
25December 2015Pockets24

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1st Sunday: WaitDo today’s devotion (page 22) with your family.

Write a poem about how it feels to wait.

What can you do for others while you wait for Christmas?

Those who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength. Isaiah 40:31

Say a prayer asking God to help you remember why we celebrate Christmas.

Every time you have to wait today, pray for those around you.

Pray for people who have to wait for food, homes, or medical care.

2nd Sunday: HopeDo today’s devotion (page 22) with your family.

Say hi to at least three people you don’t usually talk to.

Pray for people who feel sad at Christmas time.

Spread peanut butter over pinecones and roll the pinecones in birdseed. Hang them outside for the birds.

Write a hopeful note to someone who seems discouraged.

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I hope. Psalm 130:5

Pray for world leaders.

3rd Sunday: PrepareDo today's devotion (page 23) with your family.

Collect food to donate to the food bank at the end of this week.

Write or email relatives you won’t see this Christmas.

Make a card for someone who is sick.

Prepare the way of the Lord, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Isaiah 40:3

Help a family member with a chore.

Ask God to show you ways you can spread joy.

4th Sunday: WelcomeDo today’s devotion (page 22) with your family.

Sing favorite Christmas carols with your family.

Make Christmas cards for your neighbors and deliver them in person.

Make a Welcome, Jesus! poster and hang it somewhere in your house.

Christmas EveFor a child has been born for us, a son given to us. Isaiah 9:6

Christmas!Rejoice!Do today’s devotion (page 26) with your family.

Pray for people who are traveling.

Share joy and peace!

Write thank-you notes to the people who have done special things for you this Christmas.

Sing “Joy to the World” as your blessing at family meals today.

The Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory. John 1:14

Spend time with your family, giving thanks for the ways God has blessed you in 2015.

Pray about your hopes for 2016.

Do something kind today for each person who lives with you.

Let your light shine!

What gift would you like to give Jesus this year?

Pray for people who aren’t free to worship God.

EpiphanyDo today’s devotion (page 26) with your family.

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Advent begins four

Sundays before

Christmas and

is the time when

we get ready to

celebrate Jesus’

birth by spend-

ing extra time

in prayer and

serving others.

Each day of

this calendar

has something

for you to do

or think about

or a verse to

memorize for

the Advent

and Christmas



Advent CalendarAdvent


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