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1. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

We have used a range of media technologies throughout the process of production. The media technologies we have used have all had a significant impact towards the production of our music video.

Without these technologies it would have been very hard to produce such a detailed and thorough music video, and would not have been able to make the video look professional without the help of the tools we used.

Throughout the stages of construction, research, planning and evaluation a number of tools have been used, these are all of them.

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Final cut express

• The main tool we used to create our music video was final cut express. Final cut express allowed us to construct images, sound and words together to create our music video.

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Final cut express

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• Blogger has been the key element in recording all the research, evaluation, construction and planning stages of my production. Blogger allows us to record images, keep track of videos and update text which shows evidence of our production in stages.

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• Livetype helped with the writing we wanted to add to the production. It allowed us to change font, colour, size and effects to create the most suitable type of wording.

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• Youtube was used to retrieve the videos . We used this to get an idea of what The Script produce and the work they use. We also used youtube to complete the textual analysis.

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2. How effective is the combination of your media product and ancillary tasks?


Does it fulfil its purpose?My digipak is the typical digipak in the sense that it contains album name, images, song titles and the

recording details. All are expected from a digipak and create a suitable album cover for our production. I have contained a track list as this shows exactly what songs the album contains. We found that both our digipaks are suitable as we did them seperately.

Would it be appropriate for your target audience?I think that the digipak is appropriate for our target audience as it is modern and the clothing the boy

on the front wears reflects the genre of the music. Our peers also like the album cover and these are of the same age as the target audience, this makes us think that the target audience would have the same views and like the album cover.

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How effective is the combination of your media product and ancillary tasks?

• How does it combine with the music video?Our ancillary tasks both the cd cover and magazine advertisement link with our music video because

they both reflect the song and the mood that is portrayed within the song. On the front cover of both the cd cover and advertisement we show a young boy looking down and walking away this shows the emotional aspects of the video through the boys body language. Part of the song is upbeat and the clothes the boy is wearing suggests this as they are bright and colourful. The colours are opposite to the boys body language which is what we wanted to show as it is out of the norms and unexpected.

• How does it combine with the magazine advertisement?It combines with the magazine advertisement as we have taken significant shots from within the video

and placed them on the advert. This links back to the video and shows how important location can be. This also emphasises the fact of keeping close to the video when producing the ancillary tasks. We both have used a picture that contains a lot of space to write information, which we have wrote the album name, the song and the release date. This is general information that will be needed to inform the audience.

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Our digipaks

• These are both of our digipaks, as we are doing our production together we thought they should be similar. We looked around school for a suitable person that reflected the genre of our music. As it was non uniform day we managed to find someone with this unique style that we thought would suit our digipak. We captured his trainers and his clothes as they were very bright and stood out as a cd cover. Most songs on the album are very meaningful, this is contrast by the boys clothes and the bright colours.

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How effective is the combination of your media product and ancillary tasks?

Magazine advertisement:

Does it fulfil its purpose?The magazine advertisement reflects the typical standard advertisement that is used to appeal and

entice the audience. We have included the album name, the song name and the release date, all to inform the audience.

Would it be appropriate for your target audience?We think that it would be appropriate for the type of magazine it would be featured in. Similar to the

digipak my peers were pleased with the advert, this made us feel that it would also be appropriate for the target audience.

How does it combine with the digipak?We have used the same theme throughout both ancillary tasks, this is to allow continuity and

combines them together.

What would you change?In both ancillary tasks we came to the conclusion that in both of our products we would have liked to

contain more information about the band and the product itself.

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Magazine advertisement

• These are both our magazine advertisements. Again we wanted to make them similar as we are both doing the same production. It was vital we didn’t make them the same though. The pictures we used are from our location we used for the video. We thought this was important as the audience would we aware it was from our video. We included the release date and the album name as well as a picture of our digipak, so that the audience would recognise this and know what to look for when wanting to purchase the CD.

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3.What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

• To find out our audience feedback we created a questionnaire asking a variety of questions that would give us an idea as to what our audience thought of our video.

All of our viewers were within our target audience and were aged between 16-19, this helped us as we stayed closely to the target audience so that we would get the best possible idea as to whether our video was a success.

60% of people asked thought that our video was entertaining and the other 40% thought it could have been more action packed. We don’t feel that this was a very good response as we would have liked people to think it was entertaining, however our video was slow and emotional due to the song lyrics, therefore a fast and upbeat video would be inappropriate.

