Page 1: A Stochastic Image Grammar for Fine-Grained 3D Scene

A Stochastic Image Grammar for Fine-Grained 3D Scene Reconstruction ⇤

Xiaobai Liu1, Yadong Mu2, Liang Lin3

1Department of Computer Science, San Diego State University, San Diego, 92182, CA, USA2 Institute of Computer Science and Technology, Peking University, Beijing, 100871, China3 School of Data and Computer Science, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, 510006, China

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

AbstractThis paper presents a stochastic grammar for fine-grained 3D scene reconstruction from a single im-age. At the heart of our approach is a small numberof grammar rules that can describe the most com-mon geometric structures, e.g., two straights linesbeing co-linear or orthogonal, or that a line lying ona planar region etc. With these grammar rules, were-frame single-view 3D reconstruction problem asjointly solving two coupled sub-tasks: i) segmentingof image entities, e.g. planar regions, straight edgesegments, and ii) optimizing pixel-wise 3D scenemodel through the application of grammar rulesover image entities. To reconstruct a new image,we design an efficient hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC)algorithm to simulate Markov Chain walking to-wards a posterior distribution. Our algorithm utilizestwo iterative dynamics: i) Hamiltonian Dynamicsthat makes proposals along the gradient direction tosearch the continuous pixel-wise 3D scene model;and ii) Cluster Dynamics, that flip the colors ofclusters of pixels to form planar region partition.Following the Metropolis-hasting principle, thesedynamics not only make distant proposals but alsoguarantee detail-balance and fast convergence. Re-sults with comparisons on public image dataset showthat our method clearly outperforms the alternatestate-of-the-art single-view reconstruction methods.

1 IntroductionReconstructing 3D scene model from a single image has ab-stracted a lot of interest because of its wide applications inrobotics, intelligent transportation, and surveillance etc. De-spite impressive results achieved, existing 3D modeling meth-ods are likely to miss details of the scene, e.g. rectangles ofwindows in facades, zebra crossing on roads, or T-junctionscorners of tables. In most of urban street images, these detailsare directly reflected by the geometric relationships betweenimage entities, e.g. that a straight line being parallel or orthog-onal to other lines, or that a line be lying on a planar surface, or

⇤This work was supported by the start-up funds of the San DiegoState University (SDSU).

Figure 1: Single-view 3D Scene reconstruction. (a) inputimage; (b) novel view of 3D lines; c) novel view of of theinput image ; (d) the recovered depth map.

that two planar regions being orthogonal with each other, etc.However, it remains unknown how to explore these geometricconstraints efficiently. There are two particular challenges: i)the segmentation of image entities, e.g. edges, planar regionsetc., has illness nature ; ii) with perspective effect, apparentstructures (e.g. right angle corners) do not necessarily reflectreal structures in 3D world.

In this work, we introduce a stochastic grammar model toaddress the above issues. Figure 1 illustrates an exemplarresults. Our grammar includes a set of grammar rules and aprobability model. Each grammar rule describes a particulargeometric relationship between image entities, e.g. co-linefor pixels, orthogonality for straight sedges, co-planar forstraight edges and planar regions, supporting for planar regionsetc. These relationships, once discovered, directly provideinformation of the fine-grained scene structure and thus shouldbe persisted while optimizing a continuous 3D scene model.

To reconstruct an input image, we fit and evaluate a varietyof combinations of grammars rules over the input image. Inorder to efficiently exploit this combinational solution space,we develop a hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) method to simulatea Markov chain for sampling the posterior probability. Dif-

Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-16)


Page 2: A Stochastic Image Grammar for Fine-Grained 3D Scene

ferent from the conventional sampling methods [Liu et al.,2014], we design two dynamics to make distant proposals inboth continuous space and discrete spaces in order to enhanceconvergence speed. i) Hamiltonian dynamics, that make pro-posals in the deepest descent direction, in order to search forthe continuous 3D scene model. ii) Cluster dynamics, thatflip the partitions of a cluster of pixels, instead of single one.These dynamics are iterated until convergence. Note that ourmethod is different from existing grammar models that onlyoptimize discrete labeling problems [Liu et al., 2014] [Hoiemet al., 2005].

