

    சைவ ைித்தாந்த மன்றம் மலேைியா

  • Advisor : Sanga Ratna, Thondar Thilagam N. Thiruvasagam

    M. Counseling (Hons) UM, B.B.A (Hons) Bolton University, UK

    Dip. in Psychology, IHCA, Chennai

    Dip. in Saiva Siddhanta, Annamlai University, India

    Prof. Cert. & Trg & Dev, Sheffield University, UK

    Dip. In Counseling, UM, dip HRM, University New Castle, Australia

    Certified Trainer for PBSM, Pranic Psychotherapist Healer

    Editor : Kailai A. Tamilarasi

    Published by : Saiva Siddhanta Mandram Malaysia

    83A, Jalan Bangsar 59200 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia

    Tel: 603 – 2283 5045 / 2201 1772 Fax: 603 – 2283 2406

    Email: [email protected]




    83A, Jalan Bangsar 59200 Kuala Lumpur Tel: 603 - 2283 5045 / Tel: 603 - 2201 1772 Fax: 603 - 2283 2406

    BANK A/C NO:

    8000834979 (CIMB BANK)


    Saiva Siddhanta Mandram

    Malaysia, Klang

    No 55A, Jalan Temenggong Off

    Jln Sg. Jati,

    Taman Sentosa Perdana,

    41200 Klang, Selangor D.E.

    Tel: 012-2321727 (Bala)

    Tel: 017-3636667 (Anumanthan)

    ANBU ILLAM – (Home for under privileged boys)

    No 2258, Jalan Permata 22, Taman Permata,

    53300 Ulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur

    Tel: 603 - 4107 2809, Fax: 603 - 4161 1741

    BANK A/C NO:

    8000 823 705 (CIMB BANK)

    KARUNAI ILLAM – (Home for under privileged girls)

    No 1033, Jalan E4/ 8, Taman Ehsan,

    52100 Kepong, Kuala Lumpur

    Tel / Fax: 603 – 6275 5275

    BANK A/C NO:

    5642 0350 1704 (MAYBANK)


    President : N. Thiruvasagam

    Vice President : M. Tarmothran

    Secretary : G.P. Uvaraj

    Asst. Secretary : A. Tamilarasi

    Treasurer : T. Murugan

    Asst. Treasurer : R. Sundralingam

    Committee Members : K. Sarkunamalar

    : K.S Manickam

    : Madam T. Vasantha

    : Dr. S. Jaya Purany

    : S. Mahaletchumy

    : M. Jaya Sangker

    : B. Murugaya

    : R.K. Anumanthan

    : V. Nithya Seelan


    mailto:[email protected]

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    JULY 2017

    (Aani/ Aadi)

    06 Pradosham

    08 Pournami

    12 Sangatahara Sathurthi

    19 Kartigai Virdha

    21 Pradosham

    21 Sivarathiri

    23 Amavasai

    26 Chaturthi Virdha

    29 Sasthi

    AUGUST 2017

    (Aadi/ Aavani)

    05 Pradosham

    07 Pournami

    11 Sangatahara Sathurthi

    15 Kartigai Virdha

    19 Pradosham

    20 Sivarathiri

    21 Amavasai

    27 Sasthi

    Members are invited to contribute articles or share with us about the

    religious events, festivals and pujas taking place in your areas.

    Please email your articles to:

    [email protected]

    (Please state your Full Name, Contact Number and Membership Number in

    your correspondence.)

    1. Calendar 2. Editorial 4. Events 5. Feature – What is Spiritual Maturity? 5. Temple Insight - Triyuginarayan

    Temple 7. Tamil Corner - Stages of Spiritual Life 9. Greetings 9. Recipes 10. Activities 11. Membership





    Dear Members,

    The Delegates Conference is

    around the corner, the

    management appeal to all

    ordinary members who have

    lapsed in their subscription to

    settle their due as soon as

    possible. A letters has been sent

    to all members whose

    subscription has expired.

    Please contact the office

    between 5.30 pm to 10.00 pm

    for any inquires.

