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Smoothie Sims, Inc. proudly presents…

A Villainous Apocalypse

Episode 20 - “He Who Fights Monsters”

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“Hey, Saffron! You’re right on time.”

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“That’s a first. I guess you’re Mr. Fitzhugh?”

“Please, call me Vaughn. Mr. Fitzhugh’s…actually, not my dad, or my grandfather, since I don’t think either of them likesbeing called that any more than I do. Anyway, come on in.”

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“So what do you have to tell me about this internship?”

Vaughn grinned widely. “Yeah, about that…it’s not really an internship.”

Saffron had suspected that all along, and only arched an eyebrow in response. “Yeah, doesn’t surprise me. No one intheir right mind wants to recruit me for office work. Plus, you guys didn’t go by the standard procedure at all. It was adead giveaway.”

“But you came! And it is a real job, it’s just the kind that needs some kind of front because we can’t just broadcast it toeveryone in Sierra Plains.”

“…I’m listening.”

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Behind Vaughn, a door opened, and Saffron glanced that way to see a blonde woman who reminded her a little of Azulawalk out of it. “She’s here? Great. Thanks for getting the door, uncle.”

Vaughn made a face. “Okay, Lina, that was cute when you were three, but now it’s weird.”

Selina smirked. “You just make it way too easy.”

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“Saffron, I’d like you to meet my colleague, Selina Morgan.”

She reached for the older woman’s outstretched hand, not bothering to hide her amusement at the exchange. “So do Icall you Selina, or Mrs. Morgan?”

“Selina’s fine. It’s great to meet you. I’m going to be doing your interview.” Selina turned to Vaughn. “Thanks, Vaughn,I’ll take it from here. Don’t give me that look.”

He pouted, then laughed. “Fine, I’ll behave. See you around, Saffron.”

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“So what exactly does this ‘job’ entail?” Saffron asked, as soon as he had gone.

“Quite a few things we think will be right up your alley, actually. Let’s go sit down and talk about it.”

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The two of them adjourned to the porch, where Selina laid out the situation for Saffron in much the same way thatMarina had presented it to her, finishing the explanation off with a formal offer for Saffron to join them.


“I know. It was a lot for me to take in, too, and I had all of maybe three minutes to make my decision. We’re going togive you more time than that, obviously, but this information can’t leave this house. Don’t tell anyone what I’ve just toldyou.”

“I won’t, I promise. I do really like the idea and am leaning towards accepting, but I’ll have to think about it…oh wait.”

“What is it?”

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“If I accepted, would I have to live here?”

“Yes, you’d move in with us.”

“Then I can’t. I’m sorry. I’m the heir, so I have to move home after I graduate.”

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Selina’s gaze shifted away, her mouth twisting in a slight grimace. “Yes, about that…there’s something else I shouldprobably tell you before you leave.”


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Billy’s final days as a teen were good ones, for the most part. Now that she had built up her business empire and was nolonger feeling as young as she used to, Mya had begun looking into hiring a manager to do some of the administrativework. While she was doing that, she did not ask Harry or Billy to come to the shops with her, and Billy used the timewisely, making up for all the afternoons that he had had to work for her.

Harry readily gave him permission to have his cousins and Snow over, and, as teenagers do, they spent the daylighthours having a fine old time making as much noise as possible.

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As it got dark, and Harry expressed the desire for some quiet time, they turned off the radio and ambled upstairs tohave some quiet fun.

“Are the three of you all going to live together at SPU?” Billy asked his cousins. Riku’s only reply was a look of abjecthorror, which made him laugh.

“Nah, Mom did some fancy calculations and told us it would be cheaper if we split up than to get our own new house,”Cid said importantly. “Mikey and Phil have space for one more, so Riku’s going there, and Barbara and Woody got agreat deal but they need four people for it, so that’s where Kirby and I are going to live.”

“Aunt Suzy always thinks economically,” Billy agreed. “What about you, Snow?”

She lifted a shoulder. “I’ll live in the dorms for a while and then join our family’s Greek House. Saffy’s already there.”

“Makes sense. I’ll be living with my sisters, too.”

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“I’ll bet you a hundred Simoleons that Azula’s turned your house into a cupcake and you won’t be able to live there.”

“Shut up, Riku.”

“I hope we’ll still see you a lot,” Kirby said to Snow, over the guys’ bickering.

Snow grinned. “Of course! We’re within easy driving distance of you guys and I can catch a ride with Saffy.”

“Awesome. I love these guys, but sometimes I just need another girl around to stay sane,” the brunette lamented.Snow nodded her agreement and the two burst into giggles just as footsteps sounded on the stairs.

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“Billy?” At that one word, Billy cringed. It was easy to tell that Mya was Not Happy. “It’s almost ten. What are you alldoing up here?”

“We’re just hanging out,” he said, trying his best not to be defensive about it. That would get him nowhere. “Dad said itwas okay.”

“I could hear you clearly downstairs,” she replied. “That is much too loud for this late. Your father needs his rest.”

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“But he said it was okay.”

“And now I’m telling you that you need to lower your volume.”

“Don’t worry about it, Billy,” Kirby said gently. “We should get home anyway.”

He nodded, hanging his head a bit. “Sorry, guys.”

“It’s cool, dude,” Cid insisted. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”

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When they had all gone, Mya took a seat on the sofa and motioned her son over. “Billy, when I tell you that you needto be quieter, I expect you to do it without protesting. It is late, and when you have your friends over you need to watchthe time and tone it down when other people want to go to bed.”

“Dad would have said if we were bothering him,” Billy insisted, “and besides, it’s not my fault that you can heareverything in this house.”

“It is your fault when you aren’t being considerate. You know your father is sick and needs his rest. What were youthinking, inviting people over? What if they contracted what he has?”

“Aunt Suzy didn’t want us at her place because she’s writing a lesson plan for her class, and Dad said we could comehere.”

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“What possessed you to even ask?”

Billy could not help glaring at her now. “Maybe I wanted to hang out with my friends because I’m always at the shops, soI never see them?”

