

FEBRUARY 11, 2016 VOLUME #3 NO. 6


“There is no higher work than evangelistic canvassing, for it involves the performance of the highest moral duties.

Those who engage in this work need always to be under the control of the Spirit of God.” - CM 12

“The church must give her attention to the canvassing work. This is one way in which she is to shine in the world. Then she will go forth, fair as the moon, clear as the sun and terrible as an army with banners.” RH Jan. 1, 1901

The Work Lying Nearest

“He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much.” Luke 16:10

Disciples of Jesus:

Our God is a Rewarder of those who serve Him diligently. We may possess splendid talents and high intelligence but if we are indolent, if we lack push, drive and perseverance, our accomplishments will be lackluster & dismal. My favorite modern day author says that, “if a person possesses tact, industry and enthusiasm they will make a success in temporal business, and the same qualities, consecrated to the work of God, will prove doubly efficient; for divine power will be combined with

human effort.” 5T 276

It is God’s purpose to prepare you continually for greater service and higher success in the ministry of revealing His great love to the world, thus winning many for the Kingdom. However, if we aren’t faithful in the smaller duties of life or even in

our work as literature evangelists, we limit our potential and the results are minimal.

Elisha is a wonderful example for us today. The prophetic call came to him while he was plowing with his father’s servants in the field. He had taken up the work that lay nearest. He possessed both the capabilities of a leader and the meekness of one who is ready to serve. “Of a quiet and gentle spirit, he was nevertheless energetic and steadfast. Integrity, fidelity and the love and fear of God were his, and in the humble round of daily toil he gained strength of purpose and nobleness of

character, constantly increasing in grace and knowledge.” PK 218

Faithfulness in little things… hours, advertising, canvasses, prayers, distributing free literature and signing up Bible cours-es. Are we sales-men or souls-men? Do we set goals for giving a set number of demonstrations, businesses advertised

and Bible studies signed up, and then, do we persevere until we have reached our goals?

None of us can know what may be God’s purpose in His discipline… Why some days are tough and others seem to find the heavens opening before us? But all may be certain that faithfulness in little things is evidence of fitness for greater re-sponsibilities. Every act of life is a revelation of character, and he only who in small duties proves himself “a workman that

needeth not to be ashamed” can be honored by God with higher success.

Endeavoring to be faithful,

Rocky W. Davis

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March 13-19, 2016.

The White House S.D.A. Church at 3660 Hwy 31 W. in White House, TN

has graciously agreed to host us.

Arrival time is between 3-5 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 13th.

A hot breakfast will be provided each morning at the church, fol-

lowed by worship, and then training, focusing on the new materials.

In the afternoons, we will go out canvassing in pairs.

Mark your calendars and plan to attend!

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This week’s Star Points winner is

again, Hans Smars.

Congratulations Hans!

Watch the mail for your $50.00 bonus award check!

Testimony Stories Don’t forget to send in your written testimonials of how God is moving in your Litera-

ture Ministry. Your submitted canvassing experiences will be featured in this newslet-

ter and, for the time being, for each testimonial used you will receive a $50.00 check,

courtesy of a generous lay donor who is a strong supporter of the Publishing Ministry.

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A Tale of Two Tall Buildings

As I followed a lead in Paducah, KY I saw that the lead was for a huge historic building now being used for low rent apartments. Usually I just go to the door to see if the interested person is home, but when you come to one these huge downtown apartment buildings it is usually better to go ahead and bring everything with you so you don’t have to come back down to get them if the people are home. As I am just getting back into colporteuring, I was somewhat disorganized in how I arranged everything in my car. Thus, I opened the passenger’s side door and sat down on the seat while gathering my supplies; placing my keys on the seat

while arranging my materials. I then locked the door and closed it. Immediately, I knew I had just locked my keys in the car!

I took a quick inventory - - -I didn’t have my phone or keys (I had even failed to get my canvassing case) but I did have my materi-als and the lead card for Foods and their Healing Power. I’m downtown, outside this big building I don’t even know if I can get into – so I pray to God that the lady will indeed be home and that she can help me get into the car, and that this experience might lead to a special situation and a sale! (I did have another blessing in that, even though it had rained often that day, I still had left the tilt

up in my sunroof! Provided I could get a wire hanger, I should be able to fish out the keys through the top!)

