

Decomposition of terrestrial resource subsidies in headwater streams: does consumer diversity 1

matter? 2


David Stoker,1† Amber J. Falkner,1 Kelly M. Murray,2 Ashley K. Lang,1,4 Thomas R. Barnum,1,5 4

Jeffrey Hepinstall-Cymerman,3 Michael J. Conroy,3 Robert J. Cooper,3 and Catherine M. 5

Pringle1 6


1Odum School of Ecology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602 USA 8

2Department of Entomology, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 30602 USA 9

3Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia 10

30602 USA 11


4Present Address: Department of Biological Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New 13

Hampshire 03755 USA 14

5Present Address: Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, Maryland 21037 15

USA 16


† E-mail: [email protected] 18



Abstract 20

Resource subsidies and biodiversity are essential for maintaining community structure 21

and ecosystem functioning, but the relative importance of consumer diversity and resource 22

characteristics to decomposition remains unclear. Forested headwater streams are detritus-based 23

systems, dependent on leaf litter inputs from adjacent riparian ecosystems, and decomposition of 24

these resources is an important ecosystem function. Here, we examined the effects of consumer 25

community diversity on leaf decomposition in a reciprocal transplant experiment. We asked: (1) 26

if stream consumer communities are adapted to local resources, and (2) how functional trait 27

diversity among communities affects the leaf decomposition process. We did not find evidence 28

that communities were adapted to locally-derived resource subsidies. Instead, we found that 29

consumer biomass, functional trait diversity, and resource characteristics were the primary biotic 30

drivers of decomposition. Consumer biomass was stimulated by specific resource subsidies, 31

leading to direct and indirect effects of resource subsidies on ecosystem functioning. Contrary to 32

current theory, we show that decomposition was higher with decreased detritivore functional 33

diversity, suggesting dominant traits encompassing a specific niche increased decomposition. We 34

also show that top-down, consumer diversity effects can be equal in magnitude to the bottom-up 35

effects of resource characteristics during the decomposition process. Our research illustrates the 36

importance of considering multiple biotic and abiotic drivers interacting via multiple pathways to 37

affect a crucial ecosystem function. 38

Key Words 39

Aquatic ecology; biodiversity and ecosystem functioning; Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, 40

North Carolina, USA; detritus; functional diversity; structural equation modeling; terrestrial-41

aquatic linkage. 42


Introduction 43

Resource subsidies are pervasive across aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems (Polis et al. 44

1997, Marcarelli et al. 2011). These fluxes of energy and nutrients can structure food webs, 45

shape species interactions (Richardson and Sato 2015), and affect ecosystem functioning, such as 46

primary production and energy flow between trophic levels (Marcarelli et al. 2011). An 47

important ecosystem function in many systems is the decomposition of detrital resources. 48

Detritus is frequently transferred between terrestrial ecosystems and between terrestrial and 49

aquatic ecosystems (Polis et al. 1997), forming the base of many food webs (Cebrian 1999). 50

Detritus is also important for maintaining community stability and biodiversity (Moore et al. 51

2004), which can have cascading effects as biodiversity is essential for maintaining ecosystem 52

processes (Hooper et al. 2005). Extensive biodiversity and ecosystem functioning research 53

notwithstanding, the relative importance of different components of biodiversity for 54

decomposition remains unclear. 55

Decomposition is often more predictably affected by consumer diversity than detrital 56

diversity (Srivastava et al. 2009, Gessner et al. 2010). One measure of consumer diversity is 57

intraspecific variation within communities. Intraspecific variation can arise due to spatial 58

variation in environmental context and interspecific interactions (Thompson 2005), whereby 59

consumers adapt to local environmental conditions and energy sources. For example, resource 60

subsidies can differ in composition and characteristics, which can result in consumers receiving 61

and adapting to different resources depending on spatial location (Kominoski et al. 2011, Jackrel 62

and Wootton 2015b, Jackrel et al. 2016). Adaptation can occur through phenotypic or genotypic 63

shifts within populations and through changes in community composition (Jackrel and Wootton 64

2014). Evidence from terrestrial and aquatic systems suggests that consumers have adapted to 65


local environments and resource subsidies, resulting in increased decomposition of locally-66

derived detritus by soil microbial communities (Ayres et al. 2009, Strickland et al. 2009) and by 67

stream microbial and invertebrate communities (Kominoski et al. 2011, Jackrel and Wootton 68

2014); however, evidence regarding the contribution of local adaptation to the decomposition 69

process compared to other biotic and abiotic drivers is limited. 70

Another measure of consumer diversity is interspecific variation among communities. 71

Interspecific variation can arise from biotic and abiotic filters acting on community assembly 72

(Poff 1997, Wisz et al. 2013). These filters can result in communities differing in composition 73

(Villéger et al. 2010, Hough-Snee et al. 2015) and in the presence and distribution of functional 74

traits (Villéger et al. 2010, Mouillot et al. 2013). Functional traits affect organismal performance 75

in relation to habitat and resource use, and can be used to link community functional diversity to 76

ecosystem processes (Hooper et al. 2005, Petchey and Gaston 2006). Understanding how species 77

and associated functional traits are distributed among communities is important because 78

ecosystem functioning can depend on trait richness and dissimilarity. Increased ecosystem 79

functioning can occur when the most productive species and traits (e.g. consumption rate, 80

foraging habit) are also the most abundant (Dangles and Malmqvist 2004, McKie et al. 2008, 81

Creed et al. 2009). Additionally, communities comprised of species with dissimilar traits, such as 82

foraging habit, habitat preference, and dietary breadth, can increase ecosystem functioning 83

through facilitation and niche complementarity (McKie et al. 2008, Frainer et al. 2014). 84

