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Hello, and welcome back to part two of chapter 22 of my Victorian Legacy. I hope you like cake, because there is a lot of it in this chapter.

As always I recommend that you have read the previous chapters. The big event of the last one was Eddie, my generation four heir, marrying Carmen Leong, and the two of them (plus Bertie and Stuart)

heading to Takemizu for their honeymoon.

They are now on their way home, but before they arrive, it’s time to catch up with Eddie’s big sister and a couple of events that happened while her brother was away.

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“Come on poppet, you can do it.” Encouraged Alexandra, as her daughter wobbled unsteadily on her feet. As the little girl leant down, placed the palms of her hands on to the floor, and sat down on her

bottom, Alexandra sighed. She was starting to get worried about Sarah Jane: it was the day of her birthday, and still she showed no sign of being able to walk. Alexandra knew she shouldn’t be comparing

her to her other children, but all three had been steady on their legs and running around like mad things before now.

“Alright then poppet, if you want to stay there for a little while.” She said as Sarah Jane looked

inquisitively round the room, before her gaze settled on her mother. Suddenly, the little toddler hefted herself to her feet, and, with unsure steps, rushed at Alexandra.

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Alexandra just managed to keep her wits about her, and caught Sarah Jane as she lunged at her. Smiling, Alexandra lifted her high into the air and turned on the spot with her. “See my poppet, I knew you

could do it.”

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Sarah Jane smiled at her. Yes, of course she could do it, it was a matter of wanting to. The only reason she had done it just then was because she thought it would make her mother happy. She’d been right,

and she did so want her mother to be happy.

“My little girl is getting so big.” Said Alexandra as she planted a kiss on Sarah Jane’s little snub nose. “I

think it is time to get you all washed up. Your grandmamma and grandpapa will be here for you birthday tea soon, and you want to look lovely for that, do you not?”

Sarah Jane’s response was to nuzzle against Alexandra’s neck. “Yes Mama.”

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A couple of hours later, Anthony stood in the dining room, holding his daughter. He had offered to be the one to bring her to her cake, out of consideration for his wife’s aching back. Teaching Sarah Jane to

walk, hadn’t done it much good, and it was one of the reasons she would be glad when the baby got there.

One of the reasons.

There would be no baby in the house for the first time in many a year once Sarah Jane had grown up, and Alexandra did not find that a comforting thought.

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“We are just waiting on your grandmamma, and then it will be time for you to blow out the candles.” Said Anthony smiling down at the toddler.

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“Wis’ she’d hurry up.” Murmured Sarah Jane reaching towards her cake.”

“No darling, do not do that. The candles will hurt you if you touch them.” Said Anthony, leaning

backwards to stop the squirming toddler from reaching the bright flames.

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With Beth in the room, and paying attention, Anthony helped Sarah Jane to blow the candles out.

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With a little wiggle and flurry of multicoloured lights, Sarah Jane grew from a cute little toddler into a

lovable little girl.

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After seeing her daughter grow up, Alexandra had retired to bed early. Her back ached, her feet ached and the baby was generally restless. She hoped that trying to get a good night’s sleep would help, but her

night was to be disturbed.

Not long after the last of the guests had left, she was woken out of her doze by sharp pains in her belly.

She knew exactly what they heralded, and called out for assistance.

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Bethany came running and was on hand with some advice. “Breathe Mama, you are doing well. The baby is nearly here.”

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And he was. Very shortly, Alexandra gave birth to a little boy with his father’s colouring. She and Anthony named him Michael, but it was immediately shortened to Mickey.

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The rest of the family soon entered the bedroom to meet their brother. David seemed especially pleased that he now had a younger brother as well as a younger sister.


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Within two weeks of Alexandra giving birth to Mickey, Eddie and his family were home from Takemizu.

“Darling, did you have a pleasant trip?” Asked Beth as she gave her son a hug to welcome him home.

“We did, thank you Mother. Takemizu is a truly remarkable place.” His smile widened. “Having a

beautiful local show us the sights made the trip unforgettable.”

“Well, I am very glad. You will have to tell your father and I all about it. I have fond memories of the place

myself and wish to know how much has changed since we were there.”

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“I think my sons are already telling father about what they did.” Laughed Eddie as the sound of his sons’ excited chatter reached him from the hallway.

