
Bulletin of the Section of LogicVolume 40:1/2 (2011), pp. 91–112

Sergey A. Solovyov



The paper considers the role of quantale algebra nuclei in representation of quo-

tients of quantale algebras, and in factorization of quantale algebra homomor-

phisms. The set of all nuclei on a given quantale algebra is endowed with the

structure of quantale semi-algebra.

Keywords: Extremal quotient, quantale, quantale algebra, quantale algebranucleus, quantale module, sup-algebra, sup-algebra nucleus,


1. Introduction

This paper is a continuation of our study on quantale algebras, introducedin [26] as a mixture of the notions of quantale [20] and quantale module [11].Both concepts have a rich history and applications in a variety of contexts.

The study of quantale-like structures goes back up to the 1930’s, whenM. Ward and R. P. Dilworth [30] started their research on residuated struc-tures, motivated by ring-theoretic considerations. The term quantale wascoined much later in 1986 by C. J. Mulvey [14], in his attempt to provide apossible setting for constructive foundations of quantum mechanics, and tostudy the spectra of non-commutative C∗-algebras, which are locales in thecommutative case. The combination of “quantum logic” and “locale” gaverise to “quantale”. The latter notion generalizes the well-known conceptof complete residuated lattice, dropping off commutativity of its binary op-eration (that results in two residuals), and removing the condition on the

∗2010 Mathematics Subject Classification, Primary 06F07; secondary 06F25.This research was partially supported by ESF Project of the University of Latvia

No. 2009/0223/1DP/


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top element of the lattice to be the unit. One of the most important ap-plications of quantale theory is the area of linear logic of J.-Y. Girard [6].In particular, [1] backs the slogan “quantales are to linear logic as framesare to intuitionistic logic”.

The concept of quantale module was motivated by the notion of mod-ule over a ring [2]. It replaces rings by quantales and abelian groups bycomplete lattices. The first lattice analogy of ring module appeared in thepaper of A. Joyal and M. Tierney [10], in connection with the analysis ofdescent theory. Despite the fact that the authors work with commutativestructures, most of their results are valid for non-commutative case, aswell. The idea of quantale module appeared for the first time as the keynotion in the unified treatment of process semantics done by S. Abramskyand S. Vickers [1]. Modules over a commutative unital quantale provide afamily of models of full linear logic as was shown by K. I. Rosenthal [21].Moreover, quite recently, modules over a unital quantale found an applica-tion in the theory of lattice-valued topological spaces [25].

By analogy with the concept of algebra over a ring [2], we decided tounite the above-mentioned two notions into the concept of quantale alge-bra [26], which is a quantale and also a quantale module. The motivationfor the new notion came from the realm of lattice-valued topology, namely,from the need of a common framework for two different topological set-tings: that of J. A. Goguen [7] (extending the approach of C. L. Chang [4])and that of R. Lowen [13]. Recall that J. A. Goguen defines a Q-topologicalspace over a unital quantale Q as a pair (X, τ), where X is a set and τ isa unital subquantale of the powerset quantale QX , whereas R. Lowen puts

an additional restriction of all constant maps (maps of the form Xq−→ Q

for some q ∈ Q, with q(x) = q for every x ∈ X) being elements of τ(stratification). It appears that if Q is a commutative quantale, then thelatter condition results precisely in the notion of subalgebra of the quantalealgebra QX .

Since the most important features of many-valued topological spacesdepend on the underlying algebraic structure used, we decided to inves-tigate the properties of quantale algebras more closely. Bearing in mindthat every quantale is based on a

∨-semilattice (partially ordered set hav-

ing arbitrary joins), the study of which relies heavily on the concept ofclosure operator [20], we decided to follow the same path in the new set-ting. In particular, motivated by the famous representation theorem for


A Note on Nuclei of Quantale Algebras 93

quantales of K. I. Rosenthal [20], we proved a similar result for quantalealgebras [26], which was based on the notion of quantale algebra nucleus(induced by quantale or quantic nuclei [20] and module nuclei [16], whichin their turn were motivated by frame nuclei [9]) generalizing the above-mentioned closure operator. Later on, we used the concept to constructcoproducts of quantale algebras [24], thereby obtaining some propertiesof products of pointless lattice-valued topological spaces in the sense ofP. T. Johnstone [9]. Moreover, there exists a relation between nuclei and(existential) quantifiers on quantale algebras (every quantifier is a nucleusbut not vice versa) [23], the latter being motivated by monadic logic ofP. Halmos [8]. We even tried to generalize the famous topological rep-resentation for monadic Boolean algebras of the latter author, employingthe tools of lattice-valued topology, the task, however, encountering somedifficulties had not been brought to the end. Further generalizations of thetopic of quantale algebras and its applications to many-valued topologycan be found in [22, 27, 28].

The above-mentioned results motivated the need for a thorough buildup of the theory of quantale algebra nuclei. Some of its elements (in ascattered way) has already appeared in the aforesaid papers. It is the mainpurpose of this manuscript to develop the theory in one place in its fullextent. Based on the results of [18], which provide the tools for represen-tation of quotients of frames (or sublocales) in terms of frame nuclei, weconsider representations of quotients of quantale algebras as well as factor-izations of quantale algebra homomorphisms. The latter goal is achievedby employing the technique of producing subalgebras of quantale algebrasby means of extending a relation to a congruence.

In [9] P. T. Johnstone showed that the set of all nuclei on a givenframe (or locale) can be equipped with the structure of complete Heytingalgebra. Following the line, S. B. Niefield and K. I. Rosenthal [15] suggesteda structure on the set of all nuclei on a given quantale, which turns this setinto a quantale. The proposal, unluckily, appeared to be a mistake as wasshown by S.-H. Sun [29]. One of the last sections of this paper providesa partial solution to the problem. It endows the set of all nuclei on agiven quantale algebra with the structure of quantale semi-algebra. Therestriction of this structure to a particular subset gives a quantale algebra.