Contributions The two major contributions of this workinclude: i) we define a set of grammar rules to describe thegeometric constraints between image entities and present anstochastic optimization method to automatically determine thevalid constraints and recover fine-grained 3D scene model for asingle image; ii) we introduce an iterative hybrid Monte Carlomethod that is capable of making distant proposals in both con-tinuous and discrete spaces. We apply the proposed methodover both public image datasets and a newly created dataset.Results with comparisons show that our method clearly out-performs the state-of-the-art methods.

2 Related WorksOur work is closely related to three research streams in com-puter vision and machine learning.

Single-View 3D modeling has been extensively studiedwith a variety of techniques, including generative model [Hanand Zhu, 2003] , context reasoning [Hoiem et al., 2005],conditional random field [Heitz et al., 2008], physics rea-soning [Gupta et al., 2010] , attributed grammar [Liu et al.,2014], etc. Most of these methods were built on the clas-sification of 2D segmentation, which did not directly solve3D models or depth values. Other methods [Mobahi et al.,2012] [Schwing and Urtasun, 2012] [Pero et al., 2011] [Peroet al., 2012] [Pero et al., 2013] tried to recover global 3Dscene without an explicit representation of scene structures.In this work we directly optimize continuous pixel-wise 3Dcoordinates by exploring the various geometric constraintsbetween image entities (i.e. edge, planar regions).

Joint Recognition and Reconstruction has been investi-gated for a varitety of tasks, including scene labeling and re-construction [Haene et al., 2013] [Liu et al., 2014], reconstruc-tion of panorama images [Cabral and Furukawa, 2014], objectrecognition and modeling [Hejrati and Ramanan, 2014], layoutpartition and object modeling [Schwing et al., 2013], joint Ob-ject Labeling and Structure-from-Motion [Xiao et al., 2013]and joint tracking and mapping [Kundu et al., 2014] [Zhanget al., 2013]. Our method follows the same methodology tointroduce a joint formula for segmenting planar regions andreconstructing the whole scene. We additionally impose theregularizations of straight lines to guide the reconstructionprocess.

Scene grammar has been applied for a number of imageparsing problems in computer vision tasks. Koutsourakis etal. [Koutsourakis et al., 2009] proposed a shape grammar toexplain building facades with levels of details, their model wasfocused on rectified facade images not 3D geometry. Han and





… R3

Figure 2: Illustration of parse graph. The root node S simplydecomposes into a set of nodes with grammar rules R1 to R5.Each graph node imposes at least one constraint equation overthe desired solution space.

Zhu [Han and Zhu, 2009], Liu et al. [Liu et al., 2014], Zhaoand Zhu [Zhao and Zhu, 2011] and Pero et al. [Pero et al.,2013] specified generative scene grammar models to model thecompositional of Manhattan structures in images. Furukawaet al. [Furukawa et al., 2009] studied the reconstruction ofManhattan scenes from stereo inputs. In this work, we extendthese grammar models to describe the geometric constraintsbetween image entities, from lines to planar regions to blocks,which enables detail-preserving 3D scene reconstruction.

3 Stochastic Scene Grammar for 3D ModelingIn this section, we introduce a stochastic scene grammar forsingle-view reconstruction problem.

3.1 Scene modelWe consider urban street images in this work and use theworld coordinates for the desired 3D model. These scenes aretypical local Manhattan world [Liu et al., 2014] where thereis a family of parallel lines pointing into the sky and two ormore parallel families being parallel to the groundplane. Eachparallel family merges at a vanishing point in imaging plane.Once vanishing points detected, we utilize the method [Cipollaet al., 1999] to compute the rotation matrix R and the intrinsicmatrix K. For every image pixel (x, y), its 3D position bedetermined as d


¯X where ¯X = (KR)

�1(x, y, 1) is a 3D ray

and di

is the depth to solve.

3.2 Scene GrammarA context-free grammar is specified by a 5-tuple G =


, VN

, R, S, P ) where VN

is a finite set of non-terminalnodes, V


a finite set of terminal nodes, S 2 VN

a start sym-bol, R is a set or grammar rules, and P is the probabilisticdistribution for the grammar.