“I had expected all of the travel to tire the two of them out, but that was not to be.” Said Eddie shaking his head, a wry expression on his face.

“They were probably just excited by all the new experiences darling, and do not forget that today is also

Bertie’s birthday. He must be excited about that too.” Pointed out Beth.

“How can I forget? My son is about to become a teenager. Tell me Mother, where does all the time go?”

“I wish I had an answer for you. Now where is your delightful wife, I wish to welcome her home too.”

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“She was just making sure that...ah, here she is.” Said Eddie as Carmen walked into the room.

“My dear, I do hope you enjoyed your trip back home.” Said Beth addressing Carmen.

“I did, thank you Okasan. It was most, pleasurable to see my homeland once more.” Replied Carmen with a bow of her head.

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“My dear, I am most pleased to hear that, although, I do hope you do not mind me saying this, but I expected you to look more well rested. I do hope the two boys did not tire you out.” Said Beth in a

concerned tone of voice.

“Not at all Okasan. I confess that the return voyage has left me feeling nauseous. The seas were rough

at times. I am confident that it will pass now I am home.” Said Carmen.

“I do hope it will my dear. Now, I have prepared a small luncheon for you all, if you wish to eat.”

“That is most kind Okasan. It will be delicious I am certain.” Carmen paused. “I would also like to speak

to you about my duties once we have eaten. I realise that they are many, and would like your advice on how best to undertake them.”

Beth swallowed to hide the lump in her throat. Such a different attitude to the one her first daughter-in-law

had possessed. “All in good time my dear. I would see you recovered from your journey first. Perhaps eating some light food at luncheon would help.”

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The entire family say down for the luncheon that Beth had prepared. While they were eating, the family regaled William and Beth with tales of the sights they had seen, sights which awakened a wave of

nostalgia in the older Mr & Mrs Legacy as it reminded them of their own honeymoon so many years ago.

The only person who didn’t completely enjoy the conversation was Carmen. She had eaten a couple of

cucumber sandwiches in the hope that eating something would help to settle her stomach, but it had the opposite effect. By the time Eddie was clearing the dirty plates from the table, she was feeling quite sick

and had to excuse herself to go and have a sit down.

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Thankfully, Carmen was soon feeling a bit better, and was able to join the rest of the family and their guests in the drawing room for Bertie’s birthday. He watched his father light the candles on his cake, and

counted them carefully. It seemed very strange to him that he was about to become a teenager. He was used to being a child, and felt he would prefer to remain one.

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He was not the only one who found it a strange development. Stuart couldn’t really remember not being the same age as his brother, and he hoped that the two of them would remain close. He was so used to

encouraging Bertie and helping him, he was not sure what he would do if Bertie no longer needed him.

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With everyone gathered round him and the table his cake was perched upon, Bertie started to consider

very carefully what it was he was going to wish for. It took him a little while to decide, after all he was happy now he had gotten over his misgivings about is father’s remarriage. His mind made up, he leant

over and blew all the candles out in one breath.

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It came to no surprise that Bertie grew up to be a very handsome teenager, who was still the spitting image of his father.


Bertie rolled popularity, just like his father with the LTW to become Hall of Famer.

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With the cake cut, and the birthday boy’s presents opened, the family scattered to enjoy themselves.

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While his father, aunt and cousins were dancing in the drawing room, Bertie found himself cornered by Andrew in the dinning room. “Is it much different being a teenager?” He asked excitedly.

“I have been a teenager for only an hour Andrew. I still feel much the same as I did, but taller.” Replied Bertie.

“But you will be coming to mine and Peter’s birthday later this week?” Asked Andrew, missing the relief

evident in Bertie’s tone.


Andrew and Peter Harrison are second cousins of Bertie and Stuart, and the sons of Theo and the simself

of DrSupremeNerd, writer of the awesome Vetinari Dulaegacy.

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Bertie looked down at Andrew, not entirely sure what to make of what his friend was saying. “Of course I am. You are my friends, my birthday has not changed that? Why would you think it would?”

Andrew shrugged. “No reason really. Is there any cake left?”

