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F tu, ptu a thlg w th u pgu aut

hlahp a pulhg, at th Eglh-pag wl

th w Pttat Chta. Elghtt phlph a

, athplg, thlg a th lal xp all ught

w ppt, ll at a hat t t th tu  

lg a t l th wl, a whh tu t th a. T xpl th tg a tptat lgu txt, th ht  

lgu a a ttut, a t lat th ut tw lg

a .

A Full and Exact Collation of About Twenty 

Greek Manuscripts of the Holy Gospels

T ft aj pulat th tguh lal hla F H S, th a llat twt-th G aupt  

th gpl. T G txt p tal tut hapt

Eglh, llutatg S’ ta ltg th aupt,

th th h apt t t a llat th txt, a h tqu

tpa lal hlahp. T tut al p

ph agu at ah th aupt,

lug tal lat, t a th ll at g, a

g alual txt a tu th txt. Ft pulh 1853,

at a t wh a at aupt w g , th

laa wll aat all th tt lal txtual tu

a th ht th G Bl.


Books of enduring scholarly value

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Cag Ut P ha lg a p th ug  

ut--pt ttl t w alt, pug gtal pt  

that a tll ught a hla a tut ut ul t

pt all ug tatal thlg. T Cag La Cllt xt th att t a w ag whh a tll  

pta t ah a pal, th th u atal

th ta, a laa th ht th aa pl.

Dawg th wl-w llt th Cag

Ut La, a gu th a xpt ah ujt aa,

Cag Ut P ug tat--th-at ag ah

t w Ptg Hu t aptu th tt ah lt

lu. T fl a p t g a ttl la, p ag,a th fh t th hgh qualt taa whh th P

g au th wl. T latt pt--a thlg 

u that th wll a aalal ftl, a that

gl ultpl p a qul uppl.

T Cag La Cllt wll g a t l ug

hlal alu (lug ut--pght w gall u th

pulh) a a w ag pl th huat a al

a a thlg.

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A Full a ExatCllat Aut

wt G Maupt th

Hl GplDeposited in the British Museum, the

 Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth, &c.

Frederick Henry Ambrose Scrivener

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Cag, Nw Y, Mlu, Ma, Cap w, Sgap,Sã Pal, Dlh, Dua,

Pulh th Ut Stat Aa Cag Ut P, Nw Y th ttl:

© th plat Cag Ut P 2009

T t ft pulh 1853T gtall pt 2009

ISBN 978-1-108-00747-4 Papa 

T pu th txt th gal t. T tt a laguag tth l, pat a tlg th t, a ha t upat.

Cag Ut P wh t a la that th , ul gall pulh Cag, t g pulh , aat llaat wth,

wth th t appal , th gal pulh t u ttl.

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I am anxious to return my respectful thanks to

the Syndics of the Cambridge University Press,

for the liberal aid they have afforded me in de-

fraying out of the Funds at their command, the

expense of printing the present work.

FALMOUTH, January 31, 1853.

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CHAPTER I. On the existing state of the G reek Tex t of the

New Testament ix

CHAPTER II . On the ma terials employed in the present

volume xxiv

CHAPTER I I I . General observations upon the results of thiscollation Ixvii

Catalogus Librorum Manuscriptorum, Sancta Evangelia com-

plectentium, cum editione Elzevir. 1624 a me collatorum . Ixxv i

S. Matthaei Evangelium 1

S. Marci - - - - 51

S. Lucse - - - - 82

S. Johannis - - - - 136

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C H A P T E R I .



T H E following pages comprise an humble yet ear-

•*- nest attempt to revive among the countrymen of

Bentley and Mill some interest in a branch of Biblical

learning which, for upwards of a century, we have tacitly

abandon ed to continental scholars. Th e criticism of th e

text of Holy Scripture, though confessedly inferior in

point of dignity and importance to its right interpretation,

ye t ta ke s prec eden ce of it in order of tim e : for how

can we consistently proceed to investigate the sense of the

Sacred Volume, till we have done our utmost to ascertain

its precise words ?

Now to whatever cause we may attribute this strange

and scarcely creditable neglect on the part of EnglishDivines, it certainly cannot arise from a paucity of un-

wrought m aterials, or exhaustion of th e subject. On this

point, however, in the room of any statement of my own, I

will lay before th e read er th e ingenuous confession of one

of the highest living authorities on Biblical Criticism, in

one of th e most rece nt of his publica tions. " U t enim

dicam quod res est, ex omnibus qui collati sunt codi-

ces, soli illi A lexandrinus [A ], Ephrae m. Syri [C] , Can-

tabrigiensis [D], Dublinensis [Z], Sangallensis [A] et Dres-

densis [G. Paul.] ita sunt excussi, ut quid scriptum sin-


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gulis locis teneant quid non, sc ias" (Scholz, Commemora-tion Address at Bonn, 1845, p. 2).* A melancholy summary

indeed of the labours of two centuries in a field of study,

where all th at is not scrupulously exact is useless a t th e

best: yet no one who has ever compared two or three

manuscripts with the representations of them contained in

Mill's or Wetstein's or Griesbach's or Scholz's own edition

will hesitate to admit its literal truth . To co llate an

ancient copy of the New Testament is a task requiring

more time, care, and patience than men are very willing to

bestow on such an object; to describe its external con-

dition, to glance over a few chapters and so form a random

guess at its recension or internal charac ter, is far easier,

and will swell a catalogue just as well. I have cited above

the calm and mature judgment of Professor Scholz (un-

questionably one of the most industrious, if not the mostbrilliant, of the great editors of the Greek Testament) as

to the results of what has been already accomplished for

the sacred text: there was a time when he held far differ-

ent languag e; when he could speak of his own achieve-

ments in such terms as these, " omnibus fere, qui adhuc

supersunt, testibus exploratis, eorumque lectionibus dili-

genterconquisitis," (Prsef. N. T. Vol. i. p . 2, 18 29 ): yeteven then his own Prolegomena would have sufficed to

shew how large allowance we must make for the ardent

temperam ent of the writer. It will be convenient, in th e

present volume, to confine our attention to the Four Gos-

pels. To the 286 Evangelia and 57 Evangelisteria known

before the publication of his edition, his indefatigable dili-

gence and extensive travels have added 210 Evangelia and

121 Evangelisteria: in fact, he has nearly doubled the list.

* Tischend orf's zeal has very recently enabled us to add a few item s to this

meagre list.

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But while Dr Scholz is entitled to our gratitude for havingopened to us so many veins of precious ore, it must not be

dissembled that he has in a great measure left the toil

of working them to his successors. Of the 331 documents

he has discovered in the libraries of the East and West, he

has collated entire only eleven, in greater part sixteen, in

a few places or cursorily two hundred and twenty-two,

while eighty-one are merely inserted in his catalogue with-

out remark. Such a course surely could do little towards

advancing a strict, accurate, and critical acquaintance with

the sacred original.

But our knowledge even of those manuscripts which

have been described the oftenest and inspected the most

repeatedly is more loose and unsatisfactory than would

be imagined prior to investigation. Three of the copies I

have collated for the present volume are found in Gries-bach's list (gjm): how little he really knew of their con-

tents I shall have occasion to state in the next chapter. I

am sure that I may allege the testimony of Mr Tregelles

to the same effect, since he has been compelled to examine

afresh even such principal authorities as the uncial MSS.

EGUX, for his forthcoming edition of the New Testam ent.

On the whole, then, I conceive the case to be simply this :while every reading actually cited from this mass of docu-

ments by Griesbach or Scholz may be relied on as genuine

with tolerable assurance, very seldom will the readings

quoted amount to one in three, often not to one in ten, of

those which each copy contains ; the omissions consisting

chiefly of such rare or singular or minute variations as

best enable us to determine the genius and value of the

manuscript which exhibits them, and are consequently

even more important to the critic than those that are

given. If any exception needs be made to this general


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statement, it should be in favor of Matthsei's collations,which (though never verified, so far as I am aware) present

every internal mark of a precision and accuracy not unwor-

thy of the accomplished scholar to whom we are indebted

for them.

If exact collation be the true basis of all sound criticism

(and few will absolutely deny this proposition) whence

arises it that the criticism of the New Testament shouldhave made so little real progress during a whole century;

for a century has now passed since the publication of

Wetstein's great work ? I believe that the main cause of

this sta te of things is neither rem ote nor obscure ; it is the

fruit of that premature devotion to theories of recensions

which has seduced so many of our editors and critics from

the ir proper task . I say advisedly a premature devotion,

for I do not doubt that much good service may hereafter

be rendered even in this department; but it does seem

unreasonable to attempt to classify and arrange, and esti-

mate the relative worth of documents, with whose contents

we are in a grea t measure unacquainted. The natural

order of proceeding surely is, first to accumulate facts, and

then to draw inferences from them: should we reverse that

order, it will be wonderful indeed if our conclusions be safe

or valid. Rash and partial induction is in no wise be tter

than pure conjecture.

These general remarks apply with peculiar force to such

a system of recensions of Griesbach's, built as it is on a

deliberate preference of the evidence of a few well-known

records over the supposed testimony of the vast majority

of copies, to which he has paid no adequate attention.Perhaps, however, it may be convenient to preface the few

observations I shall submit to the reader on the various

principles, which learned men have laid down for our guid-

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till the fields are seen to be white and ripe for theharvest.

The researches of Griesbach, prosecuted (we cheer-

fully admit) with unwearied diligence during the course of

many years, led him to the conclusion that the several

families into which our critical authorities are divided, may

be reduced to three great classes, the Alexandrine, the

Western, and the Byzantine, recensions. The standard of

the Alexandrine text he imagined he had discovered in

Origen, who, though he wrote in Palestine, might be p re-

sumed to have brought with him into exile copies of the

Scriptures, similar to those in ordinary use in his native

city. The tex t of the Western Church would naturally be

drawn from the Italic version and the Latin Fathers; while

the large majority of manuscripts, versions, and eccle-

siastical writers followed the readings which prevailed in

the Patriarchate of Constantinople. He then proceeded

to attribute to each of these families an equal influence in

correcting and settling the text; or rather, he considered

the testimony of the Byzantine class inferior in weight to

th at of either of the others. Consistently with these prin-

ciples, the evidence of the very few ancient manuscripts of

the Alexandrine class still extant (e.g. Wetstein's ABCLM);or of the Latin versions, and of one or two old Latinising

manuscripts (e.g. D or Codex Bezae), if supported by the

Fathers of the two families, and sufficiently probable in

itself; may balance or even outweigh the unanimous voice

of hundreds of witnesses of every kind, should they happen

to belong to the unfortunate Byzantine recension. A

single example will serve to shew the violent revolutionthis refined theory must have wrought on the text of the

New Testament, had Griesbach carried it out in practice

with the same vigour and unhesitating boldness as he con-

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ments present us with a text in all important featuresessentially one; that, namely, which was used in the public

services of the Church throughout the whole Patria rcha te

of Constantinople. On this last head (which is assumed

in Scholz's theory quite as much as in Griesbach's) I

hope to speak presently; the first, relating to Origen and

the recension he employed, has been fully and most pati-

ently discussed by the late Archbishop Laurence ("R e-marks on Griesbach's Systematic Classification," 1814) who

has proved, in my judgment, most conclusively, that this

idea of the agreement of that eminent Father with what

are called the Alexandrine MSS. is the very reverse of the

actual fact*. One other proposition yet remains to be

noticed, the alleged distinction between the Egyptian and

Western families; but here I believe Griesbach stands

alone: however deep th e impression (I can scarcely call

it conviction) which other portions of his theory have made

on the minds of Biblical students, no one has yet been

able to detect tha t broad and characteristic difference

between the readings of the two classes, which is indis-

pensable to the very existence of his whole scheme. In-

deed the task is so hopeless on the very face of it, that

I hardly know whether it has been so much as seriously


It is precisely at this point that Scholz undertook

to reconstruct the imposing theory which was obviously

crumbling already into dust. Abandoning in well-grounded

despair the plan of a triple recension of the sacred text,

and uniting under the general name of the Alexandrine

" Taking Codex A as a fair specimen of the class to which Griesbach

assigns it, the Archbishop shews that while it agrees with Origen against the

received text in 154 places, and disagrees with the two united in 140, it agrees

with th e received text against O rigen in no less than 444 passages. See the

Appendix to his "R em ark s."

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family, the documents which his predecessor had dividedinto the Egyptian and Occidental classes, he marshalled

anew their confederate bands against the host of Byzan-

tine copies, by which even now they were vastly out-

numbered. A still more important innovation is the pre-

ference accorded by Scholz to that very recension which

it had been Griesbach's great aim to disparage and neg-

lect. He contends that the Constantinopolitan or common

text (which he supposes to be not far removed from the

printed textus receptus) approaches much nearer to the

sacred autographs than does the text of Alexandria; both

on account of the internal excellency of its readings, and

because it has been the public and authorised edition of

the Greek Church, from the earliest ages to the present

hour. " Codices qui hoc nomen habent," he writes, "parum

inter se dissentiunt; conferas quaeso longe plerosque quoshuic classi adhserere dixi, atque lectiones diversas viginti

trigintave in totidem capitibus vix reperies, unde conjicias

eos esse accuratissime transcriptos, eorumque antigrapha

parum inter se discrepasse " (Proleg. N. T. § 55). It might

have occurred to the learned editor that this marvellous

concord between the different MSS. of his Byzantine class

(which indeed is striking enough as we turn over the pagesof his Greek Testament) is just as likely to have originated

in the haste or carelessness of collators, as in the scrupu-

lous accuracy of transcribers, or the purity of the records

from which they copied. I can only say, th at I have met

with very few documents which, when diligently examined,

have exhibited but twenty or thirty variations in the course

of as many chapters: in fact I know of none such, except

where the close affinity of two or three MSS. to each other

is too visible to be mistaken at the very first glance. No

one for instance would dream of estimating lmn or qr (to

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be described in the next chapter) as separate and indepen-dent witnesses in favour of any readin g; yet even they differ

more widely from each other than Scholz supposes to be

the case with the whole class of documents to which he

would refer them. To his argum ent, then , from the ima-

ginary identity of the Byzantine copies I confidently re-

join, collate your materials more exactly and this identity

will in a great measure disappear. I am not concerned

to deny that after all, certain authorities group together

into classes or families; I may even hope th at this ten-

dency will become more and more observable the further

we push our investigations: but for the present we must

waive speculation and accumulate facts: the science of

Biblical Criticism, so far as the Greek Testam ent is con-

cerned, is awaiting the unwearied industry of its Keplers:

it is scarcely ready for the genius of its Newton.

The notion that a pure and primitive te xt m ight be

found in the lectionaries and service-books of the Eastern

Church is in itself both plausible and perfectly rational.

It had crossed the mind of one in whom the love of these

studies amounted to a passion;—the master passion of an

unhappy life. At the opening of his long career as a col-

lator of Scripture manuscripts, Wetstein eagerly seized hisfirst Evangelisterium in the Colbert Library, "sperans,"

says he, " me inventurum constantem et publice receptam

in Ecclesia Grseca lectionem." Yet what was the resu lt?

"At eventus expectation! mese non respondit, nam et ipsos

inter se, et a nostris editionibus non raro dissentire, de-

prehendi." (Wetst. Proleg. N. T . p. 81 , ed. Lotze). How

natural the presumption, yet how complete the failure!Indeed we shall often find that the widest divergencies

from the ordinary text abound in Evangelisteria, which

are useless except for public worship (e. g. Codex y, to be

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uncial palimpsest of St Matthew (Z), the Wolfenbuttel frag-ments published by Knittel (PQ), and the Borgian frag-

ment of St John (T). To these we ought perhaps to add

the Codex Bezse (D), whose testimony he admits for cer-

tain purposes, although it is posterior to the fourth cen-

tury, as indeed we may reasonably suspect are most of the

other seven. Of the versions he employs the Italic and

Latin Vulgate alone, for though the elder Syriac* and the

Sahidic are certainly within his self-imposed limits, he has

not taken the pains to master the languages wherein they

are written. Such a scheme, one would imagine, could

satisfy no one except its author.

But though Lachmann's work may have little appreci-

able influence on the public mind, the idea (the fallacy,

as I must consider it) on which it is grounded seems widely

prevalent among Biblical students. There is a tone and

manner often observable when manuscripts of the Greek

Testament are spoken of, as if it were taken for gran ted

that their value is in direct proportion to their date f: as

though the testimony of a document of the twelth or four-

teen th century were, of necessity and as a m atter of course,

far inferior in weight and probability to that of an uncial

copy some five hundred years older. Now I wish not to denythe existence of a certain amount of presumption in favour

of the more ancient authority: the nearer we approach the

Apostolic times, the fewer stages that have intervened be-

tween the inspired autographs and the manuscript before

* To palliate his neglect of the Peshito Syriac version Lachm ann pleads th at

its most antient and trustworthy copies are as yet uncollated (Prcefat. N. T .

p . xxiv). I had once hoped to contribute something to this depa rtmen t of

sacred learning, but laid aside my design on finding that so eminent a scholaras Mr Cureton was preparin g a c ritical edition of the Pe sbito . It is indeed

most urgently required.

-f This assumption forms th e grou ndw ork on which Mr Alford has con-

structed the text of his Greek Testament.

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us, the less chance is there of error or wilful alteration onthe part of copyists. But what I complain of is th is ; tha t

instead of looking upon the case as one of mere presump-

tion, of primd facie likelihood, such as other circumstances

may limit or correct or entirely remove, it is regarded from

the first as a settled point, that unless a monument be up-

wards of a thousand years old, it is hardly worth the trouble

of collating. " Ante omnia," says Lachmann, " antiquis-

simorum rationem habebimus; fine certo constituto

recentiores, item leves et corruptos, recusabimus" (Prsef.

p. vi). And to what cause shall we attrib ute it, that the

oldest manuscripts are necessarily the best, while the more

recent ought to be despised as " corrupt and of little con-

sequence ?" Will Lachmann undertake to assert that our

modern Byzantine documents are bu t bad copies of the

Alexandrian, the Vatican, or Beza's MS. ? Yet no supposi-tion short of this will answer the purpose of his argument.

The remark is so trite one is tired of repeating it, th at

many codices of the tenth and following centuries were

very probably transcribed from others of a more early

date than any which now exist; the incessant wear of the

older copies in the services of the Church, rendering a

fresh supply indispensable. In what way, then , does hemeet the obvious suggestion, th at our present cursive

manuscripts are but the representatives of venerable docu-

ments, which have long since perished ? He grants that

it might possibly be true, but declares that in reality it

is not so. " Since the oldest manuscripts still extant,"

says he, " wonderfully agree with the citations of the most

ancient writers ; ... why should we think that Irenaeus and

Origen used more corrupt copies, than Erasmus and the

Complutensian editors"? (Prsef. p. vii). With Lachmann's

last statem ent I cheerfully join issue. We need only refer

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CHAPTER I. xxiii

The present volume is complete in itself, and has beenarranged with all care and diligence, in the earnest hope

of securing in some degree such accuracy as may befit the

sacred subject whereof it tre at s. What errors it contains

(for in such a multiplicity of small details I dare not flatter

myself it is exempt from them) are those of human in-

firmity, so far at least that they cannot be imputed to mere

haste or heedlessness on the part of the compiler. Whether

I shall proceed to publish the collations I have made on

other parts of the New Testament, or prosecute the critical

study of Scripture by further investigations among the

mass of copies yet unexamined and uncared for, must

depend on circumstances I can neither foresee nor control.

What I have completed is beyond the reach of fortune,

and it becomes me rather to be thankful for past oppor-

tunities, than to look onward too anxiously to the future.It is something if the hours I have withdrawn from labo-

rious engagements, shall have enabled me to throw a little

light on the history of the inspired text, and to contribute,

according to the measure of my ability, to the defence and

elucidation of God's Holy Word.

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fP H E manuscripts of the Gospels, a full collation of whose

-*- readings with the Elzevir text of 1624 I am about

to exhibit, have not been chosen with a view to the pro-

motion of any theory of recensions, or the advocacy ofindividual opinions, but have been taken up almost at ran-

dom, as they happen to be arranged in the catalogues of

the British Museum and Archiepiscopal Library at Lam-

beth. The mass of unpublished materials is still so vast,

that it would be easy, by skilful selection, to derive from

them arguments in behalf of any of the several systems I

have glanced at in the preceding chapter, and to allegeproofs in support of each of them, which might seem irre-

sistible, until conflicting evidence had been produced. The

method I have adopted is doubtless attended with one

inconvenience, that documents of inferior value will occa-

sionally take the place of those of higher interest and

importance, but this seems comparatively a slight objec-

tion to a plan which affords us the best chance of estimat-

ing, through the medium of a specimen and on a small

scale, the probable results of a complete examination of

the whole body of existing manuscripts. In this, as in all

other branches of enquiry, it is clear that the inferences

we draw from the facts before us, will be trustworthy and

conclusive very much in proportion to the degree of impar-

tiality wherewith the facts themselves shall have been

culled and brought together.

Ten of the manuscripts of the Gospels which I have

collated are deposited in the Lambeth Library, no less than

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eight of them (a—f,u,v) belonging to the Carlyle collection.These valuable documents were brought to England by the

Rev . J. D . Carlyle, Professor of Arab ic at Cam bridge, with

a view to a critical edition of the Greek Testament, and

were procured by him in Syria, the Greek Islands, and at

Constantinople. N ot to mention other pa rts of Holy Scrip-

tu re , he had ten manuscripts of the Gospels, of which six

still remain in this coun try. Having just ly assumed as a

fundam ental principle th at " collation is the tru e basis of

all Biblical criticism," but feeling unequal to the examina-

tion of all th e m aterials before him , P rofessor Carlyle

adopted the novel and somewhat unpromising plan of send-

ing one of his manuscripts to each of his clerical friends,

who might be willing to undertake the task of collating it.

Th e whole scheme was broke n up by his dea th in 1804,

and now that the labors of his corps of volunteers arebroug ht togeth er (Lam beth MS. 1255), we may see at a

glance the futility of trusting to the inexperienced zeal of

beginners in this employment. Out of eight or nine atte m pts

at collation which lie before me, one by the Rev. W.

Sanderson of Morpeth seems executed with scholar-like

accuracy, though I cannot test it, since its prototype is

no longer in th e Lib rary . Of th e res t I will only say,that their omissions of various readings are so repeated

and their carelessness so intolerable, that I soon discovered

their entire uselessness, except for the purpose of en-

abling me to revise my own collation; nor am I ashamed

to own that in this respect I found them of the utmost

service*. On Professor Carlyle's dea th, th e manu scripts

* O ften dur ing this occupation did I call to mind Woide's list of requ ire-

me nts for an accurate colla tor: " Silentium, secessum, undique liberum animum,attentionem, patientiam, serena lucis spatia, visum acriorem et usum microsco-piorum frequentem depoacit" (Pr<ef. Cod. Alex. p . xxx.). I cannot, however,say with him, "p ar um hie labor mellis, et absinthii m ultum h ab et ;" 1 shouldrather adopt as my motto: "Suaviter austerum studio fallente laborem."


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bu t once in th e first eleven ch ap ters . Th e t ascriptumis found abo ut twic e (Lu ke iv. 8 ; v. 10), i subscriptum

never. From itacisms, or th e interc han ge of vowels, this

man uscript is remark ably free; perh aps no t mo re than one

or tw o will be met with in an ordinary ch ap ter . Such

modern Greek forms as enpotyriTevae occur in Matth. vii. 22;

xi. 13; xv. 7; Mark vii. 6; John xi. 51; but no Alexan-

drine inflection except -fyvxpow Matth. x. 42 (with bds y) ;

Bvyarepav Lu ke xiii. 16. On th e whole very few ra re or

no ticeab le readin gs will be found in th is docum ent, which

approaches as nearly to the received text as many of a

mu ch lower da te. Of th e usual liturgical app aratu s Codex

a has the larger Ke$a\cua prefixed to the last three Gospels

(the volume being mu tilated in the beginning), capital

lette rs a t th e com mencem ent of the Church lessons in gold,

the Ammonian sections in the margin in red ink, and refer-ences to th e Eusebian Canons in blue. It was broug ht by

Carlyle from some monastery in the Greek Archipelago,

but an inscription at the end (apparently in the same hand

as Joh n vii. 53—viii. 11) proves th at it was on ce a t Con-

stantinople* . It was collated entire for Prof. Carlyle, by

the Rev. J. Farrer of Carlisle, in 1804.

b. LAMBETH 117 6. This copy of th e Gospels is writtenon vellum in small qu arto on 417 pag es, in a very minu te bu t

graceful hand . Th e liturgical app aratu s consists of Euse-

bius' letter to Carpianus and his Canons, prefixed to the MS.

and written on paper, the tables of larger KtcpaKma, and some

poo r illuminations prefixed to each Gospel. Th e Amm o-

nian sections are given in the margin, and the contents of

* eiraKOVGOv fifiwy b 6<r 1} e \ x t e iravTwn TW V irepa^iov TJJS yijs K« I TOIV ev

daXrurari fiaKpav' Kal pvcraL tar o tiff i/jucov Tljf iroXlv TCLUTIJV KU I yjapav Ttuv

ypitj'ri.avwv awo Xi/iov \ipov [Xoi/iou] orta/iov KaTa-KoVTidfLOv irvpos fi.axaipa's

e7ri5(OOjU^s uXkotpikov TTOXGWV' 8aifio>v(?) 11/xoiv eiraKoverov Kai €\anjarov.


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th e Ke<pa\aia at th e top and bottom of the page s. Directionsfor the Church lessons are perpetually found in the margin,

and occasionally intruded into th e tex t (e. g. Jo hn iii. 17 ;

xiii. 17). Th ere is appe nded on pap er a Synaxarion, or

abridged notice of Saints ' Days throughout the year, with

the ir prop er lessons* . This man uscript is assigned by To dd

to th e 13th century, by Burney to th e 11 th. Th e tru th

may lie between them , though it appears somewhat m orere ce nt th an Cod. a. It is however far more valuab le for

critical purposes, and well merits Burney's commendation

" eximiae notae." N efeXnvq-riKov occurs perpetually, though

it has been often erased by a later hand, whose indiscreet

diligence has been very busy throughout the whole book.

The accents and breathings are pretty constant, but not

very correc t; we have in John i. 6ma-a> vv. 15 ,27 ; CVTIJKO' V. 26.

I observed c ascriptum but twice (Luke viii. 4 0 ; Jo hn i. 39), i

subseriptum nev er. T he usual itacis m s c for <u, i or ei for -q, v

for oi, o for a and vice versa are found in great abundance,

being full six times as numerous as in Codex a: iSaa-iv John

x. 4 ; xviii. 21 is very strong . Th e initial lette rs of th e

lessons and lesser sections are inserted in red ink (secundd

manu) even where they had been previously given in black

ink by the scribe who wrote the manuscript. Th e pa ra-gra ph John vii. 53—viii. 11 is com pletely om itted, thou gh

this document sometimes agrees with the common text where

com parativ ely few oth ers do (e. g. M att h. iii. 8 ; v. 27). It

is very partial to glosses or additions: in the single chapter

Matth. vii. see vv. 21, 27,28,29 where few MSS. or versions

* T,vva%apiov is thus defined by Suicer in his Tliesaurus, and employed inMSS. d, 1, n and others described b elow . Scholtz's definition seems less cor-rec t, "indice s lectionum ita exhibet, ut ann i ecclesiastici et uniuscnjusqueevangelii ratio habeatur" (N. T. Vol. i. p. 454), viz. a Table of Lessons forevery day in the year. Certainly, in our sense of the term, synaxarion andmenology are nearly synonymous.

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coun tenance it : it is better supp orted in M atth. viii. 1 3 ;xxvi. 40. Of gram m atical or ortho grap hical pecu liarities

we re ad eto-eX&ire M atth . vii. 13 (with y ) ; Trpoo-erreo-av vii. 25

(with dksu) ; avzireo-av Mark vi. 40 ; John vi. 10 {with cfhx) ;

tfnrpovBe Matth. x. ^2 (with k); Spay^ Luke xv. 8 bis ; 9.

In itacism s it is often found in connexion w ith x (described

below), in more important readings with Wetstein's BC and

the elder uncials (e. g. M att h. viii. 28). But for th e fre-

quent recurrence of clauses lost through the ofiowrfkevrov I

should have described the scribe as careful and competent.

At the end of the vellum MS. itself he adds x~e, SwpT/o-e T<»

KTtjvafievo) evpaxrTfiav atpeatv ajxiiKaKqjiaTO>v * Kai TO £eaavTi *

tK(O viKo\aa> TTJV ev^coiav Kai \vtriv TCOV afpaXfiarav, A f t e r t h e

Synaxarion on paper is a curious list of our Lord's appear-

ance s to His Apo stles from th e tim e of Steph en down to

St Peter's martyrdom.c. LAMBETH 1177 . Th e collation of this stran ge and

troublesome manuscript was commenced by Burney, and at

the end of the third chapter abandoned in despair : "men-

dis erratisque ita scatet, ut scriptorum imperitise et osci-

tantiae luculentissimum fiat argumentum" is his emphatic

sentence of condem nation. I certainly never m et with a

copy of the Gospels written with such irreverent and scan-dalous negligence, but this is only one instance out of a

thousand of the danger of judging hastily from first appear-

ances. Had Dr Burney patience or leisure to have com-

pleted the examination of Codex c, he would have found it

abound, far beyond any other in the whole collection, with

novel and remarkable readings, which (in spite of its un-

promising appearance) would have amply repaid all the

diligence he could hav e bestowed upon it. It is a small

quarto of 420 pages, written in a miserable scrawl on the

* TO JetravTi i.e. TO ypa^/au-ri. as I understand it. Dr Burney read TO£-

evaavTi of which I cannot see the meaning.

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coarsest p arch m ent, and not a few leaves are lost. Th ehiatus are Matth. iv. 1—vii. 6 (two -thirds of th e ne xt leaf

being torn, up t o v. 2 2) ; xx. 21—xxi. 12 (the leaf inse rted,

bu t in a later h an d * ); Luke iv. 29—v. 1 ; v. 1 7 — 3 3 ;

xvi. 24—xvii. 13; xx. 1 9 — 4 1 ; John vi. 51—viii. 2; xii.

2 0 — 4 0 ; xiv. 27— xv. 13 ; xvii. 9— xviii. 2 ; xviii. 37— xix .

14. Todd assigns it (probably enough) to the 12th century,

Burney says " a diversis librariis, ann isqu e v ariis scr ibit ur."

Yet I am not sure that it is not all in the same hand,

capriciously varied from an open and straggling scrawl to

a small and cramped one, each careless and inelegant

beyond example: possibly however the first seven leaves

a re not written by the same scribe as the rest of the

volume. It contains fragments of th e gr ea ter KecjxiKcua of

St Matthew, the same K£<f>a\at.a or TtrXoi in the margin of

each p age , tn e Amm onian sections an d dirty red capitalsat the beginning of each, with marks at the opening and

end of each Church lesson. Th ere are sca ttered fragments

of a Synaxarion a t the end of th e book. In compound

words the breathings are placed over each member sepa-

ra te ly; v ^ikKva-TiKov is not often absent, i ascriptum is found

several times in John iv. and v. but only there (Crjrai J ohn

v. 30). Two disputed passages are obelized in the margin,Luk e xxiii. 39— 41 ; Joh n vi. 4. As regards itacisms,

tho ugh unequally distributed over th e MS. (ther e is bu t

one in Joh n xi. 6—18) the y occu r for the m ost par t as

thickly as in almost any known copy, often at every second

or third word for verses tog eth er. Un der the se circum-

stances I have noted none that may not possibly be various

readings, or may tend to shew the similarity of Codex c

with some other of my man usc ripts (especially e, x, an d y) ,

or may for any othe r cause seem worthy of notice . All

peculiarities of inflection I have carefully indicated, and

* The readings of this leaf I hare denoted by c.

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the y are ne ithe r few nor trifling. Th e accusa tive singularof the 3rd declension ends in -av M atth. xii. 1 0 ; 13 ; xxvi.

5 7 ; xxvii. 28 ; 3 1 ; M ark iii. 3 ; vi. 27 ; xii. 19; Luke vi. 8;

xiii. 1 6 ; Joh n xx. 25. Th e second aorist indicative ends

in -as, -are, -av Matth. xi. 8 ; xxv. 36 ; xxvi. 55 ; xxvii. 46 ?;

M ark viii. 1 1 ; xiv. 48 ; 62 ; xv. 34 ? ; Luk e xi. 52 ; xxii. 52 ;

John vi. 10 : we read yevapevos Luke vii. 4 ; 20 ; x. 13 ; 32 ;

xiv. 2 1 : Treowa Lu ke x. 1 8 ; 3 6 ; o-wayowre M atth. xxiv. 2 8 ;

Kvpyjras M ark i. 7 ; Jo hn viii. 6 ; 7 ; 8 ; avraXay/ia Matth. xvi.

2 6 ; Mark viii. 37 ; Lu ke xi. 27 ; xxiii. 2 9 ; oo-tpvai

Lu ke xii. 35 ; Kareyekovv Mark V. 40 ; eirrfparovv X. 2 ; 10 ;

(Trcnfiovv ib . 48; eve/Sp^owro xiv. 5: neuter plural Ktmpiav Luke

xiii. 8 ; peyav (neuter) xiv. 16 : but 8vpa (accus.) Johnx viii. 16 :

neut. pi. comparative in -av John i. 51 . The augment is

sometimes though rarely omitted, Mark v. 32 ; John xi. 21 .

The accusative is put for the dative after certain classes ofver bs : e. g. Matth. ii. 8; 11 (with d p ); i ii . 1 5 ; xiii. 1 3 ;

xv. 35 ; xvi. 1 7 ; 2 7 ; xviii. 32 ; xxviii. 17 ; M ark i. 43; iv. 2

(with km*oy) ; vi. 1 ; 39 ; vii. 32 ; Luke iv. 5 ; vi. 28 ; xii.

37 ; xiv. 6 ; xv. .'50 ; xix . 1.3; xxiii. 36 ; Jo hn vi. 7 ; xx. 6.

These specimens may suffice as regards mere forms: the

various reading s will perh aps be found more num erous th an

those of any other copy in the present collation except y.W hatever we may ultimately decide respecting their ap -

proximation to the sacred text as it came from the hands

of t he inspired penmen, w hen cou ntenanced (as they fre-

quently are) by other an d m ore ancient autho rities, they

deserve our anxious consideration, and, to say the least,

merit any treatment rather than contempt or neglect.

d. LAMBETH 1178. Th e external app earanc e of this

copy presents a striking con trast with th at of the pre -

ceding ; it is indeed on e of th e mo st splendid m anu scripts

extant, and is probably as old as th e 10th or 11 th

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cen tury. It is a large qua rto of 616 pag es on good vellumin a fine bold han d. Illuminations are prefixed to th e th re e

lat er Gospels in purple, red, and gold, bu t th e first leaves

ar e lost, th e MS . com me ncing at Ma tth . i. 8. Prefixed is a

full list of Church lessons throughout the year, and at the

end of th e volume is a synaxarion and othe r table s. Th e

larger Ketfidkaia before St Matthew are lo st: in other respects

the usual l i turgical arrangements are complete, and the

subscriptions to each gospel long and curious. This no ble

docu me nt ha s acce nts an d b reathin gs (even with pp) tole-

rably correct, v eQekKva-Tucov but not very frequent, no i sub-

scriptum, but ascriptum often, thou gh still oftener neg lecte d:

it is som etimes wrongly place d, especially with verbs, e . g.

M atth. xxi. 2 7 ; Luk e xx. 1 3 ; Jo hn ix. 5. St Matthew's

Gospel and th e first eight cha pter s of St M ark were collated

fo r Prof. Carlyle in 1804 by the Rev. John Forster, whose

papers, however destitute of the accuracy required in these

studies, are much more creditable to his diligence than

those of most of his coadjutors.

The text of this copy differs from the Elzevir edition

far less than that of Cod. c, yet it contains many remark-

able variations, such as Scholz would refer to his Alexan-

drine recension. Th e itacisms are no t very num erous, andof an ordinary character, much resembling those of Cod. a.

Th ey are strewed more thickly on a leaf of coarse pa pe r

containin g Lu ke v. 30— vi. 4, which is lost in t h e original

MS.* This copy often agrees with g or p (described here-

after) against all th e rest which I hav e collated. Lu ke

xxii. 43, 44; John v. 4 are obelized in the margin: i t is not

easy to distinguish the changes introduced primd from thosesecundd manu. We meet with a very few such forms as

dvyarepav Luke x i i i . 16 ; trpoa-ewea-av M a t t h . v i i . 2 5 ; avewe<rav

* I have indicated the readings of this leaf in my collation by d.

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ar e very frequent indeed, ye t no t pe rha ps of th e gross estkind : e and x will often be found to ge th er in such case s.

We have the third declension accusative in -av M ark i. 16 ;

Lu ke vi. 8 ; xiii. 16 . For critical purp oses this is no com -

mon manuscript, but is full of variations from the received

text, perpetually agreeing with Codices c and y, which are

beyond question the most remarkable of all I have collated;

and nearly as often with Codices d and p, where they

diverge th e most widely from th e gene ral mass of au tho -

rities, especially in th e transposition of words. For th e

peculiarities of Codex e see Matth . xvi. 3 ; xviii. 1 4 ; 2 1 ;

xxvii. 41; Mark iii. 9 (with b) ; v. 22 (with c); viii. 11; 17 ;

ix . 3 3 ; 44 ; xiii. 6 ; 1 4; 2 0 ; x iv . 1 8 ; 2 5 ; 37 (with c ) ;

69 ; Lu ke ii. 37 ; 42 ; iii. 7 ; iv. 2 4 ; v. 1 0 ; vii. 25 ; xi. 7 ;

5 1 ; xii . 1 4 ; xviii. 2 9 ? ; xx. 1 0 ; 3 8 ; xxi. 1 2 ; xxi i. 1 4 ;

xxiii. 15 ; 32 (with Griesbach's MS. 33) ; John i. 13 ; iv. 24 ;viii. 2 0 ; 43 ; xii. 1 8 ; xiii. 1. Th ese are almost or entirely

uniqu e. In th e following this copy accord s with th e oldest

uncials (ABDK &c.) where few oth ers d o : M atth . xxiii. 26 ;

xxvii . 3 4 ; Mark ii. 1 8 ; x i. 1 9 ; xii. 2 0 ; xiv. 4 0 ; 5 3 ; xv.

12 ; Lu ke ii. 26 ; iv. 2 ; vii. 1 1 ; xi. 4 0 ; xx. 13 ; xxiii. 53 ;

Joh n xi. 5 4 ; xiii. 2. Th e red capitals cause th e variation

of reading in Luk e xxiv. 1 ; Joh n vii. 28 .f. LAMBETH 1192. This is anoth er man uscript of th e

four Gospels on vellum in large qu arto of 272 leaves. It

is beautifully written, and on the whole in fair condition,

thou gh somewhat inferior in app earan ce to Codex d. W ith

Todd and Burney I refer i t to the 13th ce nt ur y: i t w as

brought by Prof. Carlyle from Syria. N ine leaves ar e lost,

containing Mark iii . 6 — 2 1 ; Luke xii. 48—xiii . 2 * ; Jo hnx v i . 8 22 ; John xviii. 37 to th e end* . All exce pt Joh n xvi.

8—22 are supplied by a rud e and mo re rece nt hand (per-

* The readings of the later hand are here indicated by/.

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M ark x. 1 7 ; xv. 7 ; Lu ke i. 34 ; xiv. 12 ; 22 ; 27 ; xv. 7 ;xvi. 2 ; xviii. 6 ; 39 ; xix. 2 ; 4 6 ; xx. 3 ; 4 ; 12 ; 24 ; 25 ;

28 ; 3 1 ; 3 8 ; 47 ; xxi. 22 ; 27 ; xxii. 1 7 ; 46 ; 47 ; 56 ; 68 ;

xxiii. 2 7 ; 3 8 ; 5 3 ; John vi. 58 ; 70 ; x. 23 . At the begin-

ning of the book and bound up with it is one leaf of vellum,

about the age of the MS., containing a series of Scripture

t e x t s fl-e/H ave&KaKias (Luke v i . 27) &C.

g. EPHBSIUS, LAMBETH 528 (W etstein's 71). This manu-script contains the Four Gospels in small quarto on vellum,

26 5 leaves, in a ne at hand and good preservation. A t th e

end in red ink we find er« cmo xpi-a-rov qpg (A. D . 1160) .

This copy once belonged to an Archbishop of Ephesus, and

was brought to England in 1675 by Philip Traheron, British

Chaplain at Sm yrna. Tr ah ero n also m ade a careful colla-

tion of th is MS. w ith Fell's Oxford edition of 16 75 , two

several transcripts of which are extant in his own hand,

th e one now in the British Museum (Burney 2 4) , and a

fairer copy (a m ost beautiful specimen of calligrap hy) at

La mb eth (52 8 b ). As th e critical editors from Mill down-

wards have cited this MS., I had not originally intended to

examine it ; but happening on a cursory inspection to ob-

serve tha t of its 29 various reading s in th e first six ch apte rs

of St M atthew , G riesbach cite s it bu t for 5 and Scholz for3 , I felt that such inaccuracy could do nothing but injury ;

in fact, the distinctive features of the document, which

abounds in novel and remarkable readings, are so entirely

lost in Scholz's edition, that he dismisses it with the slight

rem ark " families pleru m qu e adhseret Con stantinopolitanae."

W ith Trahe ron's collation, therefore , open before me, I

have spent several days in studying the MS. for myself,

and I believe the readings are few indeed which our united

vigilance has overlooked. This was evidently T rahero n's

single MS. (for his occasional no tes shew m uch ign oran ce

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CHAPTER II . xxxvii

of gen eral criticism), and as he ben t his whole mind toits illustration, I have very seldom detected him in abso-

lute error. H e has neglec ted to distinguish readings a

primd manu from th e corrections of a later pen both in

the text and margin, and this strange oversight I have

take n special care to remed y. Thus the real characte r of

the Codex Ephesius is now for the first time made known

to th e Biblical sch olar. Few MSS. of the 12th centu ry

will be found to equal it in weight and importance.

Codex g co ntains th e usual liturgical m at ter ; t he Epistle

of Eusebius to Carpianus and his Canons; tables of Ke<pa-

\m a and slight illum inations before each G ospel, KefaXaut

majora at the top and foot of each page, the Ammonian

sections and references to the Eusebian Canons; also notes

respecting Church lessons, apxai an d reXi;. One lea f is

lost (containing M atth . xiv. 13— xv. 16 ), yet Trah eronpossessed and collated it. W e see i subscriptwm in a few

places (e. g. Luke x. 2 8 ; xxii. 3 4 ; xxiii. 4 3 ; Joh n v. 4 ),

but not ascriptum. The breathings and accents are pretty

cor r e c t , ye t we r e ad avplov, £<TTTJ, akanrrj^, aXeKTiop, a n d ana-

oT-eXAcS for t h e fu tu re in M a tt h . xx iii. 3 4 ; xx iv. 3 1 . N <T<£<TXKV-

OTIKOU i s r a r e , an d t h e f ew i t ae i s ms a r e o f t h e com mo n k i nd .

Th i s M S. un i f o rml y ha s {iapafias, Krjmro s, Kr]7rrrovpos : we r eadal so Bvyarepav Luke x i i i . 16 ; uirav xix. 25 ; ne<raTt xxii i . 30 ;

r)ya7vr)tTis J o h n x v i i . 2 6 ; fieXaiva ( a c c u s . ) M a t t h . v . 3 6 ; s o

nrepva Jo hn x i i i. 18 . T h e acc usa t ive is of ten p u t for th e

da t iv e af te r Xeye» an d th e l ike, e . g . M at th . vi ii . 2 1 ; x. 1 ;

M ar k x i i. 3 8 ; Lu ke v . 14* . M any c l aus es a r e om i t t ed b y

t h e ojioioTtktvTov, othe rw ise i t i s a carefu l ly w r i t t en co py .

Ev ery p ag e of th e pre sen t wo rk will exh ib i t Cod. g c i t e d

* So in b, John xi. 20 ; d, Matth. ii. 2; iv. 9; Markiv. 38 ; Luke xx. 15;

e, Luke xxii. 5; Jo hn ix .38 ; f, Matth. x. 5 ; k, Matth. xviii.27; I, John xix. 3.

Those occurring in e have been given above, p. xxxi.

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alone for variations which are either unique (e. g. M atth.xvi. 11; Luke vi. 49; x. 24; xix. 21), or supported only

by such authorities as Scholz's BDK or our x, or Matthsei's r

(e . g. Matth. xxiv. 45 ; Mark vi. 49 ; xi. 3 2 ; John viii. 38 ;

xx. 16). It sometimes stands alone or nearly so among

my MSS. in upholding the common te x t: e. g. Luke x. 22 ;

xvii. 2 6 ; xxiv. 18 ; 27 ; John i. 42 ; ii. 17 ; iii. 2 5 ; viii. 3 ;

xii. 2. The minute study of this MS. cannot fail to be full

of instruction.

The AEUNDBL Collection in the British Museum contains

one manuscript of the Four Gospels and two Evangelisteria.

They were brought to England by the great Earl of Arun-

del who died in 1646, and is well known from Clarendon's

masterly but unfavorable sketch of his character (Hist.

Rebell. I. 98). They bear a stamp importing that they

were presented by Henry Howard, Duke of Norfolk, to the

Royal Society, from whose apartments at Somerset House

they were removed to the Museum in 1831. One Evange-

listerium of the 13th century (Arund. 536) I have not yet

collated: the other, a noble uncial copy of the highest

worth, as old as the 8th or 9th century, will be described

in its place (x). It remains to speak of the manuscript of

the Four Gospels.h. AEUNDEL 524 is a small quarto of 218 leaves. There

is an hiatus at Johnxi. 18—41. Mr Forshall in the Museum

Catalogue conjectures its date to be the 10th century ; per-

haps I might be inclined to place it a little later. The vel-

lum is coarse and discolored through age, the ink very pale,

the handwriting on the whole clear and neat, though care-

less in some places (e. g. Matth. xi). Elsewhere it resemblesthe better portions of Codex c, but there is no such formed

style as the scribes of later times exhibit, and is seen in

Codices m, q, or r. This MS. contains all the liturgical ap-

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para tus described und er Codex g, with the addition of alist of the Proper Church Lessons throughout the year

(cicKoyadiv), and a full meno logy of sain ts. Th e acce nts an d

breath ings a re comp lete, bu t very unskilfully pl ac ed ; t he

aspirate being perpetually substituted for the smooth

breath ing (e. g. John viii . 2 6 ; 4 0 ; 4 8 ; 57) and vice versa.

T he i subscriptum is no where found, t ascriptum chiefly in

root, TTJI, avTai, avrrji, and som etimes qu ite wrongly (e. g.

M atth . vi. 1 0 ; xii. 5 ; Luk e ii. 37 ; John xix. 40 ). N (faX-

KVCTTIKOV is usually, yet not invariably, read : e. g. eight t imes

in M atth. ii. Th e itacisms are neither num erous nor.u n-

usual. In th e first fifteen c ha pte rs of St M atthe w th er e

are but 21 ; viz. 77 for i seven times, o for to four, a for o four,

at for <= twice, e for a, « for i, i for ?;, <rt for 77 once each.

Even crv for a-oi Lu ke vii. 14, and [xvxoi for fnoixoi Luke xviii.

11, are but traces of the modern Greek practice of sound-ing 17, v and 01 alike as e long. Th e only hars her form I

note is avenvrav John vi. 10. Th ere are occasional alterations

in an ancient bu t later hand. Th e tex t of this MS. much

resembles that of the Elzevir and received editions, though

by no m eans so closely as do Codices 1, m, n. It often ac -

cord s with Cod. a, which is of ab ou t th e same age . It con-

tains some remarkable readings; such as Matth.xiii .27 (TO);xx. 6 ; xxvi. 29 ; M ark vi. 3 5 ; Lu ke xi. 46 ; xii. 9 ; xxi. 16 ;

2 8 : where it is coun tenanced only by such au thorities as

W etstein 's D, or our gq r. In th e following Codex h seems

to stand alo ne: Mark ii. 8 ; i ii . 1 0 ; Luke ii. 5 1 ; xiii. 1 1 ;

xvii. 2 7 ; xxi. 2 9 ; Joh n xix. 12. Of all th e copies I have

examined this alone obelizes the doxology, Matth. vi. 13.

It is somew hat parti al to glosses, as in M atth. xxvi. 4 0 ;

Lu ke ix. 50 ; xi. 15 ; xii. 21 ; xix. 2 1 ; 22 ; xxii. 47 : and is

almost singular in omissions at Matth. xiv. 12 ; Mark ii. 24;

Luke xviii. 2 3 ; xx. 35 ; J oh n vi. 32.

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j . COTTON, TITUS C. XV. This document, like Codex g,ought not to have been reserved for m e. It is well known

to Biblical scholars as being one of the oldest (except the

Vatican B, per ha ps th e very oldest) of all ext ant copies of any

pa rt of the New Testamen t. I t has been so repeatedly d e-

scribed in common books that its form, material, and color

are generally known: I shall only say that it appears to me

not later in date than the 5th century: i t could scarcely be

much earlier, as it contains references to the Eusebian

Canons, und er th e Ammonian sections. One would have ima-

gined that so precious a record, about which so much has

been written, would have been a t least carefully collated, th e

rather as it consists of only four leaves, containing Matth.

xxvi. 57— 65; xxvii . 26 — 34 ; Joh n xiv. 2— 10; xv. 15 — 22.

Such, however, is not th e case. It was examined by W et-

stein in 1715 ; b ut of th e 57 various reading s which itcontains, Wetstein cites but five, and the later editors

simply copy from him . Yet some of th e variations thu s

overlooked are of gre at importance, and th e authority of

oth er MSS. is freely cited in support of the m . I presu m e

th a t W etstein's papers relating to t he two leaves of St Mat-

thew's Gospel were mislaid when he arranged his materials

for th e pre ss, bu t non e of his followers so mu ch as su s-pe cte d a deficiency. Th is fragm ent conta ins a few pu re

Alexand rine forms, as napakq^ofie John xiv. 3 ; bwoiuBa J ohn

xiv. 5; etxoa-av John xv. 22 : the changes of « into i, m into

e and vice versa are very frequent: i t exhibits not more

various readings th an Cod. A ; no t half as man y as Cod. D

(or Beza 's). Mo re can no t well be said of so few leaves*,


" Since the above was w ritten Tischendorf h as published this M S. in hisMonumenta Sacra Inedita. He refers it to the end of the sixth century, andconsiders it a fragment of the same book as F of St Matthew in the Vatican,and N of St Luke at Vienna.

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This copy of the Four Gospels is one of the most elegantand neat I have seen, being written in a clear square hand

on thin vellum, small qu arto , 268 leaves. It was purc hased

for the Museum in 1838, and is stated to have come from

the library of the Bishop of Csesarea Philippi, at the foot

of Lebanon. This acco unt seems to be confirmed by th e

following marginal note on Matth. i. 5 : c£ edvav TO Kara o-apKa

6 Kvpios ercofojuei/of' Kai TO V e£ wvd' TIS ovv eo~Tiv TO £v\ov rov

\i/3avov ; p'ovd fj fima^iTis ' airy yap reTOKc TO V (G)/3>)8 " e | ov utro-m "

(poptiov TOIVVV eo-Tiv TO aajia (see C anticles iii. 9, LX X). Simi-

lar expository scholia, but far more rational, occur Matth.

xi. 17 ; M ark ix. 37 ; Jo hn i. 1 1 ; 15. The liturgical m atter

is precisely th e same as we have described unde r Codex g;

the supplementary words at the beginning of each Church

lesson are also placed in the margin or over the text; all

these additional materials being written in very bright ink,scarlet, crimson, and blue. Th ere are some ne at ornam ents

at the head of each Gospel, and the initial letters are in

gold : it contains no synaxarion. Th e Greek tex t is brok en

up into judiciously arran ged paragraph s, which I do not

rem em ber to have seen elsewhere. Th ere is no i ascriptum

or subscriptum, but the breathings and accents are com-

plete . One pecu liarity mu st be noticed in this valuablema nusc ript. In all oth er copies which I have collated th e

demonstrative pronoun airov, airr;, atr<ov is always substi-

tuted for the reciprocal airov, avTrji, avriov, even when the

sense most clearly requ ires th e latt er. I say always, for

the few instances which I have noted to the contrary are

clearly ac ci de nt al : e. g. M atth. ii. 18, a ; viii. 30, cm airav

f; xxiii. 34 , xxiv. 29 , xxvii. 49 , e ; M ark xiii. 27, b ;

Joh n vi. 66, vii. 10, xxi. 24, x. H enc e Mr Field (Chrys ost.

Horn, in Ma tth. torn. iii. p. 7) undertakes to prove "pronomen

avrov reciprocum e sacri N. F. codice penitus extirpandum


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32 ; 34; 61; Mark i. 2; 45; ii. 19; iii. 27; ix. 30; xii. 27;Lu ke v. 7; viii. 44 ; ix. 40 ; x. 4 0 ; xiii. 16 ; xxiii. 3 9 ; Joh n

iv. 27; xvi. 22 ; xviii. 39.

1. CODEX WORDSWORTH. All the preceding MSS. con-

tain only th e Four Gospels, but t h at now before us com-

prises the whole New Testament except the Apocalypse;

the Catholic Epistles preceding the Pauline, as in many

mo re ancien t copies. Codex 1 belongs to the Rev. Christo-

pher Wordsworth, Canon of Westminster, to whose cour-

tesy I am indeb ted for th e opp ortun ity of collating it. It

was bought by him in 1837 of a London bookseller who

seems to have known nothing of its his tor y: it bears th e

stamp " Bibliotheca Suchtelen." Th is is a small qu arto , beau -

tifully written on vellum, and is said to be of the beginning

of th e 13th c en tur y; its tex t, however, bears a very strong

resemblance to that of Codices m and n, whose dates areascertained to be late in the 14th. In handwriting it much

resemb les Codex b, and is in good preserv ation. So careful

was the scribe, that I have remarked only one omission by

6ji.oLor(\(VTov, Joh n x. 9. Before each Gospel is a t ab le of

Ke(j)dKaia majora, and a slight illumination : in the m argin are

the Ammonian sections, contents of the Kt^aXaia, marks at

the beginning and end of the Church lessons, and capitals inrubric at th e comm encement of each. In the margin of th e

Gospels are many scholia by Ammonius, Chrysostom, &e.

There is no i ascriptum nor i subscriptum except $8ei John

xiii. 11: breathings and accents are given with remarkable

correctness, nor have I noticed one instance of v efaXKv-

(TTIKOV. There cannot well be fewer itacisms in a document

of that age ; I have detected but 61 in the whole MS., and

those of the most ordinary character, the common inter-

changes of o and a>, m and e, rj « and i. At the end of St

Joh n is a tab le of lessons bo th in th e Gospels and Prax-


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(apparently in the same hand) succeeds this date, andabounds in various readings: in fact it contains more than

all the Gospels p ut to ge th er. This splendid volume was

originally at Florence , and is described b y Birch, Nov.

Testament. Prolegomena, p. liv ; W etstein had previously

copied an acco unt of it from J o . Lamy de Eru ditione A post.

Florence 1*738, p. 2 1 8 ; Griesbach inserted it in error twice

over in his catalogue of MSS. of the Gospels (107 and 201);

it is Scholz's Evan. 201, Acts 91, Paul 104, who adds,

" cursim colla t. a Birchio et Scholzio." Cursorily enou gh,

certainly, for he did not observe that it contains the Apo-

calypse, and never cites it (so far as I can detect) save at

Joh n vii. 53—viii. 11 , which (after B irch) he sta tes to b e

obelized in the margin, at Acts xx. 28, KV KM 8V , and 1 Tim.

iii. 16, 8a-. For all practical purposes, therefore, this MS.

ha s been left entirely unex amin ed. Prefixed to St M at-thew's Gospel is a table of the daily lessons from the whole

New Testam ent throug hou t th e year. Tables of Ke<j>a\aia

majora (in gold) precede each Go spel; the same KeQdXaia,

the Ammonian sections, references to Eusebian Canons, be-

ginnings and times of Church lessons, and many capitals,

are scattered over the ample margin ; the illuminations be-

fore each Gospel are in purple and gold. Th ere are man ynote s before and after each book, which would be wo rth

extrac ting if the plan of my work perm itted it. Before

each Epistle is an imodecns, but not before the Acts or Apo-

calypse. Th e accents and breathings are pretty correc t;

v e(f>e\icvaTiKoi/ occurs only twice in the Gospels, Matth. xii.

5 0 ; John xiii . 31: i subscriptwm is perpetually used, espe-

cially with verbs, i ascriptum (I thin k) never. Th e ita-

to the end of the year, subtract 5509 from the given number to obtain the yearof Ch rist." The indiction for 1357 he sets down as 10, not 11 ; but this alsochanged on Sept. 1.

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Kc(f>a\aia before each Gospel, though not repeated at thehead of the pages; in the margin in gold, the Ammonian

sections, references to Eusebian Canons, orao-eis (see Suicer's

Thesaurus), marks of beginning and end of lessons, initial

lett ers in capita ls, &c. At th e end is a tab le of Prop er

lessons ((OTooToXoeuayyfXia), followed by a (rvva^apiov Or firjvoko-

yiov, both term s being used. Th ere a re four instances of

v efa\KV(TTi.Kov, M atth. viii. 24 ; M ark xiv. 22 ; Luke iv. 3 1 ;

xxiii. 35 (eras ed ). Th e examples of itacism in th e G os-

pels amount to 37, or not less than in Codex 1. The breath-

ings and accents are complete and pretty regular; t ascrip-

tum never occurs, i subscriptum about 13 times in St Mat-

thew , chiefly with verbs. Th ere ar e a few corre ction s in

a later hand , and one in gold, Lu ke xii. 28 . Th e connec-

tion between m and n is too close to be accidental, and I

can only conjecture that they were written in the samemonastery, though by different hands: the similarity of

style and decoration alone is very striking. Ne arly as the y

approach the standard or printed text, they still exhibit

some rem arka ble and rare reading s. Th e following list

refers to lmn collectively, unless the contrary be expressed,

and the y will often be found in company with BCDKL of

W etstein , &c. M atth. v. 3 1 ; vii. 19 ; viii. 4 (m n) ; ix. 1 1 ; 15;x. 2( m n) ; xii . 2 2 ; 2 3 ; xiii. 2 ; xiv. 3 6 ; xvi. 2 0 ; xvii. 1 8 ;

xxiii. 8 ; xxiv. 1; 18 ; xxvi. 1 ; 26 (m) ; 46 ; xxvii. 1 ; Mark ii.

9 ; iv. 2 4 ; viii. 14 ; xi. 30 ; xiii. 2 ; 33 ; xiv. 4 0 ; Luke i. 55 ;

6 3 ; ii. 11 (mn ); iii. 12 ; v. 1 ; 19 ; xi. 5 3 ; xii. 28 (n); xiv. 9;

xviii. 4 (mn); xx. 28; xxiv. 10 (In) ; 19 (mn) ; John iv. 5; v. 1

(mn); 44(mn); 46; vi .12; 58; 70; x.39; xi .56; xi i i .22(mn);

xviii. 39 ; xix. 28 ; 3 6 ; xx i. 1 (mn).* Th e following readings

of n alone seem un iq ue : M atth. vi. 1 ; ix. 5 ; xx. 2 9 ; xxvi.

• In many of the most unusual of the above readings lmn are supportedby M S. 18 of "Wetstein and his successors, a copy of t he whole N . T. now atParis (Keg. 47), and written at Constantinople, A.D. 1364, very nearly at thesame time as m and n.

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6 5 ; Luke i. 11; xvi. 3 (secundd manu); xvii. 6; John xiv.3 0 : and of lmn, Luke ix. 4 8 ; Joh n i. 28 (1 secundd manu, t ) .

In St John's Gospel t is often found to accord with knn in

unusual readings, and sometimes also c and e. Codices mn

three times in Mark v. support what Scholz calls the Alex-

andrine text (Proleg. N. T. Vol. i. p. xx.), and this I take to

be a fair average specimen of the mode in which they

uphold and depart from the printed editions.o. BURNEY 19j of the Four Gospels is remarkable for

being one of the few manuscripts that are destitute of

Liturgical apparatus; the only traces of which are red

capitals in the margin at the commencement of each lesson,

a marginal mark at Joh n xiii. 3 1 ; th e obelus at L uke xxii.

43, 44 ; and half a pa ge of writing erased at th e end of St

Joh n. It is a clean, elegant copy, qu arto , on 210 leaves of

vellum, in fine condition; before each Gospel is a picture

of its writer, of no very high order of art, but curious

enough. Th e unformed style of th e handw riting, tog ethe r

with the absence of all notes, xe^aXaia, &c, favors Mr For-

shall's conjectural date, th e 10th or 11th cen tury. Two in-

scriptions state that it belonged in 1809 to the Library of

St Laurence in the Escurial; yet I cannot recognise it as

one of the twelve copies seen there by Moldenhauer (Birch,Nov. Testament. Proleg. p . LXIV—LXXXIV). The breathings

and accents are com plete and tolerably co rre ct; ther e is no

i subscriptum bu t ascriptum in Mark xiv. 14; John v. 22,

and a few other places. Itacisms ar e scarcely m ore fre-

quent than in Codex a, but v e<pe\Kv<rTu«>v occurs almost

always with verbs, and sometimes with the dative plurals in

i. Erasures and corrections by a later hand exist, but arenot very frequent. Th e only rem arkab le forms I noticed

are Kpafiaryov Mark ii . 12; vi. 55*; and iopa<a, elartjKei per-

* On com paring John v. 8—12,1 now doubt w hether the scribe did notintend to write Kpa.fla.TTO v in all places.

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petually. Th e variations of Codex o from th e receivedtext are not considerable in number, but they are chiefly of

an unusual character : it most assimilates with cdepy and k

in its rarer readings. See, for instance, M atth. ix. 1 8 ;

Mark v. 1 8 ; 19 ; Lu ke vi. 45 ; vii. 3 8 ; xii. 3 8 ; Joh n iii. 5 ;

xix. 12, &c. The following variatio ns of Codex o seem

un iqu e: M atth. xii . 1 9 ; xix. 2 4 ; Mark xiii. 1 2 ; xv. 3 6 ;

Lu ke iv. 2 9 ; v. 17 ; xxi. 24 ; 25 . In many cases wh ere o

stand s a lone in this collation, it will be found in comp any with

authorities of the first class, in greater or less numbers;

e. g. M atth . vii. 4 ; x. 3 ; xiv. 24 ; xxiv. 6 ; xxvii. 30 ; Mark

iv. 2 2 ; 3 2 ; xi. 2 3 ; Luke ii. 7 ; iii. 22 ; vi. 26 ; xvii. 1 4 ;

xxiv. 4 2 ; Joh n vii. 1 2 ; xiv. 28 . I am disposed to atta ch

much weight to its evidence.

p. BURNEY 20, though not of early date, exhibits more

numerous and bolder variations than any of our copies, ex-

cep t Codices c and y. It con tains the Four Gospels, in small

quarto, on 647 pages of fine thin vellum, in a clear but inele-

gant hand, being in pretty good condition, but much faded in

p a r t s . O n p . 5 9 2 w e r e a d eT(\eia8t] Kara TO P fiaiov firjva (is ras

rpiaKovra(?y yp.epa Tiraprrj Tiyr fvi(TTafievrjs- t r o w rfyLy. IVSIKT. ly .

followed by a few w retch ed iambics, requ estin g our pra yer s

f o r t h e w r i t e r , &eo(pi\ov U pofxovaxov navevreXovs re Km a%pewv TOIS

•naaiv. Th e da te is 6 793 of th e aera of Constantinople, o r

A. D . 1285 , bu t some silly person has changed the ^ into v

(very awkwardly), which would throw it back to A.D. 985.

There are tolerable pictures of the Evangelists, and an illu-

mination before each Gospel. H ere again is abund ance of

Liturgical m a tt e r; th e Eusebian Canons, tables of Ke<pa\<ua

majora (following each Gospel, and at the top of each

page), their numbers being placed in the margin with the

Amm onian sections, and references to th e E usebian Canons.

The comm encements of Church lessons, and th e days on which

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x. 12 ; xiii. 34 ; xiv. 25 ; xvi. 14 ; xvii. 4 ; xviii. 20 . Inth e following p assag es, Codex p agre es with the oldest uncial

MSS., or with but a few others, in uncommon or notable

re ad in gs ; Codices cdeg also w ill often be found in unison

with it : M atth . i. 6 (B); 10 (BCM ); v. 16 ; vi. 19 ; vii. 13 (L) ;

14; viii. 15 (L and Elzevir); xv. 32 ; xvi. 27 ; xxi. 1 ; 4 (LZ);

xxii. 1 3 ; xxiii. 28 ; xxiv. 6 (D only); 9 (C ); xxvi. 24 (DZ

nearly); 45 (B E ); 53 (C ); xxvii. 19 ; 52 (A C) ; xxviii. 9 ;

M arki . 33 ; ii. 7 (B only) ; iv. 10 ; 17 ; 4 1 ; x. 3 0 ; xi. 4; xiii.

25 (ABCD) ; Luke i. 17 (CLV) ; 37 ; 61; v. 7 (M only) ; vi.

9 ( D ) ; vii. 25 (D K ); viii . 4 ; xi. 4 0( C D ); 53(L SV ); xii. 3 0 ;

45 (K ); xiii. 35 (ABK) ; xiv. 32 (BK) ; xvi. 3 (K) ; xviii. 39

(AK) ; xxi. 14 (M ); xxiii. 42 (B D LM ); xxiv. 3 9 ; Joh n v. 37

(ABDKL ) ; vi. 31 (L) ; 33 (AK) ; vii. 4 (BL ); 8 (D K ); 9

(DKL T) ; 10 ; xi. 4 1 (AK) ; xii. 28 ; xiv. 30 (K) ; xvi. 4 (L );

xvii. 2 0 ; xix. 3 (B L ); 11 (AD L); xx. 21 (DL). Hence it iseasy to see the character of this document.

q. CODEX THEOD ORI.) AS these two copies were writ-

r. BURNET 21 . ) ten by the same scribe, at the

same place, within a few years of each other, and nearly

coincide in the text which they present, it is advisable to

consider them under th e same head. Codex q contains

the whole New Testament, excepting the Apocalypse, andends with the Subscription 6 §£ ypafavs rairea/os GeoSwpor 6

ayianrerpiTTis*, erovs s;ay (sera of Constantinople 6803, A.D.

1295). It is contained on 360 leaves of vellum, octavo, and

once belonged to Csesar de Missy, the French chaplain of

George the Second, afterwards to the Duke of Sussex, at

the sale of whose library it was purchased by Mr Pickering,

th e emin ent b ookseller, who kind ly lent it to m e. It con-

* Pettigrew in his description of this MS. Bibliotheca Sussex. Vol. I. Pt. i.pp. xiii iv reads dyimv irtnpirr)?, " the fellow country-man of the saints,"

quod mireris potius quam sequaris.

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tains the usual L iturgical m ate rials ; prefixed to the Gos-pels are a table of ecclesiastical lessons, Eusebius' Epistola

Carpiano and C anon s: t he contents of the K«l>a\aia majora

stand before each Gospel and th e Acts, whose beginnings are

neatly illuminated. The margins of th e G ospels co ntain

th e Ke(j)aXaia majora, Amm onian sections, comm encem ents of

chu rch lessons, &c. in red ink. Prefixed to th e Ac ts is th e

tract of Euthalius the deacon, nepi xpov^v, and to it andevery Epistle an viroBecns. After the Epistle of Jude is a

menology and various tables of lessons. Th e hand-writing

is small, but very distinct and regular; the breathings and

accents are full and correct; there is no i subscriptum, and

the v «j>ikKv<iTiKov is rare; itacisms are not at all numerous

nor remarkable. A later hand has made very many erasures

and changes throughout this MS., the tendency of which is

to bring it nearer to t he common te xt, so th at in citing

Codex q it is important to no te w hether the readings be

primd or secundd manu. The original writing of Theodore

corresponds far the closer with Codex r.

r. This docum ent contains only th e Four Gospels,

w ritten in folio, on 515 pa ge s of th ick pa per , th e charta

Damascena, I believe, which was in com mon use a full cen tury

earlier (Hallam, L iterature of Europe, Vol. i. 74). It has b eenso much injured by damp, as to be nearly illegible in parts;

otherwise it is very clear, being w ritten in the same style

as q, only tha t th e chara cter is much larger. Th ere is a

table of lessons at the beginning, and before each Gospel

(what is somewhat rare) an virods<ns as well as a list of

Ke<pa\aia: the margin is filled as in Codex q, and in all

peculiarities of writing th ey ar e (as might be expe cted)perfectly iden tical. Both MSS. contain some poor Hex -

am ete r verses, which are curious only as specim ens of t h e

tas te of the age. This copy concludes with certain eccle-

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CHA PTER II . l ii i

S ias t i ca l t ab les and the subscr ip t ion TerpaevayyeXtov pera TO ViTpd^anoaroXov (? ) 8m x« pos Ka/xov rairdvov QeoSapov ayiamerpiTov*

raxa Kai KaKXiypacpov CTOUJ r,a> [A. D. 1292]. Codices q and r

differ from each other (mere errors and itacism,s excluded)

in th e following 183 places : M att h. ii. 2 2 ; iii. f>; 9 ; iv. 10 ;

v. 15 ; 16 ; 30 ; 39 ; 45 ; vi. 2 ; 25 ; 3 1 ; viii. 9 ; 32 ; x. 16 ;

19; 2 4 ; xi. 5 ; xii . 9 ; 2 3 ; xiii . 4 ; 4 9 ; xiv. 22 ; 32 ; xv.

