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Apartado Correos, 28, E-08840 Viladecans, Barcelona, ESPAÑA – SPAIN

Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],






A: Datos de nacimiento: (día, mes, año) = B: Date of birth: (day, month, year)

Sexo – Sex – Sexe - Sex

(m) = Masculino = Male = Masculin = Mann

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(f) = Femenino = Female = Féminin = Weiblich

B: Profesión = Profession

Cite siempre su número de socio en toda su correspondencia y cambios

To put always the number of member in all correspondence and exchanges




01) - Para su más fácil identificación, no olvide mencionar siempre su número de socio. For easier identification, do not forget to mention always your member number. Pour une identification plus facile, n’oubliez pas de toujours mentionner votre numéro de membre.02) - Consulte siempre antes de hacer un primer envío. Always consult before making a first sending. Toujours prendre contact avant de faire un envoi.03) - Conteste siempre a toda la correspondencia del cambio que reciba, aunque sea para rechazarla. Con un Email o una postal dará una satisfacción a quién le escribe. All Club Members be advised that it is an expected courtesy to respond to all messages, even if to reply "Thank you. No interest." Répondez toujours à une correspondance d’échange même si vous la refusez. Par un email ou une carte postale vous satisferez toujours la personne qui vous a écrit.04) - Respete siempre los deseos de cambios de los otros miembros y no escriba a aquellos cuyos deseos no coincidan. Always respect wishes of changes of the other members and do not write to those whose wishes do not coincide with yours. Respectez toujours les souhaits des autres membres et n’écrivez pas à ceux dont les souhaits ne correspondent pas avec les vôtres.05) - Rogamos comunique rápidamente al club cualquier cambios de Email, domicilio, o deseos de intercambios y correspondencia. We beg you to communicate to the club any changes of email, address, or desires of interchanges and correspondance. Nous vous demandons de communiquer au club tout changement d’email, d’adresse, ou

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désirs d’échange ou de correspondance.06) - Sea honesto y formal en todas sus relaciones y encontrará siempre buenos Corresponsales y Amigos. Be honest and reliable in all your relationship and you will always find good Correspondants and Friends. Soyez honnête et fiable dans toutes vos relations et vous trouverez toujours de bons Correspondants et Amis. 07) - Envíe sus sellos y objetos de valor por correo certificado para seguridad. Always send stamps and valuable objects by certified mail for security. Envoyez toujours les timbres et objets de valeur en lettre recommandée par sécurité.08) - Use siempre franqueo filatélico en su correspondencia postal. Su corresponsal se lo agradecerá. Always use philatelic stampings in your postal correspondence. Your correspondent will be thankful. Utilisez toujours des affranchissements philatéliques . Votre correspondant vous en sera reconnaissant.09) - Sea un miembro activo y escriba Ud. primero y no espere a que otros lo hagan. Be an active member and write first do not wait until others do it. Soyez un membre actif et écrivez en premier sans attendre d’être contacté.10) - Si está satisfecho con el club, recomiende este a sus amigos y corresponsales o si no lo está, escríbanos para considerar cualquier sugerencia constructiva para el club. If you are satisfied with the club, please recommend it to your friends and correspondents or if you are not, write to make any constructive suggestion for the club. Si vous êtes satisfait du club, n’hésitez pas à le recommander à vos amis et correspondants ou si vous ne l’êtes pas, écrivez nous pour nous aider à l’améliorer.11) - Comunique al club cualquier anomalía que observe en sus relaciones de cambios y correspondencia, para poder obrar en consecuencia. Communicate to the club any anomaly that you observe in your relations of changes and correspondence, to be able to act consequently. Communiquez au club toute anomalie dans vos relations d’échanges et de correspondance afin de pouvoir agir rapidement. 12) - Esperamos y deseamos pueda conseguir los mejores resultados durante su permanencia en nuestro Club, y que estás sean lo mas duradera posible We hope and we wish you can obtain the best results during your permanence in our club, and that this will be as long as possible. Nous espérons et vous souhaitons que vous ayez les meilleurs résultats pendant votre Inscription dans notre club, et cela aussi longtemps que possible.


..............................................................................................................................................................................................16095 - Douglas Dombai, Post Net Suite 263,  Private Bag x1866  Middelburg, 1050. - A, 080263 (m), B, IT Systems Analyst. Want used stamps according to Wantlists, Michel or S. Gibbon’s catalogues, only from Spain, Portugal, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Aland, Faroe, Iceland, Great Britain, Canada, Czechoslovakia, USA, Australia, New Zealand and any Southern Africa. See my web site at Offer: Mint and used Southern Africa. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. . Email: [email protected] ...............................................................................................................................................................................................

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16280 - Les Schmal. P O Box 4827 Dainfern Valley 2055 - A, 031045, (m), B, Accountant, Want: Exchange for wantlists. France, Portugal, Scandinavia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore. Offer: Southern Africa and from other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: - Dr Meyer de Kock, Markstreet 30, PO Box 62, Odendaalsrus 9480. - A, 141249 (m) Minister of Religion. Want stamps Estonia. Latvia, Lithuania (all Mint), Australia, Sweden, Netherlands, Great Britain, (all after 2000 and used). Themes: Bible, Religion, Birds from all countries. Catalogs: Stanley Gibbons. Advanced collector. Offer: I can offer Mint Never Used stamps as well as used stamps of South Africa (including the so called Homelands of Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Ciskei and Venda) and South West Africa. Contact first with me before to send your stamps. Answer always as soon as possible. Languages: Afrikaans, English; German. Email: - Richard Flint P. O. Box 93, Winkelspruit 4145, Kwa Zulu, Natal. - A, 301268 (m) B, Farmer. Want: stamps - sets and mini sheets and FDC's of Cars, Ships, Trains and Airplanes world wide - mint or used. Offer: stamps - sets - mini sheets - mint/used, CTO and FDC's from South Africa and its former homelands. Advanced collector. Change in packets each time of 100 - 150 stamps used, good quality stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Dutch and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17020 - Antonio Luís, 91 Soutpansberg Drive, Oakdene Ext1, Johannesburg 2190. - 051059 (m) B. Gerente de Financas, Divisao Africa. Desejo: Selos novos de Portugal e ex-colonias. Tem para oferecer: Selos novos de Africa de Sul, Bophuthatswana, Transkei, Venda,  Ciskei e Namibia e tambem selos temáticos de outros países. Base de troca - valor de catalogo. Mediano colector. Want: Mint Portugal and ex-colonies. Offer Mint of South Africa, Bophuthatswana, Transkei, Venda, Ciskei, Namibia and thematic stamps from other countries of the world. Base of change value catalogs. Medium collector. Please contact first with me for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Portuguese. Email: - Kobus van Wyk, 3 Amberley, Students Way, Constantia, 7800. - A, 221248 (m) Project Manager Want: Used/mint stamps, especially from Malaysia, Thailand, and Sweden. Offer: Used and mint stamps of South Africa and Southern African countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Afrikaans, Sign Language for Deaf. Email: - Willy Gryzenhout, P. O. Box: 6179, 1621 Birchleigh, Gauteng. - A, 300342 (m) B, Pensioner. Want stamps from anywhere, especially Germany and Africa. Offer: South Africa and Southern Africa. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Afrikaans, English, Dutch and others with Online translators. Email: [email protected]..........................................................................................................................................................................................18322 - Eugene du Plooy, P. O. Box 8727, Centurion 0046. - A, 210368 (m) B, Secretary of Council. Want exchange Unmounted mint stamps from All Middle East and Asian countries. Offer: Unmounted mint stamps of South Africa, South West Africa, Namibia, Rhodesia, Zimbabwe, Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei. Base of change in quantities. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Afrikaans. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19191 - Koos Poolman, 964 Pretoria St, 0082 Claremont. - A, 251046 (m) B, Retired. Want:  Mint complete sets from all countries. Especially North Korea. Also Thematic that I am interested in: Flowers, Roses, Orchids, Butterflies, Musical, composers, Halley’s Comet, Michelangelo, da Vinci and Rembrandt paintings. Offer: Mint sets/FDC’s and M/sheets from various Southern African States. I am open for discussion on how to Exchange and use Michel-catalogue. I prefer to work according to a want list/have list system. Please contact

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first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected],……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..19366 - Mark Hirst, P. O. Box: 1071. Gillitts 3603 Kwa-Zulu Natal. - A, 110963 (m) B, Insurance Broker. Want Want: All African states (except for South Africa, South West Africa, Ciskei, Venda, and Transkei). Also looking for Malta, Cyprus, Gibraltar, San Marino, Vatican, Caribbean Island Countries, South America and small Island Countries. All British Commonwealth welcome. Offer: Used Stamps from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Rhodesia, South West Africa, Southern Rhodesia, Venda Rhodesia and Nyasaland and a few other African countries, also will be able to offer Great Britain and a few European countries and Australia in a few week’s time. Exchange Hill be on a 1x1 basis, will accept duplicates (not whole packets one or two is acceptable) as long as Exchange partner does as well. I will always try to accommodate wantlists; use SG Listing, if I can’t then trade is on a 1x1 basis. Packets of 50 to start with and as trade continues will be able to accommodate 100.All stamps accepted, definitives as well as commemoratives. Stamps must be in a reasonably good condition. Please send e-mail to further define trade if required. If you send a parcel off to me please email me confirmation that you have done so, all emails answered. Would want e-mail confirmation once packet received and that Exchange partner is satisfied with packet. Answer always. Beginner collector. Languages: English only. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19835 - Silvino Santos, 14 Lupin Avenue, Primrose-Germiston. - A, 110748 (m) B, Electrical Foreman. Want Portuguese used stamps and Lighthouses, Discovers, Trains, Falcons from all countries. Offer used Portuguese and South Africa used, mint stamps, FDCs. Base of exchange: Afinsa and Scott catalogues. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................19940 - Piet van Staaden, 22 General Hendrik Schoeman Str Welgelegen 7500. - (m) I would like to exchange stamps of Southern Africa for USA, UK, Australia/. NZ, Canada, Holland. I can handle packets of 50 to 150, used, any size, preferably, but not necessarily, issued within the last 10 years. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and other with online translators Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17655 - Arges Karagjozi, Rr. Deshmoret e 4 Shkurtit, P. O. Box: 2400/1, AL-Tirane. - A, 241278 (m) Offer: Coins, Banknotes and Stamps from Albania. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Italian. Email: [email protected] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19030 - Adnand Shinghini, Lagja: 29 Nendori, Rruga: Kadri Abdihoxha, Nr: 329, AL-Elbasan. - A, 160673 (m) B, Italian Language Teacher. Exchange only with Registered post. Want Coins, Banknotes, Stamps from all countries around the world. Offer: Coins, Stamps, Phonecards, Banknotes, Jokers (cards). I collect coins by type and not by year. Change commemoratives, definitive, used, mint, CTOs, quantities, 1:1, catalogues. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Italian, English, Dutch, German (little bit), Spanish (little bit), Email: [email protected], Web Page:, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19545 - Hysen Muleshka, Kutia Postare 2977, AL - 1001 Tirana. - (m). Soy un filatelista de Albania y deseo tener contactos para cambiar sellos postales con Filatelistas de los países de América Latina. Puedo ofrecer en cambio casi todos los sellos de mi país, Albania, desde 1960 en series completas nuevos, hojitas, bloques,

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Carnets MH y FDC. Puedo ofrecer también todos los Europa-CEPT desde 1992 - 2010, series, hojitas, bloques, Carnets, MH y FDC. Asimismo puedo ofrecer sellos usados de diferentes países del mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés. Teléfono: 00355 4 2 224 179, Teléfono & Fax : 00355 4 2 220 620, Email: [email protected]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


.........................................................................................................................................................................................15693 - Klaus Jochimsen, L.-Jahn-Str. 23, 06526 Sangerhausen. - A, 090356 (m) B, Engineer. Offer  Germany, Berlin, Europe and worldwide stamps. Want Europe, Brasil all stamps used;  please contact me first. Answer always. Languages: English and German. Email: - Thomas Raupach, Am Zentwald 20, D-64739 Höchst. - (m) B, Teacher. Want: Stamps USA, Canada, France, Great-Britain, Spain, Italy, Netherlands, Austria. Offer: Germany, Sweden, Australia and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German. Email: [email protected]………..................................................................................................................................................................................16735 - Klaus Riemann, Maximinerweg 45, D-54664 Auw. - (m) B, Retired Suche:  postalisch gelaufene Marken Europa, China,  Japan, Taiwan. Biete Deutschland, Weltweit . Gründen Sie Änderungen: 1x1, nach Absprache. Versicherte Antwort. Welche Sprachen sprechen Sie:  Deutsch, English, Francais, Espanol, po-russki, andere. Wishes exchange of used stamps and of primers (schoolbooks). Want: used stamps of Western European countries, China, Taiwan and Japan. Offer: Germany and world wide. Medium collector. Exchange 1x1. Please contact first with me for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Russian and Kiswahili. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................16736 - Karl-Heinz-Kühnast, Frilinghoven 17, 52525 Waldfeucht, Gestorben – Deceaced – Fallecido 28-2-2011……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17089 -Tausch Siegfried. Borna 18. D-01819 Bahretal. - A, 050136 (m) B, Retired. Want Banknotes from all countries. Offer Stamps Mexico, Uruguay, China (also FDC) Germany and other countries- Also Coins. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Ich sammele: Banknoten aus aller Welt. Ich Biete: Briefmarken vorwiegend Postfrisch Mexiko, Uruguay, China (auch DC), Deutschland und andere. Kontaktieren Sie zuerst für gegenseitiges Abkommen. Beantworten Sie immer. Sprache: Deutsch, mit translator online Englisch und Spanisch. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17112 - Meier, Ulrich W., Windscheidstrasse 12, 45147 Essen. - A, 141255 (m) B, Merchant. Want:Australia and USA using wantlist, also collecting Euro-coins ( 2Euro commemorative and circulated). Offer : worldwide, Germany, Australia, USA, GB. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German und Online-Übersetzer.. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................17220 - Burmeister Hans, August-Bebel-Str.4, D-03222 Lübbenau. - A, 170134 (m) B, Retired. Deseo sellos nuevos en series completas, de Europa Occidental desde 1995 y tematicos Fauna de todo el mundo desde 1990. Base

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catálogo Michel. Ofrezco Alemania, Bulgaria, Rusia, etc. Privado y sero coleccionista.Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint stamps in complet sets of basis Michel, of West Europe after 1995 and motive Fauna from worldwide after 1990. Offer: Germany, Bulgaria, Russia, etc. Private and serious collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, understand Español. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................17297 - Alfred, Neussner, Thüringer Dtr. 3, D-37284 Waldkappel.- Burghofen.- (m) B, Kaufmann. Ich tausche Briefmarken mit der ganzen Welt und gebe gestempelte Briefmarken von Deutschland, Tanzania und anderen Ländern, Postfrische Marken des Iran. Melden Sie sich bitte vorab für gegenseitige Absprachen. Ich antworte immer. Sprache : Deutsch, Ido.Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................17312 – Vladimir Brainin, Am Soltekampe 93, 30455 Hannover. - A, 091047, (m) B, Teacher. Want: pictorial FDCs, Covers and MCs on such topics as Fauna, Transport, Football, Olympics worldwide, with the exception of East-European countries. Offer the same and used/mint stamps of Germany. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Russian and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17314 - Teulecke Herbert, Am Karpfenteich 4. D-39387 Oschersleben. - A, 060251 (m) B, Dreher. Suche: Vögel alle Welt (postfrisch, mint-MNH). Suche: Finland (gestempelt, used). Biete Tiermotive alle Welt, Neuheiten Deutschland. Fortgeschrittener Sammler. Melden Sie sich bitte vorab für gegenseitige Absprachen. Ich Antwort immer. Sprache: Deutsch und Online-Übersetzer. Email: [email protected]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17545 - Russ, Helmut, Im Feldchen 29, D-61209 Echzell. - A, 170153 (m) B, Lehrer.Ich sammle postfrische und gestempelte Briefmarken. Meine Sammelgebiete sind Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Berlin, DDR, Alliierte Besetzung, Deutsches Reich mit Böhmen und Mähren (kurz alles was im Michel-Deutschland-Katalog aufgefürt wird). Weitere Sammelgebiete sind (nur gestempelt): Österreich, Schweiz, Lichtenstein, Frankreich, Spanien, Italien, Griechenland, Schweden und Ungarn. Um meine Sammlungen zu vervollständigen, suche ich Tauschpartner. Auf Wunsch kann ich Ihnen auch meine Listen in Form von Excel-Arbeitsmappen zuschicken. Ich bin nur am Tausch nicht am An- oder Verkauf von Marken interessiert. I collect mint and used stamps. My collections are Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin, East Germany, Allied Occupation, and Empire of Bohemia and Moravia (in short everything that is in the Michel-Germany-catalog). Also I collect (used only): Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, France, Spain, Italy, Greece, Sweden and Hungary. To complete my collection, I am looking for exchange partners. On request I can also send you my list in the form of Excel workbooks. I am only interested in the exchange not sale of stamps. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages; English, German and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................17901 - Weng Olaf, Platter Kamp 1. 7, D-23970 Wismar. - A, 030159 (m) B, Worker.. Want:  BRD and Berlin (used), DDR (mint), Europe-CEPT, European Idea, NATO, Norden, KSZE, SEPAC, Joint Issues (all in used). Offer:  same. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17943 - Peter Nickel, P.O.Box 28 01 30, D-01141 Dresden. - A. 140651 (m) B, Engineer. Want: exchange mint stamps and sheets with: Paintings, Railways, Nature, from worldwide. Offer worldwide stamps used, mint. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and German. Email: [email protected] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18298 - Dr. Daschmann, Hans-Achim  St. Johann-Str. 12 a, D - 55432 Damscheid . - A. 070864 (m) B, Kaufmann. Suche Briefmarkentausch Europa, Argentinien, Israel, Indien. Biete vor allem Deutschland (West), aber auch viele andere europäische Länder. Mengen Tausch,  oder nach Michel Kataloge, Medium  Sanmler. Want

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exchange stamps from Europe, Argentina, Israel, India. Offer above all Germany West), but also many other European countries. Base of change, in quantities or catalogue Michel. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English, German. Email: [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18568 - Wolfgang Seemann, Heidchen 12a, D- 52076 Aachen. - A, 030556 (m) B Employee. I’m a medium collector of stamps with a lot of stamps worldwide. My main interests are stamps from 1840 until 1951, especially Palestine. I want to swap piece to piece 100/150/200/250 and I’II given Germany or worldwide from 1952 until now. Do you have interest? The quality is good, but normally not to be very value. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected],……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18753 - Wittig Günter, Hermeskeilerstr. 8, D-54413 Rascheid. - A, 110161 (m) B. Sozialpädagoge/ Social education worker  Suche: alle länder dieser Welt. Biete : Senden Sie mir 100-200 Briefmarken ihres Landes und ich kann Ihen Deutschland, Frankreich, Belgien, Niederlande, England, Schweden, Finnland, Norwegen, Italien, Dänemark, Tschechien, Spanien, Polen, zusenden. Welche Sprachen sprechen Sie: Deutsch, Englich. Want: Exchange Stamps for all the Worldwide. I can offer Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands. Italia, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Czech Republic, Spain, Poland, Scandinavian countries and Nederland. You can send me 100-200 stamps from your country, If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English and German. Email: [email protected]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18778 - Ahlers Jan, P. O. Box 310146, D-80102 Münich - A, 1972 (m) B, Civil Servant. Colecciono sellos usados modernos de América Central, Bolivia, Colombia, Perú y Venezuela. Ofrezco Europa, Africa, América Central, nuevos y usados. Coleccionista avanzado.Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Inglés, Francés y Alemán. I collect postally used modern stamps from Central America, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela.. Offer Europe, Africa, South America mint and used. Advanced collector. If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English, French, German. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18827 - Manfred Sitt, Köln. - (m). Suche: Briefmarken alle Welt, Motive: Autos und Marke auf Marke. Biete: alle Welt postfrisch und gestempelt. Ich bin Mitglied bei Michel-Online. Korrespondenz in Deutsch, and others with online translators. Exchange stamps of all countries. Thematic: Cars on stamps, and stamps on stamps. Offer worldwide stamps, mint (MNH) and used. Basis of change: Michel catalogue. See my website:  Email:  [email protected] ..............................................................................................................................................................................................18830 - Knobl, Reiner, Schönbergstr. 4, D-83661 Lenggries. - A, 061239 (m) B, Rentner. Suche: BRD, DDR, Berlin, Saarland, Deutsches Reich, Böhmen & Mähren, Generalgouvernement alles postfrisch und gestempelt. Biete: Alle Gebiete wie gesucht, weiterhin Europa, Übersee, USA und Asien. Fortgeschrittener Sammler. I want BRD, DDR, Berlin, Saar, Third Reich, Böhmen & Mähren, Generalgouvernement all mint and used. I offer Same and Europe, Overseas countries, Asia and USA. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: German and others with online translators., . Email: [email protected]    Website: ..............................................................................................................................................................................................18961 - Fiedler Helmut, Kart Marx Allee 14, D-07548 Gera. - A, 010743 (m) B, Rentner. Deseo sellos nuevos series completas de España tema CEPT y Fauna todas emisiones. Ofrezco nuevos y usados de DDR, Berlin, Alemania Federal, CEPT, ATM, base catálogo Michel. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Solo escribo en alemán. Suche Spanien ** von allen CEPT und Tiere, alle Ausgaben CEPT **, Fauna **. Österreich und Schweiz **. Biete DDR, Bund, Berlin, ATM, CEPT, **/o nach Michel katalog. Auch Telefonkarten. Antwort immer. Sprachen nür Deustch.

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Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................19099 - Schulz, Jürgen, Ebbenthorpstrasse 5, D-24223 Schwentinental. -  A, 200351 (m) B, Angestellter. Wünsche Ich sammele: Briefmarken aus Europa und Amerika. Ich Biete: Deutschland, Europa, Welt. Ich ändere mich für Mengen, 1x1 100x100, alles gestempelt. Bitte wenden Sie sich erstmals die völlige Einigung zu erzielen. Antwort gewährleistet. Sprachen: Deutsch. Want used stamps form Europe and America. Offer Germany, Europe and worldwide. Basis: 1x1, in quantities 100x100. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: German, understand little English. Email: [email protected].............................................................................................................................................................................................19114 - Grube, Walter, Amsbergstrasse 20 A, D-38667 Bad Harzburg. - A, 090165 (m) B, Therapeut. Ich sammele: Deutschland, DDR, Schweiz, Österreich, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Lettland, Estland gestempelt (used), Ich Biete: Deutschland, DDR, Schweiz, Österreich, Liechtenstein, Litauen, Lettland, Estland gestempelt (used) Bemerkungen: Michel, Philex Basis Katalog, Fortgeschrittener Sammler seit 1975. Welche Sprachen Sprechen Sie: Deutsch, Englisch, Russisch und Online-Übersetzer. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................19250 - Enge, Steffen, Chemnitzer Str. 37, D-09399 Niederwürschnitz. - A, 270264 (m) B, Handelsvertreter. Gesammelt wird: Briefmarken, Europa ab Jahr 2000. Ich Biete : selbiges und Bund, Berlin, DDR, Österreich   Bitte Kontakt für gegenseitige Vereinbarung. Antwort immer. I collect Stamps, Europe from 2000. I Offer German Bundes Republic, Berlin, DDR, and Austria . Please, contact for mutual arrangement. Answer always. Language: German, a little bit in English.Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................19272 - Scholz, Eberhard, Rosenfelder Ring 18, D-10315 Berlin. - (m) B, Rentner. Wünsche Sie Austausch und Korrespondenz: Gesammelt wird: Bücher, Zeitschriften in der Plansprache Ido. Ich Biete: Literatur in und über Ido. Antwort immer. Welche Sprachen sprechen Sie: Deutsch, Ido (=Reform-Esperanto) Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................19277 - Peter Leinemann, Marbachstr. 4, D-04155 Leipzig. - (m). I am a member of the IMOS (Internationale Motivgruppen Olympiaden und Sport), this is an international association of sport collectors located in Germany. I am a collector of football stamps, postmarks, meter stamps etc. and I am specialized on Football World Cups and Euro Cups. I prefer really posted philatelic material registered preferred. I would like to get in contact to collectors around the world who collect the same or collectors who are interested in current German mint stamps. Languages: English, German. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................19324 - Czapracki Werner, Strasse: allein auf Anfrage, A, 070141 (m) B, Speditionskaufmann (International forwarder). Ich wünsche Tauschbasis:  Michel Katalog. Tausch nach schriftlicher. SucheNeuheiten postfrisch und gestempelt. Welche Länder interessieren Sie: Europa CEPT, bis heute in postfrisch und gestempelt. nach Fehlliste, Island, Grönland, Aland Finnland, Dänemark, Färöer, Norwegen, Schweden, Belgien, Luxemburg, Österreich, Schweiz, Frankreich, (Fr. + E. Andorra). Nur ab 2002 bis heute in Postfrisch und gestempelt nach Fehlliste. Nur 1te Qualität. Speziell suche ich Markenhefte, postfrisch und gestempelt. Biete: Bund 1960 bis heute gestempelt, Bund 1970 bis ca. 2001 XX später nach Vereinbarung. Frankreich gestempelt 1960 – 2006 gestempelt + Luxemburg gestempelt  1960 – 2006 Aland gestempelt from the beginning up to 2006, Niederland, Europa CEPT postfrisch und gestempelt, Booklets Postfrisch und gestempelt from   Germany Berlin + West European countries, especially Scandinavia. Ich sammle Marken seit über 30 Jahren und bin mittlerer Sammler. Ich habe jede Menge Tauschmaterial – bitte anfragen. Oder bei Neuheiten Postpreis für Postpreis. I wish exchange of stamps against agreement. I want new issues stamps mint-MNH and used, Europe CEPT from 2001 up to today. Also Iceland, Greenland, Aland, Finland, Denmark, Faroe Island, Norway, Sweden, Belgium, Luxemburg, Austria, Switzerland, France, Andorra (Fr. + E ) Only stamps from 2002 up to today against want list, only top quality required. Especially I’m interested in Souvenir sheets. Offer Germany 1960 – today used stamps, Germany 1970- ca. 2001 mint-MNH other against agreement, Aland, used from the beginning up to 2006, France used 1960-2006; Luxembourg used 1960-2006,

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Netherlands, Souvenir sheets mint-MNH and used from Germany /Berlin + West European countries, Especially Scandinavia. I collect stamps since more than 30 years and I’m a medium collector. Exchange Basis: Michel Catalogue o for new stamps face value for face value. I have a lot of exchanging material, Please ask me. Answer always. Languages: English, German and others with online translator. Email: [email protected]…………...........................................................................................................................................................................19345 - Helmut Fiedler K.-Marx-Allee 14, D-07548 Gera. - (m). Suche nach Michel Katalog: Bundespost 2001-2010 **, DDR ** halbe Bogen, CEPT/EUROPA 2001/2010, Skandinavien **/o ab 2001, Fauna**, Blocks alle Länder, Spanien, Österreich, Schweiz**, Kosovo. Briefe. Biete DDR **/o viele Blocks und Kleinbogen, Zusammendrucke mit Varianten **/o. Bundespost ** bis ca 2000.gest. bis 2011,Westberlin **/o, ATM **/o Österreich ** 1960-1982 kpl. Jahrgänge, gest. 2007/2008, CEPT **, Schweden viele Blocks und Markenhefte **/o Sprache nür Deutsch, Busco coleccionistas para cambiar sellos solo nuevos de España: Ofrezco DDR, nuevos y usados, Hijitas y hojitas miniaturas, Alemania, Berlin, ATM, Austria, 1960-1982), Años completos Europa CEPT 2007-2008, Suecia, Hojitas de todo el mundo, etc. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Alemán y algo de Inglés. Email: [email protected], ………...........................................................................................................................................................................19387 - Opitz, Lutz, Marienstr. 5, D-99441 Magdala. - A, 030145 (m) B, Rentner.  Ich sammle: postfrische und gestempelte Briefmarken aus aller Welt, besonders verschiedene Motive, auch anderes philatelistisches Material. Ich biete: Deutschland postfrisch und gestempelt, auch anderes Material und Motive alle Welt. Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, verstehe etwas Spanish und Französisch. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19445 - Emmel Erich, Haendelstr. 10; D-65520 Bad Camberg. - A, 190553 (m) Engine fitter. Want as follow: Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Macau, Denmark, Portugal fine used and mint stamps. Australia and Switzerland only mint. Offer: worldwide stamps. Basis Michel-catalogues. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: German, English. Email: [email protected], ………...............................................................................................................................................................................19468 - Lustenberger Adam, Steinern Str. 40, D-55246 Mainz-Kostheim. - A, 190843 (m) B, Rentner. Gesammelt wird: Briefmarken. Welche Länder interessieren Sie : Europa. Ich Biete : Europa. Melden Sie sich bitte vorab für gegenseitige Absprachen. Ich Antwort immer. Wünschen Sie Austausch und Korrespondenz: Sprache Deutsch evtl. Englisch. Email: [email protected], ………...............................................................................................................................................................................19527 - Robinson Paul, Beethovenstr. 7, D-63477 Maintal. A, 030649 (m) B, Tech. angestellter. Suche Österreich; Schweiz; GB, Frankreich, Europa CEPT.  Welche Länder interessieren Sie: West Europa. Ich Biete:  Ganze Welt. Antwort immer. Want stamps Austria. Switzerland, UK, France, Europe-CEPT, mainly West Europe. Offer worldwide stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Deutsch, English. Email: [email protected],………...............................................................................................................................................................................19580 - Weibrich-Tropf, Edith, Melibokusstr. 1, D-64331 Weiterstadt. - A, Nov-46 (f) B, Hausfrau. Ich sammele Andorra, Spanien, Österreich, Schweiz, Vatican, Tschechien, Ukraine, Estland, Lettland, Litauen, Schweden, England mit Kanalinseln, Belgien, Frankreich und natürlich Deutschland mit Berlin und DDR. Ungarn, Libanon und Vögel werden auch gesammelt. Für viele Länder suche ich Tauschpartner für gestempelt Marken und biete meistens gestempelt Marken. Deutschland postfrisch habe ich zum Vertauschen etwa 1960 bis 2000. Ich bin Medium-Sammlerin und wünsche Tausch nach Fehllisten. Habe Michel-Kataloge. Ich spreche Deutsch und Englisch. Freue mich auf Angebote an: [email protected], ………..................................................................................................................................................................................19681 - Klaus Schoenfeld, Hauptstr. 53, D-27616 Lunestedt. - A, 111244 (m) B, Retired. Deseo solamente sellos tema Fauna de todos los países. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Alemania y tema Fauna de todo el mundo. Coleccionista avanzado. Cambio solo en cantidad. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo

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Acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want only thematics FAUNA from worldwide. Offer Germany and Worldwide thematics Fauna. Advanced collector. I change by quantities. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English. German. Email: [email protected], ………..................................................................................................................................................................................19703 - Sean Turner, Address unpublished by request, D-67061 Ludwigshafen. - (m) B, Manager, Want: Revenue stamps on complete expired passports and other travel documents. Countries of my interest: African, Arab, Central America, Caribbean, Central Asia. Offer: Same, British colonial stamps, world banknotes. Advanced and serious collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always.  Languages: English, French, German, Russian.  Email: [email protected], ………..................................................................................................................................................................................19787 - Vogel Dietmar, Schlossstrasse 40, D- 52379 Langerwehe. - A, 270663 (m) B, Angestellter. Wünschen Sie Austausch. Gesammelt wird: Bund, Europe-CEPT und Motive Fußball, alle gestempelt, aus allen Ländern der Welt. Ich Biete :  Gleiches. I collect only used stamps of Bund, Europe-CEPT and themes Football, from all countries. I offer same and others. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always.Languages: German and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ………..................................................................................................................................................................................19795 - Deutler Rolf, Rantzaustr. 34, D-22926 Ahrensburg. - A, 120637 (m) B, Retired Want stamps from West European countries after World War II, used with clean cancellation (no ads, no waves). Offer Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Austria and other West European countries. Base of change 1x1 by quantities, or Michel catalogues. Advanced collector. Please contact fist for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ……….................................................................................................................................................................................19797 - Eberhardt, Udo, Adresse auf Wunsch weggelassen. - A, 070561 (m) B, Angestellter. Gesammelt wird: Briefmarken: Alles Deutsche, Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz. Biete Alles Deutsche, Liechtenstein, Österreich, Schweiz usw. Tausche nur nach Michel. Medium Sammler. Bitte wenden Sie sich zunächst völlige Übereinstimmung zu erreichen. Antwort immer. I collect stamps from All Germany, Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland. I offer all Germany. Liechtenstein, Austria, Switzerland, etc. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German and others with online translator Email: [email protected], ………..................................................................................................................................................................................19808 - Pfaffe Ulrich, Siedlung Platten 14, D-08258 Markneukirchen. - 050360 (m) B, Fahrlehrer. Gesammelt wird: alle deutschen Marken außer Bundesrepublick und Bund. Ich Biete : Alle deutschen Gebiete. Ich ändere mich für Mengen, 1x1 für Kataloge:Michel. Medium Sammle. Bitte nehmen Sie Kontakt mit mir auf. Antwort immer. Welche Sprachen sprechen Sie:deutsch, schlecht englisch. Email: [email protected]………..................................................................................................................................................................................19840 - Hubertus Brandts, Ruffiniallee 34, D-82166 Gräfelfing. - (m) Suche Spezialgebiete: Schweiz vorallem PP und PJ, Österreich, Frankreich, Afrika, ehemalige deutsche und französische Kolonien, dazu die allerkleinsten Staaten und Inseln der Welt: Andorra, Monaco, Guernsey, Jersey, San Marino, Vatikan, alle Südseeinseln des Pacific wie Neu Caledonien, Tonga, Muroroa, Ozeanien, alle kleinen Staaten der Karibic, je kleiner und unbedeutender, umso besser. Biete Südafrika Länder der Apartheid-Zeit, sowie eine Vielzahl anderer Dubletten einfach nachfragen. Vorhandene Kataloge Michel. Email : [email protected], ………..................................................................................................................................................................................19863 - Jurischka, Frank, Köttewitz 80, D-01809 Dohna. - A, 081063 (m) B, Dipl. Engineer. Gesammelt wird: alles was Deutsch war oder ist! Ich kann aber nur deutsche marken bieten uns sammle auch nur Deutschland, Fehllisten nach Michel/ „Spezialkatalog der Deutsches Privatpostmarken“, Ausgabe 1999: Altdeutschland/ Dt.Reich / Dt. Kolonien, Gebiete und Besetzungen/ Lokalausgaben/ Besatzungszonen/ Saarland /DDR / BRD/ Berlin, Deutsche Moderne Privatpost, Sammelgebiet: Deutsche Privatpostmarken 1886-1900. (möglichst gestempelt, aber auch postfrisch oder gebraucht möglich, s. meine Meinung zum Briefmarken sammeln im Anhang). Die Marken sollten aber ansonsten schon i. O. sein, d.h, keine Risse, Knicke, fehlende Zähne o.ä. Hier meine Meinung und Vorstellung von Briefmarken sammeln: Also ich sammle grundsätzlich

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BRIEFMARKEN! Dabei bevorzuge ich gestempelt Marken, aber wenn die nicht zu haben sind, nehme ich die Marken auch postfrisch oder ungebraucht. Getauscht werden sollte nach Michel-Wert. Dabei sollte immer derjenige bewerten, welcher den aktuellsten Katalog hat. Meiner ist leider von 2000. Bin aber auch für jeden anderen Tauschvorschlag offen. Briefmarken können jederzeit bei Nichtgefallen (oder Fehler in der FL....) retour geschickt werden. Ansonsten wünsche ich uns allen schönes Sammeln und freundliches Tauschen. Übrigens eine tolle Web-Seite hat Dieter Dengler:, Da findet man Tauschpartner, Kataloge und vieles mehr. Immer wieder interessant! Ich Biete: wie oben, Welche Sprachen sprechen Sie: Deutsch, Englisch. Email: [email protected], ………..................................................................................................................................................................................19919 - Dieter Medenwald, Stickgraser Damm 110, D-27749 Delmenhorst. - (m) B, Rentner. Ich sammel nur Briefmarken, Stempel, Pins, Karten auf denen "Kakteen" abgebildet sind. Nur Kakteen sind schöner! Als weiteres sammel ich Euro Münzen, die 2 € CC auch gerne 1 Sichtrolle.. Biete Welt-Münzen. € Rollen. Briefmarken alle Welt, aber nur mit Kakteen. Bitte wenden Sie sich erstmals die völlige Einigung zu erzielen. Antwort gewährleistet. I collect Stamps, Revenues, Pins, and Postcards with "Cacti" only. Only cacti are Beautiful!. Also I collect Euro Coins and from 2 € CC one sigh troll too. As a further € I collect coins, the 2 € CC also like a transparent roll. I Offer worldwide Coins, € rolls and stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: German, English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ………..................................................................................................................................................................................20032 - Friedbert Steckner, Hohemarkstr. 166 D-61440 Oberursel (Taunus) (m) Want: Stamps, mini sheets, blocks and Cinderella’s with any kind of Railways and Railroads - with Locomotives, Wagons, Trams, Streetcars, Metros, Subways also as models - new, unused, minted as well as used and marked or hinged. I do not collect letters and covers, FDCs, postcards and cancellation marks. Offer: Stamps, Souvenir sheets, Blocks and Cinderella’s with any kind of railways and railroads - with locomotives, wagons, trams, streetcars, metros, Subways also as models - new, unused, minted as well as used and marked or hinged. And Bundespost stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, and others with Online translators. Email: [email protected]………..................................................................................................................................................................................20059 - Marvin, Address unpublished by request. North Rhine-Westphalia. - (m). I am collecting Worldwide Coins from 1900-date and would very much like to make friends all over the World in order to get as many beautiful Coins as possible! :). Currently I have 4071 different types in my collection + different Notgeld coins + some Pre-1900 Coins that I liked very much. Please don't hesitate to contact me via Email! . Answer always. Languages: English, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],………..................................................................................................................................................................................20081 - Heinrich Ampferl. Hasenberglstr. 16a, D-80935 München. - (m) Want only stamps of Bolivia, Colombia and Venezuela. Offer Germany, France stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ……….......................................................................................................................................................................... ........


.............................................................................................................................................................................................18000 - Filatelia M. Abad, Avenida Fiter y Rossell 88, AD700 -Escaldes-Engordany. - Compra-venda de segells d'Andorra: al detall i en quantitats, sols i en sèries completes, varietats, segells nous, usats, sense dentar, sobres de primer dia emissió, cartes circulades de totes les èpoques, postals amb motius d'Andorra circulades o sense, llibres antics d'Andorra. Compra-venta de sellos de Andorra: al detaen cantidades, sueltos y series completas, variedades, sellos nuevos, usados, sin dentar, sobres de primer día de emisión, cartas circuladas de todas las épocas, postales con motivos de Andorra circuladas o no, libros antiguos de Andorra

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Buying and selling of stamps of Andorra: to the detail and in quantities, free and complete sets, varieties, mint, used stamps, without teething, envelopes of the first day of emission, (FDCs) circulated letters of all the time, postcards with motives of Andorra circulated or not, ancient books of Andorra. L'achat et la vente de timbres de l'Andorre: au détail et dans des quantités, libres et des séries complètes, des variétés, de nouveaux timbres usés, sans dentar, des enveloppes du premier jour d'émission, des lettres circulées de toutes les époques, des cartes postales avec motifs d'Andorra circulés ou non, des livres antiques d'Andorra. Languages : Catalá, Español, English, Français. Teléfono/Telephone. (+376) 821 297. Fax :(+376) 864 681., Email : [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................20031 - Miguel Sánchez Baños, Av.del Pessebre, 32, 2º, 1ª, AD700 Escaldes, - A, 291048 (m) B, Jubilado. Me interesa todo lo relacionado con el principado de Andorra. Monedas, Billetes de Bancos, Sellos nuevos y usados, series completas, sueltos, sellos definitivos, conmemorativos, Temáticos. Base de catálogos Edifil e Yvert, También busco Sellos, Monedas y Billetes de Bancos de España. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo de Andorra, España y otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Catalán, Español, Portugués, Francés, Inglésn y otros con atudas de traductores de Internet.  Email  [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]...........................................................................................................................................................................


.............................................................................................................................................................................................18067 - Jose Carlos de Almeida, Caixa Postal 31, Chibia, Huila. - A, 151255 (m) B, Comerciante/Merchant. Cambio y compro material Filatélico y Numismático. Interesado en Monedas y Billetes antiguos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco Sellos, Billetes de Banco de Angola y mundiales Atención a mi nuevo correo electrónico. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Ingles, Portugués. I Exchange and I Buy philatelic and numismatic material. Interested in Coins and old issues Banknotes from all countries. I offer Stamps, Banknotes and Coins of Angola and worldwide, Attention to my new email. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................


.............................................................................................................................................................................................19985 - Ante Tony Jeroncic, Address unpublished by request, Saint John's. - (m). I am from Croatia. I am interested only in worldwide Coins, Banknotes, Phonecards, Bottle Caps and some other things. Offer Banknotes, Coins, Stamps, Phonecards, Postcards while will be willing send also Bottle Caps and some other things. Here have a problem with receiving coins by post, so will be happy for any offer that involves sending Coins and receiving Banknotes. For safety all sending’s by registered mail. Please contact for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Govorim hrvatski, Mowie po polsku and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................

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............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15847 - Hocine Ouandjli, Askri Ahcéne, Boite Postale 45 Oued Koriche, DZ-16008 Alger. - A, 190946 (m) B,  Retraité . Cherche : Timbre neufs en séries complétes, Blocs, Blocs feuillets, Feuillets du Canada, Argentine, USA, France, Espagne et des pays de l'Océanie, Australie, Nouvelles Zélande. Thémes: Faune, WWF, Flore, Oiseaux, Trains, Bateaux, Sport, Art, Culture et Peintures. .Je suis également intéréssé par les plis polaires (Arctique et Antarctique). de tout le monde. Offre : Timbres neufs en séries complétes d'Algérie  et des pays des anciennes colonies françaises. Les échanges se feront sur la base de la valeur faciale pour les nouveautés ( de 2008 à ce jour ) et sur la base du catalogue Yvert & Tellier et Catalogue Michel pour les anciennes émissions. . Collectionneur avancé, sérieux et formel. N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour obtenir d'autres renseignements. Réponse assurée. Langues: Français, Arabe, Anglais et les autres avec traducteurs online. Email: [email protected], [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16153 - Djeghri Memdouh, 16 Rue Didouche Mourad, 25000 Constantine. - A, 300458 (m), B, Architecte. Cherche Tmbres Neufs en séries complètes Thématiques Faune, Flore, Sports, Jeu d'échecs de tous les pays. Offre Timbres Neufs Faune, Flore, Sports, Jeu d'échecs. Base de changes: timbre par timbre. Collectionneur Avancé. N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour obtenir d'autres renseignements. Réponse assurée. I collect only mint stamps complete sets thematic from all countries of themes Fauna, Flora, Sports and Chess. I offer the same of my country and worldwide. Advanced collector. Base of exchange 1x1. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always.  Languages; English, French, Atabic and others with online translators Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16413 - Hamoudi Chichoune, Boite Postale 539, Merouana, 05300 Batna. – A, 130485 (m) B, Traducteur, Interprète, Cherche timbrs tout pays, commemoratives, définitifs,neufs, quantités, 1x1. Offre Algerie timbres. acceptez des doubles. Offre : Algerien. Collectionneur débutant. N'hésitez pas à me contacter pour obtenir d'autres renseignements. Réponse assurée. Langues connues : Italien, Français, Arabe , Berbère, Português, Turc, Anglais, Bulgare. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17431 - Khemissi Ouari, Boite Postale 19000. - A, 010471 (m) B, Présdent d'une Assaociations Philateliques. Désires d’echange Tmbres neufs séries compléte .Cartes Maximums, Cartes Postales Stades. Cherche timbres WWF, Birds, Insectes, Chats, Chiens, Abeilles, Papillons, Offre Timbres neufs d'algérie Tous thémes de 1970 a 2011 et Aussi des FDC et des Cartes Maximums. Fait de changer : commemoratives,,  neufs, ,  quantités, 1x1,  catalogues: Yvert, Scott, Michel, Stanley Gibbons,.Je suis un Collectionneur avancé. Entrez en contact svp avec moi avant de envoient vos timbres pour l'accord précédent. Réponse assurée. Langues connues: Français, Anglais, Arabe et les autres avec traducteurs online. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17469 - Lies Hicham, 41, Cité Scotto Nadal, 16008  Alger. – A, 200973 (m) B, Fonctionnaire. Want: Mint stamps, complete sets, Miniature Sheets, Sheetlets and philatelic materials and UNC Banknotes from worldwide, especially Argentina, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Uganda, Kenya, Malawi and Lesotho. Offer: Mint stamps in full sets from Algeria, France, French Colonies and. China. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Arab, English and French. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17534 - Bendifallah Athmane, 15 rue Hamouda Bougdar, 16008 Hussein Dey, Alger. - A, 150172 (m) B, Teacher.

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I collect worldwide used and mint stamps, mainly West Europe. Also old Algerians FDCs, Banknotes and old Postcards, Painting oil, Military insignia. I can offer stamps from Algeria and other countries. Basis to change: 1x1. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Arabic. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18183 - Abdelhalim Sarmoux, P. O. Box 40, Sétif RP, 19000 Sétif. - (m) B, Agent commercial. Cherche :Document philatéliques, Timbres neufs / Cartes Maxima / Blocs / carnets / FDC / Lettres ayant circulées sur : Cheval, Papillons, Serpents, Phares, WWF. De tous les paus du monde. Offre :Timbres thématiques neuf et oblitérés / Timbres et FDC Algeries / Cartes postales Algérie / Télécartes Algérie.. Collectionneur moyen. I want Document philatelic, Mint Stamps / Maximun Cards / Blocks / Souvenir sheets / FDC / Letters having Circulated on: Horse, Butterflies, Snakes, Lighthouses WWF from all countries. Offer: Thematics stamps Mint and used and FDCs from Algeria, / Postcards Algeria / Phonecards Algeria. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Arabic, English, French and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19897 - Azoug Mahfoud, Cité Malki, Bt I, C1, N° 7, Ben-Aknoun, Alger. 16000 - A, 241158 (m) B, Ingénieur. Désire échanger des timbres pour construire des collections complètes et correspondre. .Cherche: correspondants du monde entier. Offre timbres neufs d'Algérie de chaque nouvelle émission et reçoit en contrepartie des timbres du pays de correspondance pour construire ma propre collection. Base Quantités, 1x1,  Catalogues : Yvert, Scott. Collectionneur intermédiaire. Ecrire avant tout envoi par poste ou par mail pour accord. Réponse assurée. Langues connues : Français, Anglais. Email : - Ouahmed Khelil, Boite Postale 10 poste Ferhat Boussad, 16000 Alger. - A, 130856 (m) B, Ingenieur. Cherche timbre neufs du Royaume-Uni neufs. Offre timbres neufs et thématique d’Algerie. Contactez moi svp. Réponse á tout assuré. I collect only mint-MNH stamps from the United Kingdom. I offer mint stamps from Algerie Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French. Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................


.............................................................................................................................................................................................08488 - Jose Manuel Aracena, Bo. San Pedro 4/5, 5570 San Martín, Mendoza. - A, 100544 (m) B, Docente. Cambio con todo el mundo Monedas y Billetes de Banco. Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco Monedas y Billetes de todos los países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want Banknotes and Coins of all countries around the World. I offer same. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese and others with online translator. Email: - Roberto Lauber, Deán Funes 615, 5960 Río Segundo, Córdoba. - A, 290833 (m) B, Jubilado, (Analista de Laboratorio) Ofrezco lotería de Argentina, Monedas, Sobres de Azúcar, Servilletas con logo, Calendarios de Bolsillo, Raspadinas (Rascas), Etiquetas de licores, Boletos de trasportes por Sellos, y Monedas de todo el Mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Contesto siempre. Idiomas: Español, Email a: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15120 - Pier Giorgio Simonelli, Casilla 669, Laproda 759 - Vicente López 1000 Buenos Aires. – A, 1938 (m) B, Profesor (Universitario) Retirado). Want mint and used stamps from whole world. Offer the same from Argentina and worldwide. Please to contact with me for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages:

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Spanish, English and Italian. Email: [email protected], [email protected],   .............................................................................................................................................................................................15790 - Rodolfo Kohler, Ravelo 872, 1609 Boulogne, Buenos Aires. - A, 270738, (m) B, Jubilado. Busco sellos Universales usados, conmemorativos, anteriores al año 1977, y me gusta cambiar 1x1, y 100 o mas cada vez. Ofrezco usados universales y también usados temáticos. Ruego contactar antes de hacer un primer envío. I collect used commemoratives stamps before 1977, and want exchange in base of 1x1, up to 100 each time. Offer worldwide used stamps, and also used thematic stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, German, Norwegian and others with online translators Email: - Martín Alejandro Mugherli, Rivadavia 346, 2128 Arroyo Seco, Santa Fe. - A, 260571, (m) B, Doctor. Deseo sellos usados de todo el mundo. Ofrezco Argentina y Sudamérica. Ruego contactos primero antes de envio de sellos. Respuesta asegurada. ant stamps from around the world. Offer stamps from Argentina and South America. Please contact first before send any stamps. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16106 - Daniel Dabove, España 1301, 2600 Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe. - A, 241262 (m) B, Ingeniero Civil. Deseo sellos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Sellos de Argentina y Sudamérica. Ruego contactar antes de hacer un primer envío. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma. Español y otros de con traductores de Internet. . Email: [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16168 - José Mario Iglesias, Av. Corrientes 4063 - Planta Baja - Dpto.2 - 1194 Capital Federal. - A, 140150 (m). B, Empleado. Cambio a convenir. Deseo sellos de España (Nuevos-bloques-enteros postales- ATMs – Colonias españolas) y temáticos de todo el mundo del tema Aviación. Ofrezco Argentina nuevo y usado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta segurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16476 - Francisco Javier Castro, Pelagatti 1440 dpx 3  8300 Neuquén. - A, 230369 (m) B, Publicista. Deseo sellos de Colonias y Territorios franceses, conmemorativos, ordinarios tasa y paquetes sellos sueltos o en series completas, no importa si son nuevos, usados o incluso CTOS (en general trato de enviar la misma calidad salvo encargo) base Yvert o Scott o 1x1 en sellos de bajo valor (dispongo de sellos universales de buen valor Catalogo en canje por sellos de buen valor de las colonias y territorios). Ofrezco: sellos de Argentina, Sudamérica y Universales. Coleccionista Mediano tirando a principiante (pues recién inicio esta aventura) Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Je désire des timbres de Colonies et de Territoires français, commémoratifs, ordinaires , taxe et des paquets des timbres isolés ou dans des séries complètes, il n'importe pas s'ils sont nouveaux, oblitéreés ou même CTOS (en général j'essaie d'envoyer la même qualité sauf requête), J'utilise les catalogues Yvert et Scott ou 1x1 dans les timbres de basse valeur (je dispose des timbres universels de bonne valeur je catalogue dans un échange par des timbres de bonne valeur des colonies et de territoires). J'offre des timbres de l'Argentine, de l'Amérique du Sud et tout les pays. Collectionneur moyen. Je prie des contacts d'abord pour arriver à un complet accord. Réponse assurée. Langues : Françaos, Anglais Espagnol et les autres conformément aux traducteurs online.. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16709 - Christián Gabriel Pérez, Belgrano 1202, B6700DMP Luján, Buenos Aires.- A, 210973 (m) B, Técnico en Electrónica. Deseo: Material filatélico de todo el mundo sobre tema Scout-Guía (Matasellos, Enteros Postales, Sellos, etc.), también material relacionado con la guerra de Malvinas (Falkland war). Ofrezco: Argentina, sobre tema scout-guía o cualquier otro tema. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un acuerdo, Contesto siempre. Idiomas: Español e Ingles. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17075 - Laureano N. Cuccioli, Hipólito Irigoyen 819, 8300 Neuquén.- A, 231239 (m) B, Agrimensor. Deseo: Sellos

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de Alemania, Austria, Finlandia, Suecia, Noruega años 1990 a 2011en mint o usados; Feroes, Islandia, Irlanda, en mint o usados- Ofrezco: Argentina mint o usados, y algo de países de América en usados. Ruego Contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................17096 - Jorge Casalia P. O. BOX nº 30  Sucursal  19,    C1419WAA  Buenos Aires. - A, 230641 (m) B, GRUPO  PODIUM, (Grupo de coleccionistas  especializados, fundado en 1993)  Deseo sellos  nuevos, MNH, Matasellos especiales conmemorativos /FDC/ y todo tipo de documentación postal de temas: Deportes Universales, Ajedrez   y Juegos Olímpicos de verano de todo el mundo. Ofrezco Argentina y emáticos Universales en: sellos nuevos, MNH, matasellos especiales conmemorativos y todo tipo de                   Documentación postal  filatélica TEMATICAS: Deportes Universales. Ajedrez y/o Juegos Olímpicos de Verano  de todo el mundo. Cambio series completas, sueltos, sellos definitivos, conmemorativos, nuevos, FDC, Temáticos, x Cantidades, 1x1,  y/o  Base de catálogos Yvert, Scott, para piezas de alto costo preacordado. Especificar antes si usted envía  o acepta duplicados.. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada, Idiomas: Español, Ingles. Francés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17102 - Claudio C. Buratti, 7600, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires.- A, 050974, (m) B, Biólogo Marino. Deseo: sellos de Francia, Gran Bretaña y Colonias Inglesas. Ofrezco: Sellos de todo el mundo, por catálogo o por cantidades. Ofrezco y deseo seriedad. Want stamps from France, Great Britain and British colonies. Offer worldwide stamps by catalogue or quantities. Serious and honest collector.. Idiomas. Español, Francés, Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email a: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17126 - Mario Roberto Vertone, Juan D. Perón 1479, C 1037 ACA - Buenos Aires. - A, 090748 (m) B, Empleado. Deseo: sellos nuevos o usados de Finlandia, Noruega y Suecia. Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco en cambio Argentina. I collect mint and used stamps from Finland, Norway and Sweden. Medium collector. Offer stamps of Argentina. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17129 - Miguel Ángel Mikulik, calle Solís 5665,  7600 Mar de Plata, Buenos Aires. - A, 181148 (m) B, Empleado. Deseo sellos temáticos de Faros solo nuevos, en sobres, Postales circuladas, Bandeletas, Sobres de Primer Día, SPD, de todos los países del mundo, referente a este tema, Cancelaciones especiales. También busco sellos del Imperio Ruso. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada. My interest only mint stamps from worldwide theme Lighthouses, Covers, FDCs, Circulated Postcards, Special Cancellations, Also Russian Empire stamps. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English, Italian and Spanish. Email: [email protected]. .............................................................................................................................................................................................17163 - Leonardo Daniel Leidi Ingeniero Carlos Pereyra 3521, B1702CTC Ciudadela, Provincia de Buenos.Aires. A, 30978 (m) B, Comerciante Filatélico. Deseo sellos en series completas de la Revolución Cultural de China. Usados y nuevos, Base de catálogos.Yvert. Ofrezco sellos de Argentina (1940/1980) Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wish sets of the Cultural Revolution of China. used, Mint-MNH. Base of change catalogues: Yvert. Offer stamps of Argentina (1940-2980) Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: Español. English, French, Portuguese, Italian (and others with online translator) Email: [email protected] .............................................................................................................................................................................................17133 - Daniel Decio Marmili, Caseros 208, 3°, "B",X 5000 AHF, Córdoba. - A, 180849 (m) B, Docente. Deseo sellos de América y temas: UPAEP, Gatos, Perros, Bicicletas y Navidad de todo el mundo, especialmente Iberoamericanos. Ofrezco: Sellos Argentina, sellos mi temática, Billetes argentinos. Ruego contacto primero para llegar a un mutuo acuerdo. Contesto siempre. Idiomas: Español e Italiano.

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Email a: [email protected], [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................17141 - Rodrigo Ferrara, Finochietto 2384 (entre Dell'eva y Dante), 1686-Hurlingham, Buenos Aires.- A, 221070 (m) B, Docente. Deseo sellos de toda América y España. Ofrezco sellos de Argentina, España, América y algunos universales. Ruego contactar primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respondo siempre. Idioma: Español. y otros con ayuda de traductores online. Email: [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17173 - Washington Herrera, Vilela 2915 Planta Baja A, 1429 - C. A. B. A. - Buenos Aires. - A, 180947 (m) B, Empleado. Deseo: Material sobre Culturas Precolombinas o Amerindias sellos nuevos-MNH, Matasellos Conmemorativos, Bandeletas, Aerogramas, etc. Ofrezco: material ídem o algún otro que me soliciten y pueda conseguir. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17174 - Luís Felipe Rizzuti, Calle 41 Nº 1311, 1900 La Plata, Buenos Aires.- A, 091042 (m) B, Comerciante. Busco sellos de Checoslovaquia, Malta, DDR, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, En cantidades de 100 o mas. Ofrezco: Finlandia, Dinamarca, Suecia, España, USA, Francia, Argentina, Grecia y Suramérica. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Collect stamps of Czechoslovakia (all), Malta, DDR, Australia and New Zealand. Offer Argentina and several countries. Base of change 1x1 in quantities, (100x100) and more. If you are interested in exchange with me please, always make contact by email first of all exchange! Assured answer. Languages: Spanish, French, English and Portuguese, but only I answer in Spanish. Email a: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17191 - Mariano Carlos Latina, Calle Río los Reartes 437, (X5194HNE) Villa General Belgrano, Córdoba. - A, 140874 (m) B, Comerciante. I collect empty cigarette packs and banknotes. Offer Friendly exchange of stamps, banknotes, pocket calendars, beer labels and many more collectables entire world. Países interesados: todo el mundo. Any brand of cigarette packs, I collect them in empty and flat condition to avoid extra shipping charges. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Deseo Paquetes de Cigarrillos vacíos y Billetes de Banco, Ofrezco lo mismo, sellos, Calendarios de bolsillo, Etiquetas de cervezas, y otros coleccionables de todo el mundo. Cualquier marca de los paquetes de cigarrillos vacíos, se enviaran planas en perfecta condición para evitar los gastos de envío extra. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Languages: English, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish y otros con traductores Online. Email: [email protected], [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17194 - Gonzalo Martín Omar, Roca 1298, B8109BYZ Punta Alta, Buenos Aires. - A, 040971 (m) B, Periodista Deportivo y Estudiante. Deseo sellos de Dinamarca, Noruega, Suecia, Finlandia, Islandia, países Bálticos (Estonia, Lituania, Letonia) y temáticos de Scouts y Ajedrez de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Argentina y Universales. Base de cambio: 1 x 1, cantidad por envío a convenir. Ruego contactors primero Respuesta asegurada. Want stamps from Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland, Baltic countries (Estonia/Eesti, Lithuania and Letonia//Latvia), and also thematics Chess and Scouts from all countries. Exchange 1x1 in quantities. Sending’s to agree. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email a: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17253 - Rubén Pablo Casadei, Amenabar 1819 Piso 2 Dpto. A, 1428 Buenos Aires.- A, 041065 (m) B, Técnico en Electrónica. Deseo: Sellos postales usados de todo el mundo, especialmente de Grecia, Egipto, España, Francia, Inglaterra, Conmemorativos y usados. Acepto duplicados. Coleccionista Mediano. Ofrezco: Sellos de Argentina y Alemania. Ruego contactar primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas. Español, Inglés y otros con traductores online.. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17255 - Marcelo Roberto Spinelli, Martina Céspedes 1645, B1828EKC, Banfield, Buenos Aires. -  A, 161266 (m)

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B, Diseñador Grafico.  Deseo solamente sellos usados de Hungría, Polonia, Malta y Croacia. Coleccionista Avanzado. Ofrezco: sellos de todo el mundo. Base catálogos y cantidades 1x1. Respondo a todos los mensajes, No envío primero. Seriedad y honradez siempre. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. I want only used stamps from Hungary, Poland, Malta and Croatia. Advanced collector. I offer stamps from all countries. Base catalogues or quantities 1x1. Answer always. I do not send first but I am serious and formal in all the relations. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17294 - Carlos Canadell, Zeballos 2817, B 1872 GNK Sarandí, Pcia. Buenos Aires. - A, 130962 (m) B, Empleado Técnico. Deseo: sellos, matasellos y enteros postales sobre culturas precolombinas de todos los países del Mundo, especialmente de Argentina, Perú, Italia, Alemania. Ofrezco: Argentina y otros a convenir. Ruego escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Italiano y otros con ayudas de traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17340 - Juan Carlos Lomanas, Calle Callao 730, 2500 - Cañada de Gómez, Santa Fe. - A, 240864, (m) B, Gerente Comercial. Deseo cambiar sellos usados con colegas de todo el mundo, especialmente de España, Italia y Polonia (estos dos últimos países para un amigo filatelista mayor que no puede comunicarse a través de este medio). Ruego escriban primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Contesto siempre. Idiomas: Español, Francés, Inglés, Italiano y Portugués. Email: [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17423 - Fernando Tuñón. Chacabuco 311, AR-9400, Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz. - A, 150565 (m) B, Empleado. Deseo sellos de Argentina, islas Malvinas (Islas Falkland) y pequeños países europeos Sellos mint, usados, todo tipo de material filatélico relacionado. Acepto y/o envío duplicados, 1x1, coleccionista principiante. Ofrezco: Sellos de todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Escala y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17425 - Jorge Antonio de Juano, Pedro Centeno 2785, 3000 Santa Fe. - A, 310542 (m) B. Jubilado. Deseo: Fauna en series completas y nuevas-MNH de todo el mundo. También USA en general y usado. Ofrezco: Mi país y Fauna Mundial. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint stamps worldwide, theme Fauna. Also all used USA stamps. Offer Argentina and Fauna of all countries. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17457 - Rodolfo Cilander, Chile 32, 6° E - Torre 2,  1642 - San Isidro - Pcia. Buenos Aires - A, 240356 (m) B, Analistas de Sistemas. Deseo: sellos nuevos y usados de Latinoamérica, especialmente Letonia, Uruguay, Chile, Canadá y Europa. Además Música clásica y temáticas de todo el mundote Europa-CEPT, WWF, Flora y Fauna en peligro de extinción, Faros, Juegos Olímpicos de verano e invierno. Transportes, Puentes. Barcos a vela, Ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados de Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Uruguay y otros países. Cambio 1x1 y Base de catálogos. Yvert, Scott, Michel, y envío y acepto duplicados. Coleccionista Mediano, Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta siempre asegurada. I collect mint and used stamps of Latin American countries, especially Letonia, Uruguay, Chile, Canada and Europe. Also Thematics of Classic Music, Europe-CEPT, WWF, Endangered and threatened Fauna and Flora, Lighthouses, Olympic Games (Summer and Winter), Transport, Sailing Ships, Bridges. Offer mint and used stamps of Argentina, Brasil, Chile, Uruguay and other countries. Base de exchange 1x1 or catalogues (Scott, Michel, Yvert,) I can give and receive duplicated stamps. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Answer always insured. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translator. Email: [email protected] .............................................................................................................................................................................................17464 - Eduardo Abramowicz, Orense 795, El Palomar, 1706 Buenos Aires. -A, 030156 (m) B, Comerciante. Deseo Sellos de Brasil, Groenlandia, Faroes islands, Åland, Países Americanos y Mascaras y Pinturas de todos los

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los países del mundo. Ofrezco en cambio Argentina, Brasil, Países Americano, Alemania, Francia, Italia, etc. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas, Español e Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17470 - Lucas Suvire, Laprida 2100 (Este), Barrio UDAP 1, 5411 Santa Lucia , San Juan. - A, 261076 (m) B, Ejecutivo de ventas. Deseo: TODO de la TEMATICA SCOUTS Cambio, compra de sellos nuevos, usados, Hojitas recuerdos, Bloques, Carnets de sellos, Sobres de Primer Día de Emisión, (FDCs), Enteros Postales, Aerogramas, Tarjetas Maximun, cartas franqueadas, Postales, Tarjetas telefónicas, 13849, Billetes de Banco, Medallas, de todos los países. Ofrezco: Mismo material filatélico de la temática y otras temáticas. Cambio en cantidades. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego Contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas. Español, Inglés y Portugués. Email : [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17524 - Mario Ricardo Varone, Pasaje 22 No 676, Barrio 8 de Abril, 4200 Santiago del Estero. - A, 170959 (m) B, Ingeniero Hidráulico. FDCs con las temáticas: La Hidráulica en la Filatelia: (Diques, Embalses, Presas, Generación de energía hidroeléctrica, enfermedades transmitidas por el agua, saneamiento urbano, riego, cuidado del recurso agua) y La Numismática en la Filatelia (Monedas y/o Billetes de Banco) Ofrezco de Argentina: Tarjetas Telefónicas, Almanaques de Bolsillo, Billetes, Estampillas (Sellos), Placas (Chapas patentes) de automóviles, matasellos y marcas postales de Santiago del Estero. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con ayuda de traductores online. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17588 - Héctor Wright, Juan G. Muñoz 222, B2705CLF- Rojas, Buenos Aires. - A, 130846 (m) B, Agricultural products. I want all about Agriculture: Mint sets, Postal Cards, FDCs, special Cancels, Pictured Postmarks, Miniature sheets, Prestamped Covers, etc, etc. from worldwide. I offer all from my country (Argentina) in anything topical. Advanced collector. Catalogues: Yvert and Scott. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and English Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17718 - Mariano Barbieri, Calle 33 Nº 709, 1900, La Plata, Bs. As., A, 200868 (m) B, Empleado. Deseo: Series completas nuevas o conmemorativos usados de Francia, Inglaterra, Italia, España, Alemania, Europa - CEPT. Ofrezco: Argentina, Uruguay y Brasil, Coleccionista mediano. Cambio base de catálogos. Yvert, Scott, Michel Especificar antes si usted envía o acepta duplicados.Want complete sets mint or commemoratives used of France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, German, and Europe-CEPT. Offer Argentina, Brasil and Uruguay. Medium collector. Base of change catalogues Yvert, Scott, and Michel. Specify before if you send or accept duplicates. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17719 - Jorge Horacio Fraga Errecart, Avenida Estrada 6435, 7600 Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires. - A, 200264 (m) B, Docente Universitario. Deseo Billetes de Banco y Monedas de todo el mundo- Ofrezco lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Coleccionista serio y honesto. Envios siempre por Correo Certificado. Respuesta asegurada. Want Coins and Banknotes from all countries. Offer the same. I you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured Answer. Serious and honest collector. Send with Registered Mail. Languages: English. Portuguese, Spanish. Email a: [email protected], Web ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17771 - Germán Bicego, Comercio 482, 5903. Villa Nueva. Córdoba. - A, 210971 (m) B, Profesor. Deseo sellos de uso corriente (series básicas) usadas de todo el mundo. Ofrezco Argentina nuevo y usado. Bolivia nuevos y usados. Base de cambios: sello por sello, por catálogos, a convenir. Coleccionista: mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español, Francés e Ingles. Email: [email protected], germanfilatelico@yahoo. es ,

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............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17776 - Marcos Damián Altamirano,  Carlos Saavedra Lamas 2757, 1856 Glew, Buenos Aires. -(m), Stamp collector. Want: Worldwide contacts. Whatever theme or country, mainly WORLD HERITAGE SITES protected by UNESCO, or BIBLE, or UPAEP. Offer: Argentina (mint and used stamps, covers, postcards, etc), Paraguay (Mint, last 2 or 3 years) my themes, and Latin-American issues. I can send you covers from Argentina or Paraguay to your own address. Just write me and let me know what you want! (English or Spanish Languages). Busco: Contactos en todo el mundo. Material filatélico sobre cualquier tema o país, especialmente aquellos vinculados a sitios declarados PATRIMONIO DE LA HUMANIDAD (o PATRIMONIO MUNDIAL) por la UNESCO, o vinculados a UPAEP y BIBLIA. Ofrezco: sellos nuevos o usados, sobres y postales de Argentina. Sellos mint de Paraguay (últimos 2 ó 3 años). Sobres y/o postales enviados desde Argentina o Paraguay a tu propia dirección. Otros países y temas (consultar, tengo mucho). Sólo escríbeme y cuéntame tus intereses! Estoy abierto a cualquier propuesta de intercambio. Idiomas español o inglés. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17924 - Eugenio Chiappe, Zelada 5404, 1440-Buenos Aires. - A, 260837 (m) B, Artes Gráficas. Deseo sellos tipo North Borneo de 1909 N° 131 a 149.Calcográficas. Francia desde 1990 y cualquier país, con preferencia de Africa. Ofrezco sellos de Sudamérica.  Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................17980 - ARGENTINA: Carlos Alberto Molina, Quintana 1302, Villa Ballester. 1653 P. Buenos Aires. [email protected], Fallecido Agosto 2011, Died August 2011, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18103 - Gabriel Rossetti, Zapiola 240, 6740, Chacabuco, Buenos Aires. - A, 060266 (m) B, Arquitecto. Deseo sellos usados en buen estado de todo el mundo. Ofrezco sellos usados y nuevos (mint) de Argentina. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Want good used stamps from worldwide. Offer mint and used stamps from Argentina. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................18160 - Jorge Luís Rivarola, Formosa 812 Bella Vista, San Miguel, Pcia. de Buenos Aires.- A, 061159 (m) B, Gerente de Seguridad. Deseo: Sellos nuevos (mint) y usados del mundo entero. Ofrezco: Mint Argentina desde 1910 y usados de todo el mundo. Base de cambio: usados 1x1, nuevos MINT por catalogo Michel. Coleccionista  Mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want mint and used stamps from worldwide. I offer mint Argentina from the year 1910 and used stamps from worldwide. Medium collector. Base of change: used 1x1 and mint per Michel catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18186 - Corleto Gustavo, Pellegrini 1446, B1718EQN - San Antonio de Padua, Buenos Aires. - A, 140564 (m) B, Médico Pediatra. Deseo: Sellos, Enteros Postales, Aerogramas, Matasellos conmemorativos de los siguientes temas: Ajedrez, Navidad, Antártica, Dragones, Vikingos, Tango, Gauchos, Tema América, Tema Europa, Años internacionales, SIDA, Sangre, Lactancia materna. Ofrezco: Sobres temáticos y sellos de Argentina. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18323 - Jorge Abel Ringuelet, calle 10 nº 1384, B1904EHV  La Plata - A, 090549 (m), B, Ingeniero Agrónomo. Deseo: sellos, matasellos, etc. sobre Tenis y Tenis de mesa. Sellos usados o nuevos de España, Francia, Colombia, Argentina. Ofrezco: material filatélico (sellos, sobres, etc.) Argentina, novedades. Coleccionista Mediano. Cambio 1x1, o por catálogo Yvert. Correspondencia certificada. .Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta Asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés. Email: [email protected]


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18353 - Eduardo Jorge Escobar, Las Bases 440, 1706, Haedo, Buenos Aries. - A, 191070 (m) B, Programador. Deseo: Deseo contactarme con coleccionistas de sellos de todos los países. Ofrezco: de todo un poco. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Exchange stamps with collectors from all countries. I offer a little of everything. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected]

.............................................................................................................................................................................................18366 - Carlos Roger Roldan, Bv. Oroño 1187 Piso 3, Depto J, 2000 Rosario  SF. - A, 030277 (m) B, Barman and Chef. Want Viewcards from India, Pakistan, (mainly Lahore city), Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Maldives Islands, Nepal and South Africa. Offer Central and South American countries and other stamps. Also postcards. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish.. Email: [email protected]

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18380 - Guillermo Pagliero, Hipólito Irigoyen 477, 2677 Ucacha, Córdoba. - A, 300771 (m) B, Ingeniero Electrónico. Electrónico. Deseo: sellos usados de cualquier época de Argentina. Y España. Ofrezco sellos de Argentina y de otros países. Acepto todo tipo de cambios. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................18384 - Ricardo Luís Penz, Chacra. 251, Manzana. F, Casa 6, 3300, Posadas, Misiones. - A, 050568 (m) B, Docente y Administrativo. Deseo: Sellos, Monedas, Billetes, Minerales y Fósiles de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Sellos, Monedas, Billetes, Minerales de Argentina y de diversos países. Serio y honesto coleccionista. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y Portugués. Email: [email protected]

.............................................................................................................................................................................................18482 - Mario E. Lencioni, Urquiza y Guemes, E3153-FMG - Victoria, Entre Ríos. - .A, 170955 (m).B, Empleado. Necesito conectarme con filatelistas de Israel para intercambio de sellos y/o con personas que dispongan sellos de ese país. Ofrezco sellos de Argentina, España y algunos otros países. Cambio sello por sello. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español. Email: [email protected],

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18492 - Jorge Gallego, Larsen 2832, 1419 Capital Federal. - A, 270433 (n) B, Supervisor. Deseo: Canje de sellos nuevos y usados de todo el mundo, especialmente España, Austria, Grecia, Polonia, Escandinavia, Japón, Australia, y América. Ofrezco: Escandinavia, Alemania, Japón, Australia, Argentina, Brasil, Cuba, Canadá y Sudamérica. Coleccionista avanzado. Base catálogos Michel, Yvert. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect mint and used stamps from worldwide, mainly Spain, Austria, Greece, Poland, Japan, Scandinavia, Australia and American countries. I offer Scandinavian countries. Germany, Japan, Australia, Canada, Argentina, Brasil, Cuba, and South American countries. Advanced collector. I use Michel and Yvert catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected] .............................................................................................................................................................................................18514 - Alberto Sebastián Pietrantoni, Pampa 88, 2152 Granadero Baigorria, Pcia de Santa Fe. - A, 200462 (m) B, Empleado en ventas de una empresa Alimenticia. Colecciono sellos de Argentina, España, Dinamarca e Italia. Tengo para ofrecer en canje sellos usados y nuevos de Argentina y España, en lotes o catalogo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español.. Email: [email protected]

.............................................................................................................................................................................................18516 - Armando Rubén Iñigo, Lavalle 1524, 2000 Rosario, Santa Fe. - A, 270445 (m) B, Comerciante. Deseo solo sellos usados de Grecia. Ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados de Argentina. Base de cambios sello por sello, en cantidades, por catálogo Yvert. Coleccionista mediano. Want only used stamps of Greece. Offer mint and used stamps of Argentina. To change 1x1 en quantities, also Yvert catalogue. Medium collector.

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Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected],

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18518 - Raúl de los Ríos, Junín 2062 PA, Rosario, Santa Fe. - A, 020255 (m) B, Director de Escuela de Educación Técnica. Deseo: España en especial sellos ATM, Israel, Haití, Rusia, sellos ATM de tod los países. Ofrezco: especialmente Argentina y universales. Coleccionista avanzado. Cambio sello por sellos, por catálogos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Serios y formal en todas mis relaciones. Respuesta garantizada. Idiomas: Inglés, Francés, Alemán y Español. Email: [email protected], .

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18551 - Carlos Aguilera, Zuviria 1378, 4400 - Salta - A, 131071 (m) B, Ingeniero Civil, Deseo sellos usados y Nuevos de varios países y temáticas. Ofrezco lo mismo. Base de cambios sello por sello en usados, por catálogos o valor facial para nuevos. Coleccionista: mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés e Inglés. Email: [email protected]

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18566 - Roberto Alfredo Gillieri van der Velde, Avenida. Virrey Toledo 114, 4400 - Salta. - A, 180554 (m) B, Contador Público y Licenciado en Administración de Empresas. Deseo cambiar sellos Holanda y Fauna Marina o Submarina de todo el mundo. Ofrezco sellos y material de Argentina y otros países. Cambio con Mancolistas, con catálogos. Coleccionista: avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want stamps of Netherlands and Marine or Submarine Fauna of worldwide. Offer stamps of Argentina and other countries. Base od change, Wantlists by catalogues. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email a: [email protected]

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18611 - Fernando Canzonetta, Tejeiro Martínez 563 - Dpto.1, 3100 Paraná - Entre Ríos. - A, 030268 (m) B, Analista de Sistemas. Deseo: poder intercambiar y/o comprar: Monedas y billetes de Argentina y el mundo, Sellos de Argentina, Sobres de azúcar, Postales de mi ciudad (Paraná), Muñecos de los chocolatines Jack, Lapiceras Con marcas comerciales, Autitos de colección "Mini Cooper"de cualquier país del mundo. Ofrezco: según el interés de la otra persona y mi disponibilidad de material. Base de cambio sello por sellos en cantidades. Coleccionista mediano-principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas conocidos: Español y otros con traductores de Interner Email : [email protected]

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18617 - Miguel Ángel Lemos, Echevarria 145, Wilde, 1875 Avellaneda, Buenos Aires. A, 241048 (m) B, Hotelero. Deseo Chapas de Bebidas, Llaveros de Coca Cola, y Cervezas y Llaves magnéticas de Hoteles, Fichas de Casinos, etc. de todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco en cambio Sellos, Monedas, Sobrecitos de azucares y Edulcorantes, Bolígrafos, Servilletas de papel, Tarjetas telefónicas con y sin chips, Boletos de subterráneos, Calendarios de bolsillo, llaveros, cajitas de fósforos, jabones de hoteles, chapas de bebidas, postales de boleras de Argentina y mundiales. Coleccionista avanzado. Acepto todo lo que me envíen de los objetos de mi interés. Respuesta asegurada. Want Beer and drink alcoholic crowns, Key rings of Coca Cola and Beers and Magnetic Keys of hotels, Casinos Tokens, etc from all countries. Advanced collector. Offer in change Stamps, Coins, Sugar and Sweetener Bags. Ball-point pen, Paper Napkins, Phonecards with and without Chips, Metro Tickets, Pocket Calendars, Kei-rings, Match Boxes Soaps of Hotels, Drinks Crowns, Bowling Cards, from Argentina and worldwide. I accept everything what they send to me of the objects of my interest. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................18622 - Nahuel Del Favero, Calle 27 No 333 entre 38 y 39, 1900 La Plata, Pcia. de Buenos Aires. - A, 070687 (m) B, Estudiante. Deseo: sellos de España usados o nuevos 1x1 o años completos, temáticas como Leonardo da Vinci y Disney. Ofrezco: sellos universales usados 1x1, temáticas 1x1 y de Argentina (usados y nuevos) 1x1 o años completos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada.

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Idiomas: Español y Francés. Email: [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18632 - Sebastián Quijano, Cahuil 12316, 8400 Bariloche, Río Negro. - A, 110575 (m) B, Empleado. Deseo Sellos de Polonia series completas, definitivos, conmemorativos, nuevos o usados. Coleccionista principiante. Ofrezco: Argentina y otros países. Want stamps of Poland, complete sets. Definitive, commemoratives, mint and used. Beginner collector. Offer Argentina and other countries. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange!. Assured answer. Language: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected]

.........................................................................................................................................................................................18675 - Vicente Giannini, L. Spegazzini 3554 - (1826) Remedios de Escalada O. Buenos Aires. - A, 150758 (m) B, Analista de Sistemas. Deseo: Intercambiar y Vender Material Numismático de todo el Mundo. Ofrezco:  Material Numismático y Sellos Postales de Argentina y otros países. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegara un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wish exchange and sell Numismatic material of the whole world. Offer Numismatist material and Stamps of Argentina and other countries. I am advanced collector. I you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by Email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English, French and Spanish. Página Web: Email: [email protected]

............................................................................................................................................................................................18685 - Juan Carlos Shmidt, Milán 2291, 2000 Rosario, SF. - A, 090477 (m) B, Independiente. Deseo intercambiar Monedas de todos los países. Ofrezco monedas Argentinas desde 1900 hasta la fecha. Ruego conyactos para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect Coins from all countries. Offer Coins of Argentina from 1900 until the date. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by Email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18698 - Luis Manuel Manzur, Roldan 685, entre A. Bengoechea y F. Muñoz, Las Malvinas, 1748 General Rodríguez, Buenos Aires. - A, 180155 (m) B, Jefe de Enfermeros. Intercambios y compras de Monedas y Billetes de Banco de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo Acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y algo de Inglés. Email : [email protected] ........................................................................................................................................................................................

18816 - Rama Tamara, Hidalgo 1208 timbre “B”. Buenos Aires, CF. - A, 060790 (f) B, Estudiante. Deseo sellos de Argentina y del mundo en nuevos y usados, Europa, EE.UU., Canadá, Australia y Nueva Zelanda y Temática de Música de todos los países. Ofrezco: de Argentina y del mundo (ambos, usados y nuevos). No acepto ni envio duplicados, únicamente originales, coleccionista mediana. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a in completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada- Idioma: Español, Email: [email protected] , ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18836 - Carlos Ezequiel Cabalero, Dirección omitida a petición propia, 7600 Mar del Plata. - A, 040886 (m) B. Clérigo. Deseo sellos usados temáticos Religiosos y anteriores a 1930 de todo mundo. Ofrezco: variado según pedido de Argentina y otros países. Coleccionista Avanzado, Mediano, Base de cambio; sello por sello (1x1), en cantidades de 50 a 100 sin catálogos, simple referencia de temas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas conocidos: Español, Ingles y Latín. Email: [email protected], [email protected] .........................................................................................................................................................................................18853 - Eduardo Berardo, Silvio Agostini 451, 2189  Cruz alta, Pcia. Córdoba.  - A, 261157 (m) B, Técnico TV. Colecciono Sellos de Colonias mundiales, cuando fueron Colonias. Ofrezco sellos de Argentina y mundiales. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect wworldwide Colonies stamps, when they were Colonies. Offer stamps from Argentina and worldwide. Advanced Collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

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.........................................................................................................................................................................................18856 - Osvaldo. F. Dana, Avenida San Martín 1255, 2634 Arias, (Córdoba). – A, 310338 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo Cambiar sellos con todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo y amistad sincera. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma solo Español y otros Con ayuda de traductores Internet. Email: - Nicolás dos Santos, Fco. Beiro 676 (1602) Florida - Buenos Aires. - A, 310777 (m) B, Empleado Grafico. Deseo Calendarios de Bolsillo / Pocket Calendars / Taschenkalendar / Calendrier de Poche / Calendari Tascabili / Calendario de Bolso de todos los países, particularmente países Africanos. Ofrezco: Calendarios de bolsillo, Etiquetas de Cervezas, sobres de azúcar, Monedas, Billetes de Banco de Argentina y otros países. Coleccionista avanzado. Base de cambio: Calendarios 1x1, con los demás colecciones previo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want worldwide, especially African countries only Pocket Calendars. Offer same and Beer labels, Sugar bags, Coins, Banknotes, of Argentina and other countries. Advanced collector. Base of exchange 1x1 Pocket calendars and with the others collections agreement previous. Answer always. Languages; English, Portuguese, Spanish and other with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................18915 - Roberto Rinaldo Luján, Félix de Olazábal 1208, (4000) - San Miguel de Tucumán, Tucumán. - A, 1942 (m) Colecciono sellos de todos los países, especialmente de España, Francia, Hungría y Brasil. Ofrezco Argentina de distintas épocas nuevos y usados, así como del resto del mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I am collector of stamps from all countries, mainly Spain, France, Hungary and Brasil. Offer Argentina mint and used, of different epochs and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and Spanish. Email: - Santiago Blaer - Avenida San Martín 2803, 10 "A" 1416 Buenos Aires- A, 251228 (m) B. Jubilado. Deseo series completas nuevas temáticas por catalogo  Yvert, de Fauna, Boy Scouts, Automóviles, Trenes, Ajedrez, Caracoles, Barcos y novedades de España, doy en nuevo Argentina, Cuba y temáticas de todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect mint complete sets thematics by catalogue Yvert Fauna, Boy Scouts, Automobiles, Trains, Chess, Snails, Ships and new issues of Spain. I offer mint Argentina. Cuba and thematics from all countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. all letters and emails. not socialists countries. Languages: Spanish, French, English and others with online translator. Email: - German Horacio Vicente, Casa 17, Barrio Fonavi 33, 6330 - Catrilo - La Pampa. A, 081273 (m) B, Policía. Deseo Monedas, Billetes de Banco, Tarjetas Telefónicas y Sellos de todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco: lo mismo. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Coins, Banknotes, Phonecards and Stamps from worldwide. Offer same. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19007 - Cristina Mabel Ontivero, Av. San Martín 1259, 2624 Arias, prov. de Córdoba.- A, 220881 (m) B. Secretaria Comercial. A todos los miembros del Club Paz y Amistad, les ofrezco un canje de sellos postales de mi país Argentina  y resto del mundo, en una cantidad por canje que no supere las 200 estampillas. Contesto todas las preguntas, y respondo en el día la correspondencia con aviso al destinatario. Soy coleccionista mediana, To all the members of the Club Peace and Friendship, I offer them an exchange of postal stamps of my country Argentina and rest of the world, in a quantity for exchange that doesn't overcome the 200 stamps. I answer all the questions and I respond in the day the correspondence with warning to the addressee. I am medium collector, À tous les membres de la Paix du Club et Amitié, je leur offre un échange de timbres postaux de mon pays Argentine et reste du monde, dans une quantité pour échange qui ne vainc pas les 200 timbres.

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Je réponds à toutes les questions, et je réponds dans le jour la correspondance avec prévenir au destinataire. Languages: English, French, Spanish. Email: [email protected],..............................................................................................................................................................................................19094 - Roberto Juan Parodi, Ave. Argentina 116, 2645 Corral de Bustos, Córdoba. - A, 110656 (m) B, Empleado. Deseo intercambiar Billetes de Banco con todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Exchange Banknotes from all countries. Offer same. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with translator internet (English, French, etc) Web:, Email: [email protected],..............................................................................................................................................................................................19169 - Roberto Carlos Senatori, Calle 457 “A “Nº 925, 1890 J. M. Gutiérrez, Pcia. Buenos Aires. - A, 150868 (m) B, Pensionista, Artesano. Deseo sellos Argentina, Alemania, Francia en usado colonias alemanas y mundiales. Ofrezco Argentina, Francia, Alemania en usado, colonias alemanas. Cambio base 1x1, 25x25, 50x50, 100x100, y también por catálogos Michel e Yvert. Correos ordinarios o certificados. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés, Inglés, Alemán, Italiano. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19301 - Diego Nicolás Balle, Calle Belgrano s/n, 9111 Camarones, Chubut. - A, 091186 (m) B, Estudiante. Deseo sellos usados de Dinamarca, y temáticos de todo el mundo de Fútbol, Automóviles, Barcos y Aviones. Ofrezco: Sellos usados de todo el mundo, principalmente América y mis temáticas. Deseo realizar cambios de sellos usados, a 1x1, en lotes a convenir la cantidad. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want used stamps of Denmark and thematics from all countries of Football, Automobiles, Ships and Planes. Offer used stamps from all countries, mainly America and my thematics. Medium collector. I want to realize changes of used stamps, to 1x1, in lots to be convenient the quantity. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected],   .............................................................................................................................................................................................19302 - Roberto Rufino, Córdoba 174, 5805 Las Higueras, Córdoba. . A, 150765 (m) B, Empleado. Deseo cambiar sellos usados sueltos de todos países de mundo, en base de 1x1. Ofrezco lo mismo. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19304 - José Ricardo Arnedo López, Carlos Spegazzini 536, C1234ACD Buenos Aires. - A, 100753 (m) B, Contador Público. Deseo sellos nuevos-MNH de España, Francia y Uruguay. Ofrezco en cambio sellos nuevos y usados de Argentina. Coleccionista mediano. Busco sellos en series completas, sueltos, sellos conmemorativos,  nuevos, definitivos, CTO, Temáticos,  Cantidades,  1x1, Base de catálogos: Yvert. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y Portugués. Email: [email protected], [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................19315 - Constantino Hajas, Casilla de Correo 364, 9400 Río Gallegos, Santa Cruz. - A, 301137 (m) B, Jubilado. Cambio sellos 1x1. Deseo series completas y sellos sueltos. Me interesan todos los países de América, Caribe y España. Temáticos de UPAEP y MERCOSUR. Ofrezco sellos nuevos en series completas de Argentina y Brasil. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19318 - Luís Darío Acciardi, calle Hipólito Yrigoyen 1686, 1744, Moreno, Buenos Aires. - A, 091070 (m) B, Traductor Público. Deseo sellos usados y nuevos (mint) puede ser 1 x 1 o en base catálogo Yvert. Tengo mancolista de los países que colecciono en catálogo Yvert. Países interesados: Italia, España, Alemania, Gran Bretaña, Suiza, Suecia, Dinamarca, Holanda, USA., Canadá y todos los países latinoamericanos. Ofrezco: sellos nuevos y usados de países de casi todo el mundo. Coleccionista mediano. No envío ni acepto duplicados. Want mint

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and used stamps, base 1x1 or wantlists Yvert of Italy, Spain, Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Netherlands, USA, Canada and all Latin-American countries. Offer mint and used stamps from all countries over the world. Medium collector. I neither send nor accept duplicates. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected], [email protected],  ............................................................................................................................................................................................19327 - Guillermo Olcese, Zapata 557 - Piso 7, Dpto. 14, (1426) Buenos Aires. -  180466 (m). Deseo sellos nuevos y usados de todos los países del mundo. Coleccionista mediano. Busco series completas y sueltos, base 1x1 en cantidades sobre 30 en cada envío. También por catálogos. Ofrezco: Sellos usados de todos los países del mundo. Sellos nuevos y usados de Argentina. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Medium collector wants mint and used stamps from all countries, 1x1, in quantities up to 30 each time. Also catalogues. Offer mint and used of Argentina. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian, Spanish. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19368 - Antonio G. Natolo, Dr. Nicolás Repetto 394, 6, B, 1405 CABA - Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires. - A, 210268 (m), B, Docente. Intercambio de sellos nuevos (MNH) Deseo países de América y algunos de Europa. Ofrezco: sellos nuevos (MNH) de Argentina y otros países de la región de todas épocas y temáticas. Coleccionista mediano. Acepto series completas nuevas (MNH) y acepto y envío duplicados en temáticos.  Sólo por Correo Certificado y por Catalogo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegura. Idiomas: Español, Inglés. Italiano y Portugués. Email: [email protected],  ............................................................................................................................................................................................19393 - Juan Jose Palopoli Donadio, Calle 522 Bis N° 1371 (8 y 9), 1906 BKC Tolosa - La Plata.- A, 040239 (m) B, Ingeniero Químico. Cambio sellos con colegas de todo el mundo, en especial de los países que colecciono. También compro. Coleccionista Mediano / Avanzado. Me interesa: Dinamarca, Groenlandia, Noruega, Finlandia, Alemania Imperio. Alemania, Bundespost, Grecia. Ofrezco: Argentina, Latino América, Canadá, Dinamarca, Grecia, Alemania. Cambio sellos nuevos y usados, 1 x 1 ó base catálogo Yvert. No colecciono temáticos y no respondo listas de los mismos. Solo acepto mancolista de lo países que colecciono. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Exchange and correspondence: International. Collector Medium / Advanced. I want to exchange stamps with colleagues around the world especially those countries that collect them. Buy Collections. I am interested in: Denmark, Greenland, Norway, Finland, Germany Empire. Germany Bundenpost, Greece. I offer: Argentina, Latin America, Canada, Denmark, Greece, and Germany. I offer: Argentina, Latin America, Canada, Denmark, Greece and Germany. Base of exchange mint and used stamps: 1x1 or Yvert catalogues I do not answer thematic lists, only if wanlists theme of countries mentioned. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],..............................................................................................................................................................................................19403 - Enrique Kaenel, Laprida 545, (4158) Juan B. Alberdi, Tucumán. - A, 051243 (m) B, Abogado. Canjeo sellos usados Argentina, España, Francia, Hungría, Italia y Polonia. Catálogo Yvert et Tellier. De no disponer Yvert, alternativa Mello Teggia para Argentina y Edifil para España. Canje uno por uno. Si no hay catálogo, por cantidades previo escaneo. Ofrezco también algo de temático y mucho universal, recibiendo de los países indicados. Idiomas: Español, italiano, portugués, francés e inglés. Cambio francobolli usati d Argentina,, Spagna, Francia, Ungheria, Italia e Polonia per catalogo Yvert, se non disporre Yvert, alternativo Mello Teggia per Argentina e Edifil per Spagna. Scambio uno per uno. Se non c’ é catalogo, per quantitá previo fotografia. Offro anche un po di tematico e molto universali, ricevendo de quei paesi indicati. Idiomi Spagnolo, Italiano, Portoghese, Francese e Inglese. Email: [email protected], [email protected]..............................................................................................................................................................................................19431 - Raúl Pedro Caiazza Fco. Acuña de Figueroa 1390 3° "A" ,Capital Federal - C1180AAZ. - A, 2606043 (m) B, Empleado. Cambio y correspondencia. Deseo sellos de Italia, Bélgica y Suiza.También temáticos de Ferrocarriles de todo el mundo. Ofrezco  Europa y América antigua y Estados Unidos. Coleccionista avanzado, Acepto sueltos, sellos definitivos, conmemorativos, usados y nuevos,  Cantidades entre 50 a 100,  1x1, No acepto duplicados Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas:

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Español, Inglés. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19456 - Roberto Gino Baldo, Zapiola 2193 3° "B", 1428-Ciudad de Buenos. - A, 061038 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo sellos de España 1980/2001, Francia 1900/2001 (adjunto mancolista), Mónaco (adjunto sellos existentes), Naciones Unidas, Andorra, Colonias francesas, países franco parlantes. Temáticos Astrofilatelia, Europa-CEPT. Coleccionista mediano. Busco sueltos, usados o nuevos, 1 x 1, cantidades a convenir, catálogos Scott o Yvert, no duplicados Ofrezco: lo mismo que solicito y universales, todas principalmente usadas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español, algo Italiano.  Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19523 - Juan Carlos Macri, Barrio Mercantil - Manzana "J" - Casa 5 -  8300 Neuquén. - Neuquén. - A, 011043 (m) B, Administrativo. Deseos sellos nuevos de países habla hispana. Ofrezco sellos nuevos de Argentina. Me interesa todo el material nuevo y en perfecto estado. Coleccionista mediano, Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19603 - Rubén Ochoa, 25 de Mayo 178, 6007 Arribeños, Buenos Aires. - A, 070970 (m) B, Analista de Sistemas de Computación. Deseo hacer amistad con gente de todo el mundo. Me gusta intercambiar postales, fotos y todo aquello que sea interesante y se pueda enviar a través de la correspondencia. Ruego contactos primero para intercambiar opiniones. Respuesta asegurada. I want to do friendship with the people of the whole world. I like exchanging postcards, photos and all that that is interesting and it is possible to send by the mail. I request contacts first to exchange opinions. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19610 - Pablo Iannuzzi, 25 de Mayo 336, entre Chacabuco y Maipú, 1876 Bernal, Buenos Aires. - A, 110472 (m) B, Médico. Deseo sellos de Europa, y temáticos de Fauna y Flora de todo el mundo. Ofrezco Argentina y América del Sur nuevos y usados. Coleccionista mediano. Deseo series completas, sellos sueltos, nuevos y usados, 1x1 o base catálogo Yvert y Michel. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Ingles. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19627 - Pablo Adrián Devoto, Bernardo de Irigoyen 308 4 piso (1072AAH) Ciudad de Buenos Aires. - A, 060860 (m) B, Contador. Estoy interesado en sellos de Europa occidental en especial Alemania  tanto sellos como Historia Postal. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de América y Europa. Coleccionista avanzado, Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada. Idiomas: Español e Ingles. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19632 - Leonardo Forgia, Otamendi 575 Piso 5, (1405) Buenos Aires. - (m) Deseo recibir 100 sellos usados de todo el mundo, en especial conmemorativos, sólo de su país Envío en cambio 1000 sellos diferentes en perfecto estado de Argentina, especialmente conmemorativos. Ruego escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want: 100 used stamps worldwide, mostly commemoratives, just for your country. Offer: 100 Argentineans stamps used in perfect conditions, mostly commemoratives. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................19711 - Marcela Lobos, Primitivo Galán 57, 6100 Rufino, Santa Fe. - A, 270284 (f) B, Docente. Deseo cambiar sellos con América Latina y España y temáticos de Paisajes y Culturas de cada país del mundo. Coleccionista Principiante. Ofrezco sellos de Argentina y de otros países. Base de cambio 1x1, en cantidades de 50-100 en cada envío. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español y otros con traductores Online. Email: [email protected],..............................................................................................................................................................................................

