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November ServicesFriday, November 4 6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat Services Saturday, November 5 Bat Mitzvah of Samantha Rose Lapkin 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat Services 11:15 a.m. Tot Shabbat Group Aliyah and Blessing for November Wedding Anniversaries; Kiddush sponsored by Sharon Lapkin and Ricky LapkinFriday, November 11 6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat ServicesSaturday, November 12 Bar Mitzvah of Robert "Parker" Morgan 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat Services, Kiddush spon-sored by Jennifer and Dennis MorganFriday, November 18 6:00 p.m. Erev Shabbat Services Saturday, November 19 10:00 a.m. Yom Shabbat Services; Nesiyah Shabbat for Religious School families; Guest speaker followed by Q&A Welcoming Ceremony for Caitlyn Roukin and her sons Leonard & Abraham; Kiddush sponsored by Samuel and Caitlyn RoukinFriday, November 25 6:00 p.m. Neshamah Shabbat Services Traditional, unabridged, Hebrew-only Shabbat ServicesSaturday, November 26 10:00 a.m. Neshamah Shabbat Services

Temple Beth-El Bulletin30 Tishrei - 29 Heshivan November 2016

Reflections & Connections Rabbi Michael KnopfBelow is a version of my “One Community, One Campus” sermon from Rosh Hashanah. As it has been edited to fit this

space, you can read the full version here: Our congregation strives to be an inten-tional and interconnected spiritual commu-nity where we all help each other grow Jew-ishly, flourish personally, and build a better world. But, if we are honest, sometimes we miss the mark. There are exquisite moments when I experience our cohesiveness and uni-ty, moments when God’s presence is palpa-ble, when I am convinced not only that our community will endure but that it will thrive long into the future because of the sanctity, love, and strength we bring to each others’ lives. Such moments are the essence of Jew-ish life, the way we nurture the souls of those who are here with us this day, and the way we inspire those who are not here with us today to embrace us tomorrow. But there are also times, and I suspect you have felt them too, when we feel atom-ized, a collection of smaller sub-communi-ties, groups, and even cliques. When I see us cluster within our own social, demographic, and geographical groups, I become sad. I know how it hurts people, and how it dimin-ishes each of our lives. And I become afraid, for I know that congregations where people separate from one another physically, emo-tionally, and spiritually drive people away and endanger their own future. This year, we are attempting to tackle this challenge head-on in multiple ways. One ma-jor new effort is The Havurah Project, a pro-gram that connects small groups of commu-nity members across social and demographic divides at the common space of the Shabbat table. Nearly a quarter of our congregation (ages 6 months to 90+) is participating in this pilot year of The Havurah Project! But the Havurah Project is just the be-ginning. There is something even more sig-

nificant that we must do. If we are to be one congregational community, we need one spiritual home. As King Hezekiah demon-strated two thousand years ago, the only way for us to secure our community’s future is to create one campus. One community. One shared future. One campus. A vision for our congregation that is both beautiful in its simplicity and profound in its necessity. For the past two decades, we have owned, operated, maintained, and divided time be-tween two disparate campuses. When we began building our school campus on Parham, the rationale was sim-ple: We needed more space. Expanding may have made sense at the time, and may have adequately addressed our facilities needs, at least while we were a congregation of over 800 families. But today, our congregation is half the size it was back then. And while we’re growing, it is very unlikely that we will swell back to that size any time soon, given the headwinds we face. Our original reason for having two campuses no longer applies. But it’s not just about having too much space. It’s that our two-campus model has harmed us and threatens our future. Over the past twenty years, having two campuses has divided us socially, culturally, and spiritually. When part of our community primarily engages with one campus, and the other part of our community primarily en-gages with another, how can anyone feel that they are part of one cohesive community? We have seen how our two campuses have split us into distinct “School” and “shul” communities and distinct West-End and city communities, both with the look and feel of being autonomous communities in their own rights. We have seen how having two campus-es has led to a reality in which many of our children never set foot in our sanctuary un-til their Bar or Bat Mitzvah, and in which many of our elders never encounter the vibrant sound of our children learning To-rah. cont'd on pg. 12

