  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CCXXI [Israel, Illegals]


    I distribute the Blast e-mails manually and it seems the proclivity of cut/pasted use of bcc [bowing

    to privacy concerns] yielded [when functioning mechanistically] the loss of a few names during the past

    fortnight [omitted from the beginning or end of a prior set of names]; therefore, these individuals are

    receiving the backlog in attachments formatted in Word, and I guess Im going to have to consider

    converting to one of the commercial groupings [despite the fact that Im only marketing ideas].{That

    others of you have thereby received duplicates, Im sure youve been able to handle the burden.} In any

    case, a few e-mails received overnight are now dutifully provided, although no fundamentals changed;

    this Blast e-mail focuses on Israel and the Illegals, and it summarizes key-conclusions [using indents to

    corroborate the editorialization]. First, per Politico, are two Sunday Bestexcerpts from the talk-shows:

    Ron Dermer, Israel's ambassador to the U.S., to David Gregory on NBC's "Meet the

    Press," on including Hamas in Palestinian government: "The road to peace goes over

    Hamas. It doesn't include Hamas."

    DAN PFEIFFER to George Stephanopoulos, on ABC's "This Week": "[I]n the House of

    Representatives, John Boehner may have the gavel, but Ted Cruz has the power."

    STEPHANOPOULOS: "You don't really think impeachment is possible?"

    PFEIFFER: "I -- well, I -- when the House takes an unprecedented step to sue thepresident of the United States, ... even though he is issuing executive orders at the

    lowest rate in 100 years, I think it would foolish to discount the possibility."

    Sunday on CNN's "Inside Politics," Politico's Mike Allen said Dems are facing a "bleak"

    reality in the upcoming midterm elections.

    Regarding Israel, BB continues to walk-a-tightrope between Pacifists [BHO, Kerry, Livni] and hard-liners

    [Bennett, Danon, Feiglin], and it remains clear that the only major concern that will emerge post-war

    domestically will be the apparent ignorance of the extent of the tunnel-risk; clearly, the Hamas leaders

    should have been biding time for another month-plus [in their self-interest], prior to launching an

    assault through them on Jews celebrating Rosh Hashanah. Thus, whether they stumbled upon rocketingafter the twin abduction-murders [3 Jews, one Arab] or whether they figured it was a natural outgrowth

    of the ongoing shelling, either way BB was retroactively validated in launching an effort for quiet.

    Input inter alia from Israpundit is illustrative of these concepts. Bennett is positioning

    himself to be the next Prime Minister if BB ends the fighting in a way the public

    perceives as weakness.The question arises as to whetherdemilitarization goal is being

    downgraded to monitoring, but this may constitute a distinction without a difference.

    Tidbits in the aftermath [such as in India and in England] illustrate the limits that any

    sort of external-pressure [even violence] can be conjured and impressed upon Israel.

    That the US will sell Turkey $4 Billion to build an advanced air defense systemmay be

    seen in conjunction with the $11 billion arms deal with Qatar @ a moment when the

    former [Erdoan] is poised to exhibit his Islamist feeling by floating another flotilla to

    Gaza and the latter is known to be the one major supporter of [discredited] HAMAS

    [Hiding Among Mosques and Schools]; the central-concern is BHOs ongoing desire to

    follow from behind, even when the fate of a trusted ally [here, Israel] remains at-risk.

    Supportive of the need to emphasize the heinous behavior of Hamas in Gaza is this

    letter-to-the-editor published Sunday, August 3, 2014, 1:09 AM:
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    Priorities are Clear

    It is painful to watch the loss of civilian lives in the Gaza fortress that

    Hamas built in and under homes, schools, and hospitals, just as it is

    painful to see selective outrage over death and destruction that is but a

    fraction of the carnage in Syria, Iraq, and elsewhere in the Middle East.

    The effort that Israel has made to minimize the loss of civilian lives is

    unique in the annals of warfare, while Hamas has poured billions in aid

    and many tons of concrete into the ground to build bunkers, rocket-

    launching sites, and 80-foot-deep tunnels that have only one purpose -

    to facilitate attacks on Israel.

    John R. Cohn, Philadelphia,[email protected]

    NoteTHE 8 WORST HAMAS-SUPPORTING MEDIA and the hypocrisy of Hamas supporters


    Therefore, after having held the conversational-exchange with the USA [which, as the below transcriptsuggests, he didnt explicitly deny], most observers would agree that BB need not abide by pressure

    exerted by BHO/Kerry to achieve future cease-fires; indeed, he can function with abandon [moving on

    the ground if desired, hanging around in newly-created buffer-zones when strategically advantageous,

    coordinating anti-Brotherhood purging with al-Sisi if a common-threat is IDed, etc.]. Indeed, because all

    missiles arrive with a return-address, he can respond accordingly, invoking whatever prior evidence

    needed [snipers in hospitals, etc.] to prophylax against charges of disproportionate civilian death.