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19755 - Carlos Maria Pradier, Santiago del Estero 624, 3300 Posadas, Misiones. - A, 140372 (m), B, Arquitecto. Deseo temáticos sueltos o series completas de Aves de cualquier país y países en general. Ofrezco de todos los todos los países del mundo. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want worldwide singles or complete sets stamps of theme Birds and also stamps in general from all countries. Offer same. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translator. Email; [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................19774 - Sonia Vega, Laprida 545, 4158 Juan B. Alberdi Provincia de Tucumán. - (f) b, Ama de Casa, Canjeo sellos usados Argentina, España, Francia, Hungría, Italia y Polonia. Catálogo Yvert et Tellier. De no disponer Yvert, alternativa Mello Teggia para Argentina y Edifil para España. Canje uno por uno. Si no hay catálogo, por cantidades previo escaneo. Ofrezco también algo de temático y mucho universal, recibiendo de los países indicados. Idiomas: Español, italiano, portugués, francés e inglés. Cambio francobolli usati d Argentina,, Spagna, Francia, Ungheria, Italia e Polonia per catalogo Yvert, se non disporre Yvert, alternativo Mello Teggia per Argentina e Edifil per Spagna. Scambio uno per uno. Se non c’ é catalogo, per quantitá previo fotografia. Offro anche un po di tematico e molto universali, ricevendo de quei paesi indicati. Idiomi Spagnolo, Italiano, Portoghese, Francese e Inglese. Email: [email protected], - Juan Carlos Pettiti, Casilla de Correo 127, Correo Oficial, 6620 - Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires. - A, 240940 (m) B, Ingeniero. Me interesa la Numismática en general. Cambio Monedas por Monedas de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio Monedas Argentina y mundiales. Uso catálogos World Coins y Krause. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I am interested in the Numismatics in general. I change Coins for Coins from all countries. I offer Argentina and worldwide. I use World Coins and Krause catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian and Spanish and others with online translator. Email: - Jorge Alberto Panizo, Castro Barros 1045, 5008 Córdoba. - A, 040150 (m) B, Asesor Productor de Seguros. Deseo cambiar sellos nuevos base catálogo Yvert. Solo de Argentina, España, Francia, USA, Canadá, Italia, Suiza, Bélgica y Holanda. Ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados mismos países y mundiales. Acepto sellos duplicados solo sobre pedido. I collect only mint stamps from Argentina, Spain, France, USA, Canada, Italy, Switzerland, Belgium and Netherlands, base Yvert catalogue. In exchange I offer same and others countries. Also used stamps. I accept duplicated stamps only on with previous agreement. Please contacts first. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected]..............................................................................................................................................................................................19791 - Adolfo Olcese Pizarro, Deán Funes n° 122 - 4° Piso, Dpto. 'A', X5000AAD - Córdoba. - A, 090538 (m) B, Jubilado. Busco sellos nuevos temáticos Faros, Boyas, Señales Marítimas y Rotary Internacional de todo el mundo.En usados a convenir. Deseo sueltos y series completas, en base del catálogo Yvert. Ofrezco sellos mundiales a convenir. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I look for mint thematic stamps of Lighthouses, Buoys, Marine Signs and Rotary International of the whole World. In used only previous agreement. I wish complete sets and single stamps in base of the catalogue Yvert. I offer worldwide stamps with mutual agreement. Please contacts first. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected] ..............................................................................................................................................................................................19805 - Néstor Russaz, Pasco 411, La Matanza, 1704 Ramos Mejias, Buenos Aires. - A, 280846 (m) B, Jubilado. Colecciono y deseo de sellos de España, Francia, Italia, Hungría, Brasil y Chile y de tema de de Fauna, de todo el mundo. Solo me interesan series completas. Ofrezco en cambio Argentina y varios países. Soy coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................19813 - Javier Zanek, Sarratea 3, 3360, Oberá, Misiones. - A, 021276 (m) B, Contador Público. Deseo Argentina,

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Brasil y Universales (un sellos por país, estado o dependencia) Todos con listas de faltas. Ofrezco sellos de Argentina, Brasil y de todo el mundo. Uso catálogos: Mello Teggia para Argentina y Rhm para Brasil. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas conocidos: Español, Portugués, Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................19872 - Carolina Coppari, Zona Rural, 2572 Ballesteros, Córdoba. - A, 300889 (f) B, Estudiante. Deseo cambiar sellos con todo el mundo, base 1x1, nuevos y usados. Ofrezco lo mismo Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect worldwide mint and used stamps. Base of change 1x1. I offer same. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected],..............................................................................................................................................................................................19881 - Fabián Luengo, Barrio Uocra casa 83, 7400 Olavarria, Buenos Aires. - A, 131164 (m) B, Viajante. Dispongo de Tarjetas Telefónicas de Argentina de distintos valores y compañías telefónicas, aceptando a cambio sellos Postales de bomberos de todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I have Phonecards of Argentina of different values and telephone companies, accepting in return postal stamps of Firemen from worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translators. Email: - Rodolfo Alberto Colombano, Av. San Martín sur 499  Piso 2 Depto 2, 5501 Godoy Cruz, Mendoza. - A, 100453 (m) B, Comerciante. Deseo cambiar y/o comprar series completas nuevas preferiblemente sin charnelas (MNH). No acepto duplicados, canje de acuerdo a Yvert. Solo colecciono temáticos: Trajes Regionales y/o Típicos, Escudos y Uniformes Militares de todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco Argentina nuevos y usados. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want to change and/or to buy mint complete sets preferably without hinges (MNH). I do not accept duplicates, exchange in accordance with Yvert catalogue. I collect only thematic of my interest: Regional and/or Typical Costumes, Shields and Military Uniforms from all countries of the entire World. I offer Argentina, mint and used stamps. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: - Norberto Ranucci, Don Orione 860, 1644 Victoria, Buenos Aires. - A, 161156 (m) B Docente. Deseo exclusivamente cambio de sellos sueltos, series completas, conmemorativos, nuevos y usados de Europa y Asia. Ofrezco en cambio nuevo y usado de Argentina y otros países. Coleccionista mediano. Uso catálogos: Yvert, Scott, Michel, Stanley Gibbons. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect single stamps, complete sets, commemoratives, mint and used of Europe and Asia base Catalogues Yvert, Scott, Michel, and Stanley Gibbons. Medium collector. I offer mint and used stamps from Argentina and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and other with online translators. Email - Antonio Biasizo, Constitución 1086 1º A, 7000 - Tandil - Buenos Aires. - A, 301150 (m) B, Instructor de Máquinas herramientas. Deseo: intercambiar sellos postales usados o nuevos, temáticos 1x1 Uso catálogos: Yvert, Sassone. Coleccionista: mediano. Países de mi interés: Australia. Italia Alemania particularmente de estos últimos 5 años. Temáticas: Animales prehistóricos, fósiles, mariposas, setas. Ofrezco: Sellos de los países mencionados como así también de las mismas temáticas. Además de Argentina, Chile, México, Cuba. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Italian y otros con ayuda de traductores online. Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................19889 - Alejandro H Blanco, Tomas Taylor 1135  1846- Adrogué Provincia de Buenos Aires. - A, 110357 (m) B, Docente. Colecciono sellos usados de Brasil, Perú y Polonia. También temáticos de Cartografía, Heráldica, Trajes Regionales de todo el mundo. Ofrezco sellos de Argentina, Americanos y en general de todo el mundo

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Solamente usados. Coleccionista avanzado. Uso en catálogo Yvert. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................19890 - Francisco Bard, San Martín 1116,  3283 San Jose, Entre Ríos. -  A, 161194 (m) B, Estudiante. Deseo intercambiar sellos nuevos y usados de todos los países del mundo.  Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco en cambios sellos de Argentina y otros Pises del mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect worldwide mint and used stamps. Medium collector. Offer stamps from Argentina and other countries of the World. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................19894 - Rubén Dante Rizzi, Mitre 1443, 2000 Rosario, SF. - A, 161145 (m) B, Jubilado. Colecciono y deseo cambiar sellos sueltos usados de Argentina y España,  base de 1 x 1 o valor catálogo - Edifil - Mello Teggia - por cantidad, 100 o más. Coleccionista Mediano. Ofrezco Argentina usados y algo de nuevos y de otros países usados. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas Español y otros con traductores online. Email: - Ángel Omar Uanini, Julián Aguirre 2809 - Barrio Juan XXIII, 5010 Córdoba. - A, 211045 (m) B, Abogado. Deseo solamente Sellos (Estampillas), Sobres, Ensayos, Pruebas de color, Cuños, todo con la temática del General San Martín de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio sellos nuevos de Argentina. Coleccionista mediano. Uso para el cambio los catálogos Yvert, Scott, Michel. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected],..............................................................................................................................................................................................19900 - Cristóbal J. A. Retamoso, Granada 5.710, 1765 Isidro Casanova, Provincia de Buenos Aires. - A, 030244 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo cambiar Sellos y Tarjetas Telefónicas de todo el mundo, especialmente de Europa, Asia, África e islas del Caribe. Ofrezco lo mismo de Argentina y otros países. Coleccionista mediano. Cambio 1x1, sin catálogos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want exchange Stamps and Phonecards from all countries, specially Europe, Asia, Africa and Caribbean islands. Offer same Argentina and other countries. Medium collector. Exchange 1x1, not catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]

...............................................................................................................................................................................................19908 - Néstor J.Gerardini, Jorge Newbery 3316, Piso 5, depto. "D" 1426 Buenos Aires. A, 141074 (m) B, Analista en Sistemas. Deseo sellos de Alemania usados, Tema Europa (nuevos y usados) Italia usados, España usados, Temática Ferrocarriles nuevos y usados de todo el mundo. Ofrezco Alemania usados, Tema Europa nuevos y usados, Italia usados, España usados, Temática en general y Argentina nuevos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 1991419914 - Fabián Raúl Marcelli, Rocamora 4040 6º "D" 1184 al Federal.- A, 110164 (m) B, Empleado. Colecciono Monedas de todo el mundo, especialmente de Portugal, Irlanda, Alemania, Holanda,…Busco Monedas Bimetálicas, Conmemorativas, Plata, I y II Guerra Mundial. Ofrezco en cambio gran cantidad de Monedas de Sudamérica. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo Respuesta asegurada. I collect coins from around the world, especially In Portugal, Ireland, Germany, Holland....... I want Bi-metal Coins, Commemorative, Silver, World War I and II. I can give lots of Coins from South American countries. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................19935 - Antonio Aurita Primavera, Calle 7 Nº 1557, 02291 Miramar, Pcia de Buenos Aires. - A, 180129 (m) B, Docente

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Jubilado, Escultor, Dibujante, Dedicado a niños con problemas, Investigador sobre influencias e importancia de los colores, de las formas y de las líneas Ruego vean en Google (Juegos y Reeducación Antonio Aurita Primavera). Coleccionista de sellos sobre Imperios, Reinados, anteriores a 1910 de Europa y América. Ofrezco en cambio gran cantidad de sellos de todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada.. Idiomas: Español, Italia y otros con ayuda de traductores online. Teléfono 02291-42-1873, Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................19943 - Nicolás Ramos, Avenida San Juan 3341 1º C, (1233) C.A. de Buenos Aires. - A, 130481 (m) B, Periodista, Colecciono sellos desde hace varios años y quisiera intercambiar sellos postales con cualquiera que lo desee. Me interesan de Argentina (nuevos), Alemania Bundes (usado), - Alemania DDR (usado), Alemania Reich + Ocupaciones (1933-1945 nuevos) Perú (usado), Suiza (usado), Europa CEPT (usado), Temática Segunda Guerra Mundial, (usado o nuevo). Vaticano (nuevo), Colombia (1990 en adelante - usado). Les comento que podrán ver todas mis mancolistas (menos las de Vaticano, Colombia y Temática WWII que acumulo) en mi blog y ahí también podrán ver imágenes de todas las repetidas con las que cuento, como ser de Argentina, Alemania, España, Francia, China, etc. Me interesan los sellos que me faltan en mis colecciones. Las faltas mías las pueden ver en mi blog o me solicitan por email y les remitiré mi mancolista con todas mis colecciones. No importa si dichos sellos son sueltos o la serie completa, el tema es que me falte. Con respecto a si son mint o usados, arriba les describí el estado en que colecciono cada país o Temática. Cabe destacar que los sellos mint no me interesa que tengan la goma original. Uno de los modismos de cambio que más me gusta es a través de imágenes de los sellos. De esta forma no tengo problemas en cambiar por lotes, ya que así busco cosas que le faltan a mis amigos. y todos los envíos los realizo por correo certificado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas; Español, Inglés, Portugués y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected],...............................................................................................................................................................................................19954 - Matías Fernández, Calle 28  N° 67  Entre 33 y 34, 1900 La Plata,  Prov. Buenos Aires. - A, 080185 (m) Deseo sellos nuevos, usados, Hojitas recuerdos, Bloques, Carnets de sellos, Sobres de Primer Día de Emisión, (FDCs), Enteros todo el mundo, así como temáticos de Castillos y Palacios. Ofrezco en cambio Argentina, muchos países y temáticas... Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................19961 - Domingo Daniel Leveratto, Montevideo 1039, 1923 Berisso, Buenos Aires. - A, 041046 (m) B, Ingeniero Agrónomo. Deseo solo sellos temáticos de Abeja Melifer, Apicultura nuevos, series completas y FDCs de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Cambio, compra, venta de sellos nuevos, usados, Hojitas recuerdos, Bloques, Carnets de sellos, Sobres de Primer Día de Emisión, (FDCs), otros de Argentina. Base catálogos Yvert, Scott u otro medio. Coleccionista medio-avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Inglés, Francés, Español y otros de acuerdo con traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................... 19965 - Claudio Monachesi,  General Lamadrid, Casa 10, Ejercito Argentino, 4400 Salta. -   A, 280967 (m) B, Militar. Colecciono sellos de América y Europa, especialmente de España, Alemania, Bélgica, Chile, Bolivia, USA y Costa Rica. Álbumes de de sellos en formato digital. También Billetes de Banco de todo el mundo.  Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Argentina y mundiales, nuevos y usados y Billetes de Banco y Monedas mundiales.  Busco intercambiar 1x1 en una cantidad mayor de 500 estampillas, si la persona con quien voy a intercambiar tiene mancolista de sellos de Argentina no tengo ningún problema de buscárselos para ayudar a completar su colección. Según como este coordinado el intercambio aceptos sellos duplicados. Coleccionista mediano en filatelia y avanzado en numismática. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Italiano y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected]   ...............................................................................................................................................................................................20002 - Delia Esther Mata, Casilla de Correo 52, Suc.17, C1417 Buenos Aires. -A, 171238 (f) B, Jubilada. Colecciono Sellos de Europa Occidental, preferencia por: Suiza, Italia, Gran Bretaña, Irlanda, Vaticano, Francia, España y

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Alemania Bundespost, Escandinavia y otros: Islandia, Dinamarca, Japón, y todos los países de América del Sur. Busco sellos usados de buena calidad, matasellos redondos. Ofrezco: Alemania Federal, Berlín, Suiza, Italia, Australia, Japón, Dinamarca y otros. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want used stamps of good quality, round postmark from West European countries, especially Switzerland, Italy, United Kingdom, Ireland, Vatican, France, Spain, Germany Bundespost, Scandinavian countries and Denmark, Iceland, Japan and all South American countries. I offer Germany Bundesrepublik, Berlin, Switzerland, Italy, Denmark, Australia, Japan and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................20006 - Sebastián Sáenz, Cabildo 3242 8°B, Capital Federal, Buenos Aires. - A, 281184 (m) B, Empleado. Busco intercambiar Monedas de todo el mundo por tipo. Ofrezco: Monedas de todo el mundo. Algunos Billetes de Banco. Base de cambio: Monedas sueltas, cantidades, 1x1, salvo algunas excepciones. Base de catálogos Krause. Coleccionista mediano (poseo 2100 monedas distintas en mi colección). Envíos siempre por correo Certificado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................20028 - Jorge Rubén Colmenarejo, 25 de Mayo 167, 5850 Rio Tercero, Córdoba. - A, 081042 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo sobretodo intercambios. Busco: Bolígrafos y lápices de publicidad- Barajas de naipes publicitarias, Calendarios de bolsillo, etc. de todos los países. Ofrezco: Calendarios de bolsillo y coleccionables en general de Argentina. Coleccionista: Mediano. Tengo una colección de Bolígrafos y Lápices Publicitarios mas de 20.000. Naipes Publicitarios  mas de 400. Calendarios de bolsillo mas de 30.000. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Ingles, Portugués y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................20048 - Milagro Elena Choque, Pasaje Dr. Enrique Torino 1945, 4400 Salta. - A, 051292 (m) B, Estudiante de Turismo. Deseo intercambiar Monedas y Billetes de Banco de todo el mundo, especialmente conmemorativos. Ofrezco Monedas de Argentina desde 1918 hasta la actualidad, además de cualquier otro objeto que pueda estar a mi alcance (Billetes, Sellos, etc.). Base de cambio: sueltos y 1x1. Aceptos duplicados. Uso los catálogos Krause, World Coins. Coleccionista principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Alemán, Inglés, Italiano y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected], [email protected],...............................................................................................................................................................................................20051 - Daniel Crisol, Balboa 1045, 8000 Bahía Blanca. - A, 060157 (m) B, Empleado. Deseo Tarjetas Telefónicas de Fauna, Monedas, Llaves de Hoteles, Tapas Corona de Cerveza, Ticket de Transportes de todos los países del Mundo.. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo y Postales, Cajetillas de Cigarrillos, etc. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want Phonecards of theme Fauna, Coins, Hotel Keys, Transport tickets, Beer Crowns, from all countries. Offer same, more Postcards, Cigarette Packets, etc. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],   ...............................................................................................................................................................................................20066 - Ricardo Berretta, San Juan 2940, 4000 - San Miguel de Tucumán.. - A, 110268 (m) B, Diseño Gráfico. Deseo sellos de todo el mundo con temas de Aviación. Ofrezco mi stock. Base de cambio 1x1. Me es indistinto aceptar duplicados, pero no envío duplicado porque he perdido mi colección de duplicados. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Portugués y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet. Email:  [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................20079 - Walter Marcelo Parra,  Gomendio 1680, 2930, San Pedro, Buenos Aires. .A, 130369 (m) B, Empleado. Deseo Intercambiar Monedas de todo el mundo. Acepto KM y año. Ofrezco en cambio Argentina y mundiales. Base de cambio 1x1y catálogos Krause y World Coins. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar

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a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con atuda de traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected]...............................................................................................................................................................................................


.......................................................................................................................................................................................... See Australian On-line Catalogue at - Phil Beacham, 17 Tarcoola St, Rochedale South, 4123, Queensland. - (m) B, Clerk. I collect world used especially interested in Germany, Austria, Finland, Switzerland, New Zealand and topics Birds, Lighthouses, Trains, Sailing Craft and British Royalty but other countries and topics also welcome. Offer Australia and other countries. Please contact for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................15803 - Noel Routley, Box 368, Koondrook 3580, Vic. - A, 150234 (m) B, Retired (Builder). Medium collector Want British Commonwealth German States Western Europe and Scandinavian only used commemoratives of most countries only used stamps, no CTO. No less than 100 per letter. Offer Australian New Zealand Western and East Europe Asia, Scandinavia, have most countries to trade All emails answered. I do not do exchanges by Catalogues or do want lists. I only speak and write English. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................15827 - Larry Bailey, 7 Gates Place, Kincumber, New South Wales, 2251. - A, 260453 (m) B, Pensioner. Australia all, New Zealand to 1975, UK to 1975, Canada to 1875, themes of just about everything.  For exchanges contact me by email first. Want: Hole fillers. Offer: Whatever I have that you need. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English. Email: [email protected] I am also the Manager of: I produce the Australian On-line Catalogue at, all stamps from 1913 to July 2010 on site with more being added everyday.............................................................................................................................................................................................17324 - Norman Biles, 16, Waterfall Rd. South Guildford, 6055 Western Australia. - A, 230132 (m) B, I am retired. I would like stamps of Spain, used and nicely cancelled, from 1990 to 2010. In exchange, I offer used stamps of Australia. Please contact first before send any stamps. Answer always. Language English only. Estoy interesado en sellos de España, solo usados y ligeramente matasellados de 1990 a 2010. Ofrezco en cambio sellos usados de Australia. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Solo escribo en Ingles. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17970 - Uwe Kruger, 18 Mustang Avenue - St Clair - NSW 2759. - A, 010347 (m), B, Retired (Public Service). Want: Olympic Games: stamps (mint & used); miniature sheets, FDCs, postmarks. Offer: Australia mint, used. Advanced collector; exchange only; no trader enquiry; catalogues: Scott; Stanley Gibbons (some Michel: Germany, Europe). Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................18203 - Vincente Aranda, 227 Reddall Pde, Mt Warrigal 2528, NSW. - A, 010450 (m) B, Maestro. (Español de Zaragoza, residente desde hace varios años en este país) Deseo Sellos nuevos España, de 1991 hasta la fecha, de Portugal, Israel, Gibraltar y Vaticano, series completas o años completos. Ofrezco Sellos nuevos de Australia. Coleccionista mediano. I want mint stamps from Spain from 1991 until the date, Portugal, Israel,

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Gibraltar and Vatican. Complete sets and years. I offer mint Australian stamps. Medium and serious collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English. Email: [email protected],                .............................................................................................................................................................................................19212 - Anthony de Souza, 14 Chuculba Crescent, Giralang ACT 2617. - A, 231028 (m) B, Retired Teacher. Exchange with other collectors. Want: Stamps, Errors, Postal Stationery, Postal History, Covers, Phonecards, etc. from all worldwide. I am interested in:  Birds, Trains, Cars, Flora, Fauna, etc. Offer: Stamps, Miniature or Souvenir Sheets, Postal Stationery, First Day Covers, Phonecards, etc. Medium collector. Please contact first or mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................19369 - Paul Gleeson, PO. Box: 486, 3764 Kilmore Victoria. - A, 120463 (m) B, Teacher. Exchange. I collect stamps for charity so can send stamps of Australia for those of your country and correspondence: snail mail friends wanted all over the world. Age and sex is of no concern. Want good friends worldwide and stamps worldwide for charity. Offer used Australia. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. [email protected],..............................................................................................................................................................................................19635 - Bill Yeend, 48 Delmonte Place, Copacabana 2251, NSW. - (m) Want: Good Condition used stamps by want lists & catalogue value. Australia, AAT, Christmas Island, Cocos Islands, Canada, Denmark, Finland, GB, India, Indonesia, Japan, Norway, NZ, Malaysia, Pakistan, South Africa, and USA. Offer: Good condition used stamps from many countries. I disposing of my world collection to specialize in my wanted countries so hopefully I will have something for you. Send me your want lists. Scott #, Gibbons # or descriptive. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19778 - Oswaldo Risco, Address unpublished by request, Perth, WA. - A, Forty something (m) B, Civil Engineer. Exchange Mint and very fine used stamps. Advanced medium collector. Want: Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Spain, France, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru, Hong Kong, Japan, Botswana, Aruba - all very fine used. Also Thematic that I am interested in: Bridges, Trains, Stamp on Stamp - All in Mint conditions from all countries of the world. Offer: Australia, Germany, France, Spain, some South America – very fine used. Prefer to change by wantlist. Exchange basis: Catalogue Scott or 1x1 - subject to agreement. Specify before if you send or accept duplicates. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19826 - John Sharpe, 18 Stanton Cres.Greenwood 6024 W.A. - A, 270144 (m) B, Retired. Want: Stamps (used, mint, CTO) of all countries. Themes: All stamps. Particularly like Flora (including Trees, Fungi, Ferns, etc), Fauna (including Insects, Fish, Spiders, Reptiles, Shells, Bees, etc), old master Paintings, Railways, Folk Costumes, Uniforms, Buildings, Scenery. Offer: Used Australia and/or worldwide. Exchange: 1x1 no Wantlists or scans, no duplicates or damaged. Arrange exchange by email and responder to send first. Medium collector. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................20008 - Jun Da, 7/58 Lansdowne Street, Merrylands, NSW 2160. - (m) I need large used stamps from Norway, Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, Canada and the Netherlands. We can exchange 100 to 1000 used stamps every time. I can offer you Australia used stamps. Registered mail for safety. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................20039 - Jaswinder Solanki, 25 Damaine Circuit, Caroline Spring, Vic. 3023. - A, 090178 (m) B, Medical (Radiology) I collect and exchange Mint-MNH thematic complete sets. Souvenirs sheets, Thematic FDCs, Cancellations, Postal Stationary, Maximun cards, UNC Banknotes, used Phonecards, etc. Want thematic philatelic material

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on themes: Birds, Animals, WWF, Butterfly, Flowers, Bridges, Waterfalls, Airplanes, Carnivals, Ships, Hologram, Odd shaped, Roses, Musical instruments, Antarctica, Polar, Penguins, Tiger, Lions, Elephants, etc. Offer same from India, Australia, China, Sri Lanka, Brasil, Cuba, Russia or as per your wish. Special offer: I can give use Phonecards and UNC Banknotes for used large stamps also. Serious amd honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................


.............................................................................................................................................................................................16717 - Margit Rebhan, Langobardenstrasse 24/6, A-1220 Wien. - A, 090343 (f) B, Rentner. Suche Briefmarken Bresil, Japan, China PR mint, Netherland, Island, Belgien used. Biete gleiche und mint or used Hungary, Czech, Slovakia, Deutschland, Austria. Setzen Sie sich bitte zuerst für die gegenseitige Abmachung in Verbindung. Antwort immer. Sprachen:  Deutsch, Ungarisch und Tschechisch.(and some English). Email: [email protected], [email protected]            .........................................................................................................................................................................................16802 - Wolfgang Weitlaner, Wilhelm Exnergasse 2/13, A-1090 Wien.- A, 180264 (m) B, Journalist. Want: Only Registered Postal Used Covers from Pacific Islands, Caribbean, Indian Ocean and African countries. Offer: Austria, Europe (Mint and used), FDCs (var.), same things I collect!!! I am an honest and serious collector for 30 years. I offer good quality items and I expect the same in exchange. Contact with me please. Answer always. Languages: English, German. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17763 - Wolfgang Huber, Strandbadstrasse 3/2, A-3400 Klosterneuburg. - A, 090564 (m) B, Museum's Manager. Want: used stamps from Europe and America (North, Middle, South and Caribbean). Offer: used worldwide. Base of change: 50x50 only!!! Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English German, French, Italian, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................18831 - Gerhard Reiter, Brunnbergstrasse 23, A-4863 Seewalchen. - A, 030353 (m) B, Chemielaborant. Suche Briefmarken alle deutschachigen Länder, Benelux, Skandinavien, USA, Kanada, Australien. Biete alle Gebiete s.o., vor allem Österreich (auch Neuheiten) ansonsten einfach nachfragen. Antwort immer. Want stamps all German-speaking countries, Benelux, Scandinavia, USA, Canada, Australia. Offer all areas see above, above all Austria (also new issues) simply ask otherwise. Answer always. Languages: Germany Englisch, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]   .............................................................................................................................................................................................19371 - Placke, Heinz-Dieter, Am Schlößlberg 4, A-4060 Leonding. - A, 290741 (m) B, Rentner. Gesammelt wird: Ganze Welt - aber speziell Europa. Ich Biete :  sehr viele doppelte Marken von Österreich, Deutschland, Berlin, DDR und andere europ. Länder. Melden Sie sich bitte vorab für gegenseitige Absprachen. Antworte immer. Want stamps from all world, mainly European countries- Offer many duplicated stamps of Austria, Germany, Berlin, DDR and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: German, English, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19715 - Heinz Wanke, H. Heinegasse 8, A-2232 Deutsch-Wagram. - (m) Habe Interesse an Briefmarken von Portugal incl ehm Kolonien (hauptsächlich aus Cabo Verde), Angola, Mozambique und Guinea Bissau.. Kann Bestände von diesen Ländern und von anderen anbieten. Listen sind vorhanden. Von Österreich ist vieles ab 1890 vorhanden. Ab Euroumstellung alle Spezialmarken (Blöcke, Kleinbögen, Strichmarken und Spezielles). Bitte um Informationen ob Tauschinteresse besteht, Antwort immer. Sprachen: Deutsch und anderen Online

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Übersetzer. Têm interesse em selos de Portugal, incluindo colônias de Portugal (principalmente de Cabo Verde), Angola, Mocambique und Guinea Bissau. Pode oferecer um estoque desses países e de outros, Alemanha, Da Áustria é muito disponível a partir de 1890, As listas estão disponíveis. Da Áustria é muito disponível a partir de 1890. A partir de conversão € todos os selos especiais (blocos, folhas miniatura, marca de barras e especiais). Pedido de troca de informações se interessados, Resposta sempre. Idiomas: Alemão e outros com tradutores online. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19767 - Jürgen Niedermaier, Address unpublished by request. (m) I’m a stamp collector and I can offer many stamps from Austria (also better values) for exchange - maybe I can still help you with some items, although you are already collecting for a very long time. Also exchange worldwide Coins for Coins. Serious and honest collector. If you are interested in exchange, please reply to my message! Answer always. Languages: English, German and others with online translators. . Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................


..............................................................................................................................................................................................18198 - Sadiq Al Hajari, P. O. Box 33555, Isa Town, Manama. - A, 301153 (m) B, Training Administrator Want: Worldwide Birds MNH only. No Used stamps, mainly Africa and South America. Offer: Worldwide diff topic 16,000 items on Delcampe Site. Remarks: (To indicate) I change for catalogs, Catalogue Value. Advanced collector., So what can you offer? . My offer: Please look at “Exchange offer “Album. My sale stamps 16,000 items on Delcampe:, Exchange by register mail US $ 50 -100 Catalogue value. You have to send your exchange items 1st. Registered mail only. I am 7882 rates Positive 100% - 7 years SELLER on Delcampe. I will not exchange for used stamps, or, one /two sets!!! I collect only Birds stamps MNH complete sets. No postcards, NO other thematic!. I only exchange Birds stamps by: Wantlist. If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English, Arabic and others with online translators., Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................18752 - Mohammad Abu Al Hasan, 148, Matikata. Dhaka Cantonment, 1206 Dhaka. - A, 291290 (m) B, University Student. Want Odd shaped (Round, hexagonal, oval, heart etc.) stamps and other material made (silk, CD, 3D, Holograms, Metal, Wood etc.) stamps from worldwide. Offer: Mint and used stamps, FDC of Bangladesh. Normally i exchange on the basis of Scott or Michel Catalogue Value. Have wantlist for every country. Advanced collector. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English, Bengali. Email: [email protected]

.............................................................................................................................................................................................19145 - Rokib Hasan, House-CWN (A) 35, Road-43, Gulshan-2, Dhaka-1212. - A, 120279 (m) B, Textile Engineer. Want: Mint stamp, souvenir and sheetlets from worldwide. Thematic that I am interested in: WWF,

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Joint Issue, Rotary international, Astronomy-2009, Polar year-2009, Olympic-2008, FIFA world cup-2010. Define the change:  1x1. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19190 - Md. Mosharaf Husain, 35 Shahid Sangbadik Selina Parvin Sarak, (old)130 New Circular Road, 1217-Dhaka. - A, 301256 (m) B, Stamp Dealer, Member APS#185312. Want: Stamps, Souvenir sheets, Booklets, Specimen, Imperfs MNH, & FDCs, S/S mint, FDCs, Postal stationeries from Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Laos, Afghanistan, Palestine Authority, Sudan, Also Thematic that I am interested in: Nobel Prize winner, Roses, Horses, Butterflies from all countries. Can take 4 up to 10 set each stamps, S/S etc. MNH and 2 FDC each. I can only Bangladesh stamps. Exchange at face value on h basis of exchange rat at, My page web:, Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English only. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19643 - Pulak Barua, House no.1312, Middle Rampur, Natunbazar, Chittagong, 4100. - (m) Want mint Birds, Rose, Mother Teresa, Odd Shaped, New 7 Wonder. Mint stamps, Niniature sheet, FDCs, Postcard, Maximuncards, Booklet, Envelope from all countries. I have all issues of Bangladesh mint, stamp, Miniature sheets, Postcards, Maximuncards, FDCs, some error & unmissed. I can send lot of new issues I am honest in trading used to send and receive via registered post or by DHL. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Member Philatelic Association of Bangladesh. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19718 - Mohammad Zahangir Alam, C/O: Rahmania Madrasah Road, Pahartali, 4700 Cox's Bazar. - A, 240283 (m) B, Tourism Business.  Exchange and correspondence: I am very interested in Tourism & Heritage mint stamp, FDC, Souvenir sheets from all countries. Offer same and Bangladesh stamps, FDC, Souvenir sheets, etc. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Bengali and English. Email: [email protected], [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................20068 - Md. Abdul Hamid (Tipu), C/O Soudia Cotteg, House No-7, Plot No 1642, Nurpur, Madrasha Road, Zia Shoroni, Kodomtuli, Dhaka-1236. - A, 050291 (m) B, Student. Exchange large size and complete sets, mint and used stamps, Souvenir sheets, FDC, Post cards, only UNC Banknotes, Coins, New Empty Safety Match Box, and Phonecards etc. Want: Large size & complete set mint Stamps, Souvenir sheets, FDC, UNC Banknotes of worldwide and very good collector's, especially African countries , North and South American countries. Thematic that I am interested in: Birds, Bridges, FIFA World Cup, Building, Insects, Transports, Sea animals (no dogs, cast, horses), Nobel Prize man etc. from all countries. Offer: I can offer same. Advanced collector. Base of exchange 1x1 in quantities. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators My website: Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................16723 - Lorthioir Philippe, Rue Rosée, 9 boîte 4, 7623 Rongy (Brunehaut). - A, 040568 (m) B, Enseignant. Echange timbres oblitérés (used stamps) Cherche : Phares, Bateaux, Avions, Grenouilles, Tracteur de tous les Pays et France et Espagne. Collectionneur moyen, échange de 50 ou 100 par envoi. Merci de me contacter par mail auparavant! Offre : Belgique oblitérés, et Avions, Bateaux, diverses thématiques... de tous les pays. Demandez-moi! I collect and exchange used stamps of Lighthouses, Ships, Airplanes, Frogs, Tractors, from all countries and France and Spain. Belgium used Ships, Airplanes, topicals... from all countries. Ask me! only used stamps!. Medium collector. Base of exchange 1x1 in quantities 50 or in each time. Please contact

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first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Français, English and others with online translators-. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................17252 - Barbé Guy, 98 rue du Petit-Bruxelles, B-1430 Rebecq. - A, 120361 (m) B, Instituteur. Want exchange with all countries of Europe and also some of world, Definitive, commemoratives used CTO, Topical. Offer same countries. Medium collector. I use catalogues: Yvert, Michel. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Known languages: Français, English (+/-), Nederland’s (+/-) another language with Google translation. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17570 - De Couck Eric, Germanesstraat 2, B-9506 Grimminge. - A, 140460 (m) B, Bookkeeper. Want used worldwide Stamps by want lists (Yvert-Michel-Scott) catalogue from all countries of the World. Offer MNH Belgium, used worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Dutch, French, English, and others with online translators. Web: Email: [email protected], [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17787 - Danckaert Ann, Burgemeester, Portmanslaan 61, B- 9200 Dendermonde. - (f) Want: thematic stamps of of Horses, Antarctica also covers of those topics (Worldwide), Besides stamps of India , Australia , USA , Canada, Norway, Sweden, Italia, Spain, Japan, Germany, France, Belgium and Great Britain. Offer: Stamps, Covers, FDC worldwide mostly in used condition. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always.  See on filtered: and search member STAMPLOVER, then you see most of my offers. Known languages: Dutch, English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], or through post company by writing letter.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17966 - Holger Kaufhold, Draaiboomstraat 31, B-2160 Wommelgem. - A, 090863 (m) B, Assistant Manager in a Hotel Collecting interests: mint recent stamps worldwide. Countries I collect: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Turkmenistan, DDR (East-Germany) in mint according Michel catalog P.R. of China in mint by want list according Chinese numbering Australia used by want list according Stanley Gibbons numbering. I will show you here a collection of covers I collected over the years. All covers are prepared by myself and mailed to the different countries for hand cancellation and returning to me. As you can see, it works with a little bit of knowledge and certain websites. If you can't find a cover of a specific country, have a look at the "registered covers". There are just a few countries I don't have but I will get them too for sure. Hobbies: travelling, listening music, geography, Science Fiction books and movies. I will answer always but please understand that I am unable to accept all exchange requests. If you wish to place a link to your own or helpful websites, let me know. Will place them after agreement. Link exchange welcome. Languages: English, Dutch, French, German, Italian and others with online translators. Web page:, Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................17999 - Louis de Laet, Liersesteenweg 218, B-3200 Aarschot. - A, 270137 (m) Retired.  Want: Used definitive, commemoratives, stamps from France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Luxemburg, Vatican City, Great Britain, Sweden, Poland. Advanced collector. I use catalogues: Yvert, Scott, Michel, Offer: The same as above: look at my website Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Dutch, French, English, German and others with online translators, Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18388 - Hugo Janssens, Prins Karellaan 2 bus 8, B-8370 Blankenberge. - A, 190150 (m) B, Employee.  Cherche timbres oblitérés Denmark, Italie, Luxembourg, et Pays-Bas. Offre : Belgique timbres oblitérés. Désires d'échange: 1x1 ou base catalogue Michel par lettre normale. Je désire des contacts d'abord pour arriver à un accord complet. Réponse garantie. Want used stamps from Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg and Netherlands. Offer Belgium used stamps. Exchange 1x1 or Michel catalogue by normal letter. Please contact first for mutual

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agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Dutch. Email: [email protected]  ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19783 - Cannaerts Edmond, Address unpublished by request. - A, 280549 (m) B, Retired. Exchange by letter and Email. Want used stamps Portugal, Guatemala, Mexico, Japan, Finland, Sweden, Czech Republic, Slovakia and South Africa. Also I am interested in Discoverers from all countries. Offer used stamps from different countries. Exchange commemoratives, definitive, also CTOs, Base quantities 1x1 or Michel and Yvert catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Dutch, English, German, French and others Languages with online translators. Email: [email protected] ,............................................................................................................................................................................................19818 - De Craemere Bruno, Oudenaardsesteenweg 25, B- 8500 Kortrijk. - A, 150648 (m) B, Retired. Want used stamps worldwide. Also Thematic that I am interested in: Birds, Mushrooms, Prehistoric Animals, Feline Predators, Cars and Motorcycles. Offer used stamps Belgium and worldwide. Base of change 1x1 in quantities 100 or more. No catalogue. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: French, English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ,............................................................................................................................................................................................19828 -Danny Vermeren, Lazerijstraat 2, B-2531 Vremde. - A, 120451 (m) B, Retired Printer. Want: Luxemburg, France, Germany (Reich, Bund, Berlin, DDR), Greece, South-Africa, USA. All used, only Bund used and mint. Commemoratives, definitive, used (no bars) Offer: Belgium (Used and mint before 2000), France, Germany, USA. Base of change: Yvert. Michel, Scott catalogues. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Dutch, French, English and German. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19855 - Rajen S. Parish, 26 Beukenlaan, B-2020 Antwerpen. - A, 030648 (m) B, Business. Want worldwide Stamps, and First Flight Covers, especially India, Israel, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Singapore. I offer commemoratives, definitive, used stamps, same and others countries. Base of change: catalogues or 1x1. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], ,............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................17224 - Daniel González Fernández, Apartado M-10304, La Paz. - A, 290157 (m) B, Administrador de Empresas, y Comerciante Filatélico. Deseo: Novedades 2008 de los siguientes temas: Fauna/animales, deportes, Judaica, América UPAEP, Papa Juan Pablo II, Barcos, Tuberculosis, Rosas. También Bolivia en general. Ofrezco: América del Sur, Novedades y atención de mancolistas. Base de cambios (señalar): Calor facial o catálogo Yvert. Coleccionista: avanzado. Ruego contactar primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Frances, Italiano y Portugués. Página Web Email a: [email protected]  [email protected]  [email protected], Tienda virtual: 17641 - Juan Carlos Espada Zúñiga, Pasaje Jazmines # 4  - Barrio Patacon, 591 Sucre. - A, 151277 (m) B, Ingeniero. Deseo: Sellos de Fauna de todos los países hasta el año 2003. También sellos de Finlandia, Italia, Deseo por Mancolista. Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados de Bolivia y Fauna de todo el mundo. Envíos solo de acuerdo por correo electrónico, nuevos a valor facial, usados 1 x 1, nuevos por usados al valor Facial. Acepto usados por nuevos. Solo por correo aéreo certificado para mayor seguridad. I wish: Stamps of Fauna until 2003 from all countries. Also stamps of Finland and Italy. Offer stamps of Bolivia, mint, used stamps, Thematic Fauna and in general of the whole world in used. Mainly by wantlists. Sending only in

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mutual agreement by e-mail, mint to facial value, used 1 x 1, mint for used to facial value. Accept used for Mint. Answer always. Only Registered Airmail. Languages: Spanish - Quechua – English – French – Portugues - Italian – Japanese. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19267 - Jaime H. Catacora Vacaflores, Calacoto calle 21 entre Gabino Villanueva e Inofuentes No 7787, Apartado de Correos: 5341, La Paz. - A, 240675 (m) B, Arquitecto. Deseo cambiar, comprar, compartir. Me interesan sellos de Alemania y Bolivia, y temáticos de Segunda Guerra Mundial, Escultismo, Resellos especiales y otros temas. Ofrezco un poco de todo. Coleccionista principiante, Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada, Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19852 - Luís Marcelo Miranda Zelanda, Calle Potosí 485, Apartado Postal 94, Sucre. - A, 010669 (m) B, Economista. Deseo sellos nuevos y usados de todo el mundo, temáticos de Fauna, Flora, Castillos, Pinturas, Barcos y Ferrocarriles. Ofrezco sellos de Bolivia nuevos (últimos años) y usados. Coleccionista mediano. Base de Cambio, cantidades 1x1 o base catálogos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada collect mint and used stamps from worldwide, mainly thematics Fauna, Flora, Castles, Paintings, Ships and Railroads. Offer Bolivia mint recent years and used stamps. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translators.   Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19989 - Juan Carlos Machicao Aguirre, Calle Manuel Ergueta No. 1733, Zona Tembladerani, Casilla 536 Correo Central, La Paz. - A, 240671 (m) B, Médico. Cambio de sellos postales de todo el mundo, mínimo 100 sellos usados diferentes en cada envío. Cambio 1x1 y cuando sea necesario catálogo Yvert. Colecciones más avanzadas son de España y Bolivia, pero me interesan sellos de todos los países del mundo. Filatelia clásica. Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de América del Sur, América del Norte y Europa. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otos con ayuda de traductores online. Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................15975 - Efendic Muharem, Sabana Zahirovica 4/2, 75000 Tuzla.- A, 281146 (m) B, Invalid Pensioner. I collect and exchange every kind of stamps used with all themes from worldwide. I can offer many used stamps from: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Croatia, Hungary, France, German, Italy, Nederland, Spain, Sweden,   Canada, USA and something less for other country.  Also, I have enough of phone card, banknote, coins, Stickers, badges, packet calendar and give/exchange for adequate quantity/number different stamps (about friendly conference). Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages:  Bosnia (Serbian and Croatia) and English. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................16577 - Drazen Kladar, Nikole Pasica 28, 78 252 Trn - Laktasi.- A, 040880 (m) B, Baker. Want worldwide mint MNH Thematic issues from all countries. Offer mint stamps Bosnia and Herzegovina 1894 - 1918 and 1993-2010, Covers, FDC's, Postcards and Phonecards. I use catalogues Michel, Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and other with online translator.. Email:  [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19492 - Kenan Novalija, Hadzi Idrizova 2, 71000 Sarajevo. - A, 041052 (m) I am Professor on the High School

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(Physics). I am serious stamp collector from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Want mint-MNH stamps from all countries of the entire world. My thematic collections are: Art on stamps, Flora, Olympic Games, Physic, Costumes, Dogs, Horses. Offer mint-MNH stamps from Bosnia and Herzegovina (three postal operators), Croatia, Slovenia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Yugoslavia and USA. Base of exchange: Michel Catalogue. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................20033 - Zoran Ćubela poste restante 88 101 Mostar. - (m). My interest in the world of philately stamps is small European countries: Andorra, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Monaco, Malta, San Marino, Vatican City, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Faroe Islands and WWF. Also collect Travelling letters and Postcards from many countries and, if you're willing to send my address Envelope or Postcard, answer the same in Bosnia and Herzegovina. All options related to the stamps are open. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................


...........................................................................................................................................................................................05074 - Carlos Alberto Martins Reis, P. O. Box: Caixa Postal 45, 44200-000 Santo Amaro, Bahía.- A, 240854 (m) B, Medical Doctor. Busco sellos nuevos en series completas de Portugal, Francia, Alemania, Reino Unido, Austria, Dinamarca, Suecia, Noruega, Mónaco, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador, Perú, Colombia, Venezuela, Japón y Comunidad Británica de Naciones a partir del 2008. Ofrezco sellos nuevos de Brasil y Temáticos de otros países. cambio sellos nuevos en cantidades, 1x1, catálogos, -- cambio sellos nuevos y Hojitas, series completas. Base catalogo Yvert, Michel y Scott o valor facial para las Nuevas Emisiones. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero pata llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want only mint stamps complete sets from, Portugal, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Austria, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Monaco, Bolivia, Chile, Uruguay, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Japan and British Commonwealth after 2008 year. Offer mint stamps of Brasil and thematics from other countries. Change Stamps mint and used in quantities, 2ç1x1, Catalogues. Change mint sets and Souvenir sheets sets by Catalogues Yvert, Michel and Scott or facial value for New Issues. Medium collector. Please contact for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................15535 - Ernani Rebello, Rua Cristovão Nunes Pires nº 170 - apto. 601, 88010-120 Florianópolis, SC.- A, 280949 (m) B, Retired. Colecciono y deseo Tarjetas Máximas temáticos de Transportes y Historia de Correos, de todo el mundo. Ofrezco material filatélico de Brasil. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect and I need Maximun cards from all countries, thematics Transports and Post Office History. I offer philatelic material of Brazil.. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16091 - Sandro Aparecido de Carvalho, R Cel J. C. Alfieri, 340 Apto 72,  04651-000 Sao Paulo.- A, 040465 (m) B, Annalist of stems. Want and offer used stamps for all countries of the world. Basis: 1x1, definitive x definitive, commemoratives x commemoratives. Please contact first for mutual agreement.. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. Email: [email protected] , .........................................................................................................................................................................................16161 - Ademar de Almeida Santos Filho, Caixa Postal 1.304, Curitiba, PR, 80011-970. - A, 260448 (m)

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B, Economista. Exchange stamps mint only. Want all Europe, Asia, North America, Australia and New Zealand. Also I am interested in Flora Fauna 4 x mint from all countries. Offer: Brasil, Argentina. Medium collector. Catalogues used: Yvert and Michel. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................16732 - Erastro Moura, Rua Martins Pena 69 / Bl 3 / 1601 - Tijuca, 20270-270 Rio de Janeiro - RJ. - A, 010152 (m) B, Administrador/Abogado. Busco sellos nuevos (MNH) o usados y Hojitas de todo el mundo temáticos América UPAEP, y Papa Juan Pablo II. Ofrezco Brasil sellos y hojitas de diversas temáticas y países. Coleccionista mediano. Cambio en cantidades, 1x1 o por base catálogos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint (MNH), used and Souvenir sheets of theme America UPAEP Y Pope John Paul II from all countries. Medium collector. Offer Brasil and others countries, mint, used, Souvenir sheets and thematics. Base of change, 1x1 in quantities o catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Portuguese and ot her with online translator. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................16641 - Carlos Murilo Carli, R.dos Lilazes, 137, São José dos Campos SP 12.240-110. - A, 091163 (m) B. Empresario. Deseo sellos usados y nuevos de todo el mundo, 1x1, 50-100 por envío. Busco temas de Orquídeas, Peces, Minerales, Fósiles y Volcanes. También sellos de Japón, Grecia, Gran Bretaña (regulares = Machin). Ofrezco sellos de Brasil y de todo el mundo. Want used and mint stamps from all countries of theme Orchids, Fishes. Minerals, Fossils and Volcanoes. Also stamps from Japan, Greece, United Kingdom, (Definitive and Machin). Offer stamps from Brazils and other countries. Please contact first with me for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Español, Portuguese. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................17132 - Francisco I. Giocondo César, Rua Dr. Lula, 470 - Apt 62, 13.403-054, Piracicaba, SP. - A, 170358 (m) B, Profesor Universitario. Deseo solo sellos de España, Portugal y Brasil. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Portugués y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17272 - Rodrigo Soares, Rua Francisco Paolillo  103, 13570-740  São Carlos  SP.- A, 280880 (m) B, Transportes. Busco: Paquetes de cigarrillos vacías, Want: Empty cigarette packs all countries. Ofrezco: Sellos, Monedas, Tarjetas Postales y Telefónicas. Offer: Stamps, Coins, Postcards, Phonecards and others. Ruego Contactos primero. Respuesta asegurada. Please contact first. Answer always. Idioma/Languages: Español, Ingles, Portugués y otros con traductores online. Email a: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17305 - Raúl Alfredo Araujo Filho, Rua Paraná, No 20 - sala 4 – Centro, 11900-000 Registro, SP. - A, 010978 (m) B, Abogado. Deseo sellos de todos los países temáticos: Fútbol y sellos mundiales anteriores a 1900. Ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados de Brasil. I want only worldwide stamps with theme: Football and world stamps previous to 1900. I offer Brazilian stamps, mint and used. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English. Spanish and others online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17336 - Glauber Silmott, Rua Princesa Isabel, 353, 48890-000, Valente - BA.- A, 290875 (m) B, Teacher. Want Mint stamps of Circus, Desertification, American Felines, Wine, Fauna, etc. Also Brasil, Argentina, Portugal, etc. Offer: Mint stamps from Brazil and other countries. Exchange commemoratives, mint, 1x1 or other, catalogue Scott. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Serious and honest collector. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators.. Web page:, Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17364 - Rafael Farinha Neto, Estrada Gov. Chagas Freitas, 1225/101, 21920-330 - Río de Janeiro. - A, 280940 (m)

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B, Maestro de Cerveza, Químico, (Jubilado) Beer Master, Chemist, (Retired) Deseo sellos de toda Alemania y URSS hasta 1991. Ofrezco Brasil, Alemania, Rusia y otros países. Cambio en cantidades, 1x1, o catálogo Michel (Alemania) y Scott (URSS). Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wish stamps of all Germany and USSR up to 1991- I offer Brazil, Germany, Russia and other countries. I change in quantities, 1x1, or catalogue Michel (Germany) and Scott (USSR). Advanced collector. I request contacts first to come to a finished agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, Spanish, German and Portuguese. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17530 - Sérgio Eduardo Sakall, Rua Serra de Juréa, 799 / 104, 03323-020 - São Paulo. - A, 020864 (m) B, Fotógrafo. Deseo sellos solo el tema JIRAFAS, Ocapis, Zoológicos de todo el mundo, en especial de países africanos. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Brasil y otros países. I wish stamps on GIRAFFES, Okapis, Zoos, especially of Africa or anyone country that has already given out stamps on giraffes. I offer: stamps of Brazil and others countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], WEB: ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17556 - Ronald Hautequestt de Araujo, Rua Clovis Machado 215, apto. 1502, 29050-585 Ensenada do Suá. Vitória/ES. A, 110753 (m) B, Fotógrafo. Busco sellos y bloques conmemorativos de todos los países de Europa, Asia, y de toda América. Ofrezco en cambio sellos y FDCs de Brasil. Tengo millares de sellos para mantener intercambios. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Portugués y otros con ayuda de traductores de Intenert. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17572 - Gino Arduini, Rua João Mariano 193-202, 11740-000 Itanhaém - SP. - (m). Advanced collector, look for Worldwide collectors. Need used/mint stamps from worldwide, with some special interests. Please email me for further detail). I can offer Postcards, Phonecards, Stamps and need stamps in return. No wantlists, stamps. 1x1, Phonecards usually 1/10, but agreement possible according to the offering country. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Français, Italian and others with online translator. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17912 - Paulo Roberto Ruppenthal, Rua Vale Machado, nº 1646, ap. 503 - Centro, 97 010 - 530 Santa Maria, RS. - A, 290660 (m) B, Military man (Brazilian Army). I collect and change Military Medals from WWI and WWII, Especially Europe and countries (Austria-Germany). I wish scarcely for buy, also exchange. Expert collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17934 - Antonio Cesar Gallagi, rua Capitao Macedo 314-64. 04021- 20, Sao Paulo. - A, 290150 (m) B, Comerciante. Deseo cambiar sellos y toda clase de material filatélico. Busco temas Juan Pablo II y Campeonatos Mundiales de Fútbol. De todo el mundo. También sellos de Cuba y URSS. Ofrezco Sellos, Hojitas Bloques, Matasellos, FDCs de Brasil. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas. Español y Portugués. Email [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17935 - Marcos Cabral Nietsche, Rua Francisco Rocha, n° 1735 / Apto. 502 - Bairro Bigorrilho, 80730-390 Curitiba – Paraná. - A, 161283 (m) B, Psychologist. Deseo cambiar sellos nuevos-MNH con buenos coleccionistas. Busco material filatélico de  los países abajo citados. Ofro sellos de  Brasil y de América Central y del Sur.   Base de cambio: Mancolistas catálogos Michel, Yvert y Scott. Coleccionista mediano. Envios siempre por correo Certificado para seguridad de recepción. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada. I am collector of mint-MNH stamps and change with honest collectors. I want the following countries: Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Faroe, Aland, Greenland, Iceland, Germany Reich, Luxembourg, Bosnia Herzegovina, Moldova, Ukraine, Andorra(s), Macedonia, Serbia, Serbia & Montenegro, Montenegro, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Azores, Madeira, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador,

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Bolivia, Venezuela, Caribbean Islands. I offer Brasil and Central and South America. Base of exchange only Wantlists Michel, Yvert, Scott. Medium collector. Send alone registered mail for safety of reception. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Guaranteed answer. Languages: English, German, Spanish and Portuguese. Email: [email protected], [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17971 - Marco Antonio S. Ferrão, Rua Ossian Terceiro Teles 167, 04649-000 São Paulo. - A, 140464 (m) B, Técnico de mantenimiento. Colecciono sellos de todo el mundo, especialmente de Alemania, España, Francia, Italia, Portugal, Dinamarca, Vaticano, Suecia, Suiza, Chile y Perú. Ofrezco sellos de Brasil y de todo el mundo. Coleccionista mediano. Cambio 1x1 en cantidades o por catálogos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want worldwide stamp, especially Germany, Spain. France, Italy, Denmark, Portugal, Vatican, Sweden, Switzerland, Chile and Peru. Offer Brasil and worldwide stamps. Medium collector. Base of exchange 1x1 in quantities o catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17972 - Paulo Darós, Rua Rodolpho Pellini Filho 83A - Parque Ipiranga, 27516-260 - Resende - RJ. - A, 030867 (m) B, Funcionario Público.  Busco sellos de Alemania, Italia, Dinamarca, Noruega, Finlandia, Croacia, España, Túnez, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal, Canadá, Chile, Ecuador, selos novos dos Teams Europa-CEPT, Setas y Mercosur. Ofrezco sellos de Brasil, Alemania, Italia, Argentina y países de América del Sur. Want stamps from Germany, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Finland, Croatia, Spain, Tunisia, Sri Lanka, India, Nepal Canada, Chile, Ecuador, mint stamps of Europe-CEPT, Mushrooms and Mercosur. Offer stamps of Brasil, Germany, Italy, Argentina and South American countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18031 - Rubens Bonetti, Caixa Postal 54, 87770 - 000 São Carlos do Ivai, PR. - A, 141138 (m) B, Tecnico em Prótesis Dentaría. Deseo: 1)- Billetes no circulados, principalmente  de los países de lengua española. 2)- Monedas de EURO de todos los países de la Comunidad Europea. 3)- Todas las monedas de quarter dollar USA, de los Estados Americanos, Ofrezco:1) - Billetes no circulados mundiales y billetes antiguos de Brasil 2)- Monedas SOLO DE BRASIL, antiguas o actuales en circulación. 3)- Tarjetas de Teléfono no colecciono, pero tengo muchas de Brasil y mundiales que puedo cambiar por monedas de EURO o monedas de quarter $USA de los Estados Americanos, a combinar. Sellos: No colecciono y no deseo cambiar. Base de cambio: 1:1 (uno por uno) o a combinar (No cambío por catálogo) Países Interesados: Todos los países, principalmente los países de lengua española. Idiomas: Português ou Espanhol. Depués Inglés. Respuesta asegurada. Inglês. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18061 - Vittorio Esposito, 146 Esperanto Str., Bairro Santa Cruz, 3650O-000 Uba, MG.- A, 251139 (m) B, Retirado. Busco Sobres, FDC, Postales Máximas, Postales de todo el mundo, sellos nuevos y usados, Billetes de Banco. etc... Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco lo mismo arriba indicado. Cambio en cantidades, 1x1 o por catálogos. Ruego contacten primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect Covers, FDCs, Maximun cards, Postcards from all countries, mint and used stamps and Banknotes. Medium collector. Base of exchange 1x1 in quantities or catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian and Portuguese. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]  ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18063 - Jorge R. Lara Jaramillo, SQS 307 - Bloco A - Ap. 206, Asa Sul, 70354 Brasilia - DF. - A, 021164 (m) B, Agronomist. Want Postcards from worldwide. Postcards on Stamps (it includes postmen and mail), Money (Banknotes and Coins), Birds (it includes fauna), Castles and Tourist in general. I offer: Tourist Postcards of Brasilia and / or Brazil. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................

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18065 - Jose Passos Netto, Caixa Postal 7283, 41811-970 Salvador, BA. - A, 120329 (m) B, Retired. Busco Billetes de Lotería de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo, Tarjetas Telefónicas y Postales. Coleccionista avanzado. Base de cambio: En cantidades, 1x1. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un complete acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada. Want Lottery Tickets from worldwide. Offer Phonecards, Postcards and Lottery Tickets. Base of Exchange 1x1 in quantities. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese, understand Spanish. . Email: [email protected],  ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18069 - Célio de Andrade, Caixa Postal 620, 30161-970 Belo Horizonte, MG. -A, 270546 (m) B, Retired.(Teacher) Procuro Cartões-Postais em todo o mundo. Ofereço o mesmo.Eu sou um coletor avançado, troco qualquer quantidade, sempre 1x1. Busco Tarjetas Postales de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo. Soy un coleccionista avanzado y cambio cualquier cantidad, 1x1. I want Postcards from all countries. Offer same. I am an advanced collector of Postcards, to change any quantity, 1x1.Cherche Cartes Postales de tout le monde. J'offre le même. Je suis un avancée collectionneur de cartes postales et change toute quantité, toujours 1x1 Gesucht Postkarten aus der ganzen Welt. Ich biete das gleiche. Ich bin ein Fortgeschrittener Sammler von Postkarten, Veränderung in Mengen, 1x1. Languages: English, Español y Portuguese and others with online translator. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18070 - Fábio Sumiya, Rua Antônio Carlos de Andrada e Silva, 151, Vila Rosa, 09862-350 São Bernardo do Campo, SP. A, 081076 (m), B, Engineer. Deseo Sellos, Postales, Tarjetas Telefónicas, Monedas, de todos los países Del mundo. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Want worldwide Stamps, Postcards, Phonecards and Coins. Offer the same. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese Japanese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18075 - Jobson Ferreira Barbosa, Rua Irmãos Caetano, 2 - São Gonzalo, 41190-290 Salvador. - A, 040876 (m) B, Postman. Estoy solo interesado en cambiar Postales con todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo de Brasil. Ruego contactos llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I am only interested in Postcards from all countries. Offer same of Brasil. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18085 - Landervan Lima Fraga,  Ladeira Cirilo Quaresma  56, 29560-000  Guaçuí, ES. A. 090252 (m) B, Funcionario Público Aposentado. Colecciono y cambio Postales de Estadios de Fútbol, Trenes, Aeropuertos, Billetes de Banco sin circular, Monedas Calendarios de bolsillo, Llaveros, Plumas escribir, Souvenir; etc. de todos los Países del mundo  Ofrezco lo mismo y otros objetos coleccionables. Cambio cantidades, 1x1, catalogues, Coleccionista mediano.. I collect and exchange only Postcards of Stadiums, Trains, Airports, UNC Banknotes, Coins, Pocket Calendars, Key rings, Pens, Souvenirs, etc from all the countries of the world. I offer what they ask for me, since I have. I exchange quantities, 1x1, catalogues, Medium Collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; Portuguese and others with online translator. Email: [email protected]  ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 18086 - Marcello Arthur Ciapponi, Rua Itapeúna, 102 - Vila Erna, 04404-100 São Paulo, SP. - A, 240766 (m) B, Lawyer. Want stamps of Vatican, France, San Marino. Offer same and worldwide. Also stamps. Souvenir sheets, Blocks, definitive and commemoratives. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages, English, French and Portuguese. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18093 - Walter Magalhães Guaycuru Sobrinho, Rua Catulo Cearense, 100, 12520-050 Guaratinguetá, SP. - A, 130263 (m) B, Merchant. I collect used stamps of USA, Italy; Portugal, Germany and Czechoslovakia. I offer used stamps from all countries. Base of exchange 100x100 or Scott catalog. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and others online translators.. Email: [email protected], [email protected],

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............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18094 - Wladmir Manzan, Rua Joao Butschardt, 855 - sala 5 - Centro, 89.270-000 - Guaramirim - SC . - A, 030367 (m) B, Physiotherapist. Want stamps of Scout and free-Masonry from all countries. Also Brazilian stamps. Offer Brasil and other countries. Please contact first with me. Answer always. Languages: Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],    ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18096 - João Francisco Gonçalves, Rua da Represa, 195  ap. 81, 09641-030 São Bernardo do Campo, SP. - A, 230566 (m) B, Ventas. Busco sellos temáticos de Peces y Fauna Marina de todo el mundo., en nuevos- MNH series completas. Ofrezco sellos nuevos MNH en series completas de todo el mundo. Cambio en cantidades 1x1 o por catálogo. I collect mint-MNH complete sets o singles thematic stamps Fish and Marine Fauna from all countries. Offer thematics mint-MNH stamps worldwide. Base of change 1x1, quantities or catalog. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese Email: [email protected], [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18105 - Renato Russian, Dirección omitida a petición propia, Rio de Janeiro. - (m) B, Enfermero. Deseo sellos de Temática de Balones de todo el mundo. Ofrezco sellos de Brasil. Want stamps thematic: Balls from all countries. Offer Brazilian stamps. Answer always. Language: Portuguese, and others with online translators, Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18106 - Judson Ferreira de Almeida, Rua 3 de Outubro 1199/503, Patria Nova, 93410-040 Novo Hamburgo, RS.- A, 090956 (m) Chemical Engineer. Deseo y ofrezco sellos antiguos anteriores a 1960 de todo el mundo. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wish and offer ancient stamps previous to 1960 of the worldwide. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Portuguese, English, Italian and Spanish. . Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18109 - Marco P. Curi, Rua Paulo de Pietro, 205, 13720-000 São José do Rio Pardo - Estado São Paulo. - A, 231158 (m) B, Oficial Administrativo.  Busco cambiar sellos nuevos y usados buenas amistades de todo el mundo. Ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados de Brasil y otros países. Change 1x1 in quantities. I look for stamps Exchanges, mint and used and good friends of the whole world. I offer mint and used stamps from Brasil and other countries. Exchanges 1x1 in quantities. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Español and Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18114 - José Augusto Fonteque, Rua Dr. João Pessoa,584, 86410-000 Ribeirão Claro, Paraná. - A, 151166 (m) B, Profesor. Desejo trocar selos. Peças relatívas às Copas do Mundo de Futebol. Estou interessado: Todos os países reconhecidos pela UPU, em especial, Uruguai, Itália, França, Suécia, Chile, Inglaterra, México, Alemanha, Argentina, Espanha, Estados Unidos, Korea e Japão. Tem para oferecer: Selos nacionais e Universais. Want exchange stamps of Football World Championship. Countries what I am interested: All the countries recognized by the UPU, in special, Uruguay, Italy, France, Sweden, Chile, England, Mexico, Germany, Argentina, Spain, the United States, Korea and Japan. I offer stamps from Brasil and other countries of the World. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Español, Portuguese and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected],   ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18304 - Mauricio Prado, Caixa Postal 6, Cachoeira Paulista, SP, 12630-970. - A, 151143 (m) B, Profesor, y Editor de la revista filatélica FILACAP. Deseo: Literatura Filatélica (Livros, Revistas, Jornais, Boletins etc.) de todos os países. Deseo Literatura Filatélica (Libros, Revistas, Periódicos, Boletines, etc= de todo el mundo. I wish Philatelic Literature (Books, Magazines, Newspapers, Bulletins, etc, of the whole world. Je désire la Littérature Philatélique (Livres, Revues, Journaux, Bulletins, etc. de tout le monde. Ich wünsche Briefmarkenliteratur (Bücher, Zeitschriften, Zeitungen, Meldungen, usw. der ganzen Welt. Ofrezco:

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Literatura Filatélica. Ofrezco lo mismo. I offer the same. J'offre le même. Ich biete denselben an. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18348 - Jose Maria Rodrigues, Leonardo Mota 715, Apt. 401, 60170 Fortaleza, CE. - A, 11-11-51 (m) Gerente. Busco sellos nuevos MNH en series completa y Hojitas del tema Fauna de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio Sellos, FDCs, Billetes de Banco, Tarjetas Telefónicas de Brasil y otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect only mint MNH stamps complete sets and Souvenir sheets of theme Fauna from all countries. Offer Stamps, FDCs, Banknotes, Phonecards from Brasil and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. Email: [email protected], [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18841 - Vera Regina de G. Bastos, Rua Figueiredo Magalhães ,780 apto 802, 2031-012 Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. - A, 280641 (f) B, Jubilada. Deseo cambiar sellos usados, Hojitas nuevas y material filatélico por mancolistas Yvert. Busco sellos usados perfectos, especialmente de Europa Occidental en general, USA, Canadá y Japón. Ofrezco en cambio Brasil usados y hojitas nuevas a partir de la década de los 50 por mancolista y de Europa de acuerdo con mis posibilidades. Siempre sellos usados y puedo atender listas de faltas por Yvert de Alemania, Francia, Italia, Portugal y España, para sellos de época de 1950 a 1990 aproximadamente. Formal y honesta coleccionista avanzada. También cambio 1x1 en cantidades, mínimas de 100 sellos en cada envío. Catálogos: Yvert para todos los países, Scott (Brasil y USA) y Michel (Alemania) Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés, Ingles y Portugués, y otros con traductores Online. Email: [email protected].............................................................................................................................................................................................18841 - Vera Regina de G. Bastos, Rua Figueiredo Magalhães ,780 apto 802, 2031-012 Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro, RJ. - A, 280641 (f) B, Retired. I want to change used stamps, Souvenir sheets, and philatelic material, for Wantlist Yvert. I need exchange mainly of Western Europe in general, USA, Canada and Japan. I offer Brasil used stamps, mint Souvenir sheets from the decade of the 50 for wantlists of Europe in accordance with my possibilities. Always used stamps and I can attend wantlist for Yvert of Germany, France, Italy, Portugal and Spain, stamps among 1950 to 1990. Also I change 1x1 in quantities minims of 100 stamps each time. I have Yvert catalogue for all countries, Scott for Brasil and USA and Michel for Germany. Serious and honest advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translator. Email: [email protected] .............................................................................................................................................................................................18919 - Amauri Siqueira Leite, Caixa.Postal 071, 14001-970 - Ribeirão Preto, SP. - A, 260455 (m) B, Retirado. Fallecido 24 Junio 2011 - Died June 24, 2011 - Faleceu 24 de junho de 2011. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................,,19005 - Jailton Caldeira Brant, Rua Francisco José de Souza, 78 Mangabeira II, 58.056-564 João Pessoa. - A, 271271 (m) B, Advogado-Lawyer. Procuro: Selos, Moedas e Cédulas (especialmente Moedas de Euro após o ano de 2008 e Moedas de 2 Euro comemorativas), Estou interessado: World Wide. Tem para oferecer: Selos, Moedas, Cédulas do Brasil e de outros países. Embalagens de cigarro, Calendários de bolso. Troco selos na base de 100x100 ou mais, Moedas e Cédulas somente com lista de faltas. Também tenho uma lista de falta de selos específicos do meu tema favorito: (Jesuitas). I want: stamps coins and banknotes (especially Euro coins minted after 2008 and 2 Euro coins commemoratives) Countries interested: World Wide. I Offer stamps, Coins, Banknotes from Brasil and world wide, cigarette papers and pocket calendars from Brasil. I change stamps on basis 100x100 or more. Coins and Banknotes just for needed lists. I’ve also a list of needed stamps about my favourite theme: Jesuits. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese, French and Spanish. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................19156 - João Adalberto Souza de Almeida, Rua Gen. Bacelar, 436 - Sala 204, Centro, 96.200-370 - Rio Grande/RS. -

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A, 241253 (m) B, Técnico em Microeletronica.  Cambio sellos. Países que estoy interesado: España, Francia, Alemania, Portugal y- colonias. Ofrezco: Sellos de todo Mundo Usados, Nuevos, cambio base 1x1, por cantidades Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada, Idiomas: Portugués, Español. Email:[email protected], [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19158 - Dr. Renato Mauro Schramm, Caixa Postal 3085, 88010-970 Florianópolis, SC. -  A, 0100845 (m) B, Advogado, Procuro Selos Masónicos da Todo o mundo. Colecionador avançado. Troca, compra e vende. Ofereço Selos, envelopes FDC etc. s/ filatelia maçônica. Cambio sellos novos, usados, etc. quantidades, 1x1, Catálogos. Linguas em que me correspondo: Portugues, Ingles, Frances e Espanhol. Atual Presidente do Clube Filatélico Maçônico do Brasil - Vice Presiente da Federação Brasileira de Filatelia, Vice-Presidente da Associação Brsileira de Jornalistas Filatélicos e Vice-Presidente da Federação Filatelica e Numismática de Santa Catarina. Autor de 7 livros sobre filatelia maçônica e do Catálogo Maçônico de Selos e Carimbos do Brasil. O Clube Filatélico Maçônico do Brasil procura correspondente na Espanha haja vista que o nosso correspondente Juan Sabater Pie faleceu. Email: [email protected],      ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19161 - Jorge Antonio Prudente da Silva Fraga, Rua Rio Amazonas, 687 Apto 403 - Ed. Rio Amazonas, 44.077-272 – Feira de Santana, Bahía. - A, 110646 (m) B, Bombero Militar. Colecciono sellos temáticos de todos los países de temas de Bomberos Tortugas, Leones, Club Internacionales, Masonería, Cruz Roja, Premios Nóbel de la Paz, Pacifistas, etc. Me interesan todos los sellos que se emitan de los temas d mi interés. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Brasil nuevos y usados, dependiendo del interesado. Coleccionista avanzado. Base de cambio 1x1, cantidades por catálogos, Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect only worldwide thematic stamps of Firemen, Turtles, Lions, International Club, Freemasonry, Red Cross, Nobel Prizes of the Peace, Pacifists, etc. am interested in all the all stamps new issues of the topics of my interest. I offer in exchange mint and used stamps of Brasil, according with your wishes. Advanced collector. Base of change 1x1 in quantities or catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages English, French, Portuguese and others with online translator.

Email: [email protected],  ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19257 - Alcides Augusto Mendonça Junior, Rua Hildebrando de Carvalho 4-44, 17.060-480, - A, 220364 (m) B, Government Official. Busco Monedas, Billetes de Banco, Tapas de botellas de bebidas de todas clases. Tarjetas telefónicas, de todos los países. Ofrezco lo mismo de Brasil y otros países. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I am interested in Coins, Banknotes, Bottle caps, Phonecards from all countries. Offer same Brasil an other countries. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese. Email:  [email protected],  ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19489 - Lauro Araujo, Alameda 59, Casa 34, Jardim Santo Inacio, 41231-245 Salvador, Bahía. - A, 241273 (m) Busco sellos temáticos de Fauna, Flora y Transportes de todos los países del mundo, Ofrezco Brasil: Sellos, Postales, Monedas, Billetes de banco, Calendarios de bolsillo. Base de cambio 1x1 en cantidades o catálogos. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want thematic stamps of theme: Fauna, Flora and Transport from all countries. I offer Brasil: Stamps, Postcards Coins, Banknotes, Pocket calendars. Base of exchange 1x1 in quantities or with catalogues. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translator. Email: [email protected]  ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

19498 - Gilberto Fraga Portilho, P O Box 3053, 13033-970, Campinas SP. - A, 280254 (m) Music. I collect stamps Mint-MNH thematics of Chess, Music from all countries of the world. I offer Chess, Music mint-MNH stamps of Brazil, Germany, England, Australia, N Zealand, Japan, Austria, Denmark, Greece, Finland, Norway, Switzerland and Sweden. Base of change by want list Scott  or Yvert. Advanced collector. Serious and honest, Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Portuguese and others

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with online translator. Email: [email protected]  ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

19537 - Azizo Lulu, Av. Jorge Tibiriçá, 649 - apt. 34, 13045-706 Campinas-SP. - A, 1781153 (m), B, Commercial Representative. Want:  Stamps from the entire world. Coins too. Offer: Used and Mint stamps from Brasil. Coins too. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Portuguese from Brasil, English and few mix Spanish, Email: [email protected],................................................................................................................................................................................................19568 - Roberto Antonio Aniche, Rua Costa Rego, 29 - Vila Guillermina, 03542-030 - São Paulo, SP. - A, 151054 (m) B, Médico. Solo deseo sellos nuevos y usados de Turquía. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Brasil. Coleccionista Mediano. I want only mint and used stamps of Turkey. Medium collector. I offer the same of Brasil. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. Email: [email protected], ................................................................................................................................................................................................19570 - Italo Angelo Martucci,  Rua Oswaldo Posi, Jardim California, 70, 13806-253 Mogi Mirim, São Paulo. – A, 021169 (m) B, Abogado. Deseo cambiar Sellos y Hojitas Postales de España, Italia, República Checa, USA, URSS, Rusia, Francia Portugal, Polonia, Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, Uruguay, Guinea Ecuatorial, Emiratos Árabes Unidos, (UAE), Fujeria, Duhfar, Inglaterra, Australia, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, Rumania, China, Nueva Zelanda, Japón, Suiza, Canadá, Ruanda,, Nicaragua, Cuba. Ofrezco en cambio sellos nuevos y usados de Brasil, y de los países arriba indicado. Cambio sellos nuevos y usados en cantidades, base de 1x1, y por Catálogos. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Portugués y mediano Español, Inglés, Italiano Email: [email protected]................................................................................................................................................................................................19576 - Rogerio Couto Tourinho, Rua Waldemar Falcão 609 / 701, 40295-010 Salvador-Bahía. - A, 080963 (m) B, Médico. Deseo sellos nuevos de España, Francia, Grecia y Portugal. Ofrezco sellos nuevos de Brasil. Cambios sellos en base de catálogos. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Beginner collector want mint stamps from Spain, France, Greece and Portugal. I offer mint stamps Brasil. Base change catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer Always. Languages: English, Portuguese and some Spanish. Email: [email protected],................................................................................................................................................................................................19578 - Reginaldo Carneiro de Oliveira, Rua Mazagão, 390, Quadra A - Casa 04, Condomínio Turmalina, Bairro Mangabeira, 44056.380 - Feira de Santana, Bahía. - A, 230249 (m) B, Contador. Deseo sellos y hojitas bloques nuevos y usados Alemania en general, España. Francia, Italia. También sellos de todo el mundo nuevos, usados Temáticos de Cebras, Jirafas, Mariposas, Scouts, Cruz Roja, Lyón Internacional, Rotary Internacional, Espiritismo, Motociclismo, Locomotoras, Escudos y Blasones, y sellos, Hojitas, FDCs de la Soberana Orden Militar de Malta (SMOM).Ofrezco sellos y hojitas bloques, FDCs de Brasil, nuevos y usados, en base cambio 1x1 en cantidades 50x50.También uso los catálogos Yvert, Bolaffi, Unificato. Soy coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Puedo escribir en Portugués y otros idiomas, Inglés, Francés, Español con traductores online. Email: [email protected],................................................................................................................................................................................................19581 - Octavio Penna Pieranti, SQN 104, Bloco E, Apto. 301, Asa Norte, 70733-050 Brasilia-DF. - A, 101191 (m) B, Servidor Público. Deseo sellos y hojitas bloques nuevos y usados. Me interesa lo siguiente: Temas Políticos, Económicos y Sociales, incluyendo Personalidades de estas áreas, de estos países: Afganistán (1978-1992), Albania (1945-1992), Angola (1975 hasta ahora), Bulgaria (1945-89), Camboya / Kampuchea (1975-1991), Chile (1971-1973), China (1949 hasta ahora), Cuba (1959 hasta ahora), Czechoslovakia (1948-1989), Alemania (DDR) (1945-1989), Hungría (1947-89), Laos (1975 hasta ahora), Mongolia (1924-1990), Mozambique (1975 hasta ahora), Nicaragua (1980-1989), Corea del Norte (1948-2010, Polonia (1945-89), Portugal (1974-1982 ), Rumania (1947-1989), la Unión Soviética (1917-1991), Yugoslavia (1943-1992) y Vietnam (1941-2010). Ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados de Brasil; sellos usados de otros países de diversos temas, de Personalidades, Flora, Fauna, medios de Transporte y Deportes (un sello usado por uno usado; uno nuevo por uno nuevo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y Portugués.

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Email: [email protected], ................................................................................................................................................................................................19583 - José Walber Rufino Tavares, Rua Emilia Piano de Almeida, 87, Funcionarios IV, 58079-340 Joao Pessoa, Paraiba. - A, 260466 (m) B, Bombero. Deseo únicamente sellos, coches en miniaturas y figuras sobre Bomberos de todo el mundo, Sellos, Hojitas bloques, FDCs, Postales, etc. etc. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Brasil y temas de Bomberos. Solo deseo material nuevo o seminuevo de todas las piezas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wish all kind of philatelic material, miniature cards and all on the thematics Firemen from all countries. I offer Brasil material and theme Fireman for all countries. Only unused or semi used material. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Email: - Gastão Leal Botelho, R. Homem de Melo 301 apto.201, 20510-180 Rio de Janeiro. - A, 220834 (m) B, Retired Engineer. Busco sellos de todos los países de América del Sur y México. También sellos de tema: Aves e Insectos de todo del mundo. Ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados de Brasil, por mancolista catálogo Yvert. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want stamps from all South America and Mexico. Also worldwide stamps theme Birds and Insects. Offer mint and used stamps of Brasil by wantlist Yvert catalogue. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spain and Portuguese. Email: [email protected], ................................................................................................................................................................................................19604 - Fernando Ramos, Rua Profesor Gastão Bahiaza 151/601, 22071030 Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro. - A, 051065 (m) B, Dentista. Deseo Monedas de todos los países del mundo. Todos los tipos de Monedas, en base cambio 1x1, excepto en Monedas raras y de plata. Coleccionista mediano, Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta garantizada. Idiomas: Inglés, Español y Portugués. Email: [email protected], ................................................................................................................................................................................................19608 - João Paulo Dorini, Rua Peixoto Gomide, 502, ap. 74 B, 01409-000 São Paulo/SP.- A, 040281 (m) B, Federal Public Defender. Want: Sports, Literature, Flag, Map, Heraldic, Music, Human Rights and Great Scientists from all countries over the world. Offer: Birds, Fauna, Flora, Folk from worldwide. Also stamps of Brasil, all issues. Base of exchange: Recent mint by face value; used 1:1, minimum 30 each time no duplicates. Older mint, we'll negotiate. Beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Mainly English and Portuguese but also Spanish and Italian. Email: [email protected], ................................................................................................................................................................................................19612 - Cesar Luis Salfer, Rua  Maringa 137. 89203.590  Joinville, SC. - A, 081077 (m) B, Auxiliar Administrativo. Busco sellos nuevos, usados, FDCs, Sobres temáticos, Tarjetas Máximas de todo el mundo relacionados con el Tema de Bomberos de todo el mundo.También deseos de todas clases de Brasil, Alemania Federal y Reich. Ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados, FDCs, Tarjetas Telefónicas de Brasil. Coleccionista mediano. Base de cambio 1x1, cantidad o por catálogo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want thematic stamps from worldwide of theme Fireman. Also all issues of Brasil, Bundesrepublik and Deutsches Reich. Offer mint, used stamps, FDCs, Phonecards from Brasil. Medium collector. Base of change: 1x1, quantities or catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese and understand Spanish. Email: [email protected],................................................................................................................................................................................................19671 - Waldemar Gebauer, Rua Blumenau 1619, Bairro dos Estados, 89120-000 Timbo, Santa Catarina. - A, 141050 (m) B, Industrial. Busco sellos nuevos y sobres circulados de temas de Orquídeas, Trenes, Rotary y Navidad de todo el mundo y también sellos de todas clases de Europa, América y Asia. Ofrezco en cambio FDCs, sellos nuevos de Brasil y otros países. Coleccionista avanzado. Base de cambio 1x1 en cantidades a convenir. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want stamps mint from Europe, America, Asia, and mint stamps and circulated envelopes of themes Orchids, Trains, Rotary and Christmas from worldwide. Advanced collector. Base of change 1x1in quantities by mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: German and Portuguese and other with online translator. Email: [email protected],

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................................................................................................................................................................................................19693 - Paulo Daroz, Address unpublished by request. (m). I collect mint and used stamps of Spain, (after 2000 year), Germany, Italy, Croatia, Norway, Finland, Denmark, Old Russia, Tunisia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, India, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Brasil and Thematics: Mushrooms, Trains, Butterflies, Helicopters, Mercosur, Europe-CEPT. Theme (only mint). Offer mint and used stamps of Brasil and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ................................................................................................................................................................................................19696 - Renata Carvalho, Rua Moncorvo Filho , nº 83 -Centro, 20.211-340 Rio de Janeiro. - A, 300370 (f) B, Pedagoga. Procuro Calendarios de bolso de todo o mundo. Ofereço Calendários de bolso, cartões postais e cartões Telefónicos. Por favor, contacte em primeiro lugar. Responder assegurada. Busco Calendarios de bolsillo de todo el Mundo. Ofrezco Calendarios de bolsillo, Postales y Tarjetas telefónicas. Ruego contactos primero. Respuesta asegurada. Want Pocket calendars of the whole world. Offer Pocket calendars, Postcards, Phonecards. Please contacts first. Answer always.Cherche Calendriers de poche de tout le monde. J'offre les Calendriers de poches, Cartes postales et Cartes Téléphoniques. Je prie des contacts d'abord. Response assurée. Gesammelt wird: Taschenkalender weltweit. I biete Taschenkalender, Postkarten und Telefonkarten. Bitte wenden Sie sich zuerst. Antwort immer. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese. Email: [email protected],................................................................................................................................................................................................19698 - Weber Alves Braga, Rua Largo dos Santos 216 Bairro Sinhá Sabóia, Sobral-CE 62050-380. - A, 100395 (m) B, Estudante. Procuro selos e blocos de todos os temas (posso mandar uma lista de temas que pretendo começar a colecionar).estou interessado todos os países. Posso oferecer selos selos do Brasil, cartões telefónicos, etc. Cambio sellos novos e  usados, 1x1. Coletor: principiante. por isso aceito doações. São bem-vindas cartas de todos os lugares do mundo, sem aviso prévio. Ficarei muito feliz. Trocas devem ser combinadas por email. Sempre na procura de amizades. Idioma: portugues ou espanhol, de preferencia ou qualquer outra lingua por tradução. Email: [email protected], ................................................................................................................................................................................................19761 - Mario Jose Barbeitos, Rua Eduardo J. Pereira 45, Jardim Eulália, 12010-590 Taubaté, SP. - 150745 (m) B, Retirado (Militar) Deseo cambiar Sellos, FDCs, Tarjetas Telefónicas de Fauna, Flora y Paisajes, FDCs, Tarjetas postales, Calendarios de bolsillo, Etiquetas de Cervezas, Billetes de Banco y Monedas, Billetes de Lotería nacionales (Lotto no) Paquetes de cigarrillos, etc. de todos los países de América. Ofrezco Sellos, Tarjetas Postales, Tarjetas, Telefónicas, Monedas, Billetes de Banco, Loterías (Lotto no) de Brasil y otros países del mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo por corre postal. Respuesta asegurada. Serio y honesto coleccionista,. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y Portugués. Sin correo electrónico...............................................................................................................................................................................................19786 - Cristiano Almeida da Silva, Rua Tiradentes, 166, Bairro Cidade Nova, 96211-080 Rio Grande, RS. (m) I am a Brazilian collector and would like to have an exchange with you. I have many stamps from Brazil to exchange and some other countries. I accept stamps from your country or worldwide. I change on base 1:1 basis. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, Portuguese and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................19815 - Schierz, Ulrich, Av. Baltazar de Oliveira Garcia, 1502 – Bl. 1/404, 91.130-000 Porto Alegre, RS - A, 1008444 (m) B, Jubilado. Colecciono Deutsches Reich, 1902 - 1945, solo usados. DBR 1949-1985 solo usados, Brasil 1900-1990 conmemorativos, aéreos y Hojitas bloques, nuevos. Temáticos Caracoles marinos, vehículos Mercedes Benz,  nuevos y usados de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio Deutsches Reich, DBR, DDR  Zonas de ocupación de Alemania después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, Baviera y Brasil, Cambio en base catálogos Michel y Scott. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Advanced Colector Germany Third Reich, 1902 - 1945, only used. GFR, 1949 – 1995, only used, Brazil, commemoratives, Airmail and sheets, 1900 – 1990, Thematics: Sea snails and Mercedes Benz vehicles on stamps, MNH or used. I offer Third Reich, GFR, GDR, and Occupation Zones after WW 2, Bayern and Brazil. Swap based on Michel or Scott catalogue, your first contact can be done in English, German, Portuguese or Spanish. Fortgeschritner

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Sammler Deutsches Reich 1902 – 1945, gestempelt, Bundesrepublik 1949 – 1995, gestempelt, Brasilien, Sonderausgaben, Luftpostausgaben und Blocks, 1900 - 1990, Meeresschnecken und Mercedes Benz Fahrzeuge auf Briefmarken, postfrisch oder gestempelt. Biete Deutsches Reich, Bundesrepublik, DDR, Besetzungzonen nach 2. Weltkrieg, Bayern und Brasilien. Ihren ersten Kontakt können Sie in English, Deutsch, Portuguisisch oder Spanisch senden. Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................19833 - Carolina Pires Caniato, Rua Domingos Del'Duca, 1015, Bairro Nossa Senhora de Lourdes, 36071-050 Juiz de Fora, MG. - A, 50788 (f) B, Estudiante. Deseo solamente Sellos y Moneda, principalmente de América Latina; Ofrezco sellos de Brasil y Monedas de Argentina, Brasil y Uruguay. Coleccionista principiante. Deseo Amistad sincera y correspondencia con todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y Portugués. Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................19871 - Marco Rogério Sandron, Av. Miguel Varlez, 945, 11660-650 Caraguatatuba, SP. - (m) Want: Mint and used stamps for worldwide. Offer: mint and used from Brazil and worldwide. Medium collector. Please contat first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese. Email: - Rafael Konzen, Rua Saldanha Marinho, 164 - 93320-060 Novo Hamburgo RS. A, 250676 (m) B, Businessman. Want: worldwide stamps. Offer: Brazilian and worldwide stamps. Base of change: 1x1, no duplicates. Also base catalogues: Scott (for worldwide stamps), RHM (for Brazilian stamps). Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................19955 - Waldemar Antonio da Silva, Rua Frutal 19, Cuadra 82, Primavera, SP, 19274-000 A, 100743 (m) B, Retirado. Colecciono sellos y hojitas bloque nuevas de Europa, Asia, África y América del Sur. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Brasil. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Inglés, Español e Portugues. No tengo correo electrónico (email)...............................................................................................................................................................................................19994 - Helder Mourão Vieira, Rua Arquiteto Márcio Alves 160, Francisco Bernardino, 36.081-620 Juiz de Fora (MG). A, 240667 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo solamente sellos de América UPAEP a partir de 2011, nuevos en series completas. Ofrezco solo sellos nuevos recientes de Brasil. Base de cambio al valor facial de los sellos convertidos al dólar americano o euro. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a u completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Portugués u otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................19996 - Valério Miguel Grando, Caixa postal, 750, 90001-970 Porto Alegre, RS. - A, 280165 (m) B, Ingeniero de Minas y Seguridad en el Trabajo, Superintendencia Rio Grande do Sul. Colecciono Billetes de Banco, Monedas y Medallas de todo el mundo. Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco en cambio Sellos, Billetes de Banco, Monedas y Postales. Base de cambio 1x1. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a u completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect and Exchange Banknotes, Coins and Medals from all countries. Medium collector. I offer Stamps, Banknotes, Coins and Postcards. Base Exchange: 1x1. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................19998 - Jose Pereira Silva, P. O. Box 11, 09015-970 Santo André, Sao Paulo. - A, 051257 (m) B, Directos. Estoy buscando intercambios de Tarjetas Postales de cualquier país de mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo y todas clases de objetos coleccionables de Brasil. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect only Postcards from all countries. I offer Brasil and other collectables. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always Idiomas: Español, Ingles, Portuguese y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected],

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...............................................................................................................................................................................................20005 - Luiz Correia Bernardes Filho, Rua Catete, 35, Alto Barroca, 30430-520  Belo Horizonte, MG. -  A, 070565 (m) B, Historiador. Deseo cambiar sellos de todas clases y tipos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco sellos de Brasil nuevos y usados, tengo algunos antiguos nuevos. También ofrezco sellos usados de otros países. Coleccionista mediano Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español Esperanto, Portugués y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], - Gerardo Mendes da Silveira, Rua Anna Francisca Lobo Paula Vargas, 279, Palmeiras, 13101-500 Campinas, SP A, 1931 (m) B, Ingeniero. Colecciono sellos por mancolistas por países y temáticos Base de cambio (1x1) y Catálogos Yvert y Scott. Coleccionista avanzado serio y formal. Ofrezco Brasil y lo mismo que solicito. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Collect stamps with wantlists by country and thematic. Base of exchange (1x1) and Yvert and Scott catalogs. Advanced serious and honest collector. Offer Brazil and the same as requested. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese. Unknown email. ...............................................................................................................................................................................................20022 - Renato Pereira, Caixa Postal 5530, 89041-970 Blumenau, SC. - A, 291173 (m) B. Guía de turismo. Me gustaría hacer intercambios de POSTALES TURISTICAS de todo el mundo. Colecciono nuevas y usadas, mataselladas, escritas, de cualquier tamaño, pero solo POSTALES TURISTICAS. Ofrezco lo mismo de Brasil y mundiales o de otro tipo con acuerdo previo. Acepto 5 o 6 en cada envío. Coleccionista mediano. Tengo en mi alrededor de 2000 postales. Deseo muchas relaciones. Respuesta asegurada. I would like to exchange of TOURIST POSTCARDS from around the world. I collect unused and used, postmarked, written, any size, but only TOURIST POSTCARDS. I offer the same of Brasil, worldwide or other with prior arrangement. I accept 5 or 6 on every time. Médium colector. I have about 2000 postcards in my collection. I want to have many relationships. Reply assured. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................20052 - Carlos Roberto Rezende, Rua Benedita Cardoso Madureira, 4-38, 17021-600 Bauru, SP. - A, 200868 (m) Funcionario publico/public servant.. Colecciono Postales de Estadios Deportivos y de Iglesias. Llaveros y Pins de equipos deportivos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio. Postales de Estadios, Iglesias y Turísticas de Brasil, Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect Postcards of Sports Stadiums and Churches, Pins and Keychains sports teams around the world. I offer instead. Postcard Stadiums, Churches and Tourism of Brazil, Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always.Languages: Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected] ...............................................................................................................................................................................................20060 - Rafael Pereira de Freitas, Rua Ministro Octávio Kelly Nº 288, Icaria, 24220-301  Niteroi, Rio de Janeiro. - A, 010187 (m) B, profesor. Colecciono y cambio Monedas de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio Monedas y algunos Billetes de Banco de Brasil y mundiales. Coleccionista mediano a principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect and Exchange worldwide Coins. Offer Coins and some Banknotes of Brasil and other countries. Medium to beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected].................................................................................................................................................................................................20076 - Luciano Aparecido da Silva, Caixa Postal: 216, 30161-970 Belo Horizonte, MG. - A, 020862 (m) B, Telemarketing Rep. Busco Tarjetas Postales, Sellos, Cartas, Imanes para frigorífico de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo y Tarjetas Telefónicas De Brasil y otros países. Coleccionista principiante de sellos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I am interested in Postcards, Stamps, Covers and Frigo Magnets from all countries of the world. Offer same and Phonecards from Brasil and other countries. Beginner collector of stamps.  Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]

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............................................................................................................................................................................................03562 - Vasil Popov, P. O. Box 198, BU-4000 Plovdiv. - A, 080340 (m) B, Retired. Want stamps mint-MNH Complete sets and Souvenir sheets from worldwide. Especially thematics: Bridges, Military, Fauna, Transports and other topics. I offer Bulgaria, Russia, Germany and other countries. Advanced and serious collector, Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Russian, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],.............. ..............................................................................................................................................................................03789 - Dr. Nikolai Naidenov, P. O. Box: 389, 5800 Pleven. - A, 300747 (m) B, Medicine Doctor. I collect mint complete sets from all over the world, next topics: Fauna, Flora, Sport, Paintings. Offer: Mint and used complete sets Bulgaria from 1879 till today. Only mint complete Sport, Animals, Flowers, Paintings, Space Transport, etc. from all over the world. For exchange I prefer Michel, Yvert, and Scott catalogues. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English. German, Russian and others with online translators. . Email: [email protected]

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 06428 - Dimitar N. Popov, P. O. Box 285, 4000 Plovdiv. - A, 101146 (m) B, Pensioner. Want stamp exchange with serious advanced collectors and DEALERS. Want: I am interested in mint complete sets, souvenir sheets, Sheetlets, FDC's Maximuncards from all countries of the world. Most of all I need topicals: Animals, Birds, Butterflies, Fish, Sea life, Insects, Reptiles, Orchids, Roses, Flowers, Football, Olympic games ,WW II, Ships, Trains, Airplanes, Cars, World Heritage, Antarctic, Lighthouses, Europe-CEPT, many more. I want MNH complete sets of Europe before 1950.I want to buy or exchange lots stocks, collections, year sets, country collections, TOPICAL collections, many more according to my needs. Offer: I can offer TOPICALS Worldwide for collectors and for DEALERS (at wholesale prices). I can supply also Bulgaria, Albania, Cuba, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland, DDR, USSR, Yugoslavia, Romania, North Korea, Mongolia, Cambodia, Laos, Nicaragua, Solomon Islands, ex-USSR republics, ex-Yugoslavia, British Commonwealth, Pacific Islands, Caribbean Islands, Arab countries, Asia including PR China, Taiwan etc. I prefer to deal with DEALERS, part-time dealers, serious collectors. I change/trade in first place MINT COMPLETE SETS, also FDC's and Maximuncards. I use catalogues: Michel, Scott, Yvert, mutual agreement. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Russian, Serbian, my native Language and others with online translator. Email: [email protected],

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 07025 - Ivan Panayotov, Luben Karavelov Str. 52, 5000 Veliko Tarnovo. - A, 080545 (m) B, Retired.(Historian). Serious and honest collector want Maximum cards on the following topics: Sailing Ships, Frescoes, Parrots, Elephants, postal stamps, travelled envelopes on the themes: Table Tennis, Saint Kiril and Methodius from all over the world. Offer Postal stamps - brand new (full series), FDC, Travelled envelopes and maximum cards from Bulgaria as well as from other Eastern European countries. Base catalogues: Michel 2010. Advanced collector. (50 years experience). Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Russian, Esperanto, English, French and others with online translator. Email: [email protected]

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15786 - Arch. Lazar Lazarov, P. O. Box 5, 5800 Pleven. - A, 050747, (m), B, Architect. Want: Phonecards and old Postcards. Offer: all collectables items. Offer fine and rare Phonecards from Bulgaria and some Greece. Guarantee honest partnership. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. At my web page, contain some examples of items for swap or trade:Website: Languages: English, Russian. Email: [email protected],

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............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15999 - Nikolay Kolev, 25, Bould Dondukov, 1000 Sofia. - A, 060948 (m) B, Economics. Want: modern USED stamps from Spain, Germany, UK, France, Canada, Italy, Malta, Australia (normal perforation only), New Zealand, USA (only the sets). Offer: same countries, Africa, worldwide. Advanced collector. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators. Email: - Venelin Jelev, Boul. Treti Mart 76 vh.3 ap.15, BU-5304 Gabrovo. - A, - 010346 (m) B, Mechanical Engineer. Want used, mint stamps from Japan, Australia, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Russia, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Austria, Canada, Colombia, Venezuela, Scandinavian countries, Australia, New Zealand and worldwide Topicals Fauna, Flora, Ships, Airplanes, Europe CEPT. Offer: used, mint stamps from Bulgaria, Russia, France, Germany, Japan etc. Base of exchange 100:100, mint stamps or wantlists upon previous agreement. Also base catalogues: Yvert, Michel, Sakura. Medium collector. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Russian, French and others with online translators, Email: [email protected],

.............................................................................................................................................................................................16263 - Denimer Minev, P.O. Box 448, 5800 Pleven. - A, 251253, (m), B, Psychologist. Want:  Mint Animals, Birds, WWF from all countries. Also Spain stamps. Offer: Mint animals from all countries and Bulgarian stamps and other materials. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages, English, Russian. Email: [email protected]

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16486 - Ljubomir B.Iliev, P.O.Box: 1405, 1000 Sofia. - A, 180946 (m) B, Physicist-University Teacher. Want: mint complete sets of different topics, Postal Stationeries, Special Cancellations, Colour Viewcards from all countries. Offer: the same + FDCs, Phonecards. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: German, English, Russian, and others with online translators Email: [email protected], - Sipsev Rosen, ul. Stefan Stambolov 15, vh. B, et.3, 8000 Burgas. - A, 271248 (m) B, Engineer. I want mint- MNH complete sets theme Flora, Fauna, Sports and Transport in quantities x 4 maximum each set. Also Latin American countries, France and Spain. I offer mint-MNH complete sets Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania Ex-USSR and other countries. I use Michel and Yvert catalogues. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languagues: English and others with pmñine transñators. Email: [email protected], [email protected],  

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16746 - Dr. Boris Tchakov, P. O. Box: 40, 1373 Sofia. - A, 1945 (m) B, I am a Doctor of infectious diseases. Collector and Dealer - mint and used stamps, FDC, Maximum Cards, PC, View cards, Phonecards, Banknotes, Coins etc. I collect mint thematic stamps: Medicine (esp. infectious diseases), Fauna (esp. Birds, Bears, Insects, Butterflies), Chess, Waterfalls, Music, Tales, Child drawing, Minerals, Europe-CEPT, stamps with holograms, Rotary. Also with such stamps. I can accept FDC s on themes: Tales, Bears, Chess, Minerals, Waterfalls too. I am interested in mint España stamps issued after 2000 year. I can offer to you all Bulgarian mint and used stamps, FDC, covers, Postal stationary, Phonecards, and Maximun cards etc. Also many stamps from other countries I exchange on base Michel catalogue. I am expecting your answer with more details for your wishes and offers. Answer always. Languages: English, German smd otjrts with online translators. Email: [email protected]

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16763 - Andrei Petrov, Zona B -5, Bl.7 entr. A ap.8, 1303 Sofia. - A, 150348 (m). Offrir des timbres des ex-pays socialistes et de Bulgarie timbres neufs, catalogue Michel, Je prefere de vendre. Give stamps of the socialist ex-countries and Bulgaria mint stamps, Michel catalogue. I prefere to sell. Langues connues: Anglais, Francais, Germa, Russian and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected],

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 16783 - Georgi Mugrev Str. 27 July 18, 9000 Varna. - A, 139441 (m). B, Pensioner. Want mint (MNH) Stamps,

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Maximum cards, Stationery on the themes:  Nobel prizes winners, Composers, Opera, Rowland Hill, Ch. Columbus, WWF, Fishes, Dogs, Butterflies, Mushrooms, Seashells, Cactus, Dinosaurs, Lighthouses,           Sailing-boats, Warships, Self-portraits, Painters, Volleyball, Basketball. Offer mint (MNH) stamps - almost all from Bulgaria , issued from 1944 up to 1996y, many thematic from all over the world – on my themes and many other as: Flora, Fauna, Transport, Cosmos, Olympic, Sport …etc many thematic: FDC, Maximum Cards, Stationery Cards. Base of change: Catalogue Michel, on want list only. Advanced, serious and honest collector. I you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian. Email: [email protected],

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17567 - Dr. Petar Ivanov, P.O. Box: 464, 4000 Plovdiv. - 060832 (m) B, Doctor of Medicine. Want Mint topicals Issues worldwide. Offer: Mint issues worldwide on topics: Fauna, WWF, Ships, Railway, airplanes, Fungi, Roses, Space, Olympic Games, Football, Painting and many others. Chronology from the countries of East Europe. Used classical stamps worldwide. FDC, Maximum cards, letters. Offer mint topicals issues Worldwide, chronology of the East Europe, classical used stamps. Advanced collector. Base of change: Mint Commemoratives, catalogues Michel, Yvert. Please contact first for mutual agreement- Answer always. Languages: French, German, Russian, English, Polish, Serbian.  Email: [email protected]

............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19433 - Mrs. Ira Nikolova, str. ""Knez Boris I" N 6, 5800 Pleven. - A, 230955 (f) B, Engineer/Architect. Want mint & used stamps, Postal Stationary, MCs, Phonecards, Beer items.... interest all over the world. Thematics: Butterflies, Women, Fauna, Cars, Trains... I change mint, used, Catalogue Michel. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages Englis, Russian, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................20009 - Atanas Tashkov, P.O. Box 48, 1404 Sofia, Bulgaria. - (m) Want mint thematics complete sets: Fauna, Flora, Space, Locomotives, Ships from all countries. Offer mint/used stamps, Maximuncards, Postcards from East Europe and Ex-USSR. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected]...........................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18529 - Harry Thant, ACE, 46, Street 214, Boeung Raing, P. O. Box 860, Phnom Penh. - (m) B, University Lecturer. Wishes of exchange: used, mint recent large worldwide. Want:  prefer used pictorials and commemoratives  of the world including Bhutan, China, Japan, Spain, Thailand, African countries etc. Offer:  used/mint of Cambodia, Burma, Vietnam, and worldwide. I exchange for, 1x1, no catalogues, no wantlist, medium collector of over 30 years. Please Registered Airmail for safety. If interested, email me for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email unknown



..........................................................................................................................................................................................08493 - Pierre Dubé, 10-110, Wilfrid-Ranger, CA-St-Charles-Borromée, QC J6E 7Z9. - A, 250345 (m) B, Teacher. Want: Send 200 used larges from your country (2000-2011). I can send you 300 used larges from Canada, USA, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Slovenia, Bosnia, Croatia or China Rep. (1995-2011).

