
Matilda: Reading Comprehension QuestionsChapter 1: The Reader of Books 1. Write in the names in the sentences. a. _____________________ is an ordinary little boy. b. _____________________ is a clever little girl. c. _____________________ is a librarian. 2. What can Matilda do at the age of one and a half? ___________________ 3. What can Matilda do at the age of three? __________________________ 4. What can Matilda do at the age of four? ___________________________ 5. Why does Mrs Phelps watch Matilda with surprise and excitement? _____________________________________________________________ 6. Why doesnt Mr Wormwood want Matilda to read books? _____________ _____________________________________________________________ 7. Which sentence is true? a. Mr and Mrs Wormwood are doting parents to Matilda. ____________ b. Mr and Mrs Wormwood are not interested in Matilda. _____________ 8. The author likens Matilda to what on page 10 in order to emphasize how her parents feel about her? ______________________________________ 9. What does Matilda ask her father to buy for her and what is his response? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 10. What does Matildas mother do every day? _________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 11. What does Matilda decide to do every day? _________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 12. What is the first adult book that Matilda reads? ______________________ _____________________________________________________________ 13. Who walks Matilda to the library each day? _________________________ 14. What does Matilda cook for herself to enjoy while she is reading?

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions_____________________________________________________________ 15. Where does Matilda do her reading? _______________________________ 16. How do you think Matildas parents will react when they find out about her going to the library and reading all the time? _________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Chapter 2: Mr Wormwood, the Great Car Dealer 1. Write in the names in the sentences. a) _____________________ is a small, ratty looking man. b) _____________________ is a large woman with dyed hair and heavy makeup. c) _____________________ is Matildas older brother. 2. Do you think Mr Wormwood is a good father? Why or why not? _________ ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 3. Which do you prefer- watching TV or reading? Why do you feel this way? _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 4. Write True or False next to each sentence. a. Matildas parents are busy doing things that arent important. ________ b. Matilda doesnt look at the pictures in the books. __________________ c. Matildas father buys and sells cars. _____________________________ d. Matildas father is an honest man. _____________________________ e. Matildas father drives cars backwards for thousands of miles. _______ f. Matilda wants to watch TV with her family. _______________________ 5. What does Mr Wormwood use sawdust for? _________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 6. Why does Mr Wormwood use a drill at work? ________________________ _____________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions7. What does Mr Wormwood plan on his son doing for a living when he grows up? __________________________________________________________ 8. What does Matilda think about how her father runs his business? ________ _____________________________________________________________ 9. What does platinum blonde mean? _______________________________ 10. What do the Wormwoods normally eat for dinner and where do they eat it? ___________________________________________________________ 11. What does Matilda decide to do after her father is beastly to her? ______ ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Chapter 3: The Hat and the Superglue 1. Write True or False next to each sentence. a. Matilda puts glue around the inside of her fathers hat. _____________ b. Matilda cuts the hat off her fathers head. _____________ c. Matilda caught her mother picking her nose. ______________ d. Mrs Wormwood thinks her husband is handsome with the hat on his head. _________________ e. Mr Wormwood takes a shower with his hat on. _________________ f. Matilda tells her father it looks like he has insects crawling on his forehead. __________________ 2. How does Mrs Wormwood think the hat got glued to her husbands head? _____________________________________________________________ 3. What happened to the boy down the road? _________________________ _____________________________________________________________ 4. Is Matilda amused by the incident of the hat? ________________________ 5. Does Matilda believe she has successfully taught her father a permanent lesson? _______________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions6. Do you think it is right for children to watch TV all the time? Why or why not? ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ 7. Draw a picture to illustrate what happens in Chapter 3.