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2. Quantale algebras

In this section we recall from [26] the notion of quantale algebra over agiven unital commutative quantale Q. Start by recalling the definition ofquantale [20].

Definition 1. A quantale is a triple (Q,6,⊗) such that

1. (Q,6) is a∨

-semilattice, i.e., a partially ordered set having arbitraryjoins;

2. (Q,⊗) is a semigroup;

3. q⊗ (∨S) =

∨s∈S(q⊗s) and (

∨S)⊗ q =

∨s∈S(s⊗ q) for every q ∈ Q

and every S ⊆ Q.

A quantaleQ is said to be unital provided that there exists an element ı ∈ Qsuch that (Q,⊗, ı) is a monoid. Q is said to be commutative provided thatq1 ⊗ q2 = q2 ⊗ q1 for every q1, q2 ∈ Q. �

Every quantale, being a complete lattice, has the largest element > andthe smallest element ⊥. The following are basic examples of quantales.

Example 2. If 2 = {⊥,>}, then (2,6,∧,>) is a unital commutativequantale. �

Example 3. Let (A, ·) be a semigroup. The powerset P(A) is a quantale,where

∨are unions and ⊗ is given by S ⊗ T = {s · t | s ∈ S, t ∈ T}.

If (A, ·, ı) is a monoid, then P(A) is unital, with the unit {ı}. If (A, ·) iscommutative, then so is P(A). �

Example 4. Let X be a set and let R(X) stand for the set of all binaryrelations on X. R(X) is a quantale, where

∨are unions and ⊗ is given

by S ⊗ T = {(x, y) ∈ X × X | (x, z) ∈ T and (z, y) ∈ S for some z ∈ X}.R(X) is unital, with the diagonal relation 4 = {(x, x) |x ∈ X} being theunit. �

Definition 5. Let Q1 and Q2 be quantales. A map Q1f−→ Q2 is a quantale

homomorphism provided that f preserves ⊗ and∨

. �


A Note on Nuclei of Quantale Algebras 95

On the next step, we recall from [11] the notion of (left) (unital) Q-module over a given quantale Q. The definition is motivated by the conceptof (left) (unital) R-module over a given ring R [2].

Definition 6. Let Q be a quantale. A (left) Q-module over Q is a pair

(A, ∗), where A is a∨

-semilattice and Q × A ∗−→ A is a map (action of Qon A) such that

1. q ∗ (∨S) =

∨s∈S(q ∗ s) for every q ∈ Q and every S ⊆ A;

2. (∨S) ∗ a =

∨s∈S(s ∗ a) for every a ∈ A and every S ⊆ Q;

3. q1 ∗ (q2 ∗ a) = (q1 ⊗ q2) ∗ a for every q1, q2 ∈ Q and every a ∈ A.

If Q is unital, then (A, ∗) is called a unital (left) Q-module provided that

(4) ı ∗ a = a for every a ∈ A.

A (left) Q-module homomorphism (A, ∗) f−→ (B, ∗) is a∨

-preserving map

Af−→ B such that f(q ∗ a) = q ∗ f(a) for every a ∈ A and every q ∈ Q. �

For the sake of shortness, from now on, “Q-module” means “left Q-module”. Some properties of Q-modules are considered in [25]. In par-ticular, one can easily see that every

∨-semilattice is a 2-module (recall

that an abelian group is a unital module over the integers Z [2]). Alsonotice that every quantale is a module over itself, with the action given bymultiplication.

Now we are ready to define the notion of Q-algebra over a given unitalcommutative quantale Q. The definition is motivated by the concept ofK-algebra over a unital commutative ring K [2].

Definition 7. Let Q be a unital commutative quantale. A Q-algebra overQ is a triple (A, ∗,⊗) such that

1. (A, ∗) is a unital Q-module;

2. (A,⊗) is a quantale;

3. q ∗ (a⊗b) = (q ∗a)⊗b = a⊗ (q ∗b) for every a, b ∈ A and every q ∈ Q.

A Q-algebra homomorphism (A, ∗,⊗)f−→ (B, ∗,⊗) is a quantale homomor-

phism (A,⊗)f−→ (B,⊗) which is also a Q-module homomorphism. �

It is clear that every quantale is a 2-algebra. Also notice that everyunital commutative quantale is an algebra over itself, with the action givenby multiplication.


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From now on, we consider algebras over a fixed unital commutativequantale Q. The following definition and subsequent lemma will be ex-tremely useful for us throughout the rest of the paper.

Definition 8. A Q-algebra homomorphism Ae−→ B is called final provided

that given a Q-algebra homomorphism Af−→ C and a map B

h−→ C suchthat h ◦ e = f , it follows that h is a Q-algebra homomorphism. �

Lemma 9. Every surjective Q-algebra homomorphism is final.

Proof: Suppose we are given Q-algebra homomorphisms Ae−→ B, A

f−→ C

with e being surjective, and a map Bh−→ C such that h ◦ e = f . Straight-

forward computations show that h is a Q-algebra homomorphism. Forexample, given q ∈ Q and b ∈ B, there exists a ∈ A such that e(a) = band, therefore, h(q ∗ b) = h(q ∗ e(a)) = h ◦ e(q ∗ a) = f(q ∗ a) = q ∗ f(a) =q ∗ (h ◦ e)(a) = q ∗ h(b).

Lemma 9 can be readily applied to the case of∨

-semilattice homomor-phisms or quantale homomorphisms, that will be done in Theorem 28 andits generalizations.

3. Extremal quotients of quantale algebras

In this section, we consider extremal quotients of quantale algebras, whicharise from the notion of extremal Q-algebra epimorphism. For convenienceof the reader, we begin with the definition of the latter concept (cf. [18,Section 2.2]).