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Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Registered mail only. Languages: English and French. Email: [email protected],

..........................................................................................................................................................................................16020 - Claude Vallières, 451 Element, St-Louis-de-France, Québec, G8W 1K1. - A, 100942 (m), B, Retraitée. J’ai me intéresse Irlande 2005 jusque 2011, Colombie, South Amérique du Sud récents. J'ai des timbres oblitères de France, Canada, U.S.A, India, Australia et Japan. Je fonctionne par liste descriptive ou par scan. Je suis un collectionneur moyen. Réspose assurée. Langues : Français et Anglais Email: [email protected]

..........................................................................................................................................................................................16915 - Ed Devine, 74 Fenerty Rd, Sackville, Nova Scotia, B4E 3B1. - A, 110751 (m) B, Retired Teacher. I offer most mint NH Canadian stamps 1948-2004 for trade. In return I am looking for certain mint stamps from your country and surrounding areas. Also I am interested in mint (MNH) stamps from II World War. Your Canadian want list would be welcome. I like to trade using Scott or Michel catalogs. A face value exchange is also a possibility. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Visit my web page at:, Answer always. Language: English, French, German and others in online translators. Email: [email protected],

..........................................................................................................................................................................................17424 - Real Boucher, 10 Louis Lienard de Beaujeu, St Jean sur Richelieu, Québec. J2W 1T4. - A, 160735 (m) B, Retired. Want world recent used stamps. Offer: Canada, USA, and world interest: Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Serious and honest collector. Languages: English and French. Email: [email protected],

..........................................................................................................................................................................................17445 - Michel Hébert, P.O.Box 321, Boucherville, Québec, J4B 5J6.-A, 1937 (m) B, Pharmacist now retired and APS lifetime member. Want: only MNH complete sets of Albania, Asia, Oceania, South-Central America, Spain, Portugal, France, CIS and especially all the popular topics like butterflies, mushrooms, fauna & so on around over the world. Send: U.N, Canada, Asia, Oceania, France, East & Western Europe and Worldwide popular topics. Always answer letters or e-mails. Languages: English, French and others with online translators..Email: [email protected], …........................................................................................................................................................................................17485 - José Sadoine, 6906 chemin Roy, Disraeli, G0N 1E0. - A, 160534 (m) B, Retraité. Cherche  Belgique- Canada-France-Italie-Suisse + thématiques (transport maritime et ferroviaire) de tous les pays. Offre : Timbre du monde entier 50000  a 75000 timbres de disponible. S'il vous plaît contact avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi. Réponse toujours. Langues : Français et d'autres avec des traducteurs en ligne.. Email: [email protected],

..........................................................................................................................................................................................17586 - Reveyron Paul, 4 chemin Constantineau, Sainte Agathe, P.Q. J8C 2Z7. - A, 080340 (m). Want used stamps of British Commonwealth and Ethiopia. Offer: Used stamps from Canada, USA, France and Fauna from all. countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish and others woth online translators. Email: [email protected],

..........................................................................................................................................................................................17886 - William McCubbin, 204-9717 Third Street, Sidney, B.C., V8L 3A3. - A, 040525 (m) B, Retired Accountant. Interested to exchange used stamps. Main interests are Western Europe, British Commonwealth, Thailand, Japan. Will exchange used Canadian and Thailand for my interests listed above. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected],

..........................................................................................................................................................................................17945 - Yuriy Tymofeyev, 666 Spadina Ave., apt.203, M5S2H8, Toronto, ON,. - A, 050660 (m) B, Manager Want Mint topical stamps Fauna, WWF, Flora. Offer: Mint topical stamps Fauna, Flora, Olympic Games, Football of the worldwide. Catalogs-Michel, Scott. Pleas contact first for mutual agreement before  to send stamps. Languages:. English and Russian. Email: [email protected]


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18026 - Shiu Fai Tang, 25 Brimwood Blvd. #77, Scarborough, ON, M1V 1E2. - A, 231236 (m) B, Retired. Want:  Worldwide stamps, especially Western Europe, British Commonwealth, Pacific Islands, West Indies, Hong Kong and China etc. Prefer to chamge 200+ stamps per sending. No wantlist, no CTO's and no small stamps. Offer: Worldwide stamps depend on request.  I am an advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Cantonese. Email: [email protected]

..........................................................................................................................................................................................18074 - Raymond Legault, 19864 Valleyview, P. O. Box: 251, R.R. 3 Alexanuria, ON, K0C1A0. – A, 110145 (m) B, Retired Educator. Wishes of exchange and correspondence: Want Used commemorative stamps only, no mint from worldwide recent (1985-today) mainly France, USA, Russia, Australia, New Zealand and British Isles. Offer worldwide stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Known languages: Français and English. Email: [email protected], [email protected],

..........................................................................................................................................................................................18169 - Marcel Gauthier, 286 Sauvageau #31, Repentigny, Qué J5Y 2A1. - A, 191153 (m) B, Technicien de procede. - Cherche : Timbres de tous les pays. Offre timbres de Canada et autres pays. Je prie des contacts d'abord pour arriver à un accord complet. Sérieux. Réponse assurée. I want stamps from all countries. Offer Canada and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: French, English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected],

..........................................................................................................................................................................................18338 - Dan Daniel, 9 Saber Court, Willowdale, Ont., M2M 1S9. - A, 090536 (m) B, Retired. Want used undamaged stamps of many countries, mostly by want-lists; used German stamps with tab-number attached at top of stamps; personalized stamps. Offer: A very large amount of stamps from Canada and many other countries and topics. I exchange stamps using want-lists, by catalogue numbers (Yvert, Scott, etc) and/or description; no random quantities, chain letters, commercials for other items. Collector: Medium advanced. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French. Email: [email protected],

.............................................................................................................................................................................................18428 - Bernard Therrien, 263 St-Donat, Saint-Donat  QC  J0T 2C0. - A, 060247 (m) B, Retraité du monde de l’enseignement. Je collectionne les timbres oblitérés, monde entier. J'offre des timbres du monde particulièrement Canada, France, USA. Je prie des contacts d'abord pour arriver à un accord complet Réponse assurée.Réponse assurée. Langues : Français, Anglais. Email: - Mack Strathdee, Box 50, Margaree Center, NS, BOE 1ZO. – A, 1947(m) B, Retired. Want: Off-paper GB Machins 2000-20011 and also stamps UK, Japan, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, France. Offer:  See … Lots are viewable. Exchange by gm-weight sends only. Advanced collector. Please contact for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English, French. Email: [email protected]

..........................................................................................................................................................................................19157 - Charanjeet Kaur, 12 Whitwell, Drive, Brampton. ON. L6P 1C6. - .A, 200977 (f) B, Service. Want stamps if Norway, Australia, Faroe Islands, Aland, UK, Channel Islands, Israel. Also Thematic that I am interested in: WWF, Birds, IYC-1979 from all countries. Offer: As above. Base of exchange/ commemoratives, used, mint, quantities, 1:1, catalogues Stanley Gibbons, Scott. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English. Email: [email protected],…........................................................................................................................................................................................19348 - Morin Marc, 1790, rue Jacques-Cartier, Trois-Rivières, Québec, G8Y 5G2. - A, 200653 (m) B, Retired. Want: All the stamps of the counties beginning by letter A up to letter I, (no Iceland and Italy). Also thematics of Olympics, John F. Kennedy, Europe, Disney and Football from worldwide. Offer: Stamps from all the countries of the world (used, mint and mint NH). I prefer used stamps and behind mint NH. Change with the catalogue value or money currency. No CTOs. I use the Scott catalogue, I have a list of all my countries. I don't accept duplicates. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French. Email: [email protected],

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…........................................................................................................................................................................................19806 - Sandra Phillips, 1640 Mills Road, North Saanich, BC V8L 5S9. - (f) B, Retired. Want used commemoratives and definitives stamps of British Commonwealth, Papua New Guinea. Offer Canadian, British stamps. Base Scott catalogue. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English. Email: [email protected], …........................................................................................................................................................................................20013 - Tom Duncan, 59-5700 Jinkerson Road, Chilliwack, BC V2R 5N6. . (m) I collect Canada, USA, Europe and Commonwealth. Offer same as my interests. I have thousands of used stamps, mainly mid range (.50-$1.00) but some higher value as well. I would like to receive information on how to start exchanging material with other members. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], …........................................................................................................................................................................................20016 - Jeannine Turcotte, 9720 Sackville, Montréal, Qc H2B 2W4. - (f) I collect Canada, Belgium, Spain, Vatican, MNH Europe CEPT, mint France, MNH, used, Souvenir sheets. Offer stamps from Canada MNH and used. Also many other countries. I usually trade by wantlist according to Yvert Tellier. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]…........................................................................................................................................................................................20017 - Charles Price, PO Box 1016, Pincher Creek, Alberta T0K 1W0. - (m) I collect worldwide used stamps. Offer same Canada and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected]…........................................................................................................................................................................................20023 - Richard Kunkel, 349 George St., Toronto, Ontario, M5A 2N2. - A, 120247 (m) B, Retired. I collect only commemoratives, definitives, MNH (preferred), Mint (LH), used, quantities are open to agreement as are the exchange of duplicates from United Nations (NY, UNMIK, UNTEA, UNTEAT, etc), Switzerland (SDN, UNO, etc), Canada and provinces (especially NFLD), Vatican City, Papal States, Netherlands New Guinea, Indonesia, Peru, Thematics UN and agencies worldwide. Offer: Primarily Canada and Provinces, some UN, and worldwide. Base catalogues:  Primarily Scott, but also Stanley Gibbons. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], …........................................................................................................................................................................................


.........................................................................................................................................................................................16428 - Gilberto Gallo Martínez, Apartado Aéreo 54 976, Medellín. - (m) B, Ingeniero Electrónico. Deseo: Sellos, Monedas, Billetes, Loterías, Tarjetas Telefónicas, Postales, Estampillas con temas de Gallos, Gallinas, Pollitos, Petróleo e Indígenas. Ofrezco: material de Colombia. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Ingles y Paisa. I want: Banknotes, Philately, Coins, Phonecards, Postcards. Lottery and Roosters stamps from all countries. I offer the same from Colombia. Please contact first please for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], Web:, ...........................................................................................................................................................................................16816 - Jorge Serrano Torres, P. O. Box 110217 Bogotá. - A, 150249 (m) B, Administrador de Empresas. Deseo sellos usados hasta el 2000 de Costa Rica, España, Argentina, Colombia, También usados todos los años de

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Gran Bretaña, USA, Vaticano, Israel, ONU y Cuba. Ofrezco sellos de Colombia, España, Gran Bretaña, USA, Argentina, y de todo el mundo, por mancolistas Edifil, Scott. L. Temprano, Mello, o 1x1 solo por correo Certificado para seguridad. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want used stamps until 2000 year from Costa Rica, Spain, Argentina, Colombia, Also used stamps all years from United Kingdom, USA, Vatican, Israel, ONU and Cuba. I offer stamps of Colombia, Spain, United Kingdom, USA, Argentina and all countries by wantlists Edifil, Scott, Temprano, Mello, or 1x1 always by Registered mail for safety. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................17146 - Mario Ruiz Uribe, Calle.69a.#27-81, Apartado Aéreo 301, Manizales, Caldas.-A, 080652 (m) B, Contador. Deseo sellos nuevos de Deportes y América UPAEP, especialmente de África y Centro América. Ofrezco sellos de Deportes, Fauna y América UPAEP. Garantizo seriedad y cumplimiento y mis envíos los hago por correo certificado. Coleccionista avanzado.Ruego contacto primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Contesto siempre. Idiomas: Español e Inglés Email: [email protected] .........................................................................................................................................................................................17455 - Ángela Maria Franco, Calle 64 # 9 - 28 Apto. 102, Santa Fe de Bogota, DC. - A, 130977 (f) B, Bailarina. Colecciono sellos de cualquier parte del mundo del tema: “Arte”. Ofrezco: sellos de “Arte” todo el mundo (Que ya tengo repetidos) en especial sellos Colombia y de otros países de mundo preferiblemente sin temática. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Atención a mi nuevo Email. Want stamps from all over the world on theme: “Art.” I offer stamps of worldwide of theme Art (Which I have repeated) and especially my country stamps, Colombia and other countries, preferably without Theme. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Attention to my new email. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18979 - Ramón Alfredo Pardo Díaz, Carrera 29 A  #  74 - 25 piso 2, Bogotá. -  A, 090448 (m) B, Ingeniero Civil. Deseo: Sellos  usados, conmemorativos para canje  1 x 1 (paquetes de 200, 300 o mas según país), especial interés por sellos de Alemania y Colombia. Ofrezco: Alemania, Colombia, Italia, U K, América en general, España. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada, Idiomas Español, Inglés and otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19043 - Jeisson F. Pulido G, Colecciones Pler, Apartado Postal 1-358919, Bogotá. - A, 060791 (m), Economía. Deseo sellos usados de Vaticano, Israel, Francia (1991-2011) y nuevos-MNH de Israel, Vaticano, Francia (1991-2011), Japón y China. También me interesan temáticos del centenario de la Cruz Roja, Tabaco, Libros y Cigarrillos. Ofrezco sellos de todo el mundo, Enteros postales, FDC, Papel sellado, Sobres circulados, Monedas, Billetes de Bancos y otros coleccionables. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas conocidos: Español, Francés, Inglés y otros con ayuda de traductores online. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19265 - Alirio de Jesús Ochoa Carmona, Carrera 26A- 37, Bloque 8, Apto 301, Urbanización La Alianza, Itagui, Antioquia, - A, 011258 (m) B, Contador Público. Deseo sellos usados temáticos de todos los países: Flora, Fauna, Caballos, Deportes, Vida, Anatomía. Ofrezco  usados todos los países y temáticas Flora y Fauna. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada.   Want Thematic used stamps from all countries: Flora; Fauna. Horses, Sports, Life, Anatomy. Offer used stamps from all countries and thematics Flora Fauna. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................20054 - Adán Alfonso Barrios Consuegra, Calle 76 Nº 26C-36, El Silencio, 080016 Barranquilla, Atlántico. – A, 200949 (m) B, Abogado – Economistas. Colecciono Colombia y temáticos América-UPAEP, sellos emitidos por todos los países de América, España, Portugal (países miembros de la Unión Postal de las

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Américas, España y Portugal). Acepto cambio también de las temáticas de Flora y Fauna de todos los países del mundo, series completas. Ofrezco en cambios sellos nuevos y usados de Colombia, y usados de la temática de Flora, Fauna y UPAEP de América Latina. Base de cambio catálogo Michel o sello por sello (1x1). Soy un coleccionista relativamente avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected] .............................................................................................................................................................................................20080 - Eduardo Uribe Duarte. Carrera 7A No 135-78 Apartamento 101, Torre 2, Bogota D.E. - A, 131053 (m) B, Ingeniero Civil. Deseo Cambiar, Comprar y Vender Billetes de Banco, Sellos, Sobres y Correspondencia con todo el mundo.  Ofrezco Sellos sueltos mundiales y Sobres Primer Día de Colombia. Me interesan los propuestos y dependen de lo que ofrezcan. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y otros con traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................



...........................................................................................................................................................................................18127 - François Landu Ditona Odu, Rue  Ituri n° 1, Quartier Wenze, Commune de Kintambo, Boite Postale 15861, Kinshasa 1. - A, 061048 (m) B, Philatéliste -Numismate. Je peux échanger comme vendre les timbres poste, la monnaie, les télécartes de la R D CONGO, les bouchons de bière  de la R. D. du CongoComme moi aussi j'ai des timbres poste du Congo à vendre. Je prie des contacts d'abord pour arriver à un accord complet. Réponse assurée. Français et autres langues en utilisant l'Internet traducteurs. Email [email protected], - Henri Lehani,  c/o FECOPHI, 15861 Kin I, Kinshasa. - A, 130576 (m) B, Philateliste. Cherche  correspondants pour échanger des Timbres et des Billets de Banque de tpus les pays. Offre the same Congo et autres pays. Je prie des contacts d'abord pour arriver à un accord complet. Réponse assurée. Want exchange stamps and Baknotes with friemds from all countries. Offer the same of Congo and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French. Email: - Diallo Mampaka Tshimanga, 103, avenue kivunda n°103 commune de Bandalungwa,  Kinshasa. - A, 300473 (m) B, Philatéliste & Numismate. Cherche : Timbres poste de tous les pays. Offre : Timbres poste et Monnaies. Entrer en contact svp avec moi avant d'envoyer vos timbres pour un commun accord. Répondez à tous les lettres et email. Réponse assurée. Français et autres langues en utilisant l'Internet traducteurs.Email [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................18438 - Edouard Mbala, 43, Ave. Bangala n° 43 commune de Kintambo, Kinshasa. - A, 060172 (m) B, Philatéliste.  Cherche : Timbres poste et Monnaies de tous les pays du monde. Offre : Timbres poste et Monnaies. Entrer en contact svp avec moi avant d'envoyer vos timbres pour un commun accord. Réponse assurée. Langues Français et autres langues en utilisant l'Internet traducteurs. Email [email protected]...........................................................................................................................................................................................18633 - Reagan Muanda, 3 Bis, Av. Banana/Tshinkela, Comm. Kintambo, Kinshasa. - A, 230984 (m) B, Philatéliste. (avant Informatique). Cherche des timbres, monnaies, tout ce qui est culturel, de tous les pays du monde.

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Offre timbres, monnaies, œuvre d'art, des journaux, des photos... Toujours prendre contact par mail avant tout Echange. Philateliste avancé. Réponse assurée. Langues: Français, Anglais, Lingala. Email [email protected] , ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19775 - Diambula André, Direction omise à une propre pétition. - (m). Je souhaite être en contact permanent avec votre club et être membre, pour être informer sur les nouvelles sur la Numismatique et la Philatelie. En plus je dispose plusieurs marchandise sur les timbres du Congo - Zaïre et République Démocratique du Congo depuis 1960 à 2002 d'où je suis à la recherche des acheteurs. Quand aux billets je vends aussi tous les billets du Congo - Zaïre et République Démocratique du Congo depuis l'époque du Congo - Belge - Ruanda Urundi, Conseil monétaire de 1920 à 1959, Kasa-Vubu, Katanga en billets ordinaires et spécimens, pièces des monnaies du congo et du Zaïre, les raretés philatelique, timbre a date ancien, cartes prépayés anciens. Demande contact d’abord.Réponse assurée. Langues : Françaos et Anglaiset les autres avec les traducteurs online.. Email : [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................


...........................................................................................................................................................................................06388 - Jaime Francisco Fuscaldo Artavia, Casilla Postal No. 1471-2100, Guadalupe, San José. - A, 290455 (m) B, Contador. Busco Tarjetas Telefónicas, nuevas y usadas, Sellos, Tarjetas Postales. Aficionado y practicante del Atletismo, y coleccionista de fotos y todo lo relacionado con este deporte. Actualmente soy atleta Master M-50, según la clasificación internacional. Correspondencia en general con personas sin importar, sexo, raza, o edad, de todos los países del mundo. Ruego contacto primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Contesto siempre. I collect Phonecards mint and used, Stamps, Postcards from all countries. Amateur and practitioner of the Athletics, and collector of photos and everything related to this sport. At present I am an athlete Master M-50, according to the international classification. Interested in friendly correspondence with any persons never minds! sex, race, or age, of all the countries of the world. Languages: English, Spanish, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected] ...........................................................................................................................................................................................13824 - Federico Dittel Araya, Apartado Postal 222-7050, 31001 Cartago. - A, 141273 (m) B, Ingeniero Civil. Deseo sellos de todos los países de América y Europa, asi como de Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Japón y China. Billetes y Monedas de cualquier parte del mundo. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Costa Rica y el mundo. Base 1x1, en nuevo o usado. Billetes y monedas de Costa Rica y el mundo para cambios. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want Stamps from all countries of America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, China and Japan. Also Coins and Banknotes from Worldwide. Offer same of Costa Rica and worldwide. Advanced collector. Base of change 1x1, mint and used stamps, coins and banknotes. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish, and others with online translators. Web page:, Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................17543 - Milton Chavarri Soto, de la Heladería Pops 50 mts Norte 75 mts Este, Tibas, San Jose, Correspondencia solo al Apartado Postal 2236-1002 San Jose. - A, 110455 (m) Consultor Preparativos y Prevención Desastres / Asuntos Humanitarios. Cambio sellos nuevos usados. Deseo: Temática: Cruz Roja, Naciones Unidas, Trenes, Barcos, Aviones y sellos de todas clases de España, Vaticano, Nicaragua, Colombia, Austria. Ofrezco en cambio Costa Rica, y varios países del mundo. No aceptos duplicados. Coleccionista mediano/avanzado.

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Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Ingles y otros con traductores online.Página Web: Email: [email protected] - Joaquín Bernardo Cordero Martínez, 200 oeste 125 norte de la Iglesia los Ángeles Heredia. - A, 200861 (m) B, Abogado. Deseo Monedas y Billetes de banco de todo el mundo.. Ofrezco Monedas y Billetes de todo el Mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Banknotes and Coins from all countries. Offer the same. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. I am only write in Spanish and English. Email: - Mauricio Martín Vargas García, 150 mts norte de Abastecedor La Estrella, San Ramón, Alajuela, 20201. – A, 010169 (m) B, Empleado del Gobierno. Deseo sellos temáticos sobre Fauna, Plantas con Flores, medios de Transportes, Espacio y Deportes. En especial Oceanía y África pero recibo de todo el mundo. Cambio en base de 1x1 y recibo sellos en nuevos o usados, pero en excelente estado. No acepto duplicados. Envío cantidades superiores a 50 sellos por carta. Soy coleccionista intermedio. Ofrezco: Monedas, Sellos, Tarjetas Telefónicas de mi país y del mundo. Comunicarse antes de enviar para afinar detalles. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas conocidos: Español e Ingles. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................19640 - Julio Quirós Fernández, Apartado de Correos 639-650, 10901 Santa Ana. - B, Estudiante. Sí están interesados en intercambiar estampillas conmigo, yo les ofrezco estampillas nuevas de Costa Rica, me pueden contactar a mi e-mail: [email protected], o a mi dirección postal, ambas con respuesta asegurada. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés, Blog: Intercambiar estampillas y covers............................................................................................................................................................................................19793 - Juan Luís Camacho Barquero, 50m, Sur y 50m, Este del M.O.P.T San Isidro de El General, Pérez Zeledón. - A, 200346 (m) B, Pensionado del M.E.P. Deseo cambiar sellos nuevos, series completas, de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio sellos nuevos, series completas de Costa Rica. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect and Exchange mint-MNH stamps, complete sets from all countries. I offer same of Costa Rica. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19879 - Greivin Vindas - Residencial Los l Lagos 2, Casa 98, Heredia. - (m) Deseo cambiar sellos postales de todo el mundo. Ofrezco sellos de mi país, Costa Rica y repetidos de mi colección, nuevos o usados, series completas, 1 x 1 o en cantidades a convenir. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés. Email: [email protected]…........................................................................................................................................................................................19979 - Jovel Guillermo Hernández Barahona, 75 metros Este de RITEVE Barreal de Heredia, Heredia. - A, 100164 (m) B, Topógrafo.  Deseo intercambiar Billetes y Monedas de Costa Rica por Billetes y Monedas de todo el mundo. Me interesan especialmente intercambiar Monedas y Billetes de todo el mundo, en especial de Kiribati, Palau, Macau, Toda Oceanía, Sierra leona, Togo, Burkina Faso, Chad, Cabo Verde, Malí, Namibia, Níger, Alto Volta, Rep Centroafricana , Camerún, África del Sur, Argelia, Djibouti, Túnez, Eritrea, Guinea Ecuatorial, islas Falkland, islas Faroe. San Marino. Liechtenstein, Mónaco. Jordania, Qatar, Tahití, Timor, Biafra, Rhodesia, Zanzíbar. Suecia, Finlandia, Escocia, Republica Checa. Ofrezco Monedas y Billetes de Banco de Costa Rica y algunos de otros países, Coleccionista mediano. Envíos solo por correo certificado para seguridad de recepción. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta a Asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................

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............................................................................................................................................................................................15773 - Mirko Armbrust, P. O. Box 167, HR-31001 Osijek. - A, 220956 (m) B, Bookkeeper. I collect and exchange used stamps of Portugal, Azores, Madeira, Germany, Austria, Scandinavia, UK, Australia,., etc. Also mint-MNH thematics Dogs, Lighthouses, Ships, Car, Chess, Pope John Paul II, Butterflies etc from all countries. Offer used stamps Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Scandinavia, Australia, Hungary, etc. and some mint thematic Fauna, Flora, Painting, Transport, Sports, etc. I have a big stock of Croatian used Phonecards and worldwide Phonecards which want exchange for stamps. Prefer exchange by wantlists or by scans pictures, but open for any new your suggest. Base Michel catalogue or by scans. Advanced collector. Please contact first by email for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................15906 - Željko Vasilik Steve Bereka 11, Budasevo, HR-44202 Topolovac. - A, 221163 (m) B, Computer Engineer. I am topical collector; here is the list of all my collecting interests: Philately: „Storks“, worldwide, anything (Mint stamps, FDCs, Maximuncards, Postcards, Phonecards …). I prepare philatelic exhibit dedicated to storks and I gather anything I can find. Especially I need items with some African and Asian species and material about storks in culture, ecology etc. Stork single stamps very welcome! I am interested in hearing any folk tale, legend, belief about storks, too. Is there any „Fossils“; worldwide, any philatelic issues (stamps, FDCs, maximum cards …). Wish-list attached. I collect real fossils („bones“), not pictures of ancient creatures („dinosaurs“) on stamps.  - Except stamps, FDCs and other official postal items, Also interested in any possible commemorative issue, made by philatelic clubs and other institutions. „Whales & dolphins“; worldwide mint stamps, by wish-list (attached). I collect whole sets if there are at least 50% whale/dolphin stamps in the set. If set contains less than 50% whale/dolphin stamps, I am interested to get only these whale/dolphin stamps separately (if possible). „Sisak“ (my town); anything (let it be mentioned, "just in case"). Postcards: „Wildlife“; single view, any country – any species (rarer the better). I wish to collect as many different species as I can, rather than having more cards with same creature. So; I am especially interested to get rare, unusual, endemic species. Coins: Maybe you could send me few coins from your country? Nothing special, nothing expensive, just ones which are/were in daily use. It is for my nephew, who is 14. Spoons: My whole family collects souvenir tea spoons. These are small spoons with symbols on them (coat-of-arm, flag etc). I am enclosing picture of few such spoons. Can you find any such spoon from your town, province, or any other place in your country, or abroad? I don't need anything specially, nor expensive, nor many, 1 or 2 would be ok. It is usually sold in tourist shops. I offer Croatia, Yugoslavia, topics etc. I hope in this offer you'll find something interesting. One-time trade is ok with me, too. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian, German, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected] ...........................................................................................................................................................................................16080 - Danijela Licul, Braæe Levak 16, HR-52100 Pula. - A, 011181 (f) B, BA in English and Spanish. Want: Mostly used stamps Italy, Spain, Germany, UK, Switzerland, France, USA, Canada, Australia, Slovenia. Offer: Used stamps on 1x1 o4r agreement. E-mail first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Croatian, English, Italian, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................16150 - Davor Franjkovic, Vrbaniceva 39, HR-10000 Zagreb. - A, 240568 (m) Educator - Lecturer. Want: Aviation Stamps (airplanes, pilots, helicopters, airports, parachutes, balloons, zeppelins etc) used or mint, worldwide used stamps, specially Africa. Offer: Fine used stamps from Croatia, European countries, USA, Canada and worldwide used stamps. Exchange used stamps on 1:1 basis. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Croatian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected],

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...........................................................................................................................................................................................17058 - Danijel Prerad, Kneza Branimira 4, 44010 Sisak. - A, 210179 (m) B, Journalist. Want all worldwide stamps, especially Ex Yugoslavia, France, Old Germany, Hungary and Austria, Scandinavia - Mint and used. Offer: All world. Thematic that I am interested in: Movie. Advanced collector.Please contact first for previous agreement before send any stamps. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19531 - Bogdan Koric, Slavka Kolara 23, 10410 Velika Gorica. - (m) I am interested to exchange worldwide used and mint stamps, souvenir sheets, stamps sheetlets, mainly New Caledonia, French Polynesia, Iles Wallis et Futuna, Niufo'uo, BIOT, Ross Dependence, Iceland, Greenland, Faroe islands, Aland.. I offer used or mint stamps, souvenir sheets, stamp sheetlets, FDCs from Croatia and used stamps from other world countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19588 - Damir Uzorinac, Prilaz G. Dezelica 20, 10000 Zagreb. - A, 260868 (m) B, Insurance. Want: Table Tennis stamps, Table Tennis Pins of WTTC and ETTC and Olympic Games from all countries. Offer Table Tennis Books (some signed by author), Table Tennis Pins and Table Tennis and other Stamps. I am medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Croatian, English, Slovenian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19739 - Zdravko Bosnjak, Vlahe Stulica 18, HR-10090 Zagreb. - A, 260556 (m) B, Mr. sc. Collect Coins. I am interested in: XIX, XX and XXI Century from all countries. Accept duplicates.catalog prices. Using the catalog Krause. Advanced collector. Offer Coins from all countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19942 - Damir Crnċiċ, Primorska 1a, 51000 Rijeka. - A, 180575 (m) B, Building Engineer. I collect Croatia, Bosnia, UN-Wien, Animals, mainly Octopus; Veglia; Insel Krk; Insel Cres. Offer: Croatia, Bosnia, Animals. Base Michel and Scott catalogues. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19991 - Kruno Leko, Address unpublished by request, 20000 Dubrovnik, A, 100745 (m) B, Freelancer. I am serious collector of old postcards: wanted - buy old pre-1914. - period 1890.- 1914.- postcards of Croatians towns Dubrovnik  or Ragusa , Gravosa, Lapad, island Mljet with top-priorities motifs & themes: undivided backs; lithos, chromolithos; pre-1896 or pre-1895 postcards; postcard with POSTMAN in whose BAG is title UBROVNIK-RAGUSA = leporello picture CPA; street scenes; railway & station; tram-car;  military scenes; harbour scenes; publicity and promotion postcards; real-photos; … Dubrovnik(Ragusa) between 1890.-1918. was in Austro-Hungarian empire. Any info or collegial advise appreciated. I can buy with PayPal. Looking forward to hearing from you soon I think you really. Will response to all inquires. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected] .........................................................................................................................................................................................20062 - Kruno Erdesi, Grbavica 59, 35000 Slavonski Brod. - A, 150676 (m) B, Policeman. Want Coins by type. Offer worldwide Coins. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online collectors. Email: [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................


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...........................................................................................................................................................................................05866 - Ing. Modesto R. García Castro, Apartado Postal 4230, 40100 Matanzas. -A, 231145, (m) B, Ingeniero Mecánico. Busco sellos temáticos de Perros, Automóviles. Premios Nobel, Vida de Alfred Nobel y Fauna, en nuevo o usados, pero siempre en series completas. Además me interesan de mi temáticas todos los Documentos filatélicos. SPD, matasellos especiales, tarjetas Maximun, etc. Ofrezco sellos y material de todas clases de Cuba y otros países. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Contesto siempre. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................09891 - Julio Blanco Castillo, Apartado 6432, 10600 Habana. - A, 150949 (m) B, Economista. Deseo: Novedades de todos los países . Ofrezco: Novedades, Cuba. Coleccionista avanzado, canje base Yuert, Michel o Facial. Solo sellos nuevos, Mint en series completas. Ruego contctos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas conocidos: Español, English, Francais, Deutsch, Italiano, Portugués. Email: [email protected]

...........................................................................................................................................................................................10840 - José Ramón Crego Abella, Arzobispo 5, e/ Parque y Suzarte, Cerro, Apartado Postal 2258, 10200 Ciudad de La Habana. - A, 260950 (m) B, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo FFC. Deseo: Series completas y hojas filatélicas nuevas de las temáticas Fauna, Deportes, Barcos, Aviones, Ferrocarriles, Cristóbal Colón y descubrimiento de América, Flora y otras a partir del año 2000, (Europa del Este solamente desde 2006). Todo tipo de material filatélico para estos temas. Sellos cancelados después de acuerdo previo.Ofrezco: Todo tipo de material filatélico de mi país, sellos cancelados mayormente CTO's, de otros países de acuerdo a mis posibilidades. Países interesados: Todo el mundoRuego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. Want stamps mint complete sets and souvenir sheets, principally thematic Fauna (in general), Sports, Railroads, Ships, Planes, Columbus and others). Acceptance of the whole world from the year 2000 until the date. Previous only to my request. I offer: Mint complete sets and souvenir sheets of Cuba and of some other countries. I accept Wantlists for catalogues Yvert or Michel. (I can accept other one), Medium collector, serious and honest in all my relations. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: - Hermes Paredes Prieto, Avenida del Este, entre 5ta y 7ma. Edificio 10246, Apto. B-7, Reparto Sta Catalina, Cerro, 13400 Ciudad de La Habana.- A, 040382, (m), B, Estudiante de Química Nuclear,. Deseo sellos nuevos en series completas de cualquier país. Tengo mancolista. Busco años completos nuevos y series completas de cualquier país. Ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados, series completas, FDCs, etc. de Cuba de 1990 a 2011. Uso los catálogos Scott, Michel e Yvert & Tellier, para cambiar. Ruego contactos conmigo antes de hacer un primer envío, Todos los envíos por correo certificado. Respuesta asegurada. Pueden escribir en Español e Inglés. I want to exchange stamps. I collect mint complete sets from any country. I have wantlist. I am looking for complete mint years sets from any country. I can offer you mint and used complete sets, FDCs, etc from Cuba, period 1990-2011. I use the Scott, Michel and Yvert & Tellier catalogues for exchanges here. Please contact first for mutual agreement. All Registered Mail for safety. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email : [email protected] ...........................................................................................................................................................................................16296 - Carlos Chorens Dotres. San Lázaro No. 1107 Apto. 103 entre Infanta y San Francisco, 10300 Ciudad La Habana. - A, 190166 (m), B, Ingeniero Informático. Deseo: Emisiones en sellos nuevos, en series completas de todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo de Cuba. Base catálogos Yvert y Michel. Ruego contactos primero antes de enviar para llegar aun completo acuerdo. Respuesta siempre asegurada. Envíos solamente por correo certificado para seguridad. Idiomas: Want mint sets. Complete years from all countries. Offer the same of.Cuba. Basis Yvert and Michel catalogues. Only registered letters for safety. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always.Languages: Español, French, and English. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17222 - Raúl Sabadí Díaz, (255-1-228), Apartado 2222, Código Postal 10200, Habana 6. - A, 030756 (m)

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B, Engineer, Researcher. Want: Stamps, from Brazil, Spain, France, Italy, Uruguay and Christmas Islands (Indic Ocean), Domestic Cats and Sugar Industry from the whole world. Mint and/or used. I also collect beer labels from the whole world. Offer: Cuba, the countries I collect; also other interests in countries and themes. Please contact first for previous agreement. I always answer. Languages: Spanish, English and Portuguese. Deseo sellos de Brasil, España, Francia, Italia, Uruguay e Isla de Pascua del Océano Índico, temática de Gatos Domésticos e Industria Azucarera de todos los países. Nuevos y/o usados. También colecciono etiquetas de cervezas de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Cuba, de los países que colecciono y otros; atiendo intereses particulares en temas y países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Contesto siempre. Idiomas: Inglés, Español y Portugués con traductores online. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17494 - Anielka Peraza Mejias,  Saravia 2004, Apartado. 2222. 10200. Ciudad Habana. - A, 250383 (f) B, Médico. Deseo cambiar series completas nuevas de España mint España y tematicas (Fauna, Eeuropa, UPAEP y Olimpiadas) de todos los paises, base catalogo Ivert-Michel. Ofrezco: Cuba nuevos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint complete setsfrom Spain and Thematics from all countries, Fauna, Europe, UPAEP, and Olympics Offer mint stamps from Cuba. Contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17500 - Eneido Sánchez Pérez, Apartado 24, 75100 Las Tunas. - A, 100164 (m) B, Médico Veterinario. Deseo Billetes nuevos (principalmente plásticos), sellos nuevos de animales y temas UPAEP, de todo el Mundo. Ofrezco: Sellos, Billetes, Tarjetas Telefónicas, etc. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un mutuo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Ingles. Email [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................17742 - Juan A. Fernández, Federación Filatélica Cubana. CF Cerro. Apartado 2222. 10200 La Habana 2. – A, 081147 (m) B, Empleado. Deseo: Sellos y hojas filatélicas mint, nuevos, así como todo tipo de documento filatélico (enteros postales, cancelaciones especiales y mecánicas, pruebas, variedades en cubiertas, SPD, carnets)  sobre navegación, Ártico y Antártico, Mamíferos salvajes y Copas mundiales de Fútbol, Football, de todo el mundo, especialmente de Rusia y países del Este de Europa solamente después del año 2000; no enviar nada de países no aceptados por la UPU. Ofrezco: sellos y hojas filatélicas mint, SPD, cancelaciones especiales y enteros postales de Cuba. Calidad en los materiales, cantidades a definir, documentos 1 x 1, emisiones permanentes o conmemorativas. Coleccionista Avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuercdo. Respuesta asegurada. Todos los envíos con material por correo certificado. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17798 - Dolores Josefina Mejias Márquez, Saravia 204.Cerro, Apartado 2222, 10200 Ciudad Habana. - A, 190348 (f) B, Médico. Desea series completas nuevas de 2006 a 2011 de todos los paises.Ofrezco Cuba series completas nuevas 2005-2011. Base Yvert o Michel. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint complete sets from all countries 2006-2011. I offer Cuba mint complete sets 2006-2011. Basis Yvert and Michel. Offer mint complete sets of Cuba. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]...........................................................................................................................................................................................17850 - Dr. José A Peraza Correa, Apartado 6002, 10600 Ciudad Habana. – A, 240449 (m) B, Médico Especialista. Deseo cambiar series completas nuevas de España mint España y tematicas (Fauna, Europa, UPAEP y Olimpiadas) de todos los paises, base catalogo Ivert-Michel. Ofrezco: Cuba nuevos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint complete setsfrom Spain and Thematics from all countries, Fauna, Europe, UPAEP, and Olympics Offer mint stamps from Cuba. Contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]

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...........................................................................................................................................................................................17913 - Lázaro Moya Domínguez, Apartado de Correos: 3, 42700 Pedro Betancourt, Matanzas. - A, 090364 (m) B, Profesor de Informática. Deseo: Sellos y series mundiales de cualquier temática nuevo y usado, Anillas de puros, Tarjetas telefónicas, Billetes de banco y Loteria. Ofrezco: Sellos y series mundiales de cualquier temática nuevo y usado, Anillas de puros, Tarjetas Telefónicas,, Billetes de banco y Loteria. I want mint and used stamps, complete sets, worldwide. Also Cigar bands, Phonecards, Banknotes and lottery tickets. Offer the same from all countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17939 - Raúl Pérez-Alejo Neyra, Apartado Postal 4131, 10400, Habana 4. - A, 091183 (m) B, Informático. Deseo: sellos nuevos, de las temáticas Transporte, especialmente Barcos y Submarinos*** , Flora y Fauna en general, Faros, Puentes. También me interesan billetes de distintos países nuevos por supuesto. No me interesan los países sino la belleza de los sellos. Ofrezco: Todos los sellos de Cuba, especialmente posteriores al 2000, todos nuevos, y billetes emitidos por Cuba. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otos con traductores Internet.. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18019 - Dr. Raudel Busto Galup, Calle 8va, entre 5ta y 7ma, Reparto. C. Cienfuegos, 40100 Matanzas. - A, 270988 (m) B, Ingeniería Informática. Deseo sellos en series completas Nuevas sobre las Temáticas, Ajedrez, Ferrocarriles, WWF, América UPAEP, Faros, Perros y Gatos. Tambien sellos de todas clases de Francia, Rusia, Vaticano, Bulgaria, Canadá, Nueva Zelanda, España y Portugal. Ofrezco: Temáticas variadas y Cuba Desde 1959-2009, SPD 2004-2009 Correspondencia: simpre Certificada àra mayor seguridad de recepción.. Seriedad absoluta. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español, Inglés y Portugués. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18165 - Ing. Alberto Fariñas González, C. 79, Edif. 6, Apto B, Reparto Médico, Las Tunas 75100. - (m) B, Ingeniero. Coleccionista mediano de sellos desea cambiar con todo el mundo. Ofrezco nuevos y usados de Cuba y otros países. Seriedad y honestidad en todas las relaciones. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Ingles. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18245 - Andrés Manuel Quintero Iglesias, Calle 2, No. 4714 E/ 47 Y 49, Apartado Correo 41, 55100 Cienfuegos. - A, 180867 (m) B, Técnico Profesional en Explotación del Transporte Marítimo. Deseo series nuevas completas en perfecto estado (MINT) sobre Fútbol, Fauna y Deportes de todo el mundo.También sellos de España, USA. Canadá, Francia, Italia. Ofrezco: Series nuevas completas en perfecto estado (MINT) de las novedades de Cuba o series temáticas mundiales.Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint complete sets thematic Football, Fauna and Sport from worldwide. Also I want also stamps of Spain, USA, canada, France and Italia. Offer mint complete sets, New issues of Cuba and mint complete sets thematics. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always, Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected]. [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18306 - Osmany Santos Macías, Avenida 64 No. 3508, CP- 55100. Cienfuegos. - A, 030766 (m) B, Informático. Deseo: Sellos sobre Aves; Año Chino Lunar, Deportes de todos los países. Tarjetas telefónicas sobre Aves de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Sellos sobre Aves; Año Chino Lunar, Deportes de Cuba. SPD. Tarjetas Telefónicas de Cuba (chip, banda magnética, tipo PROPIA). Gestiono hojitas bloques (Souvenirs) a pedido. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Todo correo postal certificado. Respuesta asegurada.Idiomas conocidos: Español, Inglés y Ruso. Email [email protected],

...........................................................................................................................................................................................18328 - Ignacio Granados Fernández, Apartado 3216 Habana 3 Cuba 10300. - A, 010246 (m) B, Ingeniero Eléctrico/ Electrical Engineer. Deseo sellos  y documentos filatélicos, preferentemente antiguos,  del Tema cine, actores, directores y todo lo relacionado con la cinematografía, como enteros postales, telegramas ilustrados,

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Tarjetas máximas antiguas, Matasellos de fantasía,  Sobres Primer día preferentemente rculados, canceladores circulados, Franqueos mecánicos, etc. También acepto series nuevas mint-MNH de Cine, Ajedrez,  Fauna, Aviones, Descubrimiento de América, Orquídeas, Faros, Segunda Guerra Mundial, De todos los paises que emitan emisiones serias, reconocidas por la UPU.  Ofrezco: Series nuevas mint, Sobres Primer Día,  Sobres Primer Día, Enteros Postales, Cancelaciones especiales, Hojas Souvenir y Formatos Especiales de Cuba,  de todas las épocas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want: Items, in special old items, of Cinema, Actors, Movies directors, and all about  about movies. : Postal Stioneries, illustrated telegrams, Maximum cards, Fancy Cancellations, cancellations covers day run by post, postal marks, and mechanicals postages, etc. Also Mint-MNH stamps in complete set of theme Cinema, Chess, Fauna, Airplanes, America discovery, Orchids, Lighthouses, and Second World War. I offer New Issues mint-MNH complete sets, FDCs, Postal Stationeries, Special cancels, Souvenir Sheets, etc. CUBA and other countries. Please, your should ask first and contact in order to agree the change. Insured answers. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18370 - Dayana Cardona González, Calle C # 109 A % 5 y 6, Reparto Buenos Aires, 71100  Camagüey 2. - A, 261090 (f) B, Estudiante de Periodismo. Deseo material filatélico de todos los países de los temas: Copas de Fútbol, Gatos, Aves y Medio Ambiente. Ofrezco: Sellos  nuevos y usados de Cuba, Bélgica usados así como de otros países, temas variados. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Portugués. Email: [email protected] .........................................................................................................................................................................................18401- Humberto Vélez Blanco, Herrera No. 217, entre Fábrica y Reforma, Luyanó, 10700, Ciudad de la Habana. - A, 121060 (m) B, Especialista. Deseo: Todo lo relacionado con el “Tabaco”, (Memorabilia Tabacalera): sobres con “cachet” de fábricas de tabaco y/o cigarros cancelaciones especiales, franqueos mecánicos, sellos fiscales o documentos con sellos fiscales usados en ellos, canceladores parlantes sobre campañas contra el tabaco y el hábito de fumar, etc.; Sellos de Correos, Tarjetas Postales, Calendarios, Vitolas, Habilitaciones, etc. de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Sellos nuevos y usados de Cuba y Mundiales, Anillas y Habilitaciones cubanas. Ruego contacto primero antes de llegar a un primer acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada- Idiomas: Inglés y Español. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18507 - Mario Alberto Amores Fernández, Apartado de Correos 19, Sagua la Grande, Villa Clara, 52310. - A, 280389 (m) B, Estudiante Universitario. Deseo: Series nuevas (mint? y materiales postales circulados de Mamíferos de todos los países. Ofrezco: Todo de Cuba desde 1902 hasta la fecha, también Tarjetas Telefónicas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta aseguarada.Want mint stamps and and postal circulated materials of Mammals of all the countries. I offer: All of Cuba from 1902 until the date, also Phonecards. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always, Languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish. Email: [email protected] , ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18510 - Pedro Morales Capote, Calle 66 # 1506 entre 15 y 17 Municipio  Playa. Ciudad de la Habana. 11300. - A, 080289 (m) B, Profesor de Historia. Deseo: Novedades de los años comprendidos del 2002 hasta la actualidad, temas Cine, Napoleón I. Además sellos de Argentina, España, Gran Bretaña y Holanda. Ofrezco sellos de todos lo países, Material filatélico de Cuba de todas las épocas.  (Además cualquier material coleccionable deseado). Coleccionista Avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Ingles Italiano. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18586 - Juan Guillermo Arbella Gallardo, Calle Morales Lemus No 60, entre Cuba y Garayaldes, Apartado Postal 4, 80100 Holguin. - A, 250648 (m) B, Profesor. Deseo cambiar Sellos temáticos: Béisbol, Ajedrez, Trenes, Viajes del Papa Juan Pablo II y Billetes de Banco nuevos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo que deseo y temáticos de Fauna, Flora, Transportes o lo que me pidan. Base de cambio series completas nuevas, SPD, Tarjetas Máximas, Cancelaciones Especiales por catálogo Yvert. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want exchange thematic stamps from

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worldwide: Baseball, Chess, Trains, Travel of the Pope Juan Pablo II and unused Banknotes of the whole world. I offer the same that I wish and thematic of Fauna, Flora, Transports or for what they ask me. Base of change: complete mint sets, FDCs, Maximum Cards and Special Cancellations for catalogue Yvert. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and Spanish. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................18659 - Yunixy Claveros Díaz, Barrio: Jumagua No. 47, 52310 Sagua La Grande, Villa  Clara. - A, 110881 (f) B, Estudiante de cuarto año de Comunicación. Deseo: conocer amigos y comunicarnos, intercambiar ideas y conocimientos con todos los países de Habla Hispana..Ofrezco: Amistad sincera. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18842 - David Gálvez Trasobares. Apartado de Correos: No. 66, Holguín. 80100. - A, 010250 (m) B, Ingeniero Industrial.  Profesor Universitario. Profesor de Piano. Soy coleccionista avanzado, con más de 45 años en la afición filatélica en  mis 58 años de vida. Poseo la colección de Cuba Completa en nueva desde 1898 hasta la actualidad con excepción de tres sellos y dos Hojas Filatélicas. Además colecciono a España, USA, Ciudad del Vaticano, Alemanias antes y después de 1990.Temáticos: Viaje de Juan Pablo II por el mundo. Deseo: Series de Sellos, nuevas, completas,  en calidad MNH. Cantidad:una, por Catálogo Yvert o propuesta. Ofrezco: Series de sellos de Cuba Revolución (1959 hasta la actualidad) , en nuevos principalmente de los últimos años y nuevos o cancelados de Cuba República (desde 1902 hasta 1959). Serio y honesto- Ruego contactps primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada en Español e Inglés. Email: - Erlan Pérez Gallardo,  Apartado Postal 20001, 1200 Habana 20 o Calzada de Palatino 161 Interior entre Armonía y Esperanza, Cerro, La Habana. - A,  080888 (m) B, Estudio y trabajo. Deseo correspondencia amistosa con todos los países. Especialmente con China. Ofrezco buena amistad. Respuesta asegurada. I wish friendly correspondence with all the countries. Especially with China. I offer good friendship. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected]......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19252 - Adrián Jesús Fernández Guzmán, Lacret # 204 entre Alcalde Ofarril y Cosejal Veiga, Santos Suarez, Diez de Octubre. La Habana. - A, 260391 (m), B, Estudiante. Deseo: Sellos nuevos (mint) y cualquier otro tipo de material filatélico de Europa, Asia, América, Oceanía sobre la temática de Números (Cifras). Ofrezco: Sellos nuevos o cancelados de Cuba. Escribir primero para acuerdo mutuo. Respuesta segura (honestidad y transparencia). Want stamps mint complete sets and other philatelic material, thematic Numbers. Je cherche des timbres et des matériaux philatéliques du thème Nombres (Chiffres). I offer mint or used Cuban stamps. Please, write first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish. Email: [email protected],......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19361 - Kenys Lindsay Reyes, Calle 6ta. No. 323 entre E y G, Reparto Sueño, 90900. Santiago de Cuba.. - A, 281078 (m B Actor de Radio, Teatro y Televisión. Deseo propiciar entre los amigos el intercambio de Sellos y Tarjetas Telefónicas, tengo muchos en mi colección y bueno quisiera además de eso tener muchos amigos por el mundo, que hablen de diversos temas, en mí tendrán la oportunidad de un buen intercambio. También deseo sellos relacionados con el Titanic y también emisiones especiales por esta catástrofe.  Series completas o sueltos en buen estado. Ofrezco: Sellos conmemorativos, según Catálogo Español de Cuba, sellos sueltos y muchas sorpresas. (1x1) Coleccionista avanzado.Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Repuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Francés e Italiano. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19363 - Jorge Luis Cuesta Leyva, Apartado de Correos 303, 80100 Holguin. - A, 160963 (m) B, Ingeniero. Coleccionista avanzado. Deseo Billetes de Banco sin circular de todos los países. Solo intercambio por catálogos: Krause, Pick, Michel, Yvert, Scott, Edifil. Ofrezco series completas nuevas, Hojitas bloques,

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FDCs, Tarjetas Máximas, Matasellos especiales. Anillas de puros (Vitolas), Postales, Billetes de Banco, etc. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Advanced collector. I want uncirculated Banknotes from all countries. Base of change catalogues Krause, Pick, Michel, Yvert, Scott, and Edifil. I offer mint stamps complete sets, Souvenir sheets, FDCs, Maximun cards, Special postmarks. Cigars Bands, Postcards, Banknotes, etc. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected], ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19415 - Raúl Rangel, Línea 560 apto 305 Vedado, 10400 Ciudad Habana. - A, 090579 (m) B, Economista. Deseo lotes de sellos de Espana, Francia, Alemania, Paises Nórdicos del 2006 a la fecha. Japón y Argentina ídem Base 200x200. Temáticos de mi interés : Fútbol, Fauna, Bomberos en series completas mint (MNH). Ofrezco  Lotes de sellos usados por países y temas. Cuba series nuevas (MNH) y Tarjetas Telefónicas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19524 - Nelson Carballido,  P. O. Box 412, Holguín - 80100. Cuba. A, 231163(m) B,Técnico. Colecciono sellos de Fauna MNH (nuevos), series completas, cambios por catálogos Scott, Yvert. Billetes de banco sin circular (UNC), por catálogo PICK. I am interested in stamps MNG (mint)about Fauna by Scott and Yvert catalogues and Banknotes UNC by Pick. Please, contact first for mutual agreement.Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19561 - Antonio Creo Reyes, Apartado Postal 6070, 10600 Habana 6. - A, 060244 (m) B, Jubilado. Estoy interesado en obtener colegas para intercambiar material filatélico. Necesito años completos España, Portugal e Italia (sellos, series, y hojitas) mint de los años 2009/2011. También me interesan series y hojitas mint de los temas: Fauna, Europa-CEPT, Navidad, Ajedrez, Montañas, Frutas, Flores de América Latina, Europa, África, Oceanía y de todo el mundo. Coleccionista mediano. Cambio en base de los catálogos Yvert, Michel, Edifil o Scott. Ofrezco en cambio los temas de todo el mundo, y toda clase de material filatélico de Cuba. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19561 - Antonio Creo Reyes, Apartado Postal 6070, l0600 Habana 6. - A, 060244 (m) B, Retired. I'm interested in to get colleagues to change philatelic material. I need complete years of Spain, Portugal and Italy (stamps, sets and souvenir sheets, mint-MNH of the years 2009/2011. Also complete sets, single stamps and souvenir sheets of the themes: Fauna, Europe-CEPT, Christmas, Chess, Mountains, Fruits, Flowers from Europe, Africa, Oceania, Latin American countries and worldwide. Medium collector. Base de change Yvert, Michel, Edifil and Scott catalogues. I can give in exchange the same thematics and all philatelic material from Cuba. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian, Spanish and others wsith online translator. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19690 - Rául Báez Bello, Calle Fernando Figueredo, 321A, Reparto Rivas Fragas, Apartado Postal 132, CU-65100 Ciego de Avila. - A, 060765 (m) B, Comercial. Deseo España, Europa general y Latinoamérica, sellos nuevos, también usados, Aerogramas y Hojitas Bloques y Minipliegos, acepto duplicados y puedo enviar también duplicados. Coleccionista avanzado. Ofrezco: Series completas de Cuba nuevas y canceladas y sellos en lotes de Cuba, SPD. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................19695 - Juan Emilio Martínez, Apartado de Correos  6573, 10600 , La Habana. - A, 120756 (m) B, Profesor. Deseo Sellos nuevos mint, hojitas souvenir, enteros postales, tarjetas máximas, matasellos sobre el tema teléfonos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo de Cuba. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Mint stamps, souvenirs sheet, postal stationery, Maximun card, and postmark about theme telephone of all countries. Offer same of Cuba. Medium collector

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lease contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English, Italian. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................19700 - Jorge Zulueta Enríquez, Joaquín de Agüero 312, Oeste, entre 1 y 2, 65300 Ciego de Avila 1. - A, 110349 (m) B, Economista. Deseo sellos de, España, Europa Occidental, URSS, Rumania, Hungría, Checoslovaquia, Polonia, RDA. Ofrezco en cambio sellos usados de Cuba y ex países socialistas hasta 1999. Coleccionista mediano. Cambio nuevos por nuevos, usados por usados. Máximo 100 en cada envío. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want stamps from Spain, West Europe, USSR, Romania, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Poland and DDR. I offer in change Cuba, and socialistic ex-countries until 1999. Medium collector. I change mint for mint, used for used. Maximum 100 stamps each time. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Español and others with online translator. Email:  [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................19702 -Ing. Rodolfo Torres Cardet, José A. Cardet  No. 208, Holguin 80100. - A, 281051 (m) B, Ingeniero. Colecciono solo sellos nuevos de tema: Fauna, Flora, Deportes, Transporte y America-UPAEP, nuevas emisiones. Tambien Billetes de Banco (UNC) de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo y sellos y UNC Billetes de Banco de Cuba y otros países. Coleccionista serio y formal. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. I collect only mint (MNH) thematic stamps of Fauna, Flora, Sports, Transports, and America-UPAEP, new emissions, Also UNC Banknotes from all countries. Offer same and stamps and UNC Banknotes of Cuba and other countries. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Lo lamento, pero no tengo correo electrónico. I am sorry about it, but I have no e-mail............................................................................................................................................................................................19717 - Yissel Guerra Polo, Bembeta 175 E/ Simón Reyes y José María Agramonte, Apartado de Correos: 1, 65100 Ciego de Ávila. - A, 290986 (f) B, Económica. Intercambio y correspondencia amistosa, CONTESTO A TODAS LAS CARTAS RECIBIDAS. Deseo: España y Europa en general, América Centro y Sur. Ofrezco Sellos en series completas de Cuba nuevos y usados. Me interesa España, Europa general y Latinoamérica. Busco sellos nuevos, también usados, aerogramas y Hojitas Bloques y Minipliegos. Acepto duplicados y puedo enviar también duplicados, Coleccionista avanzada. Ruegocontactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Idiomas conocidos: Español y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19773 - Cesar Chales Paz, Renerio Almaguer No. 13 A, e/ Eugenio González y Evadió Domínguez, Rpto. La Aduana 80100 Holguín. - A, 301240 (m) B, Jubilado.Datos de Nacimiento: 30.12.1940. Me interesan sellos nuevos, MNH, y usados de Arquitectura y Billetes de Banco de todo el mundo. Ofrezco Cuba y otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Sin correo electrónico. Solo correo postal............................................................................................................................................................................................19784 - Maite Creo Herrera, Apartado 6070, 10600 Habana 6. - Cuba 10600. - A, 260283 (f) B, Graduada Universitaria de la carrera Comunicación Social. Coleccionista mediana. Estoy muy interesada en cambiar calendario de bolsillos de todo el mundo, así como hacer relaciones de amistad con jóvenes de ambos sexos del cualquier país del mundo. Ofrezco Calendarios de bolsillo de Cuba y de otros países, así como sellos y otros objetos coleccionables. Ofrezco y deseo siempre seriedad. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Medium collector. I collect Pocket Calendars from all countries over the other World and as well good relations of friendship with young people of both sexes of any country of the world. I offer Pocket calendars of Cuba and other countries, as well as stamps and other objects collectibles. I always offer and wish seriousness. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English, Italian and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19804 - Jorge Luis Ramos Gómez, Edificio 10, Apto 15, Ceballos, 69230 Ciego de Avila. - A, 080790 (m) B, Estudiante. Colecciono sellos nuevos y usados y Hojitas bloques de todo el mundo y temáticas Pinturas y

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Arte en general.. Ofrezco en cambio sellos nuevos y usados de Cuba. Base de cambio sello por sello, serie por serie, Todos los emvíos por correo certificado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect worldwide mint and used stamps and Souvenirt sheets, thematics Paintings and Art in general. I offer mint and used stamps of Cuba. Base of change 1x1 and sets for sets. All sending by registered mail. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19842 - Rodolfo Torres Cardet, Jose A. Cardet 208, Holguin 801. - A, 1950 (m) Colecciono Billetes de Banco y sellos nuevos en series completas, temáticos América UPAEP, Fauna, Flora, Deportes y Transportes de España y mundiales. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo de Cuba y mundiales. También Tarjetas Telefónicas, Postales y otros coleccionables que me soliciten. De España me interesan America-UPAEP de los años 1989-2000. Rue4gos contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada- No tengo correo electrónico...........................................................................................................................................................................................19862 - Olga Cortés Cruz, Calle 41 Nº 4001 Altos, entre 40 y 42, 55100 Cienfuegos. - A, 240345 (f) B, Doctora en Farmacia. Deseo cambiar sellos nuevos-MNH en series completas de España y del resto del mundo, especialmente temáticos de Fauna, Flora, Barcos, Trenes, América UPAEP, Europa-CEPT y en especial WWF. Ofrezco mismos temas de Cuba, América del Sur, Asia, África y Europa del Este. Base de cambio catálogo Yvert. Acepto hasta 4 series de cada tipo. Coleccionista mediana. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Portugués, Italiano y otro con traductores online. Sin correo electrónico. ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19864 - Néstor Moreno, Apartado Postal 11802, La Habana 11800.- (m) Deseo todas las nuevas emisiones de los años 2010-2011 de España, nuevos y en series completas y sellos nuevos de todo el mundo temáticos de Trenes, Faros, Cruz Roja, WWF, Segunda Guerra Mundial, Arqueología y Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Ofrezco todas las nuevas emisiones de Cuba 2010 y 2011 y futuras novedades. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas:Español, Inglés y otros con ayuda de traductores online. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19867 - Pedro Enrique Lluis Varona, Apartado Postal 72, Manzanillo 87510 Granma. - A, 090972 (m) B, Profesor. Colecciono sellos nuevos de todo el mundo temáticos de Aviones. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Cuba y mundiales. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y otros con ayuda de traductores online. No tengo correo electrónico...........................................................................................................................................................................................19972- Lic. Oleydis González Pérez, San Félix 64 Yarey de Vázquez, 79180 Las Tunas. - A, 050880 (f) B, Informática. Deseo ingresar al Club y pertenecer al mismo, quisiera además de establecer un intercambio, conocer a personas que realmente estén dispuestos a llevar una linda, sincera y desinteresada amistad, de lo contrario no escribir. Admiro la sinceridad y sencillez como valores humanos. Me interesan los siguientes países: España, Portugal, México, Puerto Rico, Colombia, Rep. Dominicana, Cuba, y quien desee. Temáticas de mi interés: Amistad, coleccionismo (revistas, libros, CDs de música, series de TV, películas, novelas en formato DVD e intercambio (sellos, postales, revistas). Ofrezco: (sellos, postales, revistas, películas). Respuesta asegurada a todos los que me escriban. Idioma Español y otros con ayuda de traductores online. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19987 - Ricardo Álvarez Sánchez, calle / Lacret # 129, entre Heredia y Poey; Reparto: Santo Suárez, Municipio 10 de Octubre, Apartado de Correos 2222, 10200 Ciudad Habana-2. - A, 160658 (m) B, Mecánico Naval graduado en Rusia. Cambio y correspondencia: con filatelistas de cualquier parte del mundo. Coleccionista avanzado. Deseo principalmente y entre las posibilidades, intercambiar sellos de diferentes países y algunas temáticas, que se podrán puntualizar con cada corresponsal según sus necesidades y ofertas. Colecciono temáticas: Arte, Fauna (predilección por Mariposas), Flora y Cosmos, además colecciono sellos de Rusia, China y Checoslovaquia y

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otros que me gusten. Deseo fundamentalmente intercambiar series completas y en algunos casos por mutuo acuerdo podemos intercambiar sellos sueltos según las necesidades, pueden ser nuevos o usados, también deseo intercambiar hojas filatélicas y tarjetas máximas, sobre todo de las temáticas, los sellos se valorarían por catalogo, uso el Scott, los duplicados solo cuando los solicite y los envío cuando me lo pidan, no se descarta que algunas series, hojas filatélicas, y tarjetas máximas, especificadas por las partes, se puedan intercambiar en cantidades, así como los formatos especiales y bloques de sellos, se pueden solicitar duplicadas o en más cantidades según el interesado.Ofrezco: Sellos, cancelados y nuevos, hojas filatélicas, tarjetas máximas y sobres del primer día de Cuba y sellos mundiales sueltos; de América Latina fundamentalmente. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a im completo acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés. Ruso y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], [email protected] ...........................................................................................................................................................................................20042 - Frank García Batista, Paz 154, Vista Alegre, Holguín 80100.- (m) Soy un coleccionista cubano de Billetes de Banco, puedo enviar ediciones recientes de Cuba en estado UNC., deseo recibir en cambio Billetes de Banco de todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a u completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet . Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................


...........................................................................................................................................................................................15675 - Stan Pexider, Prazska 70, CZ-67961 Letovic. - A, 221138 (m), B, Retired. Want: used stamps worldwide, only mint USA, Canada. Offer: mint stamps from Czech rep., used worldwide stamps, Base of change: used or mint, used piece for a piece, for mint catalogues Michel. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Russian, Czech, Slovak  . Email: - Pavel Rehak, Na Sadce 1747, 149 00 Praha 4 - Chodov. - A, 150342 (m) B, Pensioner. Want used stamps. I prefer to get used stamps from Scandinavia and Nepal (but also Burma/Myanmar, Ceylon/Sri Lanka). I can send you 100 used stamps of you same of you country, 1x1. Offer: mainly: Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, but also: Slovakia, Scandinavia and some other. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always, Languages: English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................17403 - Novotny Jiri, Stepanov 19, 53973 Skutec. - A, 121042 (m) B, Rentier. Want mint stamps in complete sets on theme: Flora, Fauna, Airplanes, Trains Paintings, Europa-CEPT, from worldwide. Also West European countries, Australia e Islands. Offer: Mint or used stamps Czechoslovakia year: 1945-1992, and some new issues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17598 - Vaclav Trpalek, Pacov 93, 251 01Ricany, Praha vychod. - A, 070237 (m) B, Pensioner. Want exchange used stamps from whole world, specially Arab and Asian countries. I offer Czech Republic and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German and Russian. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................18104 - Dalibor Zasmita, Moskevská 2722, CZ-390 05 Tábor 5. - A, 090940 (m) B, Pensionar. Want used Stamps, Banknotes, Coins from worldwide, (mainly Portugal, Spain). Offer used stamps Czechoslovakia 1945-1993, Czech Republic 1993 -2007, stamps USSR, DDR, UK, Belgium, USA, Canada etc. Exchange stamps

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100: 100 or Europe catalogue Michel. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Deseo sellos usados, Billetes de banco y Monedas de todo el mundo, especialmente España y Portugal. Ofrezco sellos usados de Checoslovaquia 1945-1993, República Checa 1993-2007, USSR, DDR, Gran Bretaña, Bélgica, USA. Canadá, etc. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Languages: English, Czech, Russian and others with online translators. Email: - Jozef Krampota, Olomoucka Str. 125, CZ-783 49 Lutin, okt. Olomouc. - A, 071252 (m) B, Glazier Manager. Want Friendly Correspondence and exchanging, business, worldwide mint and used stamps, complete sets, Also FDCs, Maxicards,, Souvenirs Sheetlets, Postcards, Postcards of Civil aircrafts, but only clean-not writimg before only ar 2000, big quantity of worldwide from any year small Pocket calendars, Beer mats and Labels, Tickets from concerts pop-groups, music CDs, small metal models of cars, etc. etc. Please contact first for mutual agreement. I offer the same of my country and other countries. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................19126 - Karel Vyleta, Dolany u Klatov 78, 339 01 Klatovy. - A, 130570 (m) B, Technician. Advanced collector. Want used or mint stamps from various countries. Following countries only per my wantlists: Scott numbers: USA, Canada, Australia, Michel numbers: Germany, Spain, Italy, Austria, Poland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Yugoslavia, Slovenia. No FDC’s. Offer only used stamps of Czech Republic, Czechoslovakia and Worldwide. No FDC’s - no mint stamps - no topics. Want list is welcomed. Also worldwide (according to agreement per email) Answer always. Languages: English, Russian. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19781 - Jan Sojka, Zd. Nejedleho 13, CZ-692 01 Mikulov. - A, 310575 (m) B, Manager. Want exchange worldwide used stamps. Offer used stamps Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Germany others European countries. I am interested in exchange 50-100-150-250 or more, 1x1, no duplicates please. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Russian, Czech and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19837 - Ladislav Soucek, Ve vilach 7, CZ-586 05 Jihlava. - A, 010546 (m) B, Rentier. Want used Europe-CEPT, USA, UN and Australia, only used stamps. Offer Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Slovak, Australia, USA and UN. Base catalogues: Yvert, Scott, Michel, Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian, German and Czech and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................


...........................................................................................................................................................................................04278 - Jindrich Küller, P. O. Box 2021. Concepción. - A, 1944 (m), B, Retirado. Ofrezco desde Chile Intercambios, Ventas, Compras de Sellos, Monedas, Billetes de Bancos, Tarjetas Telefónicas, FDC, Sobres Antárticos, Postales y cosas similares. Busco contactos en países de América Central y Sur. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Alemán y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................05484 - Adolfo Sagardia Cárdenas, Los Paltos 0357. El Almendral, 8790908 La Granja, Santiago. - A, 130632 (m) B, Pensionista. Deseo cambio de series completas nuevas mint temas Fauna, Juan Pablo II, Ajedrez, Instrumentos Musicales, Bomberos. Ofrezco series temáticas nuevas-mint de mi país y otros, coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want exchange mint stamps, complete sets thematics Animals themes, John Paul II, Chess, Musical instruments, Fireman’s

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from all countries. I offer Chile and Latin American countries. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all Exchange! Assured answer. Language: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................15963 - Juan Valdenegro Fredes, Manuel de Falla 2009, Milagro 2, 1721518, La Serena. - A, 011054 (m) B, Profesor. Deseo intercambiar sellos usados de Portugal, Alemania, España, Italia, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela. Ofrezco sellos usados de Chile, América y Europa. Cambio sellos definitivos, conmemorativos, usados, 1x1, lotes 100, 150 ó 200 por correo certificado. Respondo todas las cartas con prontitud, además ofrezco seriedad, responsabilidad y compromiso con cada uno de los colegas filatelistas. Coleccionista Mediano. I want exchange used stamps from Portugal, Germany, Spain, Italy, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela, I offer used stamps of Chile, America and Europe. Exchange: commemoratives, definitive, used, quantities 1x1, each time 100, 150 or 200 stamps by registered mail. Medium collector. I answer all the letters with speed and also I offer seriousness, responsibility and commitment with each of the friend philatelists Idiomas: Spanish, English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................15967 - Julio Cortés Miranda, Av. P. Gabriel González Videla # 33, 172-0667 La Serena. - A, 270761 (m) B, Contador. Deseo: Temáticas Scouts, Mariposas de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Sellos de Chile usados y nuevos, Temáticos diversos. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar u aun completo acuerdo, Contesto siempre a todos. Idiomas: Español u algo de Inglés. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................16861 - Enrique Cortes Veliz, Calle O’Higgins 1266, Valparaiso.A, 281035 (m) B, Employee. A, 281035 (m) B, Employee. Want used Germany, France, Luxembourg, Iceland, Aland, Greenland, Faroe Islands, Malta, Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, Finland, Spain, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, United Kingdom, Austria, Liechtenstein, Denmark, Belgium, S. Marino, United Nations, Japan, Israel, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, Venezuela, Suriname, South Africa. Also thematics mint only Antarctica, Lighthouses, Owls, Fauna, and WWF from all countries. Offer used Chile and worldwide. Lots of 50-100 different, all large size. Not CTOs, not definitives, not waitlists. . I you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17144 - Víctor González Díaz, Manuel Aguilar 854 Punta Arenas. - A, 021162 (m) B, Analista. De Sistemas. Deseo: Sellos Nuevos y/o usados de España, Argentina y Chile solo por mancolista. Ofrezco: Sellos de Chile. Seriedad absoluta. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés.Email: [email protected]; [email protected], [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................17223 - Guillermo van der Meer, Casilla 27119, Correo 27 – Las Condes-Santiago o Medinaceli 1155 Depto 124, Las Condes-Santiago.- A, 291060 (m) B, Tecnólogo Médico. Deseo: sellos mundiales nuevos, especialmente Francia u sus colonias, Brasil y Cuba. Ofrezco sellos de Chile y Cuba. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected] ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17389 - Jaime García Reyes, Garibaldi 1566 - Ñuñoa, Santiago.- A, 030156 (m) B. Ingeniero. Busco sellos nuevos de Europa-CEPT, América UPAEP, Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad, Automovilismo Deportivo, Música Popular y Faros de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo de Chile y otros países. Cambio con catálogos. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want mint-MNH stamps of Europe-CEPT, America-UPAEP, World Heritages, Sport Motoring, Popular Music and Lighthouses from worldwide. Offer same Chile and other countries, Base of exchange with Catalogues. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translator. Email [email protected],........................................................................................................................................................................................... 19680 - Julio Peña Muñoz, Avda Paseo Bulnes 107 Depto 61, Santiago Centro, 8330243 Santiago. - A, 230838 (m)

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B, Jubilado. Deseo  solo sellos usados de Alemania, Inglaterra,  Francia, Holanda, Austria, Australia, USA, Dinamarca, Polonia, Hungría, Checoslovaquia e Italia. Ofrezco: Los mismos países, mas Chile, Coleccionista avanzado. Deseo sellos sueltos, devuelvo duplicados. Tengo una buena colección de Turquía para vender y Chile nuevos completo hasta 2010 para vender. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want only used stamps from Germany, England, France, Netherlands, Austria, Australia, USA, Denmark, Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and Italia. Offer same, more Chile. Advanced collector, I wish single stamps, return duplicates. I have a good collection of Turkey to sell and Chile Mint complete until 2010 to sell. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19706 - Cristino Juan Stange, Camino L. Chapó, Km 4 (Rural), Apartado Postal 609, Puerto Montt, Llanquihue. - A, 300957 (m) B, T. Pesquero. dge Uach. Deseo intercambio de sellos de Argentina, Alemania, todas clases de sellos, por mancolista. Ofrezco sellos de Chile, Argentina y otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Alemán e Inglés. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19708 - Ramón Eduardo Galindo Ojeda, Alonso de Ercilla 0126, Apartado de Correos 181, Punta Arenas, Magallanes. A, 310846 (m) B, Contador. Deseo sellos nuevos y usados de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Chile y mundiales. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint and used worldwide stamps. Offer mint and used stamps Chile and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: Spanish and other with online translator. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19723 - Juan Eduardo Candia Saldías, Esmeralda N° 611, 5to. Piso, CL-Santiago Centro, Santiago, 6500381. – A, 131063 (m) B, Ingeniero, Administración Pública. Deseo cambio de series completas, sólo en condición MNH (nuevas sin uso, goma original). Me interesan casi todo Latinoamérica, excepto Cuba, Uruguay, Argentina. También necesito Oceanía, algo de África y Asia, Europa Occidental (excepto España). Cambio en base a catálogos Yvert et Tellier, Scott o Michel Ofrezco Chile, Uruguay, Argentina, además de muchos países del mundo entero, especialmente series temáticas completas. Soy coleccionista mediano a avanzado, poseo gran stock de duplicados, puedo enviar en duplicados y acepto recibir también en duplicados x2 o x3 sin problemas. Sólo series completas en estado MNH y en base a catálogos. Puedo enviar antes o recibir en primer lugar, todo es coordinable. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19760 - Andrés Aliaga Romero, Finlandia 1641, A. A. del Canto Hualpen, 4601120 Región de Bio Bio. - A, 250378 (m) B, Técnico Eléctrico. Deseo intercambios filatélicos. Con amigos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Chile y otros países.. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wan Exchange stamps with friends from all countries. Offer stamps of Chile and others countries. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................19764 - Enrique Cerda Gutiérrez, Javiera Carrera 250 Block 1, Dpto. 502, Temuco. - A, 180745 (m) B, Profesor. Deseo intercambio de sellos de Austria, Checoslovaquia, Bélgica y Polonia. También temática Scouts de todos los países. Sellos usados, series completas, temáticos (Scouts), cantidades variables (en buen estado) base 1 x 1,o catálogos Scott e Yvert Me considero filatelista entre mediano y avanzado (en algunos países). Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Chile (nuevos y usados), USA, Cuba, Canadá y otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y otros con ayuda de traductores online. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19924 - José Meza Ibáñez, Calle Nehuentúe  1505, Ciudad Padre las Casas, Temuco, Prov. Cautín. - A, 030939 (m)

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B, Profesor Educación Básica (Jubilado) y Periodista. Deseo cambiar de sellos de Chile, y repetidos extranjeros, por sellos de España antiguos y actuales de acuerdo a lo ue se estipule por email. Además colecciono sellos de todo el mundo Temas Flora y Fauna, Medios de Comunicación o Transporte, Espaciales, Mariposas, Hongos, Animales Prehistóricos, y Sellos sobre Sellos. Ofrezco los mismos temas de acuerdo a mi disponibilidad de repetidos, mundiales y chilenos. De todo, series completas, sueltos, temáticos, españoles en especial, en cambio 1 a 1, base Yvert, aunque en realidad  se puede convenir el canje de algunos sellos antiguos que necesito y que aparecen con un valor más alto, con un canje de sellos de valor similar al menos en mi país, no importando que no sean series completas.  Colecciono sellos desde los 12 años, por lo que aparentemente soy avanzado, pero mi colección es de filatelista mediano, para mi es un verdadero hobby, por lo que la gracia está en conseguir sellos mediante cambio y correspondencia. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y otros con traductores online. Email. - Paula Valdés, Montenegro 638, Ñuñoa, Santiago, Casilla 51196, CC, Santiago. - (f) Deseo recibir Sellos Postales de todas partes del mundo. Ofrezco Calendarios de bolsillo Chilenos, Tarjetas Telefónicas Normales o Postales Chilenas, mi único hobby son los Sellos Postales, así que ojalá reciba correspondencia de todas partes del mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. . I collect Stamps from all over the world, I love this hobby. Thus I can offer Chilean Postcards or Chilean Pocket Calendars by Stamps from all countries. Please conract first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Idiomas: Español, Inglés, y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................20053 - Patricia Vera Montaña, Pedro de Oña 127, Población Gobernador Viel, Punta Arenas. - A, 011069 (f) B, Profesora.  Colecciono sellos de Chile y Argentina, y temáticos de Castillos y Dinosaurios de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio sellos chilenos nuevos y usados y mundiales usados. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Ingles y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................09149 - Alexei Erdeneev, Mongolia (presently work in China P.R). - A, 281164, (m) B, Teacher. I want many relations, serious and honest with collectors for exchange of Coins and Banknotes of the whole world. I offer the same and also mint stamps. Advanced collector. Registered Airmail always or more guarantee of reception. Contact first with me before to any items. Answer always soon. Languages: English, Russian and othesr with online translators. Email: [email protected]

............................................................................................................................................................................................15655 - Deng Ya Nan, Room 901 Bldg B, Yi Qing Ju, Jing Sheng Block No 35 No 235 Xingangxilu, Guangzhou, (510300). - A, 230263 (m) Engineer. Want: mint MNH set stamps from all countries over the world. Offer: mint set stamps from China, Hong Kong, Macao and other places. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Chinese. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................15738 - Song Yong Qiang, 7-1-405 Jing Ye Lou, Kun Ming Rd., He Ping Dis. Tian Jin 300050. - A, 221169 (m). B, Engineer. Want: mint stamps from worldwide. Offer: mint stamps, FDCs, Maximumcards, Phonecards from China and Hong Kong, Macau, North Korea and other many countries. We exchange stamps basis face value or Scott catalogue, used stamps basis 100:100 or more. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always: Languages; English. Email: [email protected],

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..........................................................................................................................................................................................15742 - David Hong, Hong Dong, No 6.341, No 33 Foreign Ministry Street, Dong Cheng District, Beijing 100005. – A, 251169 (m) B, Public Servant. Want: Worldwide well preserved  Maximum Cards or postage postcards on topics Space, Astronomy, Art and Painting, Man's Face and Eye, Submarine and Aircraft Carriers, Tennis, Falls, World Heritage Sites, Animals, Map, National Flag, Anthem, Dog, Tiger, Cat, Oil, Music, Aeroplane and Space, Falls, Lighthouse, second World War, Traffic Security, Costumes and Minerals Offer: Chinese, Asian, African, European and American thousands of mint or used stamps, posted covers world wide ......Countries of you interest: All African countries, All Arab countries ,France, French Territories, Central and  South American countries, Russia and USSR,US and Canada. Like big trade. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages:  Chinese, Arabic and English. Email: [email protected], [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................15748 - Zhang Guo Qing, Room 501, No 4, Long 1622, Xie Tu Road, Shanghai 200032. - (m) I am a Chinese stamps collector. I think exchange something with you. Stamps, Coins, Banknotes, Phonecards, etc. I am an honest man. I use Scott catalogue. I want various mint set topic stamps, postage paid postcards; postage paid envelopes, Maximum cards, FDC (the best is by real post). The topics are the followings:World Heritage, Aids;Animal,;Animal-of-the- year; Antarctica; astronavigation ;Bridge; building; bird; butterfly; bicycle; car; Europa;film; flag; flower;football;Hitler; music; musician; Nobel; No-smoking; Olympic games; plane; space; ship; train; the second world war; the very famous person in the world especially Chinese know); U.P.U; winter Olympic. I can offer the followings:P.R.China stamps, postage paid postcards; postage paid envelopes;maximumcards; FDC;coins; banknotes; Used phonecards,etc.Some Hong Kong and Macau stamps. Some world wide topic stamps, FDC, Maximum card, world wide used stamps, etc. I hope exchange long time and many with you. By the way, If you send me a letter please tell me what you want and write clear post address in the letter. So that I can send you mine quickly. I do not want Phonecards!!! Please don't send me E-mail use accessories!!! Especially I like a great deal exchange. I can help you look for some of you want China merchandise. Answer always. anguage: English, amd others with online translators.. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................15971 - Lirui, Gongwei office, Qufu Road No.80, Heping district, Tianjin 300042. - A, 050480 (m), B, Civil Servant. Want: colonies stamps, airmail, topical definitives, all only need mint (MNH or MH), trade according to Scott catalogue last edition. Specially interest: all colonies, South American, Worldwide. Offer: I can offer MNH China, Hong Kong, Macao and many other countries stamps and many topics. And I wish get letter with nice stamps from worldwide, and I will do the same. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Chine and English. Email: [email protected] , ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16120 - Junjie Song, 04442#  China Pharmaceutical University, 1# Shennong Road, Nanjing 210038. - A, 120183 (m). Want: (1):2001-date Europe stamps, both used and mint are ok. If you can offer any from this period of these countries, I will be pleasure to exchange with you. I have want list of countries. (2) :1878-1983 China stamp and cover, postcard. If you can offer any from this period, I will be very pleasure to buy or exchange for. I have want list based on SCOTT number.(3) : worldwide pre-1970 used cover, postcard. Offer: (1)   : Large amount of China Pre-stamped Postcards with different thematics, many pre-stamped covers, and of course China & worldwide stamps too ; China related items. (2)   : 2007 SCOTT worldwide postage stamp catalogue, 2006 US specialized catalogue of stamp and cover, 2006 worldwide classic stamp and cover catalogues (1840-1940) is available. More other catalogues are available too. If you interested, please contact me. If you have any other stamp catalogues or related items, will be interested. 3)    : Worldwide Coin Catalog (1701-date), UNUSUAL Coin Catalog and Paper Catalogue (1961-2005). I am serious and honest collector and am the member of many Philately Organizations, the member of stamp air, stamp wants, stamp offers¡! I have want list for both China and worldwide stamp. I reply ALL in 12 hours if I am not out ! Contact first please for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, and others with omline translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected],

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..........................................................................................................................................................................................16149 - Shaoqi Wu, P. O. Box 1018, Hanshan, Anhui 238100. - A, 181064 (m) B, Public Servant. Want: used Postcards/Covers/Aerogrammes with Insect(s), Stamp(s). mint stamps/Souvenir sheet on the topics of WWF, Orchids from worldwide. Offer mint stamps/sheets from China during 1990-2011. And Chinese postal stationeries on many topics. Advanced collector . I you are interested in exchange or buy with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always.. Languages: English and Chinese. Email: [email protected][email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16152 - Niu Yinchang, 6-4 Gu Cheng Rd. Tang Yeong Si, P. O. Box: 6109, 530022, Nanning. - A, 030774 (m) B, Engineer. Want: Stamps of Railway, Monarch, Decoration, WW2, Olympic Host and Sports winners from worldwide. Offer: China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, USSR and soon Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Chinese, English. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17539 - Chen Yigong, P. O. Box 2384, Beijing 100022. - A, 240564 (m) B, Editor. I am an advanced collector. Want mint set Stamps, Booklets, Maximal Cards from all countries. Thematic that I am interested in: Aerospace, Animals, ATM stamp or labels, UNESCO world Heritage, architecture, Painting and Sculptures, Lighthouses, WWF,  Chairman Mao of China, Chinese affairs, World War First and Second, Waterfalls, Eyes, Map, National Flags, National Emblem and Anthems, Music, Aids, Noble Prize and etc. As a basis of exchange in Michel Catalogue. If you are interested in it, please contact first for mutual agreement. Only by Registered mail. I answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected]..........................................................................................................................................................................................

17904 - Zhang Xue, 501 Gate3, Building 1, Yard 2, Hui Xin Bei Li, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029. - A, 201261 (m) B, Bank Senior Officer. I am a serious collector and want to establish long term partnership with good stamp collectors worldwide. I am seeking mint )MNH) sets and mint Souvenir sheets on these topics: World Football Cup, Olympic Games, World Heritage Sites, Flora and Fauna, Birds, Dogs, Cats, Fish, Whales, Butterflies, Marine Life, Tiger, Dinosaur, oil Paintings and Arts, Music, Musician and Music Instruments, Dancing and Ballet, Locomotives, Aeroplanes, Ships, National Flags, Maps, Lighthouses, Falls, World War II, Churches, Drugs, Traffic Security, Minerals, Costumes and Folks, Petroleum, I can offer in return mint (MNH) sets and Miniature sheets Chinese, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and other Asian countries. Exchange fine Chinese stamps for worldwide fine used stamps, but at least 300 for 300. I offer Chinese Maximun cards for worldwide Maximun cards. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English. Email : [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................18118 - Han Shuang, P. O. Box:  8688, 100085, Beijing. - A, 280276 (m) B, IT. - Want only ATMs from all countries of the world. Offer: China stamps and ATMs. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................18528 - Zhang Jia Ming, 101-4-4 Shizhengli, Siping Road Hoping District, Tianjin 300052. - 290940 (m) B, Retired (Teacher). I am interested in mint thematic stamps on topic of Butterflies. Flora. Birds, Marine from Worldwide and can offer China Hong Kong Macau or Taiwan in Exchange. Basis to change; facial value (New Issues). Medium collector. Serious and honest member. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages:English amd Chinese. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18857 - Wang He Fang, 503-03-502, Zhangdali Xincun, Tangshan City, Hebei. - A, 110778 (m) B, Teacher. Want: mint complete sets stamps and Souvenir sheets. Also need real posted FDCs send to my address on issue date. Especially topics: Fauna, Flowers, Sports, Paintings, Traffic, Buildings. Other topics also can accept.  Offer: Chinese mint complete sets stamps, FDCs, Postcards especially issue 1992-2009.Also can send real posted FDCs to you on issue date. Chinese complete sets Phonecards. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected]..........................................................................................................................................................................................

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18887 - Ding En Zheng, Park road 255, No.3 hospital of Huzhou city, Zhejiang province, 313000. - A, 241144 (m) B, Retired Pharmacist.  Exchange and correspondence. Medium collector, Want: 1. Complete sets mint  MNH stamps, Souvenir sheets, Minisheets and Booklets; 2. Butterflies, Primate, Folk Costumes and Dances thematic Postal Stationery (postage printed on envelope or card); 3. Butterflies, Primate, Folk Costumes and Dances  themes are thematic postmark cancellation of Postal Stationeries, Covers, Cards and FDC; 4. The uncirculated commemorative Banknotes and Coins, Dollar, Euro, Pound and Polymer Banknotes. Offer: Stamps, Souvenir sheets, Minisheets, Booklets, FDC, Postal Stationeries, Postcards, Banknotes and Coins, Phonecards and other items etc from China, Hong Kong and other countries. Countries of my interest: world wide. Thematic that I am interested in: Butterflies, Primate, Folk Costumes and Dances, Beijing Olympics, Animals, WWF, Insects, birds, Flowers and Plants etc. Complete sets mint stamps, thematic postal stationeryn (postage printed on envelope or card) of mint or used. Accept duplicates.I do not have the Michel or Scott catalogue. Exchange base on face value and market price. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Chinese and English. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19268 - Yuxian Wang, Chang Qingyuan 20 Lou, 6-602, Beijing 100061. - A, 200137 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo sellos de todo el mundo, sobre todo países Latinoamericanos. Temáticos de mi interés: Fauna, Arquitectura, Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad, y otros temas. Ofrezco  China y otros paises. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español. Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected],.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19297 - Du Ping, Yijng Fang 3-10-502, Guan Yin Tang, 310016 Hangzhou. - A, 031180 (m) B, Electrical Engineer. Want: Worldwide MNH stamps, Souvenir sheets, Miniature sheets, new issues from European, Central & South American countries. Thematic that I am interested in: Fauna, WWF, Flora, Natural Scenes, Painting, World Heritage and many other topics. Medium collector. I accept Michel & Scott catalogues Offer: Mint stamps from China, Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan and some worldwide . Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Chinese, English, Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................19811 - Zhuming (Chu-ming) Qian (Chien) 48/3/1803 West Jiaotong Road, Shanghai 200065. - (m) Want earlier stamps, covers and postcards from China, Russia and worldwide topicals. Offer Mint sets, covers, postcards of China since 1980ss. Some of Russia. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: - Tang Haidong, Address unpublished by request, Maanshan, Anhui. - (m) Want worldwide Banknotes interested in exchange with all countries, old or new, and all ages. Offer worldwide Banknotes. Member of Ibns, Lansa. I have over 7500 different Banknotes from over 280 countries and regions. If you are also interested in exchange, please let me know. Answer always, Languages: English and others with Online translators. Email: - Rong Bai, Address unpublished by request, Guilin, Guangxi. - (m) I collect Banknotes, Coins, Mint Stamps, Miniature Sheets, Postcards, etc from worldwide. Offer banknotes, coins, mint stamps, miniature sheets, postcards, etc from China and other countries. if you want to exchange with me please email me. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................



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19846 - Hayk Tshmarityan, 3 Kyriacou Matsi Str., Roussos Limassol Tower, 6th floor, office 6B, 3040 Limassol, P.O.Box: 50737, 3609 Limassol. - A, 100666 (m) Want worldwide mint-MNH Europe CEPT complete sets, I am very interested in Italy, Vatican, San Marino, Spain, France, Germany, Portugal, Denmark, Finland, Austria, Switzerland etc. 2003-2011. Offer mint MNH Armenian complete sets, miniature sheets, Souvenir Sheets, Booklets, FDC and some other countries stamps.. Base catalogues: Michel. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Armenian, Russian, English and other Languages with online translators. Email: [email protected]                  ...........................................................................................................................................................................................


..........................................................................................................................................................................................15572 - Niels Borg, Bjarkesvej 92, DK-7800 Skive. - A, 100249 (m), Want stamps from Albania, Yugoslavia, France, Belgium, Austria, Italy, Monaco North Korea, South Korea, North Vietnam, South Vietnam. Offer: stamps from Scandinavia, Greenland and Foreyard Island and some other country. I prefer to trade by list and by Catalogue. I have Michel and Stanley Gibbons and Yvert. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: niels-hanne@oncable,dk,

..........................................................................................................................................................................................16101 - Rafael Prieto García, Havbakken 180, Hjerting, 3710 Esbjerg V. - A, 220761 (m) B, Profesor de Instituto (Español y Educación Física y Deporte). Want used stamps and souvenir sheets from España, Denmark, Cuba y Australia. Also, Europe, Africa y Asia. Offer: all the same and others. Please contact first for mutual agreement before sending your stamps, booklets, etc. Answer always. Languages: Español, Danish, English. Email: - Thomas Elmbaek Knudsen, Venedigvej 11, 1. tv, DK- 2300 Copenhagen S. – A, 230773 (m) B, Consultor. Want: Western Europe, cancelled until 1999 after wantlist - Michel, Yvert or AFA, specially I need many from smaller countries like Vatican, San Marino, Monaco, Andorra, Isle of Man, Guernsey, Jersey, Danzig Liechtenstein, , Baltic states, Luxembourg, UN etc. Offer: Same, especially Denmark, Scandinavia, Holland, Germany and Italy, but also worldwide stamps, especially newer stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German and Danish Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17815 - Lisbeth Dybkjaer, Address unpublished by request. - A, 291153 (f) B, Restaurant owner. I collect Stamps + Covers. Want used theme Horses from worldwide and Covers of this theme. Offer anything Scandinavian and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17958 - Niels Thylstrup, Højvænget 334, DK-8300 Odder. - A, 040550 (m) B, Bank Soy un Coleccionista Danés desde hace más de 45 años y he realizado muchos contactos durante este tiempo. Si usted está interesado, puedo enviar un lote de 100 Noruega y Finlandia, todos ellos usados en una buena calidad. (Desgraciadamente mis recientes sellos daneses están so muy pocas). En cambio yo estoy interesado en todo el mundo (Tengo una gran colección de España). Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I am a Danish collector during more than 45 years - have done many long while contacts. If you are interested, I can send a lot of 100 Norway and Finland, all used in a good quality. (Unfortunately my Danish stock recent years are almost empty). In return I am interested in world wide. (I have a great Spanish Collection). Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with

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Online translators. Email: - Mordehaj Papo, Raahojparkan 139, Stavtrup, DK-8260 Viby J. - A, 221032 (m) B, Pensioner. Want stamps On Folk Customers and Instruments, Europe-CEPT, Judaica (it is all what is contact about Jew). Offer stamps of Scandinavian, Israel and Europe. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18900 - Ole Andersen, Hammeren 5, DK-7900 Nykøbing Mors. - A. 051044 (m) B, Retired. Want: Slovakia (used). Offer: Denmark (used). Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: - Leo Steffensen, Ørstedsgade 80, DK-6400 Sønderborg. -A, 260651 (m) B, Teacher. Want an offer: You send me up to 300 different stamps from an European country and I will reply the same number from Denmark. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................19597 - Niels Erik Pedersen, Frankerupvej 29, DK 4400 Kalundborg- (m) B, Retired. I am primarily collecting Thematic:  Cars, Traffic, Safety in traffic, Motor sport (Cars) etc. I want mint and used stamps for the theme mentioned above from the countries of Europe. Ex.: Spain: from 2006: Toys (a car), 2005: Responsibility in Traffic, 2003: Centenary of Royal Automobile Club RACE (stamps or sheet).Ex: Andorra (Spanish): History of the Motor Car from 2002, 2003 and 2004. I offer mint stamps from Denmark, mostly years 2003 - 2008,   used stamps from Denmark,  used stamps from Sweden and from Germany, used stamps worldwide. I have been collector in many years, but have had a break, and re-started to collect a few years ago, when I retired. How do you expect a possible exchange shall be done? 1 stamp for 1?  -  25 for 25? I am looking forward to a possible exchange. Answer always. Language: English. Email: - Jan Augustesen, Buen 9, DK-8762 Flemming. - A, 251069 (m). Want: used stamps from your country, especially European countries, and worldwide. Offer: Denmark, Germany, Spain, Sweden, Norway and worldwide. Advanced collect for 30 years. Please contact t first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................


.............................................................................................................................................................................................18023 - Arq. Alejandro Vigniero, P. O. Box 462-2, Santo Domingo 10101. – A, 261152 (m) B, Arquitecto. Deseo Intercambio Filatélico. Busco sellos nuevos en series completas de España, Italia, Andorra, San Marino, Vaticano, Malta, Holanda, Haití, Jamaica y Liechtenstein. También sellos de todo el mundo temáticos de Arquitectura, Puentes, Flora, Ajedrez, Fauna, América UPAEP, Colon y Juan Pablo II. Ofrezco material de Rep. Dominicana y resto de América. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Seriedad y honestidad en todos los cambios. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19006 - Miguel Escoto, Tunti Cáceres 27 Villa Consuelo, 10308, Santo Domingo DN. - A, 221281 (m) B, Médico. Deseo Billetes, Moneda y Sellos Deportivos y temáticos de todos los países (las Monedas por KM) También Monedas por tipo. Ofrezco Monedas, Billetes, Sellos y cualquier otro coleccionable que este a mi disposición.

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Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y otros con ayuda de traductores online. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................


.............................................................................................................................................................................................16284 - John Orellana, Urbanización Colina del Sol,  Km. 12. Vía Daule, Manzana 2016 V4, también P. O. Box 09-01-15098, Guayaquil,. - A, 310166 (m) B, Ingeniero eléctrico. Deseo sellos con emisiones de WWF y Especies en Peligro de Extinción, de todos los paises.También sellos de Africa. Ofrezco sellos de WWF (Varios países) y últimas emisiones de Ecuador (Fauna y Galápagos). Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada. Want: Stamps WWF topic and Endangered Species Extinction from worldwide. Also African countries. Offer: WWF stamps same countries last issues Ecuatorian stamps (Fauna and Galapagos Island). If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by Email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................

18927 - Jose A. Valdivieso S., P. Moncayo 711 y Quisquis, Ofic. 402, Casilla No 3395, (5934) Guayaquil. - A, 110131 (m) B, Abogado t Director de Orquesta. Deseo: Temática de todo el mundo, especialmente de Música y Músicos de referencia clásicos. Ofrezco: sellos de Ecuador y otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want thematics from all countries, mainly of Music and Musicians reference classics. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English, Italian. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19292 - Fernando Uyaguari Uyaguari, Rumipamba 1-33 y Vilcabamba, Cuenca. - A, 319176 (m) B, Ingeniero de Software., Ingeniero de Sistemas. Colecciono Billetes y Monedas mundiales. Ofrezco en cambio de Ecuador y otros países Puedo enviar listado de repetidos en caso de que sea de su interés podríamos realizar un intercambio. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Coleccionista serio y honesto. Coleccionista mediano. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas. Español, Inglés y otros con traductores de Internet.. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19392 - Prof. Eduardo Gabriel Álvarez Apolo, Ciudadela Alborada, II etapa, Manzana “AC”, No 9, Apartado de Correos 09-02-144, Guayaquil. - A, 010359 (m) B, Profesor Y Presidente AFODE. Deseo material de Filatelia Olímpica y Deportiva de todo el mundo. Ofrezco sellos de Chile y mundiales. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want material of Olympian and Sports Philately of worldwide. Offer stamps Chile and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19442 - Fernando Moscoso, Dirección omitida a petición propia, I will send detailed postal address to the swappers. Quito. - (m) Colecciono solo Australia, Gran Bretaña, Chile, USA, Canadá, Japón, España. e India. Sellos usados KGV Heads de Australia. Sellos usados Roo´s de Australia. Sellos usados o nuevos de Inglaterra de 1840 hasta el 2000. Sellos básicos de la Reina Elizabeth II (Machins). Sellos usados de Chile. Sellos en usado o nuevo de Ecuador o Chile. Sellos usados de España, USA, Canadá, Israel, Inglaterra, India. Sellos usados mundiales. Coleccionista principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect only Australia, Great Britain, Chile, USA, Canada, Spain, Israel, India. Also used stamps of Australia KGV Heads. Used stamps of Australia Roo´s. Used or mint stamps of Great Britain 1840-2000. Queen Elizabeth II Heads (Machins). Used stamp of Chile. I offer used or mint stamps of

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Ecuador and Chile. Used stamps of Spain, USA, Canada, Israel, Great Britain, India, used stamps worldwide. Beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................

19547 - Luís Marcelo Jacome Vallejos, Universidad Técnica del Norte, Ibarra, Imbabura. - A, 201059 (m) B, Administrador de Empresas. Deseo solamente Monedas y Billetes de Banco de todo el mundo. Ofrezco Monedas y Billetes Banco de Ecuador y varios países. Coleccionista principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español y otros con traductores. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19751 - Pablo Perez, Dirección omitida a petición propia. (m) B, Economista. Ex presidente AFE (miembro FIAF y FIP) (m) Deseo cambiar las Novedades de sellos nuevos, en series completas, a valor facial de Ecuador a cambio de lo mismo de España, Italia, S. Marino y Vaticano. Coleccionista serio y honesto. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Cerco cambiare franconolli nuove, serie completa al valore nominale di Italia, San Marino e Vaticano in cambio di Ecuador. Onesto e serio collezionista. Si prega di contattare prima di raggiungere un accordo completo. Risposta assicurata. Lingua: Spagnolo e altri con i traduttori online. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................19807 - Juan Pablo Aguilar Andrade, Rumipamba 706 y República Edificio Borja Páez, of. 13, EC-17002, Quito. - A, 220960 (m) B, Abogado. Países interesados: Ecuador, sellos, sobres circulados, enteros postales. Enteros Postales de Sudamérica. Novedades de cualquier país. Todo en usado o nuevo. También Temáticos de Barcos Veleros, Aviones, algunas series españolas (Turística, Castillos, Monasterios, Trajes, Escudos, Uniformes Militares). En usado. Ofrezco Sellos usados de España y países americanos. Novedades del Ecuador. Coleccionista mediano. Uso el catálogo Scott. Cambio sueltos y en series completas. Acepto duplicados y los envío si lo requieren. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................17491 - Gamal El Touny, 3 Ragb from Maahad Deny St., Damanhur, Behera. - A, 140853 (m) B, Teacher. Want: complete thematic sets mint and used stamps from all countries. Also Banknotes. Offer: complete thematic sets mint and used stamps from Egypt, Arab countries and others. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................18996 - Dr. Mohamad Ismail Abozaid, (I will send detailed postal address to the swapper) (m) B, Pharmacist. Want world Coins and Banknotes from all countries. Offer Egyptian Coins and Banknotes and some world Coins and Banknotes. I use catalogs. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Arabic and English and other with online translators.. Email: [email protected], [email protected],



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...........................................................................................................................................................................................17865 - Peter Verdon, Federatov 6, 08001 Presov. - A, 110254 (m) B, Geologist. Want: Only Phonecards from all countries with my themes. Offer: Phonecards of Slovakia and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and German. Email: - Stefan Badin, Dukelskych hrdinov 2040/13, 02601 Dolny Kubin. - A, 0303057 (m) B, Worker. Want Coins, Banknotes, Medals, Stamps from all countries.Offer: Banknotes, Coins, Medals, Stamps, FDCs from Slovakia and and other countries with catalogues with advanced, medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], [email protected], - Peter Vadner, Kupelna 10, SK - 811 02 Bratislava. - A, 1953 (m) B, Retirado y especialmente coleccionista de sellos. Deseo sellos locales como soy coleccionista de ASFE (un sello de cada lugar del mundo). Busco sellos locales según mi larga mancolista. Puede ver página Web y varios países desaparecidos y “Mosquito” provisional. También colecciono Cartas geográficas, Mapas, Banderas, Escudos. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de prácticamente de todos los países de mundo. Deseo sellos sueltos, no importa si definitivos o conmemorativos. Los compro o pactamos el cambio. Coleccionista muy avanzado. Uso catálogos: Yvert, Scott, Michel, Stanley Gibbons, pero la mayoría de sellos locales no se encuentra en estos, hay catálogos especializados. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta Asegurada. Idiomas: Inglés, Español, Francés, Alemán, Ruso, Checo, Eslovaco y otros con traductores Online. Email: [email protected] ...........................................................................................................................................................................................


