Page 1: A3220 May oN, t! Cooper/Northridge Facility... · 2012-06-24 · I , A3220 CONlRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX May 11 n\f'f(''', but hI' ("uld not dlvertt hlmAtH from hi' 10 \'«' of



A3220 CONlRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX May 11 n\f'f(''' , but hI' ("uld not dlvertt hlmAtH from hi' 10 \' «' of n.ture anr1 hi. df:llre to .t'1II let

utilI". ,.,'r n In " munlctll.'l.lIty, "" Itf"-' whf're ' ..... "plc ('clulet brf'/\lhc alld cou ld Itcl ff'\f'lI.Icd Hnm the rulrnlill. or .oc\C'ty .

IJ.ll rk more lhnn 30 )'rl\r~ "go he I(IU~ht

t he ,Ir\' rl oflmen l CIt " Hlo O,"nde I'llrk III .... hilt hACI b_n " ""t.tu-IOt:f:'C"d · .tTf'lch or · rllll'I)' "rtf'II, nnd nl.H DC It ""llh the PlI.&llllg ,.( 11111(' thNC hili rnu"'.crd the Al buque rq uCl ;' • • >('1, the 'nnJ:' If'Y bl\lC'bnll ncld, a nd n ,ub· to",un .. , "'1'/\ ",' III('h ",,111 become nlore .lId l1\on. I'rh:cd I" I\lhul'Jucrll uCI contln\l(" lo , ' _,.IIIICI. '

1\111 \l ",'n, lhe tru e wlldt'rnclIII ""hkh flt­IrMCIf'11 111m-the pinel'S wilcrc he cuuld ':0 II III I b(' nlullC', the .pot. III the White Moun­'uiIU or "rlr.OllA (It In the Inre.1I or Nt'''' ).1I·xl('O ""h rrc 1\ ml\lI ('ould 10le hlm:ltH In hll lurroundlnCI .nd uc dn'l,ped b n('k Inlo t·""'plctr. conlrndel'lhll) ..... tth n"lurc.

J Ihlk"" to Aid a wnpold m:\IIy t1mr:l nho\lt l il t Ilt\·tlnpmtnl of k wllcltrntu I\rtn . 111Ut It \\'uuhl be IH ... lblc t o prcllcrve .ccnle benuly .. IHI tlln IlUt}.lrnl .eeumpnnlnlenU or the rc­"'rlrttlt t:Cllflltry, the n.h '\I\d thc ~'lh11Ife ""lIleh hilI) onct' o,.,'lIrd thr.e nrrtl. ror them­~rl\· tll Rnd now hurt ~come the h\lntel1 •• IIInll mOycrt 11110 Ihelle ·prot..eeltd retrel\tll.

It ..... 1\11 lIucll 1\ pilice here In 10uth""C' Nl'w Mcxlco. Po hUllClreu or more mile. north I.f Iht Mtllico bordtr, whcre hl\zy bluc .11-11I ' lIl'ttl'lI nr the Mo~ol1l1n JU\nJ:e mr.rk. tile (Il1n " ' l\l1l'rllru. thl'll All10 Ilul1led tht ft rrt'l, I\l\d In hi' report nr Octobf't 10:!2 "' ~hrlltel\ Ihll "Nlt ""IIc1erul'lIl hc nnmed . thc Olin WlIlll'tIIt'1A Aren o r Olin Nnllonnl lIuntln b tir""IIC\'

AIlI\flIll;h mOllt wldcly known ror hili t'ml-1It'Il('e In tt'chllulol)Y ol .. ' lldllte mnll~e­

II\rlll, A\flll l...eor'Hlld wnl A UOtlllllRllt IlInll­:I'IICC II , the Inn\'cmrnl 11111 tlllly tn ptc!l('f\'e I lin Olin ... 1\(1('rll(,NI, blLt nl.o ""lIdt'rlICli' ",rf'fli lhroll\o:"huut the c:olllllry,

Th ir ty ye ... n "'Ro he enlllllell me In the . (""'lie lur \lrrllery"tlnn C1f fI.","1\.I In

J:l'llI:rlll, 1 .hflll never fort:et h ow he poured I/\I~ hla ht"lIrt 0 11 Ihe aubJf'c~ (I( primitive Hllrt.. ..... hlch .tt"lOeu IIk!!'ly In he dCltrll)' C'd " ' \tll the Ile,·t'lopmellt ol the nuto. thl' trtlck. .",1 '1lf't"l1lcr mt'lhnc1I\ of trnnll l'ol"lution.

\\'11 .. 1 ..... nll hili "nc,,"gruund? . .... Ido J,'11pl"I\el 'Wnl ~Klrn nt nUrllnr:tnn,

J"WII , un Jnnullry II. IRflO . 'n lere hC" devrl­Iopel l n n Intf'telll In urllllholo~y IIlId h\1II u",,:. IIr flttC'Iul c:d y ... le Unlyetlllt y wh'ere he rr· rrh'rl1 till' bnchelnr nf r><:leIlCt' (\rftrrc Ir"fll ~'hl'mo:1c 1 &Ielllilic Bellnul III 10011 lind thr m/Uf"Vr of fnrrlilry c1Cjo(rC'e from Ihe &huul o[ t'1,rrlltry the '1I11owllll( y C'hr.

t ' rum 1000 \lIItll he rOlie to (""hid of nllt'rll· Ih'lIl1 111 Ihr rrKlulUti nmre 1Il .... lhllf'jUcrf'jlle : he "'f'(\"etl with lhe U nit !:'!! HU.lrl t 'n relll !)rn' lf'e III Arl~onll nn(\ New Mexlro. Whtle IIIf're hll Inlrre.t. III wlldlllc mKIII\Rt'mf'nl (Ir\'f'loIJoed fl.nd he beclIOIc 'l·ctC'lnry C1( the A\III1Cj\lttllue ul1c1 the Nrw Mt'x\('o Ol\me l'l"I,tectl\'e AII30f'Inl!c1l1ll . JII~ rlT"rt "'Ithlll tht"t utJ;'I\III·/.JIliolla ttl prndllcc 1\ TRUllll .. 1 " y"t r", (II Klun t' mnlll'lResnent nlld a nlll1l)()lltl­("III fHlmlnl5trullun of feI\lCCI "ar"cte!\ wide ",t I f'lItl Oil.

'" It .rrms In mr." " ' rnte TIlendn re nClnf. r_ "elt I" All10 In 1017. "thnt your n .... ocl"lIon I" Nrw Mr.llcu I. leitllll; "II elll\lnl)le (a the """"Ir C':n \lntry ." It WI"\s In thnt yrAr . thl\t Allin """~ nwnrc11"11 thr ';0\(\ mrdnl or thfl l'ulOAnrnt Wildlife J'rOlt'ClIYc ""'"U.1 ol .... "'rrlC'lI.

In 10:!5 hr lef t Nt'" Mt'xlco nnr! ""ent tn )"1 ,,,11111111, W i ..... whrrt' he .rn · ("(1 fo r 2 },rntl .... ,," ~' ... I"le tltrl:'ctur (If the Purr.t Prod\lC'ta 1 .. ,I ... It!,\nry. Then hc rrlll~ned fr o m ' th~ l-\'rf""t ~rrYlce tn cond\lct .uryry. fo r 1101' tlll(,nlnp: .... nnl\ alld Amm un ition M.llnu­I .,,·u\tl"r.' ' lnltlt ute ,

III:' wn:l Awnrclrc1 tht' O\lldnor I ,lft' mt"dtll fllr hi. IIr~t bue'k, nrll(lrl nn 1\ Oam" ~uryC"y ", lilt NClrth Ctlllrni Stnll'~, 1'.lllill.hed In I !!J I.