Definition 10. A Q-algebra homomorphism e (resp. m) is called an epi-morphism (resp. monomorphism) provided that for every Q-algebra ho-momorphisms g, h such that g ◦ e = h ◦ e (resp. m ◦ g = m ◦ h), itfollows that g = h. A Q-algebra epimorphism e is called extremal providedthat for every Q-algebra homomorphisms f , m with e = m ◦ f , if m is amonomorphism, then m must be an isomorphism. �

Notice that the above-mentioned concepts of epimorphism and monomor-phism deviate from their usual definitions in universal algebra. Our point


A Note on Nuclei of Quantale Algebras 97

here is to develop a rather category-theoretic viewpoint on the topic, toachieve its full generality. Definition 10 suggests a clarification of the na-ture of Q-algebra monomorphisms.

Proposition 11. Q-algebra monomorphisms are precisely the homomor-phisms with injective underlying maps.

Proof: It will be enough to show the necessity. Start by constructinga particular Q-algebra. Let N = {1, 2, . . .} be the additive semigroup of

all positive integers. The set QN of all maps N α−→ Q is a unital Q-modulewith the operations given point-wise. Define a binary operation ⊗ on QN by(α⊗β)(z) =

∨x+y=z α(x)⊗β(y) (cf. monoid rings of [12]). Straightforward

computations show that QN is a Q-algebra. As an example, check Item (3)of Definition 7. Given q ∈ Q, α, β ∈ QN and z ∈ N, (q ∗ (α ⊗ β))(z) =q⊗ ((α⊗ β)(z)) = q⊗ (

∨x+y=z α(x)⊗ β(y)) =

∨x+y=z(q⊗α(x)⊗ β(y)) =∨

x+y=z((q ∗ α)(x)⊗ β(y)) = ((q ∗ α)⊗ β)(z). It follows that q ∗ (α⊗ β) =(q ∗ α)⊗ β.

Let Af−→ B be a Q-algebra monomorphism with f(a) = f(b) for

some a, b ∈ A. Define the following two maps: QN ha−→ A, ha(α) =∨x∈N(α(x) ∗ ax) and QN hb−→ A, hb(α) =

∨x∈N(α(x) ∗ bx). Straightforward

computations show that both maps are homomorphisms of Q-algebras. Asan example, check that ha is a quantale homomorphism. Given α, β ∈ QN,ha(α⊗ β) =

∨x∈N((α⊗ β)(x) ∗ ax) =


∨y+z=x α(y)⊗ β(z)) ∗ ax) =∨

x∈N(∨y+z=x α(y)∗ (β(z)∗ (ay⊗az))) =


∨y+z=x α(y)∗ (ay⊗ (β(z)∗

az))) =∨x∈N(

∨y+z=x(α(y) ∗ ay) ⊗ (β(z) ∗ az)) = (

∨x∈N α(x) ∗ ax) ⊗

(∨x∈N β(x) ∗ ax) = ha(α)⊗ ha(β).Since f ◦ ha = f ◦ hb, then ha = hb. Define α ∈ QN by α(x) = ı for

x = 1; otherwise, α(x) = ⊥. It follows that a =∨x∈N(α(x)∗ax) = ha(α) =

hb(α) = b.

Proposition 11 implies the following characterization of extremal Q-

algebra epimorphisms (notice that every map Xf−→ Y extends to the

standard image and preimage operators P(X)f→−−→ P(Y ) and P(Y )


Proposition 12. Extremal Q-algebra epimorphisms are precisely the ho-momorphisms with surjective underlying maps.


98 Sergey A. Solovyov

Proof: Given an extremal Q-algebra epimorphism Ae−→ B, factor it

through its image e→(A). Since the embedding e→(A) ↪→ B must be anisomorphism, e is surjective. On the other hand, every surjective Q-algebrahomomorphism A

e−→ B is obviously an epimorphism, and if we have a fac-torization e = m ◦ f with a monomorphism m, then m is bijective andhence a Q-algebra isomorphism.

Given Q-algebra A, the class of all extremal quotients of A consistsof pairs (e,B), where A

e−→ B is an extremal Q-algebra epimorphism. Thefamily has a natural preorder (e1, B1) 6 (e2, B2) iff there exists a Q-algebra

homomorphism B2f−→ B1 such that f ◦ e2 = e1. Extremal quotients

(e1, B1), (e2, B2) are called equivalent provided that (e1, B1) 6 (e2, B2)and (e2, B2) 6 (e1, B1) or, in other words, if there exists a Q-algebra iso-

morphism B2f−→ B1 such that f ◦ e2 = e1. The ensuing partially ordered

class is denoted by EQ(A) and its elements by [(e,B)].In the following, we give different representations of the class EQ(A).

In particular, we show that the class EQ(A) is a set.

4. Quantale algebra nuclei and their properties

In this section, we recall from [26] the notion of quantale algebra nu-cleus. Notice that it generalizes the notions of quantic nucleus [20, Defini-tion 3.1.1] and module nucleus [16, Definition 2.1], which in their turn wereinduced by the concept of frame (or locale) nucleus [9, Section II.2.2].

Definition 13. Let A be a Q-algebra. A map Aj−→ A is called a quantale

algebra nucleus on A provided that for every a, b ∈ A and every q ∈ Q, thefollowing hold:

1. a 6 b implies j(a) 6 j(b);2. a 6 j(a);

3. j ◦ j(a) 6 j(a);

4. j(a)⊗ j(b) 6 j(a⊗ b);5. q ∗ j(a) 6 j(q ∗ a). �

For the sake of brevity, from now on, “nucleus” will mean “quantalealgebra nucleus”. The following proposition shows some consequences ofDefinition 13.


A Note on Nuclei of Quantale Algebras 99

Proposition 14. Let A be a Q-algebra and let Aj−→ A be a nucleus on

A. For every a, b ∈ A, every q ∈ Q and every subset S ⊆ A, the followinghold:

1. j ◦ j(a) = j(a);

2. j(∨S) = j(


3. j(a⊗ b) = j(j(a)⊗ j(b));4. j(q ∗ a) = j(q ∗ j(a)).

