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RNC AlarmsRNC Alarms with descriptionRBS AlarmsRBS Alarms with description

WRAN Alarm Handling for FS

Basic O/M for FS

Page 2: 3g Alarm Analysis

WRAN Alarm Handling for FS

Prepared By:Vinay Kumar Yadav Engineer FM

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Prepared By:Vinay Kumar Yadav Engineer FM

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SpecificProblem EventType

1 Eq2 Eq3 Eq4 Eq5 QoS6 Equipment Protection Hardware Fault Eq7 ET Hardware Fault Eq8 Eul_CodeAllocationFailure Comm9 Eul_NbapMessageFailure Comm

10 Fach_InternalResourceUnavailable QoS11 Fach_NbapMessageFailure Comm12 Failure of Protocol Comm13 Fan HW Fault Env14 Fan SW Fault Env15 Hsdsch_CodeAllocationFailure Comm16 Hsdsch_NbapMessageFailure Comm17 IMA Group Insufficient Links Comm18 IMA Group Insufficient Links at Far End Comm19 Loss of Synch Reference Redundancy Eq20 Loss of System Clock Eq21 M3UA Association Down Comm22 Maximum Number of Counters Exceeded QoS23 MTP3b Route Set Unavailable Comm24 PacketDataRouter_CnNotRespondingToIC Comm25 Pch_InternalResourceUnavailable QoS26 Pch_NbapMessageFailure Comm27 PDH Loss of Frame QoS28 PdrDevice_DeviceDisabled Eq29 Plug-In Unit General Problem Eq30 Plug-In Unit HW Failure Eq31 Power Failure Left Slot Eq32 Power Failure Right Slot Eq33 Ranap_LocalFailure Comm34 Ranap_RemoteFailure Comm

Auto-Configuration of Board Not PossibleAuxiliary Unit Processor HW FaultDisk Volume C FullDisk Volume D FullEmergency Unlock of Software Licensing

esigurv: The issue should go to project team as HW expansion is done by project only.
Check weather there is any FAN HW/SW fault present in the node
Check there is ET HW fault present in the node then go for that alarm first
Check there is utrancell unavailble alarm if yes thn go for that.
Check there is utrancell unavailble alarm if yes thn go for that.
Check there is utrancell unavailble alarm if yes thn go for that.
Check there is utrancell unavailble alarm if yes thn go for that.
If there is Utrancell unavailable alarm for same NodeB thn go for that alarm first this is secondary alarm.
If there is Utrancell unavailable alarm for same NodeB thn go for that alarm first this is secondary alarm.
Firstly check there is any TU HW fault alarm present in the node thn go for that alarm first
If this alarm apear thn there will be possibility of RANAP failure alarm,so check it and this alarm affect the CS or PS trafiic completely
Check there is any M3UA association down alarm present in the node if yes thn go for that alarm first
If there is Utrancell unavailable alarm for same NodeB thn go for that alarm first this is secondary alarm.
If there is Utrancell unavailable alarm for same NodeB thn go for that alarm first this is secondary alarm.
In this case issue at RNC end or media end.Check there is any M3UA association down alarm appear in the node.thn raise a single TT for both.
In this case issue at Core end or media end.Check there is any M3UA association down alarm appear in the node.thn raise a single TT for both.
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35 RncFeature_LicenseNot Valid QoS36 SCB System Clock Path HW Fault Eq37 SCCP Remote Subsystem Unavailable Comm38 Switch Core Fault Eq39 Switch Internal Link Fault Eq40 Switch Plane A Fault Eq41 Switch Plane B Fault Eq42 Switch Port Fault Eq43 SXB System Clock Path HW Fault Eq44 System Clock Quality Degradation Eq45 TU Hardware Fault Comm46 UtranCell_NbapReconfigurationFailure QoS47 UtranCell_ServiceUnavailable QoS48 UtranCell_NbapMessageFailure Comm49 VC4 Degraded Signal Comm50 VC4 Loss of MultiFrame Comm51 VC4 Remote Defect Indication Comm52 VC4 Unequipped Defect Comm

If single TUB board is down thn it’s a major issue if both TUB board goes down then its affect RNC traffic and severity change to Critical
Check weather the IMAs of this Utrancell is up/down if down thn it’s a media issue and raise to Circle team if no raise to FM_BSS
Check weather the IMAs of this Utrancell is up/down if down thn it’s a media issue and raise to Circle team if no raise to FM_BSS
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ProbableCause Severity Managed Object

UNAVAILABLE Minor Slot/FanPROCESSOR_PROBLEM_M3100 Major FanDISK_PROBLEM Major ManagedElementDaDISK_PROBLEM Major GeneralProcessorUnALARM_INDICATION_SIGNAL Minor LicensingREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM Major ExchangeTerminalREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM Major ExchangeTerminalConfiguration or customization error Minor EulCall Establishment Error Minor EulUnavailable Minor FachCall Establishment Error Minor FachCOMMUNICATION_PROTOCOL_ERROR Major MspgCOOLING_FAN_FAILURE Major FanCOOLING_FAN_FAILURE Major FanConfiguration or customization error Minor HsdschCall Establishment Error Minor HsdschLOCAL_NODE_TRANSMISSION_ERROR Minor ImaGroupREMOTE_NODE_TRANSMISSION_ERROR Minor ImaGroupREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM Minor SynchronizationREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM major SynchronizationOUT_OF_SERVICE Major M3uAssociationPERFORMANCE_DEGRADED Minor ManagedElementROUTING_FAILURE Major Mtp3bSrsCommunication Protocol Error Major PacketDataRouterUnavailable Minor PchCall Establishment Error Minor PchLOSS_OF_FRAME Major E1PhysPathTermReplacement Unit Problem Minor PdrDeviceREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM Minor PlugInUnitREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM Minor PlugInUnitPOWER_PROBLEM_M3100 Major SubrackPOWER_PROBLEM_M3100 Major SubrackLocal Node Transmission Error Critical RanapRemote Node Transmission Error Critical Ranap