“I think so, yes.” Replied a puzzled Bertie. He had no idea why his friend would have thought that he would no longer want to be friends with him, just because they were now a different age, but then again

Andrew always seemed to have a hundred different questions racing through his mind. He should probably just forget the conversation had happened, but, even as he thought that, he knew he wouldn’t.

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When Bertie climbed into bed once everyone had left, the conversation with Andrew was still preying on his mind, making his thoughts turn to less pleasant things. He hadn’t had a night terror since the one in

Takemizu Village. Yes, he had had a few nights of disturbed sleep, and had woken with a start, but he had not cried out, nor could he remember what he had been dreaming of. He hoped that it would last,

and that he wouldn’t start having them again, especially now he was no longer a child.


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It seemed that Bertie was not the only one to remember the conversation, because when he arrived at Andrew and Peter’s birthday party a few days later, Andrew greeted him at the door with the words,

“thank you for coming. I did worry you would have other things to do, but you don’t.”

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“I promised you I would be here, and here I am. There was no reason for you to believe otherwise.” Said Bertie, trying to smile. If Andrew thought that he would abandon a friend so easily, was that because

Andrew would do just that? It was a discomforting thought.

“I know, but I have so many thoughts I sometimes have difficulty knowing which ones I should believe.”

Said Andrew with a frown.

“You should believe in your friends.” Said Bertie quietly.

“Hmm.” Said Andrew as he thought about how everyone had gathered round to help him and Peter find

their sister. “You are right. I apologise. Pax?”

“Pax.” Agreed Bertie. “Now, don’t you have candles to blow out?”

“Yes, of course!”

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His little misunderstanding with Bertie sorted out, Andrew joined his brother and the rest of their family in the dinning room, ready to blow out the candles on his cake.

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Wishes made and candles extinguished, Andrew and Peter’s friends and family cheered loudly as they waited for the two of them to transition.

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Just as their friend had, the two Harrison boys grew up to be very handsome teenagers. Andrew decided

to put all the questions and situations that raced through his mind to use by embracing knowledge, as his parents had, while Peter knew that his heart belonged to his family.


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Over the next few weeks, life for the Legacys started to settle into a comfortable pattern. Beth had explained many of the duties Carmen was expected to carry out, and was always willing to help her with

those until she found her feet. The two women had spent one morning pouring over the visiting book, while Beth did her best to give Carmen background information on the family acquaintances, and in

particular the friendships she and Alexandra had been trying to repair following Marielle’s tenure as lady of the house.

Another morning was spent with the household accounts and inventory lists, and quite a few hours with

Lucy, the maid-of-all-work.

Carmen had vowed to do the best she could to keep the household running smoothly, but the duty she

had come to really enjoy was tending the Legacy garden. She had always felt connected to nature and there was something immensely satisfying to her, to be carrying on a tradition that dated back to the very

first woman to marry into the family. It was a task that Beth was glad to help her out with, which added to Carmen's enjoyment of it. The two women had forged a strong relationship, based on mutual respect and

love, and most days the greenhouse echoed to the sound of their chatter and tinkling laughter as they saw

to it that the current crop of vegetables were tended to.

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Of course, there were duties to be taken care of outside of the home too. The reason for Carmen’s nausea following the trip to Takemizu had become obvious when she developed a baby bump, but she

did not let her pregnancy prevent her from travelling to Beth’s Bric-a-Brac with her husband and father-in-law, so that she could learn the basics of serving in the shop.

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She was also instrumental in encouraging Eddie and his idea of having a weekly music afternoon. Every Sunday, the family could be found in the music room, where Eddie and his sons would play (often

melodies of Eddie’s own composing) for William, Beth and Carmen.

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Carmen was also settling into the role of stepmother. Both boys had quickly accepted her as their father’s wife, something she felt was in no small part thanks to the shared holiday. On her part, she was caring

and kind towards the two of them, and although she still worried about how much Bertie deferred to Stuart, she had been relieved to note that since he had been a teenager, that reliance had lessened.

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The only thing that Carmen fretted over to do with being the head of the family’s wife, was her lack of culinary skills. She felt sure that the family would soon grow tired of eating the grilled cheese sandwiches

she felt most comfortable making, and it was up to Eddie to reassure her that was not the case.