1 1 ; 2 1 ; 3 3 ; xvi. 2 7 ; 28 ; xvii. 4 ; xviii. 6 ; 12 ; 2 0 ; xix.

5; 1 9 ; 2 1 ; xx. 25 ; 27 ; xxi. 3 ; xxii. 37 ; xxiii. 3 ; 3 6 ;

39 ; xxiv. 2; 32 ; xxv. 3 ; xxvi. 2 ; 8 ; 1 5 ; 19 ; 35 ; 4 0 ;

xxxvii. 4 2 ; xxviii. 1 ; Mark ii. 9 ; 1 0 ; 1 4 ; iii. 1 4 ; 3 1 ;

iv. 2 1 ; V. 1 0 ; 2 0 ; 3 4 ; vi. 3 2 ; 3 3 ; 3 4 ; vii. 7 ; 8 ; viii. 3 ;

14; 16 ; 25 ; 35 ; 38 ; ix . 7 ; 43; 47 ; X. 1 4 ; 2 7; 2 9 ; 43;

5 1 ; xi. 5 ; 1 4 ; 2 4; 2 9 ; xii. 11 ; 1 3 ; 2 9 ; xiii. 11 (twice);

2 1 ; 3 3 ; xiv. 1 2; 15 ; 3 0 ; XV. 2; 10; 15; 32; 43; xvi .

3 ; Luk e i. 1 3 ; 55 ; 62 ; ii. 3 6 ; 4 8 ; i ii . 2 ; 25-6 ; 3 1 ; iv .4 ; 16 ; V. 11; 30 ; vi. 7 ; 12 ; vii. 6 ; 7 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; viii.

5 ; 3 3 ; 5 1 ; ix. 1 1 ; 2 8 ; 5 0 ; 55; x. 2 5 ?; xi. 4 ; 2 5 ; xii .

22; 2 3 ; 3 0; 5 8 ; xiii . 3 4 ; xiv. 5 ; 3 1 ; XV. 2 0 ; 2 2 ; 2 3 ;

29; 3 0 ; xvi. 2 6 ; xix. 4 ; 3 9 ; 4 0 ; XX. 5 ; 23 ?; 24 ; xxi.

27; 3 2 ; xxii . 52 ; xxiii . 1 7 ; Jo hn i. 2 8 ; i ii. 1 2 ; 2 0 ; iv .31;

v. 4 ; 7 ; vi. 2 0 ; vii. 3 1 ; viii. 6 ?; 9 ; 19 ; 21 ; 27 ; 3 3 ; ix. 24;

xi. 2 5 ; xii. 1 2 ; 3 0 ; xiv. 1 3 ,1 4 ; xvi. 17 ; 19 ; 32 ; 3 3 ; xviii.26 ; xix. 4 ; 7 ; 35 ; 38 ; xx. 20. I have been thu s care-

ful to record the differences between these twin MSS. (which

are double those subsisting between codices m and n), for

the sake of drawing the following inference:—how utterly

* Montfaucon Palaogr. G rcec. p. 94, speaks of Andreas Leantinus 6VTOS

Hagioprocop ites, "q uo d fuerit sacerdos Ecclesiae Sancti Pro cop ii." Hence byanalogy I venture to conjecture that dyicDireTpLTi]? is a person attached to themonastery of Sancta Petra , at Constantinople. See Montfaucon, pp . 39,1 10,305, who cites Cod. Lambecc. IT. p . 8 1 :

r\ /3i/3\os aim) TTJS JUOKIJS TO V ~G.pohpofi.Qv,

TIJS Keijuet/jjs ayx 1 0 " ™ T 1 SAaniov

upxainr] 8e T\\ fxovt) KXYIVLS U erpa.

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f u t il e i s t h e i dea o f a s t a nd a r d t ex t o f t h e Co ns t a n t i n op o-l i t an r ecen s ion , w hen th e sam e offic ia l sc r ibe (jcaW iypaipos),

i n t h e s a m e m o n a s t e r y , w i t h i n t h e s p a c e of t h r e e y e a r s ,

p r o du ces cop i es wh i ch e xh i b i t s o m any , an d occas i ona l l y

s uch wi de va r i a t i ons . Cod i ces q an d r a r e dec i ded l y m or e

i n t e r e s t i n g t h a n l m n , b u t t h e y c o m e n e x t t o t h e m , I t h i n k ,

i n r e s em bl an ce t o t h e E lzev i r ed i t i on ; no t , how ever , w i t hou t

many r e m a r k a b l e a n d u n u s u a l r e a d i n g s . S u c h a r e , f or

ex am ple , M at t h . ix . 2 2 ; xvi ii . 30 (L ) ; xx . 6 ; M ar k ii i. 32 ;

v . 2 2 ; x i . 26 (D ) ; x i i . 12 .

s. BURNBY 23 . Th i s i s a m anu s c r i p t o f t he Fo ur G os -

p e l s , of ab ou t t h e 12 t h cen t u r y , ca r e l e s sl y wr i t t en i n a bo l d

un eq ua l ha n d on 45 6 pa ge s of th in so i led ve l lum in smal l

qu a r t o . I t i s s ad l y m ut i l a t ed , end i ng a t J oh n v ii i. 14 , and

hav i ng lacunae a t L uk e v . 22— i x . 3 2 ; x i . 31— xi i i. 2 5 ; xv i i.

24— xvi i i . 4 , a t wh i ch l a s t p l ace s ome l eaves have a l s o been

mi s p l ac ed by t h e b i nde r . Th es e l os s es a r e t h e mo r e t o b e

r eg r e t t ed , a s t he copy i s r i ch i n wha t a r e commonl y ca l l ed

A l e x a n d r i n e r e a d i n g s . T h e v o l u m e c o m m e n c e s w i t h a t a b l e

of ecc les ias t i c a l l e s so ns ; th en fo llows Ep i s to la Eu sebi i C ar -

pi an o, an d th e la rg er Ke^aXaea to St M at th ew ( th e o th er G os-

pe l s a l s o have t he i r p r ope r KetpaXma bef o r e t hem) a l l s t a i ned

an d t o r n o r i mp er f ec t . Th e r e a r e poo r i ll umi na t i ons be f o r eea ch Gos pe l , and i n t h e ma r g i n i n r ed i nk t h e Am m oni a n

s ec t i ons ( bu t n o r e f e r ences t o t he Eus e b i an C anon s ) , t h e

c o n t e n t s o f t h e l a r g e r KecpaKaia, and cap i t a l s a t t he beg i nn i ng

o f e a c h s e c ti o n . T h e b r e a t h i n g s a n d a c c e n t s a r e c o m p l e t e

bu t ve r y i nacc ur a t e , e . g . M a t t h . x ii i. 2 ; 3 3 ; xx iv . 4 1 ;

x x v . 6 ; M a r k v . 3 ; 4 ; v i. 2 6 ; L u k e x x iv . 6 ; J o h n v i i . 3 0 : i n

com pou nd wor ds t he y a r e us ua l l y doub l ed . T he r e i s no i sub-scriptum, b u t ascriptum i n M at t h . xxv i. 52 ; J o hn i. 40 ; 4 1 :

v cfcXicvvTiKov ge t s ve r y f r eque n t a s t h e MS. p r o cee ds , and i s

o f t e n d e s t r o y e d secundd manu, even s o a s t o p r o du ce an

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Gospel, I am in debted to the R ev. Dr Maitland, the lat elibrarian, for my know ledge of its existen ce. Th e volume

contains th e following inscription, " T. W agstaffe ex dono

D . Barthol. Cassano e sacerdotibus ecclesiae Graecae, Oct.

20, 1732 ." This docum ent is preced ed by an lirodecris of St

John, and has Ke(f>a\ma and a few rubrical directions in the

margin, bu t no othe r Liturgical app aratu s. At th e end we

read, with much other scrawl, the following in a coarse lateh a n d I ev TOIS pvO pois O7jfi€pa)U TO V lopftavov yeyovcos 6 Icir, Tio laavvrj

«/3oa, fit) S«Xmcr))s /3carrurai fie, traxrai yap quo aSajj, TO V npoTO TrXacrrav.

This copy abounds with omissions in consequence of clauses

having the same beginning or end, and many words are

w ritten in error twice over (e.g. x. 11); most of which insta nces

of gross carelessness are correcte d by a late r scribe. Th ere

is no i svbscriptum, i ascriptum occurs twice at John iii. 36,

and is erased even th ere . I know no example of v E$CAKUOTI-

KO V except vi. 61 (erased), and the breath ings and acce nts

are pre tty correct. Racism s are not very frequent, ave-

raging about two or three in a chapter, but there are a few

peculiarities of spelling, e. g. aneKpvdrjv and its persons in 17

places ; TavBa i i . 16; fiapapas xviii. 40 ; rj\8a viii. 14; TeBrjKav

xix. 42; Kaia(pa (accus.) xviii. 24. Th e pron oun s r^itis and

tj/^tr are so perpetually interchanged that the testimony ofCod. t is of the less weight in maintaining good variations

of this ki nd ; e. g. xviii. 39 . A glanc e at our collation will

exhib it this ma nusc ript very often asso ciated with Cod. p,

and even with lmn in their peculiar readings . On th e

whole, therefore, Codex t is of a higher character than its

first ap pe aran ce m ight lead us to sup pose. In th e follow-

ing places it seems unique: iv. 27; v. 24; 47; vi. 41; 62;xii. 1 9 ; xx. 15, &c. Nor are these ordinary rea din gs :

i . 2 8 ; iv. 5 ; 4 6 ; 5 3 ; x. 3 9 ; xiv. 2 7 ; xvi. 4 ; xviii. 2 8 ;

xxi. 1.

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The next two manuscripts (uv) formed originally apart of the Carlyle collection, being two out of the four

copies of the Gospels returned in 1817 to the Patriarch of

Jerusalem (see above, p . xxvi) at Co nstantinop le. Th e

portions of them that happened to be collated before their

return are all I am able to present to the reader.

u. C. 4 of Todd . I can discover no clear description

of this copy in Arch deacon Tod d's ra th er superficial " Ac-

count of Greek MSS., chiefly Biblical" of Professor Carlyle;

nor did he insert it in th e L am beth Catalogue (18 12), as

it was always known no t to belong to th e Library. It con-

tains the Four Gospels, but St Matthew and St Mark alone

were collated with Mill 's Greek Testament by the Rev.

Geo. Benn et, th e very worst of Carlyle's coadjutors. His

miserable incompetency is the more to be deplored since it

is now pas t remedy. I have brou ght to geth er t he va-riations he extracts from C.4 in his papers at Lambeth

(1255, No. 25), but must warn th e reader t h at his silence

is no presumption whatever as to the true reading of his

ma nus cript. Sometimes I can scarcely guess at his mean-

ing, so indistinct or uncertain is his note; in which case

I have simply copied i t ; see M atth . xxiv. 40 ; M ark xiii.

3 ; 5. W hen the same word occurs twice in a verse, heseldom ma rks to which he ref ers ; see M ark vi. 3 ; 56. So

far as we can judge of C. 4 by such a representation, it

appears to be an interesting copy, with pretty many in-

stances of itacism and the v e^eXxvoriKov. The following

readings are not com mo n: M atth. iii. 9 ; viii. 2 4 ; xiii. 1 9 ;

51 {with Z ); xv. 36 ; xvii. 5 ; xix. 3 ; M ark i. 11 (BD L) ; 45 ;

iv. 34 ; v. 5 bis; 11; xi. 8, &c.: and a few seem quite

singular, e. g. M atth . v. 32 ; xix. 15 ; xxii. 4 6 ; M ark i. 8 ;

v. 4 1 ; xiii. 2 ; 28 .

v. LAMBETH, 118 0. Although this MS. was restore d

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at the same time with Codex u, it had been previously in-serted in the Lambeth Catalogue by Todd, described by

Burney (Lamb. 1224) and collated by him for Mark i. 1—

iv. 16 ; Jo hn vii. 53—viii. 11 with G riesbach's New Te sta -

me nt, London, 1809 (Lam b. 1223 ; see above, p . xxvi).

Codex v is a copy of late date (Todd conjectures the 14th

century) on paper, of 246 pages, much injured by damp

and worms. It com prises th e Four Gospels in a rud e cha-

rac te r : there is no table of ne(j>a\aia before St Matthew,

but before the other Gospels they are written in vermillion.

In the margin are th e co ntents of the KafiaXma repea ted ,

the Ammonian sections, references to Eusebian Canons and

to Church lessons. I mu ch reg ret tha t D r Burney so soon

broke off his collation of this MS.; late as its age may be,

I am sure it would have proved one of the most important

of all th a t lay before him. In th e very few ch ap ter s of St

Mark which he did examine, there are found the following

notable variations both from the printed text and the com-

mon herd of copies: Mark i. 8 (with P ) ; 13 (LM) ; 22

( C M ) ; 25 ( G L ) ; 38 ; 3 9 ; 4 5 ; ii. 4 ; 1 0 ; 2 0 ; 23 (CL) ;

iii. 3 ; 4 (L ); 6 (C) ; 7 bis; 17 ; 20 ; 34 ; 35; iv. 12: be-

sides these, which appear un iqu e: Mark i. 6 ; 16 ; 3 4 ;

ii. 2 bis; iii. 8. Th e case of Jo hn vii. 53— viii. 11 is so p e-culiar, th at I draw no inference from its readin gs th er e. Co-

dex v contains pre tty many itacisms (all which I have care -

fully noted), and instances of v eipeXicvo-nicov : it is constantly

in agreement with c, the other document which Dr Burney

so unaccou ntably threw as id e; as if th e multitu de of dif-

ferences from the textus receptus detracted from the inter-

est of the copy which exhibits them.

My two remaining documents xy are EVANGELISTERIA,

or transcripts of Church lessons in the Gospels throughout

the year.

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x. ARUNDEL, 547. This MS. is written in uncial lette rs,being the only copy in my list (except j) th a t is so. It is

a noble reco rd, in larg e q ua rto , on 328 leaves of vellum.

Th e handw riting is large an d elegant, tho ug h th e ink is

much discoloured; otherwise it is in good condition, ex-

cepting th at after leaf 9 one is lost, containing John xx.

19— 31 ; anoth er after leaf 2 05, containing John xiii. 31—

xiv. 1; and a leaf after fol. 266, embracing lessons from

Joh n i. 42 ; M ark v. 32 : fol. 29 5 is torn a t Lu ke vii. 28 ;

29 ; M atth. xi. 4 ; 7. Forshall (Ca talog . Arund . MSS.) refers

this splendid copy to the 9th century: from the simple,

round, and separate formation of the letters, I should

be inclined to conjecture the 7th or 8th, but that I remem-

ber Montfaucon's caution (Palaeogr. Grsec. p. 260) that in

Liturgica l book s for t he use of th e choir or clergy, th e

older form of the letters was kept up somewhat later thanin other docum ents*. The breathings and accents a re

given in the rudest style, without any pretensions to cor-

rectness, and many words are destitute of th e m ; another

presu m ption in favour of an early da te. In no MS. I have

seen are the itacisms so numberless and of so decided a

character; I have set down every one that occurs in St

Matthew's and St John's Gospels, and all of the slightestimp ortance elsewhere, so th at th e read er may form his

own judg m ent respecting them . They are very unequally

distr ibu ted over th e different pa rts of th e MS., bu t are

often much thicker than in the Codex Alexandrinus (A),

and almost as many as in Codex Bezse (D), only the change

of t into « is not so perpetual as in these venerable books.

There is no i ascriptum or subscriptum in Codex x. This

ma nusc ript con tains all th e Church lessons from Ea ster

• Thus the uncial Evangelisterium, Harl. 5598, bears date A.D. 905, andone in the Hon. R. Curzon's collection at Parham, A.D. 970.

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to Pentecost, the Gospels for every Saturday and Sundayfor the rest of the year, with all the lessons for the Holy

W eek and the chief Feasts and Saints ' Da ys. It ends ab -

rup tly at Joh n XX. 9, be ing th e 7t h of th e evayye\ia avavra-

m\ia icodiva: after which is one leaf containing John viii.

12—19; 2 1 — 2 3 * ; also in uncial letters, but a widely dif-

ferent style, with thicker downstrokes and very thin up-

strokes, in an angular and (I conceive) a somewhat laterhan d. In this volume are pictu res of th e four Ev angelists,

and many illuminations in colours and gold; the first page

is in red and gold, the rest in b lack ink, much faded in

par ts , with numerous rubrical directions and purple capitals

in the margins. Th e chief stop is + rub ro, and the re ar e

many marks in red ink, seemingly to guide the reader's

voice. W e meet with some erasu res and corrections in a

later hand; a few are quite modern, others arise from the

red lette rs (e.g. Ma tth. vi. 30). N ((peX/cwnicov occurs almost

constantly, as do the grammatical forms usually considered

Alexandrian: such are aveveo-av John vi . 10; e§r}\6are Matth .

xi. 7 ; 8 ; 9 ; xxvi. 55 ; Luke vii. 24 ; 25 ; 26 ; xxii. 52 ;

eapaKav Luke ix. 36; Kovtmav Matth. xxiii. 24; dvyarepav Luke

xiii. 16 ; dvpa (ace.) Joh n xviii. 16 ; peya (accus. masc.) Matth .

xxvii. 60: of the same character are Spay/iijv Luke xv. 8 ;fiovoyevov John i . 14; cgade Matth. xxiii . 27; e^poo-de Matth .

V. 16 ; Luke X. 21; oniuBe Luke xxiii. 26 ; eKadtpeurSri Matth .

viii. 3 , passim; fvnri^av M a t t h . x xv ii. 3 1 ; napabihovvra J o h n

xiii. 11, duobus locis; evepoftw Lu ke xxiv. 5. As in Codices c, g,

and some others, the accusative is often put for the dative,

with verbs th at properly require the la tt er ; e . g. M atth.

xxiii. 3 1 ; Lu ke xxii. 5 ; xxiii. 9 ; and vice versa Matth. v. 2;xxii. 4 1 . Yet in spite of these peculiarities, Codex x ap-

proaches much closer to the Elzevir text than many of our

* The readings of this fragment I have denoted by x (2).

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2 7 ; ijefyxeere M a t t h . XIV. 2 2 ; /cacpappaovp J o h n v i . 1 7 ; avT-

aXayfia M ark viii. 37 . Codex y often om its th e article after

a preposition, and puts the accusative for the dative (see

pp . xxxi, xxxvii, lx) : e .g . M atth . viii. 2 ; xii. 1 6 ; xx. 1 3 ;

Mark iv. 2 ; Joh n v. 38 : and vice versa, M atth. v. 4 2 ; xv.

2 3 ; xxvi. 16. Th ere is also a tenden cy to ch ange verbs in

-oo) and -aa> into the form -em: see this relic of the Ionic

dialect in M atth. ix. 24 ; xv. 2 0 ; 2 3 ; (c in Mark v. 40) :

so irapahibowTa John xiii. 11 (with fx). Fre qu ent as is th e v

efaX/cvo-TLKov in Codex y, it is very often omitted where its

absence produces an hiatus ; another species of negligence

which pervades it is the loss of clauses by the d/uojoreXcurov.

It sometimes accords with the Elzevir text against nearly

all my copies, e.g. Matth. xviii. 28.

In collating these two Evangelisteria xy, I have not set

down the introductory words and prope r names inserted at •the opening of Church lessons, nor the omission or change

of adverbs of time or place, unless there is a possibility of

their being various readings. Those versed in these stu-

dies are well aware that certain portions of the Gospels

occur in Evangelisteria more than once (John xix. 25—27

is read in x four tim es) . Now, so far as I have observed,

there is not the least consistency, either as regards ita-cisms*, or more important points, between the readings of

th e same passa ges in different pa rts of th e same MS. This

strange diversity I have marked by citing "xsemel," "yse-

mel," or " bis," which denotes that in another part of the

volume, the testimony of the copy favours another lec-


These twenty-three manuscripts I have collated, with

all possible care and diligence to secure ac curacy , with

* In John x\i., for instance, x differs from itself in another p lace, asregards itacisms alone, twenty-four times, and y sixteen times !

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the ELzevir edition of 1624, which has gradually come tobe looked upon as the s tandard of the textus receptus. I

have disregarded three obvious misprints (\eyav Matth .

xxiv. 34; 6 ixadrjTai M ark viii. 27 ; SovXoj John iv. 51 ), an d

14 slight errors in the breathings, accents, or i subscriptum.

Elsewhere I have abided by th e Elzevir tex t, even w here

it is inconsistent with itself. Thus I retain Upix<a Matth .

xx. 2 9 ; Luk e x. 3 0 ; xviii. 35 ; xix. 1 ; bu t Upix<* Mark x.

46, twice: fiamiava M atth. vi. 2 4 ; but pa/iava Luke xvi.

9 ; 1 1 ; 1 3 : yevvrjo-aper M atth. xiv. 3 4 ; Luke V. 1 ; bu t

yevrjo-apiT Mark vi. 53: vafaped M atth. xxi. 1 1 ; Mark i. 9;

Lu ke i . 2 6 ; i i. 4 ; 3 9 ; 5 1 ; iv . 16 ; John i. 46 ; 4 7 ; though

vagaper is found M atth. ii. 2 3 ; iv. 13 , and in nearly all th e

MSS. everywhere. I have even main tained v e(pe\K.v<rnKott

before a conson ant, M att h. xv. 27 ; xxiv. 5 ; xxvi. 18 ; Lu ke

x. 32 ; John iii . 3 1 ; and the hiatus in Mark xi. 18.

In arranging my collation for the press I have adopted

for my guidance the following rules :—

1. To overlook all mere errors of the pen, unless they

m ay possibly be various readings, or tend to shew some

affinity between different copies, or be in any other way

remarkable .

2. To overlook all itacisms which cannot possibly bevarious readings, or unless they be unusual, or unless they

enable us to trac e a connexion between th e several MSS.

But I have given all those contained in x for the Gospels

of St M atthew and St John , an d co nstrued this rule very

liberally throughout; so that I rather fear that I have erred

in excess th an otherwise. Th e condition of each copy, as

reg ard s itacisms, has been carefully state d und er its p rop erhead.

3. The superfluous v efaXwo-nKov is never noticed, ex-

ce p t for some special reaso n. T he case of eac h MS. in

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this respect is described separately in the present chapter.But where v e<f>i\KVaTiKov is thrown away, so as to produce an

hiatus, the fact is always stated.

4. I have neglected peculiarities of punctuation (if

any worth notice occur, which I do not believe) except in

th e following passag es : M atth . xx. 1 2 ; xxvi, 2 ; 4 0 ; xxvii.

42 ; M ark i. 24 ; viii. 1 8 ; xi. 22 ; xv. 3 1 ; Lu ke vi. 9 ; ix. 55;

xii. 1 ; 49 ; xix. 4 6 ; xxiv. 12 ; Jo hn viii. 1 3 ; xiii. 3 0 ; xiv.

1 1 ; xx. 16.

5. As rega rds breath ings and accen ts also, I have

described t he condition of each docum ent separately, and

only pu t down in th e collation a few cha racte ristic or re -

m arka ble anom alies. Th e following forms, being common

to nearly all my documents, I have not hitherto noticed,

preferring to reserve them for this place.

afipaaji, not afipaap, is the usual reading of all our MSS.except x, in which, however, it is found Matth. viii. 1 1 ; and

i. 1 secundd manu.

ijXias is the form usually employed, not rjXias.

eo8e is almo st universally found, no t « Se: yet Codex a

read s »Se every w here exce pt in L uke iv. 23 .

I have specified several copies which have separate

accents and breathings for the separate parts of compoundWords : yet all, Or nearly all, have inau, orav, axravva, duavTais

o r d&avrws, olic'en". a n d s o m e /lfjSe, ovSi/xiav, &C.

On the other hand, the preposition or adverb, and its

noun, are often w ritten as a single word. This is mo st

f r equen t l y t he cas e w i t h anapxqs, anapri, a^picrov, fiioXot), eaxrov,

eK& z£iav, e^evaw/J iav, firdKrjBeias, Kadr)p.epav, Kanhlav, Karovap, Karovojia.

These forms are mostly neglected in my collation, but

occur in every page of all the MSS.

Kipling, in his very unsatisfactory Preface to the Codex

Bezae (p. xiv), recko ns O V T C O S for o£ra> before a consonant, an

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Eg yptian form*. It is m et with in every m anus cript I havese en ; in mo st of mine it is quite th e ordinary us ag e; while

in a few (such as mn), it is bu t occasional. I hav e

som etimes, bu t no t uniformly no ted it, as it is pec uliar to

documents of no single period or recension.

* So even Scholz {Commemoration Addr, p. G).

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T N the prese nt cha pter I purpose to collect under a few

J- general heads the chief inferences I would draw from

the materials made use of in the compilation of this work.

I. And th e first rem ark I would offer is this:— how

fallacious an idea the mere date of a manuscript will often

convey resp ectin g its critical and intrinsic value. And

herein I may be e xpected to sta te what I mean by a

valuable ma nuscrip t. I include und er th at appellation not

only those documents which approach the closest to the

original text, so far as it can at present be ascertained

(in which sense the value of each copy must of course vary•with th e tas te or judgm en t of individuals); bu t ye t m ore

such as contain unusual, or numerous divergencies from the

common editions; such as exhibit readings either striking

and proba ble in them selves, or pre gna nt with hints for th e

solution of that hitherto dark problem, the true theory

of families or recensions. Regard ed in this point of view

no one could well hesitate to prefer our Evangelisterium

y to x ; yet th e latter is a noble uncial of th e 8th

or 9th century at the latest ; the other bears what ap-

pears to be its own date, A. D. 1319. Or to tak e another

instance: Codex o is an important record, scarcely later

tha n th e 10 th century , or nearly as early as a copy in

cursive ch ara cters can b e ; it prese nts us too with a pure

text, and some interesting various readings; yet how in-

ferior are its claims on our atte ntio n t o those of Codexp (A.D. 1285), which is full thre e cen turies later ? T he

same observation will be forced upon us on examining th e

two La m beth MSS. a an d c. Of the se a is decidedly th e

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elder by several generations; it is in every respect a betterlooking document than the other; in fact no one, prior to

actual collation, would dream of instituting a comparison

between them ; yet no person who turns over the following

pages can question the great superiority of the more

recent and contemned c, at least for critical purposes.

Examples such as these can be multiplied almost inde-

finitely, even with our present most imperfect acquaintancewith the great majority of cursive records: and to my mind

such phaenomena are absolutely fatal to the scheme of those

persons who have persuaded themselves that a process of

gradual change and corruption of the inspired writings was

silently yet steadily flowing onwards in the same direction

during the middle ages, till the sacred originals passed from

the state exhibited in the most venerable uncials ABC or

even D, into the stereotyped standard of the Constan-tinopolitan Church, whereof our Codices lmn may be looked

upon as fair representatives. Thus easily is rooted up

from its foundations the system which would revise the text

of the New Testament on the exclusive authority of the

most ancient books.

II. Indeed I see no cause for believing that such sup-

posed Byzantine standard text had any existence, save inthe imagination of certain modern theorists. If such a

text were fixed, either by public authority or general usage,

in what direction shall we look for it now ? Confining our

attention to the documents which are furnished with com-

plete liturgical apparatus, and have evidently been em-

ployed in the services of the Church; is it to be found in

such as approximate the closest to the Elzevir editions,or in those tha t depart from them the most widely (e.g.

cepy), or in the more numerous class where the readings

fluctuate between the two extremes (e.g. afhx) ? But,

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strictly speaking, no two manuscripts present a text iden-tically the same ; between almost every two of them many

characteristic differences may be readily discerned; and

the circumstance noted with reference to Codices q and r

(above, p . liv), where th e very sam e scribe is inco nsistent

with himself after th e lapse of but thre e years , seems to

point to a conclusion which cannot well be evaded or


III . I would next say a few words about itatisms.

Respecting the minute yet significant variations of this

description I observe two almost opposite opinions main-

tained. On th e one hand Tischendorf considers it a ma rk

of high antiq uity in his Codex Ephrsemi (C ), th at " ejus-

modi vocalium commutationes (praeter « et i antiquissimas

illas et usitatissimas) in codice nostro rarse atque raris-

simae su nt " (Prolegom. p. 2 0) ; and this I believe to be verynear the t ru th ; the older the manuscript, the fewer the

itacisms; the great Codex Vaticanus has scarcely any, so

far as we are aware*. Scholz, on th e con trary, perceiving

the perp etua l and numberless vowel changes which prevail

in Codices ADZA and others of that class, imputes their

existence to the ignorance of the Alexandrian scribes, who

might have written from dictation, and were not veryfamiliar with the Greek language. The comm encement

of this tend enc y to itacisms he date s from th e 5th or

6th century (Commemor. Address, pp. 2, 3 ). So far all is

rationa l and not very in ex ac t: t he n ext sentence involves

a sta tem en t which fairly astonishes m e : " nee satis in

* Lachmann (Praefat. N. T. p. xl.) speaks pret ty much to the same effect

of the seven very anc ient MSS. on which his te xt re sts : " D e omnibus iisquibus nos utimu r exemplaribus certissimum est, ea i vocalem et ei diphthongon

prope pari loco habere ; « et at Vaticanum non scepe, sed Kegium [C| etcsetera frequenter confundere, reliquas autem alia num quam, alia rarissime,


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scribendis Graecis exercitati et diligentes fuisse videnturcodicum illorum quos Alexandrinos vocamus scribse, utpote

qui scripserint voces eodem modo, quo pronuntiabantur:

quod facere non consueverant scribse diligentes, minime ii, a

quibus scripti sunt codices familice Asiaticce;" and so he goes

on to infer that these Asiatic or Byzantine copies must

needs afford the best tex t, because they are so free from

permutations of vowels.Whence could have sprung so strange a misconception

on a plain matter of fact ? Scholz, of course, had consulted

many cursive MSS., more perhaps than any man now living*;

but he had neglected to mark down, perhaps hardly noticed

at the time, the itacisms wherewith the very purest of them

abound, and so in lapse of time had come to reason

upon the causes of their supposed absence. If my reader

will but refer back to the preceding chapter, he may

discover that no document I have collated is free from

these vowel changes, though the extent to which they ap-

pear does vary considerably, and that without reference

(so far as I can de tect) to the kind of text exhibited by

each several copy, or to the age in which it was written.

They are scattered the most thickly throughout Codex x,

whose reading Scholz could not call Alexandrian, and nextto it in Codex y, an Evangelisterium of the 14th century.

Of the others in my list Codex c contains more than any;

in character it is certainly far removed from the common

editions, yet it is undoubtedly very little anterior to y. In

Codex f, as I remarked above (p. xxxv), many itacisms are

actually introduced by a later hand, which would have been

* While this sheet is passing through the press, Dr Scholz's death is

announced. Tha t d iligent and estimable scholar had promised to afford his

pati ent consideration to my views when they should come to be published,

and I reg ret tha t my error s (if indeed I shall prove to be in error) m ay no

longer be corrected by his calm and candid ju dgm ent.

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an absurd course indeed, were they m ere errors of th e scribe.But we possess th e fullest evidence th at this was th e ordi-

nary mode of spelling prevalent in those ages, as in some

deg ree it still is with th e G reek s of o ur own tim e. If any

one will turn over the pages of a modern Greek Testament

he will readily see a more na tur al exp lanation of th e phae-

nomenon in q uestion th an Scholz's " pron untiatio dictantis

et imp eritia negligentiave scrib en tis." If any difference

can be traced between the elder and later itacisms, it

may perhaps be this, that the earlier copies are more par-

tial to th e comm utation of i and et, while MSS. of sub-

sequent ages more frequently confound o and a. I know

of no other distinction.

IV. Ano ther of Scholz's proofs of th e inferiority of his

Alexandrian to the Constantinopolitan family has respect to

the use of i eithe r ascript or subsc ript. " Om ittunt saepessepius codices Alexandrini et p ro pte rea ce rte vitu per a-

t ionem subeunt" (Comm. Addr. p. 7). Who would not hence

infallibly conclude that manuscripts of the other recension

as constantly represent them ? Yet nothing can be farther

from the tru th th an such a supposition. I have diligently

noted in th e preceding cha pter, which of th e copies I have

collated retain, and which reject the i. In the great majorityi asc riptu m is found but ra rely ; in all it is far oftener

neglected th an inserted (see Codex d, p. xxx ii): i subscrip-

tum is seldom met with at all except in m and n, and

even in them I must make the same reservation; it is

still more frequently omitted.

V. Some persons have imagined tha t the genius and

family of a m anu script may b e jud ge d of by th e fre-

quency or rarity of its placing v C EXKUO-TIKOV before a con-

sonant (Scholz ubi supra, p . 6) ; I have therefore men -

tioned th e usag e of each copy severally in this pa rticu lar.

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It seems to me, however, to be a matter of mere localcustom or individual tas te. No MS. except cex has it more

perpetually tha n Cod. f, w hich is in no o ther res pe ct at

all remarkable.

VI. Be tter expe ctations may be formed from close

atten tion t o those unquestionably Alexandrian corrup tions

of th e A ttic Greek, whereof so many in stances occur in

some MSS. of the Greek Testament, and in nearly all thoseof th e Sep tuagint. Such are the forms of th e accusative

singular in -a for -m> and vice versa; th e first aorist ter -

mination appended to a second aorist root; the Cilicism

(if such it be) -av for -aa-i in the active perfe ct; and th e

merely orthographical variations like Kv^as, avTaXayfia,

8i8pay^a, efjmpoo-dt, &c. Th ese I have anxiously set down in

my collation and briefly noticed in th e prece ding ch ap ter.

They occur th e m ost re peate dly no dou bt in copies th e

farthest removed from th e Elzevir tex t, but by no means

exclusively in t h e m ; so th at even this tes t mu st be ap-

plied with gre at caution . W e find evaros, /«XXet (for piXei),

ovras before a consonant, and a few others in docum ents

of every age and class. The prepositions aw and w un-

changed in compounds belong to the same class: see

Luke xxii. 55 ; xxiii. 48 ; 5 1 , &c.

And now to sum up in a few sentences the general con-

clusions to which our investigations have led us. If we

consider the Codex Bezae and its kindred documents on the

one side, and such auth oritie s as our Codices lmn on th e

other, the line of distinction b etween th em is so bro ad

and unmistakable, that if all other copies of the Greek Tes-tament had perished, we should have felt no hesitation in

treating them as separate recensions, differing not a little

in character, and presenting us with many grave deviations

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CHAPTER III . lxxiii

in the sense. But as othe r man uscripts come to light, thesubject grows much more intricate; one after the other

they take each its proper place in the void between the

two extremes, which seem at length to be linked together

by a continuous chain of authorities, each one akin to, yet

somewhat diverging from its neighbour, and helping on the

transition from the one recension to the other so gradu-

ally, that it is quite impossible to determine at what pre-

cise point the one ceases and the other begins.

Then comes th e reflection th at nine-tenths at least of

our materials a re mo st imperfectly known. Th e only chance

of escape therefo re from our existing perplex ity m ust rest

in a tho rou gh review and (if needs be) a co mp lete recol-

lation of the whole mass of our critical authorities; a work

doubtless of much toil and m agnitude, but u nder all th e

circumstances absolutely indispensable, unless indeed the

further prosecution of Biblical criticism is to be laid aside

altog ethe r. At presen t we are acqua inted w ith bu t a few

principal readings or notable peculiarities of our cursive

copies; when all the minuter variations shall have been

noted, the lectiones singulares (as th ey now seem) of eac h

faithfully reco rded , th en and no t before will th e basis of

th e science be firmly laid, and th e edifice no longer b eliable to be overthrown from time to time by the acces-

sion of new facts, or the p ress ure of unlooked-for diffi-


It is hardly for us to conjecture wh at may be t h e

final results of an examination which as yet is barely com-

men ced. Th e the ory of a twofold division into recensions,

such as that advocated by Scholz, must at any rate be

abandoned: as little consistent with ascertained phseno-

mena is an exclusive devotion to any single class of re-

cords, however ve nerab le or im po rtan t. No r can I refrain

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from expressing—I would rather call it my suspicion thana deliberate judgment—that all extant Manuscripts, ver-

sions and ecclesiastical writers, will eventually form them -

selves into FIVE or six principal classes, the origin of

which may have been either purely accidental, or beyond

our ability to trace; though the diligent comparison of

their agreeing and conflicting testimonies will serve to

bring us nearer than modern students have yet approachedto the ipsissima verba of the Holy Evangelists and


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^EvayyeXtov TOV KCITO. MctT0aiov b. evayyeXiov (+

ayiov k) Kara lAarQaiov ghk. TO Kara MarOaiov ayiov

( —ayIOV p) evayyeXiov lmnprsv .

CAPUT I. vv. 1, 2. afipaa/n h lmnpqrsx aKi . v. 2. iou$a

y. v. 3. — TOV secund. y. v. 4. aixivaSa/n bis chpqrs .

vaSafi bis y. aaaawv bis g. vv. 4, 5. cra\a)|U c. v. 5. /o

cp. iwj3r]$ bis eg. a>/3>20 prim. r. o/3>;$ fo's y. v. 6. — e-yev-

vjycre p r im . y. -o /3a<rtXeys gp. croXo/u(oi 'a bfghldmnopqr

suxy . v. 7. ajSeta pWm. x. vv. 7, 8. aercra b. v. 10. TOV

/uavaarjv C. TOV fxavaaar/v l m n r . a/xayv' aya is y. an/uoov bis

bcf. a/^ctiy bis p. +TOC latceifx' ictnei/u ce eyewtjat (ante

TOV iwcraiav) g. vv. 10, 11. — TOV tuicjiav' twcrias 5e e-yei/-

vt)o~e y. v, 11. tttjcrcrtas g. e^oviav C. te^ooviav ry. +TOV

j . ' iwaKeifx. $e eyevvr/ae (ante TOV te^oviav) ks. /xe-

fh k *o . vv. 11, 12. (iafiCXwvoi m*. v. 12.

fhk*ox. ie^wwas ry. -TOV aaXaOirjX' aaXa-

QirjX §e eyevvtjae b*. eyevrjae prim. x. v. 13. eXiaKi/x bis

b*c*fox. eXtaKei/j. bis ksy. v. 14. aa&wc 6zs p. -TOV

aaouiK' aaouiK oe eyevvr/ae x. ayj.^. bis a b o x y . eyevrjae

tertium x. vv. 14, 15. eXiov$ k. v. 15. -eyevvriae prim.

d*. HOTQCLT bis a. v. 16. eyevrfit} C. V. 17. — a\ C. yevveat

prim. x. t r i a priora c. dfipaa/u & alii, passim. fteToiKt]-

zs afh**k*o. secund. hx. - T ^ S secund. y*. v. 18.


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2 S. MATTHiEI CAPP. I. v. 18—III. v. 3.

yevr/ais C . {ivrjarevOriaqs b*x . /uLvrjcrTGuOricreis y . V. 19 .nf3ou\t]6ri S. V. 2 0 . ev9vfu9evTO$ C . evOuixovfievov p . K<XTO-

vap ran alii. (paiveTai f * . e(pavei y . (po8tj9ris p s . —yap y.

yevrjQev k x . dyiov eariv y. v. 2 1 . re v e re x . Xawi/ c.

v. 23. /caXecrets y. efiavourjX c. v. 24 . SteyepOrjs C. —o

p r i m . k p . ewoiriaav x .

C A P U T I I . v . 1 . +^purTou (jpos? ir)crov)o. yevt)6evTo$ e.k o . v. 2. Te^Otjs b* . 100/u.ev p x . avrov {pro avrw) d.

v. 5. OI/TWS a c d f h k l r a o s . —yap s. v. 6. »7 (2>ro ej) b*gu.

rjyefiwciv y. +/uot {post ej^eXevaerai) b p . Troi/xavt] U . —TOV

y* . Taw Xawi' c. v. 8 . e7r' oi; a d f g h o . evptjrai u. jf?w.

(p ro ai/rw) c dfp . v. 9. icW b * x . +ou (pos^ ews) O. ea

d k. v. 10 . i$oTes b * . e-^apiarav c . v . 1 1 . t£ov b k x . e«5oi/acdfgh lmnopqr s uy (p ro evpov). TreawvTes x. ayro (pro

avTw prim.) c d p . \r)(5avov c. v. 12 . tcctTtovap x. &aX»/s C.

v. 13. /car' ovajO (paiveTai x. TOJ iwarjcp KaT ovap (initio

pericopes) y. KaTovap k aKi. +I/KK-TOS (aw^e /cat (pevye) y.

eio-0£ C. eta^j; x . taffy y (p ro tcr^t). v . 1 5 . O7rft>s (p ro tea) x.

V. 16 . eveinyQri b . eTreireydri y . eOrj/xwBri C . a7roa"T»;Xas C .{5rj9\aie/Ji x . KaTWTepwv b . KaTOTepwv C . KaTOTepto X.

riKpif&uxrev qpwot)$ (pro rjKpif&uio-e) C . V. 1 7 . 5ia (p ro y7ro) g.

v. 18. pantxa b . Kkiovaa b*x . avTtjs a. eOeXev u. v. 19.

(patvaiTe x . e'yi/TTTo) c. v. 20 . eyepOr/s e. — yap

usque ad finem versus 21. f* (habet marg.) v . 22 . - e m

a c q y . a-n-ekO^v C . ave^oprjaev d. ave^copiaev y. v. 23 .TroXjjw x . v a^ ap e0 c d x . ovros C .

C A P U T I I I . v . 1 . ei> e/ceivais r a i s jj/uepats (—5e) f. — e

hop . — o p . ^a-KTr)<STr\<s X. v. 3 . ecrTrjv 6 pr)9r)s C .

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S. MATTH^EI C A P P . III. v. 3—IV. v. 11. 3

aare C. +TOV {ante Kvpiov) y. v. 4. yap {pro $e prim.) k.KdfiiXov cf*. cepfxaTrjvrji/ X. oaCprjv x . V. 5. e^67ropevovTo

C. +7racra b +ij g {ante \epoiro\v/uLa). — xai prim. S. —t]

{ante lov^aia) arx. — iraaa secund. f. irepiy^opo^ b*. v . 6.

epaTTTrt^ovTo ex. + iroTafxeo {post lopeavri) a b d g q r . v. 7.

aacouKatwv C. ep^w/xevovs C. (iaTTTfjajxa C. onrev C. ,ue-

Aowcr^s c. v. 8. Kapirov a^iov ac l fghklmnopqrs . nap-nov

{sic) u. v. 9. cWf)7Tcuf*. +on («w<e 7rar6|oa)r. e^wfiev

C . dfipaafj. dbis. ^vvare cm *. +«:at (posf 0eos) U. V. 10.

— KM prim. b * . TOV Sevcipov C . iceire b * c . v. 1 1 . ficnrri]-

<£u) C . —fxov secund. b. earrjv ov OV K eifir/ C . ficnrTriaei c.

-/ecu Trujotadfklmnoqru. v. 12 . ^ei^j; p * . TrepinaOapiei

d*. v. 1 3 . eis (pro €7n) y. ttoay^i' C. v. 14 . (tienoXvev

f * x y . y^piav X. (iaiTTKjTrjvai. C . epxelJ f-


r0 /xe) S.

V . 15 . aTTOKpiOrjS C. 617T61' avTOV C. eiTTtl' CtVTwy {— TTpOs).

ot/Tftisabfk. O V T O C . OUTOS p . Trpeirwvy. eaTrjv C. afpteiaiv

y . v. 16. i$ey k x y . e/xeivev {pro epy^o/uevov) x. ir^oos (^>ro

eTr) g. v. 17. eK TOI' ovpavov y. eaTijv {pro ecrrti/) C.

rjvooKrjcra by. TjvooKKTa x.

C A P U T IV. v. 1. Tit> Kaipw e/ceivw avrj^Orj o itjaou

C. avriyQn o irjaov^f. V. 3. -ai /rak. 'yeyovTai by. v. 4.

+ yap{post y6ypa.TTTai)h. +o{ante avOpwiroi)^.. v. 5.

TrapaXanfiavtiy. — eis T>;I/ ayiav 7ro\fjvy. iro\i]vx. ei-

<TTrj<riv X. v. 6. ei/TeXeire irepiaaov x. rov 67TJ -^eipwv

{—nai) g. —/JLtjTroTe ad Jin. vers. b. v. 7. eirireipatjris g.

V. 8. v\{ri\ov X. SIKVVGLV X. V. 9. irpoaKwrjcreis b * k * x .

ixe {pro fxot) d. V. 10. — r o T e k . +O7r£<xa> /xoo {post viraye)

a d f g h l m n p q r s x y . -yap q. Trpoanvvrjaris b*r. v. 11.


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4 S. MATTILEI C A P P . IV. v. 11—V. v. 20.

irpocnjXOov avTw Km Siriicovovvh. V. 12 . — o'y. irapeca)-9rj X. v. 1 3 . KctTaXnrov n* . KaraXtjirwv x. va(ape9 d h x .

w . 1 3 , 1 5 . vetpOaXin b * f k o x (a t x ve(p9aXTin v. 15 ). v.

14. piOev x. v. 15 . -yt] secund. g k s . 6$wv b . v. 16.

«$ei/b. v. 17. Ktipvaaiv x. v. 18 . -rreptiraTov x . - J e x .

—o itjcrovs a b d f g h k * l m n o p q r s u . i$ev b * x . Xeyw/xevov x .

KaXov/xevov h . + ei> ™ 7r\oiw (etwfe paXX o^Tos) S. aXjj/sb*. aX(6ts (sic v. 1 9 )f * p . v. 2 0 . /cat (p ro ol ^e )h . - ev -

0ew su. &«T oiox. v. 2 1 . t$evb*x. ~Tov(post Tanwfiov)

x . v. 22 . -eu0ea>s ad . jJ/coyXou^o-oi/ m . v. 2 3 . 7rept-

j;fyei/ o itjaov<s ets O'XJJI' 'yaXiXaiai; (tVw'£. peric.) y . —avrwv

y. Be pair even's., vocrwv'p*- — ev secund. y. v. 24 .

d. TrotKiXoJs y . tyvveyofievois fg . —/iat ^atjuow

o-eXvyta^O/uei/ous g . creXtvta^o/jiei'oiis y . — /ecu

voi/s f. v. 2 5 . OTTO T>/S <yaX«Xatas o^^^Xoi TTOXXOI p .

C A P U T V . v . l . KaQrjoavTO'} b*xy . v . 2 . - au To uk .

ayro ty (p ro ayxoi/s) x . v. 6. TTIVWVTGS b * x . ectyovTes f*.

V. 10 . oemoyfj.evoi x . eve/ce S. V. 1 1 . o r ' ai/ O. ovewrjaw-

aiv x y . jjjuas 1*. «a0 ' ly/xtoi' k . tjixoov b . v. 1 2 . TroXXoty x .

OI/TWS (sic vv. 1 6 ,1 9 , 47) dk . v. 1 3 . dXas p . fiopavdri f.

v . 14 . ea-Teu x . Kpifitjvai m * ( m d . C a p . L w . i l , 12). v. 15 .

-ai»Toi/ f *r y. STTJ (pro viro) y . aXX' ei/ T>y Xu^wa p . v. 16.

efnrpoaOe x. towcri TO /caXa u^twi; epya pq. ^o^aa-oyffii/ x.

(pro vtu>>v tert.) p . TWI/ ev x . v . 18 . vofx^cr^Te h r y .

v. 1 8 . (cepea p . -c o / secund. p . v. 1 9 . aw (p ro

eav) b g . -oi/v bf *p y. oyv eav S. ovrws n OWTOS asy (pro

OVTW). $i&a%ei bis y. iroir\aei b* y. v . 20 . irepiaaevaei y.

irepiG evar)h*{*. vfxwv r\ SiKaioavvrjdfgkopqrsy. — v/mwvb.

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S. MATTH^EI CAP. V. vv. 20—44. 5

ypaft.fjiaTat.wv sy . eicreXOriTai s . v. 2 1 . eppr/Orj {sic vv.27, 31 , 33, 38 , 43) af**klo*p. Qovevant y. v. 22. Ab

iniiio usque ad r>? Kpiaei deest in s* {habet marg .). opyr/-

fyfievos y. eiKecy. paKKaid. v. 23. — ovv d. irpocHpepei?

p qs y. /rat efcet ab d h k lm n o p q rs y . fjivrjaOeis goy. /cara troy

n y. v. 24 . +«a t {post irpaiTov) o. SiaXXaytjOri b*. v .

25 . t(j0j/ h y . ei/rawi/ y . ov {pro OTOV) y . <pv\aKiv p . /3\>;-

0>ia-et y . v. 26 . exetcre {pro eKeiOev) y . oi> {pro av) b q r .

TO {pro TOV) y . KovopavTtjv n*. v. 27 . —Tots ap^aiois

ad fg hk lm no p qr u y. /xot^ei/cnjs g m * n * . v. 28 . ewr)9vnti-

aai n*. eTnOvfj-iaai y . avTr tv {pro avrrjs) a b d f g h k l m n o p q

r**uy. v. 29. -3 ey . -6 prim. y. aKavSaXifyy. airw-

AjiTcti dfqrs. airoWurai y. fi\t]9rivai {pro /3\JJ(?J7) q r .

+Tjji/ (anfe yeevav) y. v. 30 . - e t y. <TKav$a\ify b*.

airw\rfTai dfrs . aTroWvraiy. fiXtjOqvai q. v. 3 1 . — $e

a l m n p . aTroXvcreigy. SUITCO y. v. 32 . 7ray o a7roXi/«)i'

(^ro os ac airdkvcxrl)uy (—o u) . - a y d*. —irapeKTOs Xo-

yovy. Tropvia$\). —eai/y. "yaju-jycrasy. fxoi^aTeb. v. 3 3 .

— TraXtv y {init. peric.) eiuwpK icrysy. — T<j>hu. opKovs h .

v. 34. 6fj.waai S. ofLwaai y. oXos k . v. 3 6 . onoarjs k .

Wfxoarjs S. ofxooaeis y. — ony. — rjy. /xeXaivag.

y . V. 3 7 . —o Xcyos y . TO i/at cat /cat TO OK OK y .

y. v. 39 . WCTTIS d. ets (p ro e7rt)dry. ^e^etai/f*.

almno**py. aXX' eav Tts ffe p'aTriat) STVL THJV oiayova aov

TYJV Se^iav b . v. 40. TO 6e\oi>Ti s. yiTova y. oos (p ro

a^>e«) b . ayTo y . / H . +aov qr . v . 4 1 . ayyapevar] b * .ayKapevcrei q r . fxrjXiov s*. v . 4 2 . crot (p ro ere) y . a7ro-

(TTpacpeis y. v. 4 3 . ayaTreaets u. v. 44 . KaTapo/xevovi

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6 S. MATTH^I CAPP . V. v. 44—VI. v. 18.

y . TOIS fxiaovaiv a b d f g h k l m n o q r s u x y . -KOXWS

TOW /xurovvTas v/uas p . irpocrev^eaOai s x . e

x . vfxoov (pro v/ms tertium) S. v. 4 5 . rjy.wv (pro vfi.wv)

p r y . +TOIS (ante ovpavois) a d f k l m n * * p q r . avarekr) x .

flpe^*} x. v. 46 . TO avTti> x. v. 47 . aairaor\(jQai x .

a§ek(pQv$) a b d f g h k l m n o p q r s x y . fj.ovov<s b . TO

(pro OVTO)) b . OVTCOS x y passim. v. 4 8 . o5s (p rowcnrep) S. +/ca i (^05 ^ wcnrep) a p . j /u-wy ( p r o ujuwy) p . ow-

pavios (pro ev TOIS ovpavois) ap. reXios p.

CAPUT V I . v. 1 . +<5e (post Trjooa-e^ere) q r . -/x>/ (ante

iroieiv) n . Troiijv~X-. TO ev d. v. 2. o r av d passim, —ovv

b * . Troteiy f* sxy. craX7rjjcre£9 x . +yap (ante Xeyoo) u.

+OT( (ante aire-^ovcn)q. v. 3 .

yvooToy. v. 4.


tjvvtj'SL. — avTos as u . V. 5 . ecreiy. yoviais x y . ecrrwres h.

- a v p u y . - o T t secund. u. v. 6. Ta/xeiov m*nxy. /cX^aas

x . TijvOvpaS. ~crov secund. b . irpouev^ovs. 7rpoaev%ey.

(3\eTTOv x . +<re ( p o s ^ /3Xe7ra>i/) g . airo^axtr} x . — ev T<J>

(pavepip U . V. 7. (HaTToXoyeiTe b . fiaToXoyrjarjTe x.

e9vr)K0i fgm *sxy . v. 8. ofxoiwQrjTm s. et^e (p ro oj^e) g .

(pro VJXWV) y. +o ovpavios (ante w) s . y_puxv x .

J. V. 9. irpo^rev^eaQai. S. ayiaaQriTo x . V. 10 .

i h. v. 12 . cKpiw/mev b. v. 13 . eureveytceis xy .

Doocologiam habent omnes, at in m arg. h obelis notata.

<Wa/uet? x . v. 14 . —yap p . ctfpeiTe sy . a(piaei a. a(pt]ar}

k . —v/xiv S. —Vfxwv a. j*m. + T O irapavTuiixaTa VILWV b .

v. 15. atpeiTe sy. +o ovpavios (ante a<prjcrei) S. v. 16.

yiveaOai n* . <os (p ro wcrwep) b * . eauTwvprim. S. — o n u.

v. 17. aXt]\}se x. vn//e x . v. 18 . (paveis y . fiXeirov x. -ev

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S. MATTHiEI CAPP. VI. v. 18—VII. v. 9.

T i•ip (pavepcp a b d f * g h k l m n o p q r u x [habent sy ] . v . 19.vfieK (pro V/JLIV) p . fipwuris (sic v. 20) x. Siwpvacrovcn x .

SiopvaovcTi (sic v. 20) b * . v. 20 . -Se p . ov (pro ovre

prim.) f*. OUTS secund. h. v. 22 . -ow s. rji (sic v. 23)

h . Transfert b >} ire locum post ow. <pooTt]vov x. v. 23 .

ei (p ro >j) g . cr/coTii'or' x . v. 24 . fxrjcnaei x. on (ivvaaQai x.

fiauwva ab d fg h k lm n p q rs x y . v. 25 . Me: (p ro /u>?) x.

•mere g. TO awfxari ox . evcivaeaOe ah lm**nr . irXeiwv

a lm npx . v . 26 . Trerrjva f*. 7reTtva x . (jv^povaiv y.

H-ras (awfe a7ro0^/cas) a p . v. 2 7 . irpoadrjvai f k o q r s x y .

riKiKeiav x . v. 28 . av^avrj x. v. 30. ira'f. e<Te (T rubro)

x . j^g g. avpiov (sic V. 34 6zs) g. icXrifiavov b x . TTOWWV

y. (xaKkwv n . rj/uas k . v. 3 1 . — oui/ r . (payopev b*q .

TrepifiaWw/neOa a n * * p . v. 32. rauTa ^a/ j wavra X.

eTTij^Tet x . o (p ro OTI) y. ^jOi^ere x . v. 3 3 . irpoTov

y**. —/cat T^V oiKcuoavvtjv CL U TOV py . v. 34.

creire x nepiixvr)<jr)Te abdfghk lmnopqr s (p ro

a-ere). fxepifjivr/ar) (pro /X6pifj.vt]aei) b p . —TCL fkou . eavry

(pro TO eavTri<s) s.

C A P U T VII . v . 2 . fxerpriOricreTai a d f * * g h k l m n o q r s * .

lxeTp$Y\aerai b y . avri/uerpiOricreTai x . v. 3. $m (p ro $e

prim.) x . TO napipos TW h s . TJ;I; oe C O K O V (sic) u. e7rt

(pro ei/ secund.) y. v. 4 . a y e ts y . e/c/3a\Aa> o. e/c (p ro

aTro) b . v. 5 . e/c/3 a\\e y . SiafiXe^tis h . eKfiakrjv x .

V. 6. ^OTC bfg*qy. flaWr/re d . -^ypwv C . KaTcnraTrjaov-

aiv s. —ey g . +Kyce? (awife aTpaC pevres) n* * marg.c. v. 7. evprjaerai ex . avoiyr/cxere djsemel. avoi-

ysemel. v. 8. Xa^fiavri y . dvoiyrjcreTe x . v. 9.

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8 S. MATTILEI C A P P . VII. v. 9—VIII. V. 2.

- j / y. -ea-rivf*S. airrjaeif*y. v. 10. +r) (ante Ke»)ahpqr.aiTrjcrei f*y. v. 11. ^ni/jara S. ovpavios (proev TOIS ovpa-

vois) d. v. 12. eac (pro ay) y. OUTOJS dqy. — OVT W X. OU-

TCOS (sic) u. +o/io"os (ante 7rot6tTe) sx. OV TI D S (pro ovros)

fgqrxy . v. 13. eureXdaTe by. TrXaTia x. avoXeiav x.

epxptxevoi (pro eicrep-^.) px. v. 14. imV. n (pro on)

a b c d f g h k l m n o p q r s u x . -r\ TTUXJ? p. TeOXtj/mnevrj bx. ei5-peiuKovres x. v. 15. — £e y. evSv/uan g. v. 16. Tpv/3o-

Xwv r. v. 17. owTtus dy. —TO e crompov ad fin. vers. g.

vv. 17, 19. -ayadov Kapwovs v. 17. wsgw ac# v. 19. irav

oevopov x. v. 1 8 . Trovtjpov (pro aairpov) p . v. 19. +ovv

(post -n-av) Imn. v. 20. yvto<re<r6e y. v. 21. -/uoi y.

7roiovx. —TO y. +TOJS (ante ovpavoi.s) ap. fin. +OI)TOS

eiy TYJV (5acri\eiav TWV ovpavwv b. v. 22.

v KM Tcp a<p ovofiaTig. eTrpoC prjTevaa-

ixev a. TO (pro Tip secund.) b. ^ufa/m c. v. 23. e^vto p.

+TravT6S (ante o\ ejO7a^.)hy. v. 2 4 . onoiwOrjaercu (sic) u.

(pro avTov) x. (ppovrmw h. wKOoo/xiare x. WKOOO-

avrov TYJV OIKHXV (sic V. 26) b. v. 25. tjXOwv C.

Trpoaeireaav b d k s u . TrpoaeTreawv C. eKrjvrj C. TeOe/xe-

XIWTW c. v. 26. o rw6ro a**, C I K O V O V C. /rat /ut x.

Trotov c. WKOoofjLure x. rtv (pro TJJV prim.) c. d/u/xov h.

v. 27. Trpoaeirecrov (pro TrpocreKo\j/av) gp. TJ;!; ot«af

eiceivrjv c. _/??». +cr<po$pa b. v. 28. eTeXecrei/ ahpsy.

+7ra»'Tas (po«i5 o irjaovs) b. 6^ewX>;crocTo b . e^67rX>?(rTo y.

v. 29. SiSaaicov ex. /t i. +/cat oi (papiaaioi b*?

C A P U T V I I I . v. 2. -eXOwv s. irpoaeXOwv cpqr s **xy .

.. avrov (proavTu>)y. Xeyovb* . OeXeis x. ^i/ca-

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S. MATTH^EI CAP. VIII. vv. 2—24. 9

ere b* xy . fxoi (pro /ne) y . KaOaprjaai ex . v. 3. Ka6apeta9t]Tix . sKaQepiaQri C. €Ka9epeia9t) x . v. 4. +/u.t]<iev (post fj.t}$ei>i)

q r . aXX 'cdfglmnqry. aX 'x. J i^ovx. To'iepeib. Trpoaevey-

Kai inn . irpocreveye y. +croy (post Swpov) S. ^tawcr*;? bop.

v. 5. e\9ovTi y . ai/Teo ( p r o TOJ irjaov) a c d f * h k l m n o p q r s u .

^WTos oe auTov (—TOJ iqcrou) b . TrpoutjXOe m. +o

e/caTOPTajO.) b . wapaKaXov ex . v. 6. c eivos1 b * .

C. v. 7. depairevoai y. V. 8. eKaTovrap^tjs g-

t/xi h. Xo7«t) ab ed fg h k lm n o p q rs x . laOtjGTai c. v. 9. - ^

g . + Tacrao/iiei'os (post e^ovcriav) q. VTre/xavTwv C .

(jpro TOIITO) co x. v. 10 . 4auTo) (p os i anokovOovcnv) b .

Tocravnv x. v. 11 . avaK\rj9ri<T0VTai bf*hqr s xy . dfipa/x d.

afipaa/u. gp xy . v . 12 . e^oTepovf. V. 13 . TOX. eKaToi'Tap^t]

ab ed fgh ko pq rsx y. os (^ ro ajy) x. yevr/rwy. ev etceivr) Ttj

wpa p. .^w. +Kai i/7rocTTjOe\f/as o eKaTovTap^os eiS TOI/

OIKOV avTOv ev avTri Tt] wpa evpe TOD iraioa avrov (evpev

avrov b — avTov s) vytaivovra bq r s . v . 14 . eiareXOwv

(pro eX^aii/) g . ei? T>;I/ oiKiav Ylerpou 6 irjaovs S. t^ei; k y .

v. 15. \eipo g . ctrjKovfi x . avru) (pro CL VTO IS) a b c d f g h k

Im no sx y. v. 16 . + ™ (awfe Xoyw) cd*?o. v. 17. - ro w

q*. aadevias x y . v. 1 8 . 7roXw o^Xov x . Toys (J>*"0 TTOX-

Xoy?) y. aireXdrjv-x.. V. 19 . airep-^ei J. v. 20 . z'mtf. - /cai

g lm n . aXa)7re/ces fg- (pcoXaiovs h*? (poXaiovsJ. •7rerjji/af*x.

KUTadKivwarjs x . /cX^et f*g x. K\ivat y. v. 2 1 . — avTov 1.

-Kvpie f*. Me ( P y o M°0 g- v- 22. XeYei (pro eiwev) b .

aKoXovOrj y. a0es TOJS venpois p . 0a\ |/e x . -6a\j/at adfin. vers. b* . v . 23 . evfiavn C . TW t>?(7oi; ( p r o ai/roj) h .

—TO xy . v. 24. eyevero jue'yas su. Kotfiarwv k..

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10 S. MA TTILEI CAPP. VIII. v. 25—IX. v. 13.

p*. V. 25. irpocreXQwvTes x . -avrov a b d f g h k l m n p s x .

V. 26 . fyXoi x . eTreTrinqcre f*. eireTiae y . yaXivtj y. v. 27 .

JJ OaXaaaa KC U O'L avefxoi p . daXaaa X*. VTVOLKOVOGW C .

V. 2 8 . e\6ovTos avTov b . yaSaprjvcov b . yepyecrivoov o s x .

virrjvTicyav x . Sefxovi^ofievoi C . ep^ofievoi {pro e^ep-^.) C *.

icr^vw x . v. 29 . crv ( p r o (rot) b * c o x . -irjcrov chy, <3$e

m o q . Kepov C . (iaaavrjcre x . (Saviaai y . v. 3 0 . OTT'ayxwi/f. (ioaKOfievwv c. v. 3 1 . e/c/3a\»js b q r . e«:/3a\eiy f.

aneXOtjv e x . v. 3 2 . — /cat eiirei/ usque ad eis TY\V ayeXr/v

Tdov ^oipoov r. ets TOVS xoipovs {pro e«s TJ?y a^y- ro i'

^ o i p . ) b . tjSov e. eioov x . — Tracra b . —TWV "^oipwv secund.

b*. Kpi/uLvou cfx. flaXac-ae c*. v. 3 3 . iroXriv x . v. 3 4 . e >jX-

#oy gm. TOV ( joro ™ ) y. +avrov {post irapeKciXetrav) CC A P U T I X . v. 1. ei//3as c. - T O s xy . +o itjaovs {post

enfias) f k p (pos£ TrXotoj/) b q r . TTOXJ?!' xsemeZ. v. 2.

irHTTtjv x . a<pewvTe b * c x . cMpauovrat y . croj; (pro crot)

b* *ck x . v . 3 . ypa/u/uaTaiwv S. et7rec fy . OKTWS X .

v. 4. MM£. etStos & ( - « a i ) g . et^tos Im ** np y. +awro(s

{post enrev) x . evQu/mtjaOe g. evOvfxeiaOe v/u.ei$ b . v. 5.

—yap f. evKWTTWTepov x . — enreiv prim. y. acbeovrai g .

cKpaicovrai y . CTOJ; ( ^ r o a w ) b d f g h k l m n o s x y . - o i n .

(postf d/xapTiai.) a p . eyeipe abc fgk o . v . 6 . - $e C .

b*fo x. e^v qr . -T»;S U . KXtjvrjv X. enraye S.

v. 7. eavrov f*. V. 9. -eneiOev g . «5ei b * k . anoXovOt)

x y* . ,/m. au ro u ( p ro «yT(j)) c. v. 10 . ev Ti ot/ceta x .

—idov x . TroXXat f. V. 1 1 . -Tftin f. dfxapToXwv C. +«ai

7rtcei (pos^ eaOiei) k lm np . v . 12 . ^piav x . v . 13 .

—$ed..eXatov g. /caXeje x. aXXa ab cd fg hk lm no pq rsx y.

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S. MATTILEI CAP. IX . vv. 13—36. ] 1

d/xapToXovs C . — €K fieravoiav abop* . v. 14. Transfertavrif) k in locum post X eyovres. —TroXXa g. olSe aoi fia.9.

{—crov) k. v. 15. — o'i k. e(pocrov a. + ^povwv s+XP°~

vov Imny {post O G O V ) . —BGTIV f*. eirapdt] f. ap6t] g.

•wapeXdri {pro awapOti) C. fin. vrjaTevovo-iv y. v. 16. — $e

d p . eTTifiaWri c. aKvacpovli. ev {pro eiri) y . v. 17. airoX-

Xyi'Tai 1. otcof ceof et? acr/cofs /3a\Xoy<rt naivovsy. a/xtpoTe-

poi abc dfg hklm nop qrsy . v . 18 . +$e (posi raw ra) s. \ a -

ai/ron n. — CLVTOIS qr." apxov €K c< aPX

wv e i s d k o .

Tis bf*ghlninqrsxy. etcreXOwv a p q r . irpoaeXQwv

bf**ghs xy . +TO> »>?a-oi/ (cmfe irpocreKwei) b f * * h s . KKJOJC

( p r o on) k. etjOT»;x. eTeXevrrjcre q. aXX'pqr. 67rei#es q.

—crov g. v. 19. o irjaovs b. rjKoXovOf]<rav by. —/cat se-

CMTICZ. y. v. 20. -(cat u. — SwSeKa ert] irpoaeXOovcra £*.

+ {post €Tt]) S. V. 21. d\|/O|U iat y. <Tu>6r] C.

v . 22. <TTpa<peis x. eiSoy (pro iciou/) h . au7-»7 (pro avrijv)

q r . TricrTTjs C. <rat(Tft)/cec C. TO «a0»/ super eawOrj S**.

V. 2 3 . —o itjcrovs y. t^oi/ h . v. 24. ava^wpriTe x. a X a C.

/caTa'yeXa)!' p. KarwyeXovv y. v. 25. oi»y (pro $e) X.

v. 26. avTov {pro avTrj) g. v. 27 . TrapaywvTi d. +Kvpie

{ante v'te) c**kx . KJOS a e f h l m n o q r u . v. 2 8 . +avroo {post

eXOovTi 2e) f*os. eXOovTesy. - o iijtrow Imn. Swa/mecxy.

V. 29 . y\[raT(D C. TTKTTrjv CX. V. 3 0 . aveu>xn<Tav f ?. eve(3pt]-

ju.»;craToX. evefi(ipiixr)aaTO y. v. 3 1 . ^ie(prnxrjaav f k p s x y .

v. 32 . -avQpunrov g. v. 3 3 . eXaXiaev a -drt a b c d f g h k

o p q r s x y . ecpavei p . v. 34 . eXeycov x . apxwvTi c. ejc/3aXX>;c. e/c/3aX»? x. v. 3 5 . — 7ra<ras a. KijpvcrcrovX. Oepawevov x.

—e«/ T<J> Xaw c*dkou. v. 36 . +o irjcrovs {post oyXovs) k.

