Page 1: A View from the Rectory August 2012 - Upper Kennet News August 2012.pdf · 2012. 7. 26. · Spiegel im Spiegel by Arvo Part Cressida Nash and Ruth Lamdin Sunday 23 rd September 4


Hmmm…… rather a dubious title for the article as the view seems to be fairly monotonous ie rather wet. I found myself humming ‘Raindrops keep falling on my head’ walking down Avebury High Street while passing a group of tourists. One actually asked me if I was ‘havin’a laugh, Vicar?’. I changed the tune only to find myself whistling ‘Don’t rain on my parade’ closely followed by ‘When you walk through a Storm.’ I mentioned this to a friend of mine who shall remain nameless (YOU know who you are) who said’ it could have been worse, Maria, you might have been singing ‘It’s raining men!’

Is it just me or do we share a collective memory of ‘hazy, lazy days of summer’? Why is it that we look back to summers of the past with fondness and nostalgia, comparing then to now with sad faces and drooping spirits? I am certain that Irish summers spent camping had more than their fair share of rain yet what I remember of our holidays always seemed to take place within a summer of glorious sunshine. Were summers for some of us really the halcyon days we describe while nattering in the checkout queue and grumbling about the incessant rain? Or are we wasting valuable time and energy hankering after something long gone and faded instead of enjoying what we have now - even if it is a bit damper than we would ideally like.

I love the spirit of a lady I met a while back who described BBQ-ing in the rain under the gazebos in the back garden before repairing inside for hot chocolate in front of a small fire. Then there was a family sitting huddled under a brolly behind a wind-break in the stone circle eating their sandwiches. Not for them the grim faces and mutterings of others - just a wonderful sense of the here and now, to be enjoyed ‘come rain or come shine’. No doubt the children will remember the laughter, the food and the ice-creams eaten afterwards outside the Henge shop as being enjoyed in brilliant sunshine not torrential rain - such is the impact of living fully within the moment.

Our farmers are the ones who genuinely have something to grumble about and yet they have learned to be patient and wait for the right moment for the earth to yield its bounty. To get on with what can be done and not fret about what they cannot change. As schools break up for the summer, the Olympics get under way and family plans for the holidays begin to take shape, perhaps we could do a lot worse than celebrate what we DO have and enjoy each new day rather than continually view the summers of the past with rose tinted specs. So what if it is sou’westers and wellies instead of sunscreen and Pimms! Puddles are meant for jumping in – who is up for ‘Singing in the Rain?’


August 2012








West Kennett

East Kennett

West Overton





Upper Kennet Churches Notice Board

Baptisms Anna Moseling 1 July Broad Hinton Emilia Corbett 8 July Avebury Alice Rendell 29 July West Overton Weddings Kjrsti Ryall-Gould & 14 July East Kennett Wayne Gardiner Tania-Marie Stone & 21 July Preshute Chris Hallett This month the following couples will be getting married and we remember them in our prayers: Rebecca Brierley & 3 August Broad Hinton David Martin Tara Powell & 18 August Winterbourne Oliver Pike Monkton Lydia Elks& 24 August Preshute David Bauer Burial of Ashes Alma England 17 July West Overton

A View from the Rectory

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5 August – Trinity 9 Green 2Samuel 11. 26 – 12, 13a Psalm 51. 1 - 13 Ephesians 4. 1 – 16 John 6. 24 – 35 12 August – Trinity 10 Green 2Samuel 18. 5 – 9, 15. 31 – 33 Psalm 130 Ephesians 4. 25 – 5.2 John 6. 35, 41 – 51 19 August – Trinity 11 Green 1Kings 2. 10 -12; 3. 3 – 14 Psalm 111 Ephesians 5. 15 – 20 John 6. 51 – 58

26 August – Trinity 12 Green 1Kings 8. 22 – 30, 41 – 43 Psalm 84 Ephesians 6. 10 – 20 John 6. 56 – 69 2 September – Trinity 13 Green Song of Solomon 2. 8 – 13 Psalm 45. 1 – 2, 6 – 9 James 1. 17 – end Mark 7. 1 – 8, 14 – 15, 21 - 23

Readings for our Services

Wednesday Communion Services will take place at 10.00 am at 9, The Beeches, Winterbourne Monkton. Clergy will attend on the first and third Wednesdays of each month.

We can also provide home communion any time for those that are housebound. Please contact: The Benefice Office— (01672 861786) or one of the Lay Pastoral Assistants to request this. (Claire Stiles – 01793 731620 or Graham Kitchen – 01672 861349).

SWEET SENSATIONS – MONKTON SWEET QUIZ Thank you to all those who bought copies of the quiz - £47 was made for the church. Eight completed sheets were returned but no-one got all 22 correct. The winner with only 1 wrong answer is Dot Fox (A box of chocolates is on its way to you!) The two runners up with only 2 wrong answers were K King and T Stephenson who will both receive a smaller box of chocs! The answers people got wrong were: Wise guys? – Smarties; Edible fasteners? - Chocolate Buttons; 100% Precious metal?- All Gold; Pirate’s Loot?- Bounty; Royal Herbs? – Imperial Mints; Almost Cat Food?- Kit Kat; Seen at the Races? – Tic Tacs; 9, 10, 11, 12 etc? – After Eights; Fragrant Flowers? - Roses; Dating Agency Sticks? -MatchMakers




St Michael &

All Angels





St James


St Mary Magdalene



St Katherine & St Peter


St Peter ad Vincula


5 August

Trinity 9 Env week 32



12 August

Trinity 10 Env week 33


19 August

Trinity 11 Env week 34


26 August

Trinity 12 Env week 35

8.00 AM 10.00 AM 8.00 AM 10.00 AM 10.30 AM 11.00 AM 10.00 AM

2 September

Trinity 13 Env week 36

Prayer Book









Found Umbrella left at Monkton Church. A clear plastic umbrella with red trim was left at Monkton church after the Benefice service in April. Please ring Penny on 01672 539158 to claim.