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While it seemed things had never been sweeter for the Legacy family, the same could not be said for the Grundstrom family. Joe was no longer a young man, and with the export business he had inherited from

his father, not performing as well as he hoped, the likelihood of him making a good marriage was fast diminishing. Indeed, if it wasn’t for the fact that Maria seemed to be clinging onto life with the tenacity

befitting a bulldog, she would have gone to the grave before seeing her only child married.

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Rachel Sullivan was her final hope. The daughter of a man investigated for embezzling money from the

company he was a joint partner of, she was far from perfect, but needs must as the devil drives, and so Maria had set about engineering their eventual betrothal with a vengeance.

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Joe had been reluctant to say the least. There had been argument after argument, but Maria had stood

her ground, cajoling and berating him until...

Page 40: A Victorian Legacy - Chapter 22 2 Cake last, he had proposed to Miss Sullivan.

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After three tortuous months for Joe, as his mother and fiancée had arranged every single detail of the ceremony, the morning of his wedding was now upon him.

He glanced dazedly around at the guests, from under the arch where he stood. His breath was coming out in short bursts and he desperately wanted to run, but knew he could not. His mother had been furious

at him for running from his first wedding, her wrath would be even worse if he did it again.

He heard sound of steps nearing him, and he started. Rachel was there, taking her position beneath the arch. There was no going back, he had to see the ceremony through this time.

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Joe got through the ceremony with a dry mouth and a fixed smile upon his face. It was all he could do to stop himself from jerking his hand away from Rachel as she slid the ring onto his finger and uttered her


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His vows made, Joe smiled beatifically at his guests as he walked out from under the arch. He noted how bright the sun was and how lucky it was that it hadn’t rained. That was the thing about arranging an

outdoor wedding in Simland: you never knew what the weather was going to do. His mother had probably ordered the clouds to stay away, she had organised everything else.

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He slumped to the floor, giggling at the thought. His mother, arranging the weather for his wedding, how funny. And how very like her. He couldn’t stop laughing.

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Rachel sat herself down on one of the benches, a strange expression on her face as she looked at her husband. He was as nutty as a fruit cake, dear lord what had she done. True, suitors hadn't exactly been

knocking down her door, after all she realised that she was rather homely, dare she admit it, horsy to look at and then there was the matter of her father’s indiscretion...but, was this really the best she could do?

The thought of being unmarried into her thirties, of becoming a spinster and burden to her family had forced her hand, and now she was starting to regret her actions deeply.

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Noticing the looks Joe was getting from the assembled guests, Maria strode towards him and helped him to his feet. “Come on now, pull yourself together.” She muttered. “What will the guests all think, not to

mention your bride. Now come inside do, we need to toast to your future happiness.”

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Smiling, Maria led the way into the drawing room to do just that. As she raised her glass to toast the happy couple, she tried not to notice that bride and groom were standing as far apart as they could

possibly get.


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With autumn starting to get colder, Carmen entered the third trimester of her pregnancy. Apart from the nausea early on, she had had an uneventful, even easy pregnancy so far, but as she entered the final

stages, she couldn’t help but feel apprehensive. So it was, that when her sister-in-law came to visit one afternoon, and asked her how she was faring, she decided to confide in Alexandra and Beth about her


“But you have such a glow about you Carmen, I would say that this pregnancy is treating you very well.”

Said Alexandra with a small shrug.

“I agree. You are faring very well my dear. You are managing to run the house and look after Stuart and Bertie, as well as yourself.” said Beth as she placed her cup of tea down on the tray.

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“That is very kind of you to say Okasan, dear sister, but...I am not a young woman to be having my first child. I worry that this is the calm before the storm, that my body will not be able to cope with carrying, or

bearing this child.” Replied Carmen, worry etched on her features.

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“My dear,” said Beth gently, “I fear you are worrying needlessly. I was only a year or so younger than you when I had Vicky. Not only that, but my mother-in-law gave birth to her last children only a year shy

of her fiftieth birthday. It is more difficult for an older woman to have a child, certainly, but it is not impossible.”

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“Mother is correct. I was older than you are now, when I gave birth to Mickey. I am certain all will be well.” Said Alexandra reassuringly.

“But, none of those babies were first babies.” Said Carmen worriedly.

Alexandra paused. “I think that the principal will still stand. You are a fit and healthy woman Carmen. You have had no problems at all carrying the baby this far, I do not see why the final stages will be any

different.” Beth nodded in agreement.