Headwater streams are a model system for evaluating how consumer diversity affects 85

decomposition of resources subsidies. Streams are linked to adjacent riparian ecosystems through 86

leaf litter subsidies (Wallace et al. 1997), which support stream communities across trophic 87

levels from bacteria and fungi to invertebrate detritivores and predators. Leaf decomposition is 88


an important ecosystem function that is influenced by both biotic and abiotic variables: Stream 89

characteristics (e.g. water temperature, nutrients, and pH) can be important abiotic factors 90

(Lecerf et al. 2007), while detrital quality [e.g. carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and phosphorous (P) 91

content], microbial conditioning, and detritivore local adaptation, biomass, and functional 92

diversity can be important biotic factors (Hieber and Gessner 2002, Kominoski et al. 2011, 93

Frainer et al. 2014, Jackrel and Wootton 2014). 94

Here, we addressed two objectives to determine the drivers of leaf decomposition in 95

detritus-based streams using a reciprocal transplant experiment. First, we evaluated the relative 96

importance of local adaptation of invertebrate detritivore communities and detrital subsidy 97

characteristics to decomposition. We hypothesized that detritivore communities would be 98

adapted to subsidies representative of their adjacent riparian ecosystems, and we predicted that 99

leaf decomposition would increase when communities were provided locally-derived leaf 100

subsidies. Second, we investigated how detritivore functional trait diversity and other biotic and 101

abiotic factors affect leaf decomposition. We predicted that (1) detritivore biomass would be the 102

primary driver of decomposition, (2) decomposition would increase when communities were 103

composed of dominant traits or complementary traits, and (3) higher quality subsidies (i.e. higher 104

N and P content) would increase decomposition due to increased consumption by detritivores. 105

Methods 106

Site description 107

This experiment was conducted in two low-elevation and two high-elevation forested 108

headwater streams at the Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory Long-Term Ecological Research site 109

in Otto, North Carolina, USA. The two low-elevation focal streams [Low-Elevation Stream 1 110

(LE1) and Low-Elevation Stream 2 (LE2)] were ~700 m above sea level, and the two high-111


elevation focal streams [High-Elevation Stream 1 (HE1) and High-Elevation Stream 2 (HE2)] 112

were ~1400 m above sea level; the low- and high-elevation focal streams were separated by a 113

linear distance of 4.75 km. The low- and high-elevation streams drained into separate larger 114

streams: LE1 and LE2 drained into Coweeta Creek, and HE1 and HE2 drained into the Nantahala 115

River. Streams in Coweeta are characterized by low water nutrient concentrations [nitrate (NO3- 116

mg L-1) = mean ± SE = 0.174 ± 0.002, ammonium (NH4+ mg L-1) = 0.117 ± 0.003, phosphate 117

(PO43- mg L-1) = 0.0056 ± 0.0004; Swank and Crossley 1988]. Forest composition changes along 118

an elevational gradient (Swank and Crossley 1988): Low-elevation forests are typically 119

dominated by white oak (Quercus alba), while high-elevation forests are typically dominated by 120

red maple (Acer rubrum), red oak (Quercus rubra), and tulip poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera). 121

There was extensive loss of Eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) throughout the forests 122

surrounding the high-elevation focal streams due to the hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges 123

tsugae). All four focal streams were heavily shaded by a dense understory of Rhododendron 124

maximum. 125

Stream survey 126

Environmental characteristics were measured for each of the four focal streams. A 50-m 127

study reach was delineated and marked for each focal stream, with six transects spaced 10 m 128

apart along the study reach. At each transect, we measured wetted-width, depth, and canopy 129

cover. Canopy cover was estimated using a spherical densiometer. HOBO Data Loggers (Onset 130

Computer Corporation, Bourne, Massachusetts, USA) were deployed at the upstream end of each 131

study reach to record mean daily water temperature for each stream. Flow velocity was estimated 132

twice for each study reach at base flow. The focal streams were too shallow to permit use of a 133

flow meter, so flow velocity was estimated using a neutrally-buoyant, plastic ball and dividing 134


the distance travelled by the time interval (Hauer and Lamberti 2007). Five replicate trials 135

following this method were taken and averaged for each flow velocity estimate. 136

Leaf litter collection 137

We quantified leaf litter inputs for the low- and high-elevation focal streams to construct 138

leaf packs representative of the riparian ecosystem for each elevation. Leaf litter was collected 139

from the forest floor of the riparian zone of each focal stream at three transects (10 m, 30 m, and 140

50 m) along the 50-m study reach in mid-May 2014 (approximately six months post-senescence). 141

For each transect, a 1-m2 square quadrat was placed 2 m up the stream bank; samples were 142

collected from both sides of the stream at each transect. All leaf litter within the quadrat was 143

collected and sorted by species; litter was only collected if it was likely to have fallen the 144

previous autumn (i.e. leaf litter was visually inspected for relative degree of decomposition). 145

Collected litter was oven-dried (60ºC for 48 h), and weighed to determine relative input by mass 146

for each tree species. The four species of highest relative input by mass were identified for each 147

elevation (Appendix A: Table A1) and then standardized to make a low-elevation pack (LEP) 148

and a high-elevation pack (HEP). Inputs were standardized by dividing the relative proportion of 149

each of the four dominant species by the sum of the relative proportions of the four dominant 150

tree species for each elevation (Swan et al. 2009; Appendix A: Table A1). White oak and red 151

maple were present at each elevation but were not included in the HEPs and LEPs, respectively, 152

because the species were not considerable inputs by mass at both elevations. 153

Reciprocal transplant experiment 154

We used a full reciprocal transplant design in which representative packs for each 155

elevation were deployed in home sites (e.g. LEPs deployed in low-elevation streams) or away 156

sites (e.g. LEPs deployed in high-elevation streams). The leaf decomposition experiment was 157


conducted during mid-summer (8 June-3 July 2014) to parallel previous studies (Kominoski et 158

al. 2011, Jackrel and Wootton 2014). Packs were incubated in LE1 and LE2 from 8 June-2 July 159

