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A Book of Simple Candle Spells

by The EarthDragon This is a book of simple candle spells, each spell is meant to be worked after dark and ideally at the witching hour. My choice of colours and their magical uses has come from many sources, and are generally accepted for the particular magical purpose. However you will notice that in each spell I always use purple and white, the white although it can represent all other colours, in this case it always represents the goddess and the purity of the spells, as too my use of the colour purple, this is to increase the magick powers raised by the spell. In a few spells you will find that I use more than one purple candle, these few spells are intended as power spells. As to the white candles they should always be placed between the coloured candles. At the end of the book I shall list colours and their magical uses, these however are not cast in stone, and if you feel more comfortable using a different colour for any particular magical purpose, then please do so, and if any of you feel that you would like to personalize or adapt any of my spells then please go ahead. I have attempted to keep these spells as simple as I can so that even those of you that are new to magick will find them easy to follow and use. Good luck to you all in your spell working. I do hope that you find the following spells of some magickal use. A powerful wish spell For this spell you will need:

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3 green candles - the required colour. 3 purple candles - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (make a circle of the green and purple candles, then place the white candle in the centre) Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Magick candles that burn bright, in the stillness of the night, grant to me this wish I ask,(state wish) let this be thy magick task, work thy magick, work it well, and grant my wish with this spell. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick , weave this spell, let this wish come true for me, and as I will, so shall it be. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A simple candle spell to aid astral travel For this spell you will need: 1 yellow candle - required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. ( the white candle to be placed between the two coloured candles). Magick candles burning bright,

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in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Help me now to astral travel well, with the aid of magick spell. Let me travel as I will, betwixt the worlds of earthly and astral planes. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, so that this spell will be my key, too travel onto astral planes, and as I will so shall it be. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A simple candle spell for binding. For this spell you will need: 1 black candle - the required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (the white candle to be placed between the two coloured candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick welll, weave for we a magick spell. Bind my enemies, bind them well, and now I bind with magick spell. Now magick candles burning bright,

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in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, bind them well with magick light, so no more harm can they cause me, for this magick keeps me free. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A powerful binding spell. For this spell you will need. 3 black candles - the required colour. 3 purple candles - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the coloured candles in a circle, with the white candle placed in the centre). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Bind all those who cause me harm, and let this spell be a charm, bind them thrice, bind them now, for with this spell I do now vow, that their magick can no longer harm for this spell is my charm.. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, as we cast this magick well, too bind all those that cause me harm, with the strength of magick light, and the magick of the night. Now magick candles, burn true, burn bright,

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in the stillness of the night. A simple candle spell for breaking a spell (this can be too break a spell used against you or for any spell that you have cast). For this spell you will need. 1 black or deep purple candle - the required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (the white candle to be placed between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Break this spell that has been cast, break it with a magick blast, break it now, break it well, no more to be a magick spell. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, for this spell is my charm, to keep me safe from all magick harm. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night.

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A simple candle spell to break the power of a spell. For this spell you will need: 1 grey candle - the required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Break the spell sent to cause me harm, let THIS magick be my charm, break it now, break it thrice, for my own magick will suffice. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, break the spell that causes harm, for my own true magick is my charm. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A simple candle spell to bring good luck. For this spell you will need:

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1 green candle - the required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. As the candles now burn bright, in the stillness of the night, bring too me good luck I ask, let me now in good luck bask. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, let this magick for me good luck fortell. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A simple candle spell to bring the secrets of healing too you. For this spell you will need: 1 blue candle - the required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well,

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weave for me a magick spell. Grant to me all the secrets of the healing ways, let me be a healer now, and for all my days. The secrets that I ask of you, never will I misuse, for with love, the secrets I will always use. So I ask the secrets of the healing ways, too practice with love, all of my days. Now magick candles, burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, and give to me the secrets of the healing ways, so that I may use them well, all of my days. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A simple candle spell too bring magick knowledge. For this spell you will need: 1 yellow candle - the required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Bring to me now I ask, knowledge, shining bright, knowledge of a magick sort, knowledge that cannot be taught. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, let magick knowledge flood my mind, and let me now become of magick kind. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night.

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A simple candle spell to bring you money. For this spell you will need: 1 green candle - required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, bring money to me, money that's just right. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, let the magick define my need, with magick help, I show no greed. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night.

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A simple candle spell to bring success. For this spell you will need: 1 green candle - required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Candles now burning bright, in the stillness of the night. with your magick I now ask, bring to me success in every task. Now magick candles, burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, let success come to me, this I ask, success for me in every task. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night.