    Input inter alia from Arutz-Sheva is illustrative of these concepts. Bibi's Unenviable

    Choice is framed (incorrectly) in a bipolar fashion: [1]Dig-in for a long, attritional

    battle, in which both sides will slug it out for many more weeks or even months. (It is

    impossible to know precisely what remains of Gaza's arsenal of rockets, althoughAmidror estimates anything between 25-50% still remain out of approximately 10,000

    rockets - enough to keep going for quite some time.), or [2]redeploy forces deeper

    inside Gaza, overthrow Hamas and take full control of Gaza,as advocated by several

    cabinet ministers, most notablyForeign Minister Avigdor Liberman. (Clearing the Gaza

    Strip of all "weapons systems" and arresting or killing all terrorists there would take

    between 6-12 months and cost the lives of many soldiers and officers.) That the Saudi

    King Publicly Blamed Hamas for Gaza Warwould reflect positive-alliances, but they have

    proven in-the-past to be evanescent; thus, this eventuality [plus evidence that Jews are

    fighting back against intimidation on the Streets of Manchester ] necessitates Israel

    work with new friends but remain steadfast against ongoing manifestations of terror.

    {Because the underlying threat cannot immediately be eliminated, I prefer Door #1.}

    Thus, whenPA Factions [Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the PA] Met With Egyptians Sunday

    Night,nothing was accomplished because, yesterday,Hamas Fired 70 Rockets and Shells

    [One Man Wounded in Shaar Hanegev, one rocket intercepted over greater Tel Aviv,

    and another over Be'er Sheva]; Egypt has said previously that it would not entertain any

    talk of a cease-fire until Hamas stopped firing rockets at Israel. Israel did not send a

    delegation, saying Friday that it would no longer conduct cease-fire talks with Hamas,

    which has lied and violated six cease-fires[the latest one last Friday, when Hamas

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://[email protected]
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    terrorists broke a US and UN brokered cease-fire by killing three IDF soldiers]. {Also,

    know that, inexplicably, theState Department Rebuked Egypt.}

    This Flashback illustrates how wrong-headed BHO continues to be, as

    he continues to ignore the positive Implications of a Sisi Presidency in

    Egypt - Field Marshal Sisi is part of a new generation of U.S.-educated

    Egyptian military leaders whose close relationship with various power

    centers - especially his military colleagues - enhances his prospects of

    enduring if he becomes president. Given his extremely good chances of

    winning the election, it would be shortsighted for Washington to

    jeopardize its three-decade investment in close relations with Egypt's

    armed forces by prolonging its military aid suspension. Moreover, Sisi's

    greater focus on counterterrorism compared to his predecessors

    creates an opportunity to better advance mutual strategic security

    interests. The writer is a fellow at The Washington Institute for Near

    East Policy.)

    Long-term, it has been advised that present circumstances justify rejecting the RoadMap's twisting highways to nowhere, for Israel's current struggles with Palestinian

    terrorism are not about land, "settlements," or "self-determination." They are about

    "God." Israel, therefore, must increasingly think in terms of desacrilizingthis relentless

    adversary, and of convincing him that ritual murders of "Jews" will lead not to paradise

    and limitless pleasures, but to unbearable "terrors of the grave." {This is formidable, but

    eminently do-able, as long as a chronic commitment to this goal can be maintained.}

    BB can sit-back and watch/monitor what power-shifts occur in Gaza, triggered by the failure of Hamas to

    wreak more damage than having killed five-dozen Israelis; granted, this is a demonstrable loss within the

    family residing in Eretz Yisrael, but this was a strategic war and, thus, neutralizing Gaza chronically will

    free Israel to confront Iran. From the American perspective, he has demonstrated the limits of relyingupon negotiations, diplomacy, etc. [the mainstay of BHO/Kerry] and, thus, the advantages accrued to a

    nation that has the ability to use its military properly; this is a microcosm for what BHO hasnt yet done

    vis--vis the ISLAMIC-STATE, as it spearheads a massacre of Christians from Nigeria across Asia [for BHO

    will prefer talking about NCAA-brackets instead of the 300-girls, playing golf rather than addressing the

    purging of Mosul of 2K-years of adherents to Jesus].

    Input inter alia fromPamela Gelleris illustrative of these concepts.

    o Nigeria: Muslim Group Boko Haram remotely triggered bombs on unsuspecting

    kidnapped girls

    o IDF: Kidnapped Israeli soldier Hadar Goldin is dead


    Hamas Tunnels Used To Target and Blow Up Israels Kindergartens, An Israeli 9/11

    Planned with Tens of Thousands of Casualities

    o Jews forced to flee in front of White House

    o UK Muslim Leader: Islamize the Schools!

    o Netanyahu to U.S.: Dont ever second guess me again and force a truce with


    o The Jihad Against the Jews: Muslim Groups Calls For Attacks On Jewish Targets

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    o #BringBackOurBoy: 5 Gaza Mosque Arsenals Hit

    o UK: Pro-Hamas Terror Supporters Threaten Jewish Store Owners with Death

    o Holland: Muslims Arrested for Chanting Death to the Jews

    o Muslim children suspected of vandalizing Jewish, Christian tombstones near Paris;

    Muslims attack nine synagogues as anti-Israel protests become riots

    Illustrative of the venal nature of the enemy Israel confronts, note the criminality of this

    posting showing how low Islamists have chosen to stoop, which is now circulating on

    Facebook; it is the ultimate of criminality for this photo to be posted as illustrative of

    alleged-murder by the IDF. The Mezuzah on the door is proof that this is the Fogel

    family that was murdered by terrorists a few years ago; it is simply unbelievable that

    Hamas used this picture as if this crime was committed against the kids in Gaza.