Religious School News page 8

Community Singing Circle page 6

Visioning Updates page 2Havurah Spotlight page 3

Blessing of the Pets page 7

Cook's Night Out page 5

Nesiyah Shabbat page 8

Adult Education page 9

Casino Night page 4

Kirtan Rabbi Concert page 11Latke Party & Blood Drive page 13Life & Legacy Program page 15

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November 2016 Page 2

November 2016 Communique In September we reported that the Visioning Steering Committee proposed some changes to the structure of the board in large part to shift volunteer energy into committees, programs, etc. Feedback from the Executive Committee was incorporated and the Board of Governors voiced its support in principle of these measures. A constitutional review will soon be underway to realize these changes which will then require a congregational vote at the annual meeting. Our hope is the modifica-tions in governance and recent changes in professional staff will enable members to find more joy in volunteering to benefit our TBE community.

Also significant is the launch of the One Community, One Campus initiative. (Yes, yes, we’ve discussed our buildings and our locations pre-viously.) At this juncture, our focus is not on where we want to be, but rather WHAT we want...WHAT we need...WHAT will further our vision and values...wherever we are. To gather this information we’ll begin with fo-

cus groups followed by a survey to provide us with a better understand-ing of our spiritual community needs.

We will also need to re-assess our current facilities to determine if and how they might be able to meet the determined needs. It’s both a necessary and arduous task and much help will be needed to accomplish it.

Ultimately, we aim to create a spiritual community space that will en-able us to realize our vision and we’re excited to take these initial steps!

Your feedback is always welcome via [email protected].

-Judy Gary, Roy Zeidman, Marsha Feldstein, Hilton Rubin, Ari Hirsch, Deb-bie Minden, Rabbi Michael Knopf, Ben Lewis, Brie Stammer, Chris Green-berg, Jake Pasternak, and Moshe Feldman, and Faith Kallman

Rock Climbing and Pizza!Sunday, Nov. 6

Drop off at Tuckahoe YMCA 9211 Patterson Ave at 2pmPickup at Regency Square Mall Food Court entrance at 4pm

Transportation between locations will be providedCost: $20.00 (includes climb and pizza)

no experience neededRSVP by November 1 - [email protected] or 804-355-3564 ext:111fill out waiver at

Kiddush & Pre-NegSponsorshipsDo you have a birthday, anniversary or social event coming up? Celebrate with a Kiddush or Pre-Neg! Your sponsorship will be announced in the Shabbat handout, the Good Shabbos email news, and the Temple Bulletin. For prices please con-tact Faith Kallman: [email protected] | 804-355-3564 ext. 104

November 5 - Kiddush sponsored by Sharon Lapkin and Ricky Lapkin to celebrate the Bat Mitzvah of their daughter, Samantha Lapkin

November 12 - Kiddush sponsored by Jennifer and Dennis Morgan to celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of their son, Robert "Parker" Morgan

November 19 - Kiddush sponsored by Caitlyn and Samuel Roukin to celebrate the welcoming ceremony of Caitlyn and their two sons, Leonard and Abraham

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November 2016 Page 3

TheHavurah Project

at Temple Beth-ElSpotlight

As a way to get to know all the newly-formed Havurah groups, we will be peiodically sharing one or two "bios" submitted by each group. Enjoy.