    From the Management

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    The month of June has brought the dignity

    of the Malaysian Indians at its lowest self-

    respect and disgrace due to some cases

    that has been flashed in the face book,

    twitter and newspapers. I am sure most of

    the people are already aware of what I am

    going to talk. Suddenly we see many

    NGO’s and individual community leaders

    and Indian based political parties crying

    high as to what has happened. Now this

    issues faced by our community is nothing

    new. But what has happened is that the

    general public with all the latest media

    platform are creating sensational news.

    Everyone has tons of suggestion, ideas

    and how we should tackle the issues in

    paper only.. Many of the people who have

    expressed their views are not people who

    have reached out to the deserving people

    who have been and are still facing such

    problems. There are many still going

    unnoticed. Since the early 80’s the Indian

    community has been facing these

    problems in the estates. But due to

    limited education and the estate

    management strict control of the media

    was able to avoid any negative flash in the

    news papers, they were controlled by the

    estate management team. When the

    estates began to fragment and the

    workers were vacated from the estates,

    the innocent people did not know where

    to seek for help and many moved to the

    urban places under communal living,

    where no proper water, electricity, roads

    and self built shelters called homes for the

    families. At that time we had the MIC, the

    largest political party to represent the

    Indian community within the government.

    In fact the Saiva Siddhanta Mandram

    Malaysia, realizing the problems in the

    80’s decided to help the children, so that

    they have proper meals, shelter and a

    decent education . Towards these goals

    we established Anbu Illam and Karuna

    IIllam. I feel everything goes back to the

    parents role. It is not whether one is rich

    or poor, but instilling good ethics, moral

    values, good religious education, will pave

    the way for the kids to know what is good

    and bad, right and wrong. Secondly most

    parents have failed to realize that money

    alone is not going to give success in a

    family. In the past many families were not

    rich, but their children were thought good

    human values, respecting elders, family

    unity, parents close supervision on the

    kids, relatives bonding, etc, made most

    children to become as useful citizen. All

    these has changed where to-day money

    has become the number one factor to

    determine status and class. So whether

    one is educated or not, all have started

    chasing money to uplift their family

    status, and respect from others. Hence

    many families, where both parents have

    started working. They leave very early in

    the morning and come home late

    evenings very tired, just enough time to

    take a shower, eat and sleep for the next


    In the case of the Puchong child abuse

    and in teenager in Penang, both cases it


  • 3

    was the background of single parents. In

    my opinion the Indian leaders are doing

    what is called “ Fire fighting “ That means

    the whole society keeps barking only after

    an event has happened. In my 35 years of

    community work, I think this problems

    can be easily solved if every able and

    sincere seekers who want to help the

    community can do the following actions.

    Firstly every individual both male and

    female, especially the unmarried youths

    should be absorbed into the various social

    and religious NGOs’ as volunteers and

    watchdog to the society. They must be

    given some basic training. Every NGO;

    should identify what is their area of

    specialization and should inform the

    people who are in the field. The temples

    must act as a one stop center for all forms

    of help and all these volunteers should be

    linked to their nearest home based

    temples or organizations. There must be

    an immediate efforts to collect the data of

    every family that lives within a fixed

    radius. These areas must be fully handled

    by the Team. It can be a joined effort by

    many NGO’s or they can work as

    individuals but assist each other in terms

    or resources and manpower.

    In each group there must be a well-

    established networking among the various

    NGO’s so that one can seek advice,

    financial assistance, medical help,

    government related matters. One might

    say we are all doing this, but this is not

    true. The political parties due to their ego

    and self fame do not want to join hands

    with others. Then we have temple

    Managements who never want youths to

    join the temple team. Next we have the so

    called high class and low class ranks of the

    society. This is mainly based on ones

    education, income, the type of homes

    they stay. This barrier is one of the major

    causes to reach out to the people. But as

    Hindus knowing the challenges faced by

    our community, we must be prepared to

    overcome such negative issues and should

    be role models for the others to follow.

    I believe every Indian is born equal in the

    eyes of God, but difference starts when

    they are connected to their birth parents,

    social stigmas of the family, educational

    background lack of financial support and

    most important religious knowledge

    staring when they enter kindergarten

    schools. Many people think only with a

    good Tamil education one can have good

    values and upbringing. In my opinion that

    is only a myth and it can be debated

    without any outcome.