    This may be a reason why BHO/Kerry had been clamoring to limit BBs activities, lest his success be seen

    as contrasting with their acquiescence to Jihadists [of whatever ilk, Sunni and Shite]; of course, this is

    amplified by their having been dissed repeatedly by Putin [both in word and in deed], despite the

    airplane disaster [including being chased into Swedish airspace]. Challenges will arise within the

    discredited international community when BB restricts imports of cement/steel [supported by al-Sisi]

    absent a mechanism being in-place [unlike what happened in Lebanon] that would ensure enforcement

    of their not being used for tunnels/rockets; in the interim, Gazans may be forced to live in huts, so there

    will be significant local-pressure on Hamas [reaching from the local military wing exposed in Gaza tothe diplomatic wing that hides in Qatar] and/or any successor-entity that might arise after a potential

    power-struggle [PA vs. Islamic Jihad vs. al-Qaeda] to deliver some sort of accommodation with BB. Thus,

    to whatever degree BB will have to deal with domestic-pressures, he will certainly not wish to be hit

    with the classic attack [Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me] that would arise.
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    Input inter alia from other sources is illustrative of these concepts. Illustrative of the

    ongoing geopolitical opportunities presented to BHO is the fact that Kurdish Students

    Call for Relations with Israel.

    Yesterday, Arlene Kushner mainstreamed lamentations regarding IDF-

    deaths, conveying the need to ensure the public that the nations

    associated pain be justified [even in retrospect] by IDing durable

    achievements.Today[not yet uploaded], she started an entry [Taking a

    Broader View] thusly:

    I begin with some very essential observations that go to

    the heart of Israels situation, observations that are

    broadly recognized among Jews here in Israel, but are

    not grasped by many - Jews and non-Jews alike - in the

    Western world:

    1) The scourge of the Western world today is radical

    Islam, which is gaining traction in many quarters. Israelis the only country that sees this with clear eyes and is

    prepared to do battle. In taking on Hamas, we are on

    the front line for the world a world that neither

    recognizes nor appreciates this.

    2) Along with growing radical Islam there has been an

    incredible proliferation ofanti-Semitism. We are seeing

    violent actions that echo pre-Holocaust behaviors in

    Europe in the 1930s: A crazed mob locking Jews inside a

    synagogue in Paris. This, in July 2014. The single radical

    difference between the current situation and that of theJews at the time of the Holocaust is the existence of the

    State of Israel.

    How heavy, then, is the burden on the shoulders of little

    Israel. We truly are at the center of the world, and,

    with the help of Heaven, we will be equal to it. But how

    much harder it is because we are so roundly excoriated

    in many venues, criticized unjustly even by some of

    those who profess to be our friends. We are far from

    perfect, but our every action is placed under a

    microscope that is reserved just for us.

    The latter posting laments the fact that pro-Israeli rallies have often

    been held in reaction to the anti-Israel sentiment that floats in the air.

    Celebrating Israel is hardly the norm in Western societies.

    Just as Yassir Arafat orchestrated the Intifada of 2000 while ostensibly talking Peace in

    Camp David, Hamas had planned a massive Tunnel War ever since Operation Cast Lead

    in 2008. But Hamas along with the Muslim Brotherhood has its sights on much larger
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    terrain, namelyAmerica,and it behooves BHO to behave as might a leader and REVEAL

    this concern [and what he plans to do about it] to his [somnolent] constituency. (He

    must certainly recognize the rectitude ofMahers Defense of Israel ('It's a War Hamas

    Started People Die in Wars') and the Angry Black Woman (who told anti-Israel

    activists to stop pilfering the civil rights legacy for your repugnant agenda)asJewish

    voters are 'drifting away from Democrats' andthe Media Are Freaking Out over Israel

    because Israel is refusing to play by the usual script.) Thus, Steve Emerson concluded

    The obsession by the Obama-Kerry administration with imposing a cease-fire on the

    warring parties in the Hamas-Israel war will go down in history as one of the most

    strategic mistakes in military history.

    Thus, not knowing anything about what will have been emerging from the Sunday talk-shows, it would

    seem that BHO/Kerry have again been overshadowed, not by an adversary [from Russia or Iran] but by

    an alleged-ally. BB has the support of Israelis if he needs to continue bombing, but he also is enough of a

    leader to be able to explain to his public why he chooses to exhibit self-restraint, for he has learned

    how to modulate/titrate [particularly with BHO] while jealously guarding Israels still-fragile security.

