Page 1: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

4-H Club Risk Management

Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Page 2: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Financial Management

In today’s environment, volunteers have never had more reasons than now to ensure the safe keeping and documentation of 4-H club funds.

Page 3: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

What Is the Best Way to Manage Your Club’s Funds? Accurate financial management is

critical for 4-H clubs regardless of the amount of money your club raises or spends. Establish a checking account for your 4-H Club, if you plan to collect money or pay bills.

Page 4: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Follow these simple steps to open your club’s checking account and manage club funds:

Open the checking account in the club’s name, not an individual’s name. You will need to obtain an EIN (employer identification number) by completing the SS-4 form. Do not use a personal social security number instead of obtaining an EIN.

Require two signatures on all checks written. The treasurer and another officer or a club advisor could serve in this role. (Recommend a club advisor)

Page 5: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Send bank statements to a non-check signer. After review, give statements to the treasurer to include with financial records.

Approve all expenditures at a club meeting, before writing the check.

Keep receipts and invoices with financial records

Document all income. File a carbon receipt of cash and list all checks and cash in the Treasurer Book.

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Keep accurate records and give a treasurer’s report at each meeting.

Audit treasury records and club’s account annually. Use Recommended Audit Procedures provided by OSU Extension. (2 Advisors, 2 Parents, Treasurer)

Complete and return the “Ohio 4-H Club/Affiliate Yearly Financial Summary” by Jan. 30 following the calendar year end. Club equipment inventory should be submitted annually with quantity of each and estimated value.

Page 7: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Spend money raised for intended purposes to limit carryover funds.

File IRS Form 990, if gross receipts exceed $50,000 or 990N if gross annual receipts are less than $50,000. (due 5/15)

Page 8: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist
Page 9: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Disbanding or Splitting Clubs

Contact your County Extension Professional or refer to Club Disbands or Splits to answer questions regarding dispersal of club funds under this situation.

From time to time it becomes necessary for 4-H club members, volunteers, or ExtensionEducators to determine if a club should continue functioning. Unfortunately, these decisions are sometimes emotionally driven and present challenges to those involved.

Page 10: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

4-H Club Name:1. In instances where the club is splitting (i.e. group of youth/adults/volunteers state a new club), the club name will always stay with the original group. In other words, those that start the new club must identify a new club name.

2. In instances where the club is disbanding, the 4-H club name then is no longer in use. If another new group or existing group wishes to use the former club name, that is certainly acceptable.

Page 11: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

4-H Funds: If a 4-H club disbands the funds in the club

treasury should be given to a worthy cause. If possible the club should decide on the cause. Examples: Williams County 4-H Committee, 4-H County Endowment Account, 4-H Camp Development Fund, Ohio 4-H Foundation, (501c3)Charity, etc.

If a club votes to divide, the treasury should be divided upon membership with equal shares per member going to the respective club treasury.

If a club is divided without mutual agreement and cannot decide on division of the treasury, the problem should be referred to the County 4-H Committee and County 4-H Youth Development professional.

Page 12: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

4-H Funds: (continued) While not a 4-H policy, individual 4-H

members should not be given money to keep for themselves in an effort to resolve a dispute regarding final distribution of funds.

Page 13: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Materials & Property:Club members and volunteers shall work with the County 4-H Youth Development professional in regards to distribution of property. The following will serve as guidelines:

When a club splits, property will remain with the existing club and not transfer to the new club.

Page 14: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Materials & Property: (continued) When a club disbands and there is

disagreement on distribution of owned materials, the owned materials will be given to the County 4-H Committee who will work with the County 4-H Educator to make a final determination of distribution.

At no time shall individual 4-H members or volunteers be given materials in an effort to distribute them upon a club disbanding or splitting.

Page 15: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Accident & Liability Risk

All activities conducted have risk. Each must be evaluated to determine the type and severity of risk involved.

Reducing your risk begins with having your members and their parents/guardians read and sign permission forms.

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Permission Slip serves as a means for parents to give

their authorization for their child to participate in a program. Does not ask for release of liability, therefore, permission slips do not absolve Extension/4-H and you, the volunteer of any liability.