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A simple candle spell to bring true love. For this spell you will need: 1 pink candle - required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (the white candle to be placed between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. True love I ask to come to me, true love that will forever be. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, let true love now be mine, a true love oh so divine. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A simple candle spell too increase magick energy. For this spell you will need: 1 orange candle - required colour 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers.

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1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, let my magick powers grow, let my magick powers flow, true and strong now they grow, true and strong now they flow. Now magick candles, burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, as magick powers for me now grow, as magick powers for me now flow. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A powerful cleansing and empowerment spell (to be used for magick tools of any sort) For this spell you will need: 3 purple candles - the required colour and to increase the magick powers. 3 white candles - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the candles in a circle using alternate colours). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, we for me a magick spell. Candles that now burn so bright, in the stillness of the night, Cleanse this magick tool for me(name of tool),

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cleanse it well and set it free. free from all the darker things, free to be what it must be. Now it's cleansed by magick flame, now it takes on a magick name. Empower it now and let it grow strong, in magick power, power that can cause no wrong. Let the power within it grow, let the magick within it flow. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, cleanse this magick tool (name of tool) for me, empower it now with magick light, from the stillness of the night. So magick candle, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A simple candle spell to bring confidence. For this spell you will need: 1 yellow candle - the required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Confidence within me grow, confidence within me flow. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, let confidence within me grow, let confidence within me flow. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night.

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A simple candle spell to consecrate an object. For this spell you will need: 1 white candle - required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the purple candle between the two white candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Magick candles that burn so bright, with the glow of magick light. consecrate I ask of thee ( name of object) that it may pure and free of all harmful ways, so that I may work with it all of my magick days. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, consecrate with magick light (name of object), so that I may use it well. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night.

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A simple candle spell to find a lost object. For this spell you will need: 1 brown candle - the required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Open now my eyes to see, where ( name of object) now can be, let me find it right away, so its not lost another day. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, and let me find it right away, for I dont want it lost, even for another day. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A powerful candle spell for healing.

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For this spell you will need: 3 purple candles - the required colour and to increase the magick powers. 3 white candles - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the candles in a circle alternating the colours). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Heal my friend (name), heal them well, as I cast this magick spell, magick raised by three times three, magick meant to set them free, free from illness and from pain, so that they shall heal and heal well, with the power of this spell, with the power of this spell now you heal, with the power of magick healing light, that burns so bright, in the stillness of the night. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, so that my friend (name) will soon be well, free from illness and from pain. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A simple candle spell for grounding. For this spell you will need: 1 brown candle - the required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the other two candles).

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Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Help me ground now as I should, Help me ground too the earth. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, too let me ground to mother earth. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A simple candle spell to help with divination. For this spell you will need: 1 lavender candle - the required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Let me see what I should see, let me see what should be, let my vision be clear and true, let me see this vision through. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night,

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weave this magick, weave this spell, so I may see the future well. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A simple candle spell to help with telepathy. For this spell you will need: 1 brown candle - required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Open up my mind I ask, to link with those who also ask, and let us link with one another, whether it be, sister, brother. Now magick candles, burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, open up the link we seek, so to one another we may speak. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night.

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A simple candle spell for healing. For this spell you will need: 1 blue candle - the required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Send to (name) a healing light, send to them healing bright. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, let your magick light heal (name) well. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night.

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A simple candle spell to increase magick powers. For this spell you will need: 2 purple candles - required colour and to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the two purple candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Let my magick powers grow, let my magick powers flow, growing strong in candles light, within the stillness of the night. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, and let my magick powers grow, let my magick powers flow, flowing ever stronger now, and this will be my magick vow, to keep my magick always true and well, when working with a magick spell. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A simple candle spell to increase psychic powers. For this spell you will need>

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2 purple candles - required colour and to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the two purple candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Let my psychic powers grow, let my psychic powers flow, grow and flow, grow and flow, now my psychic powers grow. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, let my psychic powers grow, and grow well. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A simple candle spell to make you invisible to other witches. For this spell you will need: 1 purple candle - required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the two purple candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Let no magick eyes see me now,

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and keep me hidden from their eyes. Shine thy light so they cannot see, or even find me magickally. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, so to magick eyes I am invisble. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night. A simple candle spell for physical protection. For this spell you will need: 1 blue candle - required colour. 1 purple candle - to increase the magick powers. 1 white candle - for the goddess and the purity of the spell. (place the white candle between the other two candles). Magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night. Weave for me this magick well, weave for me a magick spell. Now keep me safe from all harm, let this spell be my charm. Now magick candles burning bright, in the stillness of the night, weave this magick, weave this spell, let your magick light protect me well. So magick candles, burn true, burn bright, in the stillness of the night.

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