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NEWS Shop Phone Number: 01672 539200

Shop Phone Number: 01672 539200 AGM Thank you to those who attended the AGM on 16th July. The meeting was followed by burgers and sausages because the barbecue we had planned for the previous week had to be cancelled due to the weather. Bread Project We now have the equipment in the shop for baking bread in the shop. If all goes well, by the time you receive this newsletter we should be producing bread, Danish pastries and croissants in the shop. Initially, we will be producing a fairly small range of products, but this should increase as we gain experience. Please let us know what you think about the bread and if there is anything specific which you would like us to bake (we will then investigate if this is possible). Volunteers We always welcome more volunteers. Full training is given, and you even get your own community shop apron. We are very flexible, you do not need to sign up to the same shift every week; even if you are only available once or twice a month you would be welcome. The shifts are about 3 hours long. If you are interested in volunteering, or would like any more information about what is involved, please contact Lyn at the shop on 01672 539200 for more information. Home Deliveries Just a reminder that we offer a home delivery service for anyone who is unable to get to the shop for age or health reasons. We deliver to Avebury, Avebury Trusloe, Beckhampton, East Kennet, Winterbourne Monkton and Berwick Bassett. If you would like to have a home delivery please telephone the shop on 01672 539200 and ask for Wendy or Lyn (the best time to get hold of them is mornings). Michele Lomas Chair of Avebury Community Shop


DOG-FOULING has become a major health hazard for our team who look after the graveyard at West Overton. It is not fair that these people who give generously of their time should be subjected to dog faeces on their clothes and person. If your dog fouls within the graveyard please bag and dispose of responsibly.

Vivaldi Cello Sonatas Songs by Handel and Purcell Spiegel im Spiegel by Arvo Part Cressida Nash and Ruth Lamdin Sunday 23rd September 4 pm Followed by tea and cake Tickets: £5

Available on the door or from 01672 861550 (children under 16 free if accompanied by an adult)

In aid of composting toilet for West Overton Church

St. M

ichael and

All A

ngels, West O




Thanks from Grace Brewer

Grace would like to thank all members of the Upper Kennet Benefice for the lovely basket of flowers and generous garden tokens which were presented to her at the Benefice Service at Berwick Bassett on 17th June. It came as a delightful surprise and is very much appreciated.

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Berwick Bassett and Winterbourne Monkton

Parish Council The Parish Council is currently awaiting news of the planned alteration of road markings and signage on the A4361 discussed at the Annual Parish Meeting. Apparently Wiltshire Council is exploring avenues of funding. The resurfacing works carried out on the last week in July will have repaired the potholes at the end of the Winterbourne Monkton road. Wiltshire Council have agreed to attend the road crossing for the school bus in the first week of next term to assess required improvements to the bus stops to allow for the

projected increased capacity. There have been a number of improvements to the school bus service over the last few years, most notably the replacement of the Thamesdown service bus with a closed coach service. The Parish Council would additionally like to see the bus stop enlarged, or ideally a pick up on the village side of the road at both villages. This request would benefit from demonstrable parent support. It is worth reminding parents that the school bus pass also allows free bus travel on the Connect2 service after school to allow attendance at after school clubs. On a personal note, I will have been Parish Clerk for 10 years at the end of this year. I have, therefore, decided to step aside and let someone else enjoy the position for a while.

The role is very interesting, particularly for someone who enjoys watching the wheels of local government. The role is unpaid but there is payment for expenses and training. It is primarily the voluntary undertaking of the role of clerk that results in the amount residents of these villages pay in their council tax to be significantly lower than that in other neighbouring villages so it is appreciated by everyone. I will stay in post until the end of 2012 working alongside the new clerk. If you would like to be considered for this worthwhile and interesting position please contact me on the number or email below.

Janice Pattison, clerk 01672 539556

[email protected]

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® used with permission of BKS Iyengar, Trade Mark Owner

Avebury WI Visit to Devizes Museum

We are very grateful to David Dawson, the Curator of the Wiltshire Heritage Museum in Devizes, for talking to a group from Avebury & District WI on their visit on 12th of July. He was impressed that we had arrived on the famed 49 bus (just a few on passes!) and welcomed our group. He gave us a background history to the formation of the museum and then took us to see some of the famous and world-renowned exhibits. The visit was all too short and we all resolved to come back again and spend more time browsing. The staff had also very kindly organised a display of Avebury photographs which brought back memories for our older members.

The afternoon was rounded off with a welcome cup of tea and a scone piled high with clotted cream and jam at The Bear Hotel.

As there is no meeting in August I wish to bring to members attention the visit to Windsor on the 4th of October (see the July edition of the Wiltshire News The Royal Landscape in Autumn). If you would like to go please contact Judy Farthing with your cheque before 3rd September. Our next meeting is on 13th of September at 7.30pm with Jan and Andrew Williamson talking about their recent trip to Iran.

Mary Beale

Avebury & District Club

The Club has a very good and large selection of Beers, Lagers, Spirits and Ciders – so come on down to the Club, have fun and sup our reasonably priced drinks!!

Skittles for Cash £££ On the first Saturday of August – 4th it’s Skittles for Cash, come along and try your skill – at another fun and competitive evening. Live Music with Tom & Kerry You heard and saw them perform at the Avebury BIG lunch, now come along and see them at the Club – they are regular performers here and have many appreciative fans. Private Events We do have two more private events coming up. Although the main room will be in use, Club Members can still come in and use the Pool room.