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Carmen thought about their words for a long moment before smiling gratefully at the two other women. “Thank you. You have put my mind at ease. I consider myself honoured and lucky to call you my family.”

“The feeling is mutual, I assure you.” Responded Alexandra, patting her sister-in-law’s knee.

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The three women weren’t the only ones discussing Carmen's pregnancy that afternoon. Bertie had finished helping Stuart with his homework, and rather than going outside to play, the two boys were sitting

on the floor of the study, talking.

“It will not be long until the baby is born now Stuart.” Said Bertie. “I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl.”

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“I have no idea,” said Stuart brightly as he rocked backwards and forwards, “but I am looking forward to being a big brother. Oh I know I am already a little brother, but I want to know what it is like being a big

brother too.”

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Bertie’s eyes clouded with worry. “ does not worry you that things will be so very different when our brother or sister is born?”

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“No, because different is good.” Said Stuart. “Things cannot stay the same forever Bertie, things have to change, and that is not bad. You are already a big brother to me, it will not be so different being a big

brother to a new brother or sister.”

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Bertie scratched at his back as he thought about his brother’s words. Stuart was right of course, there was no need at all for him to fear a new baby coming into the family, but he couldn’t help it.

“You are correct I suppose. There has been so much change recently...I wonder...never mind.”

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Stuart frowned at his brother briefly, before plastering a smile onto his face. “But all the changes recently have been good.”

Bertie nodded in agreement.

“And anyway, you will always have me. Now, do you want to play some football before dinner?” He asked changing the subject.

Bertie nodded. Let us see if you can beat me today.” He said unfolding himself and standing up.

“The only reason you won yesterday is because you are taller than me. You wait until I am a teenager, then we will see who is better at footie.” said Stuart as he got up to lead the way to the garden.

“If you say so.” Replied Bertie, reaching down to tickle his brother.

“Oi!” Laughing and shrieking, the two boys scrambled out to the football goal in the garden.


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Across the village, Henry Legacy sealed the last of the letters he had just penned and stared out the window of his study. His time was coming, he could feel it in the aching of his joints and the tiredness of

his muscles. He knew he had done well to live to over eighty, considering how many years he had spent in a dank prison cell, but that didn’t prevent him from being dissatisfied that he would not live to see

another spring.

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He lent back in his chair as a scowl graced his features. He was dissatisfied with a great many things, including this house. Oh It was a nice enough house, and he knew Aphrodita loved it greatly, but he

hated it.

He would hate any house he lived in that wasn’t his house.

His house.

He hadn’t lived there since he had left for university, but he knew in his heart of hearts that he was the one who had been meant to inherit both the house and the title of heir, not his idiot brother. He’d tried to

convince himself that he was happy as he was. He loved Dita, and she loved him back, plus he had three sons, and Timothy’s wife Lauri had produced a baby granddaughter, Margaret, but, he knew it would all

be sweeter somehow if he was living in the house he could barely see from his study window.


LauriEmpress write the excellent Legacy of Jubilee.

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His eyes drifted down to the desk. He had done all he could to try to secure the house for himself and his heirs.

Done all he could to prevent himself from dying here.

He sighed and gathered the letters from his desk. He had to get four of them to his solicitor with instructions for their dispersal on his death. Future planning was something he prided himself on.


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A few weeks after her conversation with Carmen, Alexandra was preparing to help her youngest blow out

the candles on his cake. She had invited all of her family, as well as the nice Mr Fitzhugh from down the


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With a smile at the assembled company, Alexandra bent down towards the cake and blew out the candles for Mickey. She still could not believe that her youngest son was about to be a toddler. It seemed like no

time at all since she had given birth to him.


Harry Fitzhugh appears courtesy of Smoothiequuen87 and her Villainous Apocalypse.

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As Mickey was passed from family member to family member, everyone said the same thing. “Does he not look like his mother?” Mickey may have had his father's exact colouring, but there was no mistaking

that nose, jaw or mouth anywhere.

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Mickey's wasn’t the only birthday that day. Much to Theo’s amazement, Celestia was becoming a teenager. He walked around the room, a dazed expression on his face as she blew out the candles. He

was now the father of three teenagers, where on earth had the time gone?