    - Lao Tzu, Ancient Chinese

    Philosopher & Poet

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    Keep yourself free for the following

    activities/ events organized by SSMM.


    Friday, 21-7-2017



    (1) SSMM HQ, Bangsar (2) SSMM Klang Branch, Klang

    Puja, Ritualistic Worship, is an effective

    sadhana (Spiritual practice) to purify our

    mind. Employing our body, speech and

    mind, we perform puja for inner develop-

    ment. Physical action like offering flowers

    and ringing the bell, vocal actions like

    chanting mantras and singing hymns and

    mental actions like feeling the presence of

    God, constitute the procedure of ritual. As

    we sincerely do it day after day, our

    devotion to the Lord further increases and

    flows as an undercurrent all through the

    day's activities. We shall in fact find that

    God is with us at all times.

    All members, family and friends are

    invited to participate in this very

    auspicious pooja.

    For those wish to partake ubayams or

    donate items are welcomed to contact

    SSMM (HQ) Bangsar at: 03-22835045

    or SSMM Klang at: 03-55144121.


    Thursday, 13-7-2017


    At SSMM HQ, Bangsar

    Saiva Siddhanta Mandram Malaysia will hold the Monthly Guru Pooja for 23rd Guru Maha Sanithaanam of Thiruvavadu- thurai Adheenam who has attained Maha Samathi. All are encouraged and welcomed to participate in this monthly guru pooja.



    Sunday, 30-7-2017 at


    Saiva Siddhanta Mandram Malaysia will hold the Guru Pooja for Sundra Moorty Nayanar. All are welcome to participate and get the inspiration of Guru and obtain the grace of Lord Siva on this auspicious and significant day.


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    1. Spiritual maturity is when you stop

    trying to change others, instead focus on

    changing yourself.

    2. Spiritual Maturity is when you accept

    people as they are.

    3. Spiritual Maturity is when you

    understand everyone is right in their own


    4. Spiritual maturity is when you learn to

    “let go “.

    5. Spiritual Maturity when you are able to

    drop “expectations” from a relationship

    and give for the sake of giving.

    6. Spiritual Maturity is when you

    understand whatever you do, you do for

    your own peace.

    7. Spiritual Maturity is when you stop

    proving to the world, how intelligent you


    8. Spiritual maturity is when you do not

    seek approval from others.

    9. Spiritual maturity is when you stop

    comparing with others.

    10. Spiritual maturity is when you are at

    peace with yourself.

    11. Spiritual maturity is when you are

    able to differentiate between “needs” and

    “wants” and are able to let go of your

    wants and last but most meaningful.

    12. You gain Spiritual Maturity when you

    stop attaching “happiness “to material






    Triyuginarayan Temple is a Hindu temple located in the Triyuginarayan village in Rudraprayag district, Uttarakhand. The ancient temple is dedicated to god Vishnu. Its fame is credited to the legend of god Shiva’s marriage to goddess Parvati witnessed by Vishnu at this venue and is thus a popular pilgrimage centre. A special feature of this temple is a perpetual fire, that burns in front of the temple. The flame is believed to burn from the times of the divine marriage. Thus, the temple is also known as Akhand Dhuni temple.



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    Lord Brhama took a bath in this kund before the marriage

    The word “Triyugi Narayan” is formed of three words “tri” means three, “yugi” denotes the period of time – Yuga and “Narayan” is another name of Vishnu. Pilgrims have been offering wood to the fire in the havana-kund (fireplace) since the three Yugas – hence the place is given the name “Triyugi Narayan”. Yuga in Hindu philosophy is the name of an epoch or era within a cycle of four ages. The four Yugas are Satya Yuga (1,728,000 human years), Treta Yuga (1,296,000 years), the Dvapara Yuga (864,000 years) and finally Kali Yuga (432,000 years), which is the present Yuga.

    Vishnu Kund - Lord Vishnu rendered the role

    of Parvati's brother in the marriage. He took a

    bath in this pool before the ceremony.

    The name “Akhand Dhuni temple” also originates from the eternal flame legend, “Akhand” means perpetual and “Dhuni” means flame…

    Agni – Wedding fire. This is the eternal flame that still burns. Shiv-Parvati took vows around this flame. The ash from this fire is considered holy and taking it home removes obstacles in family life.

