  • 8/4/2019 A Phasor Speed Control of a Single or Two Phase Induction Motor


    Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines Paper ID 1283

    978-1-4244-1736-0/08/$25.00 2008 IEEE 1

    A Phasor Speed Control of a Single or Two PhaseInduction Motor

    Manuel Guerreiro, Daniel FoitoEscola Superior de Tecnologia de Setbal

    Instituto Politcnico de SetbalSetbal, Portugal

    Email: [email protected], dfoito@

    Armando CordeiroInstituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa

    Instituto Politcnico de LisboaLisboa, Portugal

    Email: [email protected]

    Abstract This paper is focused on the speed control of a

    single or two phase induction motor using a diametrical inversion(DI) of the stator voltages. The changes in the speed error sign areresponsible for each DI which inverts the stator voltage phasorand its angular velocity. The main and the auxiliary windings arealways connected and thus the speed error sign allows todeterminate the rotating field direction. The motor is fed by arectifier associated with a three-phase inverter. The core of the

    drive command its a 16-bit dsPIC device, which receives thespeed error sign and generate the appropriate PWM referencevoltages signs to the three-phase inverter. Simulation andexperimental results allow assume a good performance.

    I. INTRODUCTIONSome market researches indicate that the annual commercial

    sales volume of capacitor start single-phase induction motors

    (SPIM) is approximately 4 million units (approximately 3 % of

    the fractional horsepower motors). These motors are used in a

    wide variety of commercial and industrial applications, with

    the largest being ventilating, air conditioning equipment,

    pumping equipment and commercial/industrial heating [1].Most of these types of electrical machines are used in fixed

    speed drives [2]. There is wide recognition that energy can be

    saved with the installation of adjustable-speed drives and other

    devices to control motor systems, particularly in HVAC fans

    and industrial pumps [1].Efforts have been made in single phase adjustable speed

    drives with different kinds of PWM strategies, like SPWM andSpace Vector PWM, to perform better motor utilization withhigher efficiency [3].

    This paper proposes a speed control strategy for SPIM orTwo-Phase Induction Motors (TPIM) using diametricalinversion in which the two winding voltages are PWM

    modulated using a 16-bit dsPIC device. The motor is fed by athree-phase inverter.

    II. COMMAND ACTIONSAn induction motor can be regarded as a complex system

    consisting of two interconnected subsystems that are an

    electromagnetic subsystem and a mechanical subsystem.

    The mathematical model of the electromagnetic subsystem is

    generally made up of four first order differential equations and

    a fifth equation [4] which reflects the generation of an

    electromagnetic torque. Applying on the motor a voltage (one

    or more phases depending on type of the motor) the currents

    and fluxes are modified and their resulting interaction causes

    the development of an electromagnetic torque.









    Fig. 1 The induction motor seen as two interconnected subsystems

    So the input, or command action, of this subsystem is a

    voltage and the electromagnetic torque is its output.

    In turn, this electromagnetic torque ( eT ) is the input of themechanical subsystem and it changes the position or the speed


    ) of the rotor with a load torque (L

    T ). The rotational

    dynamic of the system with a friction coefficient (D) and a

    moment of inertia (J) can be described by (1).

    ( )1

    m m e L

    DT T

    J J + = (1)

    Any significant delay in the control process, between the

    applied voltage and the resulting electromagnetic torque, can

    lead to an undesirable oscillatory response. To assure an

    accurate speed control of a motor rotor it is necessary that thecommand actions applied on it leads to a fast direction change

    of the electromagnetic torque. Then, the motor response will

    can be a fast brake or acceleration very convenient to set

    against to the actual error.

    A SPIM has generally two accessible windings that can be

    fed by two independent voltages. The centrifugal switch or

    capacitor, if any, shall be short-circuited or removed. As the

  • 8/4/2019 A Phasor Speed Control of a Single or Two Phase Induction Motor


    Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines


    axes of those windings are displaced 90 one of another it is

    possible to provide the machine with a phasorial control.

    A spatial voltage phasor can be defined on a complex plane


    sV V jV = + (2)

    where V and V are the voltages applied on main andauxiliary windings.

    Both, Quadrature Inversion (QI) and Diametrical Inversion

    (DI), are command actions which were developed in the scope

    of the rotor position control applied on a three-phase induction

    motor [5,6].