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Just like her brothers, Celestia had turned into quite the looker when she had aged. Theo had muttered something about locking her in the house until she was middle age, before Doc had nudged him in the

ribs and told him not to be so silly. He had smiled and apologised, promising to put such thoughts out of his mind.

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There was one thing that he couldn’t stop from preying on his mind though, and he expressed his concerns to his wife when they retired to bed.

“Doc, my dear, I could not help but notice that my daughter's hair has Do you think that is due to her alien heritage?”

Doc nodded slowly. “It could be. It would make sense after all. Whatever the reason it does suit her.”

“Yes,” agreed Theo reluctantly, “but green? She will be the talk of the village.”

Doc stifled a giggle. There were other reasons beyond her hair colour that made Celestia the talk of the village, how very like her husband not to realise that.


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It had been a busy afternoon for Alexandra. Wednesday was her afternoon for being “at home” so she received several acquaintances and taken tea with them. She had then spent some time updating her

visiting book, as well as writing a letter to the printer, ordering some more cards for Bethany (she handed them out like confetti, and Alexandra also made a mental note to speak to her daughter about that). Now

she was sitting lost in thought on the settee of the morning room, the book she had picked off the shelf to read, lying forgotten next to her.

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She was still staring at her hands when Anthony came home, and found her there. “Darling, what is wrong? I have rarely seen you look so down in the dumps.” He said as he sat down next to her.

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Alexandra looked over at him. “I apologise my love, I was lost in thought.”

“About what may I ask?” Said Anthony gently.

Alexandra sighed and fiddled with a ruffle on her skirt. “Another birthday is nearly upon us, and I was

thinking about how our children are growing up.”

“There is nothing we can do about the march of time, my love.” Anthony put his hand on top of hers as he


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“I realise that, but it has made me think about their childhoods.” She paused. “Yesterday, the bottom of Finch Street was closed, and the carriage made a detour along Antarctic Place, past the orphanage. Our

children are so lucky. They are growing up in a house with a family that loves them. I wonder how many of the children in the orphanage would feel they are as lucky as David is when they become teenagers

too.” She paused again. “There was one little boy I saw in the front yard in particular. He looked so lost, yet so eager to please it was all I could do to prevent myself from jumping out of the carriage and

sweeping him away.”

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Anthony regarded her in silence for a moment before saying, “Alexandra, are you saying you wished you could adopt the boy?”

“Is that so bad?”

Anthony smiled. “Not at all. I always knew I married the most caring woman in the world, this just confirms it.”

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He paused as he gathered his thoughts. “If you are serious about wanting to adopt, I do not see why we cannot arrange a meeting with the orphanage.”

“You mean that?” Asked Alexandra incredulously.

“Of course. We do need to discuss it some more, but I have no real problem with adding another child to our brood.” Replied Anthony.

Alexandra beamed at him. “You are the best of men and I love you Anthony Smith.”

“I love you too Alexandra Smith.” He replied, reaching over to caress her cheek.

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After much discussion, Alexandra and Anthony had set up a meeting with the proprietor of the orphanage, and arranged to adopt the black haired boy Alexandra had seen from the carriage. On arriving home,

they had gathered their children in the morning room and explained to them all about the adoption. The response had been positive from David and Bethany; Sarah Jane had been most pleased with the fact

that she would be getting a new play mate, and as for Christopher... Well he had made positive sounding noises as he had continued to scribble in the sketchbook he always kept with him.

Alexandra had been very pleased, and had set about arranging the last details of David’s birthday

celebration with vigour.

She was all smiles as she escorted the last of the guests into the dinning room, ready for David’s


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David’s transition went as smoothly as all his siblings and cousins, with his guests cheering him on as he blew out the candles and made a wish.

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Teenaged David still looked just like his father, but the fact that he had his mother’s brow was even more apparent now.


David rolled family.

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After David had grown up, the family dispersed around the house, most heading to the drawing room, where Bethany had promised to take a turn at the piano. Beth cornered her daughter in the hall, to

congratulate her on the gathering. “I do not know, how you do it Alexandra, your social gatherings are always meticulously planned and executed.”

Alexandra returned her smile. “I had a very good teacher mother. You are no slouch when it comes to entertaining.”

“You are far too kind my dear. I have not the flair you show for it. And you seem so happy to do it.”