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Informed Consent clearly describes the activity and appraises

the participant and his/her parents of the specific risks involved requiring the parent/guardian signature acknowledging the activity and related risks. Does not attempt to excuse Extension/4-H from responsibility for its own negligence; however, does attempt to relieve Extension/4-H and you, the volunteer, from liability for the inherent risks of the activity.

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Page 19: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Transporting Members Parents/legal guardians are responsible

for transporting their 4-H member(s) on field trips, to club meetings or other 4-H events and activities. In all cases, when transporting or coordinating the transportation of a minor, please use the Ohio State University Extension Waiver and Permission to Transport Child/Charge form.

Page 20: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist
Page 21: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Transportation Policy Ohio State University Extension does

not require its [volunteers] to coordinate transportation for [members] or to transport [members] in personal vehicles. It is appropriate for [volunteers] to inform [members] that they are responsible for making their own travel/transportation arrangements.

Page 22: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Transportation Policy (continued) From time to time, an [volunteer] may

determine that for legitimate educational/business purposes it would be appropriate to transport [members] in a personal vehicle or to coordinate transportation for [members]. When such situations arise, the Extension professional must follow the procedures outlined below.

Page 23: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

ProceduresA. Transporting [Members] in Personal Vehicles

Before transporting [members] in a personal vehicle, the [volunteer] must do each of the following:

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Ensure that a current, valid copy of his/her driver’s license and proof of insurance are filed with the appropriate Extension office in a locked and secure location.

Notify his/her personal insurance carrier that a personal vehicle will be used for [4-H Club] purposes to transport [members]. A [volunteer’s] personal insurance may be the only source to cover expenses in the event of an accident or other mishap.

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• Ensure that there is documentation of transporting [members] for legitimate educational/business purposes (i.e., note on [club] calendar). …

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B. Coordinating Transportation

Before coordinating transportation for [members] (not including charter bus), the [volunteer] must do each of the following:

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Ensure that a current, valid copy of each driver’s license and proof of insurance are filed with the appropriate Extension office in the volunteers’ personnel file that is locked and secure. When emergency conditions make it impossible to file these documents, the Extension professional should verify that each driver has a valid driver’s license and proof of insurance, and document the emergency conditions as soon as possible after the fact.

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Encourage each driver to notify his/her personal insurance carrier of the intended use of their personal vehicle and inform each driver that their personal insurance may be the only source to cover expenses in the event of an accident or other mishap.

Page 29: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Transporting MinorsIn addition, before transporting any minor, the [volunteer] must do each of the following: Obtain the signature of the minor’s

parents/guardians on the attached form entitled “Waiver and Permission to Transport Child/Charge.”

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For the protection of all involved (adults and youth), it is strongly recommended that more than one adult be in a vehicle when transporting youth. Consistent with Ohio State University Extension policy, an adult shall never intentionally place themselves in a one-on-one situation with a minor.

Page 31: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Volunteer Liability Insurance

The Ohio State University and County Extension Office provides all current, active, official 4-H volunteers with a "personal liability insurance" at a limit of $1,000,000 per occurrence subject to an annual aggregate for the organization. Limitations and exclusions are outlined in the policy description.

Page 32: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Special Activities & Annual Accident Insurance

You and your club may elect to purchase this insurance. A potential insurer is American Income Life. The Ohio State University Extension and Ohio 4-H Program do not endorse this company, but provide this information as a resource to 4-H volunteers.

Page 33: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Special Activities Insurance Single day or short-term policy costs range

from $0.15 per member per day and higher depending upon the 4-H club activity to be covered. This insurance provides illness and accident coverage to participating members. You should consider special activities insurance for field trips/tours or special club events (i.e. swimming party, canoe trip, trail ride, etc.). Special activities insurance is most often considered when a 4-H club has not selected to purchase the annual accident insurance.

Page 34: 4-H Club Risk Management Jeff Dick, Assistant Professor OSU Extension, Field Specialist

Annual Accident Insurance You may purchase annual accident

insurance to cover the entire 4-H year for $1.00 per member per year for most 4-H clubs or $2.00 per member per year for ATV, gymkhana and horse clubs. You must cover all members in the club when selecting this insurance option.

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