriented Development Housing Program (TOD) is now depleted.

The TOD Housing program was designed with the specific goals of increasing public transit ridership, minimizing automobile trips, and promoting GHG reductions. This report demonstrates that HCD’s TOD program is an excellent starting point for an affordable housing program that is focused on maximizing GHG reductions.

Some strong key attributes of the existing HCD TOD program include:

CREATING AN EVEN MORE TRANSFORMATIVE AFFORDABLE TOD HOME PROGRAMIf funding for HCD’s TOD program is to be focused on further increasing GHG benefits, both for residents and for the surrounding community, the program could consider potential changes that include providing additional incentives to developers who are proposing to include more GHG-reducing measures. These measures can include:

Focus on housing more ELI and VLI households. The HCD TOD program currently

there are no requirements to serve ELI or VLI households, per se. Now that we have new data showing the GHG associated with housing these income groups, we pro-pose that the HCD TOD program provide incentives to developers to provide at least


costs involved in producing housing affordable to these lower income households, HCD TOD should consider increasing loan and grant amounts accordingly.

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Free transit passes. Studies have shown that free transit passes lead to much higher transit ridership and lower GHGs. For example, a survey of 1,500 low income renters

more than four times per week,

the number of cars owned in their household.5

Car share vehicles on site, with free membership for residents. Car sharing dramatically reduces vehicle ownership and trips, especially in areas with strong access to transit.6 Yet there have been few models of long-term agreements to provide on-site carsharing. TransForm’s GreenTRIP program has worked with City CarShare, Zipcar and affordable housing developers to arrange for long-term agreements for pods in or adjacent to new developments. To maximize GHG benefits and get additional points, developers could be encouraged to have electric vehicles, or at least high mileage hybrid cars, carshare pods.

Create space for bike sharing. By 2015 there will be bike sharing programs in the four major regions of California. The evidence of bike sharing’s benefits and what it takes to do it well (especially the need for a larger scale) is growing by the month.7 Creating the space for bike share pods adjacent to new developments is critical.

Other innovative trip reduction strategies. Providing amenities like bicycle-fixing stations, pedestrian trunks to support walking to shopping, and travel kiosks that have real-time travel information will also help reduce VMT.

Less Parking: An example of the additional benefits of affordable homes near transit.

CNT’s analysis shows that Higher Income households living in HCD TOD areas have vehicle ownership rates of 1.65 vehicles/household. In comparison, extremely low income households only own on average 0.7 vehicles/household. While there are several benefits of lower vehicle ownership, the reduced need for parking is a signifi-cant one. We have developed a graphic representation showing the reduced parking needed for a hypothetical development near transit and the increase in the number of homes that can be provided.

households, in a prototypical eight-acre development site with an initial plan of 875 units in six-story buildings and 1.65 parking spaces per unit (parking in red), the parking can be reduced to 0.7 spaces/unit. Within the exact same building envelope the developer can add 146 units to the same building envelope (seen as green). The number of spaces can be further reduced by adding the trip reduction strategies mentioned above.

A family at First Community Housing’s Fourth St. Apartments

shows off their free VTA transit passes. These passes would typically cost $770 per year for adults and $495 for children.

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Estimating the future GHG reduction benefits of building affordable transit-oriented developmentFor this analysis, we assume that a new affordable unit will be occupied by a household moving from a location less accessible by transit. While it can not be guaranteed that new units will be occupied by a mover of this type, each new unit represents an addition to the total supply of housing near transit and an additional household living near transit that otherwise would not be able to afford to do so.

We focus our calculations on Extremely Low-Income and Very Low-Income households because public investment is most essential to building and preserving homes for these


We also assume that public investment in affordable TOD would be focused in areas meeting HCD’s TOD program criteria.

The average difference in daily VMT for ELI and VLI households living in HCD TOD areas vs. non-TOD is -19.25 VMT per day. The annual difference is -19.25 VMT x 365 = -7,026.3 VMT.

average of $250 million per year will be invested in each of the three fiscal years running from 2015/2016 through 2017/2018. (This assumes total cap-and-trade allocation of $2 billion the first year, rising by $500 million per year)

Using HCD’s current TOD program guidelines, we assume that each building would get the maximum of $50,000 per unit from these cap-and-trade funds. In the past, each affordable unit receiving funding has been required to remain affordable for 55 years, so we keep that timeframe as the durability of the program.