“You see them all the time, Billy.”

“No, I don’t. When they come see me at work it’s not the same. I can’t talk to them long because I have to talk tocustomers.”

“Well, I’m sorry, but it doesn’t change the fact that I asked you to quiet down and instead of simply saying ‘Okay,Mom,’ you fought me on it, and in front of your friends, too. How do you think that makes me feel? Don’t make me thebad guy.”

He gritted his teeth. “I didn’t do anything wrong.”

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“Billy Israel Fitzhugh, stop arguing with me and apologize.”


His refusal visibly shocked her, and even Billy could not believe that he had really said it. “Excuse me?” she said.

“I said no.”

“Young man, you will be grounded until you go to college unless I hear an apology right this instant.”

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“Fine!” he yelled, causing Mya to recoil. “I’m not sorry and I’m not going to apologize just to get out of being groundedfor a day! You never think about my feelings and you never want to admit that you’re wrong. I’m sick of it!”

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“How dare you talk to me that--Billy! Don’t walk away when I’m talking to you!”

He ignored her and kept going.

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The next thing he knew, he was at his cousins’ front door. Somewhere along the way, the anger had slowly begun toebb, leaving behind a rawness that throbbed in his heart. He rang the bell, not caring about the late hour or what hisaunt would say when she saw him there.

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Kirby was the one to answer the door. “Billy? What’re you doing here?”

His throat was so tight that he couldn’t answer, and he felt tears welling up in his eyes even as he tried not to let themout. I can’t cry. That won’t fix anything.

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She pulled him into a fierce hug without questioning further. “It’ll be okay, Billy,” she murmured, soothingly, as he clungto her.


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When Billy arrived at SPU, he was greeted enthusiastically by his two sisters. “I have to go to class pretty--right now,actually,” Elle said, apologetically, “but I’m really glad you’re here, and I’ll see you in a couple of hours.”

“Sure, Ellie,” Billy replied, and she flashed him a quick grin before she ran off.

“Want some cereal, Billy boy?” Azula asked. “I think we’ve got enough milk to cover you.”

“Cereal sounds good.”

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Once they had begun to eat, Billy told Azula about what had happened between him and Mya, and to his relief, she wasnothing but sympathetic. “I’m so sorry, Billy.”

“I didn’t mean to yell at her or anything, but I just…”

“No, I completely understand. Mom just kills me sometimes with how utterly clueless she is about stuff. You were right.She barely even thinks about how we all feel and it’s impossible to deal with.”

“I don’t want to go back there.”

“Yeah, I don’t either.”

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Billy smiled for the first time since the argument at hearing this. “I knew you’d understand, Zuzu. I couldn’t talk to Ellieabout this. She’d just defend Mom. She doesn’t get it at all.”

Azula sighed. “Ellie’s…complicated, Billy. I really honestly don’t think she likes it any more than we do. She just has aharder time showing it.”

“You think so?”

“Yeah, I do. She might be the most…docile, of the three of us, but I think that puts even more pressure on her. She wasmiserable when she first got here.”

“I guess you’d know better than me. She’s closer to you.”

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Azula smirked. “I have trained her well.” He chuckled, and her expression relaxed into a fond grin. “We both love you topieces, Billy boy.”

“Yeah, I love you guys, too.”

“Listen, I’ve still got two more years before I graduate and I think we should just have fun and be cool now that we’re alltogether away from home. You, my brother, are going to love college. I will personally see to that.”

“I’m counting on it, Zuzu.”

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By the time Snow stopped by to see how he was settling in, Billy felt much better about the whole thing and greeted herwith enthusiasm. “Oh, good, you’re okay,” she said, relieved, when he let her up for air.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” he replied, with a smile. “Want to see the house?”


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After Billy moved in, and his friends became fixtures around the house, it became harder for his sisters to get sometime to themselves. Before then, they had been accustomed to making visits elsewhere if they needed company andkeeping their own house for quiet time. Neither really wanted to tell Billy to knock it off, though, so they tried to come upwith other solutions.

Elle decided, that first semester, that she would go to the student union and see if there was a computer she could useto work on her term paper for a few hours. When she announced this, Azula offered to walk with her, and they set offimmediately, leaving Billy to blast the radio as loud as he wanted.

“Are you going to come in and hang out for a while?” Elle asked, when they got there.

“Nah, I think I’ll take a walk. I haven’t seen this part of the university yet. If I don’t come back before you’re done,don’t wait for me. I’ll meet you at home.”

“Okay, have fun!” The younger girl ducked inside, and Azula rounded the corner and continued walking.

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Looking around, she immediately felt deeply uncomfortable about being there and quickened her step. The land beyondthe student union consisted mainly of half-built houses and bare plots where other buildings would eventually go. It wasa stark contrast from the area she lived in. When she was at home, it was easy to forget that Sierra Plains University wasa half-baked project, the progress of which had slowed considerably after her great-grandmother Narissa had left herposition as Education Minister to join the police force. The fact that her housing was as good as it was was solely due tothe fact that her family had the money to make it that way.

She decided to walk down to the end of the street, and then turn for home. On her way, she caught sight of a smallcampsite under an overhang and glanced that way curiously to see what was going on. She was about to turn away andhurry by when she realized that one of the people was someone she knew and did a double-take.

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He straightened up immediately and turned to greet her, and if he felt as uneasy as she did, he hid it perfectly. “Azula!Wow, I didn’t expect to see you here!”

“I didn’t expect to see you here, either,” she said.

“Oh! Yeah, I live here.”

“You…live here?”

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“Yeah, uh, it’s a long story having to do with scholarships and loans and whatnot.”

Azula attempted not to look as confused as she felt. “I had no idea.”

“It’s not something I advertise. Mike’s the only one who knows.” He shrugged, smiling. “I don’t mind you knowing,though.”

“I won’t tell anyone if you don’t want me to.”

“Thanks. So what are you doing here?”

“Just taking a walk. I’ve never really been in this part of the university before.”