    And, in the process, myths must be debunked, such as dire depictions of Gazan-life.

    [And this doesnt reference Hong Kong or Mexico City.]

    Thus, asIsrael pulls out of Gaza,therebyseeking to end Gaza operation unilaterallyand suggestingThe

    Days of Hamas Are Numbered[quoting Livni, the most left-wing member of the government coalition],one must grasp [via the HAARETZ LIVEBLOG] what BB said in his press conference. IDF forces have

    "destroyed thousands of terror targets," and that after the tunnels inside the Gaza Strip are destroyed,

    the IDF will continue in its mission to restore security to Israel's citizens. "All the options are on the table

    to restore security." The prime minister said Operation Protective Edge is complex, due to fighting in

    densely populated areas, and said Israel regrets the death of every Palestinian civilian. Netanyahu also

    said the operation has the support of the United States and of Europe. "The U.S. has been terrific and

    has given us tremendous support during the Gaza crisis," Netanyahu said during the question time of
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    the press conference. Finally, BB said "Hamas wants the residents of Gaza to suffer and be hurt and

    thinks that the world will blame Israel for their suffering. There are many people in the world who

    understand exactly what Hamas is, the same organization that, together with Qatar, assured US

    Secretary of State John Kerry and UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon regarding a ceasefire. It misled

    both of them."

    PM Netanyahu's Statement at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv

    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, tonight (Saturday, 2 August 2014), made the

    following statement at the Defense Ministry in Tel Aviv:

    "Operation Protective Edge is continuing. The IDF is continuing to operate with full

    strength in order to complete the goals of the operation: The restoration of quiet and

    the restoration of security for a lengthy period for the citizens of Israel while inflicting

    significant damage on the terrorist infrastructures.

    At the same time, our forces are now completing the work of striking at and neutralizingthe terrorist tunnels in the Gaza Strip. Dozens of tunnels have been neutralized so far.

    We are striking at the strategic network that Hamas has invested such great effort in

    over the years. These tunnels would have enabled Hamas to kidnap and murder civilians

    and IDF soldiers by launching simultaneous attacks from the many tunnels that

    penetrate our territory.

    So far the IDF has very significant achievements in the fighting. At the onset of the

    operation, our forces attacked and destroyed thousands of terrorist targets: Command

    centers, rocket arsenals and production facilities, launching areas, many hundreds of

    terrorists, etc.

    Our soldiers are showing extraordinary heroism. Their bravery has been shown in the

    IDF's very impressive and daring operations. This has been a complex operation, which

    is being carried out in urban areas, in tunnels, with new kinds of munitions, amidst

    considerable friction with a civilian population.

    I am proud of our soldiers and commanders who are working splendidly in this

    dangerous campaign. They are fighting with dedication, determination and a sense of

    mission that is without peer.

    I share the pain of the bereaved families and I send them both my condolences and

    those of the nation. They sacrificed what is most dear to them. Their sons fell in order to

    defend our country and our home. My heart and the heart of the entire nation goes out

    to all of them. I talk to them and I know their pain.

    I would like to express support to the family of 2nd-Lt. Hadar Goldin, who was abducted

    yesterday. I understand the family; their words have touched my heart and I will speak

    with them later this evening. The State of Israel will continue to do its utmost to bring

    home its MIAs.

  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CCXXI [Israel, Illegals]


    Citizens of Israel, the resilience that you are showing enables all of us to conduct the

    campaign sagaciously and responsibly in order to achieve the goals of the operation. I

    thank you for the unity, especially at this time.

    Cooperation between me and the Defense Minister and the Chief-of-Staff is tight and

    enables us to precisely plan and carry out the campaign. At the start of the operation we

    promised that we would restore quiet for the citizens of Israel and we will continue to

    act until this goal is achieved.

    This will take as much time as may be necessary; forces will be used accordingly.

    US and European support of the need to demilitarize the terrorist organizations is an

    important achievement for the State of Israel. It will strengthen our demand to link the

    rehabilitation and development of the Gaza Strip with its demilitarization from rockets,

    tunnels, etc. We regret every civilian who is hit inadvertently.

    We are enlisting the international community to support this goal of linking the

    rehabilitation and development of Gaza to its demilitarization but no less important this may surprise many, but not us is the unique link which has been forged with the

    states of the region. This as well is a very important asset for the State of Israel. With

    the cessation of the fighting and the conclusion of the campaign, this will open new

    possibilities for us.

    At this time it is clear what is happening here. Hamas wants the residents of Gaza to

    suffer and be hurt and thinks that the world will blame Israel for their suffering. There

    are many people in the world who understand exactly what Hamas is, the same

    organization that, together with Qatar, assured US Secretary of State John Kerry and UN

    Secretary General Ban Ki-moon regarding a ceasefire. It misled both of them.