2014, and leaf packs were incubated in HE1 and HE2 from 9 June-3 July 2014. Representative 160

packs comprised ~6 g mixed-species leaf litter derived from the adjacent riparian forest for each 161

elevation immediately prior to the experiment (e.g. Kominoski et al. 2011), with four species 162

represented in standardized proportions by mass (Table 1); only leaves with minimal or no 163

visible damage were used. Leaf litter was placed into plastic 2.5-mm mesh bags (30 x 15 cm) 164

after determining initial dry mass. An additional 3 x 3-cm opening was cut in the center of each 165

mesh bag to allow for colonization by larger invertebrates (e.g. large caddisflies, crayfish). 166

Sixteen packs, eight LEPs and eight HEPs, were incubated in each of the four focal 167

streams, for a total of 64 packs. In each focal stream, packs were incubated across four run 168

habitats along a 75-m reach, with two LEPs and two HEPs incubated within each run. Similar 169

flow velocities for run habitats were selected among all four focal streams to minimize the 170

effects of abrasion on leaf decomposition. Eight additional packs per stream (four LEPs and four 171

HEPs) were transported back to the lab on the same day to measure handling loss (Hauer and 172

Lamberti 2007). Packs were incubated in each focal stream for a total of 24 days. After retrieval, 173

packs were placed into sealed bags on ice and processed in the laboratory within 24 h. Leaves 174

from each pack were rinsed over nested sieves (1 mm and 250 µm) to remove inorganic material 175

and invertebrates, and then oven-dried (60ºC for 48 h). Leaf decomposition was calculated as the 176

percentage of mass lost, after correction for handling loss. Leaf decomposition was calculated for 177

the whole pack because we were unable to identify all remaining leaf material to species with 178

reasonable confidence. 179

Leaf nutrient analysis 180


Leaf packs were analyzed for total C, N, and P content to determine stoichiometric ratios 181

(C:N and C:P). All leaf material from each pack was ground using a Spex CertiPrep 8000-D 182

Mixer Mill (Spex, Metuchen, New Jersey, USA). Litter samples for total C and N were analyzed 183

with a Carlo Erba 1500N CHN Analyser (Carlo Erba, Milan, Italy). Litter samples for total P 184

analysis were prepared using the ash/acid extraction method and analyzed with a 185

spectrophotometer following the ascorbic acid method (Allen 1974). Nutrient analyses were 186

completed at the Stable Isotope Ecology Laboratory at the University of Georgia (Athens, 187

Georgia, USA). 188

Aquatic invertebrates 189

Invertebrates from all packs were preserved in 70% ethanol and stained with Rose Bengal 190

solution for sorting. Individuals from two size classes (250 µm-1 mm and >1 mm) were counted, 191

identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level (primarily genus), and assigned to functional 192

feeding groups (Merritt et al. 2008). Chironomidae (Order: Diptera) were identified as 193

Tanypodinae or non-Tanypodinae. Biomass was determined using established length-mass 194

regressions (Benke et al. 1999), and detritivore (shredders and collector-gatherers) biomass 195

estimates and density were standardized by leaf mass remaining for later statistical analyses. 196

Statistical analysis 197

Stream survey: For each environmental characteristic, we conducted a one-way analysis of 198

variance (ANOVA) to compare differences across the four focal streams. Parameters were 199

analyzed for normality using Shapiro-Wilkes tests, and transformations were used when 200

necessary. Wetted-width, flow velocity, and temperature were ln-transformed; untransformed 201

values of all environmental characteristics are reported in the results. Model assumptions (e.g. 202


homoscedasticity, normal error distribution) were inspected graphically. Significance for the 203

stream survey was considered at P < 0.01 to account for multiple comparisons. 204

Leaf decomposition and stoichiometry: We used a two-way ANOVA to compare leaf 205

decomposition by leaf pack type (LEP and HEP) and deployment site (home and away). Leaf 206

pack type and deployment site were fitted as fixed effects, and stream was fitted as a random 207

effect; model assumptions were inspected graphically. Leaf decomposition was ln-transformed to 208

improve normality, and untransformed values are reported in the results. Comparing leaf 209

decomposition between home and away deployment site provides a measure of local adaptation 210

of stream communities: Higher decomposition in home deployment sites would suggest local 211

adaptation to leaf litter subsidies derived from the adjacent riparian ecosystem. Two LEPs 212

deployed in LE1 were lost during the experiment, resulting in a slightly unbalanced design (30 213

LEP samples vs. 32 HEP samples). Stoichiometric ratios were compared between LEPs and 214

HEPs using two-tailed Welch t-tests. 215

Functional diversity: Functional trait diversity was calculated for the detritivore community. 216

Four traits were selected to represent the capacity by which detritivores occupy available habitat 217

and affect decomposition: (1) mean per capita biomass, (2) foraging habit (e.g. burrow, sprawl), 218

(3) thermal preference (e.g. cold, warm, eurythermal), and (4) rheophily (e.g. erosional, 219

depositional). Selected functional traits were chosen for the following reasons: First, detritivore 220

biomass affects decomposition via metabolic requirements and feeding rates (Brown et al. 2004). 221

Second, foraging habits can alter feeding efficiency as well as competitive or facilitative 222

relationships and, in turn, affect detrital consumption (McKie et al. 2008, Patrick 2013). Lastly, 223

thermal and rheophilic preferences reflect the ability for taxa to occupy and persist in available 224

habitat and thereby affect ecosystem functions. Mean per capita biomass for each taxon was 225


calculated from the individuals collected during the experiment; all remaining trait values were 226

modified from the Poff et al. (2006) trait matrix (Appendix B: Table B1). 227

Detritivore community trait diversity was calculated using two trait diversity metrics: (1) 228

functional richness (FRic) and (2) functional dispersion (FDis). FRic measures the amount of 229

trait space occupied by taxa within the community (Villéger et al. 2008). FDis is the mean 230

distance of individual taxa to the centroid of the community in trait space, and simultaneously 231

measures trait dissimilarity and evenness within the community (Laliberté and Legendre 2010). 232