A mf'mbfor of acme SO el~ba , uaoc:laUonl. and IOCletit'1l, Aldo .C"rnd ... J'If(".lden\. of the l:c:oloRlc,,1 8oc:let7 of Amt'rle. a.nd of the Wildlife tf.Oclet1, He w ... a director ot tho Nallon,,1 AudUbon 6oc'Iet, •• nd .fI.. "Ice Jlre.ldf'nt of the Amrrl ca n P'or'Utry ~IA.­lIOII , "he Wlldrrneu Hoclety. and P'Tlelldl oC

·0\11 LAl li\. lie .,ao· ..... ". IIIn acttve member In the AUH'rlcAn Ornltho\oh"t. Uni on. He ~rrYed n. tIJISOCIRte editor ot Ihe .Jo\lrn. 1 of FurrlOlry .nd w" •• 13 0 A menlber o f the SAP Coullc l l.

lit> lOf'rvl"c! r.n the Con1ln llter on WlIl1l1te n"""rlltlu,, "l'pc, llIlrll by I'r~.ldent rrankU" n . JLu<-..r\·r il \n 10:14, lUI \/"ell "'. Oil m .. ny nlhtr rOl1!1oervnUol\ cnOlmlllec., "I\d 1'1 the lImr 01 h ll drlllh hil(I been nlkeu by 8ec:rc­tllTy of the Interior I'r\l~ to leryo fl.t · tho In l rr- .... mt'rl('''" COI,teren(""c of nrnt'wablt N .. turn l nr50 lltc r3.

t:lrf'It-C! 1\ Frllow C1( I hr tlnel tl)' of .... mrrlcAn · Forrbtrtll In 104.0. he 1111(\ becn prote"lIor or wllc1IUe mll""~f'mrllt (II the Un\Yu.lty oC \\'IM'l1n~ln "l lIce IDJJ .

AUII"''' of lIenrly JOO te(""hulenl "nl1 pnP \l-Inr .. rllC'I"" Trvlr ..... lI. Mild hll cbalic tK)()Ic, (inme t.{nnnht'ment ..... lelo I.copnld w". nn In- . trrnllUn1lnll y rf'("OG"nI7.rci Autllnrl1y on ""1111-Ilfr m'''"H:rmt'nt '" evlC1l'nCf"d by hi. \'01-11I)11no\l3 "d\"llory "IHI ('ommlllt'e worlc .nd hlr. nlrmbl'nhlp In ll1lmt'fOU' conr.ervAUon IInel Iclrllllnc nrJ:.nI7ntlnns.

Dut 10 \II tud ... y 11.15 wr meet hert' In hll . honnr " 'e (""An look lit th~ hreA1 rll:pnnle of the Gill. \Yllrtrrntu , one nf the lew luch IHrnl In the Unltec1 Slntea ' ·Irtu.lly un~ t nllcht'd by humAn hAndr., And hont'.t1y Illy thl. 11111:111 1I0t hayo brl'n except (or thc 10 111ftllY(' or Aldo uOJKlld. It ~u chleny thrnup:h hll t'tforl. thnl lhe F'Otel.t In 104!04 r"tnbll~hrc1 tile nut or It.. wlldt'rnC"1UI tf'''l'r ''" lIol1~. tht' Olin Wlldern~ ... Are. or I'rlmltl\·o · /r.rf'I\ In New. Mf"dC'o,

To ""hlOl J;:""'fl.I. hll 10\'e of n"lure would ""\' r ('lIrrll'd him ... r hll\'e nn wn" ol kno .... lng. /r.C'rl_ Ihe C'(lUlltry hili prrellp:e h'd ' ltr"dtly \-: ro""" . IIr ,.,'''1 "I the pealt nf hi. Ulcrulnelll 1'1 the ""Ilcillfe I\nl1 Ihe ""l1dernelll moye­InC'lI tl whl'll thOle ""hn hAd come to know "!HI lo\"e him wt'ro ,h(l('kt'd by new. nf hll elrAth. O n .... prll :lI, 1114", he .ulTerod a ralAI ht' ... tl fl.t1l\ clc hrtf"r lIs:hllllR " II:rA'" nro on • 1If'II: llhnr ' . pruperlY "enr hi. home at DATa_ bron, Will .

Thf'n ... r,. nlhrr ('hnplt'r ll In tht' hillt.ory or I h" 011 .. Wlll'f"ruf" .... that h ... d not bC"tn com­plf"lf'd fI.~ hili p ..... lng . A!lf'r pUblic hcarlnllll til .... Ur.l1l t 10!l:!. · the ftr"" ...... 0 perm"nently IIf'al p:l1l1lrd the "011 " Wlld rrnrlA Art'n" .nd pl"C'l"rt \lmll"r • new and Itrlcter regulAtion .. unwn ..... U·l. .

Uuclf"r l ilt" 111' .... fr-r.II \ntln n U-I. IInl1 \Ipo n rrrnm m rl1dlltion nf· tllc Chic! of tht' Pore,lt :-trrYlce , Ulch "'rrAa m"y be delllr;nUe-d by the ~('rrt"r~' (II Af::'rt('ulltlte II:l "Wildernell Arf'IIII" within ""hlch therr .. h. II bt' no ·fo.da ur otht'r prn\'lllolIl' fot l"fI0torI7A:d trl\n.por­I,,(jnn , lin f'lIl1lmrrclnl tlmher cuttln~. nnd 110 n("'"C'II I"'A nry \If)c1rr 1\f"W'C'11I1 un pcrmlta ror hot"'I, .torrl . fC".ortl . summrT homes, or­

. ~"nl%.1\tlnn ""mpll, hunti ng And nllhln[: lodp:f" . or " lmllAT \I~et1 . Thc only To"dl .1-

:.m""fOd ~'Wln .· be ro.(h of InR'rr ... nd ~aa tn IIny prl\·"t.C Jlro~ft y 1\,,,t might be In the krrlll.

The ""otlc or Aida I..enpolc1 hu bf"en done , \\'e now bf"('("I11'Ie trUlltrr. or hll Inheritance . TIl0a" of 111 .... hn m"y ylalt ..... Ilhln the ..... lIder­IIf" fl.nd "ho .re .ble to relit .nl1 be re­Ito rrd In our f'lC"fl.CC of mind .nd body by·the 1/\llel th.t IL ""III nl ... · ... y . poWI' .... h.yo nOllc lhe Ir .. Ion obllJ.:"tlun 10 lee Ihlt the 'Worlc I' f one J"l!'n~rutlon .11101\ no t be Ilcrlnced b y thOflC" th"t come loiter . \',.'e hl\ye .n obllg.­linn 10 n) lI."k r IlIr(" tllnt (hi. are. ml'l1 remaIn \1f1\.n\1chrd for !c'nrrAUonl .nd perh,pI een­turlCl to ('umr. We c an llol t"lIte our burdenl _ trUILU' lI~hUy If wr ar~ to ktep faith ... Ilh U I(WIC" 'WhO Ilrll R..:leU .0 mightily to I\('hlr\' " thrr.t" prrclOUII IIpOU within lhr con& lillI!" ul .. bll'-)" CCIIIunent.