If you have an idea for an event which we do not hold at present, and that you would like to see at the Club – please contact us. You can also sponsor an event if

you would like to. More details of current and future events are available on the Club’s website Avebury Club is available to hire, contact Alan – Secretary on 07879 486905 or call Avebury Club (when open) on 01672 539258 or visit Avebury Club website to check


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News From The Tower Ringing Times: 5th August, 10.00 -10.30am. Practice Night: Tuesdays, 7.30 - 9.00 pm. We are very pleased to have a new recruit at Avebury, Steve Morris learnt to ring, for part of his Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, when he was a teenager, and rang for about six months at that time. After a long gap, he has taken it up again and is making very good progress. Everyone is welcome to visit the tower on practice nights, whether lapsed ringers or those interested in seeing what we do. Three ringers from Bromham came to one of our Tuesday practice nights recently, one of them was Dennis Powney who took part in the very first ring on the six newly cast bells, in 1981, on the day they were dedicated. We also welcomed, to another practice, ringers from Lacock and Chippenham. Visitors on a ringing outing from Warwickshire and Somerset were very complimentary about our light bells. There has been a request for bells to be rung, throughout the country, to coincide with the opening of the Olympic Games on Friday the 27th July 2012 and we hope to have a short ring at 9.30 am. The request to ring is not only for church bells but for any kind of bell from bicycle to door bells and everything in between. Mary Davidge Tel: 01672 513819 Belfry Correspondent.

Avebury World Heritage Site Management Plan Update:

Drop in and share your ideas in August

You are invited to drop in and share your ideas on the Avebury World Heritage Site and the opportunities and challenges it faces. Your input will help to inform the update of the Avebury World Heritage Site Management Plan.

The Avebury World Heritage Site Officer, Sarah Simmonds, will be available to answer questions and collect your ideas in the Social Centre on Avebury High Street on Tuesday 7th August between 2 and 7 PM and in Marlborough Library on Monday 13th August between 2 and 7 PM. This is an opportunity to share your ideas at an early stage in the process of review and update before the preparation of the draft Plan. The formal round of consultation on the draft Management Plan will take place in 2013 before submission to the government and UNESCO. 15

World Heritage Site Management Plans provide a framework for meeting the United Kingdom’s obligation to protect World Heritage Sites. They carry weight in the planning system and aim to establish an appropriate balance between conservation, access and interpretation, local community interests, and sustainable use of the World Heritage Site.

The last update of the Avebury Plan was in 2005. UNESCO recommends that Management Plans are updated on regular basis to ensure that they remain relevant. The updated Plan will need to reflect progress on objectives set in the 2005 Plan and emerging opportunities and challenges as well as changes in the management context.

It is important that the process of review and update involves extensive engagement with World Heritage Site stakeholders including the wider public and the local community whose expertise and knowledge should help to shape the updated Management Plan.

If you are unable to come along and share your ideas at the drop in sessions in August, you can find a leaflet to fill in on the Wiltshire Council website. Hard copies of the leaflet are available from the World Heritage Site Officer. All comments should be received no later than Friday, 15th September. You will also have the opportunity to take part in the formal public consultation process on the draft Management Plan in 2013.

If you would like a leaflet or further information on the review and update of the Avebury World Heritage Management Plan, you can contact the World Heritage Site Officer Sarah Simmonds at [email protected] or call 01225 718470. You can find the Management Plan 2005 online on the Wiltshire Council Website.

Winterbourne Bassett Church When the nave of our church was built in the fifteenth century its

walls were erected directly on the chalk and the floor where the people stood would have been bare earth. The stone floor of the aisles was laid much later, straight on the earth, and damp rising through it has been a problem ever since. The floor gets slippery; damp rises through the walls and causes an unsightly black mould; wall plaster becomes detached; and, worst of all, the wooden floors beneath the pews are rotting and we risk them falling into the pits below.

In the expectation that it will cure the problem once and for all, we have just completed the construction of a French drain along the north side of the church which continues as an underground pipe to the bourne. It not only carries away water in the ground on the higher, north side of the building but also has downpipes connected to it which take all the rainwater falling on the church roof. The work, which has cost more than £15,000, was made possible by a generous donation from one of our parishioners.

Since there are graves all over the churchyard, we were obliged to engage the services of archaeologists to keep a constant eye on the work. They painstakingly scraped the soil away from any items of interest, uncovering bones from some sixteen bodies as well as a small piece of mediaeval pottery which lay beneath the chancel wall, confirming the date we already had for the chancel. The archaeologists are completing a formal record of their finds which I understand will be deposited in the National Museum Record Centre in Swindon with a copy submitted to the Wiltshire Historic Environment Record. The PCC will also have a copy.

Over the period of the work, Rev’d Maria conducted four short ceremonies attended by groups of parishioners. The first was necessary because the churchyard is consecrated ground and soil was going to be removed from it: Maria consecrated an area of the grassland at the edge of the car park into which the spoil from the excavations has since been placed. Then there were two ceremonies to re-inter bones in the churchyard close to the sites where they had been found. And finally there was another re-interment of three bodies found in shallow graves outside the churchyard wall.

Water from the churchyard was running nicely through the drain into the bourne during the recent heavy rains. We may have a long wait before the church has fully dried out, but we really look forward to our beautiful church becoming dry and cosy for worship and community use.