Chapter 4: The Ghost 1. How long was there peace in Matildas house after the hat incident? __________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. What was Matilda doing when her father became angry with her? ____________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. What did Mr Wormwood do to Matildas library book? ____________________ _________________________________________________________________ 4. How did Matilda react after her fathers temper tantrum? ___________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5. Write in the names in the sentences. a. _____________________ is a friend of Matildas. b. _____________________ is a magnificent blue and yellow parrot. 6. What are the parrots favorite phrases to say? ____________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions7. What does Matilda have to give to Fred in order to borrow the parrot? ________ ________________________________________________________________ 8. What does Matilda do with the parrot? _________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 9. What does Matildas mother think the parrot is? _________________________ 10. What do Matilda, Michael, and Mr and Mrs Wormwood take to defend themselves as they investigate the noises? __________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 11. Whose idea is it that the noise must be a ghost? __________________________ 12. What does Matilda tell Fred when he asks, Did it behave itself? ___________ _________________________________________________________________

Chapter 5: Arithmetic 1. How does Matilda cope with her awful parents? __________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. Why is Mr Wormwood in an excellent mood when he comes home from work? _________________________________________________________________ 3. What was the profit for just car number three? ___________________________ 4. What does Mr Wormwood tell Michael that he has in his head? _____________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. How did Matilda do the sums her father gave to Michael? _________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6. How does Mr Wormwood think Matilda figured out the sums? ______________ _________________________________________________________________ 7. What was for dinner that night? _______________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension QuestionsChapter 6: The Platinum-Blonde Man 1. What does Matilda decide to do in revenge against her father? ______________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. Who does Matilda tell her father was very brainy? ______________________ 3. What is Matildas father in the habit of doing to his hair each morning? _______ _________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 4. What color is Mr Wormwoods hair tonic? _____________________________ 5. Why doesnt Matilda look at her father when he comes into the kitchen? ______ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 6. What does Matildas mother do when she sees her husband? ________________ _________________________________________________________________ 8. What does Matildas mother think of her husbands hair? __________________ _________________________________________________________________ 9. What is Matildas mother worried about when she says, Be careful! Now look what youve done! _____________________________________________________ 10. What does her father begin to worry about after her mother says, Mines terribly strong.? __________________________________________________________ 11. What does her father decide to do? ____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 12. Write down five things that good parents do and five things that bad parents do. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension QuestionsChapter 7: Miss Honey 1. Write in the names in the sentences. a. ________________________ is the headmistress at Crunchem Hall. b. ________________________ is a slim and fragile teacher. c. ________________________ is a small boy who can spell cat. d. _______________________ is another small boy in Matildas class. e. _______________________ is a girl from Matildas class who says she can read sentences. 2. How old is Matilda when she goes to school for the first time? ______________ 3. How many children does Crunchem Hall have? __________________________ 4. How many other children are in Matildas group? ________________________ 5. How old is Miss Honey? ___________________ 6. What is fourteen multiplied by nineteen? _________________ 7. How many children in the group can spell the word cat? __________________ 8. How does the author recommend you to behave if you ever meet a person like Miss Trunchbull? _______________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 9. List three things that Miss Honey warns her students not to do in regards to Miss Trunchbull. ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 10. How does Matilda explain herself when her teacher asks if she taught herself to multiply? __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 11. What does Matilda say about calculators? ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 12. What is the sentence that Miss Honey asks if any of her students can read? ______ __________________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions13. What is an epicure? _________________________________________________ 14. What type of poem does Matilda recite that embarrasses Miss Honey? _________ __________________________________________________________________ 15. What does Matilda think is important for a childrens book to have and why? __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 16. What author does Matilda say she is very fond of? __________________________ Chapter 8: The Trunchbull 1. How does Miss Honey feel about going to see Miss Trunchbull? _____________ _________________________________________________________________ 2. Why does Miss Trunchbull think Miss Honey has come to see her? ___________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. What is Miss Trunchbull convinced that Matilda did that morning? ___________ _________________________________________________________________ 4. How does Miss Trunchbull know anything about Matilda in the first place? _____ __________________________________________________________________ 5. What does Miss Trunchbull wish they were still allowed to do in school? _______ __________________________________________________________________ 6. What word does Miss Honey use to describe Matilda? ______________________ 7. What does Miss Honey ask Miss Trunchbull to do with Matilda? ______________ ___________________________________________________________________ 8. Why does Miss Trunchbull think Miss Honey asks her the question from #6? ___________________________________________________________________ 9. Does Miss Trunchbull do what Miss Honey wants her to do? Why or why not? ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension QuestionsChapter 9: The Parents 1. Put the events in order of what happened first: a. _______ Miss Honey visits Mr and Mrs Wormwood b. _______ Miss Honey instructs Matilda to read a geometry textbook while she teaches the rest of the class c. _______ Miss Honey borrows textbooks from senior class teachers d. _______ Miss Honey becomes excited about the possibility of privately tutoring Matilda after school e. _______ Miss Honey realizes Mr and Mrs Wormwood are horrible parents 2. Why did Miss Honey interrupt Matildas recess time to talk to her? _________ ________________________________________________________________ 3. Does Miss Honey believe what Mr Wormwood said about Matilda to Miss Trunchbull? _______________________________________________________ 4. When does Miss Honey go to the Wormwoods house? ____________________ _________________________________________________________________ 5. What are the Wormwoods doing when she gets there? _____________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6. What does Mr Wormwood think Miss Honey is there for at first? ___________ ________________________________________________________________ 7. What does Miss Honey say that finally gets Mr Wormwood to let her in? ______ _________________________________________________________________ 8. What do Matildas parents say when Miss Honey tells them she is extraordinarily brilliant at reading for a five-year old? __________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 10. What ironic thing does Mrs Wormwood say to Miss Honey, as an insult? ______ _________________________________________________________________ 11. What does Mrs Wormwood think is most important for girls to learn to do? ______ __________________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions12. What do her parents say when Miss Honey tells them Matilda is a mathematical genius? ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 13. List three of the names the Wormwoods call Miss Honey. ___________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 14. What does Miss Honey suggest to the Wormwoods, in the end of the chapter? _____ ___________________________________________________________________