We apply grammar rules to generate hierarchical represen-tations of the input image, i.e. parse graph. Figure 2 demon-


Page 3: A Stochastic Image Grammar for Fine-Grained 3D Scene

strates a parse graph which includes a root node and a set ofgraph nodes. A parse graph is a valid interpretation of theinput 2D image in the 3D space. A grammar generates a largeset of valid parse graphs for one given image of the scene. Weallow children nodes be shared by two or more nodes sincean image entity, e.g. a straight edge, might bear relationshipswith two or more other entities.

Terminal Nodes VT

We partition the input image into a setof suerpixels [Ren and Malik, 2003] and detect straight edgesegments [Gioi et al., 2008] to obtain terminal nodes. Eachsuperpixel is the projection of a 3D planar surface and eachedge segment is the projection of a straight line in 3D. Thereare around 200-300 superpixels and about 500-700 straightedge segments for each image. To reconstruct a superpixelor an straight edge V


, we need to determine its geometricattribute, e.g., 3D position, normal orientation.

Nonterminal Nodes VN

are produced by merging terminalnodes with grammar rules. Each node in V


indicates a com-bination of terminal nodes or non-terminal nodes. We imposesix grammar rules, R0 through R6, each for a specific relation-ship between image entities. i) R0, that generates the inputimage into a set of grammar nodes; ii) R1, that merges twoco-linear edge segments; ii) R2, that merges two orthogonaledge segments; iii) R3, that merges one edge segment and aplanar that are co-planar; iv) R4, that merges two neighbor-ing planar regions that are projections of the same 3D plane;and v) R5, that merges two neighboring planar regions thatare orthogonal and intersected with each other. Note that a)the grammar rule R4 can be recursively applied to get graphnodes that are used for children nodes of R0, R3, R5 and R4

itself; b) different graph nodes may share the same childrennodes, which basically allows multiple interpretations of asingle image entity. Among these rules, R0 is used to generatethe input image into a set of grammar modes.

In contrast to the previous methods [Liu et al., 2014], inthis work, the parse graph is not deep and the search spacein 3D construction is relatively smaller. The sharing betweennonterminals also make it a redundant representation that ispotentially more robust against noises.

3.3 Probabilistic FormulationGiven an input image, our goals include i) partitioning it intoimage entities, i.e. planar regions and straight edges; ii) re-construct each image entity in 3D. We achieve such goalsby constructing an optimal parse graph and estimate the at-tributes of every graph node. To do this, we introduce a unifiedprobabilistic framework. Let I denote the input image, ourobjective is to compute an optimal solution representationW = (G,X (G),K) where K is the number of planar regions,X (G) organizes all attributes of graph nodes.

The optimal solution W ⇤ can be obtained by maximizing aposterior probability (MAP):

p(W |I) / exp{�K � E(I, VN

)} (1)where the first term of K is used to encourage compact planarpartition. The energy term E(I, V


) is defined over the non-terminals,


) =



�kE(I, V |Rk

) (2)

where �k is a constant related to the grammar rule k,E(I, V |R


) is conditioned on the grammar rule Rk

. Notethat R0 is a lose grammar rule and does not affect the energy.In the rest of this section, we denote a terminal node of edgesegment as a, a non-terminal of planar region as B.

Grammar rule R1: V ! (ai

, aj

) involves two childrenedge segments, a


and aj

, that are projections of the samestraight line in 3D. R1 requires that a


and aj

are spatiallyadjacent in 2D image. The attributes of an edge segment isdefined as X (a


) = (di

, n̄i

) where di

denote the depth of thecentral point of the edge, n̄


is the edge direction.The energy term E(I, V |R1) is defined over the mutual

consensus between the attributes of ai

and bj

. Let �ij

denotea constant such that the following linear equation holds:



+ �ij


= dj



where ¯Xi

and ¯Xj

are 3D rays that are known (suppose wehave calibrated the camera). We define the related energy as�(d


, n̄i

; dj

) as the following least square form:


, n̄i

; dj

) = min




+ �ij


� dj


k2 (4)

Accordingly, we define �(dj

, n̄j

; di

) as well. Thus, we haveE(I, V |R1) defined as follows:

E(I, V |R1) = �(di

, n̄i

; dj

) + �(dj

, n̄j

; di



� n̄j

k2. (5)

where the last term is used to enforce the co-linear constraint.Eq. (5) is a convex smoothing function of four continuousvariables to solve : d




, n̄j

. In this work, we assume thatthe number of unknown variables are far less than the numberof nonterminal nodes, which is reasonable because we allowsharing of children nodes between nonterminal nodes.