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12 S. MATTILEI C A P P . IX. v. 36—X. v. 17.

eir avrovs {pro irepi avrwv) y. ecncvX/jLevoi {pro

fievoi) a b c d f g h k m n o p q r s u . epprj/mevoi b. epifxfievoi y. ws

{pro wcret) clmny. v. 37. 6 irjaous super Xeyei s**. 7ro\-

XOIS C. V. 38. etcfiaXXei k.

C A P U T X. v. 1. +o itjcrou<s {post TrpoaKaXeaafievos) y.

avrovs {pro avTois) g. +Kara {ante irveu(j.arwv) b c f * * g p

qrs . tufiakiv x. fin. +ee TC O Xaco k. v. 2. eiai {pro ecm)m n s y . irpwTov b* (vv. 2—4 desunt in x ) . v. 3. fxadcuos

{*. Xefiatos o. v. 4. -6 secund. a b f g h k l m n o p q r y . o TTO-

pa$i$ou?{—/cat) y. v. 5. — TOI/S $w$ei<a X. —op. ai/Toi/y f.

TroXrjv x. cra/uLapiTcov C . <7anapt]Twv x. v. 6. Tropeveadeu X.

/uaAoi/ C . aTToXoXwTa C. V. 7. KrjpvcrcreTai U. v. 8. i/e-

Kpovs eyeipere Xe-irpovs KaQapiXeTe d. —veKpovs eyeiperea b c f g h k l m n o p q r s u x y . eKfiaXXerai c. e/c/3a\eTe S.

c x y . v. 9. KTicrriaOe m*. KTiaaade J. /ujyre ( ?ro

prim.) h. v. 10. -weipav h s . ,u>7 (^)ro /u^e ^9rim. e£ <ert) s.

pafifSovs a b c d f g h k l m n o p q r u . 70^ eo-rii- (-eo-T«i/

vers.) y. TOW fuaOov {pro Tris Tpo(pr]$) p . v. 1 1 . e

<raT6 y . ei; ai/r»; -r«j p . v. 12 . acnracraaOai S. fin. +Xeyov-

Ta eipr/vrj TW OIKOO TOVTW {—Xeyovres p) d h p q r y . v. 13 .

fxevei {pro /iei/ p) J. +eneivn {post OIKIO) k . a%ia tj OIKM s.

-eXOerw b*. eiaeX9eTa> b * * f * * o . -v/xwv prim. y. - ^

(pos« | /J?) c. v. 14. av {pro eav) y. 4-efw (^os

nevoi) y. ot/cetas d. -e/ceti/jjs g*. enTrjva^aTe m*. /cat

Kovioprov etc g. fin. +67r' aur j ; s. v. 15. +yap {post

afxr\v) S. 7 ^ C. yo/moppas a g p y . V. 16. -yti/ecrdai S.

(ppovrjfioi dhxsemel. coaei {pro ws ol) r s . —ot y * . a*cai-

(utret irepeicTrepai "XJsemel. v. 17. avvaywyes x.

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S. MATTILEI CAP. X. vv. 17—37. 13

fj.cuTTti'yoixTovcnv x. v. 18. araOrjaeaOe {pro aydrjcreaQe) S.v. 19. Trapaowaiv c. irapaowcrovGiv s. /u i {pro /xtf) xsemel.

Ixepi/uvrjcreTe f. XaX^crere a b f* g h lm n p q ry XaXjjcri-re C Xa-

'\t]<rr)Tctt xsemel {pro XaXtjarjre) —§o9r)aeTai yap ad fin.

vers. fp*. SoOrjcreTe xsemel. jjfxtv {pro vjuw) cp** . e/aet

p * * . XaXriarjTe g k o s XaXiaere p** XaX>?(TeTat r (pro

XaXr/creTe). v. 20. ecrrt a. eaTai xsemel. XaXovvTais x

semel. tj/uwv {pro v/uwv) l**py. v. 21. eiravaaTriaovTe x.

V. 22. fitjcroufJLevm X. VTvoy.rjvas x. oi/rtyy C . V. 2 3 . — Se k.

S p. eK^iooKcoaw S. —yap f*. reXecreTe p. v. 24.

au/caXoy) dhkqsy. v. 2 5 . TOM fxadrirt]v c.

(pro o SovXos) y. SeaTrorrjv {pro oiKoSecr.) a.

a7reK-aXecrai/ d lm n q ru . eTre/caXecrav h k o p s . oi/ceta/cows ab

d g h l m * * n o q r s . v. 26. -/cat KpvirTov 6 ov

f*. v. 27. TTJOOS1

(pro e«s) s. So/uarwv by. v. 28.

aGe a b c d f g h k l m n o p s tpofir/aOe qr {pro (pofirjOrjTe prim.).

airoKTevovTwv a b c d g k l m n o p q r y . awoKrewovTcov fhs.

- ^ e secund. y. +rt]v {ante ^/vyrjv) b c d g k o q r . +TO

crw/tta) bcdghkoqr. v. 29. aaapiov h*. acrcrapiw s. rj/

y. ym. +TOI» ey ovpavois qr. v. 30. rpt-^ai s. Tracrai T»JS

Ke<paXris airripSfirjtxevai p. r)pid^r\vTai (—etcri) y. v. 31.

+ ai»T0i/? {post (poj3t]9riTe) k. V. 32. —ovvj. e/xwpoade

b* k. +T0is (ante ovpavois) p. V. 33. apvriaeTai gk*.

apvr)<jr\Te xy. e/nrpoijOe {prim.) k. apvrjcrwtxe C. apvrjaw-

fiai f*. v. 3,4. vo/xtcreTe f. vonr]crt]Te h q r s . rjpeivqv bis c.

Desunt in y vv. 3 4 — 3 6 semel. v. 36. oineiaKoi a b d g h lm n o q r s y . v. 37. 0£Xo»> pro (piXwv prim, xsemel, et pro

secund.semel. epov {pro e/xeprim.) p . /cat (pro >/ secund.) k.

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14 S. MATTILEI CAPP. X. v. 37— XI. v. 24.

Ovyarepav y. v. 38 . aKokovOt] xsemel y. OTTHTW xsemel.oiriao) y. v. 40 . Severe prim. h*x.bis. anoaTiXavTa x .

v . 41 . Xe t^e ra t bis y . —/cat o Se-^ofievos ad Jin. vers. p .

-/cat S. SIKBOV x. v. 42. av {pro eav) y . •7roTr](Tei ex .

iroTiaei J. ^vy^povv a b * d s y . ovpi x . a7roXecret b * g y .

C A P U T X I . V. 1. jueTe/3et y . SioaaKrjv X. KrjpvaGiv x .

Jin.+Ta) X aw y. v. 2 . t>?o-oy (p ro -^piaTov) qr . v. 4. + a(emfe /3\e7 reT e)g. v. 5. im<. +OTI r . +/cat (ctnie venpoi)

k. v. 7. —wepi iwavvou y * (habet marg.). efyXOare x .

x . v . 8. e^>;X0aTe ex . 7repi(ie(i\r]fjLei>ov {pro tju-

) c. jSacnXeiwi' ac f* * g k p . fiacrikeiwv bdf*l**mnos .

f>ro etcrtv) c. v . 9 . - T I y* . e^rjXOare x. v. 10 .

a7ro<TTeXa> c. v. 1 1 . eyeipyepTai k q . eyeiyeprai xy .yevrirois p * . tavvov d p * y * . /3airT^(7Toi/ x . v. 1 2 . a

x. v. 13. £e (pro 7a p) g*. MPXP1 ( ^ r o ews) y p

Tevaav a. v. 14 . JJ (p ro et) b . OeXerai x . ^aa9e y.

earn m *. i;Xtas fp xy . -»;Xtas s. v. 1 5 . cucovrjv C. v. 16.

7rat$tots abcdfghklmnopqrs . TraiSapiois KaOrj/mevoK ev rais

ayopais y. ayopa als . eTepots avTwv b*c fgh* kosy . v . 17 .

rivXicranev g h l y . opyriaaaOe O. op^iaaaQe y .

{sic)y. v. 18 . +o (anfe twav^s ) ap . t ac i / ^y *

g. v. 19 . - i$o u y. v. 20 . +6 i^ovs {post

lmnqr s ** . -TrXeia-rat y . v. 2 1 . ^O|0a^eti/ b* d

fgo. ywpaXew h k p . ^wjoa^t!; l* m n y . /3^0craiSa bc f** lm n

o q r s y . fiiOadiiiav k . - e t csy . +na.9rifxevcu {post airo^w)

hlq r . v . 22 . +T»JS (araie /CjOta-ews) c . v . 2 3 . aoi {pro av)

c. r) et V\|/O)0JJS a {u\p-w9ris' a ) f**gh k lm nop . — rov ky .

f*k. — on y. e/meivev c. efxevov y. v. 24 .

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S. MATTELEI CAPP. XL v. 24— XII. v. 19. 15

c. av (pro <roi) b * . v . 25 . -nvpie y. v. 2 6. Kai(pro vai) y . -aov C . v. 27 . -ftov g . yivwaicei. (pro eiri-

yiv. prim.) g . jfii (pro ei /mt) prim.) x . o (pro $) x. /3ou-

Xerai d. fiovXei-rai X. v. 28 . KoiriovTes b * ? oi7rtwi/res

c . K07rottoyTes p . v. 29 . evptjaerai h. jfo. jj^wv y . v. 30 .

c, etiam -^ j xy (pro xprjaTos). ean S.

C A P U T X I I . v . 1 . eTTopevero y . v. 2. eicW res f.C . aafifiaaiv u. v. 3 . +it]Gous {post 6 §e) cd. e7rei-

vaae (-CIVTOS) bcfg kop u. v . 4 . ecpayov (pro e(payev)o.

ev (pro r/v) y. e^ ov k . TOW /UCT' avrov oy . e ^ i py . v. 5.

imf. — rjg. —TO <7a/3/3aT0i> y . ran aafijiaTov h. v. 6.

jixe^or ab df ** hk lm no pq r. to^efh. v. 7. e^ w od . eyvooKrire

y . e\atoi> cy *. v. 8. o uios TOI» avOpwTTOv nai TOV cra/3-

jSctTou h. -<cat ab ed g k lm n o p q rs y . v. 9. +6 irjcrovs (post

€Kei9ev) q. TOOV lovSauov (pro avTwv) g. v. 10. +e/cet (post

jji/)dhqrsy. — Ttjvg. yeipavc. ewepwr^crav S.

aiv o . fin.+Kar (ante avrov) f*. v. 11. eo-rtu (pro

hy. e^ 6 ' c< *^*?s> 7r6cr'? f*y- +TOV (ante (ioOvvov) y. eis

fioQvvov TOIS <ra/3. y . avTov b*f* avrcoj (pro auro). v. 12 .

/maW ov (pro ovv) y. V. 13 . + T ( « e^ripa/nfievrji/ eyovn

(eyov d) Tjyv XelPa (P os^ uvQpunrw) dhs**. cow TJJI' yeipav

C. o-oi; TJ/I- X 6 t/° a y - aTreKaTearaOri b*cdgkop*qrsy. +>; '

yeip avTov (post aTre/caTecrT.) y. —vyiris y*. v. 14 .

eiroiriaav (pro e\a{3ov) y . - e^eX^oc re jy . avrwv (pro

avrov) h. V. 15 . -irjcrous g. rjKoXovGeiaav h. a-

7ravTa? lm n . V. 16 . ewertmriaev x . CH/TOW (p*"o auTots)y . (pavepwv b * . Troirjtrwaiv avrov J. v. 18. tipeTrjcra b *

flcpqx. r\peTiaap.r\v J. eirayyeXei s . v. 19 . epetcroi q.

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16 S. MATTH^EI CAP. XII. vv. 19— 41.

eprjaei y. aKovarj h y . TY\V (pwvtjv avrov ev Tais TrXareiatsO. v. 2 0 . -av x . eicfiaXei cy . e/c/3aXX»7 S. v. 2 1 . -ev

abcd fghk lm nop qr s xy . v . 22 . TOV Kw(pov KC U rvcpXovy;

KUI fiXeireiv Kai XaXeiv O. -Kai {ante XaXeiv) lmn y. v . 23 .

e^icrravTO $ e {-Kai) r. +o xpiaros {post ecmv) lmns**y.

v. 24. wcovovres o. —oJroyh. - r i j im n y . v . 25 . ea

bis aqr s y . secund, d. eai/Tois prim. p. ./m.• r a ip . v. 26 . -TOI/ S. eKfiaXei c . v. 27 . im'f. et c)e

eyu> (—/cat) y. eicfiaXw C . —oi b * . e/cySoXoycrt ch k q ry .

KpiTai eaovrai v/uwv y. v. 2 8. ev irviv/xaTi Oeov eyco

b cd fh k o p s. 6fC j8a\w C. v. 29 . init. ei {pro rj) S. eiaeX-

Bwv k . (jKevei q. aptraaai y . oixri ( p ro or)<xt]) C . oiapiraatj

a b cd h k lm n q rs apTracrei y {pro Stapwaaet). v. 30. zmf.

o 'yap /*>; y. cncopTriXr) y. V. 3 1 . /?n. au ro ts {pro rots ac-

dptoiroi's) g. v. 3 2 . eay (p ro av prim.) a b c d f h k lm n p q r x y .

ovre bis h . ev rw vvv aiwvi ( -T O U T M ) a b c d f g h k l m n o p q r

s xy . [xeXovri x. v. 33 . •yivoaKexe c. v. 34 . yewi/mara b .

^vvaaOai x . — T»/S KapcStas u . v. 3 5 . *m'f. o 'y0/0 ayaOos s.

ayaOws x . - TJ ;S KapSias abcdfghklmnopqrsxy. e«r /3a\e i

p ri m . c. - r a (awte a 7 a 0 a ) ab g hl m n op q rx y . e/c/3aX»?

secund. x . + T O (anie irovripa) c d k s . v. 3 6 . a7ro^a)<7wcr« q.

v . 3 7 . TOI/ Xo'yoi' prim. x . %iKaiu>Qr)crei y. Teoc X0701/

secund. x . _/?n. K.aTaKp&r\ar\ a b h . KaraKpiOrjaei y. v. 38 .

ypa/ufiaTaiwv S. TCOV (papicraioov KC U ypafi/uaTetov p . ypctfi-

Kai <papiaatoi {—rives) y . deXwuev f*. V. 39 .

o 5e) S**. iwi/a* c**. v. 4 0 . - 7 « |0 C . -

eyevero {pro rjv) y. +d Trpo<prjTt]<i {post iwvas) y .

adf** pqr s . v . 4 1 . vrjvevLTai h. o&= (pro

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S. MATTfLEI CAI-P. XII. v. 41—XIII. v. 16. 17

C. v. 42. ftacjiXXicraa. h. (ZacrtXeiocra y. -rwv g.bis ab**dfghklmnopqrs. CTOXOMOVOS b*c**.

croXw/uovos c*. wSe g h k l m {sic v. 41 ,pass im) , v. 4 3 . §iu c.

-TOTTWV y. v. 44. virocTTpe^w gqr. eXOwv a d h m * n * s y .

+Ka i {ante aeaapw/xevov) m s . —/cat KeKocr/nritxevov g. —Km

{ante zce/cocr/*.) y. v. 45. Xanfiavet m. aurou (pro eauToy

secund.) cy. -e/cet b. xeLP0Vy- Transfert d e a r a t ad

^ —/cai (an(e T>; yevea) y. v. 46. +ai»Toy (pos£

o-ot (pro ay-ao) u. ayroi/ (pro avrcf) XaXrjcrai) y.

v. 4 7 . e'(TT?yKacrt y. v. 48 . -eio-ii- y. v. 4 9 . -avrou prim. k.

v. 50. iroirjaei hy. -(Uou prim. p. aleX(prj nai aSeX0os b.

a$eX(poi {pro a$eX(pt]) s.

C A P U T X I I I . V . I. r a t s tifJiepais eiceivais S**. v.2. - TO

l m n . evj&avTa e. KaOicrai dos . KaKaOeiaOaij. aiyiaXovsy.

eicTTtiKei f. v. 3 . ev TrapafioXats iroXXa l m n . TOK cnretpat

d P * g l m n s y . ^M. +TOV ariropov avrov gs (-auTOV s).

V. 4. tw'f. /cat e7eeero ec T<J) (J7r. S. rfkdov p, eX0oi»Ta y

(pro rjXOe). irerriva d**. +TOU ovpavov {post TreTewa)

d p r y . -«at Jerf. y. v. 5. efypavOi {pro e£ai>€TetXe) c.

V. 7. aireirvri^av f*. V. 10. 4-ai/roy (pO5i fxaOrjrai) gqr.

et7ra)i' f *. v. 11. oeSore h*. SifSorat prim. y. ei> irapafio-

Xais (pro oy W O T O I ) l*y. V. 12. irepiaevOrjaeTai df*.

v. 13. auToi/s (pro avrots) C . XaXw auTOi? y. ">a /3Xe-

rwaiv y. V. 14. 7rXt]p(o9r]<TeTai sy. ai/a~

S**. -67T ab dfg hk lm no pq r . ev (pro e ir') C.

->/ secund. c. a«:oi/ff>;Te boy. avveire y. fiXe^r/re bcoyV. 15. eTreayvvOrj y. Tots ftxriv avrov p. eiotocri f. auviw-

aiv o*. eiriarpe^ovai b c d h o . taao/xai b c d h o q r s y . v. 16.


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18 S. M A T T H ^ I CAP. XIII. vv. 16—38.

Jin. aKovovtjiv cy. v. 17. —yap aqr. — TTOXXOI y. v. 19.- T » ? S jSao-iXems lu. epei (pro apiraXei) y. TOV (pro TO) a.

v. 20. Xafxftavei m*. v. 21. OVTO (pro eavrw) a. oui/

(pro $e secund.) y. v. 22. - C I KOVC OV g. -TOUTOW fo*.

aycnrr) (pro cnraTt)) y. v. 2 3 . eiri rr/v KaXrjv ytjv d. ets

(pro 67rt) g. -T>?I> secund. s*. $« s, 5e y (pro Sri). fin-

+o e^wv wra CLKOVBIV aKoverw y. V. 24. ojuLOiwOrj y.

oireipavri almny. KaXw y. v. 2 5 . init. ev Se TO y. o

e ^ o s avTov h. ^ ^ a v i a (sic vv. 26, 27, 29, 30, 36, 38,

40) y. v. 26. -t-cnrtjXdev (ante efiXcurrriaev) y. v. 2 7 . -$e

d. ov (pro ov^i) s. ecrireipes os. — dip bs. aypw aov y.

- T O abcdfg lm* *nopq r s uy . v . 28 . TOVTW y**. 0eX)jsb*.

(ruXXe^o/xev a b * * d h k l m n q r s . avva^ofxev y. e(f>et q. -au-

TO«S g. v. 29. ei7rei/ (pro e(prj) o. oy h. v. 30. +ovv

(post acpere) hqr. avvau^aveaOe k*s. av^aveaQai cy.

-TOW u (sic). -T<j) (ctn^e Kcupy) abcdfghk lmnopqr s y .

Sea/xa {**. <$eafjiov$ 1. eis TO KO.V<TCU y. fin. -/xov C*. v.

3 1 . ecrTt y. crtvaTreo? g. efiaXev (pro earTreipev) y. —Tiog.

v. 32. fxiKpov b*. au^r/vOr) y. /uet^wi' fs. +7rai/Tft)i/ (post

H«^oi/) adlmnopqrs**. irertjva d**. v. 33. +o inaovs

Xeywv (post auTot?) sy (—Xe'yaji/ s), a< +Xe'ywi' tantumh.

xpv^ev a d * f g h l m n o q r s . avXevpov O. aXevpov S.

y. v. 34. TOIS O^XOJS ev TrapafioXaisC. —irapa.-

/3oXais TOIS oj^Xots «at XwP iSP*

1— p* *

pts y. oi/oVi; (pro oy/c) y. eXaX>; y*. v. 35. Ketcpvixeva y.

v. 36. BI/TOI; (pro 6 irjaovs) y. TrpoaeXOovres C (prima

manu?) - a y r w q*? - a y T o y y . v. 3 7 . aireipov f*. V. 38.

y. —o\ bis g. — TJJS (BaaiXeias usque ad vloi p*.

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S. MATTILEI CAPP. XIII. v. 38—XIV. v. 9. J 9

-o\ secund. p* *. v . 39 . -§e u. +»J (ante avvTeXeia) g s y .<ruvTe\ta y . KO(T().OV (pro aiwvos eaTiv) c. fin. etct y.

v. 40. KaieTcu a b d f g h k l m n o p q r s . neeTcu y. -TOVTOV h*u .

v . 41 . avWe^ovcri y. v. 42. fiaXXovaiv y . - o secund. g .

v. 43. —o cp. TWI' ovpavwv (pro TOV nctTpos avrwv) y .

v. 44 . 6fxoiw9t] (pro ofioia eanv) y. — TOD dh lm nu . v . 46 .

fxapyaprirriv x. v. 47 . fi\r)9t)(rr) b * . fi\t)Qti(rei sx . / 3 \ J ^

Orjaa y . OaXaaav x . avvayovat] b . avvayovcxa C . V. 4 8 .

avafirif5a(javTe<s x . +avTt)v (post avafiifiaa.) S. 67rt TWK x .

al'y'ctXo!' y. KaBriaavTes x y . ffi/reXX e^ay g. 6Xe7^ac y .

0771a y . eftaWov q r . e^e/3aXof y . v. 49 . eo-re y . +/cai

(post ecrrai) S. fiaaiXeiu (pro crvvTekeia.) S. +TOUTOII (posJ

q. v. 50 . o&oi'rtoi' x . v. 51. +01/1; (^osi Xeyei) s.

rau T a O. v. 52 . e/cj3aX>; c. TraXea x. v. 54.

eX6ov x . eKTrXrjcyaeaOai b f * * h k o . eKirXricreaOai C. — rat

\e7eiv S*. -OI!T>/ C . v. 55 . on^>; (pro»ov^i ri) C. — »j s*.

fxapia h y . — avrov secund. y . ttu<7»; S, iwarffp y , iwavvr)<s

be fhko (p ro JOXTJJS-). V. 56. Trap' ^ J V d. eTcrii/ p . 7rai»Ta

TauTa b cf k os . v. 57 . ei/u b* y. t^ta -narpi^i (pro ira-

rpioi avTov) U . v. 58 . airiaTetav y .

C A P U T XIV- V. 1. imtf. +/cai O. -r/pw$r)$y. -rerpa-

X*?s y- v < 2 . — ey g s . v . 3 . KpaTiaas y. eOr/Kev CLVTOV

(pro edero) c. v. 4. - o bf. v. 5. e(po/3eiTO a lmn.

k. v. 6. yevo/J-ei'tuv (pro ayoixevwv) C. opyiaaTo y .

(anie T>JS qpwStaSo's) d. v. 7. utfxoXoyriaai p ,

y (pro wixoXo yrjcev). oovvai avrtjep. avrr\ay\re q.

y. V. 8. TrpofiificujOrjGa y. ftj^e k. TTIVUKOS d.

v. 9. eXvTriOr] e*. optcov^ h . avaKei/xevovs y. eKeXevtrai y.

2 — 2

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20 S. MATTKLEI CAP. XIV. vv. 10—36.

v. 10. cnreKe<pa\ri<7e b*e f* m* py . v . 12 . Deest in h .+avTov (post (Ttofia) d y . cOa/i^av y. v. 1 3 . — 6 irjcrovs e.

ave^wpiaev y . — ev TTXOIW m *. +ra> {ante 7rXot(p) S. — TO-

TTOV y . KdTiSiav k lo y . ire^ot s. v. 14 . t^ev ey . TTOXXVV X .

ecrTrXa^ytcj^j; e. evcnrka'yvicrQri x . ETT ai/rots a b cd ef g hk

m no xy . v . 15 . rjSet y . aTreX^wi'Tes x . — efs r a s KWfias

C *? aywpaawcriv b . v. 16 . %piav X. oaixe y. v. 17 .e%wnev a h x . ej,ut y- i^^o ias e. v. 1 8 . (peperai h. v. 19.

im'<. —/cat g . e/ceXefcrei' y . avaKXrjOrjvai b e k * x , avcnre-

aeiv y* , ai/a7recrai y ** (p ro ai'a/c \i#.). CTTI TOI; -^oprov O.

-KCM (aw«e Xafiwv) a b d e f g h k l m n o p q r x . -rovs (ante $vo)

y. — TOJS tiadijTcus y. v. 20 . TOW ivepicrevovTwv {nepta-

aevuwTwv y) K\aafxa.Tu>v cy. irXriprf's q y . V. 2 1 . 7rei>Ta-icewr^iXtot x . v. 2 2 . rjveyKeaev ysemel. rjvayKaae k.

— o ir/Govs c*k. TOI/S fuxdtjTas 6 tj/erovs f. —avrov bcfghk

oruxsemeZ ysemel.- —TO prim. s. —auToi' ysemel. <W -

o-ov xsemel. av {pro ou) qr. airoXi/cret i*x.sem.ysem.

v. 23. /caTtotai' dekl. Ti-pocrev^aaOe e. v. 24 . -JJ^IJ o*.

fia.aavriXoii.evov x . V. 2 5 . —o tqerovs c h k . ew T ^ OaXacrar) C .

V. 26 . +a yr oi ; (posJ fxaOtjrai) p . e(pavraaft.a y. v. 27.

<pofiri<j0e qr x . v . 28 . —avrco c l m n y . — o p * . /UOJ (pro

^ue) s. irpoae C. v. 29 . KdTafii C . +K«J (aw£e Trepiewa-

Trjaev) C . avrov {pro TOV trjaovv) y. v. 30. eicp&uya^e e.

v. 3 1 . «mV. +« aj Im n. - ^ e d lm n . etirei/ ( p ro Xe7e<) y.

V. 32 . -avTwv q. 6?rt TO 7rXotoc qr* . v. 3 3 . TrpocreKv-

vt]ae g teste Traheron . v. 34. yevr}crapeT a b m n s x . 'yf»'-

vt)<rape& e fh o p . v. 3 5 . eTrfyvwvTes y . Traaav {pro oX

h . 7rpo<jt}veicav C . v. 36 . +/cac (aw^e /uovov) Im n . a

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S. MATTHJEI C A P P . XIV. v. 36—XV. v. 25. 21

e h , a^rovrai y (pro d\|/a>i>Tcu). o% (pro ocroi) C. +av

(post oaoi) va. ri^ravro a. ecrwOrjarav ack.

C A P U T XV. v. 1. -oi acy. +TWV (ante 'tepoaoXv^wv)

y. v. 2. KapaSwaiv e p * . vnrTwvrai cp*r . rats xepeiv hu.

+TOV (ante aprov) d e p . eoOtovaiv y. v. 3 . otfjus C . irapa-

fieveTat C. irapafieveTey. TrapaSwaw b*cf*. V. 4. -crow

a b c d f h k l m n o q r s . v. 5. ecu- (p ro OK) b o . enreiy. +avTou(post warpL et /urjTpi) y. -eav b*. w(pe\i9ris b * . w(pe\t]-

e . o(pe\rjdei h? o<pe\ei9eis y. — x>; y. Tifirjaei b*oy .

prz 'm. c. secund. I m n y . v. 6. rjKfjpcocraTe r. /cu^oco-

craTe y. irapaSoxriv b*. v. 7. eTrpofprjTevcre a. jjcra'tos'

7re^i£ y/ia)i/ e. v. 8. eyyify o*? +ev (ante ™ aro/xaTi) a.

TO G TOfXaTl b*f. V. 9. (7e/3oi/T6 y. V. 11. +CIKTOU (/>0S<

q- /coi/et (pro KOIVOI secund.) y. v. 13 . (pvria e.

b * . v. 14. o^qyoi (pro oSrjyoi) C. oSiytj

e, oorjyei qy (/>ro ootfyrj). e/xireaovvTai Imny. v. 15.

—o f. v. 16. +ai / ra> (pos^ enrev) C. V. 17- oi)7r(o h.

^O|oet y. a<pej3pwva. C. a<pe$pova e. eKTropeverat (pro e/f-

/3a \X era t )y . V. 18 . -SeJ. e^ep-^ovrai gky. /cat e/cejra h.

V. 19. Xoyia/noi (pro dia\.) g. fioiy^iai (povoi y. /c\a)7rai f.

— /c\o7raiC . — (5\ao-(prifxicu d. V. 20. — TO 5e aw7TTois a^

,/m. wers. p. -^epaiv eadieiv (pro (payeiv) f. /cotcet y.

v . 21 . o irjaovs eK€i9ev q. —eneiQev ck. —o i^o-ofs e. aye-

•)(u>pto-ev y. v. 22. opeiwv y. v. 23. Deest in p. auriys

(p ro avTrj) ysemel. \oya> y. irpoaeXdowrai's ~s.semel,

irpoaeXOwvres semel. ijpwrov fx. jjpwToc eq. rjpwTovv

aura) y. v. 24. +oVt (anie ov/c) y. v. 25. a7re\0oi;cro bo.

TrpoaeXOovffa g. e^eXdovaa ysemel. trpocreKvvriaev a b c d f

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22 s. MATTILEI CAJ>P. XV. v. 25—XVI. v. 6.

g h k l m n o p s x y . fioqOr) ef*sxsemel. v. 26. ov KaXov eanc d k p . v. 27 . et7re al m n s. +vTroKaTto TT/S rpcnrefys (post

Kwapia) jsemel. eaQiovcnv ysem. ^v^iwv p * . irai^iwv

(pro irnrrovTmv) ysem. v. 28. 9e\tjs C . v. 29 . - o i?/-

"croi/s U. v. 30 . ne6 eaurovs y . Kaxpovs Tv<p\ovs ^ttiXoys y .

icw(f)ovs Tu(p\ovs e. +«-a« (a nte Tu<p\ou$) C . —Kui(povs c.

— /cat erepovs TTOXXOI/J g. ai/rou (^»ro TOW it](rov)y. V. 3 1 .Voi/ o^Xoi; y . — KI/XXOKS icytets y . vy»?s e. +/cat (awie

2£a>Xou?) y . e^o^a^oi/ d lm n p y . v. 32 . irpoerKaXeaa/xevos ce

o irjaous e. enrev avrois d e p . C TrXaYw^oMe X. +TOVTOV

(post oy\ov) C . Tpeis finepas p . tj/xepcu e. rjfxepai bcfgh

k o s x . Trapafxevovai S. e tocrtf. vrjUTis lmny . v . 33 . + T J ;

(cmie eptiixia) r* . apri'p. v. 34. - o i^aouse. tyOvo^ia p .

v. 35. TOW o^Xoi/s c. avcrneaiv x . v. 36 . — e7rra au: +^i/o

(ante lypvas) k . eSoKev u . ro ts o^Xoiy cy . v. 3 7 . •jre/Jt-

aevov f*. TOW irepiffeuaavTiov /cXacrjuaTwi; C. •7r7\.r)pt]S S.

v. 38 . tjicrav d. avopes TeTp aKia^iXioi C . ^Wjoets x . v. 3 9 .

avefirj b ed e g k o p sx . o^oia fs. O OJ; g . fiay^akav p .

C A P U T X V I . v . 1 . eKQovTes s*. -o< y . +oJ (crnte

cra^doi/Katoi) O. eiripaoTricrav e*. rjpcaTrjaav y. vv. 2, 3 .

Desun t omnia post enrev avrots in ck . -awTois y. Xe7e-

Tat p . •n-t/pa^et (sic V. 3) g h y . —yap b . v. 3 . Trpwias

dfgqr s . itvppcXr) f*. — y7ro/f|OiTatb. -/xevg. <jr)fieiov (pro

irpoawTTov) e. yivwaKC Tai e, oidaTe f, (p ro yivwaKere).

^vvaaQai e, avviere hos , (pro SvvaaOe). fin. +yvu)vai q r .

v. 4. JJ/^JJ C, et/uj y (pro et fj.rj). —«at (ante /caTaXiTnov) y.

KaTaXenrwv e. a7reX0ef U . v. 5 . — avTov y. Xajieiv ap-

TOVS e. v. 6. — avroK ysemel. —KM aa^ovKaiwv ysemel.

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S. MATTILEI CAPI \ XVI. v. 8—XVII. v. 2.

v. 8. — avroK a (et7re) ey . v. 9. oviroa f. v. 10.Xiwvk.*. 7rotroi/s C. acpvpiSasp. v. 11 . ovv {pro ovprim.)

c. awiere {pro voeire) h . — ov secund. p * . apTcov a d e p y .

+Trpoae^eTe 5e {post irpoaeyeiv) a d p . + aXX' y, +a\\a e,

{post -rrpoire^eiv). aaooovKaicov tcai (papiaaiwv g. V. 12 .

eiirev CLUTOIS d. irpoaeyei p . TOID apTwv y. aXa c*. aXXa

a b d e h k l m n p q r , v . 1 3 . Kaiaappias c. Kattiapias 1.

v. 14 . jJXtav f k x y . v. 1 5. Xeyerai c. v. 17 . ere (p ro

aoi) c . aX \a g? — TOIS y . v. 1 8. cm {pro <JOI) x. v. 19.

/cXets Tas e . tu (p ro o) 6is k . SqaeK y . Xucreis y . v. 20 .

ei7rwcrt y. eaTi y . - i ^aoy? abeg h lm n. -6 p y . v. 2 1 . ee?

'lepoaoXv/ma aire\0eivy. irapa {pro airo secund.) p . —wpe-

of&VTepwv KOU y. ypctfXfxaTaiwv S*y. avacrTqvai {pro eyep-

Orjvai) p y . v. 22 . ai/Tto eiririfiav ay . «Xeos e . iXecus fk .

yevoiTcti TovToi {pro euTai crot TOVTO) y. v. 23 . eiriaTpa-

(pevs d e p . + o r t (aw£e cr/cai/oaXoi') p . v. 24. —o ir/novs uy .

Xe^ei (pro ei7re) g. JJTJS y. a/coXoii^eje {pro e\6eiv) y.

-avrov secund. ysemel. aKoXovOriTio egy . v. 25 . OeXeiy.

airoXean {pro -« ) q r . aTroXeerei (p ro -»?) b* ef *y. v. 26 .

o<peXridticreTa.i y. o r ' w (p ro eav) y . Kepctjcrei y . fy/midoOri

r. aTToXearei {pro Xrnxiwdri) y. acTaXa^/ia b*cef*. v. 27.

e/caa-Tov C. KaTr/v d. r a ep 'y a P*» T>/1' Ta£,

iv y {pro rrjv

irpa^w). -avTov tert. q. v. 28 . +Se qr, +-ya|0 s {post

afxrjv). Tives woe e<rrtt)Tes b fg h k lm n o . TJi/ey TWD woe

6<TTWT6J cr . earwrcop sy. a!^e bc gh kl m nr . yevcrovrat y.

oo^»; TOI/ iraTjOos {pro fiacnXeiq) y.

C A P U T XVII . v . 1 . e i s opovs p . KariStav ah . KWTY\-

Siav x. v. 2. ai/Tov (pro avrwi') p. eyevovro c f h o p q r u y .

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2 4 S. MATTHJSI CA P . XVI I . vv. 3—24.

v. 3. w(j)9r) avrw y. fxwiiarjs d h q ru y . jjXia? fk py . V. 4.

—6 g. —Kvpie S. wSe bis h alii, irottjcrofiev r. /uwcret adf

hlmnpqrx. jJXtct fk. tj\ia fitav c. KC U q\ia fxiav KOI

ixiav y. v. 5. init. +Kai y. +5e ( os< erj) ds.

y, (ptiiTO<s u (^ro (pwTeivrj). —Xeyovaa y. —euTiv

g. dyaros {pro wyairrfTO's) x. tjvSoKtjaa f. evSoKiaa x.

rjooKtiaa y. v. 6. eirecrwv x. v. 7. rf^ruTo a. eyepOrj-Toi x. (poftrjude qr. v. 9. KarafiamovTov p. KaTafiat-

V W V T W V x. 6/c (pro OTTO) abcdfgh*klmnopqrsuxy. - o

trjcrovs C. — Ae"ya>v g* . ewaaov x. avaffTei O. v. 9. entjpw-

y. OTJ (p ro owi/) y. jJXmi' fk py . v. 11. — JJJCTOI/S y.

(sic v. 12) kpy. -Trpwrovj. v. 12. +/cat (pos«

ort) dk. j;5e y. eyvwcrav df*. aXXa a. ev oy. wcra f.

OWT(OS du alii. v. 14. avdpwiros rts TrpoarjXOe TW trjarov

{initio peric.) x. TW t^a-ou (pro OVTIO prim.) f**g. + T J S

(pos< avOpwTros) fgjsernel. yowireTov x. avrov {pro

a.vTtt) secund.) a b c d f g k l m n o p q r s x y . v. 1 5 . -KM {post

Trvp) e. v. 16. TrpoariveyKaf jsemel. e$vur)9r]Gai> y.

v. 17. im't Tore o trjcrovs cnroKpiQets {—Se) jsemel. cnn-

are g, Trovrjpa ysem. {pro CLTTIGTOS)- ecro/xe b * . fin. <pe-

pere C I V T O V irpos M e (—tooe) x. v. 18 . ia9rj {pro eOepa-

TrevOrf) Iran. v. 19 . KariSiav a h k . +avTw {post enrov) b d .

etcfSaXXeiv e. eic(ia.\t]v OVTW x. v. 20. airiareiav e.

6V6T6 g. e^etTe x. vairews f*. neTafirjOrix. fin. r\fxiv y.

v. 21 . eKTropeveTe x, etairopeverai y, e^ep-^erai pu (pro

eKwopeverai). V. 2 3 . avaarricrerai {pro eyepdriaeTai) f.

—Ktu eKvirrfiriffav <r(poopa f. v. 24. owpayiia bis dehps

xy. Xct/u/iWcoi'Tc? x. +ai/Tw (pos£ 617701*) S. etTrec y.

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S. MATTH^EI CAPP. XVII. v. 25— XV III. v. 15. 25

v. 25. eta-rjkQov I m n p s . avrovs (pro avrov) p . SCOKSI x .Te\ei e. v. 26. - o i gp xy . v. 27. aKavSaXtia-co/uev x .

— TTJI' a b d e k o p . ai>aj3cuvovTa a b d f g h k p q r x y . avafievovTa

C . evpt]ai]s cy .

C A P U T X V I I I . v . 1 . +avT<t> (post Xeyovres) x. juet-

^oy h. /u»;^'a)i' x . Transfert s eari ac? fin. vers. v. 2.

—o trjcrous S*y. earijvev d. ODTW ex . v. 3. arpa(peiTe y

*em. ai eTVKjTpafprjre semel. yevtjcrQai x . v. 4. ra7reti'a)-

<r« ab ed ef g h k lm n o q rs x y . eauTfui/ f *. avTov ysem. eari

(—o) ysem. eiri TO b . v. 5 . a«< (pro eav) y . Se^rjTe m .

—ev a c * * o . 6i/ 7ratoto»' TOIOVTOV y . v . 6 . cr/caydaXtcGt y .

KavcaXiar/i d * . Kpe/xacrdei \i6os /xvkiicos Trepi y . Trept p y ,

et? ab cd e fg k lm n o rs u (p ro 67rt). KaTaTroi'Ttcr^et y . v. 7.

+ ^e (posf ovai) S. —ecrTti/ y . -eveivcp y. TO cr/ca^aXa

(pro TO GKctvciaXov) d g . - T O crKar^aXoi' e* (habet marg.).

v. 8. imV. i) (pro ei) sy . <TKav$a\i(ni b*. crKavSaXify qrsy .

6ts TJJI/ ^ii)>jc eia-eX^eti/ e . ^itoiji' eicre\9eiv (sic) u . eXOeiv

•g*p . ^ oXoc y . KVWOV r/ xwXov f . -5vo secund. d g . v . 9 .

— d y . G KcivciaXify sy . v . 1 0 . + /r ai (aw^e yu?;) y s e m e l . /ca-

Ta(ppovr]G6T6 f. oia7rai'Toy a. ciairavTO's ev TOJS ovpavois

ysem. —irpoanoTrov TOV y*. +TOI? (ante ovpavois) x .

v . 11 . +^t]Trjaai nai (ante aoocrai) q r. vv. 12 , 1 3 . eeew;-

KovTaevvea a b d g h k l m n q r s x . evevtjKovra ewea efpy. ei/e-

viKovTa ewea C. v. 12 . +$e (post TI) q. a(pr]$y. em T «

o/jei r . •n-Xai'OMei'oi' y . v . 1 3 . +XaPa(ante X a ' l ° 6 £ ) ^* 67r *

anTo dfgy . v. 14 . —efiwpoaOev usque ad ovpavois e. /now(pro iJjuttov) cfpxy. \v g . airwXtjTai dfqrs. aTroXXvTat y.

V. 15. aixapTYiaei b y . afxaprrjaei e. dfiapTt] hlmns. —/cat

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26 S. MATTtLEI CAP. XV11I. w. 15—34.

prim. mnsu. +KCU {post fxovov) b. v. 16. aeavTov {pro

aov) de. - e n sy. GraOrjcreTai y v. 17. TY\ eKKXycna

{pro Tqs e/c/cXj/crias) cky {ei<\t)cna c). irapaKovaei secund. e.

e6vr]Ko$ x. eOvtjKos ef**m*y. v. 18. +ort {ante ocra

prim.) qr. av {pro eav prim.) fg. ^varjTe y. —TM prim.

n*. TOIS ovpavois {pro TM ovpavw secund.) y. v. 19.

+anr)v {post TTOXIV) abcdefghklmnopqrsxy. - o n x. -<Wysemel. av/ncpwvria-ouaiv e% v/mwv y. —ufxoovg*. aiTtjuov

rat chysem. aiTiaovrai ysem. atTtjcroovTe x. yevrjaeTe

x. v. 20. OTTOV {pro ov) qy. r\tu {pro ei/xi) x. v. 21.

et7rei/ avTcoi h. —Kvpie e. +eai» (ante afj-aprrjuei) e. d/uap-

Tr/aot o. diLapTr\<jf] qs. v. 22. efiSofxiKOVTaicis b*. v. 23.

6fxouo9tf b*ey. —avdpanrw C*. —os y. t'lOeXrjcrev avvape x.

v. 25. +rt {ante airo&ovpai) y. — avTou secund. y. ai/roy

auroi/ secund.) c. v. 26. 7rearoi' x. 5e (fjro oi/y) y.

(posi ^oi/Xos) e**. —Kvpie y. aTro ocraj e. v. 27.

t s X-oaviov x. avTov {pro avTw)li. V. 28.

evpev eua) y. a>y (joro os) p. otvapia y. /c oa-

y. -fxoi y. « rt ( »ro 6,TI) abcdefghklmnopqrsx

(OTJ y). o0ej\j;sb*. w<pei\€is f*xy. v. 29 . — eis TOUS 7roSas

avTov gl*. —ivavra abedghklmnoqrsux. <7ot aTro tocrw

efpy. v. 30. e9e\ev b*. a\Xa abcdef**hklmnopqrx.

avro {pro avrov) u. + T ^ V (awfe (pvXaKtjv) qry. v. 31.

-ai/rov py. yivofieva bis x. eavrwv {pro avrwv) adef hkl

mnoqrsx. aTravrah. +Tavra{anteTravTa)y. \. 32. init.

TrpouKaXeaafxevo^ oe (—TOTE) ep. — avrov e. t oy irovripe

covXey. Tracra p. o(pei\eivb. ae {pro aoi) e. v. 33. —/cat

prim.n*. secund. y. Kaywf. v. 34. eaxroi/n. -Trap y.

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S.- MATTH^KI CAI 'P . XVI I I . v. 3 5 — X I X . v. 16. 27

v. 35. ovrws d alii, OVTWS eu. rjfxwv (pro /mov) u. 6 ovpa-vios ceg* . —Troirjaei v/uiv y. a<pecre y. avrwv (pro av-

TOV) b*?

C A P U T XIX. v. I. avveTeXeaev u. + T ^ S (ante ya\i-

Xaia<f) a c d e f h k m n o p q r y . 6pta f. v. 2. edepawevev p*.

—e/cei C. v. 3. oi (papHjatoi TU> irjcrov (pro avTu>) e. — oi

y . avToi(pro

avrov) x. -aurwsecund.

a d e p u x y .-av-

Qpunrm f. avOpwTrov C. a/xapnav (pro aiTiav) u. v. 4.

a e f h k o . appev ko. aptre qr. v. 5. eveice y.

i e. +CLVTOV (post iraTepa) b h l m n q x , (post

a) b y . Ko\\T}9r]<jeTai b f h k o . Ko\\t)9r]<jeTe e x . irpos

yvvaiKa elmn. — avrov e. v. 6. +ovv (post ware) y.

OV K en k. — etui y. ^opt^exft) y. V. 7. fxwvorjs g. V. 8.

- o n /UOKTJJS y. jutuucr^s ehp. dm (pro 7T|Oos) y. anapyrj's

be fh ko . oyTw? dlm nq u. OI/TOS ex. v. 9. caroXvaei y.

- e i abcde fg ' hk lmnopqr s xy . iropviav x. yamrjvei efsy.

—/cat o cnrdXeXviuevrjv ad fin. vers. s*. yapoov (pro ya-

fijjcras) ey. v. 10. OUTOS e. avSpos (pro avOpuoirov) y.

+ avTov (post yvvatKos) p. v. 11. +i>;a'oi/s (j>05^ 5e) de.

y. —TOVTOV y. SeScoTat x. v. 12. eyevtjOrjaav f.

d lmnu . — KCU etcrty usque ad avOpunroov f* (margo

habet bis repet.). ortyes feri. p*. ^ia T>;I' fiacriKeiav rwv

ovpavwv evvovyiaav eavrows g. evvovy^rjaav bko, eyvoii^t-

adr\aav y (pro evvovyifav). yppeiv yopeiTW y. v. 13.

eiriQei S. eiriQet eir avrois ras X 6 IJ ° a sy*

Vl-"- ""Z50?

/ i a i h. —c\deiv Trpos fie y. V. 15. ray Xel

Pai 67r a t / T a

( p r o a v r o t s ) qr. — x a y d. eTropev9r)<rav u. v. 16., im 't. TK>

e/ceti/w S** (marg.). veavicncos (veavurnov &**) TIS

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S. MATTELEI CAPP. XX . v. 10—XXI. v. I. 29

ra t e. v. 1 1 . -XeYoi'Tee b . v. 12 . tj^wv {pro jfj.iv) y.Kavaova b . Kavawva', g . Kaiaa!va?v. v. 13. fj.e {pro /mot) y.

V. 14. 9e\u> oovvai TOVTW TW eayaroj { — ce) y. TOVTO TOJ

b. v. 1 5. ei {pro rj secund.) a b d f g h k l m n p q r s y . fin. ei nrj x.

V. 16. - ec r^a ro t secund. y*. v. 17. +avTov {ante fiaQr)-

Tas) y. KaTiciav k. v. 18 . irapaowOriaerai f*. +TOIS

{ante ypanfiaTevai) e. ypa/ifiareii b . avroo {pro avTov) y.v. 19. fiaaTriyooo-ai e. v. 2 1 . — airrjj k. 6e\rjs c. nadij-

(TUXTIV y. —ovo y. e^evovvixcov b . e^evwvvfiwv cefghlmnpy.

+oov {post evww[iwv) abcd efghk lmn opq rsy . v . 22 .

mew {pro iriveiv) p s . rj {pro icai) abce fhk lmnoqr s y .

v. 23. -am m *. e^evwvv/xwv dfgy. -fxov tert. adfg .

+ TOVTO {ante covvai) h . irapa {pro inro) s. —VTTO TOU

/JLOV y. v. 24. anovaOavTes y. r)p<~ai/To ayavaK-

d. v. 25 . coKovvTes ap-^eiv {pro ap-^ovrei) d. /cctTa-

Kvpieovmv y. +avTw v {post fieyaXoi) eq . v. 26 . — $e

bcgky . - ey prim. m n . OJ? eay SeXei q. -fieyasg*. earai

{pro eoTw) abcde f*ghk lmn oqry . v . 27 . -eav eg. eo-xat

(^>ro eo-Tw) ad e fg lm n q y . v. 29 . eKTropevo/uevw UVTID n?

eKTropevo/x€Vov avTov {TOV iqcrov x) q*rx. 'iepi%a> a d f h k l

qrs. qKoXouQrjGev f. rjKo\ov9rjaav p . TTOAOIS X. V. 3 0 .

nie q*r. cavio O? V . 3 1 . eTreTtjuwv a. aioitio~w<yiv b . cr»/o-

"irio-waiv x. juej^oji' b fx y. — Xe-yoi'Tes y . nie dfx y. v. 3 2 .

—«:at {sic) U . ai/Tots (p ro auroys) cf. 0 e\ eT aj f* x . V. 3 3 .

u/uoji' {pro rjfiwv) ces . v. 34 . o-irXayvqaOeis x. —avrwu ot

o(p9a\/ui.oi a. ^w. —avrw y .

C A P U T X X I . v . 1 . tjyyiaev bkx. -f-o ir/arovs {post

t/yy.) k**x . j j\#ei/ bo x. j3rj9o-<payr)v ao** . ($r)9(payriv O*.

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30 S. MATTILEI CAP. XXI. vv. 1—21.

tj bdfghlmnpqrsy . e js (pro Trpo<s) g.6 itjaous p . — 6 cko. -6 itjaovs b**q** . fin. +avrov y .

v. 2. virayeTe (pro TropevdrjTe) y. KarevavTi S. — euOews

p s . evpricreTai e. euprjaeire x. ei/piat/re y. iroXov X.

v. 3. —enrri q. +/ccu (a nie ev9eoos) m *. aTrocrTeXXet a b e d

ef h k lm n o p q rs x y (a7roo-TeXei g) . v. 4. IJTTO (pro Sia) p .

v. 5. fiacriXev arov x. 67n(3e(it]Kos X. i/icoi; f. V. 6. — Kai h.V. 7. —/cat eTreKaOtcrav eiravw avrwv CS. eKaOiaev&eg. eire-

KaQrjaev bfkxy. e7re/ca#«7ei/dhlmnoqrs**. eireKaOiaaev ?p .

v. 8. ecrrpoaav x. avrwv (pro eavTwv) b l m n q * * . earpwvoi-

wfX. —ev secund. c. v. 9. o'i Trpoayo vTes oe (—ot o^Xoi)

h . (Jo'ai/i/a 6zs e. wcrdvva bis Impq sy. v. 10. eXOovros b .

eiaeXOovTes p * . eaiaOtj e. v. 1 1 . —Ltjcrovs y. va^a^oeT abcdfgklmnpqry. v. 12. - o bcko. KoXvftiaTwv ehks. KO-

crrpe'^/e d*. v. 1 3. ewoirjaare avTov u . eTtoirjcraTat p * .

v. 14. ^tuXoi KC " TvcpXoi abcd e fghk lmn opq r s y . v . 15 .

(sic v. 23) e. — oi secund. e. oi ypannaTeis Kai

y . — TOI/S y . /ca< X cyof^as ei> xtu le oiu y .

(offaVva e. maavva Impqsy. qyavanTiaav y. v. 16 . — avT<p

k . +OVK (ante afcouets) hpy. Transfert e i/ai in locum

ante aicovei<s. — irjaovsy. enrev (pro Xeyei) f *o sy . - o n a .

0>jXa<^«)i'Tft)i' X. KarrjpTriaw f *xy. v. 17 . KaraXenrwv b x .

— a y /BrjOaviav y. V. 18 . 7iy)un x. H-'yevo/u.ei'Jjs (posi $e) C .

e7T< (joro et?) d. ewivaaeu x. v. 19 . (pvXa x. ew ey (^?ro

y. e<*ov (pro e/c troy) b . v. 20 . i$oi>Tais x. v. 2 1 .

cjsem. ej^eire x. +<os KOKKOV aiva7re<ws (post TTI-

e. oiaKptOrjTai x. ciaicpi9eiTe ysem. TroitiaeiTe b .

y . Tvoiriaire X. /cat (j)ro /cai») c. TO opei b. TOVTO

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S. MATTILEI CAP. XX I. vv. 21—38. 31

b x y . yeutiarirai y. v. 22 . eav {pro av) b e h k l m n o x y .aiTriar/crOe p . TricTTevovTais x. v. 2 3 . eiy TW X. — TOV

Xaov y . +enre fifiiv {post XeyovTes) y. -rt aoi eoionev f*.

O60WK6 qr. v. 24. eTrepwTr]o~co pqr . epwTtirio y. era Xoyov

es . Kcu{pro ov)y. e^ovatj. V. 2 5 . e£ ovpavov r\v {—iroOev)

ysemel. eXoyi^ovro c. ev (^>ro 7rajo) jsem. enrofiev by .

—ritxiv x . i!joui> de f. — ow a . v . 2 6 . — Se k . enronev b x y

se m . v. 2 7 . etTroi ' TCD I^CTOK a . -VKai {post e<prf) e . o

( p r o «a i ay r os ) s . vfitv Xeyoo a e g . TTOIO-V d . v . 2 8 .

(posf av9pwwo%) Imnqr s y . eayev {pro ei^e) f. ai-

fiepov x. /in. —fiov egysemel. v. 30. erepw e, eTepw ac

dfgklmnqrxysem. (jpro SevTepw). waavTcos fko. cycrai/Tos

x. v. 3 1 . + o w (posf TJJ) jsem. +avrov b?o, +ai/TO)»' b?

ysem. {post -n-aTpos). irpoTo<s x. —oTi y . TOW ovpavwv

{pro TOV deov) ysem. v. 32. -Trpoi J^as s*. +o (anie

i<uavvr)i) kx. eTrttrTevcraTaf x. CLVTUSV {pro avrcp prim.) p .

auapTuikoL {pro cu iropvm) e. e {pro al) x. —V/XSK &e ad

Jin. vers. x. v. 3 3 . -TIS c g k o u . opv^ev x. Xwov xysem.

oKooofMticre xsem. e^ectoTo xsem.ysem. v. 34. ijyytjcrev

ysem. qyyrjcrev xseni. Kepos xsem. aTrearrjXev xsem.

avrwv {pro avTov) s. v. 35 . eoripav elvinnqrxsem.ysem.

fiev {pro Se prim.) ysem. cnrenTtjvav xsem. e\tdo0o\iaav

ysemel. v. 36. +Se {post TTOXIV) U . cnreanXev xsemel.

—covXovs ysem. eiroirjcrev p . woavroos f h k . waavTO's x.

v. 37. airea-TiXev xsem. — Xeywv ad Jin. vers. xsem.

evTponrrjGwvTai q. evTpaincTovTai xsem. v. 38.xsem. OUTWS xsem . aTroKTeti/OjU ei/ gysem.

xsemel, at airoKTrivwfxev sem. Karaayoixev xysem.

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32 S. MATTILEI C A P P . XXI. v. 38—XXII. v. 19.

poy.iav xsem. v. 39. Totus hie versus sic est apud y:

Kat e/cpaXoi/res avTov e^w TOV a/xTreXwro? aireKTeivav.

air€KTr]vav xsem. v. 40. OTCXV b. Troitjarj r. Troieiat} x

sent. v. 4 1 . Xeyovai p*. eK^toaerai c d e f g h k l * m n o p q r s

xysem. cnrolooao vei (-avT<p) ysem. icepots x. v. 42.

<nre$a}Kiiuaaai> e. ajre^o/c^acrac X. eyevvqOr] aexsem.

yoveias f*. yovuxi ra.*xysem. /cat ea-r^ cops. ^m. i//xa)i> 1.v. 43. TOVTW f*. —or: y. apQrjcreTe x. /3aat]\eia x. edvr)

b e n p * x y . -KapTrovsy*. v. 44. imi. -KM e. crwtfAaa--

QriaeTe e. — 5' b. — ' ai/ d*. XiKfii]at] O.

C A P U T X X I I . v. 2. o/uoicoOt] e. 6fxoiw9r] by. — TW

UJ£> avrov k. v. 3. eiOeXov x. eiae\9eiv 8. v. 4. eroinov

{pro TjToinaaa) y. v. 5. enwopeiav f**. v. 6. eSeipav{pro vfipicrav) p . V. 7. /cat a/coyaar o fiaaiXevs eneivos

( - ^ e ) a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r s u x y . opyiaOtjy. a7rw\ecrat y.

(pwveis ef. —Trjvy*. TTOXTJVX. — avriov b * . eveirpiaev fx.

V. 8. etcrai/ (^)ro jjaai') x. v. 9. iropeveodai x. Ta?

e^o^ous y. eac (pro ai>) ab de ho ps xy . v. 10. oJs (pro

oo-oi/s)c. v.

1 1 .t&i' e. v. 12. erepai e, exepe x (pro

ercupe). e<prj/u.(o9>] x. V. 13. dicrai'Tes x. -^eipas Kai 7rooas

a b d f l m n q r s u y . eK/BaXXere be l*qr . e/xfiaXeTe p. fiaXere

g x . e^oTepov f. e(TT6 e. oSwvrwv x. v. 14. etcXeroi y.

v. 15. (papiaacuoi x\semel. avufiovXiov eXaj3ov oi (bapi-

aaioi e. Ttayrjoevuooaiv X. V. 16. auroy (pro avTwv) ysem.

rtpit>()tavoi> xsem. aXrjOeis bx. / (pro el) f *xsem. /xeXXei

acefhpqrysem. /ueXX^ ysem. fieXi xsem. avOpwn ov y

sem. v. 17. ret crot Swicei xsem. Kt]vaov { K I V G O V y) /cai-

j ^owat fy. Kaiaapei xsem., at Keaapi semel. v. 19.

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S. MATTILEI CAP. XXII. vv. 19—45. 33

g . K I V G O V ysem. Sivapiov xy . v. 20. SIKWV e.xsem. inroypa<pr\ ysem. v . 21 . Keaapos bis

xsem. + o irjaous (ante enro^oTe) ox. airoSwre ysem.

- o w k . +Tft> (ante nmaapi) e. icaurapet xsem. v. 22.

cncowrai>Tcus xsem . v. 2 3 . copa (p ro yfiepa) m. +ot

craoSovKaiot) g. — oi (ante XeyovTes) a c e f * g k p x .

aav x . eTTTjpwTiaav y. v. 24. /uwvcrr/^ e g k p . T IV O S a$e\-

(pos airoOavei (pro T « a-TroGavrj) y. eiriyafxfipev<jr) y.

avacrcTTrjaei x. v. 25 . irporos x. v. 26 . + ^e (post

OHOLWS)VL . v. 27 . aTre^ai/ey (-/c aj)g- vv. 27 , 2 8 . Desunt

in x usque ad e V r a (habet margo partim). v . 28 . - o w

y. v. 29 . —awTois b . irXavaaG ai x . ewtores x. i^avres y .

v. 30. eKya/xrj^iovTai x. os (_p»"O a5s) x. — roi/S. +TOJ (ante

ovpavio) p. v. 3 1 . pi9ev x. —v/uiv ey. v. 32 . r/aaaK X.

—0eos (ante veicpwv) y. v. 34. eCprj/ixwae ehky. cra^oyife-

oi/s x. T(o avTraf*. avTw x. v. 35 . eirtjpwTKTev y . vofitKos

Tty (—et?) xysem. avrwC , CIVTWV p * (p ro airrov). V. 3 6 .

-^i^acr/caXee. v. 37 . Kvpioi (pro ujaovs)]*.. e(pri (pro

enrev) a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r s u x y . ayairrjar]^ x. — T»7 (awfe

Kapciiu) bcdfhkn*oqr s *x . -T » J ( an te ^^rj) bcf *hkqs*x

semel. v. 38. TrpwTrj evToXt) /cat /xeyaXt] ysem. —S

ysemel. v. 39 . uyr?7 ce , ai!r>; d k lm n q rs y (p ro

x. os (p ro GJS) xsem. eai>Toi> b?ceo qrs x . v. 40 .

C *. Trpo(ptjTeh. V. 41 . eTrr/pooTiaevy. avTois(pro

avrovs) xsem. —o it]<rovs ysem. v. 42. cJawet x.

vio?y. v. 4 3 . +o iriaovs(ante TTWS)b. —avrovy.

sem. v. 44. inroKarw (pro UTTOITOSIOV) ck. v . 45 . MM7.

TTUJS oyi» oa(ii$ ev irvevn-art icvpiov C I V T O V xdXei e.


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34 S. MATTHJEI C A P P . XX II. v. 45— XX III. v. 13.

irvevnan {post $a(ii$) dg. KOXTJ xsem. Kvpiov naXei avrovysem. v.46. eoWara) f*. jfcWaro qrxsem. airoKpiOrjvai

avru) aeglmnysem. avraTroKpiOrjvai u. d>pas {pro rj/iepas)

C . eirep(OTr]CTe xsem. epwriaai ysem., at eirepwrujai semel.

avru) {pro avTov) C. ova en k.

CAPUT XXIII. v. 1. royy {pro TOIS prim.) p*. v. 2.

eKaQrjaav hegxysem. ypa/j./u.aTr)s x. fin. +XeyovTess**{marg.). v. 3. eav {pro av) abcdehklmnoprsxysem. -rrj-

peire KM f*. TroujTe prim. y. v. 4. 5e (pro yap) gysem.

ouo(iaaTaKTa /cat (iapea ysemel. eiriTrfieacriv xsem. o/xovs

xsem. TO oe oaKrvXa) x. Kivt)<je x. v. 5. oe {pro yap

secund.) y. v. 6. yap ysem., $e aegpxsem. {pro re).

irpwToKXrjcriav hesxy. irptoToKXriaiasi*. —Tasysem. irpo-ToicaOecpias xsem. v. 7. —/cat roi/s usque ad ayopais g*

{habet marg.). KaXeiaOe ysem. -joa/3/3i unumny. v. 8.

pafiixsem. vfiwv eo-Tiv xsem. ecmysem. — v/iwv ysemel.

—6 prim. d. oi&aaKaXos {pro KaOriyrirris) dlmn. — o yj)i-

CTTOS eg . yap {pro $e secund.) ysem. Travres Se v/xeis

a§eX<poi ecrre transfert d ad fin. v. 9. v. 9. KaXecrijTai

h*. v/uwv 6 irarrjp fxsem. —TOK ysem. v. 10. KXtjOr/rai

x. KaOr/yriTe ex. —vfuov eg. eariv i/yuaii/acfmns. —oprim.

d. on KaOrjyqTrjs v/xwv eis eaTiv {—yap) xsem. ecrTiv

{ecrTi ysem.) 6 KaO tjyijr^ vfxwv xsem.y. v. 11. fii^wv

xsem. errra) lmnqrysem. , eare xsem. {pro ecrrai). SIWKOVOS

ysem. v. 12. TatrivtuQriaeTai xsem., at —ere sem. Tairi-

vwaei xsem. v-^/wOtjcreTe xsemel. w . 13, 14 transpo-

nunt abcdefghklmnopqrsuxy. v. 13. init. Kai ovai{-$e)

k. —oe h*x. KXISTB x. fiaarjXeiav x. TOV 9eov {pro TODV

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S. MATTILEI CAP. XXIII. w. 13—27. 35

ovpavuiv) f*u. —yap ysem. eiaep^ecrOai px. a<pierai x.v. 14. onroKpiTai x. KaraiaOieTe b . or eaOteTe ysem.

•^eipwvx. —tcai {ante irpo(pacrei)p. TrpoCpacriX. Xr]^/ecr9ai

x. v. 15. TrepayeTe C. iroiriae x. yevtjre x. — Troteire x.

TTottj-re s. yeevys f. v. 16. ooi'y 0 ' x- Tv(p\wv y*sem.

6/xwcrrj bis sx. w/tiwaei bisy*. otpeiXrjb. v. 17. Toi(pXoi

x. TI e**. —yap h. eo-T£ ,uet^to ysem. —6 caor ysem.

v. 18. ay (^)ro eac) af** gp xy. ofxwar/ bis sx. w/xwaet y

sem. ecFTi sysem. TO eTravco d. — avrov ysem. o(pei\t] be.

o(piXei x. v. 19. TJS 'yap (i£i^aiK ysem. fxeiXoov fxysem.

TW prim. p * . dyia^wv f*hr*s*xy. v. 20. yovv {pro

o w ) p. o'neoaas SX. Wjucucras1 («*C W. 21 , 22) y.

ofivoiei {sic vv. 21, 22) x. v. 21. ouwwv bu, ofxvvwi'

h o (|>ro ojuocra?). KaroiKfjo-avri abde fgk lmnopq**xy . /w.

ec aura) C, ayr&)thy (j?ro ayroy ). v. 22. w/mvvei ysemel.

v. 2 3 . a7rooe/caToi/Tcu eysem. aviQov k. Ku/xrjvov exysem.

(iaponepa x. fiapea su. eXatoy C. eXewv s*. TO eXeoi/ y

sem. +& {post ravTa) efgx. —eSei ysem. iroieiaaix.

a(pivai x*. v. 24. o^eyoi x. t' i)Xt^o//Tes k. ^t' I/X

x. KOVWTTO. b . /cavtuTra ?S Kiovoira e. KOVOTTCLV X . /ca

c. /fa7rjyoi/Tes y*sem. v. 25. tz/ieis (^)ro (/Mtv) ysem .

OjOt^eTat x. +TOV Tuvanos {post 7rajoo\|/tooy) de. ecroOev x.

— ceysem. — e<~x. dpTrayrjsh. +Kai Traar/s aot/cias (j?o,s<

dpirayri<s) d. aKadapoias g, aSixias a b c e f h k l m n o p q r s u x y

cucpaaias), v. 26. tcaOapiae x. eatoOev {pro evro?) eg.

(j>ro e/cros) xysemel. avrov {pro avTtov) kysem.v. 27. t//xeis (pro y^u/) ysem. b . Trapoi/xia-

e ysem. tcaiKovia/xevois x. OITV}VS$ x

3— 2

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36 S. MATTILEI CAP. XXIII. vv. 27—39.

sent. e%w6e x. +TOIS avQpwirois {post (paivovrai) d x . oareaiq*. oarea r . v. 28 . OVTWS d. oi /ror xsem. jj/uets ysem .

(peveaGe xsem., a i <paivea0ai sem. — rot s u . ecrre fiearot

xsem. viroKpusaiwsxsem. —Km secund. e. aSucias {pro

avo/uias) p . v. 29 . (papuraaioi xsem. oiKoSo/meirai C .

e x . KoG/ieiTai cs. KoafirjTe xsem. v. 30. >;

Oa {pro ei rj/xev) C . rj/neQa {pro tj/mev) bis bf ko xy . se-i chs. eyevoD/ueOa {pro rj/nev secund.) ysem. v. 31 .

xsem., at aurois sem. ecrrat xsem. (pwveuaavTwv

xsem. v. 32. j ^e iy y. eTr\t]paxrare csy . /ueTpw xsem.

Jin. rinwv xsem. v. 3 3 . o« )is xsem. (pvyere xsem. ye-

vo/j.evt]9 {pro yeevvtjs) C. v. 34 . — tSou py. aTrocrreXw

ck xs em . aTrocrreXXw g. — irpos vfA.asy. — tcai {post

ypafinaTeK) p- e^ avTiov [xaaTiywaeTai e. naaTeiyotxeTe

xsem. - T a i s C . awayoyes xsem . cio^ere x. TroXrjv x

sem. v. 3 5 . + av (pos« OTTWS) xysem. e\9ois. eireXOrjX.

-eiri Tqs yr/s y. -rov prim. y. —a'ifiaTos prim. s*. Qry

aiaartjpiovs. v. 36. Deest in xsem. afiivy. +6n{ante

j j £e ( ) abcde fghk lmnopqr s uxs em.y . e£«u . iravTa ravra

bcde fgh k lm nors . v . 37 . avoKTivovaa ?a*. airoKrevovcra

c g l m n p q r s x . cnroKTevvovaa h k y . airoTevvovcra d. e7r' av-

TV\V g , 7TjOos aeavTTjv y {pro Trpor auTjji/). 7rocraffeis x s e m .

eTriavvayayrjv xsemel. opi/K eiruxvvayei O. ewiavvayayei

x . a5jOi/«sp*. opvqs xsem. vocna b*defoy. +OUTJ

Trrepvyas) xsem. v. 38. acpteree. —v/nivy. oy*. C f

{pro vfxwv)ysem. v. 39. -yap xsemel. +oT i{ante ov

txrj) eq. ov fxi fie etSr/Tai xsemel. avapn c e f g h k l m n o p

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S. MATTILEI CAP. XXIV. vv. 1—21. 37

C A P U T XXIV. v. 1. OTTO TOW 'lepov eiropevero o.

ipov r. +auTw {post TrpocrrjXOov) lmn. TOV ir\<sov {pro

avTov) x. €7rwei^e x. v. 2. — ov /3Xe7reTe iravra TavTa

ysem. —ov prim. ad. xavra iravra acdk lpqrxs em.

6$e (pro wSe) x. -/AT) secund. a b c d g h k l m n o p q * * r s *

x y . v. 3. eXetov ep. —avrw g*ysem. +avrov {post

fxaOtjTat) x. Kari^tav b k . +Kupte {ante enre) ysem.