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Unavailable Major RncFeatureREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM Major SwitchCoreUnitUNAVAILABLE Minor SccpApREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM Minor PlugInUnitREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM Minor SwitchInternalLinkREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM Major SwitchModuleREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM Major SwitchModuleREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM Minor PlugInUnitREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM Major SwitchExtensionUniREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM Major SynchronizationREPLACEABLE_UNIT_PROBLEM Major TimingUnitPerformance Degraded Non ServiUtranCellUnavailable Major UtranCellCall Establishment Error Major UtranCellDEGRADED_SIGNAL_M3100 Minor Vc4TtpLOSS_OF_MULTI_FRAME Major Vc4TtpALARM_INDICATION_SIGNAL Non ServiVc4TtpSIGNAL_LABEL_MISMATCH Major Vc4Ttp

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Assigned to


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BOFM_BSSFM_BSSCircle TeamCircle TeamCircle TeamCircle TeamCircle TeamFM_BSSBOFM_BSSFM_BSSFM_BSSFM_BSSCircle TeamCircle TeamCircle TeamCircle Team

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Ericsson Node B Alarm Description (Severity: Minor)

Auto-Configuration of Board Not PossibleAiDeviceSet_GeneralHwErrorAscDeviceGroup_GeneralHwErrorDownlinkBaseBandPool_DlHwLessThanDlCapacityEmergency Unlock of Software LicensingFcuDeviceGroup_GeneralHwErrorLoss of TrackingMaxNumHsdpaUsersExceedsLicensedLimitNbapCommon_Layer3SetupFailurePassword File FaultPsDeviceSet_GeneralHwErrorPsDeviceSet_GeneralSwErrorRaxDeviceGroup_GammaLinkFailureRaxDeviceGroup_GeneralHwErrorRaxDeviceGroup_GeneralSwErrorRetDeviceSet_GeneralHwErrorRetuDeviceGroup_GeneralHwErrorSystem Clock Quality DegradationTrDevice_GeneralHwErrorTrDeviceSet_GeneralHwErrorTxDeviceGroup_GeneralHwError

Not in To BO list
Not in BO list
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Ericsson Node B Alarm Description (Severity: Minor)Assigned to

Minor Circle TeamMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSSMinor FM_BSS

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Auto-Configuration of Board Not Possible


The alarm is issued by the Slot MO, or by the Fan MO.Auto-configuration disabled or the configuration doesn't match the inserted board.


1. New board inserted in slot

2. SW allocation defined after board insertion

3. No PluginUnit defined for the slot

4. Removing and re-inserting the board does not kick off an Auto-Configuration of the board

5.The fan cannot load the correct software.

alt | grep -i autoCget ManagedElementData=1

Auxiliary Unit Processor HW Fault

DescriptionThe alarm is issued when the auxiliary unit processor board, supervising the fan, is faulty.

As a consequence of the fault, the fan supervision can be lost.

The likely causes of this alarm are the following:

A hardware fault in the Auxiliary Unit Processor Board

Missing or faulty mandatory board parameter

lst fan or lpr fan

Disk Volume C Full


The possible causes are as follows:

get . hdVolumeCFreespaceget . minimumHdVolumeCFreespace

Impact:For Slot MO-The board is not started and cannot carry any traffic and for Fan Mo-There is a risk that the subrack cooling is not sufficient.

The alarm is issued if the amount of stored data on the distributed C volume of the General purpose Processor Boards (GPB) becomes so large that the volume is full, or nearly full. The volume is normally checked automatically every 15 minutes, and if the free space is less than or equal to the value (in megabytes) of the attribute minimumHdVolumeCFreespace in the MO ManagedElementData, the alarm is issued.

Too many UpgradePackage MOs, or the MOs are very large.

Large amounts of other files on the C volume (files that are not part of any UpgradePackage MO).

The minimum free-space limit for the C volume is too large. That is, although there is a sufficient amount of free space, the value of the attribute minimumHdVolumeCFreespace in the MO ManagedElementData, is too small for the C volume on the node.

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Disk Volume D Full


The possible causes are as follows:

lhsh 00xx00 ls /dget . hdVolumeDFreespaceget . minimumHdVolumeDFreespacevols

Emergency Unlock of Software Licensing


license serverget . EmergencyStatelicense lkflicense key

Equipment Protection Hardware Fault


Alarm Cause

ET Hardware Fault

The AUG link is disconnected.

The AUG link is faulty.

The alarm is issued if the amount of stored data on the D volume of a General purpose Processor Board (GPB) becomes so large that the volume is full, or nearly full. The volume is normally checked automatically every 15 minutes, and if the free space is less than or equal to the value (in megabytes) of the attribute, minimumHdVolumeDFreespace in the MO GeneralProcessorUnit, the alarm is issued.