    I welcome the clear and sharp statements by US President Barack Obama and Secretary

    of State Kerry, who placed the direct responsibility for violating the ceasefire on Hamas,

    and for President Obama's remarks last night regarding Israel's right to defend itself

    against rockets and tunnels.

    Similar voices have been heard from other important leaders around the world.

    But, unfortunately, there are other voices and to them I say: Terrorism has no borders.

    Today, it threatens the State of Israel. Tomorrow, it will threaten your countries. We are

    doing what we are doing in the face of this criminal aggression by the terrorist

    organizations against our citizens and soldiers, but what would you do? Will you stand

    alongside Israel, a democratic and moral state which is acting to defend its citizens or

    will you continue to stand opposed and take a forgiving stand in the face of a murderous

    terrorist organization that attacks our people and is brutal toward its own?

    Citizens of Israel, the IDF is acting and will continue to act until our mission is completed.

    After completing action the tunnels, the IDF will prepare for continued action, according

    to security needs and only according to security needs, until we achieve the goal of

    restoring quiet to you, citizens of Israel."

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    [Hebrew part of Q & A not included]

    Question: "Mr. Prime Minister, Charlie Daggett at CBS News. I wonder if you can shed

    some light on this. You've been quoted in a phone call to US Ambassador Dan Shapiro

    that you expected the Obama Administration to back you on the offensive and, quote,

    never second-guess you again regarding Hamas. Can you shed some light on that?"

    PM Netanyahu: "Well, first, let me make a general statement about our relationship

    with the United States. I think the United States has been terrific. I think it's offered

    terrific support for Israel from the level of Ambassador Dan Shapiro. I've always said he's

    a great ambassador, I say it again today. The just untiring efforts of Secretary Kerry with

    whom I speak several times a day in trying to help Israel and the efforts of President

    Obama who has made I think consistent statements about Israel's right to defend itself,

    his statement yesterday against Hamas, his unequivocal stand with Israel on our right to

    defend ourselves against tunnels, against rockets and all the other terror instruments

    that Hamas is leveling at us.

    The United States has given us tremendous support, material support with Iron Dome,

    not only the one that we received, but now both houses of Congress with the support of

    the Administration have agreed to the request that I made for an additional 225 million

    dollars for additional Iron Dome protection. That is a lot of support and we deeply

    appreciate it and that is the substance of our relationship. That's the tone of our

    relationship, which gets to the question of these reports that are not only of my

    conversation with Ambassador Shapiro, but also with the President that are full of

    incorrect statements, full of distortions and are wrong both in tone and in substance.

    The right tone, the right substance is the support that we are getting as we speak from

    the United States of America, and I appreciate it deeply."

    Question: "What will it take for Israel to get to the negotiating table with Hamas?"

    PM Netanyahu: "Well, I want to say something that I think is important because at 8

    o'clock yesterday, yesterday morning, Israel began honoring a 72-hour ceasefire,

    humanitarian ceasefire. It had been requested by the Secretary General of the United

    Nations Ban Ki-moon and by Secretary Kerry, it was based on specific assurances that

    were given by Qatar that all the Palestinian factions would honor or would hold their

    fire. That's how we did this. Now, in direct violation of those assurances, at

    approximately 9:30 in the morning, our soldiers came under attack, and this was a pre-

    planned operation in southern Gaza in which a suicide bomber killed two of our soldiers

    and a third soldier, lieutenant Hadar Goldin, was abducted. So Hamas again deliberately

    and cynically violated commitments it made to the United Nations, to the Secretary of

    State of the United States. Hamas again showed its cruel eagerness to abuse Gaza's

    civilians. Who's the humanitarian pause for? For them, for the people that Hamas is

    purportedly representing, it violates the humanitarian ceasefire that is supposed to

    serve them and would serve them. So it rejected a ceasefire that promised the Gazan

    people immediate relief. Hamas again mistakenly believes that the people of Israel do

    not have the will and determination to fight them, and Hamas again will learn the hard

    way that Israel will do whatever it must do to protect its people. I call on all responsible

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    international leaders and decent people everywhere to stand with Israel now, stand

    with Israel as it confronts Hamas, stand with Israel as it defends against Hamas's

    deliberate and indiscriminate attacks on our civilians, stand with Israel, a democracy

    fighting a ruthless terrorist organization committed to our destruction.

    There is only one place for decent civilized people to stand and that's to stand with


    InAmerican Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nations Character,Diana Westargued

    that current policies today notwithstanding America began to abandon its core

    ideals and march toward Socialism nearly 75 years ago. Starting in the late 1930s, at the

    time of FDR, the Soviets were already in a position to take advantage of the many

    communist sympathizers in the U.S. Not only FDR, but also Presidents Truman and

    Eisenhower and those in their inner circles played roles in enabling the U.S.S.R. as well

    as concealing the massive Moscow-directed penetration of American society. West

    showed that the system of spies designed to denigrate the American way of life was

    deep and extensive. While West focuses on what took place decades ago as Americalost its way, she does not fail to compare those episodes to events happening now. As

    the Soviet espionage scandal of that day amounted to making deals with the devil (the

    then Soviet Union), the U.S. finds itself in a similar situation today: Entering bad deals

    with Islamic extremists compromising our nations security and standing in the world,

    not to mention further endangering and undermining our value system and way of life.