V. 4. ,uj; TrXavijOtjTcu {pro [xrjTis v/xas irXavrjat]) xsem.

irXavr/aei y. v. 5. CTTI TO X. + 6TI {ante eyw) y. TrXa-

vrjcrovai a d l m n o p q r s y . v. 6. neknaere def lmnxsem.

/xeXrjcreTai qr. /meXXeTe p. /u.eXXjjiT'JTe S. jneXXijaijTai y.

—oe y. aKaTaaracrias (pro a/coas) xsem, OopvfietcrOe o*.

Si/ (pro 5et) y. ou7Ttt.'s U . ecrrai (pro ecrrt) x. v. 7. e7r*

e^vos egy. eaovTe Xeifioi xsem. v. 8. worivwv xsem.

v. 9. 6Xr]\pw xsem. eaeaOai xsem. +TCOV {ante eQviov)

abdefghklmnqrsxsemeZ y. -edvwv^. vv. 1 0 — 1 2 . De-

sunt in x duobus lods. v. 10. init. —K<XI k . irapaSwawai y

sem. fxiarjcnoaw p q . niarjcrovcn ysem. v. 12. dfxapriav (pro

avo/uiav)y. v. 14 . — rcwrobef**. evaYeXtoi/f. TO eucryYe-

Xtoi'Toi'Tok. v.15. fiSeXXvyfi.a'p. e'crTo? bcf*. e a r o y g k s .

voeiTwi d. yoj Tw y. v. 16 . e«s ( p r o e7rt) f. v. 17 . im<. +KCU

df *q*r s . 5o/uaTosy- Karafiarw aoy. — T* e/cysem. TO (pro

Tt) abcdefghklmnopqrsx . (rt ysemel). v. 18. +ai>Tou

(pos t aypoo)y. eiria-TpcMpiTw c. +ets TO (awfe O7rtffw) ef.

TO I/uaTioi; eglmnysem. v. 19. myovo-aK c. v. 20. TT^OO--

e. ^ei/otTat ysem., at yevtjTe semel. ri/xwv e.-61/ abdefghklmnpqrsysew*. v. 21. - T O T e y

Z. OXtj^eis x. OXi^s ysem. yeyove k. airapj(T]<! hlo

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3 8 S. MATTHJEI CAP. XXIV. vv. 21—43.

alii. ovSe pr) (—ov) acpy . fin. yevtjcreTai y. v. 22. e/eo-

\ofiodt}(xav b e y . KoXofioOrjaovTaiy. v. 23. -Tisy*sem.

vriaTevaeiTe x. v. 24. y\rev^oTrpo<priTai icai ^evoo-^ptdToi y

«em. 7rXai/(t7at y. v. 26. TCI/UUOIS px. iriG TevaeiTe x.

v. 27. -nprim.a. -KCU (post earai) abde fgkops uys em,

v. 28. £i (pro 17)y. /cat ot aeroi <rvva^6ri<xovTai ysem.

(Twayovvre c. +KCU (ante ol aeroi) c p y . v. 29. OXtj-^/ii' x.auT»;s e. acrTepai's bysem. e/c (j?ro airo) bysem. v. 30.

Tto (pro TO) p * . —Tore secund. ysem. (piXai m*. —epyo-

fxevov 67Ti TO)V ve(j)eXwv TO V oupavou b*. ec veipeXats e.

v. 31. aTrocrreXXeT g . +«-at (amie (pwvrjs) hpu. —<pa>vt]$y.

eTTiauva^wai ysem. air axpov b . cnraKpwv e. ct7ro cucpiov O.

v. 32. t&/xe (.pro rj^ri)y. airaXos h. - r ay . 0oXaep*x.

eK(pveiy. yivuxTKeTathnn. +e<TTi (post eyyvs)~pq*. v. 33.

ouTtus dq. jj^eis1 y- etSr/Te p . r^rjTe S. r a y r a Trai/ra ac dl

m n p q r u y . v. 34. +drt (ffl^te oy /u>;) d. - T O I /T C I a p u y .

v. 35. TrttpeXevawvTcu x. irapeXevaeTai lpsu . v. 36. — TJ??

secund. a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q * * s x y . tj (pro et) x. -^oy e g p y .

v. 37. uToish. —sat (post eGTai)f. v. 3 8 . em (proev)p.

+ eKeivais (post ri/xepais) c. TpoywvTes^.sem.

Tes msem. eyyantjarKovTes y. a%pr) ts C

. V. 39. +ov (post ews)f. t]pe iravTasy. v. 40.

eaovrai ^i»op. —d 6is au ("d ets d eis am 5o c^eswjif"u). v. 4 1 .

aXtOovcraif. aXr/Oovaai S. juyXto b f * *hopu . v. 42. 'y/"J-

yopeiTai d*. ypriyoprjTe x . P o s i oiSaTe x habet duobus

locis Tt)v rjnepav ovoe T I ) V wpav ev >J d i/io? Toy avOpwirov

ep-^eTai. v. 43. eKeivw f*mysem. yivooaiceTai b. >; )j bk

m*s y . (puXaneix. eyprjyopiaev^.. a<pt]Ke (pro av eiaaejy

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S. MATTH^EI CAPP. XXIV. v. 43—XXV. v. 14. 39

sem. ciwpvyewai TOP OIKOV X . V. 44. yiveaOai x. v. 45.yap {pro apa)y. <ppoi'tijuLosf*hx$em.y. enrjxsem. 6epa-

Triayx. oiKias {pro 9epa.Treia$)g. —avrovsecund.g. —TOVS.

hovvai f*. Kepoo xsem. v. 47. iracnv avrov TOIS virap-

•^ovaig. virapyovcn y'. v. 48. — e / c e t w d y . v. 49 . ap-

\r\re. y . TU TTTJJI' X . +CI U TOV {post crvvhovXous) b c d o p q * r s * *

y . eaOieibs.. eaOir) d h o q r . re {pro 5e) amn. Trtvetbx.TTIV};dhoqr. fxrjdvuivTwvy. v. 50. +T»J (awie ij/uepa)y.

Trpo<j($oKav?f*. irpoalwKa x. v. 51. o^wvrwvxy.

C A P U T XXV. v. 1. — TOT6 xsemel. wnoiiodricreTe x

sem., a< w^oiwdrj sem. w/xoiwdt] xsem. ysem. o/wiwdr] y

semel. -avrwv f*. e^rjXOwv xsem. cnravTicnv xsem.

Desunt in p omnia ab 6%r)X6ov usque ad XaniraSas eav-

TWV v. 3. v. 2. eicrav xsem. —ej~ auToovysem. <ppovt]-

/uotx. (ppovrjfxaiysem. +al {ante irei/Te secund.) a b d f h k l

mnoqrsu?xy. 7rei/Tat secund. usern. v. 3. air^wzis usem.

—fxwpai y*sem. avrcov {pro eavroov prim.) a b c d f g h k

{avrwv) l m n o q r s x y . Jin. +ev TOIS ayyeiots {ayyiotsy)

avToiv q*ysem. v. 4. (ppovti/xai ysem. •+ fieff eavroov

{post eXa(iov)c. ayyiois hysem. v. 5. eKaOevSwv xsem.

v. 6. +T>;s (aw^e VUKTOS) O. npavyei xsem. aicavrriaw h s .

v. 8. e (j>ro al) x. v. 9. (ppovtj/moi ~x.bis y. fir/Trore ou

fiij acfghkos*xysem, apKeuei sysem. iropeveaQ ai xbis.

—he secund. c f h k o x . iroXovvTas$. eavras q. v. 10.

—ai'psysem. eToifiaiysem. nai aiTi/uoiC . v. 11. ep-

yovTe b x . Xvirai be. v. 12 . ou p * . v. 13. -ow ysem.

evi {pro ev fi) b . epj^ere xsem. —ev ri o vlos TOV avQpwrrov

g k o . v. 14. +TIS {post av6pw iros)fk** {rubro)xy

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40- S. MATTILEI CAP . XXV. vv. 15—35.

sent. v. 15. 6 {pro u>)bterebis{6)ysem. ev {pro ev)e.

ouvanijvx. v. 17. waavrwi k. oaaijTwsx. +Ta\uvTa

{post $vo) p. v. 18. \af3ov xsem. opv^ev b. v. 19. Sou-

Xov xsem. avvepei xsem. Xoyov /ACT' avrwv degpq*ry.

v. 20. Xafiovxsem. Trpoaeveyiceysem. —TaXavra secund.y

sent. +KCU {ante tcie) p. ei&e h. Jin. -e-rr avrois g. eir

auxoi/sp*. ev {pro eir)x. v. 21. -Se adfkpxy. oXX^a

jjets ysem. C K {pro >/s) x. KaTaarrjuo b. vv. 22, 23

desunt in f* {habet marg.). v. 22. m-poaekOo

—Xaficovp. —aXXap. Erasum habet e ios£ et7ree,

ot/o raXai/ra \aj3wv enrev Kvpie. v. 23. oXXfya ysem. ets

(/>ro »Js)x. (caracrTjcrw x. v. 24. xov e;' (pro TO ev)ysem.

avvayov xsem. v. 26. e0e« (pro ewei') b. +et a +>;p

(anie j^as). ^i^etr f. el^eir xsem. t^ety ysem. Oeptfeo x

sem. v. 27. init. eSixsem. ere ovv ysem. Tpcnrefyiraisfx

sem. ysem. e\9ov xsem. eKo/mrjaanriv o. v. 28. +yu (ante

e^oim) ysem. v. 29. ^oOrjaeTe x. Trepia-evOrjaerat efx.

/UJ (pro fi ) xsem. ofcet e^etii (pro e^e()emnpy. v. 30.

a-^piov xsem. eicfia\eTa.i c. e/r/3aXeTe ab?f h**klmnopsy.

6/u./3aXeTe g. — TO CTKOTOS q*- e^oTepov fysem. oScovroovy

sem. Jin. +TauTa\eywi> {\eyov e) e(pwvet {ecpwvtjex) cqr

xy. +o entity aiTa a/coi/eti' OKOUCTW {aKoveTo c) cfqrxy.

v. 31. -ciexsemel. -ayioie. KaOrjaret hxy. -TOTe/ca0i-

tret ad ./m. wers. p. v. 32. <jvvayQr)tjovTai adehqrsysem.

avva-^9r](jovTe cxsemel. ctfpopiaei c. iroifxiv xsem. epei-

<pwvxsem. v. 33. eK^e^iwv 1. e^evwvvfxwv 1. v. 34.

e. V. 35. eSo/caTe e. eiroT craTe xsem. r/fuv {pro

exsem. {sic fere vv. 36, 43). -^evos »?fi>?i/ ad fin.

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S. MATT1LEI CAPP . XXV. v. 36—XXVI. v. 15. 41

vers.f* (habet marg.). v. 36 . rj\QaTe cy. v. 37. awoKpt-OricrovTe xsem. iSouev e (sic vv. 38, 39, 40). t$a>juei> x

sem. ww/u.ev ysem. •nrivwvra. xsem. ct^rovTa xsem. eiro-

j . v. 38. — oe e. idofxevysem. avvtiyayw-

+<re (pos£ avvr/yay.) c. 7repte(ia\w,ULev ysem.

v. 39. —dee. eiooofxevysem., at wwfxev semel. aaOevei^

sem, rf\6w(x.ev x y . v. 40. —aixrjv *Keyu) v/nivysem. e(poaovan (sicv, 45) . - TWI ' at)ek(pa>vy*. v. 4 1 . e^evovvixwvx.

•7ropeveu9ea ?n. rjToi/uacrnevto ysem. TO oiafioKu) ~x.sem.

v. 42. e^o/carek. ciroTtjoaTe e. v. 4 3 . aiaOeveis ysem.

ov 7rea-/c6\|/aa0e p*. v. 4 4 . —avna a b c d e f g h k l m n p q r s x y .

ei&oonev xsem. i^oofxev ysem. (Sei^wvTa x . ^irjKoviaantv y.

v. 45. -TOVTWV y. v. 46. airekevaovTe^semel. -ovroig*.

C A P U T X X V I . v. 1. -Trai 'Tas elmnq**. v. 2. 7rapa-

coOrjireTtti q. Trapaowwrai x. aTavpw9t]vai; O. v. 3. +/cai

(post ovvriy9riaa.v) y. —KUI O'I ypa/xfjiaTeii y. V. 4. crui'-

(iovXevaavTo y. $o\w upaTYiawcn a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r s y .

jfe. aTroKTeivwcri e. airokecruocnv (pro UTTOKT.) a. v. 5.

yiverai p. v. 6. (iiQavia b. +TJJ (ante oi/cia) c. v. 7.

•iroKvTifxov (pro (SapvTifjLOv) gp. +ai>To (/?os< /fare^eej') p.

T>;S Ke(pa\t]s hxy. —avTov p. V. 8. r/yavaKTurav y. en

Tf\ x. aTroXeia b y . a7 ro\£ ax . fin.+TOV fivpov yeyovev o^•

v. 9. eiSvvcxTo C. eSuvaro f * g p . —TO fxvpov ceg. +TOJ?

(ante TTTto^ots) adefg**lmnoqry. v. 10. X e 7 « (pro

et7T6i/) a. Trape)(eTai x. rjpyacraTo x. eiroirjcrev (pro etpya-

ca.To) p. v. 11. -rovs 7rTtr)^ovs 70/3 iravTOTe bcefq*rsxy.

V. 12. evTacfnacre X. ireiroiriKev y. v. 14. laKaptwrrji k.

%' x. 'ujKapioTri<s y. v. 1 5 . /cat e-yw bdfhkmno

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42 S. MATTILEI CAP. XXVI. vv. 16—39.

q s . v. 16. evuepiav x. avrw {pro aurov) }'• v. 17.—auTip e p . 8e\rj$ b. eroifxaa-ofxev a h l m * n p q r s . (payriv x .

v. 18. init. 6 ()e itjaovs enreu CIVTOIS x y . viraTe a. ecrTt

dhm nq ry . v . 19 . eiroieiaav x . — o\ fxa9tjTai q*. v. 20 .

fin. +/u.a9rjTwi' eg . v. 22 . XvTrovfxevos p . Xoiirovfxevoi S.

h p . -feW (ffljife e/caaroj ) d . v. 2 3 . yeipav p .

OI/TOS) e. v. 24 . o fxev ow o uios p . Ka6ws b .p x . v. 2 5 . avTwi' (p ro ai/row) f*? v. 2 6.

XafBov x . — rov dm*q*ry . —nai prim. c. ev^apiarrjcras

{pro evXoyrjaas) a b c d e f g h k o p q * r s x y . +avrov {post /xa-

ais) d. - T O u. v. 27 . - T O y. v. 28 . -yap b p x y .

x. v. 29 . airapri ov /xij TTIO) h . anapn b d h k g y .

s. yevqfiaTos a b c d e f g k l p q r s x y . avrio {pro avrai)s xy . Kaivov fxe9' v/uwv c. TWC ovpavwv {pro TOV irarpos

fxov) y . v . 30 . e^rjXOoov x . v . 3 1 . ovcai/c)aX«xec7#e g y .

VVKTYI x . Siao-KopmcrOricrovTai dq rsy . v . 32 . eyepdrive x .

v . 33 . -Se f*. - /ca t ab cd efh ko q* rsx y.

aovre x. +5e (^)os« 67a)) b cd ef hk q *r sx y.

aofie x. v. 34 . VVKTYJ X . aXeKTWpa (pwviaai y. Tjoets ex.

cnrapviaei C . airapvrjaei fy. yuat (p ro /xe) e. V. 3 5 . ^e et x .

eJe e< |uat y. wjro9avt]v x . ctfrapvriarwixai a f h k l m n p q r s * x .

+& (pos« OMOIWS) a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r s x y . - o i fiaOrirai q.

v. 36 . ye9<rr}fxavi b e g . yedaiyxtvri C . ?O. +an-

TOI> (/>osi /ma9rjTais) a b e q * r u x y . Ka9r]aare bxy. e/ce< (pro

c. av (p ro 01/) e g . Trpocrev^o/Aai ace f hm* *oqr s **y .

x . v. 37 . \u7rtcr0cu X. acrjfxovriv x. v. 38 .

+0 irytrous (po si ayTOJs) b cd ef g h k lm n o p qr ?s xy . ypriyo-

x. v. 39 . irpoaeX9wv be fhkops xy . TO irorripiov

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S. MATTH^EI CAP. XX VI. vv. 39—57. 43

TOVTO ivupekQeTw air e/xov y . irapeXOeTo x. aXX' OJS C .aXXos x. aoi (pro av) cfx. v. 40 . init. -Kai q. +ava-

<TTas a-iro TJ?S Trpocrevytj^ (ante ep^eTai) bfh . TOOI y raro.

OVTWS ; k . yprjyopr]<je x . yprjyopeicrai. y . V. 4 1 . ets irei-

pacrfiov eicreXdr/Te y. Trripaar/uov X. aXr]6eis y. V. 4 2 .

Trpocreu^aro f. oirare X. TO tTorr\piov TOVTO C. —TO

TTOTTipiOV g . ai>TO> e S X y . 7T1W SDTO d . y6V t)9lTC 0 h. V. 4 3 .wakiv evpi<TKei avrovs f. eJjOev c e g lm n p . ol o(f>9a\/jioi

avTwv pq ry . v . 44 . waXtv cnreXdoov cy. TrpoG tjv^aTo

iraXiv e g p . Trpocrev^ctTo f. —Trpoarjv^aTo y*. — e/c TpiTov

cegy . w . 45 , 46 . — I OK riyyucev usque ad aywfxev (v.

46) h. v. 4 5. — ai/TOf cegp. enrwv (pro Kai Xeyei av-

TOIS) y. —TO m p . +yap (post iSov) p . fiyytjKev (sic v.

46) x . -favfy>&)7ra)i> (posf X6'/"*5) y# V- ^^ - *'m'^ +° r ^

eyeipeaOai e. +eyTey0ei' (jms£ a'y'0!1'61

') y- ~rjyyiKev lm

nq**. v. 4 7 . TroXXotj x . +TGW (a««e TrpecrjivTepwv) f.

v. 48 . eav (pro ay) c dg hk lm no s . Kpa.Tia-a.Te y. v. 49 .

pa(3fiei x. v. 50. —avTio e. eTfjoe x . erepai y. e 0 ' p

abce fgkpy . KpaTiaavTes (pro etcpaTijaav) y. v. 5 1 . £m£.

—xai y. +TOV (ante iqaov) cy. etcTijuas x. aTreffTrairat q.

OT-JOJ/ p . v. 52 . anTwt s. -crov c*e. aov m *? TJ?P ^ a -

•^aipav crov d. T>7!> OrjKtjv (pro TOV TOTTOV) S. Xa/3wi'T6S' x.

airoQavovvTai (pro airoXovvTai) abc(a7ro0ai'owTe)dfhklni

noq rsxy . v . 53 . +ov (ante SOKSK) m . oo«-« <roi

Sonets) p . ^(o/cet x . (Wojue x . TrapaKaXeoe x. v. 54 .

(p ro ^ei) b . o^Twy dq u . yeveaOe x. v. 55 . e^r

c x y . Kadrj/uepav 1. e/ca(?e£aty*J7i' f*x . ec ™ iejow (jiSacrtcwv

g lm n p . v. 56 . ai/Twi; (^ ro ayTov) p . v. 5 7 . amyayov

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44 S. MA TTILEI CAP. XXVI. vv. 57—72.

x . ap-^iepeav c. v. 58 . ^KoXovOr/ bgxsemel y. ijK

exsem. na.Kpw9evx.sem. eKaOyrw xsemel. v. 59. + ro v

Xaov (post irpeafivTepot) S. oXov TO avve^piov j m x s e m .

davarwawcnv avrov bcdefghklmnopqr?sx(#ai'aToa-ft><Ttvx).

Qavarwaovaw j . airoXeawatv (pro Oavar.) u . wo~Te Oava-

TWCFCU avTov (pro O7rcos avrov davar.) y. v. 60. OV K

t)vpov prim. j . -/cat TTOXXWV usque ad evpov £*(notatmargo) k . — <ccu secund. j . 7rpoaeX0wvra)v x. e\0ocTcuy

cysem. eXOwvrwv ysem. —ov% evpov secund. j (d obelo

notat), OV K tjvpov j * * .OV X evPwv x s e w *- TrpoaeXOcovres x

sem. e\0ocT6s p. +rwes (post Svo) j . v. 61 . Swa/ne j x .

avrwv (pro avrov) n*. v. 62 . airoKpivei ysem. CTOL (pro

crov) d. Karaixaprvpovat ysem. w . 6 2 , 6 3 . — cw$ev etTro-/CjOti/jj usque ad enrev avrip xsem . v. 6 3 . e^op/cij^a) x.sem.

gp. ,/?ra. +TOI/ ^toi'Tos yysemel. v. 64. +6^0)

Xriv) c. airapn dk q. v. 65 . —on. heppi^e xsem.

y. —en ysem. xptav x . e-^wfiev exsem. ysem. eiSe y

sem . jj/coi/a-are xsem . v. 66 . -a-n-oKpiOevres c. v. 67 .

€KoXa(pijaav b h x y . epairtaav gysem. epawtjaav xsem.—oi 5e eppaTriuav s*. v. 6 8 . 7re<ras xs em . v. 69 . e%w-

6ev (pro e^oo) C . eKadtjTa) n . irpoarjXQov ysemel. mO a y.

+rov (ante ttjcrov) e. v. 70 . +avroov (ante iravrwv) b c d f

h k l m n o q r s x y se m . avrwv (pro Travrwv) egysem. +6n

(ante OVK) bd . v . 71 . TroiXwva x . t&c y. Xeyei avrots'

e/cet Kai (pro Tots ) abc**dfghklmnopqrx (M a t e). CH/TOIS"

et (pro roK e/cet) S. Xe'yet aurco /cat CVTOS ^C e/cet ysem.,

at avrco' e/cet <cat OUTO? semel. +rov (ante ir)<jov) C .

Xaicw (pro vaXwpaiov) xsemel. ysemel. v. 72.

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S. MATTTLEI CAPP. XX VI. v. 72—XXVII. v. 19. 45

opKov g . —fxeff opKov y. v. 73 . ftera $e fUKpov k. earo-Tes xsemel. SiXov xsem. SeiXov jsem. v. 74. KaraOe-

fxariXeiv a b e d f g h k l m n o p q r s x y (M a t e). oofivveivj. v. 75 .

—TOI/ (ante irjaov) c f h l m n o q r x . eiprjicoTws n. eiprjcwTosy

sem. aXeKTwpa d f h m * x y . (pwviaat y. Tpeis awapvijaei

C A P U T X X V I I . v . 1. +»;5J7 (awte yevofj.ei>r]$) xsem.ekaftwv xsem. — xou Xao i/lm n. v. 2. dicrayTe? xsem.

—a vrov secund.hy. avTwx. Tr^Xarwb. tjyefiwvi d*f *x

sem. v. 3 . TrpoStSovs d*. earpe^e ysem . — rots (sic) u.

v. 4. et7ra)i> x . <rv//»? b k x . v . 5 . - e v ™ vaff) ysem. ave-

•Xpprjtje xsem. aveympiaey. aireXBov xsem. v. 6. — Se

p* . —Toi^p. KopfSwvav a. Kopfiovav C. TrjiJLrjxbis. v. 7.

Xa/3a)i/Te? x . au ra ) d* . Kepa/xaico^ (sic v. 10) y. V. 8.

riyi- (pro T^S) be y. v. 9. p'eiQev xsem. eXafiwv xsem.

T€TrjiJiT]fi€vov xsem. —ov eTtfxrjaavro ad fin. vers. e. ajv

(pro 6v) y. icj^parfX xsem. v. 10. KU9' a b k . +6 (ante

Kvpios) ysem. v. 11. ecTTrj d. ecm (pro earrj) xysemel.

xsem. ysem. eTnjpwTtaev y. \eyei (pro etprf) b .

v. 12. — TWV secund. g lm n q ry . v. 1 3 . 71-17-

Xaro s b . v. 14 . of ' c. ijyefiwva sxsem. v. 15. Deest

in ysem. ewprtiv xsem. eia>9t) b g P p q s y s e m . iwOet f

(1 rubro). TO O^XW xsem. rto o-^Xa) eva a c d e m p x . t]9e-

Xwv xsemel. fin. +ei-^ov $e TOTC Seaixiov ov rj9eXovd*. v.

16. eiyev ysem. +riva (ante Sea/xiov) ysem. e7nai/iov

py. v. 17 . <5e (pro ovv) C. +ct7ro TWI' SVO (post 9eXere)

y. TO (pro TOV) k. v. 18 . eiSriysem., at tjSij sem. v. 19 .

—CTTI Tovysemel. SeiKatu) xsem. — eiceivw ysem.

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46 S. MATTHiEI CAP. XXVII. vv. 19—35.

^. Karovapl. v. 20.

b d h y . eTrjcrovrai xsem., at sem. encrovTe.

b . v. 22. +ovv {post Xeyei) h . Troieiaw x

sem. Xeyov&i g p . —CLVTW g. —-iravTes C. v. 23 . -irepio-

aos xsem. —X eyovTev eg . v. 24 . -irrjXaTos b . otpeXet

xiis y . yrivaiTe xsem. aTrevtj^/aro xsem. JUOI (pro « /«)

ysem. tyeadai xsem. v. 25 . - 7ras ysem. v/mcov {prorin-wv) e. v. 26 . (ppayeXwaas ek . (ppayyeXXwaas py

sem. (ppayyeXwcran x. +ai»Tois {post Trapeowicev) j . v.

27. (TTjoariwre xsem. riyentovos beuysem. -irapaXa-

(iwvTe<s xsem. irperopiov c (pos^ gwocZ (?ee5i5 reliqua pars

versus: habet margo). -rrpai-ropiov xbis. —TY]V ysem.

awipav]. v. 28. e/cojjffctfTes q.CL U TOV

{pro avTw) a*?—avTw ysem. ^Xaixowav C, yXa/xoioa x. ^Xafx/uvoa ey

sem. ^Xafxi^a ysem. v. 29. edr/Kav g jp . CTDJ pn 'm . x .

ey T>) ^e^ta j . —xai KaXa^oi' eirt T>7 ^e^ta airow C*. 'yoi'-

yovvTreTicravTes y. eveireXpv bxsem. ysem.

avTov xsem. fiacrtXev (—6) ep . iSaiwvy. v. 30.

—61? prim. o. v. 3 1 . eveire^av b jx . OV TOV {pro a.vTip) cy .avTw {pro avTov prim.) ysem. •^Xa/xoi^av c. •yXaiufxv^a e.

—a vTov tert. cf. v. 32 . e^ep^oixevwv^i.. rjvpov j x . Kvprj-

j . Kvptvaiov fxy. riynapeucrav q r. a^oet y . v. 3 3 .

V0OVT6S C. +oi crrpaTiwTai {post eXOovres) f.

adh jk . o eo-Tjy bj. o ecrrj ce fh klm nq r?sx y.

vov l m n . /xedepfxr/vevo/xeiiov hxsem. ysem. ej * * (pro Xcyo^ecos gwod legit j * ) . v. 34 —OVTW k .

x6zs. otvov (pro o^os) e. /mefxriyfievov yder. eiOeXev

v. 35. (TTctpwaavTes xsem. cienepeiuavTo xsem. j3a-

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fkpxysem. craxrai ysem. aooaov dexbis y . avrov e.

v. 50. iraWw Jisemel. <puivt)i> fj.eyaXr]V C. irapeSwue {pro

a(f>tjKe) C . v. 51. ecriadrj b e . e {pro al) xsem. ea-^TjaOtj-

aav xsem. v. 52. tjvewxjdricTav xysern. avem^Ori agp.

KeKoifievoDv xsem., at aoifxrinevoov sem. r/yepOr/aav C. v.

5 3 . ei£e\6wvTe$ x.sem. avaarauiv {pro eyepaiv) a. eiarjX-

Oimv xsem. TroKriv x. 6ve(pavrjcr6ricrav xsem. v. 54. c7j;-

cr^i.oi'x. aX^^os ~K.sem. - O W T O JU . v. 55. +/cat

•yycai/ce?) delmnpx. — WKO ce. aiTrjves x. v. 56.

oaXivr] ey. — JJ TOI/gy. +TOK fxiKpov {post lauwfiov) x

semel. V. 57. apifj.a.T9cua.s g. api/naOias p. —airo api-

/u.a.9aias y. v. 58. — OI/TOS usque ad itjaov p. rjTiawro bx.

Tfti aw/uaprim. e. —o ay. airoowdrivai x. —TO awfxa {sic)

u. v. 59. —o c?y. t(7^0 f *. iwai.(p x. avrov e. avrw

d. evGTiiA^^ei' ai/rw awowi'i x. v. 60. avTw px. /meyav

XtOov d*. yue^ya sxy. v. 61. -e/cet k. fxay^aXivtj ey.

anevri c. v. 62. — oi secund. g. v. 63. o TrXai/os eKetvos

a b * * c p x . +on (anie /iera) k. eyeipo/j.ex. v. 64:. rprj-

Trji x. KXev/zaja-ti1

avTov V V K T O S hu. — VUKTOS C gko. +oVt(an«e r/yepOri) l m n y . v. 65. - $e a d f g k p u x y . aacpaXri-

aaa6e x. v. 66. <T(ppayt](xavTes e.

C A P U T XXVIII. v. 1. -c5ey. aafifiaTa) {pro aafi-

(iaTwv prim.) cry. eTrKpaa-Kovcrt} b? fiaycaXivrj b e f * y .

Bewpiaai J. v. 2. +/cai (araie TrpoaeX9wv) cp. cnre/ciAjjcre

x . H-TOK fjivrjixeiov {post Qupas) ac l**opy (jivr/fiyou c). -rowixvrjueiou {pro TJ;S Ovpas) S. /ca&cei' ( >ro eKaOriro) d**.

v. 3. etc!ea fgh. OKTOI; »J t$ea y. tos (^ro wtret) k. v. 5.

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S. MATTELEI CAP. XX VIII. vv. 5—20. 49

—yap d. fyjTiTe TOV ecTTavpoofxevov c. v. 6. — yap3.cnp y. v. 7. 7ropev9t)o-ai xy . OT>) X. +ISOV (ante ijyepQrj) p .

—toov (ante Trpoayei) p . +/envois 6£7ref V/ULW (post yaXi-

Xaiav) C . —e/cet afTov ac£ ,/m. versus c. etir«)i> x . v. 8.

cnrayyeiXe x . v. 9. —cos de eiropeuovTO aTrayyeiXai

Tots ^a0»)Tais avTov y . eiropevovTw f*. —/fat primum

a p . —o bfhm noq r*sxy . inrtjvTrjaev d e . vinjvTricrev av-o tt]<Tows p . ^aipeTat e. v. 10 . (pofteiaOai e. ^f)o-

vfxeis x . /ecu e/cet b d e k lm n s , e/cei o (^>ro /ca/ce«). ,uai

(j?ro /ue) y . o\i/aii;Ta( p . v. 1 1 . TTOX^C p*x . ap-^iepevm J.

airavTa. Ta yevofxeva TOK ap^iepevaiv O*. v. 12 . ce (pro

Te) x . — r e y . cTTjOaTicoTes b . v. 1 3 . Ae'ycoi'Tes p * . v.

14. 7rei(ra)|ui6i/ cqrsxy. iroir)<j<t>fxev cf*q rsy. v. 15. Xa-/3tovTes x. 6ta(pr}ix€i.<jQt} J. v. 17. CCI/TOP (j)ro ai/Tw) cxy.

e^eta-Taa-ai/ xsem . v. 18 . eciwOr) fx . e7Dj TLsemel. v. 19.

- ow abede fghk lmnopqr s ux (habet y). -TOU (anie dyiov)

c. v. 20. JJ/UJ (pro ei|Ut)y.


( + aytov r ) evayyeXiov a e r . evayyeXiov KOTO MaT^aioy b.

TO Kara MoT^aioi/ evayyeXiov e^edodr) vir avrov ev iXrjfx

(lepoaoXv/xois g) fxeTa ^jpovovi OKTW TJJS TOV XpioTov ava-

Xrj^ews C gkp sv. TeXoi TOV KOTO. M UTOOIOV (+aytov m)

evayyeXtov an^oi p ^ . e^eoodrj vir avrov TOVTO pera

Xpovovs OKTW zf.r.X. lm n . reXos TOV KaTa M OT9 . ayiov

evayy. o-rrep e^eSodrj vir avTov ev iXr)/x fxeTa xpovovs

OKTW K.T.X. q. Hiat f. Nil habent h o . Plane singulare


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TLvayyeXtov /caret Mapnov bcefgh . evayyeXiov TO

KCLTCL ^ilapKov d. evayy. ayiov Kara Map/c. k. TO /cara

Ma^o. ayiov (—ayiovp)


CA PU T I. v. 2. os (pro u>$) b . KO.9WS e. /mov (pro aov

secund.) k. v. 3. +TOV (ante Kvpiov) qr. v. 5 . e^e7ro-

pevovro dfghkopy. — >; e x . lovoaioov C. — oiC. lepoaoXo-

fiiTai y. — U7r auTou e. v. 6. +o (ante Iwavvr/s) abedef

ghk lmnpqrsvxy . lavvrjs fn . Ka/xiXov exy . -ayrow q?

+jji> (awfe etr^twy) v. v. 7. + 7ajo ( >os< ep^rcu) x . -o

ta^ypoTepos fxov y. ta^vpos x. KV/xipas C. V. 8. iJjua?

eficnrTiaa U. 4ety fieTavoiav (post UCCLTI) q*r. + <cat 7riy?£

(post ayiw)w. v. 9. —Kai prim.c. Tail rjfxepctK eKeivatse.

+ 6 (ante iriaovs) cdelmnrsxy. va^aper acfgklmnpqrsy.

6£? Tiyi' TaXiXaiav sxysem. ets TO^ Lopcavrjv VTTO Iwavvou x.

v. 10. w$ (pro wcrei) fhkoy . — TO y*semel. +TOV 9eou

(post TTvevfia) h. KaTafiaivwv ysemel. +/cat /uevov (post

KdTctfiaivov) g. v. 11 . TOV ovpavov ysem. ouros eaTiv

(pro av ei) bxysem. aoi (pro w) uysem. rivSoKr/aa hoy.

v. 12. evOews bde m nop sy . v . 13 . — ev TT\ eprj/jni) e. +KM

n/KTas TeaaapaKovTa (ante neipa^ofievos) cv. — o'i cdy .

v. 14. — TOV b e g h o p y . — o bfhky. — 6 irjcrovs op . v. 15 .

—KM prim. bfop. iricrTevaaTe qr. — ev o. v. 16. at/uw-

vav e. +TOV Xeyofxevov TleTpov (post Si^tofa) v.

(pos< auTon) abcdefghklmnopqrsvy.

4— 2

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52 S. MARCI CAP. I. rv. 16—45.

Xovras efg. fiaXXovros p . aiu.(pi(BXria-Tpa a. ets Trjv 9a-

Xacrtjav C. V. 1 7 . — yevecrOai e. v. 18 . — euOews e.

v.19. fin.+avTO)i> cdev. v. 20. •+evdea<s {ante a(pei>Tes) c.

avTov{pro avrwv) d. v. 2 1 . eicnropeveTcu g*. + TI/I/ (ante

a-wayuijrjv) ace hk lm np rsy . v . 22 . + 7ravres (ante m ) c .

—avrovs 0. fin.+avT(»v cv. v. 2 3 . e/Cjoa ei' C. v. 24 . au

{pro aoi) e. va^opti'at C. va^apive ey . rj/xas' v. v. 25 . einjrij-/nt]aev v. a x ' (j>ro e | ) csv. v. 27 . ecti/ rwy ab cd ef g hk lm no

pq rsv y. Xe7 oi/ resq rs. v. 28 . « u e£»jX0ej; (- S e )y . -ei/0v?

e . eKeivrjv {pro T>?9 FaXtXatas) s*. v. 29 . eiarj\9ov q*r .

v. 30. + T oy (an te a-(/io>i/os) cl m n . v. 31. - T > J S y. v. 32 .

—TOUS {ante oaifxovi^o/uevovs) c. v. 33 . icai t)v i] 7ro\i$

eiriavvriynevt] { — o\t]) y. Tt) Qvpa p . V. 34 . 7racT as TOI/S

(pro TTOXXOUS) C. 7roXXa Sainovia b. e^ejSaXXei' b e . >7^(e( s.

_/««. + T OJ' -^piGTov eivai cr . +j£pi<TTov eivai lmnq*y. +ej i /a t

TOV xpurrovv. v. 35 . evvv^a y. •+6 irjcrovs {post airtjXOev)

bfgp . V. 3 6 . <caTe§tfc>£ei> y . o r e 2I /UWJ' d e p . V. 37. Xe'yov-

T cs y . ere XpTovm abe defg hk lm no pq rsvx y. v . 38 . /cai

eicet a b d e f g h k l m n p q r s x . e/fet (_pro KctKei) cvy. Krjpvcraov v.eX>jXv0a d g lm n p q r. v. 3 9 . e«s r a s <Tvvaywya<; cv. —TO r .

exfiaXcov x. v. 40 . yovuireTwv CLVTW f. — avTou secund. y

tertium g. v. 41. +KC« (an te eK T etvas) a v. 42 . >; Xeirpa

air avrov a d e . eKaQepiaOtj y. v. 4 3 . avrov {pro avrw)

ce x . egejSaXei' auT oi' euSettise. —eu0ewy S. - a u r w evGeoo?

e^efiaXevavTovy. v. 44 . -jU jj(W n* . - /u»;Sei;b*v?y. aX-Xa dhk op . irpoaeveyKcii m n . —crovy. w (pro d )c . fuovcrris

e k o p . v. 45 . -avrov prim. k . eXdew {pro eiaeXOetv) S.

aX X aep . + T ots (an te ep)jju.ois)u. irctvroQev acv.

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S. MARCI CAP. II. vv. 1—22. 53

C A P U T II. v. 1. eurriXOe TraXw adeghklmnopqruv.

+6 irjaovs {post iraXiv) p. e\9wv TTCLXLV C. eiaeXdwv nraXiv

b . eicrrjKQev 6 it](Tous waXiv fs. V. 2. + a i / r w {post avv-

r]y9r](Tav)y. +avToi< ; {post fi.riK€Tt)y. —TT/V e*. V. 3 .

•jrapa {pro VTTO) y. v. 4. avTov {pro avTw)v. +o jjjcrous

(posi rjv) d. e OjOt ai'Tey r. Kpafiarrov {sic vv. 9, 11, 12)

abcdf hkux. tcpafiarov v. e<> o cy. v. 5. a(peovrai epx.acpaiovTai sy (sic /ere v. 9). v. 6. <ypannaTcuwvx. -e/cet

y. SiaXoyr/i^onievoi v. v. 7. init. on {pro n) p. OUTOJ el

mn. — ovTws cgpr. OV T OS OVTWS V. V. 8. yvovs h. — 6 iij-

crovs y. +avroi {ante SiaXoyifyvrai) abcdefghklmnopqrx.

avroii {pro eavrois) c. v. 9. crow {pro aoi) abcdghklmn

oprx. eyetpe bdefgkoqxy {sic fere v. 11). TOV Kpafijia-

TOV crov d l m n r v x . v. 10. — cie c. — ewt TIJS yr]$ v. eirt

T»;S yt]$ cKpievai c d l m n q x y . a/xapTias em TJ^S ytjs o.

+/cai (an<e Xeyei)y. v. 11. —croi Xeyooy. aov TOV Kpafi-

(iaTov ncti TrepnraTei y. V. 12. KpafiaTyav O. + / ca i {ante

e<*t)X9ev)&*. evoiriov {pro evavriov) C. v. 13. —<cai e$i-

SauKev avTovs e. v. 14. +o IYJCTOV? {ante ei$e) e f k * * r s .

Xeut pq*rsvy. v. 15. -/cat secund. s. v. 16. -eXeyov us-

que ad ajxapTbSXwv x. _/?ra. +o oidauKaXos v/xwv C. v. 17 .

-I-/ecu {ante OVK)\. OV yap tjXOovy. — ei? /leravoiav hko.

v . 18. <$>aptcraioi {pro TW V (papiaaiwv) bis e. v. 19. — oi

b. JUCT' avrwv bis e. a v r o y (/»ro ai/T<oy) k. v. 20. vr\-

arevovaiv a c . eKewrj TY\ tjfiepa cv. v. 2 1 . im'f. —/cat acu

vy. ov$ets ^e C. pantsows e£. cucvacpovv. paTrreig*. —eiri

C. et $e M)?7e d e y . + a7 r ' {post TrXtjpw/uLa) C. + a? ro (joosi

KOLLVOV) f**. aijoei OTT ' ai / ro u TO irXripwua TO KCIWOV de .

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54 S. MARCI CAPP. II. v. 23—III. v. 18.

+ \(iaTiov (post TraXaiov) y. v. 22. — 6 veos b. aXX' csy.

v. 23. +ev roi (post eyevero) C . - e v a e v x . v. 24. +o't

(JKxOrjTai aov (post TTOIOVCTIV) C. —eve. — ei> rots crafifiacnvh..

v. 25. — /ecu eireivaaev b. v. 26. —et? T OV OIKOV O. —TOW

(areie ap-^iepewi) a b e f g h k l m n o p q r u x y . eiri AfiiaOap TOV

apxtepews. in locum post ecpayev transfert C. - ecpayev r.

+/uocoi' (post ei fxrj) s. /«GT' avrov (pro aw avTip) chp-v. 27. aafiaTTov prim. c.

C A P U T III. v. 1. efypanevriv (sic v. 3) acn*vxy. v. 2.

+ ev (post ei) y. TOIS aafifiaaiv avrov OepaTrevaei d. v. 3.

+ o ir/aovs (post avOpanrw) e. yeipav C. eyeipe b e d e f g k o y .

eyepOtjTi v. v. 4. a7ro\«rcu (^)ro aT ro/creicat) au v. v. 5.

VTTO (pro em) s. -crou f**hkopxy . aizeKaTearaQri cefgpsxy . —vyirjs w$ r) aXXjj hk*o. v. 6. — evQews s. eiroiri-

aav hvy . irapaxtwcrovGi (pro anrokeauiai) c. v. 7. eis (pro

TTJOOS) Svy. r/Ko\ov6r]crai> avTO) airo Tt]$ TaXiXaias C. J;(CO-

XovOrjcrev Imnv . w . 7, 8. Transfert s* «m 7re/3ai/ T OI;

lop&avov in locum post lovSa ias. v. 8. —airo primum a.

—a7ro T»j9 lcov/jLctias C. +/cai oi irepav TOV lopoavou (postlopcavov) n*. Tvpu> c. a-iowii d. eiroirjaev v. v. 9. enrov

b e . + T I (post \va)y. v. 10. edepairevev e. e7r«7ret7TT eti'

V. TOVTOV (pro avrov) h. v. 1 1 . edewpovv cy. irpo<se-

TWTTOV ac eg k p v y . — auT<j> f. e/c^oa oi' c defp vy. etcpavya-

Xpv g. v. 12. tpavepov avrov abcdefhklmnopqrsuvy.

—auTovg. v. 13. rjkQov (pro airtjkQov) S. V. 14 . —ti/a coat/UGT' avrov /ecu S. aT rocrreXXe* qv. v. 16 . eweOtjKev ovo/ma

TW crifioovi y. v. 17. - T t w p n m b . -TOW secund. dfgo .

+awroi> (/)05i aSeXcpov) ce. avrou ( >ro TOI; laKwfiov) V.

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5 6 S. MARCI CAP. IV. vv. 7—34.

s in locum ante e^t]pai>9t]. v. 7. eiri (pro eis) ac. a7re-

Trvt^ev y. v. 8. av^avovTa nai avaftaivovTa S. v. 9.

— avTois abcdefghklmnopqrsv. v. 10. TOV ir\(jovv (pro

avrovprim.) p. v. 11. $eoWev. T O /j.v<jTr]pia my. —rots

6^4)g, - T O cde. fin. ivavTa oeoorai C. V. 12. \va /3\e-

Troi 'Tej /x>7 pXewuiai nat wovTes fxrj icwcri S. pXe'ypovaiv

KOLI ov fxr) idoocriv G. +/JHJ (ante (iXeTrwai) d f * * p v . anovovaiv . ou fxrj avviwaiv C. eiTKTTpe^ovai c p * . a(peOt]ireTai e.

v . 1 5 . +G Treipofxevoi (post 6 S ov)c. eu9u$ y. v. 16. atcovw-

(TOI v. - e i /^ewy u. v. 17. jOt^as cp. a u r o i s (pro e'atrrois)

y . •yivofxevri^ k*. ey0us y. v. 18 . —OVTOI eiaiv secund. a

bcdefghklmnpqrsy. a oi'crai'Tes g. v. 19. /3ioi» (pro

moovo'i TOVTOV) c. v. 20.—

ev tertium d. v. 21 . ep-^e-

Tai 6 Ai/^vos y. — VTTO rr/v icXivrjv C. eTrl (pro v-wo secund.)

r. vTroKaTw (pro VTTO secund.) h. — rrjv prim. hs. Te0>;

(pro €Tnre0ri) ghkps. v. 22. - n cdlmnopsuy. - o o.

on (pro eav) ad. — JU^ y. e\9rj ets (pavepov y. v. 24.

avTifierpriOria-eTai l mnq**s . — /ca t irpoGTednaeTai Vfxiv y.

v. 25. eav (pro av) dh. v. 26. +avrois (post eXeyev) d.

ds av y. H-ai/roy (pos< cnropov) p. v. 27 . tcaOevSei es.

eyeiperat fopq*rsy. (iXaaravei esy. firjicvveTai q*rs.

v. 28. <TTa^y a. TrXtjpqs C. v. 29. -ya/) (pro Se) g. v. 30.

•n-ais (pro rtw) y. oixoiwao/xev ab**dhlmpqrs. TIV I (pro

iroiq) y. TrapafiaXov/mev p. -TrapafiaXXo/uev S. V. 3 1 .

zcov a b d e f g h k l m n o p q r s y . /COKOC C. fxiKpoTepwv p.

67rt ( - T O W ) S. v. 32. av\yfir\ (pro a-Traprf) q*r. juet^toi;

iravroov TW V Xa^avuv y. /uet^oy O. neiXpvwv q. v. 33 .

b * * . — iroXXaK fo. e^uvavro acdefghklmnopqs.

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S. MARCI CAPP. IV. v. 34—V. v. 14. 57

v. 34. +Toi / Xoyov {post itS iav) J . —a vrov S. iravraeireXve u. v. 35 . eXeyev qr. v. 36 . -S e h . $eica (pro $e)

g. irXoia eoy. TrXota r\v /meT avTwv C. v. 37 . /xeyaXov C.

e7rej3aXev a b d f g l m n o p q r s y . ewefiaXov e . enefiaXXov k .

rjdrj CLVTO g. fin. ware t]$r) avro rj^r} (ivdi(eaOai y . Kara-

d. v. 38 . /cat oieyeipovcriv avTov XeyovTes

C. — /ecu Xcyoncrif avrtp d*. auro i ' (pro avTw)

d*. /xeXXei ehq*ry . cnroXvfxeOa egp . v . 39 . eyepGets S.

-T>? OaXaaaij a. v. 40 . oy-rws a b d e fl m n r (sic passim).

v . 41 . +<r(po()pa (ante (pof3ov) p. /ue'yap. —o'y. oiaveMOje.

C A P U T V. v. 1. >j\0ey cd*ehps. -TWI> n* . yepyecrrj-

vwv y . V. 2. e^eX0oi'ros aurov y. VTryvTr/aev cdf. V. 3 .

oiKrjaw d k l m n . fivrjfxaai abcdefghklmnopqrsuy. aXycre-

o-iy (sic v. 4 6is) s. eSwaro acdeh kop qr s y . v . 4 . -& a TO

usque ad ce$ea6ai C. ras aAvae!? y7r' avrovp. et7r' (pro U7r)

b g o . lawyers c lmn. tayyev C I V T O V ey . V. 5. — IWKTOS feat

. qfxepas Kai VVKTCS d. ev TOIS fxvrnxacn KC U ev

opeaiv c d e l m n y . —evsecund.g. KaraKOTrrov d g .

4-TOJV (awte XI9OK) U . v. 6. -a7ro dey . OI/TOI' py . v. 7.

Xe76J (pro et7re) deoy. -CTOI y * crw y* *. v. 8. T O a/ca-

Baprov -Trvevjua C. a7ro (p ro e/c) S. V. 9 . TI ovoiixa aoi

Kai Xeyei avrco Xeyecov oy. v. 10. anocrTeiXij <XVTOV?

dforuy (avrov o). v. 1 1 . TW opei a b c d g h k l m n o p q r . TO

opei efs. T O opos y(f* Burnei., vix). -fxeyaXrjy +iroX-

Xoov (post fxeyaXt]) u . /?«. +7TjOos T «I opei y. v. 13 . awT0i;s

e g . — T a atcaOapra 1. r a etKaOapTa Trvtvixara C. etcrriX-

6 ev a. t^oy wp/utjae iraaa q*r. <yap (p ro 5e) h. v. 14 .

c. aTrtjyyeiXav doy . — e<s secund. y.

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58 S. MARCI CAPP. V. v. 14—VI. v. 3.

y . - T t e c r r t C . v. 1 5 . -Kadtjuevov /cat C. -/cat tertiumip.e'lfiancr/xevov h. v. 16. ^trjyrjaavro <)e { — icai) a b c d f g h

k l m n o p q r s . +KCU {ante TTWS) p. v. 1 8 . eiifiaivovTos eoy.

aurov r\ eoy. v. 19. init. nai {pro o tie irjcrovs) eoy.

a b c d e f g h k l m n o q r s y . v. 20. -/cat airr/XOe e.

- / ca t T races eOau/uafyv q*. v. 22. rts {pro eh) ce. a?

(pro 7TJOOS) cqr. v. 23. TrapanaXei gp. — 7roXXa s. 67rt-0e<s fsy. eTriOrjat] g. auTa> y. fycrrjTai a. V. 24. TJKOXOV-

drjaav c**f*. au™ {pro avrov) CS. v. 26. imp'

a b c d e f g h k l m n p q r s y . wfpeXrjaaaa y. v. 27. TWD i/

y. v. 28. +eveavrr) {post yap) eos. -avrovj. v. 29.

taaaro y. v. 31. Xe'yoi'o'i'' {pro eXeyov) y. v. 32. nepi-


v. 33. eavTrj {pro eir avrrf) y. rjXOev /cat

TrecrevJ. V. 34 . im' . o oe irjtrovs x. Ovyarrjp e. +6apcrei

{post OvyaTep) q. v. 35 . — e-rty. ep-^erai p. Xe'yoi/ rosp.

aicuXrjs C. cr/ci/Xety fs. V. 36. —ev9ews a. V. 37. aurw

ovctvaj. aKoXovOrjaat eo. wwiyi' q. + T oi / a , +auT oi> TOW

e (a«<e laKwfiov). v. 38. +/cat (an«e /cXatovra?) d*euy.

zcXaioi'T a p. aXaXay>CTa p. v. 40. /care'yeXow C. e/c-

[iaXXwv f. 7rai>Tas abcdefghkmnopqrsy. Xa/u/3avei p.

v . 4 1 . TaXt/Oa a. /cou/x bemnp. novfxt] ky. /cv/i u. eyeipe

b c e f g k o . v. 4 3 . — TroXXa e. avrr\v {pro avrrj) g.

CAPUT VI. V. 1. -6Kei9ev d. avrov {pro avrw) a

v. 2. +TOV {ante cra/3/3aTou) p. +o itjaovs {post tjp^aro) p.

dKovGavTe? y. +67Tt TY) cioa^r] avTov {post e^eirXrjaa

d. - o r t b c f g h k l m u p r y . ij/a (pro on) do. -/cat

^wi/ayuety) dos. yivwvrai deo. v. 3. —/cat (sic) u.

-retcTovos v'tos Map ia s c. o TOV T€KTOVO% V ' IO S /cat T>;y M a -

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S. MARCI CAP. VI. vv. 3—23. 59

y . iracrat {pro a>oe) f * . fin. eavru) c. v. 4 . —on u.crvyyevevaiv es. crvyyevecnv avrov g. V. 5. e^ i /varo afo

p y . ewuvaTo e. Troirjaai evva/uuv y. oXiyovs appcoffTov} ac.

eOepaweve p * . V. 7. /cat TrpocrKaXeaa/xevos TOVS $a>$e/ca

fiaOrjTas avrov rjp^aro C. + /x a0tjT as at / rot / (j»os£ ^uiSe/ca)

f*g. —/rat secundum d. — ai / r ous f. /caret irvev^arwv aKa-

Oaprwv C. — Ttov fo's x. v. 8. TrapriyyeW ev b d h k p .TraprjyyeXev f. +rr)v {ante 6Soi') x. pafi^ovs fxovov x. /cat

(pro ju>; secundum) d. +M?/ apyvpiov {post aprov) x. xas

^aivas1 x. v. 9. aXka x. eyc)t/a">?cr0e b d f g h k l m n p q r s x y .

evcvcnaOe C. v. 10. Xeyei b. +o t>;croys (araie OTTOV) C.

av (pro eay) k. +TTJV {ante omiav) x. v. 1 1 . eav {pro av)

d e f l m n o p s x y . eiaaKovawcnv x. vfxai {pro vfxtav prim.) c.

e/cet ^ow; (pro TOI> J^OI/I/) g. — TOV secund. a. TOJI/ {pro TOV

sec.) h. /co\X>j06t/Ta 6(c (pro i/7ro/caTo)) y. /cat t] To/xop-

poK c. yofxopoK p. v. 13. e^e/BaXoi ' edeos . v. 14. jjyoto-

^jjy o fiacriXevs y. +T> J V a/co^i/ Djcroy {post qp<D$rjs) c e k * * .

aveartj {pro riyepQri) eo. at Swa/meis evepyovaiv ce . — ev

S*. v. 15. initio. aXXoi <5e eho. —aXXot eXeyov ort r]Xia<?

ecrTiv d. — jyXta? eaTW aXXoi oe eXeyov on q * r s y .

-$e cgux. -n abcdefghklmnopqrsxy. v. 16. -6 cf*m

p q r s x y . — 6 v d*. — a i / r o s t]yep9t] e/c veKpwv x. +yap {ante

rjyepOrj) b. a7ro TOI / veKpeov C. + T t o i ' ( a n t e veKpwv) g h .

v . 17. —o y. — T»J a b c d e f g h k l m n o q r s x y . — T » ? y S . v. 18.

—o py. —on x. —T»jy c. +<E>iXi7r7rou (pos^ yvvaiKa) cd.

v . 19. auToi> (pro avTio) y. eSvvaTO eop. v. 20 . —/cat

£17101/ s*. aKovwv mn. + a (pos£ TroXXa) s. v. 22. — TJJS

secund. x. iot (pro me)ey. fin. +6 eav OeXrjs d e . v. 23.

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60 S. MARCI CAP. VI. vv. 23—45.

/ue d e . aiTtjat] s. atTt]<rei9 y . poi {pro fie) y .

y. V. 24 . aneiawfiai C. aiTricrot>nai fx. v. 2 5.

eXOouaaS. —evdecosp. owcretsy. — e^aurrjsy. eirt TTIVOKI

transferunt ad fin. versus by. v. 26. + $e {post $ia) r**s.

opKovs S. v. 27 . d /3aaiXeus airocrTeiXa.<; d. —o pacrtXei'?

a. GireKovXaTopav c. aireKovXaTopa d ef g ko qr sy . io> {pro

avrov) s. v. 2 8 . 6 <$e aireXOwv usque ad irivaKi deest in b .KU I {pro o oe) y . — ev TY \ (pvXaKrj C. TOV laiavvrjv {pro av-

TOV) a. —avT7]i> {sic) u. v. 29 . auijxa n**. v. 30 . avtiy-

yeiXav h . + T « yevofxeva {post TravTa) c. —/cat tertium

bd gs y. v. 3 1 . 4/cat (pos£ Sevre) y . TOTTOI' eprjuov g.

— oi secund. cgy . —K-ai ovoe ad fin. vers. p . evKaipow b e d

fhk lm nqrs y . v . 32 . cnrrjXOev h k q s . + ei/ (pos£ ro7roi/) e.— r<j) y. v. 3 3 . — o< o%Xoi a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r s y . avrovs

{proavrovprim.) d e l m n o y . —Toovy. irpoarjXOovgOc^y. av-

TOV n*?, ai/T ojs1 s (^?ro auT ons secund.). —nai avvrjXQov 7roo9

avrov y. v. 34 . d irjaovs ei^e c d e h y . ot ei/ r. o^Xov

TTOXVV p . e^ovres q*r. tjp^avTo y. CIVTOVS SiSacricetv d e .

v . 35 . —avrw a d e o . +avTw {post Xeyovtrtv) d e g o . ecr-ri

TOTTOS {— o)p. Kai t] wpa {—tjot] secund.)h. v . 3 6 . ayopa-

crovaiv C. avrois {pro eau rois) y . e^wcrtc ey . v. 3 7 . $tj-

vapiaov StaKocritov a b c e g h k l m n o q r u y . v . 3 8 . Xeyovcriv av-

T w TrevTe p y . +ctpTovs {post TTevTe) y. v. 39 . ai/T ous c.

Deest crv/xTro<xta unum c**f** n**p . v. 40 . aveireaav b d h

p . aveireaov ava C. — ava secund. s . v . 4 1 . quXoyqaev c.

<cXacra?y. —Kaiquartumy. Cie/xeptare s. v. 4 3 . 47-011/

irepicrGevcravTwv {ante /cXacr/toTwi/) c. v. 4 4 . — ala-ei a b c

de fgh k lm nop qruy . v . 45 . tjvayicaaev 6 itjcrovs e . +a i / -

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S. MARCI CAPI-. VII. v. 37— VIII. v. 19. 63

V. 37. e%eTr\>]TTOVTO C. •n-eTroirjKev 6 Kvpios C. Troteiv {pro

TTOiei) p.

C A P U T V I I I . v. 1. +ira\iv {ante Trafj-TroXXov) c. Tra/u-

TTOXOV b h m * o . TO TI (payeiv y . — o Itjcrovs ce y. v. 2. jj^e-

pa t bcde fghko ps . e^coaiv ceh y. v. 3 . VIJO-TIS b lmn. +TOI>

OIKOV) CS. on 0eXew firjirore {pro en OIKOV avTwv) y.

+ €^(anteauT tt) i') dk q* r . r/nacriv cepr . yicoucn

y. V. 4. Toi/rots p. apTov CgSJ. ep^pccus eo .

v. 5. +Xe7wi; (ante iroaovs) c. aprovs e^ere cek. v. 6.

(an^e ev^apiarrio-ai) g l m n . irapariQwai J. v. 7.

ec p . + T a u r a d o , + a i/ T a y {ante evkoytjaas). ev^api-

aT j;cras (p ro ei/X.) e. -rrapadrivai de fh loqry . teat avra na~

pareOijvai C . —Kaiavrag. —KCU tertinmbp. V. 8. -+irav-

T€s (j>osi e^opTaaOriaav) c d o . TCOI/ Trepio-evfiaroov nXacr-

fxarwvC . cnrvpi^uivj. fin. +Tr\t)peis q*r. v. 9. - ( J s y .

v. 10. e/mfias ev9ews C. —TO b c m y . SafiavovOa e.

vov9aj. V . 11. e^Xdac C. —Kat Tjp^avTO e. ci'J'

—TreipaCpvTes avrovp. V. 12. — T I g. Tavrrj {pro avTrf)

c. v. 1 3 . -e/mfiasy- -iraXive. iraXiv e/xfias d. Trans-

fert iraXiv post airriXQev y. - T O primum b f g h k l m n q r .

—e« TO irepavy. V. 14. +oi /ma6t]Tai avrov {post eiri-

XCLOOVTO) lmnqrs** (—avTov s). apTovs Xafieivq*. v. 1 5 .

+ a7ro (a»ife T»?S ^f|U}js secund.) p . v. 16. eXa(3o/xei> {pro

e-^pmev) q*. v. 17. /cat Xe yet ai/T ots o itiaous {—yvous) c.

+ej< T ats Kap<)tai$ vixwv oXiyo7rio~Toi {post ciaXoyt^eaOe) C.

{pro eyere prim.) C. —o-vvierej. v. 18. — rat^opTes ow a/covere b . Z>ees< interrogationis nota

ad fin. v. 18 iw d e f g m n p r s y . v. 19. OT I {pro ore) c.

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64 S. MARCI CAPP. VIII. v. 19—IX. v. 3.

+KO.I (ante TTOO-OVS)y. — irXripeish*. KXaa/maToov •nXrjpeisy.

v . 20 . -row secund. g. TrXqpw/xaTwvg. v. 2J . Xeyei

ade f lmnqr . + ovv {post TT W S ) q**. ovnw (pro ov) c lmn,

{pro 7ra)s ov) ey. v. 22 . fitjcrdiSav d. ($rj6ardi$a k p q r s .

iS a y. V. 2 3 . -awrov prim. c. v. 24 . et7rei> (p ro

u. —cm cy . —6pa> cy . v. 2 5 . — ai/TOf d. avepXe\f/e

c fghmprs y . evefiXe^ai q. aireKareo-raOri cefgo. v. 26 .-T -oi ' abdefgkop. v . 27 . Kaurapiasx. v. 28 . +avru){post

cnreKpi9rjo~av) q * r . —(cat g . aXXot oe tjXiav erepoi oe iejoe-

/utai/ J; eca C. v . 2 9 . —6 prim. a . —aunt) C. v . 3 1 . —•JTOX-

Xa ysemel. viro {pro airo) d. T OW apyiepewv K<XI TU>V irpea-

fturepwv icai TW V ypafx/uarewv x. + rtov (awte ap^iepecov)

abcdghklmnosyseme^. +rwv {ante <ypap.ixarewv) a b d f g h klmnopqrsy&is . —TWV <ypa/u/maTewv C. -/cat ultimumh.

V. 33 . initio o oe irjcrovs d. v. 34 . aKoXovOeiv (pro eXOetv)

bc gh lm np xy . v. 35 . 0eXet epq y. a-n-oXeaei {pro -rj)

c h * q r x y . TTJV eavTov y^/u^iiv a b d f g h k o p q r s u x y . OVTOOS

(pro ouros)y. v. 36 . +TOV (ante avdpwirov) a. avOpwvos

cfx. Kepcirjorei cy . TOV Koapov 6\ov Kep^ijat] O. v. 3 7.

avTaXa'-yna cfy. v. 38 . eay (pr o av) cd fgk lm no py . ay-

T O (pro U V T O V ) xy. - T J ? (awte %o!cr))y. + W T OV (post ay-

>yeXa)i/) q * .

CAPUT IX . v. 1. ctfirjv bis d. —afj.tjvXeycov/u.ii'y. yev-

aovTe c. yevaovTcti dp sx y. v. 2. - T OI / (ante Ia/cto/3oy)

b c d q * r s y . -TOV (ante Iwavvnv) b e d g h k o q * r s y * . - M O -

VOWS y . +ev TO Trpoaev)(€o-9ai avTov (ante fieTefiopcpwOri) C.

v. 3. -TO. g*. eyevovro c fghpqry . a>aei g**y. Ki-cKpews

l m n . ov (ivvctTai Kva(pevs em T Y J S yrjs y. + O V T W S (ante

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S. MARCI CAP. IX . vv. 3—30. 65

XevKavm) c. v. 4. fjiwvcrr] a c k l m n q r s . fxwucrei d p .g y . XaXovvres C. v. 5 . airoKpi9ei<; $e (—/cat) h. eari y .

— Kai primum y. Troirjaofxev g . p.u>ar\ cdfgkpqr s y . fxiav

r/Xiav p . v. 6. XaXrjaei a b d g h k l m n o p q r y . e/u(pofioi b y .

v. 7. avrwi d, ayroy s co y (p ro ai/T ots). —Xe^oi/aa ab cd h

klmn oq** rsu(?) . v . 8 . e%e(pvtis y. aXX' >j g. v. 9 . e/c (^ro

airo) f. oitiyrjaovre C. oirfyrjaovTai. su . auaaTtjfai p * .v. 10 . TTJOOS avT oi/s g. v. 1 1 . cirripwTrjcrav q r. irpwros p .

v. 12 . K a0a>s (p ro /cat T rais) c e . v. 1 3 . —/cai primum c g p

q*r. + £M (anfe ai/rai) d ep . v. 14 . TTOXXUV O-^XOV C. TTO-

o^Xoy uy . V. 15 . i^o yres y. e%e9anfirj9ri(ravy. V. 16 .

. Jin. auTovs gklnsalii. eavrovsy. aXXrjXovsC .

V . 17. —(iiSao-KaXe p . V. 1 8. eae (p ro av) dep. — ai; qr.

Tpiaaei p . etcfiaXXwatv eg . v. 19 . im'£. «ai airoKpiQei<s 6

enrev avrois C. + aiyra {post Xeyei)y. eawfiai npos

C. ave^w/xat q*r . v. 20. «W am **n opx . TJ^I/ -y^y y .

v. 21. TTOCTOUS xpovovs C. oy (p ro (us) y . eyevero p . -)-e/c

(aw^e waiSio9ev) c. irai^o9ev e. v. 22 . + T O (awte 7ri«jo)b

de fghkoq*r s xy . efiuXXev e. awoXeaei c e x y . v. 2 3 . - T O

cp . v. 24 . ,uoi (|?ro ^ow) y . v. 25 . avvrpe^ei c . +o

(aw£e o^Xos) ab cd elm np qrx y. - a n ™ S. —Tn/ev/xan usque

ad TO p. —eyio aoi eTTtTaaaoo y. v. 26 . — 7roXAa c.

TroXXa (cat q*r. + a7r' avrov {post ej~rjX9ev) h. v. 27 . ai/-

TOV {pro avrov prim.) c. TJ?<? xeit)0% a y T O l / y- —avrov

secundum cy . v. 2 8 . XeYovT es (p ro KOT' i^a^) c. + T £

{ante on) q*r. L T I (p ro 6ri) a c d p . enfiaXXe'tv e. v. 29 .

ow/c CKTropeuerat {pro ev ovoevi oui'aTac e^eX9eti>) y. v.30.

S. 6^fX0o^T i's enei9i-v U. e£tX0toi/ irapt-'/roptvero C.


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66 S. MARCI CAPP. IX. v. 30—X. v. l.

v . 31 . -airoKTavOeis x y . fin. eyepOrjaerai ey.

v. 32. Deest in c. v. 33. ijXQov k p . +6 irjaovs {post yX-

9ev) e. avTois {pro O L V T O V S ) g. SieXoyi^ovro e. v. 34.

{JieiXe^^crav r. v. 3 5 . TOIS $w$GKa g. +/ua9rjTas {post

$to$.) c. 0eX»7 e x . eo-Tw a c d m n x . $o(/Xos (^ro S IO KO V O S ) g.

v. 37. -e e e y . ^ x e r a i {pro Se^rjrai secund.) c. v. 38.

4 c y . - o abedefgkopsxy. e /c /3a\oj /Ta C. -/cai e/cwXu-aanev ad fin. vers. c. ,/m. ^e0' tj/utoi/ qr. v. 39. ei7rei/

avrois e. ev (|?ro 6TTI) x. aKo\ov9ijaai {pro KaKoXoyr/crat) y.

v. 40. vfxoov bis a c d f g h k l m n o p x y . Pro primo rj/xwv es.

v . 41 . TTonaei ex. - T O J a b d e f g h k l m n o p q r y . ^ o t n**

(i.e. yjpujTiavoi). +OTI {ante ov y.rj) cd. a7roXet7et cdefx.

v. 42 . eai/ (j?ro av) a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r s . o-KavSaXiaei b * c .

i e. uKav^aXtjar] h. + T OIIT O)C (^>OS^ fwcpuiv) h.

S. yuaXXoi' ai/T w f. yuuXos ow/cos a. JUKXIKOS Xt0os p.

v. 43. ff/cai^aX^et ar. eiato-fyov y. e«

ejcreX^eti; KV X O V C. —T>;I/ secund. y. V. 44.

Tijcrei e. +avrcov {post vvp) cp . vv . 45 , 46 . Desunt in e.

V. 4 5 . 07cav$aXi£ei e. +yap {post KaXov) a d e p . aoi ecrnv

y . ere {pro aoi) a b k o p . ety Ttjv %wt)v eiaeXOeiv bf. eis T>;I/

^ttj y aT reX^eti1 g. —TOI/S y. —r^v secund. h. v. 46.

CLVTWV p . v. 47. +o ^e^tos (aw^e OKaK^aXiXr)) J.

Xt^ei r. fjLovo<p9aXfxo% C. — eiaeXOeiv y. + T O W (cwiie ^i/o) y.

a7reX0e«v {pro (i\r)9r)vai) y. v. 4 8 . -avrwv fgk lmnq**s * .