Chapter 10: Throwing the Hammer 1. Write the names in the sentences. a. _______________________ is Matildas gutsy and adventurous friend. b. _______________________ is a 10 year old girl with a boil on her nose. c. _______________________ is the tattle-tale who told who put syrup on the Trunchbulls chair. d. _______________________ is a boy who was caught eating Liquorice Allsorts. e. _______________________ is a girl with long, golden, plaited pigtails. 2. How old is Hortensia? __________________ 3. What is Hortensia doing while she is talking to Lavender and Matilda? _________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. What does Hortensia say Miss Trunchbull thinks five-year olds are? ____________ ___________________________________________________________________ 5. What is The Chokey? Describe it. _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 6. How many times was Hortensia in The Chokey in her first year? ______________ 7. What did Hortensia do first that got her put in The Chokey? __________________ __________________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions8. What does Hortensia say when Matilda says she has read Just So Stories, by Rudyard Kipling? ___________________________________________________________ 9. How did Hortensia get caught? _________________________________________ 10. What was another thing Hortensia did to Miss Trunchbull? __________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 11. What does Miss Trunchbull do when she doesnt know exactly who did something? ___________________________________________________________________ 12. Why does Miss Trunchbull like to throw children? _________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 13. What biblical event does the author compare Miss Trunchbull and her progress across the playground to? ___________________________________________________ 14. What does Miss Trunchbull do to Amanda Thripp and why? __________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 15. Why dont parents complain about Miss Trunchbull? ________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Chapter 11: Bruce Bogtrotter and the Cake 1. What does Matilda tell Lavender is the reason Miss Trunchbull gets away with her behavior? __________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. What analogy does Matilda make about being at Crunchem Hall? _____________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. Write the name into the sentence. a. ___________________________ is a large, round 11-year old boy. b. ___________________________ is a tall, shriveled, old woman. 4. A. List six names Miss Trunchbull calls Bruce. ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension QuestionsB. Look up these words in the dictionary. What do they mean? ________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 5. What does Miss Trunchbull accuse Bruce of doing and how does she claim to know it? ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 6. How large is the cake that the cook brings out? ____________________________ 7. Why is Bruce hesitant to eat the cake? ___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 8. What does Miss Trunchbull expect Bruce to do with the cake and what will happen if he doesnt? ________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 9. How old is Bruce Bogtrotter? _______________ 10. Why do the children start cheering? _____________________________________ 11. What does Miss Trunchbull do then? ____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Chapter 12: Lavender 1. What does Miss Honey tell her class in the middle of the first week? __________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. What will Miss Trunchbull test them on? ________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. Whose job is it to fetch the water, jug, and glass? __________________________ 4. List three facts about newts. __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. Write the name in the sentence. a. ________________________ is a boy who says a newts chopped-off tail will grow into another newt ten times larger. 6. Who does Lavender tell about her plan? _________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions7. What does Lavender do with the newt? __________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Chapter 13: The Weekly Test 1. What does Miss Trunchbull call the students when she first come in? What does that mean?________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Write the name in the sentence. a. ________________________ did not wash his hands. b. ________________________ is a girl who spells difficulty. c. ________________________ does not know the answer to 2 x 7 d. ________________________ reminds Miss Trunchbull that she was once a baby. 3. What does Nigel suggest Miss Trunchbull do? ____________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. How did Miss Honey teach the class such a difficult word? __________________ 5. What question does Miss Trunchbull ask Rupert? _________________________ 6. What word does Miss Trunchbull ask Eric to spell? ________________________ 7. What does Miss Trunchbull call Matildas father?__________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 8. What does Miss Trunchbull do to Rupert? _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 9. Who misspells what and what does Miss Trunchbull do? __________________ _________________________________________________________________ 10. What happened to the car Miss Trunchbull bought from Mr Wormwood? ______ _________________________________________________________________