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“Well, it looks like it might rain. Want to stay for a while?”

She couldn’t think of an excuse. “Sure, thanks.” Hastily, to keep from lapsing into an awkward silence, she added, “Isthat your brother? I know Kahlen a little bit but I don’t think I’ve talked to him much.”

“Yeah, that’s Trent. Hang on, I’ll introduce you.”

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So she ended up staying for three hours, long enough to meet and speak with Trent even though she was not at allcomfortable…

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…for Kahlen to return from class and make some snarky comments that she did not find as witty as usual…

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…and for Dominic to drag out their stereo and ask her to dance, which did not make her feel as happy as it had the lasttime.

When the sky began to get lighter, she glanced at the horizon to see that the clouds had abated but that the sun wasbeginning to dip, and finally figured out an excuse to leave. “I’d better get back,” she said to Dominic. “I’ll miss Billy’schef salad if I don’t and you know how rations are.”

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He pulled her into a hug, as he always did. “It was good to see you. Let’s hang out again soon.”

“Yeah, let’s,” she said, though her heart was not totally in it.

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She took the long way home without thinking, and by the time she arrived back, it was dark.

Seeing her own house again snapped her out of the trance she had been in the entire walk back, and the scene at thecampsite replayed itself, blurring her vision. She had never wanted to be away from a place more in her life andregretted that she had ever made the decision to go out that day.

Suddenly, she remembered that Dominic was a good friend of hers, and felt ashamed of herself. Maybe he wasn’t aswell off as she was, but he had not been ashamed to have her there. He had self-respect, and that was why her crowdliked him.

It was certainly something she didn’t have. She hadn’t had it in a long time. About all she really had going for her was,well…her money.

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A horrible thought that she had been trying to suppress ever since she had first met Dominic finally sprang, unbidden,from her mind: Why would a guy like that want a girl like me?

“You slut,” she rasped, wiping furiously at sudden tears. “You stupid, stupid slut.”

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Azula realized with a start that she had begun her breakdown right next to the living room, and immediately hatedherself for it. The last thing she wanted was for either Elle or Billy to see her like this.

“Zuzu, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she said, but it came out strangled. Stop crying! Stop it!

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Elle tentatively put an arm around Azula, which only made her cry harder. “Come on, Zuzu,” she said, coaxingly. “Talk tome. What happened?”

“It’s stupid,” Azula shot, pressing the heels of her hands into her eyes as hard as she could. “It’s so stupid, I can’t--look, I’m fine.”

“You’re not fine,” Elle argued. “You’re crying, and you never cry.”

“I’ll be fine. Just forget it.”

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Elle could not forget it--just the sight of Azula in tears made her want to cry, too--but she backed off anyway, insteadattempting to guide her sister toward the open door. “Come in and have some salad. You’ll feel better.”

Azula nodded silently and went with her.


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After a while, Azula’s decision to keep quiet and forget that anything had happened was beginning to drive her out ofher mind. She was unable to discuss it with her usual confidant, and wasn’t sure she wanted to hear what Elle would haveto say about it in any case, so she took the next best option--Mikey, who already knew all about it.

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At Mikey’s, relatives and friends always had a standing invitation to walk right in, and so Azula did exactly that,regardless of the fact that a house full of boys might mean that they were all lounging around without their shirts anddoing gross boy things. Luckily for her, the only people in the living room were Mikey and Phil, who were just playing RedHands.

“Hey, Zuzu!” Mikey called over his shoulder. “Good to see you!”

“You too, Mikey. I hope you don’t mind me just dropping by.”

“You’re fine. Make yourself comfortable.”

She hesitated. “Actually…can I talk to you?”

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Phil tactfully exited to give them some space, and once he was gone, Azula explained her dilemma.

“Oh, Zuzu.” Mikey looked as if he wanted to laugh. “It’s not as big a deal as you’re making it out to be.”

“You are not helping,” she said, displeased at his reaction.

“Well, what do you want me to do? ‘Azula, it’s time you knew…not everyone in the world lives the way we do. I know it’s ashock, but--’”

She poked him. “Knock it off, you dork.”

He flashed an impudent grin at her before sobering. “Really, though, what do you want me to tell you?”

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“I don’t know, Mikey, I just…do you know why?”

“No, I don’t, and even if I did I don’t think I could tell you. It’s his business.”

She sighed. “I guess that’s fair.”

“Why is it bothering you? Did seeing it change your opinion of him?”

“I don’t want it to,” she said, after a moment of thought. “But I feel like things have changed now that I know.”

“In what way?”

“Like…I don’t understand how someone like him could’ve ended up there. Why isn’t the university helping him more?Don’t they know?”

“I couldn’t tell you, Zuzu. Honestly, though, I suspect that a large part of it is that that’s just the way things are aroundhere. In a lot of ways this place is worse off than home. People are so busy trying to fix what’s wrong there that theuniversity doesn’t get as much attention as it should.”

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“That doesn’t make it okay.”

“Of course it doesn’t, but that’s why the relief effort’s still going, isn’t it? You can do something about it, Azula.”

Her grandfather had told her the same thing, she remembered suddenly. The day he took her to the playground for thefirst time, he had told her that it wasn’t over yet and that it was up to her to continue the work, and that sometimes, itwould be hard. “When that happens, I want you to remember that it used to be a lot worse and that it can and will get better.Okay?”

Years later, she finally understood. “Yeah, I can. And I will.”

“And you’ll do a kickass job of it, too,” Mikey agreed.

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“Thanks, Mikey. I’m sorry to bother you with all this.”

“Don’t even worry about it. We’re family, remember? You can talk to me about anything.”

“What about you? Are you okay? I feel like a bad cousin because I missed out on the whole Naomi thing.”

“I’m completely fine and all of that’s over with, so don’t feel bad.”

“So you and Elphaba are good, then?”

He grinned a little goofily at that. “Better than good.”

“Say no more,” she said, making a face. “That’s all I need to know now and probably ever.”

“You’re just jealous.”

