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Did You Know?TriviaFirst film sinceThe Meaning of Life(1983) to feature all five surviving members of Monty Python, althoughMr. Toad's Wild Ride(1996) came close with four. According to directorTerry Jones, this will probably be the last time the remaining Monty Python NYTHING is a collaboration between UK designer Michael Sodeau and Japanese company Suikosha. Together they have produced their first collection of products, which sees its international debut in London. Two years in development, and the first phase of an ongoing project shows the collaborators vision of practical and functional stationary design. Further additions are planned for the stationary colle

r since. (If you are following this blog, please consider blocking the original owner of this url as he has been known to severely harass feminists, post videos about shooting up a hospital and eradicating feminism, got in trouble at school for discussing plans to build a bomb, etc.. I will keep you updated every time he recreates.)

//trans man / white passing / neuroatypical// pronouns: he/him

you can call me sam

anti-racism, anti-transphobia, anti-truscum, anti-ableism, feminst ally, etc.


At this point, I have a lot of hate followers (hey guys, thanks for the free material).So if you don't want me to publish your ask, include the tag [DNP] at the beginning. If you don't mind me publishing your ask but don't want me to attach your name to it, type [ANON]members will all be together in a film.See more

QuotesNeil Clarke: I'm not going to give you a biscuit until you answer my question!Dennis: Biscuits! Bread biscuits, black biscuits!Neil Clarke: Is that all you think about?Dennis: Nothing else matters! Biscuits, please!Neil Clarke: Dennis, become a rational thinking creature!Dennis: Look, I just can't concentrate on anything till I've had one of those biscuits! I know it's crazy, but that's how it is. I guess I'm kinda hooked on them. So please, give me just one biscuit, and I'll be able to think about something else!Neil Clarke: That makes sense.[...]

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