Mike Tavener

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Avebury Parish Council Headlines from the Parish Council’s meeting on Tuesday 3 July 2012 and subsequent events. Planning: We decided to support four planning applications, being Listed Building Consent for an oak entrance door at the Waggon and Horses, a 30% reduction in the height of an ash tree at Bannings in Bray Street, works to render, extend perimeter eaves and replace timber garage doors at Greystones in Green Street and construction of a garage and swimming pool at Parthia in Beckhampton. Village Traffic Initiative: Stage 2: We have started work on a traffic management plan for Beckhampton and are using it as a template for Avebury, Trusloe and West Kennett. We will then be working with traffic consultant Ben Hamilton-Baille to refine our proposals. Mike Bedford is leading on this and he will welcome anyone who wants to help out. If you’re interested, contact him on [email protected] WHS Traffic Management and Design Guide: This is a much more detailed project that will draw up proposals for dealing with traffic movements, pedestrian flows, parking and signs in the WHS. Stage 2 of the Traffic Initiative will feed into this and although our bid for £15k was turned down by the EU LEADER programme in May, we are now putting together an alternative funding package. We already have £4k+ pledged locally and we are working with Wiltshire Council to find a further £15k in the next few weeks. Meanwhile we have had a meeting with Wiltshire Council about road markings on the A4 at West Kennett. They will not be adopting an innovative design but we are awaiting a slightly amended plan that will hopefully improve the scheme that’s been in place to date. Solstice 2012: There have been very few complaints about solstice this year. There were four arrests for public disorder, but we welcomed the deterrent effect of a drugs dog and we noted that there were no arrests for drug related offences. The main concern in the Parish, and in West Overton, has been the continuation after solstice of parking by campervans on the Ridgeway. This has resulted in the Police issuing Notices this year and the Ridgeway is, at present anyway, now clear. We agreed to congratulate the National Trust and the Police for their work over solstice and we will be meeting shortly with them and Wiltshire Council to look at Ridgeway issues further. Jubilee celebration update: Following the Jubilee celebration, several people have said they didn’t get commemorative mugs and we have therefore decided to buy another 24. We are also looking into making a CD of photos of the event and are offering a small seed-corn grant if a community orchard scheme is developed. If you want a mug/mugs please contact me, details below. Great Stones Way: We have now received a copy of the Environmental Impact Study on the Great Stones Way and meetings have been arranged by the North Wessex Downs AONB to discuss it in early August and early September. We are currently considering the Study, but early reactions are that it does not address or answer the questions we have asked about visitor numbers, car parking, economic benefits or job creation in the Parish. If you want a copy, please email or ring me. Date of next meeting: Tuesday 4 September 2012 Andrew Williamson (Acting Clerk), 539 284 and [email protected]

Broad Hinton Primary School Dear All, I can not believe that it is the end of the academic year already and this is my last newsletter of the year. The year has flown by and we have achieved so many new things this year; fantastic OFSTED and church inspections in February, outstanding teaching in all classes, enhanced community links, cross curricular links in lessons and themed days, behaviour and safety throughout the school, use of pupil voice on Merlin (top 10% in Wiltshire), cluster links with the Wootton Bassett and Marlborough schools, activities organised by Friends, gaining the ArtsMark Award, Bronze Award in the new Healthy Schools Award and Green Flag for Eco Schools, implementation of the Daisy Chain Group on Wednesdays and the outstanding provision for children with disabilities and needing extra support. As we evaluate our achievements this year as teaching staff and governors we all look forward to the new challenges ahead and hope for your continued support in these new ventures. Thank you again from all the teaching staff and governors. Well done these pupils for achievements outside school. Our Key Stage 2 children are still enthusiastically working on Mathletics for their home learning and class work. It is brilliant to see the children excited to learn maths in this interactive way and many children have already gained their bronze, silver and now gold certificates. Well done to these people: Ariella White, Hope Ashford, Tegan Ashford, Sarah Hafner, Edith Cuninghame, James Tye, Ben Cowie, Sophie Hodgetts, Lexie Knight, Eddie Knight, Bria Knight, Carys Hughes, Kym Quines. Also well done to Georgina Hughes for gaining her Stage 2 in swimming and Katie Lewis her Stage 3. Edith Cuninghame has been awarded her level 1 and 2 in ice-skating and certificates of performances have been awarded to Ariana and Alice Tulissio for their contribution in the Wootton Bassett Arts Festival, in which they played solo pieces and a duet. A big thank you to the Friends and the Local Community How fab was the fete? It was brilliant even though I hurt that evening and the next day. I would like to say a huge thank you to the Friends of Broad Hinton School and the school and local community for making the day so successful. The money raised is for the children of the school and this will go some way towards the extra activities the children are involved in during next year. Thank you so much to everyone who helped on the day to set up, run a stall, clear up and spend their money as well as on the Friday night to help erect the huge tent. Thank you again. Well done to our School Council, School Ambassadors, Sports Council, Eco Schools and our Friendship Group this year, who have organised projects and fun activities for all the children and families to enjoy. We hope that the good partnerships within these groups will continue next year with our new groups and that they will continue to make a difference to school life. Well done everyone! Attainment at the end of Key Stage 1 and 2. I am pleased to share with you our results for our teacher assessments at the end of Key Stage 1 and our results of SATs taken by our Year 6s at the end of Key Stage 2. It is expected that an average child would achieve a 2B at Key Stage 1 and a Level 4 at Key Stage 2. The members of teaching staff are very proud of the children in our school and of the effort and attitude they show towards work at home and school. It is both of these attributes and the partnership between home and school that encourage the children to do well in everything they do at school. Thank you for your continued support and we all look forward to the exciting times ahead of us. Past pupils A big well done to all the children who have received achievement awards at Ridgeway School this year. These include: Tom and William Fieldsend, Niamh Cuninghame, Natasha Barnes, Sam Lewis, Jessica Hutchings and Nicky Hafner.

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Winterbourne Bassett Sparkles! For some reason that I can't remember, The Queen's Golden

Jubilee a decade ago rather passed me by and I hope I can be forgiven for doubting that the legendary patriotic and neighbourly spirit of previous jubilees could genuinely come into bloom in the 21st century. It seemed that we might even be trying too hard as a nation to conjure up that perhaps mythical "street-party atmosphere". How would my adopted home village mark another such rare and significant event? Would it be a fitting show of appreciation to Her Majesty and a unique celebration within our community?

Well, we can proudly say YES! What made the Diamond Jubilee party in Winterbourne Bassett especially memorable is the way that the dozens of contributory efforts, some small, some substantial but each in their own way important, came together gradually and created a fabulous occasion. You could sense the "jubilee spirit" rising as more than 100 villagers, friends and families arrived and deposited the savoury dishes, salads and puddings they had made in the marquee. All of a sudden the sum of a what was obviously lots of time and trouble was represented in a magnificently decadent spread. The grant the village received for jubilee celebrations had purchased meat from local butchers and several eager volunteers took turns in manning four barbecues. We were also treated to lashings of roast pork which I am told was from a very local source indeed! All conceivable condiments being available plus plenty of fresh crusty bread made for an absolutely mouthwatering feast.