Havurah Beit – The ToraTastics! The ToraTastics are very excited about Temple Beth El’s Havurah Pro-ject and are gearing up for the first Havurah Shabbat in November. Our wonderful Havurah includes the Biegler, Bricks, Hirsch and Gary families. Claudia and Steve Biegler are delighted to be part of the Havurah program. Steve grew up at Beth-El and was a bar mitzvah there just a few “short" years ago. Their daughters Joanna and Lauren are married now and have given them 4 amazing grandchildren ages 5, 3 2 and 1. They would like to be role models for them in welcoming new and old friends to share Shabbat together. They often celebrated Shabbat when raising their daughters and it feels like they are “coming home" again. The Bricks moved to Richmond three years ago from Atlanta, Geor-gia. Maury, who was raised in the conservative Jewish tradition, and Liath, who is Israeli, are committed to raising their boys, Zachary, age 10 and Benji, age 6, to be proud Jews. Maury is traditional while Liath enjoys experimenting with a variety of fun and creative ways to “do Jew-ish.” The boys have been enjoying TBE Religious School and Hannah’s High Holidays Children Services. The Bricks enjoy opening their home to friends of all faiths during the numerous holidays and remind everyone to stop by their annual Latke Party for Maury’s famous, made-from-scratch latkes, with either sour cream or apple sauce (an annual rivalry in the household). The Hirsch family is excited to join the Torah Tastics. Ari and Meggie are from Richmond and are long time Temple Beth-El congregants. Ari is on the TBE board and currently working on the visioning committee. He is a nephrologist in his spare time. Meggie is a former Spanish teacher and currently a board member at Rudlin Torah Academy, Richmond Hebrew Day School. She is planning a community wide Passover-themed poetry slam in conjunction with a Richmond poetry organization. Theo, an eight-year-old third-grader at Rudlin Torah Academy, is a wealth of Pokemon knowledge. He plays baseball and tennis. Theo writes jokes and will enjoy a new audience of Havurah group members.Mila, five-years old, is a new Kindergarten student at RTA. She enjoys friends, dance classes, art, and the TV show, American Ninja Warrior. Louis and Judy Gary "grew up" at TBE, but since he is MUCH, MUCH older (by 3 years), they didn't know each other, though their families were acquainted. Through a chance meeting at the Willow Lawn food court in 1987, they met and soon thereafter married. They've lived in Richmond most of that time. Judy is an educator in the VCU Department of Family Medicine and Louis manages the IT infrastructure for VA Pre-mier Health Plan. Despite their education at UVA, their children, Sadie (21 yrs.) and Eli (19 yrs) are diehard Hokies! Judy and Louis are very fortunate to have family close-by (with only the Beth-Sholom parking lot separating their parents.) With all of these ties to Richmond and TBE, the Gary's look forward to getting to know new friends through the Havurah Project.

Introducing…the Shabbos Club!The Shabbos club, that’s who we are, it’s the place everyone wants to be,The Lowensteins, party of 4, Galperns and Hayes-Freeds!The Shabbos Club, you got that right, we’ll shout it from the hills,We’re so excited to celebrate each month, joining for our Sabbath meals!Neal and Becky, Benjamin too, their pretty new in town,Robyn, David and their brood could surely show them around!Kayla is the eldest of the kids, wise beyond her years,She surely will take the lead as we clink our Shabbos Cheers!Twins Aaron and Sabrina are a force to reckon with,Double the delight for sure, true, this ain’t no myth!Naomi and Zachary, the Lowenstein kids, are hosting the first Shabbat,Bekah and David are pleased to welcome the Shabbos club to their lot!The Shabbos Club, that’s who we are, it’s the place everyone wants to be,Let’s do it up right at Temple Beth-El and celebrate Shabbat with glee!

Thank you High Holiday Ushers!

Elliot BenderHelene BradshawJoey ClaymanJosh CaneJudy CrockerHarry DeutschDebbie FalikMarsha FeldsteinRon FelmusJeffrey FrostGary GoldbergLarry GoldmanChris GreenbergMichael HessbergHarry HirschBrian ImburgMelody imburgDavid IsenbergMatt LangsamMarci Linas

Steve LinasArnold LowensteinDavid PerryBob SiegelAudrey Schumacher-TurnerMartin SlutzahCathy SoffinBrie StammerSam StrausAaron RosenbergSara RosenbaumRita RubyMarc RutmanSara WaskinBette Rose WebneBonnie WilenskyGlen WilenskyRoy ZeidmanFranklin Wolf

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November 2016 Page 4

d e ta i ls ● s p o n s o rs h i p o p p o rt u n i t i e s ● T i c k e t sa l e s

B e t h e l r i c h m o n d . o r g / e v e n t / cas i n oo r ca l l 8 0 4 . 3 5 5 . 3 5 6 4 e x t . 1 0 4

at Beth-El’s Casino Night Fundraiser

Good Times

at Brown Religious School601 N. Parham Rd.