Too many UpgradePackage MOs, or the MOs are very large.

Too many configuration versions (CV) on the node, or the CVs are very large. This can be the case if the alarm is issued only for the Core MP board(s), that is, only for fault-tolerant Core boards indicated by the attribute faultTolerantCoreStates in the MO ManagedElement.

Large amounts of other files on the D volume (files that are not part of any UpgradePackage MO or configuration version).

The minimum free-space limit for the D volume is too large. That is, although there is a reasonably large amount of free space, the value of the attribute minimumHdVolumeDFreespace is too small for the D volume on the board.

The alarm is issued when someone activates the Emergency state, using the action, setEmergencyState. The purpose of this Emergency state is to free the software of all license restrictions in an emergency situation, so that the capacity of the node is maximized.

The alarm is issued by the MO, ExchangeTerminal, which then enters the operational state, DISABLED. As a consequence of the alarm, the ET that is carrying traffic will act as a "stand-alone board", which means that there is no protection available. The "protecting" ET board becomes unavailable for traffic.

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lpr mspglst mspg

ET Hardware Fault

DescriptionThe alarm is issued, if the ET board(ETMF4 OR ETMF41) or the ET part of the board is faulty. The fault must be attended to on site.

As a consequence of the fault, traffic handled by the faulty board is lost.

altget ExchangeTerminal


DescriptionAn invalid downlink code configuration is detected at Eul code allocation.

Impact Radio Network Service is that EUL traffic cannot be run in the alarming cell.

Some times this alarm is caused by temporary disturbances, interruptions, or overload problems in the Iub link, it will cease automatically.

alt lst UtranCell=<RAMESHX>,Hsdsch=1,Eul=1



The RBS local cell does not support EUL.

There are no HS-DSCH Resources set up in cell.

The operational state of the RBS local cell in the RBS is “Disabled.”

altlst UtranCell=< > Hsdsch=1 Eul=1


DescriptionFaults in the ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) Adaptation Layer type 2 (AAL2)

Faults on the Special Purpose Processor Board (SPB)

Faults in the Fach IP resources.

lst UtranCell=<NSEC24X>,Fach=1

This alarm is issued when the RBS fails to set up Enhanced Dedicated Channel (E-DCH) resources requested by the RNC. The alarm also appears when the RBS indicates that a given local cell is not capable of supporting EUL.

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DescriptionThe operational state of the RBS Local Cell is Disabled. This can be caused by faults in the resources used by the RBS Local Cell.

There are no RBS resources available for the Secondary Common Control Physical Channel (SCCPCH).

There are no Iub data stream (AAL2) resources available in the RBS.

The NBAP protocol message information is not valid.

The remote node is not responding.

lst UtranCell=<NSEC24X>,Fach=1

Failure of Protocol


The alarm is issued if unexpected K1 or K2 bits occur, which are not defined in the protocol.

Normally, the alarm ceases automatically after matching bits are received.

//K1 &K2 bytes for STM-1 Frame.

lpr mspglst mspg

Fan HW Fault

DescriptionThe alarm is issued for a fan, if a hardware fault occurs.

Subrack cooling may not be sufficient.

lst fan or lpr fan

Fan SW Fault

DescriptionThe alarm is issued when the fan application software, supervising the fan, is faulty.

lst fan or lpr fan


The alarm is issued by the MO Mspg or by the MO MspgExtended.

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To achieve a valid code combination, reduce one of the following:

lst UtranCell=< > ,Hsdsch=1



If the alarm is caused by temporary disturbances, interruptions or overload problems in the Iub link, it is automatically cleared by the system.

lst UtranCell=< > ,Hsdsch=1

IMA Group Insufficient Links


The possible causes are as follows:


lst <imagroup>

lk <imagroup>

lk <iublnk>

lst <utrancell>


An invalid downlink code configuration is detected by the system at High Speed (HS) code allocation.

1.The number of High Speed Physical Downlink Shared Channel (HS-PDSCH) codes; see attribute numHsPdschCodes in MO Hsdsch.

2.The number of High Speed Shared Control Channel (HS-SCCH) codes; see attribute HsScchCodes in MO Hsdsch.

Radio Network Service Impact. HSDPA and EUL traffic cannot be run in the alarming cell.

This alarm is issued when the RBS fails to set up High Speed Downlink Shared Channel (HS-DSCH) resources requested by the RNC. The alarm also appears when the RBS indicates that a given local cell is not capable of supporting High Speed Data Packet Access (HSDPA).

No RBS resources are available for the Hsdsch.

More than five HS-PDSCH codes are requested by the RNC.

The NBAP protocol message information is not valid.

Impact:The RNC disables the HS-DSCH resources in the cell and attempts to activate them when the HS-DSCH is unlocked.

The alarm is issued when one or more Inverse Multiplexing ATM (IMA) links have failed, reducing the number of working IMA links within the IMA group to fewer than the configured "required no of links" for the IMA group.

1.hardware failure in one or more IMA links, or the managed objects on which the IMA links are dependent, each of which issues its own alarm2.a fault on the physical links that the IMA links are using

Check if the availability state of any of the IMA links is set to dependency_failed.