Proof: The proof consists of straightforward computations. As an ex-ample, we show Items (1), (3). For (1): Given a ∈ A, j(a) 6 j ◦ j(a)and, therefore, j ◦ j(a) = j(a). For (3): Given a, b ∈ A, it follows thatj(a)⊗ j(b) 6 j(a⊗ b) and, therefore, j(j(a)⊗ j(b)) 6 j ◦ j(a⊗ b) = j(a⊗ b).On the other hand, a 6 j(a) and b 6 j(b) imply a ⊗ b 6 j(a) ⊗ j(b) and,therefore, j(a⊗ b) 6 j(j(a)⊗ j(b)).

Proposition 14 induces a useful construction mentioned in the followingproposition and its corollary.

Proposition 15. Let A be a Q-algebra and let Aj−→ A be a nucleus on A.

Define Aj = {a ∈ A | j(a) = a}. Then Aj = j→(A) and, moreover, Aj is aQ-algebra with the following structure:

1.∨j S = j(

∨S) for every S ⊆ Aj;

2. a⊗j b = j(a⊗ b) for every a, b ∈ Aj;3. q ∗j a = j(q ∗ a) for every q ∈ Q and every a ∈ Aj.

Proof: Straightforward computations and Proposition 14 show that Ajwith the aforesaid structure is a Q-algebra. As an example, we showItem (3) of Definition 7. If a, b ∈ A and q ∈ Q, then q ∗j (a ⊗j b) =j(q ∗ j(a ⊗ b)) = j(q ∗ (a ⊗ b)) = j((q ∗ a) ⊗ b) = j(j(q ∗ a) ⊗ j(b)) =j((j ◦ j)(q ∗ a) ⊗ j(b)) = j(j(q ∗ a) ⊗ b) = (q ∗j a) ⊗j b, and, similarly,(q ∗j a)⊗j b = a⊗j (q ∗j b).

Corollary 16. Let A be a Q-algebra and let Aj−→ A be a nucleus on

A. Define a map Aν−→ Aj by ν(a) = j(a). Then A

ν−→ Aj is an extremalQ-algebra epimorphism.


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Proof: Use straightforward computations together with Propositions 14,15. As an example, we show that ν is

∨-preserving. If S ⊆ A, then

ν(∨S) = j(

∨S) = j(

∨j→(S)) =

∨j j→(S) =

∨j ν→(S).

Given a Q-algebra A, N (A) stands for the set of all nuclei on A, par-tially ordered by j1 6 j2 iff j1(a) 6 j2(a) for every a ∈ A. By analogy with[9], one can easily show the following result.

Proposition 17. The partially ordered set N (A) is a∧


Proof: Given a subset J ⊆ N (A), define A∧J−−→ A by (

∧J)(a) =∧

j∈J j(a). Straightforward computations show that∧J is a nucleus on

A. As an example, we show Item (5) of Definition 13. Given q ∈ Q anda ∈ A, q ∗ ((

∧J)(a)) = q ∗ (

∧j∈J j(a)) 6

∧j∈J q ∗ j(a) 6

∧j∈J j(q ∗ a) =

(∧J)(q ∗ a).

Joins of the lattice N (A) are harder to describe explicitly. Some addi-tional results from Section 7 will help us to answer the question in Section 8.

We are going to end the section by establishing a relation between thepartially ordered sets EQ(A) and N (A). Start with the observation that

given a Q-algebra homomorphism Ae−→ B, since e is

∨-preserving, it has

the upper adjoint (in the sense of partially ordered sets [5]) Be∗−→ A.

Recall that 1A 6e−→ ◦e and e◦ e−→6 1B (in particular, e◦ e−→ ◦e = e). The

explicit formula fore−→ is given by

e−→ (b) =∨e←(↓ b).

Proposition 18. Given a Q-algebra homomorphism Ae−→ B, the definition

j =e−→ ◦e provides a nucleus on A.

Proof: Items (1)-(3) of Definition 13 are trivial. Items (4), (5) are similarand, therefore, we show the last one. If a ∈ A, then e(q ∗ j(a)) = q ∗ (e ◦j)(a) = q∗e(a) = e(q∗a) and, therefore, q∗j(a) 6

e−→ ◦e(q∗a) = j(q∗a).

With the help of Proposition 18, we are able to show the followinguseful result.

Proposition 19. For every Q-algebra A, the partially ordered sets EQ(A)and N (A) are dually isomorphic.


A Note on Nuclei of Quantale Algebras 101

Proof: Define the following two maps: EQ(A)F−→ N (A), F ([(e,B)]) =

Ae−→◦e−−−→ A (use the adjunction properties of [5] to show that the map

is correct) and N (A)G−→ EQ(A), G(j) = [(ν,Aj)]. We prove that the

above-mentioned maps establish an order-reversing one-to-one correspon-dence between EQ(A) and N (A).

To show F ◦ G = 1N (A), notice that given j ∈ N (A) and a ∈ A,

(F ◦ G(j))(a) =ν−→ ◦ν(a) =

∨ν←(↓ ν(a)) =

∨j(x)6j(a) x = j(a) since

j ◦ j(a) = j(a).To check G ◦F = 1EQ(A), use the fact that given [(e,B)] ∈ EQ(A), G ◦

F ([(e,B)]) = [(ν,A e−→◦e)]. It is enough to show that (e,B) and (ν,A e−→◦e)

are equivalent. Define a map Bf−→ A e−→◦e by f(b) =

e−→ (b). Then, f ◦e = ν.