Saturday November127:00-10:00pm


starting at

$50 /person

real las vegas-style gambling tables

Let the

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November 2016 Page 5

Sisterhood News Chris Greenberg, President Congratulations to the three Simchat Torah honorees: Rita Ruby, Fran Broeder and Rick Genter! Sisterhood is supporting the Casino Night event and fundraiser on November 12th and we hope everyone in the congrega-tion is planning to do so in some capacity. The Casino Night committee, led by David and Geri Isenberg, has been working ex-tremely hard to stage a fun event includ-ing great food and drink, authentic casino gaming tables with professional dealers, video horseracing and the opportunity to participate in a 50/50 raffle, silent auction and win raffle prizes based on your gaming wins including a $1,000 Apple Store gift card pro-vided by TBE’s Men’s Club and Sisterhood. Invite your friends and family in the commu-nity to attend this exciting event! Whether you can attend or not, you or your company can support this important event by sponsoring a gaming table, a horse, a horse race or by donating a gift card for a local restaurant, cultural event or activity for our silent auction or raffle prizes. If you have something to donate, please contact Execu-tive Director, Faith Kallman. We apologize for the juggling of our programming schedule as we try to create programs of interest to our congregation. We’ve gotten some great feedback from some of our ladies and are looking to get more. Based on this feedback, we are expanding our programming committee to work on new programming ideas, getting more involved in programming at the religious school and re-introducing our popular Cook’s Night Out program.

Upcoming Sisterhood Events • Wednesday, November 16th at 6:15pm – Cook’s Night Out at Parham. Come whether you are picking up kids from school or not to enjoy a Ba-ja-style Mexican dinner for $5 a person or $15 a family.

• Wednesday, February 15th at 10:00am at Grove – Sisterhood Game Day. Bring your friends and your game for a day of noshing, socializing and competition. Note, due to our challenges in rescheduling Dr. Rosenbaum, we may move Game Day to January.

• Rescheduled speaker program with Dr. Claire Millhiser Rosenbaum. We are rescheduling this program for a Sunday at the Parham building but are still working on an exact date. Come at 10:30 am to eat and so-cialize then stay for Claire’s presentation on “Jewish Culture & Heritage” starting at 11:15am.

invites you to

No time to grocery shop? Too tired to cook dinner?We cook it for you!

Wed. Nov. 16th 6:15 pmBaja Style Mexican Dinner

Brown Religious School 601 N. Parham Rd.Immediately following Religious School

Everyone is welcome!

OUT!Cook's Night



pay at the door

The Fruit of Her HandsThis year's Torah Fund theme is P'ri Yadehah which means "the fruit of her hands." It is a phrase from Eishet Chayil, found within the Book of Proverbs. This year we celebrate women's achievements through creativity - the fruit of her hands - in the home, workplace, synagogue, and community.

The 2017 Torah Fund pin features a shaft of wheat, signifying the sustenance we wish for all our family and friends, and an olive branch representing our prayers for peace. It is Women's League's gift to donors who generously support the campaign by making a minimum donation of $180.

Contact Marian Winer @ 270-7898 for more information.

Torah Fund Pin for 5777-2016

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November 2016 Page 6

Notes From Hazzan Marian TurkUntangling I remember a time, about ten years ago, while I was still in can-torial school at the Jewish Theological Seminary in New York City. I was on a city bus, and I was indulging in my hobby of knitting, a hobby I’d recently picked up again after a long hiatus. I think it’s more accurate to say I was trying to indulge in my hobby of knitting. I was trying to knit from a hank of yarn that had not yet been wound into a ball or skein. The yarn got hopelessly tangled, and I ended up sitting on a bus with a huge, snarled mess in my lap. It took me three days, but I managed to untangle the entire hank of yarn. I did it by following the yarn carefully to the next tangle, patiently undoing that tangle, and then following the yarn to the next tangle. It was frustrating, but I refused to give up. I was determined to untangle the whole thing, and I did. As soon as I got the whole thing untangled, I wound the yarn into a ball. And from then on, I always knew the difference between a hank and a skein. Now I never knit from yarn that is not wound into a ball. But I learned a valuable lesson from that experience that directly relates to life. There are very few tangles, in yarn or in life, that can-not be undone. If we care enough, and we have enough patience, we can work through just about any tangle in life that we get ourselves into. Of course, it’s best to avoid getting tangled up in the first place. But inevitably we will find ourselves ensnared in things. Life is often messy, even when we plan and make so much effort for it to be neat. The trick is not to let the messes throw us off. If we work at undoing them, carefully and methodically, tracing the mess back to where it started and cleaning it up as best we can, we can work through things and move on. I often think about my lap full of tangled yarn around this time of year. Now that we have celebrated the holiday of Simchat Torah, we start reading from the beginning of the Torah again, starting with the book of Genesis. The first book of the Bible is full of tales of entanglements people have with each other. Many of those entan-