Communities with high FDis are composed of evenly-distributed, dissimilar traits while 233

communities with low FDis are composed of unevenly-distributed, similar traits (i.e. FDis is a 234

measure of trait complementarity). FDis is weighted by abundances while FRic is not (Villéger 235

et al. 2008, Laliberté and Legendre 2010). FRic values were standardized to be constrained 236

between 0 and 1 (Laliberté et al. 2014). Detritivores comprising > 0.45% of macro-invertebrate 237

biomass or abundance were included in the diversity analyses (Appendix C: Table C1). This 238

criterion excluded rare and small taxa but not rare and large taxa from the diversity analyses. 239

Taxa included in the trait analyses comprised >70% and >80% of total invertebrate community 240

biomass and abundance, respectively (Appendix C: Table C1). 241

Detritivore community: We further analyzed differences in detritivore diversity between leaf 242

pack types and focal streams. To compare compositional differences between leaf pack types and 243

among focal streams, we used site-abundance matrices to calculate square-root transformed 244

Bray-Curtis dissimilarities. Bray-Curtis dissimilarities were compared using a permutational 245

multivariate analysis of variance (PERMANOVA) with 10,000 permutations (Oksanen et al. 246

2016), and results are illustrated using nonmetric multi-dimensional scaling (NMDS). We 247

compared FRic, FDis, and detritivore biomass and density by leaf pack type and focal stream 248


using two-way ANOVAs, and model assumptions were inspected graphically. Significance for 249

the detritivore community was considered at P < 0.0125 to account for multiple comparisons. 250

Path analysis: Structural equation models (SEMs) were constructed to evaluate the causal 251

pathways through which biotic and abiotic drivers affect leaf decomposition (Appendix D: Fig. 252

D1). The robustness of a SEM is determined by the fit to the data, rather than significant 253

relationships within the SEM (Grace 2006). Model fit was assessed by comparing expected and 254

observed covariance between predictor and response variables using chi-square tests (Grace 255

2006). SEMs were considered consistent with the data when expected and observed covariance 256

was not significantly different. Plausible causal linkages between variables were added to 257

candidate SEMs to improve model fit based on single degree of freedom chi-square criteria 258

(Grace et al. 2010). Candidate SEMs were then compared using AICc (Burnham and Anderson 259

2002), with the SEM having the lowest AICc selected as the most parsimonious model. 260

We constructed four alternative SEMs (FRic and FDis for C:N and C:P, respectively) to 261

examine how functional diversity and other biotic and abiotic variables affect decomposition 262

(Appendix D: Fig. D1A and B). Alternative SEMs were constructed to test the importance of 263

different nutrients (N vs. P) and trait diversity metrics (FRic vs. FDis). Each SEM had 62 264

samples (30 LEPs and 32 HEPs) with six explanatory variables [stream, leaf pack type, 265

conditioned litter stoichiometry (C:N or C:P), and detritivore biomass, density, and functional 266

diversity (FRic or FDis)] and one response-only variable (leaf decomposition). Within each 267

SEM, stream and leaf pack type (i.e. LEP or HEP) were the exogenous variables (independent 268

variables that affect other variables but are not affected by other variables), while detritivore 269

biomass, density, and functional diversity and litter stoichiometry were the four endogenous 270

variables (variables affected by the exogenous variables and that can affect other endogenous 271


variables). Leaf decomposition was fitted as a response-only endogenous variable that was 272

affected by all exogenous and endogenous variables. Stream identity was fitted to account for 273

extraneous sources of environmental variation, and leaf pack type was fitted to account for leaf 274

litter characteristics not explained by litter stoichiometry (e.g. lignin, tannin, phenols). Both 275

stream and leaf pack type were fitted as random exogenous variables with means, variances, and 276

covariances set as free parameters. All SEMs were estimated by Maximum Likelihood with 277

Satorra-Bentler scaled test statistics, which are robust to non-normality. Model results are 278

reported as standardized path coefficients, which show the direction and magnitude of the causal 279

relationship between variables and allow for the comparison of relationship strengths within the 280

SEM (Grace 2006). 281

All above analyses were conducted using R (version 3.3.0, R Core Team 2016) and the 282

FD (Laliberté et al. 2014), vegan (Oksanen et al. 2016), nlme (Pinheiro et al. 2016), and lavaan 283

(Rosseel 2012) packages, and significance was considered at P < 0.05. 284

Results 285

Stream survey 286

Stream characteristics (Table 2) differed by individual stream, although these differences 287

depended on the environmental characteristic. High-elevation streams were wider than the low-288

elevation streams (F3, 20 = 5.126, P = 0.009). Depth and canopy cover did not differ among the 289

focal streams (both P > 0.32). Flow velocity differed by stream (F3, 4 = 33.79, P = 0.003), with 290

highest velocity in HE1, intermediate velocity in LE1 and LE2, and lowest velocity in HE2 (Table 291

2). Mean daily water temperature differed among the focal streams (F3, 92 = 322.4, P < 0.001), 292

with warmer temperatures at low elevation and cooler temperatures at high elevation (Table 2). 293

Leaf decomposition and stoichiometry 294


Leaf decomposition differed by leaf pack type (Fig. 1A) but not deployment site (Fig. 295

1B). Decomposition of HEPs (mean ± SE = 27.51% ± 1.61%) was higher than LEPs (19.80% ± 296

1.41%; F1, 56 = 14.533, P < 0.001, Fig. 1A), irrespective of deployment site. Decomposition was 297

not significantly higher in home sites (24.44% ± 1.40%) compared to away sites (22.87% ± 298