.............................................................................................................................................................................................15792 - Barbara Trcek, Murova 16, 4270 Jesenice. - A, 260977 (f) B, Tourist Guide, Ski Instructor. Want exchange stamps from all over the world (most preferable), Middle East, Africa and South America. Doesn’t really matter. All the letters are welcome. Only exchange stamps with serious stamp trader. Languages: English, Slovenian. (little German, Spanish.) Email: [email protected], [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................15978 - Iztok Meglic, Linhartova 45, 1000 Ljubljana.- A, 120953 (m) B, Computer Programmer. Want used stamps from European countries by want lists. Offer used stamps from many European countries. Advanced collector. I like exchange for wantlists, Michel catalog or quantities. Please contact first for mutual agreement Answer always. Language: Slovenian, English, Croatian and Serbian. Email: - Milos Pohole, Notranjska Cesta 28, 1380 Cerknica. - A, 131270 (m) B, Economist. Want: Stamps from all World used, Europe with want lists Michel catalogue. I can exchange also 1x1. Offer: Slovenia and many other countries. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English, little German, Italian and Spanish. Email: [email protected], - Matej Omahen, Celarceva 26, SI-1125 Ljubljana. - A, 120370 (m) B, Sport Teacher. Want: UNC. Banknotes, used stamps (Europe, Australia, Japan, Canada and USA), mint Football stamps from the entire world. Offer:

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used stamp and UNC. Banknotes, Military items, Phonecards. Please contact first for a mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17334 - Tatjana Berger, Bratovševa pl 29, SI-1000 Ljubljana. - A, 041148 (f) B, Profesor. Want Mint stamps of theme: Orchids and Roses (also blocks, FDCs, Maximuncards, Ms) from worldwide. Offer: mint Slovenia, Jugoslavija, Flora, Fauna, Europe, EU CEPT (some). I request contacts first for a mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................18128 - Andrej Maher, Tugomerjeva 64, SI-1000 Ljubljana. - A, 090650 (m) B, Dipl. Economy. Stamps mint (MNH) Complete sets - exchange or sell. Want:  Antarctica - AAT, BAT, TAAF, Ross Dependency, South Georgia, Falkland Islands, Norfolk Island. Offer: Slovenia Croatia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Yugoslavia 1945-2003. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and German. Email: - Bojan Himmelreich, Vojkova 3, SI-3000 Celje. - A, 290459 (m) B, Historian, Ph. Doctor. Want mint stamps with Bees, Cats and Catlikes, Olympic Games, Trains. For bee topic I want any philatelic materials (FDCs, MCs, Booklets, Stationery, Cancellations,) Offer: Slovene stamps, some Ex-Yugoslavia and some others. Accept any stamps on my topics; exchange upon agreement (I use wantlist); willing to send duplicates, but don't accept them. Answer always. Medium collector. Languages: English and little German. Email: [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................

18781 - Pavel Vuk, Jakceva ulica 28, SI-1000 Ljubljana. - A, 101169 (m) Want used or mint Stamps WW1/WW2 (from 1914 to 1945), all kind of world wide stamps, Slovenian stamps have priority. I offer Slovenian stamps, stamps from European contries, USA, Australia, New Zealand. If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected] , .............................................................................................................................................................................................19083 - Matjaz Oblak, Sodnikarjeva 7. SL-1 Brezovica. - A, 120470 (m) B, Teacher. Want mint and used stamps old Mauritius, Switzerland, United Kingdom, France, Germany and all countries. Germany. Offer more than 50000 stamps. Advanced collector. Please contact first fort mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19193 - Spela Zakelj, Groharjevo naselje 22, SL-0 Skofja Loka. - A, 080380 (f) B, Assistant Professor of Medieval French Literature. Want: worldwide stamps large and/or old stamps published before WW II, especially European countries. Also I am interested in thematics: Flora, Fauna, Art from all countries over the world, Offer: used and CTO Slovenian large stamps, Miniature sheetlets, worldwide used large and small. No Wantlists, no duplicates. Exchange only 1x1. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Slovenian, English, French, Spanish, Deutsch, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian     Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19209 - Igor Lesar, Cyril Metodova 6, 2109 Maribor. - A, 091072 (m) B, Teacher. Want mint thematic stamps, Fauna Birds, Dogs, Reptiles Butterflies) Flora (Orchids, Roses) Sport-special Olympic Games and Football, Lighthouses and Europe CEPT used Phonecards from all countries. Offer: mint and used stamps from Slovenia, used Phonecards from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and worldwide. Change depend of agreement, mostly facial basis € currency. Advanced collector since 1974. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Croatian-Serbs. Email: - Zdravko Savli, Tribuce 2D, 8340 Crnomelj. - A, 1955 (m) B, Economist. Want European used stamps by Wantlist (Michel or Scott). Offer used stamps from many countries. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators.

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Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19736 - Dusan Semenic, Ruska ulica 11, 1000 Ljubljana. - (m) I'm interested in stamps from your country. I can you different used Slovenian stamps (from year 1991 to 2011) and different used Ex-Yugoslavian stamps (from year 1945 to 1991). If you are interested, please contact me. Answer always, Language; English, Email: - Marko Zupancic, Zapuže 9, SI-4275 Begunje na Gor. - A, 290770 (m) B, Worker. I collect Banknotes all kind from worldwide. Offer Banknotes, Coins and Stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Slovenian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................


.............................................................................................................................................................................................04284 - Ana Elda Basagoitia v. de Calderón, Pasaje Uruguay 16, Col. El Palmar, Santa Ana. - A, 160544 (f) B, Jubilada (Profesora Educación Básica.). Deseo correspondencia amistosa preferentemente por correo normal y de España. También con Europa y América Latina. Ofrezco sincera y leal amistad. Busco Mapas de España y Mitología en general. Respuesta siempre asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................13181 - Herbert Gustavo Ponce, 8A Calle Oriente No 2-3, Santa Tecla, La Libertad. - A, 280751 (m) B, Contador Público. Deseo cambio y correspondencia con todo el mundo. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un Completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. Idioma. Español. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17069 - Javier Cabrera Roca, 5ª Calle Oriente No 115, San Salvador. - A, 220762 (m) B, Empresario de la Industria del Dulce. Licenciado en Biología. Deseo cambio de Billetes de Banco y Monedas de todo el mundo en especial de El Salvador, América Central y España. También colecciono l ápices, Llaveros, etc., de todos los países. Ofrezco lo mismo, sellos etc... Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta siempre asegurada. . Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con traductores online Email: - Wenceslao Enrique Martínez Molina, Residencial Solymar, lotes 18 y 19, Km. 45 carretera del Litoral, El Sunzal, Puerto de La Libertad 060501, La Libertad. - A, 100842 (m) B, Retirado (Administrador de Empresas y Economista). Deseo: Sellos usados de Grecia, Islandia, Chipre y Malta; y sellos nuevos o usados de Naciones Unidas. Ofrezco: Sellos nuevos y usados de El Salvador; sellos usados de países de Latino y de otros países del mundo. Coleccionista mediano. Pueden ser en series completas, sueltos, sellos definitivos, conmemorativos, usados, nuevos. Canje en cantidades de 100, 200 o 300,  1x1 o en base de Catálogo Scott. Todos los envíos por Correo Certificado. Want used stamps of Greece, Iceland, Cyprus and Malta and mint and used stamps of United Nations. Offer mint and used stamps of Salvador. Used stamps from Latin American countries and other countries of the world. Medium collector. They can be in complete sets, singles, definitives, commemoratives, mint, used. Base of change in quantities of 100, 200 or 300 stamps and base Scott catalogue. All the mailing with stamps by Registered mail for safety. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17806 - Dagoberto Ángel Huezo Alfaro, Residencial San Antonio, Pasaje 5 Norte ≠ 22-1, Santa Tecla, 04 105. -

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(m) Deseo sellos de Portugal, Belice, Grecia y Suiza, entre los años 1999-2011, Princesa Diana y Papa Juan Pablo II, Orquídeas, Automóviles antiguos y Motocicletas de todo el mundo. Ofrezco sellos de diversos Países, Tarjetas telefónicas y tengo un buen lote de Billetes Mundiales para cambiar por sellos. Solo Colecciono sellos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Contesto siempre. Idioma: español. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................18933 - José Salvador García, 87 Av. Norte N. 325, Col. Escalón, San Salvador. - A, 220677 (m) B, Abogado. Deseo intercambios de Billetes y Monedas de todo el mundo, especialmente Europa. También deseo correspondencia sobre Fotografías e Informática. Ofrezco: Billetes de Banco, Monedas, Sellos, Tarjetas Telefónicas, Postales de mi país y mundiales. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Exchange Coins and Banknotes from all countries, mainly Europe. Also correspondence on Computers and Photography’s, Offer Banknotes, Coins, Stamps, Phonecards, Postcards from my country and worldwide.. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always, Languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19016 - Sergio Roberto Corado, Residencial La Floresta, Pasaje Las Rosas, Block “D” Casa No 13, Chalatenango. - A, 130277 (m) B, Empleado Público. Deseo intercambiar Monedas y Billetes de Banco de todos los países del mundo, especialmente de África, Guayanas, islas del Caribe, Israel e Irak. Ofrezco Monedas y Billetes de Banco de El Salvador, así como también de otros países de Centroamérica y algún otro país. Busco sueltos, Conmemorativos, 1x1, nuevos y usados. Coleccionista mediano. Cambios siempre por Correo Certificado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................20024 - Wilfredo Repreza, 5° calle Ote. entre 26 y 28 Av. Nte. 4-92 Colonia Belén Sonsonate. - A, 010154 (m) B, Licenciado Ciencias Jurídicas. Deseo Sellos postales de Oriente Medio, África, islas de cualquier parte incluyendo las británicas. También Temáticos de Fauna y Flora, Aves y Mariposas de todo el mundo. Me interesa nuevo y usado. Ofrezco: Sellos de El Salvador, Centro América y Panamá y otros países. Además, Tarjetas Telefónicas  y Monedas varias de todo el mundo. Uso el catálogo Scott. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected], [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................


.............................................................................................................................................................................................02965 - José Manuel Pérez Lancha, Apartado 28, 08840 Viladecans, Barcelona. A, 040335 (m) B, Jubilado/Retired. Colecciono sellos nuevos y usados de Europa, Marruecos Español (1928-1956 solo nuevos), Argentina. Brasil, Canadá, Cuba, Chile, Perú, USA, Australia y Nueva Zelanda., solo por mancolista Yvert, Michel, Scott solo hasta el año 1980. Posteriores (1981-2011) base catálogos o 1x1 en cantidades de 100x100, 200x200 todos diferentes en perfecto estado, solo en envíos por correo certificado, para seguridad para ambas partes. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo y de todo el mundo. Serio y honesto coleccionista y Presidente del club Paz y Amistad. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect mint and used stamps from Europe, Spanish Morocco (1928-1956 mint-MNH), Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Cuba, Chile, Peru, USA, Australia, New Zealand, only by wantlist Yvert, Michel, Scott catalogues until 1980. After (1981-2011) catalogues or 1x1, 100x100, 200x200. Sending only by registered mail for security

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for both parts. I offer the same and worldwide. Please contact with me before to send your stamps. Answer always. I am serious and honest collector and President of the Peace and Friendship club. Languages: Spanish, French, English, and others with online translators. Email : [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................03918 - Juan Franco Crespo, Salvia No 8, (Mas Clariana), 43800 Valls, Tarragona, A, 190553 (m) B, Stamp Journalist (AIPET). Colecciono Temática Radio cualquier material postal: Sellos, Matasellos, Máquinas de franquear, Tarjetas Telefónicas, etc., relacionado con el tema. También otros materiales sobre temas Polares y Herencia Hispánica de el Mundo. Deseo: cambios serios. Ofrezco: todo tipo de Marcofilia española, sobre todo años 80-90 del pasado siglo. También escribo para prensa especializada. Ruego escriban primero. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Catalán, Francés, Inglés, Italiano y Portugués. Páginas Web: Filatelia Musical espencialmente. Filatelia Polar., Filatelia Naturaleza y Especiales. Email: - Enrique Piñol Pallarés. Calle Salvador Ritort 19, 4º 2ª, E-43002 Tarragona. - A, 040440 (m), B, Jubilado,. Cambio Sellos y Billetes de Banco. Busco sellos de Alemania, Francia, Bélgica, Gran Bretaña, Italia, Noruega, Dinamarca, Suecia y Finlandia especialmente y resto de países de Europa, excepto Checoslovaquia, Hungría, Polonia y Rusia. Coleccionista mediano. Sellos usados sueltos, 1x1 en cantidades. Ofrezco sellos de los mismos países mencionados y muchos de España. Envío duplicados si me solicitan. Deseo Billetes de Banco del todo el mundo, en cambio de los mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés, Italiano. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................04499 - Francisco Bellido de Sant Feliu, Calle Galicia 49, 6º Izq. E-12004 Castellón de la Plana. - A, 160536 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo solo sellos en series completas de Francia, Costa Rica, Israel, Venezuela y España, solo del primer Centenario. También deseo recibir ofertas de Monedas Españolas. Ofrezco sellos de España, nuevos y usados en series completas. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y Francés. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................04674 - José Luque Izquierdo, Armas 44, 2º, 1, Apartado de Correos, 7069, 50080 Zaragoza. - A, 081134 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo Calendarios de Bolsillo, Naipes Publicitarios y Postales Eróticas. Deseo especialmente de España y Países Europeos. Ofrezco lo mismo o propuesta de otras colecciones. Estudiaré cualquier otra ofertas de intercambios.Vendo Calendarios a buen precio. Solicite oferta sin compromiso. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Seriedad asegurada. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés y Portugués. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................05724 - Jose M. Basadre Montesinos, Calle La Palma, 91, E-11510 Puerto Real, Cádiz. - A, 130880 (m) B, Auxiliar Notaría. Deseo: Emblemas Metálicos de Clubes de Autos, Placas de Rally, Matriculas de Coches, Objetos Nazi, de la Guerra Civil Española, de todo el mundo.Ofrezco: Sellos, Postales, Sobres Primer Día, Billetes de Banco y de Loterías, Vitolas, Diapositivas, Bolas de Golf. Quiero liquidar toda mi existencia, Series y sellos conmemorativos, nuevos y usado, Temáticos,  Países,  Coleccionista  Mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada wish: Metallic Emblems of Clubs of Cars, Number Plates of Rally, Licence Plates of Cars, Objects Nazi, of the Spanish Civil War, of the whole world. I offer Stamps, Postcards, FDCs, Banknotes, Lottery tickets, Cigar bands, Slides, Balls of Golf. I want to liquidate all my stocks. Stamps and commemorative sets, mint and used, topics, countries, Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish English and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected],  [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................06709 - Rafael Guillén Fresco, Rosario 119, 6º 1ª, Apartado Correos 7051, 02080 Albacete. - A, 250344 (m) B, Retirado (Funcionario de Telégrafos). Colecciono sellos nuevos y usados. Deseo: Europa y Sudamérica,

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especialmente Europa Occidental. Ofrezco: Europa. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect mint and used stamps. Want Europe and South American countries, mainly Western Europe. I offer stamps from all European countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and Spanish. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................06972 - Patxi Urrestarazu Astiz, Calle San Martín 12, 1º, 20700 Urretxu, Gipuzkoa. - A, 060245 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseos sellos usados de España y ex Colonias, Francia, Alemania (RFA), Japón, Filipinas, Singapur, (No Malasia), Israel, Venezuela y Colombia. También busco temáticos de Música de todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco en cambio todo lo anterior más el resto del mundo. Coleccionista mediano. Cambio sellos sueltos, en base de 1x1. Ruego contactos primero para legar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect only used stamps from Spain, ex Spanish colonies, France, Germany (Bundesrepublik), Japan, Philippines, Singapore (not Malaysia), Israel, Colombia y Venezuela. Also I am interested in theme Music from all countries of the World. I offer in exchange same stamps and rest of the world. Medium collector. I change single stamps 1x1. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; Spanish, Euskera and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................07334 - Xavier Romero. Carrer /Salvador Espriu, s/n.  Apartado Correos 8.  E-17244 Cassà de la Selva, Girona. – A, 1953 (m) B, Periodista/Jounalist. Compro e intercambio Postales antiguas españolas y de todo el mundo, preferentemente Etnográficas, Costumbristas, Folklores, Oficios, Músicos, medios de Transporte...   Dispongo de un gran stock para intercambiar. Compro cualquier cantidad y pago rápido. Máxima seriedad. Ruego contactos primero para llegara a un complete acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I buy and exchange ancient Spanish Postcards and of the whole world, preferably Ethnographic, Customs and manners, Folklores, Jobs, Offices, Musicians, means of Transport... I have a big stock to exchange. I buy any quantity and rapid Payment. Maximum seriousness. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Web page:, Languages: English, Spanish, Catalan and others with online translator. Email: - Josep Ferrer Serra, Apartado de Correos, 149, E-08800 - Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona. - A, 240649 (m) B, Ingeniero Técnico. Deseo intercambio filatélico y...seguro alguna buena amistad, Me interesa completar o iniciar principalmente países de América latina aunque no descarto otros países. Ofrezco: Básicamente sellos de España aunque puedo estudiar otras posibilidades. Puede interesarme cualquier modalidad según acuerdo. No acepto en principio duplicados, Soy coleccionista dependiendo del país, desde principiante hasta avanzado. Seriedad y honradez en todas las relaciones. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wish: Philatelic exchange and ... insurance some good friendship, it is interesting to me to complete or to initiate principally countries of Latin America although I do not discard other countries. I offer: Basically stamps of Spain although I can study other possibilities. I can be interested in any form as agreement. I do not accept at first duplicated, I am a collector depending on the country, from Beginner up to Advanced. Seriousness and honesty in all the relations. ease contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................07563 - Luis Cases, Avda. Ausias March 37, 4ª, E-46013, Valencia,.- A, 281242 (m), B, ATS. Deseo sellos usados de todo el mundo, cambio 1x1 en cantidades de 100x100. Ofrezco sellos usados de España y de todo el Mundo. Ruego escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Serio y honesto Coleccionista. Want used stamps from all countries. Change 1x1 en quantities (100x100). Offer used stamps of Spain and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Serious and honest collector. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................08428 - Vicente Martínez, Apartado de Correos, 10046, 28080 Madrid. - A, 020751 (m) B, Licenciado en Económicas. Want: Worldwide Correspondence and Exchange: Penpals, Stamps, Viewcards, etc., specially

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Latin-American countries. Offer: Stamps, Coins, Viewcards, etc. etc. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English and French. Understand: German, Italian and Portuguese. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................14520 - Miguel Ángel Cercadillo Blasco, Calle Colegiata de Bolea N 7 , 7/ B, 50013 Zaragoza. - A, 090366 (m) B, Metalúrgico. Deseo: Europa-CEPT, WWF y sellos en nuevo de todo el mundo excepto países del Este de Europa si no son de los temas que busco. Ofrezco: Europa-CEPT, WWF y sellos en nuevo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want Europe-CEPT, WWF and mint stamps from worldwide, except countries of Eastern Europe if they are not of the themes that I look. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, French, English and Italian. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................15614 - Juan Francisco Cabrera, Víctor Hugo, 63, 3, B, E-35006, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. - A, 140855 (m) B, Asesor de Empresas. Sellos, Filatelia. Deseo de todos los países 1990-2011, especialmente España, Islandia, Portugal, Japón, Nueva Zelanda. Ofrezco: Alemania, Francia, España, Portugal, Gran Bretaña, Jersey, Guernesey, Isla de Man, Japón, Estados Unidos, Canadá. Intercambio 1x1 en usado, en perfecto estado, conmemorativos. Coleccionista Avanzado. Want: Stamps and any Philatelic material from all countries. 1990-2011 mainly Spain, Portugal, Japan, New Zealand, Offer. Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, UK, Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Japan, USA, Canada, Change of base: 1x1 used stamps, in perfect states, Commemoratives, Advanced collector. Serious and honest. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................15660 - José Manuel Mateos Millán, Calle José Martínez Ruiz “Azorín” 10, Edificio. Lusitania, Bloque 1 Bajo A, E- E-06800 Mérida, Badajoz. - A, 250566 (m) B, Funcionario. Deseo: Sellos usados y nuevos de España, según Catálogo Edifil por lista de faltas. Sellos conmemorativos de Europa Occidental, Japón, China, Canadá y Australia, usados, Inglaterra, Irlanda, Islandia, Groenlandia, Islas (Feroe, Isla of Man, Jersey, Guernesey, Åland, Alderney, Madeira, Azores), Dinamarca, Noruega, Suecia, Finlandia, Alemania, Bélgica, Holanda, Francia, Luxemburgo, Mónaco, San Marino, Vaticano, Chipre, Malta, Grecia y Portugal. no básicos ni de formato pequeño, a ser posible recientes y sobre todo de Países pequeños o Islas. En paquetes de 100 o 200 sellos. 1x1. Ofrezco: Sellos de España usados y nuevos de los últimos años, buenas piezas, Hojitas bloque, etc.… También ofrezco sellos de todo el mundo, sobre todo sellos recientes de Japón. Coleccionista Avanzado para España y Mediano para Europa. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés, Ingles y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................15696 - Francesc Jordá Vila, Carrer Dr. Romagós No 5, 17460, Celrá, Girona. - A, 160424 (m). B, Jubilado (Mecánico Industrial). [email protected] Fallecido 24- Agosto 2010..........................................................................................................................................................................................15698 - José Antonio García Venegas, Cardenal Delgado 18, E-41008 Villanueva del Ariscal, Sevilla. - (m) Busco intercambiar sellos usados en 1x 1. Colecciono temática de Naturaleza: Flora, Fauna, Minerales, Fósiles, Dinosaurios, Paisajes y Monumentos de todo el mundo. También me interesan las Excolonias Españolas y Francesas. Ofrezco sellos usados españoles y mundiales. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Contesto siempre. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: - Joan Saurina, Carrer Jaime I  Nº 5, E-07400  Alcudia,  Mallorca, Baleares. - A, 211056 (m) B, Recepcionista. Deseo canje de sellos usados conmemorativos con imágenes escaneadas para que podamos elegir. Busco de estos países: 1. Europa: Albania, Andorra, Åland, Alderney, Chipre, Gibraltar, Guernesey, Groenlandia, Islandia, Isla de Man, Islas Feroe, Jersey, Mónaco, Liechtenstein, Luxemburgo, San Marino, Vaticano desde 1980. 2. Ex-repúblicas soviéticas: Armenia, Azerbaiyán, Bielorrusia/Belarus, Estonia, Kazajstán,

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Kirguizistán, Letonia, Lituania, Moldavia, Rusia, Tayikistán, Ucrania, Uzbekistán desde 1991. 3. Ex- Republicas yugoslavas: Bosnia, Croacia, Eslovenia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia desde 1991. 4. Austria, Irlanda, Portugal, Suiza desde 1990. 5. Centroamérica: Belice, Costa Rica, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Panamá desde 1980. 6. América del Sur: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Surinam, Venezuela, Uruguay desde 1980. 7. Argentina, Chile desde 1990. 8. Caribe: Bahamas, Barbados, Bermuda, Cayman, Rep. Dominicana, Jamaica desde 1980. 10. África: Argelia, Marruecos, Tunes, Namibia, Malawi, Costa de Marfil, Islas Comores, Mauricio desde 1980. 12. Asia: Arabia Saudita, Bahrein, Rep Pop. China, Hong Kong, Israel, Kuwait, Líbano, Macao, Malasia, Myanmar, Nepal, Omán, Singapur, Siria, Tailandia, Qatar, desde 1980. 13. Oceanía: Fidji, Salomón, Papua Nueva Guinea, Timor, Brunei e islas menores de cualquier época. Base de intercambio 1 x 1, sin catálogos. Solo envío primero a los que he cambiado antes. Todos los envíos con sellos siempre por Correo Certificado, para evitar posteriormente reclamaciones fantasmas. Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de España, Europa Occidental o mundiales. Coleccionista serio y formal. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wish exchange used commemorative stamps with scanned images so that we could choose. I look of the countries above mentioned. Base of change: 1x1, not catalogues. Only send first to which I have changed earlier. All exchange with stamps only by Registered Mail for avoid Ghost Claims .Medium collector. I offer used stamps of Spain, Western Europe and worldwide Serious and honest collector for many years. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email:  [email protected], - Noble Albert Farage, Apartado, 3658, 35004 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.- A, 240742 (m) B, Comerciante y Coleccionista. Cambio, Correspondencia, Compra y Venta: Mundial. Deseo: Series completas nuevas Temáticas de cualquier país que esté en Catálogo de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: de todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Exchange, Corresponden ce, Buy and Selling worldwide I wish: Complete sets thematic any country that is in Catalogue. I offer stamps of Worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................15756 - Ferran Domingo i Liró, Carrer de les Balears, 48, 08759 Vallirana, Barcelona.- A, 171240 (m), B, Jubilado. Amigos filatélicos, les invito a visitar mis listas de sellos mint y usados de la West Europa y DDR.,con numeración Yvert, a fin de incrementar, a través de intercambios, nuestras respectivas colecciones. Bienvenu sur mon site. Desire l'échange de timbres neufs et oblitérés de West Europa et DDR,suivant numeration et côte cat. Yvert, avec philatelistes serieux,per l'enrichissement de nos collections. Welcome on my Web: Want exchange mint, used stamps of West Europe and DDR, with numeration Yvert, with serious and honest collectors, per the enrichment of our collections. Languages: Spanish, French, English, Catalan and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................15759 - Angel Quel Garrido, Barreras 7. E. 23440 Baeza, Jaén. - A, 230466 (m) B, Administrativo. Deseo cambiar sellos usados del todo el mundo. Ofrezco sellos usados de todo el mundo, en base cambio 1x1. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want and I offer used stamps from worldwide in base of Exchange 1x1. I am advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish and other with Online translator. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................15855 - Esther Vilumbrales Álvarez, Pintor Orlando Pelayo nº 15-2º izquierda, E-33203 Gijón -Asturias. - (f) B, Educación. Deseo: España Primer Centenario y Argentina  por lista de faltas. Ofrezco: España 1º -2º Centenario, Cuba y países de América. Coleccionista mediana. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16009 - Miguel A. Casado, Calle Torre de Hércules 14, E-28770 Colmenar, Madrid.- A, 020358 (m) B, Biologist

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Colecciono sellos usados de todo el mundo. Para países europeos y americanos preferiblemente por mancolista catálogo Yvert. Ofrezco: sellos usados de España y otros países. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect and exchange used stamps from all countries. European and American countries with wantlists Yvert catalogues. Offer used stamps from Spain and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and Others with online translators. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16078 - Manuel García Yañes, Calle Clara del Rey No 55, 8º D., 28002 Madrid.- A, 170747 (m) B, Profesor de Secundaria. Deseo sellos usados de Irlanda, Islandia, Noruega, Suecia y Perú. Ofrezco España, Alemania, Gran Bretaña, Finlandia y mundiales. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want used stamps from Ireland, Island, Norway, Sweden and Peru. Offer: Spain Germany, Great Britain, Finland and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and Spanish. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................16166 - Roberto López Aguirreamalloa, Apartado (P.O.Box) 328, E-20080 San Sebastián-Donostia.- A, 080457 (m) B, Médico. Deseo sellos de Europa, USA, Canadá, Chile, Perú, Australia. Nueva Zelanda, Japón y Túnez. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un mutuo acuerdo. Want stamps from all Europe, USA, Canada, Chile, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Tunisia. Offer the same countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and Spanish. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16193 - Jordi Solsona Villaplana, Francisco Moragas 58 Sobreático, 1ª, 08901-Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona.- A, 110566 (m) B, Metalista. Deseo: Tarjetas telefónicas de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Tarjetas Telefónicas de todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero. Respuesta asegurada. I want and I offer Phonecards from all countries of the entire world. Contact first please. Answer always. Languages: Catalán, Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16320 - Manuel Laguna Ramiro, Avenida de Entrevias 124, 1º Izda., 28053 Madrid.- A, 050541 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo: Series en nuevo de países de Europa, especialmente de Europa Occidental. Ofrezco: Series en nuevo de países de Europa. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Collect and Exchange mint-MNH complete sets from Europe, mainly West European countries Offer same Spain and European countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16389 - Antonio Sánchez Naharro, Calle Agustín Córcoles 6, E-02140 El Salobral, Albacete. - A, 150579 (m) B, Vendedor Int. Almacén Eléctrico. Deseo intercambios de sellos nuevos, usados, sueltos, con países Europeos, especialmente de Alemania, Bélgica, Francia, Suiza, etc. en base de cambio de 1x1 o por Catálogos. Michel, Yvert. También me interesan sellos de todo el mundo temáticos de Aviación y Cervantes/El Quijote). Ofrezco lo mismo que solicito y España. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................16432 - Juan Díaz Lería, Calle La Sagra No 3, 4º A, 45593 Bargas, Toledo. - (m) Deseo: sellos de todo el mundo en nuevos y usados., también hojitas. Solos de los países legales para la UPU. Ofrezco lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want stamps fro all countries, mint and used. Also Souvenirs sheets. Only of the legal countries for the UPU. Offer same. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16500 - Juan Carlos Machado López, Calle Eugenio D'Ors 7-2º-2, E-14007 Córdoba. A, 090165 (m) Funcionario.

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Deseo: sellos usados de países de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: sellos usados de España, y de todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want used stamps from all countries of the World. I offer used stamps from Spain and all countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16621 - Manuel Bellido Díaz, Honduras 1, 41012 Sevilla.- A, 251134 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo cambiar sellos usados de todos los países. Ofrezco lo mismo. Seriedad y honradez en todos los cambios. Ruego escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada.Want used stamps from all countries. Offer same. Serious and honest collector .Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................16625 - Antonio Soto Aledo, Castillete 48, E-30360 La Unión, Murcia. - A, 290457 (m). Colecciono sellos de Perú y toda América Latina, Holanda, Finlandia, Alemania, Noruega, Gran Bretaña y Grecia. Ofrezco en cambio España, los mismos países y otros. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want stamps Peru, all Latin American countries, Netherlands, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Norway and Greece. Offer same countries, Spain, and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16627 - Álvaro Pérez Soria, Camino Torrecaballeros 12, E-40196 La Lastrilla, Segovia. - A, 120649 (m) B, Jubilado (Enseñanza). Coleccionista avanzado. Deseo cambiar sellos usados. 1-Por listas de faltas según valor Catálogo Yvert (1979) o Scott (2007). Casi todos los países de Europa Occidental, Argentina, Chile, Japón y USA (este solo hasta 1990). 2-Por escáner 1x1 casi todos los países del mundo (no Europa Oriental, Emiratos árabes, Guinea Ecuatorial,...) 3- En cantidad ofrezco 100,200,....1000 diferentes España por la misma cantidad de otro país. Sin los países citados anteriormente. Ofrezco sellos usados de casi todos los países del mundo. Algunos sellos nuevos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta siempre asegurada. Advanced collector want used stamps-1) Wantlists according Yvert 1979 and Scott 2007, almost all the countries of Western Europe, Argentina, Chile, Japan and USA (this only until 1990) 2) for scanner 1x1 almost all the countries of the world (not Eastern Europe, the Arab Emirates, Equatorial Guinea...). 3) In quantity I offer 100,200 ... Different 1000 Spain for the same quantity of another countries. Without the countries quoted previously. I offer used stamps of almost all the countries of the world. Some mint stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, and others with online translator. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16722 - Jorge Giner Ivorra, Santa Rosa 66, 8º, 03802, Alcoy, Alicante. A, 020835 (m) B, Pensionista. Deseo sellos usados de Venezuela desde el año 1980 al 2006 y sellos usados de Cuba del Primer Centenario. Ofrezco sellos usados de España, Inglaterra, Suiza, Alemania, USA, Portugal y Francia y nuevos (mint) de Francia y Argentina. Los envíos por correo certificado y franqueo filatélico. Ruego contactos primero antes de hacer un primer envío. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................17013 - José Antonio Hernández González, C/B. Virgen de Los Dolores No 11, Apartado de Correos 46, E-30880 Águilas, Murcia.- A, 120460 (m) B, Funcionario. Deseo cambiar sellos usados conmemorativos de todo el mundo en cantidades. Base 1x1.Envío y acepto sellos repetidos. También cambio Tarjetas Telefónicas mundiales. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want exchange used stamps commemoratives with all countries in quantities. Base of exchange 1x1. I send and accept duplicate stamps. Also I collect Phonecards from worldwide. I offer same. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected]..........................................................................................................................................................................................17016 - Rafael Pedroza Avilés, Victoria Mérida y Piret No 6, 5º, 2ª, 29004 Málaga. - A, 180139 (m). Jubilado.

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Deseo: Europa Occidental, USA-2000/11, Australia-2000/11, Japón hasta 1950. Ofrezco: Europa Occidental, Canadá, Australia, y Japón. I want stamps from West Europe, USA (2000-2011), Japan (1900- 1950), Australia (2000.2011). I offer Spain, West Europe, Canada, Australia and Japan. Basis catalogues Yvert and Scott (for USA). Please contact with me before send any stamps. Answer always Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish and others with online translators Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17026 - Juan Carlos Batlle Holgado, Carrer Josep Ferrer No 4, 2º, E, 08690 Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Barcelona. - A, 181262 (m) B, Extrusor cables eléctricos. Deseo cambiar sellos usados con todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want used stamps from all countries over the world. I offer same. Please contact first before send your stamps for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with oline translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17032 - Julián Alonso Manzanedo, Calle Polvorín Viejo, Nº 11-7º-D, 01003 Vitoria, Alaba. - (m) B, Administrativo Adjunto Exportación. Deseo cambios de sellos Nuevos y usados de Malta, Portugal, Luxemburgo, Irlanda, Inglaterra, Australia, Bélgica, Francia, Venezuela, Perú, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Brasil, Méjico, Panamá, todo el área del Caribe excepto Cuba. Ofrezco mayoritariamente material usado de todos los países anunciados + material Mint de España, Francia, Venezuela, Brasil, Chile, Argentina. Garantizo respuesta a todos los interesados siempre y cuando sean personas serias, responsables y honestas. Idiomas conocidos: Inglés, Francés, Italiano, Portugués y Español. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................17037 - José Antonio Andujar Prieto, Carretera de El Espinar, Nº 2, Portal 3 - Bajo B, 05004 Ávila. A, 170469 (m) B, Funcionario. Deseo: Sellos usados España según Catálogo Edifil; sellos extranjeros Europa Occidental (No países comunistas), según Catálogo Yvert Tellier (poseo listas faltas y repetidos todos los países nombrados). Otras colecciones: ATM´s usados (poseo listas faltas y repetidos); calendarios bolsillos, Adhesivos, monedas españolas y monedas euro (por años). Ofrezco: Sellos españoles usados, extranjeros (Europeos y mundiales), ATM`s usados, calendarios de bolsillos, adhesivos, monedas españolas y Euros, sobres de azúcar. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Contesto siempre a todos. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17054 - Jesús Daryanani Daryanani, San Martín 64, 2º No 5, Apartado 10955, 38080 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Islas Canarias. - A, 150537 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo billetes de Lotería, Cupones ONCE, Calendarios de bolsillo, Tarjetas Telefónicas, Bonos, etc. De todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo y sellos usados de todo el mundo. Deseo muchas y serias relaciones. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Contesto siempre. I wish Lottery tickets, Coupons ONCE, Pocket calendars, Phonecards, Bonds, etc- Offer the same and used stamps from worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always, Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17065 - Enrique Chuliá Vidal, Isabel la Católica, 1 – 2ª, E-46910 Benetússer, Valencia.- A, A, 120846 (m) B, Administrativo. Deseo sellos de Colonias españolas, Chile, (desde 1980), Estados Unidos, Francia, Gran Bretaña, Italia y Colonias, Portugal y Colonias, República Checa y Eslovaquia, solo de los 10 últimos años. Temáticos de Automóviles, Banderas, Ferrocarriles, Música, Premios Nóbel, especialmente. También de Deportes, Europa CEPT, Fauna, Heráldica, Antártica, Astronomía, Investigación espacial, Meteorología, Física, Aviones, Barcos, de todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco: Conmemorativos usados todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés, Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17086 - Antonio Sevilla Bonillo, Avenida Blasco Ibáñez 15. 8ª, E-46930 Quart de Poblet, Valencia. - A, 150645 (m) B, Funcionario Jubilado. Cambio de sellos usados por listas de faltas y valoración Yvert. Otros consultar, de

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los siguientes países. Alemania (Bund), Berlín, Andorra (Correo Español y Francés), Austria, Australia, Bélgica, Canadá, Chile, Dinamarca, Groenlandia, Feroe, Estados Unidos, Finlandia, Åland, Francia, Gibraltar, Gran Bretaña, Guernesey, Alderney, Jersey, Man, Grecia, Irlanda, Islandia, Israel. Italia, Japón, Liechtenstein, Luxemburgo, Malta, Naciones Unidas (Ginebra, Nueva York, Viena) Noruega, Nueva Zelanda, Países Bajos (Holanda), Portugal, Azores, Madeira, Suecia, Suiza, y Vaticano. Ofrezco los mismos países y España. Cambio de Tarjetas Telefónicas solo de Aves y Mariposas. Ofrezco de varias temáticas. Vitolas (Anillas de Puros). En series completas y sueltas Españolas y Extranjeras. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Repuesta asegurada. Por experiencias pasadas NO ENVIO NUNCA PRIMERO. Respuesta garantizada. Todos los envíos siempre por correo certificado. Idiomas: Español y otros con ayuda de traductores online. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................17111 - Antonio González Díaz, Calle Fernando VI, Nº 24, 1º B, portal 5, 28670 Villaviciosa de Odón, Madrid. – A, 070173 (m) B, Industrial. Colecciono Sellos, Monedas, Billetes de Banco, Postales, Postales Telefónicas, etc. todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo, Calendarios de bolsillo, Loterías etc. de todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect Stamps, Banknotes, Coins, Postcards, Phonecards, etc. from all countries. Offer same and Pocket calendars, Lottery tickets, etc. from worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17134 - Francesc Pons Melgosa, Santa Rosalía 11-13, 1º 1ª, E-08120 La Llagosta- Barcelona.- A, 140746 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo sellos de Europa-CEPT y temas Picasso, Trenes y Arte Checo de todo el mundo. También de todas clases de Francia, Alemania, Mónaco, Suecia y España. Ofrezco España y Europa.. Ruego contactar primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada, Collect and exchange France, Germany, Monaco, Sweden and Spain. Also Europe-CEPT, Picasso, Trains and Czech art from around the world. Offer Spain and European countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages Catalan, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17138 - Santiago Cid Harguindey, Elle 51, E-32600 Verin, Pontevedra. - A, 270644 (m) B, Pensionista. Deseo solo Sellos de Portugal. Calidad, Series o sellos sueltos, definitivos, conmemorativos. Nuevos y usados. Coleccionista Avanzado. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de España. Base catálogos Afinsa e Yvert. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y Portugués. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17140 - Remi Ferre Soler, Juan Beneyto, 7, 2º, Apartado 107, E-46880 Bocairent, Valencia.- A, 070556 (m) B, Jubilado. Cambio, Exchange, Échange, Tausch: TEMA AJEDREZ – CHESS – ECHECS – SCHACH – SCACCHI - XADREZ - SCHAAK –SCACCO – SAKK - Шахматы. Deseo solo tema Ajedrez, de todo el mundo, Sellos, Matasellos, SPD, Hojitas, Carnets, Tarjetas postales y telefónicas, Monedas, Insignias, etc. Ofrezco lo mismo. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want only theme Chess from all countries. Stamps, Postmarks, FDCs, Postcards, Phonecards, Coins, Pins, etc. Advanced collector. Offer same. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English, French y otros con traductors de Internet.. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17142 - José Luís Illán Anadón.Carrer Pompeu Fabra Nº 27, E-08630 Abrera, Barcelona. -  A, 131055 (m) B, Profesión: Jefe Taller Empresa Transportes. Deseo: Sellos usados, sin series básicas o de correo ordinario e los últimos años 2005-2011. Me interesan Islas del Canal, Gran Bretaña, España, Portugal, Austria, Noruega, Suecia, Vaticano, Japón, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Chile, Ecuador, El Salvador, Perú y Venezuela y temáticos de todo el mundo de Perros, Minerales, Música, Animales en general de los años 2000-2100. Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco: Sellos mismas condiciones de Suiza, Francia, Alemania,

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España, Bélgica etc. Los cambios 25x25, 50x50, 100x100 y por carta certificada, franqueada con sellos recientes. Serio y honesto coleccionista. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Catalán, Francés. Inglés y otros con traductores online. . Email: [email protected], - Jesús López Pérez, Iturribarriondo 14, 5º, Izq.- 48100 Murguía Bizlaia,- A, 030848 (m) B, Conserje. Deseo sellos usados de todo el mundo (excepto de España). Ofrezco sellos de España y todo el mundo. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Exchange used stamps with worldwide, except Spain. I offer stamps of Spain and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17159 - Pedro Navajas del Pino, Cáñamo num. 3 planta 6ª puerta 3, 14010 Córdoba. - A, 021147 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo: Sellos,  Etiquetas de vinos y Billetes de Banco Ofrezco: Sellos, Etiquetas de vinos, Calendarios de bolsillo y Billetes de Lotería. Me interesa Europa Occidental, Imperios Coloniales británico, francés, portugués, alemán y belga, USA, Japón y países miembro de la Comunidad Británica de Naciones. Coleccionista mediano. Base de cambio En sellos nuevos y usados, para España por mancolista y Mundiales 1 x 1 con derecho a devolver los que no interesen. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want Stamps, Wine labels and Banknotes. I am very interested in Western Europe, British Commonwealth and British, French, Portuguese, German and Belgian Colonial Empires. USA, Japan. Offer Stamps, Wine labels, Pocket calendars and Lottery tickets. Medium collector. Base of exchange mint and used stamps of Spain by wantlist, and worldwide 1x1 with right to return those who are not of interest. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, French and others with online translator. Email: [email protected] [email protected].............................................................................................................................................................................................17160 - José María Salguero, Calle Rena 11 Bajo Dcha. E-06400 Don Benito, Badajoz.- A, 1957 (m) B, Profesor. Deseo: sellos del tema Aves de todo el mundo. Usados o nuevos, 1x1, se pueden mandar escaneados ofertas o peticiones, no acepto duplicados, pero si se quieren puedo enviarlos. Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco: Usados de España, Europa, USA, Japón, por temas o países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint and used stamps with topics Birds from all countries. 1x1, they can get about scanned of offers or requests, I do not repeated copies, but if they are wanted I can send them. Medium collector, Offer used stamps of Spain, Europe, USA, Japan, for topics or countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Esperanto. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17162 - Almudena Sanz Albert, Constitución 64, E-03650 Pinoso, Alicante.- A, 230978 (f) B, Profesora. Deseo sellos usados de todo el mundo de los 10 últimos años. Ofrezco: Sellos, Monedas, Billetes, Calendarios, Pins. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want worldwide used stamps of last 10 years. Offer Stamps, Banknotes, Coins, Pocket calendars, Badges (Pins). Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17196 - Guillermo Urdillo, Avda. Pablo Iglesias, 9, 4º A, 28914 Leganés, Madrid. - A, 160569 (m) B, Sociólogo. Deseo: Calendarios publicitarios de bancos y cajas de ahorro, aseguradoras, marcas de bebidas y comidas, marcas de coches y motos, material de oficina, diarios y revistas, compañías constructoras, material farmacéutico (solo españoles). Ofrezco: Calendarios españoles publicitarios o de serie, de cualquier año. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respondo siempre. Idiomas: Español. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17242 - Jaume Bargalló Brucart, Carrer Creu Nova, 2, E-08757, Corbera de Llobregat, Barcelona. - A, 140652

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(m) B, Directivo Empresarial. Deseo: Monedas, Billetes, Sellos, Chapas de Cava, Sobrecitos de Azúcar, Billetes de Lotería de todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo de España y mundiales. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un mutuo acuerdo. Respuesta siempre asegurada. I wish: Coins, Banknotes, Stamps, Caps of sparkling wine, Sugar Bags, Lottery Tickets of all the countries of the world. I offer same of Spain and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Catalan, Spanish. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17259 - José Antonio Alonso Paz, Calle Valle Inclán 47. 2º, C, E-32004 Ourense. - A, 150338 (m) B, Jubilado y Secretario de la Federación Gallega de Sociedades Filatélicas. Mi colección” HACIA UN MUNDO NUEVO” está en proceso de ampliación porqué obtuve Vermeil Grande en EXFILNA. ¿Algún Sobre Circulado del Descubrimiento de América de todo el mundo? Ofrezco lo mismo o sellos y sobres de otros países. Tengo sellos sobrantes de USA de 1930. Coleccionista Avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect” TOWARDS A NEW WORLD” is in process of enlargement because I obtained Vermeil Grande in EXFILNA. Some on circulated of the Discovery of America of the whole world? I offer same or stamps and covers of other countries. I have remaining stamps of USA of 1930. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Portuguese and Spanish. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17277 - Rogelio Salgado López Rua da Feira, 3 - 3º F E-36740 Tomiño, Pontevedra. - A, 190945 (m) B, Jubilado (Licenciado en Ciencias Físicas. Coleccionista avanzado. Deseo sellos usados de buena calidad cambio por mancolista 1x1 ó por catálogo Deseo sellos usados de Alemania, Bélgica, Dinamarca, Francia, Holanda, Inglaterra, Italia, Noruega, Portugal, Suecia, Suiza, Vaticano, Australia y USA. Ofrezco sellos usados de España y de algunos países de Europa Occidental. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Advanced collector. I want used stamps good quality I change for wantlists, 1x1 or by catalogue. Interested in, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Vatican, Australia and USA. I Offer used stamps of Spain and others European countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and Galician. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17279 - Sonia Sara Adín, Calle Larrazko, 49, 31.013 Ansoain, Navarra. - A, 220881 (f) B, Secretaria. Deseo y ofrezco sellos usados de todo el mundo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Francés y Alemán. Want and offer used stamps from all countries. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German and Spanish. Cherche : Timbres-poste de tout le monde. Quelque pays. Offre: Timbres-poste de tout le monde Réponse assurée. Langues : Français, Espagnol, Anglais et Allemand. Suche und Biete gebraucht Briefmarken aller Welt. Antwort immer. Sprachen: Spanisch, Englisch, Französisch und Deutsch. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17317 - Amadeu Andrés García, Apartado de Correos 23.458, 08080 Barcelona. - 060460 (m) B, Construcción. Deseo Sellos usados de cualquier país del mundo, solo de emisiones anteriores a 1956.Ofrezco Sellos España o lotes de otros países. Ruego contactos primero antes de hacer un primer envío. Contesto siempre. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17320 - Juan Luis López Vigil, Calle José Arcones Gil No 15, 8º D, E-28017   Madrid. - A, 200150 (m) B, Profesor. Ofrezco: Sellos usados de España, Cuba y de América Latina. Ofrezco: sellos usados  de  los mismos países Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17328 - Miguel Ángel Nebreda Irigoyen, Aizkorri 83-5º A, 20018-San Sebastián, Guipúzcoa. - A, 191249 (m) B, Encargado en fabrica de coches de niños. Deseo cambiar sellos y tarjetas telefonicas de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo, especialmente de Espana, Francia, Alemania y Argentina. Ruego contactos primero para

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llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want: Stamps and Phonecards from all countries. Offer the same, specially of Spain, France, Germany and Argentina. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators-. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17390 - Alberto Cerezuela Rodríguez, Calle La Mancha, 11, E-04710 Santa María del Águila, Almería. - A, 110962 (m) B, Profesor de Historia/History Teacher. Deseo: Sellos usados mundiales por temáticas (Dibujos Animados, Personajes, Deportes, Historia, Libros, Dinosaurios...), Monedas mundiales, Billetes mundiales, Pins... Ofrezco: Lo mismo. También dispongo de una colección de Calendarios y de Tarjetas Telefónicas que deseo ir cambiando poco a poco por sellos, monedas, billetes o pins. Coleccionista Mediano/Avanzado. No acepto CTO, no acepto nuevos, no acepto duplicados. Preferiblemente envíos bajo elección mediante imágenes o fotografías. En ocasiones 100x100 con control de cambios. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want used worldwide thematic stamps (Cartoon, Personages, Sports, History, Books, Dinosaurs ...), Coins and Banknotes from all countries. Pins… I offer the same. Also I have a collection of Calendars and Phonecards that I want to be changing little by little into Stamps, Coins, Banknotes or Pins. Medium-Advanced collector. I do not accept CTO, do not accept mint, do not accept duplicates. Preferably mailing under election by means of images or photography’s. Sometimes 100x100 with control of changes. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always.Languages; English and Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17422 - Eva Sainz-Espiga Neila,  Calle Pintor Ángel Larroque, 5, 3º, Izq.,  48004 Bilbao, Bizkaia. - A, 030970 (f) B, Administrative oficial. Deseo sellos usados especialmente de Alemania Austria, Australia, Canadá, Francia, Dinamarca, Gran Bretaña. Holanda, Irlanda, Italia, Japón, Suecia, Suiza, USA. Ofrezco sellos usados variados de todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero antes de hacer un primer envío. Respuesta asegurada. Want used stamps from Germany, Austria, Australia, Canada, France, Denmark, Great Britain, Netherlands, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Sweden, Switzerland, and USA. I offer used varied stamps of the whole world. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17447 - Adolfo Cueva Heredia, calle Tomás Zubiria Nº 4 - 5º - D, E-48007 Bilbao, Bizkaia. - A 060939 (m)  B, Pensionista.  Deseo intercambios de sellos y monedas.  Busco sellos de España, Alemania, Inglaterra, Italia, Francia, Portugal, Argentina, Chile, USA y Venezuela. Sin descartar otros países y algunos temas. Monedas de todos los países del mundo y en especial de España y Euros. Al ser posible con listados. Ofrezco sellos de España y de otros países y diversos temas. Base de cambio: sello por sello, normalmente usados, en cantidades aprox. 100 sellos por envío (negociable).  Monedas de España, Euros y de otros países. Coleccionista mediano. Idiomas: Español y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected].............................................................................................................................................................................................17507 - Miguel López Ayllón, Juan de Valladolid 24, 6º E, 47014 Valladolid. - A, 190959 (m) B, Electricista. Deseo sellos usados de temas: Mariposas, Gatos, Perros, Flora, Navidad y Aves de todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco sello mundiales por temas y países. Ademas de sellos colecciono calendarios de bolsillo FOURNIER Ruego me escriba primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Collect used stamps from worldwide of themes: Butterflies, Cats, Dogs, Flora, Christmas and Bird. Also Fournier Pocket Calendars.I offer world stamps for themes and countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English. Spanish and others with online translators. Email : [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17730 - Martín Marín Martínez, Parque San Enrique, Bloque No 6, 4º D, E-29601 Marbella, Málaga. (m) B, Jubilado (Hostelería), Retired (Catering. Ofrezco amistad y intercambios de sellos usados de varios países de Europa. Los que yo colecciono) que son: Alemania, Austria, Bélgica, Francia, Gran Bretaña, Italia y la Temática Europa-CEPT. También Él Segundo Centenario del sello Español. Ofrezco sellos de España, lo

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mismo que colecciono y de otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I offer friendship and exchanges of used stamps of several countries of Europe. Those that I collect) that are: Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Great Britain, Italy and thematic Europe-CEPT. Also the Second Centenary of the Spanish stamp. I offer stamps of Spain, the same that I collect and of other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English, German and others with online translator. Email:  [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17847 - Juan M. de la Cruz, Franchy Roca, Nº 29,2da Izq., E-35600 Puerto del Rosario Fuerteventura, Islas Canarias.- A, 030464 (m) B, Auditor, Turismo. Deseo: Temáticas de Cristóbal Colon el Navegante, Barcos Veleros, Corsarios y Piratas, Flora y Fauna, todo lo Anterior en sellos, siempre en series completas, hojas filatélicas, formatos, pliegos, mini pliegos en fin todo el material de las temáticas anteriormente descritas. Además busco Ofrezco: Cualquier tema  que deseen de Cuba, la antigua URSS y otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected] [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................17922 - Juan M. Fernández de Bobadilla, Urbanización Quinta del Sol 27, 28231 Las Rozas, Madrid. - A, 241136 (m) B, Marino (Retirado). Busco sellos nuevos y usados de Alemania, Bélgica, Gran Bretaña, Francia, Italia, Portugal, Suiza, Países Escandinavos y USA, base catálogo Yvert. Ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados de todo el mundo, en especial de los países que colecciono. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want mint and used stamps from Belgium, Germany, Great Britain, France, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland and USA, according Yvert catalogue. I offer the same countries and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and Spanish. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................18058 - Ricardo Martines Gómez, , E-49093 - Getxo, Bizkaia. - A, 100340 (m) B. Jubilado. Email:  [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] Nuestro gran amigo y colega Ricardo Martínez Gómez ha fallecido el día 3 de Marzo 2011 Our friend Ricardo Martinez Gomez has died on March 3, 2011 .............................................................................................................................................................................................18288 - Joaquín Álvarez Garrido, Calle Cruz Verde Nº 35  Casa 11, E-28600 Navalcarnero, Madrid. - A, 230256 (m) B, Metalúrgico. Busco toda clase de material filatélico sobre el tema  FUTBOL MUNDIAL usados y nuevos en series completas por mancolistas de todo el mundo. Deseo principalmente Novedades. Coleccionista mediano.Ofrezco: España nuevos y usados, SPD, Hojitas bloques. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I look for all the classes of the philatelic material in the topic of WORLD FOOTBALL, mint and used, complete sets; by wantlists. I am very interested in New Issues of this Theme. Medium collector. I offer mint and used Spanish stamps, FDCs, Souvenir sheets. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French. Email: [email protected] .............................................................................................................................................................................................18402 - Juan Antonio Rodríguez Renuncio, Valdesangil 31 bajo C, 28039 Madrid. - A, 160845 (m) B, Profesor Universidad. Deseo sellos usados de Europa, América y Japón. Ofrezco sellos usados de Europa, América y Japón. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada. Want used stamps from Europe, America and Japan. Offer used same. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18815 - Joan Masque García, Sant Llorenç  18-20,   E-43460 Alcover. Tarragona. -  A, 200252 (m) B, Operario. Químico. Deseo intercambio de monedas con todo el mundo. Busco Monedas múltiples por tipos y por fechas. Ofrezco lo mismo de todo el mundo. Deseo muchas relaciones. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada. I wish exchange of Coins with the whole world. I look for multiple Coins for types and per dates. I offer the same of the whole world. I wish many relations. Please

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contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Catalan and Spanish and other with online translator. Email: - Manuel Marinas Sánchez, c/ Miguel de Unamuno, 3 - 1º D, E-33010 Oviedo, Asturias. - A, 250634 (m) Jubilado. Ofrezco intercambio y venta de sellos de España y Suiza. Deseo Calidad, Series y sellos usados, nuevos, conmemorativos, Base catálogo Edifil. Coleccionista principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español m Francés Email: [email protected],   .........................................................................................................................................................................................18866 - Máximo Marcos Corral, Calle Levante 10, 4º A, E-47012 Valladolid. - A, 130456 (m) B, Administrativo. Deseo cambiar de Sellos de todo el mundo, nuevos y usados en base de 1x1. Ofrezco lo mismo de España y de otros paises. También Calendarios de bolsillo y publicitarios y series. Me interesan de Europa e Hispanoamérica. Deseo hacer cambios y encontrar buenos amigos. Ofrezco: Lo mismo. Base de cambios 1x1,  en cantidades de 50 ó 100 calendarios. Envío archivos, Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want worldwide mint and used stamps in base 1x1 in quantities. Offer Spain and other countries. Also I wish Calendars advertising and series. I am interested in Europe and Latin America. I want to do changes and to find good friends. I offer the same. Base of changes en base de 1x1 in quantities in quantities of 50 ó 100 calendars. I send files. Advanced Collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Portuguese and Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18870 - Juan Alberto Berni González, Doctor Esquerdo, 162  5-A, E-28007 Madrid. - 060452 (m) B. Ingeniero             Técnico Industrial. Coleccionismo de anillas o vitolas de puro. Cambiar, comprar o vender anillas o Vitolas de puro de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo. Cambio 1x1 en cantidades, Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Collector of cigar bands. Exchange, buy or sell cigar bands from all over the world. Offer same. Base of change 1x1 in quantities. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish.              Email: [email protected], - Joaquín Chaveli Edo, Calle/Bernia nº 24-2,  E-46006 Valencia. - A, 241237 (m) B, Comercio. Deseo cambio 1X1, solo diferentes y por base catálogo, por Yvert, Scott, Michel etc. de los países de habla Hispana, USA. Bélgica. Italia. Europa en general etc.  Ofrezco: España, Francia, Alemania Federal, Bélgica y muchos mas es cuestión de ponernos de acuerdo. Según para que país, soy Principiante, Mediano o Avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect stamps from of the countries of Hispanic languages, USA, Italy, and Europe in general, etc. I offer Spain, France, Germany (Bunds), Belgium and more. According to so that country, I am a Beginner, Medium or Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish and other with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................

18988 - Antoni Llongueras Mir, Dirección omitida a petición propia, E-Sabadell, Barcelona. - A, 280849 (m) B, Administrativo. Deseo cambiar sellos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco usados de España y de todo el mundo,. Base de cambio sello por sello (1x1) en cantidades. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want used stamps from all countries. Offer Spain and Worldwide. Base of change 1x1 in quantities. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Catalan, Spanish, English, French. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19136 - José Ramón Dagá Montserrat, Carrer Padró No 2, E-08690  Santa Coloma de Cervelló, Barcelona. - A, 060250 (m) B, Jubilado (Empleado de Banca y Agente de Seguros). Deseo sellos en series completas y Hojitas bloques de todo el mundo, especialmente de Japón, China, Formosa, Hong Kong, USA, Canadá y en

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general de todo el mundo con temáticas que describo: Europa-CEPT, América-UPAEP, Setas, Navidad,, Faros, Baloncesto, Juegos Olímpicos, Fauna, Mariposas, Flora, Frutas, Árboles, Arquitectura, Cine. Ofrezco Sellos y Hojitas de España, Andorra Española y Francesa, Cuba, Francia, Portugal, Italia, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, USA, Japón, China, Rusia, Bielorrusia, Ucrania, Hungría,   Polonia, Dominicana, Irán, Argentina, Letonia, Lituania, Estonia, Chequia, etc. Tengo novedades de muchos países del mundo. Coleccionista Mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas Español, Catalán e Inglés y otros con traductores online. Want stamps complete sets and souvenir sheets from all countries, mainly Japan, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, USA, Canada, follows thematics worldwide: Europe-CEPT, America-UPAEP, Mushrooms, Lighthouses, Christmas, Basketball, Olympic Games, Fauna, Butterflies, Flowers, Fruits, Tees, Architecture, Cinema. Medium collector. I can give stamps and Souvenir sheets of Spain, Spanish and French Andorra, Cuba, France, Portugal, Italy, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, USA, Japan, China, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Hungary, Poland, Dominican Republic. Iran, Argentina, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czech Republic, etc. Also I have more new issues from several countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: Spanish, Catalan, and English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19148 - Albert Agudo, Mestre Trias, 84, 2º, 4ª, E-08223, Terrassa, Barcelona. - A, 041275 (m)B, Funcionario. Deseo sellos nuevos, SPD (FDC), Cartas Maximun, sobres franqueados con sellos usados de todo el mundo, Solo de los temas de mi interés: Setas, Hongos, Champiñones, Vinicultura, (vino, Uvas)…Offer Spain mimt stamps, some opics. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want: Mint stamps, FDC, maximum cards, covers postally used... only about my topics. from worldwide, topics of y interested. Mushrooms, viticulture (wine, grapes ...). Offer Spain mint stamps, some topics. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Amswer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translator. . Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19165 - Virgilio Barrios Lucena, Av. Josep Coroleu, 70-74, 08800 Vilanova y la Geltrú, Barcelona. - A, 090554 (m) B, Agente de Seguros y Asesor Financiero. Intercambio de sellos usados de España. Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Catalán y Francés. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19166 - Juan Carlos Galiana Dueñas, Calle San Marcos Nº 39, 2º G, 28004 Madrid. - A, 030664 (m) B, Arquitecto. Deseo solo en usado, buen estado, sellos conmemorativos, salvo acuerdo inicial sobre cambio especial de ciertos sellos de series básicas. Países interesados.- Europa Occidental y Escandinavia, Canadá, Argentina, Méjico, Ecuador y Estados Unidos (últimos 10 años). Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Europa Oriental, Japón y, finalmente Resto del Mundo (Cualquier época). Ofrezco:Todo el Mundo, fundamentalmente Europa Occidental y Escandinavia, Estados Unidos, Canadá y Australia. Cambio en base de 1x1, en lotes como mínimo de 100 o más (hasta 500), salvo otras modalidades pactadas (en ningún caso según valoración catálogo). No se aceptan duplicados y los repetidos de los envíos se pueden devolver o no según condiciones previas manteniendo una contabilidad de los aceptados y compensándolos en posteriores envíos. Para seguridad todos los envíos por Correo Certificado. Coleccionista. Avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas : Español, Francés , Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19171 - José Molina Navas, Paseo de la Iglesia, 12, 41568 El Rubio, Sevilla. - (m) B, Funcionario. Deseo sellos nuevos y usados de todos los países de Europa, EEUU, Canadá, Australia y Nueva Zelanda. Ofrezco nuevos y usado mundiales. Coleccionista mediano. Base de cambio: Cantidades,100 ó 200 cada vez,   1x1. Prefiero que me envíen primero, aunque no me importaría empezar yo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint and used stamps from all European countries, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Medium collector.. Offer worldwide mint and used stamps. Base of change; in quantities 100, 200 each time, 1x1. I prefer that you send me first, although it would not be

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important for me to begin. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish. Email: [email protected], [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19174 - Sebastián Sánchez Marín, Calle/Nieves, 7, E-11405 Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz. - A, 300449 (m). B, Enólogo, (pre-jubilado). Colecciono sellos de Portugal, Francia, Dinamarca, Suiza, Alemania, USA, Venezuela y Colombia. Ofrezco España y resto del mundo. Estoy interesado en intercambiar sellos 1 x 1. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect only stamps of Denmark, France, Germany, Portugal, Switzerland, USA, Colombia and Venezuela. I offer Spain and other countries. Base of change 1x1. Please contact first for mutual agreement,Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19176 - Mario del Castillo Alonso, Calle Palermo 22, 28043 Madrid. - A, 0203076 (m) B, Técnico de Sonido. Deseo sellos de todo el mundo sin lista de faltas. Ofrezco sellos mundiales sin lista de faltas. Cambio en cantidades, 1x1, con o sin duplicados. Deseos contactos con coleccionistas medianos y principiantes de todos los países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wish exchange stamps with worldwide, without wantlist. Offer same. Base if change: quantities, 1x1 with or without repeated. Want contacts with medium collectors and beginners from all the countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English, French. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19177 - Francisco Martínez Pedraja, Calle Menéndez Pelayo 27, 4º C, E.- 39600 Maliaño - Cantabria.- A, 240944 (m) B, Perito Industrial (Jubilado). Deseo solo España. Sellos nuevos de España años 2000 - 2001 – 2003. Pruebas oficiales de España Hasta el año 2004. Fundamentalmente cambio; aunque puedo aceptar otras posibilidades. Ofrezco: Series completas y hojas bloque en nuevo y usado, tema deporte, países de todo el mundo. Series completas de España en nuevo. Base de Catálogos: Sellos de España, catálogo EDIFIL Resto del mundo, ( Yvert Tellier y Michel).  Cambio: valor x valor. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta Asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected],    .............................................................................................................................................................................................19179 - Antonio Manjón Tejada, Calle Mirasierra 12, 41560 Estepa, Sevilla. - A, 100265 (m) B, Ferroviario. Me interesan sellos de todos los países de Sudamérica. Deseo años completos nuevos de Sudamérica en especial Argentina, México y Cuba y Temáticos: Mariposas, Trenes y Walt Disney de todo el mundo. Ofrezco España nuevos y usados. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español y algo de Inglés. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19187 - Miguel Barbero Garrido, Calle Garcilaso 176, E-08027 Barcelona.- A, 210830 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo intercambios de sellos. Colecciono solo España nuevos en series completas Ofrezco en cambio España y Mundiales.. Coleccionista mediano. Vendo sellos nuevos de España perfectos, a valor Facial Ruego conyactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected] .............................................................................................................................................................................................19194 - Juan C. González Acín, Calle Monsieur Boyrie 1 3º A, E-22002 Huesca. - A, 040960 (m) B, Veterinario. Deseo solo sellos temáticos de Ajedrez y Caza de todo el mundo. Ofrezco sellos de Ajedrez de todos los países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want only thematic stamps of Chess and Hunting. I offer stamps of chess from all countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19199 - Juan Fernando Ríos Fernández , calle Covadonga nº 7 3º izda, E-33402  Avilés Asturias. - A, 180674 (m) B, Albañil. Ofrezco sSllos usados, Monedas, Billetes de Banco. Coleccionista principiante. Deseo lo mismo.

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Ruego contacyos ptrimero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma : Español. Email : [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19241 - Maria Cinta Mir i Pla, Cami dels Pastorets, 17, E-08757 Corbera de Llobregat, Barcelona. . A, 010348 (f) B, Jubilada. Deseo intercambio de Postales, Naipes, Adhesivos con todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Postales, Naipes, Adhesivos. Coleccionista Mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want to exchange Postcards, Cards, and Adhesives from all countries. I offer: Postcards, Playing Cards, Adhesives. Collector Medium. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, Catalan and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19274 - Fernando Utrilla Enríquez, Mesón 56, E-04480 Alcolea, Almería. - A, 301046 (m) B, Funcionario. Deseo: Sellos de América del Sur, grandes, en perfectas condiciones, nuevos y usados 1x1 (100x100 o mas). Ofrezco sellos de España, Francia, Alemania, Italia, etc., etc. Prefiero, para seguridad, envíos por correo Certificado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected], - Carlos Vida, Caleruega 45, E-28033 Madrid. - A, 260245 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo España desde origen hasta fin franquismo  usado o nuevo avanzado, España Juan Carlos nuevo mediano, Francia completa usado o nuevo avanzado, Gran Bretaña antes de Isabel II  usado avanzado, Gran Bretaña Isabel II usado o nuevo principiante, Alemania Imperio completa usado o nuevo avanzado, Marruecos español completa usado o nuevo avanzado, Antillas españolas completa usado avanzado. Ofrezco lo mismo y otros países (Canadá, EEUU, México, Europa, otros….). Base de cambio catálogos y listas de faltas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo cuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y algo de Francés Email  [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19486 - Francisco Javier Pastor Valle, La Luna Nº 6, 4º, Ext. dcha., 28004 Madrid. - A, 240560 (m) Cambio, Compra y Venta. Deseo sellos nuevos temáticos de Fútbol (solo equipos), Setas, Deportistas, Uniformes Militares, Ajedrez, Balonmano, Rugby, Alpinismo Cine, Años completos 1982 y 1992 todos los países, Organizadores de Olimpiadas, mundiales y Europeos de Fútbol, etc. etc. Ofrezco en cambio España, Andorra, Colonias Españolas, duplicados de muchos temas. Coleccionista mediano. Escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Exchange, Buy and Selling. I wish mint thematic stamps of Football (only teams), Mushrooms, Sportsmen, Military Uniforms, Chess, Handball, Rugby, Mountaineering Cinema, Complete Years 1986 and 1992 from all countries, Organizers of Olympics, World Cups and Europeans of Football, etc. etc. I offer stamps of Spain, Andorra, Spanish Colonies and duplicated stamps from many themes. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish and other langauges with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19529 - Blanca Ibañez Panizo, Apartado de Correos 328, E-20080 San Sebastián-Donostia.- (f) Deseo sellos de Europa, USA, Canadá, Chile, Perú, Australia. Nueva Zelanda, Japón y Túnez. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un mutuo acuerdo. Want stamps from all Europe, USA, Canada, Chile, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, Japan and Tunisia. Offer the same countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. /Languages: English, French and Spanish. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19560 - Ramón Franco Blanc, Carrer Mosen Jacinto Verdaguer 4, E-08348 Cabrils, Barcelona. - A, 260835 (m) B, Agente de Aduanas Jubilado. Coleccionista avanzado, desea contactar con amigos corresponsales para el intercambio de sellos usados, conmemorativos y definitivos de USA y también sellos de motivos de Navidad de todo el mundo y sellos que aparezca la bandera estadounidense. Ofrezco sellos conmemorativos y definitivos, nuevos y usados de España, Inglaterra, Alemania y Austria. Cambio por mancolista o 1x1, etc.

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según interés del demandante. Tengo catálogos: The Postal Service to USA stamps 31th edition, Yvert, Michel y Stanley Gibbons. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Customs Agent. (Retired). Want change definitives regional issues used stamps England. Offer: mint, used stamps Spain. Basis: Stanley Gibbons catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Catalan. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19579 - Angelina Marcus Abellán, Mosen Jacinto Verdaguer. E.08348 Cabrils, Barcelona. - A, 080139 (f) B, Ama de casa/Housewife. Deseo contactar con amigos/as corresponsales para el intercambio de sellos usados Definitivos regionales de England, Ireland, Scotland y Wales. Ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados de España, Alemania y USA. Base de cambio por lista de faltas o 1x1, lotes, kiloware, etc. según interés del demandante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want to contact with friends as correspondents for the exchange of definitive used stamps regional England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. I offer new and used stamps from Spain, Germany and USA. Base exchange for full list of errors or 1x1, lots, kiloware, etc. according to applicant's interest Languages English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19585 - Erik T. Cabrera Jensen, General Margallo, 18 - 20 A, 28020 Madrid. - A, 120690 (m) B, Estudiante. Ofrezco: Fotos de aviones. Base de cambios (ruego señalar): sin compromiso. Idiomas: Español, Alemán, Inglés. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19600 - Gonzalo Paredes, Dirección omitida a petición propia, E- 14.006 Córdoba. - (m). Busco; Monedas del mundo por tipos y Billetes de Banco de España. Ofrezco Monedas, Billetes de Banco y Sellos de todo el mundo. Fichas diversos países, Medallas diversos países, Billetes-propaganda, Tarjetas Telefónicas. La base del cambio será equilibrada. Coleccionista serio y honesto desde hace muchos años. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegura. Want Coins from worldwide. Banknotes of Spain. Offer Coins, Banknotes, Stamps from all countries. Tokens, Medals, Propaganda money, Phonecards from diverse countries. The base of the change will be balanced. Serious and honest collector fro0m more years. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and other with Internet Translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], Web:,...........................................................................................................................................................................................19617 - Luís J. Alberruche, Colonia Valderribas, 13 – A, E-28032 Madrid. - A, 130166 (m) B, Vendedor Profesional. Busco Billetes de Banco de la zona Euro en plancha para comercializar en España, también proveedores serios de la zona Euro. Ofrezco Venta de euros y todo relacionado con ese mundo, por ejemplo accesorios para coleccionar de la marca Leuchtturm con un descuento mínimo del 35% o superior por pedido grande sobre PVP sobre el catálogo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y otros con traductores. Email: [email protected], Web pages:, - Francisco José Morro Martí, Calle San Esteban, 24 -2 -2, E-07703 Mahón (Baleares). - A, 221159 (m) B, Administrativo. Deseo: España (1º centenario), Italia. Historia Postal de España (matasellos rueda de carreta). Ofrezco: Principalmente España, Italia e Historia Postal de España (sellos, cartas, documentación varia). Países de mundo (tengo muchas piezas al no coleccionar). Acepto las diferentes formas de cambio (ver apartado "deseo"). Intercambio listas de faltas España e Italia. Mis intereses están principalmente en Italia e Historia Postal de España (matasellos rueda de carreta), ofrezco todo lo demás. Coleccionista Moderadamente avanzado  (he intervenido en varias exposiciones filatélicas). Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Catalán, ingles, algo italiano, no tengo problemas si escriben en otros idiomas. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

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19675 - Alejandro Rodríguez Díaz, Jacinto Maltes 11, Entlo A, E-03012 Alicante. - A, 121164 (m) Funcionario. Deseo: Fanzines, pequeñas (DIN A 5) revistas, cromos, casetes música rock sinfónico de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Fanzines, pequeñas (DIN A 5) revistas literarias no comerciales. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Fanzines (Fan's magazines), little sizes (DIN A 5), magazines, chromos, and cassettes music symphonic rock of the whole world. Offer same and literary not Commercial magazines. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and other with online translator. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................19697 - Miguel Jiménez, Calle Evora Nº 19 2º E, E-10005-Cáceres. - A, 090267 (m) B, Telecomunicaciones. Deseo Sellos usados de Argentina, Portugal, Alemania, Francia, etc...y Temáticos de mi interés. Ofrezco en cambio Alemania, Gran Bretaña, Argentina y Suiza. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want used stamps of Argentina, Portugal, Germany France, etc. and Thematic of my interest. I offer in change stamps of Germany, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Argentina. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages; Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19707 - Judit Marín, Parque San Enrique, Bloque No 6, 4º D, 29601 Marbella, Málaga. - A, 311288 (f) B, Estudiante Universidad de Málaga, (Historia del Arte). Busco hacer nuevos amigos en todo el mundo para cambiar Tarjetas usadas de Teléfono y Telefonía Móvil. También tarjetas de recarga y prepago. De estas ultimas, son las de Paisajes y Edificaciones, las que más me interesan. De este sistema italiano también las tarjetas usadas de Polonia. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I am very Interested in obtain new friends in the worldwide for exchange used Phonecards and Mobile Telephony. Also Phonecards of extra charge and prepayment. Of the above mentioned, they are those of Sceneries and Buildings, which more I am interested in. Of this Italian system also the used Phonecards of Poland. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German and Spanish and other with Online translator. Email:  [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19710 - Luís Ángel Álvarez Larrea, C/Almagro, Nº. 3 - 5º - A. E-28850 - Torrejón de Ardoz, (Madrid. - A, 170844 (m) B, Comercial. Deseo intercambio filatélico. Me interesan sellos de Alemania, Francia, Hungría, Chile y Argentina, en principio en usado, pero también aceptaría series nuevas. Colecciono los países en su totalidad. Ofrezco sellos usados o series nuevas de España, o si lo prefieren también enviaría series de la temática que deseen de los sellos de España. En usado la base de intercambio seria 1x1, o en lotes de 50x50, o en las cantidades que se acordaran, siempre sellos diferentes. En nuevo seria a interés de ambas partes y la base del intercambio estoy siempre dispuesto a dialogar, pues seguro que nos pondríamos de acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19737 - Jose Luís García Sánchez, calle Julio Melgar, 3, Apartamento 408, 13003-Ciudad-Real. - (m) Deseo cambiar sellos. Solo me interesan de Francia. Ofrezco en cambio España, Europa y mundiales. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés and otros con ayuidade traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected],, [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19754 - Eugenio Chaparro Sandoval, Bajada San Lázaro 8 3º F, Apartado de Correos 372, E-10600 Plasencia, Cáceres. - A, 311048 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo cambiar sellos nuevos en series completas, de todo el mundo, Temáticos: Cosmos, Átomo, Astrónomos, Meteorología y Expediciones polares. Ofrezco España 1980/2011 series completas nuevas. Uso el catálogo Yvert. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect only mint-MNH stamps. Complete sets from all countries, thematics: Cosmos, Atom, Astronomers, Meteorology and Polar Expeditions. I offer Spain of years 1980-2011 mint -MNH and complete sets. I exchange bases Yvert catalogues. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translators. Email [email protected],

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.............................................................................................................................................................................................19756 - Antonio Sempere Calvo - La Feria 12 2° piso depto. "B" CP 23658 Jamilena, Jaén. - (m) Deseo sellos usados de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio sellos usados de España y resto del mundo. Base de cambio 1x1 en cantidades de 50-100 cada envío. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want worldwide used stamps. I offer used stamps from Spain and worldwide. Base of change 1x1 in quantities 50-100 each time. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and other with Online translator. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19757 - César Iván Mellibovsky, Calle del Maresme 284, 3º 1ª, E-08020 Barcelona. - (m) Deseo cambiar sellos de todo el mundo y ofrezco en cambio lo mismo, en base de 1 x 1 o por Catálogo Yvert. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Exchange worldwide used stamps in basis of 1x1 or Yvert catalogue. Offer worldwide used stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English and others with Obnine translator. Email: - Juana Amelia Hormiga Expósito, Calle San Martín   Nº 64- 2ª Nª 5, Apartado de Correos: 10955, E-38080 Santa Cruz de Tenerife. - A, 240543 (m) B, Housewife. Busco solo Billetes de Loterías de todo el mundo. Cupones de la Once  y similares. Ofrezco lo mismo. Coleccionista mediana. Base de cambio 1x1 en cantidades, siempre por correo certificado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada.  I collect only Lotera Tickests from all countries. I offer same. Medium collector. Base of change 1x1 in quantities, always by Registered mail. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translator. Email:   [email protected], [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19777 - Manuel González López, Calle Los Lirios, 18, E-19140 Horche, Guadalajara. - A, 250746 (m) Jubilado. Deseo cambiar Monedas del mundo por años completos y vender sellos nuevos por series completas de España, Francia y teme Deportes del mundo. Todos los sellos son anteriores a 1980. Ofrezco lista mis Monedas duplicadas. Coleccionista mediano. Uso el catálogo World Coins. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want exchange Coins of all the countries for complete years and also I Sell mint-MNH stamps, complete sets of Spain, France and theme of Sports from worldwide. All the stamps are previous to 1980. I offer list of repeated Coins. Medium collector. I use the World Coins Catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with Online translator. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19780 - Antonio Suárez Escapa, Magallanes, 1, 1º C, E33213, Gijón, Asturias. - A, 130645 (m) B, Carpintero. Deseo intercambios de Monedas y Billetes de Banco con coleccionistas avanzados de todo el mundo .Ofrezco lo mismo. Coleccionista avanzado. Base catálogos World Coins and World Paper Money. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect and exchange Coins and Banknotes with advanced collectors of all countries of the world. I offer same. Advanced collector. I use World Coins and World Paper Money catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected].............................................................................................................................................................................................19788 - Antonio Aguilera Martínez, Calle Luís Montoto 30, 4º A, E-41018 Sevilla. - 1A, 121264 (m) B, Ingeniero. Colecciono solo sellos temáticos de Mariposa y Navidad de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo, así como sellos de España y otros países del mundo. Coleccionista principiante. No uso catálogos, pero tengo escaneados los sellos repetidos y disponibles para intercambiar. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y otros con traductores online. I collect only worldwide stamps of themes: Christmas and Butterflies. Offer same and stamps of Spain and other countries. Beginner collector. I do not use catalogues, but I have the repeated and available stamps scanned to exchange. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and other with

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Online translator. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19792 - Manuel Argumosa Muñoz, Calle Tantin 31, 2º. A, E-39001 Santander. A, 300666 (m) B, Deseo cambiar Sellos, Sobres, Matasellos Especiales, etc. de Alemania, Portugal, Gran Bretaña y sus colonias., Isla de Man, Gibraltar, Jersey, etc., Islandia y otros. También busco temáticos Faros y Fauna Marina de cualquier país del Mundo. Base de cambio: 1x1, mínimos 100 sellos. Acepto y envío como máximo 3 duplicados. Ofrezco Sellos de España, Italia, Holanda y de todo el mundo. También ATMS de España, Cápsulas de Campaña y Cava Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want exchange Stamps, Covers, Special Postmarks, etc of Germany, Portugal, United Kingdom and Colonies, Isla of Man, Jersey, Gibraltar, etc. Iceland, and others countries. Also thematic stamps of Lighthouses, and Marine Fauna from all countries, in base of 1x1 in quantities minimum of 100 stamps. I accept and send as maximum 3 copies of each stamp. I offer Spain, Italy, Netherlands and worldwide. Also I can give ATMS, (Automated Teller Machines), Capsules of Champagne and Sparking wine. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19814 - Pep Bennasar Perelló, Pizarro 77 A, E-07458 Ca’n Picafort, Mallorca, Illes Balears. - A, 271163 (m) B, Administrativo. Deseo cambiar sellos. Solo me interesa España y Andorra. Ofrezco los mismos países. Coleccionista mediano-avanzado. Base de cambio: Cambios 1x1 o mediante lista de faltas (Sólo admito duplicados si constan en mi lista de faltas, Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y Català. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19816 - Max Freemantle, Finca Senegil. c/o Ayuntamiento, E-29461 Faraján, Málaga. - A, 240996 (m) B, Estudiante. Deseo sellos de todas clases de todos los países del mundo. Me gustaría poder conseguir una carta de la ex colonia española de Cabo Juby. Puedo aceptar/enviar duplicados de todo tipo de sellos. Puedo usar Catalogo Edifil o Scott. Ofrezco sellos de todas clases e incluso algunas Hojitas bloques de España y de todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want stamps from all countries of the entire World. I very interested in receiving a letter of the ex Spanish colony of Cabo Juby. I want and I send duplicated stamps of the whole world. I use Edifil and Scott catalogues. I offer all stamps from all countries, also Spain, with Souvenir sheets. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and other with online translator. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19823 - Silvia Amores Francisco, Dirección omitida a petición propia, 17430 Santa Coloma de Farners, Girona. – A, 271065 (f) B, Proyectista. Deseo comprar y Vender de Monedas de Oro y Plata, Venta de Monedas, en Tienda propia en Internet. Temáticos de mi interés: Todo el mundo, aunque yo particularmente colecciono Gallienos romanos. Coleccionista mediana porque siempre se puede aprender. Uso el catálogo World Coins, pero el mejor catálogo son los compañeros. I want to buy and to sell of Golden and Silver Coins. Selling of Coins in my proper shop in Internet. Thematic of my interest: All countries. Mainly interested Gallienos Romans Coins. Medium collector because it is always possible to learn. I use the catalogue World Coins, but the partners are the best catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always Languages: Spanish, Català, English and others with online translators Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19843 - Joan Maria Maixé Ceballos, carrer Mn. Salvador Ritort i Faus 25-B, 1r., 2ª, E-43002 Tarragona. - A, 310848 (m) B, Profesor de Secundaria. Deseo cambiar y vender Monedas y Billetes de banco de todo el mundo. Ofrezco Monedas y Billetes de Banco mundiales. Coleccionista mediano, Base catálogos Krause y World Coins. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada, I want to change and to sell Coins and Banknotes of the whole world. Offer Coins and Banknotes from worldwide.. Medium collector. Base catalogues Krause and World Coins. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer

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always: Languages; English, Español, Catalan and other with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19845 - José Antonio Ojeda Bachiller, Avda. Doña Juana nº 121-1º B,E-18198-Huétor Vega, Granada. -  A, 110264 (m) B, Funcionario. Estoy muy interesado en cambiar Billetes de Banco con todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo, y también doy en cambio Monedas por Billetes de Banco mundiales. Coleccionista Mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I am very interested in Banknotes from all countries. I offer same and Coins for Banknotes whole world. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19847 - Vicente Nieto Gil, C./ Los Pavos, 1, E-37194 Santa Marta, Salamanca. - A, 200446 (m) B, Jubilado. Colecciono y cambio Billetes de Banco de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo. Base de catálogo World Paper Money. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada. I collect and Exchange worldwide Banknotes- Offer same. I use World Paper Money catalogue. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, French, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: - Andrés Vega García, Calle Marina de Escobar, 1-3º Izda., E- 47001- Valladolid. - A, 190651 (m) Pensionista. Deseos cambiar Billetes de Banco y Monedas con todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Coleccionista mediano.  No uso ningún catalogo, me guío por algunas páginas de Internet. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect and exchange Banknotes and Coins from all countries. I offer same. Medium collector. I have no catalogues. I work with some pages online. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online traductors. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19851 - Joan Vivó Martinell, Carrer Maluquer Salvador, 27 2º 1ª, 17002 Girona. - A, 170254 (m) B, Profesor de Secundaria. Colecciono Monedas de Euro, especialmente las de 2€ conmemorativas. Deseo intercambiar Monedas de Euros. Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco en cambio monedas mundiales y de cualquier motivo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect Coins of Euro, Especially those of 2€ commemoratives. I want to exchange Coins of Euros. Medium collector. I offer on the other hand worldwide Coins and of any motive. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, Catalan and others with online translators, Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19853 - José Manuel Domingo Oquendo, Parque de la Vega 14, Bajos, Izqda, 1E-44370 Cella, Teruel. - A, 180957 (m) B, Industria. Deseo intercambio de Monedas con todo el mundo. Ofrezco Monedas repetidas de todo el mundo. Coleccionista principiante. Base de cambio 1x1 sin catálogos. Acepto y envío Monedas repetidas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Exchange Coins from all countries. Offer duplicated Coins from all countries. Beginner collector. I accept and send repeated Coins. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19854 - Rafael Bernal Carmona, Avenida Ciudad de Chiva 1, 3º Pta. 13, E-41019 Sevilla. - A, 201064 (m) Cambio solo sellos usados de Francia, Italia, Grecia, China, Japón y Estados Unidos. Ofrezco sellos de España y mundiales. Coleccionista mediano. Cambio sellos en base de 1x1 en cantidades. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect and exchange only used stamps from France, Italy, Greece, China, Japan and USA. I oofer used stamps of Spain and others world countries. Medium collector. Base of hange 1x1 in quantities. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19860 - Mikel Ilundain Iriarte,  Calle Mayor 4, E-31730 Irurita, Navarra. -  A, 280150 (m) B, Empleado.  Deseo

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cambiar Billetes de Banco y Monedas de todo el mundo. Ofrezco Monedas y Billetes de Banco de España y Mundiales. Coleccionista mediano. Uso el catálogo World Coins. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y otros con traductors de Internet. I collect and Exchange worldwide Banknotes and Coins. I offer same Spain and worldwide. Medium collector. Base World Coins catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translators.  Email  [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................19870 - Bernardino Espejo Cabezuelo, Apartado 50  E.11300 La Línea de la Concepción, Cádiz. - Apartado 50  E-11300 La Línea de la Concepción, Cádiz. – A, 191034 (m) B, Jubilado (Funcionario). Deseo sellos Conmemorativos usados de España a partir de 1975 y temas de Barcos, nuevos y en series completas de todo el mundo. Admito hasta 5 sellos españoles repetidos para que me sirvan para otros cambios. Ofrezco sellos Sudamérica, Gibraltar Colonias Españolas y mundiales en nuevos y usados. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want commemoratives used stamps of Spain up to 5 stamps of every type later 1975. Also I collect thematic Ships mint and complete sets from all countries. I offer South American countries, Spanish Colonies, Gibraltar and worldwide mint and used stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19874 - Antonio Alfaro González, Cuarteles Nº 66 portal 2, 5° B. 29002 Málaga. - (m) Sellos nuevos de España por sellos nuevos de Argentina. Ofrezco sellos de España a partir de 1975. Haciéndome falta cubrir algunos huecos de años anteriores. Seriedad y respuesta rápida. Envíos por correo certificado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19877 - José Sanz, Calle Felip II, 25 átic 2ª E-08027 Barcelona. - A, 200647 (m) B. Jubilado. Deseo cambiar 1x1 sellos repetidos. Colecciono de todo el mundo (tanto nuevo, como usado). Ofrezco escaneado de mis sellos repetidos, por países, para ver si interesan. Coleccionista avanzado. Uso catálogos Yvert y Scott. Ruego contactos primero Para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want exchange repeated stamps. I collect from all countries, mint and used stamps. I offer scanned of my repeated stamps, for countries, to see if they are of interest. Advanced collector. Base of change: Yvert and Scott catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, Catalan and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19878 - Antonio García Núñez, Cronista Figueras Pacheco 4, 1º dcha. E-03014 Alicante. A, 0505066 (m) B, Empleado. Colecciono sellos con el tema de Búhos y Lechuzas de todo el mundo y temáticos de Fútbol (solo selecciones nacionales y jugadores). Ofrezco en cambio sellos de España y mundiales. También ofrezco Cromos de todas clases, en especial de fútbol. Cambio 1x1 sin catálogos. Coleccionista principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un complete acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect only thematic Stamps and Souvenir sheets of Owls from all countries Also of football stamps (only national teams and players). I offer stamps of Spain and worldwide. Also I offer chromolithograph of all kinds, especially Football. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19885 - Francisco Javier Salvá Monfort, Calle Reyes Católicos 14, E-03740 Gata de Gorgos, Alacant, Comunitat Valenciana. - A, 200864 (m) B, Abogado,. Colecciono sellos de todo el mundo, nuevos y usados. Ofrezco lo mismo. Base cambios catálogos Yvert, Michel y Scott. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect mint and used from all countries. Base Yvert, Michel and Scott catalogues, Medium collector. I offer in exchange same. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. `Languages: Spanish, French, Valencian (Catalan) and others with online Translators. Email: [email protected],

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............................................................................................................................................................................................19895 - Juan Bautista Garcia Gonzalez, Calle L. Menéndez Pidál, 44 - 2º B, E- 33630 Pola de Lena, Asturias. - A, 250456 (m) B, Funcionario. Deseo cambiar solo sellos usados de Alemania, Bélgica y Argentina y Temáticos de todo el mundo de Deportes y Medios de Transporte. Ofrezco en cambio usados especialmente de Bélgica. Cambio 1x1 o por catalogo Scott. No tengo inconveniente en enviar previamente imágenes con Sellos escaneados. No tengo inconveniente en enviar antes de recibir, pero en este caso me gustaría comprobar la formalidad del coleccionista a través de algún sistema como Web de intercambios etc. Coleccionista mediano. Respuesta asegurada, Idiomas: Español, Francés, Inglés y otros con traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected],    ............................................................................................................................................................................................19905 - Rubén Santaella, Intercoins, Tivoli s/n, E-29631 Benalmádena, Málaga. - A 1976 (m) B, Informático. Deseo intercambos, compra y venta de Monedas. Monedas mundiales en general y españolas, USA y Reino Unido en particular. También Billetes de Banco de España. Para el intercambio tengo Monedas mundiales, Medallas, Billetes de banco de todo el mundo, Sellos, Curiosidades. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Visite mi página Web: WWW.INTERCOINS.BIZ, Swapping, Purchase and sale Coins. Worldwide Coins in general, mainly Spain, UK, and USA. Also Spanish Banknotes. for swapping. I have international Coins and Banknotes, Medals, Stamps, Curiosities, etc. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. See my Web page: WWW.INTERCOINS.BIZ, Languages: English, Spanish and others only translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19906 - Guillermo  Baeza Mínguez, Calle Camí Fondo 3, bloque C, 5º - 1ª, E-03560 El Campello, Alicante. - A, 291257 (m) B, Profesor. Deseo intercambiar Sellos, Monedas y Billetes de Banco de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambios mis repetidos españoles y mundiales. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want to exchange Stamps, Coins and Banknotes from around the world. I offer in change the same of Spain and worldwide. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English and others online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19909 - Juan Jose Martos Romero, Calle Lantejuela Nº 2, 2º, Izq. E-41006 Sevilla. - A, 300770 (m) B, Conductor. Deseo Monedas y Billetes de Banco por años y tipos de todo el mundo. Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo, así como Sellos, Tarjetas Postales y Tarjetas Telefónicas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect Coins and Banknotes around the world for years and types. Medium collector. I offer same and Stamps, Postcards, Phonecards. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish and others online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19912 - José Antonio Gil García, Alcazaba 39, E-41530 Morón de la Frontera, Sevilla. - A, 231057 (m) B, Funcionario. Deseo intercambio de Monedas de todo el mundo. Coleccionista avanzado. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want Exchange Coins with all countries. I offer same. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email   [email protected], - Jesús Real Benavente,  Avenida Vidal i Barraquer, Nº 14, 2º 2, ª,   E-43005-Tarragona. - A, 280960 (m) Deseo intercambio de Sellos, Monedas y Billetes de Banco nacionales y extranjeros. Base cambio por Mancolista (sellos sueltos) sellos de España referenciados al catálogo EDIFIL. Sellos extranjeros intercambio 1 x 1, o por grupos de 50 o 100 sellos. Billetes locales, de España o extranjeros, UNC o circulados, referenciados al catálogo WORLD PAPER MONEY por valor. Monedas de España y extranjeras, básicamente circuladas, referenciadas al catálogo WORLD COIN por valor. Calendarios de bolsillo siglo XXI, intercambio 1 x 1. Tarjetas telefónicas, las intercambio por monedas y/o sellos. Coleccionista mediano.

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Ofrezco sellos, monedas y billetes nacionales y extranjeros. Calendarios de bolsillo, tarjetas telefónicas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés, Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19922 - William Torres Vega, Dr. Barraquer, 20 Lavandería, E-08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona. - A, 140433 (m) B, Jubilado. Intercambio de Monedas. Colecciono Monedas de todos los países del mundo, incluido Euros. Ofrezco lo mismo. Coleccionista mediano. Mi colección contiene más de 10.000 piezas diferentes. Ruego Contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Coins exchange. I collect Coins from all countries, including Euros. I offer the same. Medium collector. My collection contains over 10 000 pieces different. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19926 - Vicente Barranco López, C/ Doctor Barraquer, 4, 7º Dcha., E-14004 Córdoba. - A, 060850 (m) B, University Profesor. Intercambio de Monedas Euro de España por otros países Euro. También cambio, compro y vendo Monedas de España (Ibéricas, Romanas, Árabes, todas las épocas) y Monedas Euro. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want Exchange Coins of Spain with all countries with Coins Euro. Also change, buy and sell Coins of Spain (Iberian, Roman, Arab, all periods) and Euro Coins. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish an others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19929 - Rafael Domingo Sancho, Calle Camarena, 94 - 1º D, E-28047 Madrid. - A, 290636 (m) B, Jubilado. Colecciono y cambio: Sellos Nuevos, Matasellos, FDC, Tarjetas Máximas, Tarjetas Postales, Información Técnica, Recortes Prensa, Literatura, etc. del tema Vidrieras y Buzones de Correos de todos los países del Mundo. Ofrezco: Sellos nuevos y FDC de España (desde 1960) y temáticos varios. Coleccionista antiguo. Uso catálogos Yvert y Scott. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I Collect and change: Mint Stamps, Postmark, FDC, Maximum Cards, Postcards, Technical Information, Press Clippings, Literature, etc.. Theme Stained Glass and Mailboxes all over the world. I offer Mint stamps FDC of Spain (since 1960) and several thematic. Old collector. I Use Scott and Yvert catalogs. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, French, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19934 - Francisco M. Castro, Placeta de Marte 3 - 1° A, E-18015 Granada. - (m) Deseo intercambiar sellos usados de países europeos: Italia, Alemania, Francia, Gran Bretaña, Holanda, etc. Ofrezco sellos usados de España. Base de intercambio 1 x 1 en envíos de 150 - 200 sellos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. I want Exchange used stamps from European countries: Germany, France, Italy, United Kingdom, Netherlands, etc. I can give used stamps of Spain. Base of exchange: 1x1, 140-200 stamps each time. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19944 - Félix Martínez, Dirección omitida a petición propia, Zaragoza. - (m) Busco Bolígrafos publicitarios Calendarios de Bolsillo y Temas Taurinos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo y otros objetos Coleccionables. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Seeking Advertising Pens, Pocket Calendars, and Bullfighting themes from worldwide. I offer the same and other collectibles. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and other with online translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19949 - Jose Luís García Sánchez, Calle julio melgar, 3, apartamento 408, E.13003- Ciudad-Real. - (m) Colecciono solo Francia, y uso españoles para intercambios con franceses. Ofrezco sellos usados de Europa Occidental, DDR, URSS y mundiales. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español, Francés. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................

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19950 - Alex Morton y Gemma Aragonés, Dirección omitida a petición propia, Barcelona. - Coleccionamos chapas de botellas, tapones coronas, de todos los países. En la actualidad tenemos 15539 de 167 países diferentes y ya empieza a ser un numero decente, además va creciendo rápido. También podréis ver nuestras chapas repetidas y si tenéis ganas podemos cambiarnos algunas. Ofrecemos además en cambio sellos usados de todo el mundo y cualquier cosa. Que desee de España. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Collect Crown caps / Bottle caps worldwide. Offer: Used stamps from all over the world / other things you want from Spain. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Web page:, Languages: English, German, French and Spanish. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19953 - Francisco Garcia Belmar, Address unpublished by request. - Valencia. - (m) Want used stamps, any year, any topic from France, Finland, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Portugal, Denmark, Austria, Ireland. China, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, Japan, Vietnam, Thailand, and Korea. Offer used stamps from Spain and other countries, only years 1960 to 2000. Offer used stamps 1x1 in lots 50 or more each time, used stamps from all periods. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English. Email: - Luís Salvador Sánchez Fernández, Dirección omitida a petición propia, Vigo, Pontevedra. - (m) Colecciono España y mundiales, en usado. Puedo ofrecer en cambio sellos de Bélgica, Japón, Francia, Australia, Alemania, GB, USA, RSA, Grecia, Islas del Canal, Malta, Portugal, etc. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español y otros con traductores online.. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19966 - Juan Hidalgo Arenas, Carrer Puigmal, 6, E-08232 Viladecavalls, Barcelona. - A, 160957 (m). Colecciono Sellos, Placas de Cava, Billetes de lotería, etc... Deseo  Europa, USA, Australia, Canadá, Japón, Corea del Sur, etc... Base de cambio 1x1. No tengo inconveniente en enviar primero. Envío mínimo de 50 sellos o más sellos diferentes. Coleccionista mediano, serio y honesto. Ofrezco: España y diversos países del mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, pero puedo comunicarme con ayuda de mi esposa en Inglés, Francés y Rumano. I collect Stamps, Champagne and Cava capsules, Lottery tickets, etc. Want Europe, USA, Canada, South Korea, Japan, etc. Base of change: 1x1. I have no problem sending first.. 50 or more different stamps in each time. Serious, honest and medium collector. Offer Spain and others countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English, French and others with online translators. Email: - José Luís Díaz de Villafranca Arzamendi, Alameda de Mazarredo  Nº 33,  2º, D, E-48009,  Bilbao,  Bizkaia.- A, 100352 (m) B, Prejubilado. Colecciono y cambio sellos sueltos nuevos, usados, y en algunos casos, series completas, de España todas las épocas y tipos, excolonias (especialmente Cuba)  y Vaticano. No acepto ni falsos postales, ni reimpresiones. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Base cambios catalogo Edifil, aunque podría ser también por Scott. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19970 - Juan Blanco López, Cuartel Guardia Civil, E-34240 Baltanás, Palencia. - A, 170675 (m) B, Guardia Civil. Colecciono principalmente sellos de España, nuevos y usados, en base del catálogo Edifil, y sellos de todo el mundo, 1x1, en cantidades de 25, 50, 100 sellos diferentes en cada envío. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de España y del resto del mundo. Coleccionista principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect only mint and used stamps of Spain, base Edifil catalogue and worldwide stamps in quantities 25, 50, 100 all different each time, (1x1).Beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translators.