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altst ppst e1lst 1-1-ima1lacc vc eteloopback

IMA Group Insufficient Links at Far End


for the IMA group

its own alarm


lst <imagroup>

lk <imagroup>

lk <iublnk>

lst <utrancell>



st pp

st e1

lst 1-1-ima1

lacc vc eteloopback

Loss of Synch Reference Redundancy

DescriptionThe alarm is issued if only one of a number of defined references is available

This can be caused by the fault indicated in a corresponding primary alarm


TU Synch Reference Loss of Signal

Network Synch Time from GPS Missing

Loss of Tracking

Synch Reference Path HW Fault

The alarm is issued when one or more Inverse Multiplexing ATM (IMA) links have

failed at the remote (far-end) node, reducing the number of working IMA

links within the IMA group to fewer than the configured "required number of links"

As a consequence of the fault, the IMA group does not function

The likely cause is hardware failure in one or more IMA links, each of which issues

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Synch Reference Not Reliable

get synchronization=1get . syncRefStatus

Loss of System Clock

DescriptionThe alarm is issued when no system clock is available in the node.

The likely cause is a fault in the main subrack on the following boards:

get synchronization

st plugget <TUB board proxy>

M3UA Association Down


As a result of the fault, if it is permanent, the signalling capacity is reduced.

The possible causes are as follows:

a transmission fault

a process or processor restart in this node

a fault in the adjacent signalling node

lst m3uassociationget <proxy>

Maximum Number of Counters Exceeded

PDH physical path termination

SDH physical path termination

IP Synchronization reference

As a consequence of the fault, the traffic over the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) or Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) interfaces is stopped or disturbed. Some slips or bit errors can occur since the clock is not locked to any timing reference and it cannot fulfill the required accuracy.

Timing Unit Board (TUB)

Switch Core Board (SCB)

An alarm is issued when the Message Transfer Part level 3 (MTP3) detects a faulty M3UA Association. The fault can be permanent or temporary.

a faulty General Purpose processor Board (GPB)

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get PmService

MTP3b Link Out of Service

As a result of the fault, the signalling capacity is reduced.

The possible causes are as follows:

a transmission fault

a process or processor restart in this node

a fault in the adjacent signalling node

lst Mtp3bSpItu

MTP3b Route Set Unavailable


1.The possible causes are as follows:

lst mtp3b


The alarm is a primary alarm. It is issued by the MO, ManagedElement.

The alarm is issued when there are too many active counters.There is a limit to the total number of simultaneously active counters that are allowed. If the total number of active counters becomes greater than the preset maximum number of allowed counters, this alarm is issued.

The alarm is only issued if the maximum limit is exceeded due to creation of new MO instances.

This alarm replaces the alarm, Large Number of Counters.As a consequence of the fault, performance is degraded. Measurements are automatically suspended to keep the number of active counters below the limit. The most recently defined measurements are suspended first.The alarm ceases when the number of active counters becomes lower than a preset percentage of the maximum number of allowed counters. The limits can be set in the MO, PmService.

The alarm is a primary alarm. The alarm is issued, by the managed object, Mtp3bSlAnsi, Mtp3bSlChina, Mtp3bSlItu, or Mtp3bSlTtc, depending on the standard that is used in the network.An alarm is issued when the Message Transfer Part level 3 (MTP3) detects a faulty MTP3b signalling link. The fault can be permanent or temporary.

a faulty ET board

An alarm is issued when a user of the Message Transfer Part level 3 (MTP3) in the remote node is not accessible from this node. The fault can be permanent or temporary.As a result of the fault, signalling traffic to an MTP3 user in the remote node is not possible.

2.The MTP3 function in the remote node has restarted.

3.A processor for the MTP3 function in the remote node is faulty.

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Possible causes:

lst UtranCell=<NSEC24X>,pch=1



lst UtranCell=NSEC24X,pch=1

PDH Loss of Frame


The possible causes are as follows:

1.misconfigured framing between this and the remote node

lst <Subrack=MS,Slot=18,PlugInUnit=1,ExchangeTerminal=1,Os155SpiTtp=MS-18-2,Vc4Ttp=1,Vc12Ttp=35,e1ttp=1>


DescriptionThere is some problem in SPB boards or SPB board goes faulty.

The Internet Protocol (IP) address at the other end of the ATM Adaptation Layer type 5 (AAL5) Permanent Virtual Connection (PVC) link does not respond to Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request messages.

Impact:The RNC disables the Pch.

Faults in the ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) Adaptation Layer type 2 (AAL2):The RNC is unable to set up ATM resources.

Faults on the Special Purpose Processor Board (SPB):The RNC is unable to set up SP resources.

Faults in the Pch IP resources:The RNC is unable to set up IP resources.

This alarm is issued when the RBS fails to set up PCH resources requested by the RNC.

The alarm is issued when Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) frame alignment word cannot be found.

As a consequence of the fault, the traffic on the affected PDH physical link or affected Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) path is lost.

Note:  The most likely misconfiguration is a wrong setting in the attribute, crc4Mode in the MOs, E1PhysPathTerm or E1Ttp.

2.PDH equipment failure in the remote node

3.a problem or a failure along the PDH physical line

3.ET or CBU failure in this node

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Plug-In Unit General Problem

DescriptionThe alarm is issued when:

Possible causesRepeated software errors.

Configuration fault.

Hardware faults that are not detected by hardware test,

st plugget <proxy>

Plug-In Unit HW Failure


This alarm is issued when a Plug-In Unit is marked faulty after a hardware test of the board.