1.58%; F1, 56 = 1.547, P = 0.219, Fig. 1B). Because deployment site had no significant effect on 299

leaf decomposition, it was removed from all later analyses. There were differences in 300

stoichiometry between LEPs and HEPs (Appendix E: Table E1), with HEPs having significantly 301

lower C:N (LEP: 55.24 ± 0.86, HEP: 46.38 ± 0.88; t = 7.170, P < 0.001) and C:P (LEP: 2194.15 302

± 67.22, 1901.80 ± 67.15; t = 3.077, P = 0.003) ratios. 303

Detritivore community 304

Detritivore community composition did not vary between leaf pack types (F1, 57 = 1.245, 305

P = 0.283; Fig. 2A) but did vary among focal streams (F3, 57 = 3.351, P < 0.001; Fig. 2B). FRic 306

did not differ by leaf pack type (LEP: 0.49 ± 0.04, HEP: 0.58 ± 0.05; F1, 57 = 2.365, P = 0.123; 307

Fig. 3A) but FRic differed among focal streams (F3, 57 = 5.612, P = 0.002; Fig. 3B). Similar to 308

community composition and FRic, FDis also did not differ by leaf pack type (LEP: 2.07 ± 0.13, 309

HEP: 2.33 ± 0.15; F1, 57 = 2.333, P = 0.132; Fig. 3C) but differed among focal streams (F3, 57 = 310

5.315, P = 0.003; Fig. 3D). Detritivore biomass varied by leaf pack type (F1, 57 = 9.339, P = 311

0.003; Fig. 3E) but not by stream (F3, 57 = 3.248, P = 0.028; Fig. 3F). Conversely, detritivore 312

density did not vary by leaf pack type (F1, 57 = 5.785, P = 0.019; Fig. 3G) but varied by stream 313

(F3, 57 = 5.084, P = 0.003; Fig. 3H). 314

Path analysis 315


Of the four alternative SEMs, the FRic/C:P model best fit the available data (Fig. 4; 316

ΔAICc = 34.2, Appendix F: Table F1). Greater detritivore biomass and lower FRic resulted in 317

higher leaf decomposition. Leaf pack type had both direct and indirect effects on leaf 318

decomposition: HEPs had higher decomposition (single pathway = 0.31) but also supported 319

greater detritivore biomass (compound pathway = 0.31 x 0.47 = 0.15). Detritivore density and 320

biomass were correlated, but density had no further significant effects on decomposition. 321

Although C:P was lower in HEPs and in the high-elevation focal streams, C:P had no significant 322

effect on decomposition. Decomposition was lower in the high-elevation focal streams. 323

Discussion 324

Decomposition in detritus-based streams was mediated by consumer biomass and 325

function diversity as well as resource characteristics. We did not find evidence that adaptation by 326

stream detritivore communities to local resources increased leaf decomposition (Fig. 1). Instead, 327

we found that decomposition was driven by detritivore biomass and functional diversity as well 328

as resource characteristics (Fig. 4). We show that biomass was the strongest driver of 329

decomposition, and we also found that consumer functional diversity and resource characteristics 330

had comparable effects on decomposition. Of particular importance was our finding that 331

decomposition was higher with lower detritivore functional diversity. Our results demonstrate 332

the importance of considering multiple drivers when evaluating essential ecosystem functions. 333

Despite evidence for adaptation to locally-abundant resources in streams (Kominoski et 334

al. 2011, Jackrel and Wootton 2014, 2015b), our evidence suggests decomposition is not a result 335

of local adaptation by stream consumers (Fig. 1). Consumers can exhibit preferences for specific 336

resources, resulting in adaptation to a subset of all subsidies (Jackrel and Wootton 2015b). We 337

used mixed-species packs without additional treatments looking at decomposition of all single- 338


and mixed-species combinations, which could have obscured adaptation to specific resources. 339

Additionally, previous experiments were conducted in systems that received subsidies primarily 340

from one tree species (Jackrel and Wootton 2014, 2015a), or in streams where the riparian 341

ecosystem was dominated by either deciduous or coniferous trees (Kominoski et al. 2011). Our 342

focal streams received diverse leaf subsidies from riparian ecosystems that were not dominated 343

by a single tree species (Appendix A: Table A1), which could result in weaker selective 344

pressures for consumers to adapt to a specific resource and instead adapt towards a more diffuse, 345

generalist diet. Our results and those from previous studies suggest that local adaptation could be 346

a stronger driver of decomposition in systems receiving less diverse resource subsidies. 347

Detritivore functional diversity was linked to decomposition, but the strength and 348

significance of the relationship depended on how functional trait diversity was quantified. There 349

was no evidence to support the hypothesis of trait complementarity increasing leaf 350

decomposition. Instead, leaf decomposition was higher with lower detritivore FRic (Fig. 4), 351

suggesting that communities composed of abundant taxa and associated traits encompassing a 352

specific niche increased decomposition (Dangles and Malmqvist 2004, McKie et al. 2008, Creed 353

et al. 2009). We found that the family Chironomidae and the stoneflies Tallaperla and Leuctra 354

were the most abundant detritivores. All three detritivores have the same rheophilic preferences 355

but have differing thermal preferences: Tallaperla prefer cold to cool water while Leuctra and 356

Chironomidae prefer cool to warm water. Additionally, Leuctra and Tallaperla have similar per 357

capita biomass but differ in foraging habits. The differences in functional traits among these 358

detritivores yielded a unique trait combination for each taxon that likely shaped the FRic of the 359

detritivore communities and resulted in higher leaf decomposition. Controlled experiments 360


manipulating the presence and abundance of these dominant taxa and associated traits would 361

elucidate the mechanisms through which leaf decomposition was affected. 362

Functional traits and trait combinations may have a significant effect on ecosystem 363

functions if those traits are in sufficient abundance within the community. Realized community 364

assemblages are shaped by environmental filters and species interactions (Poff 1997, Wisz et al. 365