Trvp avTwv cp . v . 49 . -sa t 7raaa ad fin. versus b*s . v. 50.

—avro e. aprv9rjaeTai e. eav ai/Tots n. eiptji/evaaTe b.

eiprjveverat f. etprjvevrjre g*(?)« aXX^Xovs (-ei/) C.

C A P U T X. v. 1. /cat eKei9ev y. — &a T OK cy. oj Xos g.

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S. MARCI CAP. X. vv. 2—25. 67

v . 2 . -ot abefglnopqrs*u. eirrtpwTow c. eTrripwTov y. v. 3.adeg. jouocra-*?? cy. v. 4. nwvans aeg.

y. eveTeiXaTo (pro €TTC rpeyf/ev) c. v. 5.

7TjOor)q*r. v. 6. air apx*?? (-<5e)u. fin. +Kat enrev e.

V, 7. evetta g. v. 8. oy/c (pro OVKSTI) g. ffajo£ /ita cdefImn.

v. 9. — o artic. e. v. 10. eis TJ;I/ oiKiav y. —avrovprim. y.

7re|0i TOWTOI; acghpy. -TOU S. -Trepi Toy at/roue, eirripw-

TO VV C. eTrripcoTwv J. v. 1 1 . +o IT/GOUS (ante os)p. ai- (j9ro

eav) y. aTroXiiffet ce. yafiycret cef*. v. 12. a7roXuaet ef*.

cnroXvcraa-a J. ya/uqar) p. V. 13. avrwv d^/r]Tai y. v. 14.

-Kai (ante bcdefhklmnopr(?). v. 15. +TO (ante

irawioi') y. v. 16. — ras p. eir avTois c. evkoyrjaev eu.

KaTrjvXoyei Ti#ets r a j yeipa^ eir aura (-aurov) y. ei/Xo-

•yet abcdfgbklmnpqrs. v. 17. Tropevo/xevov f. +i$oy rts

TrXoi/uios (ante irpoa^paixwv) acdep. —eis acdep. T «? (|?ro

els) Imn. avrui (pro CIVTOV prim.) cqr. +Xe7<i>c (amie ^t-

SacrKaXe) C. — lya y. v. 18. —avT<[>y. v. 19. (poveuaeis e.

—M>7 cnrocrTeprjariS e. ^ra. +ffoy C. V. 20. - O U T M p. / «.

+ T < e n varepa) cdp. v. 21. ay-roi/ (^ro ai/Tij) prim.) f.

Xe'yei (pro enrev) au. +et 0eXets reXetos1 etvat (ante ec)

cdpy. <je(proaoi)y. -roiyacdefhklmnopqrs. fin.+<rov

cy. v. 23. «7re (/)ro Xe^et) g. eiaeXeucrovTat CJS TJ;I>

fiaaiXeiav TOU Oeov p. -e« TJJV /3acr. ad ^w. vers. y.

V. 24. +auToy (post ixa9r]Tai) e. e0ay/na^oi/ (jiro eOa/i-

/3OVUTO)C. enrev (pro Xeyet) g. -reKvaf**. ecrnv rots e.

b * . - TOJS secund. abcefghklmnopqrsy. e7rt

d. v. 25. evKOTrorepop b*. +yap (ante ecm)

mnq**. KU/ULIXOV b*. -r>?s6iscpy. -T^pnm.flmnq**s .

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68 S. MARCI CAP. X. vv. 25—46.

eia6\9ew {pro SieXOeiv) a b c d e f g h k l m n o s y . TTXOI/CTIOS y.

V. 26. Trpos auTOVs p. V. 27. 6 itjaovs Xeyei aurois e.

ecprj {pro Xeyei) g. - ™ prim. a b c f g h k l m n o q * * r s y .

—eaT ty . +TW TricrTevovTi {post eari) q. — T T OLV T O. yap ad

fin.vers.ey. v.28. init. -/caiabdefghklmnopqrsy. +owy,

+ $ e d e g * * l m n o p q r {post rip^aro). V. 2 9 . init. + K C L I dq*

rs. -c!e b d h k q * r s . +6TI {ante ov^ets) C. + ece/c ag, + ei/e-(fe»/ b c h l m n o p q y {ante rov evayyeXiov). fin. +/xov p.

V. 3 0 . /cat Trarepa KM jutjrepa a c e h l m n o p q * * y . /xrjrepa d.

+/cat 'y i ' l ' a " c a( i

3 0^ fxrjTepa) p. Suoyfiov h**m*?y. _/?n.

+K\yipovo/xiaei c. v. 31. -$e y. -oi abfg lmnopq**y .

•v. 32. avTOK {pro ai/Toi/s) gs. —/cat a/coXoi/0oi/i>Tes' e(bo-

fiovpTo e. eBa/jLpouvTo {pro e(po/3oui>To) S. +d t^croi/s(posi TraXtv) f. +/cat (an^e ijp^aro) es. fieXovra C. v. 33 .

avafiawwuev e. - ro ts sec? tw^. abcdefhkopqrx . v. 34.

e/xTre^ovaiv b*x. ai / rov (pro avnpprim.) gy. efXTrrvcrw-

aiv C. auToy (^Jro a y T y secund.) cfgx. -/cat cnroKTevov-

aiv avTOv f. v. 35. irpoTropevovrai C. — ot b g p q r .

deXwfiev a d y . +<re (a»Ue eac) cdp. - e a i / g . v. 36. 7rot>7-

tro/uat y. -/ ie cy. r\fxiv C. v. 37. Kadrjcrwinev b * . v. 38.

— itjcrous x. v. 39. fiairTiaecrde y. v. 40. —/xoi; secund.

a b c d e f g h k o p s x . ^Toi/xaaOai x. v. 42. OVTOIS (pro au-

TOVS) e. KaTaKVpievaovcriv csy. +e9va)v {ante Kare^ov-

aiai£.) b*. -ay-row secund. g. v. 4 3 . OJTOJS a b d l m n r .

- e f p r i m . g. oons s. 0eXet ce y . e<7T&> (pro ecrTat secund.)

rs. i l / iwi ' ^a/coi /os abcdefghklmnopqrsxy. v. 44. eac

(pr o ac) abc def hk lm no pq rsxy . 0eXet cy. yevea6ai u/ucov

p q r . v. 46. ep^eTai O. eitiropeuofxevwv UVTWV c. —/cat

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70 S. MARCI CAP. XI. vv. 11—32.

+(xaQriTuiv y. v. 12 . —avrwv p. fiiOavias e. eirrivaae 1*.

V. 13. airo txaicpodev fuav avKtjv C. a-rrofxaKpoQev y . utav av~

Ktjvdp. —eiprimurrfp. TI evptjaei g p y . icaipos r/v d. v.14.

-o tjjcnw cy. ween {pro ouSeis) abcdefghklmnopqrsy.

(payeiC . <£a7»?lmnopqsy. v.15. +-ira\iv{post ep^ovrai)y.

e\9wv {pro eiaeXOwv) p. + T O I T (a«?e a<yopa<£oi>Tas) cey.

KokvfiiGTwv eks. Tjoa7re^as (pro KaOeSpai) y. v. 1 7 . — o nch . eOvecri O. avTov eTTODjcaTe e q r y . v. 1 8 . tjKovov C. oi

aPX lePeK Kal °'1 ypa-WnaTeis cdp. + / ca t oi (papurcuoi {post

ypaniAaTeis) h y . aT roXeaoi/crtc a h lm n r . aTroXeffftXTtc b * e fk

opsy. a7ro\ee7to(Ti d. — avrov secund. d e o p . e^eirXriaraovro

d e . V. 19. oTav {pro oVe) ep . eyiveTO ?h. e^eiropevovTO

c e p . V. 20. Trapcnropevotievoi irpw'i y . V. 21.e^tjparai abcq*r . efypavOrj S. v. 22. +6 {ante

a b d f h k l n p q r s y . 6eov ; k. v. 23. -yap c. — o r t

m « p . ear (pro av) O. 7rta-Tevo-et a e f *S. Tnarevr) h.

TUGTevei ybis. Triarevei on 6e\et yiverai c. ocra {pro 6) C.

v. 24. +6TI {ante iravTci) q*. —TravTaJ. eav{proav)e,

evxpnevoi b. airtjaOe a b * * k * * l m n o p q r x . atTiaeaOe C.

v. 25. omj/cere c sx . a-TrjKeire ef *. ovpavio<s {pro ev rots

ovpavois) y. cMprjai y. v. 26. Deest in f* {habet margo) p.

—i/juaii' {primum) h. —rotse . —ev rots ovpavois J. +v/uiv

{post afprjaet) qr. v. 28. 77 (pro /cai secwnc?.) cy. SeScoKev

p . eowKev Tqv e<~ovcriai> Tavrrju c e g y . _/??!. T roiets cd ef *h y.

V. 29 . —£>JITOI;S p. /ca<ya> v/uas d. /cat cy10 b e g h k l m n o s ,

—Kayo) pq. +eai / (a«ie airoicpiQeiTe) C. —feat ierfa'wm C.

v. 30. —airoKpi9riT6 fioi I ran. v. 31. oteXcyt^ioi/To cdp.

-oucy. v. 32. a\\a ch. -a\\'g. -eav abefhklmnopq

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72 S. MARCI CAP. X II. vv. 21—37.

airepfxa S*. -/cat atreBave y. v. 22 . a(pr)KevC .a d f * s . +$e(posteaxaTT))cs. KC U r\ yvvv\ aveOaveJ. V.23,

-ovv abh klm nq* *s . -71 /07 c . Travres yap (pro 01

67TTa) C. v. 25 . ore (pro orav) c. ya/mwcnv c.

<£oi>Tai d. eKyanKTKovrai q*r. -0 1 ad ef Im npq rsy .

(p ro oi) c. v. 2 6 . —r>j s. (j-wvaeuis d e l m n p . rov (pro rr/i)

a b c d h k l m n q r u y . Trws(pro o5s)d. +ei/ni(post eyw)cy. —osecund.-p. a(3pafih. v. 2 7. - o e p . 6 0eos deos veicpwv fh .

- 0eos secund. a f h m p s . -TTUXV C . TroXXuf*. TroXXot k.

V. 2 8 . els ypan/uciTevsC . ypa/ufjiaTevs T ts x . «oa)i/(p«"O

ei^toy) C. T t ( p r o OTJ) p . — ai/T oi s C. aTTCKptOrj ai / ro iS p-

awTw (pro anTOf) x. iravrwv a b c d e f g h k o p q * r s u x y . e v -

TOKUJV q**. v. 29 . et7rei/ (p?*o cnreKp&r)) y. T rai/ rwc ab od e

fghkopq *r s uxy . -T to i/ abcepr s y . evrohr) a c e p r . v/mcov

(pro jj,u.)lmn**q*. -Kvpios secund. y. v. 30 . init. -KO(X.

—K<XI e% 6\rjs T>;S ^v^rj's crovce. icr^i /ws x . +iravTwv d p ,

+ ^at /leyaXt] (post Trpwrrj) x. v . 3 1 . - s a t sx . + ^e (pos^

Sevrepa) fx. ai/T ij h x . eayro v c d e g h p q * rs . /uet ft) fy. v.

32. enres b * ? k o p s . \eyeis x. eo-rti; o 0eos c. -^ e o y a b d e

hk lm nop q*r s u (v. 3 in MS) xy . v. 33 . - T O secundum x .

creavTov bdfk*. oXofrauTO/uaTwi/S. TrXetoy iravTwv eartv

oXoKavrw/xaTwu y . - T W C secund. b c d e f h k l m n o p q r s u x y

(habeta). \. 34 . et^wi/ x . eiStos f*q*r. oixc (pro ovKert) c.

eTrepwrrjaai avrov OVKSTL x. v. 35 . + T O U (awfe $a/3t$) be.

$ai)i$O. V. 36. -S afiiS g. enrev ev TrvevfiaTi dyuo'Xeyei

6 Kupios a c e f g h k l m n p q r . ev irvevfj-aTi ayiw \eyei' enrev b .

Xeyei ev irvevfxan ayiwi' enrev d. ev Trvev/xaTt ayiw OS.

—rip (sic) u . — 6 c. v. 37. <ia.v$. o. 7roXXi/s e. TJKOVOV cp .

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S. MARCI CArp. XII. v. 37— XIII. v. 11. 73

—avrovsecund.g. v . 3 8 . avTovs(proavToi$)eg. +<piXovu-TW V (ante aGiracrixovs) adp q* r . v . 39 . irpoTOKaOeopias b * .

irpwTOKa9eopiats d. TrpwroicXricna'S b* d* efs. V. 40 . +yap

(post OVTOI) O. OVTW Xr]^/oi>T€ C. Xei\j/ovrai y. V. 4 1 .

airevavTi g. efSaXov a g l m p y . eftaXwv C. V. 4 2 . KoopavTes

y. v . 43 . + o irjaovs (post irpoaKaXeaafxefOf:) y. enrev

(pro Xeyei) apy. — avroisy. r/ TTTw^rj avTrjy. efiaXe (pro

fiefiXrjKe) e. fiaXXovTwv ad efh m no q* ry . v. 44. e/c TOV

7r€jO£<T<7ei//uaroy auTwv (pro avrois) y. Treptaaevnaros u .

efiaXXev e.

CAPUT X I I I . V. 1. +e/c (post els) e. -SiSaanaXe C.

v. 2. cnroKpiOeis 6 ir/irovs d l m n p . — o ey . r a s /ue'yaXas

. - fj.eya.Xas u . + a5^e (an te XI&K) lmnq**y . CTTJ

edy . v. 3. CTTI (pro eis) e. Karevavrt (sic) u.

V. 4 . fieXXei c e f * h y . Tavra iravra b c g h o s . —Travray.

V. 5. cnroKpiBeis eiwev (sic) U. —auT oty y . TrXavrjaei ce .

irXavr]6rjre (pro T ts y/xac 7r\ai'»;a">7) y . V. 6. o Kaipos r/y-

yinev (pro TTOXXOVS irXavrjaovaiv) e. V. 7. + /cat a/ car a-

ffT aaias (post iroXenovs) y. OporjaOe q*r . v. 8. —yap y.

€T T eGvos cey. aia/noi e. TOTTOV g. v. 9 . a o jj ap. Tai>T«

7rai/Ta ap^as. oorivwv C. ev TOIS avvaycoyais avroov x. —/cat

€7ri usque ad arad^aeaQe's.. +6 e (post ^ye/xovwv) d o .

+67ri (ante fiaaiXew) y. (iaaiXeiwv g. a-^drjcreade (pro

aTaQrjffeaQe) lmn q** u. v . 10 . Deest in x. v. 11. <rya>-

<7ii/ clm npq ** y . ayaywai irapaowae vna$ x. fxepifivare d

fghkopqr s xy . XaXr/aere ab*c fgh lmnpqr , XaXrjaeirey (pro

XaXrjcreTe). /xri (pro nrjfie)})- XaXrjre C , XaXqaare q*, Xa-

X»j(T6T6 r , XaXtjaijTe X (pro XaXeire). viuei<s eare cq*x.

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74 S. MARCI CAP. XIII. vv. 12—34.

V. 1 2 . - $ e O . V . 1 4 . T O $ia SavitjX TOV Trpo(pr]TOV p'rjOev

y . ecrT os fk . -ov e. ovciets (pro ov Sei) y. V. 15 . /caxa-

fiaweTw d. v. 16 . - a w e . v. 18. —5eg. j / y u we . fin- +V

ev aaftfiaTU ) c. v. 19 . OX i^eis olai ov yeyovav rotav-

Tai y . aw ap^ris /CTtcretos ToiavTt] e. KTtjcreoos g. +TOV KOCT~

fxov (post deos) d. V. 2 0 . init. m i ei fxr\ enoXofiwOrjcrav

ai mxepai e/c. y. +o (ante Kvpios) m . —icvpios ey . eKoXw-jSwcre secundum r . H-eseti/as (araie owe av) c d e . + o 0eos e,

+ 6 Kvpiosy (post e^eXe^aro). v. 21 . - K W lmn q. -> ; eglm

n q . TTHTTeueTai CS. iriaTeveTe ef *g * h k . v. 2^2. $WO-WGI

y . airoifXavrjcrcu d. v. 23 . +yap (post i§ov) C. aVa i / r a

ac dh py . v. 24. raw rifxepwv eneivwv (pro eiceivriv) d.

v. 25. +€K (ante TOV ovpavov) cd . etjovTcu etc TOV ovpavovTTJTTToi'Tes py . v. 26 . /cat ^o^vs TTOXX S ac de p. v . 27 .

a7rocrT6XXet e. ayT ov prim, b (sic). +/ueTa craXinyyos

(poovrjs iLieyaXijs (post ayyeXovs ai»Toi/)p. —ical eTriavva^ei

TOVS e/cXe/cToi/s avTov g* (habet margo). + TJJS (ante ytjs)

a d p y . +TOV (ante ovpavov) ad py . v . 28 . fxavOaveTe u .

r/Sr] o «:Xa$os avTrfS Im n p . o / cXa^os OWTJJS C. O /cXaSoy avTtjs

V ^y- —t]$r)C uy. yevtjTcu airaXosey. eiccpveiy.

lm n. —cyyvs T o g . —ecrT tvaop. V. 29 . oyrtos ad .

T ai»Ta y. yevo/txeva CS. —yivofieva O. v. 30. — OT I CS*.

TavTa navTa agps y . v . 31 . trapeXevaeTai a b d e g h l m n p

u y . irapeXevaovTai (pro irapeXOwai) y. v. 32 . rj (pro

KCU) b d e f g h k l m n o p q r y . -T»JS secund. b c e f g h k l m n o q r s .

—o\ prim. f. — o\ secund. cesy . + T W (ante ovpavw) d e g k l

m n o q r s . - o prim. y. v. 3 3 . -/c at lm n q *. v. 3 4. «5cr-

yap C, wairep e (^ro wy). a7ro<$t)fxwv C. ypyyopei C.

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S. MARCI CAPP. XIII. v. 35—XIV. v. 25. 75

v. 35. yprjyoptjTe y. —yap y . fxeaovvKTiw c. v. 36 . e|;e-<pvr]s b*gs . euprjai C. v. 37 . 6 (pro a) p y . ypr\yopr\Te c e .

N.B. MS x non continet cap. xiv.

C A P U T XIV. V. 1 . TOV irjaovv (pro avrov) g . ev SoXw

KparriawGiv avrov f. v . 2 . yevrjTai (pro ecrrat) ap.

v. 3. — TJJ d k o q * r s . aXa(5ao-Tpov /mvpov e^ovaa C. TOV


T O)b e k o p . —T»;S

S.V. 4. irpos eav-

T O V S ayavaKTovvTes b . —nai y. a-KoKeia h . v. 5. eovvaro

ap. + T O fivpov (post TOVTO) dey. — TOK chpy. evefipi-

fxovvro C. avrrjv f. V. 6. tcvpios (pro ttjcrous) J. ev e/xoi

abcde fg hk lm nop qr s y . v . 7 . ixeff eaurovs y. OeXere C.

f. — $e e*. v. 8. eu^ev ab cd fgh klm no pq rsy .

h . fxvprjcrai e*. —TO awfxa e. +^101/ (post aw/xa) y .

v. 9. +Se (posf aJu»7i') b d fg h p . eai/ (pro av) abcde fghk lm

noqrsy . — TOV S*. KOCT/XOV XaX^deaeTat (sic) u. v. 10 .

-o primum a d f g l m n o p . la-KapioT^ fy. v. 1 1 . e^apiaav

ey . -avTip ce . apyvpia efgm npq rs**y. v. 12. -TT^COTJJ

y . 0eA>7S c. — et7reA6WTes h . eToifxaaoixev a b * * d l m n p r .

(payeis y. v. 13 . aKoXovGeiaaTe h . v. 14 . ai» (p ro ea^) p .

—OTI h. v. 15 . OUTOS y. 5ej^r; b * e . avooyewv a l m n p .

avcoyaiov b * e g h q s y . avoyeov f. avayeov ?k. avayaiov ?O.

—fxeya y . —eToi/xov d e k s . ^w. t//uue a. v. 16 . e^eA^o^Te?

(pro 6^JJX0OII) c. —oi fiaOrjTat avTov Kai tjXOovf*. enrov y .

V. 18 . - o i>?o-oys e. v. 19 . XvireiaOe U. -/cat aXXos M'/Tt

67ft) s. v . 20 . init. 6 S e iriaovs c. -e/c c. v. 2 1 . eyevt]9rj s.

v. 22. +TOC (ante apTov) ep . + /cat (ante euXoyr)aai) lm nq**. v . 23 . - T o a c d g . v . 24 . - T O secund. bfk . / m . +e i s

a<pe<xiv ctfiapTHov c. v. 2 5 . + 5e (pos« a/u»?i') ab*dfghk

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76 S. MARCI CAP. XIV. vv. 25—44.

ou. -ovuenb*. +avapn {post inw) e. yevrjfiaroi abde

fghk lops . CLVTW b*?f*S. v. 27. — ev eftoi ev Ty V V K T I

abe fg*hkos u . ^laaKopiriadrjffovTai cu. Jin. +T»JS

e p q r . v. 2 8 . /XBTU <$e {-aXXa) m n q * * . v. 29.

—KCII C. +ei> aoi {ante aW ')c. v. 30. — tcaic. —a(ir}vXe-

ym aoi r* . +av {ante ari/xepov) a b d f g h k l m n o p q r * * s . -tj C.

aXeKTopa ^s C. v. 3 1 . init. o §e Trexpos C. — fie o. $e>7lie cd. crvv aot airoOaveiv C. aTrapvijawfiat a b f h k l m n q r .

airepvr)crriixaL u. V. 32 . 'yeOarj/xavi b * g o . yeBcnj/mavei f**.

Kad)]<raT6 g. eto? av g s . +ovcnreXOwv {post ems:) C. irpoa-

ev^oixai a c d f h l m n o q r s * . v. 3 3 . -TOV bis g. -TOV se-

cund. a b e d f h k l m n o q r s . + T O C {ante Iwawrjv) e p . imavr\v

n . eKOa/mfieiadai KC U aKt]§iav Kai Tore a^rj/xovwv Xeyei av-TOIS c. v. 34. Xeyeiv b g h k . v. 35. irpoaeXQwv b c f g h k

O*?ps. e7recr6i' 67rt Trpoawwov 6TTI Ttjv <yrjv C. tj ovvarov

earTiv iva C. V. 36 . air e/mov TO TTOTr/piov Cep. TO VTO air

e/uoi/g. OeXw eyw (—T«) u. aXX' oTig. aXX' cos croi OeXris

c . aoi {pro av) b . v. 37. aypvTrvrjaai {pro yptjyoptjcrai)

c . Jin. -i-fieT e/xov ce. V. 39. anreXdiov TTOLXIV b . irpocrev-

C,aTo f. v. 40. avrwv oi o(pBaX(xoi e. Ka.Taf&apvvofi.evoi

e l m n p . /Bef3apvfxevoi qr . rjiotjcrav b* . — avTio g. avTcnro-

KpiQwaw dp . v . 4 1 . KaOevSeTai e. —TO secund. a b d f h k l m

nq**s*u. +TO TEXOS {post aire-^eC) c. -»}y. - T o s e p .

V. 42. rjyywev o Trapacwows fxe C. v. 4 3 . +o UTKapiwTt]?

{post wv()a$) a d p . —ODV cpy . —TCOI' (ante ypufxfiaTewv) do

p y . —/ca« T ftjv ypa/jifxarewv S. — T OW {ante

y. v. 44. $e$OKei h. ctvrois cnyxiov C. arifxetov s.

y (c/! v. 48). ay ay ere kosy. +auToc (araie aatpaXws) cy.

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S. MARCI CAP. XIV. vv.45—67. 77

V. 45. TrpoGetcvvtiaev avTio tcai (pro irpoaeXdwv avrw) g.—Xeyeiy. +auT<i> (post Xeyei) c d f g h k l m n q r s . ^aipe (pro

pafifii prim.) y. v. 46 . xa? ^eipa^ UVTWV ew av-rov p .

—avTwvC. v. 47. irapecTTtjKW TC ovy. — TJji/y. eireae c e

qry . - ™ (sic) u. v. 48. etrjXQare cy. avXafiewy.

V. 4 9 . diSctOKU )}' ev rco lepw c e . TrXrjpwQt} r\ ypa(pr) y. _/?w.

+ Ta>i> irpoipriTwv C. V. 50 . T ore oi ixaOrjTai (pro /cat) C.— T races s . v . 5 1 . tjKo\ov9r]crev a b c d e f g h k l m n p q r s y .

v. 52. /caTa\6J7rft)i/ ce. e<pvyev yu/uvos y. evr' (pro aiv) p .

v. 53. +Kaia<pav (post apy^iepea) cep. /cat ol ypa ft/xctTeis

/cat oi Trpeafivrepoi d p (—©i prim. p) . v. 54 . -ea>s d.

ea)? TY\S auX>js ( — efra) ets) Cy. —rjvC. — TODV\*. Oep/U ievotie-

eos nsy . + T O (aw^e 0u)?) d ef g h k lm n p y . v. 55 . >pev(>o-

/xapTvpiav Kara TOV irjaov e. evpov C. rjvpiaKov e. v. 56 .

+avTwv (post fiapTvpiai) a. etcraf h . —/cat tcrat usque ad

/COT' avTov v. 57 . c. v . 5 8 . —/cat $ia Tptwv ad fin. vers. y .

yeipoiroir)Tov (pro a-^eipo.) b. v . 59 . e'/crt J;C C. V. 60 .

-TO a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q * * s y . airoKptvei y. aoi (pro crou)c.

V. 6 1 . aireupweTO a. eivripwTriaev avrov e/c vevrepov Xeycov

avTtt) C. Xcyajy (pro /cat Xe'yei avrw) y. + T O « 0eoy (post

i/toy) epy. evXoyifxevov C. v. 62 . + aur&> (post enrev) cy .

crv e(7ras oT t e'yw et/jti' /cat o\j/ea9at C. e/c de^iwv Kadtjfxevov

bc de fg hk lm n o pq rs u. e/c ^e^ttoi/ T»?S owajuews Ka9r]fj.evov y.

GTTI (pro fieTa)C]). V. 63 . p ^a s C. ey^w/xevC. V. 64. + ^ay-

res (j>os£ rjKOVaare) C. +TOI / cro/naTos avrov C , +avrov

p (j)05< (iXaa(pr,fxtas). V. 65. +jj,uty ^piare C , +q/j.ivg

(post irpoC pTjTevaov). pawi<x/j.a.Ti g. —avrov secund. c,

efiaXov c d k o . t7i/3aXXoyp. v. 66 . -/ ca rtf c. v. 67 . ets

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78 S. MARCI CAPP. XIV. v. 67—XV. v. 17.

avTov (pro avrw) q*r . vaj^wpivov C. va(apivov e. V. 6 8 .+avTov (post ripvrjaaro) d e . ovre (pro ov$e) c d f h k l m n q

rs. e£e\6a)v (pro e£t]\6ev) e. v. 69 . — q e. irapeaTwaiv

dp. npvrja-aro en*?. v.7O. +yap(ante q XaXia)c. v. 71 .

ofxvuvai abd e fgh k* * lm no qr s . v . 72 . + eu0ews (ante SK

(Sevrepov) C. 6 aXeKTop c. e/uvrjcrOt] q*r . TO pri/ua 6 a b e d

e f g h k l m n o p q r s . ro pr/fia (sic) u . (nrapvriaei C. r/jeis b * .eiriXafioiuevos (pro e7ri/3a\<ov) C. e/cXeet; h.

C A P U T XV. v . 1 . 67T£ Tto cd*ef*qrx. +ai»TO) (/>os< 7ra-

peowKav) C. - T i ( iC . v. 2 . + o trjerous (ante cnroKpiOeis) q*.

ei7re (p ro eiT rev ay T w )g. v. 3 . avrovj. fin. +avTOi 8e ou$ev

aireKpivaro cq *r . v. 4 . cnroKpweiC y. v. 5. —ovKeny.

v. 6. JJTO WT O h (sic v. 43 ). v. 7. els (p ro I>I/) k** . - o f.—Xe'yojw.ei'os b * . fiapafias cps . eivoir)Kr](Tav C. • w

g. ireTToirjueaav q*r. ireiroieiKeiaav x . v. 8. — o e *

margo). au ro s y . v . 10 . Z>ees« Ate versus in r .

ff/ce p. TrapeoaiKCtv C. irapeowKeidav fy . nrapeowoeaav g-

•jrapaoeowKaaivh.. irapedeowKei(Tav ps . v . 1 1 . aveireiaav

fk**, fiapafiavg*. airoXvcriC . cnro\vaei eq rxy . v . 12 .

— 7raXtfeks. — ofXe'yeT ee. + TOI' (anfe /3a<j«Xea)ce. v. 1 3 .

avaaiw/u.evoi viro TW V ap-^iepewv KC H eXeyov C.

(pos^ eKpa^av) dp . v. 14. irepurao'S C . irepicr-

dp . ivepidCFOTepov h s . irepiaaoTepos x. 7repuracorepwi

y. e/cjoa^oy a c d p . v. 1 5 . T O i/caeoi' iroirjcrai T OJ O^XW r .

(ppayeXcoaas ce. v. 16 . + T O I ' vr\aovv (pro ai»roi/)x. eis

T^I / avXr/v rov icdia(f)a (post eaw)xsemely. +TOU Kciiacpa

(post uvXrjs) p . TrpeToptov c. avyKaXovai y . v. 17 . ai/reo

(j)ro ayT Of) C. irepiTe9eauiv f. crretpavov aKavQivov y .

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S. MARCI CAP. XV. vv. 18—34. 79

V. 18. Xeyovres s**, Kai Xeyeiv l m n q r (ante x<upe). 6(SaaiXevs ede fgh lm npqr s x y . v . 19 . TJJI/ Ke(paXrjv avrov

d e k p q r s . eve-nrroiov avrov ~K.sem.el. avrov (pro avrw se-

cund.)c. — Kai TiQevres ad fin. vers. g * (habet margo).

v. 20. eveire^av x . avrov (pro avT(p)y. —a vrov TY\V -rrop-

(pvpav Kai eveSvcrav g * (hab. mar.), re t t^ia lixaria avrov C.

V. 21. aKyapevovmv q?. ayKapevovcrwY. Kvpwaiov aefxy.ajoetxy. v. 22 . +TOV (ante yoXyoOa) ac . yo\yo9av d p s x

semel. v. 23. e$i<iov y. ecrnvpvriaixevov x .

ysemel. Y . 24. Sie/nepifyvTo &ch.xsemel.

semel. Siafiepi^ovrai be fgk lmnopqr s ys me£ .

/xepii^ovTes d. ^la/xepi^ov ysemel. /3aAoi>T es e h k m n o x .

x y . V. 2 5 . rpirr/ wpa]). 6/CT>; (pro Tpirrj) k**. v. 26 .

— eTriyeypannevrj h* . yeypanixevr] y. —K m tj e-jriypctfpri

TJ;S atrias ai>Toy (ante yeypa/xevov) x. v. 27 . e^evovu/xujv e.

-avrov g . v. 28 . Deesf TO b e g * h k * * s x y (habet g O T m a r -

i n e : — /cat secund.) v. 29. aura) (pro avTov) ex.. — e y b k o .

v. 30. KaTafitjOi q*r. v. 3 1 . — <5e a b c d e f g h k m n o p q * * s x y

semel. e/j.7refyvTes xy. — 7IYW aW rfKovs s. jfoi. crwerat; fgk

m n, v. 32. — rov prim. o p . Karafiarwi h.

+ e7r' ai/Tft) qysemel, +avrw

(post TTtaTev-). oveiSt^ov ac hp qx . a i/ ra i (pro avTov) e.

v. 33. 67TJ naaav (pro etp' oXtjv) x. ei>arj;s ac de fh km no ps .

v. 34. +ev (post Kai) c. -T >? aijO^ c. evarrj a c d f h k m n o p s .

evaTtjv e . avefiorjaev u . (pcovrjv fxeyaXr/v C. — Xe'ytui' e . eXaii

f. Xi/xa ab *c dh kl m no pq rs . -Xa/i/xae. Aei/uagx. \ e t -

afiayQavi f *y. aafiaydavri b**. cra/3a/CTa e. crafiax-

8avei C. cra(ia-)(0avei qr. -f*ow primum c d e l m n o p q * * y .

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iLvayyeXtov (+dyiov^) Kara Aovnav bcdeghk. evay-

yeKiov €K TOV Kara AOVKCIV a. icrreov on TO KaTa AOVKUV

evayyeKiov vTrtjyopevOri VTTO UavKov ev 'Pwfxjy (sequuntur

mystica qucedam)\. TO KaTa KovKav dyiov (-cryIO V p)

euayyeXiov mnpsv.

CAPUT I. v. 1. eireyeipurav g. -ev gy. -r)mv f*.

V. 2. irapriSocrav a*. TrapeSwcrav bel*m*xy. TrapeStoKav O.

—TOV Koyov yevofxevoi J. v. 3. av {pro aoi) x. v. 5.

eXicrajSer passim gk. v. 6. —SiKaioi y. +TOIS (ante Si-

Kaiw/uaai) a. V. 7. — r)J. V. 8. evrjfiepias q. evavnov

ceoxy. -TOV p. v. 9. \epaTias a?x. v. 10. tjv TOV Kaov

abdefghkpqrsxy. v. 11. Deest in g* (habet margo). -KV-

piov n. v. 12. eweaev y. v. 13. +ic>ov (ante n ywrj) q.

v. 14. yeveaei bko. ^aptirovTai be. v. 15. —Toy cefghk

m*?qrsxy. aiKaipa sy. Triei ex. v. 17. -rrpoaeKevaeTai p.

KaTaaKevao-fievov cex. v. 18. Trpofief3t)Kva e. v. 19.

+ 7aj° (posteyw) s. +o (awfe yafipirjK) g. v. 20. ecret y.

V. 21. elyx/


e£l' P- ~

ev Tf

y a - -

v- 22. edfi/aro O.

6'ycwcrai' cy. eopanev bfo. he/uevai a. eirefieve g. v. 24.

tjfxepas Tayras C. — eXiGafieT a. ^a^ajOtoy (|)ro av-

y. avTrjv S*y. v. 25. oyros b. oyVa)s dlmnqr. eiroir)-

aev p. e<pt§ev c. v. 26. i/a^ajoeT abefgklmnopqrsy.

v. 27. +«ai 7raTjOta9(/>os£ OIKOV) ag. v. 28.

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S. LUC^E CAP. I. vv. 28—80. 83

K U I yapiTw/nevt] x, croi (pro cry) b . v. 29. — euj c. v. 30 .avrri o ayyeXos qr . v. 3 1 . (rvXXei^ri b . avXXrj^/ei py .

•re^ei cy. V. 3 3 . —avrov p. v. 34. + ^ O J (post eo-Tai) ef

qrs**xy . -eo-ra t f*? . v. 35 . cnroKpiOeis c5e (-Kai) a 7? -

vofxevov a e x y . yevvofievov b . + e/c crou (post yevvw/xevov)

k**. —ot7toi> d*. + T O I > #eon {jx>s£ (x'yioi')y. v. 36 . 0-117-

•yevrj ex . avyyevis f. yr/pei b de f* h kl m n p qr y. 7 |0>? c.

yeipei x. v. 37 . a^vvaTrjat] x. —wapa g h p . v. 39 . /cat

ai'ao"Taa'a ( — oe) O . oprjvrjvh. opivtjv ey . —fieTacnrovSrigJ.

V. 4 1 . + ev f^aA Xtacrei (j90Si ip6<pos) C. V. 42 . aveftorjcre

(pro avecpwvrjae) d y . crot (j)ro <ri/) x . v. 44 . —aovy. ea-

Kiprijae TO (&pe(pos ev ayaXXiacrei a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r s x y .

v. 49. /xeyaXia b . V. 50 . eis yeveav K ai yeveav Cghs.

v. 51 . vireptipavovs bf. UTrepTj(pavwv qr. Siavoias b e p .

v . 53 . Kaivovs e. v. 5 5 . ews aiwvos (pro ety T . ai.) cl m nr .

v. 57 . eirXetoOr] h. eyevtjcreu x. v. 58 . — K ai 01 crvyyeveis

avTijs y. v. 59 . avTw (pro avro) x . eiri TO ef. v. 6 1 .

-oTi y. +€7TI (posf KaXeiTcti) cp. v. 62 . - T O C. OeXtj f.

0eXei ry . v. 6 3 . eo-rat Q3ro ecrri) lm n p y . edavfiaXpv g

q*r. V. 64 . —TO (XTOfia avTov b * . irapa-^prnxa TO aTOfxa

avTov C. -Trapay^prj/xa K m r) yXwacra avTov g. —avTov

secund. c. —Kai secund. y . eXaX>] e. v. 65 . eyeveTo ce

( — K ai) O . iravTa g. aKovovTas roura (^)ro irepioiKovvTas

avTOV$) x . U V T O V (pro ai/roi/s ) O . v. 66 . a/covoi'Te? q r .

v. 69. - ™ 1. v. 73 . (o/jiwcrev f*. v. 74. a(pof$o$ b .

v. 75. -TJj9 ^w)7s bf**. / « . a i/ roi/ (pro rifxaov) p . v. 76 .KXnOriaei cy. Trpmropevaei bc ey . v. 77. ^wv (pro av-

TWV) C. v. 80 . —irpoi TOV icrparjX g.

6— 2

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84 S. LUCiE CAP. II. vv. 1—36.

C A P U T I I . v. 1. -fee, -eiceivaisd. KecraposX- -airo*ypafpecrOai ad fin. vers. p*. v. 2. — t] p. nvpiviov bs.

v. 3. CLTravres p. airoypa^raadai g. — 6/COCFTOS C. v. 4.

va^apeT (sic vv. 39, 51) a b c e f g k l m n o p q r s y . iSatav q.

[5i6\eefj. e. v. 5. airoypafpeadai C. €VKVW ce. eyyiw p.

e'yyi/G) qry. v. V. — rr\ o. v. 8. ravrij (pro TT\ avTfj) C.

v. 9. —Kvpiov prim. j . avrows (pro avTois) p*. Me^a ax.v. 10. cpofieicxdai e. <po(Zrja9e q r x . V. 1 1 . ^/xivj. -arine-

povvcm. -Kvpiosg- v. 12. evprjaerai ab cn . —r>j ab cd ef g

h k l m n o p q r s x (habet y). v. 13. e^ecpv^ b e . -T<JJ d*. v.

15 . —etj roy ovpavov g. oi wyyeXoi eis Toy ovpavov C. —oi

avQpwjroi c. SI6\9O/JL6V e p . +ei$ (ante fir]9\.) y. +TI (post

wwfiev) a. i$oiu.ev TOVTO TO prjfxa g. 'ye'yoi'tos h*. V. 16.

ryupov C. ei/joov g. — TT; C. v. 17. ^leyvutpricrav b e x y .

eyvwpridav C. v. 18. cucovovTes C. v. 19. avverrjpec vav~

TO a. — TavTa a. Gv/nfiaXovcra m * x . v. 20. virecTTpe^av

a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r s x y . t^of (sz'c v. 30) efx. v. 21. +ai

(ante rifxepai) de. auroe (^?ro TO Tratotoi') bchlmnoqrs.

v. 22. ai/Tu)!/ (pro O K T ^ S ) a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r s (xy wort

habent). /nuiuaeun a b d e g . [xuiuaeos p . v. 23 . havoiywv ey.

V. 24. — ev vo/xw Kvpiovf. voaaovs fk. V. 25. evcrefiris (pro

ev\a($ri$) do. T«) (pro TOW) xy. —/cat irveu^a ayiov r\v eir

avrov f. jjf 0710!' acdeghklmnopqrsxy. ev avrw y.

V. 26. Kai •^pfifxaTicrixei'ov X. —rjC ideiv (pro icy) eo.

— TOV p. v. 27 . etcrayeiv d. rjQicfxevov q. lOiafievov y.

v. 28. — ai/ros y . avTov (pro CIVTO) ceps xy . 0770X05 n.

v. 33. +0 (anfe cwar)<p) ao. v. 36. npo(pr]Tt}$ b e f * h y .

67TTO //era avopos co. + r o y (ante avopos) r. irapQeveia's e.

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S. LUC^E CAPP. II. v. 37—III. v. 11. 85

v. 37. avrri a b d g k m p q s . t) i h. aCpiaTarai e. v/ixepa ay.¥. 38. a'vTr) a. a'vrr] {pro avTt) avTrj) p. avrr) Ttj avxij y.

— avTt] k**. av9oixo\oyeiTo b d f h k * . avOotxoXoyrjTo x.

avOw/xoXoyr/TW y*. v. 39. iravxa C. - T O h**. /xwuaewi

(pro Kvpiov) C. eavTwv d e f h k l m n * * o q r . v. 40. eKparai-

OUT(O S. — TrXrjpovfxevov ocxpias C. ew aurw c d g l p x y .

V. 42. avafiaivovTtof c. —avrwv e. v. 43. TeXeiocravTwvh. e/xewev C. —o b * * . + |uoco9 (post Trots) c. eyvwaav C.

ouoe (jpro /cat iteri.) g. oi yovis avrov (pro iwavjip xai r\

fxrjTijp avrov) C. v. 44. ev rtj avvooia avTov c. —avrov

prim. y. e^r/rovv c. avyyevevai cefy. —ei/ <eri. ch*qr.

v. 45. +x>yi/ (an^e 'lepova.) g. v. 46. — nai secund. g.

v. 47. TOIS (pro TOIS) y. v. 48 . w^uvwuevoi bs. oSvvo-

ftevoi y. — ooviW/uefot r*. v. 49. ai/Tots (—7rpos) C. v. 50.

eXaXeij. v. 51. jjX0oi/h. >} ^e fxr/Ttip ( - /cat) abf**qry.

Ta prjjxara Tavra traVTa C. +av/i(iaXXouaa (ante ev rr\

Kap.) g. v. 52. +o (awie irjcrovs) C. /cot %a/Jts 0eoy ^i- €7r'

oi/Td) (jjro xaP lT l ad fi

n-) 7'

C A P U T I I I . v. 1. -tie prim. eg. Tiftepeiov bk. T>]-

fiepiov x. -<?e secund. s. TC (pro <5e secund.) y. reTpa-^w-

vinSos S. a/3riXt]vt]S bg . afirjXivrjs f. afitXivrjS y. V. 2. 67rt

(pro ex') r. ext ap-%iepew$ abcdefghklmnopqsxy. /cypiov

(pro 0eoy) co. TTyoos (pro ext secund.) y. -TOW a b d e f g h k

l m n q r x . v. 3. — TOV g. v. 5. <papa£ aef lxy . — K O I irav

usque ad Tcc7reiva)9t](T6Tai C. Xias d e f * g . v. 7. —o^Xoi^

e. yevrifxara e. ai^jcW)i' g. v. 8. e^oofxev y. — Xeyw yap

ad Jin. vers.s.. v. 9. fiaXXeret*. v. 10. tm*. -KQIJ.

•+Kai (ante oi o^Xoi) y. Troirjawfiev b c e f g k P q r s x y . v. 11.

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90 S. LU(LE CAPP. V. v. 19—VI. v. 1.

novj. /cXio'tojq. —TO secund. g. v. 20. aCpeovTctix. atpai-ovTcuy. -aovj. v. 2 1 . -^laXoyiXeaOai y. oi (papiaaioi

KCLI o\ ypafxfxaTeK y. —oi secund. p. eis (j?ro /JLOVOS) y. v.

22 . #eos (j^ro irjaovs) d. c5taXo7t£W0at en*. SiaXoytj^earOai

x . v. 23. evKoiroTepov y. a(peovTm xy. eroy (pro crot) ky.

eyeipe b d e f g k o x y . v. 24. tc^Te f*y. o yios TOI» avOpanrov

e^ovaiav e^a p. e^ij k. +«rat (ante enre) y. Xe^yet (/>ro et7re)x . irapaKvTiKw y. cry (pro crot) y. eyeipe bd egk ox y . K\»/-

t'tciioiyx. v. 2 5 . g(j!)' o (pro (p) b d e f h k o p q r y . v. 26. —KCII

e/co-Tacrts wsgwe acZ 0eoi/ qry. eXafie Travras ah*. enXei-

<jQr\aav y. +ct7rayT6s (ante (pofiov) d. iSo/mev py. V. 27.

etoey o, idee p (pro eOeaaaTo). Xeui bp . e7rt ™ e. Xe^et

(pro et7rev) y. v. 29. - o abde fghk lmnopqrxy . Xey t bo.

—avT<pg. ev TW OIKW p . 7roXXys e. v. 30. -t-Twv (ante

a d e l m n q r x y . —KCII afxapTi»Xwv hr. v. 3 1 .1 etTrei' o irjaovs e. etTrec ayroy? ( — 7T|0os')x.

(pro y'ytaieoi/Tes) g. v. 33. 7rot/cva y. v. 34. SvvacrOai

deqr. ews (j»>*o ei> 6j) g. v. 35. -/cat l m n p . ore (pro

OTCLV) y. a^ro r? vtjaTevovaiv & d. vrjUTevawcnv C. tj/uepes

(pro —ais)d. v. 36. e7rt 1/u.aTioo 7raXaiwf. a^iYeTai c.

a^icrei y. /cat TO TraXator avfxcpuivei (—ov) d. ov av/u(piovei

TO eiri[$XriiJ.a TO ajro row TraXotoi/y. — eirijiXruxa secund.

abcc ie fghk lmnopqr . v. 37. pv^eiy. -veos g. o otvos d

veos y. V. 38. aXX Cp. j/eouy (pro Katcoyy) y. (iXriTcuov

y . v. 39. 7roiwv (pro TTIWV) y. ey^ys k. veov OeXei ad.

C A P U T VI. V. 1. eTropeveTO 6 ujaovs TOIS aafiftacriv

y. —Twvh. — roys b. ia6iov e m * . Jin.

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S. LVGM C A P . V I. vv . 1—22. 9 1

epaiv avTwvC. v. 2. —$ey. Troirjred. iroieiTaig. v. 3.

6 iTjaovs eiire irpos avTO VS ac f opx . eiroivacrev d. eirivaaev x .

V. 4 . eiarjXOovg. — e \ a / 3 e K m e p . fiovovC. V. 6. — eyevero

3e usque ad $i$acrK eivx.y. eJtcSaaiciji/p. — rjvg. V. 7- — auTov

abcdefghklmnopqr(s Mat) xy. -e i ; Imnpq**. - r w y .

+KOCT (ante avTov) d e o q * . / i n . \va K arrj'yopriacoaiv avrovc.

V. 8 . tor] (pro *7oei)c. e^rjpa/xiuevrjv p . yeipav c e . eyeipe b ed e g k o x y . /cat ( j?ro o & ) c . e 'crxj; g (sic v. 17 ). v. 9. TTJOO?

ai /Tow o t»;croi>s dj jqr . i/juas" Tt a b c d e f g h k l m n p q x . aaj3-

fiaai x . airoKTeivai (pro airoheaai) a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r x y .

fin. +o\ de ecriwTrwv d p . v . 1 0 . avTous Travras d . enrev

avTw(pro TO aiSpcoTTw)abcdefghklmnopqrxy. — o ^e eiroi-

tjtyev OVTCO c . oyTtos d lm n . eiroirjae ( — OVTCO) a b f g h k q r x .

e^ereive (pro erroirjaev OVTW) y . awenaTeGTaOr] c e f g o x y .

k o . cocret (pro toy »j) e . V. 1 1 . eXaXovv ep . V. 12 .

(ante oiavvKTepevwv) r . v . 1 3 . TOIS /xaOrjrais b .

e^ (pro cm-') d q * ry . ovofiacre b m * y . wvoixaae e . v . 14 .

ovofxaae b d m . ire-rpov ovofxaaev y. —/cat secund. y. + / ca t

( an^e lauwfiov) e p . v . 1 5 . /uaOatov p. +«ra t (pos i Gto^ai ' )

c . aKwfiov d . — row b . —/cot secund. o . ^jjXorjjy b . v v .

1 5 , 16. /cat TO P /cat K avavirrjv oiixwva TO V icaXou/xevov X/j-

XWTYJV /cat tci/Sav TOI/ /cat Xe/xfiaiov t]Toi O aScaiov tauwfiou

/cat touc). ttr/c. p . v . 1 6 . init. + /ca t e . —louoav lUKapicoTTjv

y . v . 17 . +6 IY)GQV% (post eaTtj) e k * * rubro. TO V (pro

TOTTOV) b f k o . TTOXXV x . Jin. avTwv k . v . 18 . airo (pro

VTTO) f g k p . fin. +vir avTov y . V. 1 9 . cnrTaiaOai h. V. 2 0 .

+ T O I Trveu/xaTi (post TTTw yoi) g. v. 2 1 . Treti/oiiTes b . TTI-

e . yvpTaOrjcreaOe b . /cXeovres x . v. 2 2 . ixiar\(jo-

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92 S. LUCiE CAP. VI. vv. 22—42.

aiv b. — o\ avOpwTroi e. acpoprjcrwariu d f h x . oveiorjcrwaiv

f*x . oveiSiowcriv py. eKpaW wcri eo. —TOV v'tov d (Aa&.

mar.), v. 2 3 . ^aprjre a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r x y . —-yap prim.

p . TOI? ovjoayois y. v. 26 . - t W abefghklmnopq**y.

J7/uas e, J/uTi' d(joro i/Mas1)- enrwaiv (—iravTes) a b f h k l m n

oqr . enrwcriv v/mag oq**. Kwra TO a u r a d. Jin. VJXWV C,

p * {pro avTwv). v. 27. aXXa a c d e g k l m n o p q r y .{pro vim.) b * . v. 28. i)/uas (pro xifj.iv) c l m n p . —K<XI

a d e f g h k l m n o p q r y . Trpocrev^eaOai e. eivepeaXovTwv a*b

f*. eivtjpea^wvTwv p*. v. 29 . + ^t ai' (a«<e aiayova) C.

aiaywva g l* . + croy (posf inaTtoi') y. KOOXVGIS p . v. 30.

— oe b e. awaiTtj g. V. 31 . imf. —^ajf. lypifDi' {pro VJULIV) y.

v .32 . a7a7royras b. -yap p* . v . 33 . —Kaiprim.g. ayaOo-C. aya.9o7roiei.Te e f * h x y . /cat a p «at d. V. 34.

x. ^ai'et^ere opy. Savi^eTe b* c . —oi bd hk lm n

op q* *. + T019 (awfe d/uapTaAois) g. <iavi(w<nv c. Savei-

Xpvcxi e. $ai'i£ou<rii' x. v. 3 5 . a(pe\Tri^ovTe<; C. ecrre (jiro

ecrrat) k. +ev TOIS ovpavois {post 7roXw) y. — TOV a b c d e f g

h k l m n o p q r x y .-^piaTos {pro -^ptjaTos) ef. ear'i eiri n.

V. 36. —OLKTipfxwv e. V. 37. im'£. —/cat p. \va {pro /rat ou

prim.) q*r. + (cat (^)osf Kpi8r]Te) a. /cara^Kca^re ( joro

-eTe) qr. v. 38. oo^crexe g. + Ka i {post KaXov) e. —/cat

»treijaXevfievov {habet marg.) g*. vTrepeK^yvvo/xei'ovf. UVTI-

neTpi9rjaeTaih£*p. V. 39. + Km {post 6e) C. efx-weuovvTai

cgy . v. 40. + oi/oe ooyXoj y7rep TOV Kvpiov CLVTOV {ante

KaTripTicriaevos) g. fin. +KCU ^OI/XOS &5? o nvpios avTov g.

v. 4 1 . fiXetrris b. ™ ei> bey. v. 42. effjSaXXw d. TW ev

{prim.) b e f * h * p . TO Kaptpos e/c TOW ofpOaX/xov {pro TO ev

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S. LUC^E CAIH\ VI. v. 4-2—VII. v. 12. 93

*j-(o 00.) C. -(jov tert. q**. 5«x/3Xev|/« p- v. 43.

ciev^pov KCLXOV TTOIOVV Kaprrov aairpov {post cranpov prim.)

p . v. 44. —-yap prim. g. — wtov a. en (iarwv o~Ta<pu\rjv

-rpvywaiv y. V. 45 . o •Kovripos o av9pcoiro>; y. —TO {ante

irovrjpov) y. — TOU {ante •nepiaaevn.aTo'i) b f * k o p . TO oTotxa

XaXet (— avTov) y. V. 4 7 . Tons Acryous C. V. 4 8 . OIK OVO/UL-

OVVTI y. +K at {ante ecr«:a\|/e) y. ef3ov6we y. +TO {anteOefieXiov) C. Tr\r}/u.vppa$ f*. irpoaeppt^evp. oiK eiae. auTrj

{pro avTrjv) f. v. 4 9 . oiKocofxowTi c. -\Ty\v {ante otniav)

Imn. eirt T>;Siy»;s g. 9eixe\iwv y. evOvs y. avveireaev y.

-TO def*k.

C A P U T VII . v. 1. Tavra {pro aurov) dg. +o trjcrous

{post eiarikSev) c**rubro ek**rubro. Kairepwaov/x n**.v. 2. /caicos x. e/ueW e adfhklmnopqr. t/xeXXe e. UVTOS

{pro avTw)y. v. 3. -t-$e (awfe 7TJQOS) y. 5tacrft)cret aey.

V. 4. irapwyevanevoi C. irapayevtofxevoi r. GTrovSeais x.

{post XeyovTes) op. 7rape^ri cehop . Trape^eis g.

(pro TODTO) f*y. v. 5. avTov {pro OUTOS) y.

v . 6. —Kvpie c. uKyXoy c d e k x . ^01/ I/TTO T^C o~Tey})v adfg

I m n p q y . v. 7- aXX' ab d fg hk ln o p rx y. «X' c. aXXa MOVOI'

q. v. 8. t/7r g. TOUTO (^>ro Toi/Tftj) bx. aXAo x . TOVTOV

d*, TOVTU) e (j)ro TOCTO). V. 9. +a/urjv {ante Xeyfti) c.

+OTJ (posi w^tv) fy. oi/Te bfhkoq*r. v. 10. e«s TOK OIKOV

01 Tre/j.CpdevTe's dp. +ai/Tov {post eupov) y. V. 11. TW

(p ro rrj) b f h k . TTopeveaOai p, ei<jrj\9evy {pro erropeveTo).

+ 0 DJO-OUS (po5« eiropeveTo) cef**k**rw6ro. +TJJI/ (ante

7roXw) C. i/aeii/C. -auTftif. —ol ac. -auTou C. 7roAXw e.

Jin. +Trj$ 7roXe£us e. v. 12. TeOtirjKos ax. ayr>J xv/° a ad g

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94 s . LU CE CAP. VII. vv. 12—31.

h k l m n p x . avrr) yypa b o y . avrri r\v xvpa q r . - » j v a b c d e

fgk lm nop qrxy . v . 13 . -eir avrn h . eir avrrjv a e f * p y .

v. 14. etTTrjaav d g . av (pro <roi) h . avaa-TrjOi (pro eyep-

6t]Ti) c. v. 16 . Travras a b c d f h k l m n o p q * * x y . nvpios (pro

o 6eos) f. fin. + ets ayaQov eg o p . v. 17 . —oyro9 e . — 6\t)

qr . - ec secund.j. fin. +wepi TOV ujaovy. v. 1 8 . TCOV

epywv avTov (pro TovTwv)y. — Tti/as ex . etc TWV fxaOrj—wvavTov $vo x . - o p . v . 1 9 . init. + /cai c. v. 20 . Deest in

q* (habet marg.) x . irapayevaixevoi C. ctTrecrreiA ei' p . e r e -

JOOI; (|)ro aXXov) e. v. 2 1 . eKeivtj (pro avrrf) J. —Se y .

eOepairevaev o irjaovs fx . TTOXOVJ X . — «xti Trvev/naTwv iro~

vrjpwv g . TTOXXOI? Tv(p\ois p . 7roXXi/s (p ro -ois) x . —TO

efgq* . v. 22 . <$ere ef h p x . ot^are q*. rjnovrreTe y . - o ny. ftkeirovcnv f. /cat ^o X oi y . + /ca£ (a n te Kw(poi) g y , (ante

iTTioyoi) q*rx . eyetpwvrai x. v. 24 . fxaBr\Twv (pro ay-

yeXwv) d e o x y . + o ir/crous (post rjp^aTo) X. TOIS o^Xot?

( -7 r p o s )a b d f h k lm n o q r . l a w o i/ h . e ^ X ^ e r e d o p .

Tai x . deaaavde b q . v. 2 5 . Zteestf ira y .

x. «ai 5 o ^ (j?ro evfio^w) e.p. v. 26 . e^jjX^aTe x . /cat (p ro vat) y . 7re-

picrawTepov x . Trpo^>r)Tt)v (pro -n-potprjTov) p * . V. 27 .

+yap (post OUTOS) a c e y . KaraaKevacrr] b . v. 28. —yap

ey . —Trpo<pr]Tr}'s p. awoi/ TO I; ficnmcrTov ev

yvvaiKoiv Trpo(pt]Tr]$ OVK eyeipyepre X . - o o e

ad fin. vers. f * (habet margo). TW V ovpavwv (pro TOV 6eov)x . v. 2 9 . /cat 7ra? o o^Xos /cai ot xeXtoyat aicovcravTes g .

™ (ZairTKTuaTi x. v. 30 . vfieTr\aav d. v. 3 1 . -et 7r e cie

o KVjotos ab cd ef g h k lm n o p q r (Mat s: /*a&e£ y initio perico-

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S. LUC.E CAP. VIII. vv. 22—42. 97

y. \rinvtjs b . v. 2 3 . XeXct\|/ b e x y . XcuXa/x\J/a p . X»;-. v. 24. Kai TrpoaeX6ovTes(—$e) lmnopq** . rjyripav

c. Sitj'yeipovh. 67r«TTaTa semel tantumhdlfy. K Xvoovih.

67raycraTop. 7aX»»7 b e f **x. fin. +fjLeyaXrj p. v. 25 . init.

Kai enrev (—$e) y . —  O TTW  prim. cp . —Trpo<s aXXjjXows x .

— am T(i> voaTi C. v. 26. KaT67rXeucre«' o trjaovs C. /caT6-

TrXeyaecm. avTiwepa a b d e f h k o p q * ?. irepav g. yaSap ivwvy (sic x v. 27 initio peric). v. 27. em T>;y yqs a. cnrr]v-

Tffcrev f. — auT(p sec. q r . — TJS y. cai/moviov c. fin./u.vr)/xeiois

g. v. 28. avTwv {pro avrw) p . crw (p ro croi) oy. — I^CTOK

y. v. 29 . iraprjyeXXev d. TrapriyyeXXev fh p . aurto (^wo

avTov) g. Tratoes (jsro 7r€dcus) exy. (pvXciTTOfxevos p. ota-

prjaawv e h p . ^tapprjcywv n. v. 3 0 . vroXXtt cai/xovia C. eicr-

r)X9ov ce. _^n. etarjX9e aw avrw y. V. 3 1 . TrapeKciXouv h .

e7riTa^ei b c x y . v. 32 . e/ceure p . iocTKOnevt) cgk* . op^ b .

wapeKaXei k o . eiriTpe-tyei. b c q r y . ewirp^ei x.

Toty j ) n k ) d , + e : («n«e eis) q. _/WJ.

s') f. v. 3 3 . 6/c (p ro a7ro) y . eiarjXOov abdfgh lmnoq

rx . +t$oi» (awte wp/ur](xev) q*. /c/3t/i.j/oi» befxy. aTreTrviyrjaav

g. V. 34. yeyovdK C. 'ye'yoi'os'p. yevofxevovy. —aweX-

OovTes abde fg hk lm nopq rxy . v . 35 . yeyovw bhy. e£e-

Xr]Xv6r] by . v. 36 . OWTOWS p* . -o i cd* . Satfxovia9r]s r.

V. 37 . ripioTrjcrev p . —Tr)% irept^wpov C. yaoapmwvb. cri/i'-

r\yovTo b . v. 38 . e%eXt)Xv6i) bx y. v. 39. airo<jTpe(pe g .

oXiv p . Ktjpvaaov bx . ^eos (p ro trjaovs) cy. v. 40 . _/2w.

•7T/JOS ayTov (—Tra^Tey irpoa^oKwures) C. v. 41 . — yjXdev d g .

av6pti>Tros {pro avrtp) cxy . iaipo$ c. laqpos x . OWTOS (p ro

- — TOU C. v. 42 . alcrei p . »cat au r r ja g . ei/oe TO


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98 S. LtHLE CAPP. VIII. v. 42—IX. v. 11.

b. avveirviywv p*. crvveQXifiov C. avveQXrifiov x . v. 43.

+rts (post yvvrj) c. larpoK (-«s) abcdefghklmnopqr

(hiatsjxy. KaravaXioaaaa g . v. 44 . + £e (pos^ irpoaeX-

Oovcra) k . oiriaOev a. q\j/aTo oviaQ ev p . etTTj; d. V. 45.

/xe (pro jiOK prim.) C. —/cat ot ;ueT ai / rof eiriGTCLTa p . cmy

auTw (pro /xer' ai/roi;) C. avvQXiQovcnv d. v. 46 . e£ (pro

a7r')f. v. 4 7 . - & d * . -avnpsecund. e p . v. 48. im"t. o& irjaovs g x . o-oi (p ro ere) g . V. 4 9 . euro (p ro Trupa) C.

<r/«/\e a**cky. v. 51. i»tfc eXdwi; abcdefghklmnopqrxy.

ovoeva eicreXBeiv q*. «at iwavvrjv K ai ictKwfiov a b c d e f g h k l

m n o p q * * x y . v. 52. + screws (post 6 8e)c. nXeerai p.

(cAmeTcu x . ow yap (ante airedavev) g. v. 53. idores h.

V. 54. 6K/3OXOV e x . TravTas e^to c e p . w . 5 5 . 6 <$e irap-fjyyeiXev (pro K ai ^teTa^ev) a**, v. 5 6 . irapiyytjXev x .

C A P U T I X . v. 1. +o itjaovs (post Se) ek**rw6ro. -/ua-

O riras avrov abcdf*(A «6 . m ar^ . )gk lm nopq r . -Swa/niv Kai

y . v. 2. iao"0ex. v. 3 . eperai c. —rjji/g. Treipavy. v. 4.

+5" (ante ay) f. - a v b l m n . v. 5. eap (pro av) b d e f g h k l m

n o q r x . ^e^ovrat d y . §e%wvTai g x . - a 7 r o a y . fiapTvpiwv\>.avTois (pro GTT avTovi) e. v. 6. — rets a. v. 7. — $e d. re-

Tpa%risy*. yevo/uevaap . — 7ra»«Ta f. —Toy. eyr/yepreb.

eyeiyeprai d. + Ttoi' (awie veKpwv) g y . v. 8. im£. TIVWV

$e XeyovTwv (—VTTO) C. qXias ik alii passim . e(paveih.

TIS (p ro eiy) y. apyewv d. ea-Ttii (pro aveaTrj) c. v. 9. —o

abcdefhklmnopqry. twavvd. a7re(ce^>aX^£rabfky. -67W

. k . e^jyTeiv p (cf. v. 16) . v. 10. vireywpricrav g.

tjuevy. eprjfiov T O T T O V a c . —TroXewsg. — /caXoy/uewjs

o . KaXov/xevr\v g . (3rj9<ra'ioav a b d f g h p . ($i6aai§ay. v. 1 1 .

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S. LUC^l CAP. IX. vv. 11—31. 99

yvwvTes e g . cnroSe^anevos C. avrois (pro avrovs) d. +ra(ante Trepi) e g q . lacrarog. v. 12 . ijp^eTo f*. TOI/S O^XOI/S

ek . + ets (ante TODS aypovs) f. v . 13 . TrXeiousg. a /u»/

(pro »?) p. t^0yes $vo a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r y . ayopaao/xev

a* *b lm n. ctTravTa g . v. 14 . nXr/aias b e . irei>Tr)KOTa p .

v. 15 . OUTOJS a d lm n q ry . Train-a^c. v. 16 . + /cai (awie a ra -

/3\e\^as) C. tjuXoy^aev c f*y . e&cSovv p . irapaQrjvai cy. v.17 . +7rai>T6S (pos? e(payov) C. ovrai'Tes d . »;0j; (p ro J?/>0>;)

y . Kwcpivoih. owoeKa Kw(pivoi g. v. 18 . + avTov (post (ta-

6rjrai) gy . auTO JS (j)ro ayrous) p . avOpwiroi (pro o%\oi) a

fin.—eivate. v. 19 . jjXias f. jjX iavp . Trpo(pt]i-K a. v. 20 .

-fj.ej. Xeyeratej. -6 abd efhk lm no qr . v . 21 . + cwrots

(posi TrapriyyeiXev) p . Xe7eji' (p ro et7r«ii) eg p y. v. 22 .

ypafx/maTaioov y. ava(7Ttjvai (pro eyepOrjvai) p . V. 2 3 . 0e-

X»/ c. OTTICTU) a b . ep^eaOai (pro eXQeiv) y. e\9eiv omacu /xou

g . eavrov (pro avTou)y. -K aff ^Vejoai/bcdefghklmnoqry.

aKoKovQrjrw b dm *. v. 24 . eai/ (p ro avprim.) a b d e f h k l

m n oq r. 0eXet hp y. cnroXeat) (pro cnroXecrei) q. - os ^" ar

a7roXecr^ ad fin. vers. d. a7roXea-et (p ro -CTJ?) bch*y .

V. 25 . TY\V 06 •^>v"^y]v C L U T O V (pro eavTov oe) C. a7ra)A 6(ras r.

fy)[iLU)6eis y. v. 26 . eav (pro av) h y . /cai (p ro TOVTOV) e.

— ayiwv y. v. 27 . 4-OT I («wie eicrt) gop. 6<JTOTWV e. e<r-

ab cg h k lm n * * o p q ry . otxti/e? (p ro oi) eo . <yew-

ae fghk lm nqr . v . 28 . o5? c g p q r . +6 trjaov? (post

TrapaXafHwv) d. — TOV a b e d f g k l m n p q * * . KCU taKwfiov KCU

iwavvtjv g r . +K<XI (ante avefiri) c. v. 29 . luaTewnos x .

V. 30. $i/o avSpes p . Mwi/ffJjs b e p . — /uwcr s /rai jjXtas C.

V. 31. oi w(p6et>Tes avrw ev §o%t] KCLI eXeyov TH\V to^av

7— 2

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100 S. LU(LE CAP. IX. vv. 31—49.

avrou YJV e/aeXev x . init. o't g. +K ai (ante eXeyov) g.-CLVTOV C. efteXe p* . v. 32. iSov e p x . -TOV$ secund. s.

v. 33 . enre ireTpos (—6) a b c d f h k q r s . +iravTOTe (ante w^e)

g x . — Kai secund. g x . iroirjcrofjiev p * * . Tpeis aKtjvas x. trii

(p ro trot) b . /uiav fiwaei a b k l m n o q r s . fiiav JUWUT] cde f*g

h x . fxtav /xaivcrei p . rfXiav en*. T£ ( M*O O ) X. e \ a \ e t (pro

Xeyei) q*r. v. 34 . XaXoni/roy (^>ro \ e 7 . ) s. 67ret7K£a^ei' x .eiaeXOew eicewovs g. eiaeXOijv eKetvovs x. v. 35 . eyevero

(pwvrj q*r. +ev w rjvooicriGa. (post aya.7rr]TOs) b g x . atcove-

Tai x. v. 36 . — o b e f k o p s . ecopaKeiaav a. ewpcucrjaav c.

eopaiaxcriv e f * * k o . ewpctKav x. v. 37 . KCLTCXOOVTI TW

it]Gov fxera TW V fJLaQrjTwv avTov airo C. /caTeXOovTi TOO

irjcrov OLTTO x . TroXXyy x . v . 3 8 . Seo/ue e . 67rj/3Xe^e g . 67rt-

fiXe\l/cu b c e h k o p x . noi ean sy. v. 39 . cnrapaaei n * x .

/xoXts b e . airo^opei p . avvTpifiwv f *k* q*y . v. 40. e^er/Otj

k . enfiaXuxnv ab ed efg hk lm np qrs x . ai/Tto cep *. avrov y.

eovvrjOrjcrav do . v . 4 1 . eawfxai r . etor TroTe (p ro /cat

secund.) e o p y . ave^o/xe e. ave^cofimr. -ecro( Trpos v/ua$

K ai s* (A ao. m ar.) , TO C KIOV a w t<5& ab cd efg hk lm no pq rs

xy . v. 42. Sieppr/^ev q*r, eppi^ev xy (p ro epprj^ev).

avveoirape^ev n. +awroi; (post (rvvecnrapa^ev) d e o p . — e

secund. y. - o ii/o-owm. v. 4 3 . /xeyaXiorriTifxy. v. 45 .

qyvwovv f*. eaQovTe C. aiaOovrai ef. eTrepwrrjcxai p .

v. 46. - T O d. v. 4 7 . ei&t>s ae pq ** S. r o w SiaXoyicr/mous

a. — T»JS KapSiasC. avTov (pro avroov) e. iraihov cs. ecrT>;-

cre!/ g. ai/Tto (p ro OVTO) b . j?w. irapeavro e. v. 4 8 . ai>

(pro eai> prim.) c. -/cat secund. g. ev traaw v/xwv l m n .

p*. euTti ' (pro etrTat) C. v. 49. — o e. iSo/xev ep .