glements have to do with family relationships. Some of the entan-glements our Biblical protagonists encounter get resolved; many do not. As I read through the book of Genesis this time of year, I think about the entanglements and snarls in my life, particularly in my re-lationships with other people. I think about how I can start undoing some of those tangles, and most importantly, what I can learn from how I got into that mess so that I can avoid another similar mess. By tracing back my issues in a particular relationship or situation with other people to their root causes, I can often undo or mitigate the damage done. And I keep reminding myself that most tangles in life can be undone. I hope that your reading of Genesis this year provides you with some fruitful reflection and some motivation to undo some of the tangles in your life, and I look forward to seeing you at synagogue!

Shalom uvracha, Hazzan Marian

Community Singing CircleMonday, Nov. 287:00 pmGrove Ave. Kiddush Room

Are you craving a singing community? A place to sing with others and sing from the heart? Please join us for our next Community Singing Circle!

We will sing short songs and niggunim (word-less melodies), elevating ourselves and each other and finding community in our music and harmony.

See you there!

WE WANT YOUFor morning minyan!

You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss the morning blues goodbye!

(You'll also help your fellow con-gregants to say Kaddish for loved ones and strengthen your connec-

tion to our community!)Mondays and Thursdays 7:00 am

Okun Chapel at Grove AvenueSundays 9:00 am

Brown Religious SchoolSee you there!

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November 2016 Page 7

Beth-El's Brown Religious School invites you & your pet to

Blessing of the PetsSunday, November 6 at 11:30 amBrown Religious School • 601 N. Parham Rd.

Celebrate Noah and the animals as we bless our furry friends! Please bring your animal (on a leash or in a carrier) as we recognize the joy our pets bring us and the mitzvah we do by caring for them.

You don't have to have a pet to participate;

just come and celebrate!


Samantha lapkin

November 5, 2016 Samantha Rose Lapkin is the daughter of Sharon Lapkin and Ricky Lapkin, the granddaughter of John and Marilyn Moranha of Virgin-

ia Beach, Gerald and Charlotte Pratt of Norfolk, and of Hedy Lapkin and the late Edward Lapkin of Richmond. She is also the sister of Davis Lapkin. Sammy is a seventh-grade honor role student at Quioc-casin Middle School with interests in history and science. She enjoys playing softball, especially the catcher position. She loves animals, reading, art and is nicknamed "Country Girl." Sammy invites her family and friends and the entire congregation to join her at Kiddush lunch immediately following services, sponsored by Sharon Lapkin and Ricky Lapkin.

RobeRt "paRkeR"


November 12, 2016 Robert "Parker" Morgan is the son of Dennis and Jennifer Mor-gan, and the grandson of

Arnold and Miriam Hoffman of Virginia Beach and of Marjorie Driskill of Richmond. He is also the brother of Steven "Carter" Morgan. Parker is in the seventh grade at Holman Middle School. He enjoys Boy Scouts, Robotics, and his school's Gifted Enrichment program. He loves animals, nature, and his family, especially his brother Carter. The congregation is invited to a Kuddush lunch immediately following services, sponsored by Jennifer and Dennis Morgan.