2013), and variation among the focal streams in this experiment likely structured functional 366

diversity of the detritivore communities (Fig. 3B and D). Larger-bodied detritivores, such as the 367

caddisflies Lepidostoma and Pycnopsyche, were more abundant in the colder, high-elevation 368

focal streams. The lower abundances of these larger taxa in the low-elevation focal streams 369

plausibly resulted in reduced complementarity of biomass, foraging habit, and habitat preference, 370

which could explain the decreased FDis in the low-elevation focal streams (Fig. 3D). Moreover, 371

these taxa had lower abundances compared to other detritivores across all the focal streams, 372

which further reduced the potential for trait complementarity (Laliberté and Legendre 2010). 373

Detritivore biomass was expected to have the strongest effect on leaf decomposition, 374

given the relationship between biomass and metabolic rates (Brown et al. 2004) and evidence 375

from previous studies (Hieber and Gessner 2002, Sanpera-Calbet et al. 2009, Frainer et al. 2014). 376

Supporting this prediction, we found that detritivore biomass was the primary driver of leaf 377

decomposition, ranging from ~1.8-2.2x as strong as other biotic and abiotic drivers (Fig. 4). 378

Detritivore biomass was affected by resource type, with greater biomass supported on HEPs 379

compared to LEPs (Fig. 3E), which could result from two mechanisms that are not mutually-380

exclusive. First, HEPs had higher nutrient content, which could result in detritivores 381

preferentially consuming these resources (Marcarelli et al. 2011, Jackrel and Wootton 2015a). 382

Second, HEPs could have provided a more heterogeneous and preferred source of habitat for 383


detritivores. HEPs were comprised of labile red maple and relatively recalcitrant rhododendron 384

(Rhododendron maximum) and American beech (Fagus grandifolia, Table 1; Kominoski et al. 385

2007, Sanpera-Calbet et al. 2009). Litter serves as substrate for detritivores during foraging, and 386

detritivore biomass is often increased when multiple leaf species contrasting in nutrient content 387

and structural characteristics are present (Sanpera-Calbet et al. 2009, Jabiol et al. 2014). 388

We focused on invertebrate detritivores, but there are other important components of the 389

decomposition process. Fungi and bacteria contribute to leaf decomposition directly by feeding 390

on litter and indirectly by altering litter stoichiometry (Hieber and Gessner 2002). We did not 391

quantify the microbial contribution to leaf decomposition, but invertebrate contributions to 392

decomposition are often larger than microbial contributions in temperate streams (Hieber and 393

Gessner 2002, Moore et al. 2004, Kominoski et al. 2011). Water temperature could accelerate 394

decomposition by increasing the activity of invertebrates and microbes (Ferreira and Canhoto 395

2015, Griffiths and Tiegs 2016). In our study, decomposition was lower in the high-elevation 396

focal streams (Fig. 4), likely due to the large differences in water temperature between the low- 397

and high-elevation focal streams (Table 2). We did not find a relationship between litter nutrient 398

content and decomposition, but other litter characteristics, such as micronutrients and secondary 399

compounds, could be more useful predictors (García-Palacios et al. 2016, Jackrel et al. 2016). 400

Our results suggest that multiple drivers affect decomposition through direct and indirect 401

pathways, and although consumer diversity does matter for decomposition, other drivers are of 402

equal or greater importance. We found that the potential effects of local adaptation by stream 403

consumers on decomposition were outweighed by other drivers, with detritivore biomass being 404

the primary driver of decomposition. We also found that detritivore functional diversity was 405

comparable in magnitude to the effects of detrital resource characteristics. Importantly, 406


decomposition was higher with lower detritivore functional diversity, which contradicts current 407

theory (Srivastava et al. 2009, Gessner et al. 2010). These results are particularly significant 408

because anthropogenic stressors and increased disturbance could affect consumer community 409

composition and functional diversity (Villéger et al. 2010, Mouillot et al. 2013). Moreover, 410

changes in the composition and evenness of resource subsidies could have cascading effects on 411

decomposition, as subsidies support consumer assemblages and possess structural and functional 412

components that are related to the decomposition process (Swan et al. 2009, Kominoski et al. 413

2013). As environmental change progresses, it will be essential to evaluate how the relationship 414

between and relative importance of consumer diversity and resource characteristics are altered 415

and how that affects decomposition. 416

Acknowledgements 417

We thank James Hunt, Alex Fulmer, and Somer Rowe for assistance with fieldwork; 418

Sarah Clement for laboratory assistance; Tom Maddox, Emmy Deng, and Mike Marshall at the 419

University of Georgia Stable Isotope Ecology Laboratory for nutrient analyses; David. W. P. 420

Manning and Chris J. Patrick for advice on structural equation modeling; Pedro J. Torres, Irene 421

Wyatt, and Samson Murray for stimulating conversations during data analysis and manuscript 422

preparation; and Jarrett E. K. Byrnes for providing R script for calculating AICc. Comments from 423

Chris J. Patrick, Maura P. Dudley, Carissa N. Ganong, Kelsey Solomon, Jessica Chappell, and 424

two anonymous reviewers greatly improved the manuscript. This project was funded through a 425

NASA Global Climate Change Grant (NNX10AB54A) and the NSF-funded Coweeta LTER 426

(DEB-0823293, DEB-9632854, and DEB-0218001), with additional support at the University of 427

Georgia from the Odum School of Ecology and the Center for Undergraduate Research 428

Opportunities (Undergraduate Research Assistantship grant awarded to David Stoker). 429


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Tables 570

Table 1. Standardized proportions of the four dominant tree species placed into each leaf pack 571

type, low-elevation (LEP) and high-elevation (HEP). 572

Species Standardized Proportion LEP HEP

Quercus alba 0.455 N/A Quercus rubra 0.209 0.317

Rhododendron maximum 0.248 0.185 Fagus grandifolia 0.088 0.117

Acer rubrum N/A 0.381 Note: N/A signifies a species not included in the respective leaf pack type. 573


