
Greece, Rome, and Religion Recap

Rome750 BC 476 AD1

BeginningStarted along the Tiber River

CultureIdeas and culture borrowed from Greece.

Geography and peopleItaly was broken into city-states.Greek settlements had influenced Italian culture.The Romans started gaining power and learned to build arches and irrigation systems.Roman Republic 509 BCRepublic: Government where officials were chosen by the peopleConsuls: 2 were appointed and could only have 1 yr terms. They commanded the army and directed the government.Senators: wealthy citizens who wrote laws and directed governmentIn the event of War or crisis the senate appointed a Dictator: Ruler who has complete control of Gov. , for only 6 months.

SocietyVoting for only free-born male citizensDivided into Particians (Aristocracy) and Plebeians (Farmers and Artisans)Legal Code: Twelve Tablets: written list of rules based on the Roman legal system

LatinLanguage of RomeBecame the language of learning and the official language of the Catholic Church after Rome falls.Develops romance language: French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, and Romanian

ArchitectureAqueducts : transport water to urban areas from the countryside.Built Coliseum, arches, domes, and concrete.

ExpansionRome took over all of Italy.Had citizen soldiers, rewarded bravery with gifts but if your unit ran 1 out of every 10 soldiers was killed.Conquered people just had to pay taxes and fight for Rome but still got to keep their customs.Put soldiers in conquered lands and built a series of roads.Carthage

Carthage continued.Had an empire in North Africa and Spain.They fought Rome in the Punic Wars.Rome was winning and the Carthage king, Hannibal, led an army including war elephants through France and over the alps to attack Rome.

Hannibal Invades 218 BCHe caught the Romans by surprise even though he lost his men.He defeated the Romans time and time again but never got Rome.Rome attacked Carthage and so Hannibal returned home to defend the attack but it was to late.Romans controlled the Mediterranean.They even salted the Earth to keep people from coming back to Carthage.

Decline of RepublicThe gap of wealth grew larger between the poor and wealthyPeople started to riot and civil wars broke outJulius Caesar came to power during this timeJulius Caesar

Caesar Rules 49 - 44 BCHe led an Rebelling Army to put down revolts across the Empire.He said: Veni, Vidi, Vici I came, I saw, I conquered!He forced the senate to make him dictator.He allied with Egypt and their queen Cleopatra.However, they were never able to legally marry.

Caesars reformsHe granted citizenship to more people.Had public works projects to employ the poor.Gave public land to the poor.He reorganized the Government of the far territories.He tried to fix the many problems that caused the civil wars.AssassinationHis critics thought that he wanted to be king eventually.In March of 44 BC the senate stabbed him to death when he entered the Building.Caesars Grand Nephew Octavian took over.

OctavianReceived the title of Augustus (Exalted one).not technically a king but he chose a successor and had the same power as a king.Republic was gone and the new age of the Roman Empire began.

Other EmperorsNero and Caligula were evil and thought to be insane. Nero viciously persecuted Christians, and even burn down parts of Rome.Marcus Aurelius was wise and intelligent. Rome brought peace and stability to an empire about the size of the USA.

Rise in ChristianityJesus was born during Augustus rule. Started in Roman province of Judea then spread by missionaries.325 AD Nicene Code: written to define Christian beliefs.By 395 AD it was the official religion of Rome.When the empire fell Rome became the center of the religion.The SpreadPaul spread the religion around the Mediterranean.The Emperor Constantine finalized religious freedom after years of persecution.Later Theodosius made Christianity the official Religion of Rome. - 79 A.D.Volcano erupted and covered the city of Pompeii in ash.Had a Pyroclastic flow which captured people in their last momentsThe Volcano was Mt. Vesuvius

Buried for 1,700 yrs!

Decline of RomeRulers began to be overthrown by rival groups led by generals.In 1 span of 50 yrs 26 emperors were crowned, only 1 died of natural causes.High taxes and over farmed land caused poverty. 2 empiresEmperor Diocletian split the empire into 2 sections in 284 AD.He controlled the East and a subordinate emperor ruled the West.Constantine took over in 312 AD and made a new capital, Constantinople.Eastern half grew wealthier and more powerful than the west.

Foreign InvasionsThe powerful Huns from Asia started invading in 350 AD.Rome gave up Britain, Spain, and France.In 476 a Germanic ruler ousted the west Roman Emperor in Rome .

Why did it fall?People lost pride and satisfaction in Roman Government.Mercenaries (hired soldiers) had to be paid to fight wars. Citizen soldiers were unskilled and unmotivated.Too many invasions.Poverty and high taxes.SurvivalEastern survived and became the Byzantine Empire that lasted 1000 yrs.Christianity survived and maintained some Roman culture.Rome would become the center of the Catholic faith for the rest of History.

InfluencesContributed to our ideas on Executive/Legislative/and Judicial.Roman law becomes the basis of Law in the western world.Veto: Latin for I refuse.Jury trials: Judges were considered citizens since they were not trained/professional judges.Innocent until proven guilty.Punished for actions not thoughts.Architecture inspired future buildings. Ruins all over Europe.

Mosaics: Tile or small pieces of material that tare put together to make art

Present day Rome.

Rome will continue on later with the Church and the Renaissance

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