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Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19971 - Ángel Martín Gallego,   Calle Manuel Deschapms 9, 1º, E-15011 La Coruña. - A, 020849 (m) B, Prejubilado. Colecciono y cambio sellos de España, Francia, Alemania, Italia, Dinamarca. Holanda, Gran Bretaña, Hungría, Polonia, Checoslovaquia, Rumania, Rusia, Argentina, Chile, Cuba, Estados Unidos, Australia, Argelia, Marruecos y Egipto. Además temáticos de todo el mundo Conquista de América. . Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Deseo series completas, sueltos, sellos definitivos, conmemorativos, usados, nuevos, CTO, base de catálogos Yvert, Michel, Scott. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Francés, Italiano y otros con traductores Online. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19973 - Juan Moreno Gallardo, Calle Maldonado 28, E-29788 Frigiliana, Málaga. - (m) Colecciono sellos de todo el Mundo de cualquier tema, nuevo y usado. No tengo ninguna preferencia respecto a los temas. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de España, Bélgica, Dinamarca y Noruega y de otros paises de mundo. Base de cambio 1x1. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect worldwide mint and used stamps worldwide (any theme). I may offer (to exchange 1x1)  form Spain, Belgium, Norway, Denmark, and some others countries all over the world. I have not any preference regarding themes. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: - Jose Ramón Montes Cruz, San Isidro, Tenerife, Islas Canarias). - A, 1970 (m) I collect pocket calendars from countries all around the world. Pocket calendars are cardboard ones, with a little calendar printed on the one side, and on the other, there is printed an image, picture or even publicity. I’ve got lots of used and mint Spanish stamps and worldwide. Also Coins and Banknotes. Please drop me an email if you are interested in exchange with me the same for pocket calendars. I also have other collectibles to exchange with you, and i can even find whatever you collect from Spain. Tell me please if anyone is interested in exchange with me. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators Email: - Pedro Lafuente Herrera, Apartado 1350, E-07800 Ibiza, Islas Baleares.- Vendo sellos y material filatélico desde 1989. Servicio por Correo de Sellos para Coleccionistas. Sellos de Primera Calidad. Ofertas Especiales Para los Sellos de Europa y Mundiales, utilizo la Numeración del Catálogo Yvert. Para los Sellos de España utilizo la Numeración del Catálogo Edifil. Actualizo a diario el contenido de los Artículos a la venta. Incorporo a diario nuevas Ofertas y Artículos. Todos los Artículos que encuentre en mi página WEB, son a PRECIO FIJO. os precios ofrecidos tienen normalmente un Descuento del 80% al 90% sobre el precio del Catálogo. Pueden conectar conmigo por email: [email protected] .............................................................................................................................................................................................19986 - Blas Checa Soto, Calle Zambrana 61. 1º, E-23700 Linares, Jaén. - A, 100465 (m). Deseo intercambiar sellos usados de España (Segundo Centenario). Sellos, Enteros Postales, Aerogramas) También Monedas de Euro circuladas). Ofrezco en cambio sellos usados España (Segundo Centenario) y Monedas Euros circuladas. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19988 - Ignacio Francisco López Vico, Calle / Miguel Sora, 6, 3-1, E-07702 Maó, Menorca, Baleares. - A, 030561 (m) B, Administrativo. Colecciono y cambio Tarjetas Telefónicas, Llaves de Hotel, Tarjetas de Regalos, Llaves de camarotes de cruceros y en general todo tipo de Tarjetas de Plástico (supermercados, gasolineras, Parques de Atracciones, bancarias, casinos, etc.) de todo el mundo.  Ofrezco Sellos Usados, Postales, Marca Páginas. Posavasos, Tapas de cerveza y por supuesto tarjetas de todos los países. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Collect and exchange Phonecards, Hotel Keys, Gift Cards, Keys Cruise Cabins and in general all types of Plastic Cards

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(Supermarkets, Gas Stations, Fun fanny, Fairground,, Bank cards, Casino cards, etc.) from worldwide. I offer used Stamps, Postcards, Bookmark, Coasters, Beer caps and of course cards from all countries. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19990 - Mariano Mateos Ferrari, Pico de los Artillero 96, 3º D, E28030 Madrid. - A, 210347 (m) B, Perito Mecánico. Colecciono y cambio de todos los países Tarjetas telefónicas, Sellos, Monedas, Billetes, Tapas de botellas, Llaves de hoteles, Tarjetas bancarias, Tarjetas de regalo, Tarjetas de parking, Posavasos de Cervezas, etc. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo y otros muchos objetos. Coleccionista avanzado. Lo que mas me interesa es ampliar mis contactos con gente legal y que esto de coleccionar lo vea como un simple entretenimiento y no un negocio. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con traductores online. I collect and exchange Phonecards, Stamps, Coins, Banknotes, Bottle Caps, Hotel Keys Cards, Parking Cards, Gift Cards, Bank Cards, Beer coasters and anything else from all countries of the world.. I can give the same and anything collectable. Advanced collector. What most interests me is to expand my contacts with people and that this legal to collect see it as than simply entertainment and not a business. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: - Pilar Quirosa-Cheyrouze, Avenida Madrid, 4  3º D, E-04007 Almería. - A, 280356 (f) B, Escritora. Deseos de cambio y correspondencia: Recordatorios de Comunión. Posavasos. Calendarios de bolsillo. Sobres de Azúcar (llenos). Servilletas de papel con logo (bares, hoteles, restaurantes). Tarjetas de bares, hoteles y Restaurantes. Puntos de lectura (Marca páginas). Envoltorios de caramelos (extranjeros). Postales de cine. Postales de Castillos. Faros. Marinas. Patrimonio Arquitectónico. Reportajes de The Beatles. Rolling Stomes. Marilyn Monroe. Kate Moss. Familia Real Española. Familia Real Monegasca, Familia Real Británica. Sellos de Cine, Faros, Coca-Cola. Muñecas regionales. Yo-Yo y juguetes antiguos. Naves espaciales y Muñecos pequeños tipo "marcianos". Gomas de borrar (formas originales). Sacapuntas formas originales). Castillos. Faros, Elementos de coleccionismo sueltos. Aceptos material de todo el mundo. Ofrezco intercambios (no compras ni ventas) de los mismos y otros objetos coleccionables de España y otros países. Base de cambios:. Uno por uno (intercambio de 5 en 5 si es posible) Coleccionista desde hace mas de 30 años, seria y formal. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés, Inglés y otros con ayuda de traductores online. Email: [email protected] - Luís Morcillo Casado, Vasco Núñez de Balboa 40, E.41719 Utrera, Sevilla. – A, 1945, (m) B, Jubilado (Pedagogo). Colecciono tarjetas telefónicas desde el año 1992. Mi colección está compuesta de unas 21.500 tarjetas de muchos países del mundo. Deseo contactar con coleccionistas serios y honestos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco Tarjetas Telefónicas de muchos países del mundo. También Tarjetas GSM (con y sin chip) y Cupones de Recarga de teléfonos móviles de España y otros países.Tengo, igualmente, sellos de correos, de muchos países, Calendarios de bolsillo y Billetes de Lotería, de España, que cambio por Tarjetas Telefónicas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I am collecting Phonecards since 1992. I have over 21.500 Phonecards in my collection, from many countries in the world. I like to contact with collectors from all over the world interested in exchange. I offer Phonecards from many countries of the world. I also have GSM cards (either with or without chip) and recharge coupons cards from many cell phone companies in Spain. I also have stamps from all over the world, Pocket Calendars and Lottery ticket from Spain that I swap against Phonecards. Please cobtact first for mutual agreement. Answer always.Web page: Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators.Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................20032 - Pedro Enrique Pérez Cabeza, Calle Cabo Ruiz Rodríguez, 48, 52005 - Melilla. - A, 160358 (m) Funcionario. Deseo intercambio de Monedas, series, y conmemorativas de Euros. Países interesados todos de la zona del

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Euro. Ofrezco lo mismo. Coleccionista principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y otros co ayuda de traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................20036 - David Salazar Duran, Paseo de Valdelasfuentes Nº 10, Portal 2 1º B, E-28100  Alcobendas Madrid. - A, 270271 (m) B, Conserje. Cambio sellos 1x1 o valor catalogo en lista de faltas. Deseo mundiales menos series básicas en usado. Países interesados: Portugal, Suiza, Holanda, Francia, Suecia, por Yvert. También acepto USA, Canadá, Japón, Grecia, Andorras, etc. Ofrezco en cambio sellos usados de España y mundiales. No envío ni acepto sellos repetidos. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y otros con ayudas de traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................20041 - Jesús Ayala Díaz, Dirección omitida a petición propia, Almería. (m) Me interesa cambiar Monedas de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect and exchange worldwide Coins. I offer same. Please contact first for mutual Agreement. Answer always. Languages Spanish and other languages with the help of translators Internet. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................20044 - Roser Caralt Arbones, Dirección omitida a petición propia, E-08830 Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona. - (f) Soy Una coleccionista aficionada a la numismática. Colecciono Monedas de todos los países. Para seguir aumentando mi colección dispongo de esta página Web http// que me permite contactar y que contacten conmigo otros coleccionistas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Catalán, Español y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet. Email: - Juan Ruenes, Avenida de la Constitución 8, E-45600 Talavera de la Reina, Toledo. - A, 1976 (m) B, Deseo: Sellos, Tarjetas Telefónicas, Calendarios de bolsillo, Postales, Monedas (todos ellos por lista de faltas), de todo el mundo, pero especialmente de España (todo de lo anteriormente explicado). Y solo sellos de Canadá, Brasil, Croacia, Republica Checa, Letonia, Noruega y Suecia. Ofrezco: sellos, tarjetas telefónicas, calendarios de bolsillo, postales, monedas, loterías, sobres de azúcar, marca páginas, tarjetas de visita, algo de pegatinas, algo de ticket de bus y metro. Puedo enviar imágenes de todos mis repetidos de cualquier coleccionable para que se pueda elegir más fácilmente. Desearía que la otra persona también pusiera sus imágenes para poder elegir mis faltas. No acepto duplicados. Puedo enviar duplicados si lo tuviera más veces repetido y si la otra persona los aceptara. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................20047 - Javier Romojaro Pascual, Dirección omitida a petición propia, Móstoles, Madrid. (m) B, Ingeniería de informática Universidad de Extremadura. Tengo Monedas de todo el mundo y me interesaría intercambiar, para saber mis repetidas, podéis usar la, Web http//, o si no os puedo enviar mis repetidas por fichero. Respuesta asegurada, Idiomas Español y otros con ayuda de traductores online. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................20055 - Juan Gil Herrando, C/ Jacinto Verdaguer 146 1º 2ª, E-08620 Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Barcelona. A, 140544 (m) B, jubilado. Colecciono y cambio solo sellos de España, usados, sueltos, y Cuba. Españoles base catálogo Edifil, Cubanos 1x1. No acepto ni envío ni acepto sellos duplicados. Coleccionista avanzado de España y principiante en Cuba. Ofrezco sellos de España por Cubanos. Coleccionista serio u formal. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected].............................................................................................................................................................................................

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20056 - Jose M. Vargas Vázquez, Avda al-Andalus nº 16, E-11100 San Fernando, Cádiz. - A, 1964 (m). Deseo sellos del 1er y del 2º Centenario de España, nuevos y usados, sueltos o series completas, con mancolista catálogo Edifil a partir del 2004. También cambio por catálogo Scott y sin catálogos sellos de Israel, Vaticano, San Marino, Mónaco, Japón, Australia y otros países europeos, sin sellos básicos y de pequeño tamaño. Ofrezco en cambio sellos usados y nuevos de España, Pruebas, Variedades y Hojitas recuerdos, y sellos de otros países Europeos o americanos si alguien desea alguna compra, también vendo, inclusive algún catalogo pregunten precio, es económico. También tengo postales, algunos Billetes de Banco, Monedas. Tarjetas Telefónicas que cambio por sellos. Coleccionista avanzado, pero me adapto a los demás por ayudar. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas Español y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................20058 - Jaume Muntada Casadellà, Avda. Perú Nº 12 2º 1ª, E-17800 Olot, Girona. - 220665 (m) B, Autónomo. colecciono y cambio Monedas y Sellos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. Y collect and Exchange Coins and Stamps from all countries, I offer same. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: Catalan, Spanish, English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................20061 - Rafael Huertas Cañete, Calle Enrique Martínez, Nº 27, 1º, C E-33402 Gijón, Asturias. - 270258 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo cambiar sellos con Europa, Canadá, USA y Japón, sellos usados, cambio 1x1.Ofrezco en cambio sellos usados de todo el mundo. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo.Respuesta asegurada. I want Exchange used stamps; base 1x1 with Europe, Canada, USA and Japan, Offer used worldwide stamps. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with Online translators. Email: [email protected] .............................................................................................................................................................................................20065 - Fernando Benedé Estaún, Avenida Pirineos 16, 5º C, E-22004 Huesca. - A, 311051 (m) B, Conserje. Deseo  cambiar sellos usados del  Segundo Centenario de España, Ofrezco sellos usados del Segundo Centenario de España. Coleccionista avanzado.Cambio sellos sueltos, por valoración Edifil o 1x1.Ruego contactos primero para llegaer a un completo acuerdo. Repuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................20070 - Mikel Markijana, Dirección omitida a petición propia, Almacelles, Lleida (m) Coins collector from Catalonia, pleased to meet you. I'm always interested in obtaining new Coins for my collection, specialty oldest ones and commemoratives, don't hesitate in put in contact with me for trying to exchange. I collect in XXth century issued coins, by km. Please contact first. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................20071 - Daniel Pérez Sotelo, Calle Rio Navea Nº 14-A, 3º, C, E-32001 Ourense. - A, 080274 (m) B, Empresario. Colecciono y cambio sellos de España, Cuba, USA, Vaticano, Mónaco, Portugal y de todo el mundo.. Deseo nuevos, usados, series completas. Ofrezco en cambio España y mundiales. Coleccionista mediano. Busco cambiar en base de sellos escaneados. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Gallego y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................20074 - Manuel de Haro Sánchez, calle Doctor Alcántara Nº 28, E-18615 - Guajar  Faraguit, Granada. - A, 260761 (m) B, Pintor. Deseo cambiar sellos de todos los países. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Base de cambio 1x1. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español y otros con ayuda de traductores. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................20082 - Gaspar Andrés Bort García, Calle Salzillo 12, 30191Campos del Rio, Murcia. A, 010154 (m) B, ATS. Deseo

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intercambiar sellos de España y mundiales. Busco España desde 1996 en adelante, y mundiales en especial de Europa, Australia y países de América del Norte y del Sur. También me interesan sellos de todo el mundo temáticos de Fauna, Ajedrez y Fauna Prehistórica. Ofrezco en cambio sellos mundiales y de España. Base de cambio: 1x1 en cantidades de 100 diferentes en cada envío. No acepto ni envío series básicas. Solo cambio sellos usados en perfecto estado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas:Español y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected].............................................................................................................................................................................................


..........................................................................................................................................................................................06280 - Toivo Vetik, Purde 8, EE-44316 Rakvere. - A, 210646 (m) B, Retired. Want mint-MNH stamps theme Fauna and Birds issues worldwide. Offer mint-MNH and used USSR stamps, FDC, postcards, mostly of period 1967-1990, I am use Michel catalogue. Prefer registered letters. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English amd others with online translator. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19534 - Vladimir Malkov, Address unpublished by request. - (m) Want stamps MNH new topical issues from your country, worldwide MNH stamps on topic Sea Mammals. Also want exchange partners in Czech rep., Slovakia, Ukraine. Offer MNH Stamps, FDCs, Maxicards from Estonia, MNH stamps from Latvia, Lithuania. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19771 - Mart Abel, 7a-68 Aardla Street, 50111 Tartu. - A, 200277 (m) B, Senior Researcher. Want used stamps are preferred, but can accept also mint. Especially from African countries (especially colonial time), South America, Arab countries. European countries mostly by wantlist. You can offer any country but several of them I take only by wantlist. Special interest in completing my collections of Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Belgium, Austria, Germany (Bundenpost), France, Finland. Offer: used stamps from Estonia, Soviet Union, Germany, several other countries (the list of other countries changes constantly depending on exchanges. Also some mint Soviet Union and mint topicals like Olympic Games or Space. Medium collector. Base 1x1 or by catalogue value. Mix of definitives and commemoratives. Packages 100 different or by wantlist catalog Michel, Stanley Gibbons, Yvert, Scott, COB for Belgium. Exchange and correspondence: first contact by Email. Answer always. Languages: Estonian, English, Russian, Greek, French, German and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19947 - Toivo Kikkas, Sulaoja 27, Otepaa 67405. - (m) Want worldwide Covers, Stationery, Postcards, other mail items before 1952, Br.Colonies also early Queen Elizabeth II. Some other countries such as African can be considered after 1950. Also I love music, books, movies, nature , history and crafts from worldwide. Offer Stamps before 1950 or later, mint used. Ask me what I offer. Better stamps for better mail items. Amount of stamps depend on your offer, for example more for registered cover. Answer always. Language: English, Russian and other with online translators. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................


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..........................................................................................................................................................................................15680 - Romy C. Go, c/o C.A.B. Hardware, 467 McArthur Highway, Balibago, 2009 Angeles City. - 141055 (m) B, Hardware store owner. Want complete mint set of stamps/miniature sheet/souvenir sheet and FDC of you Country: ijing Olympic stamps issue.  Also need stamps issue about China, Chinese or Chinese event. Offer mint topical stamp set of Philippine stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: - Roberto D. Tan, Room202, 1225 Benavidez Street, Sta. Cruz, Manila 1003. - A, 071257 (m) B, Bachelor in Science in Commerce major in Marketing also taken a Massage Therapy course.  I collect older stamps from colonies and countries of the British Colonies, German Colonies, Italian Colonies, Belgian Colonies, Danish Colonies, Dutch Colonies, Portuguese Colonies, Spanish Colonies, French Colonies, Austro-Hungary Empire, Ottoman Empire, Plebiscite Areas, Occupational Territories, Possessions, WWI, WWII, and all other oldies. I also wanted Cinderella stamps. I am offering my new Philippine stamps in a 1:1 ratio, yet I am open to other options because I do not mind the value of the stamps but the leisure in obtaining it is more than enough to satisfy my hobby. Please contact first for mutual agreement Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................18339 - Myron de la Paz, P. O. Box: PO Box 358, Araneta Center Post Office, Cubao Quezon City 1135,. - 070889 (m) B, Student. Want themes of Commercial Aviation, Airports, Postal History, History, Traditions particular to your country, Architecture, Stamps on Stamps, Money on Stamps, Environmental Awareness/ Conservation stamps, banknotes. Offer: Stamps, sets, Souvenir sheets, FDCs from the Philippines. Based on the agreement; I am flexible. However, I do not accept duplicates.  Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always.  Languages: English, Spanish and Tagalog Email: [email protected], [email protected], ,..........................................................................................................................................................................................

19326 - Dr. Darwin M. Maglaqui, #37 MacArthur Highway, San Matias, Sto. Tomas, Pampanga 2020. - A, 280764 (m) B, Registered Dentist. Collectors, Dealers are most welcome! Want only UNC Coins sets and Banknotes from worldwide. Offer UNC Coins and Banknotes, mint and used Stamps, Postcards, Postal cards, Viewcards, Maximun cards, Postally used envelopes, FDCs, Phonecards, Pope John Paul II 1995 World Youth Medals, from all countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],..............................................................................................................................................................................................19724 - Mark Anthony Flores, 76 Service Road, East Bagong Barrio, Caloocan City. - A, 171084 (m) B, Claims Adjudicator/Analyst. Want: Swap/Trade of Coins from all countries. Offer: Coins from around the world. Please contact first for agreement. Answer always. Languages: English. Email: [email protected],..............................................................................................................................................................................................19883 - John Paul B. Rodriguez, 41 United Nations St. Better Living Subdivision, Paranaque City, 1711 Metro Manila. A, 311281, B, IT Systems Analyst. Want stamps of Birds / Marine Life / Commercial Aviation / Military / Religious theme (like Popes, Saints and Churches) / from all countries. Joint stamp issues with Philippines. Offer: Stamps from Philippines and other countries. Base of change. Commemoratives, mint, 1:1 (quantity) Base catalogues:  don't relay on catalogues, but I can use Scott. I am a medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Filipinos and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................20019 - Jonathan Blaza, 370 J. P. Rizal St., Sto. Niño, Marikina City, Metro Manila 1800. - (m) Want Stamps, FDC, Postcards from all countries. Offer same Philippines and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]

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..............................................................................................................................................................................................16994 - Stephen Joe, G. P. O Box 302, Suva. - (m). Offer Fiji stamps from 1935 to date available, also Postal Agency Covers, FDCs, commercial mail and other collectables. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always, Language: English. Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................


..........................................................................................................................................................................................16133 - Lech Jasiak, Sepäntie 23, 79700 Heinavesi. - A, 210148 (m) B, Retired (Teacher) Want mainly EUROPE-CEPTA-CEPT only material mint. Offer latest years from Finland and Aland mint. Medium collector. I use catalogues Michel. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian, Polish and other with online translator. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16504 - Henrik Kullberg, Jamerantaival 11 K 219, SF-02150 Espoo. - (m) I collect stamps worldwide, all issues of Finland and modern used ones worldwide, especially from small countries. I am also interested in used Large-size pictorial issues from recent past worldwide. Also mint issues and miniature sheets with themes related to the issuing country. I have a digital camera; can work with pictures of stamps, also with Wantlists for Michel and Scott and also any descriptive wantlist. I can trade 1:1, or by wantlist, or by any reasonable agreement. If you collect only thematic MNH sets, booklets or S/S of Finland, I suggest to turn to Finland Post. What I have for exchange is mostly in used condition, no CTOs. In addition to stamps I collect modern postal history worldwide. My aim is to have one circulated cover from every stamp-issuing independent country addressed to me.. I consider all trading proposals which are about my interests, subject to your requirements. o more 'sending first' will be entertained unless I am the one who makes contact. This is because of too many unpleasant experiences. I can use registered mail only with trades outside Europe and North America. Unfortunately I can not exchange with anyone from Brazil or Italy because my letters have been stolen in these countries more than once. Answer always. Language: English, Deutsch, Finnish. For more information, see web-site. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17008 - Irene Kappi, Given by request, - A, 220376 (f). Exchange and correspondence sincere and friendly. Want: Postcards, Stamps, Bookmarks, Favourite topics: Elephants, Lunar year, Food, Birds, WWF, Fruits, Favourite countries: Greece, Portugal, Malta, Tunisia, Bhutan. Offer: Stamps, Postcards, Coins, etc. Mostly used stamps and mint Postcards, no duplicates without agreement. I collect for fun. No CTOs and no catalogues. Please contact first. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17078 - Raimo Lehto, Aurinkokatu 1 B 31, 13100 Hämeenlinna. - A, 260644 (m) B, Engineer. I collect stamps of France, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, Cuba (previous 1965), Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, and other countries (not East European countries) change only with wantlist Yvert, Scott, Michel, etc. I offer Finland and other countries. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always.

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Languages: English, German, Swedish, Finnish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected] .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 19688 - Leila Paananen, Paaskunnankatu 12 D 26, FI-20540-Turku. - A, 250973 (f) B, Librarian student. Medium collector. I collect used Stamps and Postcards with adult cats (not kittens) and I swap Friendship Books. At the moment I'm not looking for new Penpals.Want: used stamps, postcards with adult cats, FB's. I collect stamps from all over the world, Thematic that I am interested in: nature, science, science fiction, space, women, literature, nature, flora, wild and domestic animals. But I collect all kinds of stamps, but I'm interested in commemoratives from UK, especially the Millennium stamps. Offer: used Stamps, Stickers, Post-/Viewcards, FB's. Base of change: Used stamps 1:1. I prefer commemoratives, but I accept also some definitive. I accept (and can send) commemorative duplicates. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Finnish, Swedish. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................


..........................................................................................................................................................................................07421 - Hubert Michel, 185 rue Victor Hugo, F-62700 Bruay-La-Buissière. - A, 120841 (m) B, Cadre. Je cherche des timbres oblitérés : Papua, Mauritius, Australie, Nouvelle Zelande, Europe Ouest, Canada, USA, Antartique. Offre France, Europe, Échange 1x1 ou Yvert. Collectionneur avancé. S'il vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi.  J'ai offre grande possibilité d échange. Réponse assurée. Want used stamps of Papua, Mauritius, Australia, New Zealand, West Europe, Canada, USA, Antarctic. Offer France, Europe. Base of change: 1x1 or Yvert catalogue- Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................15111 - Goron Jacques, 9 rue Dunant , F-91360 Epinay sur Orge. - A, 270636 (m) B, Retired. Want commemoratives, definitive, mint and used stamps from Germany, Baltic countries, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Spain, Portugal, Bulgaria. Offer France mint and used ...., large choice. Base of change Yvert catalogues. Medium collector. Please contact with me. I am serious and I always answer for the countries that I collect. Languages: Français, English and othes with online translators. Email : [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................15541- Chapeau, Jean Michel 18, rue de l'Ãglise; appartement 1, F-59230 Saint Amand les Eaux.- 110861 (m). B, Stock controller. I would like to have friend in these lands, for to exchange: covers, mint and used stamps, Booklets, FDCs, etc. Bolivia, Brunei, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Laos, Macau, Moldavia, Mongolia, Palestine, Bahrain, Armenia, Bahamas, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belize, Bhutan, Botswana,, Burundi, Djibouti, Ecuador, Fiji, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Kuwait, Liberia, Macedonia, Madera, Malawi, Niger, Paraguay, Qatar, Venezuela, Yemen, Zambia..  I collect "Europe CEPT, Chess, Ships", FDCs, Sheets, Stamps, Postcards, Banknotes. Offer, France, Belgium and other countries. Base de change 1x1. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange! Assured answer. Languages: English and French. Web page:, Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................15750 - Laurent Bru, 14, Rue du Mai, F-81600 Gaillac. - A, 1959 (m) B, Teacher. Exchange stamps and friendly correspondence with the following countries: Want and offer: France, Spain, Belgium, Suisse, Holland, Great Britain, Scandinavia, Australia, Canada and USA. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: Français, English. Email: - Pascale Puyo 37 rue des Basques, F- 64100 Bayonne.- A, 040772 (f) B, Employée de Commerce.

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Je cherche des timbres oblitérés et commemoratifs uniquement de tout le monde. J'echange 1x1 par 50 ou 100. Uniquement des timbres oblitérés et commemoratifs. Pas de scans, pas de mancolistes. collectionneur avancé. . Want Stamps used and commemoratives from all countries over the world. Base of change: 1x1 in quantities 50-100 each time. Not of scans, not wantlists. Advanced collector. Offer France and worldwide. No definitive, no duplícate, no CTO. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always, Languages: English, Spanish, French and others with online translators. . Email: [email protected]. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................15877 - Laurent Bossard, 7, rue des Pommiers. F-44470 Carquefou. - A, 120368 (m) B, Employé. Cherche timbres grand format oblitérés émis en 2008-2011, pas de CTO'S, de tous les pays, en particulier l'Europe occidentale. Offre timbres grand format émis en 2008-2010 de France et autres pays.Base de change : 1x1 en quantité 100x100. Me contacter par email pour conclure un accord. Réponse assurée. Collectionneur avancé. Want worldwide used large recent stamps (2008-011, no CTOs, especially Western European countries, Offer France and worldwide used large stamps. I change 1x1 in quantities 100x100. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: French, English and other with online translator. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16521 - Camus Véronique,  1 ter route de Sainte Lucie, F-20200 Ville di Pietrabugno. - A, 080760 (f)  Employée Paramédical  / Medical Employee. Cherche : Flore, Hérissons, Minéraux, Coccinelles, Écureuils, Monaco, Vanuatu, Etats-Unis, Phoques, Pingouins, Pandas, Donald, Chagall, Folon, Ours, Planetes et Couchers de Soleil, Religion Juive, Vitraux. Je préfère des timbres neufs mais oblitérés conviennent aussi. Offre monde entier. Collectionneuse assez avancée. I want: Flora, Hedgehogs, Mineral, Ladybugs, Squirrels, Monaco, Vanuatu, USA Seals, Auks, Pandas, Donald, Chagall, Folon, Bear, Planets and Sunsets, Jewish Religion, Stained glass windows. I prefer new but obliterated stamps also admit I prefer mint stamps, drinks used could be right. Offer worldwide stamps. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French. Email: [email protected],        ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16524 - Guinot Daniel, 47 rue Gabriel Pari, F-94290 Villeneuve le Roi.- A, 051046 (m) B, Retraité, Cherche France + pays frontaliers de la France + colonies + Cuba + Hongrie, Roumanie, Tchecoslovaquie, Bulgarie, British Commonwealth. Offre monde entier. Ma base d’echange est de de 1 contre 1 sur scans car pour l’instant je n’ai pas de mancoliste ni de dispoliste. Collectionneur  intermédiaire. S'il vous plaît contact avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi. J'ai offre grande possibilité d échange. Correspondance en Français et Espagnol. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16707 - Jonathan Bayle, 7 cours du 14 juillet, 78300 Poissy, A, 120983 (m) B, Analyste Financier. Want all European stamps (from Gibraltar to Russia) even CTOs accepted / used stamps only. Offer France, Andorra, Monaco (used or mint) in particular and Europe as well. Perfect quality stamps with round cancellation on basis catalogue value (Michel, Yvert, Zumstein, Scott). Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Français, English, Deutsch, Español. Email: [email protected], [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................16778 - François-Xavier Drye, 2 rue Thomas Couture, F-60300 Senlis. - A, 281259 (m) B, Gérant de Société. Désire échanger: Timbres oblitérés sur mancoliste,  Cote contre cote Yvert, Michel. Cherche : France,  Allemagne (Ouest, Est, Berlin), Belgique, Pays-Bas, Autriche, Suisse, Europa, Grece, Italie, oblitérés seulement, cachet rond de préférence. Offre : France, Grande Bretagne, Allemagne (Ouest, Est, Berlin), Suisse, Europa oblitérés. Entrez en contact svp avec moi avant d'envoyer vos timbres. Langues Français, Anglais, Espagnol, Email : - Jack Chauveau, 32, Rue Juliette Dodu, F - 93100 Montreuil.- A, 080948 (m) B, Pâtissier. Cherche: Timbres oblitérés, toute l'Europe, Ouest et Est. Echange 1 contre 1 ou suivant la valeur Yvert & Tellier. Offre : Site d'échange de timbres oblitérés Europe de l'Ouest,, pour l'Europe de

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l'Est : vous trouverez mes doubles disponibles. Demande contact d’abord. Réponse assurée. Langues :Français et Anglais et sait traduire les autres langues. Email:, [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................17090 - Galmiche Elodie, 16 Avenue Foch, F-95100 Argenteuil. A, 180971 (f). Désires d’échange: echange de timbres. Cherche: Want Australia, UK, Canada stamps by Wantlists and any worldwide stamps I don't have. Offre: offer the same thing. Base de changes par catalogues, collectionneur avancée, Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and French. Email: [email protected]..........................................................................................................................................................................................17261 - Merle Daniel, 9 rue Etienne Louis, Les Gloriettes, F-13190 Allauch. - A, 191144 (m) B, Retraité. Cherche  Timbres d'Europe neufs ou oblitérés sur mancoliste Yvet ou Michel. Offre : Surtout de la France, et tous les pays du monde. Entrez en contact svp avec moi. La réponse est assurée et garantit de mon part. Langues : Français et Anglais et sait traduire les autres langues. Email: - Wyckaert Jean Pierre, 3389 Route de Lille, F-59270 Bailleul.- A, 041257 (m) B, Banque. Cherche: timbres Oblitérés tous pays émis aprés 1995  (selon les pays selon catalogue YVERT ou selon scan de timbres Offre: timbres oblitérés de FRANCE  émis 2004 –2007 . (posibilités de liste selon catalogue YVERT ou scan de timbres. I want used stamps issued after 1995. according to countries basis to catalogue YVERT or according to scan of stamps. Want Birds stamps from Azores, Afghanistan, Ciskei, Transkei, Vanda, Aitutaki, Alderney, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Nederland’s Antilles.. Offer used and mint stamps from France issued 2004 to 2009 with complete sets. .Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: French and also English and Spanish with Internet translator. Email  [email protected], [email protected],   ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17310 - Eric Lorthiois, 63 rue de Wattignies, F. 75012 Paris. - A, 240462 (m) B, Expert-comptable, commissaire aux comptes. Je désire échanger seulement des timbres ; pas de FDC ni de lettres.J’offre: France MNH Neuf sans charnière, période de 1960 à 2011, avec des séries complètes, des thématiques, des tableaux, des timbres avec surtaxe (Croix-Rouge ...), des carnets commémoratifs, des blocs. Je peux aussi vous envoyer des timbres Je désire échanger seulement des timbres ; pas de FDC ni de lettres. J’offre: France Neuf sans charnière, période de 1960 à 2011, avec des séries complètes, des thématiques, des tableaux, des timbres avec surtaxe (Croix-Rouge ...), des carnets commémoratifs, des blocs… Je peux aussi vous envoyer des timbres Neufs sans charnière MNH d’Arménie, Moldavie, Biélorussie, Ukraine, Brésil. Et des timbres oblitérés de France, USA, Allemagne, Grande-Bretagne, Espagne, Pays-Bas, Belgique, Japon, Australie, Iran, Roumanie, URSS .... recherche des timbres neufs sans charnières des pays suivants : États de l'ex-URSS (CEI): Géorgie, Touva, Arménie, Azerbaïdjan, Kazakhstan, Kirghizistan, Tadjikistan, Turkménistan, Ouzbékistan, États de l'ex- Yougoslavie : Bosnie-Herzégovine, Serbie, Macédoine, Kosovo, Monténégro. Et aussi : Monaco, Andorre (français et espagnol), Iles Féroé, îles Aland, Groenland, Açores, Madère, Gibraltar, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, Antarctique (TAAF, antarctique australienne ...), Polynésie, Nouvelle-Calédonie, Wallis et Futuna, Mayotte, Nouvelles-Hébrides Vanuatu. Et des timbres oblitérés de ces mêmes pays, et du monde entier, en particulier d'Asie, d'Afrique, d'Amérique du Sud .... Echange seulement basés sur la valeur nominale pour la période 2008-2011 neufs,MNH et par lots pour les neufs plus anciens ou les oblitérés. Uniquement des timbres en très

bon état, sans charnière ni trace pour les neufs. Pour les oblitérés, timbres lavés, sans gomme, ni annotation au verso. Pas de mancolistes ou dispolistes. Je suis d’accord pour des envois par lettrerecommandée, mais pour un minimum de 200 ou 300 timbres par envoi. Collectionneur avancé.

Languages: English, French. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................17310 - Eric Lorthiois, 63 rue de Wattignies, F. 75012 Paris. - A, 240462 (m) B, Certified public accountant, auditor. I collect only stamps, and I would like to exchange only used and MNH stamps. I offer: France mint never

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Hinged (MNH); period 1960 to 2011, with complete sets, thematic, paintings, stamps with charity surcharge (Red Cross…), bookless, blocks, miniature sheets…I can also send you MNH stamps from Armenia, Moldova, Belarus, Ukraine and Brazil; And used stamps from WW: France, USA, Germany, Great Britain, Spain, Belgium, The Netherlands, Japan, Australia, Iran….I want: mint (MNH) stamps from these countries: States from ex-USSR (CIS countries): Georgia, Tuva, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. States from ex-Yugoslavia: Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro. Monaco, Andorra (French and Spanish), Faroe Islands, Aland, Azores, Madeira, Gibraltar, Saint Pierre et Miquelon, Antarctic (TAAF), Polynesia, New Caledonia, Wallis & Futuna, Mayotte, New Hebrides-Vanuatu. And used stamps from the same countries, and from WW, especially from Northern Europe, Sri-Lanka, Pakistan, India, China, Asia, Africa, South America… Only cleaned stamps (no gum). I exchange only based on face value for 2008-2011 MNH, and 100:100 for used or older MNH. Please only stamps in perfect conditions. I am OK for sending by registered letters, but minimum 200 or 300 stamps per sending. In case you agree, feel free to let me have your first sending. I’ll reply with mine in a very short time. Advanced collector. Languages: English, Français. Email : [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................17343 - Michel Darteyre, 11 Avenue de Douaumont, F-33700 Mérignac. - A, 160155 (m) B, School professor. Want New issues used from Australia, Austria, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, Ceska, China, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, Great Britain and Channel islands, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Senegal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Offer New Issues from France used in good conditions, some from countries I want  work on French wantlist or Exchange 60x60 stamps no doubles and complete sets. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German- Email: - Gallier Gilles, 39 rue Louis Ricard Apt 25m F-76000 Rouen. - A, 300561 (m) B, Militaire. Cherche Pays Europe Ouest : GB, Belgique, Pays-Bas/Nederland - Italie, Luxembourg, Autriche/Austria, Portugal, Suisse/Helvetia, Allemagne, Reich, Berlin, Espagne, Islande, Irlande. Offre : France, principalement en oblitérés, Prendre contact avant tout échange. Etant avancé, je prévilégie les échanges sur base de mancoliste Yvert. Langues connues : Français, anglais et le reste avec logiciel de traduction. Email : [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17444 - Sylviane Tagliavini épouse Boyer , 990, chemin du Pimont, F-76710 Bosc Guerard St Adrien. - A, 110156 (f), B, Retraité. Cherche timbres Oiseaux, Poissons, TAAF de tous les pays. Offre Oiseaux et timbres français oblitérés. Contacter premièrement pour l'accord mutuel. Réponse assurée. I wish stamps of Birds, Fishes, TAAF. I offer Birds and used stamps of France. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish. and other languages with translator same Italian, German. Email: [email protected]..........................................................................................................................................................................................17501 - Lenain Yasmina, 5 rue du Vieux Moulin, F-60130 Ravenel. - A, 060255 (f) B, Employée. Désire d'échange avec correspondants étrangers uniquement. Cherche timbres oblitérés Europe de l'Ouest, Espagne, Italie, Grèce, Allemagne, Grande Bretagne, Belgique, Luxembourg. Offre : timbres oblitérés de France 1 contre 1. S'il vous plaît contact avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi. Réponse toujours. Langue: Français et le reste avec logiciel de traduction. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17526 - Dumont  Sandrine, 7 rue des Daims, F-91220 Le Plessis Pâté. - A, 160676 (f) B, Assistante. Exchange stamps I collect used worldwide stamps (no East Europe). Especially: Japan, USA, UK, Africa, Asia, Jamaica and all Exotic islands. Offer used worldwide stamps (no French stamps). Base de exchanges : timbre par timbre, 1x1, par quantités,: 50/50 100/100. No wanlists, no catalogs. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages:  Français, Anglais, Espagnol / French/English/Spanish and others with online translators. Email : [email protected], [email protected],

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..........................................................................................................................................................................................17636 - Rodolphe Flécheau, 41 Rue du Domaine, Le grand Samoi-Nord, F-61790 Saint-Pierre-Du-Regard. - A, 040877 (m). Cherche enveloppes ayant circulé/voyagé d'Afrique et d'Asie (Pas d'enveloppe premier jour, no FDC) ainsi que les timbres oblitérés du monde avant 1915. Danemark et Antilles Danoises. Offre Timbres de France, Allemagne Berlin, Grande Bretagne, FDC de îles Féroé, Japon, France etc. .Base de changes cote, catalogues: Yvert et Tellier, Michel, Scott, Stanley Gibbons, ou catalogue nationaux. Collectionneur avancée pour l'Europe avant 1915, débutant enveloppe ayant circulé, S'il vous plaît contact avec moi. Réponse assurée. Langues connues : Français, Anglais, Allemand, Danois, Norvégien. (Langues latines lus). Email [email protected], [email protected] .........................................................................................................................................................................................17692 - Jacques Grieder, 316 avenue Fernand Léger,  F- 83500 La Seyne sur Mer. -  A, 260920 (m) B, Ingénieur en retraite. Collectionne tous les timbres du monde entier sur lesquels est représenté un VOILIER. Désire échanger ou acheter (base catalogue Yvert et Tellier). Offre tout timbre France, neuf ou oblitéré. Langues: Français et le reste avec logiciel de traduction. Email: [email protected], - Cognard Claude, Domaine de Ronseray, Bat. E4, 78955 Carriers sous Poissy. - A, 051251 (m) B, Comptable. Cherche timbres obliteres de 2000 à 2010 monde entier. Offre monde entier Collectionneur avancé. Je vous vous intéressez à l'échange avec moi me mets s'il vous plaît toujours en contact par le courrier électronique avant tout échange. Réponse toujours. Langues : Français et le reste avec logiciel de traduction Email : [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17842 - Labayle Jean-Yves, 3, rue Philibert Delorme, 75017 Paris. - A, 130742 (m) B, Retraité, Ancien Directeur Général de Société. Cherche timbres oblitérés des pays suivants: Allemagne, Autriche, Belgique, Grèce Danemark, Irlande, Italie, Portugal et Suisse ainsi que du Maroc et du Japon. J'offre neufs et oblitérés de France et oblitérés des mêmes pays plus Argentine, Inde et Tunisie. Catalogue utilisé Yvert et Tellier. Je prie contacter d'abord. Réponse assurée. Langues lues et écrites: français, allemand, anglais et japonais. Langues lues : espagnol, italien et portugais et....latin. Email : [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17982 - Gaston Ravot, 90 rue Jean Jaures, F-76770 Malaunay. - F-261260, (m), B Empleado administrative, Office Worker. Deseo sellos usados o nuevos del Países de Europa Occidental y temáticos: Fauna Prehistórica y Erizos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco  sellos usados de Francia. Base de cambios: por catálogos y sello por sello. Catálogos: Yvert, Michel (y AFA, COB, Edifil, Lape, Unificato, Zumstein) Ruego contacto primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. No envío primero pero garantizo respuesta inmediata con igual cantidad o valor y calidad. Coleccionista mediano. Want used or mint stamps from West Europe, and thematic stamps: Prehistoric animals and hedgehog from worldwide. I offer mainly used French stamps. Exchange with catalogues or 1 X 1. Catalogues: Yvert, Michel (and AFA, COB, Edifil, Lape, Unificato, Zumstein). Please contact first for mutual agreement before sending stamps. Answer always. I do not send first but, I guarantee immediate response with equal quantity or value and quality. Medium collector. Language: French, English, German and I can understand Spanish, Italian with translator obline Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................18015 - Raja Patrick, 02 rue Lucie Aubrac, F-71880 Chatenoy le Roral. - A, 100758 (m) B, Militaire. Cherche : Enveloppes du monde entier ayant voyagé de ces pays. Cherche: Afghanistan,  Ascension, Auberson,  Aurigny, Botswana, Caïmans, Comores, Erythrée, Falkland, Géorgie du Sud, Guinée Equatoriale, Jamaïque, Macédoine, Madère, Mariannes du Nord, Océan Indien, Palestine, Paraguay, Pays de Galles, Rwanda, Saint Christophe et Nevis, Sainte-Hélène, Saint-Thomas et Prince, Samoa, Somalie, Soudan, Swaziland, Tonga, Tokelau, Turks et Caïques, Yemen. Offre : Enveloppes différents pays ou timbres de France. Grande possibilité d échange. S'il vous plaît contact avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi. Réponse assurèe. Langues connues : Français, Anglais, Espagnol.. Email : [email protected]

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..........................................................................................................................................................................................18043 - Anderson Roland, Plateau de Signargues, F-30390 Domazan. - A, 120647 (m) B, Formateur. Cherche Timbres de france surchargés neufs ou oblitérés, thématique caprine (chèvre, bouc, chevreau), timbres neufs et oblitérés de Pologne. Offre : Timbres de France neufs ou oblitérés, timbres sur des thématiques autres que caprine (fleurs, autres animaux, sports), timbres d'autres pays de l'Europe de l'Est. , j'offre d'autres timbres du monde entier sur a base d'1 pour 1 ou sur la base Yvert. Definir clairement la base de l’echange: Avant d'envoyer les timbres, prière de prendre contact par courriel en envoyant su possible un scan de vos trouvailles. Collectionneur moyen. Réponse assurèe. Langues connues: Français, et les autres avec traducteurs online. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18047 - Jean Pierre Courtois, 1516, Route de Châtillon.  F-45200 Amilly. - A, 020247 (m) B, Professeur. Recherche :  Tout matériel philatélique sur Rapaces et Chouettes du monde entier. Offre : Timbres d'oiseaux.Tous Timbres de France. S'il vous plaît contact avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi. Réponse assurèe. Langues connues: Français, Anglais, Allemand. Je peux lire l'Espagnol, l'italien et le Russe. Email: - Fin Jean-François, 17 Rue Faidherbe, F-59170 Croix. - A, 061064 (m) B, Concepteur de cuisines. Désires d’échange et la correspondance : monde entier. Cherche timbres oblitérés Europe Occidentale + Maroc, Tunisie & Algérie. Offre timbres oblitérés Europe & monde & France. Base de changes timbre par timbre, par quantités. Collectionneur Moyen. Want used stamps from Western Europe * Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria. Offer used stamps pf Europe, France and worldwide. Medium collector, Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],                    ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18144 - Gonet Rhonan, 98 rue Noyer-Grenot, F-94320 Thiais. -A, 020969 (m) B, Agent de maitrîse. Cherche timbres d'Europe, et d'Australie, Japon, et Canada. Offre timbres Francais, européeens et du monde entier des timbres oblitérés en bon état, selon catalogue Yvert&Tellier ou à partir de photos de timbres scannés. Echange par mail impératif avant tout échange par lot de 50 minimum. Collectionneur moyen. Je prend des contacts d'abord pour arriver à un accord complet. Réponse assurée.Langues connues : Français et les autres avec traducteurs online. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18166 - Deseigne Bernard, 213 Route de Vouzon, F-45240 Menestreau en Villette. - A, 0303040 (m) B, Retraité. Cherche: échanges  timbres  oblitérés France, Suisse, Allemagne (Reich/RFA), Belgique, Italie, Espagne, Irlande. Avancé  sauf  Italie, Espagne, Irlande. Offre : divers pays ;echanges, a  valeur identique, visibles sur   site ( pas de doubles :oblitérés seulement bon etat. Catalogue  Yvert. S'il vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi. J'ai offre grande possibilité d échange. Réponse assurèe. Langues: Français, Anglais et les autres avec traducteurs online. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18182 - Cailleau Laurent, 12 Le Rivallon, F-33330 Saint Émilion. - A, 080862 (m) B, Vendeur. Désire échange timbres Canada, Belgique, États Unis, Australie, Angleterre . Cherche ausi : Endroits, Sports, personnages, Arts etc. de tous les pays du monde. Offre: France et autres pays et thematiques. S'il vous plaît contact avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi.  J'ai offre grande possibilité d échange. Réponse assurée. Want stamps from Canada, Belgium, USA, Australia, United Kingdom. Aussi themes: Places, Sport, Personages, Art, etc of all countries. Offer France and other countries and thematics. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, et traducteurs online. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18193 - Michel Jannest, 14 rue des Sources, F-77310 Pringy. - A, 050936 (m) B, Retraité. Désires d’échange et la correspondance : Voir mon site :, Résponse assurée. Langues: Français, Anglais et autres avec traducteurs online. Email: [email protected],  

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..........................................................................................................................................................................................18267 - Benoît Barret, 54, rue de la Méthode, F-44100 Nantes. - A, 090157 (m) B, Engineer. Exchange used stamps using wantlist. Want: West Europe, Offer:  France, Switzerland and West Europe. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and French. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18273 - Pinchedez Jean- Claude, adresse non publiée par demande. - A, 290456 (m) B, Cadre technique. Cherche timbres oblitérés seulement Europe de l'Ouest. Offre timbres oblitérés seulement Europe de l'Ouest oblitérés. Contactez s'il vous plaît d'abord pour l'accord réciproque. Réponse toujours. Langues: Français, Anglais et les autres avec traducteurs online. Email: [email protected],                ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18296 - Lepleux Marc, 8 Rue du Centre F-14650 Carpìquet. - A, 111068 (m) Cherche : Timbres, Flammes, Oblitérations sur les thèmes : écrivains, philosophes, poètes, contes, légendes, théâtre, mythologie, bande dessinée du monde entier. Je peux offrir des timbres de France neufs ou oblitérés. Je prie des contacts d'abord pour arriver à un accord complet. Réponse assurée. Langues: Français, Anglais, Allemand. Email: [email protected],

..........................................................................................................................................................................................18334 - Jean Baduel -Benazeth, En Glanières, 31570 Tarabel. - A, 190245 (m) B, Retraité. Cherche timbres oblitérés monde entier, surtout Europe Ouest et Est. Offre : idem. Base de changes suivant valeurs des timbres (pour timbres de petite valeur échange timbre par timbre, pour timbres chers échange à la cote suivant catalogue avec wanlists et offre lists, jamais d'achats ou de ventes), collectionneur avancée. S'il vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi.  J'ai offre grande possibilité d échange. Réponse assurèe. pour arriver à un accord complet. Réponse assurée. I collect used stamps ´from all countries, especially West and East Europe. Offer same. Base of exchange according to value of stamps, for stamps of small value Exchange 1x1, and for dear stamps exchange in quotation according to Wantlists by catalogues, and and offer lists. Only exchange stamps. I neither buy nor sell. Advanced collector. Please contact with me before making a first sending. I have offer big possibility of exchange. Answer always. Languages: French and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18346 - Rivat Jacques, 10 allées de la Foret, F- 42580 l'étrat. - A, 110744 (m) B, Retraité. Désires d’échange et la correspondance : timbres neufs ou oblitérés. Collectionneur avancée, Cherche : Europe Israël thématiques Faune, Flore, Transports, Tableaux, Lions club de tous les pays, Haïti. France colonies françaises très avancé. Offre : France Europe thématiques. Échange timbre par timbre par 100 cat Yvert Tellier. Je prie des contacts d'abord pour arriver à un accord complet. Réponse assurée. Langue: Français et Anglais. Email: - Caparros Gérard, Le Pin La Porte Rouge No 7, F-13320 Bouc Bel Air - A, 150258 (m) B, Comptable.   Cherche timbres : Espagne, Afrique (période coloniale), Amérique Latine. Offre timbres: France. Je prie des contacts d'abord pour arriver à un accord complet. Réponse assurée. Langue: Français, Anglais, Espagnol. Email à : [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18361 - Couzinie Guy, 490 Chemin de la Gravette, F-81500 Lavaur. - A, 170242 (m) B, Retraité. Cherche timbres tous pays, specialement Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Perou et Uruguay. Offre: Japan, pays Afrique Francophone et aussi un peu de tous les pays. Échange 100x100. Je prie des contacts d'abord pour arriver à un accord complet. Réponse assurée. Langue: Français, Email à : [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18447 - Droger Jean-Paul, 208 rue de St Cyr, F-690090 Lyon. - A, 200542 (m) B, Ingénieur retraité. Desires échanges philatéliques. Cherche :Pays scandinaves, USA, Suisse oblitérés, pays ex Yougoslavie en neuf. Offre :France Suisse et autres neufs, oblitérés. Collectionneur avancé, base Yvert, Michel me joindre par mail avant échangé!. S'il vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi.  J'ai offre grande possibilité

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d échange.Réponse assurée. Langues Français, Allemand Anglais et les autres avec traducteurs online. Email: [email protected], [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18464 - Bernard Simon, 18 les Pepinieres, F-25320 Montferrand le Chateau. - A, 270535 (m) B, Retraité. Cherche correspondants tous pays pour échanges timbres Europe suivant  mancoliste contre timbres de France oblitérés ou neufs  suivant votre mancoliste. Offre suivant catalogue Yvert . Se contacter avant tout échange. Réponse assurée. Collectionneur  moyen. Want all countries for exchange Europe stamps with wantlist. Offer France mint and used stamps after your wantlist. I use catalog Yvert. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Answer always. Medium collector: Languages, Français only, but other languages with online translators. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................18475 - Grillée Sandrine, 6A route de Quimper, F-29460 Daoulas. - A, 050471 (m) B, Mére au foyer. Seulement échange. Je recherche des timbres de tout pays selon mancoliste Yvert. (seulement les timbres). Offre les mêmes. Entrer en contact svp avec moi avant d'envoyer vos timbres pour un commun accord. Réponse assurée. Je suis antique un résidant des Îles Mayotte. angue: Français et autres et les autres avec traducteurs online.. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18526 - Arenas Thierry, 6 rue Jacques Ibert, F. 95320 Saint Leu la Foret . - A, 180462 (m) B, Agent Admininustratif.   Desires d’echange. Cherche  timbres oblitérés Autriche, Espagne, Belgique, Australie, Canada, Finlande, Suède et Maroc. Offre France toutes les années à partir de 1850 à maintenant dans utilisé et certains dans la neufs.Collectionneur avancé. Catalogues :Yvert & Tellier et Michel et mancoliste. S'il vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi.  J'ai offre grande possibilité d échange. Réponse assurée. I collect used stamps of Austria, Spain, Belgium, Australia, Canada, Finland, Sweden and Morocco. I offer all France all years from 1850 at now in used and some in mint. Advanced collector. use Yvert and Michel catalogues and Wantlists. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, but all other language can use Google and others online translator. Email : [email protected] ....................................................................................................................................................................,,,,..18610 - Ligny Robert, 529 rue du Contrôle  34670 Baillargues. - A, 301037 (m) B, Retraité. Cherche : correspondants tous pays hors Europe pour échange neufs, oblitères par multiples. Offre: Europe occidentale et pays africains, séries et blocs-feuillets neufs, bons oblitérés. Base échange catalogue Yvert mais accepte autres. Toujours prendre contact par mail avant tout échange ! Réponse assurèe. Langue maternelle: Français, parle (un peu) Anglais - Espagnol. Email : [email protected]. [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................18803 - Pons Alain, 395 Avenue de Chausey, F-50380-Saint Pair sur Mer. - A, 150747 (m) B, Retraité   Cherche timbres Grande Bretagne, Italie, Suède, Espagne + séries de tous pays de plus de 4 timbres. Offre France oblitérés + divers pays, Canada, Tunisie, etc. S'il vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi.  J'ai J'ai offre offre grande possibilité d échange. Réponse assurée Want stamps from United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Sweden + complete sets of any countries of more than 4 stamps. Offer used France, Canada, Tunisia and other countries. If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Language: English and French. Email: [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................18847 - Pittet Pierre, 49 chemin du Lot, F-38260 Faramans.- A, 090465 (m) B, Cadre recherche clinique. Cherche: , Timbres Europa CEPT Suisse, France. Offre : Timbres Europa CEPT, France, et Suisse S'il vous plait contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi. J'ai offre grande possibilité d’échange. Réponse assurée. Langues connues : Français, Anglais, un peu d'Espagnol. Email : [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................18849 - Le Viol Jean, 31 route de Châteaulin , 29 590 Le Faou. -  A, 300151 (m) B, Retraité Education. Je collectionne les timbres de France, d’Allemagne , de Belgique , d’Italie , du Costa Rica , du Nicaragua. Cherche:  Echange de timbres d’après côte des catalogues Yvert et Tellier ou Scott . Je possède des mancolistes et dispolistes de France et d’Allemagne , y compris la RDA. Offre : France et autres pays. S'il

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vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi.  J'ai offre grande possibilité d échange. Réponse assurée... Langues: Français, Espagnol et Anglais. Email : [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................18855 - Cliquet Jean Pierre, Talabardé, F-31550 Gaillac Toulza. - A, 070449 (m) B, Retraité. Cherche, France, Allemagne (neufs) Techecoslovaquie, Voitures, Pompiers du monde entier. Offre timbres monde entier. S'il vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi.  J'ai offre grande possibilité d échange. Réponse assurée..Langues: Français, Anglais et un peu de Allemand. Email  [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................18872 - Denis Leroy, 22, rue de bas foux, . 41350 Vineuil. - A, 191155 (m) B, Cadre publicité. Cherche timbres d’Europe, spécialement de Belgique, Espagne. Offre echange contre timbres français. S'il vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi.  J'ai offre grande possibilité d échange. Réponse assurée..Langues: Français et d'autres langues à l'aide de traduction en ligne. Email : [email protected] - - Restori Jean-Louis, 13 Ch de Peyborde, F-65400 Argeles - Gazost. - A, 271141 (m) B, Retraité de l'Armée. Cherche timbres France. Offre timbres France et Monde. S'il vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi.  J'ai offre grande possibilité d échange. Réponse assurée. Langues: Français. Email : [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18895 - Guardia, Jean-Paul, 89 chemin de Turroc, F-31860 Labarthe sur Leze. -A, 080849 (m) B, Retirado. Coleccionista avanzado. Deseo Sellos y Hojitas filatélicas de Nicaragua. Sellos nuevos los modernos y usados los antiguos. Tengo mancolista por Yvert. Colecciono también sellos de Cuba, Centroamérica y Francia. Tengo bastantes sellos recientes y nuevos de Francia para cambiar, así como de Nicaragua. Cambio en base de valor facial (sellos nuevos al ser posible recientes). Sobre franqueados con sellos antiguos (anteriores a 1950) No CTO. No acepto sellos en mal estado Solo perfecto. Serio y honesto coleccionistas. Si es posible enviar los sellos escaneados antes de efectuar cambios. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un perfecto acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Languages : Français, Español, English. Email : [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................18955 - Jérémy Georget, 28 B Bvd. Joffre, F-51100 Reims.- A, 220844 (m) B, Chercheur d’emploi. Cherche: Timbres uniquement oblitérés de France. Dom tom (Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Guyane, Polynésie Française. St. Pierre & Miquelon, Wallis et Futuna, Nouvelle Calédonie, Terres Australes ry Antartiques Ftancaise...)- Offre: Timbres Françaises. Timbres du monde, Flammes françaises. Lettres.. Prendre contact par Email avec moi. Réponse assurée. Langues: Français, Anglais et autres et les autres avec traducteurs online. Email : [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................19079 - Jean Luc Bessiere, in Puech Lazert, F₧0// 34700-Saint Jean de la Blaquiere. – A, 310764 (m) B, Electromecanicien. I'd like to exchange according to lists and have an advanced collection. I want France, Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Ireland, Finland, Aland, Greenland, Faroe, Japan. Offer: Same countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer Always. Languages: Français, English and others with online translators. Web page: Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19116 - Lefebvre Jacques, 2 rue du Mulet, F-59136 Wavrin. - A, 251044 (m) B, Retraité. Cherche tiembre de tous les pays dumonde. Offre Timbres France et autres pays. Intermédiare collectionner. S'il vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi.  J'ai offre grande possibilité d échange. Réponse assurée..Langues: Français, Anglais. Want timbres from all countries over the world. Offer France and othe countries. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and others Online translators. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19127 - William Howe, Domaine des ubages, F-04300 Dauphin.- A,171044 (m) B, Landscaper. Want stamps Malta,

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Swiss, China, Japan and Indonesia, worldwide, all used, no CTO. Offer stamps worldwide, limited France. Change in quantities, 1x1, x50, x100, plus wants list, duplicates` ok. Also on paper no problem. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],  [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19162 - Ferrer Miguel, 26 rue de Normandie 59840 Pérenchies. -  A, 070169 (m) B, Vendeur. Coleccionista avanzado. Busco sellos de América-UPAEP de todos los países sudamericanos recientes usados, Europa CEPT, España anteriores 1950 usados. Ofrezco sellos Europa Occidental usados Francia usados (series completas 2008 y 2009), Canadá, países africanos y otros. Base de cambio: 1x1 50x50 100x100. Ruego contacto primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Advanced collector. I want stamps America-UPAEP, any country and South American recent used, Europe-CEPT, Spain before 1950, used stamps West Europe used France used (completes sets 2008 2009), Canada, African countries used and other countries..... Base of change: 1x1  50x50 100x100.Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answers always Languages: English, French and Spanish. Email: [email protected], .......................................................................................................................................................................................19282 - Berthelot Jean-Michel, 23 Rue des bouvreuils, -91130 Ris Orangis. -  A, 100260 (m) B Gerant Entreprise. Cherche: Timbres Français- Offre : Timbres Français, Mode et Thematique. Je cherche des echanges sur des bases de prix catalogue si disponible et je ne fais pas de commerce. Je n’accepte pas les double mais j’envoie mes doubles.Langues connues : Français et Anglais : Email : [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19364 - Drobert Jacques, Drobert Jacques, 77bis rue Paul Vaillant Couturier  58000 Nevers. - A, 220640 (m) B, Retraité. J'ai commencé la philatélie depuis le mois de janvier 2009 ( je suis un débutant ) je ne collectionne que les timbres oblitérés et ne cherche pas à tirer profit de cette collection , je ne fais ça que pour le plaisir. Je collectionne les timbres de France, Chine, Australie et Lettonie,plus une thématique sur tous les types de Bateaux du monde entier, je ne pratique uniquement que les échanges 1x1. J'offre des timbres de France et du monde et peut fournir une liste de tous les timbres que je possède par pays , en sachant qu'en tant que débutant je ne possède pas une grande quantité de timbres à échanger. Je reste à votre disposition pour tous renseignements. Je ne parle que le Français Anglais et autres et les autres avec traducteurs online Email : [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19367 - Cambonie Michel, 48 rue Halevy, F.93159 Le Blanc-Mesnil. - A, 050155 (m) B, Cadre. Cherche timbres du monde entier. Offre timbres du monde entier. Collectionneur avancé, . S'il vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi.  J'ai offre grande possibilité d échange. Réponse assurée..Langues: Français et autres et les autres avec traducteurs online. Email : [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19370 - Rodolphe  Hipp, 1 rue du Sânon, F 54320 Maxeville. - A, 101140 (m) B, Retraité. échanges en philatélie. Cherche: Timbres oblitérés d'époque de France du 20° siècle (1900-1999) et des colonies françaises d'avant 1930 environ,  timbres classiques de nombreux pays d'avant 1900. Je prends même des doubles s'il y a des belles oblitérations. Offre : Tout de France dans tous les états de 1862 à 2000, à l'unité, par année complète. Aussi de nombreux pays toutes époques, neufs (*,**) et oblitérés. Base d'échange le catalogue Yvert & Tellier.  Mais pour les timbres anciens je préfère des échanges à prix net en euros et par l'image. Je vous montre ce que j'ai, avec le prix que je demande et vous me montrez ce que vous proposez, avec le prix que vous demandez. J'ai plusieurs milliers d'images de timbres à votre disposition.J'utilise essentiellement le catalogue Yvert é Tellier, mais j'au aussi un Michel. Pour les oblitérés je préfère voir ce que vous proposez avant d'envoyer vos timbres. Pour éviter les retours. Je ne fais pas de commerce mais ai un énorme stock pour échanger ou même pour vendre. J'offre à tout correspondant de partager gratuitement mes pages d'album à imprimer soi-même de France et de toutes les colonies françaises.Collectionneur tres avancé. Langues connues : Français, Allemand, Anglais, Email : - Parra Manuel, 31 rue Gustave Courbet, F-59430 Saint Pol sur Mer. - A, 230465 (m) B, Conducteur. Cherche

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échange mes doubles de different pays. 1/1 et 100 timbres par envoie .Si posible voir timbres par scan . Offre timbres de different pays. La personne qui me contact envoie le premier. Résponse assurèe.  Collectionneur débutant. Langue : Français. Email : [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................19480 - Heinrick Augel, 14 rue du Chanoine Corillion, F- 49130 Les Ponts de Cé. - A, 960562 (m) B, Monteur Publicité. Je recherche des correspondants pour échanger des timbres. Pour commencer Espagne puis autres pays d’Europe, Etats-Unis, Canada…. Cherche: Timbres d’Espagne, Italie, Belgique, Portugal… Offre : Timbres de France. Je recherche de préférence des timbres oblitérés. Je collectionne tous les timbres (commémoratifs, poste aérienne, timbres courants, …). Je peux fournir des oblitérés ou des neufs. Je peux échanger 1/1 ou à la cote. Je possède le catalogue Yvert et Tellier 2008. J’accepte des doubles mais seulement très récents (depuis 2005…2010). Collection avancée pour Espagne, Italie, Canada, Belgique. Débutant pour Portugal, Grèce, Etats-Unis, Finlande, Pays-Bas, Russie. S'il vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi.  J'ai offre grande possibilité d échange. Langues connues : Italien, Anglais, Français. Email : [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................19503 - Quievreux, Anne, je communique mes coordonnées complètes qu'après échange de quelques lignes par internet pour déterminer le sérieux du correspondant, F-59890 Quesnoy sur Deule. - A, 121156 (f) Assistante Technique. Cherche: Timbres oblitérés récents larges du Monde, blocs, Marque pages (fleurs, animaux, musées, livres, tourisme), quelques étiquettes de bières. Offre : Timbres oblitérés récents larges de France et du monde, quelques neufs, quelques thématiques, Marques pages de France, sachets de thé de France, FDC, calendriers de poches. Je ne suis pas un marchand, je ne fais pas commerce, les échanges sont basés sur 1/1, même qualité, même année, pas de définitifs (reine, roi et marianne) sauf accord particulier, pas de doubles, pas de mancoliste, pas de catalogue. Je communique mes coordonnées complètes qu'après échange de quelques lignes par internet pour déterminer le sérieux du correspondant. Pour moi échanger par courrier doit être d'offrir tant à celui qui reçoit qu'à celui qui expédie le même plaisir de la découverte et du partage. Collectionneur  intermédiaire . Langues connues : Français, Anglais, Espagnol. Email : [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................19525 - Boagno Hermann, La Jaillière, F-49170 Saint Augustin des Bois. - (m) Cherche : France MNH (selon mancoliste), Colonies Françaises (selon mancoliste), Europe de l’Ouest (après 2000 sans liste) , Asie (après 2000 sans liste. Propose : France oblitérés (dispo sur demande), Europe de l’Ouest (1/1), monde ( 1/1) Collectionneur avancé. S'il vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi. Réponse assuree. Langues connues : Français et Anglais. Email : [email protected]...........................................................................................................................................................................................19538 - Amour Cécile, 14 grande rue, F-02160 Oulches-la-Vallée-Foulon. – A, 1975, (f) B, Bibliothécaire. Cherche timbres oblitérés, pays européens, Maghreb et autres, Europa CEPT, Animaux, Oiseaux, Fleurs. Offre timbres oblitérés, France, pays européens et autres, thématiques, 1:1, échange possible sur manco-dispo liste Y&T pour la France, autre pays / thèmes sur scans, participe ou organise des chaines d'échanges avec des lots de timbres. Réponse assurèe. Collectionneur intermédiaire. Langues connues : français, anglais, espagnol (débutant). Email : [email protected], [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................19689 - Margaret Leuris- Brosnan, 18 rue Philibert Lucot, F-75013 Paris. - A, 130275 (f) B, Language Teacher. Want: Ireland, Great Britain, Belgium, France, Iceland, Greenland and Famous people, Sport (worldwide), definitives worldwide, Commemoratives mostly used, some mint, some CTOs, quantities 50 or 100 at a time. Base catalogues: Michel (band 6 only). Medium collector. Offer: Switzerland, some France, Canada, U.S.A and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................19713 - Gérald Le Grand, Chemin du fer F-83111 Ampus. - A, 071151 (m) B, ex-Biologiste, actuellement Artiste Peintre. Cherche correspondance philatélique avec les Açores, échange Timbres poste Açores contre ce que

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vous voulez - collectionne timbres Oiseaux sauvages. Cherche: Recevoir lettres philatéliques des Açores avec les émissions de timbres régionnaux et échange timbres classiques et modernes des Açores contre ce que vous voulez. Offre: Timbres monde entier (1940/2000) en particulier France et Europe du nord + envoi dans courrier philatélique original. Si interressé prendre contact par mail avec proposition et désires. Collectionneur Avancé. Langues Français, Anglais, Portuguais, Espagnol. Email : [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................19765 - Alain Schwob, 15 Allée Jean Monnet, F-74940 Annency le Vieux. - A, 200438 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo y ofrezco sellos usados de todo el mundo, preferentemente no CTO, ocasionalmente nuevos. Me interesa principalmente intercambiar por catálogos Scott y Michel, ya que tengo unos 60000 sellos, pero acepto también 1x1 según los países. No acepto duplicados. Coleccionista serio y formal, Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wan and I offer used stamps from all countries, no CTO, occasionally mint. Mainly is interesting to me to exchange for catalogues Scott and Michel, since I have approximately 60000 stamps, but I accept also 1x1 according to the countries. I no accept duplicated stamps. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Email: - Fiquet Jean-Pierre, 37 rue Mac Orlan, F-76600 Le Havre. - A, 220675 (m) B, Teacher. Want: serious correspondent from the USA, France, Canada, Monaco, mint stamps and nice covers from the USA, France. Also thematic that I am interested in thematics of Bears and Christmas. Offer mint and used stamps from France and worldwide, nice covers sent from France. I use Yvert catalogue. I accept commemoratives, definitive, used, mint, no CTOs, I don't accept duplicates. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: French, English, little German. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................19848 - Casado Carmen, 29 rue du Bois de la Caille. F- 69004 Lyon. - 011930 (f) B, Retraitée. Medium collector want exchange worldwide used stamps on descriptive wantlist Yvert and Michel. Offer the same. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always, Languages; English, French and other with online translators, Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................19880 - Gag Jean Charles, 260 rue d’Èpinay, F-95369 Montmagny. - A, 1970 (m) B, Employé. Je collectionne timbres de tout le monde. J'ai des mancolistes pour tous les pays du monde. Je fais aussi des cross index de tous les pays du monde suivant Yvert-Stanley Gibbons-Scott et Michel (parfois d'autres catalogues nationaux comme COB, Edifil, NVPH, etc...). S'il vous plaît premiers contacts pour parvenir à un accord complet. Répondre assurée. I collect stamps from all countries. Base of change Wantlists Yvert, Stanley Gibbons, Michel and Scott, and sometimes other national catalogs as COB, Edifil, NVPH, etc. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and other with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................19975 - Foucher Annie, 11 rue a le Braz, F-22960 Pledran. - A, 280756 (f) B, Surveillante de nuit. Eechange par correspondance avec des menbres du monde entier. Cherche: echange dans la simplicite. Cherche echange dans la simplicite. Offre echange de timbres tous les pays..obliteres ou neufs. Contactez moi svp. Réponse á tout assuré. Langue : Francais et d'autres langues à l'aide de traduction en ligne.. Email : - Rohan Michel, Le Carroz, F-74270 Menthonnex-sous-Clermont. - A, 271148 (m) B, Retraité. Cherche timbres de France neufs sans trace de charnière avec gomme d'origine, échange de timbres cote contre cote. Offre timbres de France. Collectioner avancé. Contactez moi svp. Réponse á tout assuré. Langues connues: Français, Anglais. Email : [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................20072 - Mathieu Daniel, 47 ter Avenue du 8 mai 1945, F-48000 Mende. - (m) Echange de beaux courriers avec le

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Monde entier. Pease, send me a nice cover from your country, I will send you a nice cover and 10 used stamps from France. Je vous propose d'échanger des timbres, je ne parle pas de cote car pour moi c'est le plaisir de collectionner et de partager qui compte. Je vous propose des lots de 20 timbres de France et d'autres pays...bien entendu vous pouvez réserver plusieurs lots. l'échange est basé sur la confiance mais je sais que je peux vous faire confiance car nous avons la même passion ! Je vous demande seulement de respecter la procédure pour l'échange, sinon vous ne recevrez pas le lot qui est affiché à l'écran car ce lot est unique. Vous m'envoyez les timbres de votre choix France ou autre pays, un grand format en échange d'un grand, et un petit format en échange d'un petit (bien sûr si je ne reçois que des petits timbres d'usage courant je ne serai pas content. Toujours répondre. Languages : English, Français et d'autres traducteurs utilisant l'Internet.. Web page : La Boîte aux Lettres du Monde. Email : [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................


......................................................................................................................................................................15566 - Dr. Jason Buachidze, Post Office, Box 39, 380008 Tbilisi-8. - A, 1964, (m) B, Doctor. I offer Georgian all issues mint (MNH) condition. Base of exchange catalogues Michel, Stanley Giibons. I am interesting about mint (MNH) stamps and miniature sheets from world wide. First of all British Commonwealth, Liechtenstein, Third Reich. I have also thematic interests. Advanced, serious and honest collector. I you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by mail first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English, German, Russian. Unknown email

.........................................................................................................................................................................18713 - David Mileladze, Digomi massiv, 5 kv. 15 kor. Bina-7, 0159 Tbilisi - A, 260876 (m) B, Surgery.  I am advanced Coin collector of Republic of Georgia. I am looking for advanced collectors for exchange / sell my unwanted coins. My main focus is African Coins, also some world Coins. No beginners please, only if they want to buy something. In case of buying, postage after 100 euros is free. But, anyway, I prefer to exchange with collectors. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators. Email: - Kakhaber Todua, 86/90 Agmashenebeli Av. 0102 Tbilisi. - A, 150861 (m) B, Economist-Geography. Want: Banknotes, Coins from Ibero-America (Latin America + Spain, Portugal), France, Ireland, Yugoslavia (former) and all his former parts, Albania, Lebanon, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Thailand, Turkey, Iran and Caucasian countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan). Thematic that I am interested in: All, but especially XX-the century and GEOGRAPHICAL MAPS on Coins and Banknotes . Offer: Stamps, Banknotes, Coins, Phonecards. Advanced collector (35 years). Base catalogues: Yvert. Michel, Scott, ick, etc or any condition, as we deal. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Russian, Georgian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................18918 - Rezo Meskhia, Address unpublished by request. Tbilisi. - (m) B, Financial Manager. Want Banknotes from all countries of the world. I can give Georgian Banknotes. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................


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...........................................................................................................................................................................................15993 - Ismail Daud Dor, 52 Freer Road, Aston, Birmingham, B6-6ND. - A, 1943, (m), B, Retired. I am collector. Want only used stamps  large and small too. 150 stamps at a time. want all round the world. I started to collect stamps from 1953 and so on I am honest collector reply by first come first serve you can send me I will send you same number in return post to you. Please contact first before send your stamps. Answer always. Languages: English. Email: [email protected] ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17062 - Peter Tiler, 79, Bracken Road, Brighouse HD6 2HR, West Yorkshire, England. A, 040744 (m) B, Retired. Exchange/Sell: Want used and mint stamps GB 1972-2011. Coin/Banknotes of USA, UK & Euros in good Condition. Offer: Whole world stamps, Phonecards, Postcards old/modern, Bookmarks, Cigarette/trade cards, FDCs/Special covers, PHQs, world Coins, Metal and Plastic Badges, sew-on Badges. For Exchange/ for Sale to advanced, medium and beginner collectors. I use catalogues: Stanley Gibbons. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected] .........................................................................................................................................................................................17382 - Graham Stephen, 51 Finlayson Street, Fraserburgh, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, AB43 9JQ. - A, 1957 (m) B, Fish Auctioneer. Will exchange with anyone and from anywhere. Wants: Stamps from worldwide, Especially South America, Central America, Middle East, New ex-Russian countries, African Countries  (Not South Africa), Islands, as well as new stamps from the last 2 or 3 years. Offer: Stamps from WW, Very strong in Australia, Canada, China, France, Germany, G.B., Hungary, India, Japan, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, USSR, Spain, Switzerland, U.A.E., Ukraine, U.S.A. and South Africa, But have good  amounts from most other countries of the world. Please contact first. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18549 - John Lord, 22 Roda St., Moston, Manchester, M9 4PJ. - A, 040741 (m) B, Retired. Want worldwide mint- MNH, New Issues, complete sets. Offer: U.S.A., U.N. and UK mint and F.D.C.'s. Advanced collector. Change basis catalogues or facial value. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................18723 - Beb Musa, 4 Torrington Street Newland Avenue, Hull, HU5 2EW. - A, 091286 (f) B, Student. Want any used stamps from worldwide. Offer: used stamps from all countries. Medium collector. If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by mail first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English, Malay and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]. .........................................................................................................................................................................................18924 - Marcio Gaspari, Residential address about to move, London. - A, 050773 (m) B, Flight coordinator. Want Coins and FDCs from any country. Thematic any subject. Offer Coins and FDCs. Change 1x1.Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Deseo Monedas y FDCs de cualquier país y de cualquier tema. Base 1x1. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................19134 - Alan Newman, 18, Flaunden Park, Flaunden, Hemel Hemstead, Herts.HP3 0PY. - A, 311036 (m) B, Retired. I collect stamps of Germany Bund. Berlin. France from 1950 to 2011lso Modern Austria. Pre Cancels and Perfins. I Offer worldwide, Change 1for1, no duplication. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: I only speak English. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19143 - Billy Adams, 6 Kilcoole Gardens, Belfast, BT14 8LJ. - A, 131266 /m( B, Electrician. I am relatively new to stamp collecting and as yet have not entirely decided in what to specialise in but I am interested in

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Great Britain, Turkey, and a Military theme. I have some worldwide stamps that i could exchange, some mint but mostly used. I could swap on a 1/1 basis in quantities of 50 or 100 but as I am new I could not do this on a massive scale. As I am new I would also welcome peoples understanding, advice and help if possible. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. My only known language is English Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19474 - Dean Willis, 51 Fforchaman Road, Cwmaman, Aberdare, Rhondda Cynon Taff CF44 6NG, Wales. - A, 271266 (m) Want Thematics Lighthouses worldwide stamps, GB, Commemoratives. Offer: worldwide stamps. Beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19497 - Charles Walker, 14 Wiltshire Way, Milton Keynes MK37WJ. - A, 030235 (m) Retired. I am interested in used worldwide stamps, Far /Middle East, no East Europe. I offer worldwide used stamps. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19526 - Octave Daniel, 57 Carmel Court, Kings Drive, HA9 9JF Wembley Park, London. -  A, 020767 (m) B, Driver. Collectionneur avancé. Recherche timbres d avant 1980 echange 1/1 avec scans des doubles proposer. Cherche: Chine - Vietnam - Coree - Indonesie - Malaysie - Singapoure - Japon - Inde - Russie - Roumanie – Hongrie - Bulgarie - Italie - Egypte -Lliban - Ethiopie - Mozambique – Allemagne (Reich) Offre: voir mon site : . Réponse assurée. Langues:  Français, English. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19559 - Mark Cooling, Please contact me directly for this, Lincoln. - A, 040868 (m) B, Engineer. Looking for exchange and correspondence with any collector interested in same countries as me. Reliable collector, and all enquiries / messages will be answered. Thank you. Want: Used stamps from France, Germany, The Netherlands and Norway. Offer: Used stamps from Great Britain, South Africa, New Zealand and Australia Medium/Advanced collector. Interested initially in 1:1 exchange initially, but at a later point from wantlists. No CTO, Postally used stamps only. Looking to exchange with other collectors, from anywhere able to offer stamps as indicated above. Language: English only (sorry) Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................19676 - Dennis Foster, 31 Spring Valley Drive, Bramley Leeds, LS13 4RN, England. - A, 121144 (m) B, Retired. Want any British Commonwealth stamps. Give worldwide stamps or countries if I have them. I use Stanley Gibbons and I am a medium collector will swap 1-1 any amounts. If members wish they can just send stamps to me I will always honour any sending’s without e-mailing me first but please no wantlistss or specific stamps I don’t have the time and don’t worry if I take some time to answer although I take my stamps with me we travel a lot in our motor home. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19809 - Amanullah Hashim, 84 Freer Road, Aston B6 6NB. - A, 221249 (m) B, Accountant. I collect stamps of all countries and exchange used stamps from all over the world. I exchange 50 and above stamps at a time, I am a very serious stamp collector. Please contact me first before sending me your stamps and answer all of my questions so that none of us get any haste. Want used stamps of all countries. Mostly Birds, Butterflies, Animals, Sea Species, Flowers and Trains. I provide with the used stamps from all around the world. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Urdu, Gujarati and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................19824 - David Williams, 46 Collum End Rise, Cheltenham GL53 0PB UK. - A, 230939 (m) B, Banker. I would prefer modern Romania but am will to exchange GB for any other country, including postal stationery on 1x1 bases. I offer Great Britain stamps. Advanced collector. Base Stanley Gibbons catalogues. Please contact

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first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................19829 - Dr/ Edouard G Yaacoub, 150 Windmill Lane, Greenford, UB6 9DZ, London. - A, 120464 (m) B, Physician. Want: African. Asian, Arabic & Caribbean used stamps any era. Offer: mainly UK, Europe, Egypt, South Africa & Latin American used stamps.   Base change: commemoratives & definitive, used, ANY quantities, 1x1. I can offer and accept duplicates. No want list or catalogues. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Arabic and others with online translators. Email: [email protected] ...........................................................................................................................................................................................20015 - Peter Motson, 32 Eyewell Green, Seaton, Devon, EX12 2BW. - (m) I collect forgers fraudsters forgeries spurious: covers, stamps, cancels-overprints, surcharges, artist designs, essays, dies proofs, specimens, North Vietnam philately, South Vietnam philately, pioneer transatlantic air mail flight covers Newfoundland air mail stamps covers. Offer covers stamps misc. I would like to receive information on how to start exchanging material with other members. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]...........................................................................................................................................................................................


.........................................................................................................................................................................................15724 - George Georgiadis, Special Tours, att. 10 Fokionos & Ermou St., Athens 10563. - A, 210666 (m) B, Travel Agency Staff Collect and trade used stamps in good condition. Want:  worldwide used stamps, I prefer recent stamps but this is not a must. All countries are welcome. Offer:  Stamps from Greece and worldwide, also offer Greek Phonecards for stamps only. Base od change 1:1 in packages of 50,100 stamps. I am medium collector. I use Michel catalogue whenever I have time available for stamps only. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................16914 - Eleftherios Iliopoulos, 13A, Neoptolemou Str., 11633, Athens.- A, 010152 (m) B, Interior Architect. Want: Postal cancelled stamps from worldwide. Offer: postal cancelled stamps worldwide, Phonecards, Postcards of Greece. Contact first with me please, for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translatros. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................17755 - Christos Tzouvelekis, Ganoyanni 93, GR-15773 Zografou, Athens. - A, 300460 (m) Want recent used stamps from all countries. Offer Greece (mainly 2000 - 2010) and worldwide. Medium collector. I don’t use catalogues. I accept duplicates, used stamps base of exchange 1x1.Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Greek and others with online translators. Email: - Boris Mihailidis, Evripidi 7, GR-564 31 Stavroupoli, Thessaloniki. - A, 160779 (m) B, Economist. Want: Worldwide used stamps, definitives, commemoratives, used, Cot’s, Cinderella’s, recent, old. Offer: Worldwide used stamps, Stamp catalogues. Base of change1:1 or CV; by e-mail in English. Medium collector. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]  ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18505 - Ikonomopulos Asimakis, Orestu 25, 54642 Thessaloniki. - A, 190662 (m) B, Pharmacist. I collect worldwide commemoratives used stamps. Offer same Greece and worldwide. Base of change: 1x1 or Michel catalogue.

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Please contact fir for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Greek and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19028 - Konstantinos Anastasopoulos, 10, Karistinou G. str. GR-15321 Pallini. - A, 170680 (m) B, Graphic Designer. Collecting Coins and Painting are my hobbies. I made this site to do my Coin collection bigger by swapping with people from all over the world and to show my painting work to other peoples just for fun and an opinion. For coin trading I sent only by registered mail for more safety, so I prefer the same from others. Please take a look to my trading list to see what I can offer and sent me yours too to see what you have. Answer always. Language: English. Web: Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................19921 - Giannis Papastamopoulos, G-20009 Lykoporia, Korinthias. - A, 250151 (m) B, Teacher. Want Coins, Banknotes, Revenue stamps from worldwide. Offer Coins, banknotes, Revenue stamps, Used stamps from Greece and worldwide. I use Krause catalogue. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................


..........................................................................................................................................................................................06585 - Jaime Rodolfo Sánchez de León, 6a. avenida 13-26 colonia 1o. de Julio, zona 5, 6a. avenida 13-26 colonia o. de Julio, zona 5, Mixco, Guatemala. - A, 050854 (m) B, Periodista Cultural. Deseo cambio de sellos y Hojas miniatura nuevos-MNH, temáticos: Música, Fútbol, Europa-CEPT, América-UPAEP, Juan Pablo II, Orquídeas, Pájaros, Walt Disney, Autos y Fauna de todo el mundo.. Envío en cambio de Guatemala América Latina y otros países. Busco series completas en base del catalogo Scott. Coleccionista mediano. I want exchange stamps, mint-MNH complete sets and Souvenir sheets, thematics: Music, Football, Europe-CEPT, America-UPAEP, Orchids, Birds, Walt Disney and Fauna from all countries. I offer Guatemala, Latin American countries and other countries. Medium collector. Base of change Scott catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian, Spanish. Email: - Alfredo Sosa, 31 Avenida "B" 7-03 Zona 7, Colonia Centro América, Guatemala. - A, 040263 (m) B, Oficial del Ejército. Necesito información sobre la especialidad de Filatelismo o Filatelia de todos los países de habla hispana. Idioma. Español. Email a: [email protected], …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18002 - Moisés Solís, 11 Avenida 14-01 Zona 12, Ciudad de Guatemala. - A, 201172 (m) B, Estudiante. Deseo intercambio de sellos postales de cualquier tema, de todo el mundo, especialmente de España, Italia, Rusia y Canadá. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Guatemala y eventualmente de otros países. Ruego me escriban primero Para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want stamps from all countries, especially Spain, Italy, Russia and Canada. Offer stamps from Guatemala and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18616 - Marco Tulio Gómez Reyes, 13 Avenida 35-56 Zona 12 Residencial Villa Sol, 01012 Guatemala. - A, 031173 - (m).B. Analista de sistemas. Deseo: Sellos nuevos/mint y usados de Centroamérica (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Belice, Panamá). Ofrezco: sellos nuevos/mint de Guatemala y algunos usados de otros países. Base de cambio: Mejor si son series completas, el intercambio puede ser 1x1, basado

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en valor facial o catalogo Scott preferiblemente no duplicados. Soy coleccionista mediano. Si alguien estado interesado en cambiar conmigo ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada, Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con traductores online. . Email : [email protected], …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….18987 - Ricardo Godoy, 17 Avenida 10-28, Zona 12, Guatemala. – A, 091165 (m) B, Ventas Industriales. Deseo cambiar sellos y posibles compras de Europa y Centroamérica. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de mi país. Coleccionista principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Exchange stamps and possible buys from Europe and Central American countries. Offer stamps of Guatemala. Beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Spanish. Email: [email protected], …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….19374 - Alex Toledo, 5ta. Calle 17-36, Zona 15, Colonia el Maestro II, Apartado Postal 134-C, 01015 Ciudad de Guatemala. - A, 200969 (m)B, Administrador de Personal. Deseo Sellos y Billetes de Banco de todo el Mundo, especialmente de África, Asia y Oceanía. Acepto de todo. Ofrezco: Sellos de varios países usados. Coleccionista principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a n completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Stamps and Banknotes from all countries. Mainly Africa, Asia and Oceania. Offer used stamps from several countries. Beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish. Email: [email protected],……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19859 - Henry Bocanegra, Barrio El Golfo, Guastatoya. - A, 120742 (m) B, Jubilado. Deseo intercambiar Billetes de Banco de todo el mundo sin preferencias. Ofrezco: Billetes de Guatemala, de las denominaciones de 1, 5, 10 y 20 quetzales (Nuevos sin circular) (5 de Q1; 5 de Q5; 2 de Q10 y 2 de Q20). Tengo monedas pero yo no las colecciono. Coleccionista mediano. NOTA: Estoy principiando a editar fotos en DVD, tengo programas muy buenos. En esta población no se usan direcciones ya que uno es conocido. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want to exchange Banknotes of the whole world without preferences. I offer: Banknotes of Guatemala, of the denominations for 1, 5, 10 and 20 quetzals (mint UNC (5 of Q1; 5 of Q5; 2 of Q10 and 2 of Q20). I have Coins but I do not collect them. Medium collector. I am beginning to edit photos in DVD, have very good programs. In this population directions are not used since one is known. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19995 - James Montiel Viesca, 7ª. Avenida "A" 4-49 Zona 9, Ciudad de Guatemala. - A, 020668 (m) B, Programador de Computadoras. Deseos sellos de Centro América, Colombia, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, Surinam, Bahamas, Gibraltar, Venezuela solamente en series nuevas-MNH y eventualmente usados en perfecto estado. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de mi país, El Salvador y otros países. Coleccionista mediano. Base de catálogos,  Scott. (Si pueden enviar duplicados, pero mencionar de donde). Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….20400 - Balwan Singh, 27 rue Dr Henri, GF-97310 Kourou. - A, 260161 (m) B, Construction. I collect and exchange Banknotes from all countries. Offer same. Medium collector. Base of exchange, catalogue Krause. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]

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........................................................................................................................................................................................10542 - Ed Nijman, Halsjuk 23, NL-3245 DA Sommelsdijk. - A, 180556 (m) B, Teacher. Want recent used period 2004-2011from your country. Offer recent used stamps Netherlands. I change commemoratives, used, quantity 100 for 100, accept duplicates. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, French, German, Dutch. . Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], ......................................................................................................................................................................................16039 - P.B.M. van der Laar. Maria Rutgersstraat 12, NL- 3141XS Maassluis. - A, 301043 (m) N, Retired. I collect and exchange used stamps from Western Europe (no France/Swiss/Austria/Spain/Italy), Thailand, Nepal, New Zealand, , Japan, USA, Canada Also themes Elephants and Owls, Europe/-CEPT, Offer worldwide stamps. Base Michel catalogues. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English, German, French, Dutch Spanish and others win online translators. Email: [email protected], ......................................................................................................................................................................................16349 - Wilbert van Veggel, Botter 119, NL-2991 PE Barendrecht. - A, 121166. (m). Want used stamps from Australia (including Christmas Island, Cocos Islands, Australian Antarctic Territory, former states etc.) New Zealand (including Ross dependency) Switzerland United Kingdom (including Alderney, Jersey, Guernsey, Man) Scandinavia (Denmark, Faroe, Finland (including Aland), Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden) Netherlands (including former colonies) Canada (including provinces) France Germany (BRD + New Deutschland) Belgium, Western Europe (other countries; Luxembourg, Monaco, Austria, Liechtenstein, Spain, Andorra, and Gibraltar) Dinosaurs on stamps, Offer: same plus rest of the world. Advanced serious and honest collector. I change by Catalogue, wantlist, 100/100, everything is possible. Please mail me in English, German or Dutch before exchanging. Answer always. Email: - Albert Kronenberg, Offenbachlaan 121, NL-5654 RC Eindhoven. - A, 140960 (m), B, Houseman. Wanted Thematic stamps from worldwide. . Offer Dutch mint and used stamps and some thematic stamps mint and used worldwide. Please contact with me before send any stamps. Answer always. Languages: Dutch, English, German and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]......................................................................................................................................................................................16388 - Ans Kronenberg, Offenbachlaan 121, NL- 5654 RC Eindhoven. - A, 190654 (f) B, Bookkeeper. I collect mint and used stamps, Maxicards and FDCs worldwide thematic Mushrooms, Flora, Fungi, Flowers, Trees, Ferns, Fruit, Vegetables, Botanic, Gardens, Parks, Agriculture, Apiculture, Parrots, Macaws, Penguins, Squirrels, Dogs, Bears, Ladybirds, Hedgehogs, Porcupine, Postman and Letterboxes. Offer new mint Dutch stamps and thematic mint and used worldwide. Please contact first before send any stamps. Answer always. Languages: Dutch, English, German and others with online translators. Email: - Marc Bogers, Looiwinkelstraat 5-A, 6176 EA Spaubeek. -  A, 110965 (m) B, Procesoperator. Want: Used Stamps from Western Europe, especially Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Belgium. Offer: Used stamps from Western Europe. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Dutch. Email: [email protected]., [email protected]. New auction site for stamps, cheaper then eBay for advertising. Web page:

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......................................................................................................................................................................................16534 - Bertus Beelen, Braamstukken 48, 9761 LL  Eelde. - A, 240853 (m), B, Bank employee. Want: worldwide: Frogs, WWF, Ferrari. Offer: Especially Netherlands but worldwide. Please to contact with me for mutual agreement. Answer always all email and letters. Serious and honest collector. Known languages:  English, German, Dutch, French and others with online translators. Email: - Sylvia Kater-Looman, Sylvia Kater-Looman, Graaf Filipslaan 2, 2114 DN Vogelenzang. - A, 290879 (f) B, Information worker. Want: Stamps from San Marino, The Netherlands (2004 till 2006), Germany (2004 till 2006), DDR, by wantlist Michel, Butterflies stamps and stamps with coins. Offer: West European stamps, rest of the world. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Dutch, English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ......................................................................................................................................................................................17816 - Bassel Ali, Mataramstraat 52, NL-1095 GK Amsterdam. - (m) B, Engineer. Want West Europe very recent used commemoratives 2008-2011, Middle East (no Egypt, Israel, or Iran), no CTOs. Offer: West Europe old, recent, very recent used commemoratives, NO CTOs Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish and Dutch. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17925 - Jos van de Westelaken, Oosterbosstraat 4, NL-5469EE Erp. - A, 151146 (m) B, Retired.  Want: Western Europe, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Czech Rep, Slovakia and Australia. Offer: The same and more countries. Medium collector I prefer trading by wantlist, if not possible I'm also willing to trade 100:100. Use Michel Catalogue and for Czechoslovakia and Czech Rep. the Pofis catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Dutch, English and German and others with online translator- Email: - Tolga Caglayankaya, Robert Stolzhof 61, 1628 XA Hoorn. - A, 051074 (m) B, Manager on Duty. Want exchange Stamps, Coins, Banknotes, Phonecards from worldwide, mainly Europe CEPT, UNO, WWF, UPAE, Nordic, Scouts. Offer Stamps, Coins, Banknotes, and Phonecards from worldwide. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English, Dutch and Turkish. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ......................................................................................................................................................................................18469 - Albert Ottjes, Nienoord 4, NL-8226 RG Lelystad. - A, 230764 (m) B, I work in a company specialized in Removals. Want exchange worldwide commemoratives s used stamps. Offer worldwide commemoratives used stamps from The Netherlands. Exchange 1:1, 100 at a time. Medium collector. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected]...........................................................................................................................................................................................18477 - J. Martin Wolters, Molenlaan 25, NL-3055 EE. Rotterdam. - A, 270461 (m). I look for stamps used of all countries of Europe and America, New Zealand, Austria and Canada from 1990 till data whit Scan. And I Offer you worldwide used more till 1990. I change for quantities, 1x1. When you like to exchange please contact with me. Answer always. Languages: English, Romanian, Dutch. Email: - Roodhorst Dick, Den Hoef 19, NL 4233 GJ Ameide. - A, 090855 (m) B, Manager. . Want stamps of France, Spain, Belgium, Germany, GB, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland, Deutsches Reich, USSR, Czechoslovakia, and Greece. Offer: Holland, German, Swiss, France, USA, Canada, Australia, GB, Czechoslovakia, and Austria. I change for quantities, 1x1. Please contact first for mutual agreement.. Answer always. Languages: English, Deutsch, Dutch. Email: [email protected], ......................................................................................................................................................................................18596 - Sanne Meijers, Prins Hendrikweg 38, NL-3941 GH Doorn. - A, 130382 (f) B, Library. Want stamps Latin American and Caribbean countries. Offer: Dutch, European and Worldwide stamps. I change for quantities, 1x1, and catalogue, Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Dutch and others with online translators. . Email: [email protected],

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.........................................................................................................................................................................................19163 - Nico Karsdorp, Pelsterstraat 50c, NL-9711 KM Groningen. - A, 061158 (m). Want exchange used stamps Worldwide, no CTO's. Offer: mint and used Netherlands, mostly used Western Europe, but also Dutch (Ex) colonies, Japan, Australia  Basis: Used commemoratives for commemoratives, used def's for def's, minimum 100 stamps per letter on a 1:1 base, preferably no wantlists but if so I use Michel catalogue. I accept duplicates up to 5. For mint exchanges I prefer to use Michel catalogue. Advanced, but also interested in simple trades with medium or beginner collectors, Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German, Dutch, Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................19240 - Jager Ingrid, Kleine Beer 68, NL-7904 LV Hoogeveen. - A, 210753 (f) B, Housewife. Want stamps from Holland, Germany, DDR, Deutsches Reich, Berlin and Poland. Offer stamps Europe-CEPT, USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. Change on catalogue base: used, mint(only DDR), catalogues NvpH and Michel.   Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always.  Known languages: English, German, Dutch and others with online translators. . Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................19376 - Marian Laudin, Middelburgsestraat 59, 2587 CT Den Haag. - A, 040546 (m) B, Tennis Coach. I collect lawn Tennis, stamps, but especially meters of franking machines with tennis slogans, postal stationeries with Tennis topic, telegram with Tennis, booklets and postmarks. I am collecting only philatelic material, no Phonecards, Cigarette cards and ordinary Postcards! If you have something for me please let me know! I am interested in all countries. Very advanced collector. Offer: Dutch stamps, topicals, anything with topic lawn Tennis. Answer always. Languages: Dutch, English, Czech. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19441 - Henk van Hof, Lode Zielenshove 9.  3437BH Nieuwegein. - A, 090244 (m) B, Retired. Exchange stamps. Want: Austria, Greece, Cyprus, Switzerland, Portugal, Spain, Norway and Denmark. Latin American countries (no CTO’s), Namibia, Zambia, Botswana. Offer: Western European countries, Japan, USSR. Advanced collector. Base of exchange, in quantities 100x110 up to 500x500, not catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, Dutch. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19499 - Verkleij, Irma, Hertstraat 50, NL-6531 KR Nijmegen. - A, 110152 /f) Teacher. Want: Large used (no CTO) after 1995: Asia (no Japan) Africa (no RSA) Middle/South America (no Brasil). Offer: All used stamps Worldwide, esp. Luxembourg and Netherlands. I’m advanced collector and like to exchange stamps 50x50 or by wantlist. I have Michel catalogue worldwide. (Online). Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Dutch. Email: - Tea Middelbos, Address unpublished by request, Assen. - (f) I\'m interested in exchanging stamps with you. I collect used stamps from Portugal, Spain, Hungary, Canada, Basketball, Bowling and German shepherds (dog) from all countries. I can offer a lot of Netherlands and worldwide stamps. I like to exchange by quantity after sending scans of the stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................


.........................................................................................................................................................................................03882 - Arq. Carlos Alberto García Mondragón, Colonia Las Palomas, Avenida Juan Lindo Nº 141, Tegucigalpa. – A, 150355 (m) B, Arquitecto. Deseo: Series Nuevas de los Temas AMERICA UPAEP, EUROPA CEPT, Pintura, Fauna y Flora de todo el mundo t España, Portugal, Italia, Series MEXICO EXPORTA. Ofrezco: Series NUEVAS de Honduras 1978-2007 y algo de periodos anteriores, también ofrezco algo de países

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Centroamericanos en series nuevas. Base valor nominal y/o según catalogo Yvert. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta siempre asegurada. Idiomas: Inglés. Italiano, Español y otros con traductores online. Email a: [email protected] .........................................................................................................................................................................................18557 - Miguel Paz, Ingeniería Gerencial, Bo. La Granja 2 calle 2 avenida No.202, Tegucigalpa. - A, 160367 (m) B, Ingeniero Civil. Deseo sellos de Honduras y Boy Scout, Cruz Roja y Mariposas de todo el mundo. Cambio Honduras con Catálogo Scott, y mundiales usados base de sellos por sello (1x1). Coleccionista principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I have developed a blog showing my worldwide reps for trading. I specialize in Honduras (1865-2008), but I accept any stamp, preferred Boy Scouts, Red Cross and Butterflies from worldwide. I trade world wide 1x1 and Honduras based on Scott catalogue. I can send you Honduras new series if you are interested with I show on my In my blog at I don't show my Honduras reps, but if you are interested you can email me. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18938 - Shamir Alfredo García Ochoa, Dirección omitida a petición propia, Tegucigalpa - A, 231190 (m) B. Student of Medicine. Deseo Monedas y Billetes de Banco de todo el mundo, especialmente de islas desconocidas, y países de África y Asia y mundiales, aunque todos son importantes para mí. Deseo de todo lo que no tenga en mi colección y también duplicados, pero de países raros solamente. Ofrezco Monedas, Billetes de Banco, Tarjetas Telefónicas Chapas y Tarjetas Postales de mi país y de otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect only Banknotes and Coins from all countries, mainly unknown islands, African and Asian countries and worldwide. although they all are important for me.. I wish of everything what it does not have in my collection and also copies, but of rare countries only. I offer Coins, Banknotes, Phonecards, Beer crowns and others and Postcards of my country and of other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages. English, Spanish and others with online translators. Blog:  Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................19518 - Olvin Velásquez, CP-2 San Pedro, Sula, Dpto. de Cortés. - A, 240182 (m) B, Policía. Deseo: Monedas y Billetes de Banco de todos los países de mundo. Ofrezco: Billetes de Banco y Monedas de América Central Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Coins and Banknotes from all countries, Offer Coins and Banknotes from all Central American countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected] ...........................................................................................................................................................................................20045 - Jose Guillermo Sierra Cruz, Barrio el Porvenir, Contiguo a Hielera Pingüinos, Puerto Cortes. - A, 141183 (m) B, Abogado. Deseo intercambiar, comprar, vender Billetes de Banco de todo el mundo, para hacer más grande mi colección. Acepto sueltos, conmemorativos, nuevos, usados. Ofrezco Honduras, América Central y otros países. Coleccionista principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect, Exchange, buy and sell Banknotes with all countries to make bigger my collection. I accept singles commemoratives, mint and used. Offer Honduras, Central America and other countries. Beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................



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18098 - Tse Lai Kwong, Flat 2305, Tsui Pui House, Block A, Shan Tsui Court, 200 Tai Tam Road, Chain Wan. – A, 081289 (m) B, Student. Want: Stamp on stamp, Burma/ Myanmar, and other worldwide stamps. Offer: Worldwide stamps, Hong Kong, Macau. Please contact for mutual agreement, answer always. Language: English, Chinese.  Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]...........................................................................................................................................................................................