The car park and grounds of The White Horse had kindly been reserved for the event and thankfully the weather was British in character but relatively kind - no bunting, union jack bow ties, hats, or trousers were harmed. Despite a stiff cool breeze that bank holiday Monday that caused our patriotic tablecloths to try to be flags, our rows of tables were crowded all afternoon and there were numerous very competitve entries to a very entertaining, and educational, team quiz all about Her Majesty and her reign. Warm chatter was accompanied by a wonderful jazz band, and the odd popping of a cork or occasional clash of tankards. Younger revellers loved the bouncing castle. A toast was raised to "The Queen" and then came the important business of drawing the raffle. The prize table was positively groaning and around £300 was raised for repair funds at the village church. I hope everyone enjoyed the party as much as I did and that other communities' events were just as successful. Martin Knight and his megaphone did a great job of expressing thanks to a number of people who put the major bones in place but I think all who came along to this fantastic party truly appreciate, and can be justifiably proud of, each others efforts whether that was putting up bunting, baking a cake or collecting rubbish. This was a very special afternoon of sharing between neighbours that I will certainly remember for a long time to come. Hip hip hip hooray! Claire Le Gresley

AVEBURY ROCKS 2012 Thank you to all who came and helped make the walk and concert so enjoyable in spite of the damp weather. We sold around 1300 tickets and look forward to finding out how much we raised for Prospect and CALM. Thank you to the people of Avebury for their support and in particular to the individuals and Avebury-based organisations who contributed in so many ways to make it a success: the Farthing Family, Avebury Sportsfield Association (ASA), the Avebury Club, the National Trust, the Henge Shop, John Sumbler, Avebury Community Shop and George Wilding. Congratulations to local Rotary Clubs and the LoveHopeStrength Foundation for their organisation of the event. If anyone has any comments on the event, please contact me as soon as possible before we have our debriefing session. Mike Polack ([email protected])

Avebury & District Youth Football Club

The club has been awarded Charter Standard status by the Football Association (FA). The Charter Standard Scheme sets standards of coaching, administration and child protection for all clubs outside the Football League and Premier League. As a benchmark for quality, it will improve the playing experience for all.

The U9 team played Futsal for the first time at the Swindon Futsal facility recently. Playing a friendly match the team had a chance to practice their technical skills on a fast pitch. This was the first time they’d played indoors and on a surface other than grass. The Under 9s and their opponents had great fun and both coaches were pleased, especially with everyone passing the ball around well. Its something the club will look at for all age groups in the future.

All the club is proud that Dominic, coach of the Kennet Valley Stars - the Avebury team for boys and girls aged 4-6 - has gained an FA Level 2 Coaching Qualification. Well done Dom!

The U7's side played their first tournament at Bishop’s Cannings. The teams included, Chippenham A and Chippenham B and a team from Bishops Cannings. It was a great experience for the team. They never stopped smiling and even in between matches they continued to play good football. Our aim for the day was to score Avebury’s first ever U7′s goal, which was achieved, scored by Tom ‘get in there’ Gettins. The players were presented with medals, food and drink, courtesy of the hosts, so a big thank you to them.

The Club Committee is growing from strength to strength and is now meeting monthly, but we still need more volunteers, so if you are interested, please step forward.

The Club is now able to turn your unwanted music & films into sports equipment for Club teams. All donations are appreciated. If you can help, please bring your unwanted CDs and DVDs to any training session or contact us.

As it's now June the season has finished as far as the North Wilts League is concerned. So, well done to the U14’s who've completed their first season in the League performing valiantly and enthusiastically all season. A big pat on the back and thanks to all the boys who played, trained and worked hard. Thanks also to the parents who have supported all the teams throughout the season.

If you know of anyone who would be interested in playing for the Club please ask them to come along to training at Kennet Valley Hall in Lockeridge. Training takes place on Saturday mornings, starting at 9.30 – 10.15 for the 4-6 year olds and the under 7s and 10.30 – 1130 for the under 9s, under 11s, under 12s and under 14s. Please note that we continue training and playing throughout the summer.

Thanks again for supporting Avebury & District Youth Football Club. Bruce Hinder 01672 539184 [email protected]

Cabbage Sunday 2012 Cabbage Sunday will be held on 30 September this year and will still be at The New Inn, Winterbourne Monkton . Although the pub is ceasing to trade as a public house it is continuing to operate as a B & B and the manageress, Sandra Pope, has kindly agreed to supply draught beer and other alcohol for that day, and the pub will operate as a pub for that day only. So, please, make a note in

your diaries that the event will be on Sunday September 30th at The New Inn starting at 1.00pm. Thank You and we look forward to seeing you on the day.

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Brickwork, Ceramic Tiling, Painting and Decorating, Garden Fencing and General Maintenance. With 30+ years of experience, there isn't much I haven't come across, so for a free quotation or simply to 'Pick my brain!' Contact me:-

5 Southfield, West Overton, Wilts, SN8 4HE

Phone: 01672 861438 Mobile: 07732989650 E-mail: [email protected]

Brian Watts

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RING TIM ON 01380-730402

The Kennet Vale Junior Table Tennis Club operates out of Kennet Valley Hall in Lockeridge and meet on Tuesday nights 17.45– 19.00 between September and April Due to some of our long term members moving on to College and Uni`, we can now accept some new recruits. Ideal age is about 9 – 10 but in some cases we can accept younger or older children. The purpose of our club is to introduce children to this most enjoyable sport. Enjoyment is the main thing although many of our past members have achieved quite high standards. Success normally comes from applying a disciplined approach to learning the sport and we do expect a reasonable commitment to the learning process. If you would like to join us this coming September please contact either Colin 861672, or Brian 861513. Numbers will be limited so it will be “first come first served”


Hilliers Yard, Marlborough

01672 512170

What Has Been Happening at Kennet Valley School

July is, of course, the last month of the school year. The whole school community has been especially busy with many fun activities and, of course, saying goodbye to our Year 6 pupils, whom we shall miss.