The cause is that the software that handles the hardware has found an unrecoverable hardware fault

st plug

Power Failure Left Slot


is lost or is outside the allowed voltage range.

Alarm causesA cable fault on the left side.

A power supply fault on the left side.

A voltage outside or close to the limit of the allowed voltage range.

A hardware fault on the board.

Power Failure Right Slot

All defined recovery attempts are performed for the PIU.

Contact with the PIU is lost for at least five minutes.

Removed PIU.

The alarm is issued if the –48V DC power supply to a Switch Core Board

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is lost or is outside the allowed voltage range.

Alarm CausesA cable fault on the right side.

A power supply fault on the right side.

A voltage outside or close to the limit of the allowed voltage range.

A hardware fault on the board.



st RANAPlst m3uassociation



Possible causes:

altst RANAPlst m3uaassociation

RncFeature_LicenseNot Valid


The alarm is issued if the –48V DC power supply to a Switch Core Board

The RNC loses contact with the CN node.

Either the RNC receives a signal indicating problems in the Core Network (CN) node and timer UserOutOfServiceT expires, or the RNC receives an indication that there are problems in the RNC and timer SCCPDisableT expires.

The RANAP signaling link for communication with the CN stops operating, but lower protocol levels between the RNC and the CN may still be operational.Either the RNC receives a signal indicating problems in the Core Network (CN) node and timer UserOutOfServiceT expires, or no Radio Access Network Application Part (RANAP) RESET_ACKNOWLEDGE message is received from the CN after configured retransmissions of the RESET message have been sent to the CN.

Transport network errors between the RNC and the CN node.

Restart in the CN node or intermediate system.

Radio Access Network Application Part (RANAP) application failure in the RNC or the CN node.

There is no license key installed for an activated RNC feature.

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license lkf

SCB System Clock Path HW Fault


Faulty backplane in the subrack

SCCP Remote Subsystem Unavailable


The possible causes are as follows:

lst mtp3bsrs

Switch Core Fault


In some cases, fault-free units may be indicated as well

in connection with upgrade, and node and board restart,

In these cases, it is not necessary to act on an alarm if it ceases spontaneously.

There is one of the following secondary alarms

Switch Plane A Fault

Switch Plane B Fault

Loss of Switch Redundancy Plane A

There is no license key installed or The license key is expired

Impact:The RNC feature is disabled in case the RNC is not in emergency unlock state. In emergency unlock state the feature is enabled.

The alarm is issued when there is a fault in the distribution of the system clock on a Switch Core Board (SCB). Normally, the fault must be attended to on site.Faulty SCB or SXB

Between the SCB or Switch Extension Board (SXB) on the main subrack and the SCB in the extension subrack(ISL link)

Impact:If the system clock is not duplicated in the node, the fault can stop or disturb the traffic or the network synchronization

An alarm is issued when a user of the Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP) in the remote node is not accessible from this node. The fault can be permanent or temporary. Normally, the alarm is temporary and ceases automatically.As a result of the fault, signalling traffic to an SCCP user in the remote node is not possible.

1.An SCCP user in the remote node has restarted.

2.A processor used by an SCCP user in the remote node is faulty

Check:In the alarm list, identify any signalling route set, Mtp3bSrs, that is related to the instance of the remote access point, SccpApRemote.

One or more of these alarms is issued when there is a fault in the switch plane.

A switch plane is distributed on all boards in a switch module.

The alarm is also issued for a limited period of time for a Switch Core Board (SCB) or a Control Board Unit

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Loss of Switch Redundancy Plane B

Switch Internal Link Fault


there is one of the following secondary alarms:

Switch Internal Link Group 0 Fault

Switch Internal Link Group 1 Fault

Switch Internal Link Group 2 Fault

Switch Internal Link Group 3 Fault

Loss of Link Redundancy Group 0

Loss of Link Redundancy Group 1

Loss of Link Redundancy Group 2

Loss of Link Redundancy Group 3

lst InternalLinkGroup

Switch Plane A Fault

DescriptionThe alarm is a secondary alarm. It issued by the managed object, SwitchModule.

Switch Core Fault

Switch Port Fault

Switch Plane B Fault


The alarm is a secondary alarm. It issued by the managed object, SwitchModule.

One or more of these alarms are issued when there is a communication fault

in an Inter-Switch module Link (ISL) between the main switch module and an extension

switch module in the node. It is possible that fault-free units can also be indicated.

The alarm is issued when there is a fault in the active switch plane in a switch module

As a consequence of the fault, the traffic is lost

The likely cause is that it is a consequence of the primary alarms:

The alarm is issued when there is a fault in the active switch plane in a switch module

As a consequence of the fault, the traffic is lost

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Switch Core Fault

Switch Port Fault

Switch Port Fault


The alarm is a primary alarm. It issued by the managed object, PlugInUnit

As a consequence of this alarm, there is one of the following secondary alarms:

Loss of Switch Redundancy Plane A

Loss of Switch Redundancy Plane B

Switch Plane A Fault

Switch Plane B Fault

SXB System Clock Path HW Fault


Alarm Cause

Faulty backplane in the subrack

System Clock Quality Degradation


1.TU Synch Reference Loss of Signal

2.Network Synch Time from GPS Missing

3.Loss of Tracking

4.Synch Reference Path HW Fault

5.Synch Reference Not Reliable

The likely cause is that it is a consequence of the primary alarms:

One or more of these alarms is issued when there is a fault in the switch plane.