Thc f'r«lIon ot mrmorl.1 n t .... '1 to Aldo Leopold, "We.ll donr th n oN, .nd la..Ilhtul leTv.nt:" II "'",In(\,' CII:~ r~ th.t our Jive. ....... f'1I cfln COntrlbutt t! tlla thlnll\:' lh.t me.n bc-.uty tor the ryr Ind I:ot l o r the .plrlt. We , too, rill fltutnt 7~ .lIdr-rnr... \Io't, too, t.n nod In It " Ot t .nd kind. or .011tudc" that will mtllll!: ... ho lI\'e In the aoulhwt'.t fi nd lur 11\ ~hcI como t..o It to .. .. communl"n ... ·III'! 11 10 turo th"t will brln!!: to f".ch of u, )lUCt I nd JUy fl.nd ("ndurln, pl~ .... ure,

nriCktr AmeDdmtDt Should Dc: Adop!c4_ CODCTUI No Loarer nouad hI COlUti.

tutioaal SI~ttm or Dctet.ttd Pown!



I N THE HOUSE' OF' lU:Pn!'.SENT .... n\'(:.s Wrdnr.!dtJ:v. Mgv 11 195 5

Mr. SMrnI orWlsconstn. Mr.SJ)("ak. er, under leave to extend my rrm~r'u,l am Includlnc a lito.tcment mndt by.ML Cnrl B . Rlx. of Mllymukee, former prol-dent 01 tft; ~~.~'~ ~~ ~,o",yon before no lC mit which I~ hearing testimony on the pro~d

Bricker amendment.

Mr. '.Rlx'. sto.tem('nt commend It to the Itl~n-Hon or every Member or the Jlous.c::

18T"TI:"~ or CUL n JUx. lJn..WAut(l:r.. WIS.

I IIppe-.T !In ,.vor o r thr. amt'ndmrnh. COU! rrlll ; II no lonl>t'r 00\11\(\ by III ref!'

.Utullon,,1 ,y_\e", of del'.B"alrd poWtll. ~

T1~~¥!;,'-';~:"!~~~~~'!!:!:';?'i IIht "C Olli

' 11 .

. trl tltd 1m

, " fin 1 : All "I n . .. '1$\1 ' '.I'! C. rhr ·

.' leh • Un

. - u n "rnl ;'e r bill

" '" lh'

, wo




· : lnh ' .. AI

. ·:. jUt " :mtl

·!lttl ~C:I • or, rol\,

""' •• :1rl ' .IAt,

. Odl~ d ,

'<0 ~,

Page 2: A3220 May oN, t! Cooper/Northridge Facility... · 2012-06-24 · I , A3220 CONlRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX May 11 n\f'f(''', but hI' ("uld not dlvertt hlmAtH from hi' 10 \'«' of


19,;,; CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX A3221 Inde endcntl or • ,n~rr nlf·,' W

' 1IrA'" Clltl rt .w Cllnld 1I0t tLU and tile 0 Irfllllll thut e"n be [Ala /I eh ea.·

~ _1I\,I:;n~:~:~het~:h~I;D·re ;~;~!:--;;[ ~~: I""f""[ .,


,.1 II I 111:1 1111 n

Tho newl dlapateh concluded with lhl. o~cr •• tlon:


It will II .. !luted lllat ono o( the prlnclpnl fUrl rllttl I~ Wat ot the Wlsr.tory Plrd CliO .

11.t'''t' r,,"chl.IUlII Are \hOollIl .1.&0 or • conl_ i~I;li~~il!~~~~~i~i~~" mlll,t ,,' tile "'ow York Blate nnr Auneta _ / " nit. ,,' which luranll[ AlLorn .. y Oene,"' I ~ ~ ~~~ )Ulrhdl ftllil Mr. John W. Davit wore proml. I u tllllllrlt lh('U .

~"""' . r"r ""'III! nrncllcn"11!"drn!lon or tho

tf.:~~~!:';:U't;7.~? ,,!!deC ltc-PC,' pC wIlDt policy.

"' bill,' ~,r~!/\~!I~IL::~I?II~ ~~r:;~B~lh:;"I'~C ;~;O;~Ot; l~~li!litl~~iii~l!il~1 Whllt h.Ppe':.SS,.,.~~~~IO~:'" United Stalea ·;'h ,~h " ..... IIO! P[ovid" it 3n jnN:Jt nHW enten the AUanllc Unlon1 The lup-cr Ilale, Ilk~ nl'~r 1111 Q!!hIlC educ'''no "OW pro- AUantlc Union, wIth .uthorlly to cDtorco 'lei .... ' lly !:Illilco Ind mllols:lnaliliel. ~ worlcl la .. would take out or our hand, lht!

:! . It Iliny ('nllet .. prohibition nSf. withoyt mean. to defend ourselYcl, The Allantic .11 .mr"'I~lr"l o r l[ie Olrutllutlqn, Union would then dictate the lennI under

J It 11I:1! enA c l .. "cHorm gtvP[CC aet. which American, would be torced 1.0 lIvc . 4 !1 IIJny IlIke oyer .11 ,octal pod w('l(ore [('I"tlonl do fencel lher.c gT"lm rcallUu. tor Depending on c!rcumltancu hcyond our con­

Im'h'~~ n"HIe-frd lIy PI' Ibranch thn grotea, neuly two decade' the Amulclln people tro l, the Unttcd Slates. _tripped at 10V. ur Ihflr UrC!!Clc'. hl\Vo be~n denied lhe opportun it y to ~xpree.a ~r~lgnty. might be I~ndln~ our youth to

S. Ilililly lAk~ O,,~t ,,11 comm~rc~. all utili· themulvC'1 In foreign polley. Only In the nlht und~r tha Atlantic Union bl.nner any· It PlfA 11111 1 .ervlce. Alt labor. The IIl1t ml\Y vaguetll t~rms hu this momentoul IUlle b~en where on the globe. iW lIIul ilpUl"'l1 e!!kill.IYnit I.t Your will menllon~d by the CAndidAtes oC either maJor Some preach that thc .plrllual acceptAncO

Tht: nfW teAL or conlUtullonallty will fIol'4 pArty. Propn gl.lldo. Isenclel hIve blared tha ot th~ brotherhood ot mIn cl.n bct Jlchle't'ed pi)' hI I,ll Ir"llIll\t! o n by Conltre .. elnco 104.5. vlrtuC'1 o t blp"rtllll.luhlp whlla " few key only throug~ world go.,ernmcnl. Certainly .hlr h ot .. . I1~ . or lho n\:~ neldl omcl,,11 hn..,e It.calthlly guided foreign arralra. aut Dible teAehca brotherly Ion· but the wllrlOv"r An't' 1l1.(]j[1! ~ on tno ... alldlty And Without 'CaPr:.ln!; I'techely how It como Tower of D .. bel IIIwtt .. tel m .. n ·1 dlrt'erenccl

1.,1 1: I ~ iiliOut. America hili becume Inurrlcab!t en- and limitAtions . No home II large ~nough. :lml: tha of th, ~ menhea In ! o uch 1"'ern Mltonel 'n!flgllS! . fdr two f.mtllca : . lIkewUe. no lurer ltata