The School Fayre took place on Friday 29th June in the playground. We included the community at large in our party and Lockeridge was buzzing with activity; it is lovely to have our school right at the heart of the village.

Some of our pupils will be heading for the Olympics this summer. Kim Spenser, our Headteacher, applied on behalf of the school for tickets for 10 and 11 year old. We were lucky enough to get tickets for the Women’s Football and The Athletics. There was a draw and the lucky pupils will participate in this once in a lifetime opportunity.

David Hemery, our very own local Olympic Gold Medal winner, visited the school. He was given a rousing welcome and went on to talk about his charity ‘21st Century Legacy’. Our pupils asked lots of relevant questions.

International Sports Day was a huge success at the Kennet Valley Hall. We were lucky to have a sunny day (a rare occurrence this summer) to share this day with schools throughout the country. We spent the whole day at the KVH and enjoyed this great facility which is on our door step. We want to thank the Kennet Valley Hall Committee for juggling arrangements. The ‘Friends’ did a wonderful job supplying food and drink and their profits with go towards the ‘School Fund’.

We are pleased to announce that the Bluebell Nursery will be running an afterschool club next school year on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday until 5.30 pm.

There was a whole school trip to Oxenwood on July 4th. The youngest pupils did fencing, archery, discuss, javelin and learnt how to build a shelter. Years 3 and 4 did fencing, archery and off road cycling skills. The older pupils got to Mountain Bike and Canoe. The weather could have been better, but it didn’t dampen our pupils’ enjoyment.

The Annual Leavers Performance took place at the Kennet Valley Hall. Every year our Year 6 pupils surprise us with their creativity. It is their way of saying good bye. It was brilliant.

On the 20th July the whole school walked through the village and across the fields to St Nicholas in Fyfield for the End of Year Service. The Year 6 pupils stayed behind with the vicar, their parents and School Governors for tea and a chat about leaving Kennet Valley School.

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Kennet Valley 60+ June

A meeting of 60+ Club was held on Thursday, 21 June, at the Kennet Valley Hall. Sylvia had invited to our annual garden party (although we never actually got into the garden!) the Chairman and Committee Members of the Kennet Valley Hall, who work so tirelessly to keep the hall running and looking so good. We hope they enjoyed the afternoon. There were only a few notices as follows: There are still spaces available for our visit to Broad Hinton 60+ Club at a cost of £3.50 each. The outing to be held on the 5 July still has two spaces available. We have been invited to the dress rehearsal of the Lockeridge School to be held on the 18 July at 2pm at the Kennet Valley Hall. Do please try to attend as it is always a very entertaining afternoon. As the weather was so bad we had an impromptu Quiz run by Dennis. This always turns out to be an hilarious hour or so. Thank you Dennis! The rest of the afternoon was taken up with an excellent tea party with some wonderful sandwiches and cakes, followed by a raffle. Despite the rain it turned out to be a great afternoon.

July A meeting of the 60+ club took place on the 19 July at the Kennet Valley Hall. Sylvia reported that the recent outing had been a great success. We had also been invited to attend the Lockeridge School's end of term play. As usual it was an excellent performance by the children. They were all very talented and it was a wonderful afternoon. We would like to thank the Management of Waitrose for allowing us to participate in the Community Funding scheme. The money is much appreciated and will be put towards Christmas lunch for all our members. A mystery tour will held on the 13 September at a cost of £10. Please ensure the money is paid next month. Next year's holiday will be from the 22 - 26 April, destination - North Wales. Please let the Committee know if you would like to go on this holiday. Our speaker at this meeting was Keith Hicketts, who kept us all highly entertained with his stories of his life as a young policeman in Trowbridge in the 60s. He joined the Wiltshire police soon after getting married. Wiltshire had the first County Constubulary in the country. In those early days the Constabulary was run on military lines and if you were on the 6am shift you had to be on parade by 5.45am to be inspected and to make sure that you had your handcuffs and truncheon at the ready. The only means of communication then was by 'phoning from a telephone box. Keith had some extremely funny and also heartbreaking moments. Thank you, Keith, and we look forward to your coming back again. After the raffle and tea and biscuits the meeting closed at 4pm.

Bluebell Nursery We have completed our first school year in our lovely

classroom...and what a great year we have had! As well as being awash with work and paintings, we have had a year of happy, fun learning opportunities. We have planted sunflowers and had enormous fun with water & sand in the sunshine and rain (rain, most of the time actually!).

We are now just a doorway away from Kennet Valley School and have enjoyed stories there with reception children and have been fortunate enough to have used some of the school lovely new facilities and equipment.

We have said goodbye and good luck at school to Sophie, Ruby, Marisol, Ollie & Georgina and also a massive Bon Voyage to Giovanna who is heading back home to Brazil.

We return in September (3rd) to start all over again - some places are still available, if you would like to arrange a visit, please contact us on 861276.

Fingers crossed for sunshine... Ruthie

Fyfield and West Overton Parish Council

Parish Clerk Sophie Roberts 01672 861262 [email protected] New Parish Council -- The AGM lead to a number of changes in the makeup of the PC. To cut a long story short resignations have left us a little thin on the ground. We need a new councillor for each of our villages i.e. West Overton, Fyfield and Lockeridge. It is not an arduous job, but vital for our villages. Please call or e-mail Sophie and find out more. The Ridgeway-- Overton Hill again has a few stragglers from the Summer Solstice. The recent count was 15 vehicles and a few tents. As there are no facilities it is not a good place to camp. The Police and National Trust are putting together a plan. PC 2277 David Tippett NPT Marlborough Rural West Marlborough Police Station George Lane Marlborough SN8 4BU Tel 0845 408 7000 ext. 739 817 [email protected] West Overton Grain Drier-- A public meeting was held after the AGM to discuss this controversial planning application. The meeting was a big success and many issues were thrashed out. The PC put together a reply about this to the Wiltshire Council. The application went to Committee on 19th July (after the UKN deadline). If you want to keep an eye on what is happening please go to the Council’s planning web site. Community Area Manager-- Andrew Jack will be in Marlborough Library from 12 to 5pm every Wednesday. He is available to discuss issues related to the Marlborough Area Board, Community Area Funding and Wiltshire Council Services. Fund Raising-- Wiltshire is running a ‘Creative Ways of Raising Money’ event in both September and October. For more information please go to the Wiltshire and Swindon Funding Network. New Community Market-- July 1st saw the first non-profit Market in Marlborough High Street. Over 20 Marquees went up from 11 to 4pm. It is planned to repeat this on the first Sunday of every month. For more information go to the Marlborough Community Website Want to Make Music?-- Music Matters runs a community based music project for 13 to 19 year olds. Want to join the summer project? Call Carrie on 01380 735780 or [email protected] My Favourite Place Photo Competition-- This competition will be held by the AONB deadline is August 31st. More details on the website