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November 2016 Page 8

News from Brown Religious School Ramona Brand, Director of Youth LearningBeth-El Announces Hannah Piracha as new Teen Engagement CoordinatorHannah currently teaches Music and grades 3-4 Hebrew at the Religious School and has an extensive background in Jewish Youth leadership. She has served in the Richmond

Jewish community for 8 years, song leading, teaching, and as the CIT coordinator at Camp Sababa. Additionally she has worked with campers at 6 Points Sports Academy in Greensboro, NC and Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute in Oconomowoc, WI. She is excited to expand her role at Temple Beth-El, developing engaging programs for high school teens. They will include social, religious, educational, and social action programs and an affiliation with USY. Beth-El's new High School Youth Group first event will take place this month on November 6th. Temple Beth-El offers a full complement of youth programs from 2nd grade through 12th grade.

Nesiyah Shabbat to begin Saturday November 19, 20169:30am - 12:30pm in the Kiddush Room at Grove Ave. (see ad below) The morning will begin with a family friendly Shabbat song session and will then move into learning groups facilitated by Religious School teachers. In this pilot year, each Nesiyah session will focus on a different aspect of Shabbat that will deepen family connection to Shabbat worship, practice and celebration. The morning will conclude by joining the congregation for the Shabbat Service. We have five Nesiyah Shabbat sessions planned for this year.

November Religious School CalendarSundays, 9:00am – 12:00pm: 6*, 13, 20Wednesdays, 4:15pm – 6:15pm: 2, 9, 16, 30*Nov. 6th Daylight Savings Time Ends – turn your clock back one hour.

Beth-El Teens and Confirmation Class: Sunday, November 13thFamily Learning for 6th Grade students and parents: Sunday, November 20thPreschool Class: Sunday, November 20th

Special School EventsSaturday, November 5th: Tot Shabbat 11:15am Grove Ave. Kid-dush RoomSunday, November 6th: Blessing of the Pets 11:30 in the Breeze-way at ParhamSaturday, November 19th: Nesiyah Shabbat 9:30am – 12:30 at GroveSunday, November 20th: 7th Grade to Holocaust Museum

Beth-El Youth Groups Ready for FUN!November Youth Group EventsKadima for middle school students in grades 6-8. Kadima is a great way to strengthen friendships and deepen a connection to Juda-ism and social action. Nov. 6, Escape Room, Dec. 4, Bowling (see ad on page 12)Leah Bondy, Coordinator, [email protected] or 513-218-8611

TBE High school Youth group for High School students (grades 9-12). Hannah Piracha: Teen Engagement Coordinator, [email protected], November 6, 2016: Rock Climbing (see ad on page 2)

For information about any of these programs or to learn more about our vibrant Jewish education and our remarkable congregation contact Ramona L. Brand, Director of Youth Learning at 804-355-3564 ext. 111 [email protected], and you can find a registration form brown-religious-school

An integral component of Beth-El’s innovative approach to Religious Edu-cation, Nesiyah Shabbaton bring families together to learn and experience Shabbat. The morning will begin with a family Shabbat song session, then move into learning groups led by Religious School teachers. Each Nesiyah session will focus on a different aspect of Shabbat that will deepen family connection to worship, practice and celebration.

These Saturdays2016 November 19 December 172017 January 21 March 18 May 6

Beginning Saturday, November 199:30am - 12:30pm • 3330 Grove Ave. Kiddush Room

NesiyahShabbatFamily Learning Program • Grades K-7

Temple Beth-El’s Brown Religious School presents

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November 2016 Page 9

Adult EducationFall OfferingsLearning with Lager with Rabbi Knopf One Monday every month Beginning Monday, Nov. 14 7:30 p.m. Grove Ave. KR with Rabbi Knopf Beit Midrash (study and discussion) will focus on various aspects of this year's theme, L'taken Olam: Building a Better World, see ad below

Shabbat Guest Speaker Series One Saturday of every month Beginning Saturday, Nov. 19 10:00 a.m. Grove Ave. during Shabbat Services Join us as we learn from various guests who will speak about this year's theme, followed by a Kiddush with Q&A.

