Page 1: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

Acid Base Disorders

• Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o• Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis• Classify types of metabolic acidosis

“anion gap” acidosis: introduction of acid into ECF“non-anion gap” acidosis: loss of HCO3 from body

• Metabolic alkalosis

Page 2: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

pH = 6.1 + log [HCO3-] = 6.1 + log kidney

PCO2 lung

Page 3: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”
Page 4: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”
Page 5: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”



added to NH3 becomes NH4+

Urine pH 4.5Still [H+] = 0.03 mEq/L

To excrete 70 mEq of H+,70 mEq/0.03 mEq/L=2,333 L urine per day

Putting a H+ ion into the urine puts a HCO3- ion back into the ECF

Page 6: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

On an average diet, your cells dump acid into your ECF every day

Page 7: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

Acid Base Disorders

respiratory (means starts with change in PCO2)metabolic (means starts with change in [HCO3



pH = 6.1 + log [HCO3-] = 6.1 + log kidney

PCO2 lung

Page 8: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

[HCO3-] = 8 mEq/l

PCO2 = 27 mmHgpH = 7.1

English: the bicarbonate concentration is down, and the blood pH is also down. So the patient has had an acid added to the body or bicarb has been lost. And the PCO2 is down, but it isn’t going down as much as it is does when the bicarbonate goes down in a normal person, so there’s a respiratory problem too.

Medicalese: poorly compensated metabolic acidosis

Page 9: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis

H+ + HCO3- H2CO3 H2O + CO2

Page 10: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

The low side: what can make the [HCO3-]

fall below 24 mEq/l

(What are the causes of “metabolic” acidosis?)

Page 11: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”
Page 12: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”


Page 13: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”
Page 14: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

Anion-Gap Acidosis

• Lactic acidosis• Ketoacidosis• Ingestion

– Salicylates– Methanol– Ethylene glycol

• Renal Failure

Page 15: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

pH 7.0AG=22

pH 6.91pCO2 12 mmHgHCO3 < 5 mEq/LAG=26

Page 16: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

Normal-Gap Acidosis

• GI loss of HCO3

– Diarrhea• Renal loss of HCO3

– Proximal Renal Tubular Acidosis– Distal Renal Tubular Acidosis


Page 17: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

The renal tubule could have failed to reabsorb bicarbonate and secret H+.. This is called “renal tubular acidosis.”

You can easily think of two types:

distal renal tubular acidosis(type I)

proximal renal tubular acidosis (type II)

Page 18: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”



added to NH3 becomes NH4+

RTA (more important for distal)

Cannot acidify the urine:Urine pH is high (>6.0)Urine buffers (NH4

+) are low

Putting a H+ ion into the urine puts a HCO3- ion back into the ECF

Page 19: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

[HCO3-] = 14 mEq/l

PCO2 = 29 mmHgpH = 7.31

The acid base disorder is:


1. 1o low bicarb, normal respiratory response2. 1o low bicarb, impaired respiratory response3. 1o low PCO2, normal kidney response

4. 1o low PC02, impaired kidney response

Page 20: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

Bicarbonate is missing -- where did it go?

[HCO3-] = 14 mEq/l Na+ = 140 mEq/l

PCO2 = 29 mmHg Cl- = 114 mEq/lpH = 7.31 “anion gap” = 12 meq/l

140 114


Page 21: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

If there was no extra acid, why did the bicarbonate go down?

[HCO3-] = 11 mEq/l “Anion gap” = 12 mEq/l

PCO2 = 25 mmHg Urine pH = 6.5 pH = 7.27

0%0%0%0%1. Lactic Acidosis

2. Chronic Diarrhea3. Renal Tubular Acidosis (“RTA”)

Page 22: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”
Page 23: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

[HCO3-] = 30 mEq/l

PCO2 = 44 mmHgpH = 7.46

What is the acid base disorder?

1. 1o increase in bicarb and normal respiratory function

2. 1o increase in bicarb and impaired respiratory function

3. 1o increase in PC02 due to impaired respiratory function

Page 24: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

[HCO3-] = 30 mEq/l

PCO2 = 44 mmHgpH = 7.46

What made this happen? Clues: the blood pressure is low the serum potassium is 2.8 mEq/l

0%0%0%1. use of furosemide in a patient with CHF

2. use of an ACE inhibitor in a patient with CHF

3. use of spironolactone

Page 25: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”
Page 26: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”





- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Page 27: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”
Page 28: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

Metabolic alkalosis• Volume depletion

– AII stimulates NHE3 activity– Aldo stimulates H+ pump, ENaC

• Hyperaldosteronism• Chloride depletion

– Renin increases• Hypokalemia

– H+/K+ ATPase in the distal nephron

Page 29: Acid Base Disorders Apply acid base physiology to identify acid base d/o Respiratory acidosis/alkalosis Classify types of metabolic acidosis “anion gap”

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