Page 1: A brief historyofcuba

A BRIEF HISTORY OF CUBABy Christine, Dylan, Jamie, Miranda, and Shelley

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Christopher Columbus lands in east Cuba in 1492.

Columbus returns to Cuba and sails along the south coast in 1494.

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16TH CENTURY CUBA 1510 – Spanish set out from Hispaniola. The

conquest of Cuba begins. 1511 – The first governor of Cuba, the Spanish

conquistador Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar, leads a group of settlers in Baracoa.

1514 – Havana founded as San Cristóbal de la Habana.

1527 – First African slaves arrive in Cuba. 1532 – First slave rebellion is crushed. 1542 – Spanish crown abandons the encomienda

settlement system. 1555 – French campaign against the Spanish in the

Caribbean leads to the sack of Havana. 1578 – French corsairs plunder Baracoa.

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1603 – Authorities decree that the sale of tobacco to foreigners is punishable by death.

1607 – Havana is officially named the capital of Cuba.

1649 – Epidemic kills a third of the island’s population.

1662 – English fleet captures Santiago de Cuba to open up trade with neighboring Jamaica.

1670 – English retreat after Spain recognises England’s ownership of Jamaica.

1670 – Francisco Rodríguez de Ledesma becomes Governor of Cuba for 10 years.

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1728 – University of Havana is founded. 1734 – Francisco de Guemes y Horcasitas Gordón

de Saenz de Villamolinedo becomes Governor of Cuba for 12 years.

1747 – Francisco Antonio Cagigal de la Vega becomes Governor of Cuba for 13 years.

1748 – Battle of Havana occurs. Skirmishes between British and Spanish fleets in Havana harbor.

1762 – British troops occupy Havana during Seven Years’ War.

1763 – The British reach an agreement with the Spanish to trade Cuba in return for Florida.

1793 – Slave rebellion (becomes Haitian Revolution)

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1844 – An uprising of black slaves, known as the Conspiración de la Escalera was brutally suppressed.

1868 – The first war of Cuban independence, or the Ten Years’ War, occurs, and revolutionaries proclaim Cuban independence.

1878 – Pact of Zanjón ends Ten Years’ War. 1880 – A second uprising is quelled by

superior Spanish forces. 1886 – Slavery is abolished. 1895 – Another Cuban Revolution occurs.

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1896 – Successful invasion campaign by Cuban rebels. Winston Churchill fights on Spanish side at the battle of Iguara.

1898 – U.S.S. Maine explodes in Havana Harbor. This fuels the start of the Spanish-American War.

1898 – Treaty of Peace in Paris ends the war by which Spain relinquished Cuba.

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1901 – Platt Amendment assures U.S. control over Cuban affairs.

1906 – U.S. troops reoccupy Cuba under Taft after a Cuban revolt.

1906 – Charles Magoon becomes U.S governor of Cuba.

1909 – José Miguel Gómez becomes Cuban governor of Cuba.

1917 – Cuba enters WW1 on the side of the Allies. 1928 – Julio Antonio Mella (a founder of the

Stalinist Communist Party in Cuba) is murdered. 1933 – Communist activity high with

establishment of soviets in eastern provinces.

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1933 – “Sergeants’ Revolt” topples government. 1938 – Communist Party legalized again. 1941 – Cuban Government declares war on

Germany, Japan, and Italy. 1952 – Former president Batista seizes power. 1953 – Castro and 160 revolutionaries launch an

attack on military barracks in Santiago de Cuba. 1955 – Castro and surviving members released

from prison. 1958 – U.S. suspends shipment of arms to Batista’s

forces. 1959 – President Batista flees the country. 1959 – Fidel Castro becomes Premier of Cuba.

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1960 – CIA directors train Cuban exiles for invasion of Cuba.

1960 – All U.S. property in Cuba is nationalized at the direction of the Cuban government.

1960 – U.S imposes embargo prohibiting all exports to Cuba except food and medicine.

1961 – Bay of Pigs Invasion by the U.S. 1962 – President Kennedy is informed that

surface to air missile batteries exist in Cuba. 1962 – Cuban Missile Crisis occurs and

agreement is arranged.

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