Hasidic Lunch & Learn 1st Wednesday of every month Beginning Nov. 9 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. at Grove Ave. KR with Rabbi KnopfThis year's theme: L'taken Olam: Building a Better World; bring a dairy or vegetarian lunch

Read Hebrew America: Level 1 Hebrew Reading Crash Course 6 Tuesdays: Nov. 1, 8, 29, Dec. 6, 13, 20 7:30 p.m. at Grove Ave. KR with Dr. Gary GoldbergAn essential component of the practice of Judaism, He-brew is the language in which virtually all Jewish prayer books, holiday services, and most religious texts are written and read. This FREE course will concentrate on teaching the Hebrew alphabet and basic reading skills to Jews with limited or no background in Hebrew. Register online at or Call the office at 804-355-3564 ext. 100

Talmud Every Tuesday (except Jewish and secular holidays) 12:15 - 1:15 p.m. at Grove Ave. KR with Rabbi Creditor Emeritus


L'taken olam: building a better worldwith Rabbi Knopf

liquid Adult Ed. Sessionswith a different localmicrobrew each month

one monday per monthFirst session Monday, Nov. 14

7:30 pmGrove Ave. Kiddush Room

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November 2016 Page 10

November Wedding AnniversariesRichard and Lois Backer

Franklin and Stacey BaumCharles and Judith BeckerJan and Randi BerkowitzStanley and Mickey CornMerrill and Melinda Gold

Marc and Christine GreenbergMichael and Lisa Hessberg

Lee and Jayme KraussRobert and Laura Oscar

Aaron and Heather Rosenberg

Hilton and Suzanne RubinJeffrey and Renata Sampson

Robert and Mary SiegelClifford and Michael Ann Singer

William and Sandra SrokaMitchell and Sara Waskin

Fred and Margaret WeinbergSherman and Betty Weisinger

Alan and Halina Zimm

November Birthdays (listed alphabetically)

Lauren AbrahamPhilip Abraham

Michael AkyeampongFrances Amernick

Susan ArkinStacey BaumMyra BellerSiliah Burke

Deveney BurkeLeslie Burke

Dena Elizabeth CantorShira Cantor

Rabbi Gary CreditorBen Donohue

Lauren EdelsteinStuart FeldsteinJerome Feldstein

Marilyn Lipsitz FlaxJoshua FrostCarly Gerring

Ann Russ GoodmanAlexander Halpern

Laurie HalpertFlorine Harowitz

Cory HorwitzTracey HorwitzEleanor IpsonGeri Isenberg

Doris KatzAlan Katz

Fred KesslerFay Kessler

Iris KrumbeinNathaniel Krumbein

Sharon LapkinBarbara Levin

Arthur LewisRachel LewisLisa Looney

Naomi LowensteinPearl Karp Markham

Daniel McGrealBarbara Miller

Ellen NovemberKevin O'Holleran

Madeline O'HolleranJoel Peck

Robert PustilnikHarris Raskind

Samuel RevensonAllison Revenson

Norman RosenbaumHeather Rosenberg

Toby RosenthalSarah Rubin

Krysta SchwartzBarbara Shocket

Stuart SiegelMorgan Silverstein

Barbara SimonArlene Slutzah

Anna SoffinDavid Stein

Rubin UnowitzFred WeinbergGlen Wilensky

Samantha WinkelmannDavid WittenFloyd WittenMaia Zasler

Thursday, December 1, 2016 7:00 pm

Holy Rosary Catholic Church3300 R Street • Richmond 23223

World AIDS Day is a time to remember those lost, and to educate ourselves about the current state of HIV and HIV illness.

featuring appearances byRichmond City Councilwoman Dr. Cynthia Newbille

Robert Higginson of VCU Infectious Disease Clinicmusic by

Richmond Men's ChorusReception after the commemoration

Please join us for an Interfaith

World AIDS Day Observance

Presented by Diversity Richmondin partnership with

Holy Rosary Catholic Church Temple Beth-El

Church Of The Holy Comforter Health Brigade

Faith Community Baptist Church Metropolitan Community Church of Richmond

Dr. Richard Goodbeer Professor of History and Director

Humanities Research Center Virginia Commonwealth University

Who: 6th-8th gradersWhere: BOWLAMERICA Short Pump - 4400 Pouncey Tract Rd.When: Sunday, December 4, 12:30-2:30pm Cost: $11- includes shoe rental & unlimited bowling, pay at the eventQuestions contact Leah [email protected] 513-218-8611