, 'Meftnwh Ie. ro--;:e'1I'1\ InnumC"'1 -tnII'---;:ther could control .11 m~mt)era _Ithout reacr t I Ir doe.. not nnr nIh w th Inlernll.llonll. \llIl·mlnded ~m~rICD!!' 1St. to force. The super atate cannot be a suar.

ill'! In th, will Inp; undS;r the Kntee o r dlplnnll CY horg anlor of world peace • . n;;;-! I That la th~ exact ~I.tu_ qulepy piqUed their rlnl. They would hAVe Wh .. t happens to our patrlolilm when wa II~'.'" I'~ .~ Illcr .•. JUllIcp lIolmQl found him. the Atlantic Union at)eorb lila Vnlted Statu . Join tha Atl_ntlc Union' 1,1f alul lire other membsn or I b n In keeplnlt with this concept the creaUon BUpf"l'OU tha .Arabt oC North Arrlca Te. f!!l,W will''! tirey decided tho Mlgrn.Lgry Dlrd or an Atlantic Uni o n I. well underway. A yoltc<l . .. salnlt Fr .. nce . Amencanl have .. 'u~ . 'nle authnrllr w .... Dot rpUOd In thp alartlln!; nawl dlapl.tch fr o m OttaWI.. C.n- natural aympathy for thos.e who ac~1c: !r«­Cun.tlll/linn It WILl found In tha treaty II. (le . publlahed In the KAn""1 C ity BtAr, M o n4 dam. But cxpreaalon o r thl' .ympathy .. lilt !!rrn' brheio. dar. December 131 10:' 4 . dl.cIClsed: I would be tr~e.aon .g.lnlt the Atlantic Union . /The Irl.C_tll)ll to be .nawered II lhl.: Under "Crelu n or 0. .urer Atlnntle communltr

S-hlrh 100rn! nr government do tho Dro~ tht Uultrll ~tntn nrder t.o IIYt~? ManHeaLl'L r-. I II I · ... hat would h.pj'MIn to our llberty, What

- - ____ • _____ h •• _ .ore Itn po c U 0 would become oC our Bill of RI,h'" we cnllJII!l o[!ttate under bolh. er coun riel'! will be recommeoded ton

Sr""i,,r. k people 0'360 U " I'e1 B'e'ee menlbcn at t he NQrth Atllllilc Treaty COjln~ Se ... eral hundr~d III.rTlcem~n already lie In hRVt 5!W£II 'In their ,onl tbay bOYn glvtll e ll In PII.rll thll weelc." . foreign prllonl, lentenead b, (Of"elltn Judge. ull hllll""11 or their IUbat,aDcft.-=they .bollld The relullo co nllnuC'il: und~r the Statu. or P'Of'CC1 Treaty without

I n,,( h ... Ih ... 0111, Nation In·the world to glYe " S igned by Harry Trum",n, Ad la i Ste ... en- tho protection at our COnlUtutlon .. nd lu I hI" !hrlt Inrm 01 gO't'ernment..-the _onder C[ Ion. Oen. Oeorge C. Marshall, alld 70 other Dill of rught..1 .

H.t woorlrl to rli,charg' thnlr obllgilloll • W AmeriCan .... well · '" C",nadl .. nl. Urltllh. What would happen to our prorert, _h"n It I'tup le o f the woritt.. Y'renCh. Dell{lanl, Norwel:I""I. DanCA , and our AUII.ntlc nelghbora m o't'e In (or tho tl.kc~

DutCh. the recommendatluli . In the fo rm of Por lome limo It hI. been app"rent th"t II.n 'ppe"l for AtlAntic uni ty will be gl ... en lome forelsn people I were JtllOUI or O\Ir

Alhnlic UnioQ and World Governmegt




lVrdnejdav. ltf«v 11 1955

Mr. flRICKEn Mr. President. I Mk unantmoll:'l con .. 'Oent to have printed In th,. AIIIH:'ndlx Q( the RECORD nn arltcle tntlU<'d "~l1nDtic Union and World Ooy_ .!r.lWW.U.." IHlbll!'lh~ In the Mnrch 1955 n'~I.I,.t111 or the Por AmeriCa Study club

I hc'\"!' heltH( no obJection, the article ~o.~ nnll'red to be printed In Ule RECORD, 1\ fOlluws : Anuolup IINIQN AM" Wo.Ut OOvnHW!:T roa

A. .. um·... Wa:KLT STUDT PiAH N~

• !lln.1 lhh. a rtr pll.n for the .nlwer til !at l ·.\lI a.,e ")

'·huudIl.Y to LClra Jamay of 8rltaln. the SeC4 Itandatd oC 1I ... lng .nd nger to reduco H t.o rctftry. Oeneral or NATO." the )e't'al of their own.

The algued alatement It.elt declnres:. Will not our Atl .. nllc Uni o n nclrbhQu t,, 'u "Thb III. no lima ro r hl\lfhenrted me"lures. .d .... ntago of our mlllt .. ry we .. lc:re .. ..!J..Ulj1c..:

while welcoming the prOl:re41 made tow .. rd ~m~.:n~d~lth~.~l~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ !:uronun lInlo n, we b,.lIeve thAt nOthi n g leu ~ more egull .. blr dlatrlbU'ed1 Will not lhe thftl\ ftn tnecllyc1y "'tegrn! ed Atlontlc com. now of ""ealth be trom fhll country to our w..u..n1.U ...... will In t he end .. dequ.tely E\1ro~an nelghbora' While It I. mnre ble""· .1" -cM .. llenlt. ~ ol the lImel . . Dc1anaLI cd to glTe than to reeel'I'C, the Dlblo allo In tod"y '. terflU S:3.lends beyonSl military re- w.rn.. .ga\nlt COYetOulneu. qulrementa and Into the po litical eco n o mic. In tbe Atle.nUc Union we would InherIt .n ' .. nd cultural .. pectl oC our IIvCI." obllge.tlon to .upport the European colonia'

And the Ilgned Itatement call. ' Cor "th~ Iyetem--an In.tltutlon repugnant to Amer­de\'elonmeut oC NATO fl i a celltra' asency Icoinl. · We WOUld Inherit 1.110 tho raclfll "od t9 Coordlnllte tho POlltlC"I, trade. and dderuo loclal .. nd nl.ttonal hate.. .nd the Jealou.lca noll"" oC the member natlonl," and aorea of .ge-old EUrope. None of thue

According to the new. dlap .., prominent antlpathle. 11 our bwtnClU. Such herlt~!I Amerlelll\ 1II;IIeu o f the pro[lOlllll are: Harr,( would tD"Yohe w In hopcle .... andle .. qURr-TnlaM'P ' Adl,,1 8te't'en.on : Oen. OMWgC.:? rell. )J""nhaU: Nurmlo CQulllI' U we l o in the Ath.nUe Union. we will hA't'fI Un1kd Wgrld P'cdsrall,tI; Owen J . Roberu, nuythlng to lOlA 'nd no'hl')! to 1'10, SUCh preeldeht at the Atlantic Union Committee; I. union would me.n common clP;rnlhln Will L. Clftyton . .,Ice prealdent oC the AU.ntlc Cgmmon currency. Union Committee; Cll.rence K . Streit; Chu­ter Do_Ie.; Senator HumohreT. Democr.t, UlnnelOu: senator Ket.uyer. Democrat, ~nne .. ce: Sen.tor Lehm.n. Democr .. t. HeW' YOf"Ic:: William V. Orlmn. prelldent oC lh. En",n.h Union: n1wJt.M1 Murrow, c-nmment.lur; alld Elmer ~vll. commen-t.l(lr.

our" .... crlRce extend luling bC"nent. to the othn­

n.tlnn. , In (I~t , experience prove. the con· trl\ry ,

Page 3: A3220 May oN, t! Cooper/Northridge Facility... · 2012-06-24 · I , A3220 CONlRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX May 11 n\f'f(''', but hI' ("uld not dlvertt hlmAtH from hi' 10 \'«' of


,.". D~A!T"'ENT or ,run • WU\T Torr CAM M ;AlthoUCh U,. clll~. of thl, r- ..