Since e is surjective,e−→ must be injective [5] and thus, f is bijective. By

Lemma 9, f is a Q-algebra homomorphism.To show that F is order-reversing, notice that given [(e1, B1)], [(e2, B2)] ∈

EQ(A) such that [(e1, B1)] 6 [(e2, B2)], there exists a Q-algebra homomor-

phism B2f−→ B1 such that f ◦ e2 = e1. From the adjunctions f a f−→ and

e2 ae2−→ one gets f ◦ e2 a

e2−→ ◦ f−→ and then, e1 ae1−→ implies

e2−→ ◦ f−→=e1−→.

Moreover, 1B26f−→ ◦f implies

e2−→ ◦e2 6e2−→ ◦ f−→ ◦f ◦e2 =

e1−→ ◦e1 and thus,F ([(e2, B2)]) 6 F ([(e1, B1)]).

To show that G is order-reversing, use the fact that given j1, j2 ∈ N (A)

such that j1 6 j2, one can define a map Aj1f−→ Aj2 , f(j1(a)) = j2(a). To

show that the map is correct, notice that given a, b ∈ A such that j1(a) =j1(b), b 6 j1(b) = j1(a) 6 j2(a) implies j2(b) 6 j2(a), and similarly, j2(a) 6j2(b). Clearly, f ◦ ν1 = ν2. By Lemma 9, f is a Q-algebra homomorphismand, therefore, G(j2) 6 G(j1).

Corollary 20. For every Q-algebra A, the class EQ(A) is a set.

5. Factorization of quantale algebra homomorphisms

Based on a generalization of the tools of [18], this section considers a tech-nique of producing subalgebras of quantale algebras by means of extendinga relation to a congruence. Start with some preliminary remarks. Given aQ-algebra A, every a ∈ A and every q ∈ Q induce the following adjunctions:


102 Sergey A. Solovyov

1. A −→a→l· A and A −→·⊗a A with a→l b =∨{x ∈ A |x⊗ a 6 b};

2. A −→a→r· A and A −→a⊗· A with a→r b =∨{x ∈ A | a⊗ x 6 b};

3. A −→q�· A and A −→q∗· A with q � b =∨{x ∈ A | q ∗ x 6 b}.

The next proposition shows a crucial property of nuclei, which will beuseful for us later.

Proposition 21. Given a Q-algebra A, for every subset S ⊆ A, equivalentare:

1. there exists a nucleus Aj−→ A on A such that S = Aj;

2. given T ⊆ S, s ∈ S, a ∈ A and q ∈ Q, it follows that∧T , a →l s,

a→r s, and q � s are elements of S.

Proof: (1)⇒ (2): For T ⊆ S,∧T 6 j(

∧T ) 6

∧j→(T ) 6

∧T and thus,∧

T = j(∧T ).

Since a⊗ (a→ rs) 6 s, a⊗ j(a→ rs) 6 j(a)⊗ j(a→ rs) 6 j(a⊗ (a→rs)) 6 j(s) = s and, therefore, j(a → rs) 6 a → rs. From a → rs 6j(a → rs), one gets j(a → rs) = a → rs. Similarly, one establishes thatj(a→ ls) = a→ ls.

Since q ∗ (q � s) 6 s, q ∗ j(q � s) 6 j(q ∗ (q � s)) 6 j(s) = sand, therefore, j(q � s) 6 q � s. From q � s 6 j(q � s), one getsj(q � s) = q � s.

(2) ⇒ (1): Define Aj−→ A by j(a) =

∧(↑ a

⋂S). It follows that

S = j→(A). Show that j is a nucleus on A. Items (1), (2) of Definition 13are clear. For (3): Since j ◦ j(a) =

∧(↑ j(a)

⋂S) and j(a) ∈↑ j(a)


j ◦ j(a) 6 j(a). For (4): a⊗ b 6 j(a⊗ b) implies a 6 b→ lj(a⊗ b) impliesj(a) 6 b→ lj(a⊗b) implies j(a)⊗b 6 j(a⊗b) implies b 6 j(a)→ rj(a⊗b)implies j(b) 6 j(a) → rj(a ⊗ b) implies j(a) ⊗ j(b) 6 j(a ⊗ b). For (5):q ∗ a 6 j(q ∗ a) implies a 6 q � j(q ∗ a) implies j(a) 6 q � j(q ∗ a) impliesq ∗ j(a) 6 j(q ∗ a).

By analogy with [18, Section 2.15], we introduce the following defini-tion.

Definition 22. Let A be a Q-algebra and let R ⊆ A × A be a binaryrelation on A. An element s ∈ A is called (R-)saturated provided that forevery a, b, c, d ∈ A and every q ∈ Q, aRb implies the following:


A Note on Nuclei of Quantale Algebras 103

1. c⊗ a 6 s iff c⊗ b 6 s;2. a⊗ c 6 s iff b⊗ c 6 s;3. c⊗ a⊗ d 6 s iff c⊗ b⊗ d 6 s;4. q ∗ a 6 s iff q ∗ b 6 s.

A/R stands for the set of all saturated elements of A. �

The next proposition shows some properties of the set A/R of Defini-tion 22.

Proposition 23. Let A be a Q-algebra and let R be a binary relation onA. Given S ⊆ A/R, t ∈ A/R, x ∈ A and q ∈ Q, it follows that


x→ lt, x→ rt and q � t are elements of A/R.

Proof: Take a, b, c ∈ A with aRb and p ∈ Q.Since c ⊗ a 6

∧S iff c ⊗ a 6 s for every s ∈ S iff c ⊗ b 6 s for every

s ∈ S iff c ⊗ b 6∧S, and similarly the other properties, it follows that∧

S ∈ A/R.Since c⊗a 6 x→ lt iff (c⊗a)⊗x 6 t iff (c⊗b)⊗x 6 t iff c⊗b 6 x→ lt

(Items (2), (3) of Definition 22 follow similarly) and p ∗ a 6 x → lt iff(p ∗ a) ⊗ x 6 t iff a ⊗ (p ∗ x) 6 t iff b ⊗ (p ∗ x) 6 t iff (p ∗ b) ⊗ x 6 t iffp ∗ b 6 x → lt, it follows that x → lt ∈ A/R. Similarly, one shows thatx→ rt ∈ A/R.