    Reflecting the ongoing impact of thisbook is the authors response to a recent three-

    part series byJeff Lipkes.It may be recalled thatHistorian Diana West Won a Prestigious

    Award for her Provocative Cold War Narrative, triggering numerous counterattacks on

    her posture [Another Personal Attack by Diana West and Her Friends; Why Academics

    Hate Diana West; Diana West Controversy Erupts During Horowitz Q&A with Stanton

    Evans; and Reply to Diana West]. I side with her having raised these concerns after

    having listened to multiple videos [Diana West takes us through the Cold War history

    the U.S. government still doesn't want to talk about and The Legacy of FDR's

    Normalization of Relations with the USSR]and having skimmed her writings [how-cair-

    tried-to-control-what-we-never-forget-on-9-11 and Diana West Discussed Obama's

    Forged Birth Certificate and Forged Selective Service Registration Card].
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CCXXI [Israel, Illegals]


    This apparently is their only claim-to-fame.

    Here are a few hyperlinks depicting the lateston the Illegals:


    Becerra Addresses Unaccompanied Illegal Minors in Spanish from House Floor

    Feds Fly Unaccompanied Minors to Alaska

    DEM: 'Immigration Reform Not About Enforcement'

    Nancy Pelosi went Berserk! She tried to Chase Down PA Congressman Tom Marino on House Floor!

    White House: 40K+ Illegals Apprehended in Last Three Months

    New York Times: 'Delusional' to Think Obama's Exec Amnesty Attracts More Illegals

    Washington Post Reporter: Final Border Bill 'Pre-Recess Win' for John BoehnerWaPo Admitted 'Immigration Is Now President Obamas Worst Issue'

    Pfeiffer: The President Will Act on Immigration By 'End of Summer'



    Rep. Ted Poe: Third World Countries Have Better Border Security than US

    Senator Deb Fischer: Border Crisis Will Worsen When 'Temperatures Cool'

    Rick Perry: Record Number of Illegals from Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan Being Caught at Border
  • 8/12/2019 Action-Items CCXXI [Israel, Illegals]


    Foxs Wallace Calls Out Rubios Immigration Reversal: If It Wasnt Political, Why Did You Flip?

    This was one reaction to the most-recent Blast e-mail [followed by my reply, a response, and my



    I don't see the House passing a bill as a negative per seand trust that the conservatives

    who changed the language felt that this was a better starting point after vacation than

    to not have passed anything.

    But as far as reconciliation, which was how ObamaCare was dragged across the finish

    line, remember that this required also a Democratic House to approve this "work in

    progress" without revision, as the Senate Republicans refused to authorize a conference

    committee. There are also certain constraints on what can be included under

    reconciliation, which I don't know what

    Thus for any bill that Reid gets through the Senate - especially if by reconciliation - theSenate Republicans can block conference [if they want to really sandbag Reid - Moment

    of Truth #1], in which case the Republicans in the House can refuse to pass the Senate

    bill [if the leadership wants to - Moment of Truth #2].

    Overall, I think this passing the revised House bill demonstrates that (1) conservatives

    has a policy and can get something done as opposed to just saying no*; (2) forcing the

    Republican leadership in both House and Senate to show their hands to the public -

    which in turn can respond in November and beyond.

    *Of course, in the media depiction, the choice is between being called extreme versus

    being called nay-saying/obstructionist. The former is preferable in that is a matter ofopinion, whereas the latter is closer to a question of fact (i.e., whether or not a bill was


    The key moment-of-truth is when Boehner adds his RINO votes to the Dems and passes

    whatever the Senate returns; this is my fear; the bills must be revenue-neutral, I was

    told, but otherwise, they can claim anything they want and deem it passedand then




    The key moment-of-truth is when Boehner adds his RINO votes to the Dems and passes

    whatever the Senate returns; this is my fear.

    The bills must be revenue-neutral, I was told; otherwise, they can claim anything they

    want and deem it passedand then itsgame-over!
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    Hes definitely retiring and when I raised the issue of his potential successor this past

    Fall [to people who know Bucks County], I received blank stares.



    That was my "Moment of Truth #2. Then again, it would better to have Boehner and his

    cohorts reveal themselves openly and be accountable instead of trying to deviously slip

    through amnesty without fingerprints, as they have hitherto.



    By the time they reveal themselves, it could be too late to stop them; thats why Ive

    been going BATTY communicating with [many other] people.

    This was another reaction to the most-recent Blast e-mail [followed by my reply, a response, and my



    For the record, after the initial vote on Wednesday when GOP House Leadership

    suddenly pulled the Immigration Bill from the floor, the next 20 hours were spent by

    TPP and other Grassroots groups calling Congressional Rep and the House leadership.