“You wish.”

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“Awww, it’s okay, Zuzu. I’m sure your love life will get better soon.”

“Yeah, nice of you to say, but I doubt it.”

He smirked. “On the contrary, I have it on good authority that it might.”

“Do not get my hopes up if it’s not true,” she said, glaring at him.

“Would I lie to you?”


“Oh now that’s just cold. I solve all your problems, and this is how you treat me?”

“I love you?”

“Sure you do.”

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The conversation with Mikey made her feel better, but she thought it would be better, all the same, to back off whereDominic was concerned for a while. Predictably, that resolution did not last long.

The next day, her phone buzzed, and she removed it from her pocket to find his number on the caller ID. She answeredit immediately. “Dom! Hey.”

“Hey, Azula,” he greeted her, putting a smile on her face and a melty feeling in her heart. “What’s up?”

“Not a lot. What about you?”

“Not much either. Listen, though, I have a huge favor to ask. Can I use your computer for a couple of hours to type up my termpaper?”

“Of course you can!”

“Great. The sign-up sheet at the student center was full, or I would go there--”

“Please, you’re not bothering me at all. Come on over.”

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Ten minutes later, she felt embarrassed for agreeing so readily, but fortunately for her, Dominic did not arrive until itwas close to class time, so she greeted him at the door with a smile on her face. “Hey, Dom. Please ignore the nakedbrother.”

“I’m wearing pajama bottoms!”

“Anyway, I have to go to class, but the computer is upstairs and it’s logged onto my account, so you should pretty muchbe able to open a Word document and you’ll be good to go.”

“Great,” Dominic said. “Thank you so much. You’re really helping me out of a bind here.”

“It’s not a problem, honestly. I’ll see you after class if you’re still here.”

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Not only was he still there when she returned to the house, but he had finished his term paper and was teaching Elle howto slap dance. Azula noted with some relief that Elle seemed relaxed and was having a good time. “Hey guys,” shegreeted them. “How come no one told me about the party?”

“I think I’m just about done,” Elle said breathlessly. “This dance is crazy. I have no idea how he’s still going.”

“It’s a skill,” Dominic informed her, solemnly, before bursting into a wide grin. She laughed and retreated to get somewater.

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“So did you get your term paper done okay?”

“All typed up and emailed to my prof. Thanks again. You’re a lifesaver.”

“You’re welcome. Really, it was no trouble. If you ever need to borrow it again, just ask.”

“I will.”

“So listen,” she said, hesitantly, “I’m really sorry about the other day being so awkward.”

Dominic blinked in surprise. “What do you mean?”

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“You know, when I walked by your place.”

“Oh, that? You thought that was awkward? I was really happy to see you.” He paused and eyed her. “Hold on. Is thisabout where I’ve been living? Did seeing the campsite make you uncomfortable?”

“A little,” she admitted, wishing she hadn’t brought it up. “I didn’t expect it. I thought you were renting a housesomewhere like the rest of us.”

He smiled a little. “No, sorry. You seemed completely cool with it at the time, so I didn’t make a big deal out of it.”

“It did feel odd to be there, but I didn’t want you to feel bad about it.”

“Well, I try not to. We’re pretty lucky to be there. All three of us are scholarship students and we barely earned enoughof those to cover tuition, but we got a good deal on the rent for the plot because there’s nothing on it. And, well, we’reused to roughing it.”

“But couldn’t your parents help you out?”

Dominic regarded her for a moment in silence. “I’ll tell you about it sometime,” he said finally.

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“Okay,” she said. “I’m sorry. I’m just not used to seeing things like that.” She paused. “That totally made me soundlike a spoiled rich girl, didn’t it?”

“Yes, it did. You’re cute, though, so you’ll get by.” He kept up the straight face for a few seconds, but it was unable tostand firm against Azula’s incredulous expression and crumpled into laughter. She couldn’t help joining in.

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After he caught his breath, he resumed the seriousness. “Look, Azula, I’m not ashamed of being poor. You don’t…haveto feel shame for me.”

“I don’t,” she promised. “I’m really okay with it and I’ll deal better next time.”

“Okay, then,” he said, with a smile. “We’re good.”


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“…and you guys know that Uncle Lex is always talking about how the police can’t do anything because the army is incharge of enforcing martial law, and there are so many people who still need help but there’s no real government oranything, and let’s not even get into the labor laws because those are just stupid.”

“So what’s your point, Zuzu?”

“My point is that we should be the ones to start that. If we do that, we’ll be able to protect our family and friends, andmaybe even get Raikov out of there, who knows?”

Elle and Billy glanced at each other. “That sounds like as good a plan as any,” Billy finally said, “and I’m really not surewhat else is left to do.”

“Rations and artwork,” Azula said, with a dismissive wave of her hand, “but I think this is more important. Whoevercomes after us can build on it and finish the job.”

“Fine, let’s do it.”

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Elle was used to talking her problems over with Azula, but now that she and Stuart were dating, she began taking themto him, as well. He continuously made her feel comfortable enough to tell him just about anything, which was a newfeeling for her, as the only other person she had reached that level of ease with was her sister. In this particularinstance, she didn’t want to burden Azula, who seemed so excited about the new plan, so she went to Stuart, who gladlypaused his afternoon exercise to speak with her.

“I just feel like it’s one thing to say you’re going to do something and another to actually do it, you know? We all knewthat we were going to have to help, and her plan is good, but…I don’t know. Are people going to like our ideas? Are theyonly going to listen to us because we’re Fitzhughs? What if they don’t listen to us at all?”

“Why should they not listen to you?” he said. “All three of you are quite intelligent and capable of doing a great deal ofgood for your community.”

“Now you’re just being nice to me.”

“I assure you I am not. I truly believe it.”

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“Well, thanks, Stuart. I’m just worried I won’t be able to do my job well. I really don’t know what it’ll be yet, either, sinceit all depends on what the job openings are.”

“You will just have to try your best, and I am certain that will be more than good enough. I have complete faith in you,Ellie.”