Next Parish Council Meeting on at the Kennet Valley Hall on September 24th at 7pm.

Agendas are posted on the Parish Notice Boards ahead of the meeting.

All are welcome Judith Woodget Communications

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Marlborough Embroiderers Guild

The July meeting of the Marlborough & District Branch of the Embroiderers' Guild took place at the Kennett Valley Hall in Lockeridge where members were entertained with a lively talk on Lost & Found by Guild member Deena Beverley. Deena an author and stylist gave a talk about her life growing up in a small Norfolk village, going to Art college before working in London and eventually settling in Marlborough. How various 'found' objects have influenced her work also her writing either for magazines or the several books that she has had published and all the highs and lows along the way. She passed around several pieces of her work and members were able to ask questions and examine samples more closely. The next meeting of the guild will be September 3rd at 2pm at Kennet Valley Hall in Lockeridge. It will be an open meeting, so all welcome and our speaker will be Isobel Hall on 'Mixed Media and Stitch'. For more details about the guild call Shirley Watson on 01793525517.

Kennet Valley Cinema Kennet Valley Hall Lockeridge

September 9th SALMON FISHING IN THE YEMEN Stuffy government scientist Fred is asked by an Arab Sheik to do the seemingly impossible - introduce British salmon to the Yemen. Despite considerable trepidation, Fred is finally won over by the charismatic Arab, who reveals that fishing brings him closer to God. Fred also begins to fall for the Sheik's beautiful legal representative Harriet; and so he rises to the eccentric challenge, casting off his English reserve on a transformative journey of self discovery and late blooming love. Adapted from Paul Torday’s hit novel (much featured on Radio 4) and with a dream cast including Kristin Scott-Thomas, Ewan McGregor and Emily Blunt. October 14th THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL A group of British retirees decide to "outsource" their retirement to seemingly exotic India. Enticed by advertisements for the newly restored Marigold Hotel and bolstered with visions of a life of leisure, they arrive to find the palace a shell of its former self. Though the new environment is less luxurious than imagined, they are transformed by their shared experiences, discovering that life and love can begin again when you let go of the past. A dream cast: Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy, Penelope Wilton, Tom Wilkinson and Slumdog Millionaire’s Dev Patel. This is a film which people will want to see again. December 9th THE ARTIST Oscar winner of Best Film, Best Actor, Best Director. A silent film in black and white set in 1927 at the end of the silent era. As silent movie star George Valentin wonders if the arrival of talking pictures will cause him to fade into oblivion, he meets Peppy Miller, a young dancer set for a big break. Everything about this film is exceptional. The acting is top-notch, the story is intriguing, and despite being black and white, the film is visually appealing.”

To reserve tickets phone Carolyn Stimpson on 01672 861373

what better way to spend an autumn Sunday evening?

Diamond Jubilee Mugs

These are available to every child under 10 in the villages of West Overton, Lockeridge and Fyfield from your PARISH COUNCIL. If you child has not received one yet Please contact Paul Burrowbridge on 861149 before August 13th


COUNCIL ___________________________



LOCKERIDGE WARD __________________________



FYFIELD WARD __________________________




MEETING If you would like to represent the residents and interests of our Civil Parish, please notify the Parish Clerk, Mrs Sophie Roberts at 5 Peacock, West Overton, SN8 4HD in writing or by email to [email protected] by 14th September 2012. If you would like further details or information ab out what it entails please contact the Council Vice Chairman (Paul Burrowbridge) on 01672 861429.

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E st. 1991

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Tree Surgery works carried out by qualified staff E-mail: [email protected]


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Phone: 01672 861392 Mobile: 07811 142390


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Debbie Simpson MCSP SRP (Bupa registered) Musculo-skeletal specialist

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call for a chat about your garden



Contact: Virginia Hemery Tel: +44 (0) 1672 861527

Email: [email protected] Website:

Page 13: A View from the Rectory August 2012 - Upper Kennet News August 2012.pdf · 2012. 7. 26. · Spiegel im Spiegel by Arvo Part Cressida Nash and Ruth Lamdin Sunday 23 rd September 4


The Bluebell Nursery Kennet Valley School. Lockeridge

THE BLUEBELL NURSERY, is situated in the grounds of Kennet Valley School, Lockeridge. We have our own building with a safe enclosed outdoor area.

We are open Monday – Friday, offering morning, afternoon & all day sessions. For children aged 2-4½ years

Let our qualified, experienced staff provide the best start for your child.

OUR ‘TODDLER’ SESSION IS HELD ON A FRIDAY MORNING 10-00 to 12-00am AT THE KENNET VALLEY HALL, LOCKERIDGE. For more information or to arrange a visit, please call Ruth on 01672 861276.