Since c⊗ a 6 q � t iff q ∗ (c⊗ a) 6 t iff (q ∗ c)⊗ a 6 t iff (q ∗ c)⊗ b 6 tiff q ∗ (c ⊗ b) 6 t iff c ⊗ b 6 q � t (Items (2), (3) of Definition 22 followsimilarly) and p∗a 6 q � t iff q∗(p∗a) 6 t iff (q⊗p)∗a 6 t iff (q⊗p)∗b 6 tiff q ∗ (p ∗ b) 6 t iff p ∗ b 6 q � t, it follows that q � t ∈ A/R.

Let A be a Q-algebra and let R be a binary relation on A. By Propo-sitions 21, 23, there exists a nucleus j on A such that j→(A) = A/R and

defined by j(a) =∧

(↑ a⋂A/R). By Corollary 16, A

νR−−→ A/R givenby νR(a) = j(a) is an extremal Q-algebra epimorphism. Moreover, thefollowing lemma shows that νR respects R.

Lemma 24. Given a, b ∈ A with aRb, it follows that νR(a) = νR(b).

Proof: Since a 6 νR(a) and aRb, b 6 νR(a) and then νR(b) 6 νR◦νR(a) =νR(a). Similarly, one gets that νR(a) 6 νR(b).


104 Sergey A. Solovyov

We show that the homomorphism νR is universal among all Q-algebrahomomorphisms with the property of Lemma 24.

Theorem 25. Let A be a Q-algebra and let R ⊆ A×A be a binary relation

on A. For every Q-algebra homomorphism Ah−→ B such that h(a) = h(b)

whenever aRb, there exists a unique Q-algebra homomorphism A/R→h Bsuch that h ◦ νR = h.

Proof: Take any Q-algebra homomorphism Ah−→ B such that h(a) = h(b)

whenever aRb, and let a ∈ A. Define τ(a) =∨{x ∈ A |h(x) 6 h(a)}.

Clearly, a 6 τ(a) and h ◦ τ(a) = h(a). Easy calculations show that τ(a) ∈A/R. As an example, check Item (1) of Definition 22. Suppose a1, a2 ∈ Aare such that a1Ra2. Given c ∈ A, c ⊗ a1 6 τ(a) implies h(c ⊗ a2) =h(c) ⊗ h(a2) = h(c) ⊗ h(a1) = h(c ⊗ a1) 6 h ◦ τ(a) = h(a) and, therefore,c⊗ a2 6 τ(a). The converse implication follows similarly.

Since τ(a) ∈ A/R, a 6 νR(a) 6 τ(a). Thus, h(a) 6 h ◦ νR(a) 6

h◦τ(a) = h(a) and, therefore, h◦νR(a) = h(a). Define A/Rh−→ B by h(a) =

h(a). Then h ◦ νR = h. By Lemma 9, h is a Q-algebra homomorphism.Uniqueness follows from the fact that νR is a Q-algebra epimorphism.

6. Factorization of∨-semilattice and quantale module


In this section we show some modifications of Theorem 25. They ariseby imposing certain restrictions on the binary relation R. Start with thefollowing definition, which was induced by [18, Section 2.15].

Definition 26. Let A be a Q-algebra and let R ⊆ A × A be a binaryrelation on A. R is called (∗-⊗)-stable provided that there exists a subsetM ⊆ A such that:

1. given a ∈ A, a =∨{x ∈M |x 6 a} (the latter set is denoted by Ma);

2. given a, b ∈ A, q ∈ Q and x, y ∈M , aRb implies

(a) (x⊗ a)R(x⊗ b);(b) (a⊗ x)R(b⊗ x);

(c) (x⊗ a⊗ y)R(x⊗ b⊗ y);

(d) (q ∗ a)R(q ∗ b). �


A Note on Nuclei of Quantale Algebras 105

By analogy with Definition 22, one has the notion of (R-)saturatedelement. Now, however, it has a simpler characterization shown in thenext proposition.

Proposition 27. Let A be a Q-algebra and let R be a (∗-⊗)-stable binaryrelation on A. An element s ∈ A is saturated iff for every a, b ∈ A,whenever aRb, it follows that a 6 s iff b 6 s.

Proof: The necessity is clear. Easy calculations show the sufficiency. Asan example, check Item (1) of Definition 22. Take a, b ∈ A with aRb. Givenc ∈ A with c⊗ a 6 s, c⊗ b = (

∨Mc)⊗ b =


(x⊗ b). Given x ∈Mc,x ⊗ a 6 s and (x ⊗ a)R(x ⊗ b) together imply x ⊗ b 6 s. It follows thatc⊗ b 6 s. The converse implication is similar.

Proposition 27 gives rise to the following modification of Theorem 25.

Theorem 28. Let A be a Q-algebra and let R ⊆ A × A be a (∗-⊗)-stable

binary relation on A. For every∨

-semilattice homomorphism Ah−→ B

such that h(a) = h(b) whenever aRb, there exists a unique∨


homomorphism A/Rh−→ B such that h ◦ νR = h.

Proof: See the proof of Theorem 25. To show that τ(a) ∈ A/R, proceedas follows. Take x, y ∈ A with xRy. If x 6 τ(a), then h(y) = h(x) 6 h ◦τ(a) = h(a) implies y 6 τ(a). The converse implication goes similarly.

To replace∨

-semilattices with Q-modules in Theorem 28, proceed asfollows.

Definition 29. Let A be a Q-algebra, let R ⊆ A×A be a binary relationon A. R is called ⊗-stable provided that it fulfils all items of Definition 26except (2).(d). �

By analogy with Proposition 27, one shows the following one.