...........................................................................................................................................................................................11919 - Dr. Egerszegi György, Toronyalja u. 18. H-3530 Miskolc - A, 040947 (m) B, Lawyer. Wan mint-MNH Stamps and other philatelic materials (postcards, old letters, special .cancellations, FDC-s etc). I collect from all countries. Thematic that I am interested: All fauna (WWF, Butterflies, Fishes, Dogs, Water animals, Birds, Horses, Insects, Wild animals .etc), Olympic games, Minerals, Mining, Metallurgy, Railways/Trains, Bicycle, Cars, Hungarian history XIII Century, Prehistoric men, Ch. Darwin, with want-list Michel catalogues or 1x1. Only mint-MNH stamps mint and used philatelic material. I can give Hungarian, Rumanian, Czechoslovakian, Russian, Ukrainian mint-MNH stamps, and philatelic materials with your want-list Michel Catalogues. I am advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Hungarian and others with online translators. Email: - Istvan Pap, 18 Petofi Street, H-3400 Mezokovesd. - A, 100345 (m) B, Engineer. Interested in only mint MNH Bird stamps, exchange based on any major catalogue; in exchange, offering any Hungarian stamps mint or used and any Bird stamp from all over the world (mint or used).Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................17300 - Katalin Simonka, P. O. Box 79, H-1601 Budapest. - A, 060147 (f) B, Sales Manager. Want: Mint thematic stamps: Fauna, WWD, Flora, Mushrooms, Europe-CEPT, Joint Issues from al countries of the world. Offer mint the same, from worldwide and Hungary. Exchange base of Michel catalogue Euro prices only, Wantlist preferable. Seeking for serious collectors only. Please contact first fir mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected][email protected], [email protected], [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................17867 - Szebényi István, P. O. Box: 55, 8220 Balatonmáldi. - A, 180751 (m) B, Receptionist. I am very interested Mint-MNH stamps, complete sets, Souvenir sheets, from Spain, Portugal and worldwide old and new issues from the years 1960-2011. Also Postcards and Minerals from worldwide. I offer mint-MNH complete sets from Hungary 1980-1990 x1, x5, x10, and x100. Also I sell new issues and old Hungarian and Foreign stamps mint-MNH. I use Michel catalogue. Serious, honest and advanced collector. Visit my home page webpage: / Besuchen meine Webseite /Vite mi wen: Web page. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German and Hungarian, and others with online translator. Tel: +36-20-490-8272 Email: [email protected], [email protected]

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.........................................................................................................................................................................................17986 - Kalman Krecsik, Csillag u.22/B, H-2600 Vác. - A, '10565 (m) Dispatcher in Hypermarket. Exchange, Buy and Sell. I'm looking for Summer Olympic stamps on covers and postcards from 1896 to 1928 from all countries. Also Greece, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, France, and USA. Olympics, Sports, and other cancels. Offer stamps, cancellations, FDCs Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language. English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................18078 - Istvan Szabo, Ady. E. u. 6. H-5100 Jaszbereny, A, 201139 (m) B, Retired (Teacher), Exchange used stamps. Want: European countries, USA, Canadian, Australian, and Japanese used stamps, Hunting and Bicycle used stamps according to Michel want list and price. Offer: European, US, Canadian, Australian, Japanese used stamps, hunting and bicycle used stamps according to Michel want list and price. If you are interested in Exchange with me please always makes contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Serious and honest collector. Languages: English. Email: [email protected],  .........................................................................................................................................................................................18248 - Klara Babos, Gardonyi G. u. 32, H-1026 Budapest. - A, 240254 (f) B, IT Manager. Want: used GB, Australia Sport, Ships, Mushrooms, and Bridges from worldwide. Offer: the same as above + Hungarian (used and mint) + some worldwide used. Have wantlist by Michel/descriptive, would like to trade by wantlists or scans No duplicates, no CTO. Advanced collector. I use catalogues: Michel, Scott. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German and others with Online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18978 - Agnes Revesz, Vanyolo u 3. H-Budapest. - A, 020858 (f) B, ERP Senior Expert. Exchange only Coins. Want Worldwide Coins by type. Offer same. Beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],  .........................................................................................................................................................................................18986 - Imre Berkes, Csap u. 1/Am H-6400 Kiskunhalas. - A, 180562 (m) B, Engineer. Want Europe CEPT (used: from 1956 to nowadays; mint: after 1990) and WWF (only mint). Offer: Hungarian mint and used stamps, Worldwide used stamps, Europe CEPT (used: from 1956 to nowadays; mint: after 1990) and WWF (Only mint).  Exchange by agreement. Advanced collector. Answer always. Language: English. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: - Ferenc Nezics, Majus 1. u. 36, H-7516 Berzence. - A, 1962 (m) B, Enterprising. Want Coins and Banknotes from worldwide. Advanced collector. I use catalogues:  Krause, World Coins, Pick, etc. Offer Coins, Banknotes, Phonecards, Stamps, Pocket Calendars, Viewcards etc. from Hungary and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................19328 - András Csapó, 105 Varsányi ut. H-3177 Rimóc. - A, 020481 (m) B, Teacher. I am interested in the following topics: Sport, Elephants, Mushrooms, and Hedgehogs from all countries. I am a medium collector, I collect used stamps. I accept wantlists, and I can send scans before the exchange. Always e-mail me before sending stamps. Answer always. I use catalogues: Scott. Offer: Used stamps from different countries in different topics. Languages: English, German, Hungarian and others with online translator. Email: - Gábor Dobó, Bercsényi út 8, H-5500 Gyomaendrőd, Exchange and correspondence: H-5500 Gyomaendrőd, Október 6 .ltp.E.1/2. - A, 170373 (m) b, Painter. Want: Banknotes and Coins from all over the world, mainly Central and South America. Offer: Banknotes of world. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Hungarian. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................

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...........................................................................................................................................................................................15575 - Rudolph Pinto, E/A4 Nav Monica, Vidyanagri, Kalina, Mumbai 400 098. - A, 050345, (m). B, Consultant. I would be happy to exchange stamps, first flight covers, and first day covers etc with you.  My main area of collection is Aviation - so I collect stamps, covers, postmarks etc with airplanes, air lines, air routes etc. I have quite a large collection sorted by categories like airlines, air routes, different airplane makes, pioneers, balloons, war planes etc, etc.  I do have a sizable number of duplicates. I have a pretty good collection of Indian airmails & FFCs including most of Air India FFCs, also have Lufthansa, BOAC, JAL FFCs.  We can work out an exchange basis.  Do let me know what you have for exchange.  I use Scott catalogue 2009 - a bit outdated but serves my purpose just now.  I might mention that recently I decided to sell extra stamps, covers etc that I have.  My rates are very competitive. As a start I have opened a store on in the name Amecvi Philatelists.  This is just the start and I keep adding items daily.  Please click on this link to see what’s on offer - just a ver, very tiny bit of what I have for sale/exchange. I look forward to an early response.  Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected],. Web page: - Suraj Jaitly, MIG # 3464, Phase Two, Dugri Road, Ludhiana - 141 013.. – A, 120459 (m) B, Consultant. Wishes of exchange and correspondence with serious collectors only. Want: Mint stamps on Waterfalls, Bicycle, Aids, Blood Donation, WWF, Roses, Architecture, Scouts, Road Safety, Elephants etc. Also Sri Lanka and Malaysia. Offer: Mint thematic sets from different countries, all stamps from India. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Hindi and Punjabi. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................16550 - Dr. Bernard F. Rodrigues, Villa Roiz, 392 4th Ward, 403 708, Colva, Salcete Goa. - A, 120762 (m) B, Professor. Want: I collect worldwide stamps and souvenir sheets (both mint and used condition). I also have my missing lists of Canada, England, Germany, Netherlands, Australia, Denmark, Sweden, Portugal, which I can send you on request. Other countries that I collect: Mint and used stamps All islands, Estonia, Belarus, Austria, Malta, Ireland, France, Japan, Iceland, Aland, African countries, Isle of Man, Jersey, Bermuda, Ghana, Gambia, Russia, St. Vincent, St. Lucia, Montserrat, Monaco, Vatican, Falkland islands, Greenland, Guernsey, Greece, Austria, Mauritius, Luxemburg, Hong Kong, British Indian Ocean Territory, Georgia, Estonia, Croatia, Algeria, South Africa, Singapore and Malaysia, Singapore, Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirghizstan, Tajikistan, Macau, Turkmenistan Ukraine. Offer: Used /mint stamps and souvenir sheets of India, Used stamps of Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan and Burma. Used stamps and mint souvenir sheets of Sri Lanka, Pakistan and Bangladesh, Bhutan. Besides these I also offer used WW stamps of all the above. Advanced collector. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Konkani, Hind, Marathi. Email: [email protected][email protected], [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................17070 - S. K. Sondhi, 11-FF, HIG Flats, A-Block, BRS Nagar, Ludhiana-141012. - A, 080546 (m) B, Retired (Professor). Want: Mint stamps on Astronomy, AIDS awareness, Butterflies, Health care, Road safety as per wantlist. Offer: The same plus mint sets on birds, animals, mushrooms worldwide and Indian stamps. Exchange as per mutually agreed basis, preferably catalogue (Scott). Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], [email protected], - Avtar Singh Banga, JJ Philatelic Centre, M-1, Dewan House, Ajay Enclave, New Delhi-110018. - A, 151246 (m) B, Retired from Civil Service and looking full time for my philatelic shop. Want thematic mint

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Stamps, Souvenir sheets, FDCs, thematic Postal Stationary, thematic cancellations, on theme: WWF, Water Birds, Birds of prey, Fruits, Vegetables, Wines, Butterfly, Bridges, Waterfalls, Olympics, Cactus, Mushrooms, Coins and Banknotes on stamps, Diamond, Jewellery, Indian themes (M. Ghandi, Nehru, Tagore, Buddha, Taj Majal, etc) Odd Shaped Holograms, Musical instruments, Anti-drugs, Aids, Cancer, Rose, Orchids, Flora, Fauna, Fish, etc. from all countries. We can give you on your wanted themes from India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, China, etc. We are looking for serious trade partner from worldwide to exchange thematic material only by Registered Post only well packed. If you are interested in exchange with me please, always make contact by Email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Answer always. Languages: English, Hindi, Punjabi. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................17410 - Vinode Madan, 1105, Pachpedi, South Civil Lines, Jabalpur (M.P.) 482001. - A, 130947 (m) B, Business. Advanced stamp collector collecting since over 40 years. Want only serious exchange with serious collectors having good materials for exchange. Also exchange by wantlists or equal quantity basis. I have Catalogues Yvert, Scott, Gibbons. Large sending by Registered post. Want: Stamps (Mint/used) all World. Offer: India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, other Asian countries, used and mint. FDCs of India. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and limited French. Email: [email protected],  .........................................................................................................................................................................................17555 - Paramasivan Sirendran, Dhanalakshmi Illam 56, L.L. Road, Sundarajapuram, Madurai, 625 011. - A, 280163 (m) B, Sales Executive. Want: Great Britain, Australia and Switzerland used stamps. Offer: India used stamps both old and new. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always, Languages: Tamil and English. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18170 - Suresh Bagga, 407, Sector 16, Panchkula - 134113. - A, 070840 (m) B, Retired Army Officer. Mint and Used Stamps and Coins Worldwide. Want any thing you offer. Offer: Any thing you want. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, and others with online translators Email to : [email protected],   .........................................................................................................................................................................................18290 - Baiju Ramachandran, 23/1307 Ara 211, Melaramoor, Karamana P. O. Trivamdrum 695002. - A, 010675 (m) B, Technician. Want Mint-MNH complete sets on Aviation, Butterflies, Fishes and Unusual/unique stamps (stamps made from materials other than paper, 3D, Holograms, Lenticular, thermal sensitive, scented, affixed with materials, odd shapes, foil stamps, embossed stamps etc). I am also interested in mint topical Souvenir sheets on all topics worldwide. Offer: Indian stamps and Souvenir sheets mainly mint-MNH. I also do have lot of worldwide thematic stamps for exchange. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected].........................................................................................................................................................................................18631 - Dr. Biju Vivekan, TC1/ 1379-1, Shivaganga, Poonthi Road, Kumarapuram, Trivandrum- 695011, Kerala. – A, 230368 (m) B, Doctor. Want mint stamps, Miniature sheets, FDCs on thematics: Birds, Orchids, Dinosaurs, Christmas, Marine life, Trains, Ships, anything related to Sea, Aircrafts, Space, Butterflies, Animals from all countries. Offer: Mint stamps, complete sets, Miniature sheets, FDCs of India. Base of exchange 1x1 in quantities. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected]

.........................................................................................................................................................................................18687 - Gopal Tandan, Binoy Bhawan, 8th Floor, 27B, Camac Street, Kolkata 700016. - A, 080553 (m) B, Self Employee. Want worldwide used stamps, kiloware and minisheets/souvenir sheets. Offer Indian used and mint stamps, minisheets and my worldwide duplicates.  Accept all used stamps and exchange 1x1 commemorative for commemorative; definitive for definitive; small for small and large for large. Prefer email exchange to make agreement on the exchange. Also I use Scott and Stanley Gibbons catalogues. Medium collector. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected],

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.........................................................................................................................................................................................18943 -Satyabrata Paul, P-268/1, Manicktala Main Road, CIT Scheme VI (M), 3rd Floor, Kolkata, WB. - A, 261068 (m) B, Journalist. Want used (mainly commemoratives) stamps from Channel Islands, Caribbean Islands (viz. St. Lucia, St. Vincent, Bermuda, Barbados, British Guiana, British. Honduras, Jamaica etc.), Bahamas, Mauritius (colonial), Fiji (colonial), Falkland Island etc. I can offer used stamps from INDIA, SRI LANKA and some BHUTAN. All large commemorative and in nice condition. I prefer collection on the theme of British Colonial and Christmas/Christianity. However I also collect recent stamps. I mainly collect used stamps. But in some cases Mint stamps will do. I never use catalogue. As because I am a Medium collector. I accept some duplicates, however the smaller in the number is the better. I prefer to go for 100:100 exchange at a time. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], .......................................................................................................................................................................................19430 - Ajay Rawat, Behind Police Station, Kotdwar-246149, (Garhwal) Uttr. - A, 1960 (m) B, Police. I’m an Indian collector of worldwide Banknotes. Member of many numismatic societies, national & international (like LANSA etc). I like all kinds of pretty & colourful currency notes. But basically I’m a thematic collector of notes. For your kind information, wildlife is one of my favourite subjects. Kindly tell me about your stock and type of notes, which you offer or deal with. Can you offer me something? I’m always ready to swap the currency notes. Even I’m ready to buy (or pay for) my choice of items, too. Ill welcomes your Lists. If you wish, I can send details of my collection (salient features of my collection). I can send many other hobby-items in exchange of currency notes, like Stamps, Coins, Phonecards etc etc. I'm also fond of Postal Stationery and Viewcards (picture postcards). Contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], [email protected],.......................................................................................................................................................................................19591 - Palani Prabhakar, No: 72/35, Kakkan Nagar, Aminjikarai, Chennai - 600 029 Tamil Nadu. - A, 130982 (m) B, Audio Studio Assistant. I am interested in Flora and Fauna and all beautiful stamps First Day Covers (FDCs), Stamp on envelope, Postal Stationery (with imprinted stamps), Aerogramme, Cancellations,  Postmarks, Catalogues, Maximum cards (MCs) , Banknotes, Coins, Medals, Miniature sheets, etc from all countries. Offer: First Day Covers (FDCs), Stamp on envelope, Postal Stationery (with imprinted stamps), Aerogramme, Cancellations, Postmarks, Catalogues, Maximum cards (MCs) , Banknotes, Coins, Medals, Miniature sheets from India and other countries, Medium collector. Exchange commemoratives, used, mint, 1x1. Specify before if you send or accept duplicates. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Tamil. Web page: Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19686 - M. R. Thakre, F-6/20, Nandiketan, Essar Township, Hazira, Surat, Gujarat 394270. - A, 200349 (m) B, Retired. My most ambitious philatelic project is to get a cover (postal envelope) posted to me on my name and address from each country of the world as for as possible. Still I am looking to have some contact from South American Countries (except Argentine, Brazil and Chile), Central American countries Caribbean and Pacific Islands and African Countries (except South Africa).Thematic that I am interested in Philatelic items on - Fish, Fishing, Shells, Corals, Turtles, Whales Crabs, Penguins from worldwide, Base of change. Offer: Cover to cover. I will send covers from India of fellow member interests. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Hindi, English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19744 - M.Srenivasan, 82,7th Street, k.k.Pudur, Coimbatore-641038, Tamil Nadu. - A, 180975 (m) B, Business. Want stamps mint-MHN and fine used, Scandinavian countries, Ireland, UK, Europe, Caribbean countries, Fiji, Asian countries, South American countries, USA. Also I am interested in Fauna, Flora, Personalities, Gandhi, Transport, and all others. I have no wantlist or catalogue Offer: Asian countries, African countries, Caribbean countries, Europe countries, I am an advanced collector. Feel free to contact me, answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]

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……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19746 - Praveen M. B., Kizhakkedarg House, Ulliveri P. O., Kozhikode Dist, Kerala-.673620. - A, 150483 (m) B, Student. Want stamps, especially Flag printed stamps from all countries. Also all stamps from Israel, South Korea, Czech Republic, Islands countries. Offer any stamp from India and some more countries. I am beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Malayalam, Hindi, German, Kannada, Tamil. Email: [email protected],........................................................................................................................................................................................19812 - Vinod Panicker, 24/432, Marar Road, Cochin, Kerala 682003. - (m) I am interested Stamp exchange Worldwide. Offer Old Indian and other worldwide stamps. Want to collect the stamps commemoratives large size only from the country from which the stamps are not available with me ( list of wanted country can be provided upon enquiry). I am new to this type of club hence please updating the information, /procedures/formalities if any. Answer always. Languages; English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]

........................................................................................................................................................................................19856 - Anant Sharma, Sharma Tutorial, Mandla Road, 482020 Bilhari, M.P.- A, 230176 (m) B,  Mathematics Teacher have own tutorial and computer education centre. Exchange stamps. Want stamps and /miniature sheets on Disney, Dinosaurs, Aviation, Railroads/Railway and worldwide Souvenir sheets. I offer mint stamps, FDCs, and Souvenir sheets of India and other Asian countries. Prefer exchange on 1x1 basis (Can send mint items against used). Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, others with online translators. Email [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................19993 - J.Prabakarraj, 137, St. Joseph Nagar, Kondur-607002. - A, 170856 (m) B, Philatelist. Want Miniature Sheets, Souvenir Sheets, Sheet lets (Small Sheets of 10,12,16,20 Stamps) of Complete sets on the theme of Animals, Birds, Butterflies, Dolphins, Whales, Ships, Fishes, also Stamps, Miniature Sheets, Souvenir Sheets, Sheet lets, made of Gold, Silver, Tin, Steel, Silk, Cloth, Wood, Embroidery and other materials also Odd Shapes and Hologram from all countries.Offer New issues Mint Stamps, Miniature sheets, Souvenir sheets, Booklets in complete sets of Finland, Iceland, Ireland, Greenland, Croatia, Monaco, New Caledonia, Luxembourg, Barbados and other Countries. Advanced collector. Base catalogues.Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................20012 - Sa.Vejeykummar, 21/19, Ganesh Nagar, Lalgudi, Trichy District, Tamil Nadu State 621601. - A, 111278 (m) B, Software Engineer, Philatelist. I want philatelic items for the following themes from all Countries (except Black-listed countries): Tigers, Ball related Games in Olympics. (Like football, hockey, tennis, volleyball, basketball, etc), Gymnastics in Olympics, Birds, Indian Airmails, Odd Shapes & Odd Materials. For the above themes, I need the Stamps, First Day Covers, Cancellations, Artist Proofs, Colour Trials, Deluxe Proofs, Meterfrankings, postmarks, Postcards, Picture Postcards, Maxi Cards, Special Covers, Used Covers, Postal Stationeries etc.. I can provide you the Indian and Foreign countries’ Philatelic items (including stamps, miniature sheets, FDCs, Special covers, etc...). Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Tamil and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]..........................................................................................................................................................................................


..........................................................................................................................................................................................17203 - Nur Arif Iskak, Perum. Tmn. Semanan, Jalan Dharma Permai A3/28, Djakarta, P. O. Box: 1167, JKB.11011,

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Djakarta Barat, A, 160740 (m) Retired. Want mint-MNH commemoratives stamp, Postally used Covers with Butterflies/Insect, Dogs, Cats, Wild Animals, Bridges, WWF, Birds, Lighthouse from all countries, mainly Asia and South American countries. Offer Indonesia and worldwide of the same topics. Advanced collector. Base of exchange: Catalogues and New Issues at face value. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected] , ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18756 - Hidayat Ekosaputro, (My postal address will be given later on personally) City: Djakarta. - A, 110851 (m) B, Accountant. Offer (1) mint no hinged, MNH, complete sets of Indonesian stamps, Souvenirs sheets, Mini Sheets, FDCs (1979 to 2008) all issues. Used stamps. No small, all different, good quality, paper off stamps (1070 to 2008) all issues. Want same quality description all issues except for the mint sets + Souvenir sheets (Collect only Fauna, Flora, Olympics in topics. Base mint (before 2006) by Michel catalogue. After 2006 by its face value. Medium collector. Used stamps 1x1 /paper off (, 1x3 /paper on)  If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English and others with online translators. : [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18858 - Erick Binzar Manurung, Perfume BPI, block H 7, Ngaliyan - Semarang 50184. -A, 221076 (m) B, Freelancer. Exchange and correspondence: yes all. Want friendship and serve and sell to all collectors and also to get all what they need from Indonesia. Offer all collectible items from Indonesia (including philatelic items, etc). Beginner and medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, simple Spanish and Portuguese, French. Email: [email protected]...........................................................................................................................................................................................



..........................................................................................................................................................................................15546 - Mohammed Dhia Taha Al-Shirwani, Hay Al-Kindi, District 213, Street 50, House # 4, P.O-Box 55220, Baghdad Post Office, Baghdad. - A, 270464 (m). B, Electrical Engineer. Want: stamps and philatelic materials in accordance to my web linked want lists. Mainly from west Europe, CEPT Europe related stamps, Morocco and Iraq. Offer: Iraqi stamps and philatelic materials in addition to my stock from other countries. I am open to everything. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, English, German, French, others with online translator. Tel. 964 1 541 7689, Mobile 964 7901 540442. SkyPe: shirwani3, Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................15551 - Saad Aziz Syhood, Central Post Office, P.O. Box 55390, Baghdad. - 181070 (m) B, Chemical Engineer and part time Dealer. Want: Mint complete sets thematics of Animals, Birds, and WWF, worldwide especially: Africa, South America, West Europe. UNC. Banknotes worldwide. Old banknotes East Europe. Offer mint Iraqi sets from 1960-2006, UNC. Banknotes from IRAQ 1958-2006. Want and offer lists. Catalogues I use: Banknotes (Pick), Coins (Krause), and for the Stamps (Scott, Gibbons, Michel, Yvert). Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], Visit my website:,,  ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19832 - Mustafa Qais AL-Sammrai, Central P. O. Box 895, Mosul. - A, 080892 (m) B, Student.  I want this: Mint stamps up to 2011, Thematic that I am interested in all types from worldwide, Banknotes and Coins. Mainly interested in all European countries, and islands and worldwide. Offer Mint Stamps up to 2010, Banknotes and Coins from Iraq only. Advanced collector. Base catalogues:  Scott, Michel, Stanley Gibbons and World Coins. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Arabic, English and others

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with online translator. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................


..........................................................................................................................................................................................15979 - Hossein Kalantar, POBox 13185-1683 Tehran. - A, 181074 (m), B, Student. I want to exchange mint stamps and very excellent Banknotes. Exchange and correspondence: exchange, trade, selling . Want: mint stamp from France Euro value complete set, England complete set, Belgium Euro value. I need fauna sheet mint stamp from USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Euro countries; I need very excellent condition banknotes. Offer: mint stamp, FDCs, Covers, Maxicards, Phonecards, Coins, Banknotes from Iran. I Don’t NEED USED STAMP. I'm advance collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Email: [email protected], [email protected],  ,..........................................................................................................................................................................................19155 - Hovhannes Alexanian, P.O.Box 11365-695, Tehran - A, 240177 (m) Shop assistant. Want: only mint (MNH) stamps, Fauna, Olympic Souvenir sheet issue during 2002-2010 from all countries. Also West Europe and USA, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Japan, some ex-Yugoslavia countries and etc. Offer Iran Mint (MNH) stamps, any 2007 till 2010 also some want list from last years too. Base of change: 1x1, commemoratives, mint, 1 copy and catalogues. Only advanced collectors. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English. Email : hovic1977@yahoo. com..........................................................................................................................................................................................19380 - Mohammad Emadi, P.O Box 36715 - 436, Damghan. -A, 020180 (m) B, Civil Engineer. Want matical stamps from World Wide any Date. (Joint Issue, Princess Diana, Olympic Games). Also Banknotes, Coins from all countries. Offer: Old and new stamps (Thematics or Year set), Also FDC, Booklet, Maxicards, Postcards, Banknotes, Phonecards from Iran. accept exchange commemoratives, definitive, used, mint, CTOs, quantities, 1:1, catalogues… accept duplicates. I am advance collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English.. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19875 - Naser Sabbagh Kar, Rahahan Ave. - Ghatran Shomali Ave . Shahriar Str. No: 256, 51736-3111 Tabriz. - A, 290870 (m) B, General Physician. I am only Coins worldwide collector, mainly Germany. Offer: Iran and many Coins of other countries. Base catalogues: Krause, World Coins. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Persian, Turkish, Arabic and others online translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................07859 - Len Yurko, Address unpublished by request.- A, 161055 (m) B, Manager. I’m a mint-MNH stamp collector from Ireland and looking for exchange partners in Africa, Pacific and Caribbean Islands and small countries and territories. Advanced collector. If you are interested in exchange with me please and others always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always insured. Languages: English, Russian with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19263 - John McAuliffe, Westwinds, Drumlargan, Kilcock, Co. Meath. - A, 180852 (m) B, Financial Adviser.  

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Want used. definitive, commemoratives CTO stamps from Sweden, British Commonwealth, Vatican, Germany Austria. Offer: Ireland, UK, Germany, Sweden, Poland and USSR. Base of exchange quantities 150 stamps at a time. Value not important I want to fill gaps I don't sent duplicates unless asked, and I would prefer not to receive duplicates. Advanced collector.  I use catalogues Scott. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................


..........................................................................................................................................................................................11175 - Carmi Asher. P.O.Box 5105, Ashdod 77150. - A, 100552 (m), B, Bank. I need mint stamps, FDCs, Maxicards from worldwide, except (East Europe France China, India, Brasil, Cuba) only lasts years I need Cosmos, Horoscope, Football, Bridge, Olympic, Chess, Dogs, Birds, Monkey Map, all about Israel x4 Trains, Art, Gem, Stone, Insects, Judaica x4, Submarines. Only mint set and bloc Fauna, Medicine, Children, Air, Mythology and Music. I can give in exchange worldwide mint stamps, FDCs, Maxicards (also Banknotes, Postcards and Phonecards). Please contact with me before to make a first sending. All letters Registered mail. Exchange old by catalogue s, and recent at face value. Advanced collector. Serious and honest. Languages; English, French, Hebrew, a few German, Spanish. See my Website, Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................15986 - Meir Kasirer, P: O: Box 1521, Ramat-Gan, 52115. - A, 300548 (m) B, Academic. Exchange Uncirculated Coins and Banknotes, used large stamps, Viewcards, Phonecards, used covers thematic Judaica and Peace keeping forces covers and cards United Nations, 1939-45sh Ghetto items Jew Israel. Offer: Military, United Nations stamps and covers mail Forces United Nations. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Hebrew and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................16130 - Eli Bar-On, 27, Inbar St, 90805 Mevasseret Zion.- A, 230672 (m) B, Lawyer. Want: worldwide stamps (According to what will be agreed on the correspondence) Offer: Israel and worldwide (according to what will be agreed on the correspondence). Answer always.Language: English, Hebrew. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16542 - Monica Krebs, Kibbutz Nir Eliyahu, 45845 Sharon Tikhon. - A, 101050 (f) B, Traductora. Deseo cambiar sellos de Temáticas diversas, Cuadros, Porcelanas, etc, del todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Temáticas o por países. Cambio sellos por sello (1x1) Cambio usando imágenes escaneadas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada. I want Exchange stamps with thematic diverse, Pictures Porcelains, Etc. I offer thematics or by countries. Change stamp for stamp. Change using scanned images.. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and Hebrew. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16616 - Avraham Ron, P.O.B. 1291, Ramat-Gan 52113. - A, 060838 (m). B, Retired Electrical Engineer I am an advanced Railway stamps collector from Israel. I am looking for all kinds of worldwide Railway parcel post stamps, Revenues with Trains, Cinderellas with Trains, and Maxicards of my topic. As I am an advanced and serious collector. I have for exchange 1000's of all kind of philatelic material. You can first contact me for mutual agreement before send any material. Answer always. Languages: English and Hebrew. Email: [email protected], [email protected],

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..........................................................................................................................................................................................17353 - Hagay Paz, P. O. Box 349, Arad 8903. – A, 200645 (m) B, Retired. Deseos sellos de todo el mundo temático Gatos domésticos. Ofrezco Israel, Rumania, mundiales y temáticas “Gatos domésticos”, Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect and exchange only worldwide stamps with theme Domestic Cats. Offer same and stamps of Israel, Romania, and worldwide stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: - Tiago Kardems, Rejov Metzada 53/9,  84377 Beersheba. - A, 290958 (m) B, Comerciante. (Soy nativo de Perú). Solo colecciono Billetes de Banco sin circular, Tarjetas bancarias, Starbucks, Tarjetas Telefónicas con chip, Llaves de Hoteles, Pibes militares, de la Cruz Roja, del Lions Internacional, de Rotary y de Scouts. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I only collect: UNC Banknotes, Bankcards, Starbucks, Phonecards chip - Keys of Hotels, Military, Pines Reed Cross, Lions, Rotary, Scouts. I offer same. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Español, Hebrew, English, German, Français, Italiano, Portuguese, Japanese. Korean, Chinese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]

............................................................................................................................................................................................17646 - Alberto Laib, P. O. Box 868, 89107 Arad. - (m) Deseos sellos de Bélgica, Holanda, Francia, Berlin, coleccionista avanzado de Suiza. Cambio a base del catalogo Yvert. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Israel. También sobres y FDCs. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un complete acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. I need stamps of Belgium, Holland. France, Berlin, Advanced collector of Switzerland stamps. Change basis Yvert catalogue. I offer stamps from Israel. Also Covers and FDCs. Please contact first fot mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18024 - Ely Eyal, Hanasiim Blv. 2/20, Hod Hasharon 45371. - A, 251246 (m) B, Economist. Want used and mint stamps regarding my themes: Captain Cook (explorer), Energy and Mathematics. Offer: worldwide and Israel stamps. I change for quantities, 1x1, catalogues. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Hebrew. Email: [email protected]

..............................................................................................................................................................................................19305 - Ralph Lanesman, 29/2 Hayovel Street, Ra’anana 43400. - A, 281025 (m) B, Retired Chartered Accountant. Want: Large format clean and undamaged worldwide as well as my thematics interests as mentioned below. 1) Militaria in all its manifestations including battles, occupation, resistance, revolts and Insurgencies liberation, military Aircraft, naval vessels, weapons, 2) Judaica and Old Testament paintings from Worldwide. Large size commemoratives .used, CTO’s, 100-250 per time! 1 NO catalogues, Duplicates by prior arrangement. Offer Worldwide and thematics by arrangement. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English, Hebrew and others with online translator. Email: [email protected],

..............................................................................................................................................................................................19398 - Shlomo Benzaquen. P.O.Box 30586 Tel Aviv 61304. A, 160746 (m) B, Sindicalista Colecciono sellos Chile anteriores a 1960, hojas bloques y novedades a partir del 2010, Turquía anteriores a 1960 y posteriores a 1980 mas Novedades.Venezuela anteriores a 1960 y novedades, España anteriores a 1955, Islas Salomón los sellos tienen que ser en series completas. Ofrezco Israel en nuevo series completas desde 1954 con Bandeletas y también Novedades. Base de cambio Facial y catalogo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect of stamps Chile before 1960, Blocks and Souvenir sheets from 2010, Turkey before 1960 and after 1980 + New Issues. Venezuela more before 1960 and New Issues, Spain prior to 1955, Solomon Islands. All stamps only mint-MNH complete sets. I offer Israel mint-MNH, complete sets since 1954 with Bundles and New Issues. Base of exchange catalogues and facial values. Serious and honest collector. Please contact t first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected],


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19513 - Eng. Gratz Adrian, 35, Wingate Str, Haifa - 33531. - A, 210737 (m) B, Retired (Engineer). Want exchange Stamps, Souvenir sheets, Blocks, Mini Sheets, Mint and Used, Banknotes!. Countries of my interest: After 1990: USA, UN-NY, UN- Europe, Western Europe - Mint and Used. Thematic that I am interested in: “Art, Painting, Sculpture”: “Olympic Games”: “Astronautics and Astronauts, Cosmos, Arctic and Antarctic “.   Offer: a).- Israel & Romania - all stamp and Blocks, Mint and Used. Current subscriptions for new issues. b). - Until 1990 - USA, UN-NY, Western Europe - Mint and Used. Base of change: Catalogues: Zumstein: Michel: Yvert. NO accept duplicates. Advanced, serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Romanian, Spanish, Hebrew. Email:  [email protected],     ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19728 - Hiram Janover, Kibbutz Gvat, 36579. - A, 020643 (m) B, Retired. Want used stamps of Spain2002 till 2011, Japan 2005 till 2011. Denmark, Sweden, Finland 2005 till 2011 stamps all used. and Cinderella items.  I have Israel and Australia 2000 till 2010 used stamps .also will give for Cinderella items stamps. Advanced collector. Use Michel catalog. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Hebrew and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19981 - Marx  Shenfeld, Ezra Laniado str  23-5, 39020  Tirat  Carmel. - Want stamps and other philatelic material with all countries. Offer Stamps, Postcards, Viewcards, Phonecards. of Israel and worldwide. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................


..............................................................................................................................................................................................03307 - Victoriano Zambrini, Via Sant'Imerio 15, I-21100-Varese. - A, 061040 (m) B, Retired. Deseo recibir Sobres de Primeros Vuelos, Cartas o Tarjetas Postales con matasellos especiales de temas Música Clásica, Ciclismo, Baloncesto, Juegos Universitarios (Universiadas), Circos, Títeres, Marionetas de todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo el anterior de Primeros Vuelos, Cartas o Tarjetas Postales con matasellos especiales de temas de las Olimpiadas y el Deporte, Pintura, Automóviles, , Barcos, Aviones, Trenes y muchos otros. Base cambio 1x1 o por catálogos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect mailed First Flight Covers, Covers or cards with Topical Cancels of classic Music, Cycling, Basket-ball, University Games/Universiades, Circus, Puppets from all countries. Offer same as above and covers or cards with topical cancels of Olympiads and Sport, Paintings, Cars, Ships, Aviation, Trains and many others. Base of change 1x1 in quantities or according to catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian and others with online translators. ..

Languages: Italian English, French, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………05718 - Quintavalle Alberto, via Dei Mille 18, I-35141 Padova, PD. - A, 1938, B, Retired (Banker). Exchange 100x100 postage stamps from all countries, mainly Armenia, Austria, Belgium. Czechoslovakia, France, Israel, Great Britain, Gibraltar, Germany, Hungary. Also mint-MNH facial value. All letters by Registered mail for safery. Offer Italia and worldwide. Old and serious advanced collector, Languages: English, French, Spanish, German, Italian and others with online translators, Email unknown……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………05722 - Lambertini Stefano, Via Termanini, 52, 40053 Bazzano, Bologna. - A, 010352 (m) B, Commerçant. Cherche timbres neufs Europe Occidentale, Canada, USA, Australia. Offre: Italia, San Marino, Vaticano. S'il vous plaît contact avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi. Réponse assurée. Langues. Français et

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Italiano. Email: [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………06652 - Franco Rossetti, Via Matteotti 14, F, 20090 Assago (MI). - A, 230554 (m), B, Profesor Liceo Deseo sellos usados mundiales, posteriores a 1990, especialmente de Portugal, Iberoamerica y mundiales. Ofrezco usados de Italia y mundiales. Ruego contacto primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Contesto siempre. Want Worldwide used stamps, before to1990, mainly Portugal, Latin American countries and worldwide. Offer used stamps of Italy and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, French, Spanish and Italian. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………06580 - Nicolosi Giovanni, Via Caramme 22, I-95028 Valverde, CT. - A, 130256 (m). Want: MNH stamps and Maximum Card on theme "Eucharistic Congress" "Mother of Jesus", Bible and Religion, Chemistry. Also Vatican used, Bohme & Mahren. Offer: MNH and FDC of Italy, Liechtenstein, European Countries, topics as Fauna, Art, Sport, Trains, Antarctica. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian. Email: [email protected],……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………06785 - Baldella Giuseppe, Vía Ovidio 9, 63039 San Benedetto del Tronto, AP. - A, 190843 (m) B, Retired. I collect and exchange used stamps of France, España, Germany, Austria, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Suisse, Montenegro, Croatia, Estonia, Letonia, Lithuania, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. Base of exchange: Wantlists Michel and Yvert catalogues. Also I am exchange in quantities 100x100. I can give Italia, Vatican, San Marino, mint and used stamps, and used of Belgium, United Kingdom, Russia and USA. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement.. Answer always. Languages: French, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………09372 - Nino Pugliese, Via Palestro, 18 – 65123 Pescara. - A, 291134 (m) B, Retired (Engineer). Want: used stamps:

Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway, etc., Greece, Australia, New Zealand. Offer: Mint and used stamps: Italia, Europe, Australia, etc. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian and little French. Email : [email protected]

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15702 - D’Alessandro Daniel, Via don Rua 12, I-66026, Ortona, Chieti. - A, 310157 (m) B, Artesano Ceramista. Soy coleccionista avanzado, solo algunos países y temáticas. Intercambio solo por mancolista, según país. Deseo sellos usados por mancolista de Brasil, Suiza, Argentina, España, Italia.  Sellos temáticos nuevos o usados y todo tipo de material filatélico sobre: Caracolas marinas y terrestres, Fósiles, Vida marina, (No peces) y Minerales. Ofrezco Argentina y Brasil (nuevo 1970 al 2000), Suiza, España, Brasil, Italia, en usado, Temáticas varias en usado, Países varios en usado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I am advanced collector of some countries and themes exchange only for wanlists, according to country. I wish stamps used for wantlists of: Brazil, Switzerland, Argentina, Spain and Italy. Thematic mint and used stamps and all kinds of philatelic material on: Shells (marine and terrestrial, Fossils, Marina Life, (Not fish) and Minerals. I offer Argentina and Brazil (mint 1970 2000), Switzerland, Spain, Brazil, Italy, in used, different thematics in used, and different countries in used. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],

..............................................................................................................................................................................................16116 -Verdi Giuseppe, Via Giotto 6, I-26900 Lodi, LO. - A, 041235 (m) B, Retired. Want used stamps of Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Denmark, Greenland, Norway, Slovakia, Slovenia, Australia, Canada, New Zealand. Offer used stamps of Italy and West Europe countries. I use Michel or Yvert catalogue. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian. Email: [email protected]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16492 - Federico Trolli, Via Guerrazzi, 25 , I-27029 Vigevano (PV) - A, 050248 (m) B, Retired.. Deseo sellos usados de España, Portugal, Gran Bretaña, Andorra (española y francesa), Países de Africa, y de todo el mundo.

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Tambien cápsulas de champaña y cava español. Ofrezco sellos usados de Alemania,(DBR, Berlin, DDR) Austria, Liechtenstein, Italia, Checoslovaquia y cápsulas de espumoso italiano. Base de cambio en cantidad, sello por sello (1x1) en paquetes de hasta 250 por envío. Tanmbién cambio por catálogo Michel y Unificato (Italia). Coleccionista avanzado. Want used stamps from Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, Andorra (spanish and french), African countries and worldwide.. Also Also Champagne Capsules Caps and Spanish cava. Offer used stamps from Italy, Germany (DBR, Berlin, DDR) Austria, Liechtenstein, and Czechoslovakia and capsules of sparkling Italian. Base of change: stamp for stamp (1x1) in quantities up to 250 each time. Also catalogues Michel and Unificato (Italy) . Advanced collector. If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English, Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and Italian.Email: [email protected] , f [email protected] ,

..............................................................................................................................................................................................16804 - Gianni Alliri, Via Giorni - Santarò 116/2, I-17020 Tovo San Giacomo (SV). - A, 270465 (m) B, Ship broker Want used worldwide stamps, not CTO. Offer mint and used worldwide stamps. Change quantities 50x50 to 200x200. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Italian. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................17566 - Barbi Enrico, Via Circondaria Sud 29, 41013 Castelfranco Emilia (MO) . - A, 260442 (m) B, Artigiano. Scambio Francobolli usati 1x1, In pacchetti da 100 o piu. Cerco: tutto il mondo. Offro: tutto il mondo. Want used stamps from all entire world. Offer the same. Bases: 1x1. 100x100 or more. Please contact first. Answer always. Language: Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],

..............................................................................................................................................................................................17732 - Marco Picone, Via Treportina, 51, I-30010 Cavallino-Treporti (VE). - A, 120677 (m) B, Ecologist- Ecotoxicologist Want used stamps from South-East Asia and former Yugoslavian countries, with nice round cancellation. I need mainly India, Indonesia, Nepal, Malaysia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Thailand, Macao, Hong-Kong, Bosnia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Belarus, Peru, Bolivia, Mexico; secondarily Europe (except Spain, Portugal, France). Offer used from Europe, Thailand, India, with nice round cancellation. I use Michel catalogue, can consider any kind of exchange basis (catalogue value, 1x1, etc.). Advanced collector for West-Europe, average for East-Europe. I'm a beginner for Asia and South-America. Please contact for a complete agreement before sending. Answer always. Languages: Italian, English, can understand German Email:  [email protected], [email protected]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17745 - Spada Mauro, Via Canal Grande 39, I-48018 Faenza, RA. - A, 180257 (m) B, Agronomist. Want only worldwide used stamps by mutual according. Offer worldwide used stamps. Eventually some mint. Base 1x1 in quantities. Not catalogues. By according I can accept and offer duplicates. Don’t send stamps before according by email. Languages: Italian, English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..17778 - Giraudo Mario, Via Lamarmora 11, I-18038 San Remo. - A, 270749 (m) B, Retired (Businessman).I collect and exchange stamps from Western Europe, USA, Argentina, Canada and Australia, mainly by wantlists. I offer in exchange the same.  I offer West European countries, especially Italia, San Marino, Vatican and other countries from the world. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish and Italian. Email: [email protected] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17783 - Santarelli Giuseppe, P.O.Box, 120, 67100 - L’Aquila. -A, 210537 (m) B, Pensionato (Retired). I want thematic special Postmarks, official Postcards, Postal Stationery, FDC, and Maximum Card relative to the themes: Chess, Scouts, Rugby, Scientists, Prizes Nobel, Columbus, Speleological, Palaeontology, Beer, Fungi, Dogs and Cats, Films (before 1950), medieval, ancient history Egypt from the entire world. Offer Italy, Vaticano, San Marino, and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and Italian. Email   [email protected],……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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17811 - Perretti Silvia, Via Veneto 9/4, 20068 Peschiera Borromeo, MI. - A, 121142 (f) B, Retired Want only stamps Europe, South Africa, Israel, Brazil., only by wantlist, base catalogue Michel. Offer: Italia mint 2006-2011, and mint and used before Italia, on wamtlist Unificato, San Marino, Vatican and worldwide stamps. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Italian and others with online translators. Email [email protected],

..............................................................................................................................................................................................17818 - Gambetta Barbara, Via Statale 237, I-23013 Cosio Valtellino - Sondrio.- A, 080772 (f) B, Housewife. Want stamps from all European countries until year 2000. Also thematic stamps. Offer stamps Italia and all European countries. Advanced collector. Base of change: Yvert, Michel, Unificato catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English, French, German, Italian, understand Spanish. Email: [email protected],

..............................................................................................................................................................................................17835 - Pittana Enzo, Via A. Bivi, 14, 30028 San Michele al Tagliamento, Venezia. - A, 160348 (m) B, Pensioner. I prefer when possible only mint stamps, sheets and souvenir sheets. Mailing and changing with friends from:  Iceland, Norway, Greece, Central America, Venezuela, Colombia, Peru, Ecuador, Chile, Bolivia, Austral Africa, Nepal, Myanmar, South-East Asia, Japan, All Pacific islands, Australia, New Zealand. I try: Topics:  Polar and glaciers preservation, Antarctic places, baseball, nature and all animals, prehistory, space and + astronomy, landscapes and monuments, tourism, maps and banners, airplanes, minerals, lighthouses, WWF, fungi and some other. I don't like personalities. I offer: Italy, Slovenia and some other about European countries. I change only by facial value, I don't use any catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian and some Spanish. Email: [email protected],

..............................................................................................................................................................................................17859 - Incisa di Camerana Baldovino, Via Adria 89A, 00052 Cerveteri, RM. – A, 111041 (m) B, Pensioner. I am an Italian worldwide used stamps collector. I enjoy trading with other collectors, so please let me know your collecting interests and what you are looking for. I prefer trading with wantlist on the Bases of similar value, but I am willing to other solutions. I don't want to receive stamps damaged, thinned etc. Trades should be reasonably equitable. I reserve the right to reject trades that request high catalogue value stamps but only offer large numbers of low value in return. Also, I have multiple copies of some stamps, so the cancellations may not always look the same as shown on the scans. My preferences in this moment are for stamps of Western Europe, but I am interested also to the other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Italian, and others with online translators.. Email [email protected],

..............................................................................................................................................................................................17997 - Bresci Paolo, Via Traversa Pistoiese 21 c/8, I-59100 Iolo, Prato. - A, 130937, (m) B, Pensioner. Want used stamps Western Europe, in base of change 1x1 or catalogue Unificato. Offer same and other countries. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Deseo sellos usados de Europa Occidental, en base d cambio 1x1 or catalogo Unificato. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Languages; English. French, Spanish. Italia and others with online translators Email: [email protected],

..............................................................................................................................................................................................18007 - Moretti Francesco, Via Leopardi 7, I-09032 Assemini, CA. - A, 020462 (m) B, Agent of the Municipal Police. Want used stamps all countries, mainly Western Europe, America, Africa, Australia and Asian countries, without the Arab Emirates. Offer used stamps from worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Italian and others with online translators.

Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................18044 - Gustincic Edvin, Bristie 10, I-34010 Sgonico. - A, 961264 (m) B, Employee. Want used stamps worldwide. Base catalogues Scott, Michel or Scan. Advanced collector. Offer used worldwide stamps. Please contact fist for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Slovene, Italian and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected],

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.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18162 - Penna Pierluigi, Via della Fratta, 6, I-01025 Grotte di Castro, VT. - A, 040361 (m) B, Pensioner. Busco en América, África, Asia y Oceanía tratar con coleccionista de sellos dispuestos a recibir mis cartas de Italia, y luego devolver cada 6 meses remitido en una sola expedición, cuyos honorarios serán devueltos por mí. Se ofrece: Servicio de la misma. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want collectors of stamps in America, Africa, Asia and Oceania to treat with ready to receive my letters of Italy, and then returning the same ones every 6 months sent in only one time, which fees will be paid for me. I offer: Service of the same one. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: Italian and other with online translator. Email: [email protected] ..............................................................................................................................................................................................

18358 - Carlotti Maurizio, Via Nino Bixio, 20, I-56025 Pontedera, PI. - A, 230273 (m) B, Employee. Cambio sellos usados con todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo. Cambio sello por sello (1x1) sin catálogos y sin mancolista. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Want used stamps from all countries. Offer same. Base of exchange stamp for stamp (1x1) without catalogues or wantlists. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement . Assured answer. Languages: English, Spanish, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],

..............................................................................................................................................................................................18387 - Cortesi Vanis, Via Senio 15/17, I-48012 Bagnacavallo, RA. - A, 080374 (m) B, Employe. Exchange stamps. Want Russia, by catalogue Yvert. Offer worldwide 1x1, and Russia with catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always.Languages: English, Spanish, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],

.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18389 - Di Ruggiero Francesco, Via Siva 13, I-20052 Monza, MI. - A, 271053 (m), B, Insegnante di Ed. Fisica. Cerco Repubblica Italiana nuovi e usati e tematica sul Natale. Offro San Marino nuovi e usati,  Vaticano, Repubblica Italiana più usati che nuovi,. Sono inoltre disponibile a scambiare 100 per 100 dei miei S. Marino Vaticano e Repubblica con paesi dell'Europa o del mondo in generale o con francobolli su tema il s. Natale. Lingue conosciute: Italiano, Francese, inglese scolastico, più tecnico. Email; [email protected],

..............................................................................................................................................................................................18521 - Spagnoletti Franco, C.P. 114, I-25121 Brescia. -  A, 020156 (m) B, Pensioner. Want only mint stamps, MNH of ex-USSR and Greece. Offer Italia, San Marino, Vaticano. Base Michel online catalogue. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and Italian. Email: [email protected], [email protected],

..............................................................................................................................................................................................18578 - Carlo Morselli, P. O. Box 41 - 40013 Castel Maggiore BO - A, 110347 (m) B, Pensioner. I am interested Stamps and miniature sheet and Special cancellations exchange worldwide of Olympic sports and Basketball, Soccer/Football, Baseball, Rugby and  Scouts:  Offer: Italy, Vatican and San Marino Republic, Mint Stamps and FDC's , etc... Prefer exchange on 1x1 basis. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian. Email: [email protected], karolmorsy ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18599 - Alfredo Rizzo, Via Capitello, 76, I-45100 Rovigo. - A, 020546 (m) B, Retired. Want used stamps from West Europe and Europe-CEPT, recent issues. Offer used Italy from 1955 up to the date. Prefer exchange in wantlist basis. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian and others with online translators.. Email [email protected],

..............................................................................................................................................................................................18718 - Stella  Giovanni, Via Capecelatro 29, I-20148  Milano . -A,111037 (m) B, Insegnante. Cerco scambio Monete di tutto il mondo. Offro scambio monete di tutto il mondo.Collettore avanzato. Scambio per catalogho. Want Coins from all countries. Offer Coins from all countries. Advanced collector. Base of change: catalogue. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English, Italian. Email [email protected],

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..............................................................................................................................................................................................18763 - Buzzin Gianmario, Via Lungo Isonzo n. 14, I-34072 Gradisca d'ISonzo, GO,- A, 260554 (m) B, Pensioner.. Scambio francobolli usati .Cerco francobolli usati da tutto il mondo/ Offro: francobolli usati da tutto il mondo. Scambio 1x1 in buste 100x100 - Collettore principiante. Iwant used stamps from all countries of the world. I offer used stamps from all countries of the world. Base of change 1x1 I quantities 100x100. Beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual al agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian, Email [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................18776 - Follese Giovanni, Via S. Caboni  3, I-09125 Cagliari (CA).. - A, 060539 (m) B, Engineer. I collect stamps of San Marino, France, Spain, Austria, Portugal, Germany, Greece, used and mint stamps, base Yvert catalogue. Advanced collector.  I ofer sama and Italy and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................

17997 - Bresci Paolo, Via Traversa Pistoiese 21 c/8, 59100 Iolo, Prato. - A, 130937, (m) B, Pensioner. Want used stamps Western Europe, in base of change 1x1 or catalogue Unificato. Offer same and other countries. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Deseo sellos usados de Europa Occidental, en base de cambio 1x1 or catalogo Unificato. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Languages; English. French, Spanish. Italian Email: [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18007 - Moretti Francesco, Via Leopardi 7, I-09032 Assemini, CA. - A, 020462 (m) B, Agent of the Municipal Police. Want used stamps all countries, mainly Western Europe, America, Africa, Australia and Asian countries, without the Arab Emirates. Offer used stamps from worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Italian and little French and Spanish. Email [email protected], [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18355 - Fabbri Gianni, Vía Bramante 53, I-41013 Castelfranco Emilia. MO. - A, 201159 (m) B, Profesor/Teacher. Cambio sellos nuevos y usados de todo el mundo. Ofrezco sellos nuevos, usados de Italia y mundiales. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint and used stamps from all countries. I offer the same more Italia. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German, Spanish and Italian. Email [email protected]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18389 - Di Ruggiero Francesco, Via Siva 13, I-20052 Monza, MI. - A, 271053 (m), B, Insegnante di Ed. Fisica. Cerco Repubblica Italiana nuovi e usati e tematica sul Natale. Offro San Marino nuovi e usati,  Vaticano, Repubblica Italiana più usati che nuovi, Sono inoltre disponibile a scambiare 100 per 100 dei miei S. Marino Vaticano e Repubblica con paesi dell'Europa o del mondo in generale o con francobolli su tema il s. Natale. Languages: Italian and others with online translators.. Email; [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18521 - Spagnoletti Franco, Casuta Postala 114, I-25121 Brescia. - A, 020156 (m), Retired. Want only mint stamps MNH from Estonia, Latvia/Letonia, Lithuania. Offer Italian stamps. Advanced collector. Base of change: Catalogue Michel online. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian and other with online translator Google. Email: [email protected], [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................18599 - Alfredo Rizzo, Via Capitello, 76, I-45100 Rovigo. - A, 020546 (m) B, Retired. Want used stamps from West Europe and Europe-CEPT, recent issues. Offer used Italy from 1955 up to the date. Prefer exchange in Wantlist basis. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian. Email [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18678 - Carlo Morselli, P.O. Box 51, IT- 40013 Castel Maggiore, Bologna. - A, 110347 (m) B, Pensioner. (m) I wish

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exchange. Mint stamps, Souvenir sheet, Miniature sheets, FDC’s, Postcards card and cover with special Cancellation or Postmark concerning topic only Olympic Games, (of the organizing country only) Summer and Winter, Sports, disciplines and postmarks, mechanical franking and Sports Clubs, CIO. Tour of the Olympic torch, Olympic Academy. Baseball, Basketball, Football/Soccer, Rugby, Volleyball, Scout, and Generally considered Olympic sports and disciplines. Stamps mint (MNH) new issues of USA, Canada, Brasil, United Kingdom, Greece, Ukraine, Poland and South Africa Republic. I offer with reference to the same type of material of Italy, San Marino, Vatican and Europe-CEPT. Mint stamps of France, Germany and United Kingdom. Free exchange at par to the quantities or 1x1. If you are not interested in exchange, please give my name to a friend of yours interested. I‘m waiting for your answer. . Languages: English, French, Italian and understand Spanish. Email: [email protected], [email protected],

Member of IOC Society: UICOS - Unione Italiana Collezionisti Sportivi (Italia) SOC - Society of Olympic Collectors (UK).............................................................................................................................................................................................

18763 - Buzzin Gianmario, Via Lungo Isonzo n. 14, I-34072 Gradisca d'ISonzo, GO,- A, 260554 (m) B, Pensioner.. Scambio francobolli usati .Cerco francobolli usati da tutto il mondo/ Offro francobolli usati da tutto il mondo. Scambio 1x1 in buste 100x100 - Collettore principiante. I want used stamps from all countries of the world. I offer used stamps from all countries of the world. Base of change 1x1 I quantities 100x100. Beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual al agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian, Email : [email protected],

.............................................................................................................................................................................................18871 - Spagnulo Stefano, Via Zanardi, 269, I-40131 Bologna. - A, 280762 (m) B, Merchant. I am a collector of mint  and  used  stamps also  FDC, of  thematics while Flora, Animals, Sports...and  some  other  items  from  all  Worldwide. I can  offer  same  stamps  or  mint  and  used  stamps and  FDC  of  Italy, San Marino  and  Vatican. Change on based of Euros against other values. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected] ,.............................................................................................................................................................................................18874 - Biagoli Marco, Via E. Berlinguer 6, I-59021 Vaiano (PO). - A, 121160 (m) B, Employee. Advanced collector. I want exhange used stamps with you. If you agree I can send you used stamps of Italian (2000-2011), Africa,, Argentina, Belgium, Japan, against of used stamps of Europe. Please let me know what do you collect and your term of change (for example 50 x 50 o 100 x 100). I'm interested in receiving used stamps (2005-2011) of France, Finland, Europe-CEPT, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Spain, Denmark, Czech Republic. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18908 - Fazio Salvatore, via Belvedere, 12, L. 98060, Basicò, ME. . A, 040653 (m) B, Clerk. Want used stamps from West European countries and Pacific Islands. Offer Worldwide used stamps. Base of change: 1x1, or Yvert Catalogue. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian nd others with online translators.. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19002 - Vitale Antonio, Via Domitilla 9, I-80023 Caivano (NA). - (m) I am interested in Coins, Phonecards and Postcards from all countries. I want Coins by special swap or 1x1. If you want to get some Coins of my country (Italy), please send me some different old or present coins (different type or year or mint) of your home country or of countries from your region. After delivery of the Coins I will send you immediately the same number of Italian coins. The selection of the coins from your country is up to you, the selection of Italian Coins are up to me. Please send not less than 20 coins and not more than about 30 Coins. If you want, you can send the letter registered and I will send in return a registered letter. Please send me an email to get my postal address. Do you collect Phonecards? Send me coins of your country (except Italian coins) and your postal address. I will send you one Italian Phonecards for each coin I receive. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian and some French and Spanish. Email: [email protected],

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.............................................................................................................................................................................................19197 - Michelassi Ugo, Via Libertá 29, I-41058 Vignola, MO. - A, 270840 (m) B, Architect (Retired).Want only used stamps from Spain, Portugal, Switzerland, France, Austria, Germany, and Belgium. Offer used stamps of Italy, San Marino. Advanced collector, serious and honest. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: French, English, Spanish and Italian. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19235 - Castino Michele, I will let know it later. . A, 071162 (m) B, Employee. I want by wantlist: Great Britain, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, Greece, France, Israel, Canada, USA, India, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, South Africa. Also Portugal, Ireland, Russia, URSS, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, DDR (i have no list at the moment).Offer only used: by wantlist or 1 to 1 Italy or other countries regarding availability; by wantlist Switzerland, Germany and France. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian and other with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19286 - Francesco Lupo, Via Maffei 71, I-50133 Firenze. - A, 060173 (m) B, Architect. Busco sellos temáticos de Deportes de todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco Italia en general. Cambio base catálogo. Coleccionista Mediano, serio y honesto. Solicito contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect thematic stamps of Sports from all countries. Offer Italy en general. Change by catalogues. Medium collector, Serious and honest. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages; English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and others with online translators. , Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19423 - Rossi Ulisse, Via Ceraso 13, I-67046 Ovindoli, AQ. - A, 040244 (m) B, Merchant. Want worldwide used stamps. Also Wild Fauna from all countries. Offer worldwide used stamps. Base of exchange 1x1. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian and other with online translator. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19458 - Bettiol Fabio Via P. Bordone 2, I-31056 Roncade (TV). - A, 211064 (m) B, Employee. Want serious exchange stamps MNH and used sets all countries 1900-2000 years. Offer stamps MNH and used sets Italia and other countries. Advanced collector.  Base of change 1x1 in quantities or catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian, and understand Spanish, French. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19725 - Gastaldi Aldo, Via Provinciale San Bartolomeo 37, I-12013 Chiusa di Pesio, Cuneo. - A, 300949 (m) Comerciante. Coleccionista mediano. Busco y ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados de países occidentales en general. Cambio base 1x1 o por mancolista catálogosYvert y Unificato. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want and I offer mint used stamps of western countries in general. Base of change 1x1 o wantlist catalogues Yvert and Unificato. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: French and Italian and others with online translator. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19741- Puleri Laura, Contrada Fratel Gerardo, I-92028 Naro, AG. - A, 130283 (f) B, Housewife. Want used stamps from worldwide, in quantities 1x1 no wantlists no catalogues. 50 or more stamps each time. Only perfect stamps. Please send first. Answer always. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. I am collector for more 15 years and I have approximately 25.000 stamps. Languages: English French, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19750 - Bruno Feriotto, C/o Cata1 Srl, Piazza Travaglio, 7, I-44122 Ferrara (FE). - A, 180358 (m) B, Entrepreneur. Want used stamps worldwide, 1x1, in quantities (100x100) or more, I offer the same. Serious and honest collector for many years. Please to contact with me, before send your stamps. Answer all letters. Languages: Italian, English, and Français. Email: [email protected]

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.............................................................................................................................................................................................19789 - Enzo Mondani Via Eugenio Medea n. 15, I-20138 - Milano. - A, 140134 (m) B, Pensioner. Deseo sellos nuevos y usados según los países. Busco especialmente Gran Bretaña, Austria, Islandia, Faroe, Dinamarca, USA y Canadá. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo, más Vaticano y temáticos Caballos de todo el mundo. Coleccionista avanzado pero estoy preparado para cambiar con otros coleccionistas. Aceptos duplicados. Uso Catálogos: Michel y Unificado. Canadá con Scott. Cambio por correo ordinario y correo Certificado según importe del envío. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect Mint and used stamps according to the countries. I look especially for Great Britain, Austria, Iceland, Faroe, Denmark, USA and Canada. I offer the same, more Vatican and thematic Horses of the worldwide. Advanced collector but I am prepared to change with other collectors. Base of change Michel and Unificato catalogues and Scott for Canada, I change by ordinary mail and Registered mail as amount of the sending. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Italians and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19801 - Aondio Johann, Dorf 158, I-39029 Stilfs/Stelvio. - A, 201238 (m) B, Pensionist. Gesammelt wird: Schweiz, Österreich, BRD, Berlin, DDR und Liechtenstein. Ich Biete Schweiz, Österreich, BRD, Berlin, DDR, Liechtenstein und weitere Länder auf Anfrage. Wünschen Sie Austausch: 1x1 für Kataloge: Michel und andere Katalog. Sammler Medium. I collect stamps Switzerland, Austria, BGR, Berlin, DDR and Liechtenstein. Offer same and other countries on mutual agreement. Base of change 1x1 and Michel and other Catalogue. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: German, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19893 - Leccese Giorgio, Viale Magna Grecia, 468, I-74121 Taranto. - A, 141161 (m) B, Surgeon. I collect proof no adopted mint of France and Monaco New Caledonia, DOM-TOM, French Area Countries. Artist proof on Aviation, Fish, Ships, Shells.  I offer Artist's proof in various countries and various issues (Space, Ship, Fish, Aircraft, Famous Men, etc.). Base of exchange Yvert and Scott catalogues and quantities 1:1, 2:1. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], - D'Ovidio Francesco Paolo, Vía Santa Giusta 263, I-66034 Lanciano Chieti. - 170257 (m) B, Employee. I collect and want exchange stamps with Europe and all countries of the world. Offer all European countries and Overseas. Base of exchange wantlists Yvert catalogue. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages;. English, Italian and others with online translators. Email: - Sandretto Fabrizio, Via Spina 3, I-10053 Bussoleno, TO. - A, 240463 (m) B, Doctor. I collect (medium) used stamps from all over the world, usually a exchange 1x1, same quantity and quality, no CTO no sheets, at the moment I need used from Eesti, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Ukraine, Bosnia, Cyprus, France, 2000-2011, Botswana, Libya, Sudan, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Ghana, Honduras, Venezuela, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Mexico 2000-2011, Malaysia, Brunei, Bhutan. I have to Exchange Italy 1940-1990 and Malta, Greece, Ireland, Finland, Netherlands, United Kingdom, Norway, Germany, Switzerland, Slovenia, Slovaquia, Egypt, Pakistan, USA, some Luxembourg, Chile, Australia. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................20042 - Erminio Fignon, via Omo 10, I-33086 Montereale Valcellina.- A, 110657 (m) B, Government   I am interested only in Chinese stamps. Medium collector.  Offer: Big lot of COINS. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Italian and others with online translators. Email:  [email protected], [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................

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.........................................................................................................................................................................................18460 - Marco Castillo, Hyogo-ken, 666-0138 Kawanishi-shi, Nishi-tada 1-19-7. - A, 050769 (m) B, Empleado. Adjunto mi anuncio para nuevos intercambios en mi página Web machjp/ he puesto nuevo material para intercambio y espero sus comentarios además tengo lotes de sellos de los siguientes países y temas: Alemania, Argentina, Uruguay, diversos países de Europa. Y temático de todo el mundo de Deportes, Navidad, Mujeres USA, Fauna, Dinosaurios, América-UPAEP, Insectos, Barcos, Flora, Autos, Trenes, Cruz Roja, Peces, Boy Scouts, Aves, Comics, WWF, Aviones, Antártica, Espaciales-Cosmos, y en menor cantidad de Minerales, Rotary, Lions clubes, Bomberos, Lady Di, Ajedrez, Sello sobre Sello, 600 sellos de Dinosaurios (CTO), Sellos de Japón y países de América variados. Todos estos sellos están separados en paquetes y como mis temas de Colección son difíciles de conseguir Antarctica, Dinosaurios, Albert Einstein y Austria les propongo que me escriban una carta franqueada con sellos por supuesto indicándome los sellos que les interesa y yo les respondo enviándole los sellos de su interés si tienen sellos de mis temas en buena hora y si no igual para mayor información me responden a este mensaje y le doy más informaciones. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................18460 - Marco Castillo, Hyogo-ken, 666-0138 Kawanishi-shi, Nishi-tada 1-19-7. - A, 050769 (m) B, Employee. Joined my advertisement for new exchanges on my page http: // com / photos / machjp / have put new materially for exchange and hope that his comments also I have lots of stamps of the following countries and topics: Germany, Argentina, Uruguay, diverse countries of Europe. And thematic of worldwide of Sports, Christmas, Women USA, Fauna, Dinosaurs, America-UPAEP, Insects, Ships, Flora, Cars, Trains, The Red Cross, Fish, Boy Scouts, Birds, Comics, WWF, Planes, Antarctic, Space-Cosmos, and in minor quantity of Minerals, Rotary, Lions clubs, Firemen, Lady Di, Chess, Stamp on Stamp, 600 stamps of Dinosaurs (CTO), Stamps of Japan and varied countries of America. All these stamps are separated in packets and like my topics of collection are difficult to obtain Antarctica, Dinosaurs, Albert Einstein and Austria. I propose to them to write to me a post-paid letter to stamps of course indicating me the stamps that they are interested in and I answer them sending to him the stamps of his interest if they have stamps of my topics in the good hour and if not equal for major information they answer to this message I give yours more Information’s. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................18931 - Nany Shimabuku, Gunma ken, Kiryu shi, Miyamae cho 2-1-52 Miyamae mansion 203 T 376-0046. - A, 230583 (m) B, Empleada. Deseo sellos usados de los temas de Perros, Navidad y lo más representativo de cada país. Además de billetes y monedas no importa que esten fuera de circulación solo en buen estado. Acepto de casi todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco sellos usados de Japón en todos los intercambios. Deseo recibir primero y enviaré en cambio la misma cantidad recibida. Solo acepto y envío Correos Certificados. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español y algo de inglés. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................19254 - Toshikazu Yoshizato, 620-Sarasiyacho. Shimogyoku, Kyoto 600-8394. - A, 020837 (m) B, Merchant. Exchange only. Want used large size commemorative stamps of your country and all countries over the World. Offer used large size commemorative stamps from Japan. Base od change 1:1 without catalogue or

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Wantlist. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................19734 - Takako Saito. 3-4-4 Kaorigaoka, Sakai, Osaka 590-0011. (f) B, Traductora. Deseo sellos nuevos de España, Temáticos de todas clases, Literatura, Culturas, Pinturas, Tradiciones, Catedrales, Arte, etc. Coleccionista Principiante. Base de cambio 1x1.Ofrezco sellos Japón. India y países europeos, especialmente Francia, Rusia, Alemania y República Checa. . Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada, Want Spanish mint stamps Thematic Literature, Culture, Traditions, Art. Painting, Cathedrals, etc. Beginner collector. Base of change: 1x1.Offer: European (mainly France, Russia, Germany, Czech Republic), Indian and Japanese stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English, Japanese. Email: - Masahiko Shimizu, 3-4-1-705 Kawahara-dori Syowa-ku, Nagoya. - (m) B, Pharmacist. I want to collect the stamps of all countries over the world, if possible. I got more than 20,000 used commemorative stamps of Japan to exchange with you. How wonderful it will be to see and image, with sitting on the sofa, scenery, life, culture, tradition, human being, animals, plants, and so on, from stamps of each country, looking for them on the map. I am a pharmacist from Japan who is much interested in the languages of native written form all over the world. Visit my home page. (Change your nation’s code to Japan code. And check and click the sentence in English) I want to make a corner of postage stamps of the world on my home page. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................


...........................................................................................................................................................................................16877 - Jafar Omari, P. O. Box 340697, Amman -11134. - A, 140870 (m). B, Administration. Exchange mint stamps commemorative sets. Want stamps of the entire world. Offer: mint and complete Jordanian. Base of exchange: Catalogues. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Arabic, English and others with online translators. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 17944 17944 - Adel Mazzawi, 37 Otba Ben Ghazwan Street, 1262 Khelda, Amman 11821. - A, 070445 (m) B, Merchant. Want: Middle East material. Offer: full collection of Thematic stamps from Jordan Palestine Authority and Gulf. (Animals, Birds, Religious, Military, Sport, Fauna, Plant, Insects, Tourism etc.). Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: French, English and Arabic. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................


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............................................................................................................................................................................................14031 - Sergey Lazarenko. P. O. Box 9, KZ-150010 Petropavlovsk. - A, 28’765 (m) B, Employee. Want mint-MNH Stamps, complete sets, thematic worldwide, Phonecards, Banknotes, especially: Italy, Vatican, San-Marino, Aland, Africa, Oceania. Offer Sell and Exchange: Stamps, Phonecards, Postcards, Banknotes, Lottery Tickets, etc.. from Kazakhstan and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................17341 - Vladimir Parfiriev, Karasay Batyra 76, kv.18, 050012, P. O. Box: 298, 050000, Almaty. - A, 080662 (m) B, Teacher. Want: worldwide used stamps, mainly Mexico, Egypt, Laos, Philippines, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Taiwan and African countries. Offer: mint stamps of Kazakhstan. I change for quantities, 1x1, Michel catalogue. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian- Email: - Dr. Rolan Chanyshev, P. O. Box: 77, 0030006, Aktyubinsk. - A, 281261 (m) B, Medical Doctor. Want mint stamps worldwide Sport, Fauna, Paintings, worldwide Coins and Banknotes. Offer mint stamps of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, FDCs, Phonecards, Coins, Banknotes. I change by catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19195 - Gigulin Alexander. N., st. Kamzina 61-87, 140100 Aksu, Pavlodar region. - A, m 250276 (m) B, Teacher of College. I collect mint stamps all countries of the world on theme WWF. I can offer in an exchange mint and used stamps Kazakhstan on any themes, at an exchange I use catalogue Michel, Also exchange basis 1x1. The collector with 20 summer experience. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Russian, English and others with online translators. . Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19198 - Kalinov Viktor, P. O. Box:  133, 140000. Pavlodar. - A, 080458 (m) B, Biology Teacher. Exchange Stamps FDCs. Want: mint stamps Thematic + mint, used Stamps, FDCs of Butterflies from all countries of the world, Also Aviation, Railways, Railroads, Trains, Fauna. WWF, Olympic Games. The Special interest of the stamps of the Butterflies!. Offer: mint stamps Thematic FDCs. Kazakhstan, countries SNG and all countries of the world. Medium collector. Base Michel catalogues. The exchange and send the postage stamps only strictly REGISTRATION LETTER! Without consent not to send. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................


...........................................................................................................................................................................................18179 - Jasem Ali, P. O. Box 9141 - Al-Salmiya - Kuwait 22092. - (m) Want used stamps, mint, CTO, FDC, Souvenir sheets from USA, Canada and West Europe. Africa, Asia, South America, Central America, Pacific Islands, and British Omnibus Issues What countries do you collect? I can you offer stamps used, mint, CTO, Souvenir sheets from Kuwait stamps, Arab countries, African and Asian countries, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, USA, Europe, and other countries, British Omnibus Issues. Also offer CTO Stamps from Poland, Hungary and Romania, Mongolia. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Arabic and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................

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.........................................................................................................................................................................19673 - Janis Robeznieks, P.O.Box 306, Riga 50, LV 1050. - (m) Want: Used (round cancelled!) stamps worldwide issued 2006-2011. Offer: Used stamps from Latvia and many other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................16597 - Algis Verkys, Laisves-19, LT-90154 Plunge. - A, 110560 (m) B, Designer. Want: FDCs Christmas, Europe CEPT, used stamps Italy, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Advanced collector. I use Michel catalogue. Offer: See web page:  Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian, and others with omline translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18241 - Aleksandras-Tomas Serpytis, Poste "Restante", LT-72001 Taurage. - A, 020145 (m) B, Pensioner. Want mint MNH stamps theme Space, Fauna, WWF from worldwide. Offer mint MNH stamps Baltic States, mint MNH Fauna worldwide used stamps Lithuania, USSR. Medium collector. I use Michel catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and other with online translator. Email: - Vilius Klemanskis, Vilnius 2-42 LT-87129 Telsiai, - A, 130757 (m) B, Engineer, work in the Theatre.      Want exchange mint stamps from all world, especially Norway, former USSR republic. Also Thematics that I am interested in: Flora, Fauna, Europe CEPT and others from all countries. Offer mint Lithuania and Latvia, Eesti and Russia. Base catalogue Michel. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English, Russian. Email:- [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18420 - Valdas Skeberis, Taikos 115-04, LT-05200 Vilnius. - A, 051074 (m), B, Officer. Want only exchange mint stamps MNH sets on a theme Fauna and Europe CEPT of the countries of Europe. Offer: Mint sets of Lithuania 1990-2010 on different themes. Mint sets on a theme Fauna and Europe CEPT different countries. Remarks: I change for catalogue Michel. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Lithuania, Russian, English, Polish. Email: - Titas Milašiu, Medeinos str. 9 - 53, LT-06141 Vilnius - 22. - A, 080140 (m) B, Engineer. Want used stamps European, Asian, American countries. Also Thematic that I am interested in chronology. Base Michel

catalogue. Medium collector. Offer: European and Asian countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Lithuanian, Russian, German, English and others with online translator. Email:  [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19227 - Arturas Kacinskas, Gedvydziu 31-70, LT-06310 Vilnius. - A, 250663 (m) B, Businessman. Want mint-MNH stamps of European countries and "Fauna" Offer Lithuania, Estonia, Belorussia mint stamps. Beginner collector. I use Michel catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages:

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English, Russian, Lithuanian and other with online translator. Email: - Vytis Vabalas, Putuinskio 28B, P. O. Box 2356, LT-44014 Kaunas. - A, 160241 (m) B, Retired. Search Serious exchange-partners in Australia, Germany, USA and Canada. Also worldwide mint issues of theme: Mushrooms. Offer Lithuania and other countries. Collect stamps about 50 years. Selling mint issues of Baltic countries, Ukraine, Belarus, for low prices, free price lists. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Russian, Lithuanian. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19496 - Yuri Bochkaryov, P. O. Box: 11, LT-31008 Visaginas 1. - A, 13044 (m) B, Retired. Exchange Stamps, Coins, Banknotes and Phonecards from worldwide. Want: MNH sets, Souvenir sheets, Miniature sheets, used, commemoratives. Thematic that I am interested in: Fauna, Olympics, Trains, Aircraft, Mushrooms, Space, Europe-CEPT, Football. Offer: MNH Russia, Lithuania, Latvia. Base of change 1x1, quantities or catalogues. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German and Spanish. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19865 - Algirdas Terten, Iki Pareikalavimo, Fonbergo 4, LT-66001 Druskininkai. - A, 081262 (m) B, Employee. Want exchange UNC Banknotes from worldwide. Offer mint and used stamps, FDCs, Phonecards, UNC Banknotes and etc. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................17995 - Hervé Boyer, 4 chemin de la Fontaine, LU-8386 Koerich. - A, 061071 (m) B, Ingénieur. Echanges timbres oblitérés base mancolistes uniquement. Cherche : Pays occidentaux + Japon + Russie - Offre : France, Luxembourg et Allemagne oblitérés - Collectionneur avancé. S'il vous plaît contact  avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi.  J'ai offre grande possibilité d échange. Résponse assurée. Langues connues: Français, English, Español, Want used stamp exchanges based on wantlist only. I collect Western Countries + Japan + Russia. Offer used stamps from France, Luxembourg and Germany. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; French, English, Spanish. Email: [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................ 16684 - Ngan Kei Chi, Apartado 372, Macao.- (m). I have some mint sets of Macau stamps (also: Viewcards) to offer for exchange. In return, I need large size used or unused mixed single stamps (I do not accept CTO stamps. I do not fill wantlists and do not supply used stamps.). Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Chinese and Portuguese. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

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……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17108 - Kiron Manuel, Address unpublished by request. 68000, Selangor. - A, 171072 (m) B, Zoologist. Collect Philippines and other stamps of Asia, except Malaysia. No CTO please. Any quantity can be similar  image stamps. Also Postcards new postcards several cards of the same type. Details via email. Need to see images and links. Offer Malaysian mint and used stamps. Souvenir sheets too. Maybe of other parts of Asia too. Worldwide stamps mint, used and CTO. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, and others with online translators. Web page: Email : [email protected], [email protected],

……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18344 - Coreen Ooi, 1B-09-3A, Desa Baiduri Jalan Ru 1, Bandar Baru Ayer Itam, MO-11500 Penang. - A, 241075 (f) B, Accounts Assistant. Want exchange Walt Disney Cartoon Used and Mint, stamps, Dogs and U.S.A. and British Movie Stars and Singers- Offer: Malaysian and World Wide Used and Mint Stamps. Beginner Collector, Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English. Email: [email protected]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18563 - Ben Lim, Bangunan Anson 160, 7/2, Jalan Andon, MO-10400 Georgetown, Pulau Pinang. - A, 020456 (m) B, Project Manager. Want: Only BIRD Stamps of the World as indicated as per countries interested: Aitutaki, Ajman, Åland, Alderney, Algeria, French Andorra, Angola, Anguilla, Antigua, Antigua & Barbuda, Argentina, Aruba, Ascension, Austria, Azerbaijan, Azores, Bahamas, Bahrain, Barbados, Barbuda, Belarus, Belgian Congo, Bermuda, Bhutan, Biafra, Bolivia, Bophuthatswana, Bosnia Herzegovina, Brazil, British Antarctic Territory, British Honduras, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Somaliland, British Virgin Islands, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroun, Cape Verde Islands, Cayes of Belize, Cayman Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Chile, Colombia, Comoro Islands, Congo (Brazzaville), Congo (Kinshasa), Cook Islands, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cyprus (Turkish), Czech Republic, Dahomey, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Fernando Po, French Antarctic Territory, French Guiana, French Somali Coast, French Territory of Afars & Issas, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Greenland, Grenada, Grenadines, Grenadines (St. Vincent), Guatemala, Guernsey, Guinea, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Iceland, Ifni, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Ivory Coast, Jamaica, Jersey, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kosovo (UNMIK), Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madagascar Maldives Islands, Mali, Malta, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mayotte, Mexico, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Montserrat, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Netherlands, Netherlands Antilles, Nevis, New Caledonia, New Guinea, New Hebrides, Niue, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Paraguay, Penrhyn Island, Peru, Pitcairn Islands, Portugal, Qatar, Redonda, Rhodesia, Rio Muni, Ross Dependency, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Slovenia, Somalia, South Africa, South Georgia, South Georgia & South Sandwich, South West Africa, Spanish Morocco, Spanish Sahara, St. Helena, St. Kitts, St. Lucia, St Pierre & Miquelon, St. Vincent, St Vincent & Grenadines, Sudan, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Tokelau, Tonga, Transkei, Trinidad & Tobago, Tristan da Cunha, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Turks & Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, UN Geneva, UN NY, UN Wien, Upper Volta, Uzbekistan, Vatican City, Venda, Wallis & Futuna, West Irian, Yemen (Arab Republic), Yemen (PDR), Yemen Republic (combined), Zaire, Zambia & Zil Elwannyen Sesel. NOTE: THOSE COUNTRIES NOT MENTIONED ABOVE ALREADY HAVE & COMPLETED. Offer:  Bird Stamps of the World, Australia, New Zealand,

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Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, British Commonwealth Stamps and Stamps of the World. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Bahasa Malaysia and others With online translators. Email: [email protected]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………13076 - Joseph Farrugia, Biancaville. Philip Farrugia Str.Zurrieq, ZRQ 05. - A, 1939 (m) B, Microbiologist. (Retired) I am stamp collector.  Intermediate, To Exchange, Buy and Sell stamps. By quantities, from all countries. No wanlists, accept duplicates. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Serious and honest collector. I also wish to make it known among my contacts in Spain that I have my own Holiday House in Malta close to the sea, to let for holidaymakers from Spain and other countries. Languages: English only. Email: [email protected] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..15970 - Joseph Bugeja, 163, "Josdor" House, Bwieraq Street, B’Kara BKR 1214. -  A. 210329 (m). B. Philatelist. Wants MNH stamps in sets, S/Ss, FDCs, M/Cs, and all topics such as Badges, Medals, Coins, and Banknotes all on Music. Offers mint sets of British Commonwealth countries, various Europe sets, MNH, issues of Europe CEPT, nd other items suitable to all collectors. Advanced serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. All mail answered in English nd others with online translators. Email: [email protected]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..16038 - Bernard Agius, 29, Carmel Street, Birkirkara BKR07. - A, 170661 (m) B, Storekeeper. Want: Recent used stamps from Canada, Greece, Czech Republic, Croatia, and West Europe. Offer: used Malta and West Europe. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Italian. Email: [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16742 - Alfred Consiglio, PO Box 29, Qormi QRM 01. - A, 221244 (m). I want stamps Europe, Olympics from Worldwide. I offer stamps of Malta with stamps of my topics from all over the world. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Maltese.Email: [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18211 - Jose Vella-Caruana, Address unpublished by request.- A, 170643, (m) B, Pensioner (ex Teacher and Head of School). Want: Birds stamps from any country (except from Australia, GB, Belgium and Romania). Mainly I collect used stamps for my Topics, but I accept mint too. Offer: Please tell me what you collect or wish me to send you. I can exchange stamps 1x1. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian, French and some Spanish. Email [email protected] ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19251 - John Bonnici, Primavera Wied-il-Ghajn Street, 2702 Zabbar. - A, 319836 (m) B, Pensioner. Want worldwide stamp collector. Offer stamps from all the countries of the world. Accept duplicates worldwide on a 1 for 1 basis in quantities. Malta duplicates for duplicates of you country. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19687 - Albert Galea, 48 Tal Borg Str., Paola Pla 1253. - A, 060240 (m) B, Retired. Want stamps used or mint issued from the year 2000 to date from all countries. All stamps but only one each kind. Base catalogues Scott, Gibbons, Yvert. Medium collector. Offer stamps of Malta, used or mint, also most European countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Italian, Maltese. Email: [email protected],

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……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17231 - Yassine Chahbi, 175-Skikina, Temara 12000. - A, 190377 (m), B, Software Engineer. Want and offer: I ask and offer only used commemorative stamps of worldwide, in particular from Africa and European countries. No cancelled to order, No wavy lines postmarked, 1 stamp for 1 stamp, 50 or 100 every time. Specially I am interested in: Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Spain, France, Germany and Belgium. Please contact first with me for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Arabic and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected] , ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18126 - Dr. Khalil Mustapha, Boite Postale 5213 Maarif, 20101 Casablanca. - A, 201244 (m) B, Médecin. Cherche timbres neufs et obliteres de France, Monaco, Andorre fr, Espagne et colonie espagnoles pays du Maghreb, Syrie, Liban Colonies Espagnoles. Donne les memes pays selon catalogue Yvert et Edifil. Collectionneur très avancé.Je prie des contacts d'abord pour arriver à un accord complete. Réponse assurée. Langues: Français, Arabe, Anglais et Russe. Email: [email protected]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18133 - El Ouachekradi Abdellah, Boite.Postale 497, Poste Principale de Berkane, 60300, Berkane. - A, 070487 (m) B, Etudiant en Faire des connaissances et enréchir ma collection . Cherche : Timbres du monde mais surtout la France, le Maroc, les perforés, les flammes et thèmes: Médecine, Bateaux, Coquillages. + Cartes postales anciennes du Maroc + Billets de banque . Offre : Timbres du Monde + Cartes postales du Maroc bcp de thématique . J'échange à la base de un contre un pour les timbres ou par cote catalogue Yvert. Je prie des contacts d'abord pour arriver à un accord complet. Réponse assurée. Langues: Arabe, français et un peu d'espagnol. Email: [email protected]……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………


...........................................................................................................................................................................................17984 - Nawaaz Mauntah, 174, Parisot Road, Mesnil. - A, 210677 (m) B, Accounts Manager. Want: Mainly used South Pacific Islands, Latin American countries, Belize and Gibraltar. Other countries also welcomed. Offer used Mauritius and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and French. Email: [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................


.............................................................................................................................................................................................08601 - Dr. Efraín Pacheco Rosado, Priv. Rojo Gómez No. 73, % Av. Rojo Gómez y Juana de Asbaje, Frac. Miraflotres, Chetumal, Q. Roo. 77027. - A, 240955 (m), B, Médico Anestesiólogo. Deseo sellos de todo el Mundo, nuevos y en series completas. Temáticas: Flora, Fauna, Pre-historia, Barcos, Aviones, Personajes y

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Comunicaciones. Ofrezco sellos nuevos de México en series completas, años completos, y temáticos de todos los países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wamt stamps, mint and complete sets, thematics Flora, Fauna, Pre-history, Ships, Planes, Communications and Personages. I offer mint stamps, complete sets and complete years of Mexico and thematics from all countries. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translator- Email: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] - Michel M Brillet, Apartado de Correos: 346, 45920 Ajijic, Jalisco. - A, 290946 (m) B, Retirado. Deseo Novedades todos nuevos-MNH series completas años 2000 / 2011  España / Andorra / Francia / Portugal / Acores / Madeira / Timor Leste. Ofrezco temáticos nuevos de: Papua / isla Norfolk / isla Nauru / Polinesia Francesa  (Tahití) / Nueva Caledonia / Uruguay /. Coleccionista avanzado. Base cambio catálogos Yvert, Scott. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés, Inglés. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................16463 - Favio Antonio Navarro F., Ejido Los Reyes Nº 59, San Francisco Culiacán, Coyoacan, 04420 México DF. A, 110571, (m), B, Empleado de Gobierno, Deseo: Sellos nuevos (mint) de América Latina, USA, Europa, en especial Grecia y Hungría, Japón y Australia. No me interesan sellos de España, Rusia y China. Ofrezco: Sellos nuevos de México .Seriedad en todos los cambios. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17022 - Ernesto Esquivel Torres, La Medrano No. 291, S.R., Guadalajara, Jal. 44450 - A, 129757 (m) B, Ingeniero Electrónico. Deseo: Sellos nuevos (mint) de cualquier país del mundo. Ofrezco: Sellos nuevos (mint) de México, España, Cuba, etc. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada Want mint stamps from all countries of the entire World. Offer mint stamps of Mexico, Cuba, Spain, etc. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English and others wirh Online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17114 - Jesús Hernández Almeida, Calle Ayutla 105-2,  INFONAVIT, 63197 Los Fresnos, Nayarit.- A, 50340   (m) B, Técnico en Desarrollo Rural. Deseo: Sellos de todo el mundo temáticos Cruz Roja, Mariposas y Tortugas. Ofrezco: sellos de “México Exporta”. También Ofrezco sello de “MEMIN PINGUÏN”, por  500 sellos grandes usados en buen estado más gastos de envío por correo registrado. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Contesto siempre. Idiomas: Español. Email: - Pablo López Mora, Apdo. Postal 1-1617, 44100 Guadalajara, Jalisco. - A, 021168 (m) B, Ventas. Deseo: Sellos en nuevo y usado de todo el mundo, conmemorativos y temáticos de Flora, Fauna, Aves, Mariposas, Peces, Arte, Arquitectura, Religión, Papa Juan Pablo II, Deportes en intercambio 1X1 en usados y, en nuevo Acordamos las condiciones, Tarjetas Telefónicas con chip, Postales, Billetes de Banco, Monedas, Libros y pequeños souvenir. Ofrezco: Sellos en nuevo y usado de México y países Latinos, tarjetas telefónicas, Postales, Monedas, Billetes de Banco. Coleccionista mediano. Want mint and used stamps from worldwide Commemoratives ad thematics of Flora, Fauna, Birds, Butterflies, Fish, Art, Architecture, Religion, Pope John Paul II and Sports in base of exchange 1x1 used stamps and mint previous agreement. Also Phonecards with Chip, Postcards, Banknotes, Coins, Books and small Souvenirs. I offer mint and used stamps of Mexico and Latin American countries, Phonecards, Postcards, Coins, Banknotes. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. Email: [email protected], [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................

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17432 - Dr. Dante Espinoza Guzmán, Lerdo de Tejada No 329 Centro, 93990 Panuco. Veracruz. – (m). Deseo sellos de Alemania Tercer Reich, Alemania Imperio, México, Centroamérica (últimos 10 años), temas de Aves, Aviones, Disney y Deportes de todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco los mismo, México y de otros países. Ruego contactos primero antes de hacer un primer envío. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17434 - Rubén Escarramán Alonso,  Avenida Morelos Poniente 141, San Cristóbal Ecatepec. Edo Méx., 55000. - A, 150158 (m) B, Cirujano Traumatólogo, Ortopedista. Deseo: Sellos nuevos en series completas desde 1958 hasta la fecha, especialmente de Europa y America.Tambien UPAEP, Flora, Fauna, Juan Pablo II, de todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco: México y algo de América . Coleccionista mediano, cambio por mancolistas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint complete sets of Europe and America especially from 1958 until the date. Also UPAEP, Flora, Fauna, Pope John Paul II, if all countries. Medium collector. Change only by Wantlists. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected] ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17452 - Manuel López Roldan, 2ª. Cda. de la Soledad No. 12 Arboledas San Ignacio, 72590 Puebla. - A, 050647 (m)            B, Comerciante. Deseo: sellos nuevos o usados de cualquier país, solo del tema: Sello sobre Sello. Ofrezco:             sellos de México y del mismo tema. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta             asegurada. Want only worldwide stamps with theme: Stamp on Stamp. Offer the same and Mexican            stamps. Answer always. Idioma: Español. Email: - Arturo Rubio Vázquez, Cacahuatalas No 12, Edificio “A” Dpto. 301, Colonia Granjas Coapa, Delegación Tlalpan, 14330, México, DF. - A, 1950 (m). Colecciono sellos nuevos y usados en buen estado de los los siguientes países. Alemania, Australia, Austria, Canadá, España, Estados Unidos, Francia, Gran Bretaña. Grecia, Italia, Japón, México, Nueva Zelanda y Suiza. Ofrezco en cambio sellos nuevos y usados de mi país, México, y usadas todas perfectas de todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero antes de hacer un primer envío. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: español e Inglés. Email: - Rodolfo Franco Casas, Avenida de los Álamos No 4, Col. Arcos del Alba, 54750, Cuautitlan Izcalli, Edo. de México. - A, 180853 (m) B, Ingeniero Mecánico. Deseo: Sellos de México y temáticos de la Maquinaria para la Construcción de todo el Mundo. Ofrezco: Sellos de México. I wish: Thematic stamps of the Machinery for the Construction of the whole world. I offer: Stamps of Mexico. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected] ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17632 - Josef Gottlicher R. Paseo Alto No. 104, 78 150 San Luís Potosí, S. L. P. - A, 220238 ()m) B, Jubilado. Deseo sellos usados ó nuevos de América Latina, Japón y Europa del Norte. Ofrezco: Sellos nuevos o usados, FDC, Tarjetas Postales, Tarjetas Telefónicas, etc. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés, Inglés y Alemán. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................17706 - Alfredo Urbina Aboyte, Valle de Tormes 238, 3ra. Sección, Valle de Aragón, Ecatepec, 55280. Edo. de México. - A, 030262 (m) B, Profesor. Deseo: sellos nuevos de tema Fauna y UPAEP de Europa. Especialmente: España, Portugal, Francia, Andorra española y francesa. Italia, San Marino Vaticano, Rusia, Bulgaria etc... Ofrezco: sellos nuevos  de Cuba, México y Fauna de algunos países africanos. Ruego contactos Primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y un poco de Inglés. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18239 - Luís Mario Morales García, Fundiciones 231, Fracc. Buenos Aires, 64800 Monterrey, o Apartado Postal 3163, 64000 Monterrey, NL. - A, 140560 (m) B, Arquitecto. Deseo: USA, Gran Bretaña, España, Francia, Rusia, Irlanda, y temáticos mundiales También temáticos usados de todo el mundo. Ofrezco sellos México,

Sudamérica y temáticos mundiales usados. Coleccionista mediano. Cambio sellos por sellos en cantidades.

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Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada. Want stamps from Spain, France, Russia, Great Britain, USA and Ireland. Also thematics from worldwide and Postcards. Offer Mexico, South America and worldwide thematics, Medium collector. Exchange stamps for stamps, in quantities. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected]

...........................................................................................................................................................................................18279 - Gaetan Guilbert, Rio Papaloapan Nº 69, Apartado de Correos 621, Ajijic 45920 Jalisco. - (m) B, Retired, I want Perfins from all countries. Aerogrammes of Canada. I offer Perfins of the worldwide, used stamps of the world. Medium collector. I use Scott and Yvert catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish and others with online translator.. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],...........................................................................................................................................................................................18373 - Ernesto Salazar R, COV, Apartado 16, 06721 México DF. - A, 190165 (m) B, Ingeniero. Deseo Billetes de Banco de América, África, Oceanía y Asia. Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco lo mismo de México y de todo el Mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Banknotes from America, Africa, Asia and Oceania. Medium collector. I offer the same of Mexico and all countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18688 - Astrid Maria de la Fuente, Juan Díaz de Solís 2908, Col. Cumbres, 5 Sector, Monterrey, NL. 64620. - A, 1966 (f) B, Ingeniero Informática. Colecciono Monedas, Billetes de banco y Tapas (chapas) de cervezas, bebidas Alcohólicas y refrescantes de todo el mundo. Ofrezco Monedas, Billetes, Tapas (chapas) de cervezas, bebidas Alcohólicas y refrescantes y Tarjetas Telefónicas de México y otros países. I collect Coins, Banknotes, Beer, Alcoholic and refreshing drinks Crowns from all countries. Offer the same more Phonecards. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: Spanish and some English. Web page: Email: [email protected], [email protected], ......................................................................................................................................................................18741 - Gustavo Rafael Aranda Hernández, 14a calle Poniente Norte 1212; Colonia El Mirador; 29030 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. - A, 020750 (m) B, Ingeniero Civil. Deseo sellos usados temáticos de Discapacitados y Paraolímpicos, Gallos, Caballos, Ferrocarriles, Dinosaurios. Puentes, Presas y Embalses de almacenamiento de agua de todo el mundo Ofrezco lo mismo, sellos de México y otros países. Base de cambio: 1x1, en lotes de 100-200 cada envío. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. .Want worldwide used stamps of Roosters. Horses, Railroads, Paralympics, Disabled, Bridges, Dams and Reservoirs of water storage of the whole world. Offer same, stamps of Mexico and other countries. Base of change: 1x1 en quantities 100-100 each time. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Answer always. Language: English. French, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Email: [email protected], - Jesús Orlando Pacheco Aguilar, Paseo del Pozo No. 16 Manzana 10 Colonia Las Fincas, 62550, Jiutepec, Morelos. - A, 050461 (m) B, Contador Público. Deseo hacer intercambios y compra- venta de sellos de Correos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco participar en los intercambios y compra-venta con honradez. Solo sellos sueltos, conmemorativos, usados, nuevos, primer día de emisión (FDC). Coleccionista  Principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés Inglés.Email: [email protected]  [email protected] [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................19093 - Alfonso Alcocer Acevedo, Apartado Postal 6-705, Zona Rosa, 06600 Col. Juárez, Delegación Cuauthemoc, México DF. - A, 310166 (m) B, Contador. Deseo intercambiar Sellos, Tarjetas Postales, Monedas y Billetes de Banco y otros coleccionables de todo el mundo. Ofrezco Sellos, Tarjetas Postales, Billetes de Banco y Monedas de Mexico y mundiales. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo

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acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want exchange stamps, Postcards, Coins and Banknotes and other collections from worldwide. Offer stamps, Postcards, Coins and Banknotes and other collections from Mexico and all countries. Medium, serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and Spanish. Email: [email protected]; - Iván López Alegría, Terán 222, Col. Burócrata, Apartado de Correos 62, Tepic, Nayarit, 63156. - A, 160168 (m) B, Profesor-Teacher. Deseo compra e intercambio de Billetes y Sellos de todo el mundo, sueltos, sellos Definitivos, conmemorativos, usados y nuevos. Soy coleccionista de sellos temáticos de Perros y Emisoras de Radio. Ofrezco Sellos, Postales, Tarjetas Telefónicas, Monedas, Billetes de Banco, Chapas de Cervezas. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want to buy and to change of Banknotes and Stamps from worldwide, singles, definitive, commemorative, used and mint stamps, I am a collector of thematic stamps of Dogs and Radio stations. Offer Stamps, Postcards, Phonecards, Coins, Banknotes, Beer Crown. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................19432 - Guillermo Alberto Rivera Andino, Paseo de los Sauces 443, Col Potrero Anahuac, 66456,  San Nicolás de los Garza, Nuevo León. - 260657 (m) B, Sistemas. Busco sellos de cualquier de cualquier país, anteriores a 1960. Ofrezco sellos de México, El Salvador y otros países. Yo puedo enviar sueltos, nuevos y usados. Puedo recibir de igual forma. Coleccionista Mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................19515 - Benjamín J. Frontana de la Cruz, Castilla 79 Int. 1, Col San Rafael, Azcapotzalco, México DF, 02010. – A, 040954 (m) B, Ingeniero Agrícola, Deseo: Sobres de México enviados a los diferentes países del mundo. Ofrezco: Sellos de México, sueltos, en bloque de cuatro u hojas enteras nuevas. Series completas, sueltos, conmemorativos, nuevos. En cantidades 1x1 o por catálogos Yvert, Scott, Coleccionista mediano a principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada en Español o Ingles y otros de acuerdos con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................19548 - Gonzalo López Díaz, Guillermo Prieto 331, 37000 León, Gto. - A, 230662 (m) B, Agente Ventas. Deseo intercambios de Monedas, con todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco Monedas de México, algunas de plata. Coleccionista avanzado. Poseo más de 5000 Monedas mundiales. I want Coins exchanges with all countries. Offer Coins of Mexico offer some silver. Advanced Collector. I have over 5000 world coins. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................19836 - Abraham Chinchillas Terrazas, Circuito San Francisco #335, Rinconadas de San Francisco, Mineral de la Reforma, Hidalgo 42083, Apartado Postal 1-31, Col. Centro, Pachuca, Hidalgo. 42000. - A, 050774 (m) B, Periodista/Journalist. Deseo sellos usados y nuevos, CTO, FDCs, Postales usadas, Bookpost y Sobres circulados de todo el mundo. Temáticos de mi interés: Libros, Escritores, Imprenta, Máquina de escribir, la Pluma, Bibliotecas, Librerías, Ferias del libro, TV, Radio, Periódicos, Fotografía y Cine. Acepto duplicados. Ofrezco sellos de México y otros países, de temáticas diversas, así como FDC’s. Uso catálogo Scott. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruegos contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect mint and used stamps, CTO, FDCs, Circulated Postcards, Bookpost and circulated Covers of the Worldwide. Thematic of my interest: Books, Writers, Printing, Typewriter, Pens of writing, Libraries, Bookstores, Book Fairs, TV, Radio, Newspapers, Photography and Cinema. I accept copies. I offer stamps of Mexico and other countries. Also FDCs. I use Scott catalogues. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and other with online translator Email: [email protected],

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............................................................................................................................................................................19907 - Gerardo Vega Guevara, Privada de la Santa Cruz 8, Fraccionamiento la Giralda, Xalapa, Veracruz 91194. - A, 230870 (m) B, Veterinario. Deseo tener por lo menos una Moneda de todos los países que existen y que han desaparecidos. Especialmente países y Estados raros, como Pitcairn, Alderney, Tristan da Cunha, Antigua y Barbuda, islas Faroes, etc. Temáticos: de Fútbol, de Animales. Ofrezco Monedas conmemorativas de 5 Pesos de México...... Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con ayuda de traductores online. Email: - Rodolfo Torres Vázquez, Panitzin, Manzana.14 - lote 13 / Santa. Isabel Tola, México DF. 07010. - (m) I collect GB & British Commonwealth, III Reich, Penguins, Scouts, Pope J.P.II, WWII, etc. from all countries. Offer Football, Olympics, Butterfly, Animals, Paintings, Art Masters, Music and more topics. Also Mexico, Egypt, Belgium, France, etc., normally Classic period. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Homepage: Email: [email protected], [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................19967 - Hugo Calderón Carbajal, Apdo. Postal No. 72, 62900  Jojutla, Morelos. -  A, 060760 (m) B, Profesor de Bachillerato. Colecciono y cambio sellos postales nuevos y tarjetas postales de todo el mundo, en especial Temáticos de Trenes, Locomotoras, Maquinas de Vapor y "Chè" Guevara. Ofrezco: Sellos nuevos o usados, Tarjetas postales, etc. de México y mundiales. Coleccionista principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect mint stamps and Postcards from all countries, mainly Thematics Trains, Engines, Locomotives, Steam Machines and “Che” Guevara. Offer mint and used stamps, Postcards of Mexico and worldwide. Beginner collector. Base of change: 1x1. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................