"'l\t·!. dC!f.1 'Ut 1kDAt1m~nU~t8tru eLm" Alth h ... ~gt .. n 'a I on 'hll !S!\'1irWw;;;;;;tMo, kini' ... oug vIstlm. DC .Urk propo,;endn 'bD \ thf!lr ec:onomte '--e from lnd\latr an ry •

AmdlC'Q,n eo )Ie are lUll uVer""'hf'''nl" .1 fllnc 1.0 fanntng and to beech Jr~rd 'blp. . In It. brn('hur£ No ';;3. l\lmmC[ HII'lQ PutJd- op .. ant e Union Dnd worl~ Q~y_ the one charactera.·lc .... mmon to aCI'I'kIII.

'Sn': !he ,·""CC the DrpnrlmC'nl of tU.Att' dlo- :;:;;;;::;:; _. --' .. -.. " .. - -.-~. Prooonrnk of the ayorns 'ru bc-en a c:onltant.J, 1nerODalnr J)OJ,ulat -

('hlftl'd A ,'ron£, oDd ",,,"IAlo"oh!e amn"7 Lor =hlevc their .Im~ ()Illy by rCDQrlI"g '0 'be n~eognltlon of tho rrowth or thl. :o~. 'hlrld l!U\·(cm,u.'ut. nn!~~.h.~t:!~ t~!:.l!.!!!.Q.u~ was IndicAted 1n tho luner 01 high., 't.01l

~ ·'Wh .. n nllt! \I the "or'd'" nrCnlC eet t!\J t In n~eently. Ip~nklnl: In NUl Ynrk. the ",:,1_ Unn mAde under tho Jolnt aU"lnt"~. !::",C'&. • "n eurnnt C'tfMl to Cur",,, ",'oris! cm'crDmc", nnrll, leftder 01 the ~"nlr. the Ilunnrable lUAU de(MU'tmont of edUCAtion atld ~

they ",til and In She Y, N. " lngit'll' l'DtSlnr: WI4 lAM r KNowl UIQ w"rned u. or thl. rt"~ .. nta nr \he Unl.onltJ 01 C.llfornl& t;' Jlllint • • • It ,. rcond)' to tnke en "CW te- dAnt;er: . 1047 ..... 8. whlch recommended that a" II ,,1""lIlbU'''' ;r '1" "Ole', .'. - h II .. \aI,

• - • 7' LCot !iCC graduo,l,x Meed 'nrg $urh a co eoge be "tabUlhed to .srve the u--, .. nThl' "rl'lI"an uf a ""'orld rn;"C'rnmf'nt • • •. wnrld • t ., f Or C - d ~ .. -- a .. n e Ole ure! we 1f'l\r" ton IU'e whfro ftnc~ oun .. ,. an the louthe ... t ""r\loll AI

. . - - ...... - '-- __ _ _ we IYO C~D tnksn .1 "I'IInS net)' rnudI- UO'" nRe ca unl,.. NI'c"'" • • • """1\ the ,,·lIllurIJrM or llrL h ~ - .. ~ A I Co r'- ""

~;:~::r!.... to ."rrcnder eCr! ',111 "oycr~hjn . aal~ (or pilbHC omCC=tXfS'''!lyr )tvldollvc.. On JanUAry 27. 1049. ~rl Wurffn t or JudiciA! $bp'lld be ukrd to Ch'e 1\ rprth: Oovernor of CaurornlD, .Igned ftaM'mbl b'll

'1'''''0 yure Illter. In AI,rll 10~2. John ~- ~Is:ht "ew llpa" Ihl. grCBl nubile isSUe'," 8 (rh. 4. StAtUtH of 1£149), which ~.1_~U ~~~~'t~\~~:ne,:::rure he b('C'l\mc ~cret.ll.ry ur Here. then. SenMor KNnwl.AND hAa 1:lnn • ,u~t. to pro.1de for tho eatabll~h1n .. nt or n ~ ua t.ho anawer to the 16" que,Uon: "Wh~t. tate college tn the area of Ol'lln .... C .... n'·

... • • CQ'\.I:.rf'sL\2nnt tnwa nrC' In'laUd HId to .. - w" J thn dg nOiMU'n;m 'n .hC ¢nnntltttUon. CAn 0 now eave our countr)·... lind t.he .. lOut.heutern part of LUI An,tl" " - r Constitution put the powcr In th Count.y. Thil .lgnature brought In'- tl.

. "..herrl\S Irc:!" IKW COil ('nrclde Lhe Con- I I .., mtUtl0n. Tr(OnUes. for cx"mnlr :cAR '"U e,' \ ! ,,'(Or. '\a;e cnn IlIune .. on "aper the youngelt or th~ 11 tu/.

. ---' ....,. I\V$ the kind or governmt'nt ""'r wAnt~ lec .. s of Call1ornla'. State colle ..... ~.I\a_ i§",rro "way rrom the eoulW'u end give T!' ... [hi !;.~'~tI I. !!, .... I , ....

i'iiem tn ttle PrCllldelll' they CUD t.Bkc "'9w- ~ lOme" .. W' "0/ L ....J,a In order to provldo educatlon,t fl('mu" rfl from tho State. and give Uu~m to tho Wh d . fOr the region .. aoon aa poaatbte 'empocary JPf'deral Oovernment or to some iriterna- ero Gea your cnndldp'e "to))" At- qUN'lera were nt.abU_hed In Lnne !klfh Uonnt bOdy and tht'! CAn ('\It. I\~roaa t.h" lanUc UnIon and World ooycr?mCDt? and the collego opened Ita doon to ,tudtnl,

- 'U Wrlle for ,:,ur bOOklet. How'" ou Cnn !-\t nrt l for the ftnt Umo 1n September 1049. rl~hLII gl"f'n the ')('Ople b)' th£ CCJUF' U'It,l0qnJ a Study Club. For Am~rlcA" M.anwhl1o the' 8".- bll !iii I or RI8b~." 208 South La ~~no Slrret. Chlc~o t. 111. " ... m'd--.:'-n a -u= p~ ... e Iwork• boud •

- But artrr he becnme SeercotAr or Steele ~ ~a.u ..... ... ....... I ... ey ...., at rcl the tint ul1.11 obYlo\l!\ eh Ie now 0 ~ WAaac lD5~. '\"'" 'ryft'al poulblo pennanenl altn lot \he

,~ I\t th~ro .hould be Integration of aJl NATO ~ "tate collego. J'orcea "Lo the maximum ~.tenl paaaible and -; ... nC'f"J:' educational lnstltuuOG' that thl. decl.lon doe. not rt'(lulre Ule ad- r; C( 'e ••• en though 1t. be onl,. a ttm. vlce and eon.ent 01 the SfonDtr." Lon, Beach Stale Coller' ,~\("' c:oUege bssan operauon u

To Scnat9f KUAUVQ In November 1054, /, '>raftle County Stllte Col. Oul1r. wrote: EXTENSION OF REMAR. c:;; tI~ 'ted .porta edlton la

"I believe thnt what W"'. AcC'ompUahcd \:-.. r-: ~munltlf'1 \G PfOJlOM C Lnndnn» haa brought UII clor.«:r to reAl or (!" of ftghl ~ell' Ind AlIllnllc Union than ner befort'," liON. CRAIG HOSMER ~q le-t.·bllnc Utle.