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S. LUC^E C A P . X. vv. 22—42. 103

y. fj.oi TrapecioOr) abcdefghklmnoqrsy. not wap-

aceooTai p. eiriyivw(TK6ih(\rj. ei/xi o V'IOS a. 6 (pro to) be

dy. (ZovXeraicy. v. 24. 8e (pro yap) g. -fcWf. i^oi/e.

aKOveTcti e. V. 25. 7retjOa^a)f cdy. 7rjjOa ft)c X. +aya9e

(post SiScuTKoXe) r**(forsan primd manu), v. 26. aurw

(pro irpos avrov) c. — TJ s. v. 27. — TJJS prim. c. -e£

T?;S Kap&tas aov KCU X. —/cat e£ oX^s T»7S tcr^i/os ffoj/ C.

. fin. eavTov bemnpqrsy. v. 28 . +o it\aovs(ante

opQixii) g. a7T6/CjO t0ets s. ^ a e t cf*. crw^et s. v. 29. ai/Toi/

(pro eauroi') c. /mot (pro nov) C. +o (ante TrXrjcnov) q*r.

7rX>;crt(iii' f*. v . 3 0 . ei7re a. Karefievev b. \epf)(w a d h k

lq r . e^e^yo-a i' c fk o q r . einiOavr) sy. v. 3 1 . Karefievev b.

V. 3 2 . yeva/uevos C. —eX^ wyp . + anTO i ' (pO 5 i i £t)j/) df. av- a k l m n o p q r s y . v . 3 3 . aa/xapeirts e. e\Qu>i>

(pro rjXde) C. e<nrXayxyr)<r6riy. v. 34 . eXeoi> d k . +«:a i

(awie 67rtj8i/3a(7as) d*. eTrifirjfiatras e f * y . eTrefxeXt]6ei y.

v. 35. avpiov g. Stvapia b. TO Trapoo^et b. enrwv (pro

Kai enrev) ek . €7rt]neXri9r]Tin*. +<i' (ante av)p. irpoa^a-n--

avrjireis e. /not ( p r o jae) ps y. v. 3 6 . T« W Tpicov T O V T W V

c. — T O V T W V b*. TrXrjtrtwv d . 7TX>;O "JOI/ oofcet crot a bd e fg h k l

m n o q r s y . e/uvrecrtuTos C. v. 3 7 . —oyi/ d. croj (pro cy)

bd*. v. 38. o ir/crovs (super eiarjXdev) rubro k**. v. 39.

irapaKaOrjaaaa bef*gy. TWV Xoywv dfghlmnpqrs. v.

4 0 . TroXrjv x . /ueXXet a c e fg h p q x y . e 'y/careXetTreb. ey/car-

k . »caTeXe£7r6 c d * e o . SiaKveivip. fit] (pro fxoi) e.

bx . avvavTiXafioiTat y. v. 41 . 6 i crowy

OUTJJ cdelmnopxy. Tvpfia^ei abcf*y. Tpvfiafy p.

v . 4 2 . 'yct u (p ro ^e) e*. aCpepeOrjaerai ey. a<pepeQt)<jeTe x .

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104 S. L U C E CAP. XL vv. 1—16.

C A P D T XL v. 1. eyevero Se (-KM) qr. +KCU (ante u>$

eiravaaTo) g. enrov o\ maQrjTai x. v. 2. irpoGevyecrue xy.

XeyrjTe i*. — 6 ev TOIS ovpavois &. ovwfj-a d*. — a-ov prim.

C. -TY]% p . v. 3. £os Cg. TOV (pro TO) b * . ati/uepov (pro

TO Ka9 ' fifxepav) g. v. 4. a(pto(j.ei> cf. a<pia)/uev S. irav TO

o(peihovTi C. +Tw (ante o(pei\ovTi) q. otpeiXw/xevwy. eicr-

ei/e'y/ceis C. v. 5. e ^ b. iropeveTai h q * r y ? .TIW C. 6|oet cgpy, ei7ret fo (pro enrrf). ^peiaov r.

x y . v. 6. - juo i / bde fhk lmnoqr s x . /uo£ (pro /mov) cg.

irapayeyovev c. e£o\ov y . TI (pro o) C. v. 7. —e<rw9ev e.

etirei f k* *o *x . KetcXtjaTe x. —/jioveg. —/j.eTe/xovC. +/uiov

(post /CO ITJJK) X. ecTTJi/(pro e/crti;) C. $wa/uef*. V. 8. +^e

(posi Xcyw) bd. (piXov CIVTOV y . avTov (pro avTov prim.)

e k . oe (pro "ye) C. avaiotac e. aveoeiav f. aveoiav xy. ocroy

abcdefghklmnopqrsxy. xP^fy m *- X/0'^6' e x y - v< * a'"

TeiTCti b. oo9r)<j€Te x. evpr/creTaid. evpiarjTey. avof)(9t)o~-

eraibf. avot^ j jueTe k . avoiytjcreTe'p. v. 10. Xa/ifiavij y.

evpeicrKei p. evptjcTKei s. avof)(9weTal a b d e f h k p . v. 11.

+ ef (ante v/xwv) e g o q * r . — K/utoi/h. — Toj>dg. o i/tos aiTtjaei

S. aiTeiari C, + ay ro i; (p osi uios) C. ?j (^>ro et) a b e d e f g h k

l m n o p s y . - s a t as . v. 12. anrjarii d. aiTtjatj a b f * * k l m n

o p q r s . v. 1 3 . ^ (pro ei) C. ovres (pro inrap-^ovTes) e d g p .

aya9a CO*. So/maTa aya9a a b d e f g h k l m n p q r s y .

(post TraTrip) by. Jin. avTw (pro avTov) c. v. 14.

nai eyevGTO (-$e) y. e/c/3Xi?0ei/Tos (pro e£e\0oi;TO s) y.

v. 15. +T£o (ante apxpvTi) d g p y . eKfiaXXtjcy. Jin. +o 5e

(sat ps) airoKpiQeis enre irtos (luvctTai aaravas aaTavav e/c-

flaXXeiv g h p s . V. 16. eTre^jjToyi/ g. e^ ovpavov X

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108 S. U J CM CAP. XII . vv. 18—39.

TO W nap-Kovs fiov (pro iravTa Ta yev. fiov)y. v. 19. en b d .v. 20 . aippov a d g h k l m n o p q r . aireTovcriv x. v. 2 1 . OUTOS X.

6r](ra.vpt)i£u>i> eavrov x . fin. + TavTa Xcywi / e<pwvei (—p**) 6

e^wv WTO. anoveiv aKoverw aefhk**rworop**rM&roq*rxy.

fin. + T e \ o s ' TavTa Xeyoovh. v. 22. Xcyw v/iivdlmnqry.

TO aruifxaTi bd. + v/uwv (post awixaTi) h r y . evSvaeaOe a h l m n

q r . evSuaiaOe p**. vv. 22, 2 3 desunt in p * (habet marg.).v. 2 3 . im£. + oin£iry. + 70^0 (ante \I/u^f]) q. nXeiwv a d k l m

n q . TTXIOI/ p**. v. 24. >)s (^>ro o«) y. Ta/nieiov af*g . a7ro-

9IKIJ e. Tpe(pr) c . oiacpepercti e . TreTrjvwv f k . v. 2 5 . —5e

d. wpoaOrjvai b c d e f *k y. Trt^t/i1 e. v. 26 . oi!re a. 01/& c.

' k . txepifxvaTai e. v.27. vijOr] c. - d e l * m n . + o r t

g q * r . irepiefiaW ero cq*. v. 28 . at]fiepov evaypw (—Tip)Cg. atjfxepov ev ™ aypw p. Toy aypov (pro

ev Tfti aypw) n*y. avptov g. /cX^/3ai/oc a. flakojxevov p .

W a s (pr o y/xas) e. v. 29 . /cat (p ro 77) ag y. v. 30. TTUVTU

yapTavTay. — TOV Kocrfxou p . + «a j (post Se) q*. VjO i^eree.

/ra . + ct7rai'Ta(cC. V. 3 1 . ^ r e t d. —TravTah. v. 32 . Trot-

ev C. riv$0Ki]<jevf*y. +TOV (ante <}ovvat)h.

x. v. 3 3 . 7roXtcraTe x . fiaW avTia eduTOis p . eavrovs

y . ev ai/Toiy c. (iaW avTia ac* * dk . a»»6/cXjj7rTOf eq * y . ^ a -

(pOripei a x . hacpOetprjf*. v. 34 . —eaTaiC. fin. ecrTe (pro

ecxTai) p . v. 3 5 . ecrTwcrai' h . at oa<pves v/uwv p . oafpvai C.

v. 36 . UVTWV (pro eavru3v)y. avaXvari y. v. 37. +ai/Twv

Kupios) y . ai/To« (p ro auTous) p * . ^taKoi/tcret O. at/-

(p ro ai/Tots) cx y. v. 3 8 . +eav (ante ev TY \ TpiTtj)

co . -e\9ri secund. o p . +eX0u>v (awte eJ p ^ )o p . evprjcrri g.

v. 39. yivwaKerat x . >/ (pro ei) b . »jSq

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S. U J CM CAP. XII. vv. 39—58. 109

e k m * . ep^eTe h. — av secund. c d g p . Siwpvytjvai x . TT\Vot/acti/Cgp. v. 40 . ^w/cetTex. v. 4 1 . - o f . veoTepos {pro

Ylerpos) C. —/cat g . v. 4 2 . iiycroys (/)ro Kvpios prim.) c.

ecrTai (p ro eo-Tic) o p . o ( p ro /cai) ef. (ppovrjixos b e g .

y. v. 4 3 . O V T O O S TToiovvTa y. v. 44 . +Se {post aX

e. ai/Tw {pro avTov) af. v. 4 5 . + /ca/cos (ante

^loovi^ k. jxov o Kvpios p . e\8etv {pro epyeaOai) gp. ecr-Oirjv f. fteOvKeaOat y. /aera TOW fxe9vovTwv {pro /cat fxeOua-

KeaOai) c. v. 46 . >7 JJ c. jj^ei k. ^ k6 is . v. 47 . aur ou

(pro eauToy) acd gh lm no pq ry. v. 48. w Hie ysemel, of

{pro (p prim.). fyjTrjO i] e. irapedeTo C. airricruxnv C. cnrai-

Ttjcrovaiv ad/p q* r . v. 49. (iakrjv b. e7ri (pro eis) a d / g o p .

Kai TI ; 0e\&) b . r) ei$r] C. et ^^ej p . v. 50 . - & C . /3a7r-

T«Tju.a Te\e<j9r]vcu {pro ficnrTicrixa oe e-^w (icnnaGrivat)f.

avve^cofxat C. OTOD ac d/ gp . V. 5 1. aXXa (pro aX \ ' rj) g.

v. 52 . oiaixepLCF fxevoi f. Jin. rpiaiv d/p . v . 53 . +yap {post

oiaixepiaOrjaeTai) q r . CTTI niai ab cd eg hk lm nq ry . ed)' v\w

irarrip Kai via} eirif. e<p' via) iraTrjp p . fxtjrpi {pro Trarpi)

y . -Ti\vprim.f. -Trjubisg. v v . 5 4 , 5 5 desunt imp*{habet

marg.). v. 54. ri^rjTef. XeyeTaiy. +6TI {ante o/*/3poy)

/ g p * * . OJTWS a d / l m n p * * q r y . v . 5 5 . -Km prim. d. Tri/e-

W V T O . p**. ecrnv {pro ecrTai) C. yiveTef. v. 56. + ^ec

{ante trpoaunrov) y. TO I; ovpavov nai TY\% ' y j jy acd/ lmnp

q**y. Kaipo f. v. 57. KpiveTctify. v. 58. V7ra'y»jsi h. dO9

epyacriav ev TTJ O$U> «7raXXa^a« WTT avrov C. Karaav-

ptjaai TTjOos Totf Kpinf. iraphwf. irpaKTop g. irparoop y .

/3aX>yid. j3aX>/ace/ghkopr. /3aXeiy. /3aXjj <re lmn.

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110 S. LU(LE C A P P . XII. v. 58—XIII. v. 19.

ereq**. +Trjv(ante(j)v\aKriv)r. v. 59. e£eX0ets/. rov(proTO ) b c e / h k p q * r . awo$o<sf. \Hiat s : vid. Prolegomena],

C A P U T X I I I . v . 1 . eiceivio (pro avT^> prim.)fy. cnray-

yekovres g . +ravra (ante Trepi) C. avrov (pro avrwv)e.

v.2. —oTiToiavra TreTrovOaaivg. Treiro9aaiv O. \.3.fxera-

vorjarjTe a d f g p . fxeTavoeicriTe c. (xeTavoeiTe y . 7rai>Ta>? g.

o/uoioos (pro waavTOK) y. v. 4 . imV. oi (^?ro rj) q r . eneivoic , a i i ro tp (pro CWTOI). +TOI/S («raie avOpwvovs) a. —6f

secund. y. v. 5. fj.eravotj<rt]Te a g p y . fxeravoeire c e .

TWS g . waavTM s (pro ofioiws) e g . a7roXe«70ai h . v. 6.

TrapafioXrjv Tavrrjv p . TIS e t^ey p . -a i l r ov e . fyiTi»v Kap-

•n-ov ab c (^T-o wc )def hk lm no pq ry . v . 7 . e \ e7 e (pro «7re)

g. +oi/y (pos£ eiaco\lsov) C. Kwrapyt] b c e o . V. 8. eiTrec (pro

Xeyei) cy . eais ou C. trepi avrrjs C. Konpiav C. v. 9. im'^.

/ca tea^C. /xe (pro/lev) y. Troir/crei en * . — <ye C. eic /co ^s

bc eh k. ./m. + r a v r a Xe'ywi' ecpoovei 6 e^wv d (sic), fin.

+o eywv (JOTCI aicovetv axoveTw e. Jungit utrumque f. v. 10 .

+ o irjaous (post SiSacrKwv) e£]z**rubro o. v. 11 . e-^ovaa

Trvev/xa a. —turOeveias h . ext x . —/cat secund. e. v. 12 .

Trpocrecpwvr) y . T>7 aa9eveta y. v. 13 . avopQwBt) ex . v. 14 .

apyjUGvvarywyo'i x . TO> cappctTov C. TO o"«/3(3aToi/ g . TO

cra/3/3aTwO . —Secy, avrais (pro Tai/Tais)C. — o w p . 9epa-

irevea-Bat eq. v. 15 . -01/1/ d. -avripy. ujaoiyy (pro icvpios)

cf. viroKpirai a b e g h k m n . — i/Tro/fjO tTac. oii/oi> (p ro o>/oi/)p.

v. 16 . O vyarepavSicdegxy. ovaav afipaafi >)i/k. V. 1 7 .

WM'£. —/cat O . /caTiff^i/voi/Tobe. e^epev cirri's.. V. 1 8 . CGTW

Ofxoiag*. TW V ovpavwv (pro TOD 6eov)C. v.19. wfioiwOt) (pro

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S. LTKLE CAP. X III. vv. 19—34. I l l

6<TTJ) x. ov (pro o) b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r x y . KrjTnrov g.Kenrovx. +TOV (ante KrjTrov) qr . avrov (pro eai/Toi/)opq*ry.

Trer^rn kx. v. 20. init. - / ca t abcde fghk lmnopqr (Mat s)

xy . v. 2 1 . eKpv\j/ev a c d g h l m n p q r . dXevpovg. v. 22.

iropiaviiy. ev (pro ets )p. v. 23 . — Kvpi€ b* (hab. mar.).

avTov (pro avrovi) g. CIVTOIS (pro wpo<$ avTovs) x. v. 24 .

aywviXeaBai e. ayoviXeaQ e J. TTOI\JJSX. 7rai\oi x . Xr(Tr\a(o-

aiv C. ZrjTovmv g. fyiTKrovcrtv x. e\9eiv (pro eiae\9eiv

secund.)b. ujyyovaw g. V. 25 . O 7ro/c\j/crj; a*. airoKkriaei e.

aTro^Xeicreicf^qr. —TrfvOvpavsecund.c. —TroOev eared. Jin.

eo"Tatf*. v .26 . ap^rjade cefpx. ecpaywiievh. eiriwuev S*.

v. 2 7 . +a7ro/C|O i0eisi (awfe €joei) d. aivo^oopeiTe (pro airoaTTj-

Te) g. - o i bf. avo/xias (pro a^uaas) x. v. 28 . OSOJI/TWV f*.

to-craa/ch*? o\//eo-0eah**lmns. o\//to-0eb. v. 29 . -atrose-

cund.abcdefghklmnopqrsxy. avait\t]9>i<TovTaibdef*kx.y.

v. 30. oi (pro eiaiv prim.) c. v. 3 1 . Taurr) (pro avTy) go.

+$e (post avrrf) C. — TT/ S*. +avra) (post TrpoarjX.Gov) a p .

ol iu.a9t]Tai (pro Tive<; (papiaaioi) X. — ai/Twp. 9e\r] C. 0e-

(^ ro 0eA ei tre) b . v. 32 . init. 6 Se (pro /cat) g . +6

(post OWTOIS) x - —ai/Tojy p . aXtt)7re/ci d h . aXcoTreici)

f*. aXo)7re/cetx. + e-yft) (p os i t$ov)q*r. e(c/3a\A ob. e/c/3a\(5

CX. uxarjs X. reXioiwai e. TeXtov/xe x. vv. 32 , 33 . avpiov

g. -KM rri TpiTrf usque ad avpiovb*(hab.mar.)p. v. 33 .

init. aXXa Set fxe TrpoaevyeaGai o n OI/K ei/$e^eTai x. yuat

(pro /ue)j. rr) epyofj-evrig. e%u> 'LepovaaXtj/u airoXeaOaiX.

v. 34. wrroKTevovaa a c l m n q r x y . airoKrevvovaa dhks. e7rt-avvayayeiv g x * . + eiriavvayei (post Tpoirov) q*X. o i/^s

f*x . voaiav f * ky . T « eauTr)? voaaia a d g o p . +aurrjs (post

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112 S. LUCJS CAPP. XIII. v. 34—XIV. v. 17.

c. v. 3 5 . -i$ov usque ad eptj/xos g. a(ptere bx.

-vfiivprim.c. -eprjfios b c d e f * h k o p . Xeyw Se (-afxtjv) ab

c d e f g h k l m n p q r s y (x non habet). tSj/re /u.e cp . -y^y ore

g. >?£et b c e h lm n y . +/xoi (post eitrrire) p.

C A P U T XIV. v. 1. eurekQew {pro e\6eiv) g. v. 2. r\v

av9pa)7ros (—Ti?)e. — jji/a. vSpomKos ef l . v. 3. +TOHS

(ante (papicraiovs)g. +ev (post e^ecmv)c. TW crafifiaTovla.ri<xv^a.<jav h . v. 5. /cai eiwev irpos CIVTOVS (—cnroKpiOeis) p.

i/toy v/meov y. nlo? ( >ro oi/os) bee fh kl m nq rsx . irecreiTai

b o p . TrefreiTe c. —ec p q y . v. 6. avTov (pro avTw) c.

v. 7. TrpoToKkr)<Jia^ b. TrpcoTOKXtjcrias e f *hoxy . v. 8.

K\rj6eis bf *S*y. ic\i6r)s q. KaraK\^9r]S b e h * x . KaTaicXt]-

6ei$ y. irpoTOKXicriav b. TrpcoToicXricriaueho*S*xy.


TtjfxoTepo's (*• evTtjfxcDTepos x. evrifiaoTepo^ h y . et (M*o ?i)

ey . v. 9. e/jef <r« 5os (pro trot) Im n . &ns x. r o y r o b q x .

ctp^ei jueTa ecr^uws c. fxera b d h o x . ea'yyvrj^ x. v. 10.

icXt]9eis y. ai>a7re<re a b cd e fg h k lm n o p x y . avaTreaai qrs.

etTret fy.rirpo<java.fir\Qy\~X-. avaKetfxevwvg. V. 1 1 . o oe

Ta7reii'ft)i'(—/cat) cpxy . —/cat o Tcnreivwv ad fin. vers.s.

v. 12. —/cat (jx>s£ $e)bd. K S K XIK O T IJ . KeKXrjKWTei aurco c.

7roi6is ey. TroirjcreK C. >a)i>i} a g . —/x^Se TOVS a$eX<povs

crov f. cot aiiTt/caXecroi/Tat C. yevrjaeTai croi avTairoowixa e.

v. 1 3 . aXX ay. 7rote(scef?y. —avairripovs ^toXowsp. avairei-

povsy. — ru(pXovsg . v.14:. e%wcnvC. avaaTaarjb. v.15.

+avrw (ante Tavra) e. —Tavra g. (payrirai s*. apiuTov

(pro a|O Toi>)abcdfghklmnopq rsy(e cwm Elsev.). TW V ovpa-

vwv (pro TOV 9eov) d. v. 16 . im't. d ^e tytrovsg. eTroieurevx.

fieyav cqry. eKaXXecree. v. 17. TOVS $ODXOI/SC. epyea9ai

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S. LUC^I C A P P . XIV. v. 17—XV. v. 1. 113

e x . tjSei x. v. 18. r/p^aro S*x. irapeTeiadai x. rjycopacraa. e^eXOrjv x. Trapr]Tr]nevwv p*. V. 19. ^evyet x. irope-

v. 20. ovva/me x. e^eXOeivC. V. 21 . Trapayeva-

C. — eKeti/os cp. eiirev {pro cnrrjyyeiXe) C. avcnreipov?

by . Kaj Tv<p\ov$ Kai T COXOI/S cglmnp. ^oX<w cy. v. 22.

cf. v. 23. eio-eXOrjv x. v. 24. yevcrijTe C.

x . _/?«. + 7 T O X X O J Y





' (eirreih**) K\>]TOI

oXiyoi <5e e/cXe/croi ab**cdefgh**p**rw6ro sxy. v. 25.

T(« irjaov {pro avT(<))i:**marg. <rTpa(pr]sh. v. 26./uicriyby.

auToy (^pro eavrov primo) abcdefgklmnopqrs. — Tr\v

secund. C. eifat fiaOrjTis C. eii/ai /ULa6r}Tt]S lmnop. eivai fxov

HaOr/rrisg. v. 27. Deest mgp. fiaaraaei f. eavrov cy.

ctKoXovOei {pro ep-^erai) d. eivai /uoi» abcfklmny. v. 28.

+o (anie SeXaif) fgk**rw6ro lmnqrs . irvpyov OeXtov p.

fieXaiv O**(JU rubro). Ka9r]aas ef. —rag. ei<s {pro irpos)

cefghk. v. 29./ijj7TwTem**y. la^crai'Tose. tcr^wcrai'Tay.

eixTreXrjv avTov C. avToi efj.irai^eiv py. V. 30 .

v. 3 1 . — (HaaiXevs v. Tropevofievos aw ficuriXei

eTepov TOV covvai OVTO TroXe/mov C. naOrjcras ef. irpwTov

(cameras py. av/u(3ovXeveTaip. evoeKa{—ev)s.

v. 32. - e n h. Troppw avrov abcdfghklmnopqrsy.

ek*p*. +eis (anie Trpecrfieiav) d. irpeafiiavy. —rap.

eis (^)ro 7TjOoj) p. v. 33. mroTacreTat y. TOIS virap^ovcnv

avTto ap. TOJ9 WTT. avTov g. TOK CIVTOV VTrapy^. b. —eav-

TOW s. eifai /uon y. v. 34. dXXas f *. +(cat (anie TO

aXas) y. +/cat (awie e co) C. (SaXovaiv g. avrov h*y,

be (pro avro).

C A P U T XV. v. 1. im t euravi. avrw 7 7 ^


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114 S. LUC^E CAP. XV. vv. 1—22.

—oi secund. deos y . v. 2. eyyoyv^ov y. WjO ocr e^eTe b.

Several g. v. 4. avOpwiros xts (-ei* vfiw^x. ov^i xy.

/coTaXei7TJ ; C. /cetTaXt7ret e ? l . KetTaXt'fl-oi' x . evevtjicovTa ev-

veaadeghklmnpqrsxy. eveviKovra eweabcf. —/cat secund.

X. eTTt r a OjO)7 iropevOeis ^ jj re t T O a7roXa>Xftis x . + 01; (pos#

ews) ac g p x . ai/T« (pro OUTO) bcx. v. 5. e«Y>oi> x. TWV

. avrov {pro eavTov) f l m n p q r s x y . v. 6. +ai/Tot/otKoy) d. avyicaXetTcu Cgqr. + avToy {post (piXovs) y-

x . —/uovy. oirep aTroXeira (pro TO ctTroXtuXos) C.

v. 7. - o n x, O J T O J S a d l m n y . yiverai e, eanv x (pro e<r-

rai). rj em TOIS evvea x. +TO«S (ante evev-)gs. evevrjKovra

e i 'veaadefghklmnopqrsy . eveviicovTa evveahc. Sed — evvea

cf. xpiavx. eytoaiv C. V. 8. +e<TTt (post TIS) d. opay/xasbe. Spayixrjv b x . airTH) C. eTrt/ieXos x. evpei f *? v. 9.

O T/7/caXej a h x y . <7i;7K:aXe«T6 k. TOI/S (pro ras1 secund.) g s .

. (Spayixr/vh. a7roXe<rax. v. 1 0 . O I/TW?adlmny.

ayyeXwv g . v. 1 1 . +o i^cous Tjjf TrapafioXrjv (post

Se) C**rubro. v. 12. e-mf3aXXwv ey . SitjXev y . v. 13.

crvvaycov C. avvayayov x. SiecncopTrrjaev b y . CKTCOTOS1


v. 14 . - ^ e g . Xet/uosx. + T O U (omte varepetaOai) b. v. 15.

TTopeu9r)$ e. irapevOen y. TTOXJ/TWJ; X. ^ypovs e. v. 16.

e7re9vfit] ye/nrjaai^. taOiove. j^tojootp*. eTreotoovy. ^ n .

avTo i'X. V. 1 7 . TTWS oi (pro 7rocrot) ey. aprovg. aprovx..

airoXvixctt X. v. 1 8 . iropevcrcofMaiC. —avrwg. v. 19 . — KW

b c f h k p x . v. 20. ayToy (pro eavrov) a c d e g o p q * r y . t^evex . evairXayvicrOrj x. eTrecrei' dry. rpa-^iXov y. — KCH

quartumy. v. 21. -/ecu secund. c. /w. +Troit)crov ixe tu's

ei/a Tan; fuaQiwv <7oi/d*q*r. v. 22. -Ttjvprim. p. +ai»Tto

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S. LUCLE CAPP. XV. v. 22—XVI. v. 9. 115

{post 5«>Te) C. Jin. +<XVTOV dpq*S. v. 23 . eveyKovTe? q.e^evcy/covTes r . v. 24 . o i/ioj fxou Q U T O S p . —/cai secund.

d e g p . a7ro\toXos abcde fg l* o q rs xy . ctTrtuXcoXw k . -rjv se-

cund.f. — Kai tertiutn C. tjvpeOr] bc ex . v . 25 . riyyijCev C.

^e g- ywpu>v el* , v. 2 6 . cryy/caXeuajuei/os q* r. + av

et>j) df. »;ej C, et y {pro eir/). TOVTO {pro ra i /xa) p .

v . 27 . eXa/3ei> y . v. 2 8 . opyiaOrj y . r)9e\rjaev f *g. 5e(pro GUI) f. 7ra|Oe/caX>7 x . v. 29 . +<XVTOV {post iraTpi)

ah rx . 6Tt h. —ouceiroTe evTo\t]i> aov iraprjXQov Kai e/xoi

p. eoo/cas b . epMpov eowicas y. v. 30 . icaTa<pa.yov b h .

auxoy (p ro auTra) cq . V. 3 1 . T O efio iravra y . etxTt d.

v. 32. (irj {pro $e) C. -^apivai e. 5>? (pro e^e«) C. avefyaai

p*. -Kat secund. d. a7roXwXoj ab cd ef * *g l* o qr sx y. -»jy

secund. y. tjvpeOrj x .

CA PUT X V I . v. 1. -/ca t p r m . a b cp s. oijcoi/oyutoi' y.

^laaKopirtXpv 1*. v. 2. —avrov f. — croi> secund. fgkp. CWJJ

cfy. §vvriGei ertj e. v. 3 . atpaipetre b. a<paipeirai /xe TJJ?

oi/coco^tas (-aTr' e/xou) p . eTrtTrrw^eti' ( p w e7ratTeti') n**.

ov cuva/xai {pro mcr^vvofxai) d. v. 4. e'yw w b. + e/c {post

/ieTaaTadw) g y . (ie^ovrai c. /?«. eavTwv y. v. 5. ^peo<pei-

Xerwv bfos**. -^peotpiXerwv c. ^pecoCptXeTwv dh. ai/Toi/

(p ro eai/Toy) ac eg h * oq ry . etTrev (pr o eXe7e) dg op y. o<pi-

XeK e (sic v. 7). o(peiXt]? aq*. wcpeiXeis <rv y. v. 6. /cet-

OODS {pro /3aT0i/s) b . ypa^J/ov Tay^ews C. irevTiKOVTa b .

v. 7. —Kai prim. eg . ei^ey (p ro Xe^ei) p . v. 8. eiroiqaev

{pro eTryveaev) C. + at/Tou (pos< Ki/ptos) d. (ppovt]fxws y .

—ot bf. TTji/ yeveav avTwv gp. +Tai/T^i/ {post yeveav) C.

v. 9. Xcyw J/Uiv g . eavTovs {pro eavrois) d. ivorav C. e/c-

8— 2

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116 S. LIKLE CAP. XVI. vv. 9—31.

b e k l * m * n o q * y . eKXenrtj e. Se^ovre c. v. 10 .secund. x . aStuwsprim.h. -rroXw secund.k. fin.

earn y. v. 1 1 . —ovv e. eyeveadai f *. aXrjOrjvov x .

Tt? y- TTHXTevGri x . ^axret ( p r o TricTTeiicrei) d . v . 1 2

in d . eyiveade e. v. 1 3 . oncens e. oWaTe k s x . et

f*. + TO f (ant e eroy) Cg p. SuvaaGai ex . v. 14. -7rain-a

b . +ai (ante <piXapyvpoi)y. —/cat secund. eg. efi.vKTr]pi<£ovp . e^e/JLVKTripeiXpv x. v. 15 . ij/awv (pro vfuuv) e. Toy (pro

TO ) C. ovpavois (pro avOpwiroi's) p . —ecxTiv a b d e k l m n o p s

y. v. 17 . evKowoTepov d y . tcaipeav y . 7rapeX6ew (pro

Treaeiv) C. v. 1 8 . aircaXvwv y . noiyarai (pro fioi^evei) bis

gy, primohps(fiof)(aTe c), secundo e*k*. —ya/uwv secund,

g. v. 19. eveSvcSucriceTo p . Xa/xT/oos x . v . 20 . ety (p ro

7T|0oy) C. Tri/Xoca x . eiX/cojuei'os e x . j;X(co^iei'Os e. ^X/co/iei'os

o . v . 2 1 . aireXiyov c e q r x . eX/cet b f* x . v. 2 2 . aTroOavrjv

x . -TOW a b c d e f h k o p q r s x . v . 2 3 . dSei m * . o'/oa h. ^ a -

KpwOev ex . v . 24 . TOI> (pro TO ) y . TOW ( p r o avrov) c .

KaTa\j/v^ei X. oovvo/me x . (piXoyrj b x . v. 25 . — oVt y . —crw

prim. g p . — o'juojft)? p . — o$e d. co^e (p ro o$e) a b e fg h k o q *

rsy . TrapaKaXeire b . TrapaKaXtjrai x . TrapaXetrai y. o§u-

vacre x . v. 26 . eaTriprjKTat x . evOev (pro evrevQ ev) b d e f

gh klm no qrs xy (p cwm Elzev.). jj^a? (p ro i5/uas) eq . —^^

ovviovTai usque ad ^ a s p . ovi/acTai e. OUVOVTCII X . i/^uas

(p ro »7yuas) n . SiaTrepwat y . v. 27 . 7re/x^6js f*. v. 2 8 .

ciaixapTvprjTei. ciaiJ.apTupei.Taix.. v. 29. + oe (post Xeyei)

a b d h p y . fioovaea d. v. 30 . + T O ) I ; (ante veKpwv) go. jue-

Tavorjawcnv ex. v . 3 1 . aKovaovaiv f**. a/fouawo'ti' X. oi/o

g . a7ro (p ro ex) k . iriaOrjcrovTai ex . TreiaOrjawvTai m*q*r^

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S. LUC<E CAP. XVII. vv. 1—24. 117

CA PUT X V I I . v. 1. +avTov {post /jLci9r)Tas) a d g p y .+ rov {ante /nrj) a b d e f g h k l m n o p q r s y . eiaeX9eivy. v. 2.

XvaiTeXi] y. — ei y. — nepiKeiTai b*y . TrepiTe9r) g. eivai

\i6os /uvXiKosy. /uyXoisp*. epenrTai p . eppnrTed. <TKCLV-

SaXiaet e. —era e. v. 3. Trpoae^eTat e. aixaprtjarj q*r.

a/uaprriaet y. fxeravoTjcrei eq*y. V. 4. afxapTtjari df*qr .

y. —67rTa«s usque ad en ere K m e. +o a^eX-

(posi ets ffe)y. + eav (aw^e eirraKis secund.)p.

/e( fy. - e m ere a b d e f g h k l m n o p q r s x y {Mat c).

a(pricrr]s xy. v. 6. e^ere abd. eac e^t]Te g. avKafx.r\vw

f*X. €Kpi%wQrjTe e. expi^oOrjTi y. eis TJJI' O aXacrcrai' a.

€Trr]Kovaev n. wftwy (j>ro iZ/Uty) d. v. 7. apwTpiwvra rj

TroifxeviuvTa x. eiaeXBovTa bd . avavrecre ab de fg hk lm no p

s xy . v. 8. aXXa ov^g- Senrviaooy. +av d e g p , + o i ) s

(posf etas). 7rift)id. (7O4 (p ro cry) f. v. 9. -avnp abde fgh

k l m n o p q r s x y . v. 10. O I;TWS ad lmnq** . a^peioi SovXoi

ao . otpeiXo/uev X. V. 1 1 . ev (p ro eis) ek. lepoaoXv/maf.

tjv oiep^ofxevos g. juetroi/s e. v. 12. TOW iijaov {super av-

TOV) k** rubro. vTr^vTrjaav g. eaTtjerav dg. v. 13. Xe-

•yoiyrats x. — eTriaTaTa C. V. 14. VTrocei!~a.Te d. ^ei^aTe

O. eavTois (pro eai/roy?) n. eKaOepiaOrjaav x. v. 16. TOI;

irjGov {pro avTov)x. aafj.apt]Trj^ e. V. 17 . ov% g. eKaBep-

€«r9r)aa.v x. + oy ro i (pos^ $e/ca) d p . —& secund. cy. v. 20.

eTrepwTiOets bfhs . v. 21. —»; b n . ei/ rots {pro evros) C.

ecm s. v. 22 . +ayTou (pos i fxaOtiras) cfgh. eTre9vfi.ti<re-

TCti e. €Tre9vfxrjiT6Te k . ei

7ri9vfXf]crt]Te S*. —TOV V'COU p y .

v. 23.->j abepy. /rai (p ro >; t^ow) g. +o y_piaTO<; {post eicei)

g o p . Siw^rjrai g h * . v. 24. —»; secund. cfpy. + roi ' (aw fe

ovpavov) bis c. — ei? T>?I/ W?>" ovpavov e g y . OVTW KOLI (—etr-

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118 S. LUCLE CAPP. XV II. v. 24— XV III. v. 5.

rai) g. eare d. -KCII a b d e f h k l m n o p q r s y . v . 2 5 . iroXXairaO eiv avrov p . v. 26. eyevovro C. -TO V prim, a b c d e f

h k l m n o p q r y (Mat s, g cum Elsev.). —OVTWS usque ad fin.

versus g. +TOV (ante v\ov) acd e fhk lm no pq ry . V. 27 .

yjaOiov d. +KCU (ante einvov) y . eyaitxifyvro gh. +/cm (ante

eyan-)h. cnroXeaev y*. r/pev (pro cnrw\.) g. V. 28. —ws

y . eyevovTo d. tjywpa^ov a*, ecpurevwv h. v. 29 . +o(ante XOOT) C. +/cat (ante efipe^e) e k . deiov /cat TTUJO Cgp.

— /cat fletovf*. a7roXe<rei/ ef*. v. 3 0 . Kara TO. a u r a a p y .

+6rav (post tj/uepa) e . v . 3 1 . SoficiTos e . Gicevei e. «:a-

Taj&aiveTw g- V. 33. ^j/r^cret ce. cnroXecnj (pro airoXe-

cei) d k y . os av a7roXecr6t f. aTroXeuei (pro a7roXecrj?) eh

q r . avrov (pro av rrjv secund.) f**. — K M O S eav anoXeari

ad fin. vers. c. Xowyoviaei e. ^wyopi/crei k* . craxret (p ro

^0)07.) f. v. 34 . + 7ajO f, + $e g q r (post Xeyan). ev avrtj

(pro TavTrj) C. §vo eGovTe c. Svo EGOVTCU g l m n p q * * y . em

/cXtwjs /mas Suo d. — 6 primum a b c d e g h k l m n o p y . — 6 se-

cund. o*. TrapaXa/ufiaveTai f. TrapaXa<p6r]aeTai q*. v. 3 5 .

aXrjOvcrai e. e7rt TW avrto c . —») 6is b . —riprim. a c d e f g

h k l m n o p q r y . TrapaXeKpOtjaeTai b . v. 36 . Deest in a b

c d e f g k l m n o p q r ( s Mat, x w m habet) y . —ecroi'Tai h . - o

prim. h. v. 3 7 . e£7roi/ (2?ro XeYoi/cric) g . -Trrw/xa (pro

crwfxa) f**g. + icai (ante o\ aeroi) l m n y . K m ol aeroi avv-

a^OricrovTai y.

C A P U T X V I I I . v. 1 . - 5 e K aig. Set e. +avrovs (post

•n-poaev^ea-Oai) abc dfh opq *r . v . 2 . -T ts C*o. iroXr] x .

V . 3 . - T i s a b c d e g h k l m n o p q r x y . rr^eToy. -Toufi*. avrt]-

CLKOVX. x.4. eiO eXeiaevX. tjQeXev cfmn. —evny. +Xeywv

(ante et KCU) X. V. 5. /ue (pro fxoi) c. KOTTOVS cfs*y.

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S. LIKLE CAP. XVIII. vv.5—25. 119

p x y . viroTTtafy a b d e f g h m * p s * x y . virovieXt] c k o q r * ? . fiai(pro fie) C v. 6. r/KovaaTe f*y. rrj (pro r t ) x . aSt/cetas x .

v. 7. iroitjat] a d f g k l m n q r . eK^iKeiaiv x . fioovTwv e. VVK T O S

K ai ij/xepas C. fxaKpoOu/mi C. /uaKpoyOvficov X. v. 8. im£.

+vaig. —o'rif*. TTO iacri C. aw roc (pro avrwv) h. —ac-

Opwirovr. v. 9. -Kai prim, a d e f l d m n o q r s . e 0 ' eavrov}

a. e^) eauTt]$ p . —/cat secund. g. e^ovOevovvTes d g . TOIS

Xoi7rotyp. —Tt]v Trapafiokrjv TavTrjv C. V. 10. —6 prim.

g. v. 1 1. Trpocrrjv^aTo'p. «5? (pro wcnrep) p . Xi7rot 1*.

x. fiv^oi h. 6 TeXcovtjs OUTOS ao p. v. 13 . o oe

(-/cat) f. + a7ro (an te (xaKpoQev) p . /maKptoOevx.

X. eT inrT e( — ets)ap . <7Ti0osv fp. — avrovy. V. 14 .

(postXeyw) d. + o n (awie Karefirj) dp. §e$iKcuo/i.ev-

o sd . + 7a|O (j?os£ JJ) a c d e f g h k l m n o p q r s x y . eavrwv prim.

p*. —o $e Taireii'toi' ad fin. vers. g* (/i,a6. marg.). v. 15.

/cat tooi/Tey(—oe) y . + a f ro u (post ixa6rjrai)dgp. eiraiTin-

tjaav b . €7reTifixa)v f. V. 18 . avOpwiros Tts TrpoGrjhBev TW

trjcrov TreipaCwv avrov K ai Xeywv x . eTrepaiTtjcre S. —Tts f.

Tts avTov TW V ap^ovTtov ireipaXpv avTov K ai Xeywv C.

+ 0 7 0 0 0 ^ (post TI) x . KXrjpovofxeura) X. V. 19 . et /ut f. V.

20. nof)(fvueK e. (povevaeis e. •^revcofiapTvptjcreK £• Ttj/ua

x . —crow secund. cdfg. v. 2 1 . -wavra ravra p. i/eortTos

x. ./m. + r t e n v'crTejoa); x . v. 22 . - 5 e y . d rt (pr o eT t)k .

av Xnrei x . Xenrr) q*. + i Tra'ye (posi Xenrei) d. iroXtjaov x .

^os bgo sy. + TCMS (a nie TTTto^ois) f. e '^ s d es y . 5ei/jO to fx y.

aKoXovdrj X. v. 23 . — »jt> "yap 7rXoycrtos aipoSpah. v. 24.—o t^crow h. irepiXonrov c. eicreXevcrwvTai X. TW V ovpavwv

(pro TOV deov) g. v. 25. evKoirorepov x y . /ca/utXov cy .

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120 S. LU CE C A P P . XV III. v. 25— XIX. v. 4.

{pro eiaeXQeiv prim.) cfqrx . irXovaios y . fiaai-Xiav 1*. eiaeXOrjv x. v. 27 . init. o $e irjaovs y . eiai y .

—Tip f. v. 2 8 . — 6 a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r s y . fin. + TI apa

eo~Tai riniv', ce . v. 29 . +OTI vfxeis ol aicoXovOrjcravTes fxoi

{ante on ovciets) e. + rj adeXfbas {post aoeX(povs) fs. evexa

g. eveKe y. V. 30 . Xaftri C airoXaj3ei y . TroXairXaaiova

y . TroXXwTrXacriova p . eKarovTaTrXacnova. c. TOUTO (^?roTovT(p) b . eTTepyoixevco C. v . 31 . CXrijxy. TeXeiwurjcxeTat

y . v. 32 . + ev {j3OStyap)p. enire^rjvaiC. —/cat vj3pia-

OrjaeTai dsy. v . 33 . fi.acrTrjyaiG'avTes e. avTov airoK Te-

VOVCFL S. TY) Tpvrv) rj/xepa c d e f g q * r s y . eyep9rj<rerai {pro

avaoTrjo~6Tai) y. V. 34 . KeKaXvfifi.evov f. irapaKenaXvfiev-

ovh. eyivwaicwvh..v. 3 5 . —oe d.

TOI/ irjcrovv {pro au-

TOV) ck** supra, rubro. lepi-^oo abd fhk lo qr s . + 5e ( an te

T « ) b . irpoaeTtov x . v. 36 . + av (an te et?;) cdfp. >?et c.

ravra ey . v. 3 7 . m£w|oaiaj<; p * . v. 3 9 . Deest in s. Trctjo-

ayovTes p . acwrnat] b e . aianriaei C. ai/e/cjoa^ec Xe'ytoj' f.

e/Cjoa^e Xcytoi' g x . + ir\aov {ante vie) e. cavio o. v. 40 .

eiripaiTtjaev x. v. 4 1 . i»j(, + o irjaovs {ante Xeywu) y .

v. 4 2 . aca/3Xe\|/a)i' p * . 7ria-Tjys e . v . 4 3 . tjnoXovdt) b y .

ovXos (^*"o Xaos) x y . — K ai 7raj o Xaos usque ad fin. g.

C A P U T X I X . V . I . o irjcrovs oirjp-^eTo ets i€pi^(o{ — Tt]v)g.

+o itjcrous{post 8irjp-xeTo)cek.**rubrox.. 'lepiym a b d g h k l o q

r s . v. 2. OI/TOS (p*"O auros) f- ayTo<? (/)»*o OI/TOS) fp. — j/v

secund.fip, v. 3 . e ^ T j jb . eoucaTo ao p. — TOV g. —Trig*.

v. 4. cipa/uiwv k q * r s y . Trpoaopafxaw fxy. +g(9 TO (ante e/x.-

•wpoadev) f. avKO(x<iopaiai> a d g p r s * * x . avKoy-opaiav b e f l m n

oy . crvKo/xwpeav h k q (c cwm Elzev.). \v f*. iSet y . TOI/ J>?-

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S. LUC^E CAP. XIX. vv. 4—23. 121

crow {jpro aurov) f. -$i a b c e f * h k l m n o p q s x y . e/ueXXe adghopq*ry . ^itjp^eaOain. v. 5. icleve. KaTaflrjOrjX. ^r) {pro

cet) b . fiaiy. V. 6. KctTcufir] p * . -^aipov x. v. 7. +auToi>

«$oyTes)fg. TravTes a b c e h k lm n o q r s x . (Jte'y'yo'yt^oi/y.

v. 8. + o(a»Ue Za/c^cuos1) gy . ir\aovv {pro

Kvpiov) a d g h o p s . TO rj/xiav g. ;uoi (p ro /uoy) h q rs x y . ^«-

cows.. owofxiy. — r o t s g . e<jvKo<pavTiaaS. v. 9. — o x i g .

TOWTO (pro ToyTftj)bx. v. 10. ^jjTeia-cuh. v. 11. — av-

TW V def. -TauTag . - f e t s {ante lepovaaXr/fx) g. auTots

(pro ai/Tous) dp. —napa^prj/ixad. /meXXt] c. avacpeveaOai

tl (ZaaiXeia TOV Qe ov c. v. 12 . + ev (awie e'ai/rw) s. v. 1 3 .

oe C. avTov b* e. eaurot? (pr o ourot?) y. ai/rots (pro 7ryooj

ai»Toys) C. Trpayti.arevea9ai ce . wpay/ixaTeveaOe g. +eai /-

TOIS (pos( Trpaynar.) y. eto? ei/ <o p . ec co (pro ea>s) fy.

ey o C. epyjjifiaie. V. 14. -/cat d, 07Tia-a)b. QeXw^evCJ.

V. 15. Xafieiv avrov {pro ewaveXdeiv aurov Xa/3ovTa) g.

— K a i secund. e h k l m n q r s y . avrov {pro TOVTOVS) d. ov$

{pro oh) C. SeScoKe fgsy. tueirpa^aTevaaTo n. v. 16. r\

fj.vas aov {sic vv. 18, 20) cefgh pqry . -npoaripyacraro dy.

ewoir} {pro trpoaeipy.) g. V. 17. —avrwy. dovXe ayaO e

g k q * r . r/croi {pro ia9i) y. v. 19. r o v r o (pro T O V T U > ) g.

tadi e^ovaiav e%wv {pro ytvov) q*r. v. 20. +o {ante

erepos) oy. aovSapeiw ef*. v. 2 1 . e^oeis y. ecWas (pro

e9r]Kas) g. QepL^rji y. ,/?«. +/ca< avvayeis o9ev ov oteaK O p-

7no-as hy . v. 22. — $eefgy. ITOII (pro ae) p. K cni/to cratf.

?j >7S y. t] ei()t]s C. _^M. +/ca£ avvaywv oOev ov oieo~KOpTnaa

h y . V. 2 3 . £m£. —/cat C. fxou TO apyvpiov f. eirt rpa-

c. -TJ?i/abdefghkopqrsy. eXOwv eyw eq*ry. avrw

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122 S. LUO E CAP. XIX. vv. 23—48.

{pro avro)hy. fin. eXOwv eKOixtcrafxriv av TO e/xov crvv TOKW f.V. 24. Score n* . TO Tas b . TW e%ovTi Tas oe/ca fivas y .

- r a s g . V. 2 5 . enrav g. v. 26 . TW eyovn iravTi y.

Sonet e)(eiv {pro e^ei) b . v. 27 . TOVTOVS {pro eneivovi)

gp. OekovTas b m . +avrovs {post K aTaer(pa^are) y. v. 28 .

e/iLirpoa9ev nov(l) y . avafiaivov h . V. 2 9 . ws (|)ro ets)k**

rubro. ^3^a-0a7^adghlmnpqrs . i&tjtya'yrivC. iriQ acpay-tjvf*. +TU)V {ante e\cuwv) d. v. 3 0 . a7rei>ai'Ti d . 7roX»'

(p»*O KWfXIJll) g . 6 0 ft) f . TTWTe C . OLvOpOOTTCOV TTbOTTOTe g.

etcaOrjaev b . ayayeTe avTov d p . —CLVTOV e . _/?ra. + juot ef.

V. 3 1 . Jju.ii' q*r. J/jiii; etirri {pro J/uas epwTa) C. —OJTOJS a.

v. 33. ai/Twv {pro avTov) g. v. 34. +6TI {post enrov)

c d g p . v. 35 . eiripi^/avTe<s o. rot ifxaTia avrwv c. avTiov{pro eavTcov) e fh . 67rt/3>;/3acrai; a*h. v. 3 6 . inreaTowv-

viov a. jTrecrTjO cocwa)!' p . V. 3 7 . —JJ^J; g . tjp^aTo a o .

•^aipcovres h . yaipov y . tooi' e. v. 38 . — (3aai\ev$ f *. eTTi

•y^s (pro 6M ovpavip) d. v. 3 9 . en rav f. ai/rcu (p ro 7r^os

avTov) y. ./m. + tca aiwrn/]awaiv q. v. 4 0 . — O TI a c . aito-

iruTaxriv d. aicoTnjaovaiv q. Kpa^ovrai b. KeKpaicuyvTai

p q r . v. 4 1 . iSetvC. CTT' a y r ^ y C g o y . v . 4 2 . - e t c . -crov

prim. cgy. v . 43 . aov {pro aoi) y. -ere tertium e. v. 44 .

e$a(piovvy. a<pt]Goocriv C. cHpicrovaivdf. a(prjcroucny. eiri

XiOov cp . A i0oi/ fTTt Xtfloi' ey croty. v. 4 5 . jjp^ airro k * .

de. V. 46 . + O T I (pos i yeypcnrTai) g p . K\t}0)j-

{pro eaTiv) cf. eiroirjcraTe avTov afy. <nrrj\cua>v k * .

v; k. v. 47 . —Tog. —olsecund.d. aTrwXeacu y .

v . 48 . t]vpiaKov c. —TO a c . iroir\aovaw a g h l m n o p q r s .

C. e^eKpefifxaTo y . aKoveiv g . cucovwv avrou y.

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S. LTJCJE CAP. XX. vv. 1—19. 123

CA PUT X X . v. 1. -e v TW \epip g. +avrw {post eTre-(TTtjcrav) c. 'tepets {pro apxtepeis) a b c d e h k l m n o p q r s (fgy

cum JSlzev.). —o'isecund.f. v. 2. —ecrrtvy. v. 3. enrev

ayrot? (—7rpos) C. epwrtcrwy. K ayw vfxivC. K ayw i//uas py .

Xoyov eva g p . Jin. +tcayw v/uiv epw ev Troia e^ovaia TavTa

TTotcof. V. 4. +Tro9ev r]v\ {post iwctvvov) f. V. 5. — $ e h * .

(TweXoyrjaavro b e . oieXoyicravTo y . oieXoyi^ovTo C. ec

eayrots (j9J"O 717)05 eavTous) y- ai/Toyy e. —OTI h.

(sicv.6)f*sy. atpeie. -ovv befghklmnoq*s. v. 6.

\i9ct<Tt] C. TreTTi<Tfji.evos fsy. ireTriaiuevoi yap eiaiv c. v. 8.

im£. o 2e(-/cm)g. v. 9. Km j jp^aTo(-&) a - n s abeefg

hk lm nop qr s . v . 10 . +Tw{anteKaipo))f*y- ano TOVS tcap-

Troys y. ^oiaei e, Swaovoiv cf*y (pro ^axrjf). 'iva \af3t] airo

TOV Kapirov TOV afXTrekwvos {—owcnv avTai) g . o^jO avres ch*

l m n q r y . Kcuvovf. v. 11. +atn-ots {post Tren^ai)?. -$ov-

\ov p . SripavTes celmnqr. /cati/oc bf. Pos« SovXov habet y:

ot $e KCU T O VT O V TpavnciTicravTes e^efiaXov, 6t post

v. 12, K U K € I V O V SqpavTes /cat etT(/«ewaj'Tes

K evov, clausulas transponendo. v. 12. rpirov

oovXovf. KaKeivov {pvo Kai TOVTOV) dp.

f*. v. 13. irotrjawi d. — t o^Tes e. evTpaTrrjcrwvTai q.

v. 14. afToc prim. s. SieXoyiaavTo p . aXXrjXous {pro eau-

Tou?)f. —^eiyreacf*p. onroKTewoixev f*p . v. 15. €KJ3aX-

Xoi/rese. — ai/rov clm nq ** . — avrotsg. avrovs {pro avrois)

d. v. 16. aTrcuXeffet h y . — TOVS yeoopyovs g. yevoiTai y.

v. 17. aire^wKijxaaav f. yoveias b. yovias py. v. 18 .efft Toy Xt0ov eiceivovy. -wecrei cy. v. 19. ot

KCLI ol (—oi g) ao^ifjoeis cfg. eTrtpaXXeji' d. xas

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124 S. LUO E CAP. XX. vv. 19—46.

e7r' avrov d. —T O V Xaov a b d e h k l m n o q r s . enrev Ttjv Trapa-fioXrjv Tavrr\v f. v. 20 . emXafiovrai b d y . Xoyov dfy.

w o r e (pro eis TO) y . qyeiuoovos e. v. 2 1 . eirripwriaavy.

Xa.fx(5avri<$ h. v. 22 . (popovs hy . v. 23 . irovr]piav (pro

iravovpyiav) q*? v. 24 . Se^are afgy . + o i cV e$et£ai>*

/cat eiwe (post ^rjvapiov) adfgq*y . eiriypaipeiv b . K M airo-

icpiOevTes (—$e) f. v . 2 5 . z'm'^. o oe ifjcrow enrev Trpos ctv-f- GUI' ( p r o Toifwi') f. v . 2 6 . airoKpiari y . v . 27 .

y. eirrjpwTio-av y. v. 28 . fxw'vcnjs a e f g h k o q r s .

TIS (pro T W O S ) g q * r . airoOavet bis in versu b . -e^cov yv-

vauca K <M OI/TOS arf/cyos airoQavti d p * ( p * * habet ytveKa,

aTeK voi). — ovros e . icai C W T O S t) aTeKvos (—cnroOavri secund.)

f. airoOavei secund. k . o aSeXipos CLVTOV Xafir] Imnq**.

Xaftei y. avauTtjat] g . e^avaaTycrei ef*h *oy . v. 29.

+ Trap' rifjiiv (post rjaav) g. v. 30. o SevTepos eXafiey.

v . 3 1 . coaavTMs' oaaauTws Se K ai bkqrs. —«:at tertium a b

e f h k l m n q * * s y . T S K VO V f. v. 3 2 . - 5 e e fh k s. -7rai/T<ui; a.

v . 33 . avTov (pro avT(Dv) e. gcrrm (pro yiveTai) g. v. 34 .

o itjaovs enrev avToisn. yaiurjaK ovTai (sicv. 3 5 ) y . 6Kya/u-

a d p . V. 35. eiriTvyew h . —/cat T^y avacrracretos

e/c veupwv h . Twi' (p ro r ^ s e/c) y. eKyafii^ofTai a b d e f

hk lm nop qr s . v . 36 . ovSe y. -70^ 0 f. o\ v\oi bisy. -eicri

secund. dp. v . 3 7 . - $ e d . pwucrris abdfgh lmnp y . v . 38 .

im'^. o 0eos oe f. o 9eo$ (-de) y. ^ovTaiy d. avTwv (pro

avTip) e. V. 3 9 . ypaufxctTaiwv (sic V. 46) ey . v. 40 . av-

TOV eirepwTavy. —avTove. V. 4 1 . +Tives (post Xeyova i)

a d g p . SauiSo? v. 42. +TWV (ante ^/uXfitov) gy. v. 44.

— ovvh*. avTov Kvpiov Cgpy. KaXtj C. avTov u\osp. v. 46 .

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S. LUCLE CAPP. XX. v. 46— XXI. v. 17. 125

+KCU (ante TCOV OeXovrtov) o. deXcovrwv n x . ev crroXaisTrepnrctTeiv cfh. irptoToKaGecpiaK qry . TrpwTOKXiaicu<5 q?ry.

•7rpwTOK\t}Gia<s ab eg . v . 47 . +K ai(post o'l)y. ^eipwvb*c.

fxaKpa q. irpoaevyonevoi (pro irpoaev^ovTai) cf.

C A P U T X X I . v . 1 . -ei(ie y. t$e ex. - r a p. ya^otpv-

Xa/cetovb. v. 2. tcW ex . oi^evj. - $ e /cai C. —/cat x y .

TJI;O r a t abde fghk lmnopqr s . Trevr]yj>av b h x y . (iaXovaav C.v. 3 . 7r\6tft) q r . v. 4 . TrepiaaevixaTos g- efiaW ov b. fin.

Xeywv e(pcavei (e<pwvrj g**x) abfg**xy. +o e^wv

aKovew aKoueTto abefg** p**x y. v. 5. XeyovTwv r t -

vwv y. V. 6. a(pai9r]<jeTai r. eiri XiOov clm ns . V. 7. 67re-

pdoTrjaav S. fxeXXei a r. /ueXei C. yeveaOai y . V. 8. + aw-

TOI? (post enrev) c. TrXavrjOeire ysemel. +irpoae^eT e $e

a-wo TCOI; avO pwiruiv (post TrXavr)6i)Te) S. ee (p ro e7rt) p .

irXavtjOrjTe x , irXavrjOeiTe (pro iropevOrjre) ysemel. v. 9.

ow (pr o ^e) m . Tr-TO)rj9rjTe e m * x . TTTCorjOeire J. $rj (pro

oei) y. v. 10. eyepOrjaere yap ysem. eir eOvos ysem. ewi

evosv. v. 11. aicTfj.oi C. —reef. —Kuiprim.f. —KaiXoi-

fxoi y. v. 12 . init. irpwrov oe TOVTWV iravTaiv C. — a.Tvav-

TU V d. TTCLVTWV a b e f g h k o p q r y . irpoaeyfTai airo TW V av-

OpwTrwv eTTifiaXovcri yapx (initiopericopes). eTrifiaXXov-

<Tiv f. +yap (post eirifiaXoucriv) e. ciai^wcny. irapaowwv-

r e s x . + r a s ( an ie cyvvaywyas) d*. a7a)/iei/oi;s qy. eveKag.

v. 13 . —vfiivysem. v. 14 . 6>eTep. — et sd gp . airoXoy

ysem. \.15. Soawe. avrnretvey. r\ (pro oi«5e)lmnp. -v

secund. ysem. v. 16. 7rapaSu)6rjcrea6e x. - /rat a$eX<pu)i> h./cat crvyyevwv /cat cpiXwv K U I a$eX(pu>i> a b c d e g k l m n o q r s x y

(p c«m Elzev.). v. 17 . — &a TO ovofxa fiov k. $ia TO ovo/xa

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126 S. L U C E CAP. XXI . vv. 17—37.

/xov VTTO iravraov O. V. 18. qfiwv p * . airwXriTai q. airoXei-T d i c . <nrw\eiTai f. v. 19. K Tio-aaQ exy. -ufxwv secund.

C. tjfxwv e. V. 2 0. j ^ r e b . rtju \epovaaXt)m VTTO crTparo-

y. arparoirai^wv h ? . +TWV {ante arpaToir.) qr.

b. eprifxaxj^ h. V. 21. eKxwpriTuxrav bfy. -KCII

ot ei/ juecry avrrjg eKywpeirwaav a. v. 22 . eKot]Kicrews b.

CKSiKrjaew i)fxepai f. wXtiaOrivai a b * e h k o q * r s * . v. 23.+Tore {ante avcfyKtj)y. -TJ?S d ? k . -ev tertium gpy. v.

24. +€y («w«e oroMaTt) c e . aro/xara O. a^joisoyfg. -<*XP l

ad fin. vers. s. v. 25. +ev (ante aeXrjvr/ et aarpois) e.

—TJ;S c. crwo^ai g. +e£ (anfe eOvwv) O. v. 26. ctTro^i/^-

toovTwv f *h. v. 27. ve(pe\ai<s ck. eTrt raw ve(pe\wv TOV

ovpavov f. Swa/news TTOWJ;? /cat ^o^>/9 q. v. 28. yeveaOat

C. TOI/S otyOaXfjLovs {pro TCIS KeCpaXas) h . airo\vTpw<rri$ h .

v. 29. 7raXti/ (pro irapafidXriv) h. i^e d. v. 30. irpofiaX-

Xwaiv d k * l m n q r . +TOV K apirov avru)v {post rj^rj prim.) s.

e(p? eavTiovb. a<p' eavrui y. yiyvwaiceTeb. — ort S. —rjSrj

secund. ap. v. 3 1 . O V T W S ab. —yivuxTKere on d. v. 32 .

—ort g. Travy. +ravra {post iravTa) q. v. 33.

XevaeTai lp. |u.ot (pro yuou) d. TrapdoocrivO. v. 34. —

(pro eai/Tot?) e. fiapt]9w(riv a e f h k l m n p q r s . Kpeira-

at0i/i5ia>sadk*pqr. e(pvi$icos c. e<pvi$ios efns. e<£it$-

w osb . eiriGTr) e<p' v/ias a. e7rt T>7I; ri/xepav etceivr/v {—eiri-

aTrj) C. V. 3 5 . eXei/ceTat p. — em 7rai>Tas TOWS KadritAevovs

d g . KaOinevow; q. TJJS 7»?S Trau?;? p. v. 36. aypvwvr)Te

C. /cara^iw^eiTe S. Traimt x a i / r a b . — r a u r a ac de fg kl m

n p q r s . - T a h*. yeveaOai c. v. 37. inif. *jv e o t^o-ous

ds. - T a s rinepasd*. ev rw \epw ra$ wejoas y . -rrpos {pro

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S. LU(LE C A P P . XXI. v. 37—XXII. v. 21. 127

ets) y. —TO secundum c. v. 38. o^kos (pro Xaos) c. op-9pi(ie d e . topdpoiXev p. optj (pro 'tepy) y.

C A P U T XXII. v. 2. TC OV \aovy**. v. 3. -o abdefg

k o p y . Xeyofxevov (pro ariKaX.) g. eiaKapiwTtjv x. v. 4.

secund. a b c e g k l m n p q r s x . crrpciTiyois s*. CIVTOK

w avrov d e p x . —avroK b * . v. 5. eyapiaav gxy.

(pro avTip) ex. apyvpia adglmnopqrxy. v. 6.yrjae dehqrsxy. efyn x. -avrois e. drep d.

—a.Tep o ^ X o i / g . V. 7. — »j f*. TCO Tracrya d. v. 8. cnrecr-

TeiXev o ir]<Tov<! g . emov x . eTV/uctcraTai x . (payo/uev cy .

v . 9. — ain-<p p . 0eX»js q. eroiixaaofxev b h l m * * n q r s * . v. 10.

eiaeX9wvT(t)v x y . TTOXYJV avvavTrjcrri r\fxiv x . avvavTicrei y .

airavTtjcrei. g . Kepa/j.eov x . jSacrTa^oi 'Ta y . aKoXoy^eicraTe

h. + eay cdf*px, +ay S (post ov). eicrwopevr/Tai dx. v.

1 1 . eprjre bx . epet p . oiKoSecriroTei r . oi/cejas f. — aoi h .

v. 12. Sei^ri cey. avayeov bk. avayaiov f l m n o . avoyaiov

e. avcoycuov pqs y . avwyeiwv g. —(keya e. ecrTpo/xevov y.

v . 1 3 . a7reX0c«wTes (—5e) x . +/cat (cmie eupov) C. et7rei;

( p r o fiptjKev) gx. Tto Trcujya x. v. 14. —»? g . aceTrecrof e.

v. 1 5 . - T O I / T O g . ira9r}i> x . v. 16 . o (p ro O T I ) X . V. 17 .

+ TO (ante Trortjpiov) cgp. +/cat (ante ev^apicrTrjaa's) dx .

SianeprjcraTe x. «s eai/Toyy (pro eayrots) fp. v. 18. +a7ro

TOI/ i/w (posi Trtft)) efgo. yevrjfjMTos abdfghk lopr s xy . v.

19 . Xa/3oc x. +Tof (ante aprov) C. /AWI' (pro Jjuaii/) ce.

h^tofxevov h . V. 2 0 . ftJcrai/Tos x . —/xera TO denrvt]<jai

usque ad iroTYipiov x . cenrvitrai y . nevt] x . <>ia9tKri e.

+ 6ffT ti' (postf Sia9rjKrj) e q * r x . ovo/xari (pro al/mari) f*y.

TO inrepeK^vvvofJ-evov (-i/juwc) g . eK-xyvvofxevov o. v. 2 J .

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] 28 S. LU<LE CAP. XXII. vv. 21—42.

-iSovg. ewrj rr/s TjoaTre^ety x . v. 2 2 . Tropevere x . wpia-fievov d. opur/xevov e. opetcr/mevov x . wpicrnevoov p . yeypa/x-

/xevov (pro wpurp..) C. irapa^i^ore d x . -rrapaxiioooTai f*.

V. 2 3 . (^ re te y. e£ ai/raw eu/ a. »? c, ecrrti/ f *, »7c q r {pro

eiri). f ieW oov TOVTO e. v. 24 . -/ccuf. (pikovutia ey. 0tXo-

veiKeia n . <pi\wvuciax.. v. 25 . KaXowTex. v. 26 . t5/u.eii/f.

eh . veorejoos n y . S H X K O V O V X («ic v. 2 7 6«s). v. 27 .edl . oy^' n. v. 28 . Sia/uenucoTes e. SiafiefxemicoTes

hr . -^o i»g . v . 29 . ^laridrinoi c. ^laTiOefxen. - juoteh*.

—JUOI; g. v. 30 . eadieTe p . — ei> T>J fia&Ckeiq fxov b h k o

q*rsy . KaOiaeaQe a b d e f g h l m n p q r s x . Ka9t]aecr9e c k o y .

(ante Opovwv) ce g. v. 3 1 . -r o w g. +<re (pos£

s x (crat). v. 3 2 . init. Kayw (—$e)y. e$eei9rii> x .

eicXnrt] a h l m * * n p q r s . eicXnrqi d. e/c\>j7r^ x . e«:Xt7rei y .

v. 34. enrev avTw g . (pwvrjarj a f g h k l m n q r s x . <pwvr]at]i d .

aW e KTwp d*. akeKTwp g . eois cw (p ro Tr/Jiy »;) o p x .

es*y. airapvricrei cxy . cnrapvicrei e. v. 3 5 .

Xa x. drep g. fiaXXavriov ad**gk. - /ca t v7roStj/xaTu)v

b g . va-TepeiaaTe x . ou#ei>os a d fh q * ry . v. 3 6 . -eiTrei/

o w auTots C. e^ov x . fiaXXavnov a d g k p s . apaTo x .

7rw X>;cr6(beghklmnoqrsy . 7roXjjcretC. TroX^traTw x . ayop-

aaei b c f h k l m n o q r s . aywpaaei ey . ayoparui p . ayopa-

aaTO x . v. 3 7 . o»7 TeXeiaOtjvai x . irXrjpwOrjvai p . v. 38 .

et7rco!> ai/Tw c. fxa-^aipe b . v. 39 . + d itjaovs (post e%eX-

9u)v) q r. 60a)s x . o^oais n* . —/cat secund. bck . v . 40 .

o/ooi/s (pro TOTTOf) y. irpoaev^ea9ai e x . ^e MJ7 eicreX9r)Te

y . Tnjpaa/uiou x. v . 4 1 . ave<nra9ri n. toy ets g, « ^ x

(pro tocrei). ycvvara f. v. 42 . j ; fiovXri e x . Trapeveyice

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S. LUC.E CAP. XXII. vv. 42—56. 129

c d g p x . trapeveyKat e. TrapeXOeiv q r . yivecrQto b d h k o p .vv. 43, 44 obelo notantur in d (rubro) o. v. 43 . -av-

T(p y . ay\os f. +K upiov {post ayyeXos) q*r. e£ (pro

cnr) y. evia'xyov x y . evia^ovTa o. v. 44 . ayovia sx

semel. /cat eyeveTo c. —oe cd . TO tojoos c. icpo? q x y .