    According to Hindu mythology, goddess Parvati was daughter of Himavat or Himavan – the personification of the Himalayas. She was the rebirth of Sati, the first wife of Shiva – who sacrificed her life when her father insulted Shiva. Parvati initially tried to allure Shiva by her beauty, but fails. Finally, she won Shiva by practising rigorous penance at Gauri Kund, which is 5 kilometres (3.1 mi) away from Triyuginarayan. Pilgrims visiting Triyuginaryan temple also visit the Gauri Kund temple, dedicated to Parvati. Mythology states that Shiva proposed to Parvati at Guptakashi (on the road to Kedarnath) before they got married in the small Triyuginarayan village at the confluence of Mandakini and Sone-Ganga rivers.

    Triyuginarayan is believed to be the capital of Himavat. It was the venue of the celestial marriage of Shiva and Parvati,

  • 7

    during the Satya Yuga, witnessed in the presence of the holy fire that still burns eternally in front of the temple in a Havana-kund or Agni-kund, a four-cornered fireplace on the ground. Vishnu formalized the wedding and acted as Parvati’s brother in the ceremonies, while the creator-god Brahma acted as the priest of the wedding, that was witnessed by all the sages of the times. The exact location of the wedding is marked by a stone called Brahma Shila, in front of the temple. The greatness of this place is also recorded in a sthala-purana (a scripture specific to a pilgrimage centre). According to the scripture, pilgrims who visit this temple consider the ashes from the burning fire as holy and carry it with them. It is also believed that ashes from this fire are supposed to promote conjugal bliss.

    This is the place where Shiv-Parvati sat during their wedding ceremony, as Lord Bhrama played the priest.

    Before the marriage ceremony, the gods are believed to have taken bath in three kunds or small ponds namely, Rudra-kund, Vishnu-kund and Brahma-kund. The inflow into the three kunds is from the Saraswati-kund, which – according to legend – originated from Vishnu’s navel. Hence, the water of these kunds is considered to cure infertility. The ashes

    from Havana-kund are supposed to promote conjugal bliss.




    இறை வழ ி்ாட்டின் டி றைகள் - Stages in spiritual life

    ப ொதுவொக இறைவறை அறைய நொன்கு டிநிறைகறை கைக்க வவண்டும். இவற்றைவய நொன்கு டிநிறைகள் இருப் தொக சித்தொந்தம் கூறுகிைது. அறவ முறைவய “சரிறய”, “கிரிறய”, “வயொகம்”, “ஞொைம்” என்ப் டும்.

    ’கூறும் சரிறய, கிரிறய, வயொகம், ஞொைம் எனும் நொன்கும் முறைவய அரும்பு, மைர், கொய், கைிக்கு இறையொகும்!’ றைவ ாற்ாதங்கள் என்றும் இவற்றை கூறுவர்.

    றைவ ாற்ாதங்கள் என் து றசவ மக்கள் ிைவித் துன் ம் நீங்கி ிைவொறமயொகிய வ ரின் த்றத வவண்டி,


  • 8

    இறைவைின் ொதங்கறை அறைவதற்கு கறை ிடிக்க வவண்டிய டிமுறைகைொகும். இதன் மறுப யர்கைொக றைவ ன்னை கள், றைவ ாற்டிகள், ை வ புண்ணியங்கள் என் ை அைியப் டுகின்ைை.

    1. சரிறய 2. கிரிறய 3. வயொகம் 4. ஞொைம்

    In general, for a person to reach the Supreme, they need to go through increasingly progressive stages. The Siddhanta have defined and devised a 4-stage path for self-realization. This is a broad framework which describes the stages of spiritual evolution in an individual. Each stage is described in detail with respect to the activities that need to be performed, the type of changes one experiences in different levels of consciousness. The four stages are Sariyai, Kriyai, Yogam and Gnanam. These four stages are a continuum, and there is often an overlap between them. As a spiritual seeker goes through these stages, he becomes increasingly closer to God, and eventually becomes One with God. The human mind is constantly engaged in thought process, jumping from one realm to another, worrying about things. It constantly deludes a person in thinking that the five sensory organs define the complete reality of the person. Consequently a person is caught up in everyday life, and there is little time or inclination to think about the real reason

    for their existence. The four-stages of spiritual life are:

    1) Sariyai, 2) Kriyai,

    3) Yogam,

    4) Gnanam

    4 Stages in spiritual life


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    Birthday Wishes to all Members who are

    celebrating their Birthdays this

    JULY May Lord Siva grant his loving, unfailing protection and may your heart be filled

    only with pure thoughts.