When he called her that, it thrilled her just about as much as a kiss might, because she had had to campaign hard toget him to stop saying ‘Miss Ellie’ and took the fact that he was willing to stop as a sign that he really liked her. “Thatreally means a lot. Thanks.”

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Billy, meanwhile, consulted his cousins as usual. “You should definitely do it,” Riku said, enthusiastically, once Billy hadoutlined The Plan. “Azula’s right. Our legal system is crap.”

“Uh, Riku?” Billy said, amused. “We all know you worship at the Altar of Azula, but that doesn’t mean the rest of us do.”

“Okay, one, shut up. Two, don’t even lie to me, because you adore her. Three, it’s true, and you’re thinking right nowthat you wish you’d thought of it.”

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“It is a good plan and I told her that already,” Billy said, after a disdainful look Riku’s way. “It’s a big job, though. She’snot just talking about the legal system, here. It’s a reworking of our entire government. I’m not sure it can be done bythree people.”

“Well, one of you’s gonna be heir, right?” Cid pointed out. “So whoever the heir marries is gonna help, too. And then theheir’s gonna have kids who’re gonna help.”

“Yeah, thanks, Cid. Not one of those things I want to think about right now.”

“I’m just saying. There’s a reason it’s taken so long to fix everything since great-great-grandfather…Rice? Rizz?”

“Rhys. Like ‘Reese.’”

“Right, since he started it all.”

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“The reason is everyone before you didn’t take it seriously enough,” Riku said, importantly. “Your dad should let me doit. I’d just walk in there and make them listen.”

“You would get arrested for that.”

“You’d bail me out.”

Billy shook his head. “I have no idea why anyone besides us puts up with you. I betcha the only reason you even have agirlfriend is because it’s long distance.”

“Start talking trash about Heidi, and I will end you, frog face.”

“Try it, greenie.”

“This is so unfair,” Kirby complained. “How come all three of you have someone and I don’t?”

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“Guys are morons, Kirby. Sorry.”

“Hey!” Cid gave Billy his best I-have-ten-nice-points-and-want-to-be-mad-at-you-but-can’t-be glare. “I resemble thatremark!”

“Dude, do you even know what you just said?”


“Point proven. Anyway, you’re her twin, so it doesn’t count.”

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“Seriously, though. I’m a nice girl, right? If Cid and Riku can get a date, why can’t I?”

“No complaints about me?” Billy asked, arching an eyebrow.

“You’re a nice guy, Billy, and you’ve been with Snow for years. It’s different.”

“And also she’s too nice to point out that you have a frog face, frog face,” Riku added.

“Okay, seriously, stop it,” Kirby countered. “I don’t care if it’s guy banter, it’s mean, and you know how Billy feels aboutall that.”

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“It’s all right, Kirby. I know better than to take Riku seriously.”

“You know what’s not all right?” Cid asked.


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“That. Can you cross your legs, Kirb?”

“Oh, shoot, sorry. It’s so hard to sit decently in a skirt.”

“How about not wearing them, then?” Billy suggested lightly.

“That would make too much sense, obviously,” Riku said, with a smirk.

“Argh! I hate boys!”


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As the school year ended, and a new one began, the three Fitzhughs made the most of their time away from home andspent much of it with their friends, whether in their own house or outside it.

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Plenty of other activities took up their time, though, as they still had to study and make time for each other. Coping withrunning the house on their own proved to be difficult at times, as well. One of them forgot to pay the electricity bill andthe resulting visit from the repo man earned them an hour’s lecture from their mother about staying on top of their bills.They agreed that it would be best not to let that happen again, if only to avoid the headaches that came with it.

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“So I was thinking…”

“What?” Elle asked warily. Those words, coming from her sister, usually meant something ominous that had to do withstrange people.

“You know that new park they just finished?”

“Yeah, what about it?”

“Well, I just thought that we should go hang out there. Check it out and all. You could ask Stuart. He’s always over hereand it might be nice to go somewhere else for a change. I’ll ask a friend too so it won’t be awkward.”

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Elle arched an eyebrow. “Like who?”

“Like…I don’t know. Dom, maybe.”

“So…like a double date?”

“What? No, not at all like that. It’d be you going on a date and me hanging out with a friend so Stuart will feel likeyou’re properly chaperoned.”

“Um, okay. I’ll call Stuart and ask him.”

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Later that afternoon, the girls walked over to the park to meet Stuart and Dominic, and the two pairs accordingly split upand went off on their own.

“Thanks for meeting me here,” Azula said to her friend. “Having someone to hang out with makes me feel less like I’mbabysitting those two.”

“Thanks for inviting me. I needed the break. I’ve had a lot of work to do lately.”

“Me, too. At least it’s almost over, right?”

“Yeah, less than a year left. Time sure flew.”

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“Do they not realize how incredibly unsubtle this situation is?” Stuart asked Elle softly.

“I think Zuzu thinks that she was being smooth when she brought it up, but she really, really wasn’t.”

“Well, I certainly hope Dominic will use the opportunity. He has had many other such opportunities in the past, and I donot understand why he did not take advantage of them.”

“You think he likes her?”

“Don’t you? I think it is rather obvious.”

“Azula doesn’t, and I can’t tell these things for myself.”

“I can assure you that he does.”

“Well, then, what’s taking them so long?”

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Stuart led her away from the railing. “I could not tell you that, but I doubt staring at them will cause it to happen.Besides, I can hardly complain about time spent with you, however contrived.”

“Oh, well, you may have a point there,” Elle agreed, trying not to blush.

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“Shall we leave them to it and take a stroll around the block?”

“That sounds like a great idea.”

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“So, do you have any special plans for after graduation?”

“Nothing yet except for moving home to help with the relief. You?”

“Mike offered to let me live with him until I have enough money to rent a place. I’d like to see if I can get a job with thepolice force, too.”

“That sounds great! They can always use more people, and you know Mikey’s dad is one of the Captain Heroes.”