    The QI technique consists of substituting the actual stator

    voltage phasor by another which has a displacement of 90

    with the rotor flux phasor. The new voltage phasor will rotate

    in the opposite direction of the previous one. This action

    provokes the greatest variation of the torque derivative and so

    it will presumably lead to the fastest change of the torque sign


    The QI requires the rotor flux position determination inevery instant. It would be possible to construct a rotor flux

    observer, however, in this work, the adopted way, was to

    replace the QI by another command action. The QI can be

    simplified and substituted by the diametrical inversion (DI).

    The DI consists of replacing the voltage phasor 1( )s tV by

    another one which is, as the name suggests, diametricallyopposed ( )s tV . The direction of the angular velocity must also

    be reversed (fig. 2). The phasor angular speed is .








    ( )1tS


    ( )t


    Fig.2 The DI substitutes the1( )s tV by diametrically opposed ( )s tV .

    III. CONTROLLER SCHEMEA voltage phasor SV can be represented in time domain by

    V and V voltages. To obtain these voltages will be previously

    generate their reference voltages, Vrefand Vref , respectively.

    Using the projections ofs

    V on the , axis it easy to

    conclude that the desirable voltages are:










    ref (3)

    The voltages to apply to the motor are reproduced from thereference voltages using the motor control PWM of a dsPICdevice connected to a three-phase inverter (fig.3). Obviously,in such a drive, it is advisable to use a low cost three-phaseinverter to reduce the final cost.


    . cos









    /2 Energy



    V ref

    V ref

    Fig.3 Adopted controller scheme for SPIM speed control.

    Although the actual speed can be obtained using anestimator or observer, in this work, a speed sensor (a small DCgenerator) was used. The sign of the speed error determines,through a hysteretic comparator, the convenient direction ofthe voltage phasor. The hysteretic width is directly related withthe switching frequency of the semiconductors. Obviously,increasing the hysteretic bandwidth the drive performance candiminish, and, consequently, it needs to attain a compromise.

    The speed error is defined by the difference between the

    reference speed and the actual speed (4)

    n ref e n n= (4)

    Every change of the sign of the speed error provokes an

    angular jump of rad in the angle. This jump is acharacteristic of the diametrical inversions.

    The successive DI allow that the magnetic field of the motor

    accelerate or decelerate, on average values, as necessary to

    guarantee that the rotor speed reaches and follows the

    reference speed.

    To feed the motor was used a low cost three-phase PWMinverter. A DC source, or a AC source with a simple bridge

    rectifier provides the needed energy to the inverter.

    Since there are two voltages the controller can be applied on

    a single-phase induction motor with two windings permanently

    connected or on a two phase induction motor.

    The core of the drive command is a dsPIC30F4011 device.

    The fundamental input of this device is the speed error sign.

    Internally, an appropriated loop provides the integration, and it

  • 8/4/2019 A Phasor Speed Control of a Single or Two Phase Induction Motor


    Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines


    provokes, if necessary, the discontinuities, generating the

    necessary angle. A sinusoidal table is included and it isshared by the sine and cosine functions.

    The outputs of the dsPIC device are the PWM command

    signals to the semiconductors of the inverter legs. The

    converter topology is shown in fig 4. It consists of a simple

    bridge rectifier and a three-phase PWM inverter. Two winding

    single-phase induction motor connected to three-phase












    Controller and Semiconductor Drives

    Fig.4 Adopted converter topology in the experimental tests.

    IV. DRIVE RESULTSThe simulation tests were implemented in Matlab/Simulink

    software using the Power System Blockset. Different types of

    speed references and load conditions were simulated. Some

    experimental results were also obtained. Fig 5 represents the

    drive response simulation to a step speed reference.

    0 0.5 1 1.5




    0 0.5 1 1.5-10




    t (s)




    Fig.5 Simulation results obtained with a step speed reference of 1000 rpm. Atorque disturbance was introduced at t=1s. The rotor speed and the

    electromagnetic torque are also represented.

    In this conditions, the unloaded motor rotation starts freely.

    The diametrical inversions are unnecessary and all the

    available power is used to accelerate the motor and also to

    compensate the rotational losses. After, there is an equilibrium

    zone. A convenient DI sequence is applied. The

    electromagnetic torque is oscillatory and it has a small average

    value to just compensate the rotational losses. At t = 1 s, the

    motor is hardly loaded with a step torque. The electromagnetic

    torque response is fast and the speed change is insignificant.