K araficuvovTais xsemel. v. 45 . —aurov abc dfg hk lm no p

qrsy . tjupev y. Koi/j-ov/ievovs x . v. 46 . Xe^er (p ro eiTrev)

g . + TO XotTroy {post KaOevcere) f. irpocxev^eaOai e. tva

yut «< 7ripa(Tfj.ov x. v. 47 . - 5 e ap y. + o (ante o^Xos) y.

7rporiyevdpx. TrpocrripxeTof*. ayro i/r ab deg hk lm nop qr s x ,

avrois cfy (pro avrwv). (pikicrai y. —/cat yyyicre ad fin.

vers. g. fin. +TOVTO yap Gryxeiov SeSoonei (SeStoicev y) CIVTOK

ov av (pikri<iw (cpCKiaw y) auTos ecmv f** (marg.) h lmns y .

v. 49 . —oi7re/Jip. — TO ecro/xevovg. —avratg. t)(proei)c.

^wfxev cefghq r . v. 50. - T « c g . a i^iXei/xy. + aTr'

a<peiX.ev)g. TO ous ai/Touf. v. 51 . OTIOI/ X. V. 52 .

— o I>]GOUS C. icvpios {pro ir]<jovs) S. irapayivofievovs e. Trpos

(j?»*o e7r') d e fg lm n p q ry . XKTTJV X . Xiarriv y. e^X^aTe ex .

e%t]\9eT6 dgpq* . ^w. +av\\a(ieiv /ue c. v. 53 . OVTWS p .

ei> TW£ ie ow |U60' v,uftw h . + /cat (ante ovK )y. e^erivaTex.

aW a a b c h k l m n q r y . eariv vfiwv py . ecrriv r\ wpa xifxwv c.

—J7 secund. g. v. 54. qyayov b (s ic xxii i, 1). —/cat ei-

arjyayov eg . — awToi' secund. ac lmnpq** . TJJV otKiav p .

v . 5 5 . t]Ko\ov6rj avTW cef*. rjKoXovOrjaev avrw g. JJ/COXOU-

0>7 /xaKpioBev x . + a7ro (aw^e (xaKpo9ev) e g . + ai/Tw>' (a»i<e

7rvp)cg. avyKa6r]cravTci}vhsx((rvi'K.~x.). —eica9t)To ad fin.vers. x. v. 56 . avrwv (pro avTov) 1. ireSuTKtj b. ets (pro

C. ey ^ecra) (p ro TT/W TO 0WS) g. - /cat pr im . oq* r.


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13 0 S. LUCLE CAPP. XXn. v. 66—XXIII. v. 2.

arevrjcrao'a e . avrov (pro avrtp) x . exet /cat ovros x .

+T(oc (ante aw) f. v. 5 7 . -CLVTOV prim, a c g o p x . TI Xey-

e«s (pro avTov secundum) e. v. 58 . e<pt] (pro enrev)

ep x. v. 59 . -waei h. aXX' OGTIS bd fs. to-^yp^eTo c.

fier avrov C. v. 60 . oi> (p ro o) f*. - e r « C . TO V irerpou

(pro avrov) cd g p x . - o (awte oXe/tTW/o) ab cd ef g hk lm n op

qrsx (y non habet). v . 61 . tyo-ovs (pro Kvpios) ch . ave-j8Xev|/eacg. -TOV secund. g. it)<jov (pro icvpiov) c. +crrj-

fiepov (post (pcovtjcrai) a d f g o p x . aTrapvriaei c. Tpeis b s . J?M.

+;u»7 etSevai g. v. 62. - o -irerpos a e d g l m n o p q * * . \\aaev

c. v. 63 . o\ auvey^ovTes avopes y . eveire^pv bx. eTrat^oi'

h*? avrov (pro awToj) y. Satpovre? lm nq r . v . 64 . —avrov

erviTToi/ p . avTov (pro avrov prim.) x . —/ecu secund. p .eirripwrov b . eireparrov x . — ai/Toi* secund. p . + ot o^Xot

(a nte X67O VT6S) x . +>7)atj/ (p os i irpotprirevaov) e g . TJJS

e<TT£i/ o Tratcrffas <rat x . V. 6 5 . — TroX Xay. ai/Tw (p ro ets

awTov) S?y. v. 6 6 . +>7 (ante tj/uepa) S. avviyQ r\ e . - T e ab

eghkoqrsx(semeQ. aviyayov xsemel. airrjyayov l m n q * * .

TOI/ itjaovv (pro avTov) gxsemel. — eavrwv fy . avTwv (pro

eavrwv) ab cd eg hk lm no pq rsx . v. 67 . etTre qtuv et aoi ei c .

7T«7T€ii(7etTe c. v. 6 8 . init. /cat eav epwTijaw v/nas (—($e)f.

—icai d g . eirepa)TriGa> d. epwTtau) y . a7noXi«7eTat C. v. 7 0 .

eiTravf. etTrov ovv (pro Be) g p . —owi/bs. Xe'yeTotX. v. 7 1 .

— en x. e^wjuei' ypeuxv y. ^ptaw x . fxaprvpwv cdq*r . /uap-

rvpiav q* .

C A P U T X X I I I . v. 1 . e # i w (jproirkfjQ oi) ysem. riyayov

abefh klm npx y. ets c , irpos ysem. (pro eiri). TrrjXaTov b .

v. 2. +»}/oia>i» (post e0i/os) a c d e f l * * p q r y . KwXuovng. KOXV-

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S. LUC.E CAP. XXIII. vv. 2—25. 131

ovrax. 0O jt>oi;ep. tiovvai C. v. 3 . eTripwTt]<revf. — 6 se-cund. x. v. 4 . evpeicnco x. v. 5 . avaaiei ex . afacreti; q.

5t$a<T/coe 1*X. -yaXj/Xatas X. V. 6. >; (p ro ei) C. — oCS.

v. 7. •ycoyj x . Ta ts jjjuepats Ta i/ ra is (—ei/)f. irao-ats (pro

ra yTats ) g . v. 8. e£ ifcai/ot/ ^joocou OeXwv y. +"xpovov {post

iicavov) afgp. ctKovtjvX. — yivo/xevovy. v. 9. —avTovy.

OVK (pro ovSev) p . ai/Toi' (pro avTi^>) x. v. 10. CI/TOVOS x.

v. 1 1 . - d e . 6jU7re£as Trepifiakovx.. -avrov secund.b*.

avrwi (pro avrov sec.)£. kaQr\ra dfhk . €TT6fi\j/€v c. — T<J>

cp . Trpos TTtXarov g. v. 12 . (f>r)\oi x. Tavrt] (pro avrt]) d.

tt)|O a ( p ro rj/Aepct) O. ev avTtj TJJ rj/xepa OTe 7rt\oTos /cai jy^

^ s C . O T6 o 7rtXaTos y . — o secund. ck qrs y . ^ueTa f. — f

aX\jj\a)i/X. — yape. avTovs(proeavTovs)y. V. 14. irpocr-

eveyKare C. oia<TTpe(povTa d q * r y . aiTiov ev TO> av9pw-

•KW T O VT O > f. TOVTO (pro TovTip) b . aiTiay y. dv (p ro we)

x . KaTrjyopevrai e. v. 15 . qpwSeis x. aye7re/i.\|/e Y"/3 a " "

ro f 7T oos v/!ias a d g p . avTov (pro vfx.a%) x . —t ou e. + ei/

(ante avrw) cq rx . v. 17 . 'yap (pr o oe) e. et^e K ara eop-

Tr\v airoKveiv avroK eva oea/xiov eg . + ov jj^eXwi'(posi oecr-

fxiov)e. avTois /car eviaurov eva oe<rniov(—eoprr]i>)T. —av-

TOIS q*. ewpTtjv x. v. 18. iranirXtjOij ex . TvafxirXridi f. 7rac

ToirX»70ose. -TOW a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r x y . fiapafiav g*.

v. 19. os (pro ocrrts) a. yivo/nevr/v h*?. TTOXJJ X. fiefiXtj/ue-

vovd. +rr]v (ante (pvXaK Yjv)^-- v. 20 . aTroXyue x . v. 2 1 .

e(pouvovv g. aravppwaov n*. v. 22 . c«7T€ oe 7rpos auTows

(—6etTpirov)y. TT\ (pro TJ)X. V. 2 3 . ap^iepaiwv x. —/cat/caTto-^yoi' ad Jin. vers. y. v. 24. aireupwe p . eireKpivai r x .

yeveaOe b . a(Tt/uiax. v. 25 . -at/Tois be eh kl m no qr sx y.

9— 2

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132 S. hU CM CAP. X X III. vv. 25—39.

+TOV (Sapafifiav {ante TOV Sia) dfg {fiapafiav g*). ev rtj<f)v\aKriy. —Trjvh. JTOVVTO {vid.x. 5 2 ) h . TO OeXrjfiaTi b e .

OeXri/xaTt] x. v. 26. airriyov cf. aitxovos b . crtj/xwvos d. TIS

{pro T W O S ) o. Kvpivmov b e f P x y . -Tovprim.&bc&efhklmxi

o p q r s x y . ep-^ofxevov d y . <pepwvy. oirio9ex. -TO V secund.

f. v. 2 7 . rjKoXovQrj q r x y . TW t>;(Toi; (jpv> O I/TW) g . TTOWU

x . -KCU secund. cf*. aSpr\vovv e . -«a t eOprjvovv d. V. 2 8 .o ir/<Tous enrev irpos ai/Tas C. o fij(7oi»s TTJOOS at/ras et7rei/ y.

ev e/moi g x . (cXai/crare (p ro /cXateTe secund.) x. 67rt TOIS

T6«ri'o«sig. v. 2 9 . — iSovh. t)nepai epyovTaig. + a t {ante

tlfxepaijy. GTrjpa tSL. a\ KvXiaif. at KoiXiaiS. eKoiXicuy.

fiaaOot c. v. 30 . ap^wvTai r. irecra re g . TrecreTat q. v.

3 1 . — e tx y . ot (/)ro et) S. yevtjaeTai g. yeveTai'p. yiveTcu

y. — Trotoya-jv ad fin. vers. c. v. 32 . + a w T « t^troi; (pos^

5e) e . — avv a y r w k . <rw TO irjcrov avepeOrivatXsem. v. 33 .

TOT6 (p ro OTB) y . cnnrjXQev e. Xeyoftevov {pro KaXovfxevov)

xsemel. ov /uev {pro 6v <$e) C. e^apet&Tepwv xsem. e^evwvv-

fj.wv py? . fin. +lva ij ypatpt] TrXijpwOr] TO fieTa avofxwv eXo-

yiaOij $**marg. v. 34. enre {pro eXeye) d p . CIVTOVS {pro

CIVTOK) y. iroiaxnv C. Sia/ueprj^o/mevoi xsem. efiaXXov d f h x

semel. icXtipovs C. v. 35 . laTrjKei e {la.) k . e^efioncTrjpii^ov

xsemel. e^e/xvicTeipifyv y. +CU>TOI/ ( p o s ^ e ) d . -/fa« se-

cwrcd. p . apxpi/Tcus S. aecrwKe a p . CTWCTOTO xsemel. OVTWS

xsemel. +vios {ante TOV 6eov) C. v. 36. eveire^ov c x y * .

avTov {pro avTcpprim.) c. v. 37 . - e i y . v . 38 . + »;(an«e

eiriypacpt]) d o q r x y . -ypan/jLacriv f. -/cat secund. et tert. f.

{post ea-Tiv) xsemel. v. 3 9. + T « {post eis ^e) k.

ysem. e(5Xa<r(ptint} cgxsem. ysem.

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S. LUCiE CAPP. XX III. v. 39—XXIV. v. 1. 13 3

(pro avrov) ckysem. avrov (pro a-eavrov) s.semel. w . 3 9 ,4 0 , 4 1 obelo notantur in c marg. rubro. v. 40. eweT^/tax

semel. ovSev qrysem. (pofiei s. -ripysem. v. 4 1 . &/ce<o$ x

semel. -wvy*sem. airdKaixfiavainev xsemel. v. 42 . -KV-

jO tep. — OTCLV eXdr)? C. eX9eis xsemel. v. 43. — afir/v Xeyca

aoiysem. ecreiy. v. 44. cos r\ u> pac. —waety. ei/arjjsab

cdef**k mn opsx sem . evar^s h. v. 45 . eaKOTijaOri x. TO

/caTa7reTaa7xa rot/ vaov eayiaQrj f. /xecrwva,. V. 46 . —(poo-

vyh. —6 tt)<jovse. TrapaTiO e/mi a p . TrapaTiOrjfxiCgy. irapa-

OrjGWfxe et Trapa9t]<TO) x . TOUTO oe (pro /cat rai /Ta) g.

TOVTO p . eiTroiixsem. e^e7rii6yire r. v. 4 8 . arvfnrapairopevo-

/xevoi g. av/jLTrapayivo/xevoi q r . avvTrapayevofxevoi y. —d eco-

povvTes T « yevofxeva x . yivo^eva k s . auT toi' (^)ro eayT tui/)

c h x y . VTTOCTTpeCpwv X. V. 4 9 . eicrrYjKriaav y. /j.aicpw6ev X.

aTrofxanpoOevf. ffwatcokovO rjcraih. v . 5 1 . crvvKaTaTiOe-

/mevos C. <juyKaTaTe0*ifievos q* r. ai/rtoy /cat T»; wpa^ei e .

o? /cat at/Tos irpoaeoeyeTo (—/cat semel) aegop. —/cat (post

6s) df lm nq r. v. 52 . oi/rais c. - ™ c . f/r>j(raToh. v. 5 3 .

ayT«) (pro aicro prim.) b. (pro tertio) p . aurov (pro avro

prim, et seeund.) e. (pro prim , et tert.) f. (p ro sectmcZ.) s.

- a u r o seeund. fp . evervXr/^ev e. cm^oeaf. nvrmetco eg. ei»

o) (^>ro oi)) g. oyoets ovoeirw p . —owoeTrw d. v. 5 4 . — (cat

seeund. abcde fghk lmnopqr s (xy wow habent). v. 55. -/cat

prim, abcd efghk lmn oqrs* . $ai a t ywaiKes p. TCW tijeroy

anTou) fg . v. 56. virouTpe^aae b . —/cat fivpaC.

S. Yiavyaoav d.CA PUT X X I V . v. 1. Te (p ro Se) e (T r«6ro) . ( iaQews

b*cde fn*p*xy . +yvvaiKes (post riXOov) b e . /mvrjueiov C.

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134 S. LUC.E CAP. XXIV. vv. 2—36.

v. 2. atroKeKv\ei(Xix.evov x. airoKeKoiki(riu.evov J. v. 4. cia-TropKrOai e. -/cat secund. y. »/oW p . avfyes $vo a b c d e f g h k l

m n p q r s x y . eaOtjaecriv d h k . v. 5. ei; (pofiwv x. er (pofico y .

K\t)vov<ra>v x. TO irpoaw-rra ad p. «7re (p ro eiirov) ey . v. 6.

V76jo0j;ds. - i V ty h * . -e r i f t i i /y . v . 7 . $*] (pro Set) y.

(sic v. 44). v. 9. virocrrpe^acra e. TravTa r a i / r a bf hk o

x . -T a i / r a e . evSeicah. V. 10. im'*. v\v df *. -tjaav Seg h x y . (laySaXivr) eg *y . jjac raS . + »; (araie uucwfiov) e lno .

XuTrat ef. —at f* * g h o x y . v. 1 1 . jJ^rtcrTowa. v. 12 . J itw-

g'i* cnrrjXOev irpo$ eavTov p . yeyovws hy . v. 1 3 . etuav b .

etjrjKovTa h. v. 14. wfjLtjKovv f*. o/xiKovvy. v. 15 . o/xr/Xijv

x . eyyycras x . v. 17 . avTjypaXere x. etrr at (rnoiOpwiro x .

v. 18. /cXeaiTras bcdg. -evprim. a b c d e f * * h k l m n o q r s * x y

(g CMm Elzev.). ev Tavrais Tats ij/uepcu$ m . v. 19 . va^a-

b . cos (^>ro oy) a d m n q r . v . 2 0 . dp^rjepeis x. v . 2 1 .

^XTr^owee x . e\7rt^o/uiei» y . /ueXXoi/X. — TOV-

-rtjvg. eyevaiToX. v. 22 . e£ vpwv m. e^effTtcrai'x. —tj/uas

y . f. TO> /uvrj/meiov x. v. 23 . eopaicevai b e k o .

v. 24 . cnrt)\9wv x. — ext TO mvij/xeiov ck . ovTtoy a d lm n q ry .

OUTOS x . —avrov 8e O VK eiSov k. v. 26 . iraOriv x. v. 27 .

fjLtovcreu)<s p . oiep/uivevev C. Siepiuqvevevxy. — r a y . eavTov

(pro aiirov) abdef hklmnopq**?rx (g cwm Elzev.). v. 28.

Koixtjv va*. TrpoaeTroirjTO b . trpoaeiroieiTao fs . TroppoTepoo b ,

v. 29. KeviXriKev bceq r*xy . v . 30 . KaraK\r]9r]vai f *xy .

v. 32. eXaX>; exy. Sirjwyev cy. ^?w. J7JUWI/ TO I; J/OUI; TOW

avvievat Tas ypa<pas (~r]fuv)c. v. 3 3 . ei/Se/cadh. y?re. «:at

TOIS crw ayTots ef. v. 3 4. OI/TO? y . <riixwvt) p * . v. 36. — $e

p (initio pericopes). avTov X O X O W T O S g . Supra avrwv

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S. LUC^I CAP. XXIV. vv. 36—51. 135

habet TW V /xaOriTwv avrov hrubro. XeyovT tov avrois (pro\a\ovi>Twv) C. +KOI (ante auros) e h k l m n o q r s . e<7Tj/ dg.

fin. rimy s. v. 37 . TTTOMjOevres xy. v. 38 . tifiwv (pro V/JLWV)

e. v. 39. — fiov prim. s. ei/utj x. iptjXcKpujaTe d. >|/»;Xa-

p . v. 40. enrov p*. e$ei%ev a c g p q * r x . v. 41.

TWV y. v. 42 . cnreowicav y. fxepovs S. fxe\i<raeiov

adh lmnqr* . nripiov o. v. 44 . ijfiiv (pro v/rnv) c d e p s . OTJJx. fiwvaews dp. (uwcrajoisx. fxw/mwaews y. v. 45 . — avrwv C.

v. 46. OI5TWS 6«'S dlmnqry. -e/c veicpwvg. v. 47. TO (^)ro

T<f>) b. V. 4 9 . aTroiTTeXw cky. Kadriaaregy. iroXt] x.

ea><r<7oux. v. 50. fiiQ aviav b. v. 5 1 . ave<pepe (—eis) x.

S U B S C R IP T IO N E S. TeXos TO /caTa A ouKae ei»a'y<yeXjoi;

a e (rov pro TO e). evayyeXiov Kara AovKav (TO Kara A.

evay. kps) e%e$o9r] (e^e^wOtj $e c) neTa %povovs (^povov p)

is TTJS TOV ( — TOV pv) XpicrTov avoXtj^eoos ckpsv. (+Kvpiov

JJJUOW Irjaov ante Xpio-rov s). Sic fere linn (g'm addunt

<TTI)(OI j3w) qr (+aywv). Nil habet g. Legit d K O O / m a ivh-

KowXevcrTov eis AovK av irapaypacprj' lU Teov O TI TO KOTO

XovKav evayy. inrriyopevQri VTTO IleTjOou ev Paifxr]' are oe

lepaTiK ov •xapaK Ttipos vwapyovTos airo 'Layapiou TO V

'lepew? dv/uwvTos ijp^aTO auro.

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To Kara Iwavvtjv (+dyiovmnqv) evayyeXiov a ( - T O )

lmnopqsv . evayyeXiov Kara Iwavvtjv bdghy. 6^0776X101'

dyiov Kara \wavvrjv k. TO KaTa Iwawtjv evayyeXiov ayiov

t . Nil nisi Ke(pa\aia ef.

CAPUT I . v. 3. xwpeis x . ovSev (pro ov$e ev) g. v. 5.

/coTeXajSe y. v. 6. ovo/naxi (pro ovo/xa avrqi) f**. v. 7.

fiaprvpiov y . fxapTVpqo-ei ce. fxaprvpiaei y. fiaprriptjcri] t

(sic v. 8). v. 8. fiaprvpiicrei C. fxaprvpiaei ey. v. 9. aX>j-

Otjvov x. v. 12. yeveaOey. ev Tip ovoiu.aTi(sic)y. v. 13.

onoe e/c 5eXj7/iaTOs av$po$ ovSe e/c 0eX>yi!iaTos crapicos e. V.

14. novoyevov x. v. 15. +os ( a n t e e/unrpoaOev) y. v. 18 .

eopaice fko . iroiroTe x. ev ro ts KOXTTOJS y. v. 19 . —TOK C.

4-TTJOOS OUTOI'(|)os< Xei/iTas) c dp . epioTtawixiv y. v. 20 .

ofxoXoyrjcxev ybis. o/xoXoyrjcrev (prim.) x. v. 2 1 . tjpwnaav

x y . >}Xias f k p y (sic v. 25). et/i»? x. v. 24 . <papi<jaaiwv d.

v . 25. ripwriaav y. (BaTTTifys C. —OI/K C . owc5e 6is c. oi i re

bisf. v. 26. — o c . +i> (post fiaTTTil^w) c. / 3a7rT^^c«x .

earr/Kev b . v. 27. 767w>'ei» x. izcavos (pro a^ tos ) C. TCUI;

v7roor]ftaTwvy. fin. +eKeivos v/xas fiairTiaei ev irvev/uaTi

071ft) KM Trvpi f **g. v. 28 . + /ie«' (pos* ravra) d * p . (ZtjQa-

via abd*efghk*oprsxy . (iiOavia cl*. [3i9a($apa l **mnt(({cumElzev.). eyevovroC. +6(ante (3aTrTi^wv)y. ^airrr\-

% v. 29. +$e (ante e7ravpiov)h. (iXeirr/C. iwavw a.

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S. JOHANNIS CAP. I. vv. 29—49. 137

- o uoavvtis C *dehkopqr s. V U K {pro afivos) x. aipovx. v.30 . enrwp p*. +v/xiv{post enrov)y. v. 3 1 . eiSeivx. i$ewy.

— j3a<Tra^a>v {pro (BairTi^wvJt. v. 32 . etaap-

Tvpurevxy. +6 {ante iwavvrjs) emqrx. re^ea juebx. K a T a -

(ictivtov by. «5s (pro <wcrej) b d fh k m n o t . irepeiaTepav x.

aura) (pro ai/roc) C. v. 3 3 . ei^eiv x. t^etc y . t&«s (pro t^s)

x . KctTafiaivow y. nievowy. — tcai pevov k. ^aTTT^^wc x.

V. 34. eopaKa fko. /xenapTvpiKa bfy. — o n t*.

ev Trvevfj-aTi ayio) {pro o v'ws TO V 6eov) y. fin.+Tov

v. 3 5 . — TraXti'p. eiuT^/cei b . (ffTijKetm. v. 37. init. —/cat

C . ot ^yo fxaOrjTai avrov C. rjKoXovOriaav a. v. 38. — $e fk.

—a/roXoiiflowTas q*r. v. 39. epixtivevo/x/xevov a.

vevotxevov C. juec;;? cxsemel. /u.evis xsemel. v. 40.

s.sem. +ovv {post TJXOOV) e. iBovef. i&wvxsem.

-$ e ab cd ef gh kl m no pq rst xy . «5<rei (pro «5s) y. v. 4 1 . +ce

{postt)v)s. apSp easC. aijuoovos'x.sem. iwavov\. avTtov{pro

avrw) p. v. 42. evpeicrKT] xsem. +ow {post evptaKei) g.

OVTWS a,*xsem. irpwrov ae . —TrpaoTos k. /xeaiav abcde fgh

k l m n p q r s t x . Kvpiov {pro tie<jcnav)y. —6 {ante

a b c d e f h k l m n o p q r s t x y (g cumElzev.). v. 4 3 . ow {pro

c . - $ e d e g h k l m n o p s t x . -6 secund. c. KKrjdrjoei cy.

veyere X. v. 44. —T»7 eiravpiov c. —o i»7<xoi/s {post

aev) a b c * d f k * l m n p q r t . e]~e\9t)v eis Tty xsem . evpeiaicei x

sem. +o ijjffoi/y (arate uKoXovOei) abcde f*gkopq*r s xs em.

ctKokovOri xsem. y. v. 4 5 . —o b e . /3i9aatSa b . v. 46 . eu-

peiaKi xsem. juwuGri<g e h p . —TOW a e l m n t . evpiKa/xev b . vv.

46 , 47. i /a taoeT abcfgklmnop (v. 47) qrstx(e rt cw»i Elzev.

semel)y. v. 47. inif. — Kaig, v. 48. imV. i^ei>eq. ei e

(p ro joe) p . iapa*)\iTt)sy. eiaparjXtr^ xsem. v. 49. - o

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138 S. JOHANNIS C A P P . I. v. 49—11. v. 17.

abdfhkhnnopqrstxy. -avrwe. (pwvr/o-e xsemel. <f)o)v7o-cu

y. i$oi>ep. v. 50. \r)X. y. v. 51. +o {ante ir/a-ovs) cgox

sem. + O T I {ante eiZov) qr. i$ov ep. uW KO'TW h. nec^wv

ces (c/\ ii, 10; v, 36). fieifyv rovrov xsem. oyj/t] bekxsem.

v. 52. -KM Xeyei ai»™a. t/juj/i/h. airapTi abdefghklmn

opqstxy. awapTtj c. 6^rea9e h. otyecrOai xsem. aveoyw-

r a xsem. ava/3w aifTas ?h . — m i KaTaficuvovras e.

C A P U T I I . v. 1. +ec (ante ri? ij/uejoa) q*r.

x. v. 3. e^waiv c. v. 4. + K « I (aw^e Xe^et) adep.

<roi) begP qrsy. OWTTW ky. qtct) c. v. 5. — avrov t. o (pro

0 ri) y. eav (pro ai/) d. Xeyei {pro Xeyy) beef *hqrsxy. v.

6 . vopeiai b . XiOijvai x. — XiOivat g. »caTa TOD X . /meTpiTcts

befxy. v. 7. ai/rovs (pro awrois) n*. yenrtGare ef *xy.«55pe«as b. i^pias y. eyenrjcrav xy. v. 8. oi $e (pro /cat

.) dp. v. 9. T(o ty w o f. yeyevvtjuevovC. t]St}y. ecms.

. —oisecund.'p. evrXr/Koresy. <pwvr]j. dp^tjrpi-

K X I V O S secund.x. v. 10. —•roi' prim. p. Tr/Orjcri x. eXacr-

trwi'Ce. +§ eac, +ow y (pos <TW). TeTtjpiKas

y. v. 11 . Tavrrfv TT]V ap^tjv TWV aqpeiwv eTroitjcrev 6

irjaovsj- TW D afjfj.eiwv TYJV ap^rjv p. atixeiwvx. v. 12. +$e

(posi fiera) h. /ueTa T O V T O V S. rjXOev {pro KaTej&rj) y. /cat

01 fiadrjTai avTov (cat oi a§eX<poi avrov p. —/cat oi fia6t}Tai

avrov eq*r. v. 13. o irjaovs ets lepoaoXvfia x. v. 14. —ei/

Ta> iep«f)C. —/cat TrepiGTepas d. V. 15. (ppayyeXXwv dp.

(ppayyeXiovgt. (ppayeXiovx. (x^vviwvBX.. <r%otviovg. e^e-

jSaXXei/p. —/cat (pos^/3oas) t. KOXV/3KTTWI> eky. aveTpe\j/e

qr. v. 16. TrepeicrTepas x. iroXouffti/y. raw^at. +(cat(awie

/u>j)chin*. nroiyjTe o. eniropeiov'X-. v.17. —ai/roveg. + O T I

(ante o jXos) t. —TOW ot/cow g. KaTa(payerai abdefg**hkl

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S. JOHANNIS CAPP. II. v. 17—III. v. 16. 139

mnopqrs tx(cg*cwm.E7 .2ei/ .) v .1 8. - o w e .m qr. v. 19. -6 a b d e f h k l m n o p q r s t x y . v . 2 0 .

v. 22. eyepO r/k. airo {pro CK ) C . +TO>V {ante veKpwv) cm*.

eXeye ( - CWTOIS) a b c e f g h k l m n o q r s t x . eXeyov ( - a VTOIS) y.

o {pro (p) j . v. 23. +TOIS {ante 'lepoaoXvpois) a b c d e f g h k

l m n o p q r s t . lepocrwXoifiois C . ev TO Tracr^a q. — ec T«J

i r a o ^ a C . + Kai {post 7raa-^a) e . -auToy secund. q*r. v.24. e7rjcr'rei/crei' f* p . aTravras c. iravra dg q* r . v . 25 .

fxapTvprjaei cd e . TTCjOt OWTOV (pro Trep TOI/) f*. — avros

yap ad fin. vers. s* {habet margo).

C A P U T I I I . v . 1 . avQpcoiros TJS t]v y. v. 2. ai/Toi/ (pro

TO V iriaovv) a b c d e k o p q r . Toiavra {pro TCLVTO. TO.) g . cri-

yuetax. -» ja* . ei {pro ^ ) b e s y . v . 3 . - o a h l m n p q * s t x y .—Kai enrev CLVTIO e . —afjirjv a/xrjv Xcya) crot d . +6TI {ante

eav)B,. cvvaTe k. v. 4. — oaflmnp t. VIKOCIHOS X . +o' (ante

avO pwTros) C . —SfVTepov y. v . 5 . airoK piO eis & o irjcrovs

enrev avTw C. —o a d e g h k lm n o p s ty . +/cat e Treii ayTto (an te

afir/v) op. i5luii' (pro trot) y. TCOV ovpavwv {pro TO V Qeov) C .

v. 6. yeyevvrmevov bis abcdefghklmnptxy (q cwm Elzev.).

v. 7 . 6av/u.a<reis ey . v. 8. O eXtjex. irvric. t) {pro icai se-

cund.) c. inrayrjc. —OVTU)I ad fin. vers. c. v. 10. — o

prim, abde fgh k lmn oqr s txy . v . 11 . — o secund. y. eopa-

Ka/xev efk. v. 12 . ow eiriaTevcraTe {pro ov

f *g . — i5,(«i; secund. g. ,/m. irta-Temeire c.

bdefk qsxy . v . 14 . fxw'vatjs e. ocpr^vx.. ovros'x.sem. Stj

{pro Set) y. v. 15. •jrt<TTei/oi» x sewi. airoXeirai c. a7ra)X«-

r a i e . a7ra)X>yTai fpq s*yse m. exet b ee fk o q rs x y . v. 16 .

OVTWS a d l m n q r t x y . -yapy{initio pericopes). /movoyew t]

g. irurrevov p x . a7roXetTa« C . airwXt]Tat fs*ysem. e%ei b e

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140 S. JOHANNIS CAPP. III. v. 16—IV. v. 5.

efsxy . v. 17 . icpivei cey . -\va Kptvtj TO V Kocriuot>tj*sem.

fin. +a \\' \va awcrei TO V Koo~p.ov ysem. v. 18. iricrTevov

prim. x . KBKprjTai q. — 6 Se ixr\ iricrrevwv t]St] /ce/cjotrcu t.

(pro ireiritiTevicev) x. v. 19 . —a vrr] Se usque ad

. —TO prim. c. avTwv Trovr/pacp. v. 20. irpao-

croi/f. e/ j^erex. e\e-)(Qriy. avTov TO . epya a h p r . fin. +OTI

Trovripa. ecrTivCS**. V .21. 7rotoi/X. —T^cd*. e p ^ e re x . + ™(ante Oew) m*q*rs y . etaiv C. epyaafxeva cy. epyaa/uevai t.

v. 22. —jutera Tai/rcte. —ohkp. eficnrTrXevx. v. 2 3 . —sat

prim. g. (SaTTTrj^wv x . e cw c g* . - r o y p . c r a \ ^ a e e g h k l

mnoq*txy. ^ i / e/rei i /^ara 7ro\Xa p. irapeyevovTo defq*r .

ej&aTrrriCpvTo x . v. 24. -T>?I/ g p . - o p . iwavwy. V. 25 .

IoySa4ovabcdefhklmnoqrs txy(gp cumElsev.). v. 26. -TOWs. — joa/3/3iC . 6v(pro w)j. fiefiapTvp iK ashy. (3a.TTTt]fyx.

V. 27 . \an{$avr}v e x . a< >' eavTO v ovSe ev (pro ov§ei>) C. et

j?) sy. SeSoonevov y. v. 28 . - /uoi ab cd f* * gh k y . ma|0-

. +o Ti (awfe OVK) S. V. 29 . eo-TrjKos p. 7re7r\i7-

v. 30. ^e (pro Set) p . av^avr/v x. emei' (p ro e/ue)

c. v. 3 1 . —o OJI/ e/c T^S yqs ad fin. vers. c. AaX^x. fin.

eo-Ti a lmn qr s t . v . 32 . — o o . eopaicev e f k o . +'6 (ante TJKOV-

crev) C . fxaprvpr] x. Xa/mfiavr] h. v. 33 . Xafxfiavov (pro

Xaf3wv)c. e<j(ppayt}aev a. aXt}8eisy. v . 3 4 . - T O

h*? v. 36. +Tjjv (ctMie ^toiji' secund.) a f g h l m n q r s t .


C A P U T IV. v. 1. irjo-ovs (pro icvpios) clmnt. —o

q**. -tr)<jovsc. -K ai fiairTi(<sig. — rj£*. o (pro if) e.

V. 2. awTos oirjcrovsC. C C V T O S irjtrovs p . e/^ air T ^o v 1*?. V.

3 . +7 ^1/ (po5« Iov^ajav) d ek q* rs . airTrjXdev t . cnrrjXQev

(—n-aXiv) a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r s t ( x y non habent). v. 5.

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S. JOHANNIS CAP. IV. vv. 5—32. 14 1

o it]<rov$ y . epy(eTe x. +o irtaovs (post ovv) C rubroef rubro gk**rubro q r . TTOXJJV X. craiiapias x . av-^ap a b c

defghklmnopqrstxy. a>f, ov clmnt (pro o). v. 6. §e

(_p»*0 ow) bf*. KaiKOTnaKd x . ooonropetas p . oowiropias x .

OI/TOS ( ?»"0 OUTW S) ex . ep (p ro em) 1. 67rjj x. iriyrj (se-

cund.) e. €7rt TJJ "yj; (pro e7n T?7 Trtj'yjy) t . aiy (pro aicrei)

b . v. 7 . aafiapias x. + KCU (amie Xcyet)c. fin.+v^upC.V. 8. a7T6X» ;Xi;0ija-a>'bfl*sx. — ecrapg . —acm-C. aywpa-

crwai dl* . v. 9. aaixapeiTris e g . aa/xapijTis x . crot (p ro

en;) b . v. 10 . + o (ant e t^croi/s) c . t&ys1 C . Sopeavf. tjrri-

cra9 h . j;Ttcrasxy. jjTetaas auTto C. ai/rcova. —avsecund.c.

v . l l . oi/Teh. — ow e. v. 12. +TOVTO (post (ppeap)c. v.13.

-oprim. abdefgh klmn opqrstxy. v. 14. 7 nelx. S

b d e p . +eyw (ante S U M J O O secund.)c. Socrwsecund.e.

aWofxevov a q r y . aXonevou d. v. 15 . ep^o/me x . ep^o/uti h?

cdefgq *rs ty . v . 16 . aov TO V avcipa g. v. 17 . +avTu>

(post enrev) befgxy. K O X O S X. V. 1 8 . ecrrrjv (pro ecrrt) x.

a\t]9wst. v. 20. ev TO opei TOVTW abcdefhklmnopqrst

xy. (opei p . TOVTO bx ). v. 21 . +OW (post Xe'yetjeq*^

7ri(TTevaov/xoi yvvai g. on (pro ore) txy . TOUTO X. irpoa-

Kvvt]crr]T6 e . TrpoGKvvt)oea6e p . v. 2 2 . iJ/xetr ( p r o »?/«eis) m * .

ecrrt S**. v. 2 3 . aXr/O rivoi x . TrpoaiciivricFavTas p * . v . 2 4 .

+€0 'TH/ (posi wvevna) e. + a (ante ^et) c. v. 25 . /uecretas

c . (ie<nas a d e f g h k l m n p q r s t x y . avayyetXet C . v. 27 . £7rt

TOVTO e x . e0ai/,ua£oi/p. XaXet ( p r o eXaXei) t. + K M (ante

ovSeis) k. v. 28 . CSpeiav b . iro\y)v x. v. 29 . ei5eTe c.

i$6Tai e. v. 30 . -ovv a b c d f h l m n p t x . v . 3 1 . ev $e TO f

x y . tjpwrov x. + afTOf (post ^aO ttrai) ace lm nqs t . v . 32 .

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142 S. JOHANNIS CAP. IV. vv. 32—53.

t. v. 34. -6 irjaovsg. -61*. •woirjawp. V. 35. ov\g.

Xeyeraie. -ert almot. T6T|oa|i>uji'osbcdefghklmnoqrstxy

(cum Elzev.p). eiraperex. 0eaaw6>atp. x°Pa$y*- fi



x. v. 36. aicipov x. xaipet bdefhkm*q*rstx. v. 37. Deest

in q* (habet marg.) rt. ev yap TOVTO h. eanv 6 Xoyos p.

-osecund. ab. aXt0ti>o?f*. crireipovx. v. 3 8 . a7re<rTtXax.

a7recrT6jXai» f *? a\\ ' (pro o) C. KaiKOTTiaKarai x. K C U K O -

TriaKaai x. avTov ei(xeXijXv8aTa.i x . v. 39 . TTOXGOS X . —«?

avTov p . crctfiapiTcov x. (xapTvpovaeis x. v. 40. tjpwrov x.

e/xetpe Trap' avrois (-e/cet) g. v. 4 1 . K X I O V S X. v. 42 . ^e

(pro Te) eg . O V K S T I J x . <rtj/ ( ?ro <r>;i') e x . TriuTeuw/xev h.

+/cat eyvwKctfxev (post otoa/nev) p . — aXjj&oy g. — o secund.

g. v. 43. TauTas (pro ras) b*? -qfiepas e. v. 44. -oirjaovs t. —o abcefp. enaprvpiaev f*. v. 45. e^ aT o C.

eopcucwTes cf. eopaKOTes e k . v. 4 6 . —ovi;b*m. Transfert

C o t^croyr i« locum post yaXtXaias. —TraXiv e. TraXjy o

escrow a b d f g h k l n o p q r s t . eiaOevtjX. eis (pro ev) ct. v.47.

ouTwye. +d (an^e it]<rovs)cy. Transfert y irjaovs in locum

post yaXtXcuav. et/ce(X. + ei (postf ^/cei) C. lacreraib. jacrej-

r a i x. TOI/ vio»' avTov p. C/oteXXe c e f h k o p q r s x .

aKtjv x . v. 48. etTrev oyi/ usque ad U V T O V rubro C .

d. et ^ T e x . v. 4 9. Z)ees« int. fiaaiXicrKosy. KctTa

airoQavei y. V. 50 . — o itjvovsprim. c. errKTTevcre Se (—/cat)

s. d (pro <j5) y. +d (araie iijaows seewmc?.) abcdefghlmnop

q rs tx y . 67ropei'eTft)p*x. v .5 1 . VTnjvnjcrav'py. avr/yyeiXav

p . vtos (pro irai$) a d p s . v. 5 2 . eirvvQavero b . eiroiGeTo

y . TT/V lopav Trap'avTw v'p. e(5oo/nt]vh. \. 53.+iaGtj (post

wpa) st . +T auT a (pos£ i^croi/s) g. —/cai (prim.?) y. —/cat

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S. JOHANNIS CAPP. IV. v. 53—V. v. 19. 14 3

ad fin. vers, c. et (pro t) ante oiKia) b. —oX»/g.v. 54. +$e {post rovTo)gS. •7raX»?i'X. eis rrjv •yaXiXcuav

eXOwv e/c T»JS lovcaias g .

C A P U T V. v. 1. +cie (post /n6Ta) bdqr . + j j (ante eoprrj)

a d e f * * h m n p q r . — 6 afp. v. 2. irpofiarfiKri x > efipaiaTtj

bef* k *sy . /3.0eo-cia g . firfiaitrSa x . firjOea^av J. v. 3 .

Keivqcnv b . v. 4. O belo notatur in dk primd manu. +K V -

piov (post yap) a c d p . Karafiaivev g*. erapacruero a b d e f

k p q x . erapacre h . — jueTa t* . eyeivero C. cyeveTo bqr txy.

K O T rf^T o bfy . K-aTj^ero x . voaatj/xaTi y. v. 5. z'm'i. +/cat

c. +«a t (anie OKTW) a b d e f * * g k o p q r s x . fin. +avrov s.

v. 6. TTOWVVX.. xpovov r)(>i) p . 6e\>is bcd*f*. v. 7. - Kvpie

f*. + v a i (anfe Kvpie) ef** g. /3aX»? ab dfg hk lm no prs txy .

(iaWei c. /3a\et e. ep^w/xai c. ep-^o/ne x. w . 8 , 9 , 10,

1 1 , 1 2 . KpafiaTTov a b c d f h k o (nisi forte legend um ry: vid.

Me. n, 12) p x : at Kpafiarov c in vv. 9 , 1 0 , 1 1 ; f * in v . 1 1 ;

KpafifiaTov x £ra v. 12 . v. 8. eyeipe be fgkox . <jov TO V

KpafSfiarov aovy. irepnraTr] (sic vv. 9, 1 1 , 12) b . v. 9.

GafiaTov x. v. 10. -ovv b . eari ad p rs * * . +/cat (ara^e OK)

a b p q r . fin. + aov p . v. 11 . init. +6 ^ep y. v. 12. -ovv p .

+/cai (awfe Tts)f. etTroi/b. apt ov b. v. 1 3 . j ^ i j l * . e i ^ x .

i^et y. OVTCOS ey . v. 14 . Xe^et (post enrev) c e . t ow b .

ju>;/ceT>jX. ^efpwvh*. — crojf*. crot n c f**hkoxy . yew/re

X. V. 15. +oi/i> (pO5i atrrikQev) as . cnnjyyetXe o x . avtjy-

yeiXai q. avr/yyeXe y . etTrev (p ro ae» 7 7 7 .)s. v. 1 6 . TOOTH

(pro TOI/TO) d. oi jov^atot TOV irjaow S. + oi tovSaioi (antecnroKTeivai) t* . ,/Jw. + T a tafiaTa e g . v. 1 8 . — U V T O V C .

V. 19 . -ovvy. -o tricrovvC. Xeyei (pro enrev) p . Svvarey.

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14 4 S. JOHANNIS CAP. V. vv. 19—45.

a(p' eavrov iroieiv p. 7rot»;yx. — TI C . (iXeirei b c d e f * p q r s xy . - a i / a . iroiei {pro 7rot j7)bdef*hqstxy. -ayap av eiceivos

adfin.vers.c. v. 20 . nrfcwva x . /xec^ctway. ^etfj/c e. - a r

Tt^ secund. c. flaivia^etTat C . flaiz/ua^eTat e. ^aii/ua ^ere y .

v. 21 . —oTTo.Ttjp'p. eyeipt/ c e . OVTW S a l ty . O V T O S d*. —o

secund.y*. O eXqhcx.. v. 22. Kptvt] C. iraaav TY\V Kpiaivt* ''.

v. 24. 7riareuov usemel. TO Trefj^j/avTi b . 7TJOOS (jpro ets se-cund) t. V. 2 5 . ecrTt s** . aKoycroi'Te b . ^c rw i/T ai c. v.

26. oyrajs ^e^to/ce y . v. 27 . 7rot>;y x . v. 2 8 . O avjuafyre d.

CIKOVCTWVTCU C. a/coi/awTe x. rts (|?ro TJ;S) p- v. 29 . S K T T O -

pevGaivTcti C. Trotejcrai'Tes x . v. 3 0 . dwa /xex. iroieiv eycot.

7roujvx. ^tjTwiC. — Trarpos hop . v . 3 1 . + yap {post eav)

g t . dkrjQeis {sic v. 32) y. v. 3 2. a\t]9ivr]S. +avrov {post

fiapTvpia) y . fiaprvpi x . v. 3 3 . >J/ieis t . /ue/uapTvpiKe y .

v. 34 . Transfert y <w in locump ost fxaprvpiav. iwavvov {pro

av9pw7rov)s. V. 35. +§e {post eK ewos)y. Kato/uaivos S. /ceo-

jueiw x . (paivov b . (pevwv y . 7TjOos co^oai/ a'yaX X. c h s . a'yaX -

Xia9tjvai a * * b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r s x y . 0toT>7 x . v. 3 6 . yuet-

^a)»'ey. — Tovy. ^ws ees xy . xeXt too-wx. wXtjpwcrw {pro

reXeiwcrw) qr. —e^w secund. s t* . fxaprvpri x. aTrecrretXe

C gx. v . 3 7 . fienapTvpine y. OVT€ bis y . TrwTroTe aur/icoaTe

p . TTOTrore bx . eojoa/care e fk . v. 3 8 . ,UOK (p ro avrov) y,

eir vfiip (levovra y. tj/xiv t*. ajreurfXei/ X. TOVTO p x , TOI/-

Toy y (p ro T O V T < P ) . v. 39- — aicortoi/ a g . v. 4 0 . ^eX exat

x . eX0r)v x . e^etTat ex . v. 4 1 . avO ptovov p. v . 42 .

e^e ra t c . v . 4 3 . Xtj^/eaQai ex . Xei-^ecrOe y. v. 44 . ^v-

v aa O a i e. avdpwirwv {pro aXXrjXwv) m n t . XafifiavcovTes x .

v . 4 5 . — e'yw p y . J,u«s (p>*o i>nwv) bis c . v/uii/ ( p r o I)/

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S. JOHAJSTNIS CAPP. V. v. 45—VI. v. 15. 145

prim.) sy . jutowr^s e p . rjXiriKaTe viueis p . jj/ueis t . v. 4 6 .eTrwTei/ffare bis y: (pro eTrurTevere seound.) O. fuocrei af *

h l m n o q r t . /xa)v<7tj e. /j.aivcrei p. Trejui ejtxou 'ya/> Im n t. v. 47 .

rj (pro ov) t. irtuTeyeTai e, TriGTeveiTe x (^>ro

). 7r<(TT6i;creTat C , iriGTevere t , TrtaTevar/Te e k s

y , TrterTeycmTe x ( p r o 7 rtcrT6t;(reTe).

C A P U T VI. V. 1. -T>79 FaXiXatas y. v. 2. qirot/Xoi/di; e.VKo\ov9t] x y . 7roXXi/y x . erripwv (pro ewpwv) C? -awToi;

ep . v. 3 . — eK€i g. eKaOrjro e/ce« q*r. v. 4. Obelo notatur

rubro in marg. c. v. 5. - o w ad* y. $e (pro ovv) p . TOI/?

o<j>0a\nov$ 6 ttjcrous hop. +ai/TOK (post o<p9aXfxovs) d**y.

TTOXXI/S f*x . ayopacrwuev cefg kpq rs tx . v . 6 . J ; ^ q. jjyueX-

Xe bcd lm ns t . qfieWev f. t]/u.e\e x. v. 7 . hvaptwv x. ay-

TOI/? (p ro ai/Tois) e. Xa/3ei f* ? v. 9. w$e iraiSapiov (— ev)

c. os (pro o) bd y. KpiOr/vovs bx . +TOI»? (aw<e KpiOivovs) y .

Tt ecTTtv TCLVTU d*. v. 10 . avairecriv (pro -eiv) x. +/cai

(aw^e aveTreaai/) C. aveirecrav b c f h x . avcnreaov y. — oi/i'

be fgh kx . & ( p r o o w ) s . -o t y. H-av^W Trot («w^e av^pes;)

ap. apt}9(iov x . v. 1 1 . ^e^to/ce ap q * r. eSwKe g . — TOIS

fia9t]Tais ol ^e nadrirai p. +T019 o^Xois (aw^e TOIS avaicei-

fxevois) d. ocrwi/ f*. V. 12 . eir\yi(r9r]<yav S. (ruvayayeTcu e.

irepiaaevovra g . xoiy /cXaoyiaTiov g lm n t . KXacrnaraiv q**.

aTroXetTat C. cnrtoXriTai fq*S*. v. 13 . eyefirjuav f*x. KtD-

<pivov$ k. +TTX)7|OJ;S (pos^ Ko<pivovs) p . KpiOtjvwv x . <oi> (p ro

a) d. irepiecevaev f. irepiaaevcre t . v. 14 . —ovvjsem.

init. peric. iSovres o\ avOpwiroi ysem. ei^ores ct* . eiSovTes

f*. atineiov STroirjaev g . —on h . 67rt (p ro eiy) ysem. v.

15 . +01 oj(Xoi (pos< ^eXXovcriy) y. irpoepr^eaQaiC. avap-


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14 6 S, JOHANNIS CAP. VI. vv. 15—SO.

ira^eivp. apiraXyv x . apirwCei O. TroieK rwaiVX .. —iraXiv

a b c e f g h k o q * r s x (ave^ooptjae tamen aq*). — avros /uovos

d. v. 17 . npyovTo d. +eis TO (ante irepav) y. ois (pro

« ? secund.) p . Ka(papvaov(i y . GKOTCI p . w$i x . eyev-

ero {pro eyeyovet) y . eX>;Xu0»7 l*y. +ets TO T T X O I O V (ante

6 itjcrovs) p , (post tricrovs) do . Y. 18 . Sieyetpero s*t. v.

19 . GTaaiovs eiKoanrevre t. +/cat (pos< rj) b . yevofxevov egho*s y . -K m secund. c. v. 20 . <poj3t]a9ai c. (pofirioQe r .

v . 2 1 . Xafir)v~x.. eyevero TO irXotovy. — ets v" virijyov C .

vireiyov s. inriyov x . v. 2 2 . —d secund. c. ecrT>;Kft)y d.

eGTr/Kos x . i§ev y? aXXo irXotapiov d. eifii f. —eK eivoy.

avefirjoav s. — OTI secund. y. crvvrjXOev b s . crvvijcreiXOe e.

iX9euf*. —oiriaowscy. — ei<s secund. d*. 7rXotoi'(proHOC secund.) py. ec TW TrXota^otw C . a7 r^X0ov oi /«a-

auToy y . v. 23 . i/Xdoc g y . +TJJS (araie rifiepiaSos) g.

Ttjfiepiaoos x. ou (pro oirov) y . itfcrov (pro Kvpiov) O. avTov

(pro TO V Kvpiov) p . v. 24 . ioW eg py . -ow/c t* . oi $e (p ro

ou^e oi) g. ave/3rj(Tav st. —/cat prim, a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r t

x y . ai/Tov (p ro TOV irjcrovv) a p . v. 2 6 . —/cat enrevy.

ioeT6 defhopxy. e/c TOW aprov t . v . 27 . epyate<j9ai e x .

airoXv/xevrjv ey. —TV\V ppaxnv secund. f**g . Scoaei v/uv x

semel. ^fiw k . TOUTO (p ro TOI'TOI') ysemel. —6 TraTr/p t.

ecrcppayriaev abexysemel. v. 28. voiov/ixev hqr. ejoya^o-

/«e0a bc er sx . v. 29 . — aireK pStj usque ad 6eov C. —a7re-

Kpi9ri usque ad avToish*. -6 ab**de fhk lnop*qr s txy . n - i -

crTeuovTes y . 7n<TTei'a'eiT6 e x . TrtffTevo' Tat e . 7rt<7Tei'J7Te g .

« s o e. v. 30 . — ovvg. iroiijsc. — av c g m q * r . eiSofievs.

wovres Kat TricTTeviTOfiev (cf. v. 29) y. iruTTevao/uev C. epya-

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S. JOHANNIS CAP. VI. vv. 30—54. 147

£et by. v. 31. e(payov TO (xavva p. K < X & W S k. v. 32,

Xeyo f*. /Utoi/ffjjs eSwicev p . e cW e i/C . ri/xiv (secund.) e. —e/c

TOW ovpavov prim. ch. — a \X' usque ad ovpavovb*e. SiSoaiv

n. aXj/^voi/ x. v. 33. KaTajiaivov sxy . $t$oi/? ^ow?" P-

v. 34. TO V TO V T O V apTov t. v. 35. ewei/ GUI' {pro $e) ce.

•jreii/acrei adpy. Tnvaaei e. irivao-i] k. Sf^/rjaei c d e p y . v.

36 . -K ai ^ n m . g. eojoa/care ef**k. v. 37. e e 6is k. ,U6

6is p. r'feri c. e/c/3aXAa> es. v. 38. - T O O ekqua prim. y*.

jSra. +7raTjOos eg. vv. 38 , 39 . —TO OeXri/uta TOV usque ad

T O V T O Se ecxTi b * {habet marg.). v. 39. — T O V T O usque ad

TTOTJOOS g. a7ra)\ecrw t . aXX' ad fs . avrov {pro avTo) befxy.

( X V T O V ava<jTt]crwS. — ev befgh kqr . v . 40 . —

ric. yap {pro Se) ao p s . +7raTjOos {post ^ e ) b x y . iriarevov

x . e^et b c e f * q x y . +ev (aw^e T»; ea-^aTtj) a h o q r . v. 41.

+ K CU eXeyov {ante 6TI) t*. + T ^ S ^£OJ;S {post apTos) c. o

6/c TO V ovpavov KaTafias s t. v. 4 2 . —ITJGOVS bchq*r . —o

s* . +^ {post twarri(j))x**. — O V T O S secund. ct. v. 4 3 . — ow

p . v. 44. ^ueaTegy. e/xe {pro neprim.) g . - o i r a T ^ q r .

+6«» {ante TJJ ear^arri) aede fghk lmnopqr s ** txy . v. 45.

—TOW prim, a b d e f g h k l m n o p q r s t * * . TCO ^ew c. anovov c.

OKOVWV a b d e f g h k l m n q r s t . +//01/ (jpos^ iraTpoi) s. v. 46.

t«m f*. eopaicev ef**k*. eini f. TO 9eov b . OI/TOS (^>ro

OJTOS-) g. eojoa/ce ek. v. 49. J^W C m *. v. 50. apTo p.

KOTa/3as c. KaTafiaivop x y . KaTafiaivvcov t. ipayei C . v.

5 1 . — TIS c. ^j/ueTea. —oet. —ijv eyw Swcrw ad fin. vers.e.

— TOV {ante KOCFUOV) S. V . 5 2 . OJ ioi/octtoi 7TJOOS aXX»;Xoi;s

b g . — Trpos aXX>jXoi/s s. $ i / e a T e f * . 1/JU.JP OWTOS t . TrjvcrapKa

. v. 53 . — ap.Y\v semelh. meTeg. v. 54 . Tpwyov

1 0 — 2

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148 S. JOHANNIS CAPP. VI. v. 54—VII. v. 12.

X . e j ^ k * . icaywip. +ev(ante rr/ ea^arrf) adgps t . V . 55.

—yap e. a\t]9>]s bis. ag**ps . v. 56. rpoywv x. T T W O V X.

. v. 57. airearakiceS. rpoywv x. ^a"€t p. v. 58.

ftaseK TO u ovpavovH. r/uwve. juoi/^rOToi/TOf)

Tptoywv) a g l m n t . Xriaei a f k o q r . v. 59. S

x . v. 60. 6 \oyo<s ovros o p . Sware g. aicovrjv x. v. 61.

I&DS y. v. 62. Oecopeire d e h q r s t x y . p.evovTa (pro ava-fiatvovTa)t. TrpwrepovToa*. v. 63. — TO secund.?j). +yap

(ante crap<£) S. o(pe\ei r. \e \a \»?Ka »)/uii/ p . v. 64. 7rtffTei/-

crovaiv t. »7$>7 q. et >7 x. e^apxrjs b e f l o t . fin. eavrov e.

v. 65. $e$u>(ievov fy. v. 66. rwv (ta9f]TWP avrov airtjXQov

pt. +eic (post airr}\9oi>) x. ayroy x. —avTovprirn.f*. O V K

en dhk. V. 68. — oui/ aep. —avrw q*r. aTreXeyffw/me^af k x . v. 69. eyvuKa/xev nai TremcrTevKafiev e. —/cat 67-

vcoKaixev a. —TOW ^itoi'Tos hx. —TOI/ secwwd. p*. v. 70.

init. +Kat f. -6 itjaovs b d e f h k l m n q r t . v. 71. -Se t.

arjuwpos p*. e/jieXXeK a e fg k lm n p q r t . e/ueXXe irapa$t$ovat

avrop O. TrapaSiSwvai f*. — e/c d.

C A P U T VII . V. 1. /cat /uera TavTa -KepieiraTei 6 itjvovsp. irepieiraTrj bex. —/xera TavTa y. OTC (pro OTI) e.

airoKTrjvai x. V. 2. ecaprr] x * . v. 3. /neTa(ir]6r) x. —aou

secund. k l m n q * * s . +av s, +ai/Tos g (ante 7roiets). v. 4.

—owlets usque ad voiei f*. Tt ev Kpuirrw pt. v. 6. irap-

earts**. en/tost, v.7. walv (pro nicreiu)x. -onprim.

y*. v. 8. -Tctvrtjv prim. ab**p. -6701 usque ad rav-Ttjv b * . O VK (pro ovTrio) p. V. 9. — ^e apt. et7rovx. ai/roy

(pro ai/Tots) apt. ^aX^Xata x. v. 10. avrov x. TOTC ets

TJJI/ eopTtfv /cat ai/Tos avefitj apt. <pavepos x. v. 12. TTOX-

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S. JOHANNIS CAP. VII. vv. 12—38. 149

An? x . +yap {post ol fiev) o. — Se a b {Mat c in hoc capite)d e f g h k l m n o p q r s t x y . ov^i dp t . v . 13 . irappr\<nav p. eXa-

XTJ y. ha T(i)i/ (pofiovf. v. 14. tjSei h . — j ^ x . — r/§>) 8e y

initio peric. v. 15. ot5e ypa/xfiaraS. v. 16. +ow (pos£

abd efhk lmn opq rs** xy. -ai /Tots ps* . v . 17 .

d*. Troirjv X. yvwaeTe X. TtpoTepov p* *. V. 18 .

x. ^ofaf ai/Toi/ (pro 5o^. TOW) f*. v. 19 . fiwvatjs p .v. 20. Deest in y . aweicpiOrioav o\ lovSatoi /cat euro? ai/Tto

pt . v . 21 . - o abd efgh klm no qrs tx y . v . 22 . /uwvarjs d p .

irepiTefiveTai g x . avQpwiros g s . v. 2 3 . +o (<m£e av9pw-

TTOS) p . fxwvaews p t. eirotetcra x . v. 24 . ^t Kpiverai e.

v. 25. eXeywv x . —owy f. 'Lepoa'oXv/xijTwv b e x . aTroarrjvai

x . v. 26 . —/cat prim. g. XaKq x . —aXr/Ows prim. d. se-

ap%iepeis {pro ap-^ovTe<s) g. v. 27. ot^a^ee h.

prim. s**. - o ^e ^JOJCTTOJ ad fin. vers. b*. ep^rai a

b**defhklmnopqrs ( txy cwm Elzev. ep^erai). eX9rj g. v.

28. eKpa^ev e (£ rubro) s. a\rj9rivos x . / n . oiSarcu x .

v . 29 . — $e abd efhk lm no qrsx y. v . 30 . -Kiaae x. ou7rw

ks. eXrfXvOt) b s . e\ijXv6ev gj. v. 31. e/c TOU O^XOI; owy

TTOXXOI (—oe) pt. JU»7 (p ro fxriTi) pq**r . TOVTWV crTjfxeia d s .

-TOVTWV h l m n o p q * * t . e-rroirjae o. v. 32. +owi/ (posfr

rjKovaav) eg**pqr . o l ap^iepeis /cat o« (papicraioi apt. ol

tejOets /cat ol ^ a p . S. inrriperas {rjirrjperai k*) ot (papuraiot

KM ol ap%iepeis bde fghk lmn oqr . v . 33 . -ai /Tots ab d

efghk lmn opq rs t . v . 34 . ^r j jc raTe t* . -^rtjaere /ue

q*r. Ivvaadax f*. v. 3 5 . evpr/awnev S*? v. 3 6 . o Xo-

'yos OWTO? p . SuvauOai ef*. v. 3 7 . —evSey. elaTTjKei O.

v. 38. iriarevov x . pevaovcriv a b d e f g h k l r a n o p q r s t x . TTOT-

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150 S. JOHANNIS CAP. VII. w . 38—53.

afioi pevuovTcu e*c TJJS KoiXias avrou ^WVTOS (—VOOTOS)

y . v. 39. o (pro ov) b l . rmeXXov b f l m n q s y . ^neXXov x.

rj (pro riv) y. -6 (ante trjo-ovs) a b d e f h k l m n o p q r s t x y .

v. 40. ru e Xoywu d e f * * h o p x . +TOVTOV q*r, +aurov

d p t (ante eXeyov). eXe-yaw x . vv . 4 0 , 4 1 . —ovros eariv

aXtjO ws 6 irpotptirris usque ad aXXoi $e eXeyov g*y . v.

41. + 5e (post aXXoiprim.)h. +aX rj6w% (ante 6 ^JOJCTTOS) X.- t i e a b d e f g * * h k l m n o p q r x . v. 42. -6TI g t . SaviS biso.

firiQXeevs.. oTrovd. v. 43 . TO£S o^Xotyd. V. 44. — rti/es

usque ad iriaaai avTov y*. e£ aurioi/ rjOeXov S. Trtacre x.

v. 45. inrripere b . (papiaaaiovs x. xpos avrovs (pro av-

TOJS) y. v. 46 . aTreKpvOrjcrav t. ot/oets (^)ro oi/Se7roTe) g.

OI/TO)S ewo/xev Tiva XaXrieravTa (pro eXaXtjcrev av6pw7ros)

y * . v. 47 . •7T67rXai/eta-0e x. v. 48 . ap^ovrov ? h . v. 49 .

—6 (secundum?) e*. v. 50 . wpos avxous vucoSrjfxos d. — 6

eXOwv t*. TTJOOS avrov V V K T O < S p . TOW iriuovv (pro avrov) y.

— eis toil e|; avrwv g. v. 5 1 . —^fioov S*. /CJOII/?? b k x . a/covcret

e y . -rrpooTov p t . Trot*? g q r . v. 52 . avTco /cat etirov y . cot

(^jro cry) x. eyeipeTai a e k o . eyeiyepTai f * p x . eyeipyep-

TCLI h . [v. 53. eTTopevOrjaav fv. cnrrjXdev d e l m n q r s .

Pericope de adultera. Cap. vn. 5 3 — v m . 1 1 . Habent

sine ulla suspicionis notd: c (ut videtur) d e f g h * o p q r s t .

O mnino omittunt a * b x y (quamvis in media pericope).

O belo notant k l m n . In marg. a habet XvyrYiaov Keep, ets

TeXos Toy /3t/3\toy ubi legitur ma nu recenti, et parum ac-

curatd. In marg. c. vn. v. 53 h citat c. VIIL V. 12 ma-

nu secundd. In t KecpaXaia non leguntur. In q desunt sec-

tiones Ammoniance: in magine eis T«S copras TreXayiov

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S. JOHANNIS CAI-P. VII. 53—VIII. v. 7. 151

aiyviTTtov eucoK ias icai 6eoowpov, rubro. TOJ/

CAPU T V I I I . v. 1. init. nai 6 itjcrovs (—$e) d e q r s .

eiropeveTo e k s . fin. +fxovos f. v. 2. opGpov (3a9ews TraXtv

trapeyevero (—$e) C . TraXti' /3o0eos ((laQeoos ef) rjhQev .6

irjcrovs eis TO tejooi; defs. eiropeuero ets q**. o^Xos (pro

Xaos)k. —Trpos a i / ro i /acgp.UWTOIS

C , a i /Tovk(pro ai/-TOI/S). v. 3 . -Seg. -irpos avrov ef*kq*rsv*. ev nv^iaC.

ein {pro ev)defhklmnoqrsv(gp cumElzev.). KareiX\rifj.evrjv

f. KaTaXet(p6eicrav a. KaraXettpOqaav C. KaTaXrj(p9eiaav

e g p t . +TO) (aw<e luea-to) dest. v. 4. etTrov (^ro Xe7

d eq *r . +Tre£pa^oi/T6s (cwife ^i^aa/caXe) a c f* * g h o p t .

XetfpO r) a c f * * t . K.a.TeXn<p9r} gp . etXtjTTTai f * h k o .

(popw a c g k p t . CTravTotpopws f. P o s i ^i acrKaXe sic legitur

in d e l m n q r s v : ravrr)v evpofxev eiravTo(popa> (ewavTo(pa)pw

l*mn, eiravTo(ptopa)s e) ixoi^evoixevriv. v. 5. +rj/jLa>v {post

vofioo) def *klm nqrsv . fiwvcrris defpq*. —[/.ways t. evereiX-

aTo niiif fs. - ^ j y deklmnqrv. i)/ixiv p. XiO a^eiv d e f k q *

rsv. Jin. +7repi auTtjs defhkl**oq*rsv . v. 6. enrov {pro

eXeyoi>)fk. eKTreipa^ovres k. —avTov h o . ai/Tai ( )»"O ai/-

TOI') c. create" k v . Kartjyopiav /car' avrou d e f k l m n q r s v .

—ayToy t. — ujcrot/s e. Kv/n^wi C. KaTeypa(pev2LCg. fin.

+fxt] Tcpocriroiov/xevos acdfgh l r anopq tv . +7rpoaTroiovnevos

r? . v. 7. enepwTwvTes defq*r tv . —avrovg. ava.KVfx^ra$ C .

avaftXeyjsas e q * rs v . etTrev awTot? (—7TJOOS) e f * k q * r s . —iift-wv

f*. — T O I / V . irptoTOv (TTJOW TOS hko) 67r' avrrjv {+ T O V a)

X(#oi> (iaXera) {jiaXXeTo a, fiaXairw c )achko . Trpooros

{+rovq**) XiOov fiaXeTw {fiaXXerw df*) eir' ai/TJ/i/defq*

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152 S. JOHANNIS CAP. VIII. vv. 7—20.

r S . 67T dUTrjV TOV Xl9oi> g p . €TT CtVTtjV TTpOOTOS TOV XlBoV

fiaXerw t. v. 8. -Karw k . icu/u^as C. Kv^ as Karw f.

v. 9. —/cat VTTO Ttjs awei^r/aem eXey^ofxevoi e k q . airo

{pro vwo) S. eXe^ojuei/oi v. +ecos e/cacrroo ra y dftapTias

avrwv {post eXey^o/nevoi) S**. KaOeis lm no qr . + & (pos«

ap^aixevoi) e. —ews TOJI' ecr^aToov a c g h k o p t . KaTeXri<p9ij

av. J ir/aovs /uovos e fkq*r . ovaa {pro earwaa) a c d e f g h kIm nop qrs tv . v . 10 . +ei^ev avTtjv /cat enrev e {i$ev) q r

{post itjaovs). —/cat firj^eva O eacrafnevos irXrjv Tjys y vv aiK O S

e f * k q r . -avrri eq r . -»} ^y i /^ ac d gl m np t. 71/1/at ( -» ;)

e fh k o q rs v . —e/cetwot oi K aTrjyopoi crovek. — eneivoi fhqrv .

—o2 KaTrjyopoi aov f *. V. 1 1 . —avrr\ a c g p t . xpivw C .

/c/3tvto a f* * g p t. -/ ca t c. +a7 ro ro y vi/v (ant e /u'j/c6Tt)def*hldmnoqrsv].

C A P U T VIII. v. 12. ai/Tots o itjaovs abdefghlmnopt

xy. —o ttjaovs c. ai/To« eXaXijo-ei/ o iqvovs k. e\a\»j<7ei' o

(—ai/TOjyJs. eXaX^crei/ ai /ro ts X e^ w c q * ^ ai/ro is

eXaXj/erei; q**. TrepiiraTriyr) a b d f g h k l m n q r x x ( 2 ) y .

gy . v . 13 . naprvpeis ; dk . v. 14. +6 {anteitjcrow) c. K ayto {pro nav eyw) C. oi&ov iroO ev t]X9a t .

-Jjuets Be ad fin. vers. be f*hkxx(2)y . —Be f**pst. JJ irov

{pro K CU vov secund.) d lm n** opq r t . v . 15 . +$e {post

. \. 16. eav $e Kpti>a>{-Kai)g. Kpio-tjs x . aX ^e t s x

(pro ctXr]9t]s)c. v. 17 . - ^ e g . v . 18 . e ijwjx .

v. 19. — ovvt*. — 6 IJ/C TOKSx(2). — o a b d e f h k lm n o p qr tx y . oi/Te y6is . e t ^T e 6is e . tjBrjre prim. x(2), se-

eund.g. bism*. fin.otBare avt. -avr. v. 20. +d{ante

eXaXqarev) e. -T(pprim.y*. ya%p(pvXaKeioofy.