    Wish you a very

    “Happy Birthday”

    Okra with Yogurt Gravy


    40 medium size okra (bhindi) (after cutting them in half it should be about 2 cups.)

    3 Tbsp oil (canola or vegetable oil)

    1/2 tsp cumin seeds (jeera)

    1/4 tsp mustard seeds (rai)

    1/8 tsp asafetida (hing)

    1 Tbspbesan (gram flour)

    2 tsp coriander powder (dhania)

    1 tsp Red Chili Powder

    1/4 tsp Turmeric Powder

    1 cup yogurt (dahi, curd)

    1 cup water (approximately)

    1/2 tsp salt


    1. Wash and pat dry the okra and cut both ends, and cut them in about 1 inch pieces. I have used about 35 medium size okra after cutting, they are about 2 cups.


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    2. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a frying pan over medium heat and stir fry the okra till they are tender. This should take about 7-8 minutes.

    3. Take them out in a bowl and use the same pan for making gravy.

    4. Heat 1 tablespoon oil, over medium heat. After oil is moderately hot add the cumin seeds, mustard seeds and asafetida as the seeds crack, turn down the heat to low.

    5. Add the besan and stir fry for about 1 minute until it has light aroma, and is golden brown in color. Besan gives the thickness to gravy.

    6. Add yogurt, turmeric, chili powder and coriander powder. Mix it well. And cook until the spice mix come together, and you should be able to see the oil leaving the sides of spice mix. This should take about 2-3 minutes.

    7. Spice mix is ready add about 1/2 cup of water and salt, bring it to boil. Add okra and let it cook for 3-4 minutes, on low heat.

    8. Suggestions

    You can make so many different dishes using this gravy. Instead okra use potatoes, paneer, green peas, mix vegetables, or any vegetable you have.

    Source: Manjula’s Kitchen


    SIVARATHRI POOJA The Monthly Sivarathri Pooja was held on

    22nd June 2017. Following the recital of

    Thirumurai, Malar Vazhlipadu and Deepa

    Aarathanai, Prasadam was served to all

    devotees. May God Siva’s divine blessings

    enrich our lives.

    GURU THIRUVADY POOJA Guru Thiruvady Pooja of Guru Maha

    Sannithanam His Holiness Seer Valar Seer

    Sivaprakasa Desika Paramacharya

    Swamigal was held on Saturday 20th May

    2017. Recital of Thirumurai, Thiruvady

    Prayer, Malar Vazhlipadu followed by

    Deepa Aarathanai was witnessed by

    devotees who attended the pooja.


    GURU POOJA Thirunyanasambanthar Guru Pooja was

    held on 10th June 2017 at SSMM. After

    the pooja, members who attended the

    pooja recited Thevaram. After Malar

    Vazhipadu and Deepa Arathanai,

    prasadam was served to all.


    GURU POOJA Manickavasagar Nayanar Guru Pooja was

    held on Wednesday 28th June 2017. The

    pooja was conducted with Recital of


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    Thirumurai, Malar Vazhipadu and Deepa

    Aarathanao. Prasada was served to all

    devotees. The Ubayam was by Mr & Mrs

    Manickavasagam, Chinnamma and Family.


    BRANCH IN SEMENYIH The Mandram members have come

    together to start a Branch in Semenyih. All

    the ground works have started with a

    rented 1st floor shop lot in Bandar

    Rinching. At the moment basic renovation

    works are being carried out. We hope to

    have a soft launch around the 1st week of

    July 2017. We will update all information

    in the Sivaneri. Please inform your friends

    who are staying around Kajang, Semenyih,

    Broga, and Mantin.


    WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY On 5 June 2017, the children of Rumah Kebajikan Anbu Illam and Rumah Kebajikan Karunai Illam participated in the 1st World Rudhraksha Day (World Environment Day) organised by Saraswathybrahma Vidhyadharma Sangam in collaboration with Sri Subramaniar Devasthanam Batu Caves by planting trees in particular Rudraksha Trees in the compound of Batu Caves temple. The children also participated in bhajans, thevaram, colouring contests and enjoyed the delicious vegetarian meals were served for the whole day. All those participated were given a rudhraksha for personal use/wearing.

    COUP DE POUCE In conjunction with the school holidays held in June 2017, Coup De Pouce club members organised several activities for the children of Rumah Kebajikan Anbu Illam which included games and Zumba dancing session at the home. A movie outing was also organised for all the children on 9 June 2017 at a cinema in Wangsa Walk which brought a lot of joy and excitement to the children. They were also treated to drinks, snacks and pop-corns. The children were accompanied by care-giver, Ms. Saraspathy Ramajee. The club members also contributed to the home by way of providing groceries/food stuff for children.

    WATER GAMES/SPORTS On 8 June 2017, in conjunction with the school holidays, the Management of Persatuan Saiva Siddhanta Malaysia/ Rumah Kebajikan Anbu Illam took the children out to a swimming pool to have fun and games at the swimming pool. Some also had lessons on swimming and all of them had a great time. The Management team was led by Supreme Council Member Mr. Manickam.

    Membership Registration

    (New Members) RM27.00

    Membership Renewal RM24.00

    Call SSMM at 03-22832406 (from

    5.00 pm to 10.00 pm) or email your

    details to: [email protected]

    mailto:[email protected]

  • EVENTS IN PICTURES 1st World Rudraksha Day

    Participating at the 1st

    World Rudhraksha Day (World

    Environment Day) organised by Saraswathybrahma

    Vidhyadharma Sangam in collaboration with Sri

    Subramaniar Devasthanam, Batu Caves.

  • School holiday activities organized by Coup De Pouce

  • Learning the “Zumba” dance

  • Basic Hinduism Course

    Tamil/ Thevaram/ Astrology Classes

    Foster Home for Underprivileged Children and Senior Citizens

    Library on Spiritual & Religious Collection

    Religious Camp for Children

    Religious Tours (Yaathirai)

    Service Centre for Culture, Education, Religious and Moral Advancement

    Religious Seminars and Conferences

    Personal Counseling

    Religious and Spiritual Discourses

    Monthly Shivarathri Poojas

    Annual Maha Shivarathri Pooja

    Fund Raising Projects

    Volunteers to assist in SAIVA SIDDHANTA MANDRAM’s various activities

    Volunteers to tutor, counsel, motivate and interact with the Foster

    Home’s residents

    Monetary contribution (which are tax exempted) to manage our homes

    and activities

    Sponsor meals and host of other things required at the Foster Homes

    Contact us: Tel: 017-2401906 / 012-6611421 / 013-3321863

    If you have monetary contribution, please issue cheque in favour of


    And mail to:

    *All Donations are Tax Exempted

    Services/ Activities of Saiva Siddhanta Mandram

    Needs of Saiva Siddhanta Mandram

    How you can help?

    Saiva Siddhanta Mandram Malaysia

    PO Box 12926

    50794 Kuala Lumpur


    Lord Siva is God, whose Absolute Being, Parasiva, transcends time, form

    and space.

    God, whose immanent nature of love, Parashakti, is the substratum,

    primal substance or pure consciousness flowing through all form as

    energy, existence, knowledge and bliss.

    Lord Siva is God, whose immanent nature is the Primal Soul, Supreme

    Mahadeva, Paramesvara, author of Vedas and Agamas, the creator,

    preserver and destroyer of all that exists.

    Three worlds: the gross plane, where souls take on physical bodies; the

    subtle plane, where souls take on astral bodies; and the causal plane,

    where souls exist in their self-effulgent form.

    The law of karma that one must reap the effects of all actions he has

    caused and that each soul continues to reincarnate until all karmas are

    resolved and moksha, liberation, is attained.

    Religion is the harmonious working together of the three worlds and

    that this harmony can be created through temple worship, wherein the

    beings of all three worlds can communicate.

    The Panchakshara mantra, the five sacred syllables “Namasivaya,” as

    Saivism’s foremost and essential mantra. The secret of Namasivaya is to

    hear it from the right lips at the right time.

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