...........................................................................................................................................................................19353 - Xavier Zamorano- 35 Boulevard Rainier III - 98000 Mónaco. - A, 300881 (m) B, Profesor. Resido en el Principado de Mónaco, y propongo la venta cualquier sello de este país. Dispongo de sellos nuevos en series completas, y también usados, FDcs enviados desde Montercarlo. No colecciono sellos y solo vendo el citado material filatélico. Propongo el pago por Paypal o por transferencia bancaria con IBAN y BIC/SWIFT. Soy muy serio y formal. En ebay podéis ver las evaluaciones de otros miembros. Tengo mas de 430! mirar al Vendedor llamado tantebeki.Todos serán enviados por correo certificado para garantía en la recepción. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Aceptos cualquier sugerencia. Idiomas: Español, Francés, y otros con ayuda de traductores online. Je propose la vente de timbres dans ce pays. Je possède de nouveaux timbres séries complètes, également oblitèrès et FDCs, envoyé du Montercarlo. No changement et sulement vendre le timbres et documents philatéliques cité. Langues : Espagnol et Français. Email: [email protected].........................................................................................................................................................................


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..........................................................................................................................................................................16067 - Eugeen Brik, str. Tudora Vladimiresku 12/1 ap.5 or P. O. Box: 3105, MD- Kishinev, 2024. - A, 011255 (m) B, PhD Economics. Want: mint new stamps from Europe. Stamps, souvenir sheets, booklets etc. About Animals, Space, art etc, old, pre 1945 stamps, post cards, etc. Offer: mint and used stamps, post cards, Phonecards, Covers, Banknotes from Moldova, USSR, Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Transnistria etc. Only Registered Letters. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and Romanian. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................16612 - Plugan Gheorghii, P.O.Box 309, Bulgara Str.39, MD-2001, Chisinau. - A, 060565 (m) B, Entrepreneur. Want: Mint stamps from Europe-CEPT and all European countries. Offer: Mint stamps of Moldova, and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Known Languages: English (Intermediate), German (beginner), French (beginner), Russian (perfect), Rumanian (perfect) Email [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................19504 - Mishenin Ivriy, Ruso str-3-1, MD-3123 Beltsy-23. - A, 280651 (m) B, Journalist. Need mint stamps MNH Fauna, Olympics, Football, Europe-CEPT from all countries, mainly Spain and Latin American countries. Base of change: Michel catalogue and 1x1. Offer mint-MNH complete sets of Moldova, Romania, Kazakhstan, Baltic States. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian. and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................


.........................................................................................................................................................................09149 - Alexei Erdeneev, Mongolia (presently work in China P.R). - A, 281164, (m) B, Teacher. I want many relations, serious and honest with collectors for exchange of Coins and Banknotes of the whole world. I offer the same and also mint stamps. Advanced collector. Registered Airmail always or more guarantee of reception. Contact first with me before to any items. Answer always soon. Languages: English, Russian, Email: [email protected] ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------17831 - Jogjid Gantsogt, P. O. Box 314, Ulaanbaatar-39. - A, 310763 (m) B, Teacher. Want mint topical stamps from worldwide. Offer Mongolian stamps and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................


.........................................................................................................................................................................16769 - Mileta Lutovac, ul. Ivana Vujosevica 14, 81000 Podgorica. - A, 260253 (m) B, Interpreter for English/Italian Languages. Want mint stamps and FDCs from you country. Offer mint stamps and FDCs of my country. Base of exchange 1x1, in quantities, 4-6 sets each time. If you are interested in exchange with me please, always make contact by email first of all exchange!. Assured answer Language: English, Italian, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................19249 - Boris Jabucanin, 27. Marta 62, 81000 Podgorica. - A, 191269 (m) B, Marketing Manager. Want Montenegro

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Classic (1874 - 1921), WWF issues from many countries. Offer: Newest Montenegro MNH stamps (Europe CEPT,) Flora, Fauna, Ships, Olympic games, Art...). Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................


.......................................................................................................................................................................….18691 - Carlos Pinto, Address unpublished by request. Maputo. - (m) Deseos Billetes de Banco y Monedas de todos

los países. Ofrezco lo mismo de Mozambique y todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Exchange Coins and Banknotes with all countries of the entire World. Offer the same of Mozambique and worldwide. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Serious and honest collector. Languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish. Email: [email protected], [email protected],[email protected],



...........................................................................................................................................................................16958 - Georine Rechholtz, P. O. Box 30876, Windhoek. - (f). I do not buy stamps. I am looking for partners to exchange on a one to one. Bases any new releases from your respective countries, mainly: Israel, Palestine, Australia, Great Britain, New Zealand, Russia, Ukraine, but, if you are keen, any country will do. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................17634 - Shyam Nhuchhe Pradhan, General P. O. Box: 2265, Kathmandu. -  A, 050949 (m) B, Business. Want: Mint stamps, UNC Banknotes, used Phonecards all countries. Offer: Nepal philatelic items and Banknotes. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Web page:, Email [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18299 - Raghu Budhathoki, P. O. Box 4257, Koteshor, Kathmandu. - A, 301155 (m) B, Tour Guide and Social Worker. I want stamps all over the world and I wish to make friends for friendship and to make peace in this world. Welcome to visit Nepal for all in to do so many works. My mobile—0097-9841364349 Tel--00977--01—4600879, FAX--00977--01--4602362 Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Chinese and Japanese. Email [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

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19031 - Sudeepp Shrestha. Birta,Ganeshmansingh chowk, House 222, Road No-2,Ward No-5,Birgunj, Parsa district, Narayani zone, Central Development Region, 00977. - A, 130794 (m) B, Student. Want: All philatelic items from all countries. Offer: All philatelic items from all countries. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Hindi, Nepali. Email: [email protected],.............................................................................................................................................................................................19120 - Laxmi Prasad Shahi, House no.163, Lakhgalli, Ward no.19, Damai Tole, Sundhara Postal Service 00977, 01, Kathmandu. - A, 050375 (m) B, Craft sender, Postcards, Mint stamps, Cover, Flower seeds, Gemstone Dealer, Coins Dealer or collector. Exchange with our coins to Euro 1 coins from 5 Euro coins. Want: Gemstone, Euro Coins, UK coins, USA coins and Malaysian 10 coins. no cent coins to offer send our Postcards, mint and used stamps from all countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English only Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................19637 - Sunil Malla, P. O. Box: 1921, Kathmandu. - A, 080979 (m) B, Business. Want worldwide Used & Mint Stamps, FDCs, Phonecards, Postal Stationery. Offer: Nepalese Used & Mint Stamps, FDCs, Phonecards, Postal Stationery. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], .............................................................................................................................................................................................


.........................................................................................................................................................................16786 - Roger Román Rocha, Rotonda Colonia Universidad, 5 c. arriba, 1 c. al Sur, 10 vs. Abajo, León. – A, 271052 (m) B, Biólogo. MSc Recursos Naturales. Deseo: 1) Emisiones WWF y otros sobres especies amenazadas. 2) Parques Nacionales. 3) Árboles y Frutos de toda especie. 4) Especies Seleccionadas (Ballenas, Tortugas Marinas, Tiburones, Murciélagos y Vampiros, Plantas Carnívoras; Orquídeas). 5) Personajes Famosos. Sellos nuevos o usados, pero en series completas, hojas filatélicas, bloques, conmemorativas. Todos sin excepción (países verdaderos y no fantasmas filatélicos)  Ofrezco: Lo mismo que deseo. También emisiones en la mayoría de las temáticas usuales, de diversos países del mundo y de especialmente de Nicaragua a partir de 1980. Básicamente nuevas ya que dispongo de pocas usadas para cambios. Cambios: l 1x1  y/o  por Catálogo Scott. Sólo canjes por correo certificado. Seriedad y honradez, filatélica amistad garantizadas. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Portugués y otros con traductores online Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................17478 - Dr. Jean-Michel Maes, Apartado Postal 527, León 999. - A, 060958 (m) B, Entomólogo. Deseo sellos de temática de Insectos (Mariposas, Escarabajos, Abejas, Zancudas) de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: sellos de Nicaragua y otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want. Stamps of the theme Insects (butterflies, beetles, bees, wading) from all countries. Offer stamps of Nicaragua and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, French and Spanish. Email [email protected] [email protected], (Oficina de la Alianza Francesa)., (main page in Spanish) (pequeña pagina de contacto) (lista de anuncios - puede inscribirse si le parece) (Insectos) (aves) (Lucanidae genera)

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.........................................................................................................................................................................18364 - Ernesto C. Cordero V., De Hispamer UCA, 1/2 al Norte no. 35, Managua. - A, 140275 (m) B, Admón. de Empresas. Deseo: sellos antiguos (nuevos o no) de Alemania, USA, Canadá, Australia y Europa en general. Ofrezco: sellos antiguos (Europa). Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want old stamps, mint or used of Germany, USA, Canada, Australia and all Europe. Offer old stamps of Europe. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Spanish and others with online translators. Email [email protected] .........................................................................................................................................................................18368 - Nelson Estrada Solórzano, Calle Rubén Darío #1 - Lomas de Santo Domingo, PO Box A102 CCM, Managua. (m). Colecciono sellos de: EEUU, Liechtenstein, Nicaragua, Vaticano, Francia, Rusia, México. Temáticos de Zeppelines, Obras de Arte (con énfasis en Word carvings Japoneses), sellos sin dentar, imperforados de Francia. Ofrezco en cambio bastantes sellos para intercambio de: Nicaragua, EEUU, Vaticano, Israel y de otros países. Doy acepto solo sellos en perfectas condiciones. Uso para cambios el catalogo Scott. Soy co-fundador de la Sociedad Filatélica de Nicaragua (SOFINI). Mi esposa colecciona de Brasil y tiene muchos sellos para intercambiar. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................19435 - Alejandro Rocha Weimar. Dirección omitida a petición propia. Matagalpa. - (m). Monedas bimetálicas y Billetes de banco de todo el mundo. Ofrezco Tarjetas Telefónicas, Billetes de banco y Monedas. Realizo cambios al valor facial. Ruego contactos primero para llegara un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con traductores de Internet,. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................19903 - José T. Quintana, Villa Don Bosco E-238 - Distrito 5 – Managua. - (m) B, Ing. Forestal, (Presidente del Club de Coleccionistas de Nicaragua). Deseamos cambiar sellos: Aviación civil o militar, Barcos de Vela, Trenes, Maquinas de Bomberos, Castillos. Sello mundiales usados, nuevos cancelados o sin cancelar. También Billetes, de Banco, Monedas, Tarjeras Postales, Tarjetas Telefónicas. Base con catalagos World Paper Money, World Coins, Scott. Ofrecemos en cambio lo mismo. Más de 190 canjes positivos por parte nuestra y ninguno negativos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................


..........................................................................................................................................................................17006 - Chukwuemeke Ochei, P. O. Box 140, NG - 320007 Issele - Uku, A, 110373 (m) B, Engineer. Want: Mint and used Stamps, Banknotes, Coins, IRC’s, Viewcards, Phonecards and other collectibles from worldwide. Offer the same above on 1x1 bases. Send Registered Mail only. I also Sale them, send your wantlist. Serious minded Ladies, 25 to 45 years (worldwide). I can also write for a very serious relationship. Request to contact before making a first sending. Answer always all emails and letters. As soon as possible. Language: English and other with online translators. Email [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................17668 - Edet Akpan, P. O. Box: 3542, 540001 Calabar, Cross River State. - A, 270272 (m) B, Bachelor of Science degree in industrial Microbiology His particularly interest is in pre-independence stamps of Nigeria and stamps of British West African countries including; British Cameroun, Gambia, Sierra Leone, Togo, Gold Coast (Ghana), Nigeria, Ascensions, St. Helena, Tristan Da Cunha etc. Also collect stamps of British Commonwealth

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Nations particularly those of Caribbean, small British Island colonies, Polynesia and Micronesia. I accept duplicate of all Nigerian items I have a large stock of his collections for exchange and for trading to willing collectors within and outside of Nigeria.. Offer also worldwide stamps, Topical stamps, Nigerian, African Stamps, Banknotes, Coins, Postcards. Crown, Sheets, etc. Advanced collector. I use all catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Phone: +2348033950108, Email: [email protected], Web:, Web: - Pastor Emmanuel Bassey, 164 Parliamentary Road, P. O. Box 2572, 540001 Calabar, Cross River State. - A, 200976 (m) B, School Teacher, Social Worker, Preacher. I am looking for the following stamps from 1809-1960.the topics include Map topics the stamps showing maps, Surveyors or surveys, Arts, crafts, Paintings. Also Pre-independence stamps  and classical stamps all subjects. Africa: South Africa, Nyasaland, Tanganyika, Botswana, Rhodesia, Great Lakes Region. Offer: mint Nigerian bank notes at an agreed number and used tamps. Also some friends who want to network in the NGO world as well as world Evangelism. Answer always. Language: English. Email [email protected].   ......................................................................................................................................................................18851 - Elder Etim Duke JP, 41 MCC Road, Calabar 234. -A, 180270 (m) Business (Chairman, CEO Dubass  Resources). Want Stamps of British Commonwealth Countries. Offer worldwide Stamps, Banknotes, and Coins from Nigeria, Crowns, Postcards, Phonecards etc. Catalogues used. Nigeria and Scott. Please contact first or mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Web pages:, Email: [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................


..........................................................................................................................................................................08756 - Gunnar Sund, Vinkelgata 8, N-4013 Stavanger, Email: [email protected], Fallecido – Deceased - Avdøde..........................................................................................................................................................................17248 - Leif-Otto Engelberg, Pb 9017 Blindheim, NO-6023 Aalesund. - A, 1945 (m) Collect / exchange Stamps, all kinds, all countries, issued 1840 – 1979. Honest and serious collector. Offer same. If you are interested in exchanges with me please, always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English, German and others with online translators.. Email [email protected],........................................................................................................................................................................17674 - Svetoslav Mihajlov, Bjerkejordet 25, N-1350 Lommedalen. - (m). Want: MNH topical: Europe-CEPT 2009, Chess, Olympic Games and Fauna from all countries. Used stamps Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Germany, Luxembourg, Lichtenstein, Bulgaria, Greece, Australia+Oceania. Offer: MNH topical, MNH Norway, used Norway, used worldwide. Advanced collector. If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Norwegian, Swedish, Russian, Bulgarian and others with online translators. Website: Email [email protected], [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................18455 - Tonni Naess, Hoelstangen 20, NO-2080 Eidsvoll. - A, 040946 (f) B, Information. Want Europe-CEPT stamps, Preferably used by wantlist. Offer mainly Scandinavia and European stamps. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, and others with online

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translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .....................................................................................................................................................................18819 - Erik Stromsoe, Elmholt Alle 8, N-0275 Oslo. - A, 160943 (m) B, Engineer PhD .Medium/Advanced collector of used stamps, want exchange world wide, by wantlists Michel catalogues (priority: Europe, Chile, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Nepal, China, Japan). Offer same. If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English, German, Scandinavian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................19401 - Haakon Aker, Baerumsvein 216, N-1357 Bekkestua. - A, 060330 (m) B, Engineer (Retired). Want France 1849-1960, Nederland 1852-1960, Denmark 1851-1994 used stamps by catalogue. Offer Scandinavia, Europe. Medium collector. Please contact first fox mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................19948 - Rune Berg, Bregnevegen 11, N-2208 Kongsvinger. - A, 060473 (m) B, Pastor. Want used stamps only in country collections: After wantlists: Nordic Countries, Baltic’s, Slovenia, Croatia, Germany, Berlin, Saar, UK, Ireland, Channel Islands, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, Czechoslovakia, Czech Rep, Slovakia, Australia, AAT, New Zealand, Ross Dep., Papua New Guinea, Israel, Canada, Japan, Laos, Nepal, Chile, China (1990-today). No wantlists but want any stamps from these countries: Pacific Islands, Former Soviet-republics not mentioned above, DDR, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina, China (pre 1990), South Korea, Taiwan, Thematic that I am interested in: By Wantlists: Europe CEPT (Used), Nordic Joint Issues (Used/MNH/FDC), the Salvation Army on Stamps (Used/MNH/FDC), Stanislaw Czeslaw (MNH) Items (FDCs, Covers with dates tamp of my birthday: 6.April 1973) as well as Major magazines/etc from 1973. Offer: Mostly used stamps: Scandinavia, Iceland, UK, Ireland, Baltic’s, Slovenia, Croatia, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Australia, Canada, Israel and lots more. Countries mentioned above by wantlists are defined/traded by catalogue value. Countries mentioned above that I accept any stamps from can be traded in 100:100 up to 250:250 per trade. Would prefer not to receive CTOs and try not to send CTOs also. Mainly interested in trading commemoratives, but some definitives is ok. Accept little to no duplicates in this kind of trade, and will send mostly different stamps only also. Can work with wantlists after Michel, AFA or descriptive. Advanced stamps collector. Been collecting for 28 years. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Known languages: English, German, Norwegian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], Website with wantlists:


............................................................................................................................................................................................09779 - Heather Goldfinch. 60A Ira Street. Miramar, Wellington 6022. - (f). Want used worldwide stamps. I offer worldwide used stamps. Base 1x1. No wantlist. Also Postcards, Penpals. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................10064 - John Jamie, P.O.Box 100-833, North Shore Mail Centre, Auckland. - A, 020340 (m) B, Accountant. - Exchange and correspondence:   Please contact me before sending stamps. Prefer to work from want lists where possible. Stamp for stamp or by agreed value for more expensive items. Want: Europe, S.E.Asia, and

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North America. Offer: New Zealand, Australia, Pacific Islands, British Commonwealth. Medium collector. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................15615 - Lesley Mason, 32 Dinning Road, Riverhead, Auckland. - (m). I am an intermediate level collector of used stamps from New Zealand, Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Netherlands, and USA. I collect all countries, preferably in exchange lots of 100 at a time. I have a website that people can choose their return stamps from which displays all my spares. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Web site:, Email [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................16652 - Rodger Cox, P. O. Box 12-064 Beckenham. Christchurch 8023. -A, 240241 (m) B, Company Director. Advanced collector. Want Scouts. Walt Disney. Space, Aircraft, Butterflies, Fauna from all countries. Offer Scouts, Space, Walt Disney, Butterflies, different topics on request New Zealand issues mint and used accepted on agreement. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translator. Web page:, Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................16932 - Mauricio Alemann, Address unpublished by request. - (m). Want: Spanish Civil War (1936-1939) Covers, Censor marks and Overprint. Offer: worldwide material and Cash. Cash or ask me if I have it, I have all sorts of stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Atención España: Busco material de la Guerra Civil Española (1936-1939), Cartas, Marcas de Censura, Sobrecargas, etc. Pago con sellos o con dinero : en efectivo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un complete acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Languages: English and Spanish and others with online translators. Email; [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18050 - Neil Morey, 103 Cockerell Street, Brockville, Dunedin 9011. - A, 291078 (m) B, Historic Records. Wish to exchange stamps with people of other countries. Want: George V stamps, Fiji stamps, Pre-independence India and Indian service stamps, Japanese definitives. Offer: Worldwide pre-1940, New Zealand and Australia early to modern. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Hindi and others with online translators. Email [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19112 - Aidan Work.. I will give my address via private email, once a trade agreement has been made, Wellington. - A, 1977 (m). I only specialise in British Commonwealth Banknotes & Coins, which includes those from Gibraltar. I offer same and other countries. If they want Banknotes & Coins from New Zealand & some of the Pacific Islands, I’d be more than happy to put them in touch with a coin dealer over here in New Zealand. Please contacted with me for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................15997 - Khalid Yousaf, P. O. Box: 99, PK-87300 Quetta.. - A, 010172 (m) B, Govt. employee. Want: used stamps of Western Europe, Canada, Great Britain, Channel Islands, Caribbean countries, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Brunei, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, Iran and South Africa. Offer: used stamps of Pakistan and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Urdu, Dari, Pushto, and others with online translators. . Email: - Rizwan Sadiq, General P. O. Box 2459, PK-Lahore. - A, 140270 (m) B, Business. Want: Joint Issues,

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Birds, WWF, Space, Scouts, Sports, Medical, Red Cross, Butterflies and many other topical sets MNH condition from Western Europe, USA, Asia, Australia, NZ, Canada, Pacific Islands, West Indies,. Offer: Pakistan, Worldwide Topical sets. Only serious Exchange Partners contact me. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Languages: English, Urdu, and others with online translators. Webpage: Email [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................16997 - Muhammad Tariq, Railway Road, PK-64100 Kanpur. - A, 020155 (m) B, Business. Exchange Mint complete sets from all countries. Want: I am interested usually all new issues mint thematics, stamps and Souvenir Sheets, like Animals Birds, Butterflies, WWF, and Transport.4 to 10 set each kind. Offer: worldwide mint used Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English Email: [email protected], - Sadiq Malik, C-198, Block 5, Saadi Town, PK-75280 Karachi -. - A, 011065 (m) B, Lawyer. Want: Mint complete thematic sets, Miniature sheets any country. Offer: Mint complete thematic sets, Miniature sheets. Pakistan and Worldwide. I want to need European stamps, large only from 1995 to 2011. I offer Pakistan used 100 different old to new nice lot for exchange. Advanced collector. Contact me with confidence and reply before sending must. Answer always. All sending by Registered Airmail only. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................17265 - Sahir Farid, Islamabad Furnitures, Ishrat Cinema Road, Gulbahar # 3, PK-25000, Peshawar. - A, 260464 (m) B, Broadband Network Engineer. Want: Odd Shaped Used and Mint from worldwide. Offer: Used worldwide Stamps. Medium collector.  Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Urdu, Pashto and Punjabi and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................17929 - Wahid Zia, 446/C Sabzazar, Multan Road, General P. O. Box No- 1609, PK-54000. Lahore. - A, 270868 (m) B, Banker. Want worldwide thematic stamps. themes: Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinah. Flag of Pakistan on worldwide stamps. Offer all Stamps, Banknotes and Postcards of Pakistan and worldwide thematic stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Urdu and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18072 - Ehtasham Ahmad, House No.176 A, Street 9, Sector K2 Phase 3, Hayatabad, PK-Peshawar. - A, 040979 (m) B, Doctor. Want used stamps from USA, Germany, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Czech Republic, Birds, Ships of worldwide and also mint Great Britain (1952-1971). Offer mint and used stamps of Pakistan, Postal Stationary of Pakistan, Birds, Animals and worldwide used. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................18125 - Dr. Khalid Akhtar, 198.B. Gulgasht Colony, PK-Multan. - A, 180958 (m) B, Doctor. Want FDCs and mint (MNH) stamps in complete sets of Birds, WWF, Fishes, Butterflies, Flowers, Rotary, Scouts, Medical, Mountains, Transports, Antarctica,, and others from Asia, Europe, Africa, Middle East and all Islands. Base Catalogs: Gibbons, Scott & Michel. I am advance collector and would like to exchange with advanced collectors. Also want to exchange Banknotes, Coins, Viewcards, Phonecards and Postal Stationery.  Offer FDCs and mint stamps in complete sets of all above themes. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],  [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................18137 - Mohammad Javed, Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, NWFP University of Engineering and Technology, PK-25120 Peshawar,. - A, 260869 (m) B, Teaching. Want: WWF stamps from worldwide. Offer: Flora, Fauna and Nature, WWF issue from Pakistan. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],

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............................................................................................................................................................................................18457 - Jawaid Ali Sario, A-59, Sindh Baloch Cooperative, Housing Society, Block 12, Gulistan-E-Jauhar, Karachi. Sindh. - A, 160977 (m) B, Banker. Want: Worldwide all stamps. Offer: Pakistan and worldwide stamps. I change for quantities, 1x1, Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Urdu, Sindhi, Punjabi. Email [email protected]. ............................................................................................................................................................................................18481 - Muhammad Zargham Haider, House No1, Main Road, Majeed Park, Shahdara Town, 54000 - Lahore. - A, 030183 (m) B, Chartered Accountancy (Student). Want some Pakistan stamps and mini sheets from all over the world and all countries having beautiful stamps. Offer Pakistan mint and used stamps. I change for quantities, 1x1. Collector: medium. I want to have fair deals satisfying both the parties. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................18728 - Tahir Anjum Arshed, 27-E, Zafar Akbar Road, Lalazar Colony, Rawalpindi. - A, 210148 (m) B, Retired Army Officer. I would like to exchange used Pakistani stamps on 1:1 basis with any country, any quantity. I am an Advanced collector (over 40 years). Can also provide scans. Want: Used only any theme worldwide in good condition without perforations or thinned. Also not heavily cancelled. Offer: Used Pakistani, any number. If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English, Urdu and others with online translators. Email: - Major (Retd) Dr Saif Hasan Rizvi, 295-Neelam Block, Allama Iqbal Town, Lahore-54570. - A, 041165 (m) B, Doctor. Philatelic Brotherhood Int stamps club of Pakistan].Looking for old used stamps of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, China, Myanmar (Burma,) United Kingdom (GB), Australia and U.A.E. Main theme: World stamps on Pakistan. I offer used/mint worldwide stamps, especially Pakistan, Postcards, Covers, Topical stamps. Base of exchange: base Scott,, Stanley Gibbons, Michel catalogues. English version am getting soon, Senior advanced collector. See my web and check ads:, every letter and sending shall be replied back instantly. Language: English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18888 - Amn Bonjoulo, E-43(New Flats), GOR Colony, Chaman Housing Scheme, PL-87300. Quetta, - A, 110188 (f) B, Student. Want used stamps pg Great Britain, Ireland, West Europe Scandinavia, Cyprus, Japan, Brunei, Kuwait, UAE, Qatar, Iran, USA Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Caribbean’s and Pacific Islands. Used Postcards of any where, used covers of any country that have travelled through the post. Offer used stamps of Pakistan and worldwide. Plus unused Postcards of worldwide. Also a few Coins and Banknotes for Exchange with stamps or used postcards. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, and local languages and others with online translators. Email: - Muhammad Imran Siddique, Aik Hunar Aik Nagar (Ahan) Smeda, 8th Floor, Lda Plaza Egerton Road, Lahore 54000. (m) B, Assistant Manager Sales & Marketing in Govt. Organization. My hobbies are Pen Friendship, Internet, Collect Banknotes. Exchange Gifts and Stamps of worldwide. I want to purchase Banknotes of Arabic countries from you so kindly guide me, how I Can purchase and exchange Banknotes. Please contact first for Extension 321, Cell: +92-345-4562025. Email: [email protected]. ............................................................................................................................................................................................19082 - Qaiser Mustafa, House =71, Model Town (Humak) Kahuta Road, PK-45700 Islamabad. - A, 201064 (m) B, Manager. Want used stamps of Germany, Australia, New Zealand and Pakistan. Offer used stamps of Germany, Australia, New Zealand and Pakistan. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Urdu and others with online translators Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19084 - Khawaja Asad, 1-A, Durand Road, PK-54000 Lahore.- A, 240486 (m).Business. I like to exchange used

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stamps from all countries, mainly Asian and African countries of the world. Also thematics Flora, Fauna, Sea life, Birds, Art & Antique, Historical Art Museum,, Painting, Sculpture Art,, World Hesitates, and Cultural Festivals stamps from all countries. Medium Collector. Offer: I have lot of Pakistani and many other countries stamps for exchange. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19098 - Faisal Cheema, 2-B, Askari - 1, Chaklala Scheme - 3, PK-46000Rawalpindi -. A, 011277 (m) B, Government Employee.  Want:  Stamps, FDCs, Coins, Postcards, Phonecards, etc on nice themes Aircrafts, Olympics, Sports, Puzzles, Disney, Hollywood, Cars, etc. Offer: Stamps, FDCs, Coins, Postcards, Phonecards, etc from Pakistan and some other countries PLUS other collectibles. Base of change: Commemoratives, used and mint, No CTOs, Quantities, 1:1, No catalog please unless very rare. (I can send duplicate but do not want any in return). Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Urdu, Punjabi and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19188 - M. Yasin Bhatti, P. O. Box 2306, H. Nº 11/10, Neka Pura, Sialkot. - A, 190468 (m) B, Business. Want 100-200-500 large used undamaged commemorative stamps of your country. Offer I can offer 100-200-500 stamps of my country or worldwide. Duplicate stamps up to 5 each time will be no problem. I can also offer you mint stamps from Pakistan on 1x1 basis or yearly basis. Medium Collector. I use catalogues: Scott, Stanley Gibbons Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and other with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19306 - Arshad Abdullah, A-119, Block - 14 Gulistan-e-Jauhar, 75290 Karachi. - A, 300761 (m) B, Business. Exchange Pakistan related themes on foreign stamps and covers, Pakistan Flag on foreign stamps, also want Spain stamps and First Day cover issue on 05 October 1998 on the occasion of “the Agha Khan” award on the Architecture 1008 to Alhambra of Granada. Offer stamps of Pakistan for exchange. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19584 - Syed Ismail, Address unpublished by request. Karachi 75080. - A, 171256 (m) I want only exchange philatelic hobby material with worldwide collectors, mainly mostly Commonwealth, West Europe, Germany, GB, Australia, New Zealand, Austria, Pacific Island/ Oceans and African and Arab countries Bahrain, Dubai (UAE) Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia. Interested in mint, used Stamps, Postal Stationery, Postal Covers (old envelopes with stamps used in mail, First Flight Covers, Censor covers, Postage Due Covers and Thematic Covers with stamp even Meter Machine stamps on cover or special cancellation Postmarks/ slogans/ adv on Cover of Topical Birds, Rose Flower. Aeroplanes, Aero philately, Swan, Pelican, Elephant etc. One theme on one cover. Offer: (1) Mint/Used stamps S/S Postal Stationery, FDC Pakistan and some other countries. (2) Used Phonecards worldwide. (3) Can send other Hobby materials upon your request by Email. Reading Philatelic Magazines, Articles, Literatures, ad sheets. Before start exchanges please contact first by Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19622 - Sartaj Ahmad, P. O. Box: 1518, Islamabad-44000. - A, 010149 (m) B, Retired. Want Banknotes and mint and used stamps, Postally used envelopes and cards of British India with OVERPRINTED PAKISTAN. Also Thematic that I am interested in Flora and Fauna from worldwide. Offer Mint/used stamps of Pakistan and Worldwide, Postal Stationery worldwide, Picture Postcards worldwide. Contact with collectors. You can judge yourself by going through my details. Answer always. Languages: English, Urdu. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19742 - Ehsan ur Rehman, House # I-205/211 Koocha Mian Hayat Buxh, Rawalpindi 46000. - A, 110456 (m) B, Govt Servant. Want worldwide postally covers, used and mint stamps/sheets all over the world especially modern and other periods on catalogue basis, Stanley Gibbons, Michel, Yvert, no East Europe, no CTO such as Russia, Romania, Poland and Cuba. Offer Pakistan Mint or used complete collections, Japan used stamps (1970/ 2000)

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complete year to year pack/modern period (Souvenir sheet not included) and WW used stamps in complete sets. Mint Stamps and Souvenir sheets on WWF, Birds, Railway, Butterflies Fishes, Mountains, Flowers, Animals and many other themes. (Asian and other countries). Used and mint stamps on catalogue basis except CTO/East Europe. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19941 - Datta Dharmadhikari, Flat No.B-5, Mithila Apt., Near School No.8, Shivaji Peth, PK-416 012. Kolhapur.- A, 211143 (m) B, Bank Manager. I collect Stamps, Coins and Banknotes from all countries. Stamps of Europe-CEPT, WWF, Miniature sheets etc. Exchange generally on 1:x basis. High value stamps on catalogue basis. Advanced collector. I offer Indian stamps, Coins and Banknotes also of other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................15919 - Hussam Faisal Karkati, P. O. Box:  27, 00972 Birzeit, West Bank. - A, 280286 (m) B, Student. Want: Worldwide mint and used stamps. Also Coins and Banknotes. Offer: Palestinian mint amd used stamps. Contact first please my mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Arabic, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................17245 - Ing. Manuel Chepote, Apartado postal 0838-01569, Ciudad de Panamá. - A, 160442 (m) B, Engineer. Mis Hobbies son la Numismàtica,y Filatería y todo lo relacionado con la Ingeniería.Mecànica de todo el mundo. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. My Hobbies are the Numismatics, n Philately and everything related to the Mechanical Engineering of the whole world. Please Contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish y otros con traductors Onñone. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18606 - Heriberto Alarcón Vargas, Apartado de Correos: 0819-10101, Ciudad de Panamá. - A, 240251 (m) B, Tec. Ingeniero. Deseo: Sellos viejos orientales, tópicos de dinosaurios, astronomía de todo el mundo.También sellos del del continente Asiático. Ofrezco: Sellos de mi país y de Centro América. Coleccionista Avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español y otros con traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18607 - Minerva Sánchez, Apartado de Correos: 0819-10101, Ciudad de Colón. - A, 070276 (f) B, Universitaria. Colecciono solo sellos temáticos de Ranas y Sapos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Sellos de mi país en sus últimas emisiones y sellos de Colombia usados. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect only worldwide stamps of thematics Frogs and Toads. I offer stamps of my country, Panama of the last issues and also used stamps from Colombia. Medium collector.

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Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................18639 - Jorge Hugues Pino, Urb. Lomas de Mastranto, Calle 5, Casa 25, Barrio Colón, La Chorrera 10 15, Panamá. - A, 030180 (m) B, Jefe de Bodega. Deseo: Sellos mint o usados, WWF, UPAEP, Fútbol,  Sobres Primer Día Ofrezco sellos Panamá y de otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint and used stamps of WWF, America-UPAEP, Football and FDCs from all countries. Offer Panama and other countries. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish y otros con traductors online.. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19122 - George Droniak Repetto, La Pradera,  Pueblo Nuevo calle 83 este Casa #1, Bethania 0818, 00350, Panamá. - A, 250679 (m) B, Arquitecto. Deseo: Sellos y sobres de Panamá, España y Alemania hasta 1945, (Tercer Reich). Ofrezco: Sellos de todo el mundo. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want stamps and Covers of Panama, Spain and Germany up to 1945 (Third Reich). Medium collector. Offer stamps from all countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19135 - Edward Vianna, Apartado de Correos: 0819-07245, Ciudad de Panamá. - A, 231277 (m) B, Arquitecto. Deseo sellos nuevos o usados, matasellos, tarjetas máximas, postales, sobres circulados, cualquier documento o carta de la CRUZ ROJA o que hayan circulado por el correo, Insignias, Pins, sellos nuevos y usados de Temática de Bonsáis y de la vida y obra de Leonardo da Vinci, el trabajo del Arquitecto de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo que pueda de Panamá. No hago milagros, pero puedo resolver. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero antes de llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada. I wish mint or used stamps, Postmark, Maximuncards, postal cards, circulated covers, any document or letter of the Red Cross or that have Circulated along the mail, Badges, Pines, mint and used stamps of subject-matter of Bonsais and of the life and work of Leonardo da Vinci, the work of the Architect of the whole world. I offer what could of Panama. I do not do miracles, but I can resolve. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19567 - Freddy Quiroz, Apartado 0835-00548, Ciudad de Panamá, Zona 10, o Hato Pintado, Pueblo Nuevo, Ciudad de Panamá. - A, 210277 (m) B, Consultor de Sistemas. Deseo sellos en series completas, Sobre Primer Día de Emisión, Sobres Circulados de Fútbol, Animales, WWF, de todo el mundo, y sellos de todas clases de España y Panamá. No acepto ni envío duplicados. Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco: Sellos de Panamá y en usado sellos del mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want stamps in complete sets, FDCs, Circulated envelopes of Football, Soccer, Animals from all countries of the World. Also all issues of Spain and Panama. Medium collector. I either accept or send copies. Offer stamps of Canada and also used from worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected], [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19628 - Israel Khoshen, P.O.Box 0819-09791, Ciudad de Panamá. - A, 140448 (m) B, Retired. Deseo sellos nuevos sin fijasellos y usados, temáticos de todos los países, de Aviación nuevos y usados, Espacio (nuevos y usados), Olímpicos (nuevos), Deportes (usados), Aves (nuevos), Fauna (usados)Base de cambio: catalogo Scott. Uso Mancolistas. Ofrezco sellos nuevos sin fijasellos y usados de Panamá, Israel y de todo el mundo. No envío ni acepto sellos repetidos. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un complete acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada.. Idiomas: Español e Ingles. Want MNH and used stamps. Thematics from all countries. Aviation (MNH & used), Space (MNH & used), Olympics (MNH), Sports (used), Birds (MNH), Fauna (used) basis catalogues values. I have Wantlists. Offer: MNH & used stamps, of Panama, Israel and worldwide, mint and used stamps. Do not send or accept duplicates. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English and Spanish. Email: [email protected],

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............................................................................................................................................................................................18692 - Hans Gooßen, Nuestra Sra. de la Asunción 1669 c/ 5ta., Asunción. - A, 260481 (m) B, Informático. Deseo Monedas de todo el mundo. Monedas del mundo, circulantes, 1x1. Circuladas pero en estado coleccionable. Intercambios sólo por Correo Certificado. Ofrezco Monedas de Paraguay y de todo el mundo. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want Coins from all countries of the entire World. Circulating Coins basis 1x1. Circulated but in coleccionable state. Exchanges only by Registered Mail. I offer Coins of Paraguay and worldwide. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Web page: Email: - Vir Alonso Martínez, Yegros Nº 1.655, Asunción. - A, 030965 (m) B, Licenciado en Ciencias Agrarias. Deseo: Monedas de países exóticos, islas exóticas con emisiones Numismáticas. Países interesados: Niue, Marianas, Isla de Pascuas, Polinesia, Senegal, Burkina Faso, Costa de Marfil, Islas Galápagos Islas, República de Congo, Cabo Verde, Seychelles, Uganda, Sudan, Mauritania, Swazilandia, Puerto Rico, Darfur Sultanado, etc. Ofrezco en cambio monedas repetidas de diversos países. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Italiano, Portugués y algo de Inglés. I wish: Coins of exotic countries, exotic islands with Numismatic emissions of above mentioned countries. I offer on the other hand repeated coins of diverse countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and others with online Translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................08688 - Tiberio Guzmán Palmy, Unidad Centenario, Block 34 - Depto. 202, Callao 1.- A, 011251 (m) B, Contador. Deseo: Series nuevas (mint) y completas temáticas: WWF, Mariposas, Peces, Aves, Música, Cine, Europa-CEPT, América UPAEP, Trajes Típicos y Militares, Vitrales, Arqueología, Picasso, Rembrandt, Rubens de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Perú y América Latina.. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint (MNH) complete sets thematics WWF, Butterflies, Fish, Birds, Music, Cinema, Europe-CEPT, America-UPAEP, Regional costumes, Military Uniforms, Stained Glass Windows, Archaeology, Picasso, Rembrandt, Rubens from all countries over the World. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................16139 - Javier Colmenares, Casilla de Correos 18-1413, Miraflores, Lima-18, o Libertadores 125, San Isidro, Lima 27.- A, 250765, (m) B, Comerciante. Deseo cambiar sellos por lista de faltas y novedades, base catálogos Yvert y Michel, especialmente de: España, Suiza, Alemania, Austria, Italia, Suecia, Noruega, Dinamarca, Finlandia, Inglaterra, Bélgica, Holanda, Polonia, Yugoslavia, Checoslovaquia, Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungría, Grecia, Australia. Ofrezco sellos de Perú y Latinoamérica. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un

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completo acuerdo..Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: - Eva del Carmen Nisizaka Figueroa, Pasaje los Jaspes Nº 136, Balconcillo, Lima-13. - A, 150468 (f) Diseño gráfico y publicitario. Deseo sellos postales sueltos usados y nuevos conmemorativos, solo en perfecto estado, especialmente de Austria, Australia, Japón, Perú, Canadá, México, Argentina, Venezuela, España, Italia, Francia, Ecuador, Chile, Bélgica, Holanda, Noruega, Finlandia, Suecia, China, Mongolia y de todos los países del mundo. Cambio sin catálogos,1x1 en cantidad. Coleccionista mediana. Ofrezco: Sellos postales mundiales y temas diversos. Para mayor seguridad deseos siempre correo certificado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español y otros con ayudas de traductores online. I collect singles mint and used stamps, commemoratives and in perfect state from worldwide, especially the of the countries it above mentioned. Base of change 1x1 in quantities. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Spanish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................17161 - Casa Filatélica Bustamante, Lima. - Fundada en 1933. Compra y Venta de Estampillas. Especialistas en Pre-Filatelia y Filatelia Peruana. Remates y Subastas Filatélicas. Álbum y Catálogos del Perú. CATÁLOGO DE LAS ESTAMPILLAS DEL PERÚ BUSTAMANTE 2004! Suplementos a colores del ÁLBUM DE LAS ESTAMPILLAS DEL PERÚ BUSTAMANTE. Atención de novedades y mancolistas de Principiantes y Avanzados. Asesoramiento Filatélico. Expertizaciones con Certificado de Garantía (SÓLO PIEZAS PERUANAS). CASA FILATÉLICA BUSTAMANTE, siguiendo las exigencias del mundo actual es ue ingresa al mundo virtual para de esta forma poder atender a su distinguida clientela y a los más alejados filatelistas en lo que a Perú se refiere y poder estar mas cerca de ellos sin importar el lugar en donde se encuentren,  considerando  que la filatelia no solamente es la colección de estampillas, sino también el poder conseguir la información veraz y oportuna sobre la pieza y/o tema  tratado. Solicite información sin compromiso. Idiomas: Español y otros con traductores de Internet. Teléfonos: (511) 9938-01933. Email: [email protected] Web page:, Visite la: COMUNIDAD DE LA CASA FILATÉLICA BUSTAMANTE ............................................................................................................................................................................................17180 - Ros Mery Ormaechea, Calle Fierro No 585, 084, Cusco. - A, 200762 (f) B, Arqueóloga. Deseo: sellos usados en buen estado, sello por sello, 100 x 100m de todos los países el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want used stamps in good state, stamp for stamp (1x1), in quantities 100x100 from all countries. I offer same and Peru. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translator . Email: - Luís Del Solar Luna, Grimaldo del Solar No 548, Miraflores, Lima. - A. 180342 (m) B, Ingeniero Agrónomo. Deseo desarrollar mi colección de sellos de Latinoamérica. Ofrezco: Compra y venta. Ruego contactos primero para legar a un acuerdo. Repuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español. Email: - Carlos Murga Gutiérrez, Pedro Urraca 376, Urbanización San Andrés, Trujillo. - A, 061074 (m) B, Administrador. Deseo sellos recientes usados de todo el mundo.Ofrezco en cambio sellos recientes usados de todo el mundo. Coleccionista mediano. Base de cambio 1x1 en cantidad. Siempre envíos certificados para seguridad. También cambio, Billetes, Monedas, Etiquetas, Pins, Álbumes de sellos, etc. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta siempre. Want worldwide recent used stamps. I offer same. Medium collector. Base of exchange 1x1 in quantities. All letters with stamps by Registered mail. Also collect Banknotes, Coins, Labels, Pins, Stamp Albums, etc. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese. Email: [email protected],

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............................................................................................................................................................................................17810 - Manuel Flores Velásquez, Calle Elvira García No. 416 Urbanización Las Quintanas, 0054 Trujillo. - A, 170654 (m) B, Contador. Deseo: Sellos postales y Hojas Souvenir de toda Europa. Ofrezco: Sellos del Perú y América, Calendarios de bolsillo y Tarjetas telefónicas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada, Idioma: Español y otros con traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................17823 - César Pérez Dioses, Oficina Correo Central, Chimbote 1200. - A, 090161 (m) B, Profesor. Estoy buscando Sellos/ estampillas de PERU: nuevas o usadas de cualquier época y temática. También sellos nuevos y FDCs referentes a Emisoras de Radio y Banderas pequeñas de escritorio de todos los países del mundo con su escudo Emblema nacional. Ofrezco: A cambio ofrezco sellos mundiales. Sobres de 1er día FDCs, Aerogramas, Monedas, Billetes de Banco, Postales, y Tarjetas Telefónicas de Perú y otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Deseo y ofrezco siempre seriedad. I am looking for stamps used or mint from Peru any time, any topic. Also mint stamps from all countries of thematics: Radio Stations and Small flags of office of all the countries of the world with his shield, national emblem. I offer Mint stamps, FDCs, Aerogramme, Coins, Banknotes, Postcards and Phonecards: Peru and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................17849 - Carlos Martín Carillo Venga, Jr. Carabaya Nº 127 Dpto. 4, Cercado de Lima,  Lima. A, A, 0505062 (m) B, Ingeniero Civil. Deseo cambiar sellos usados y nuevos con todo el mundo, especialmente con Alemania, Gran Bretaña, Rusia, Bielorrusia, China, Corea del Norte, India, México, países Árabes y países de América Latina. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Peru, Suiza y otros países, Coleccionista principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada.I collect and Exchange mint and used stamps with Germany, United Kingdom, Russia, Belarus, China, North Korea, India, Mexico, Arab countries and Latin American countries. I offer stamps of Peru, Switzerland and others countries. Beginner collector. Please contact first for muitual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected],   ............................................................................................................................................................................................17891 - Roland Castro Pallete, Calle José Lizier 255, Urbanización UNAP, Pueblo Libre, Lima 21. - A, 150671(m) (m) B, Diseñador. Deseo: Sellos de toda temática y de todo el mundo, especialmente de Europa, África y Asia. Ofrezco: Soy coleccionista desde hace 25 años, tengo muy buen material para intercambiar, ya sea por Temática o variado de todos los países, tiempos y tamaño, en especial de Perú.. Ofrezco y deseo seriedad. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español., Inglés, Italiano, Portugués y otros con traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................17910 - Edwin Ñiquen Delgado, Urbanización Santa Marina Sur, 34 Casa 202, Callao 1.- A, 140584 (m) B, Comerciante. Deseo: Sellos usados de todo el mundo, prefiero los temáticos. Ofrezco: Sellos del Perú y de todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Worldwide used stamps, especially thematics. Offer stamps from Peru and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Idiomas: Español, Ingles, and others with online translators. Email : - Johnny Stanley Wilhelm Jiménez, Calle Morona 548, Iquitos. - A, 150563 (m) B. Photograph. Colecciono y Deseo sellos usados de todo el mundo de Flora, Fauna, Pinturas, Automóviles, Aviones y Trenes. Ofrezco sellos usados de Perú, América y otros países del mundo. Base de cambio sello por sellos (1x1) en cantidades 50, 100 o 200 en cada envío, siempre por correo certificado para mayor seguridad. Deseo muchas relaciones. Seriedad u honestidad siempre. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I am interested in used stamps of theme: Flora, Fauna, Paintings, Cars, Planes, Trains. I offer used stamps of Peru, America and worldwide. Base of change: stamp for stamp (1x1), in quantities 50, 100, 200,

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each time, only by Registered Post for safety. I wish many relations. Serious and honest always. I you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators.. Email [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18386 - Julio de la Piedra, Blas Cerdeña 395 depto 601, Lima- 27. - A, 131253 (m) B, Ingeniero. Deseo sellos de Francia, Inglaterra, Alemania, España, Suecia, Perú, Ecuador, Serbia, Croacia. Ofrezco Perú. Cambios por base de catálogos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta garantizada. Want stamps from Germany, España, Sweden, Peru, Ecuador, Croatia and Serbia. Offer Peru. Change base Catalogs. Please contact first. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: - Peter Injoque, Seccion Estafeta - Correo de Lince - Lima 14 - A, 141072 (m) B, Administración. Deseo Billetes de Banco de todo el mundo duplicados a más, ya que tengo intercambio con muchos coleccionistas. También sellos usados y nuevos en series completas. Ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados en series completas y Billetes de Banco de Perú y otros países. Serio y honesto coleccionista. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wish Banknotes of the whole world duplicated to more, since I have exchange with many collectors Also stamps mint and used stamps in complete sets. I offer stamps mint and used in complete sets and Banknotes of Peru and other countries. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online Translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................18850 - Raúl Gustavo Santibáñez del Águila, Mz F2 Lote 8´1 Los Ficus II Etapa (detrás de La Casa de Tejas) Piura.- A, 140673 (m) B, Médico Ginecólogo Obstetra. Deseo: Todo tipo de sellos de todo el mundo. Cambio: nuevos o usados de buena calidad, todos los países y cantidades a convenir, duplicados solo a solicitud. . Ofrezco: Todo tipo de sellos de Perú y de otros países. Coleccionista Mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés. Email: [email protected]............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................05897 - Leonid Tichoniuk, ul. Ogrodowa 14, PL-17-200 Hajnówka. - A, 231046 (m) B, Electrical Technician. Want mint stamps, FDC's etc. worldwide. Offer mint stamps, FDC's, MC's (Maxicards) etc. Poland and worldwide. Thematics and wantlists. Michel or Yvert catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Russian and Spanish. Email: [email protected], [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................09254 - Litewka Romuald, ul. Zwyciestwa 102/5, PL. 75-011 Koszalin. - A, 060248 (m) B, Retired. Advanced collector. Want stamps only mint (MNH), Souvenir sheets, FDC, Postal Stationary, Maximum cards, Cancels, etc of my thematics interested: Bee/Beekeeping, Cactus & Succulent and Field Hockey from all countries. Base of change: Michel catalogue, etc.. Offer thematic philatelic material worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Russian. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................15898 - Sergiusz Kojło, ul. 3-go Maja 44/12, 17-200 Hajnówka. - A, 270745 (m) B, Manager. I exchange only mint stamps, from all over the world in subjects: Fauna, Europe-CEPT, WWF and National Parks. Offer stamps

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from Poland and other countries. Advanced collector. Base Michel catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Polish, German and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................16055 - Eugeniusz Danikiewicz, Ogrodowa 3, Jadwisin, PL-05-140 Serock. - A, 110628 (m) B, Electronic Engineer. Want: Mint Fauna and Flora over the world. Offer: Mint and used Poland, Germany, Switzerland. USSR, Czechoslovakia, Also thematic EUROPA - CEPT, Olympics, Sport, Space (cosmos). Catalogue Michel, in relation 1x1. Advanced collector. Please contact first before to send any stamps. Answer always. Languages: English, Polish and poor German. Web site: Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................17702 - Henryk Kruk, P. O. Box 54, PL-15-959 Bialystok-2. - A, 140632 (m) B, Retired Teacher. Want old Polish Postcards and Viewcards, Pope John Paul II stamps and Coins from all countries. Offer mint and used stamps, FDCs Stamp on envelope. Cancellations. MCs. Postcards. Phonecards, Banknotes, Coins, Friendly Correspondence. Use Michel catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Russian. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18552 - Michal Otreba, Address unpublished by request. - A, 1983 (m) B, Biotechnology. My hobby is Numismatic; I collect Coins from all over the world. I have a lot of stamps because I collect them long time ago. I’d like to exchange them for Banknotes or Coins. Please see my web page there are single stamps in excel file and sites of stamps. If you are interested please write me what would you like and your list of Banknotes or Coins. There you can see all my doubles. I need many Coins, please write me and send your list of doubles. About exchanges please write me, mostly I exchange by catalogue value. Collector medium/quite advanced. Answer always. Languages: Polish, English. My web site:    Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19477 - Waclaw Przestrzelski, Kalinowa 11 / 69, PL-15-809 Bialystok. - A, 0101049 (m) B, Retired. Want worldwide  mint stamps, S/Sheets, Mini/Sheets, mainly 2008/2010, also  thematics old and  new  issues. Thematic that I am interested in:  EUROPA-CEPT, WWF + all others.  Offer:  Poland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Baltic  States, East Europe and worldwide. Interested in mint only but can send both mint and used. Exchange  possible on facial value basis (2008/2010 issues), catalogue Michel. in quantities. I can accept duplicates, also  some. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19511 - Zdzislaw Socha, Krakowska 306, 38-400 Krosno. - A, 050551 (m) B, Teacher. Want used stamps from Hungary, United Kingdom, Romania, Scandinavia, small countries. Also themes Fauna from all countries. Offer used stamps Poland and worldwide.: Medium advanced collector. Base of change used stamps 1x1. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19727 - Ryszard Mikosz, ul. Lenartowicza 2, PL-41-946-Piekary Śląskie. - A, 100252 (m) B, University Professor, Judge. Serious exchange of stamps. Advanced collector. I want mint-MNH complete sets thematics (topical) sets. I am very interested in WWF, Birds, Butterflies, Flowers, Nature Protection, Mountains, National Parks, Fruits, Mushrooms, Christmas. Offer mint - MNH complete sets from Poland, and different topical issues from various countries.  Exchange of mint stamps base on Michel catalogue or face value (after earlier agreement). Answer always. Languages: English, German, Russian.  Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................19768 - Henryk Baron, ul.Światowida 6, 43-346 Bielsko-Biała. - A, 180544 (m) B, Retired. Ich wünsche Gesammelt wird: Briefmarken postfrisch Spanien, Portugal, Vatican, Schweiz, Frankreich.Ich Biete : Um Kontakte mit Briefmarkensammler. Fortgeschrittener Sammler.Tausch auf Basis Michel-Katalog. Ich auch im Angebot

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Telephonkarten und Taschenkalender habe ,diese moechte ich gegen postfrische Briefmarken tauschen. Want mint-MNH tamps from Spain, Portugal, Vatican, Switzerland and France. I offer contacts with stamp collector. Advanced collector. I use Michel catalogue. I can give also Phonecards and Pocket calendars. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German and others with Online translator. Email: - Jacek Kiec, ul. Przybyszewskiego 45/2, PL-30-128 Krakow. - A, 060149 (m) B, University Professor. Want mainly Spain, Portugal (used), and also other European countries. Offer used, most European countries, Canada, USA, Japan, Australia; used and mint from Poland. Base change mainly used 1:1 or by want lists Michel, Scott catalogues. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian, Polish and others with online translators. Email: - Lapa Andrzej, P. O. Box 53, 30-500 Krakow 77. - A, 100144 (m) B, Geology Engineer.  I am interested in Only mint-MNH new issues thematic series + block complete x2-4 of each issue, from all countries of the Entire world. Offer East Europe mint –MNH stamps + block, FDC Poland + Postcard. Base of exchange: Michel and Yvert catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................20064 - Leszek Szymaszek Address unpublished by request, Lublin. - (m). I collect World Coins by Type. I want exchange with honest collectors who can provide me more than 50 Coins I don't have. I'm attaching my Wantlist, If anybody find something interesting there please contact me. I prefer trading by Krause value. So far I have made about 12 successful exchanges. I can provide most Poland Coins including commemoratives and some Coins from Danzig and many more. I have about 1900 different type Coins for exchange.The most I'm interested in non-silver commemoratives! Looking forward to hearing from interested. Answer always. Languages: English, German and others online translators Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................07253 - Paulo de Oliveira Sá Machado, Rua Directa das Campinas 33, 4100-206 Porto. - A, 290442 (m) B, Industrial. Busco Sellos y ATM de España, Enteros Postales de Brasil. Ofrezco sellos usados de Portugal y temáticos de todo el mundo. Ruego me escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada.  Idiomas: Español, Francés, Inglés, Portugués. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................16393 - Ruben Ferreira, Rue de Macau 137, 1º, Esq-Frt, 4440-137, Vila Nova de Gaia..- A, 291167 m). B, Librarian. I collect worldwide used and mint stamps, mainly European countries. Also Banknotes. Offer: stamps from Portugal, ancient Portuguese colonies and other countries. Basis to change, 1x1, Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Portuguese, English, French and Spanish. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................16604 - António Nöel de Vasconcelos Barbosa, Rua da República, 87 - r/c - Dto., P-2625-457 Forte da Casa. - A, 290545 (m) B, Pensioner of the Public Function Desea cambiar sellos nuevos (MNH) por mancolista de todo el mundo temáticos de Ballet (Música, Compositores, Bailarines (so de Ballet), Coreógrafos,) Navegantes. Simios y Científicos que de dediquen a estudiar los Simios, Teólogos que se destacan en la lucha contra la Ciencia y la Biblia (ejemplo: Benedicto XVI, Juan Pablo II, Alejandro VI, León X, Urbano VII). Además estoy interesado en colecciones clásicas de Portugal, España, Noruega, Cuba, URSS, Rusia,

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China y Bielorrusia. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Portugal y ex – Colonias, solo sellos nuevos. Base de cambios por catálogos Yvert y Michel. Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want change mint stamps only MNH for Wantlists of worldwide Thematic of Ballet (Music, Composers, Ballet dancers (only of Ballet), Choreographers,) Navigators, Simians and Scientists that of dedicated to studying the Simians, Theologians who stand out in the struggle against the Science and the Bible (example: Benedict XVI, Juan Pablo II, Alejandro VI, León X, Urban VII). Also I am interested in classic collections of Portugal, Spain, Norway, Cuba, USSR, Russia, China and Belorussia. I offer on the other hand stamps of Portugal and ex-Colonies only mint stamps. Advanced collector. Base of change: Yvert and Michel catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English, French, and I understand Catalan and write badly. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................16925 - Antonio Julio Teixeira, Rua 5 Outubro, 845, PT-4470-002 Maia. - A120167 (m). B, Architect. Estoy interesado en sellos Nuevos MNH solo de España 2007/2010, Francia 2010, Dinamarca 2009/2010, Islandia 2008/2010, Irlanda 2010, Alemania 2002/2010, S. Marino 2009/2010, Vaticano 2009/2010, Grecia (2001/2010, Holanda 2004/2010. Ofrezco en cambio Portugal clásicos e otros (del periodo 1853-1980). Coleccionista avanzado. Ruego contactos primero pata llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta Asegurada. I collect only mint-MNH stamps from Spain (2007-2010), France (2010, Denmark (2009-2010, Iceland, (2008-2010), Ireland (2010, Germany (2002/2010), S. Marino (2009-2010) Vatican (2009-2010), Greece (2001-2010) Netherlands (2004-2010). I offer in exchanging Portugal classic and others from 1853-1980. Advanced collector. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and others online tranlator. Web pages:, Email:  [email protected],  ............................................................................................................................................................................................17263 - Salvia Fontinha, Rua Gago Coutinho nº 19 r/c dto. 2835-124 Baixa da Banheira. A, 230361 (f) B, Profesora/ Teacher. Busco sellos de Alemania, (Tercer Reich, RFA, DDR), España, y temáticos de todo el mundo de Navidad, Frutas, ONU y Ajedrez, Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo y Portugal. Base de cambio 1x1 en cantidades y catálogos Afinsa, Michel, Scott. Coleccionista mediana. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect stamps from Germany (Third Reich, DBR, DDR) Spain and worldwide thematics Christmas, ONU, Fruits and Chess. I offer in exchange same and Portugal. Medium collector. Base de exchange 1x1 in quantities and catalogues Afinsa, Michel and Scott. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and other with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................17516 - Gastão Cristelo, Rua Tristão Vaz, 26, 3º. Dto. PT-1400-353 Lisboa. - A, 181136 (m) B, Aposentado. Deseo Sellos nuevos-MNH en series completa de Europa-CEPT, y 50 aniversarios de la primera Emisión EUROPA. Ofrezco: Portugal, Açores, Madeira, nuevos por mancolista. Want mint and complete sets from Europe-CEPT and 50 Anniversary First issue EUROPE. Offer: Portugal, Açores and Madeira mint by Wantlists. Also I offer list of other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: French, English, Spanish, Portuguese. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................17521 - Jose Trindade, Rua da Passagem 442, 1º, 3, E, 4440-565 Valongo. - A, 030263 (m) B, Técnico de Logística. Deseo cambiar solo sellos usados de España. Ofrezco sellos usados de Portugal y España. Cambio base 1x1 o por catálogo. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego escriban primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Español, Portugués, English, Français. Email: - Jorge Bomba, Urbanização Quinta do Infante, lote 9, 1, dto., PT-8005 Faro. - (m) B, Veterinary Doctor. Deseo sellos nuevos y usados de Europa, Brasil y ex - colonias portuguesas y holandesas. Ofrezco Portugal, España, Alemania y otros países. Coleccionista mediano-avanzado. Base de cambio Afinsa, Yvert, Michel. Ruego

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contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want mint and used stamps from European countries, Brasil and Portuguese and Dutch ex-colonies. I offer Portugal, Spain, Germany and other countries. Base of exchange: Afinsa, Michel and Yvert. Medium -advanced collector serious and honest. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and others with online translator. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................17789 - José Prazeres, Rua Almeida Garrett, 20, 3400-080 Oliveira do Hospital. - A, 050880 (m). I want only mint stamps with theme Space and WWF (with logo Panda), FDCs and Maximun cards from all countries of the entire world. No interested in used stamps. I offer Portugal. Please contact first for mutual agreement before send any material. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................17866 - Rui Costa, Rua Maria Lamas 1, 2005-057 Santarem. -A, 170363 (m) B, Operario Altamente Especializado. Deseo Bolsitas de azúcar, Calendarios de bolsillo, Insignias - Pins, Artículos alusivos a los Bomberos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want Sugar Bags, Badges-Pins, Pocket calendars, and Articles allusive to the Firemen from all countries. Offer same. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators. . Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................17889 - Manuel Candido Ferreira do Vale, rua Angela  Adelaide C.  C. Menezes 76- 1º  Dto. 4470-135  Maia. - A, 010431 (m) B, Pensionista. Deseo sellos de España. Francia, Italia, Alemania, Holanda, Hungria, Suiza y Vaticano. Cambio en cantidades o por catálogos Afinsa e Yvert. Coleccionista mediano. Ofrezco en cambio sellos de Portugal y ex colonias. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want stamps of Spain, France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Hungary, Switzerland and Vatican. Offer in exchange stamps of Portugal and ex-colonies. Base of exchange: quantities, Afinsa, Yvert catalog. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18036 - Manuel Pinheiro Correia, Rua Alexandre Herculano, 8 - 3.º - Dto - Monte Abraão – 2745-234 Queluz - A, 09.11.1931 (m), B, Retired. Advanced collector for only mint or used stamps. I need Stamps, Souvenir Sheets, mini sheets and booklets from Deutschland, Channel Islands, Czechoslovakia, Croatia (1941-1945), Czech Republic, Slovakia, Faroe Islands, Slovenia, Israel, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Pacific Islands. I offer mint and used stamps & souvenir sheets from Portugal, Azores, Madeira, Brazil, Mozambique, Angola, Cape Verde, stamps from several countries for themes and ex-Portuguese Colonies. Exchanges basis: by wantlist and value on line Michel catalogue or Yvert Catalogue last issues. I am serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected] ............................................................................................................................................................................................18076 - Ernesto Alberto Mendes, Zona Industrial Casal dos Frades. Lt. 14, 2435-661 Seiça, Ourem. - A, 091076 (m) B, Empresario. Deseo Sellos usados, Monedas y Billetes de Banco de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo de Portugal y mundiales. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero. Respuesta asegurada. Want Stamps, Banknotes and Coins from worldwide. Medium collector. I offer the same from Portugal and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18102 - Elsa Jesús, Avenida Inocencia Cairel Simao, 71-1º Dto. 2540-003 Bombarral. - A, 170681 (f) B, Bank clerk.. Deseo sellos usados de todo el mundo. Cambio en cantidades de 1x1. USO catálogo Afinsa para los sellos Portugueses. Coleccionista mediana. Ofrezco en cambio sellos usados de Portugal y mundiales. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want used stamps from all

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countries of the entire World. Base of change 1x1, Portugal only Afinsa catalogue. Medium collector. I offer used stamps of Portugal and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Portuguese, English, French y entiendo Español. Email: - José Gonçalves Cardoso, Rua dos Lojistas n No. 22  PT-1800-241-Lisboa. - A, 270843 (m) B, Técnico de Telecomunicaçôes (Jubilado). Deseo sellos usados de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio sellos usados de todo los países, Coleccionista mediano. Base de cambio 1x1. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Portugués y Español. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18247 - João Nascimento, Rua Duque de Palmela 23, PT-1250-097 Lisboa. - A, 290878 (m) Driver. Busco sellos Temáticos de WWF, Automóviles, Costumbres, Flores y cualquier serie completa con vellos sellos, nuevos y usados, Sobres conmemorativos del primer día (FDC), Enteros postales, Postales máximas, Matasellos, Historia Postal, Documentos, Sellos Fiscales, Tarjetas Postales, y otras piezas filatélicas, de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo, Base de cambio 1x1. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. Want exchange Covers FDC, Stamps, some thematics as WWF, FDC, Cars, Costumes, Flowers, any beautiful complete sets! from all countries over the world. I offer Portuguese stamps. Base of change, 1x1 in quantities or catalogues. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Portuguese, English, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................18261 - Viriato Ferreira, Urbanização Boavista, Bloco 7, nº 32 Mazedo, PT-4950-275 Monção. - A, 120258 (m) B, Profesor. Busco sellos usados de Portugal, España, Francia, Alemania, Finlandia, Noruega y Suecia. Ofrezco lo mismo y de todo el mundo. Coleccionista mediano. Cambio en base de catálogo Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want only used stamps from Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Finland, Norway and Sweden. Offer same and worldwide. Medium collector. Use catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. Email: [email protected],..............................................................................................................................................................................................18286 - Antonio Correia, Rua Visconde de Santarem, No.71 -3º 1000-2860, Lisboa. - (m) Need Suisse, Belgique, France, Monaco, and UK used stamped. Offer Africa, Old Portuguese Africa, Portugal, Brazil, Germany used stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese and Spanish. Email: [email protected], ...............................................................................................................................................................................................18324 - Viriato Casimiro Leite Lima Vanzeller, Rua 14, 1146, 2º Nascente, PT-4500 - 808 Espinho. - A, 120846 (m) B, Retired. Want worldwide stamps, mainly Portugal, Spain France and United Kingdom. Offer Portugal and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and Portuguese. Email: [email protected],  ............................................................................................................................................................................................18478 - Anabela Tavares, Câmara Municipal., PT-3744-001 Sever do Vouga. - A, 260473 (f( B, Fonctionnaire publique. Cherche : Timbres du monde. Principalement tous les pays d'Europe et d'Océanie. Mais aussi, Afrique noir  et Amérique du Sud. Cherche à compléter France, Portugal et Espagne. Offre: Timbres du monde. Je fournis des scans sur demande. Base de changes : timbre par timbre, par quantités, Collectionneur avancé (plus de 150.000 exemplaires), mais sans utilisation de catalogue. Échange par lots de 50 ou 100, maximum.  Actuellement, j'ai beaucoup de courrier en retard et je ne garantis pas de réponse rapide. Langues connues : Portugais et Français, avec connaissance d'Espagnol et d'Anglais. Email pour: [email protected], [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18491 - José Candeias, R.Trás os Montes Lote 60, PT-2820-601 Charneca da Caparica. - A, 260363 (m) B, Reaseguros. Deseo cambiar ellos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo. Base de cambio 1x1 en cantidades o por catálogos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Exchange stamp

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from all countries of the World. I offer same. I exchange 1x1 in quantities or catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English, French and others with Online translator. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................18553 - Sérgio Miguel Gaspar Pedro, Rua de Faro nº 6, 1º andar - Estoi PT-8005-463 Faro. - A, 060475 (m) B, Psychology. Want mint and used stamps, commemorative FDCs, Postal Stationery (Gov't. Cards cover and wrappers) , Maximun cards, Cancellations, Postmarks connected with the theme Psychologists (Carl Jung, Freud, Piaget, Dewey, etc.) from all countries. Offer mint and used stamps, FDCs of Portugal. Beginner collector. Base of change: (1x1). Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Português, Espanhol, English, Français. Email: - Sandra Granja, Cerro do Lobo CP 705Z, PT-8005-436 Estoi - Faro. - A, 081071 (f). Desejo trocar selos, Estampilhas, postais, envelopes 1º dia, pagelas, Portugal, Espanha, Alemanha. Tem para oferecer: Portugal. Colector ptincipiante. Want Stamps Postcards, FDCs, from Germany, Spain and Portugal. Offer Portugal. Beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese, Espanhol. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19142 - Antonio Poupino, Rua da Garagem, lote 10, PT-2795-078 Carnaxide. - A, 010569 (m) B, Accountant. Need used stamps. I am a collector of used stamps, and I am interested in making exchanges. I am veru interested in the following countries: Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, Greece, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Nordic countries, Brasil, Canada. Offer Portugal and wprñdwide used stamps. If you are interested in making changes, please contact me. Answer always, Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19172 - Alexandre L.Teixeira, R. General Humberto Delgado, 75, PT-4405-863 Vilar do Paraiso VNG.- A, 120554 (m) B, Engineer.  Deseo sellos de todos los países. Cambio sellos usados y nuevos solo por, mancolistas o  cantidades, catálogos Yvert, Michel o Scott, Coleccionista avanzado. Ofrezco Portugal y mundiales. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wish stamps from all countries, mint and used wit Wantlists catalogs Yvert, Michel y Scott. I Offer Portugal and worldwide. Advanced Collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Portuguese, Español, French, English and capisco Italian. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19214 - João Carolino, R. Prof. Dr. Machado Macedo, lote 12 - 4º A, PT-2765-009 Estoril. - A, 120156 (m) B, Profesor. Deseo cambiar sellos usados con toda Europa. Ofrezco lo mismo. Cambio en cantidades 1x1, o mancolista basada en catálogos Michel e Yvert. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero, Respuesta asegurada. I want Exchange used stamps from all European countries, Offer same. Medium collector. Exchange 1x1 in quantities o wantlists Yvert and Michel catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Portuguese, English, French and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19215 - António Semedo, Urban. Ferragial da Eira, lote 11, PT-7200-367 Reguengos de Monsaraz.- A, 231163 (m) B, Teacher. Deseo sellos de Portugal, Europa y ex –colonias de Portugal. Ofrezco lo mismo. Cambio sellos usados, 1x1 en cantidades y con catálogos Afinsa e Yvert. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Exchange stamps of Portugal, Europe and Portuguese ex-colonies.I offer same. Base of change: 1x1 in quantities and catalogues Afinsa and Yvert. Medium collector. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese and understand Spanish, Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19245 - Rui Santos, Rua Chavinha de Agua Nº229, Rés Chão, Casa 1, PT-4410-287, Canelas, Vila Nova de Gaia. - A, 270679 (m) B, Technician. Want worldwide stamps. My objective as a collector is to have as many

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countries in the world as I can, and the postal countries dependencies. I have a big lot of Portuguese stamps and worldwide as well. Sometimes I posted my stamp photos on the web. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese. Email: [email protected], [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19314 - João Carapinha, Praceta Adelaide Cabete, 3 - 2º B, PT-Torre da Marinha 2840-407, Seixas. - A, 280275 (m) B, Militar. Deseo sellos usados de Alemania, Bélgica, Dinamarca, Gran Bretaña, y República Checa, Japón y Australia. Ofrezco en cambio sellos usados de Portugal y otros países. Base de cambio 1x1. Coleccionista Mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect only used stamps of Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Czech Republic, Australia and Japan. Offer used stamps Portugal and other countries. Base of change 1x1. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19317 - Joaquim Correia Silva, Rua de Lisboa, 122 c/v dta.- PT-Rebelva, 2775-725 Carcavelos - A, 270846 (m) B, Economista (retirado). Deseo cambiar sellos de todo el mundo. Sellos usados, etc, en cantidades, 1x1. Coleccionista avanzado. Ofrezco sellos y monedas de Portugal y mundiales. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Exchange used stamps, etc. with all countries, in quantities, 1x1. Advanced collector. Offer stamps and coins of Portugal and other countries. Plase contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English, French. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19319 - Sérgio Silva, R.Paulo Freire nº 1, 1º, Dto, PT-2735-407 Mira-Sintra. - A, 300668 (m) B, Militar. Busco cambio de Bolsitas de azúcar, Bolsitas de té, Tarjetas Postales con niños, románticas y antiguas, Sellos usados de todo el mundo, Billetes de Loterías, Entradas para espectáculos (música, fútbol, etc.) y otros objetos coleccionables de todos los países del mundo. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo de Portugal y otros países. Base de cambio: 1x1 de la misma temática, o acuerdo previo. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un complete acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. Respuesta asegurada. Want Sugar bags, Tea bags, Postalcards with children, romantic and ancient, used stamps from worldwide. Lottery Tickets, Tickets for spectacles (music, football, etc.) nd other collections. Base of change 1x1 of the same thematic or agreement previous. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese, French and understand Spanish. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................19322 - Alirio Manuel Silva Martins, R Relva 15, 4505-447 Lobão. - A, 070565 (m) B, Corchero, Dirigente Sindical/ Cork worker, Syndicalism Leader. Busco sellos usados y nuevos de todo el mundo, especialmente Europa, base de catálogos Afinsa, Scott. Ofrezco lo mismo. Tengo gran cantidad de de repetidos para cambiar sello por sello (1x1). Coleccionista mediano. Want used and mint stamps from all countries, mainly Europe. Base of change Afinsa and Scott catalogues. Offer same. I have big quantity of repeated to change stamp for stamp (1x1). Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19405 - Mário Joaquim Coutinho, Travessa Dr. António Vale, 47, PT-4405-903 Vilar do Paraíso- Vila Nova Gaia. - A, 150359 (m) B, Profesor. Busco sellos de todo el mundo, nuevos y usados, principalmente de Portugal. También busco Postales, Calendarios de bolsillo, Cromos adhesivos (colecciones completas e incompletas, Monedas, etc. Envío en cambio sellos portugueses, ex colonias portuguesas y extranjeros. Coleccionista Avanzado. Cambio sellos nuevos usados en cantidades, base sello por sello. (1x1).. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés y Portugués. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19427 - Vitor Nuno Vicente, Rua Joao XXIII, Bloco-B lote-3, PT-2635-185 Rio de Mouro. - A, 281272 (m) B, Cartero.

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Postman. I want Exchange Postcards and Stamps of all countries of the World, Offer used stamps from Portugal. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Portuguese, Spanish, French. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19729 - Fernando Rodrigues dos Santos, Rua Prof. Reinaldo dos Santos, Nº 15, 5º, Dto., PT-1500 - 501 Lisboa. - A, 111243 (B) Retired. Deseo solo sellos usados de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo. Cambio 1x1 en cantidades. Want only used from all countries. Offer same Portugal and worldwide stamps. Exchange 1x1 in quantities. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always.Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese. Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................19868 - Luís Augusto Pereira Nadais de Sousa, Rua do Monte Alegre, 282 - 2º Esq. PT-4250-298 Porto. - A, 260779 (m) B, Técnico Administrativo. Deseo cambiar sellos usados de todo el mundo, Nueva Zelanda y temáticos de Ajedrez y Juegos Olímpicos. Ofrezco: Sellos usados de Portugal; Sellos usados de todo el mundo. Deseo solo sellos usados en cantidad y sellos temáticos. No acepto sellos duplicados. Coleccionista principiante. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada- I collect only worldwide used stamps, also New Zealand and thematics Chess and Olympic Games. Offer used stamps of Portugal and all countries of the world. Base of exchange quantities and thematic stamps. No duplicated stamps. Beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: - Jorge Mendes, Praceta Viana da Mota, 11 – 3º Esq., Feijó, 2810-138 Almada. - A, 260163 (m) Profesor. Colecciono monedas de todo el mundo, Cambio sellos nuevos y usados, en cantidades 1x1. Ofrezco en cambio lo mismo. Coleccionista mediano- Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect and Exchange Coins from all countries. Also mint and used stamps, 1x1 in quantity. Base of exchange 1x1 in quantity. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................17238 -Vielka A Heredia Cuevas, 116 Tapia Street p2, 00911 San Juan. - A, 280784 (f) B, HMC Hospitality Marketing Concepts. Trabajo en una cadena hotelera y también sigo estudiando mi maestría. Deseo: Conocer nuevas personas, con intereses de viajes, que le guste el turismo, que podamos intercambiar culturas y algunas cosas de otros países, ya sean mapas, fotos de paisajes o lugares famosos visitados o de interés Turístico. También deseo contacto con personas que sepan otros idiomas. Me interesan contactos con todo el mundo, pero especialmente Europa, El Caribe, América Central, Suramérica, Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet. Ofrezco: Lo mismo que deseo. Respuesta asegurada a todo el mundo. Email a: [email protected], [email protected],  

............................................................................................................................................................................................17631 - Bill D. Moore-Lopez, P.O.Box 6805, Bayamon, 00960-05805. - A, 1971 (m) Programador / Programmer. Deseo conseguir personas serias de países Latinoamericanos y Caribe que deseen intercambiar sellos conmigo. También busco personas que vivan en países pequeños y/o islas y en países africanos que también quieran intercambiar. Estoy en busca de sellos de Puerto Rico, sellos con denominación en Euros, pequeños países, Islas del Caribe, Islas de Pacífico, Islas del Atlántico, ex-colonias españolas, América Latina, Países

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Africanos, Países Árabes, Nuevos Países, tales como Timor y Montenegro. Otros sellos del mundo son Bienvenidos. Me gustaría conseguir personas que vivan en los siguientes países para poder cambiar y conseguir sellos: Andorra, Vaticano, San Marino, Surinam, Guayana, Malvinas, Bermuda, Azores, Madeira, Cabo Verde, Liechtenstein, Autoridad Palestina y pequeñas islas del Caribe y Pacífico, en especial: Puerto Rico, España, Cuba, Francia, Canadá, México, Rep. Dominicana, Palau, Islas Marshall, Micronesia e Italia. Ofrezco sellos mundiales en general. Ruego hagan contacto conmigo por e-mail antes de intercambiar. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Ingles y otros vomn ayudas de traductores de Internet. I would like to contact serious persons that live in Latin American countries and in the Caribbean islands that would like to exchange stamps with me. Also I'm seeking persons that live in small countries and/or islands and in African nations that would like to exchange stamps with me. I'm seeking for the following stamps: Puerto Rico, small countries, Caribbean Islands, Pacific & Atlantic Islands, Spanish Colonies, Latin American, African nations, Arab countries, new republics, like East Timor & Montenegro stamps and stamps with Euro denominations. Also other world stamps are welcomed. I would, especially, like to get Persons that live in the following countries in order to exchange stamps with them: Andorra, Vatican City, San Marino, Suriname, Falkland Islands, Bermuda, Azores, Madeira, Cape Verde, Liechtenstein, Palestine, small Caribbean and Pacific Islands. I offer world & USA stamps. Please contact me by e-mail before any exchange. Answer always. Language: Spanish, English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]

.............................................................................................................................................................................................19649 - Manuel O. González, HC 01 Box 3069, Utuado, PR 00641-9218 San Juan. - A, 1967 /m) Want worldwide perfect Banknotes. Offer same. I would like to exchange Banknotes with good friends from all over the world. Also I sell. I want them to visit my webpage so see the often updated list online. Contact first please. Answer always. Me gustaría poder realizar intercambios de billetes con buenos coleccionistas de todo el mundo. También vendo. Les invito a que visiten mi pagina Web que es actualizada frecuentemente. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada.: Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected], Web page:,...........................................................................................................................................................................................20021- Emma Sánchez, P. O. Box 3899, Bayamón, PR-00958. - (f) Colecciono sellos de todos los países del mundo. Estoy interesada en raros antiguos y nuevos perfectos. Coleccionar sellos en mi gran pasión. Ofrezco todas clases de sellos, raros y y nuevas colecciones. Ruego contactos para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect stamps over the World and old rare and mint collections. Stamp collecting is my great hobby!!. Offer all stamps, rare and mint collections. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]...........................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................19220 - Nilesh Oturkar, P. O. Box: 24373, Doha. - A, 020871 (m) B, Service. Want MNH Spain & worldwide stamps, Mainly Straits Settlement. Also Orchids, Louis Braille. Offer: MNH Qatar & India. Stamps, Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], ..............................................................................................................................................................................................


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............................................................................................................................................................................................19676 - Savo Popovic, Address unpublished by request, Banja Luka. - (m). I wish to make email contact with other Worldwide Banknotes collectors. My field of interest is World Banknotes - especially World War II issues.  I'm interested in exchanging information and Paper Money etc from worldwide. Offer Bosnia and Yugoslavia Banknotes. I wish to buy, sell or exchange worldwide Banknotes in quantities Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19817 - Sluzba za Filateliju, ul. Kraja Petra I Karadordevica 87, 78000 Banja Luka. - 1992. and release a number of stamp issues every year covering a wide range of different topics, what you can see on our web site, tel: +387 (0)51 215-882 fax: +387 (0)51 216-563 Email: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................19436 - Jacques Blard, Address unpublished by request. - A, 1962 (m) B, Engineer. I collect only Coins by type, not Banknotes. I have 7700 Coins in my collection. I need rare Coins or difficult to find them, silver coins, old Coins and new type. I offer Coins from Indian Ocean area: Mauritius, Madagascar, Reunion, Comoros, Seychelles and South Africa; and Pacific Coins: British Fiji, Australia and New Zealand. I use the Krause Mishler catalog. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. I speak French, English and others with online translators.Emaill: [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................19519 - Delage Gérard, 7 impasse des Passiflores, Pont d'Yves. F97430 Le Tampon. - A, 270745 (m) B, Retraité. Faire des echanges entre collectionneurs. Cherche: pieces de Monnaie du monde. Offre : pieces de monnaie du monde , cartes postales , timbres , cartes telephoniques. Collectionneur avancé. S'il vous plaît contact avec moi avant de faire un premier envoi. Réponse toujours. Langue: Français, Anglais. Email : [email protected],............................................................................................................................................................................................


............................................................................................................................................................................................07378 - Oana Gheorghe, OP 13, CP 116, Bucuresti. - A, 091049 (m) B, Engineer. Want mint complete sets, Souvenir Sheets from all countries, definitive, commemoratives, thematics, quantities, Advanced collector. Offer Mint complete sets. Souvenirs sheets, FDCs, Maximun cards of Romania and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian, and Romanian. Email: [email protected], ............................................................................................................................................................................................16092 - Andrei Andronic, 8, Banu Str, Bl. 8, Et. 2, Ap. 8, 700127 Iasi. - A, 220454 (m) B, Economist. Want used stamps from the entire world. I am very interested in Belgium, Canada, Finland, France, Germany (Bund, DDR, Berlin), Holland, Italy, Israel, Japan, Malta, Portugal, Poland, Spain, South Africa, Czechoslovakia,

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URSS and USA. Offer used stamps from my country and countries from Europe.  I prefer to trade 1x1 in packets o5 50 stamps and for the countries of my interest by wantlist base catalogues Michel and Yvert only France. Medium collector. .Please contact first gor mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................17335 - Dumitrescu Dumitru, Str. C. Lecca nr.12, bloc 15, ap.15, 200217 Craiova. - A, 070350 (m) B, Engineer.

Want mint - MNH thematic stamps, in complete sets from all countries, 2006-2010 years. Offer mint - MNH and used stamps Romania and East European countries. I can sent and accept duplicates. I'm medium collector. I use catalogues: Yvert, Michel. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian, Spanish and others with online Translator. Email: [email protected],

............................................................................................................................................................................................ 17916 - Sebanescu Constantin, Str. Zizin Nr. 1, Bl. 6, Sc. C, Apt. 28, 500403 Brasov. - A, 110958 (m) B, Engineer. Exchange: Want: Portugal, Gibraltar, Channel Islands, Bhutan, Nepal, Maldives, Pacific Islands States, used stamps. Offer: Romania, Germany, USA, European Countries and others. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Romanian. Email: [email protected]

............................................................................................................................................................................................ 18326 - Niculescu Dan, Vistiernicul Stavrinos 17, BL 56, Sc .C, ET 2, AP 35, Sector 6, RO-062172 Bucuresti. -

A, 101050 (m) B, Engineer. Want: mint MNH issues especially Birds from Pacific and Caribbean small Islands, French and British Antarctic’s, South /Central America, Africa. Space. Some used stamps” Birds" of above. Europe mint MNH issues. Offer: Romania mint MNH/ used, Austria MNH/used, mint Europe- CEPT, Moldova, DDR, etc. Exchange on catalogue Michel; to limit 1:1. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, some Italian. Email: [email protected],

.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 18468 - Calin Zborovsky, Str. Lalelor nr.14B, R-545200 Ludus, Mures. - A. 190176 (m) B, Teacher. Want Olympic Games, joint issues, 1937 Royal Wedding, Lighthouses, Waterfalls, pre-worldwide. II. Also Albania, Serbia, Bosnia, Pacific Islands, Baltic countries, British Isles, Gibraltar. Offer Romania (mint, used, CTO), USA used, mint, Moldova (only mint), worldwide. Base of change: used, mint, CTO, 1:1 or Michel catalogue for mint or high values. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Romanian, and others with online translators Email: [email protected], [email protected],

.........................................................................................................................................................................................19478 - Aurel - Dan Gândea, C. P. 45 - 151 , RO - 010033 Bucuresti - 45. - A, 190147 B, Retired. Want mint stamps, used sets souvenir sheets, Coins, UNC Banknotes, Phonecards. Offer the same like above + MC, FDCs, Postal Stationeries diff. themes, etc., worldwide, thematics as Fauna, Flora, Birds, Butterflies, Marine Fauna, etc. Catalogues Michel and others. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: .English, French, German. Email: [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................19485 - Savin Costel, rue Traian nr. 5, Bl. E3, sc. 2 , ap. 14 , RO-Calafat , cod 205200 , jud. Dolj. - A, 161050 (m) B, Ingenieur Horticol. (pensionner d'invalidite ) Je veux echanger des timbres et corresponder avec des philatelists. Cherche : je desire avoir des timbres des tous pays exemple : Costa Rica, Chile, Puerto Rico, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Uzbekistan, Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Kazahstan, Zimbabwe, Belarus, Benin, Tadjikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhastan, Georgia, Sierra Leone, Armenia, Oman, Macedonia, Swaziland, R. D. Timor, Fiji, Brunei, Vanuatu, ,Micronezia, St. Kitts et Nevis, Palau, Nauru, Tuvalu. J'adorre des colites. Aussi je cherche des timbres du Grece et autres pays mais series thematiques : Flore , Faune, Sport, Transport, Tableaux, Traditions Populaires, China periode Mao, ......tous les timbres sonts precieuse. Offre : j'ai 8.500 timbres  du monde entier (beaucoups Romania, d'Est Europa et Africa et colonies ), thematiques. J'ai des timbres decopees des lettres maxima, premier jour colites. J'ai le catalog Scott, j'ai des timbres obliteres et non. Je suis ingenieur horticol, philatelie est ma passione principale depuis 50 ans , j'ai des

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colaborateurs collectionaires. Je suis un tres serieux collectionnaire. pensionner d'invalidite..Je sais medium la langue francaise. Email : [email protected],........................................................................................................................................................................................19546 - Alexandru Dragos, Str. Godeanu nr. 12, bl .21, sc. 2, apt. 27, 400414  Cluj Napoca. - A, 021059 (m) B, Economist. Want: New stamps from the entire world, in all topics. Offer: New stamps from Romania, from 1990 today. I am beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................19652 - Lorand Salahub, RO-545600 of Postal Tarnaveni, jud.Mures, A, 100970 (m) Want Austria, Swiss, G.B., France, Nord Europe, Belgium, Italy, N.Z., USA, Berlin, Africa, Asia......Stamps.  Also Uncirculated Banknotes worldwide. Offer Romania, Europe, a few worldwide Stamps and Uncirculated Banknotes. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and Others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .......................................................................................................................................................................................19766 - Tutunaru Gheorghe, Casuta Postala 15-223, 014700 Bucuresti. - A, 180334 (m) B, Retired (Dipl. Engineer) Want exchange from worldwide Thematic stamps, mint and used complete sets, Souvenir sheets, in (1-10) of each. UNC Banknotes in (1-10) of each. Used Phonecards on good quality in (1-4) of each. Offer: Romania and other countries, stamps (mint, used) FDCs, used Phonecards, UNC Banknotes. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German and Russian. I have no email. Contacts only by post mail .......................................................................................................................................................................................19798 - Radu Danaila, 123, Ciurchi Street, E3//C/2/2, RO-700369 Iasi. - A, 060560 (m) B, Engineer. Wan used stamps, commemoratives, no duplicates: Nepal, Bhutan, Iceland, Faroe, Aland, Finland, Greenland, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Germany (all periods, all territories), Austria (all periods, all Territories), Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Ireland, Christmas. Also theme mint-;MNH:  Christmas from Worldwide. Offer used stamps: Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Christmas, Romania and Scandinavia. Base Catalogue Michel. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Romanian and others with online translator. Email: - Zincã Andra, OP 66, CP 61, Sector 6, 062560 Bucuresti. - A, 040190 (m) B, Student.. Want: CTO/ Used/mint stamps and miniature sheets, from all countries, all themes. Offer: CTO/used stamps and Miniature sheets. I exchange on a 1:1 basis, in a quantity of maximum 100 stamps/swap; I accept duplicates and I prefer stamps not older than 1990. No matter which the issue year is, the stamps must be in a good condition. Damaged stamps which cannot be added to my collection or used in other swaps will be returned to the sender because I find it to be fair for both of us. No catalogues. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, French, Romanian Email: [email protected], .......................................................................................................................................................................................


.........................................................................................................................................................................................15540 - Tarnovsky German, P. O. Box 55, RU-191024, Saint Petersburg. - A, 010545 (m) B, Automobile Engineer. Exchange stamps, envelopes, postcards and special clearing all world. Want: themes: Automobiles, Motorcycles and Traffic Safety. I offer different themes from Russia, Ex-USSR and other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement before to send any material. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Russian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],

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.........................................................................................................................................................................................15775 - Nikolay Kozhevnikov, P.O.Box 268, RU-622052Nizhniy Tagil. - A, 050155 (m) B Engineer. Want mint and

used stamps from worldwide, themes: Seashells, Dinosaurs, and catalogues on CD/DVD. I use catalogues: Yvert, Scott, Michel, Offer Russia, USSR, Dinosaurs, Fauna, Shells, Space mail, Autographs, Catalogues on CD and DVD. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always, letters and emails: Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]

.........................................................................................................................................................................................15785 - Igor Gribanov, m/n Dubrava 8-3.kvartal-1, RU-309502 Stary Oskolk. - A, 280765 (m) B, Medicine Doctor. Want mint MNH stamps all world on topic: Fauna, Space, Painting, Ship Railway, Chess, Football, Olympic Games, from all countries. Also Australia New Zealand, all America, all Islands, British Commonwealth, British and French colonies, all Antarctic Territory and many other countries. Offer all countries New Republic ex-USSR, Russia, USSR and thematic stamps. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Russian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected] u , ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16070 - Sergey Cheklashov, Residential postal address: tell for partners by email, RU-30000 Tula. - A, 140761 (m) B, Engineer. Want topical (WW II, Christmas and New Year, Animals, locomotives, Sport, Airplanes Etc...) MNH, mint complete sets from worldwide. Serious and honest collector. Offer different topical sets from Russia, USSR, ex-USSR. Use catalogues Scott, Michel. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Russian, English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], - Anatoly Predein, Glavpochtampt, a/ja 50, 614094 Perm-94. - A, 1961, (m), B, Translator. Want: Stamps Mint (MNH) only theme of Fauna from worldwide. Offer: Mint (MNH), Russia, ex-USSR states. Please contact first for mutual agreement before send any stamps. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................16570 - Victor Iljin, per. Kahovskogo 25 kv.2, RU-94006 Voronezh. - A, 310365 (m) B, Teacher. Want mint, MNH Stamps on theme Fauna, Olympic Games from all countries. Offer mint MNH and used Stamps, FDCs, Postcards from Russia, USSR, Ukraine and other countries. Advanced collector. Exchange base Michel Catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................16803 - Igor Andriewsky, P O Box 26, RU-198255 St. Petersburg. - A, 090154 (m) B, Economist. Want: mint stamps from British Commonwealth, Spain/Portugal Colonies, mint and used Russia. Topics: Navigators (Columbus, Vasco de Gama, Cook, etc.). Offer: Russia mint, used, Russian Postal History, Russian Postal Stationery. Please ccontact first for mutual Agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and with online translators. Email: - Gurman Vadim, P. O. Box: 90-61, RU-690090, Vladivostok, Russia. - A, 210869 (m) B, Jurist. Exchange and correspondence: I want mint-MNH stamps on the different themes from all countries over the world. I offer mint-MNH stamps from Russia and other countries. Base of change: mint, Michel catalogues. Medium collector. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators

Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................17296 - Viktor V.Tokarev, Glavpostamt, P. O. Box: 69, RU-Komsomolsk-on Amur, Khabarovsky reg. - A, 200260 (m) B, Engineer. Want: Used stamps and Souvenir Sheets from USA, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Czechoslovakia, France, Germany, Sweden, England, Japan, China. Also WWF, Orchids from all countries. Offer: used stamps worldwide, mint stamps and Souvenir Sheets Russia, some stamps USSR, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan. Please contact first before send stamps. Answer always. Languages:

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English, Russian. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................17734 - Igor Yakovlev, P. O. Box 3194, RU-410012 Saratov. - A, 011156 (m) B, Engineer. Want: mint stamps Spain, Portugal (old and new), mint thematic stamps of whole world. Offer: mint stamps Russia 1992-2011, Ukraine 2003-2011, Belarus, 2004-2006, Uzbekistan, Czech Republic, Slovakia and other countries.  Base of change on catalogue Michel.. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................18374 - Alexey Butorin, P. O. Box 132, 198095 St. Petersburg. - A, 280256 (m) B, Electrician Engineer. Want: Russian (USSR) 1857 - 1961 (stamps, covers, cards etc). Always glad for new start. Offer: Russian (USSR) Polar (Arctic, Antarctic) stamps, covers, cards, cancellation, FDC, badges, medals, photos, documents etc. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with Online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18419 - Dr. Valery Lashkov, P.O.Box 38, Main Post Office, RU-190 000 St.-Petersburg. - A, 090452 (m) B, Chemistry. Want mint** FAUNA-stamps worldwide, mint** stamps from West Europe (2005-2010). Offer mint** Thematic stamps from Russia and ex-USSR new republics and worldwide, FDCs and Maxicards WWF, mainly SPACE-cancellation from USSR (1957-1970) old Soviet/Russian post-cards etc. I exchange for catalogues or 1x1, buy and sell. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, French, Russian and Spanish (very poor) Email - Zaitsev Vadim, P. O. Box 507, RU-190000, St.-Petersburg. - A, 190864 (m) B, Lawyer. Want MNH stamps of all countries on a theme " Christmas and New year ", " Second World War ", the political organizations, NATO, СЕ, EU. Offer mint and used stamps of Russia, the USSR, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries. An exchange under the catalogue Michel, to face value or 1х1. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. I can correspond in English Russian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18684 - Darbinian Gevorg A., P. O. Box 316, RU-344002 Rostov-on-Don. - A, 170247 (m) I want mint stamps, from worldwide. Base of change 1x1 in quantities. Beginner collector. Offer mint stamps of Russia 2005 to 2011. If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English and Russian. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................18775 - Boris Borisov, Trud. Slavy Street, 21-43, RU-350061 Krasnodar. - A, 230258 (m) B, Physician. Want mint Stamps Fauna Olympic, Football from all countries. Offer: mint Russia, CIS, Baltic and other countries. If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by email first of all exchanges. Assured answer. Languages: English, Russian. Email: [email protected] , .........................................................................................................................................................................................18785 -Yury Simonov, ul.Rossiiskih Gasovikov, 21, korp.1, kw.1 RU-249094, Malojaroslawetz, Kaluszskaja obl. - A, 310738 (m) B, Retired (Engineer Automation). Want: Mint complete sets from all countries, especially the countries of Africa and Latin American (except Brazil and Uruguay). Also Thematic that I am interested in: Football (only the World championships), Olympic games, Fauna (especially WWF, prehistoric animals, Animals, Birds), Flora (Roses, Orchids, Rhododendrons), Musical instruments, Composers, Rembrandt, Raphael paintings and so on, Transport, Ships etc. Offer: Mint complete sets 2008-2010 and some series of 1995-2007 Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Kirghizia in 1 or more copies. I am open for discussion on how to exchange and use Michel-catalogue. I prefer to work according to a want list/have list system. Answer always. Advanced and serious collector. Languages: German, Spanish, English and others with Online translators Email: [email protected],.......................................................................................................................................................................................18947 - Nicolay Krasilnikov, P. O. Box 594, RU-656031 Barnaul. - (m) I’m Russian collector. I collect mint Stamps, Coins, Banknotes. Offer (exchange or sell) mint and used stamps from USSR, new republics, Circulated

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Covers from CIS 1991-94, local issues, overprints, covers with them, used thematic stamps from East Europe and worldwide. Also postcards, coins, banknotes, local money (surrogates) 1992-96, Phonecards from CIS. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, French and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .......................................................................................................................................................................................19140 - Dmitriy Nikolaevitch Ivanov, kvartira №48, house №2/8,ul. Ponomareva, RU-410049, Saratov. - A, 190669 (m) V, Repairman of the electric equipment. Want mint stamps, minisheets, booklets and s/sheets of Thailand, China, Taiwan, Macau, Hong Kong, Vietnam, Singapore, Japan South Korea, North Korea, Malaysia, Brunei, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Israel, Canada, South America. Namibia ,Sweden ,Greece, Cyprus, Slovenia, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Macedonia, Kosovo of the good quality. Offer: mint stamps, minisheets and s/sheets of Russia (1992-2011) of the good quality. The Base of the Exchange, the catalogue ‘Michel. Only in letters of registered airmails. All emails and letters will be answered. : Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Languages: English, Russian. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],

.......................................................................................................................................................................................19196 - Syleimanov Arthur, Transit 1, P. O. Box:  197. RU-357503 Pyatigorsk. -  A, 010256 (m) B, Builder. Collect only mint-MNH stamps, commemoratives, definitive, blocks, Falkland Islands from number 1 on number 79 on Michel, Mint-MNH stamps The Victorian period of British Empire 1840 – 1900. USSR with 1923 - 1950 only mint-MNH complete sets without labels and traces from labels, Mint-MNH stamps the Russian empire 1857 - 1920, Postcards of a photo of military subjects, Georgievsky gentlemen of Russia 1914 - 1917. Germany, the countries of the British colonies and other countries of the world under my list. I can send only mint stamps-MNH, Souvenirs sheets, Block all CIS countries on any themes. It is Latvia Lithuania, Еstonie, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Kirgizstan Georgia Moldova Ukraine Belarus Russia Armenia Azerbaijan Tajikistan. Also stamps not recognized republics Abkhazia, South Ossetia, PMR, All Ex Yugoslavia countries on any themes and other countries of the world on themes. Base Michel catalogue. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and other with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ......................................................................................................................................................................................19256 - Viktor Verevkin, Berezovaja 7/2, P. O. Box 321, RU-644547 Rechnoj. Omskij rajon, Omskaja oblast. -

A, 070954 (m). Want: Stamps, Envelopes, Letters, Postcards from Any countries of the world. Thematic Transport, Fauna, Colonies, chronology till 1945. Offer: Stamps, Envelopes, Letters, Postcards. Echange, used, mint, quantities 1:1, catalogues. I can accept, no less than offer duplicates up to 10 and more identical copies. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Known languages: Russian, English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and others with online translators Email: [email protected], ......................................................................................................................................................................................

19341 - Nikolai Subbotin, ul.4-Kubanskaja 18, 153029 Ivanovo. - A, 100344 (m) B, Employee. Want exchange stamps all countries. Thematic that I am interested in: Ships, Lighthouses, Submarines, Fauna, Reptiles, Rock, Pop, others... Only mint (MNH) stamps, Souvenir sheets, Miniature sheets, Base of catalogues: Michel, Scott. Advanced collector. Offer: Russia, and other countries and topics. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian. Email: [email protected],......................................................................................................................................................................................