CI\D wo lunger dOUbt thC\l we are movlni f,.y ~At.1. • . toward AtlAntic Union? 'or CALU"CUtNtA '- S' .ablbhed II a Stilt

It thrre II douhl. pendln~ ~ontrf'f:lllnnn.l IN nrr; n008E OF nErnESENTAn .0 orrer 4ayur \lndn. ~~D01~"~nl will clarlr), tho ml"lrl.lnc. In Wt:dne.sdall. Mall 1 t, 1955. ..raduftle programl. th,

e ° Kr!'U are aome 10 or 12 rf'OOluUona . the ntr~me lImlullON call1ng ror an elq)loratnry ('(In\'tnt.lon \.() de- Mr. HOSMEn. Mr. Spenker. It Is ah to rest.rlct Us olTtrlnc. termlne a prnctlcl\l pllm ror the creaUon or'a honor tor me to report. lo our colleo.gues lean of UPJlCr. llrm Atlantic !lola" eupere""e. U1e out.atAndlnc development nnd proc- dh olealonal currlculum •.

COK!lrrnmO"AI 'AUID ress or one of lhe Nnllon's ne\\'e~t. cen-I As enrly u 1930. lhe Kremlin. he .... n M t.ers ot lcnrnln~. t.he Lone Dench Slat.e

J other 'nten\lUnl\l\lllll plotte-rl:. hAd mndo Col1('Re. tht'lr an"lysll of hClw the Unl1ed 8tl\t~a could be drawn Into onf'. world. Th .. lr JlP.nt'- This Institution Is shouldt'rlnc It .. s full lrMlng .tudy dlacln" .. d tht' dlmcu1ty. ~ responslbUllY (Of the prepo.fnllon or our boUIcr WAI Ollt COD3t1!m'on. • more youlhful Americans for llvt's or . It rea~r .. t! lpO much p.,.!t·cr (or 'nch Df service to thrlr fellow mcn and to their

. tb. fH eqnrdcn BCnle •• 0<1 tn the rc-eple. counlry. CC)n,equ~nl\y, tho olle wurldcr. f\ft(l ttlll Dr, P. Victor PrterM>n. president or

' Kr.mlll\ dr('ld.d to sireum\'~1\l t.hl" rrnt. t.he collecc. has enrned a 'nallonnl repu-


barrler. ,'he, would prumnle hl~ ~ov .. rn­l!WU. .. They would "brInk Ihr pu,c, Cat tho t.ntlon as on educnlor for his vision. fore-t)taSr' and .he peop.e OJ'" eme'5;eDQ !licht, nnd oblllty In de\'eloplng lhe col­

. flu",e,. granted the t'ed~r ... 1 am''!llm::c JSt:- lece and In recruitin:- its lOP-Quality ""- Ing W@!J Wllr it fell "I~ ~~!!.!.!.!.. hQ!!! stolt. This ls. his story or the

"bt'Aven un throe globnl plottt'rll. development or Lont:: I)cach Slate CoI-

f ·rudny ..... we lc»u" bl\(''' the ph-tur(' ~lArln,,". l('l:e: , ~ The Del'ce 'l " I rur 1\ auperttl\\C hilt! l .. u ~ CIlUT&D IN 1040. COLUCC OPI:NI:D 7 ),fOtfTHIS

r .. I&S b dhtcrcdlth\" ,.ur 0\\,11 trH a .tem. LATa:a "ho ConsUtullou ,.U! Lra,nil oler-

f"hlgnrd. \ . '(Dy Dr. P. Vlstor Peterl'on, president •. Long The ~\lur~mt Court mild cmbrace HbtrnlA.· " Dench Stute COllege) Our e('on(l' . IS enrt'cbl~ b debt. rver)'one 'n the United StAtf'S hAe

tnxe~. clebll:iemCH ml\rv~led at the raptd crowth or the louth-~ "lcnt. ""&leks SIll ur .. ", and \h~ S'l\olU.II"t ern CAUfornl" are" alnee World War n. .yalrm. and ""cr-extenslon Sir nur mlll'AU TypiCAl or the reclons f'xpuleneln, luch eummitancnill. crowth Is thRt or southern Loa Anc~lea

2;loglln" l,,\\'e bAd Ihf'lr' nlnC's 10 tbl" n~- County and adJ:\cent Or:mce County. This tnrl",,! ,Irugran,. "lntr[drQrndcor~" "We re£ton extends from the Industrial c'lt)' of CI\n'l '''IUd alonco," and "C0t'11~tcnec· &mt.h Qeu t.o the shlpl)lng centl!r or \\~1- the W.ushlngtun ~n\'C'rnment had mlngt.on and Slln Pedro. to the dalr)"n, Area I\h .... rhen tile ItSJWsra "..hit'n tne Conoll\u- of PArAmount Dnd Bf'llftower, and to the linn r.N'neA fnr the St .. lt"a nnd for lhe ~Itrua-&Towlng sectlona of Fullerton and IlC'"u1r tncn W'!lIU' bs: tl'e lime '.' 'LeiC ",0 Orangc-: tt tnCl\ld .. s rr!'nrt tnwna frnm \JnU"d Htntrl luln wprJeI guvt'rnmt"nt. "" the Rcodondo nt"Ach to SRn Clrmf'nte. And tho (PI''''' co!,! C. Thl\l "eL'le time hUll now Ar- 10De-setlied Brea or SantA Ant\.,


rIved The pi .. " Is 0" Icbe""': Jt I. ~ Almost In the nllddle or thlll cOMtnl atrlp 'ntrnS 'If I tw 1"'" feu '0 ''1ke ... Isd p .lIARUe Is Lnnc nroHch. nlth l"rgest ('lty In Cnlllornia

\ ¥.:!lun Ill"" ".,·",Id L'nun",,'·! t w"! c'!mc nnd prob"hly rhe most wf'AUhy utt city In ~ t.he: United ~lu\t:S.