“Yeah, he said so when I told him. It looks like I’ve got quite a few friends in high places.”

“Are you kidding? My family practically owns this town. If you’re friends with one of us, you have an in with everyone.”

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At this, something passed over his face that she didn’t like, but he was quick to suppress it. “Good to know.”

“…I totally did that ‘spoiled rich girl’ thing again, didn’t I? I’m so sorry--”

“No, you didn’t. You’re fine.”

“But you looked funny just now. Is something wrong?”

For a moment, he hesitated, reaching up to scratch one of his pointed ears. “Remember when you asked about myparents?” She nodded. “Well, I used to belong to a Legacy family, like Saffron’s.” He told her the whole story: how hismother had been a half-elf who had run away from her tribe in search of a better life, and how his family had beenforced to run from their home when the elves had discovered them. “This probably sounds like some crazy supernaturalhoodoo to you--”

“Not at all,” she said, without hesitation. “I mean, you’ve got the ears, and I don’t think that’s weird anymore.” Helaughed at that, which gratified her. It was strange to her, but he was her friend, so she didn’t want to let him know that.“Where are your parents now?”

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“I don’t know. We couldn’t all travel together after a while, so we split up, and the twins and I ended up here. I like tothink they’re okay, though. They’ve got Charlie with them, and he would never let anybody hurt them.” He lifted ashoulder. “So there you go. That’s my story.”

“I’m so sorry, Dom.”

“Don’t be. It’s, uh, it’s good to talk about it with someone I trust. I never told anybody this before.”

He trusted her. Hearing those words from him suddenly made her feel like nothing that had ever happened betweenthem mattered anymore. She had spent so long trying to figure out where they stood, and this was better than she hadever hoped.

He trusted her.

He trusted her so much that he had told her something that no one else knew.

The least she could do was give him a little faith in return.

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“Well, if we’re sharing things anyway…I was a serial dater my freshman year.”

Dominic stared at her for a moment, and then burst into laughter. “It’s not funny!” she cried.

“Yes, yes it is,” he managed, nearly bent double from his merriment.

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Indignantly, she got up from the bench, but he was quick to follow her and turn her to face him. “I’m sorry for laughingat you, but I don’t see why you expected that to shock me. My sister’s a Romance Sim, remember?”

“But I’m not a Romance Sim, and I didn’t do it for a good reason, and I hated every second of it.” She explained thesituation with her family and the businesses, and how being on her own for a year had driven her a little crazy. “I don’tknow why I ever thought it was a good idea. No one else but Elle knows this. I just wanted to be honest with you sinceyou told me about your family.”

Dominic shook his head, looking torn between amusement and concern. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of, Azula.”

“It was a lot of guys, Dom. I didn’t even like most of them. I didn’t want you to think I was a slut.”

“I don’t think you’re a slut, I promise.”

“I don’t think you’re weird for being descended from elves, either.”

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They lasted about three seconds before collapsing into laughter. “We are so screwed up,” Dominic said, when he hadcaught his breath.

“And we’re laughing about it!”

“That’s okay.” He reached for her hand. “Really, though, I don’t think any less of you because you told me that. Iactually think you’re kind of amazing.”

Her breath caught in her throat. “Really?”

“Really, truly.”

“I…I didn’t think you thought much of me at all,” she said, uncharacteristically shyly.

“Are you kidding? Azula, you’re smart, beautiful, witty, an amazing dancer…” He smiled a little. “And way, way out of myleague.”

She couldn’t joke about it anymore. “No, I’m not. Don’t say that.”

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Elle and Stuart returned from their walk a little before sunset and stood for a moment near the edge of the park. “Iknow it is only across the street, but may I see you home?” he asked.

“Please do. Let me just see if Zuzu’s ready to--WHOA.”

“What is it?”

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“Don’t look now, but…I think our plan might’ve worked!”


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If asked, Elle would have said that she was happy for her sister and pleased that she and Dominic were finally together.What she would have denied vehemently was that she was becoming increasingly unhappy in her own relationship, but itwas true nonetheless.

She kept telling herself that it was a silly reason. Stuart was the best man she knew, and she was lucky to have him. Hecalled on her all the time, respected and even admired her intelligence, and talked with her about most every subjectunder the sun. She felt guilty for wanting more, but it just wasn’t enough.

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Azula and Dominic’s affection for each other was painfully obvious. Now that their feelings were out in the open, they hadno hesitations showing it, and were often called on it. They would pretend to be ashamed of themselves, but then justgo right back to it.

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Billy and Snow were even worse. Their brand of PDA had long since ceased to be cute and begun to enter the realm ofembarrassing. If they were in the same room, they literally could not keep their hands off each other.

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Elle’s relationship with Stuart wasn’t like that at all. He avoided most physical contact, though he held her handfrequently and would sometimes let his fingers linger on her face if he happened to brush a strand of hair out of hereyes. Azula and Mikey both told her that he was pursuing her the way he had been raised to do, but it hardly gave herany comfort.

Even that would have upset her less if he had just told her how he felt about her, but he never did, and she was afraid toask.

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Don’t rock the boat, every instinct demanded. You have a good thing going here. Don’t ruin it. Yet it was getting harder andharder to keep that resolution, seeing everyone so happy around her.

What she didn’t realize was that Billy was having similar problems.

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“‘He who fights monsters should take care lest he becomes one.’”

“Ugh, Nietzsche? I mean, that’s one of his more decent quotes, but seriously?”

“Wasn’t he an important philosopher from the 19th century?”

“I guess. I didn’t like him much when we studied him. Nihilism bothers me. What do you have to do with the quote?”

“Write a page discussing it and how it applies to everyday life.”

“Easy. Let’s get it out of the way fast so your sister doesn’t yell at us when she comes to pick you up.”

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“Thanks for your help on that assignment, Billy. I’m sorry I always bring homework with me when I come over.”

“Hey, boyfriends who study the same thing you do have to be good for something.”

Snow grinned fondly. “I love you.”

“I love you more,” Billy teased.

“No way, I love you more.”