Chapter 14: The First Miracle 1. What has Miss Trunchbull thought of inventing? _________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions2. What does Miss Trunchbull think is in her glass? _________________________ _________________________________________________________________ 3. Who does Miss Trunchbull accuse of putting the newt in her water and why? _________________________________________________________________ 4. What happens to Matilda after she screams at Miss Trunchbull? ____________ ________________________________________________________________ 5. What happens to the newt? __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ 6. What do Matildas classmates suggest happened to the glass? _______________ _________________________________________________________________

Chapter 15: The Second Miracle 1. What is Matilda worried is going to happen to her? ________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. Does Miss Honey believe Matilda? _____________________________________ 3. What does Miss Honey ask Matilda to do? _______________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Where does Matilda tell Miss Honey she was? _____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Obviously, she was sitting in her chair. What do you think she meant? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. What does Miss Honey invite Matilda to do? _____________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Chapter 16: Miss Honeys Cottage 1. What does Matilda think she can do now? _______________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions2. What does divine mean? ______________________________________________ 3. What does phenomenon mean? _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. What does precocious mean? __________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. What word is spelled wrong in the book on page 181, near the top of the page? __________________________________________________________________ 6. As they are walking, Matilda and Miss Honey pass many types of plants and trees. List four types of trees that Miss Honey tells Matilda about. _________________ __________________________________________________________________ 7. Describe Miss Honeys home. ________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 8. What great poet does Miss Honey quote before they go inside? ________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 9. List three places that Matilda mentally compares Miss Honeys cottage to. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 10. What is a Primus stove? ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 11. How does Miss Honey get water if there are no taps in the sink? _______________ ___________________________________________________________________ 12. How does Miss Honey bathe? _________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 13. Describe Miss Honeys sitting room. ____________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions14. What is whitewash? ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