A switch plane is distributed on all boards in a switch module

In some cases, fault-free units may be indicated as well.

The alarm is issued when there is a fault in the distribution of the system clock of a Switch Extension Board (SXB). Normally, the fault must be attended to on site.

Faulty SXB

Between the SXB on the main subrack and the Switch Core Board (SCB) in the extension subrack

Faulty SCB

The alarm is issued if the system or radio clock enters the free-running mode in a Timing Unit (TU). It gives information about the fault indicated in the corresponding primary alarm, which can be:

Impact:Traffic is not disturbed

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TU Hardware Fault


st plug



lst utrancell=< >

lk iublink= <>

lk <imagroup>



lst utrancell=< >

lk iublink= <>

lk <imagroup>


The alarm is issued if there is a fault in the generation of the system or radio clock on a Timing Unit (TU). Normally, the fault must be attended to on site.

Impact:If the Timing Unit is not duplicated in the node, the fault can stop or disturb the traffic or the network synchronization

The UtranCell_NbapReconfigurationFailure alarm is a primary alarm. The alarm is issued by the Managed Object (MO), UtranCell.

RBS does not provide the configured output power due to some internal hardware problems.

Note:  RNC will internally set a reference value representing the previously configured maximumTransmissionPower in the cell. An alarm is issued if the RBS reports a degradation of its maxPowerCapDl below 2dB.

Termination of the RNC NBAP common signaling to the Radio Base Station (RBS) is failing, due to errors in the communication link between the RNC and the RBS, or due to hardware faults in the RNC.The RBS resource handling algorithm can not find any RNC module in operational state "enabled" which has space for the Iub link. This can be because the maximum number of IubLinks has been reached for all enabled modules, or because the maximum number of UtranCells has been reached for all enabled modules.

This alarm is issued when the Radio Base Station (RBS) cannot fulfill the request to set up a UTRAN Cell issued by the Radio Network Controller (RNC).

Page 45: 3g Alarm Analysis

lst utrancell=< >

lk iublink= <>

lk <imagroup>

VC4 Degraded Signal


As a consequence of the fault, the traffic continues to run, but with quality degraded.

The possible causes are as follows:

a faulty board

a service degradation on the optical receiver

a faulty laser

a transmission media fault

VC4 Loss of MultiFrame


The possible causes are as follows:

a transmitter fault in the remote node

a fault in this node

VC4 Remote Defect Indication


As a consequence of the fault, the traffic on the affected VC4 path is lost.

The alarm is issued when a specified number of the consecutive bad seconds has been detected. A second is defined as "bad" if the detected percentage of the block errors is equal to, or greater than, the specified percentage. The values of the bad seconds (vcDegM attribute in the MO, Vc4Ttp) and errored blocks (vcDegThreshold attribute in the MO, Vc4Ttp) can be specified. The default values are 7 seconds and 30%, respectively. The alarm indicates that the VC4 (Virtual Channel) path through the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) transport network is affected by bit errors.

st vc4ttp 

The alarm is issued when there is a mismatch between the H4 bytes in Virtual Container 4 Path Overhead (VC4 POH), received in two consecutive multiframes.

As a consequence of the fault, the traffic on the affected Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) link is lost.

the alarms, VC4 Degraded Signal, or VC4 Remote Defect Indication

st vc4ttp 

The alarm is generated when the Remote Defect Indication (RDI) bit is set in the Virtual Container 4 Path Overhead (VC4 POH).

The likely cause is a fault within the Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) transport network, in the remote node.

Page 46: 3g Alarm Analysis

VC4 Unequipped Defect


As a consequence of the fault, the traffic on the affected VC4 path is lost.

st vc4ttp 

The alarm is generated when the C2 byte received in Virtual Container 4 Path Overhead (VC4 POH) contains the pattern “00000000” in five consecutive frames. The alarm indicates that there is no payload on the affected VC4.

The likely cause is that an Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH) VC4 cross-connection has been removed from, or is missing in, the SDH transport network, resulting in a configuration problem.

lt all  (load all proxies)

st vc4ttp 

lpget vc4ttp 

Page 47: 3g Alarm Analysis

Filter auto config alarmCheck its not set true

Check the status of fan

free volume>min volumeminimum volume for C drive

Page 48: 3g Alarm Analysis

Volume details fr diff drive

free volume>min volumeminimum volume for C driveVolume details fr diff drive

Check License key install or not

Page 49: 3g Alarm Analysis

Its should be enable

Its should be enable

Its should be enable

check port to port redundancy defined or not

Page 50: 3g Alarm Analysis

Its should be enable

Its should be enableIts should be enable

they should be enabled and unlocked

they should be enabled and unlocked

Page 51: 3g Alarm Analysis

they should be enabled and unlocked

they should be enabled and unlocked

they should be enabled and unlocked

they should be enabled and unlocked

they should be enabled and unlocked

they should be enabled and unlocked

Page 52: 3g Alarm Analysis

they should be enabled and unlockedthey should be enabled and unlockedthey should be enabled and unlockedall should be true

they should be enabled and unlockedthey should be enabled and unlockedthey should be enabled and unlockedthey should be enabled and unlocked

they should be enabled and unlockedthey should be enabled and unlockedthey should be enabled and unlockedall should be true