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HCD’s TOD program would result in 15,000 transit-connected homes that would remove 105,000,000 miles of vehicle travel per year from our roads.  

Over the 55-year estimated life of these buildings, this equates to eliminating 5.7 billion miles of driving off of California roads. That equates to over 1.58 million metric tons of GHG reductions, even with cleaner cars and fuels anticipated8.

WHY THIS GHG CALCULATION IS CONSERVATIVEThe GHG benefits stated above are conservative in several ways.  Most importantly, the estimate only includes direct GHG reductions from the difference in location, when in reality it will be possible to estimate additional benefits due to these factors:

more GHGs9.   As new vehicles quickly increase their efficiency, especially the more expensive hybrids and electric vehicles, that differential is likely to increase.  

of homes and a better use of these limited areas10.

HOW TO BEST VERIFY ACTUAL GHG REDUCTIONS?To analyze actual reductions of vehicle miles travelled and GHGs we recommend that HCD and ARB design a monitoring program that could include travel diary surveys, or sample trip generation studies (using black pneumatic tubes). While HCD would need to ensure proper design and implementation of these methods, they all are feasible to get a good estimate of VMT.

Finally, we suggest that firm commitments for on-site trip reduction strategies be developed. TransForm’s GreenTRIP program now works to get these commitments written into the conditions of approval for the project, for example.

CONCLUSIONS The findings of this report make clear the powerful way in which living close to tran-sit and household income affect household travel behaviors. Increasing the amount of housing in transit-rich areas for households of all income levels can help reduce the state’s GHG emissions. While private equity markets are actively investing in transit-oriented residential development for Higher Income households, there is next to no private capital to meet the need to preserve and create homes in transit-rich areas that are affordable to Low Income households.

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Investing cap-and-trade funds in affordable TOD will ensure that the state captures the full GHG reduction benefits possible from the integration of land use, housing, and transportation planning. These benefits include:

households also living in TOD.

for every two low income households, and freeing up land used for parking tocreate housing and public space.

by Higher Income households.

to jobs and services.

Furthermore, affordable housing developers have a proven track record of implementing transportation demand management strategies like those structured into the HCD TOD program including: reduced parking, free transit passes for residents, and bike and car share on site. With these policies in place, the production and preservation of affordable TOD homes funded through cap-and-trade will reduce VMT by millions of miles per year, offering an important tool in California’s efforts to reduce GHG emissions.


1. California Housing Partnership Corporation, Building and Preserving Affordable Homes Near Transit: Affordable TOD as a Greenhouse Gas Reduction and Equity Strategy. 2013. TransForm, Windfall for All. 2009. Community Cycling Center, Understanding Barriers to Bicycling Project. Final Report, July 2012. The transit trip bonus is the absolute difference in the mean number of transit trips.5. First Community Housing, Ecopass Program. 2009.

car.” Transportation Research Board, Transit Cooperative Research Program (TCRP) Report 108, Car-Sharing: Where and How it Succeeds. 2005. ITDP concludes that Bike-share systems should aim for four daily uses per bike to maximize the public cost-benefit. ITDP, The Bike Share Planning Guide. 2013. Estimates used conversion factor of 273.15 CO2 grams per mile based on ARB’s EMFAC 2011 CO2 emission rates. These include Low Carbon Fuel Standards and “Pavley” efficiency standards. 2035 rates were used as the average for all years.9. “In sum, poor households that own vehicles own dirtier vehicles than wealthy vehicle owners.” Sara West, “Equity Implications of Vehicle Emissions Taxes”, Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, Volume 39, Part 1, January 2005, pp. 1–24. S California Air Pollution Control Officers Association (CAPCOA), Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Mitiga-tion Measures: A Resources for Local Government to Assess Emission Reductions from GHG Mitigation Measures, August 2010.

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