By a small miracle I am allowed to enter the security door (I always feel like it’s an undercover adventure trying to get into these buildings!) My interested lady is home. After a little small talk I tell her about my dilemma, hoping that like the woman at the well, her being able to help me might knit our hearts in a special way. Well, she called her ‘man’ out of the other room and he, being an ex-marine, as he told me, happily took up the challenge! To make a long story short, after about 15 minutes of fishing and ad-

justing, he successfully fished out my keys through the tilt in the sunroof!

So… when we went back up, I was expecting that his lady, who sent the card in, would be especially interested to hear what I had come to share. It was evident almost immediately that she was not. She was so not-interested, actually, that it was some-what painful to even finish a quick canvass. Guessing the problem, I asked her if she had thought that she was sending the card in for a free book. She said, “Yeah, I thought you would give me one of those books.” People actually say that many times when I run these downtown leads. So, I had prayer and gave her some free literature (I even gave her the sample Foods book. That

made her smile.)

I left, wondering what that experience was all about, and moved on, grateful I had been able to unlock my car. The next address my GPS took me to was another large, old apartment building and another interest in Foods and their Healing Power! The door was not locked, so I walked right in with all of my materials and my canvassing bag. I knocked on the door on the third floor; my

interest was home and, though a little hesitant at first, she soon invited me in.

I shared Foods and their Healing Power and the Heritage Bible. We talked some more; we read scripture as well. She had a ‘man’ there also, and after a while he came in - a little stand-offish at first, and resistant to her purchasing, but soon the Spirit had

all of us in one accord that Jesus is our salvation!

I WAS SO BLESSED being there with them! The interested lady, Miss Corine, gave me a cash deposit on the books and thanked me SO MUCH for coming. She told me that she was wondering if we had received her card and why she had not heard anything about the books yet. She told me she saw the sample Health book at her doctor’s office recently and thought about sending an-other card. She so sincerely thanked me for following up on her interest and spending time with them. They both really touched

my heart. Her ‘man’, John, told me to keep going because God is with me and I am doing God’s work!

Praise God for this wonderful work and the fun, interesting experiences we have searching for people who can be touched and

blessed by our ministry in the word and in sharing love with people!

Brent Chrishon, Full-time L.E.

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Qualification Guidelines

The Literature Evangelist with the highest score weekly will receive

a $50.00 bonus check! Points

1. Advertise a minimum of 60 offices with lead books per week. 1

2. Advertise a minimum of 40 other businesses with “Take One” stands per week. 1

3. Distribute a minimum of 40 FHCB bookmarks “door to door” per week. 1

4. Receive a minimum of 20 leads per week. 1

5. Give a minimum of 15 Big Book demonstrations per week. 1

6. Work a minimum of 40 hours per week. 1

7. Complete #s 1-6 and receive an additional bonus point. 1

8. Process $1,000 in orders taken for the week & receive additional point. 1

9. For each additional $500 in weekly book orders, receive another bonus point. 1

10. Highest weekly processed total receives one additional bonus point. 1

11. Receive an additional point for each $100 collected from financed clients. 1

12. Accomplish #s 8 and 11 and receive an additional bonus point. 1

13. Sign up 5 correspondence “Search for Truth” Bible studies per week. 1

14. Hand out a minimum of 25 GLOW tracts or FREE literature per week. 1

15. Share a minimum of 10 prayers in homes canvassed per week. 1

Total potential points per week: 15

NOTE: A tie in points will be broken by the highest amount in processed sales. Incentive eligibility is dependent upon timely receipt of L.E. weekly orders to H.H.E.S. Also, in order to qualify for the Star Point bonus award, your report must reach the conference office no later than 12:00 p.m. on Wednesday, and you must have advertised a minimum of 60 offices and 40 other businesses.

Highest cumulative points by the end of June will receive an Apple iPad. Second place will receive a $250.00 gift card for Best Buy.

The Post Office, as well as H.H.E.S. will be closed on

Monday, February 15th for the Presidents’ Day Holi-

day. All contracts will be processed on Tuesday, Feb-

ruary 16.

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