
A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Presented by: Terri L. Tomblin-Byrd Bradley Morgan A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Agenda Needs Assessment Description of Project The A-Team Implementation Phases Portal Maturation Improvement of the Operation Benefits Received by Service Recipients A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Agenda Return on Investment Usage Trends Summary Question/Answer A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Needs Assessment November 2000 customer centered services; a key element in our strategy to remain competitive several innovative technology-based services including on-line courses and course tools,, electronic discussion lists, and web- based registration, bill payment, grade entry, etc. services required a separate authentication process with different authentication credentials and on-going data exchanges A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Needs Assessment November 2000 Batch updating from one system to another was generally the method used for tying the systems together MU began evaluating products for a portal solution that would provide a central access point to university resources and services A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Description of Project April 2001 SCTs Portal solution was chosen SCT shipped the Connected Learning Solution software to more than 100 licensed clients Software installation scheduled Project participation requests submitted to the community A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Description of Project Technical training in early May 2001 Project Kick-Off meeting mid May 2001 Installation of portal system took place in June 2001 Portal system presented to the Marshall University community for use in August 2001. A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Description of Project Implementation Team representative from each project stakeholder group one Project Manager, one Technical Leader, and one Functionality Leader team members where assigned to one or more subcommittees Project Manager reported regularly to the Executive Project Sponsors A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution The A-Team A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution The A-Team PEPS: Portal Executive Project Sponsors Representation from several major project stakeholders responsible for: Facilitating project progress Assisting with conflict resolution Addressing cross divisional planning issues All policy recommendations come to this group for submission to the ITC for review A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution The A-Team PIT: Portal Implementation Team Develop the Project Definition - which defines the tangible activities and decisions surrounding the project. Including: Project Objectives Project Description Project Benefits Project Scope Project Deliverables Project Issues, Constraints and Assumptions Project Approach and Organization Project Risk Assessment A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution The A-Team Functional Team Lead Mr. Bradley Morgan Responsible for: Defining the Portals Functionality, Content, Look & Feel Defining / resolving integration issues Serving as project promotion advisors A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution The A-Team Technical Team Lead Mr. Gary Weis Responsible for: System installation System administration Technical research & planning Customization tasks Supporting functional teams decision-making process A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Implementation Phases PIT decided to implement the portal in two phases August 2001 Phase I complete provided 43,000+ faculty, staff, students, alumni, and affiliates with single sign-on access to, electronic calendars, administrative self-services, course supplements, chat rooms, message boards, etc. benefit of real-time data synchronization between Banner and myMU A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Implementation Phases January 2002 Phase II complete real-time, bi-directional exchange of data that synchronized the user, course, and grade information shared by SCT Banner with WebCTs e-learning suite of tools benefit of access to both WebCT based courses and non-WebCT courses within the portal advanced technology and education specific IMS standards A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Portal Maturation August 2002 Portal Enhancements PDA synchronization group portal resources to facilitate de-centralized group administration and self registration group maker capabilities to enhance targeted messaging course consolidation for those faculty teaching several sections of the same course A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Portal Maturation Spring 2003 On-line Voting deployed in portal Student Government elections Faculty Senate elections Others Single sign-on to eVoter accomplished Fall 2003 On-line Survey deployed in portal A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Improvement of the Operation Less WebCT Data Administration More Efficient Communication Reduced Course Administration Improved Account Maintenance & Support Strategic Alignment for Future Portal Trends Unification and Customer Relationship Model A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Benefits Realized by Service Recipients Aggregation of information and services Dissemination of information to the right person at the right time A method of easily turning manual campus services into Web services. Improved user management to regulate, manage and secure access A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Benefits Realized by Service Recipients Improved customer service Improved customer satisfaction Improved productivity by customized content and increased delivery speed for information presented to all constituents A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Benefits Realized by Service Recipients Means for individuals to establish a long- term relationship with the university Instructors and students can effectively integrate technology into the teaching and learning process without having to know or learn complex systems. The solution can enhance the face-to-face contact our students and faculty appreciate and expect A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Return on Investment Accessibility online, from anywhere at anytime Promotes institutions commitment to service and to success of its constituents Provides better communication channels Provides potential for cost effective recruiting Enhanced learning environment Provides service to both traditional and non-traditional learners simultaneously Increases the odds for improved retention rates Helps institution remain competitive A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Return on Investment Improved Operation Efficiency New services More course Facility improvements Enhanced faculty resources Improved faculty-student, staff-student relationships Alumni development Continued learning services A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Usage Trends A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Usage Trends A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Usage Trends A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Summary Many improvements and several benefits This is just the beginning A few last words from several myMU enthusiasts A Unified Digital Campus: Marshall Universitys Solution Questions?

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