Page 53: 3g Alarm Analysis

nodeSystemClock in locked modeAll values should be 3

they should be enabled and unlocked

they should be enabled and unlocked

Page 54: 3g Alarm Analysis

op. State should be enable

op. State should be enable

no of counter less than warningAlarmLimitPercent

Page 55: 3g Alarm Analysis

op. State should be enable

op. State should be enable

op. State should be enable

Page 56: 3g Alarm Analysis

they should be enabled and unlocked

Op. State should be enable

Page 57: 3g Alarm Analysis

All should be enable

All should be enableAll should be enable

Page 58: 3g Alarm Analysis

they should be enabled and unlocked

Page 59: 3g Alarm Analysis

they should be enabled and unlocked

they should be enabled and unlocked

they should be enabled and unlocked

check weather ima link up/down

they should be enabled and unlocked

they should be enabled and unlocked

check weather ima link up/down

Page 60: 3g Alarm Analysis

they should be enabled and unlocked

they should be enabled and unlockedcheck weather ima link up/down

they should be enabled and unlocked

they should be enabled and unlocked

Page 61: 3g Alarm Analysis

they should be enabled and unlocked

(Show status of VC4 high order proxies they should be enabled and unlocked )

(Look for incrementing counters on the following counters pmVcBbe/ES/SES with a value above zero)

Page 62: 3g Alarm Analysis





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Page 66: 3g Alarm Analysis




Page 67: 3g Alarm Analysis

Auto-Configuration of Board Not PossibleDescription


1. New board inserted in slot

2. SW allocation defined after board insertion

3. No PluginUnit defined for the slot

4. Removing and re-inserting the board does not kick off an Auto-Configuration of the board

5.The fan cannot load the correct software.

alt | grep -i autoCget ManagedElementData=1


Antenna supervision is turned on and there is some problem in the Antenna interface device

lst aidevice


There is problem in the antenna system controller



The alarm is issued by the Slot MO, or by the Fan MO.Auto-configuration disabled or the configuration doesn't match the inserted board.

Impact:For Slot MO-The board is not started and cannot carry any traffic and for Fan Mo-There is a risk that the subrack cooling is not sufficient.

The problems is that the level of the signal is undefined and the probability that this causes problems increases if the grounding of the RBS is poor.The reason for that the fault only occurs on some units, is probably very small differences in internal timing between different individual units.

check the antenna, jumper cables, cable connections visually and also by swapping them among the sectors and see whether alarm moves

The ASC is an auxiliary unit of the RBS, and is mounted close to the antenna system. The ASC consists of two dual duplex Tower Mounted Amplifier (ddTMA) units for the support of two antenna branches. Each ddTMA supports one combined RX/TX antenna and is connected to one single combined RX/TX RBS feeder. The ASC has two antenna ports and two RBS ports. In addition, the ASC is equipped with a port which is used for connection to the Remote Electrical Tilt Unit (RETU).

This alarm is issued when the Downlink (DL) BB pool capacity, available for Dedicated Channels (DCH) and measured in Channel Elements (CE), is lower than the capacity defined by the LKF for the RBS Channel Elements Downlink feature.

Page 68: 3g Alarm Analysis

Emergency Unlock of Software Licensing

license serverget . EmergencyStatelicense lkflicense key


This alarm issued whn there is some problem in to Fan control unit.

lst fcudevicegroup

Loss of Tracking

get synchronization=1get . syncRefStatus


See Both the value should be equalget . maxNumHsdpaUserslicense key


The alarm is issued when someone activates the Emergency state, using the action, setEmergencyState. The purpose of this Emergency state is to free the software of all license restrictions in an emergency situation, so that the capacity of the node is maximized.

This alarm is issued by the FcuDeciceGroup MO when there are too few fans in operation. It could be the cause of a faulty or disconnected fan unit cable or too few fans installed on site.

The alarm is issued if the system or radio clock enters "loss of tracking" mode in a Timing Unit (TU). The value of the attribute, syncRefStatus is changed to LOSS_OF_TRACKING. Normally, the fault must be attended to on site.

A valid license key exists in RBS but the attribute RbsLocalCell::maxNumHsdpaUsers exceeds the value of the attribute NodeBFunction:licenseCapacityNumHsdpaUsers.

No valid license key exists in the RBS and the attribute RbsLocalCell::maxNumHsdpaUsers is set to a higher value than the default value.

This alarm is issued by the NbapCommon Managed Object (MO).

Page 69: 3g Alarm Analysis

Login in to RNClst utrancell=< >lk <iublnk>lk <imagroup>lst <imagroup>

Password File Fault

alt *show current alarms


There is some problem in HW of power supply unit


There is some problem in software of power supply unit


This alarm is issued when one or more of the units included in the gamma link is faulty.

The gamma link is the interface for the following:

lst RaxDeviceGroup

The Layer3SetupFailure alarm is issued for the Node B Application Protocol (NBAP) Common, and means that a signalling bearer is established and the Radio Base Station (RBS) requests an audit but the Radio Network Controller (RNC) is unable to initiate an audit at setup.The likely cause of this alarm is a fault in the RNC causing a communications failure between the RBS and the RNC.

The fault is critical since the RBS is unable to carry traffic.

The alarm indicates that the password required at Security Level 1 and 2, for user access via Telnet, SSH, FTP, SFTP or a serial port, was never set or that the locally stored passwd file has been found to be corrupt.