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“No you dooon’t!”

“Eeeeeek! Stop tickling meeeeee!”

“Not until you admit that I love you more!”

“Not a chance!”

“Do it!”


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Because they frequently got into little fights like this, Snow knew the drill and eventually managed to get free. “I win!”she cheered, but stopped when she saw a sudden despondency cross Billy’s features. “What’s wrong?”

“You can’t possibly love me as much as I love you,” he said, rather wistfully.

“Why can’t I?”

“You’re gorgeous, and I’m just the nice guy. The safe bet.”

“Billy, what are you talking about?”

“Come on, Snow, you know. Just admit it. I’m ugly and I’m not good enough for you.”

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“Whoa, hold on a minute. Are you really trying to tell me that you think you’re ugly? How could you--Billy, you’re so farfrom ugly I can’t even tell you.”

“You don’t have to lie--”

“I’m not lying or exaggerating, and I’m actually kind of mad that you’d even think that.”

“But it’s true.”

“No, it’s not. Stop saying that. You’re handsome and sweet and just all around wonderful and I love you so much…I…I getso scared sometimes that you’re going to leave me because I’m not pretty enough.”

“You have got to be--” He stopped abruptly, realizing that she really did think that she might not be worthy of him.

She shrugged. “I know you’re going to tell me it’s stupid, but sometimes, yeah. I can’t help it.”

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“Snow, have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror?”

“All the time.”

“You ought to know by now that you’re beautiful if you look that much.”

She sighed. “I knew you were going to say that.”

“Really. I love you, and that’s not the only reason, either.”

“…this is the silliest argument we’ve ever had, isn’t it?”

“I think so too. Let’s not do this again.”


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Because her crowd had not had a party of their own since freshman year, and because it had been a while since she hadvolunteered to host one, Azula decided to have a seniors-only gathering at her house while Elle and Billy were at theirevening classes. Graduation would happen shortly, and the next time they would all be together would doubtlessly be forsomebody’s wedding--Callie and Robin were both engaged, and Mikey was likely to be shortly. Once her friends startedgetting married, everything would change. It was nice to take a while to remember the good times they had all hadtogether as single college students.

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“What? You really changed your mind?”

Saffron nodded, and Azula saw that her friend did not seem very unhappy about the decision, which put any pity shemight have felt out of her mind. “River’s a Family Sim now, so he can inherit. We talked it over and decided it’s probablybetter this way.”

“Whose idea was it?”

“Mine, don’t worry. The idea of being heir was nice, but…I don’t know, Zuzu, there are a lot of things I want to do with mylife that I can’t do if I take on that responsibility. You know me. I want to take risks, get involved in crazy stuff, haveadventures, all that. If I’m heir I have to stay at home and take care of myself because everyone would depend on me,and that’s boring.”

“So what are you going to do now?”

A quick grin came to her face. “I got a great job offer. I can’t tell you what it is, but I’m going to love it.”

Azula laughed, recognizing the mischievous look well. “If that’s what you want, then I’m glad for you.”

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“I will, trust me.”

“Well, bring me back souvenirs if you go somewhere cool.”

“You bet. Any news on your end?”

“Nothing’s decided, but we’re going home tomorrow to talk about it.”

Saffron frowned. “You won’t be at Mikey’s tomorrow night, then?”

“’fraid not. Frankly, I’d much rather be here than home, but we made the date with Dad way in advance and he won’t letus off the hook for a college party. Probably better to just get it over with, anyway.”

“Good luck.”

“Thanks. I’m gonna need it.”

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Despite the brief detour into seriousness, and the fact that Billy crashed the party after his class got out, Azula felt thather little gathering was a nice last hurrah before the inevitable journey home to face the real world.


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“No. No way in hell.”

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Harry blinked in surprise, and Elle winced. It had never occurred to her that he didn’t know exactly how Azula felt aboutthe heirship--how they all felt about it, really. A swell of irritation threatened to overtake her before she checked it, andshe guiltily shifted her thoughts toward hoping the shock hadn’t affected him too badly. The while curls gracing his headreminded her that he wasn’t getting any younger. “All right,” he said slowly. “Ellie? Billy? What about you two?”

“Same,” Billy said flatly.

“Me, too,” Elle added.

Their father rubbed his temples. “One of you has to,” he said. “We probably should have had this conversation sooner,but I didn’t think--”

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“Think what?” As she spoke, Azula’s voice grew louder and louder, until she was practically yelling. “That the three of usdidn’t want the thing you wanted? Well, guess what, Dad, not everyone wants to spend their entire life putting otherpeople first and having General Assface watching them like a hawk and waiting for them to screw up!”

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“Azula Adrasteia,” Harry said sternly, “you will not use that language in my house.”

“Fine! I’m not going to live here anyway. I’ll do what I have to for the relief work, and then I’m moving out.”

“If that’s what you want. I didn’t realize you felt so strongly about it.”

“How could you not?” she exploded. “Did you even notice what working so hard did to Mom? By the time it was all over,all she could think about was what she wanted, and she didn’t give a damn about the three of us except as free labor. Irefuse to do that to my future husband. You could not pay me.”

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Harry looked at each of his children in turn. Billy and Elle did not look back, but Azula stood firm, red in the face fromher outburst. “I’m sorry,” he said, after a long silence. “One of you has to do it. It’s too late for Mya and me to haveanother child.”

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When her siblings stayed silent, Elle realized what was going to happen. Oh no. I can’t do this. Anything but this, please.Someone else has got to speak up.

But there was no one else.

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“I’ll do it.”

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Her siblings turned sharply to look at her, and Harry regarded her with an expression of unhappy understanding. Heknew her well enough to know why she had done it, but did not try to challenge her on the decision. “Are you sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure.”

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“Thank you, baby. I promise I will make this up to you someday.”

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Mya arrived home half an hour later to find Harry alone in the kitchen.

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“I thought you were going to wait for me to have the talk.”

“They had to get back to the university. Finals are soon and Azula has an early class this semester. We had to go aheadwithout you.”