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S. JOHANNIS CAP. VIII. vv. 20—44. 153

oinra> eXrjXuOev y. eXrjXvOt) x . v. 21. not {pro

fj.e) e. +KCU ov% evprjaere {post /xe) r. v. 22. Z)eesJ in

x(2). +O'TI (a nte O7roi/) ex . SvvaoQai e. v. 23. -ea - re

secund. y. v. 24. airo9avia6e prim. x. -yapk. -eav

yap fir/ ad fin. vers. g. wurrevaeire C. et/xv p . aTrofW -

ew&ue. v. 25. -owt*. -oh*. or«ab. v. 26. +«:at

{ante XaXetv) q*r. rJKovua {sic v. 40) h. Xa\t« (proa o p q r t . v. 27. +5e {ante 6n) fg. ayToi* (JSTO

) g h k r . v. 28. v^warjrai x. TTOIW d, Xe7a> g

{pro XaXto). v. 32. <yi/ft>crea-0eu x. v. 33. + K C L I eiirov

{post aireKpidriaav) l m n q t y . iroiroTe x. +/cat {ante iroos)

d. ouc {pro ffv) h. yevtjaO ai c. v. 34. aireKpvQii {sic

v. 54, passim) t. TTOIOI/ X. V. 35. Mei"? secund. x. -o

«nos fxevei ets roe aiwva b * t . v. 36. —o i/ios C. j/juas

eXevdepwcrei e. ecre<T0ai x. v. 37. +TOI/ {ante afipaait) f.

v. 38. iopaica ek. - ow e , i/w (pro oi/v) g. a r/KovcraTe

{pro 6 ecopaKare) dp. eopanciTe ef**k. vapa TO secund.

X. TrajOa TO V 7ra.Tpos secund. dp. Trotrjre C. V. 3 9 . — TOU

prim.?f. TO) {pro TO V prim.) y. — av a b c e h k l m n q * * x y .

v. 40 . cnroKTrjvaix.. cos {pro 6s)f*. r\ ljKovaa {pro r\v t]K .)y.

{pro Oeov) b . v. 4 1 . iroirjTe y . i//xeis (p ro jj/uets) y.

a x . yeyevrjiueOa f *px . yevvrj/xeOa t. v. 42. — o w

a c e g h k o p . >7/IJlft)l' (/""O v/uwv) cy. riya.ira.Tat x. aXXa ck.

' x . v. 43. oi//c eytvwcnceTe e. ytvoaiceTe x.

. TOW Xoyoov TWV efxtov dy . v. 44. + TOU

prim.) a b c d e f g h k m n p t x . +V/J.WV {post

prim.) bd**. TTOIJJI/ X . anap^s abeklot. oiv^' eoTr)Kev g.

aXri6eta O V K eanv fk. XaXei {pro XaXri) cdef *qry . iov-

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15 4 S. JOHANNIS CAPP. VIII. v. 44—IX. v. 7.

(pro thoov) x . \a\t] (pro XaXei) be . v . 4 5 . 6 (pro

OTI) c . x. 4:6. eXeyxrj ex. —Se gp . + T>?I/ (csw^e

0«av) c . -vfieis g. v . 47 . ra p'^jna e. &a r t (pro

T O V T O ) g. cLKoveTai x. v. 48 . —ovv b. lovcaioi h. Xe'

(pro K CU e. ov avTw )C. K a\o$~ x.. e\eyo/u.evg. aa/uapeiTis e.

v. 49. +6 (ante iriaovs) c. v. 5 0 . £171-01/x. -/ca t y . + d

(cmie Kpivwv)y. V. 51 . —TOV XoYOf y . MOW (p ro TOI» ejuoi/)ep. Trjprjaei e. Qewpriaei cdxsemel. Oeopyat] ii-semel. v. 52 .

Trjpr/aei c e . •yeua-fjTai a b d h k l m n o p q r t x y . yevarjre ef.

V. 53. +«:a£ (pos^ M»7) t . /uet^oi' b . j ; (pro eT) X. —/cat ot

TrpotprjTcu. aireOavov g. noteis ov d. -CTI/ s e e w n d a f g h p q * r .

v. 54. +0 (ante uj<rovs)c. + K CU enrev (postujcrov< })h. rifxwv

(pro vficov) a c d e f g h k l m n o p t x y . v . 5 5 . ov yvuncare y .—eyu) $e 018a avrovg. I J/W TI JS x. a \ ' ck. v. 56 . yyak-

taa-axox. t^ewep, iSe ({(pro eiSe). V. 57 . +avTto

(post ovv) C (—7TJOOS avTov?). ov^aioip. OVTTW h . eopcucas

ef** k. v. 58. init. +/ca td. e t7 re^6 g. +oi/y (pos* eiwev)

h p q r t y . - o e * . -antjv semel e. v. 5 9 . /3aXXwcrtj/ c .

eicpiflt] y. $e (j?ro ^ta) t. wapeiyev OI)TOS X. (Deficit s ac a p . VIII. v. 14).

C AP UT IX. v . 1 . -K aiy (init. peric). irap ayovcx. +0

(anteeiSev) cef**rubrog k**rubroy. itiev e. yevve-

b. yevriTrfi e x . yevvrjTrjs f ho. yevvtjTois eg y . V. 2 .

. —X eyovresy. yevr/O rjC. v. 3 . aireicpvOt] t

passim. - c J a b d e f h k l m n o p q r t x y . + t i / « rv(p\os yewr/O ri(ante aXX') y . v. 4 . ^ (p ro Sei) x y . - T a 6 ^ 7 0 a d / w .

wrs. b*(Aa6e^ marg.). \. 5. wt d. w k . et/i» / x . v. 6.

etvey^priae be. •mXoi' secund. dx. —roe TrtjXovy. v. 7 .

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S. JOHANNIS CAP. IX. vv. 7 —27 . 155

i>i\J/e 1. - Tr\v KoXvfx(it]6pav e. o-iXoafiJ. Xeyerai (pro ep-lurjveveTai) p . evrj^aro x . v. 8. ytroves e x . Oeopovvres x .

TO irporovx.. vrpoo-eriovx. v . 9 . - o n prim. a. e/ce«i/oy

(pro OI/TOS) y. aX\oi eXe^o!* (p ro aXXot $e) g . — $e t . — 6T I

secund. y. auTou (jt>ro avnp) C . +& (^905^ e/ceii/oy) a x y . Jin.

eifxiv p . v. 10. tjveay^Orjaav ceYkx(^t>ew^.)y. crou (pro

aoi) b c d e f g h k l m n p q r t x y . v . 1 1 . eive-^priaev bx. e^pto-e

p . viraye vi^ai ets (—/cai) p. crtjXwan x. crtXoajm y .

— 5e f. v. 12. - w e t . v. 13 . (papurcrcuowz x . TO (joro

rof) C. Tv(p\wv x . v. 14. evoiri<je TO V TTTJXOV m * .

aveo^ev x. v. 15 . r/pooTtjcrav dfgx . tipwTurav y. —sat

p r im . gy . eireOriKe (ene6t]Kev cey) /uoy evrt TOW J ocpdaX-

fiovs abcd e fghk lmn opq r txy . v . 16 . (papuro-auovx. eanv

6/c (pro irapa) y. —TOU a g p x . avOptoTros anapTwXos $v-

varai y. v . 17 . init. Xeyova riv ow lmnq**t . irepi aeav-

TO V y . avew^e p . ijvew^e qr. jji/ew^e y . v. 18. — ow b y .

—wept avrov e. C O X T O T O V lq. v. 19 . ripwrwvd, avTtov

(pro avrovs) d. »7/ta!i/ e. o (p ro oi/) e . eXeyeTe fk. v. 20 .

+Se (post aTretcpiOtiaav) a b c d e f g h k l m n q r t x y . -avrois

b e y . vfiwvk*. v . 21 . epwricxarej. +T a (ante Trepi)y.

irepi eavrov abcd e fhk lmn op* *qr tx . v . 22 . j ^e i eq r . avv-

€Ti0ovrof. crvveTiOevTo k y . crvveTeOtjVTo x . — au-roj' y.

ofioXoyrjaei by . ofioXoyetarri x . onoXoyrjarei C W T O V C . O^IO-

Xoyrjar/ avrov p. v. 23 . epwrtaare J. V. 24 . OI/TOS O avQpw-

TTOS q*. v. 2 5 . —ow aeh p x . —/cat eiTrevp. v. 2 6 . ove (p ro

&) p . CTroieiaev x . ffoy (p ro crot) c. —Tt eiroirjae aoi y.t/vv^evC. avew^evdy. aveooi~e lm np t . v . 27 .+01/1/(pos i

e(7roi>) k. eirio-revaare ac, (oi/) Tnarevere y (pro

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156 S. JOHANNIS CAPP. IX . v. 27— X. v. 9.

(7«Te). ixaOtjTai avrov bcfg kpq *ry . v . 28 . eXoi^wprja-av b t y .eXoiSopeiaav x . -ovv a b e d e f g h k l m n o p q r t x . yap t , fiev y

(pro Se). fxwaeos x. v. 29 . fxwcrec a b d f * * h l m n o q r t x . X e -

Xct/cei> x. v. 30 . ev yap TOVTO em*q*y . v . 3 1 . a/uapTa)-

Xov b * c e g o . 0eo<7ej8eis p x . ei (pro v) y- iroiei b e f * h o x y .

T O V T O V C. V. 32 . rjW(~ev C. rjvew^e t . yeyevtj/mevov C .

v . 33 . y] (pro ei) x . eovvaTo a o p . eicvvaTo x . troiriv x .v. 34. aTreKpr/Oriaav h . d/ULapTeicus h . eyevtjO eis x . eyev-

tjOrjs f **. oAws Im nq ** . avofuaig au o\«us eyevvrjdris

y. v. 3 5 . im'i. tjKovcrev oe e. —rjKovcrev usque ctd effo) t .

ei/joofX*. v. 3 6 . +ai/7-o) (pos^ eiTrei/) C. +/cc» (ara^e rts)

a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r t x y . v. 3 7 . eopaicas ef ** k. XaXoi/ x .

v. 38.irpoeK wrjcrevy. avrov (pro avTtp)

e. v. 39 .+avroo

(post enrev) t. fyevowTat b e . v. 4 0 . v/xeis (pro J?V«S) e q x .

v . 41 . init. +K<xi q*r . +5e fgk , +ow y (post enrev. enre

g). tjvre d. eiTe e. — a r dp . e t^e ra t C. j ^ e r e e . Xe^eTat

e . jj/^ftji' ( ?j*o vfUDv) b . ^ ue i/^ b e .

C A P U T X. v. 1. v/mriv f*. aXa avafiaivov xsem. \HT-

TJJSxsem. v. 3 .

TOVTO (pro TovTtp)bexsem.


— KaXeit. tcaXr) X. icara ovofxa C . KaTovofia 1. e^ayrj h .

v. 4. + $e (jiosi c)T 'ai') d* p( -/c a:p ). e«/3aXX>7 a b e h lm n

q r t . 6K/3aX« c. +T»7S (pwvris avTov aicovei (post /cat TO

7rpof3aTa) t* . ctKoXovOrj xsem . uoaffty b . otoe g . V. 5 .

aKoXovOrjaovaiv dfp. aKoXov9t]<Ttocn O. aKoXovOqaaaiv y .

v. 6. Tiyva (^>ro T«i>a) xse m. eXaXjy b x . ,/?n. + 0 ir/aovs C .

v . 7 . CIVTOIS iraXiv op. — OTJ ag p. v. 8 . Deest in p * .

—irpo efiov c e f h k o q r x y . rjXOwv xsem. rjXOov irpo e/xou

ab d g lm n p ** t. ijo-aK (p ro ewi) g . v. 9. -67 40 eifu q

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S. JOHANNIS CAP. X. vv. 9—36. 157

O vpalp. einr] xsemel. -nai e^eXevaeratl*. V. 10. /cXe\|/etx y . Ovaet e m * x y . cnroXeaei e x y . Jin. e-^wai k. v. 1 1 . -o

quartum 1. 6 iroi/n.t]v 6 mXos ter t. Tr\Qr\<nv x. v. 12.

acpeirjcriy. Jin.-TO TrpofiaraTp. v. 1 3 . ixeiaQwros prim-

um x. /ueXXei adefhpqy. v. 14. yivwcricwue x. v. 15.

yipoaicei p. v. 16. 5JJ (pro 5et) y. anovawoiv be. aKoi/-

a-wo-j e. aKovawai qty. v. 18. Trfir]fxi x. -TraXii/ b.

v. 18. efiavTov {pro e/nov) a. 0jji/ai eglx. —deivai avrrjv

Kai e^ovaiau e^w y. —/cat ej~ov(riav ey^w TraXtc Xa/3eii'

ai/T*?!' e* (Aa6. marg.). Xafir/v x. v. 19. e7ei>eTo TraX-

iw C. v. 20. 7TO)XXot p . TroXXet x. /meverai ahx. OKOV-

erai ef*. a/ceeTe y*. v. 21. Satiuovioov g. v. 22 . -TOIS

a b c d e f g h k l m n o p q r t x y . v. 23. -ev TU > \epip f. -rov

a c d e f g h k l m n o q r x ( p cum Elzev.). aokotxovos b . ao\oju.wvos

defghklmnqrtx. v. 24. eepeis {pro aipeis)y. v. 25.

avToo {pro avTois) y. oi//c eiriaTevcraTe g. v. 26. aXXa

C . iruTTeveTai f. v/mwv {pro efxaov) p . v. 27. CLKOKOVOOV-

aiv e (c/i v. 16). v. 28. SiSo/xt e x y . oy /ui x. a7roXXoi'Tat

C. aTroXoi'Te x. airoKovvTai y. a7T(uX<oi/Tat fqr. airw-

Xovrai pt. ou/c apiraaei b. apwacnj gq. v. 29 . edwKev C.

TYJV e^ovatavy. /ueifyof. +avra {post apTra-

V. 30. +/aoy (posi irarrip) g. v. 31. -7raXff

f *p*xy. jiakwaiv eir {pro \i6aawaiv) y. v. 32. e o a

xaXa cp . TTOJOJI' (pro 7roiov) be. epywv {pro epyov) bf * txy .

epyov avTwu g. v. 33. — Xeyovres p. Xi&a^wfiev m*.

aXa Trepi f&\acr(pr)f).eia.s x. — cry ac p y . aov {pro av) X.

eavTov {pro aeavrov) hy. v. 34. eiirov bh*?x . v. 35. tj

{pro e«) o. v. 36 . ^yiaaev e . — i)/ueis p . €J7T6C C . -T O I» C

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158 S. JOHAN NIS CAPP. X. v. 38—X I. v. 21.

v. 38 . mcTTeveTe C , TriareveiTe x (pro iricrTevrjTe). —rots

epyois TruTTevcrctTe C . +/xov (post epyovz) d. -mareveTe p ,

7ricrTev<yr]Te y (pro iricrTevcraTe). yvw p . o naTt/p ev e/ioi

p. /cat cyw g. v. 39 . — oi w ab de fk. avTov iraXiv'p. •ma-

cron avrov clm nt. v. 40 . — traXiv O. fiairT/jQuv TO irpw-

TO V ap (—Top), —TO irpwTov CO*?, v . 4 1 . 6Troit)crev <rrj-

\xeiov fp (eTToitjcre p). — $e d. v. 4 2 . e/cet iroXXo* a. e«s av-TO V 6/cet c p .

C A P U T X I . v . 1 . -aaO evwv b. (SiQavias b . v. 2. %>?^-

II ; e. eavrt)s b d g l m n t . v . 3 . irpos avTov a\ a$e\(pai C .

+avTov(post a<)e\(pcu)g({Y. —Trpos avTov g. —iSeg. V. 4 .

-TOV 6eov secundum f*. v. 6. -e v C. qmepas Svo p. v . 7 .

x . — jueTa TOVTO b*. +ayro i / (post fiaOtjTais) a c d o p .(p ro •n-aXti') y . v . 8. +ai/Toi/ (pos^ fiaOrjTai) e. Xt-

b. v. 9. -o abcdghlmnopqrtx. uo (pro W e ra ) c.

«5joat ejfft a c h lm n o p q * * tx y . wpat etcrtw b d . irepnrarei d h

l*m*xy . irpoaKO-KTY) x. v. 10 . irepnraTei dp y . v . 1 1 .

anep^oftai (pro iropevo^ai) C . e^v7rvt]<ra) ho p tx . v . 12 .

+ai/Tft> (pos^ ovv) d**op . —avTov op . v. 1 3 . — avrov C .•3reO»7 secund. x . v. 14 . — avTois h.. v. 15 . 7rtt7Tei/cr>yTat

d t . rjft.iv (pro Tinnv) x . a X K a a b d f k l m n o p q r t x y . v . 1 6 .

Xeycofxevos x. a7ro6a.voft.ev x . tri/f au rw (p ro fxeT avTov) c p .

v . 17 . tjStj riixepas C . e^cDi/ra X. v. 1 8 . fitO avia b. ^e/c-

airevTa b . ^e/ca7 rei'Te9 y . V. 19 . eXtfK vO tjaaf b l * p * x

(e\rfKv6oiaav p * * ) . eXrjkvOecrav g. e\rj\v9acriv c. ets (pro

•xpoi) t . irapafxuQrjaovTai bc k ty . v . 20 . —o a b c d f g k l m n .

o p q r t x y (hiant he ) , QKTOI/ (pro ai/T&») b . v. 2 1 . ->J ab fg

k l m n q r t x y . nvpiov (pro iriaovv)y. wtSe d. Te0M7fcejC. a7re-

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S. JOHANNIS CAP. XI. vv. 21—48. 159

Qavev p. v. 22 . airrjcrei r x . -aoi y. v. 24 . +JJ (ante fiapda)cdo py. v . 25 . +$e cy , + o w q ( p o s £ 6t7rei/). a7ro0avei

bx. - /cai ' cnroQavri usque ad a s e^e v. 26 , g. v. 26. TTKT-

Tevov x . airodavei b y . v. 27 . — vat /ci/jois C . Trwrefw

(pro iretnaTevK a) ct . + TCW £CW TOS (pos i Oeov) g. v. 28.

- o C . (poovri x . (pwvricrai (pro (pouvei ae) t*?y . v. 29 .

eiKovaev x , ep-^ere x. v. 30 . eXrjXvOt] bxy . - o o . —jjC . v. 3 1 . oi oyi' ot lovoaioi ty . — oi secund. ey. viraytj

n*?. jcXawei r. v. 3 2 . e-7rt (p ro ets) y . ai /ro i' ets TOUS

Tro^as a ed eg lm no pq r tx . K tuXeyei (pro \eyov<ra)y. -av-

Ttpf. v. 3 3 . im t . ws ouv eidei/ (—JIJCTOW ) C. toec py . e w

fiptjiu.r)(raTO e x . evefifipintjaavTO y*. TO irvevfian x .

/ n . ayroi/ y . v . 34 . TeOtjKctTe f *xy. v. 37 . eXeyov (pro

eiirov) d p . ecvvaro a c o p . ^ovvarw b . r/^vvTo y. +/«»;

tva) y . cnroOavei b . v. 3 8 . 7raX»;y x . e/u.fipt/uwo-a-

t . eTravw (p ro 6TT') C . -6TT' f. ,/m. anToi' x . v. 3 9 .

+ < X V T O I S (post \eyei) y. avrou (pro CLVTW) q*? . j;5ei o^>;

e. v. 40 . TnGTeveis e*. Tnarevaeis e**p*y. o\j/t) be fkm*?

x. v . 4 1 . O T T O V (pro ov) e. Te9vrjKos k q * x . - o reO vtj-

Kwr Kei/mevos cp . +ai/Tot/ e«s TOP ovpavov (ante ai/£w)dpqr

(—avTov dpq **) . v . 42 . tjStjve. i^rivj. ctTrecrTiXas x .

v . 43 . Sevpco x . v. 4 4 . Teflj'v'cos x . SeSefievois 1*. TCIS

"Xeipai KCII T O V S TTOOCIS ac t . Krjpiais efk *xy . o\|/»7s b . j?re.

etnrayrjv x . v. 4 5 . - o i h p . oo-a (pro a) d. Transfert

y ein(jrevaav as avToi/ a ?we versus in locum post iov§ai-

wv. v. 46 . oo-a (pro a) Im np t. v. 47 . -ovv y (initio

pericopes). +Kara TO U ITJCTOV (post avveSpiov) b y .

g. 6 avOpwTros O V T O S e. v. 48 . OI5TW S a b d l m n q r t y . OW

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160 S. JOHANNIS CAPP . XI. v. 48—XII. v. 14.

e x . iriUTevawcnv b c d x y . eXevawvrai ex. apovcri b * . —KCU

tertiumop. v. 49. -wvj. v. 50. SiaXoyiXevQai x. vfiiv

(pro ^fxiv) ef txy . airodaveij. enroXeiTcuey. cnrwXijTaif*.

v. 51. aXX df. ap^iepewv y. eirpo(pt]Tev<i€v a. irpoecpv-

revaev y. e/xeXev k. yueXXev y. - o b c d e f g h k o p q r x .

i/irejO TOW eO vovs aTroOvr/Giceiv y. V. 52 . SiaencopTrHT/Aeva

t . avvayr) t. avvayayei y. —ets y. V. 54. oJ/cert k.eirepieTraTei y. a\\' dfp. —eneidev efk. CTTJ (pro en prim.)

p. - a y r o v h k. v. 5 6 . i//uti/ ^o/cet lm n t . e\0ot qr. v. 57.

SeSwicecrav g. -KCU prim. a p q * r . -ot secund. p . Ji/a (pro

O TT W S ) C.

C A P U T X II . v. 1. o irjaow rubro super t]\6ev k**.

ejs dubium f *. /3i8aviav be. ,/m. +o irjcrovs cp. v. 2.araKej/uecftw ab cd ef h k l* * m n op q rt x y (g cum Elzev.). +aw

(ante avrw secund.) a b c d e h k l m n o p q r t x y (non ita fg).

v. 3. Xr/rpav x. r/Xet^/e g. eiXf/^pe x. TOVS Trooas avrov

r a t s Bpi^iv avTtii C. V. 4. — toi/Sas C . aifxwv cfy. +o

(aw^e uncap.) cgy. icrKapioTt]? y. avrwv (pro avTov) x.

v.5. Swapicov

xy.v. 6. OTJ; X.

e^eW e i/ a cde fh l*op qr ty .•yXaiaoKo/xov y. V. 7. TeTtjpmev y. ,/?ra. ai/Tw b. v. 9.

7ro\yy oj^Xos t. TTOXXI/S e. ir6XXoi<s x . —eK prim.y. tjXO ev

f*. »?X(W x. v. 10. ow (pro 5e) a. atroKrrivwuiv x. v.

11. &' avroov x. avTov (pro TO V trjcrovv) a c . v. 12. enap-

IO V p*. 7roXXys x. itjaovs epyerai q. —o IIJGOVS y. —d

secund. b c d f g h k o p q r x . v. 13. eXajSwy x. avvavrritrtv a.

cmavTriGiv d. <x"navTr\aiv g l m n p t y . avTov (pro avra)) fo.

eXeyov (pro eicpafyv) ax. +Xe7 0i;T6s (/)OS< e/cjoa^ov) p.

efghlmp. -o secund. abcdefghklmnoqrtxy. v. 14.

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S. JOHANNIS CAP. XII. vv. 14—31. 161

ev a b e x y . en avroo a f* lmntx . v. 15. + aoi {postq*r. 7roXou {pro TruiXov)j. v. 16. —aXk' ore

e^o^aa9rj o (jjcroys e. orav g, o n t {pro ore). — obdf**

h o p x . -en avrw y. v. 17 . efiaprvpi xsemel. 6 o^Xos bis

k*t. -owvt. O TC {pro on) bcdefghklmnopqrtxy. v. 18.

— Kaihc. r\Kovaav a g p x . avrov T O V T O y. avro e, avroiv

xsem (pro avrov). TreTrotrjKeve xsem. v. 19. init. av/x-fiovXiov eTToincrav O'L (papuraioi Kara C { + T O V irjaov Km

eXeyov TTJOO? eavrovs c in margine). $e {pro ovv) g. (papi-

aeoi xsemel. eXeyw {pro enrov) ~x.sem. ivpos avrov<s g . Qeo-

peire C. deoprjTe ~x.sem. wcpeXeirat ao . o(peXeire x y . 6-mcrw

d. -O7ri<ra>t. v. 20. — rti/es usemel. eXXijves et eXXives y.

-e«r e. avafiaivwvTwvy. TL {pro Trf) xsemel. v. 21. /3t(?-

crdiSa b . ^pwTrjaav x. ypwricrav ysem. 6e\a>nev y . v. 22.

6 /°X e T 6 X 5 e w l - (piXnnros K ai avopea? jsem. —X eyovai g.

v. 23. — ai/Tois e. v. 24. KO/CO? h*xseme£. Trecro*- xsem.

airoOavei bis bf *gy. ;iiei>jy b. —OVTO? IUOVOS /nevei eav Se

airoOavrf t. V. 25 . (peiXov "Ksem. cnroXeat] h. aTrwXecet t*.

/urjcrcov xsem . aTroXeo-as (p ro lUta-wi') jsem. T O V T O {pro TOV-

Tf«) bxsewie^. v. 26. SiaKovei bis aexsem.y: secundum qr.

Tts StaKovrj pxsem. (—cet x). aKoXovOrjTw n t x y .

xsemel. eo-Te xsemel, eaTu dtx.sem.jsem. {pro

—/cat (awfe eav secund.) xsemel. Tifxiaei f*xsem. v. 27.

-;ue d. v. 28. +0716 {post TrctTep) dg ** rw^ro op. TOD

ovpavwv g. v. 29. — o secundum exsem. ecmjKoos pysem.

eaTiK os Jisemel. eXeyov {pro eXeye) g. fipovTr] y*semel.

yeyoveve x.sem. yeywvevai ysem. v. 30. -o ahlmnoqrty.

r . ' y e 7 t t " ' e i ' y*6m. v. 31 . Kpicrr]

1 1

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162 S. JOHANNIS CAP. X II. vv. 31—48.

-TOVTOV prim. g p . apyovx. ei<fi\t]9r)creTe xsemel. v. 32 .+$e {post Kayw) ysem. v. 33 . arjfievov xsemel. atj/xaivoy

jsem. efieWevadefkopqry. ^eXecx. airodviaK tiv et -ri<x-

Ktjv x. v. 34 . +ovv {post aireKptOri) exsern. -avrtp xsem.

Xeyeis av d. - on secund. abe f hk lmnoqrxs em. y . $»? yse-

mel, Si xsem. {pro Set). — r t ? eanvad fin. vers. gysem . v.

3 5 . — oi/i> a. — /leff v/xwv eari irepnraTeiTe ews TO <pws p .(a nie ews) f*. ev avrto {pro ewy TO (pws e^eTe) xse-

l ha/mi xsem. +t} {ante O K O T U X ) doxsemel. GKoreiab

m*ysem. K aTaka/Sei xsemel ysem. TrepnrctTov xsem. ev Tq

(TKoreia ysem. v. 36. ws {pro e'ais) o. 7repnraTeiTe ews

{pro iricTTeveTe eti) ysemel. yevvtjaO e e. yevtjaO ai xsem.

v . 3 7 . crrifxeiaC L V T O V

ysem. -ireiroieiKoTos xsem. envKxrev-aav a d q * r . — etyg. v. 3 8. —rov TrpotprjTov ysem. o {pro

ov) e. TI {pro T-rf) xsem. vfxwv {pro rinwv) xsem. (ipa^iov

xsem. y. Tivt] xsem. v. 39 . eSwavro a d o . n^vvaro e*.

ewvvavTo xsem. v. 40. T€Tv<b\onev hxsem. —TOVS o(p~

daX/xovs KM TreTTwpwKev avTwv p * . ireiroponev xsem. ire-

iroppwKev ysem. eirtpwcrev p * * . Tr\ Kaptia avvusaiv {pro

vorjawac) p . evKXTpe^wcn e p . eTntTTpe^/ovaiv xsemel. IO -

ao/mai b d e o p y . laawixe x. v . 41 . on. {pro ore) C. iS e fy

semel. v. 42. ap^tDVTwv xsem. <papicrcraious xsem. o/xo-

Xoyo vv xsem. y. yivovTai C . yevovrat xsem. y. v . 43 .

eiwep f* y . v. 44 . e/ce/cpa^ec C . eKpa^e (^ rubro) f. TTJ-

<7Teuoi/ x (s ic v. 4 6). v. 4 5 . Deest in cey. 0eo p xsem.

cnrocrTeiXavTa. {pro trefi^avra) dxsem . v. 46 . ekikvO a x.

fin. ixr)vei x . v . 47 . cucouaei y. -fxt] eg . iria-Tevaei c e y .

^ei {pro firj irtcrTevGri) X. V. 48 . aO erov. Xa/i-

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S. JOHANNIS CAPP. XII. v.48—XIII. v. 18. 163

(iavov. e%i x. Kpivrj {pro Kpivet) ex. v. 49. o {pro on) x.

—eyco b . not {pro fie) h. SeSwice emx. v. 50. eyw XaXa)

ex . enre {pro eiptjice) g. +/xov {post iro/rrip) d. ouros ab

d l m n q r . O V T O S {pro OVTW) tx.

C A P U T X III . v. 1. +5e {post eiSws) b. OTJJ X .

{pro ektjXvQev) a e p x . r/ wpa avrov e. v. 2. —

—lovda x. 11/ C. Kapoiav tovoa Trapaow C L V T O V tovoasvos etaKapiovTov {sic) e. v. 3. z'nii. +(cat g. t$a>s f.

+& (posi ei^ajs) k** rubro lisemel. v. 4. Tridrjcn xsemel.

v. 5. fiaXei e*. e/3a\ei> g. vrjTrrtjpa h. Xei/no yisemel,

TO Xevrico 'x.semel. o {pro (j>) b y . v. 6. VITTTW xsem. v.

7 . +o(anfe screws) d. cnreicpiOt) avrw 6 irjaovs {—Km enrev)

J. -KM enrev avTw h. yvwaei hn*xsem. y. v. 8. +^e

{post Xeyei) y . +o (an ie TreT^ooy) ce g q ry . vrj-^seisc. vi\j/eK

df ty . /uou TOUS Trodas e . — avTw secund. ~x.semel. —6 {ante

itjcrovs) gxsemel. v. 9. — ireTposC. — /u.oucg. Ttjv Ke<pa\r]v

/cat Tas yeipws fiov C. v. 10 . y^piav e^tjx. —r\C vt\j/aa9e

xsem. o'Xais b. v. 11. rjlrj f*l*qy. Trapa^ovvra fxy.

Y. 12. evi^f/eir o iqcrovs Toi/y 7rooaj TG>V /j.a9rjTwv avTov b.

evr/^j/ev xsemel. T O O V /xa9rjTwv {pro OVTWV) dfkqr. —/cat

{ante eXafie) y. +/cat {ante avenreawv) y. acaTrecroi; xsemel.

v. 13. <pwvr)Te xsemel. o icvpios /cat o otoacr/caXos cfg. /ca-

Xos hx . v. 14. aXXiXwc xsem . v. 15. v7roSiyna xsemel.

—yapC. SeScoKa dlm np txy . — cyco f lm nt . T T O I O ) {pro eiroi-

»;cra)d. -v/uu secund. a. fin. Troieire dfghknpxsem. y. v.

17 . ecrrat x. iroieiTe xy. ravra {pro aura) cy. v. 18.

vftiv {pro vfxwv) m*. +yap {post 670)) adpqr . fxov {pro

e/xov) b. —TOV c. trrepva {pro TYJV wTepvav) g. v.

1 1 — 2

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164 S. JOHANNIS CAPP. XIII. v. 19—XIV. v. 3.

19. a-rrapTi a d f h k l o p q t . -irpo TO V yeveaO ai g. iriaTev-

<TY)Tm 1. v. 20. \afxj3avwv secund. bis scriptum t. v. 22.

cSe (pro ow) m n t . -ow q**. TTJOOS (pro eis) lm n t. v. 23.

-$ef. +e/c (post ely) ad. — TO V f*k. ev TO O K OX TTW TO V

M ) G O V e'ts e/c TWV /ma9r]Tu)v avTov p . V. 24. avevei p . TOV-

TO h, avTw p (pro TovTip). v. 25. avaireowv p . + O V T U ) S

(post e/cetvos) abcfgh(ovTos')koq*r. _/m. +d Trapaowovsae C. v. 26. aireKpivaTo b. e/ui/3a\|/as (pro /3av|/as) dp.

v. 27. 7roj>7r c. r a^e to i ' fh*. v. 28. a-uiiai/a/ceijuei'toi' q*r.

Trpos Tiva c**. etTrov t. v. 29. Se (pro yap) t. +o (ante

ei^ev) c. —d (ante lovvas) g t . uycopaaov t. v. 30. e^jy\0e

(pro -ey) e£ -JJV 5e wsgwe ad e%rjk9e v. 3 1 . g. Jungunt

rjv oe i'i/^ OTE e^ijX^G (—ow) a b c f k l m n o p q r t . v. 3 1 . —ow

tantum dh. — 6 prim. bh . v. 32. — ei 6 9eos eSo^aa9r]

ev avTip co. So^aat} (pro So^acrei prim.) y. {5o|Ja<Tto (pro

secund.) y. v. 33. +%povov (post twcpov) by.

r . XrjTrio-aTe y. €70) vtraym a g o p q r . v. 34.

—Ka9uK t)yanr)o-a ad fin. vers. d. — \va secund.

(pro vfieis) t. v. 35. e^eTe bfgy. v. 36. +670)virayui) dflmnpqrt. v. 37. -d bcdfghklmnopqrt.

vvv ctKokovOrjaai (—apTi) d. v. 38. —CLVTW a. —d a. JUOU

(pro crow) t. <pwvr]o~t) a f g h k l m n q r t . eeuaov 1. airapvr)o~ei cy,

Tpets c. (iKc dKeKTiop g, contra morem).

C A P U T X IV . v. 1. irapaaea9(o ntjsern. v. 2. oi/cetay.

semel. iroXXai txovai g. eicn y. + O T I (ante iropevo/uai)d p . 7ropevoiu.ej. eToi/wacrej. v. 3. eToifiacrai (pro K ai erot -

) e g p q r x y . -/cat secund. d**fhko . T O T T O V vfuv fjp.

• j . TrapaXtjuyj/ofie j . TrapaXei^ojuat y. ei,u»; p.

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S. JOHANNIS CAP. XIV. vv. 3—21. 165

(post eyu)) &d. v/xisj. eire (pro t]re)y. v. 4. -eyw

a g . vnaya) eyao cysem. —KCU TTJV O C O V oioare c. v. 5.

+6 (ante Qw/xas) C. VTrayis j . oi/voMeSa j - v. 6. ei/uei j .

aXjy&a j . owSts j . v. 7. eyvwKt]T€ bis y. airapn abdf

hklpqty. yivwaneTai j . —(cat ewpcwaTe avTov d. eopa-

C. eopa/C £Tej. eopctKCtTe f**k. v. 8. $t£oe j . ,/Jw.

ysem. v. 9. cnrenpidri (pro Xe^e^ j . e i jua j . eopancos

cf**k. eopaKev cf**k. ewpanev j . crof (jpro aV) j . ^j^oi' j .

y^ic (j)ro rifjLtv) ysem. v. 10. euTii' fjpx. —ecrri ysem.

\ey<i) (pro \a\w prim.) j . a<pefxuvrouj. nevovbx.. v. 11.

ev efiot; h. -eanv aedfghklmnopqrtx6is ybis. v. 12.

x. — eis ysem. a TTOIW e'yto g. iroirjcrri prim. c.

af*y. iroieiatj secund. -Ksemel. Tropevw/xe c. v. 13.

y**semel. aiTr/aeiTe ysemel. +KCU (ante TOVTO) C.

•woir)(xei (pro Troirjcra)) ysem. So^aaQei ysemel. vv. 13, 14.

—TOVTO Troirio-w usque ad ev TW OVOIXUTL fiov q* (hab. marg.).

v. 14. T7j (pro TL) xsem. —TI ysemel. aiTioeiTm c. atTtj-

aeiTe ysemel: at et n av CUTlar/re ysemel. +/j.e(post mrrj-

arjTe) bcfhkysem. Troieurco s.sem. v. 15. -e/xas y*semel. TI-

prjcrrjTe ysemel, at TripricrriTe semel. v. 16. Kayw f. epcuTicru)

y. Socreixsem. /xeff v/xwu fievei ysemel. /mevei qry. v. 17.

^i/raTek. avTwprim.f*:secund.xsemel:tert.xsemel. —ov^e

yivwanei avToCysemel. yivwGKr)~x.sem. — $ea. yiveaKSTe t.

Tra o >?/ujy b. fxevrj casern, fin. nai vfxiv ecne (—ev) ysem.

v. 19. ovKeTt 1. ii/uris (pro viu. prim.)l*? -Xwty*semel.

tueis (pro v/x. secund.) ysem. v. 20. K M 6710 bxsem. v.

2 1 . TYjpov Tisemel. —o ce ayai^wv fxe a*. aywrnjOriaeTe x

semel. efxcpavrjcrw xy. _^n. auTov e/xavrwy. at semel aurw

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166 S. JOHANNIS CAPP. XIV. v. 21—XV. v. 10.

en' avrov. v. 22. +/cctt {ante n) a b c d f g h k l m n o p q r t x y .

peXktis c. /meXefs x. v. 23 . -6 prim, a b d f g h k l m n o p q r tx y - Trjprjar) fk l* . —fxov secund. g. aycnrrjcn) f. eXeucrco-

fie9a q r. eTreXeucrwueOa y . Trap {pro ev) y. Troi^aw/xev b d

f*rx y. v. 24. ayairovx.. TO V Xoyov y . - 7 r a T / w b e y .

v. 25. -viuivprim.j). fxevov x. /xevuy. v. 26.

am. v . 27 . a<pieifii ysemel. —eipr\vr]v TT)vfxivt. cioo/u xy{bis). — ov KCLOWS usque ad

v/u.ivg. StSoaiv jsemel. SrjXiarw kernel. v. 28.

aycnraTe t . eiyairaTe xsem. —avjsem. —enrov secund. o.

•Kopevofxe xsem. on tertium ? d*. /uei^ovb. -/xou secund.

y*sem. v. 29. yeveaO e b . yevr/Te ysem. v. 30. ov/ceri 1.

- T O V T O V ab d fg h k lm n o p qr tx y (Mcrf c) . + o (ara^e ap^wv)n . ap^ov x . evpt]<jei {pro O V K e%ei) dp. oy/c e^et ruhro y**

sem. v. 3 1 . +juoi/ (pos£ iraT^p) d. oyrtos ab dl m nq ty .

ayo/xev ysem.

C A P U T X V . V . I . aXtjOrji't] x. -fxovf*. v. 2. (pepiov

bis y. prim. o p q . secund. a*. avTa> (j?ro ay ro ) 6z's xsem .

KaOepei x.bis. fin. <pepei dy . v. 3 . rjSei ysem. V. 4 . (W arexsem. <pepei {pro (pepeiv) ysem. TW (p ro T>7) t . /ecu ( p r o

oucie) y . ^?w. fxrjvrjre xbis. v. 5. /uei'oi' bxbis. OUTWS p * y .

TTOXXW xsemel. ^wpets x6is . cvvaarQai xsemel. Troitjv xbis.

v. 6. eis (pro t«)s)t. au-ro ag, avrwysem . {pro avra). +ro

{ante nvp) ad fhk lm no pq r tx y. /ccuere h* . Keerai ysemel.

v. 7 . ei; fxo« y*. OeXrjcrtjTe f. fleXetxe ysemel. air^aacrO e f

h o q r . aiTtjaeuO ai xs em . v. 8. ei/ TOVTO bxsemel. TTOXXVP

xsemel. (peprjrai t* . yevr/aOe a p . /*OJ {pro efjiot) xsem. v.

9- ntjvaTe xsemel. v. 10. /xevrjre b x . juet/oJ b fh k q r . — T ^

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S. JOHANNIS CAPP. XV. v. 10—XVI. v. 4. 167

secund. y. v. 11. ixrivrj xsemel. v. 13. neifyova f *. /u.t]-<£wva xsem. v. 14. earai x. Troieire xsem. y. a (pro 6aa)

q**. v. 15. O V K en k. Kai n (pro OVKBTI) c. oiSev fjkpx.

etoet. Troit] C. o Kvpios avrov dj. (wo(/)roa)h. eyvwpriaa

b x . v. 16. e£eXe£acr(?ajj. e^aiXe^acr^e xsemel. e^eXe^a-

fxtv xsemel. v/aK secund. j . virayriTcu jxsem. (pepr/ratj.

(pepeire x. /ueivr] apq*r. /xeivrji d. nevei bfjtxy. airrjarjTaijxsem. ovofiartj xsemel. Smq a**bef**gjlmnqrtx5eme?.

dwar] f*oxsemel. Swaei d**y. v. 17. ayairarai xsem.

v. 18. fiicrei yjuasj. ixrjirei xsemel. ytvwaKSTotij. fin.efxtcrrj-

crei/j. nenrj(jr}K€v xsemel. v. 19. t]t d*, SITS xsem. ysemel

(pro rjTe). e(pi\rj xsemel. eerTaij. (itjcrei xsemel. jj/uas t.

v. 20. ixvtjuovere y*. +/mov (post Xoyov) bk. — eyoot. ecr-

•nvjjixsem. /xi^itui/j. — /mei^wvt. r\ (pro ei secund.) xsemel.

—fxov y*. rj/aeTepov t. Ttjprjawcriv C. v. 21. —navTa g.

7roir]crwcnv cysem. v/ua? ysem. oicaTiv j . v. 22. eiyoaav

(pro eiyov)j. irepr] xsem. v. 23. /xr/duiv x. fin. fxicrri b.

ULrjcrei xsemel. v. 24. eTroitjaev (pro TreTcoirjKev) p. —/cat

prim. g. eopwcacn f **k. v. 25. eix.ti<jy\csnv xsemel. v. 26.

•+/J.OV (post TTdTpos prim.) adp. eniropeveTe b.

ysem. v. 27. -Se ysemel. fiap-rvp^re exsemel.


CAPU T XVI. v. 1. aKav^aXeiuOrjTe xsemel. v. 2.

erwcriv exsemel. ysemel. TJ/JLOS t. airoKTtjvas xsemel. So^ei n.

Xarptav l*xsemel. v. 3. Tvoirjawcnv ysem. —vfjuvhcdfhkhn

noqrtxy. v/xa^ g. oiSaai (pro eyvwaav) c. v. 4. +^011x0

(post TavTa) bx. +a«Twi' (posit wpa) p. fxvrinoveuerai C.

fivrifxovevere kysem. ixvrjfiovevarjre t*. —eiTroc prim. t.

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1 68 S. JOHANNIS CAP. XVI. vv. 4—22.

secund. ysemel. e^ap-yr]^ blot, s^ap^eis pxsemel.fxwvi. fin. rjfxivx. v. 6. — Tavrag. rjimvt. v. 7.

a. Xeyw {pro aXX' eyco) C. vfj.iv Xeyoo p. iv cnreXOa) { —eyw)

t*. +670) {post yap) abcdfghklmnopqrtxy. eXevaere x

semel. t^ias prim. t. v. 8. eXXey^ei ysemel. -/ecu secund.

qr. -wepi secund n*. v. 9. Triarevoocnv ysemel, at ein-

(Trevcrav semel. v. 10. /nev {pro $e) t. vv. 10, 21, 25. ov-Kenl. v. 11. -o'nysem. v. 12. -v/utvysem. v. 13.

—$e dysem. Katceivos {pro etceivos) g. ws av cucovaei {pro

ocra) ysemel. eav {pro av) dp. XaXr/ari secund. kxsem. v.

14. e/xoi p, (iev ysemel {pro epe). TO {pro on) p. avayyeXt)

p . v. 15. + yap {post Travra) qr. e^xseme?. Xa/xfiavei

{pro X^erai)abcghklmnqrtxy.

(Xafiavvet ysemel). avay-

yeXri xsemel. v. 16. —670) abcdghklm**nopqrtxysemeZ.

fin. +/uove. vv. 16, 17. Desunt inssemel verba on eyw

virayw v. 16 usque ad o^ecrBe pe v. 17. v. 17. -ovvy

semel. —Kai{ante 6n)ysem. — eyw apq. fin. +/u.ou c. vv.

17 , 18. Desunt in t verba 6 Xeyei v. 17 usque ad TOVTO

TI €<TTIV v. 18. v. 18. — eXeyov ovv g. —ouvysem. —TI

prim. c. effTi TO /iwcpov (—0 Ae7ei)g. ecm ky. —TO /if-

Kyjoi/ ysemel. v. 19, $e (pro ovv) p . Trep TOVTO C. <£r/Tt)Te

~x.semel. fxeTa ysemel. eir aXXrjXwv p. +Jfjuj> (pos£ enrov)

pq*. o^/eadai h. v. 20. 6pt]vt]<reTai xsem. ^apiaeTai by

sem. xaprjcreTe ptxsem. XvirriQrjaeaQai xsem. aXXa ck.

/ k*. v. 2 1 . Tj/cTej cgqry. TJ^KTJJ X. e^^ xsemel. yev-

chqy. yevriarj ~x.semel. oviceTr} xsemel. 6Xt}^ews x.

v. 22. »//u«s tysem. —ow ysemel. ovv {pro vw) k.

Xvwr}v {-fiev vvv) ysemel. e^eTe o^ysemel. -

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S. J0HANN1S CAPP . XVI. v. 22—XVII. v. 9. 169

epei (pro aipei) xsemel. v. 23. epwrriaare c. epcoTiatjTe j

sent. 6 (pro oaa) adp. ear (pro av) dp. airrjaeiTe ~x.sernel.

ysemel. — TO V iraTepa jsemel. Scot] jsemel. v. 24.

xsemel. <XITT]T6 p*. Xtf^/eaOai xsemel.

jsemel. v. 25. XeXaKtjKa v/uiv ev irapoiniais jsemel. —v

secund. jsemel. v. 26. atTj/creaflai -x.semel. aiTiaecrde jse-

mel, at mTrjaacrOe semel. epwricrw jsemel. v. 27. 0t\j? b.—e/xe n*. _/?w. +«rat Trpoy TOI/ 0eoc inrayw t*. v. 28. a0ei-

>?Mt jsem. Tropevone Tisemel. v. 29. —avrov f *k. i ow x.

—irapoifuav t*. oi/oe /ii'ai/ dhk. v. 30. •^piavxsem. ewe-

(pro epcoTci) g. ev TOI/TOIS C. ey TOVTO xsem. v. 31.

jsemel. v. 32. ep%ere xsem. ep^erw p* . —/cat

nil' eXtjXvOev c. atpeire jsemel. +/xov (post iraTrjp) f kq.

v. 33. e-^ene (pro ej^re) dxsemel. Pro e^ere habent e^ere

abd**ghklmnoprtx (q cum Elzev.). iterate. e-^tjTej. 6ap-

arjTe x. vevt]KrjKa f*.

CAPU T XVII . v. 1. XeXaXijuev jsemel. ewapa'i jsemel.

$o%acrei (pro So^aari) ghq*y. v. 2. e$wK<xs (pro cleSwKas)

a d h x . Swcrei abdghklmnpqrtxsemeZ y. v. 3. eartju xsemel.

aXrj9r]vov is.. —dkrjQivov m *? aire<jTiKa<i xsemel. v. 4.

— 67TJ TJJSiy»Js' P1 v>

5. irapa aeavTov C. v. 6. crot/ TO

ovofia aov jsemel. av (pro aoi) xysemel. eiaav jsemel. eSw-

say (^wo 5e5co/cay secund.) ap. TeTtjpiKaai jsemel. v. 7.

eyvooaav adn*pqryseme?.? e a»/fas a. 7rajoa crot y. irapov t.

. w . 7, 8. —ivapa aov SUTIV' on xa prj/xaTa a oe~

Mot b* (habet marg.). v. 8. ocra (pro d) p. eiWas

(pro ^e^.) ap. + aXijOoos (post eTrtaTevaav) C. V. 9. 7repi

OJTOI; xsemel. —ov %epi TOV Kocrfiov epwrw t. av (pro aoi)

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S. JOHAATNIS CAP. XVIII. vv. 6—28. 171

{pro avrois) c. eTreaw y. v. 7. avrois {pro av-

rovs) x. eirepwrriGe at. eirtipwTiae y*. v. 8. — o abdfg

hklmnopqrtxy. ^Ttre x. v. 9. wXtjpw C. airoXeaa o?.

eg auTajr OI/K cnroXeaa C. v. 10. rjXKvaev y. efrecre bxy.

e7recret f*. —/cat secwizcZ. d*. oe itoc b* v. 11. TO ireTpw

b . —aov bcdlmnpty. +avTrjs {post QyjKrjv)y. fin.CLVTW

p*X. V. 12. (T-rrripa y. virripere b. lovSewv X**. V. 13.

—KCM cnrtiyayov avTov x*. v. 15. r)KoXovQrj f*y. —5e

prim. pt. —o prim. e. avvri<rr]XQev b. v. 16. TJ^ dujoa

ex. TJ/I' dvpav y. e/ceivos (pj'o o a\Xo?) g. T«I ( )ro TJ;

secund.) t. Ovpopwy. v. 17. ?) {pro el) g. v. 18. ei<rr>j-

Krjaav by. avdpaKeiav f. edep/xevovTo x.

bx**. v. 19. rjpooTiae y. TO) irjcrov t. —Kepi TWV

TOIV avrov Kai d. — /cai irejOt T^? owa^tjs avTov t. v. 20.

+ey (awiie -rto Koa/xw) p. ev auvaycoyais C. — TJJ abcdfghk

lmnopqrtxy. ev avvaywyrf eSiJa^ab. —Kaiprim.t. irav-

res p, irawroTe abcdfghklmnoqrtxy (pro 7rayro0ei>). v.

2 1 . eirepcoTKjov y. ctK /cotoTas by. v&aotv b. oiSacn y. _/m.

aiiTots (|5ro cyw) y. v. 22. €£7ra)i'TO9 y. Se^coicev C. a7ro-

Kpivei bdry. v. 23. -o bo. /mapTvpiaov y. Saipeis lmnq

rt. v. 24. a7T6(TTtXei/x. - ow bcdfghklmnoqrtxy (p cwm

Elzev.). Kdiacpai. v. 25. — ^e d. —ai/xwv b*. ecrro? x.

os x. -owd*. ^ (/>ro el) gk. +ow (jiosf ^i/*;-

o) abcdfghklmnoqrtxy. v. 26. +ow ( osf Xe7ei) q*.

g. v. 27. -o cdfkpt. v. 28. ayovai pqrxy.

—OKI'cgopqrxy. TrpaiTopiovbisk.'x.bis: secund. ~8.semel. —r\v

le usque ad -Trpairwpiov q*r*. Trptoi bhlmnq**r**xy. -ets

TO Trpairwpiov secund. gt. fxriavQwcnv x&is. aXXa k. - lya

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17 2 S. JOHANNIS CAPP. XVIII. v. 28—XIX. v. 6.

secund. k. v. 29. + e £ « {post TrtXaros) afkp. (peperat k.

v . 31 . Xafiexsemel. &e {pro ow secund.)ap. airoKTivaix

semel. v. 32. -arj/xaivu>vb*. crjtxaivovb**. crf]fj.eva}vm*x.

e/ueXXev a f h k l m n o p q r t y . v. 33. irpaiTopiov bkxsemel.

7ra\iv eis TO TrpaiTcopiov g. Xeyei TW irjaov {pro ecpwvrjcre

TO P irjtyovv /cat enrev avTcp) xsem. v. 34. aweKpivaTo

{—avTw) ap. —og. —avC. aXXos croi enre ag1

. av {pro(xoi) xsemel. v. 35. jjul {pro ei/ut) xsemel. e/nov {pro aov)

y. aoi {pro ere) g. v. 36. - o a b d f g h k l m n o p q r t x y . e/xi

{pro efin) xsemel. rpyoviXpvTo xsemel, at rtyoviQuvTo semel.

r\yoviCpvToy. TrapaSwO o)f*htxsemel. v. 37. -ovvt. —av-

Ttp m. O V K ovv dq . — o secund. b d g l m n p t x s e m . y. <yeyevtj-

fxat b. yeyevrjfxef.


/ue{pro /xov)f.

v. 38. evTif. enrovxsemel. —irpos xoi/s lovocuovs g. ovoe

/ami/ d. v. 3 9 . »;/uv {pro V[JLIV prim.) l **mnt . -v/uv \va p.

airoXvaw v/xiv {post eva)fp. — ev Tip iraaya k. j3ovXea0ai

t. +lva {post ovv)f. airoXvcrw v/unv {post ovv) jTpq*r . airw-

Xva<D secund. t. v. 40. - 7 raXt i /a lmnpq**t . -Tra i / res -g .

-XeYo^Tes,/. TO V fiapafiflay. (Sapap'av g*t. /3a/3a/3as g*t.

C A P U T X I X . v . 2. e7rt TJ;I/ KetpaXrjv avTov xsemel. -rrepi-

eftaXXov p. Jin. avrw {pro avrov) gm*ptxseme?. v. 3.

init. KM rjp-^ovTO {rj-^ovTof) irpos C L V T O V (cat eXeyov a/p.

avrov {pro avrw) 1. V. 4. im*. /cat e%t)X6e p . - o i / ^ p y . o

TrtXaTos vraXtv e^wr, — egto prim. py. eioey. avrov vfuv

a p . —avrovf. T O V T O V {pro avTov)y. ov&e fxiav {sic v. 11)d

k. v. 5. e£w o tj/crofsyp. (popov x. aKavOrjvov xsemel. et$e

y . v. 6. icoe avTof. eicwv xsemel, idovsemel. —/cat oi vnrip-

£Tai g. apov apov {pro aravpeoa ovprim.) xsemel. -\-avrov

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S. JOHANNIS CAI\ XIX. vv. 6—19. 17 3

{post aravpwcrov secund.) a b d / g h * * k l m n o p q r t x y . evpei-C K Q O X . eTiavxsem. v. 7 . e-^w/j.evxsem.y. ocpikeixsemel,

atroOavtjv x . ewoieiaev xsemel. Oeov v\ov {—TOV) b h k p r x .

—TOV ad /g lm no qty . v . 8 . TO V Xoyov T O V T O V b p t * . na-

Xov xsem. v. 9. init. iraXiv {+o vv b) o TriXctTos Xeyetbx

sem. eicrrjkOe naXiv eis TO irpaiTwpiov y. o TTIXCITOS super

irpaiT. rubrok**.

irpanopiovk. v. 10 . - o w g y . XaX»?9

iLsemel. -e-^w prirn.j. v. 11 . — oprim. a b d / g h l m n o p q

r t x y . e^eis (p»"O et^e?) p . ovhe/xiav f^ovaiavf. —ovSeixiav

p . <$€$(oiu.evov jsem. /xei^ovg. neiXw va xsem. /xet^wvj. v.

12 . etv 'r '? l*xsemel. awoXvcrai avTov o 7riXaTos p. TO V irj-

aovv {pro C I V T O V prim.) g. eK pavyaXov d h o p . eicpa^wv x

semel. —XeyovTesg. airoXvcreisy. Kecxapos xsemel. +ovv

{post TTCIS) h- eavTov {pro avTov) a b d / g h k l m n o p q r t x y . iro-

wvxsemel. Kaiaapeix. v. 13. T O V T - J O V T U > V Xoyoivabdhk

o p q r x . eK aO rjuevxysem. —Toy p . —Xeyonevov ysemel. Xi-

OovTpoTov xsem. efipdicrTr) j . yafiaO a a b d / l m n q r t y . v .

14, +riV {post wpa)fnin<ypq**txsem.y. — Se secund.flmn

O 'ptxsem. y. aJy {pro wcrei) bcd hko p . v . 15 . +XeyovTes

{post eKpavya<T<xv)xsemel. — (BaaiXea prim. y. GTavpwoai

{pro (TTavpuxrw) d*. aireKpvQricrav tpassim. e^a)«ei> cyse-

mel. Kecrapa xsemel. v. 16. —ovv g. ovv {pro oe) a. 7 ra-

piXafiovTes &e TOI/ trjrrovv riyayov xsem. ysemel. rjyayovf.

tjyayov a b c d g h k l m n o p q r t x y . fin. +eis TO TrpatTwpiovhx

semel ysem. v . 17 . — Kcuy. (5aGTa(pvTe<s t*. fiaaTafyv d.

avTov TO V aTuvpov p . eavTov b . e^rfXOov t*ysem. eis T O T T O V

{pro eis TOV) a b c d g h o q r . o {pro os) xsem . y. XeyeTe x .

V. 19. eireOrjKev p . —J7M oe yeypctfi/uevov ad

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174 S. JOHANNIS CAP. XIX. vv. 19—35.

fin. vers. ysemel. vatypeos xsemel. v. 20. o TO7ros7roXews abcd/ghklmnopqrtxy . -o irjaows ysemel.

CTTI eWr/vitTTi qr. efipdicrTrj eWyvicrTr) pw/maitTTri ysemel.

v. 21. —TWV iov^aiuov primumd. —/urj ypa<pe o fiaaiXeus

TWV lovSaiwv b * . <ypa<pai b * * . e/cetvos eiirev 6 (3acri\evv g.

ei/ur]xsemel. v. 22. -yeypacfxxprimump*. v. 23.

g. apa0os abcdghkoptxy. ciioXov gklqrt . v. 24ixev avToy. —r\ (ante ypcKptj) g. KXrjpovs p. —oi fxev ovv

GTpa.Tiii)Tai TCLVTCL eiroirjaav b* (habet marg. ai-pariore

b**). v. 25. e'icrTr]K6ioav ysemel, at e'ujrijKtjaav bis. — TJJS

/uj-yrjoos t*. ikapia TO V (—rj)f. ickoira akqrxter y. /uaySa-

Xivrjybis. v. 26. —ovvf. — 6v rjycnra ysemel. 'i^efxsemel,

tSe aghlmnoqrtxiery (pro i$ov). v. 27. i$e k. yuepas

(pro wpas) gmxy. o nadtjTtjs avT^v acd/ghklmnopqrt.

+ e/c6jcos (post fj.a9>)Tt]s) bxy. v. 28. yuero r a w a X , t^ajp

bdghkox6zs ysem., i§w$ ysem. (pro ei$w$). r$ri •KavTaf(r^rj)

Imn. iSei ysemel. -r^y] dgtysemel. TereXecrOai (sic v. 30)

c. +TT6pi avrov (post TeTeXearat) bd. irXtjpwOr) (pro re-

XeiwOrf) y. v. 29. i)crcrw h*. irepiTiOevTes c. TO (TTo/uaTi

bd. TO aTona y. v. 30. £e (pro ow) p. /cX vas xsemel.

v. 31. e7r»7 (pro CTTI) xsemel. -ra aw/xara ysem. fieyaXtj

r/fxepa (-»;) acd/gx&is ysemel. etteivov acd/ghklmnoqrxy

sem. (p cwm Elzev.). rov aafifictTov eneivov t. ripwricrav y

sem. KaTeaywaif. v. 32. irporov xsemel. -TOV (ante

aXXov)/. aXov xsemel. v. 33. -eXfloi'Tes c. i£oi> yftt's.

rjSeiybis, at eiSr/semel. TeOvrjKWTa ysemel. fin. +Kai TO V

aXXov TO V GvcrTavpwOevTos t*eras. V. 34. vvv^ev p . evotfe

ybis. evoi^ev xsemel. evBeoos ab/ghlmnpqr txy. v. 35.

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S. JOHANNIS CAPP. XIX. v. 35—XX. v. 14. 17 5

k . ewpa.K o$xbis. ju.e/u.apTvpiK evh'K sem.y. /xefiap-•rvpeiKe xsemel. d\r)9f]vri xter. C O T I V avTou aghkoq*rxo2s .

eaTtv rt fxapTup ia avrov c/"lmnq**txsemeZ y. eiSev (pro

oiSev)Jr. aXrjQet ysemel. +icai (post \va) pysem el. iriaTev-

creiTe xbis. V. 36 . cie (pro yap) q*r. +a7r ' (ante avrov)

/ g lm n q r t . v. 37 . oxJ/oi/Tex. e^CKevTicravxy. v. 38. -§ e

primuma b c d / g h k l m n o p t .

irt]\drovb . —

6 prim,a c / g h l

m n o p q r t y . api/xarO aia^ g. pifxaOcuas o.

fxa6r]Tt]<; irjcrov (—TOU) t. nai Kpvu/jievos x .

\va apeih. avrov (pro TO V itjcrov secund.) py. —/cat ex e-

Tpe\f/6v ad Jin. vers. dq . v. 39. V V K T O S irpo<s TO V ir/aovvg.

avpurjs C. cr/uyc^s n * . afupvris r . aXoorjs a*cg*m*y. u>$ (pro

tocrei) bc d/ gh kl m no pq *r tx y. Xtjrpas x. v. 40 . avrco b x .

h*. +ev (ante odoviois) a b c d / g h k l m n o q r t x y (uyQao-

y*, p cum Elzev.). appi»txa-T(av t . naff u>$ k . /ca0os qy .

v . 41 . KtjTnros g . Toirw(pro KrjTTtp) g . ouoeTrore (pro ovoe-

7ru)) y. v. 42 . e/c>j (p ro e/cet) p * . +0V01/ (ante edrjmv) y.

t. avTov (pro TO V ir/aovv) g .

C A P U T X X . v . 1 . fj.a.y$a\tvri b y . eippevov y. v. 2.

*. TTJOOJS secund. 1*. etptXrjh. +6TI (ante tjpav) y.

oi$a ty . v. 3. —o prim. p. v. 4. ow (pro $e) kl*? T O ^ -

aoy p * . v. 5. T « o^oyia Keifxeva y. oQwvia a*t*. v. 6.ePX

eTe ^* x' a u T 0 1 ' ( ^ r o avTip) c. 7?n. +/iova p . V. 7 . —TJ;S

a. ei'TeTvXrjyfjLevov d*. v. 9. rfiecrav g. iSrjaav y. $rj (pro

§ei)y. v. 11 . eicrr«/c6t a. TTJOO? TCO /xvrj/xeuo b / h k l m n o ( TO)

pq** . v. 12 . +/cat (awte Ka0e^oju.ecoi/y) t . vpos TY\V KecpaX-

tjvC. eaeiTo <roofia(—To)f. -i-Kvptov (ante ir]<rov)y. v. 13.

—ortp . +e/c TO V fivrj/xeiov (post nvpiov f-ou)y. v. 14. O T T I -

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176 S. JOHANNIS C A P P . XX. v. 14—XXI. v. 3.

o-wb. i$r] (pro r/Sei) y . - o ' a b c d / g h k l m n o p q r t y . v . 1 5 .+ov v(post Xeyei)k. -6prim.b**. -TIVCL C a re ts t. £JJTJJ?

y . KriTnrovpos g. Krjwwpost. -Trovt*. eOijuas (XVTOV a b e d

/ l m n p q r t y . v v. 1 5— -1 7 . -avTov.eO tjK as usque ad OVTTO)

yap avafiefirjua g*. Hab et ma rgo, ubi v. 16 sic legitur:

fiapiafji' \eyei avrw efipaicrTi (pro fiapia' (TTpcKpeiaa eicei-

vr) Xeyei avrui). v. 16. arpacpijaa cy. +cSe (post arpa-<peicra)bc. — avTwTp. pa(iovvi;b. paf&ovvi c l m n q r t . v . 1 7 .

—nov secund. d. Jin. Oeov rjixwv t. v. 18 . /uaySaXivt] y .

ctTrayyekovcra t . ore (pro OTJ) t . eopaxe k. v. 19 . ouarjs

y . — 01/1/ e m * p y . KaiKXeicr/uevwu x. +ai /roy (post fxaO tjTai)

p . -a- ui^ ju ee oi ko *. ea rv d (sic V. 26) g. v. 20 . e i7 rovx.

—To.? %eijoas r*. e^apiaau by. ow y . v . 2 1 .vfirjvf.

airo-(TTeXXa> ( p r o TrefXTTw) p . v . 2 2 . T O ( p r o TOUTO) C . eve(pu~

(Tiae x . eve(pv<reicre y . XafSeTaif. v . 2 3 . a<peiTe y .

T6iT€ b x . KaiKpctTtjvTe x . v. 24 . eis y. v. 2 5 . eo

k*. - T O V TVTTOV prim. c. —/cat (BaXw usque ad q\wv c.

•^eipav C. v. 26 . — aiiTouC . Xcy et ai/TOjy (p ro et7 rei') C .

v . 27 . aiSe h. ei^e (p ro t^e) p . (pepai Tas xelPas aov c -

v . 2 8 . - o p r i m , a b d / g h k l m n o p q r t y . v . 2 9 . eopams c.

eojoa/cas k. /jot ( p ro /ue) m . -9co/xa a b c d / g h k lm n o p q rt

xy . v. 30 . arjcTtjiuTja/. -WTOV d g k o . v . 3 1 . -6 prim.

ab cd /g hk lm no pq r tx y. + d n t^crot;? eariv 6 ^pia-ros 6 v'tos

Toy Oeov (post iri(TTevovT6s)f*. e^etrai (pro e%t]Te) C .

C A P U T X X I . v . l . +§e (post (ueTa)qr. -TraXivfmn

q**t. +ayToyqr , +ayToy eyepQeis e/c veKpcov c / l m n t y

(pos« /xa^ijTais). v. 2. +i/tot (pos^ oi )a ** cy . -TOU c.

dXXoisf. v. 3. +o(aw«e ut^ft)j/)y. ewe/^o-a i/ ab d /g h k lm n

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S. JOHANNIS CAP. XXI. vv. 3—25. 177

p q r t y . vvKTtjb. v. 4. yivoft.evr}<i g h k o . earr/dg. — 6o.

em (pro eis) dy. rj^riaav bq* . eiStjcravy. v. 5. — avroitsc7.

e-^rjTef. e-^rjTe y. V. 6. evprjatjTe y. OVKBTI 1. ai/T(u d*.

e\Kvacu a v r o p . icr^uoi' ao p. v. 9. eirejiri'jav y. v. 11-

eis T>/!/ ly^vp . v. 12. + o w {post Xeyei)d. —crv TIS et c.

v . 1 3 . e ^ e x e b . — ovv C . SiSocrwy. — icai <$i$oocru>



eToXfiaTO \VTTWV C. V. 14. TOU-

TO V t. eiSrj {pro t]^rj) y. ecpavepwaev C g x y (pro e(pavepa>-

Qrj). +eavTov {post e<pav.)gxy. v. 15. +/cai

a**, crjyuowt. — o irjuovs oqr. 7rXeia>i>b. v. 16.

v. 17. —TO prim.?f. —\eyei avTco 6 itjcrovs ad fin. vers.c.

-6 (ante it)crovs)y. v. 18. on (pro 6re)y. jjy k. veoTe-

pos b. eavTov (pro aeavTov) c g o q r y . wepieTvaTtis bl*qr .

yrjpaais b. eKretcetets C. —croua*. ^ajo-j; ch*k. e w y c , o'lcrtif,

eicroi x, otaey (pro wcrei). —ov (ante 6e\eis)f. 6e\t]$C.

v. 19. crrifxevwv x. ^o^aarj c. aKoXovOt] x. aKokovdrj y. v.

20 . tti's (pro os) x. — ey ™ Seiirvw ct. v. 22. ep-^w/nai k**.

v. 23. -oi5i-osc?y. ep\a>fim c k x . v. 24. - o /ia0)/T);s t*.

7T6JOJJ T O V T O V c. —oafxev O TI usque ad fiapTvpia av c* (habet

margo). iSa/mev ysemel. aXr)9ei<s by. a\t]9ts ecrTrjv xsem.

,/?«. ayToy x. v. 25. +arjneia (ante 7roXXa) c. ewoieiaev x

sem. •{•evw'iroiwv TWV fiadriTtov avTov {post tjjcrow) C. arnva

d. ypctfpqre b k y . Ka9ev Imnqrty. ot/xe ~s.sem. •^wpaiaev c.

•)(opt]crai ysemel, at •yopiffai semel. ypa(pwiu.eva ysemel.

SUBSCRIPTIONES. Hiant es. .M7 habent abc/ght.

Eras, in o. TeXos TOW (caTa lwavvt/v evayyeXiov d. TO KOTO

lu)avvt]v evayyeXiov e^e^oOr] /ueTa xpovovs (y_povov p) X/3


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7/27/2019 A Full and Exact Collation of About 258/258


Tjjj TO V { -T O V p) XpiGTov araX^v/rews kl m n p . + ev

Ttj vtjcrw 1. +crTt^ot /3T. Imn. TeXos TO V KaTa Iwavvtjv aw

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