Uplink between the Remote Radio Unit (RRU) or the Radio Unit (RU) and the Digital Unit WCDMA (DUW) or the Random Access and Receiver (RAX) board (see Figure 1).

Downlink between the Transmit (TX) board or the DUW and the RRU or the RU

Page 70: 3g Alarm Analysis


There is some problem in the RAX board

lst RaxDeviceGroup cabxst plug


There is some problem in the SW of RAX board

lst RaxDeviceGroup cabxst plug


The causes of the alarm are: A faulty RETU The RETU arm is unable to move for environmental reasons, for example, antenna icing Antenna and RETU not installed

st retdevicelpr ret get < >


The causes of the alarm are: A faulty RETU The RETU arm is unable to move for environmental reasons, for example, antenna icing Antenna and RETU not installed

lpr ret get < >

System Clock Quality Degradation

This alarm is issued by the RetDevice or RetDeviceSet Managed Objects (MO) when the Remote Electrical Tilt Unit (RETU) malfunctions. The RETU is used to tilt the antenna according to the specified antenna tilt configuration parameters in the RET profile.

This alarm is issued by the RetDevice or RetDeviceSet Managed Objects (MO) when the Remote Electrical Tilt Unit (RETU) malfunctions. The RETU is used to tilt the antenna according to the specified antenna tilt configuration parameters in the RET profile.

Page 71: 3g Alarm Analysis

TU Synch Reference Loss of Signal

Network Synch Time from GPS Missing

Loss of Tracking

Synch Reference Path HW Fault

Synch Reference Not Reliable

get synchronization=1get . syncRefStatus


There is problem in the transreciever devices of RRU

lst TrDeviceSet=1


There is problem in the transreciever device set of RRU

lst TrDeviceSet=1


This alarm generate when there is issue in the TX device group of the TX card

lst TxDevice

The alarm is issued if the system or radio clock enters the free-running mode in a Timing Unit (TU). It gives information about the fault indicated in the corresponding primary alarm, which can be:

Page 72: 3g Alarm Analysis

Filter auto config alarmCheck its not set true

they should be enabled and unlocked

check the licenseCapacity and available/max CE

Page 73: 3g Alarm Analysis

nodeSystemClock in locked modeAll values should be 3

Page 74: 3g Alarm Analysis

All chaneels should be enablethey should be enabled and unlockedthey should be enabled and unlockedthey should be enabled and unlocked

Page 75: 3g Alarm Analysis

Should be enableRAX led green should be on and Red should be off and yellow 16 hz

Should be enableRAX card led status ,green should be on and Red should be off and yellow 16 hzAll should be enable

Page 76: 3g Alarm Analysis

nodeSystemClock in locked modeAll values should be 3

All should be enable

All should be enable

All should be enable

Page 77: 3g Alarm Analysis

COMMANDSlt allreadclockaltstrt


borget synchronization=1st Ranapst rnsaplst Iublinkbp modlh mod drh_dcrh_topdatalpr mspguer -m 20uer -i <IMSI/TMSI>get . noofradiolinks

RNC Backupcvlscvcu

To Block/Deblock any Boardst plugbl <proxy id> deb <proxy id>

To Block/Deblock any MO

lbls <MO>lbl < MO>ldeb <MO>

To Check the Loopback in RBS/RNC

IN RBSlacc vc eteloopback


lacc <atmport of nodeb> eteloopback

For finding below mention parameterCGI


Page 78: 3g Alarm Analysis

Routing Area



BTS Type- Main Cabinet ( RBS number only eg. 6XXX )

NodeB Output Power ( 20W, 40W, 60W)No. of DL CE'sNo. of UL CE's


Page 79: 3g Alarm Analysis

DETAIL OF COMMANDTo Load the MO's.Necessary to execute before executing any command.To get the time and dateTo get the alarms in RNC with Time and date

T Get the type of board,software allocation and magzine numberTo get the nodeSystemClock and it should be in lock modeTo Verify that both RANAP to MSC and SGSN are enabled.To Verify that both RNSAP b/w two RNCsTo Verify that all Iub Links are enabled. To ge the RNC Module detailTo get the GPB & SPB PoolTo get Transport network redundancyTo Get the 20 call detailTo get the call detail for perticular IMSI/TMSI Numberrun it in RBS and get no of calls in all sector

RNC BackupTo get the list of CVTo get the detail of startable and rolback CV

To Block/Deblock any BoardTo get the proxy of all boardsTo Block the boardTo Deblock the board

To Block/Deblock any MO

Soft blockhard blockdeblock the MO

To Check the Loopback in RBS/RNC

All values should be true

Values should be true

Commands Remark

lk <cellname>/get BRNDVNX routingAreaRef Run RNC

To get the status of Site and detail of site like GPB Module number,Link Status,status of Cell,ETM Port.

To get the hardware detail of RNC Board with status of the board,Product and serial number,slot number,magzine number

Page 80: 3g Alarm Analysis

lk <cellname>/get BRNDVNX routingAreaRef Run RNC

get <BRNDVNX> uarfcndl Run RNCget <BRNDVNX> uarfcnul Run RNC

get 0Run RNC

Run NodeB

get 0 Run RNC

get <sahara>maximumTransmissionPower Run RNC

cedh Run RNC

lget all pointc Run RNC

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