Table 2. Measurements of latitude, longitude, width, depth, flow velocity mean daily water 574

temperature, and canopy cover for each of the four focal streams in the experiment, where LE1 = 575

Low Elevation Stream 1, LE2 = Low Elevation Stream 2, HE1 = High Elevation Stream 1, and 576

HE2 = High Elevation Stream 2. Values represent mean ± SE. 577

Variable Unit LE1 LE2 HE1 HE2 Latitude (35°N +) 3.81 3.83 2.73 2.66

Longitude (83°W +) 25.74 25.72 28.57 28.54 Width (cm) 74.5 ± 17.5 76.3 ± 16.0 218.7 ± 71.0 86.8 ± 18.9 Depth (cm) 3.0 ± 0.4 2.5 ± 0.4 3.1 ± 0.4 2.8 ± 0.1

Flow Velocity (m s-1) 0.18 ± 0.01 0.18 ± 0.02 0.44 ± 0.02 0.09 ± 0.01 Temperature (°C) 15.8 ± 0.2 15.3 ± 0.1 12.8 ± 0.1 11.8 ± 0.1

Cover (%) 95.8 ± 0.5 92.1 ± 2.0 92.2 ± 2.7 91.5 ± 0.9 578


Figure Captions 579

Fig. 1. Leaf decomposition by (A) leaf pack type, low-elevation pack (LEP) and high-elevation 580

pack (HEP), and (B) deployment, home and away. Leaf decomposition was calculated as the 581

percentage of mass lost at the end of the 24-day decomposition experiment. Points represent 582

mean ± SE. 583


Fig. 2. Plots of detritivore community composition. (A) Nonmetric multi-dimensional scaling 585

(NMDS) representation of the detritivore Bray-Curtis dissimilarity between leaf pack types, low-586

elevation pack (LEP) and high-elevation pack (HEP), with LEPs represented by a black line and 587

HEPs represented by a gray line. (B) NMDS representation of the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity 588

among focal streams, with low-elevation streams represented by black lines (LE1 = solid line, 589

LE2 = dashed line) and high-elevation streams represented by gray lines (HE1 = solid line, HE2 = 590

dashed line). 591


Fig. 3. Plots of detritivore functional diversity, biomass, and density by leaf pack type, low-593

elevation pack (LEP) and high-elevation pack (HEP), and focal stream. Detritivore functional 594

diversity was quantified using two indices: functional richness (FRic; Figures A and B) and 595

functional dispersion (FDis; Figures C and D). Detritivore biomass (Figures E and F) and density 596

(Figures G and H) were standardized by remaining leaf mass. Points represent mean ± SE. 597


Fig. 4. Path diagrams showing the effects of detritivore biomass, density and functional diversity 599

[functional richness (FRic) and functional dispersion (FDis)] and abiotic variables on leaf 600

decomposition. The top row of figures modeled the effects of conditioned litter C:N and FRic (χ2 601


= 3.348, DF = 3, P = 0.341; Fig. A) and C:N and FDis (χ2 = 1.046, DF = 2, P = 0.593; Fig. B). 602

The bottom row of figures modeled the effects of conditioned litter C:P and FRic (χ2 = 1.959, DF 603

= 3, P = 0.581; Fig. C) and C:P and FDis (χ2 = 0.326, DF = 2, P = 0.849; Fig. D). The FRic/C:P 604

model best fit the available data (Fig. C). Black lines represent positive pathways, while red lines 605

represent negative pathways; gray lines represent pathways included in the model that were not 606

statistically significant. Standardized path coefficients, which show the direction and magnitude 607

of the relationship between variables, are reported next to each line. Lines represent causal 608

pathways included in the model, with single-headed arrows indicating a unidirectional pathway 609

and double-headed arrows indicating correlation between variables. The R2 is reported for each 610

endogenous variable. 611


Figures 612


Fig. 1. 614



Fig. 2. 616


617 Fig. 3. 618




Fig. 4. 621

622 623


Appendices 624

Appendix A 625

Table A1: Proportion of inputs by mass for individual tree species sampled from the survey of 626

the riparian ecosystem of the low-elevation and high-elevation focal streams. 627

Low Elevation High Elevation

Species Collected Proportion

Species Collected Proportion

Quercus alba 0.393 Acer rubrum 0.207 Quercus rubra 0.214 Quercus rubra 0.173 Rhododendron maximum 0.181 Rhododendron maximum 0.100 Fagus grandifolia 0.076 Fagus grandifolia 0.064 Miscellaneous 0.136 Miscellaneous 0.456

















Appendix B 643

Table B1: Functional traits used to calculate functional richness and functional dispersion of the 644

detritivore community. Biomass was assigned as a single, continuous trait, while thermal 645

preference, rheophily, and foraging habit (Habit) were assigned as single trait states (i.e. a binary 646

presence/absence approach). 647

Taxon Per Capita Biomass (mg)

Habit Rheophily Thermal Preference

Amphinemura sp. 0.147

Sprawl Depositional & Erosional Cool/Warm Chironomidae 0.033

Sprawl Depositional & Erosional Cool/Warm

Eurylophella sp. 0.025

Cling Depositional & Erosional Cool/Warm Fattigia pele 1.646

Sprawl Depositional & Erosional Cold/Warm

Lepidostoma sp. 1.601

Climb Depositional & Erosional Cold/Cool Leptotarsus sp. 3.670

Sprawl Depositional & Erosional Cool/Warm

Leuctra sp. 0.177

Sprawl Depositional & Erosional Cool/Warm Paraleptophlebia sp. 0.173

Swim Depositional & Erosional Cool/Warm

Pycnopsyche sp. 10.744

Sprawl Depositional & Erosional Cold/Cool Tallaperla sp. 0.185

Cling Depositional & Erosional Cold/Cool

Viehoperla sp. 1.395

Cling Depositional & Erosional Cold/Cool














Appendix C 660

Table C1. Invertebrate abundance and biomass summed from all leaf packs deployed across all 661