Chapter 17: Miss Honeys Story 1. What are the pros that Matilda starts listing off to Miss Honey about being poor? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. How does Miss Honey feel about Matildas questions? ________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. How old is Miss Honey? _________________________________________________ 4. What did her father do for a living? ________________________________________ 5. How old was Miss Honey when her father died? ______________________________ 6. What does Matilda say likely happened to Miss Honeys father? _________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 7. Where are all of Miss Honeys relations? ___________________________________ 8. Where does all of Miss Honeys money go and why? _________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 9. How did Miss Honey escape from her aunt? _________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 10. How much does Miss Honey pay to live in the little house? _____________________ 11. Why wasnt Miss Honey left her fathers house when he died? _________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 12. Who is Miss Honeys aunt? ______________________________________________

Chapter 18: The Names 1. What two things does Miss Honey apologize for? ___________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 2. What is a snippet? _____________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions3. What relation was Miss Honeys father to Miss Trunchbull if Miss Trunchbull is Miss Honeys aunt? ____________________________ 4. What did Miss Trunchbull call Miss Honeys father when they were around the house at home?___________________________ 5. What did Miss Honeys father call Miss Trunchbull? _______________________ 6. What did Miss Honeys father and Miss Trunchbull call Miss Honey around the house? ________________________________ 7. What does Matilda thank Miss Honey for as she runs into her house? ___________ ___________________________________________________________________ Chapter 19: The Practice 1. What does Matilda use to practice with? __________________________________ 2. Where does she practice? ______________________________________________ 3. What is she trying to do that is different from what she did in the classroom? _____ ___________________________________________________________________ 4. All of a sudden, what happens to Matilda? ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 5. What could she do by the following week? ________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Chapter 20: The Third Miracle 1. What happens every Thursday? __________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 2. What happened to Rupert and Eric last week? ______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 3. What does Miss Honey warn Nigel? ______________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 4. What does Miss Trunchbull test them on first? _____________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions5. Miss Trunchbull doesnt really want the children to succeed at her tests. What is a good example of this? _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

6. Write the name in the sentence. a. ________________________ is a boy who sits in the very front row, all the way to the right. b. _______________________ is Miss Trunchbulls brother, who is dead. c. _______________________ is Miss Trunchbulls first name. d. _______________________ is Miss Honeys first name. 7. What happens while Miss Trunchbull is in the middle of humiliating Wilfred? __________________________________________________________________ 8. Who is making this happen? ___________________________________________ 9. What is Miss Trunchbulls reaction? _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 10. What are the demands that are made of Miss Trunchbull? ____________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 11. What does Nigel get to do that would normally get him in whopping trouble? _____ ___________________________________________________________________ 12. How many people does it take to carry Miss Trunchbull? _____________________ 13. What does Miss Honey do to Matilda? ___________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Chapter 21: A New Home 1. Why does Miss Trunchbull leave the village? ______________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions2. What arrives at the office and what does it mean?____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Write the name in the sentence. a. ________________________ is the Deputy Head. b. ________________________ did not show up for work. c. ________________________ is appointed Head Teacher. d. ________________________ is Matildas new teacher. e. ________________________ is running from the law. 4. What does Matilda confide in Miss Honey has happened to her now? __________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. Why does Miss Honey think this has happened to Matilda? ___________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 6. A. How fast does the heart of a mouse beat? _________________________________ b. A hedgehogs? ____________________________________________________ c. A horses? _______________________________________________________ 7. What is Matildas family doing when she comes home? _____________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 8. What does Matilda do? _______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 9. Why are Matildas parents leaving? _____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 10. Where are they going? _________________________________________________ 11. What does Matilda want? _____________________________________________ 12. What does Mrs Wormwood suggest to her husband? ________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 13. What happens to Matilda at the end of the story? _____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension QuestionsThoughtful Review 14. Write down how you feel when. a. Miss Trunchbull catches Wilfreds feet in her hands. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ b. The piece of chalk starts moving across the blackboard _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ c. Miss Trunchbull falls to the floor _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ d. Nigel pours water over Miss Trunchbull. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ e. Miss Honey gets her house back. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ f. Mr and Mrs Wormwood let Matilda live with Miss Honey. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 15. Look at the names Wormwood, Trunchbull, and Honey. Look up worm, bull, and honey in a dictionary. Why do you think Roald Dahl chose these names? Choose new names for these characters. ____________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questions_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 16. Look up the word impossible in your dictionary. Lots of impossible things happen in Matilda. Write the things down. _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ 17. What do Matilda and Miss Honey say to each other when they return to Miss Honeys house? Write the conversation. ____________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension QuestionsNovel Review: Quiz 1. Who are the people in italics? a. Were too good to you already, my girl! _________________________ b. Shall I find you a nice one with lots of pictures in it? ______________________________ c. You mean youve looked at the pictures. ________________________ d. I get it from the wood shop. __________________________________ e. She was too angry. ___________________________ f. Youll pull the skin off my head! ____________________________ g. Dont you ever stop reading? _________________________ h. My father gave it to me. ______________________ i. Hes always saying that. _________________________ j. I want to see if youre clever. __________________________ 2. Underline the right words. a. Matilda is older / younger than Michael. b. Matilda reads fourteen famous books in six / sixteen months. c. Matildas father sells cars / houses. d. Mr Wormwood has a thick / thin moustache. e. Matilda and her family always eat dinner in the dining room / living room. f. Matilda asks her father if his feet / head got bigger. g. Mr Wormwoods first name is Harry / Michael. h. The parrot is always saying, Dead mans dinner / supper! 3. What are the things in italics? a. Nigel spelled it. ______________________ b. Mrs Phelps at the library helps me to choose them. ____________________ c. I was in there yesterday. ____________________________ d. Its only got ten thousand miles on the clock. __________________________ e. We dont keep them in the house. _____________________________

