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A common convention of

magazine adverts is the release date. Most adverts I

looked at had the date at the bottom, but in bold writing, clearer than most of the typography on the advert. I

followed this convention as it is important for the audience to see.

The black writing behind the pale

pink background makes the date a focal point of the advert, and clear

for the audience to see.

Another common feature of

magazine adverts is the record label

logos. By following this convention, it

emphasises the popularity of the artists, as they belong to a well known, wealthy

record label. This makes the

audience more likely to take notice of the


Page 2: A2 media portfolio evaluation b

On many of the adverts for ‘pop’

albums I looked at, a common feature was the artists website at

the bottom. We decided to use this

convention as it would appeal to my target audience of

teenagers. They are most likely to use the internet and social network,

therefore having the artists websites

creates more entry points for the right target audience..

Similarly, to my previous point, we

used another common convention of existing adverts when including the ITunes logo. Our

target audience are more likely to use ITunes, therefore

will be more interested in the

advert after seeing the logo. It also

presents the album or song to be

‘popular’ as it is on a well known online

music store.

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A common form of pop album magazine adverts is having the name of the album

and artists name, in the centre of the page as one of main focal points. We

developed this convention, as shown in the ‘Lights’ advert, by swapping the

name of the arts round with the album name. The album name is larger

because as a group we thought the audience are more likely to remember

the word that catch their eye first.

The typography we used was also following a common ‘pop’ genre form. The ‘showbiz’ and girly appearance of

the writing connotes the genre and type of song the advert is promoting, and makes it easily recognisable as a pop song by using this convention. The

illuminous pink also attracts our target audience of teenage girls, as pink is

stereotypically a girly colour.

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We included a preview of some well known songs that feature on the album that we are

advertising. This is a common convention of pop album adverts. This convention gives our

audience a taster of what to expect from the album, therefore enticing them in. By using a small selection of well known songs, this can attract a larger audience as people who have only listened to songs on the radio can access

the artists through their album.

We used the same typography as the rest of the text on the advert, but smaller as we didn’t want it to take the audiences attention away from the actual name of the album and the

artists themselves.

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The main focal point of magazine adverts for the pop genre is a

large central image of the artist/s themselves. By using this

common convention of existing media products, our advert is

recognisable as the same genre as other artists, such as Olly

Murs. Similarly to our advert, the image of Olly is in the centre of the advert, enlarged to take up

most of the page.

By doing this, our audience can recognise the artists on other

media platforms, when watching the music video in TV, or seeing

the digipak on sale in shops. They then have access to the artists and their song in more

than one way, and are more likely to buy the album.

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A convention of a real digipak front cover is

having the artists featuring. This is

particularly common in the pop genre. On Little

mix’s front cover, the four girls take up the

majority of the page. We used this convention as the artists are the most important thing for the audience to see; they

are easily recognisable.

The album name also takes up a lot of space

on pop covers, as this is something the audience will have remembered from advertisements

and other entry points on different media


To create personal identity for the

audience, we have used a convention of mis-en-scene. The artists are purposely dressed in

high street clothing so the audience can see the album cover and immediately relate to their idols. However

they still look glamorous and ‘celebrity’ like. This is a common form used on most digipak covers

in the pop genre.

The typography within the pop genre is also

rounded and circular as this is stereotypically

girly. We developed this by using the same style as the magazine advert so the target audience

will recognise it.

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As well as the front cover, a common

convention of real media digipaks is to have the

artists image feature on the page. Most examples I have looked at have an medium long shot of the

artist, posing.

We have used but developed this convention as we have included the artists on the back cover, but in a different way to

usual. Our artist image is a long shot of the three girls – from behind – in

silhouette style. Although the audience already

know what the girls look like, it creates an element of surprise like a show is about to start, therefore

portraying that the album and DVD will be like a


All digipaks I looked at included the barcode, copy right information and the record labels

logo. We used this convention to make our digipak look as realistic as possible. Having the

record label present also shows that our artists

belong to a well known company, and shows it is

a high budget production, making the audience more likely to

buy it.

The song list and description of the DVD is in small writing as it is

something for the audience to read once they’ve picked up the

digipak or bought it. The image is the main focal

point of this page, so the text doesn’t have to be

as large.

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On the cover for the DVD, we used a

common form of pop album digipaks by

including the lyrics to the main featuring song. This is so our target audience of

young teenage girls can feel involved with the digipak, album and artists by having the

option to sing along to the song, creating entertainment and


We made the background the most stereotypically girly

colour – pink – to relate to the target

audience as much as possible, and follow a typical convention of a

real pop album.

The typography of the lyrics is also very

girly, and was intended to look as if

the artists themselves had hand written it out. This

therefore makes the audience feel more in

touch with their idols. In most pop

albums, the typography is a

common convention used to appeal to the

certain target audience.

Having girly images to attract the

audience is another form we used from

real media products. This was to break up the text and make the page more attractive.

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Because our target audience are

younger teenage girls, we decided to use a convention to make our digipak most appropriate.

Digipaks of the same genre include a lot of imagery on

the inside pages rather than text to make the digipak more appealing to

look at.

The imagery we used related to the main feature song.

Like Andrew Goodwin explained for music videos, there is usually

relation between visual imagery and


The first image is of one of the artists

blowing bubble-gum, and is an extreme

close up. We developed the convention as

typically, pop albums contain long shots of the artist, across a number of pages

forming one image. Although our images are separate, instead of a joint image, they

still relate to each other.

The bubble gum is then popped on the opposite page with

the words ‘bang bang’, relating to both

the main song and previous image.

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Once again we used and followed a

common convention of having a close up of the artist on the

CD design. We used an extreme close up of one of the artists eyes for the CD. We

also edited the photo to add a pink colour tone to fit with the

colour scheme on the rest of the digipak. Its also common to

have the artists name on the CD, effectively

making it another ‘front cover’. We

followed this convention as it more

visually appealing than having a plain image, CD’s from

other genres usually have.

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