Page 1: Advantages of outdoor advertising

Outdoor advertising has many advantages over print, television or radio advertisements.

Most commuters and pedestrian’s frequent the same route as they go about their day to

day business of living, going to work, shopping, taking the kids to school. They do not

have a choice, they cannot avoid outdoor advertising. You can’t fast forward thru it,

change the channel, or turn it off. Businesses that use outdoor advertising benefit from

repetition, a passerby will see your advisement repeatedly. That is what makes it one of

the most affect methods of advertising.



Great pole and building signs are well worth the investment, every good business owner

knows this. Entrepreneur Magazine has a great article that outlines some of things you

should be thinking about when considering the design of you signage, “Creating

Memorable Business Signs” . One of the most important signs used to lure and often

the most over looked, is window signs. Window signs, posters and window displays are

very low cost and should always be used and changed often.

Company Vehicles

Company vehicles are another useful way to promote your company while going about

your day to day business. There are many ways to utilize your vehicle in outdoor

advertising. Magnetic vehicle signs and car top signs are a great inexpensive and

virtually weather proof method. If you really want to get the heads turning in your

direction you want to use a vehicle wrap. They are eye popping and hard not to notice

and well worth the investment. The wild and colorful graphics easily and dependably

grab the attention of the passerby; they can be used on any type of car of truck and are

well worth the investment.



Billboard advertising is a very influential way to deliver your company message. Modern

billboards are very hard to ignore during your daily commute. Colorful and exciting

graphics that can be changed remotely via the Internet have been a real game changer

in the bill board advertising industry. Billboard advertising has never been as high

quality and effective as it is today.

Page 2: Advantages of outdoor advertising


This advertising method can range from a roving employee hold a large sign to a to

modern mobile billboard truck. Have someone dress up as clown, gorilla or whatever

costume fits you need best. Then have them hold a sign and stand in front of your

business. It works shockingly well. There are very few people who will not look and read

the sign. This is a very effective and low cost way to get customers in your store

Air Dancer Advertising

Everybody has seen them, those wacky waving dancing tube men that stand in front of

a retail stores. They are called are Air Dancers and come in many different shapes and

styles. The public has learned over time that when they see an Air Dancer it means the

big sale is on they should stop there and buy today! Air Dancers are very low cost and

have become one of the most popular and effective outdoor advertising products ever

made. I highly recommend them.


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