


Fundamental Marketing Rule: Right Person + Right Message + Right Time/Context

For marketing to be successful, it must follow this fundamental rule: Show the right

message to the right person at the right time.

Fortunately, Facebook makes achieving this fundamental rule easy! And we’re here

to show you how.

I’m Chris Scott from The Paperless Agent. For those of you who don’t know, The

Paperless Agent trains real estate professionals on essential marketing, tech, and

sales skills.

But how do we know what will work for agents? Because we figure out what works

in our own real estate practice--Creath & Scott Homes--and then we share it with


And let me tell you… We’ve run THOUSANDS of Facebook campaigns (and spent

hundreds of thousands of dollars in the process) to figure out works best on


So without further ado, here are 5 of our favorite Facebook campaigns.

For each campaign, we’ll share a sample ad / post / video, explain how it works,

and show you who should receive the campaign.



A few years ago, Facebook predicted that “Every post on your feed will be video within the next 5 years.” Looking back, they aren’t far off. A HUGE majority of every newsfeed is made up of video.

And it’s easy to see why.... Video is so much more engaging than reading text!

Plus, video sticks with people (meaning if a home buyer or seller sees a video of you, you’re much more likely to spring to mind when they’re choosing an agent to work with).

Okay, you get it… Video is awesome. But how should you use video? Your goal should be to share useful information so people correlate your face with real estate expertise.

The easiest place to start is by taking something you’re already doing, like market updates or home tours, and turn it into video!

The you can run an ad campaign to put that video in front of the right people.


• Facebook Fans and Database (email list)

• Lookalikes of Facebook Fans and Database (email list)

• People in your farm areas


Useful Tips:

• When it comes to “Brand Awareness Impact”, it only takes someone watching for 3 seconds

to increase brand awareness by 32%f they watch for 10 seconds, its a 55% increase in their

recognition of your brand.

• To catch someone’s interest, you need to give them something of value in the first 3 seconds--

so start your videos strong!

• By using a well done video to market a home, you can really differentiate yourself from the

competition with sellers. .

• If you are unable to make videos, a slideshow of photos can work as well using Facebook’s

slideshow feature.

• Afraid to be on camera? Don’t be. Sure, it can take a little practice (and a few takes) to get a

video you’re happy with, but it’s well worth it! If you are nervous, consider having another

person with you on camera for conversation. Speaking with someone else can really take the

pressure off--you’ll feel less like you’re performing.

All of us have run a Just Listed campaign at some point in some format. Postcards, newspaper ads, emails… The Just Listed campaign has existed in real estate forever.

Facebook Just Listed campaigns essentially work the same. They are just way cheaper to run, reach way more people, and are way more impressive to sellers.

The Just Listed Facebook campaign is a cornerstone of our business because it allows you to achieve so much with one campaign.


Useful Tips:

• Think of the Just Listed campaign as a digital sign in the yard! You’re letting everyone who

cruises by on Facebook know the homes for sale and you’re the one selling it.

• It is critical that you have a Call To Action in your ad (tell people what to do next).Use the ad

to direct potential buyers to a landing page with more pictures and information. That way,

even if they aren’t interested in that particular property, now they are on your website and can

checkout what else you have to offer.

• Don’t have any current listings? Talk to your broker or use “Recently Sold” listings to promote

yourself as an agent. When people see that you have sold homes and see your website, you are

showing your competence.

• Give sellers what they want by marketing their home to the most possible buyers… Check!

• Stand out from the competition by showcasing Facebook ads during a listing appointment… Check!

• Let everyone in your target markets know you’re actively selling real estate there… Check!

The list goes on! If you pick one campaign from this list to run, you should pick this one.


• Facebook Fans and Database (email list)

• Lookalikes of Facebook Fans and Database (email list)

• Those in your targeted markets

Here’s a question for you: Have you ever received a message via Facebook Messenger and NOT looked at it?

If you’re like most people, the answer is probably Never!--which is exactly what makes Messenger such a powerful marketing tool.