To .no normal function. of till Statr~. .I .,.tem and to mUl the cit­mAcde for Integrated programa of t~lCbcr tl'Alnlng. and low occupational and ",o'n­alonal currteulunw. tho St.ate dep"nmtnt or educaUon dlrect.ed the eollege .dmlnbu .. Uon to p~'do tor llmltec1 enronm~nt or fre-ehmftn and IOphornore student! ~Innln, with the 19fi3-64 academic year. 'nit tel· lf1:e thUII .It.ered thc hlstorlenl plltt"n of dne1nrment. ot tbil typo of Inatltut\oD­from normal .chool. to tuehr,. ('('IlIf"('t, to State college--b1 moylng 1nstead. In a IbOf\ 4 ,.eus, from Mnlor college, to senl(\r C'OIlttt­wlth-a-1-y"r-grftduate program. to a rtrulat 4-yeu-unclergraduate Inalltullon l"I'h a graduat.e program.

In "rite of Its youth. Lonr. Dc-n('b !'I.I. College hq rece1nd unre,trleted atrrl'tllU· Uon b, tho Horebweat Aaaoel. Uon !)f hfto ondary and Rlgher School. a. a df'R~·Cr'\lI. Inc coUt'ge: and the CaUrornla SlAt~ ~p .. l. mcnt of EclucaUon' h .. authorlud 1.0111 Beach State College 1.0 ofrer tralnlnc ltl"lnl to .. arloua credcnUala for public .rhont "". See and to \be m .. ter of an. dt'cree In rtr­tAln tldd.!.


The temporar,. Ille for. the nt'. l\'"U cnUe~e In 1049 conaLated or lWO ar ItnrsJ aJmoet Ident.1cal apartment hO\lsr. thtU un­der conat.ruct.lon near tho cu\ern bcJrdrr d

. the city of Long Beacb. Uo,.d S. Whal~y, owner or thr b~lih!ln::t.

arranced fOC' hurried alteraUon •. whlrh P~ 'VldN) \he collego with usable qUllr·rrs. I· thoucb ylaltore were often lurprllf'd to lirA the prealdent. In an omce which hltd bHrl orlr,lnally planned for A bedrnon'" lilld tbt twllchbol\rd Inatalled where a dl. ,II;; \lI


IfIhould have been placed.

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Page 4: A3220 May oN, t! Cooper/Northridge Facility... · 2012-06-24 · I , A3220 CONlRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX May 11 n\f'f(''', but hI' ("uld not dlvertt hlmAtH from hi' 10 \'«' of

" .,

,. " '.'


CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX A3223 nn" tht trAdHlona at the college today

A~h,'" Itorlu ·about. .tudenla .ho. COD­Iff d b7 lI10 .lml1arlly at the .. partment ,"0< ,'ulled Into IOmoone'. tront r.oem hOUJ.t·· n the ,HOliK buildIng expecting to n.d a

. In In Cnlltornla hlatory or nI~lUrO .tudy. tl~t Ilculty and .tudenu at tha college.

II It W(lS oporaung In tho apartment. wh e r.lluldered thom,elve, edul!allonlll hIlUJ.tJ. boll plonn,' fllI ll .aDn Rdoptod the .ym c name lit HI'Uft 7olllneu.- . The gold ru.h boom or U40 (I \..,cle CRlltornl .. IAmou" nond doubled Ih~ I'"pulntiOIl many time. O\'er In a few II'IOI~ )'tlarll. In llJ-..a thore w al another HIU,h ." thl. Umo tor educatio n In . J.onC' Buch. ' I'he population ot the S late college trw'lmM1 100 I~rcont In :J .hort yeAts.

Ourl l1 j( Ihe nr~t year at operaUon, Lo. An'rlcs .Orflnl: e County Slate College wu a mu~h JtI\1!;ht Aflu In.ututlon. Not only did min, rc-rlonl dulro to .. ttend cl ..... clI at tho tollrr t , but mAny ciliel or the aro& w~ro ,.~ft 10 hl\ve tho cnllC1Ce located permanently within Ihtlr boundarlu, Numeroul delo_ ,.!lOIi' ml\!l1I pllRrlmaRGa to Htlcramllnto to 'I'pur h~fnre tho Public Worll:l Doard, And rrprnrl.lllltl.,n from the local le!:lalatlve I1U· IIlct. wue Advlled b, their COlU111tuent. 10 Htl rlnl: lhr. college homo."

Mtff ronlldertlble Invutlgallon the IIHell 1I11l1ft mlllh1eulion wen nanowed 1.0 4--:J In Orlll~e County, and :J In t..o. Angelel\ CUllnl)" I ot which wu near th~ unlncoq)Q­u("1 u,.t\ ot Downe, In Loa An!(,ele. Coullty .nd IlIr Oilier JUllt oullide the eMLclrn bound-

not complelely tlnlahod by the opening of tho Hun t&lI aeme.ter. and man, proCtlUOu .hand their cl •• uoom. with electrician. and painter.. One Engll.h Inalnlctor taught hi. cia .. on tha edB"t ot the collego truh dump In order to ,,&cape con.tant Interruption. To thla dar thoa" .tUdcnU haYe .. Ipcclal Utle and dea.erlptlon tor that particular lemcaU'. or EngUah.

Lonr Beach BlAte Colle Co will uperlenco another big chAnge ... nyc: QC the new perma­nent building_ all the upper campw will be .. Yall_bl. tor u.1If! . Ar. .. tnult, tho colles" will nnd HIett with .. third nt ot pioneer. who, undoubtedly, will eDnaldcr their czperl­cncu comparable! La thaee or tho plante", In the .plU'tmenl hOlUU and In tho emer­goncy building. . A lew peuon. eyen IUgRul that a hierarchy C?! planetfl will denlop at Long Beach State. for thou .... no ploneued at the apartment houu. will con.lder them­.ehe •• uperior to tho.e who pioneered only fl.l the emergency building .Ilo •• nd both at lhe.e will outrallk thOM! nowcomer. Who ar­rlv~ only In Ume to occupy lhe permanellt buildin g •.

Truly Law Nerd (or C1uiSa.tioa


HON I AWRENCF H SMIIH aIr ul LoI,S: Deneh. or W1§CQHDl tof

,..01'051» 01J'T

A I:mllp or Lnn!!: Duch ~Illun. propoeed .,IN TIl!'! I!OOSE OP nD' to 1helr lellnw townllmen that the cit, pur- Wtdnesdov, May 1 r 19S5

(hut a,ul ~I"e to the ~tate thll Inttor litO U r"tr SMITH o[ W!scpp:!ln Mr, Spenk-tnt I,unhi llelltlrx:allo n or tho college. er, under leBve to extend my rem arb,

Oil April Il, IO~O, the 8talo Public Workll nolld "'I:rtell to lOCAte the DtMe celleie In I am Including D. very Intere.5ting edl­Willi; ~Arh Ir thr. pr~ed .lte w ere anlloscd torlD.1 which D.ppeared In the Milwaukee 10 Iht tU), Alld IllInAted to the Blate. Senllnel on the .5ubJect o[ treaty law.