19378 - Vladimir Khokholkov, Volodarskogo, 45, fl. 5, 163000 Arkhangelsk. - A, 050149 (m) B, Pensioner. Want to sell or exchange on Russian stamps before 1950 year or on thematic mint full set stamps-Painting, Fauna, Ships, another. New stamps of worldwide. Advanced collector. Offer: new Russia stamps. I offer many mint stamps, cards, card-maximum for theme Painting all European countries. So, mint or had real post travel old cards before 1917 year (Painting and views of towns) before 1917 year of Russia and European countries. I have many stamps from whole world with full circulated data cancellation on stamp (superb used), especially from Europe 1855-1940 years. I offer covers had real post travel with Painting stamps

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1975…1992 years. I offer Polar covers (Arctic and Antarctic), ship*s and meteostation*s cancellations, possible exchange on stamps.Change commemoratives, mint, quantities -100-400 Euros Michel catalogue in recommended letter. I send or accept 2-5 duplicates. Languages: English, Russian and another language by auto translator. I no answer on letters from 10 of May to 1 of September, I spend summer in wild village where is not Internet. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................19522 - Vasiliy Legotin, Oktyabrskiy prospekt 83-37, RU-610006 Kirov. - A, 090359 (m) B, Engineer. Want Fauna, Flora, Olympic Games in mint complete sets from the entire world by wantlist. Exchange based on the Michel catalogue, in some cases face value or 1x1. Offer: USSR (1970-91), Russia (1992-2010), ex-USSR countries (1991-2010). Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Russian, English, French, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ......................................................................................................................................................................................19699 - Vladimir Ivanov, P. O. Box: 41, RU-162610, Cherepovets. - A, 020470 (m)) B, Worker. Want mint and used stamps all Fauna, Coins and Minerals. Also Phonecards, Banknotes from all countries of the world. Offer mint and used stamps of Russia (1992-2010), USSR and worldwide, Coins, Phonecards, Banknotes. Advanced and medium collector. Base catalogues: Scott, Michel, Krause, World Coins, etc. Please contact First for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19752 - Mrs. Irina Sveshnikova, Demokraticheskaya 11 – 56, RU-Saransk 430005. - I hope you will not consider it an impertinence to receive a e-mail from an utter stranger. My name Irina Sveshnikova, I am a leader of children's philatelic club from small town in Russia. We are a start-up philatelic club and not have official name and website. Unfortunately in my town it is impossible to find philatelic material from Spain. and also of other countries. I know you are very busy but I would be most grateful if you could have a send

me free stamps for educational purpose. For Russian’s children’s - seen how the beautiful stamps from Spain and other countries. Probably in these difficult financial times you do not provide stamps abroad.  But in my case you can make an exception and send some free several stamps as gift? Languages: English, Russian and other with online translators. Email: [email protected], P.S. If you wish to see the kids from my philatelic club I can sent you some photos kids (in next email)

..........................................................................................................................................................................................19763 - Neuwert Alexander, P. O. Box: 8376, RU-454084 Chelyabinsk. - A, 270261 (m) Want: Mint stamps of the Worldwide about theme Aviation, Football, Fauna and Mountains etc… Accept duplicates. Offer stamps from Russia, Europe and Middle Asia. Base Michel and Scott catalogues. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, German, Russian and others with Online translator. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................19838 - Vladimir Kostarev, P.O.Box 1, RU-454000 Chelyabinsk. - A, 251152 (m) B, Engineer of work safekeeping, Serious stamps collector from Russia wish stamps exchange of worldwide. I want mint topical full best of all new sets 2008/2011 of West Europe and w/w with WWF, Fauna, Olympics, Football-WM2010, Europe-CEPT, Ships, Aviation, Lighthouses, Mushrooms, Renaissance Painting, Dinosaurs Fossils. I offer mint/used complete sets (topical too) of Russia 1992/2011, USSR,ex-USSR countries, something Worldwide. I offer FDC's, Covers cards with original stamp too. Base of exchange-"Michel" catalogue or face value. I am advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. I can write Germany, English, Russian and others with online translator. Email: - Gennady A .Berlin, Metallurgicheskay Str.110A, kv.5, RU-344029 Rostov-on-Don. - 151058 (m) B, Businessmen. Want mint-MNH Stamps, Booklets, Souvenirs and Miniature sheets, small plates, only Theme Fauna from all countries. Offer mint and used stamps, Booklets, Souvenir and small sheets, small Plates, Covers, FDC, Maxicards many topic and countries. Base Michel catalogues. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and

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others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19901 - Dmitry Rozhitsky, P. O. Box 297, RU-125493 Moscow. . A, 230158 (m) B, Engineer. Want used or mint from all countries, but mainly thematics Animals, Sport, Techniques. Offer Europe (used), (Germany, Luxemburg, Switzerland, Netherlands, Finland, Norway, Malta...), Russia and USSR mint. Base Michel catalogues and quantities, 200:200, 300:300, 1x1, only used. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Russian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]..........................................................................................................................................................................................

20029 - Nikolay A. Shelashsky, P. O. Box 9, RU-165160 Shenkursk, Arkhangelsk region. - A, 290668 (m) B, Trade Representative. Want UNC Banknotes from all over the world, Mint-MNH Stamps, Blocks and Souvenir sheets on the topics of Fauna, Flora, New Year, Easter from all countries. Offer mint-MNH Stamps, Blocks, Souvenir sheets of Russia, UNC Banknotes, Coins, (including Silver), Phonecards of Russia. Also always on Sale years sets of Russia mint-MNH postage stamps and blocks 1992-2011 (The prices are 20-50% lower thanh in catalogue Michel. Also UNC Banknotes, Coins (including silver) and Phonecards from Russia, Commonwralth of Independent States and Baltic Republic. Detalled information in English. Want exchange 10x10, 20x20 UNC Banknotes from all over the world. All material sendings will be provided by Registered mail for security at the reception.Please contact first for for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Russian and others with online translators.. Sorry but I have no email



..........................................................................................................................................................................................19957 - Tonelli Olmes, Via La Vanguardia 10, SM-47896 Faetano. - A, 020552 (m) B, Employee. Colecciono solo buenos sellos usados de todos los paises de Europa. Ofrezco en cambio sellos usados de Italia, San Marino, Europa y mundiales. Coleccionista mediano. Uso el catálogo Unificato. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect only good used stamps from European countries. I offer used stamps of San Marino, Italyº, European countries and worldwide. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Italian, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................


.........................................................................................................................................................................................15994 - Branislav Kosic, Save Ljubojeva 8, SR-21000, Novi Sad. - A, 150656 (m) B, Sales Manager. Wishes of exchange: MNH complete sets, miniature sheets, souvenir sheets. Want: Flora and Fauna, WWF, Birds, Marina Life, Butterflies and Fauna. Interested in: All countries, especially Pacific and Caribbean Region. Offer: Same + all other topics mint and used. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Serbian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................16549 - Bojan Djokic, Bragalnicka 26, SR-9000 Zajecar. - A, 150773 (m) B, Wolker. Want exchange with world advanced stamp collectors. Exchange by mutual agreement, for more details contact me on my private

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email, respond on all messages. Want mint and used stamps from all over the world. Used France and Germany, recent, Mint stamps Fauna from all over the world. Exchange with Michel catalog 2009, for New Issues in face value! Offer: Mint stamps Serbia, Yugoslavia, any from ex-Yugoslavia. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................17956 - Zoran Miloradovic, Dunavska 28, RS-12000 Pozarevac. - A, 060275 (m) B, Chemist. Want both mint and used stamp with Chemists on them (or Chemistry). Offer used Yugoslavia, Serbia, Germany, Poland... Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English, and others with online Translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18926 - Slobodan Lisjak, Sremska 28, RS-19000 Zajecar. - A, 081055 (m) B, Electronic. Want Coins and Banknotes from worldwide. Offer Coins and Banknotes of Serbia, ex-Yugoslavia, and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19310 - Milena Panic, Certinjska 6, SR-11080 Zemun. - A, 270583 (f) B, Student. Want exchange stamps mint with stamp collectors from all world. Want: Mint stamps Fauna from all countries, only not from CIS. Offer: Stamps from Serbia and Yugoslavia, exchange with Michel catalog 2009.Beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected], [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19738 - Vladimir Jovanovic, Cede Vasovica 10/23,1200 Pozarevac. - A, 150572 (m) Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. I collect only mint-MNH with thematic Animals from worldwide. Offer stamps from Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia ex-Yugoslavia. Base of change Michel catalogue. I am advanced collector. I collect stamps fro more 23 years. For exchange I prefer Registered letters by Air mail Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19920 - Blagoje Cemerikic, Komska 3, SR-11550 Lazarevac. - A, 030670 (m) B, Dispatcher of train. Want: Coins. Banknotes and Stamps from all countries, mainly Italy, Spain, Greece and others. Offer Banknotes and Stamps from Serbia, ex Yugoslavia and worldwide. Advanced collector. I use Krause and World Coins. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages; English, Serbian and other with Online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19938 - Zoran Pavicevic, Pozeska, SR-11030 Beograd. - A, 311251 (m) B, Engineer of Geology. I can send you new and older mint stamps, FDC and Maximuncards from Serbia and older issues   (1955 - 1990) from next countries: Hong Kong, Canada ,USA , Japan , England , Ireland ,Jersey, Guernsey, Isle of Man, Faroe, Aland, Sweden, Alderney, Cyprus, Azores, Madeira, T.A.A.F, U.N., booklet issues from more world countries. I have also on stock FDC and MAX.CARD from these countries, nice Maximuncards from Liechtenstein and Austria and more mint stamps from: AAT, BAT, Falkland and British colony !  I have on stock also some nice thematic - topic issues, mint also from Mongolia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Czechoslovakia, DDR, USSR, all X10 X50 from about 1990! Also I have on stock nice topic used - CTO stamps from Arabic -Trucial States X10 - X100. I need from all world, mint thematic BOOKLET issues, Thematic issues “NATIONAL PARKS  “  ,  “NATIONAL  and  INTERNATIONAL   STAMP EXHIBITION “,  “ WORLD HERITAGE “ and  “JOINT  “ issues  ,  mint thematic  stamps from : Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, North Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Australia. Also some nice thematic stamps from your country. For  50 mint  thematic  stamps (complete set + S/S)  I  send   200 - 250 used  CTO  topic  stamps  + S/S  and  M/S  from  Arabic  states  and  Equatorial  Guinea  or 150 mint  stamps + S/S  from  USSR  , DDR , Mongolia. Please contact first for mutual agreement.

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Answer always. Languages: English, and others with online translator. Email: [email protected].........................................................................................................................................................................................


.........................................................................................................................................................................................18255 - C. K. Leong, 5001 Beach Road # 07 - 10, Singapore 199588. - A, 60+ (m) B, Banknote Dealer.  Advanced collector want:  Perfect mint banknotes, used stamps from all small nations, International Reply Coupons. Offer: Mint world banknotes, used world stamps and International Reply Coupons. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: - L Y Lin Block 51 Sims Drive #08-138, Singapore 380051. - (m) B, Administrator .Want: mint sets of Birds, Butterflies and Fauna. from worldwide. Also I am looking for serious collectors of Spain, used stamps. Offer lot of mint sets from Singapore and some from South Korea, mainland China, Japan and Australia. I also offer used from Australia, Japan and worldwide (details per correspondence. Advanced collector. Please write for mutual understanding on exchange. Answer always. Language: English only. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................


.........................................................................................................................................................................................17860 - Blend Hamza, P. O. Box 35419, Damascus. - A, 311284 (m) B, Dentist. Want Mint-MNH complete sets New Issues from all countries over the world. Offer Mint-MNH, complete sets New Issues from Syria. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Serious and honest collector. Deseo sellos nuevos en perfectas condiciones, nuevas emisiones (Novedades) series completas de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio Nuevas Emisiones, Novedades MNH, en series completa de Siria. Coleccionista serio y honesto. Ruego Contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Languages: English, Spanish, Arabic, Kurdish and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18217 - Munther Bakose, P.O.Box 13090, Al Tajara, Damascus. - A, 220249 (m) B, Retired Engineer. Want Mint Stamps in complete sets commemoratives, and U.N.C. banknotes from all countries Offer:  Mint stamps in complete sets and U.N.C. banknotes from Iraq, Syria and other countries. Change by catalogues Advanced and serious collector. I you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English and Arabic. Email: [email protected],   .........................................................................................................................................................................................



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18238 - Saminda Leel Gunaratne, No.259/59 Kalapaluwawa, Rajagiriya. - A, 050869 (m) B, Purchasing Officer, Philatelic Service owner. SRILANKAN STAMPS AND BANKNOTES EXCHANGER. Collecting exchanging used stamps Banknotes, Tourism from worldwide. Special hobby: Web sites: This letter forwarded to more collector friends** *special*. You want to buy this Bird stamps set please write to me. it is special. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email  [email protected], Mobile 0094723883749.........................................................................................................................................................................................18429 - Samantha Wijawickrama, 2A Dumbara Weda Madura, Kumbiyangoda. Matale 21000. - A, 360665 B, Physician. I am Sri Lanka used stamp collector. I want more used stamps in your country and worldwide to exchange. Firstly you will post me 50 or 100 stamps as a good start our exchange, if you may like I can exchange 50-300 used stamps after with you. Don’t hesitate I am a very loyal swapper who never stop. I hope you reply soon. Language: English. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19586 - Clarence George, No 152, Dekinda Road, Nawalapitiya. - A, 211071 (m) B, Accountant. I am a used stamps collector from worldwide. Offer Sri Lanka and worldwide, 1x1 in quantities. Beginner collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................20010 - Rasika Wickramasinghe, No.14,"Rasika", D.W.Rupasinghe Mawatha, Nugegoda. - I only exchange used stamps on 50 x 50 basis. I can send you 50 used stamps (Sri Lanka + Ceylon + Worldwide) at a time. In return you send me the same amount of used stamps (Including African countries). I also accept duplicates (more than one stamp of the same stamp) up to 3 of each. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always, Languages; English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................


.........................................................................................................................................................................................16813 - Stig Bengtsson, Gimonäsvägen 9 c, s, S-907 38 Umeå. - A, 290330 (m) B, Retired. I collect stamps from your country, mainly Africa, Central and South American countries. Offer Stamps from Scandinavia, France, Netherland and Slovenia, Advanced serious and honest old collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English, and others with online translators. Email: - Ingvar Berndtsson, Box 2263, S-47413 Mollosund. - A, 060933 (m), B, Retired. I want worldwide used stamps no CTO no FDCs. Special interest: West European countries. Offer: Worldwide used stamps. Change on 1x1 basis. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], [email protected] .........................................................................................................................................................................................17947 - Ove Sjöholm, Filgrand 195, S-90628 Umea. - (m) Want: stamps from your country and worldwide. Offer: Stamps from Sweden and others. Basis 1x1, no wantlist. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Swedish. Email: [email protected] .........................................................................................................................................................................................18040 - Per Olov Qvist, Lindsbergsgatan 14 A, S-752 40 Uppsala. - A, 221148 (m) B, Film historian, Nature protection worker. Want: Yugoslavia and Ireland stamps. Also I am a topical collector too: Cinema,

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Literature (Authors), Musical Composers from all countries. Offer: Sweden stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18270 - Michael Lundin, Smedvagen 13, S-13646 Handen. A, 270760 (m) B, Office. Want used Europe by wantlists + used worldwide recent. Offer Sweden used 1855-2010, + worldwide used. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and Swedish.. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18474 - Lars Lindbland, Smedby Skolvaeg 106, SE-184 33 Akersberga.. - A, 1937 (m) B, Retired (Financial Controller), Collector of Sweden classical used stamps from 1855 to our days Swedish military stamps and covers as well as stationery and postal history, Mail and postal cancellations from the United Nations Peace-keeping Operations. Also Postal documents. Used stamps of France from 1849 to 1979. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish, Swedish. See my web pages:,, Email: [email protected], [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................19146 - Bengt Fast, I will give my address via private email, once a trade agreement has been made. - (m). I'm only interested in Railroad motive stamps from all countries. Offer same and stamps of Scandinavian countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English And others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19208 - Stefan Johansson, Filipstadsvägen 19B, S.691 33 Karlskoga. - A, 1959 (m) B, Chematur Engineering AB I collect large part of Western Europe used and mint.Spain mint and used. I can offer Sweden mint and used. I have been collecting stamps for 40 years. So I will call myself advanced for most of the countries. I want to use Michel as an exchange base for the value of the stamps.Serioud and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. mail: [email protected], [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................19288 - Magnus Nordin, Tegelbruksvagen 37, Hagersten, SE-12634. –A, 260661 (m) B, Engineer. Want stamps Canada, USA, Europe and worldwide. Offer Sweden, Scandinavia, Europe stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19827 - Boris Souponitski, Frejsvägen 11,7tr, S-14571 Norsborg/Stockholm. - A, 220645(m) B, Pensioner. Recommendation letters send me only first! Want: MNH** topical, full years completes, full collections, rare stamps, Banknotes and rare Banknotes from Worldwide in large quantity. Used stamps only big stock! I can give every number 100 exp or more. First send me order with numbers from catalog Michel. Offer: MNH**&USED topical, full years completes, full collections, rare stamps, banknotes from World Wide in large quantity. Thematic that I am interested in: all MNH** topical favourite: Chess, Butterfly, Fauna, rarities. Advanced collector. I use catalogues:  Yvert, Scott, Michel, and Stanley Gibbons. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others in online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19960 - Anders Martinson, Samnerödsvägen 6 lgh 36, S- 451 32 Uddevalla. - (m) Offer Sweden cancelled or mint. May also offer mint Germany and Scandinavia. Want Europe and USA before 1940. Spain would be fine as a start, as I lack a lot of Spanish stamps. Exchange wantlist based on Michel catalogue and would like to exchange on the base of value. Advanced serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators.

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Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................


.........................................................................................................................................................................................08874 - Ara Simsar, 58, rue de la Terrassière, CH-1207 Genève. A, 140132 (m) B, Sworn Translator. Want MUSIC Theme only in mint never hinged form (MNH) from worldwide. I am an advanced collector. I collect all types of MUSIC (instruments, composers, operas, opera houses, national hymns, dance, dance masks, “post horn” stamps, Albert EINSTEIN, Albert SCHWEITZER & some other famous people whose interest to music is secondary to their profession, pop music, folk music, concert halls). Offer: MUSIC theme (MNH, MNH, used), about 40 countries where I have steady partners (Switzerland, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, India, Scandinavian countries, Netherlands, Suriname, New Zealand, Brazil, Chile, Honduras etc.) I use catalogues: Michel, Zumstein for Switzerland & Liechtenstein only (others possible subject to prior agreement) Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Known languages: English, French, Armenian, Turkish, German and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................17486 - Bernard Piquerez, 2 rue du Grand - Pré, CH-1202 Genève. - A, 250645 (m) B, Fonctionnaire.  Demande d' échanges. Cherche : Recherche les timbres de l' Australie de 1995 à 2008 inckus ainsi que les colis postaux de France et les Organisations Internationales de Genève. Je n' ai pas de mancoliste. Je travaille que sur scan.  Offre : J' offre timbres du monde entier. Je prie des contacts pour arriver à un accord complet. Réponse assurée. Exchange: Want the stamps of l ' Australia between years from 1995 until 2008 as well as the parcels sent by mail of France and Organizations International of Geneva. I have no wantlist.. I work that on scan. Offer: I ' give stamps of the whole world Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: French (and English with translator) Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................17589 - Heinrich M. Zweifel, Neue Allmendstrasse 18, CH-8703 Erlenbach - A, 300550 (m). B, Gerente de una Editorial de libros de escuela. Want used stamps only: Recent Asia (2006–2010), PR China, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, recent Europe (2006–2010) Scandinavia, Baltic countries, Greece, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, recent South America (2000–2010) Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, 1990–2010 Pacific Islands. Offer used stamps only: Recent Europe 2006–2010: Switzerland, Austria, Liechtenstein, France, Spain, Scandinavian countries, recent Asia (2000–2008): Japan, PR China, Vietnam, some Indonesia, recent South America (1990–2005) Argentina, Chile, Peru, Ecuador, Canada, some Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia. Base of change; commemoratives, Used. I don't send or accept duplicates. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Known languages: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese Email: [email protected], [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................17853 - Oguey Eric, Avenue Des Crosets 33, CH-1800 Vevey. - A, 280152 (m). Echange timbres de tous les pays, surtout îles, spécialement Océanie, Antilles e Iles d’Europe. Offre tous pays, surtout Europe. Réponse assurée a toute proposition sérieuse. I collect and exchange worldwide stamps, especially islands of Oceania, Antilles and islands of Europe. I offer all countries, mainly European countries, Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages French and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19605 - Jürgen Haepers, 1 rue Gustave-Moynier, CH-1202 Geneva. - (m) Serious collector since 1987. I collect only MINT-MNH Europe-CEPT stamps. I am also interested in Sepac, (Small European Postal Administrations Corporation) Norden and America-UPAEP stamps. I only exchange but I can sell in some

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cases. I can offer mint-MNH (some used) Europe-CEPT stamps. Also stamps from Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Visit my blog about the Europe stamps thematic: I collect also Euro Coins and Eurovision Records. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19616 - Fabrizio Zamuner, Sureggio, CH-6953 Lugaggia. - A, 100351 (m) A, 100362. (m) B, Employee. Want Philatelic material of theme: Rock Cave Paintings Engravings from all countries. Alternative Medicine, Red Cross, Agriculture, Offer: World Wide used stamps, Swiss used stamps, Swiss FDCs. Change used no CTOs, 1:1, no wantlist. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: French, German, Italian, and others with online translators. Email: – Umberto Dalla Pria, Address unpublished by request. - (m) I’ m looking for used stamps and SS (used only too) of Australia, Brasil, U.S.A, I’m looking too for used stamps of overprinted Italian stamps (like AMG-FTT, Somalia, Libya, etc). I'm looking too for used stamps and Souvenir Sheets (used too) of Vatican City (all the time), San Marino (all the time) and Liechtenstein (before 1961). I can trade with used stamps of Germany and Switzerland, Italy, some used stamps of Vatican City and Lichtenstein. I'm looking too with who would exchange covers with Europe CEPT stamps of the year 2009-10, I can exchange with Covers with the stamps of Europe CEPT of Switzerland of 2009-2010. Scanned pictures of you can offer are welcome. I collect only used stamps. The areas of stamps that I collect with wantlist are Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Liechtenstein, Brasil, Australia, Australian Antarctic Territory and U.S.A. If someone is interested to exchange with me please send an email. Catalogue that I use (for numeration: Italian Area - Unificato, Michel German Area - Michel Switzerland and Liechtenstein - Zumstein, Michel, Brasil - Michel Australia and Australian Antarctic Territory – Unificato. Is for me possible change, for example 50x50, 100x100, and so on. Or for the same value of the catalogue that you choose if I have a special interest I have to Souvenir Sheet (used) of the countries that I collect. Offer Italian Area, same countries above and Worldwide stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Italian. Web page:, Email: [email protected], [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................

19770 - Christopher Schneider, Address unpublished by request, Berne. - (m) Deseo cambiar Billetes de Banco con países de América Latina, coleccionistas serios y formales. Ofrezco billetes de Banco de Suiza y otros países Los los envíos por correo certificado para mayor seguridad. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo en Inglés, Francés, Alemán y otros con traductores online. Exchange Latin American Banknotes with serious collectors. Offer Banknotes Switzerland and other countries. All sending by Registered mail for more safery.Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always, Languages: English, French, German and Spanish. Email: [email protected],

.........................................................................................................................................................................................19772 - Hans Bucek, Residential postal address: will be disclosed to collector upon trade activity (This because of safety reasons), Basel. - A, 1940 (m) B, Grandfather.  Exchange and sell Coins. Want: current issues of the worldwide. I am interested in: recent issues, commemoratives and circulation issues, if or better, circulation Coins of Switzerland and Euro Coins within my reach for face value if you provide the same, trade by catalogue value, Offer: Coins only! Thousands of different world Coins, heavy stock for trade, hard to find items exotic issues. Base catalogues:  Schoen and Krause, World Coins. Very advanced collector, over 55 years of collecting. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Spanish. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19821 - Frank Weber, Bäraustrasse 49a, CH - 3552 Bärau. - (m) Suche Deutsches Reich (bessere Ausgaben ) Vorphilateliebriefe, Markenhefte BRD, DDR, Deutsches Reich. Biete Deutsche Kolonien, Bund, Berlin,

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DDR, Deutsches Reich, Motivsammlungen, Ländersammlungen unsortiert, Jahrbücher BRD, ETB Berlin, Fehllistenbearbeitung vorhandene Kataloge: Michel Deutschland Spezial 2006 Band 1 und 2, Zumstein 2007 Schweiz und Lichtenstein, Schantl Plattenfehlerkataloge BRD Berlin DDR, Leuchtturm DNK Deutschland 2009. Sprache: Deutsch. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19930 - Dennis Buob, Bachtelstrasse 20, CH-8640, Rapperswil. - A, 180682 (m) B, Geoinformatiker. I collect stamps: 1840 -1918 from from around the world. I offer from old to new around the world, specifically Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................20069 - Marcel Zumstein, Address unpublished by request, Thun. (m) Want worldwide Coins, Banknotes from all countries, looking for rare Coins and new issues only. Also Old Maps, Chocolate Wrappers. Offer Swiss and world Coins, Stamps. Also Beer bottle caps from worldwide. Advanced collector, serious and honest. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................


..........................................................................................................................................................................................19395 - Alexey Bondarev, Firdavsi, 109-56, TJ-734061-Dushanbe. - A, 1964 (m) B, Archaeologist. I collect: World Banknotes (in UNC .condition), World Coins, Mint stamps: WWF, Animals, Armed Forces from all Countries. I can offer: - World Banknotes& Coins, Mint postage stamps of Tajikistan, used Phonecards (World countries) and some others. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],........................................................................................................................................................................................


........................................................................................................................................................................................10366 - George T. M. Wu, P. O. Box 4-155, Yungho, Taipei 23499. - A, 280454 (m) B, Export Manager. WELCOME FOR EXCHANGE: I am very interesting in all worldwide ATM, both of unused set, and commemorative postmarked covers, registered envelopes, I will reply ATM issues and ATM covers from Taiwan, welcome for any exchange contacts. 2008 Olympic Stamps Wanted. I am looking for all Worldwide Olympic 2008 stamps, both of mint set, FDC, souvenir sheet, welcome for any exchange proposal, please direct contact with me on any time. I am interested in all worldwide Olympic, Birds and Lighthouse stamps, souvenir sheet, FDC, Maxicards, welcome for all worldwide exchange. Please direct send me nice stamped FDC, cover from your country, Offer: Thematic stamps from Taiwan, please let me know your favourite topics? Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Please kindly send me birds stamped envelopes or birds topic aerogramme from your country, it will very helpful for my collections, Thanks. Languages: English and Chinese. Email: [email protected], [email protected], Website:Blog:,

Page 217: Actualizaciones abril 2011 - Maurice Wang, P. O. Box 9, Taipei City 10099. -A, 271247 (m) B, Tour Manager of Travel Service. WANT mint (MNH) or very fine used AIR MAIL, Semi-postal- & S/S. From all countries, catalogues Scott, Michel or Yvert, Offer MINT (MNH,) Republic of China-Taiwan 1970s-2000s, Used Polynesia, New Caledonia, AAT, Hong Kong, UN, Greenland, (before 1975from Angola, Mozambique, Timor, Cambodia, Viet-Nam), SEND your wantlist FIRST. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators Email: [email protected], ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 18202 - Kia Hsu, P. O. Box 10002, 10099 Taipei. - A, 290182 (m) Want: exchange FDCs by real post, ATM, Registered Covers, Postcards from worldwide, especially I am interested in Iceland, Serbia and African countries. Also Thematic that I am interested in: Railway, Scenes, Coat of arms, Flags. Offer Stamp, Cover, Banknote and philately item from Taiwan, China and North Korea. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Chinese, Japanese and others with online translators. Blog:, Email: [email protected], [email protected],........................................................................................................................................................................................


........................................................................................................................................................................................18500 - Maher Khemakhem, avenue de l'Armée N°6, 3000 Sfax. - A, 090864 (m) B, Avocat. Cherche timbres Oblitérés Canada, France. Scandinavie, Allemagne, Hollande, Belgique, GB, Australie, New Zélande, Japon, Israël. Offre : 100-300 timbres oblitérés Tunisie, pays arabes ou africains par envoi ou cartes postales. Base de changes par quantités 100-300 / 100 -300, sans catalogues,  collectionneur  moyen depuis 30 ans. Entrer en contact svp avec moi avant d'envoyer vos timbres pour un commun accord. Réponse assurée. Langue : Français, Anglais et Arabe. Email pour : [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................18724 - Adel Guesmi. App. 02 Blo 39, Cité Les Pins, 1164 Hammam Chatt. - A, 011156 (m) B, Ingénieur en Informatique. Désire recevoir timbre usés du monde entier, surtout de l’Asie, des Amériques, des Iles Océaniques, des Anciens Empires, … Offre timbres usés du monde entier, spécialement de Australie, Nouvelle Zélande, Europe et du monde entier. Je vous vous intéressez à l'échange avec moi me mets s'il vous plaît toujours en contact par le courrier électronique avant tout échange. Réponse toujours. I want worldwide used stamps, especially Asia, America, Oceanic Islands, Ancients Empires... I offer used worldwide stamps, mainly Australia, New Zealand, Europe, and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German, Arabic and others with online translators. Email: - Trabelsi Moncef, B.P 564-2080 Ariana. - (m) Want mint WWF full sets, Souvenir & Miniayure sheets and Booklets from all countries. Offer Mint philatelic issues from Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco-Tunisian and also Phonecards. We should exchange by registered mail. Please write a message by e-mail before sending your philatelic items. Answer always. Languages. English, French, Arabic and others with online translators. Email: [email protected] ........................................................................................................................................................................................18896 - Benjeddou Saber, Direction Régionale de la Santé, 9100 Sidi Bouzid. - A, 250176 (m) B, Professeur. Cheche échange timbres toute l'Amérique, l'Europe et l'Asie. Toute anciennes colonies. Offre : Tunisie, pays Arabes, pays d'Afrique, Europe. Aussi cherche des Billets de banque de tous les pays et je vous offre des

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Timbres oblitèrès de la Tunisie et dans le monde entier ou des Cartes Postales et des Paquets de Cigarette de la Tunisie. Entrer en contact svp avec moi avant d'envoyer vos timbres pour un commun accord. Réponse assurée. I want timbres from America, Europe and Asia. Offer Tunisia, Arab countries, African countries and Europe. Also I collect Banknotes and I offer to you used stamps from Tunisia and worldwide or Postcards and Cigarette packages from Tunisia. My basis of exchange is: (*) 1 Banknote = 7 used stamps from Tunisia + 3 used stamps from worldwide. (*) 1 Banknote = 1 Postcards. (*) 1 Banknote = 1 Cigarette Pack. Please contact me if you are interested. Answer always. Languages; English, French and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................18909 - Zinoubi Thameur, Boite Postale 165, Sidi Bouzid 9100. - A, 250279 (m) B, Professeur. Cherche timbres oblitérés ou neufs France ** Tunisie ** Suisse **Belgique ** Algérie**Maroc**Australie** Nouvelle- Zélande **Canada. Les thèmes : Faune, Flore, (fleur et fruit), Transport, Poterie, Costumes, Instruments Musicales, Bijoux, Croix Rouge, Timbres surchargés, Armoiries, Meubles, Phare, Pont , Timbres non Rectangulaire (cercle triangle) et timbre doré ou argenté. Offre timbres du monde entier + carte postal + Carte de Téléphone. Collectionneur moyen. Envoyer des messages avant d'envoyer les lettres ( lettre recommendé). Réponse assurée.. Langues connues: Français, Arabe, Anglais et les autres avec aide de traducteurs online. Email - Riadh Ben Djemia, 33 rue d'Alger angle rue de Kairouan, 2034 Ezzahra. - A, 080768 (m) B, Fonctionnaire. Need: worldwide WWF, Trains, Cars, Birds, Butterfly, Horses. Also all stamps from Austria, Australia, Monaco, France, Malaysia, Germany, DDR, Czechoslovakia. Offer Phonecards from Tunisia and Austria, used stamps especially new issues (2000 to 2009) from Tunisia. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Deutdch, Italian and others with online translators, Arabic. Email: [email protected],........................................................................................................................................................................................19216 - Villemagne, Jean-Marc, 14 naj Essaada, Joumet Essouck, Boite Postale 719, 4180 Djerba. - A, 130447 (m) B, Retirado. Deseo Tarjetas Telefónicas, todos sistemas, todas épocas, incluido tarjetas  GSM SIM Nuevas y Usadas con o sin chip, de todos países y épocas. Sellos usados del mundo, hojas bloques del Mundo, Billetes de banco nuevos del mundo, sobres de correo internacional con temáticas variadas y sellos y matasellos bonitos de 137 países,… Países interesados: particularmente los países, los mas pequeños, de todos continentes como, por ejemplo: Bhután, São Tome e Príncipe, Malawi, Cabo Verde, Maldivas, Caribe Holandés y otro, Bermudas, Tadjikistàn, Nagorniy Karabakh, Armenia, etc.… Temáticos de mi interés: Tarjetas EN USO EN TODOS SITIOS RESTRINGIDOS como: Cárceles, Hospitales, Cruceros, Universidàdes, Militares, Barcos Ferries, y las de ensayo, experimentales, promocionàles, pruebas, servicio, mantenimiento, etc.… Ofrezco lo mismo. Seriedad y honradez. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Francés, Inglés, Italiano, Alemán y otros con traductores online. Email: [email protected],........................................................................................................................................................................................19349 - Hamadi Mersni, 560 rue de Kelibia, Cité de la Corniche, 7003 Bizerte. - A, 160547 (m) B, Retraité. Cherche timbres Afrique, Pays Scandinaves, ïles des Caraines et autres pays Arabes, commemoratives, définitifs, , quantités, 1:1,  sollicites tous timbres neufs ou oblitérés surtout Sites, Personnages, Faunes, Fleurs, 1x1, sans catalogues ;au hasard les doubles me serviront aux autres correspondants. Je suis intermediaire collectionneur. Offre timbres des pays suivants : Tunisia, Espagne, Europe et le reste du monde. Passionné par les échanges uniquement. Prière de me contacter pour  des échanges fructueux et sérieux. Réponse assurée. Langues : Français, Anglais, Arabe et d'autres avec des traducteurs en ligne. Email : [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................19596 - Slim Ben Jrad. 8 rue de Kairouan app 55, 1996 Tunis. - A, 040374 (m) B, Sous Director. Désires d’echange de Timbre et de Billet de Banque. Cherche: timbres des colonies françaises et des Billets de Banque. Offre : un choix de100000 timbres trés variés classé par théme et par pays. J'ai des timbres oblitéré et non

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oblitéré ainsi que des timbres trés anciens j'accepte les doubles en billet et en timbre et mes timbres sont de bonne qualité .J'ai pas de catalogue. collectionneur avancé. Langues connues: Arabe, Français, Anglais, Italien et d'autres avec des traducteurs en ligne. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................19712 - Faouzi Belait, 11 rue Kasserine, Cite Ibn Kaldoun, 2062 Tunis. - 251251 (m) B, Educateur. Echanger des timbres obliteres, 1x1 ou 50x50. Collectionneur débutant. Cherche Amerique Centrale et Latine, Afrique ... Offre France. Suisse, Tunisie  +Maghreb. Entrer en contact svp avec moi avant d'envoyer vos timbres pour un commun accord. Réponse assurée. Cambio de sellos usados en base de 1x1 o en cantidades de 50x50. Coleccionista principiante. Deseo América Central y Latina, África, Ofrezco Francia, Suiza, Túnez y países de Magreb. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Langues connues : Francais, Arabe et d'autres avec des traducteurs en ligne. Email : [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................


........................................................................................................................................................................................16672 - Saban Selahattin Saban, P.O.Box 55, Ä°skenderun. -  A, 150142 (m) B, Engineer. Iam an advanced and serious stamps collectors of mint complete thematic sets worldwide. I can offer the most sets o Libya  1977-2011 Turkey and others countries. I propose to exchange by wntlsts according Michel catalog or by description (Names and date of issue of the sets) in Registered air mail letters. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Email: English, Arabic and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],........................................................................................................................................................................................18018 - Ismail Toksabay, 1835/1 sok el No 34/4 35530 karsiyaka - Izmir 35530. - A, 010651 (m) B, Retired. Exchange used stamps of Western European countries. Want: used stamps of western European countries by lots of 100/100 or on wantlists. Offer: idem plus used and new stamps of Turkey and Turkish Cyprus.

If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured.answer. Languages: English, French. Email: [email protected],

........................................................................................................................................................................................18809 - Murat Alper Ozer, P.O. Box: 210, 34711, Kadikoy Istanbul. - A, 280577 (m) B, Electrical Electronic Engineer.  Want: Used stamps, Beautiful cover from worldwide. Especially themes Aviation (Planes, Balloon, Helicopter.....). Offer same Turkey and other countries. Medium collector. If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by email. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................19232 - Alper Ozer, Turkcell Maltepe Plaza, Yenimah Pamukkale Sok 3, Soganlik - Kartal, TR-34880 Istambul. - A, 080869 (m) B, Engineer. Want: Topical - WWF, Birds, Europe-CEPT, from Worldwide related to my topicals. Offer: Countries - Turkey, Turkish Cyprus and Topical - WWF, Birds, Europe-CEPT, Butterflies, Insects, Marine Life, Reptiles, Animals, Cartoon, Scouting, Lunar New Year, Sports (Olympics, World Cup etc.), Ships, Aviation, Railway, Automobiles and Motorbikes, Transport, Space, Communications, Paintings and Art, and more... Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English, German, just a bit Spanish. Email: [email protected],........................................................................................................................................................................................19844 - Yamac Erhan, MD, ; Yamac Erhan, MD, 113 Sok. No: 41 Evren apt. K.1 D.1 Erzene mah. 35040 Bornova- Izmir (m) B, Surgeon. I am collecting mint stamps, FDC and Maximum Cards of great persons and Nobel Prize Winners worldwide. (I can prepare a list with related countries, especially for Spain), and other countries. If you are interested in, I can send you mint, used and FDC of Turkey and Turkish Cyprus on any

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Theme depending upon your list. I am using Michel Catalogue as basis. But it can be any of them available (I have Scott Catalogue 2009, too). I am waiting for your mail. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................20075 - Baris Yakar, P. O. Box 18, Heykel, Bursa. - (m). Cover+FDC+Stamps WANTED from all countries, especially Flags stamps and Philately, Football Philately, Phonecards, Turkish Postal History, Turkish Stamps and Philately News. Offer same and others. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Web: Baris's Covers and Collections. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]........................................................................................................................................................................................


........................................................................................................................................................................................07572 - Semjon Baram, P. O. Box 9, 30000 Hmelnizki region, Slavuta city. - A, 090659 (m) B, Small Business. Exchange: Want currently issue mint stamps, different countries. Offer local issues, local fantasy, local WWF, Ukraine, Russia, Moldova stamps, Ukraine, ex-USSR, FDCs, Pocket Calendars, Phonecards, Banknotes, Beer labels, Souvenirs-of Ukraine, Postcards, Viewcards of Ukraine, USSR. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................07796 - Boris Rezukhin, Shevchenko Str. 9 kv 52, P.O. Box No 44, Poshtamt, 14000 Chernigov. - A, 300552 (m) B, Engineer. - Want: 1. Mint/used issues of worldwide: Fauna (especially WWF), Locomotives, Cars, Ships, Football. 2. Mint new issues of Western Europe. 3. Used Kiloware. Offer: 1. FDCs, mint/used Ukraine 1992-2010 (including local Post issues). 2. FDCs, mint/used USSR 1961-1991. 3. Mint issues ex-USSR Russia, Moldova, Belarus, etc.). I use catalogue Michel. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always.Languages: English, German, French, Russian, Ukrainian. Email:[email protected],

........................................................................................................................................................................................08244 - Anatol S.Micheew, P.O.Box 139,76018-Ivano-Frankivsk. - A, 110546 (m) B, Pensioner. Want mint and used stamps of DBR, Deutsche Reich, Berlin, Austria, France, Monaco, Colonies. Offer mint stamps of Ukraine, Russia, USSR, mint and used from worldwide. I used Michel catalog or 1:1. Please contact first for mutual agreement- Answer always. Languages: Ukrainian, Russian, English, German and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],........................................................................................................................................................................................16128 - Kirpichnikov Sergey, P. O. Box 8835, Kharkov-61002. - A, 260752 (m) B, English Teacher. Want only Mint-MNH English Royal family stamps, Badges (lapel pins) - all topics, old black and white photos, old Pre-1961 Postcards, Police and military items. Offer stamps USSR (1961-1991) Ukraine, Postcards, Covers, Badges, Photos, etc. etc. Use Michel and Gibbons catalogues. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Serious collector.Languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian. Email: - Andrey Malko, Poste Restante, Glavpochtamt, 69005-Zaporozhye. - A, 220762 (m) B, Ambulance Doctor. Want: mint Fauna from all countries. Offer: ex-USSR, USSR, some East Europe, Africa, America, another regions. I change for catalog Michel and 1:1. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement before send any stamps. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................

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17416 - Kondratuk N Slava, P O 09 Box 8058, 21050 Vinnitsa. - A, 290477 (m) B, Doctor. I propose mint Ukraine for mint Europe CEPT stamps. Also I propose exchange Europe doubles. I use Michel catalogue. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English. Russian and Ukrainian and others with online translators Email: [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................17911 - Dmitry Ulyanov, 53, Parkovaya street, 22-b (bis), 68001, Ilyichevsk, Odessa region. - A, 120777 (m) B, Steel Business. Want: Space, Rockets, Stars only MNH fine quality complete .Offer the same and also stamps from other countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Known languages English, German, Russian, and Ukrainian. Email: [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................17933 - Yuriy Voropay, St. 40 years Victory, 67, kv 70. UA-69118 Zaporozhye. - A, 270163 (m) B, Transport Engineer. I collect mint-MNH complete sets Fauna and Painting from worldwide. Medium collector. I use catalogues: Michel. Offer mint and used stamps worldwide, many definitive, Colonial stamps, some Perfins, MNH and CTO Ukraine 1918-2010. Ask me, what you want! Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], My blog - Dmytro Onischenko, Address unpublished by request, Kiev - A, 1973 (m) B, Medicine Dr.. Want: MNH Topical new issues from worldwide. Thematic that I am interested in: Fauna, Flora, Music, Famous people, Costumes, Joint-issues, Europe-CEPT, Paintings. Offer: MNH, CTO, FDC from Ukraine, MNH issues from former soviet countries (Belarus, Russia, Moldova, Baltic, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan etc) Advanced collector. Base of change: catalogues, facial value and 1x1.   Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ........................................................................................................................................................................................18418 - Victor Makarenko, P. O. Box: 77, 01042, Kiev-42. - A, 200653 (m) B, Engineer-Scientist. Want: mint MNH stamps theme "FAUNA" from all countries. Offer mint stamps of Ukraine and CIS. I use catalogues: Yvert, Michel, etc. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected],........................................................................................................................................................................................18442 - Piptev Alexander, P. O. Box 378, 98600 Yalta, Crimea. - Mature and old (m) B, Technician. Need mostly Uncirculated worldwide Banknotes. Offer philatelic and different other material for world collectors from Ukraine. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, German, Russian ans others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18820 - Peter Koverninsky, 02002, Levoberezhny Pochtamt, Poste Restante, Kiev, A, 171048 (m) B, Engimeer Exchange and correspondence: will be welcomed. Want: things related with beer production such as beer labels, coasters /mats/, crown caps /top of bottles/, openers and so on. All over the world. Offer: post stamps, FDC, postcards, pocket calendars, used Telecards and lottery tickets, empty cigarette packs, coins and banknotes. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and othesr with online translators. Email: [email protected], ...........................................................................................................................................................................................18863 - Dyachenko Valery Aleksandrovich, Sverdlova Street-66. 85400 Selidovo, Donestkaya region. - A, 090660 (m) B, Engineer. I am interested in the complete sets mint-MNH stamps on Flora and Fauna from all countries, Island states and territories, in the Caribbean, and Oceania..... I offer complete sets mint-MNH stamps on a theme Flora and Fauna of all countries of the world. Also Ukrainian stamps. Prefer catalogs Michel and Scott, and also 1x1. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................

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19255 - Olexandr Myxap, P. O. Box 2, Rojniativ, Ivano-Frankivska obl., UA-77600. - A, 231069 (m) B, Policeman. Want exchange mint issues Olympics, Fauna, thematic issues from all countries. Also European countries, Australia, Canada. Offer: mint issues Ukraine, Russia, ex-USSR countries, thematics world.Change basis catalogues. Advanced collector. . Define the change/trade: mint, catalogues. Pleas contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................19520 - Sergei Nikitin, P.O.Box 772, Dnipropetrovsk 49008. – A, 1961 (m) Advanced collector. Want xchange mint and used stamps, Souvenirs sheets, FDCs, Maximun cards and Banknotes from Worldwide. Offer same. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian. Web page:, Email : [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................19618 - Yuri Geller, Prospect Gagarina, 61-9, 50086 Krivoj Rog. - A, 120354 (m) B, Civil Engineer. Want: mint (MNH) issues - Painting, WW2, Judaica, Icon, Olympic Games, Football, Fauna, and Aviation from worldwide. Offer: new mint (MNH) complete sets stamps of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Moldova, Israel, Iran, Kirgizstan, Brasil. Only change, Base of change - catalog "Michel"- Advanced collector Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................20038 - Petro and Maria Boryk, Upravlinnia Kultury, Bandery,18, 77300 Kalush. - A. 250559 (m) B, Electrician. Need used stamps worldwide as well as CTOs. Offer Banknotes, Coins of Ukraine in quantity, scratch Lottery Tickets of Ukraine in quantity, definitive used stamps of Ukraine in a very fine condition and quantity some used commemorative stamps of Ukraine. Can send and accept duplicates. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]. ..........................................................................................................................................................................................


..........................................................................................................................................................................................03451 - Rafael Cuadrado Pérez. Chalet "Villacid de Campos” Avda. del Cabildo casi Roosevelt.  20000 Maldonado. A, 261132 (m) B, Jubilado. Soy filatelista desde hace muchos años. Estoy interesado en intercambiar sellos  nuevos y en series completas de España y Tema Europa de todos los países. Ofrezco Uruguay siempre en sellos nuevos y series  completas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Ingles. Email: [email protected]     ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17419 - Jorge Martínez Mutay, Treinta y Tres 669, 94001, Sarandí Grande. - A, 011057 (m)   Empleado Bancario. Deseo Sellos Temáticos Nuevos temáticos de Pinturas, America-UPAEP de todo el mundo. Usados de Europa -CEPT. Ofrezco: Uruguay nuevos. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I collect only thematics mint-MNH stamps oh themes Paintings and America-UPAEP. Also used stamps of Europe-CEPT. I offer Uruguay mint-MNH stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish and others with online translator. Blog: Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17509 - Mónica Chiaro, Paulina Luisi 2004, 11400 Montevideo. - 1962 (f). Ama de casa. Deseo: Sellos nuevo o usados de: Uruguay, Gran Bretaña (desde 1960 hasta la actualidad), Lady Di, motivos Navideños de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Uruguay, Gran Bretaña, Flora, Fauna, Deportes, Espacio, Transportes, etc. Respuesta asegurada. Mint or used stamps of: Uruguay, Great Britain (from 1960 up to today), Lady Di,

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Christmas motives from all countries. Offer: Uruguay, United Kingdom, Flora, Fauna, Sports, Space, Transport, etc. Answer always. Language: Spanish and English with translator. Email a: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18017 - Jose R. Fernandez, Calle 4, Tira 81, 2788 La Cruz, 11429 Montevideo. - A, 260632 (m) B, Jubilado. Atención coleccionistas de Tarjetas Telefonicas. Colecciono los siguientes temas: Faros, Puentes, Puzzles, Medios de Transportes, Telefonos y Cabinas. Dispongo de unas 8000 Tarjetas Telefonicas de mi pais para Cambio y venta, a razon de 33 Euros el ciento, gastos de envio incluidos por correo certificado. Ruego Contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email: [email protected],  [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18312 - Martín Rebella, Alarcón1352. 11600, Montevideo. - A, 301271 (m) B, Cartero. Deseo sellos usados Temáticos varios y Alemania, Francia, Irlanda, Gran Bretaña, Colonias Inglesas, países Nórdicos. Ofrezco Cambio de todos países de Europa, Uruguay, Argentina, Brasil y otros países. Base cambio 1x1 usados, mínimo 150 sellos en cada envío siempre por correo certificado. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want only used stamps from Germany, Frabce, Ireland, UK, British Colonies, Nordic countries, and worldwide thematic stamps. Offer from all European countries, Uruguay, Argentina, Brasil and other countries. Base of exchange 1x1, minimum 150 stamps each time, only by Registered mail. Languages: English, Spanish and others in online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18641 - Jose Maria Albano Gomez, Joaquin Nuñez 2976, 11300 Montevideo. - A, 051149 (m) B, Empleado. Deseo sellos usados de todos los países de Europa, Asia, África, Oceanía (incluidos CTO), excepto las Américas. Ofrezco: Usados mundiales y usados y nuevos Uruguay (pre 1980), clásicos USA usados, años completos, Commonwealth. Cambio 1x1 usados. Puedo enviar, previo al canje, imágenes para aprobación. Lotes de 50 sellos mínimo con correo certificado. Coleccionista de mediano para abajo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas conocidos: Ingles, Portugués, Francés, Español. Email a: [email protected], - Pablo Petrides, Francisco Acuña de Figueroa 2119, 11800 Montevideo. - A, 030764 (m) B, Contador Público. Colecciono sellos mundiales de Fauna y Espacio, además de todos los sellos de Grecia. Me interesa series completas o sueltos, usados, definitivos, mint o CTO. Uso Scott y Michel.  No acepto Duplicados. Coleccionista Mediano. Tengo un buen stock de sellos mundiales de variadas temáticas para intercambiar. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wish all stamps of Greece, also thematics from all countries of Fauna and Space. I am interested in mint, used, CTO, singles, complete sets, definitives from all countries. I use Yvert and Scott catalogues. No duplicated stamps. I am medium collector. I have a good stock of worldwide stamps of all thematics to exchange. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19131 - Juan Marcelo González Maiorano, Huascar 4017, Apto 1, 11700 Montevideo. - A, 041068 (m) B, Employee. Deseo intercambiar sellos con todos los que los deseen. Busco sellos mundiales, nuevos, usados, sueltos y series completas, Temáticos de Masonería, Peces mi preferido, Club de Leones, Rotary, Barcos de madera, Fortificaciones, Faros, Mariposas, Flores, Carnavales, Pájaros, Loros. Animales, Reyes, Gatos, Perros, Insectos, WWF, Deportes, Cine, Bonsái, Fauna Salvaje, Fauna Protegida, Hongos, Cruz Roja, Scouts, Dibujos animados, Comics, Disney, Dinosaurios, Navidad, Niños, Pinturas, Arte. Ofrezco en cambio sellos Mundiales pero principalmente se Uruguay usado y mint además de hojitas filatélicas o lo que veamos necesario. Base de cambio: 1x1, No envío ni acepto sellos duplicados. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wish: To exchange stamps with all those who wish them. I look for world, mint, used, singles and complete sets. Thematic of Freemasonry,

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Fish favourite me, Club of Lions, Rotary, Ships of wood, Fortifications, Lighthouses, Butterflies, Flowers, Carnivals, Birds, Parrots. Animals, Kings, Cats, Dogs, Insects, WWF, Sports, Cinema, Bonsai, Wild Fauna, Protected Fauna, Fungi, the Red Cross, Scouts, Cartoon, Comics, Disney, Dinosaurs, Christmas, Children, Paintings, Art. I offer on the other hand world stamps but principally mint and used stamps Uruguay Souvenir sheets or what we see necessary. Base of change: 1x1, I neither send nor accept duplicated stamps. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],  ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19923 - Leonel Darío Fernández, Fermín Ferreira 1888 esq. Guaviyú. 11.700, Montevideo. - A, 250179 (m) B, Empleado Administrativo. Deseo intercambiar Monedas y Billetes de Banco de todo el mundo de todas clases y temáticas. Ofrezco Monedas, Billetes de Bancos. Sellos, Tarjetas Telefónicas de Uruguay y países de Amrica del Sur. Coleccionista mediano. Puedo enviar duplicados si le interesan. Base de catálogos World Coins, Pick, Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Offer I collect Coins and Banknotes from all countries, all states and themes. I offer Coins, Banknotes, Stamps, and Phonecards from Uruguay and South American countries. I can give duplicated material. Medium collector. Base of exchange: World Coins and Pick catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................19962 - Alejandro Menoni, Raffo76, 50.000- Salto. - A, 270152 (m) Deseo intercambio de sellos usados de todo el mundo, especialmente temáticos de. Arte, Arquitectura, Infantiles, Flora y Fauna, Deportes, Transportes, Navidad, Personajes, Escudos y Banderas, Trajes típicos, etc. Ofrezco en cambio sellos usados, antiguos de Italia, USA, Argentina, Uruguay, España, Francia, o universales, generalmente en 1x1.lotes de 100 sellos, diferentes. No uso catálogo-Algún duplicado lo uso en nuevos intercambios. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas_ Español, Inglés, Italiano yotros con traductores online. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................20057 - Juan Manuel Palmer Massaferro, Vilardebó 1596, 11800 Montevideo. - A, 091181 (m) B, Abogado. Deseo Sellos de Gran Bretaña Victoriana, India y Estados Feudales Indios, y demás países del subcontinente indio, Reich hasta 1945, Canadá hasta el centenario, Hong Kong, y además temáticos de Árboles y Arbustos, Crasas, Suculentas, Cactus y Bromelias, Gatos, Monos, Invertebrados (especialmente Escarabajos, Mariposas y Moluscos) y Mitología. Ofrezco en cambio material filatélico en nuevo de Uruguay de los últimos 30 años, sellos usados mundiales, definitivos y conmemorativos y eventualmente de otros países. Busco Series completas, sueltos, sellos definitivos y conmemorativos, usados, nuevos, temáticos, en cantidad, 1x1, por catálogos. Por favor sin duplicados, salvo bloques o cuadros (estos me gustan especialmente Wildings, Machins, Juan Carlos o Marianas). Soy un Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con ayuda de traductores de Internet. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................


........................................................................................................................................................................................07608 - W. Garry Clay, 27 Lower Hillman Road, Warwick, NY 10990. - A, 080235 (m) B, Retired, I want used stamps commemoratives, definitive, only Western Europe, Scandinavia, Australia, New Zealand, Greece and Israel. Prefer to exchange by list. Exchange any basis,1x1, catalogues except Scott catalog values.

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Offer USA 1940 to recent, including to exchange used sets complete. Advanced collector.Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................09652 - Jorge Vilchez Dominguez, 464 Brussels St., P. O. Box 347154, San Francisco CA 94134. -  A, 230454 (m) B, Contador. Deseo Sellos nuevos de España, Italia, Noruega, Suecia, Finlandia, Malta, de todos los temas y Fauna y lora de todo el mundo, excepto Europa del Este. También deseos postales de todo el mundo. Ofrezco USA, Nicaragua, Chile. etc. Coleccionista mediano. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want mint stamps of Spain, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Finland and Malta, all themes and Fauna and Flora from all countries, except Eastern Europe. I offer USA, Nicaragua, Chile, etc. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................11602- Bob Gelfman, P. O. Box 315   Plainview NY  11804. - A, 290639 (m) B, Sales. Want recent worldwide used stamps. Commemoratives, definitives, 1x1 or against wantlists. Base catalogue Scott. Advanced collector. Offer same. Serious and honest collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................15682 - Glenn Kjerstad, 806 Dorothy St., Wall, SD 57790. -  A, 150745 (m) B, Retired. Want stamps USA, Canada, Australia, México, USA Ducks, Christmas Island. Offer: Worldwide used, mint stamps, CTO's. I am very interested in many relations. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always, Language: English. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................15687 - Kathleen Wynegar, 201 North Center Apt. C, Lowell, MI 49331. - A, 240468 (f) B, Fast Food Night Manager.  I would really love some Penfriends from Iceland, the Maldives Islands, Islands, Cook Islands, Christmas Island, and basically any islands although anyone from any other country other than the U.S.A. is welcome to write and I will respond as soon as I can. Want: I would love Penfriends from 25-55 and I exchange postcards, coins and used stamps, also exchange friendship booklets and souvenirs. Offer: The same. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................15722 - Hans Schrader, 5 Eden Drive, Smithtown, New York 11787. - A, 210530 (m) B, Retired. Want: Worldwide used-no "Disney" countries. Offer: Worldwide stamps. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Swedish, Email: - William A. Morales, 124 Trellis Ct., 29072-8073, Lexington, SC. - A, 210247 (m) B, Retired. Want: worldwide postally used stamps on 1x1 Basis with at least 100 at a time, NO CTO type material. I accept duplicates, all countries. Offer: Japan, USA and same. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................16073 - Carlos E. Urtubey, 7220 N. 27th Ave. - #307, 85051-7572  -  Phoenix,  AZ . - A, 240331 (m) B, Jubilado. Cambio de sellos en general (solamente ciertos países). Mando lista a solicitud. Ofrezco sellos de calidad de todo el mundo. Soy serio y honesto en todas mis relaciones Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Soy serio y honesto en todas mis relaciones. I change stamps in general (only certain countries). Sending lists on request. I offer good stamps of the whole world. I am serious and honest in all my contacts. Please write me first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Spanish. Email: - Gennady  Tregubenko, 8,1939,Address;1436 Lozier Place ,Ap 2D,Teaneck,NJ,07666. - A, 080339 (m) B, Retired.. I want mint thematic stamps of Worldwide, mint USA, Canada, England, France, Ex-USSR. Offer mint US stamps and Gold Replicas of US stamps, USSR from  1962,early Ex-USSR topics of  East 

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Use Catalogues; Scott ,Michel , Serious and honest collector. Languages: Russian, English.

Email: [email protected], [email protected], ,..........................................................................................................................................................................................16256 - Jack Kleiner, 10315 NW 24 Pl. 103, Sunrise, FL 33322. - (m), B, Retired, Looking for current Scandinavian and Switzerland issues. Offer same countries, US and worldwide. What are you looking for? Prefer a catalogue trade. Open to suggestions. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators, Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16701 - Kazimieras Kerpauskas, 2511 W.Sunflower # H 8, Santa Ana, CA 92704. - A, 300532 (m) B, Retired. I am old stamps collector. I sell my duplicates in web shop. Please visit. I search in exchange only mint stamps of: Great Britain, Germany (only Bund), France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Sweden, Norgay, Spain, Switzerland, Lithuania, Australia, Canada, China PR (only 1981-2009). Use Scott, Michel, Yvert for France. Answer to all e-mails & offers. You could visit my store. Answer always.   My ID is Kerstamps. Languages: English, Germany, Russian, Polish and Lithuanian. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16817 - Nasr Ul Islam Muhammad, 112 Rhine Ave, Staten Island NY 10304. - A, 1961 (m) B, Accountant. Want: Interested in stamps mint (MNH) only basis Scott catalogue and also Banknotes, Phonecards etc., from Worldwide. I offer the same from USA and worldwide. Please contact for previous agreement. Answer always. Language: English: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16823 - Gilberto E. Pérez, 13261 Sanford Ave. Apt. 6A, Flushing, NY 11355. - A, 020659 (m) B, Electricista de mantenimiento (hans-man) en un hospital. Deseo: intercambio de sellos, especialmente España y Francia, según listado. Ofrezco: USA, nuevos y usados, España, nuevos y usados, Francia, Gran Bretaña, Alemania y otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................16898 - Edward H. Davies, 1631 Picetti Way, Fernley, Nevada 89408. - A, 081045 (m) B, Retired Civil Engineer. Want: Portugal, Island countries Recent if possible. Advanced collector. I can trade US, Canada, Australia, Netherlands, etc. …I will accept duplicates of 2-3 stamps NO MORE. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and some French and Spanish. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17024 - Dawn Alfonso, 6801 Leisure Town Rd 27, Vacaville, CA 95688. - A, 301259 (f) B, Auditor, Designer. I like to exchange USA stamps used or mint for worldwide stamps mint or used. 25-100 per stamps each time. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ,..........................................................................................................................................................................................17164 - Ivan B. Nucete, 2802 Cimarron Blvd.#331. Corpus Christi,,TX 784141-3458. - A, 060733 (m) B, Agrotecnico. Cambio y correspondencia: sueltos, series...Deseo: sellos usados, nuevos, CTO, Países interesados: Vietnam del Sur y del Norte, Japon, España, y Venezuela, Ofrezco usados del mundo entero,. Base catalogo Scott. Coleccionista avanzado. Want only used and mint stamps, CTO, completes sets, singles from South and North Vietnam, Japan, Spain and Venezuela. Offer used stamps from all countries. Base Scott catalogue. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: - Kumar, 3132 Acorn Court, San Jose CA 95117. - A, 1958 (m) B, Engineer. Want stamps on Gandhi, Hitler, India Old, British Omnibus series a few per wantlist. Offer British Commonwealth, British Omnibus series in complete set, singles, silver wedding in set, French Colonies and Worldwide old. Advanced serious and

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honest collector. I use Scott catalogue. Exchange by post and email. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected],     ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17415 - Andy Mosko, 6761 E. Kiami, Tucson, AZ  85715. - A, 120744 (m) B, Psychologist. Want long term trading partners of postally used large size stamps (1-1 or catalogue value).  Also can exchange FDCs, Naval covers, Flight covers, Souvenir sheets, Maximum cards, Perfins, Sock-on-nose cancels, Numeral cancels Offer USA and worldwide postally used stamps including topicals, mint sets (mostly pre 1980), mint singles (mostly pre 1980), UN/USA/PRC/CANADA and Worldwide first day covers, naval covers, first flight covers, maximum cards (Germany, Berlin, Netherlands), Precancels, souvenir sheets, UN souvenir cards (mint and FDCs), postal stationery (USA/UN and worldwide - mint, used and FDCs), USA souvenir cards/pages with first day cancel, Cinderella’s, etc. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17597 - Mark Roger, 3918 Chevy Chase Lane, Port Arthur, Texas 77642. - A, 050659 (m) B, Engineer. Want stamps of Germany post 1990, Bavaria, Castles, Military, Ships, Planes, Football (Soccer) from Worldwide. Offer: worldwide stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................17623 - Richard Freese, 844 Humboldt Street, Unit 1, Denver, CO 80218. - A, 310837 (m) B, Retired Lawyer. I wish to exchange newly issued U.S. stamps for stamps of Spain, Portugal, United Kingdom, Netherlands, Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Ireland, Czech Republic. Want: Newly issued mint commemoratives, definitive, souvenir sheets. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17744 - Anita Bautsch, 18003 Vintage Wood Lane Spring, TX  77379. - (f) B, Retired. I collect stamps from worldwide. I especially need help with Africa, Singapore, Hong Kong, France, Italy, Vatican, Thailand, Ireland, Aland, Finland, Denmark and Norway. I have created a want-list for stamps that I need by Scott Catalogue number.  I'm only interested in these countries if you can help with my want-list or very recent, 2001- Current issues I am a worldwide collector for 30+ years.  Offer:  Japan and other countries. See the Webpage. Tell me your preferences. Please contact first for mutual agreement before to send stamps. Answer always. Language: English. Email: [email protected], [email protected] Web page: - César Ramón Solís Noriega, 5753 Street Hayes, 33021 Hollywood, Florida. - A, 061163 (m) B, Policía Deseo: vender, comprar y/o intercambiar selos, especialmente USA, Argentina, Brasil, Cuba, Chile, España, Francia, Italia, Perú Puerto Rico y USA. Ofrezco: tengo en mi poder estampillas de varios países muy antiguas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un mutuo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y Portugués. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17898 - Ragui H. Michael, 214 Garces Drive, San Francisco, CA 94132. - A, 060960 (m) B, MD. Want: Mint (MNH) issues, no duplicates, from France, Spain, Italy, UK, Germany and Switzerland. Offer: Same. Base catalogues Scott, Gibbons, Michel, Yvert. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French and online translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17900 - Boris Shafir, 2677 Haring St # 2, Brooklyn, NY 11235. - A, 020147 (m) B, Mechanic. Want: MNH stamps of Aland, BAT, France, Faroe Is, Greenland, Iceland, Norway, Vatican, PNG, Falkland Is, South Georgia, topic Cacti, Composers, Napoleon, Zodiac Signs and Constellations, Rock and Cave paintings, Sport, mint

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British Colonies pre 1957. Also some postal used West Europe, South .America, Asia, Oceania by want list Offer: MNH France, Germany DDR, Berlin, Ireland, Israel, Norway, Vatican, PNG, UN, Oceania, Caribbean Is, Asia, Africa, Topic Fauna, Flora, Sport, Space, Transport, Scouts, Art, mint and used British Colonies, Saar, Memel, Danzig, used West Europe, USA, Canada, South America. Medium - advanced collector Exchange by catalogue value. Catalogues used Scott or Michel. Please contact first for muyual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translators

Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................17927 - Larry Woods, 2624 Chase St, Falls City, NE 68355. -A, 260857 (m) Communications. Want worldwide used stamps, definitive, commemoratives. Offer used stamps USA and worldwide.. Base of change 1x1, I use 50 - 200 at a time. no catalogues. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: - Xavier Sarmiento, 830 W. Beacon Rd. Apt. #7, Lakeland, FL 33803.2862. - A, 220472 (m) B, Information Technology.  I offer MNH from USA and from other Nations all in complete sets; MSS, SS and other formats.  If interested, please let me know and tell me about your topics; I collect Fauna, Marine Fauna, WWF, Discovery of America, Musical Instruments, Mozart, Dinosaurs, Fossils, Chess, International Polar Year, Minerals, Lighthouse, Castles, Joint Issues and other topics.  Let's make this friendship exchanges work out! Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................18032 - Joseph de Moura, 3235 Stevens Ave, Rosemead, CA 91770-2238. - (m) . I am interested in Spain, France, Italy and GB stamps. I offer Western Europe plus the world. Lets trade. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Portugues, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected]..........................................................................................................................................................................................18045 - Mrs. Diana Wallach, Address unpublished by request. - (f) B.Teacher. Want used stamps from your country, mainly Newer USA, all Canada, Asia, Europe, South/Central America, former Soviet, Africa, Islands, everywhere. Offer used stamps of worldwide with older USA. I prefer 50:50 or 100:100 used stamps only.  Majority to be large sized. Collector since child, medium level, trade just for fun. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, French, Spanish, and others with online translators.  Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18091- Ted Harris, 1241 Niles Court, The Villages, Florida 32162-7661. - A, 111244(m) B, Retired. Want: used stamps of your country from last five years, before that by want list. Also used ATM FRAMA stamps by wantlist. Offer: Used USA stamps from 1995 and back. Conditions of trading are: After I receive your stamps I reply to you with my stamps. Want lists are okay. Trading is one stamp for one stamp. All stamps to be in good condition as follows. Please send stamps which are not missing any or part of perforations or are not thinned or creased or scratched or ripped or stained on front or back or shabby or heavily cancelled or cancelled to order or badly off center and have only one cancel mark on a stamp. Please E-mail me before sending any stamps, will reply to all E-mail. Language: Englis and others with online translators. . Email: - Alvin A. Lambert, 6806 Sharpview, Houston, Texas 77074-6338. - (m) B, Retired. I need Sweden, Finland, Norway, Ireland, Iceland, Italy, Greece and Brasil. I have for trade Switzerland, Japan and other countries. I like to trade 100 modern stamps from each country. No CTO. I reply to every message. Serious and honest collector. Medium collector. . Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18123 - Peter Elias. P O Box 940427, 75094-0427, Plano, Texas. - A, 1960 (m) B, Consultant. I limited exchange to

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due specialized nature of collection. I am an advanced collector/exhibitor. Want St. Vincent ostmarks/postal history/fakes/forgeries/revenue stamps/revenue documents, British Empire War Tax stamps on cover, Airports on Stamps. Audi on Stamps, Revenue stamps on document. Offer used USA commemoratives 1950 to 2000. Catalogs: I use primarily Scott, but have access to British Commonwealth Stanley Gibbons. See my Websites for further details at:,,, [email protected] Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, German, Swiss and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................18310 - Gerard York, Address unpublished by request, Tallahassee, Florida 32302-2714. - (m) B, Lawyer. Want Ex-USSR states. Israel, Vatican City, French Antarctica, Zimbabwe, United Nations, Cuba. I can offer you many trade items: new and recent issues (e.g.2005-2011) from Aland, Australia, Australian Antarctic Territory, British Antarctic Territory, British Indian Ocean Territory, China (Taiwan), Christmas Island, Cocos Islands, Falkland Islands, Faroe Islands, Greenland, Iceland, Israel, New Zealand, Norfolk Island, North Cyprus, Pitcairn Islands, Ross Dependency, South Georgia, Tokelau Islands, Tristan da Cunha, United Arab Emirates, (UAE), United Nations, Vatican City. Base Scott catalogue. Advanced collector. I have 4 small Yahoo groups on ex-Yugoslavia states: Kosovo, Macedonia, Republike Srpske (Serbian Bosnia) and Herceg Bosna (Croatian Bosnia). All are welcome, especially collectors from these areas" Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish, French, Russian and others with online translators. Email: [email protected] ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18325 - Lorna Nowak, 41635 Pocatello, 48187-3825 Canton, Michigan. - A, 250359 (f) Sales. I collect used Worldwide used stamps and I have a special interest in stamps of Animals, Birds and Fish. I love trade extra stamps for these stamps plus any stamps of WILLIAM & KATE. I can offer packet of 100-200 worldwide used stamps, all countries plus hard to find countries like Iceland and the British Islands. If you need recent USA please contact me. Medium collector. I have also Scott catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................18430 - Bill Pertzborn, 1263 N. Padre Kino Lane, Coolidge, AZ 85128-3104. - A, 240838 (m) B, Retired.  Want only German stamps. Offer: Worldwide stamps. Advanced collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and other with online translators. Email: [email protected], [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18560 - Benjamín Palencia Díaz, 4545 Cook Rd, Apt. 1412, Houston, TX 77072. - A, 100438 (m) B, Comerciante. Deseo VENDER sellos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco colecciones, Temáticos, nuevos, usados, series completas y sellos sueltos. Buenos descuentos, se sirven mancolistas, principalmente de Centroamérica. No se sentirán defraudados, Anteriormente fui durante 15 años propietario de la Casa Filatélica Salvadoreña, y por causas económicas y retirada de la filatelia por jubilación, me veo obligado a deshacerme de ellas. No se sentirán defraudados con mi material filatélico, de gran cantidad y abundante, Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas Español, Inglés y otros con ayuda de traductores online.Email a: [email protected],..........................................................................................................................................................................................18560 - Benjamin Palencia Diaz, 4545 Cook Rd, Apt. 1412, Houston, TX 77072. - A, 130438 (m) B, Merchant. I wish: TO SELL stamps of the whole World, I offer collections, Thematic, new and used stamps complete

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sets and single stamps. Good discounts, they make use wantlist, mainly of Central American countries. They will not feel defrauded. Previously I was for 15 years proprietary of the Salvadoran Philatelic House, and for causes economic and retreat of the philately for retirement, I turn out to be forced to get rid of them. They will not feel defrauded with my philatelic material, of big quantity and abundantly. Please contact first for mutual agreement, Answer always, Languages; English and Spanish. Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................18569 - Jorge Sirgo, 1811 Downey Court, Hanover Park, Illinois 60133-5215. - A, 271237 (m) B, Architect. Want: Used stamps from the entire world, mainly all African countries. Offer: USA stamps and worldwide stamps. Base of change 1x1, stamp for stamp, in quantities 100x100. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: - Michele Cox, 6 Putnam St, Newburgh, NY 12550. - A, 030267 (f) B, Housewife/homemaker. Want Europe, Canada and Mexico used stamps. Offer: USA and worldwide used stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Amswer always. Check out my stamp collection at Language: English and others with onlibe translators. Email: [email protected],  ......................................................................................................................................................................18940 - Len Bland, 224 Stadium Dr, Logansport, Indiana 46947. - A, 230441 (m) B, Consultant. Want worldwide commemoratives stamps and Souvenir sheets, except Latin America and ex-communist countries. Offer worldwide stamps. Advanced collector. I use Scott 2011 catalogue. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and ptherd with online translators Email: [email protected],....................................................................................................................................................................18985 - Mike Cherrington, 2804 Andover, Midland, TX 79705. - A, 290144 (m) B, Geologist (Retired). Want: USA and British Commonwealth. Also Postal history covers, British and French Africa, Canal Zone, world Perfins Precancels. Offer: covers, USA postal stationary, world commemorative stamps, thematic sets and Covers. Medium collector. Exchange stamps 1 for 1. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others online transtaors.. Email: [email protected], ....................................................................................................................................................................19701 - Tom Bova, 229 Winn St; Burlington, MA, 01803-2627 (m) I am an old & serious stamp collector of Worldwide for 35 years. I propose 150 large size all different used worldwide for same from you. I look forward to your reply. Answer always. Busco sellos de todo el mundo. Cambio en envios de 150 sellos diferentes de tamaño grande de todo el mundo. Ofrezco lo mismo. Coleccionista desde hace más de 35 años, serio y formal. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada Language: English. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19704 - Raul Arredondo, 824 Waxahachie, Conroe, Texas. 77301-7154 - A, 090946 (m) B, Comerciante. Deseo Sellos usados de Austria, Bélgica, España, Francia, Gran Bretaña, Grecia, Holanda, Italia, Luxemburgo y Países Nórdicos, Ofrezco: USA, Canadá, Australia. Nueva Zelanda, Japón, Alemania y muchos países que tengo duplicados. Cambio a base de mancolistas y con el catalogo Scott. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I want used stamps from France, Austria, Spain, UK, (Stanley Gibbons) Greece, Netherlands, Italy, Luxembourg, and Nordic countries. I offer USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, Germany and other more countries that I have duplicated. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19740 - Aron Gomb, 2631 Batchelder St. Brooklyn, NY 11235. - A, 1937 (m) B, Retired (Teacher). Want mint- MNH complete sets, Souvenir sheets, Miniature sheets from USA, Canada, West and East Europe, Asia and South American countries. Also Thematic that I am interested in: Fauna, Sport, Olympic, Writers, Transport, Flora from worldwide. I'd like to receive commemoratives. I prefer to trade using want list Scott or

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Michel based and could work with others want list. Offer: MNH complete sets, Souvenir sheets, Miniature sheets from Cuba, North Korea, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, USSR, Russia, ex-USSR countries and also a large variety of MNH and used stamps from many worldwide countries. Advanced collector. Base of exchange; Michel and Scott catalogues. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Russian. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19830 - Robert R. Miller, PO Box 220, New York NY 10185-0220  . - A, 010360 (m) B, Comercio Exterior. Deseo correspondencia amistosa (especialmente con varones), y cambio de sellos de todo el mundo, excepto Africa. Ofrezco usados mundiales y nuevos/usados de los Estados Unidos. Tambien puedo mandar tarjetas postales de Nueva York y tarjetas telefónicas  (aunque yo mismo no colecciono estas temas). Coleccionista avanzado, No tengo catalogos. Cambio en base de 1x1 en cantidades. Ruego contactos primero para legar a n completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. I wish friendly correspondence (especially with males), and exchange stamps of the whole world, except African countries. I offer worldwide used stamps and USA, mint and used.. Also I can give Postcards of New York and Phonecards. (Although I himself do not collect these material). Advanced collector, I have no catalogues. I change in base of 1x1 in quantities. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: Spanish, English, Italian, Portuguese and others with online translator. Email: - Gary Cowdrey, 308 East Lawson Avenue. Foley, AL 36535-2413- A, 210964 (m) B, Homemaker. Want Only USA stamps MNH. Offer stamps USA used/ some Worldwide. Base Scott catalog. Medium collector. Changes OPEN TO NEGOTIATION. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English.and othersm with online translators Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................

20014 - Pete Hendley, 1502 Yewell St, Iowa City, Iowa 52240. - (m). I want recent United States and Australia and some Latin American countries. I offer United States and some random foreign countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: - Van-Troi Perozo, 1633 S. Hudson Street, Denver, CO 80222. - (m). Busco Cuba y Republica Dominicana, sellos nuevos, usados y FDCs. Ofrezco sellos nuevos y usados y FDCs de todo el mundo. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want Cuba and Dominican Republic mint and used stamps, FDCs. Offer mint, used stamps and FDCs from USA and all countries. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: - Arnold Kupferman, 3 Woods Way, 12065 Clifton Park, NY. - (m) B, Retired. I have been collecting stamps for 70 years. I have about 30,000 worldwide stamps in my collection and many duplicates that I would like to trade. However I collect only stamps issued 1960 or before. I would like to trade with other collectors Base of exchange 1x1 in packets of 50 moderate value stamps. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online translators. Email: - Bernard Jacobs, 633 Harrier Drive, New Jersey 08831. - A, 240731 (m) B, Retired. I'm an old honest and serious collector. I collect the stamps of the world. I do not buy or sell stamps. I exchanged stamps for almost 20 years and then gave myself a break about 5 years ago. I am starting again. It will be fun to exchange stamps again. The world has changed a lot since I started with new countries joining the world with their own stamps. I am sending you about 200+ stamps and I hope that you like them. If not, use what you don’t want and trade with other collector… that is what I do. Offer same USA and worldwide. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and others with online

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translator. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................20050 - William Ritchie, 4 Van Wagner Rd, 12740 Grahamsville, New York. A, 131236 (m) B, Retired. I have been collecting coins for over 50 years.  I collected the world by date and type.  I have reached the age where I need to consolidate my collecting habits. I primarily collect:  USA Proofs, pre 1964 10, 25, 50 cent coins and pre 1930 cents and nickels.  I have doubles of almost any date or mint after these dates.  I also collect Panama, almost any date and Austria recent commemoratives and many pre: 1900 coins of any denomination.  I have to offer:  Pre: 1970 Most countries of the world coins that have a value in excess of US $1.00 as described in the most recent Krause, Michener catalogues.   Coins valued at  $1.00 or lower I sell or trade in bulk.  With the exception of silver coins, I use Krause prices.  Silver trades at market on the day of agreement.  All trades are equal.  Unsatisfactory coins are returnable.  Each pays own postage. Insurance is usually by request and may require additional cost.  In addition to coins, I have many old stamps [used] from the late Victorian era and early 20th century. I sell too at about 65% of Krause or less.  Silver & Gold sell at market value.  All sales require postage cost. I read and speak English, and a small amount of Spanish.  There is a translation site on the internet that I can use for non English peaking Spanish, French or German, but I cannot write in these languages. Answer always. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................


........................................................................................................................................................................................16864 - Marat Smakin, P.O.Box 2704, 700187 Tashkent. - A, 1972 (m) B, Engineer. I am collector of mint stamps. I can offer mint stamps of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan. What are you interested in?. In exange I am interested in mint stamps (1997-2008) of Spain and other West European countries of theme: Fauna (Animals, birds, fishes, insects, dinosaurs etc.). Trains (locomotives), Europe-CEPT. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English and Russian. Germany and little French. Email: [email protected], [email protected],........................................................................................................................................................................................18817 - Abdfarruh Mirzairov, Polygraphic tupic 8, U. Yusupov Street, 100128 Tashkent. - A, 110749 (m) B. Military Historian. Abdufarruh Mirzairov. Vice-prezident of International Union of Collectors (by Middle Asia and Uzbekistan) and Director of Representations of International Newspaper "Lavka Kollektsionera" in Uzbekistan and Middle Asia. Want: Greeting to my colleagues in your country! (1) Mint stamps of European countries before 1960 year. (2) Mint stamps of Australia - Oceania. (3) Mint stamps of Germany before 1945, and also of different occupation zones and stamps of satellite countries. “Bund” since 2010 year in mini sheets (klb). (4) Mint stamps of China 1949 – 1970 year. (5) Mint stamps of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, PMR, and Nagornyi Karabah. (6) Topical issues of stamps of all over the World: Europe CEPT, Fauna, Flora, Sport, Persons, Zodiacs (constellations), Art, Paintings on Rocks, Transport (Air - R/R - Auto - Water).Offer: Greeting to my colleagues In Your country! In exchange I can offer: mint new stamps of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Estonia, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Cuba, Macao. Advanced collector. If you are interested in exchange with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian. Email: [email protected],.......................................................................................................................................................................................19130 - Arkadiy Zarkhin, General Post Office, Post Box 350, 10000 Tashkent. - A, 150657 (m) B, Radio Engineer. Want: Used stamps from British Commonwealth, France, Spain, Portugal, Netherlands, Germany, Italia, Denmark, Colonies and Territories. Offer: Large swap CTO stamps USSR, Czechoslovakia, Vietnam, used

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Germany, USA, Greece, Denmark, Netherland, Swiss, Britain India and small swap many countries. Prefer wanted list basis catalogue Scott or Michel, or specify before send or accept duplicates. Medium collector. Answer always. Languages: English. English. Email: [email protected],.......................................................................................................................................................................................19796 - Minasyants Eduard, C-5 (Central 5) -House 77, Apt.47, 100017 Tashkent. - A, 020352 (m) B, Stomatologist. Want exchange only stamps by wantlist mint -MNH Spain chronology (all period), Mint-MNH stamps chronology of Romania, Germany till 2010 (2010 too). Mint-MNH chronology European countries till 1960. Also Thematic issues of all countries: WWF, Europe CEPT, Armenia, Lady Diana, Red Cross. Offer mint-MNH new stamps of Uzbekistan and CIS countries, Cuba, Iran. I use Michel catalogue. Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and others with online translator. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................19800 - Ravshan Rakhmanov P. O. Box 22, 15, Istiqbol Street, Tashkent 100047. - A, 020174 (m) B, Lawyer, Grata Law Firm. Want China stamps, German stamps, mint chronology of Empire Russia, RSFSR, USSR before 1960 year, mint-MNH stamps. Also of all world themes “Europe CEPT”, “WWF”, Sport, Flora and Fauna. Offer mint-MNH new issues of Uzbekistan and of other countries of ex-USSR, Iran, Cuba. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Russian and other with online translator. Email: [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................


.........................................................................................................................................................................................17230 - Aída Luisa Trujillo Serna, Avenida 3 Entre Calles B y  C, No. B-49, Apartado de Correos 4002, Maracaibo. – A, 130363 (f) B, T.S.U. Adm. de empresas Deseo: sellos de Simón Bolívar, Papa Juan Pablo VI y Escritores Famosos, Pintores, Bailes tradicionales, Músicos, Artistas de todo el mundo. También sellos de Venezuela. Ofrezco: Sellos de Venezuela y de todo el mundo. Seriedad y honradez. Soy Secretaria de la Sociedad Filatélica de Maracaibo (SOFIMA). Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Want stamps of Theme Simon Bolivar, Pope John Paul VI, Famous Writers, Paintings, Musical, Traditional Dances, Artistes from all countries. of all countries. Serious and honest Collector. Secretary of SOFIMA. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Languages: English, Spanish and others with online translators. Email: [email protected] .........................................................................................................................................................................................17414 - Jorge Eduardo Harb. Apartado Postal 3287, Trigal Sur, Valencia, Edo. Carabobo. - (m) Deseo cambiar sellos con todo el mundo, solo en perfecto estado, especialmente de Australia, Canadá, Dinamarca, Ecuador, Gran Bretaña, Grecia, Israel, Líbano, USA, Vaticano y Venezuela. También Tarjetas Telefónicas de todos los países. Ofrezco de mi país, Venezuela y de otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Base de cambios 1x 1 y por Correo Aéreo Certificado, para seguridad la recepción y en lotes mínimos de 100 o más sellos por envío, para compensar la carestía de las remesas. Idiomas: Español e Inglés. Email: [email protected], [email protected] .........................................................................................................................................................................................17788 - Eduardo Sudnicki, Apartado de Correos 363, Valencia 2001-A. - A, 1951, (m) B, Ingeniero Industrial. Deseo solamente sellos de Venezuela, Polonia, Italia, Antillas Holandesas, Aruba, Curaçao, y temática: NUMISMAFILIA. Ofrezco lo mismo y de otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés y otros con ayuda de traductores online..

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Emai: [email protected], [email protected],.........................................................................................................................................................................................18027 - Bernardo Urbani Apartado 66755, Caracas 1061-A.- 070477 (m) B, PhD, Antropólogo. Deseo: Material Filatélico y Numismático de tópicos primatologicos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco: Sellos de Venezuela y de otros países. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un acuerdo, Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Alemán y Portugués. Email a: [email protected] .........................................................................................................................................................................................18413 - Pablo Ramón Molina-Quintero, Edificio Los Robles, piso 7, apto 73,  2a av Base Aragua. Maracay, Estado Aragua, 2102. - A, 210353 (m) B, Médico. Deseo sellos de todo el mundo sobre los temas de Aviación y Astrofilatelia. Ofrezco: Lo que pueda tener o conseguir. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idioma: Español. Email : [email protected], .........................................................................................................................................................................................18719 - José Sarmiento, Calle democracia, esquina Panamá, Casa No 61. 4102 Punto Fijo Edo. Falcón. - A, 140982 (m) B, Estudiante Ingeniería Sistemas. Deseo conocer personas de otros países para intercambiar y ayudar a quien nea tuda en el área de Venezuela. Busco Monedas en perfecto estado Billetes de Banco sin circular, Cápsulas de bebidas (chapas) sellos de correos de todo el mundo, especialmente de Unión Europea, Belize, Suriname, Guyana, Islas del Caribe, y parte de África, especialmente con personas serias y honestas. Ofrezco Monedas, Billetes de Banco, Cápsulas de bebidas, Chapas, Tarjetas Telefónicas (de varios países. Todos los envíos por correo certificado Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Italiano, Portugués entre otros (uso traductor) Email: [email protected], See my Web page: NUMISFALCONBLOGSPOT.COM.........................................................................................................................................................................................18975 - Nelson Enrique Duran Rosales, Apartado Postal 1.971 Valencia 1-A. Estado de. Carabobo.- A, 120156 (m) B, Visitation Medico. Colecciono Billetes de Banco, Monedas, Bolsitas de Te, Chapas, Tarjetas Telefónicas de (Animales, Flores, Transportes, Policial, Militar), Billetes de transportes, Fichas de Casinos de todo el mundo. Ofrezco en cambio Monedas, Billetes de Banco, Bolsitas de té, Chapas de bebidas, Tarjetas Telefónicas, Calendarios de bolsillo, Chapas de casinos, Plumas. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a u completo aciredo. Respuesta asegurada, I collect Banknotes, Coins, Teabags, Crown Caps, Phonecards (Animals, Transports, Flowers, Policies, Military from all countries. I offer Coins, Banknotes, Teabags, Stamps, FDC, Phonecards, Crow Caps, Stamps, Pens, Pocket Calendar, Casino chips. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. My blog are:, [email protected],


20048 - Omar Carnevali, Residencia La Trinitaria Av. Herman Garmendia, fte a la UFT, Piso 13, apartamento 131. 3001 Barquisimeto, Estado Lara, o Apartado de Correos 4006, Cabudare, Estado Lara. - A, 150369 (m) B, Contador Público. Coleccionista mediano. Deseo información e intercambios de Sellos, Billetes de Banco y Monedas de todo el mundo. Todos (series, individuales, conmemorativos, cualquier motivo, bimetálicas, Plata, etc. Ofrezco Monedas, Billetes de Banco, Sellos de distintas temáticas y países. Base Catálogos Krause, World Coins, World Paper Money and Scott. Tipo de intercambio: 1x1; por precios según Catálogos, entre otras, envíos al mismo tiempo, dependiendo del caso se puede enviar primero. Ruego contactos primero para llegar a un completo acuerdo. Respuesta asegurada. Idiomas: Español, Italiano, y

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otros con aguda de traductores de Internet: Email: [email protected], ..........................................................................................................................................................................................


.........................................................................................................................................................................................18965 - Hoang Lan Tran, 03/09 Duong 25A, P.Tan Quy, Q.07, Tp.Ho Chi Minh. - A, 051184 (f) B, Programmer. Advanced stamps collector. Like exchange the sets of mint never hinged (NH) stamps of Waterfall, Beauty View, Flower, Fish and Fruits from worldwide. Offer: Stamps, FDC, Maxicards, Post Card of Vietnam, commemoratives, definitive, used, mint, CTOs, quantities, 1:1, catalogues. If you are interested in exchanges with me please always make contact by email first of all exchange. Assured answer. Languages: English, Vietnamese and others with online translators.. Email: [email protected],  .........................................................................................................................................................................19129 - Nhuyen Minh Thi, 111/20C Le Van Luong-Ap3-Phuoc Kien-Nha Be-TPHCM, 084. - A, 050279 (m) B, Engineer. Want: Mint stamps, FDCs real postal usage, covers real postal usage, maxima cards, etc with Topics BRIDGES topics and some other topics from worldwide. Offer: Mint stamps from Vietnam. I am using Scott, Michel. Also I have a  "2009 Catalogue Unificato EDIFIL" . Medium collector. Please contact first for mutual agreement. Answer always. Language: English and others with online translators. Email: [email protected],........................................................................................................................................................................



Solo los falsos coleccionistas están incluidos en esta Lista Negra. Lamentablemente se tuvo que hacer esta Lista Negra para evitar que los falsos coleccionistas engañen a los honrados socios de nuestro club.. Todos los coleccionistas en esta Lista Negra son incluidos por los propios socios perjudicados Esta no es una Lista Negra Oficial del club. Si un coleccionista (incluido a esta Lista Negra) expone argumentos que discrepen de ella, o solucionen sus problemas, rápidamente será borrado de la misma.Esperamos no tener que añadir a ningún socio más a esta Lista negra..


The bad collectors are included in this blacklist. I had to do this list to avoid the bad collectors. All the collectors in this blacklist are added for the associates of the club. This is not an Official blacklist of the club. This it is a blacklist received of the own associates affected. If a collector (included this blacklist) exposes arguments that disagree of her, this collector it will be eliminated of the list expect that we do not have that to add no associate more to this list.


Seulement les mauvais collectionneurs sont inclus dans cette liste noire. Je me suis senti obligé de faire cette liste pour éviter que les mauvais collectionneurs ne trompent les membres de notre club.

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Tous les collectionneurs de cette liste noire sont inscrits par des partenaires eux-mêmes lésés. Ce n'est pas une liste noire officielle du club.Si un collectionneur (inscrit sur cette liste noire) expose des arguments valables ou résolvent leurs problèmes, son nom sera rapidement effacé de cette dernière. Nous espérons ne pas avoir à ajouter de nouveaux noms à cette liste noire)


In die Schwarze Liste wurden nur die falschen Sammler aufgenommen. Leider war es erforderlich, eine solche Liste anzulegen, damit diese falschen Sammler die ehrlichen Mitglieder des Clubs nicht weiter betrügen können.

Alle Sammler in dieser Schwarze Liste wurden von den eigenen Mitgliedern aufgenommen, die materiellen Schaden erlitten hatten. Es handelt sich nicht um eine offizielle Schwarze Liste des Clubs.

Wenn ein Sammler (der in der Schwarzen Liste aufgeführt ist) Argumente anführt, die ihn freisprechen oder Lösungen für seine Probleme bieten, dann wird seine Name sofort in der Liste gelöscht. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15559 – USA: Robert Tyco, Roberto Bellido, Josefa Delgado, Ramon Luna, George Ben, etc........ 4153 W 10 Court, Hialeah, FL 33012, Email-Address: [email protected], [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15695 - PERU: Juan Gerardo Mauricio Feria, Calle Cura Mori No. 284, Urb. Santa Rosa, Piura. Email-Address: [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15716 - USA.- Raul Vazquez 3518W 80W suite 101 Hialeah Fla. 33016, Email-Address: [email protected]………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15791 - KAZAKHSTAN. - Slava Vasilets, P. O. Box 67, 642000 Petropavlovsk, Email-Address: [email protected], [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

15968 - INDONESIA. - Robby Gunawan, Jl. Gatot Subroto 55B, Bandung 40062, Email-Address: [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16243 - SERBIA Nenad Sijak (Shijak), Stanka Tomicha 18, 26204 Opovo, Email-Address: [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16246 – CANADA: Allan Singer - 4160 Bathurst St, Apt 107, Toronto, Ont. M3H 3P6

Email-Address: [email protected], [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16404 - ALGERIA: Younes Bencheikh Lefgoun, Cite: 1013, bt: 83, No04. 25100 El Khroub, Constantine,

Email-Address: [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16457 - TURKEY: Cem Kara, Fetih Cad. Özay, apt. no 36/13, 34188 Birinevler, Istambul,. – Email-Address:: [email protected]………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16975 - KAZAKHSTAN: Alchin Taipov, P. O. Box: 42, Almaty 050000 Email Address: [email protected]………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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17080 - COLOMBIA: Alejandro Restrepo Bustamante, Apartado Postal 2476, Manizales, Caldas, Email: [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected],

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17119 - UCRANIA: Antón Petrov, P. O. Box 125, 01010 Kiev-10, Email Address: [email protected],………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17670 - MALAYSIA. – Gatsby Cheah, 22, Jalan Sentul Jaya 2, 51100 Kuala Lumpur, Email Address: [email protected], [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17689 - USA - Bob Young, 16412 Citrus Parkway. Clermont FL. 34714. Email Addres: [email protected]. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17711 - NETHERLANDS Nancy de Ritter, De la Reijstraat 558, 2987 XP Riddekerk, Email Address : [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17928 – INDIA: Chaitanya Metha, C-60 Priyadhrashi Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Emal Address: [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18054 – PORTUGAL; Joana Isabel Costa, R. Luis Teixeira Macedo e Castro No 44, 6º. Esq. 2910-586 Setúbal. Email address: [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18272 – ESPAÑA: Fernando Marchal Diaz, Martínez Montañés.3. Bajo, Izda. E-23600 Martos, Jaén,

Emal Address: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18381 – SRI LANKA: J. M. Harris, 91, Main Street, Oddamavadi - 30420. – Email Address: [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18695 - ROMANIA: Motocea Sandor, Avram Iancu 13/5, 332025 Petrosani, Hunedoara- Email Address: [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18425 – PHILIPPINES: Edgardo Bacus, Purok 30 Capuano Ma-a, Davao City. 8000 Email Address: [email protected]………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18584 – FILIPINAS: Renilo R. Abella,   Block 23,  Lot 14,  Xavier Heights, Upper Balulang,  Cagayan de Oro City,  9000,  Email Address: [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18860 – IVOTY COAST - Miss Cinthia  Laure, P. O. Box 29, 00225 Abidjan. – Email address: [email protected],………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19487 - CANADA: Glorian Rabang, 4160 Bathurst Str. Apt. 107, Toronto, Ont. M3H 3P6. -

Email Address: [email protected], wife of member 16246………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………



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Solo los falsos coleccionistas están incluidos en esta Lista Negra. Lamentablemente se tuvo que hacer esta Lista Negra para evitar que los falsos coleccionistas engañen a los honrados socios de nuestro club.. Todos los coleccionistas en esta Lista Negra son incluidos por los propios socios perjudicados Esta no es una Lista Negra Oficial del club. Si un coleccionista (incluido a esta Lista Negra) expone argumentos que discrepen de ella, o solucionen sus problemas, rápidamente será borrado de la misma.Esperamos no tener que añadir a ningún socio más a esta Lista negra..


The bad collectors are included in this blacklist. I had to do this list to avoid the bad collectors. All the collectors in this blacklist are added for the associates of the club. This is not an Official blacklist of the club. This it is a blacklist received of the own associates affected. If a collector (included this blacklist) exposes arguments that disagree of her, this collector it will be eliminated of the list expect that we do not have that to add no associate more to this list.


Seulement les mauvais collectionneurs sont inclus dans cette liste noire. Je me suis senti obligé de faire cette liste pour éviter que les mauvais collectionneurs ne trompent les membres de notre club.Tous les collectionneurs de cette liste noire sont inscrits par des partenaires eux-mêmes lésés. Ce n'est pas une liste noire officielle du club.Si un collectionneur (inscrit sur cette liste noire) expose des arguments valables ou résolvent leurs problèmes, son nom sera rapidement effacé de cette dernière. Nous espérons ne pas avoir à ajouter de nouveaux noms à cette liste noire)


In die Schwarze Liste wurden nur die falschen Sammler aufgenommen. Leider war es erforderlich, eine solche Liste anzulegen, damit diese falschen Sammler die ehrlichen Mitglieder des Clubs nicht weiter betrügen können.

Alle Sammler in dieser Schwarze Liste wurden von den eigenen Mitgliedern aufgenommen, die materiellen Schaden erlitten hatten. Es handelt sich nicht um eine offizielle Schwarze Liste des Clubs.

Wenn ein Sammler (der in der Schwarzen Liste aufgeführt ist) Argumente anführt, die ihn freisprechen oder Lösungen für seine Probleme bieten, dann wird seine Name sofort in der Liste gelöscht. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15559 – USA: Robert Tyco, Roberto Bellido, Josefa Delgado, Ramon Luna, George Ben, etc........ 4153 W 10 Court, Hialeah, FL 33012, Email-Address: [email protected], [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15695 - PERU: Juan Gerardo Mauricio Feria, Calle Cura Mori No. 284, Urb. Santa Rosa, Piura. Email-Address: [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………15716 - USA.- Raul Vazquez 3518W 80W suite 101 Hialeah Fla. 33016, Email-Address: [email protected]………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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15791 - KAZAKHSTAN. - Slava Vasilets, P. O. Box 67, 642000 Petropavlovsk, Email-Address: [email protected], [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

15968 - INDONESIA. - Robby Gunawan, Jl. Gatot Subroto 55B, Bandung 40062, Email-Address: [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16243 - SERBIA Nenad Sijak (Shijak), Stanka Tomicha 18, 26204 Opovo, Email-Address: [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16246 – CANADA: Allan Singer - 4160 Bathurst St, Apt 107, Toronto, Ont. M3H 3P6

Email-Address: [email protected], [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16404 - ALGERIA: Younes Bencheikh Lefgoun, Cite: 1013, bt: 83, No04. 25100 El Khroub, Constantine,

Email-Address: [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16457 - TURKEY: Cem Kara, Fetih Cad. Özay, apt. no 36/13, 34188 Birinevler, Istambul,. – Email-Address: [email protected]………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………16975 - KAZAKHSTAN: Alchin Taipov, P. O. Box: 42, Almaty 050000 Email Address: [email protected]………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17080 - COLOMBIA: Alejandro Restrepo Bustamante, Apartado Postal 2476, Manizales, Caldas,

Email: [email protected] , [email protected], [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17119 - UCRANIA: Antón Petrov, P. O. Box 125, 01010 Kiev-10, Email Address: [email protected],………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17670 - MALAYSIA. – Gatsby Cheah, 22, Jalan Sentul Jaya 2, 51100 Kuala Lumpur, Email Address: [email protected], [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17689 - USA - Bob Young, 16412 Citrus Parkway. Clermont FL. 34714. Email Addres: [email protected]. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17711 - NETHERLANDS Nancy de Ritter, De la Reijstraat 558, 2987 XP Riddekerk, Email Address : [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………17928 – INDIA: Chaitanya Metha, C-60 Priyadhrashi Marg, Tilak Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, Emal Address: [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18054 – PORTUGAL; Joana Isabel Costa, R. Luis Teixeira Macedo e Castro No 44, 6º. Esq. 2910-586 Setúbal. Email address: [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18272 – ESPAÑA: Fernando Marchal Diaz, Martínez Montañés.3. Bajo, Izda. E-23600 Martos, Jaén,

Emal Address: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18381 – SRI LANKA: J. M. Harris, 91, Main Street, Oddamavadi - 30420. – Email Address: [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18695 - ROMANIA: Motocea Sandor, Avram Iancu 13/5, 332025 Petrosani, Hunedoara- Email Address: [email protected],

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………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18425 – PHILIPPINES: Edgardo Bacus, Purok 30 Capuano Ma-a, Davao City. 8000 Email Address: [email protected]………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18584 – FILIPINAS: Renilo R. Abella,   Block 23,  Lot 14,  Xavier Heights, Upper Balulang,  Cagayan de Oro City,  9000,  Email Address: [email protected], ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18860 – IVOTY COAST - Miss Cinthia  Laure, P. O. Box 29, 00225 Abidjan. – Email address: [email protected],………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………18674 – ARMENIA: Norayr Harutunyan, Khazanchetcotc 57/5, Shushi Email Address: [email protected],………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18722 – ARMENIA : Eric Gabriel Yan, N. Stefanyan N 1, App. 20, Askeran Email address: [email protected] ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..18673 – BELIZE: Santos Nah, P. O. Box 82, Orange Walk Town,

Email address: [email protected]………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19443 – RUSSIA: Mstislav Knyazev, do vostrebovaniya, g/p, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Moscow area 142600. -

Email Address: [email protected],………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………19487 - CANADA: Glorian Rabang, 4160 Bathurst Str. Apt. 107, Toronto, Ont. M3H 3P6. -

Email Address: [email protected], wife of member 16246………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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