It opens a brand new way for communicating with your database and potential clients (and one they won’t ignore!)

In the example above, for instance, we’re reaching out to potential investors in our


Useful Tips:

• Use Facebook messenger to market to your current database, creating pre-programmed

messages and responses with a call to action.

• Keep in mind the idea of “Give Marketing”: Give clients utility; give them something of value;

give them useful information.

• With just a phone number or their email address, you can upload contacts into your Facebook

database to target them for your ads.

database. The call to action in the ad is to send us a Facebook message to receive a Real Estate Investor Report.

By keeping the campaign within Facebook, people are 1) more likely to take you up on it and 2) more likely to respond to your initial message.

And that’s just one example! The possibilities are endless.


• Facebook Fans and Database (email list)

This campaign comes down to one thing: “Omnipresent Marketing.”

Omnipresent marketing is essentially staying in view of your customers so you will be the first one they think of when they think “real estate”, whether they’re referring someone or need help buying / selling themselves.

To accomplish this, we run a monthly marketing campaign for our database. It consists of a few elements: a blog post, a PDF report, Facebook Ads, emails, and a phone call.

Each month, we pick a theme… Say, “7 Steps to a Seamless Move.” We then write a blog post on that topic, turn that post into a PDF, and promote it on Facebook.

This way, we’re constantly offering something of value to our database. It’s a low-key way to stay in touch.

PLUS, it creates a context for conversation! So often we don’t pick up the phone because we feel like we don’t have anything to say. Now, we can kick-off the conversation with the simple line, “Hi, I’m calling to see if you received the report I sent you on ____ and if you had any questions.”


• Facebook Fans and Database (email list)



Why Run This Campaign/How It Works:

• By consistently putting information of value in front of your current database and consistently

marketing to your database, it gives you the opportunity to “activate” your database by making

much more direct offers of help.

• Choose a theme each month and center your campaigns around that theme, including referral

contests and offers.

• Have at least one touch point to your clients in that month, if not more, giving you an

opportunity to connect and stay in front of them.

• Use a Lead Ad: The Call To Action is to “Learn More” about the offer monthly theme you are

promoting. Once they click the link, it directs them to a form to fill out their information, thus

giving you the lead.

TO create a Lead Form ad:Click: “+ Create”

Fun fact… Did you know Instagram has 58 times more engagement per follower than Facebook?

That makes Instagram an AMAZING place to market real estate.

I know, I know… This guide is about Facebook. BUT, Instagram is now owned by Facebook, and you can run Instagram campaigns through Facebook’s Ad Manager so technically it falls under the same umbrella.

The best way to use Instagram is as an extension of your Just Listed campaign. All you have to do is create some image tailored for Instagram and select Instagram as an ad placement type for your campaign.

You can also share brief videos, home tours, and more!


• Facebook/Instagram Fans and Database (email list)

• Lookalikes of Facebook/Instagram Fans and Database (email list)

• Those in your targeted markets


Why Run This Campaign/How It Works:

• The rich media format is what makes Instagram fun, and allows you to get the right message in

front of the right person at the right time in a memorable and interesting way.

• Seeing the photos from your life also makes it more interesting for your clients, and sharing

video is easy and creative.

• You can use the photos and videos to market the homes, and direct people to your website. It is

also linked to Facebook, so what is posted on Instagram can be shared on Facebook, and vice


Facebook is constantly changing their platform and updating their policies, but if you want to stay

up-to-date and ahead of the curve with all the latest Facebook, Instagram and ALL other marketing

strategies for real estate, then get the ultimate real estate marketing shortcut for just $1!

With The Paperless Agent Coaching Club you will receive that and much more!

When you sign up for just $1, you will gain instant access to a customizable website, complete

marketing campaigns, two new live trainings each month, live Q&A sessions, a thriving community

to keep you on track, and an ever expanding archive of done-for-you resources.

It’s never been easier to up your marketing game and master the skills you need to keep up in

today’s market.

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