Grammar rule R2: V ! (ai

, aj

) is used to associate twochildren edge segments in images. This rule requires thattwo children edges are the projections of two straight linesin 3D that are orthogonal and intersected with each other.In local Manhattan world [Liu et al., 2014], it follows thattwo children lines should share the same Z-component in theworld coordinate, denoted as [d





. We define E(I, V |R2)

as follows:

E(I, V |R2) = ([di




� [dj





2+ n̄T




where the second term is used to enforce orthogonality con-straint.

Grammar rule R3: V ! (ai

, Bj

) is used to associate anedge segment a


with a planar region Bj

. The attributes of Bj

are defined as X (Bj

) = (dj

, n̄j

, lj

) where n̄j

is the normalorientation, d



is the 3D position of the planar center. Thus,we require that the line with a


lies on the plane Bj

and defineE(I, V |R3) using the following objective,

E(I, V |R3) =⇥n̄T




� di



⇤2 (7)

which encourages the line segment ai

to be lying on the planarB


.Grammar rule R4: V ! (B


, Bj

) states that two childrenplanar surfaces share the same normal orientation, and thus


Page 4: A Stochastic Image Grammar for Fine-Grained 3D Scene

should belong to the same planar surface. The surfaces Bi



should be spatially adjacent in both image and 3D space.In practice, in order to address occlusions and noises, we allowthe grouping of disjoint regions in image by this rule if theyhave high affinity in appearance. The node V is a compositionof its children planar surfaces.

The energy function E(I, VN

|R4) is defined over both geo-metric attributes and appearance of graph nodes:


|R4) =




(I, V ) + Eapp

(I, VN

) (8)

The geometric energy Egeo

(I, V ) is defined to encouragethat: the central point d



of the planar Bi

should lie on theplane B


and vice versa. Thus, Egeo

(I, V ) is defined as:


(I, V ) =





� di









� dj



⇤2 (9)The appearance energy Eapp

(I, VN

) is defined over theplanar partition by all the non-terminal nodes. We use thetypical Ising/Potts model in statistical mechanics. Let < s, t >denote a pair of adjacent superpixels, l


and lt

their planarindex or colors. We have


(I, VN

) = ��X




= lt

) (10)

where � > 0 is an constant, fst

indicates the appearance simi-larity between B


and Bj

, 1(ls

= lt

) returns 1 if superpixels sand t have the same label; otherwise, returns 0.

Grammar rule R5: V ! (Bi

, Bj

) is used to group twoadjacent planar regions that have different yet orthogonal nor-mal orientations. The parent node V indicates a compositestructure, e.g. building blocks, or a facade standing on ground-plane. Hence, we define E(I, V |R5) to be the following:

E(I, V |R5) = n̄T



(11)which enforces the orthogonality between B


and Bj


4 Inference via Hybrid Monte Carlo Methodwith Hamiltonian Dynamics

Our inference aims to construct an optimal parse graph byapplying the grammar rules and solving the optimal attributesfor each graph node, which are however intractable. We de-velop a Hybrid Monte Carlo method (HMC) to sample theposterior distribution in Eq. (1). It starts with an initial graphthat includes a root node and a set of terminal nodes, i.e. su-perpixels or edge segments. Then we design a set of dynamicsto reconfigure the parse graph and simulate a Markov chainin the solution space. The dynamics are either jump moves,e.g. creating new graph nodes, or diffusion moves, e.g. esti-mating 3D positions or normal orientation for a planar region.These stochastic dynamics are paired with each to make thesolution changes reversible in order to guarantee convergenceto p(W |I).

Formally, a dynamic is proposed to drive the solution statusfrom W to W 0, which is accepted with the probability in theMetropolis-hasting form:

min(1,p(W 0|I)Q(W ! W 0


p(W |I)Q(W 0 ! W )

) (12)

where Q(·) is the proposal probability. We use three dynam-ics, including two jump moves in the discrete space and onediffusion move in the continuous space.