Proposition 30. Let A be a Q-algebra and let R be a ⊗-stable binaryrelation on A. An element s ∈ A is saturated iff for every a, b ∈ A andevery q ∈ Q, whenever aRb, it follows that q ∗ a 6 s iff q ∗ b 6 s.


106 Sergey A. Solovyov

The modification of Theorem 28 is now obvious as well as the case ofreplacing

∨-semilattices by quantales in it, where the notion of ∗-stable

relation arises.

7. Representations of extremal quotients of quantalealgebras

In this section we show two more representations of the set EQ(A), apartfrom that already given in Section 4. We begin with the following definition,motivated by [18, Section 2.15].

Definition 31. Let A be a Q-algebra. A subset S ⊆ A is a called asub(Q-)algebra set provided that the following hold:

1. T ⊆ S implies∧T ∈ S;

2. a ∈ A, s ∈ S implies a→ ls, a→ rs ∈ S;

3. q ∈ Q, s ∈ S implies q � s ∈ S. �

Let A be a Q-algebra A and define S(A) = {S ⊆ A |S is a subalgebraset}. Then (S(A),⊆) is a

∧-semilattice, where

∧are given by the usual

set-theoretic intersections. The next proposition shows a relation betweenthe partially ordered sets S(A) and N (A).

Proposition 32. For every Q-algebra A, the partially ordered sets S(A)and N (A) are dually isomorphic.

Proof: The proof of Proposition 21 induces two maps: S(A)F−→ N (A),

F (S) = AjS−→ A, jS(a) =

∧(↑ a

⋂S) and N (A)

G−→ S(A), G(j) = Aj .Show that the maps establish an order-reversing one-to-one correspondencebetween S(A) and N (A).

Clearly, G ◦ F = 1S(A). To show that F ◦ G = 1N (A), take j ∈ N (A)and a ∈ A. Then (F ◦ G(j))(a) = jAj

(a) =∧

(↑ a⋂Aj). Since a 6 j(a)

and j ◦ j(a) = j(a), j(a) ∈↑ a⋂Aj . Given b ∈↑ a

⋂Aj , a 6 b and thus,

j(a) 6 j(b) = b. It follows that jAj (a) = j(a).Clearly, F is order-reversing. To show that G is order-reversing, take

j1, j2 ∈ N (A) such that j1 6 j2. Given s ∈ Aj2 , j1(s) 6 j2(s) = s and,therefore, j1(s) = s. Thus, s ∈ Aj1 .


A Note on Nuclei of Quantale Algebras 107

One should not forget that congruences on a Q-algebra A (equivalencerelations respecting the structure of quantale algebra) give another repre-sentation of EQ(A). Define C(A) = {R ⊆ A×A |R is a congruence on A}.Then (C(A),⊆) is a

∧-semilattice, the set-theoretic intersection of congru-

ences being again a congruence.

Proposition 33. For every Q-algebra A, the partially ordered sets C(A)and EQ(A) are dually isomorphic.

Proof: It is possible to define two maps: C(A)F−→ EQ(A), F (R) = [A

q−→A/R] (notice that A/R denotes the quotient algebra and not the set of

saturated elements) and EQ(A)G−→ C(A), G([(e,B)]) = {(a, b) ∈ A ×

A | e(a) = e(b)} (notice that the map is correct). It is easy to show thatthe maps establish an order-reversing one-to-one correspondence betweenthe partially ordered sets C(A) and EQ(A).

Given a Q-algebra A, Propositions 19, 32, 33 give the following rep-resentations of extremal quotients of A (notice that given a poset X, Xd

stands for its dual): (C(A))d ∼= EQ(A) ∼= (N (A))d ∼= S(A).

8. Algebraic structure on the set of quantale algebranuclei

For a given Q-algebra A, Section 7 shows different representations of theset EQ(A). The lattice structure of the above-mentioned representationsis particularly transparent in S(A). We already know that

∧are inter-

sections. The following proposition clarifies the nature of∨

(cf. [18, Sec-tion 2.15]).

Proposition 34. Let A be a Q-algebra and let {Si | i ∈ I} ⊆ S(A). Thedefinition S = {

∧T |T ⊆

⋃i∈I Si} provides the join of (Si)i∈I in S(A).

Proof: It will be enough to show that S is an element of S(A). Clearly,S is

∧-closed. Moreover, given a ∈ A and s ∈ S, a → ls = a → l(

∧T ) =∧

{a → lt | t ∈ T}, and every a → lt is in⋃i∈I Si. All other properties

follow similarly.


108 Sergey A. Solovyov

Let us notice that there exists the concept of Q-coalgebra, in which∨

-semilattices are replaced by

∧-semilattices. Since S(A) is dually isomorphic

to N (A), and one would like the latter set to be a Q-algebra, there is atemptation to define a Q-coalgebra structure on S(A). In the following,we show such an attempt, in which, however, we have to restrict ourselvesto a particular subset of S(A). Recall from [3] that a po-semigroup is asemigroup (G,⊗) equipped with a partial order 6, which is preserved by⊗ in each argument. A cozero of a po-semigroup (G,⊗,6) is the largestelement of (G,6), which is also is the unit of (G,⊗).

Proposition 35. Let A be a Q-algebra. There exists a binary operation} on S(A) such that (S(A),}) is a po-semigroup with > being a cozero.

Proof: Given S, T ∈ S(A) let S } T =↑ (S ⊗ T ) = {a ∈ A | s ⊗ t 6a for some (s, t) ∈ S × T}. Show that S } T ∈ S(A). Given P ⊆ S } T ,∧P >

∧p∈P (sp ⊗ tp) > (

∧p∈P sp) ⊗ (

∧p∈P tp) ∈ S ⊗ T and then

∧P ∈

S } T . Given a ∈ A and x ∈ S } T , a → rx > a → r(sx ⊗ tx) > (a →rsx) ⊗ tx ∈ S ⊗ T and then a → rx ∈ S } T . The other conditions ofDefinition 31 follow similarly.