“Did you decide who it’ll be?”

“Yes. Elle took it.”

Mya frowned. “Elle did? Really?”


“That’s fine, don’t get me wrong, but I was expecting Azula or Billy to want it.”

“They didn’t. None of them did.” He took a deep breath. “Mya, we need to talk.”


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When they arrived back, Elle called Stuart right away and asked him to come over. “Sorry about calling so late. Was theparty still going?”

“Not all of the guests had left, but the high point of the evening had already passed, and it was less entertaining withoutyou there in any case,” he said amiably.

“Did anything interesting happen?”

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“Michael and Elphaba are now engaged.”

For a moment, Elle forgot to be morose. “That’s wonderful! I’m so happy for them. I’ll have to call Mikey in the morning andcongratulate him.”

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“I know he will be happy to speak with you about it and I am quite pleased myself. I believe they will have a verysuccessful marriage.”

“Me too. I’m so happy he ended up with someone who really loves him. He deserves that.”

“Indeed he does, and I feel confident that is the case. However, it reminded me that I had something I wished to speakto you about.”

Elle flushed. “Sure.”

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“Do you have any plans besides going home to help with the relief?”

“Um, well, funny you should ask. That’s what Dad wanted to talk about tonight. We had to decide who the heir was goingto be.”

Stuart frowned in confusion. “I was under the impression that your brother was the heir.”

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“No. Billy wouldn’t take the heirship for anything. I’m the heir.”

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“Are you seriously saying this to me? How dare you!”


“No, Harry! I told you and told you how it was going to be, and you repeatedly replied that you were fine with it. And nowyou have the gall to tell me that you aren’t fine with it, now that it’s much too late to change anything?”

“Mya, listen to me. I am not putting blame completely on you and I am not angry with you. But our kids are, and it’s ourfault, and I really think--”

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“You are the heir?”

“I didn’t want to be, but there’s no one else. If you had heard the language Azula used when she told my dad exactlywhat she thought of the idea, you’d blush. Billy didn’t actually say much, but I know him. He agrees with her. They can’tdo it, Stuart. They’d be so miserable. So…I have to.”

“…I wish you had spoken with me before making this decision.”

“I couldn’t.”

“Yes, you could have. You could have told your father than you had to have a short while to consider it.”

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“The kids have no right to complain to you behind my back!”

“If you had been here to hear the discussion, you would have heard it for yourself and could have talked with them--”

“So you’re saying it’s my fault? Nice of you, husband. I guess you don’t want me to finish training that manager so thatwe can be at home more.”

“Stop yelling at me, Mya.”

“If you don’t want me to yell, then stop blaming everything on me!”

“I just told you, I’m not--”

“It sure sounds like it to me!”

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“There was nothing to consider. There is no one else. If I don’t take the heirship, the relief effort stops, and we lose tothe General.”

“I understand that part, Ellie. My concern is the fact that we have been seeing each other for nearly three years, and yetyou did not think to consult me before making this decision. You effectively volunteered me for your cause without mypermission.”

“No, I didn’t. I didn’t know what you wanted to do. I came back here planning to talk to you about it right away.”

“But you have also said that your refusal of the heirship is not an option.”

“Right, because it’s not.”

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“Ellie, I respect your family’s efforts, and I want you to be a part of my life. However, I am not certain I want to buildthat life here. I came here tonight planning to ask you if you would be willing to move back to Regalton with me onceyou have finished your duty to your family.”

“I’m so sorry, Stuart. You have no idea how much I wish I could do that, but I can’t.”

“Yes, you have made that abundantly clear. That means that I must compromise everything I wanted for my life if Iwant to marry you, and--”

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“Mya, damn it! Stop yelling at me!”

“I will yell as much as I want to! I am not going to stand for this! Accusing me of something I can’t do anything about atthis point is underhanded and you are better than that!”

“For the last time, I am not putting all of the blame on you! I’m just saying that we both have unthinkingly hurt ourchildren--”

“Work is the most important thing in this family, Harry! That was what I was told the day I moved in, and what I havehad to live with, and what our children will continue to have to deal with too! I have not done anything wrong!”

“Will you please just calm down and list--”

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“Marry me?”

“Surely you knew that has been my intention--”

“How was I supposed to? You won’t even kiss me!”

“Ellie, you know why I do not. It does not mean that my feelings for you are not sincere.”

“This isn’t the nineteenth century, Stuart! People are allowed to show affection now! It’s not a sin!”

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“Forget it. I’m not going to talk about this anymore.”


“I’m going to sleep upstairs tonight. I’ve had a long day and I need my sleep.”

“Mya, will you just--”

“You should get some rest. Go to bed soon.”


“Good night, Harry.”

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“I did not realize that you felt that way.”

“You should have.”

“How are we to have an understanding if we cannot communicate?”

“I don’t think we can.”

“…Perhaps you are right. Please excuse me.”

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Author’s Note

Hey, look, Rhys’ penchant for cleaning toilets lives on! I’m so proud. And you Riku fans get some nice fanservice out ofit, too.

So I have nothing much to say about this episode except that it’s nice to be getting generation 5 out of college at last.Azula is already at home and looking for jobs in the paper, so hopefully there will be more lifts soon.


1) I did warn you that the Christmas special was not canon. This would be why.

2) I promise I am doing this for a reason. You guys are going to have to trust me.

3) That said, it is going to get worse before it gets better. Much worse. Again, trust me on this. I have a plan.

Page 133: A Villainous Apocalypse - Episode 20

And here is a really awkward picture of our new streaker to tide you over until the next update, which I hope will not takelong as I don’t need to film much. Til next time, Happy Simming!

Guest Sims

Saffron and Snow Bohemian - The Bohemian Legacy

Vaughn Fitzhugh - The Morgan Legacy

Dominic, Kahlen, and Trent Doran - The Boolpropian Round Robin Legacy

Stuart Legacy - A Victorian Legacy

Elphaba Uglacy - A Piratical Legacy

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