Dynamic I: Birth/Death of Non-terminal Nodes. Thispair of jumps are used to create or delete a nonterminal nodeand thus transition the current solution into a new solution.

To create a non-terminal node, we first randomly selectone of the five grammar rules R1, ..., or R5, and create a listof candidates that are plausible according to the predefinedconstraints. Taking R1 as example, two children edge seg-ments should i) have the same orientation; ii) be spatiallyconnected. Each candidate in this list is represented by its po-tential. Let Bk


denote the ith candidate for the grammar ruleR


, |Bk


| the size of the region associated with Bk


, its energyis E(I, Bk



). The proposal probabilities for selecting Bk


is calculated based on the weighted list,

Q(W ! W 0) = 1� |Bk


|E(I, Bk






|E(I, Bk





Similarly, we obtain another set of candidate nodes to deletebased on their energies, and the proposal probabilities fordeleting the node Dk


is calculated as

Q(W ! W 0) =














Dynamic II: Hamiltonian Dynamic We use the Hamilto-nian mechanics [Audin and Babbitt, 2008] [Almeida, 1992]to make proposals for the continuous variables in W , i.e. d


and n̄i

. Hamiltonian method uses physical system dynamicsrather than probability distribution to make proposals. Let avector ✓ = ({d


, n̄i

}) organize all the desired continuous at-tributes. E(✓) is the energy defined in Eq. (2). Consider ✓ as aposition at the energy landscape, h as the momentum at time t.Sampling ✓ is equal to moving ✓ through the energy landscapewith a varying moment h. The energy H(✓, h) at a time-step,known as Hamiltonian, is a combination of the energy E(✓)and the kinetic energy K(h), i.e. H(✓, h) = E(✓) + K(h).We set K(h) = hTh/2 as conventional. The partial deriva-tives of the Hamiltonian determine how ✓ and h change overtime, according to the Hamilton’s equations:




@h= h,


@t= �@E(✓)


Starting with initial state at time t=0, we can iteratively com-pute the states of ✓ and the moment h at each time, followingthe Euler’s method [Audin and Babbitt, 2008]:

✓t+1= ✓t � ↵ht ht+1

= ht � ↵E(✓)


where the subscript t denotes the state at time t. The pro-posal probability for Hamiltonian Dynamic is defined over theenergy changes after L times updates. Let (✓, h) denote theinitial state, (✓⇤, h⇤

) the updated states after L times, we have

Q(W ! W 0) =


Z exp{H(✓, h)�H(✓⇤, h⇤)} (17)

where Z is a normalization constant. We set Z such that thesum of probabilistic of all the proposals is unit one.


Page 5: A Stochastic Image Grammar for Fine-Grained 3D Scene

Algorithm 1 Inference .1: Input: a single image;

Output: parse graph and 3D scene model;2: Initialization: detecting straight edge segments; partition-

ing superpixels; initialize the parse graph G;3: Iterate until convergence,

- Randomly select one of the two MCMC dynamics;- Make proposals accordingly to reconfigure the cur-

rent parse graph;- Accept the change with a probability

Hamiltonian dynamics can make proposals that are far fromthe current solution state and can still be accepted with highprobability, i.e., distant proposals, because it exploits the steep-est descent direction and current moment, rather than proba-bilistic distribution in other MCMC methods [Liu et al., 2014].In addition, Hamiltonian dynamics has been approved to bereversible and ergodic [Almeida, 1992].

Dynamic III: Merge/split planar regions This pair ofjumps is used to regroup superpixels around the boundariesof planar regions. We obtain the list of candidate proposalsfor the merge/split dynamics as follows. Firstly, we selectthe superpixels that locate on the boundaries of two differentregions and use them as graph nodes. These superpixels areusually with big ambiguities. Secondly, we link every twoadjacent nodes to form an adjacent graph, and measure theedge weight using the appearance similarities of neighbor su-perpixels. Thirdly, we sample the edge status of ’on’ or ’off’based on their edge weights to obtain connected components(CCP). We select one of the CCPs and change its semanticlabel to get a new solution state W 0. This procedure is similarto that used by Barbu et al. [Barbu and Zhu, 2007] for graphlabeling problem. Let CCPk


denote the ith CCP, g(CCPk


|W )

denote the confidence of its label in the solution W , the pro-posal probability for selecting the ith candidate is defined asfollows:

Q(W ! W 0) =



|W 0)/g(CCPk


|W )




|W 0)/c(CCPk


|W )


The confidence g(CCPk


|W ) is defined as the appearance sim-ilarity between the selected CCP and the other nodes with thesame color [Barbu and Zhu, 2007].