    TPP expressly told the GOP that if they pulled the DACA language out of the bill or made

    it very clear that the GOP would not support it, TPP made the decision to pull it's

    objection from the Immigration Bill and the bill that funded it. As far as the funding billis concerned, the Dems wanted 3.4 billion and last night's votes gave them a little over

    600 million, that's a long way from what the Obama, Reid & Pelosi Gang wanted. If you

    watched C-SPAN last night for any length of time, you saw how angry the Democrats

    were about the way in which the Immigration Bills were "going down", and when

    Democrats get that angry, it means the GOP is doing something right! The bottom line

    on these particular bills is this: If the House had adjourned on Wednesday and not taken

    another vote, every GOP Congressional Rep would have had a very rough time during

    the August recess and it probably would have bitten us all right in the ass when

    November rolled around. Here's the other "bottom" line: The GOP House DID

    SOMETHING, even though we all know that Harry Reid and the Senate are not even

    going to consider the bills that were passed last night, and now, for about the 200th

    time, the ball is in Harry's court, and all he's going to do is hold on to these bills like he

    has for the past 4 years.

    Let's look at the long view, OK? Our goal is to win the Senate and to increase our

    numbers in the House. The polls are showing that the GOP is in a good position, and

    now all the Democrats can bitch about for the next 5 weeks is that "they didn't get the

    bill they wanted", and that's a VERY GOOD thing. I totally understand why Mike voted

    the way he did. In a perfect world the House would have voted on an Immigration Bill

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    that would have totally closed the border, increased the Border Patrol and deported

    every one of these "kids" that have been coming across the border by the 1000's. But

    we don't live in a perfect world yet. Perhaps in November, we take back the Senate,

    increase the GOP numbers in the House and make Obama's life as miserable as we can

    for the next 2 years!

    Bob, don't be so hard on Mike. He's in a tough position with the 8th District and overall,

    he's done a good job for the past 4 years. I'm satisfied that Mike has been in our corner

    at least 80% of the time on votes, and yes, he hasn't voted the way we would like him to

    on some tough bills. I don't think any of us in the 8th CD are real "happy campers", not

    by a long shot, but I'll be damned before I see the likes of Kevin Strouse win OUR seat in

    the House, and for me, that's the bottom line.



    This is the response that I will disseminate in my next Blast e-mail, and Ill ensure all ofyou receive it [to make sure no one thinks Id tinker with it fundamentally in the

    interim]; Im not being unduly hard on Mike when we are facedliterallywith the

    potential demise of the GOP [and EVERYTHING for which it stands].

    Rob totally missed my point. My fear that ANY bill would be passed

    because of the potential for subsequent reconciliation-based events is

    the key, notwithstanding whatever goading, whatever PR-points,

    whatever fretting the Dems might exhibit; they will cry-all-the-way-to-

    the-bank if they are given the opportunity to pass Comprehensive

    Immigration Reform.

    I have disseminated this information broadly, repeatedly, for the past fortnight and,

    thus, Mike is COMPLICIT if/when Boehner pulls this trigger [again violating the Hastert

    Rule]; therefore, I am totally justified [unless I missed something fundamental, here] in

    attacking his credibility directly, repeatedly, notwithstanding the reactions of individuals

    and organizations [which may not WANT to see-the-light].

    Mike is not acting as a true friend if he ultimately envisions throwing-up-his-hands

    [and throwing-up all over his right-flank] if/when this scenario plays-out; I hope it

    doesnt, but Mike should do SOMETHING ASAP to prophylax against such an


    For example, he can assemble his moderate colleagues [Dent, Meehan, etc.] and

    announce NOW that he would not support any reconciliation lingo whatsoever that

    could lead to a pathway to citizenship [assuming the narrow-focus of what was passed is

    exploded by Senate-Dems]. He could certainly improve-upon his remarks of 8/3/2013 @

    the Lower Bucks CC when he appeared to channel the views of the U.S. Chamber of

    Commerce [which, Im sure the national-TPP confirmed, supports anti-reform GOPers in

    primariesfrom Cochran to Roberts]; he must endorse LAW ENFORCEMENT and the

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    ABSENCE of new legislation until BHO has demonstrated a durable commitment to

    whats already on-the-books.

    I have been dismayed, as yall know, with your group lack-of-

    performance during this calendar-year, but realistically Ive been unable

    to overcome limits based upon my home-address [yes, Im aware of the

    Constitution, but perception-is-reality]; that Mike is a nice guy will

    not computeand, when I saw him @ a $-raiser this past November, he

    muttered [sotto voce], Bob, dont do anything you might regret later-


    His silence when faced with this level of awareness is deafening, and you dont need to

    be able to hear dog-whistles to recognize the underlying forces-at-play.



    With all due respect Bob, I doubt very much if Reid is going to conference on the bill just

    passed by the House. Even if he did, nothing would come out of the conference because

    Republicans are not going to give in to the Democrats on immigration.