On Junr. II , ID~. tho cltlzenl nt Long lluch ThI.5 editorial polnl.3 out that tor nearly b, .. ".",1,,,,. vol. at • city ,I«tlon .,,- !:.~~.u; :ID.lIt 0; L Co 3.l.llJ thOfl7_rlt Ihe cit, council 1.0 I\cqulre tho .fIo' ........ ""In,, UI. .nt nl;; .. prtlJll'IlY Inll dnnate It 1.0 the S tAte ... the

pamll,rnl CllnlJltu of the Billie college. OnL lli~~~~~~~~~~~~1~1'~~~~;i~~~ Jl1tlt 1, HI!lO, tho Btllte Director or Educntlon om~lally K"'u' tho InMlIlullou the n .. me Or llIn,; Ur~dl ~U Ato Collego. a. .e 5.c: J.t; Y. the

Allhllllt:h the permanent IIllo la Inca ted oC ~Rlahl: 1ru:1udJng .5tMrS rlgj1u within Ihe clly or LnnR Dench and the under thJ: J!Hb n~";~dWpt. CIIIIIII)' lit I""",, Angoltl, It II w\thln one·halr The edltorlnl tollow",: mil. ut Ille Oranl;e Count, border. The urnlt"l lur which the city or LoIlK IkAcl\ T!Ll.TT 4""_ paid _pprHlhnAuly tl mlllinn comprlau 320 l'rtllrlent EI.enho wcr hn •• old , and Sccre-lrIts IrulltI"K 1111 M-eventh Street, Itl eleva- tar, of !HAtO Dullrl hili tnUned , th.t they Ilun h 1111'1\ IhAt there III both an "upper" would accept.ectlon 1 or the Drlck(lr amend­.tld I "I' lwrr" canlplil. Alone time tho land mellt . w ... I by pnTt at J'lancho 1.0. AIl\mllnll, an Tho lIectlon deeillre~ that no lrtaty or hbll>flr L'uiUllrnl" Innd granl . At Lhe rrri. other Intcrnatlolllli agreement connlcllnlC rUI IImr. Iho campul III enclOled on tllree with tho I"ederal Con.tltut!oll Ihall hllve lid,. Ii)' hhlllrll, all ot which hllve boen con- "any fnree or elTect." .I,"rh·,1 within tho II\I~ I!i or e yrRn. TI'II,n,_ DUl .ectlon I II a l" PMt or the .mend-1'''11111,," hrl1on'en thl "c .. mpuI ' nnd·the are.. ·men&' · ."d II 01 lillie. vailio in ItlleU ; . for 11 1f'lYra III rApidly Improving I\A the con_ lIeellon 1. ItAndlng alono , haa already been IInw1hHl ut mAjor treewa'l movel forWArd. nuillned by Ye-deral conrt d~clllonl under

A,ltll"nle rmerK,c ncy racilltl(l:l wero erected which the exeeutivi branch mA, dl.,egard lin I h .. II .. W aUa dnrlng lho I\tRlmer at lO~1 the Conltltutlon without IIppearlng t.o .,10-

'1111 tht cClllel(e moved there tor tho opening late tho CoII.Utution. III Ihfl fnll ... muter, Addltlonnl emergency Sec lion :J comploln .retlon 1 by 11ipUlftt_ 1"11111 .. , wrro enn.tructed during the lum- tng that a lrellt, or other International nltr 11111 rAil lit 10~1 In order to nleat th" de- agreement ma, be mllde domo.lIc la .. tor the "'.'"1.4 III "rlalnlt enrollment. All In the caae United Staloe only b, "valid" legl.lallon,: nf I" .. ph.",.",. lit lho apartmenl hou .. lite, EVer, Important' lorotl'n country ~~ I_roilly 111111 ,tudenll alllre approlehed the l"'rllnco l tho Hotberl'I"" end Mf"lm rehlMI t"o"~r".·y bulldlnSI with tho e"thUlI .. m ot thl l .elt- rOlectlon II al v rh'IlAI "IIUmllnl . DurlnlC the ntlt tl. tI.,e ae on, AI to OKeeUU.,e action In tor~ "'''1111 .... t 1000cupa\lon the weather competod elgn analre, the Orlcker amendment only .lIhlht 11#11 I'lum or the colle!(,I, for when- .... rLa that luch letlon. mull lH! S9n'III!'­flU Illn Itanrd 1.0 rail ItUdenLa duhod out l.I..2!!.!l.. \of tl~ (I"""TUOml to mayo their carl trom "LcIllat .. 1I0n by truty" can boo .. nd hlUl I~ fttllJa to the Studtlnll \LIlng a b.en, ImflOlod on the Unltod Blat.,. outalde YI'Alb, ,t""I', IItlO~ hllilide tor parkinI' ..... the Conltltullon both b, tormal Ueatlu .. nd. 1~lr can IlIdllll' and bwnplnc tocother by Intormal eXKuU"e a.cr_menl • • '1IrIYl( IIllt l,arLieularl, hea.,y aturm. Oon- The ConlUtutlon dMI Am eUn me nUon

' !IWfIl,," .. t the cme,,,endc, bulldlnp wa. ntcytly. 1I([eePleDlA.

It pro.,lde, that lrealiu "made under the authoril, oC the Unlt..ed Statu" · aro -'he lupreme law at tho land,- alollg .. lth tho ConatitUtion Illelt, and It ompoweu the President to negOU .. te trealltl ,

~ For 13:J year •. the IUpremLCy or ur~ Con_

lIlulion In treatymaklng wu bardly qUbl_ loned. 'nlen came. In the (allowing order, cor_

ro.I 'u COUrt decillion I wblch bavo .hunled. the ConaUlution allde:

_~M~; ~r

to Bourbon doctrine DC the ·'dl­

",Ine rIght 0' kings ." BI Ita uoru ths: P)w1 . cnl Oovernment 11 not rutrlcud bl tho ConlUtution In maiIng 1awl for the Aaur. Ican peonle In tho V'!.o 0' .... 'IN.

HH:J Tho Ping Thl. deeilion con· cerned .n ex«uU'fe C1!men II,

r 'flet RU .. la. The Supreme Court noUd that a treat, Is .. "law of the land" under tho Conultullon and L&!!erkd that ·'Iuch Int.emllU compAcu and a men " II' the. one then I •• m

TIlII rea.a.oOlng· docs .,Iolence to tho Con­.Ututlon.

According to the Conelltutlon: a trellt, becomea a "law ot the land" onl, It Approved b, two-third. ot the Senale . Dut an ncc;u. live ,reemenL UI not rSQulrM 'D go berore the !Jen!!.l.(! tor IcoUlAJ .

dAnger to our from tretlt, legillatlon I. rei aU vel, recent. but It h .... be­come .,ery great,

At .. bAr auoclaUon meeting In Inulnl)lo ' In ID~2, Mr. Dulin, lpe"klng u a prl .... le eill. un, warned thal trealln CAn llb lite "til" right. R ven our reop e by the conltllut onlll tilii or filghti. I

Now, til &lcretar, ot StAte, Mr. nullel op­posta the Drlckcr amendment. He pieAdIl that the E:1l.anhower admlnlltr"lIon would not mnll:e a bad el:eeut!ve 'Rreemt'nt or All unconAlitutional truty, DUt thero will bo other admlnlltrallona arter thll one,

On thll point, the Sentinel prder. the ad­monillon o[ nomn' I,!"ettvm. whn IIlld :

Peanut Polilic.



0,. r-,t.t,.OI",a

1M T1IE nOOSE OF nr;f'nES~ATIV£."I

Wednesdoll. J'\tdli 11. 1955

Mr. HIESTAND. Mr. SJ)f'IlKCr, bl"· cawe my eurrent nCW.5 rcl("[L,e, .'Onle· what whimsical In nature, regardlnR: the farm prler-supporlA d("bMe. WM r-ntl­lIed "pe-nnut Politics," I nalUrally . WIU



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