    The successive DI sequence creates a voltage which, in

    average, has a non null rms value. This is the adequate value to

    create the opposed electromagnetic torque against the load


    Fig. 6 shows a step from 600 rpm to -600rpm. In this

    simulation test, the motor is loaded with 1 Nm. The direction

    of the load torque is opposite to the positive direction of therotor speed and, for that reason the speed of the rotor took

    almost as long to reach the 600 rpm from zero as the change

    from 600 to -600 rpm.

    The electromagnetic torque has two starting regions and two

    situations of constant speed. In the starting regions the

    dynamics of the electromagnetic torque is similar to normal

    and non-controlled starting. In the constant speed regions, the

    rotor speed follows its reference and the average value of the

    electromagnetic torque is the needed to support the opposite

    rotational torque and the load torque.

    The currents of the main and the auxiliary windings are also

    shown in Fig. 6. It is clearly visible the differences between the

    starting region or speed reference inversion region and those

    with constant speed.













    0 0.5 1 1.5 2






    Fig.6 Simulation results obtained with a step speed reference of 600 to -600 rpm. The motor is loaded with 1 Nm. The rotor speed, the

    electromagnetic torque, the currents of the main and the auxiliary winding

    are represented.

    Fig. 7 shows a command signal with two levels. When alevel is substituted by the other one, there is a DI. Thereference voltages are described by (5).

    Fig. 8 represents the same situation but it was obtainedexperimentally using a dsPIC30F4011 device and athree-phase inverter.

  • 8/4/2019 A Phasor Speed Control of a Single or Two Phase Induction Motor


    Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Electrical Machines


    ( )

    ( )







    V V dt

    V V dt




    The reference voltages Vref and Vref suffer discontinuities.The phases sequence, after and before, a DI are different, this

    is, if after a DI Vrefleads Vrefbefore Vreflags Vref.



    0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1



    Fig.7 . Diametrical inversions caused by the changes of error sign. Simulationresult.




    Fig.8 . Diametrical inversions caused by the changes of error sign.Experimental result.

    An experimental result of the drive response can be seen in

    Fig. 9. The first and second curves are the reference and actual

    speed, respectively, and third and fourth are the main and

    auxiliary windings currents.





    Fig.9 . Speed control. The curves are: reference speed, actual

    speed motor and main and auxiliary currents. Experimental results.

    V. CONCLUSIONSA new approach to control the speed of a single or two phase

    induction motor drive was presented and its effectiveness was

    analyzed by several simulation and experimental tests.

    In this new approach the diametrical inversion was used,

    avoiding the rotor flux position determination in every instant.

    With this command action the applied voltage phasor can be

    inverted and rotate in the opposite direction depending on the

    speed error sign. As consequence, the torque direction can

    change very quickly and the drive will have a good

    performance. Hence, the motor speed can be easily adjusted.

    The results revealed that the rotor speed reaches the

    reference speed without relevant damping or overshoot in

    loaded or unloaded conditions.

    The results also revealed that the speed control presents high

    robustness against external torque disturbances. The 16-bit

    dsPIC device as core of the drive command revealed

    acceptable results.


    [1] Analysis of Energy Conservation Standards for Small Electric Motors,Building Technologies, Office of Energy Efficiency and RenewableEnergy, U.S. Department of Energy, June 2003.

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    [4] Kim, S., E. Benedict, F. Fatehi, , N. Patel, A. Homaifar, T.A Lipo,Adjustable Speed Drive Control Based on Random Pulse WidthModulation, CPES Annual Meeting, Apr. 2000, pp. 202-209.

    [5] M. Guerreiro, F. Silva, A New Position Controller For Induction Machi-nes: Diametrical Inversion of the Stator Voltage, ISIE97, Guimares,Portugal, July 1997.

    [6] M. Guerreiro, F.Silva, Rotor Position Control for Induction MachinesUsing Diametrical Inversion of Stator Voltage, IEE Proceedings ElectricPower Applications, Vol. 147, Nr. 2, pp. 99-106, Maro, 2000.

    [7] Young, C. M; Liu, C. C; Liu, C. H; New Inverter-driven design andcontrol method for two-phase induction motor drives, IEEE Proc.

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