  • 1. FrontTrack ListCD Slot

2. LyricsGalleryBack 3. This will be the CD on its own, without the disc-holder. It is a blended image of an umbrella, downloaded from Google Images, and a picture taken of Cara before she sings. On Photoshop, I removed the background blended images around the CD circle shape, then used the typing tool (T) to type out and stylise the writing on the CD 4. CD Holder without the CD. Once the CD is removed, the picture completes itself, slightly faded however, the blended picture on the CD completes the picture when the CD is attached. 5. Changed opacity on both images and placed them over one another to blend the imageLocated photograph on Kirsty's blog, print screened it and merged it with another image downloaded from Google.comThen I typed up and used effects on Photoshop to add a more professional look to the panel e.g. applied a Drop Shadow 6. First Draft of the Lyrics panel 7. Zapfino as a font wasn't clear enough to read for the Lyrics panel and so I instead decided to use Apple Chaucery instead. I applied a Colour Overlay of white and Stroke (Width: 2 on the Title) in black to enhance the clarity against the image. I then swapped the effects over for the actual lyrics, where there was no Colour Overlay but a white Stroke 8. Rehearsal for Moonlight Lounge ConcertDesigned on Photoshop, using the tool used to make the Front Cover panel. The font is Zapfino and has become a recurring motif in our digipackWater On Glass album title written in a clear, Times New Roman, the circles a style choice to separate the information and a Google Image bar code, as well as the Parlophone logo which will be put on the other spine framing the Back Cover panelRehearsal for Moonlight Lounge ConcertShallow singthroughWriting the music to ShallowWriting the music to ShallowSquare reinforced paper flaps will cover the photos in the Gallery section to protect the photos as well as provide the captions and a cute twist for the customer to enjoyPhoto ShootPractising Is He Really Coming Home?Photos of artist at jam sessions, rehearsals, photo shoots and general socialisingPractising Shallow 9. I made the photos merge and added the Parlophone logo, downloaded from, on Powerpoint, then took the screenshot image over to Photoshop to add a black border to the title Water On Glass. This, however, doesn't fit with the design of the other panels and so it might be subject to change 10. This panel was the simplest to design. As there was no Titles, all that was requires was to blend two images together. I took the rose picture from the dud-panel and add a Black and White effect on Photoshop, before tampering with the opacity of the image and overlapping it with a similarly effected photograph of our artist. After that I just used the Parlophone logo again in the corner and added the spine

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