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Amy Poehler - “It takes years as a woman to unlearn what you’ve been taught to be sorry for.”

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Emma Watson – “I feel like young girls are told this whole idea that they have to be this kind of princess and be all delicate and fragile and that’s bullshit.”

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Joseph Gordon-Levitt – “I do call myself a feminist. Absolutely! It’s worth paying attention to the roles that are sort of dictated to us and that we don’t have to fit into those roles. We can be anybody we want to be.”

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Adele – “ I’ve always been asked questions about my body and my weight and my size and my style and stuff like that and I totally understand. It’s a little bit annoying that men don’t get asked that question as much.”

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Bill Hader – “It’s just weird doing press, people will say, ‘So, [Amy’s] character’s kind of a tramp.’ And I think, ‘Wow, they would never say that is this was George Clooney.’”

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Jennifer Lawrence – “If a woman you know speaks up, and is assertive, and has a voice, she is going to be called a brat. I just don’t see a man being called a brat.”

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Mindy Kaling – “I have a personality defect where I sort of refuse to see myself as the underdog. It has gotten me into a lot of trouble, but it is also the reason for my success. I often am reminded of it when people ask me why I’m confident… why

wouldn’t I be? It’s because my parents raised me with the entitlement of tall, blonde, white male.”

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Channing Tatum – After answering he’d go Sandra Bullock’s if there was a zombie apocalypse, Tatum said this, “ She’s a boss. I figured she’d have a fully stocked fridge, really cool bar and she’s been a woman in

Hollywood and dealt with a bunch of asshole men for so long that zombies are nothing.”

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