ROSS EDWARDS Building Contractor

New Buildings, Extensions, Maintenance and Alterations

12 Thomson Way, Marlborough Telephone 01672 514020

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Tel: 01672 515415 Mob: 07917 353314



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(MA Cantab) Qualified and experienced horticulturalist and garden designer offers an individual and personal service. * Complete design and build service * Planting plans for complete gardens or single borders * Restoration of neglected gardens * Consultation and plant sourcing * Wild gardens/personalised retreats Tel/Fax 01672 861462 Mobile 07970 590674 e-mail:- [email protected]

Page 14: A View from the Rectory August 2012 - Upper Kennet News August 2012.pdf · 2012. 7. 26. · Spiegel im Spiegel by Arvo Part Cressida Nash and Ruth Lamdin Sunday 23 rd September 4


For Sale Black and Decker Small Electric Hedge trimmer £10 Swivel, computer chair black/dark grey £8 Dirt Devil DD140 Power Vac (small hoover) - hardly used £7 All proceeds to Monkton Church. Contact Penny Gold 01672 539158

PREMISES TO LET Workshop and Yard – For a small business

Outbuildings – For Storage Two Bedroom House – For Professional Couple

Near Avebury. All available now.

Please call 01672 539 206 to learn more.

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WHO’S WHO in the Upper Kennet Churches

PRIEST IN CHARGE - REV’D MARIA SHEPHERDSON 01672 539643 The Rectory, 27 High Street, Avebury, SN8 1RF If you require a priest in an emergency and are unable to contact Rev’d Maria please telephone one of the churchwardens. LAY PASTORAL ASSISTANTS Mrs Claire Stiles 01793 731620 [email protected] Mr Graham Kitchen 01672 861349 [email protected]> BENEFICE OFFICE: Ray Manley, Anne Robinson (Mon-Thurs, 10am-1pm) Tel: 01672 861786 e-mail: [email protected] Address: The Garden Room, 62 Lockeridge, SN8 4EL CHURCHWARDENS AVEBURY Mr David Davidge 01672 513819 [email protected] Mrs Maureen Dixon 01672 539690 [email protected] EAST KENNETT Mr Graham Kitchen 01672 861349 [email protected] Mr John Evans 01672 861635 [email protected] WEST OVERTON Mrs Averina Northmore-Ball 01672 861636 [email protected] FYFIELD Ms Vicky Evans 01672 861622 [email protected] WINTERBOURNE MONKTON Ms Penny Gold 01672 539158 [email protected] WINTERBOURNE BASSETT Mr Martin Knight 01793 731764 [email protected] Mr Peter Barry 01793 731589 [email protected] BROAD HINTON Mrs Jenni Moseling 01793 731629 [email protected] Miss Sally Cartwright 01793 731050 [email protected] Benefice Council Lay Chairman Mr Mark Wightman 01793 731452 [email protected] PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL SECRETARIES AVEBURY Mr David Davidge 01672 513819 [email protected] EAST KENNETT, FYFIELD & WEST OVERTON Mrs Anne Robinson 01672 861169 [email protected] WINTERBOURNE MONKTON Mr Bill Buxton 01672 539199 [email protected] WINTERBOURNE BASSETT Mr Steve Sumner 01793 731029 [email protected] BROAD HINTON Mr Adrian Overson 01793 731064 [email protected] MAGAZINES Final copy date 3rd Friday each month unless otherwise notified. UPPER KENNET NEWS in Fyfield, West Overton, East & West Kennett, Beckhampton, Avebury Trusloe, Avebury, Winterbourne Monkton & Berwick Bassett: Editor David Throup , Longmynd, Lockeridge SN8 4ED 01672 861279 [email protected] Please send all copy including advertising and payment to David Throup. LOCAL NEWS in Uffcott, Broad Hinton & Winterbourne Bassett: Editor Tim Powell 01793 739083 [email protected]

What’s On At AVEBURY & DISTRICT CLUB Annual Membership Adults £5 Juniors £4 Temporary Membership (1 Month) Adults £2 Juniors £1

Thursday Nights in House Darts League Friday Nights Skittles League

Unless stated all activities start at approx 8.15 pm

Saturday 4th – Skittles for Cash ££££ Saturday 11th - Live Music with Tom & Kerry - YOU heard them at the Avebury BIG Lunch

Saturday 18th - Booked for Private Event – Members can use Pool Room Saturday 25th - Booked for Private Event – Members can use Pool Room

Sunday Bingo 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th - Eyes down 8.15pm

Avebury Club is available to hire, contact Alan – Secretary on 07879 486905 or call

Avebury Club (when open) on 01672 539258 or visit Avebury Club website to check


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Advertisers Index

Company Telephone

A4 Aerials 01672 515202

Armishaws Removals 01963 34065

Avebury Club 01672 539258

Bluebell Nursery 01672 861276

Brian Watts 01672 861438

Carpet Clean 01672 871414

Chalky's Workshop 01672 861123

F Dewey 01672 563440

Gardening and Painting - G. Clarke 01672 539470

Home Inspirations Ltd 01380 728644

Life and Career Coach 01672 861565

Marlborough Flowers 01672 516915

Ovenclean 01249 650398

Overdrive driving tuition 01672 861613

Physiotherapy - Debbie Simpson 01672 861362

Richard Hartshorn 01672 861113

Ross Edwards 01672 514020

S White 01672 515415

Time Restored 01672 563544

Earthwise Garden Design 01672 861462

Wayne Gardiner - Window cleaning 01672 861575

Judith Woodget Garded Design 01672 861314

Gett Landscaping 01672 861392

David Oliver Tree Services 01672 861310

Ridge House B&B 01672 861527

Mobility Store 01672 511550


by Michael Flanders and Joseph Horovitz Come and sing this lively version of the story of Noah on Saturday 3rd November 2012 in the Kennet Valley Hall Conducted by Ruth Lamdin We will begin with coffee at 11 am and rehearse until lunchtime. Bring your own lunch. Then some more rehearsing followed by tea and cake. At about 5 pm we will perform the work to our friends and relations and any others who would like to come. The music is suitable for all adults whether they consider themselves singers or not. You do not need to be able to read music. Children aged 8 and over are also welcome although 8’s to 11’s must bring a singing adult with them. The cost for the day is £10 (children free). This includes refreshments (apart from lunch) and the cost of music hire. Booking is essential and should be done by Friday 19th October at the latest. More details from Ruth on 01672 861550 or [email protected]

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