    I may be wrong with this logic, but I doubt it. Obama will act on his own, probably at the

    end of August on immigration and then we can sit back and watch the Democrats

    implode in September and October.


    Can you not admit that the prospect is unnerving?


    The whole damned process is unnerving! I never, ever underestimate the Democrats

    ability to lie, cry and deceive their way to "victory." However, at this moment in time, I

    hope with all my heart that the Republicans are smart enough not to fall into any traps

    the Democrats set. I am very willing to let Obama do whatever he's going to do at the

    end of August and then with the grace of God and millions of very angry Americans, the

    sky will finally fall on Barack Obama and his minions.

    You and I, like millions of other activists throughout the country are doing everything

    possible to "guide" the Republican Party on the right road where conservative values,

    programs and processes are the "rule of the day" instead of just an "every now and

    then" prospect. However, where I part with many of my friends and colleagues is this:

    We can't just throw out every Republican because they are not toeing the conservative

    line, that's where we get into trouble. Some of us in this movement have become so

    rigid and unbending that every time a Republican office holder, especially in Congress,

    goes against our wishes, we're ready to throw him/her "under the bus". To be sure, our

    goal is to have a CONSERVATIVE MAJORITY in our State Houses, our Congress and in the

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    White House, but to get there from here, we have to be patient and pick the battles that

    we can win, while at the same time, holding EVERY elected Republican representative

    and executive accountable to OUR Conservative views.

    As for Kyle, I don't know who he spoke with 3 days ago, but it wasn't me. I did talk to

    Kyle back on July 9 and he did tell me that Mike wasn't going to vote for anything

    approaching amnesty, and so far, Mike has held up to that bargain. Unless I missed

    something on this last Immigration Bill vote, I don't see anything in there that's going to

    allow for "amnesty". They gave Mr. Obama 697 million bucks that in his view "isn't

    enough" and a lot of that is for beefed up border patrols, so at least the "big, bad"

    Republicans and their "right wing extremists" got most of what we wanted in this bill.

    The Republicans were boxed into a corner on this vote and I believe they did the right

    thing by approving a bill that doesn't come close to what the Democrats wanted.

    As I said in yesterday's comments to you, if the Democrats are mad, that means the

    Republicans are doing something right. Am I happy? Hell no! I wish we had both Houses

    of Congress so we could shove all of this crap down Obama's throat and let him choke

    on it! But we don't and so we do the next best thing, which is to do our best to hold himand his damned Socialist/Communist Party in check through January. That's all we can



    I appreciate your sentiments, but the bottom-line is that I look to substance, not spin.

    Mike was explicitly emphasizing his total opposition to ObamaDontCareuntil he voted

    to fund it; Mike equivocated regarding the Illegals [and the tremendous implications

    thereof regarding the entire GOP Agenda]until he voted to RISK reconciliation [and,

    thus, OKing Amnesty via a back-door comparable to how we got ObamaDontCare].

    Thus, I would ask that you communicate with him along the lines I just depicted, andthen you will be able to discern whether there are any limits to your friendship.

    These are additional self-explanatory [mostly-disturbing] hyperlinks:

    Islamism rages-on:

    Syria Troops Kill 50 Islamic State, Al-Nusra Jihadists

    22 Killed in Day of Clashes over Libyan Airport

    Some in the GOP are wandering from the reservation:

    David Brooks: Republican Border Stance the 'Palin-ization' of GOP, Blames Ted Cruz

    George Will Gushes Over Dem Senator, Trashes Iraq Invasion


    BHOs Scandal-Sheet keeps adding entries:
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    Trey Gowdy Interrogates Dem-Invited Law Prof on IRS Scandal demonstratingdemonstrating need for


    Issa on Latest CIA Senate Spying Scandal Revelation: It's Still 'Treason'

    ObamaDontCare continues to disrupt life:

    7 Facts That Prove Obamacare Subsidies Fiasco Is Not a 'Typo'

    Democrat Barney Frank Says Obama 'Lied to People' about Obamacare

    BHOs Recoverypends:

    Middle Class Poorer Now than in 1984

    Geithner: Welcome to the Recovery

    Gun-Laws continue to be problematic

    FL Woman to Home Invaders: Drop Your Gun and I'll Drop Mine When Police Come

    Gas Station Clerk Feigns Illness, Grabs Gun, Shoots Six Times at Robber

    Gun Control Group Wants to 'Educate Women' to Oppose 2ndAmendment Rights

    Dems continue to promote prejudice:KY Dems Attack McConnell's Wife For Being 'Asian'

    The media continue to support Dems:




    Scarborough Blames Israel Again, Blasts Critics

    John Nolte Obliterates 'Morning Joe' on Breitbart News Radio Program


    Either due to direct orders or just because they find him adorbs, CNN is doing as instructed by Obama,

    ensuring that theircoverage of the Republican-controlled Congress falls only one of two ways: Either the

    GOP doesn't get anything done or what they do get done is pointless and for show .Case in point: two

    tweets (found by Twitchy) from CNN congressional reporter Dana Bash just one day apart.

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