Algorithm 1 summarizes the proposed inference algorithm.It starts with an initial parse graph and uses a set of reversibledynamics to reconfigure the parse graph until convergence.Different from previous sampling-based methods [Liu et al.,2014] [Tu and Zhu, 2002], the proposed algorithm can makedistant proposals in both continuous and discrete space andthus can converge fast to the target distribution.

5 ExperimentDatasets We use the three datasets [Liu et al., 2014]: CMUdataset, LMW-A, and LMW-B. The CMU dataset was origi-nally collected by Hoiem et al. [Hoiem et al., 2008]. It includesa subset of 100 images provided by Liu et al. [Gupta et al.,2010]. We used 50 images for training and the rest for testing

as [Gupta et al., 2010]. LMW-A consists of 50 images fromthe collections in [Hoiem et al., 2008]. There are 4.6 VPsper image on average. LMW-B consists of 50 images fromthe dataset of EurasianCities in [E.Tretyak et al., 2012] with4.2 VPs per image on average. We further collect 950 imagesfrom different sources, i.e. LMW-C, and manually annotateVPs, region labels and surface normal orientations . Theseimages are selected from the PASCAL VOC [Everingham etal., 2015] and Labelme projects [Russell et al., 2007]. Thereare 3.5 VPs per image on average.

Baseline We compare our method with three popular single-view 3D reconstruction methods: i) the geometric parsingmethod Hoiem et al. [Hoiem et al., 2005]; ii) the method byGupta et al. [Gupta et al., 2010], and iii) the recently proposedattributed grammar method by Liu et al. [Liu et al., 2014]. Weuse the implementation parameters in their respective papers.To evaluate the effects of individual grammar rules, we imple-ment three variants of the proposed method in order . i) Ours-I,that explores geometric relationships between lines/edges withthree grammar rules: R1 (co-linear), R2 (orthogonality), andR3 (attachment). ii) Ours-II, that explores geometric relation-ships between planars/regions with the grammar rules: R4

(co-planar) and R5 (supporting). iii) Ours-III, that uses allfive grammar rules.

Implementation To calibrate camera, we assume the cam-era optical center coincides with the image center. Thus, weselect the parameter configuration that achieves the maximumlog-probability. Similar simulation based maximum likelihoodestimation (MLE) method has been used in previous works [Tuand Zhu, 2002] [Zhao and Zhu, 2011]. We train our modelson the subset of CMU dataset, and use other three datasets fortesting. We train our models on the subset of CMU dataset,and use other three datasets for testing. To make proposalsfor R1 through R5, we set the spatial distance between twochildren nodes (i.e. edge or planar region) to be less than 40

pixels, and the orientation angles, if applicable, to be less than10 degrees. We extract the appearance features in [Hoiem etal., 2005] from image regions. All images without groundtruthannotations in our dataset are used for the self-taught learning.The maximal iterations of HMC algorithm is fixed to 2000.For each image, the average processing time is 50 seconds ona Workstation([email protected] with 16GB memory).

Qualitative Evaluation Fig. 3 visualizes exemplar resultsby the proposed method Ours-III. We plot input images inthe 1

st column. In the 2

nd column, we show the synthesizededge maps from novel viewpoints, obtained by applying thedynamic-I only (i.e., optimizing Eq. 2). We use the Matlaboptimization toolbox to solve the quadratic programming prob-lem. In the 3

rd column, we plot the synthesized images fromnovel viewpoints. In the next two columns, we plot the depthmaps recovered by our method and the method by Hoiem etal. [Hoiem et al., 2008], respectively. The obtained depth mapsare much better than those by [Hoiem et al., 2008]. Note thatthe method in [Hoiem et al., 2008] [Gupta et al., 2010] [Liuet al., 2014] needs a post-processing step to approximate thedepth map. In contrast, our method directly optimizes 3Ddepth values while respecting different types of geometricconstraints.