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Alexandra bowed her head in acknowledgment. “Actually Mother, there is another reason I am so happy today.”

Beth gasped. “You are expecting again?” She asked.

“In a manner of speaking.” Replied Alexandra. “Anthony and I, we are adopting a child from the orphanage.”

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“Oh how wonderful.” Exclaimed Beth. “I am certain the two of you are going to be fabulous parents to the poor deserving child.”

“I do hope so.” Replied Alexandra, uncharacteristic worry flitting across her features. “We would so like to give Zane the family he deserves. The matron told us a little bit about his birth family...the poor child.”

She shook her head.

“I am certain you will. You are a natural mother Alexandra, and Anthony is a very kind man. There is no way you can fail to be anything but good parents to another child.”

“Thank you Mother. Now, I feel we should make our way upstairs to the drawing room before Bethany sends one of her brothers to look for us.” Arm in arm, the two women swept up the stairs to the first floor.


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Carmen had been exhausted after returning from Alexandra’s and had hoped to get a good night’s sleep. It was not to be. The baby was restless, and then on top of that, she could not get comfortable. Although

still exhausted, she had been almost relieved to see the dawn, so that she could get out of bed.

Although the temptation to take the day easy was great, Carmen had resisted, and, after updating the

household accounts, and paying several bills, she had decided to prune the fruit trees in the garden.

She really did love being out in the late autumn air, tending to the garden, and she found herself humming a half forgotten melody from her childhood as she removed all the dead wood and straggly branches of

the tree.

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She had finished the tree and gone to move onto the next, when a sharp pain stabbed across her abdomen. Standing still, holding her stomach for a moment, Carmen decided that it would probably be for

the best if she headed inside to sit down, at least until the pain subsided. Trying to keep calm, she slowly crossed the garden, heading to the back door.

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Carmen made it to the dining room, before the pain became too much for her to continue walking. Alerted by her screams, Beth, William and Eddie ran into the room.

“Oh my dear, the baby is coming.” Said Beth when she saw what was occurring.

“It is? I will just, er...go get some linen from the linen cupboard.” Stammered William, turning on his heel and heading back out of the room.

“Everything will be just fine my dear.” Encouraged Beth. “Breathe deeply, and spin.”

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Soon, after much screaming, Carmen held her baby daughter in her arms. “She is beautiful.” She breathed as she held her close. “Dearest Eddie,” She turned to look at her husband, “come and meet

your daughter.”

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“Hello little one.” Said Eddie quietly as he looked into his daughter's brown eyes. “You are just as beautiful as your mother.” Carmen smiled at his words.

“What should we call her, do you think?” He asked.

“I...I like the name Emina, if it is agreeable to you.” Replied Carmen hesitantly.

“It is. I like it very much. Do you mind if I choose her middle name?”

“Not in the slightest dearest Eddie. She is your daughter as much as mine.”

Eddie smiled at his wife. “Thank you.” He said quietly. “Welcome to the family Emina Beth Legacy.”


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Bertie and Stuart had been pleased to meet their baby sister, and Bertie soon got over his apprehension about whether or not he was going to drop her, so that he could help out with feeding her when the adults

of the household were otherwise engaged.

The day of Stuart’s birthday, the two boys had been visiting with her, when it became apparent that she

needed her nappy changing. The two boys had quickly scattered, Bertie to the music room to practise the latest piece of music Eddie had written, and Stuart to his grandfather’s hobby room.

“Hello Stuart, are you looking forward to your party this afternoon?” Asked William when the little boy

entered the room.

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“I am. What are you doing Grandpapa?” Asked Stuart as he scrambled up onto a handy box, so that he could get a better look at the train set.

“I am patching up the mountain. Part of it had started to collapse and I do not want my grandsons to have a collapsing mountain on their train set.” Explained William as he added some more paper mache to the


“Oh. Can I help?”

“If you so wish. I enjoy working on the train set with you Stuart.” Replied William with a fond smile at his


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They worked for about three quarters of an hour, until the two of them were satisfied with their work. The mountain finished, Stuart begged his grandfather to set the train running round the track. Smiling, William

agreed, he found it very difficult to deny his grandchildren anything.