Clearly, } is order-preserving and associative. To show that > } S => = S } > for every S ∈ S(A), notice that ↑ (A ⊗ S) ⊇↑ (⊥A ⊗ >A) =↑⊥A = A = >.

Proposition 36. Every Q-algebra A has a map Q × S(A)~−→ S(A) such

that for every S, S1, S2 ∈ S(A), every q, q1, q2 ∈ Q and every P ⊆ Q thefollowing hold:

1. q1 ~ (q2 ~ S) = (q1 ⊗ q2)~ S;

2. (∨P )~ S =

∧p∈P (p~ S);

3. q ~> = >;

4. S 6 ı~ S;

5. q ~ (S1 } S2) = (q ~ S1)} S2 = S1 } (q ~ S2).

Proof: For q ∈ Q, S ∈ S(A) let q ~ S =↑ (q ∗ S) = {a ∈ A | q ∗ s 6a for some s ∈ S}. Show that q ~ S ∈ S(A). Given P ⊆ q ~ S,

∧P >∧

p∈P (q ∗ sp) > q ∗ (∧p∈P sp) ∈ q ∗ S implies

∧P ∈ q ~ S. Given a ∈ A

and x ∈ q ~ S, a → rx > a → r(q ∗ sx) > q ∗ (a → rsx) ∈ q ∗ S impliesa→ rx ∈ q ~ S. The other conditions of Definition 31 follow similarly.


A Note on Nuclei of Quantale Algebras 109

Easy computations show the properties. As an example, we checkItem (2). If P = ∅, then (

∨P )~ S = ⊥Q ~ S =↑ (⊥Q ∗ S) =↑ ⊥A = A =∧

p∈P (p ~ S). Suppose P 6= ∅. To see that∧p∈P (p ~ S) ⊆ (

∨P ) ~ S let

x ∈∧p∈P (p ~ S). Then x > p ∗ sp for every p ∈ P . Define s =

∧p∈P sp.

Then x >∨p∈P (p ∗ s) = (

∨P ) ∗ s ∈ (

∨P ) ∗ S and thus, x ∈ (

∨P ) ~ S.

The converse inclusion is clear.

Propositions 35, 36 show that S(A) can be endowed with the structureof Q-semi-coalgebra (delete

∧-distributivity and unitality). In the follow-

ing, we show that S(A) contains a Q-coalgebra closed under arbitrary meetsin S(A). Its definition is easily suggested by Item (4) of Proposition 36.

Definition 37. Let A be a Q-algebra and let S ⊆ A be a subalgebra set.S is called an upper subalgebra set provided that S =↑ S. Su(A) stands forthe set of all upper subalgebra sets of A. �

One can easily see that Su(A) is closed under the formation of meetsin S(A) and, therefore, is a


Proposition 38. For every Q-algebra A, Su(A) is a Q-coalgebra.

Proof: In view of Propositions 35, 36, it is enough to show that both} and ~ distribute over non-empty meets. Consider the former case, thelatter one being similar. Take {Si | i ∈ I} ⊆ Su(A) and T ∈ Su(A). To seethat

∧i∈I(Si } T ) ⊆ (

∧i∈I Si)} T let x ∈

∧i∈I(Si } T ). Then x > si ⊗ ti

for every i ∈ I. Set t =∧i∈I ti. Then x > si⊗ t and, therefore, t→ lx > si

for every i ∈ I. Since x > (t→ lx)⊗ t ∈ (∧i∈I Si)⊗ T , x ∈ (

∧i∈I Si)} T .

The converse inclusion is clear.

Going back to the set N (A), consider the following definition.

Definition 39. Let A be a Q-algebra and let j be a nucleus on A. j iscalled an u-nucleus provided that Aj =↑ Aj . Nu(A) denotes the set of allu-nuclei on A. �

One can easily check that the restriction of maps of Proposition 32to Su(A) and Nu(A), respectively, establishes a one-to-one correspondencebetween them. Proposition 38 immediately implies the following result.


110 Sergey A. Solovyov

Proposition 40. For every Q-algebra A, Nu(A) is a Q-algebra.

Notice that Nu(A) is closed under the formation of∨

in N (A).

9. Conclusion

In the paper we have presented a technique of characterizing quotientsof quantale algebras in terms of particular maps called quantale algebranuclei. The idea stems from the well-known representation of quotientsof ring modules in terms of particular subsets called ideals. The crucialshift from subsets to maps is possible by the existence of order relation onthe underlying lattices of quantale algebras. The latter property opens adoor for further generalizations of the theory. In particular, P. Resende [19](see also the results of J. Paseka [17]) introduced the notion of sup-algebra,which is an algebra, whose carrier is a

∨-semilattice, and whose operations


-semilattice homomorphisms in each variable separately. Given a

sup-algebra A, a sup-algebra nucleus on A is a closure operator Aj−→ A

(order-preserving map j such that 1A 6 j and j ◦ j = j), which satisfiesω(j(a1), . . . , j(an)) 6 j(ω(a1, . . . , an)) for every n-ary operation ω of A andevery a1, . . . , an ∈ A. In his PhD Thesis [19], P. Resende developed thegeneral representation theory of quotients of sup-algebras in terms of sup-algebra nuclei. Later on, he illustrated the results with the examples of


semilattices (closure operators), frames (nuclei), quantales (quantic nuclei)and quantale modules (module nuclei). Our paper backs the theory withanother (and previously unstudied) example of quantale algebras (quantalealgebra nuclei).


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Department of MathematicsUniversity of LatviaZellu iela 8, LV-1002 Riga, Latviae-mail: [email protected]

Institute of Mathematics and Computer ScienceUniversity of LatviaRaina bulvaris 29, LV-1459 Riga, Latviae-mail: [email protected]

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