Quantitative Results For surface orientation estimation,


Page 6: A Stochastic Image Grammar for Fine-Grained 3D Scene

Figure 3: Results on LMW-A. Column-1: input images; Column-2: reconstructed 3D edge mode; Column-3: novel viewpointsynthesized; Column-4: depth map recovered by the proposed method Ours-III; Column-5: depth map by Hoiem et al.[16]

Table 1: Numerical comparisons on surface orientation.CMU [Hoiem et al., 2008] LMW-A LMW-B LMW-C

Ours-III 82.31 % 72.56 % 70.90 % 64.17 %

Ours-II 79.14 % 71.92 % 65.89 % 62.34 %

Ours-I 78.39 % 79.46 % 64.35 % 61.47 %

Liu et al. [Liu et al., 2014] 76.34 % 67.90 % 64.30 % 62.34 %

Hoiem et al. [Hoiem et al., 2008] 68.80 % 56.30 % 52.70 % 53.28 %

Gupta et al. [Gupta et al., 2010] 73.72 % 62.21 % 59.21 % 58.39 %

Table 2: Numerical comparisons on region labellingCMU[Hoiem et al., 2008] LMW-A LMW-B LMW-C

Ours-III 85.42% 73.51 % 73.29 % 79.81 %

Ours-II 82.19% 71.48 % 72.54 % 78.63 %

Ours-I 70.32% 69.72 % 71.08 % 77.28 %

Liu et al. [Liu et al., 2014] 72.71% 66.45% 65.14 % 63.17 %

Hoiem et al. [Hoiem et al., 2005] 65.32 % 58.37% 57.70 % 59.25 %

Gupta et al. [Gupta et al., 2010] 68.85% 59.21% 60.28% 60.19%

we use the metric of accuracy, calculated by the percentageof pixels that have the correct label and averaged over the testimages.

Table 1 reports the numerical comparisons on four datasets.Only results on verticle classes are reported. From the results,we can observe the following. Firstly, the proposed Ours-IIIclearly outperforms other baseline methods on all the fourdatasets. Taking the CMU dataset for instance, the method byGupta et al. [Gupta et al., 2010] has an average performance of73.72%, whereas ours performs at 82.31%. On the other threedatasets that have accurate normal orientation annotations, theimprovements by our method are even more. As stated byGupta et al. [Gupta et al., 2010], it is hard to improve verticalsubclass performance. Our method, however, can improvethese two baselines with large margins. Secondly, Ours-IIIclearly outperforms other two variants, i.e., Ours-I and Ours-II

that use less types of grammar rules. These comparisons jus-tify the effectiveness of the proposed grammar model. Thirdly,Ours-III has good margins over our previous method [Liuet al., 2014]. Although [Liu et al., 2014] follows the samemethodology, this work directly optimize pixel-wise 3D co-ordinates while respecting the variety of knowledge imposedwith grammar rules, which leads to better performance.

Table 2 reports the region labeling performance on the fourdatasets. We use the best spatial support metric as [Gupta etal., 2010], which first estimates the best overlap score of eachground truth labeling and then averages it over all ground-truth labeling. Our method improves the method [Gupta et al.,2010] with the margins of 9.47, 16.57, 14.30, 13.10 and 19.20percentages on the four datasets, respectively. Note that all thethree variants of our methods outperform the baseline methods,which demonstrates that jointly solving reconstruction of lines


Page 7: A Stochastic Image Grammar for Fine-Grained 3D Scene

and planes can bring considerable improvements in regionlabeling.

6 ConclusionThis paper introduced a grammar model for single-view3D scene reconstruction. Each grammar rule describesa geometric relationship between straight lines/edges andplanes/regions. We specify a probability model to deal withuncertainty reasoning, and introduce a Hybrid Monte Carlo(HMC) algorithm that can make distant proposals in bothcontinuous and discrete spaces. Extensive evaluations on chal-lenging images show that our method can clearly outperformthe state-of-the-art methods. This paper contributes a genericframework for optimizing joint representation that comprisesof both continuous and discrete variables. The developed tech-niques can be applied to solve existing vision tasks, e.g. jointtracking and segmentation, or motivate novel vision tasks.

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