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Chapter 37The Circulatory & Respiration

SystemBy: TaMaya Newsome

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Respiratory System

• Some of the features of the system

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The Circulatory System

• The Functions that go on during the system….

• The human circulatory consist of the heart, and a series of good and bad blood that flows through it. Also oxygen, nutrients, and waste products can go in and out from a cell membrane and this can also be known as the, “TRANSPORTATION”.

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The Heart

This is what goes on in the heart…….

•SEPTUM- will not allow oxygen-poor and oxygen-rich to mix together

•SUPERIOR VENA CAVA- carries oxygen-poor blood from upper body 2 atrium

•PULMONAR VEINS- oxygen-rich blood from each lung 2 atria

•INFERIOR VENA CAVA- carries oxygen-poor blood from left ventricle 2 right atrium

•AORTA-OXYGEN-oxygen rich blood from left ventricle 2 right atrium

•The blood flows through the heart. As the heart contracts blood in and out of the

ventricles. There are FLAP like tissues which are called VALVES, which are located

between the atria and ventricles. But if he ventricles close, it stops the blood to go back

to the atria.

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The Blood Cells

• Now I’m going to take you through what goes on in your blood.• Red Blood Cells: this cell transport your oxygen. You get the color red because

it comes from the binds that oxygen in the lungs transport through the body where oxygen is released. The shape of the cell is a disk like and thinner in the middle than on the edges. It comes from the red bone marrow that you have. But 1 thing this cell doesn’t have is NUCLIE. Once the cell has finished its job then its pushed through the capillaries.

• White Blood Cells: another name is PHAGOCYTES. Its less abundent than the red blood cells. They produce bone marrow, but releases NUCLIE and contains HEMOGLOBLIN. This cell attacks foreign substances and organisms. They release chemicals that help fight diseases.

• BLOOD CLOTTING & PLATELETS: clotting is made of possible by plasma proteins and cell fragments called PLATELETS. And for plasma a enclosed piece of cell membrane and is released to the bloodstream.

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Lymphatic System

• This system is made up of a network of vessels that collects fluids that have been lost in the circulatory system. The main function is that it helps destroy damaged red blood cells and platelets. Certain white blood cells called T cells mature the thymus gland which helps produce hormones that helps develop.

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• what can cause the disorders are High Blood Pressure which means your blood is to high and it forces your heart to work even hard to keep you breathing. Also you can develop heart disease and may cause you to suffer from a HEART ATTACT or maybe even a STROKE.

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The Human Respiratory

• It consist of the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs. Air that goes into the body helps the tissue in many ways. It has a thin layer called Mucus. The pharynx is for food and air way, so u can breath comfortably. The trachea is cartilage helps you swallow easy. For the bronchi that helps the most because it helps you breath and has large passageways for the chest cavity, and last is the alveoli which is a network which blood and air work together to form the respiratory system.

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