95% of people thought that we created a video that was appropriate for the song. The other 5% said that our video could have been more action packed. We were happy with this result as a high percentage of our audience thought it was appropriate video for the song and this was our aim.

75% of people we asked said that the location was suitable for our video and we had created a realistic view by using the park as our location. The remaining 25% of people thought that the location could have reflected the emotions more for example using an area that reflected the mood more such as a derelict area.

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What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

• 60% of the people asked said that they could understand what the storyline was, either with or without the music. We were hoping that there would have been a bigger percentage for this question as the video itself was supposed to tell a story. We felt that we had created the video to show what the story was telling to the best we could. We also felt that the storyline was obvious , however the percentage of the audience told us a different story.

100% of viewers said that they could see our music video being shown on TV. This was an excellent result as this is what we set out to achieve. We used all the conventions to make it obvious what we were trying to show and this has obviously paid off, as our audience were very happy with what they viewed.

In conclusion our results on the whole were very good, which shows we created a great music video and we had successfully entertained our target audience of people aged 16-19.

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4. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Our music video challenges the forms and conventions of real media products as it is unique and doesn’t use the normal techniques that most music videos use.

We wanted to challenge the forms and conventions as we didn’t want our music video to be like any other. We wanted to make it original and use our own ideas to create a music video that was different and unique from the rest. We did this by using a narrative body, not involving the artists and used no lip syncing.

We had to keep to the storyline as we wanted to create a narrative body that reflected the song lyrics, and could be easily understood as to what was going on by the audience.

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Lip syncing

We decided not to lip sync as this would have been harder to edit the music to the words. We also felt that this could easily look unprofessional and would be hard to construct.

Artist appearance.We didn’t use the artist in the video as we thought that having actors would look better.

We wanted to keep the focus on the story and the actors rather than the singing, as the video told the story.

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Narrative body

• Our video has a narrative body and a story behind the footage. We intended to create a story so that the audience would have a better perception of our video.

The story is about a man who will not give up the fight for his woman. He refers back to the corner often in the video as this is where he waits to one day hopefully find her. The story starts with a depressed and emotional beginning showing the man alone listening to his music. We wanted to show him listening to music so that it suggests he is listening to the song being played. Throughout the video there are cuts to show the man with the woman at happy times as flashbacks are used to remind him of the past. We show clips where he is in the shot as well as him with the women, this is to show him watching them as a couple and we see the contrast of emotions. The video ends with the girl watching the story on the news and realising the man has been waiting for her. This results in her running back to the corner where they finally meet.

We were pleased with how we presented our story as our audience were aware of what was happening and the story linked well with the song lyrics and the mood of the song.

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Narrative body

• This shot can show what we mean by our narrative body as it shows both the man and the man and the women at a happy time. The man is looking sad and upset, this contrasts the man and the woman together who look happy.

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• Mise-en-scene was used to help tell the story to the audience. We did this by using a number of ideas to help present the man as lonely and the women as unaware of the happenings.

• One method we used was to have the man in the same clothes throughout the video to show how he has not moved and time has stood still whilst he is trying to find her. Whereas the women’s clothes change to show that she is carrying on with life.

• When the girl sees the news she runs out of the house not thinking about putting on her shoes. We wanted to show that she was trying to get to the man as soon as possible and was hoping he was there.

• We also used an iPod to show that the man was listening to music, to the audience this suggests he is listening to ‘the man who cant be moved’ as the reacts to the lyrics.

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Mise- en -scene

• This is to show how we used to iPod to suggest him listening to the song.

• The clip to the right shows how we kept the man in the same clothes throughout and referred back to the corner every time the lyrics say back to the corner.

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Camera shots

• This shot is a close up shot, focusing on the mans hands. We filmed this and edited it to the beat of the song to ensure the audience know he is listening to the music.

• We used this shot to emphasise how happy the couple once were. It is a split screen shot showing both couples.

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Camera shots

• This shot is an over the shoulder shot of the women watching the news. It was important to capture both the women as well as the TV in the shot to show what she was looking at.

• This is a low angle shot looking up at the man, this shot could be said that it is inappropriate at this time in the video, as a low angle suggests power and superiority. We know that the man is not powerful as he is more vulnerable therefore this shot maybe shouldn’t of been used.

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We used titles to make it more realistic and keep it as close to a real music video as possible. This is why we added the TV channel logo as well. This makes our video look a lot more professional.

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