Stuart watched the little train chug round the track, fascinated. He had always wanted to know how it

worked. Oh he knew his grandfather said it was clockwork, but what exactly did that mean? He’d tried to persuade his father to allow him to take the train apart one day, but Eddie had refused. He wondered if

he would be allowed to do so, once he was a teenager. It was an interesting thought.

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So excited by the possibilities that would be open to him, once he was a teenager, Stuart fair skipped

down to the drawing room when his guests started to arrive. His aunts and uncles were there of course, as well as cousins and friends, in short everyone Stuart cared about was present, and he couldn’t be


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Smiling he leant over his cake to make his wish. It’s perhaps not at all surprising that the person cheering him on most loudly was Bertie. The older boy was looking forward to having his brother the same age as

him again. They had remained close, but their relationship had changed on his birthday. Bertie was hoping that once Stuart was a teenager, their relationship would go back to what it once was.

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“My grandsons are so handsome.” Declared Beth once Stuart had transitioned and changed his clothes. “I do wish you would do something about that bit of hair that keeps sticking up though.”

“Grandmama, I have tried, believe me, but it has a mind of its own. It will not lay flat.” Explained Stuart.

“Perhaps you need to speak to your Uncle Theo, find out what he uses to make his hair lay flat.” Mused Beth as her eyes locked on the offending piece of hair once more.

Stuart sighed. “Yes Grandmama.”


Stuart rolled family, and wants to have 6 grandchildren.

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The party was another rip roaring success.


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Several weeks after Stuart’s birthday, Henry was pacing the floor of his drawing room, unable and unwilling to sit still. Finally tiring of watching her husband wear a hole in the carpet, Aphrodita snapped

her book shut and stood in front of him.

“Henry, will you please stop this? You are making me dizzy and ruining the carpet.”

Henry reached out a hand to touch her cheek. “You know I love you, do you not?” He said hoarsely,

ignoring her protests.

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“I do. And you know I love you too. What has brought all this on?” Comprehension suddenly dawned in her eyes. “Oh. It is nearly time?”

Henry nodded sadly. “I fear it is. I have known that my time was getting shorter this last few months, and today...I fear I will not live to see another sunset.”

“My love...” Whispered Aphrodita.

“I want you to know this,” said Henry, cutting her off, “no matter what I may have done with my life, I have always loved you, since the day I first saw you at the prison, and I want only what is best for my family.”

“I know my love.”

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After several long minutes when the two of them made their feelings for each plain, the clock struck six. Henry pushed Aphrodita gently away from him and growled “come on them Thanatos it is time, is it not?”

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There was a strange change in pressure, and a hooded figure materialised in the room.


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The Grim Reaper drew an ornate hour glass out of his robes as proof of this fact.


Panic and worry flooded through Henry at these words. He knew this would come, but now the time had arrived, he was suddenly very apprehensive of what would await him on the other side. He had

committed several heinous deeds, including attempted fratricide after all.

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“But, I...” Started Henry, hoping to stall for time, or at the very least elicit some sort of description of where he was going.

THERE IS NO BUT. YOU MUST WALK THE PATH SET OUT BEFORE YOU. THE PATH YOU HAVE PAVED. Said the Reaper, each word thudding into Henry’s brain like a tombstone.


With a final look at his wife, Henry started to walk in the direction indicated, his form growing fainter and fainter with each step he took.

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Henry’s careful planning saw to it that the five letters he had written got to their intended recipients. Aphrodita found hers tucked inside her favourite book of poetry, while the rest were delivered by hand.

One stayed unopened on top of a pile of un-urgent correspondence, the other three were opened and read again and again. For one recipient in particular, the final three words were the only three that really

mattered in the whole epistle.

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Here endeth chapter 22. As always tanks for reading, I hope you have all enjoyed reading it, and that you didn’t get too fed up with all the cake.

Thanks also to the creators of my fabulous cc, without them, this legacy wouldn’t be possible.

Lastly, thanks to authors whose simselves and legacy sims I have running around my neighbourhood, You can find all of their stories at

There will be a short break before the next chapter is released. I’ve volunteered to write a spare story for the Boolpropian Round Robin Legacy, and want to get that finished before getting back to my Victorians.

Until the next chapter, happy simming.


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Poor Stuart, he did get a bit fed up with all the cake.

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