Matilda: Reading Comprehension Questionsf. Its a very tall, narrow cupboard in Trunchbulls room. _____________________ g. M-my m-m-mummy likes it long. _______________________________ h. And this selfish little snake ate it! ____________________________ i. But Miss Trunchbull picked up the empty plate and crashed it down on his head. __________________________ j. She never gives a lesson without one. __________________________ 4. Write the right words in the sentences.angry car dark eggs happen orange school shaking

a. Most children begin _______________ when they are five years old. b. Matilda has _______________ hair. c. Miss Honeys voice is ___________ when she asks Matilda about the books she is reading. d. Miss Trunchbull sounds like an __________________ dog. e. Miss Trunchbull buys a _________________ from Matildas father. f. Someone puts bad _______________ under Miss Trunchbulls desk. g. Lavender thinks that bad people need to have something bad __________________ to them. h. Newts have ______________________ stomachs.

Matilda: Reading Comprehension QuestionsMatch the questions with the answers. 5. Why does Matilda start going to school later than other children? _____ 6. Why does Miss Honey try to stay calm when Matilda multiplies twelve sevens? _________ 7. Why does Miss Honey go to see Miss Trunchbull? __________ 8. Why does Miss Trunchbull think Matilda is a bad girl? ________ 9. Why does Miss Honey go to see Matildas parents? _________ 10. Why doesnt Mr Wormwood want to see Miss Honey? ____________ 11. Why does Miss Trunchbull put children in The Chokey? __________ 12. Why doesnt Miss Trunchbull like Amandas hair? _____________ 13. Why does Miss Trunchbull make Bruce Bogtrotter eat a cake? __________ 14. Why isnt Bruce Bogtrotter hurt when Miss Trunchbull hits him with a plate? ____________ 15. Why does Lavender put a newt in Miss Trunchbulls glass of water? ______

a. Because she wants to be as brave as Matilda. b. Because she doesnt want to show that she is very surprised. c. Because she wants to make them understand that Matilda is very special. d. Because she thinks he ate her cake. e. Because she wants to punish them. f. Because she wants to tell her about Matilda.

g. Because he is too full of cake. h. Because he is watching TV. i. j. Because her parents forgot to send her. Because she believes that he sold her a good car.

k. Because it is very long. l. Because Mr Wormwood told her this.

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