four focal streams in the experiment. Functional feeding groups (FFGs) were identified for each 662

taxon, where SH = shredder, P = predator, CG = collector-gatherer, SC = scraper, and F = 663

filterer. 664

Biomass Abundance Taxon FFG (mg) (%) Count (%) Ephemeroptera Maccaffertium sp. SC 59.57 2.78 110 1.22 Paraleptophlebia sp. CG 44.99 2.10 260 2.89 Ameletus sp. SC 17.71 0.83 10 0.11 Ephemerella sp. CG 5.57 0.26 10 0.11 Eurylophella sp. CG 1.12 0.05 44 0.49 Odonata Gomphus sp. P 23.76 1.11 7 0.08 Cordulegaster sp. P 11.77 0.55 20 0.22 Plecoptera Tallaperla sp. SH 320.32 14.95 1728 19.21 Leuctra sp. SH 219.67 10.25 1238 13.76 Beloneuria sp. P 161.66 7.54 163 1.81 Amphinemura sp. SH 28.85 1.35 196 2.18 Remenus sp. P 21.13 0.99 123 1.37 Viehoperla sp. SH 9.76 0.46 7 0.08 Sweltsa sp. P 3.97 0.19 15 0.17 Malirekus sp. P 0.72 0.03 2 0.02 Neuroptera Nigronia sp. P 2.10 0.11 10 0.11 Trichoptera Lepidostoma sp. SH 541.35 25.26 338 3.76 Pycnopsyche sp. SH 150.42 7.02 14 0.16 Diplectrona modesta F 115.21 5.37 254 2.82 Rhyacophila sp. P 44.58 2.08 52 0.58 Fattigia pele SH 19.75 0.92 12 0.13 Psilotreta sp. SC 15.71 0.73 22 0.25 Parapsyche cardis F 9.36 0.44 11 0.12 Hydatophylax sp. SH 4.45 0.21 29 0.32 Wormaldia sp. F 4.30 0.20 59 0.66 Coleoptera Elmidae CG 0.32 0.01 2 0.02 Diptera Chironomidae CG 112.78 5.26 3374 37.51 Leptotarsus sp. SH 110.11 5.14 30 0.33 Tanypodinae P 48.59 2.22 679 7.55 Dicranota sp. P 14.81 0.69 56 0.62 Ceratopogonidae P 8.97 0.42 85 0.94 Hexatoma sp. P 8.64 0.40 19 0.21 Dixa sp. CG 0.56 0.03 8 0.09 Hemerodromia sp. P 0.01 <0.00 9 0.10 Total 2142.68 8996




Appendix D 667

Figure D1. Standard hypothesized path models describing how functional richness (FRic; Fig. A) 668

or functional dispersion (FDis; Fig. B) and other biotic and biotic variables affect leaf 669

decomposition. Arrows indicate causal linkages between variables, with single-headed arrows 670

indicating a unidirectional causal linkage and double-headed arrows indicating correlation 671

between variables. Black lines represent positive pathways, while red lines represent negative 672

pathways. Lines connecting variables indicate each causal linkage included in the path model. 673

We hypothesized that detritivore biomass would consistently be the strongest biotic driver of leaf 674

decomposition, with detritivore community functional diversity (FRic or FDis) secondary in 675

importance. We predicted that leaf decomposition would be associated by communities with 676

lower FRic, suggesting clustering of dominant taxa and traits. Alternatively, we predicted that 677

leaf decomposition would be associated with higher FDis, suggesting complementarity between 678

detritivores comprising the community. 679




Appendix E 682

Table E1. Model support for the FRic/C:N, FDis/C:N, FRic/C:P, and FDis/C:P models based on 683

AICc. For each model, we report the number of parameters (K), degrees of freedom (DF), chi-684

square (χ2), P-value (P), AICc, ΔAICc, weight of support [AICc weight (AICc Wt.) and 685

cumulative weight (Cum. Wt.)], and log-likelihood (LL). The χ2 test statistic and associated P-686

value indicate model fit based on expected and observed covariance, with a non-significant P-687

value (P > 0.05) denoting agreement between expected and observed covariance matrices. AICc 688

indicates model fit based on log-likelihood and model parsimony. 689

Model K DF χ2 P AICc ΔAICc AICc Wt. Cum. Wt. LL

FRic/C:P 32 3 1.959 0.581 2190.9 0.0 1 1 -1056.5

FRic/C:N 32 3 3.348 0.341 2225.1 34.2 0 1 -1073.6

FDis/C:P 33 2 0.326 0.849 2242.6 51.7 0 1 -1080.3

FDis/C:N 33 2 1.046 0.593 2275.1 84.3 0 1 -1096.6




Supplement 692 693 Data files and R script for all analyses. 694 695 Author 696 697 David Stoker 698 Odum School of Ecology 699 University of Georgia 700 140 E. Green St. 701 Athens GA 30602-2202 USA 702 E-mail: [email protected] 703 704 File List 705 CWT-site_survey.csv 706 CWT-traits.csv 707 CWT-model_data.csv 708 Stoker-CWT-LD.R 709 710 Description 711 712 The provided supplements should allow the reader to run each analysis in the manuscript as well 713 as all graphics excluding the path diagrams. The data are set into four files: (1) CWT-714 site_survey.csv, (2) CWT-traits.csv, and (3) CWT-model_data.csv. 715 716 CWT-site_survey.csv provides all the environmental data collected for the four focal streams. 717 718 CWT-traits.csv provides all the trait assignments for each taxon included in the functional trait 719 diversity analyses. 720 721 CWT-model_data.csv is the primary data for all analyses (ANOVAs, calculating functional trait 722 diversity, Bray-Curtis dissimilarities and PERMANOVA, and structural equation modeling). 723 724 Stoker-CWT-LD.R file provides all the code for loading required R packages, running analyses, 725 and creating figures for the manuscript. 726 727 728

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