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November 2016 Page 11

Diamond annual dues plus $5,400

Platinum annual dues plus $1,000

Silver annual dues plus $500

Gold annual dues plus $750

Double Chai annual dues plus $3,600Dr. & Mrs. Michael Edelstein Mr. & Mrs. James Plotkin Mr. & Mrs. GD Rothenberg

Mr. & Mrs. Mark Sisisky

Mr. & Mrs. Lewis Baum Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Davis Mr. & Mrs. Marc Greenberg Mr. & Mrs. Richard Linas Mr. & Mrs. David Ruby

Mrs. Betty Borton (OBM) Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Corn Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hirsch Mr. & Mrs. Neal Menkes Mrs. Sandra Sisisky Mr. Franklin Wolf & Mrs. Gini Blostein-Wolf

Mr. & Mrs. Steve Biegler Mr. & Mrs. Irving Blank Mr. & Mrs. Jack Cohen Dr. Rutledge Dennis Dr. & Mrs. Adam Falik Mrs. Helen Horwitz Mr. & Mrs. Jay Ipson Mr. Benjamin Lehman Dr. & Mrs. Steven Linas Mr. & Mrs. Milton Rubin Dr. & Mrs. Robert Siegel Mr. & Mrs. Martin Zinder

Mrs. Edith Glock Cantor & Mrs. Errol Helfman Dr. Jerome Imburg Mrs. Doris Katz Rabbi & Mrs. Michael Knopf Mr. & Mrs. Joel Lewis Dr. & Mrs. Richard Lieb Mr. & Mrs. Arnold Lowenstein Mrs. Barbara Shocket Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Singer Mrs. Nancy Walter Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell WaskinMr. & Mrs. Roy Zeidman

2016 Patrons

Bronze annual dues plus $250


B E I N S P I R E D . S L O W D O W N . E X P E R I E N C E J O Y .T R Y S O M E T H I N G N E W . J O I N V O I C E S W I T H O T H E R S .

S A T U R D A Y , D E C E M B E R 3 a t 7 : 3 0 p m





Parking on street and in back

Learn more about Rabbi Andrew Hahn at

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November 2016 Page 12

Reflections and Connections cont'd from pg. 1 Having two homes communicates that our differences are greater than that which unites us, and that our demographic loyalties or needs as individual religious consumers are more precious than the larger community we share. Our current two-campus model also disables us from ade-quately investing - emotionally, spiritually, and, yes, financially - in either venue. We can all see the results: This once magnifi-cent campus, which was built by the parents and grandparents of the people in this room - has been permitted to fall into dis-repair before our very eyes. Resources are always scarce, and funds that could be used to restore, renovate, and redesign this campus are perpetually diverted to the Parham building. Meanwhile, our Parham campus is also showing signs of age. Funds we need to make necessary repairs there are being divert-ed to projects like fixing the social hall ceiling here. We simply can’t afford the facilities we want and need at both locations. And the fact that human and financial resources need to be channelled to the upkeep and operation of both buildings means we have less to allocate to the real business of congre-gational life. It makes our staff less able to collaborate, focus, and execute our holy work with quality and efficiency. And we as a congregation can’t adequately invest in the kind of vibrant programming we envision, or the outreach work we need to do in order to grow. The result is perpetually diminishing returns. But, to paraphrase the great Eastern philosopher Lao Tzu, when we let go of what we are, we can become what we might be. If we were to share one campus, we could emphasize our col-lective past, present, and future. If we were to coalesce around one symbol - a physical, tangible, symbol - congregants of di-verse backgrounds and needs could discover and take pride in their shared identity. It would also strengthen and solidify our place in the public’s perception. Having one common space would enable everyone in our community, regardless of where they are from, to engage with each other in times of pain and in times of joy. It would help us forge stronger bonds and bring meaning and holiness to each other at each stage of our life’s journeys. Having one campus would enable us to invest our finite re-sources where they most matter: into the programs and engage-ment tools we need to nurture a dynamic, passionate, and hey-mish spiritual community where we support and inspire each other. I know that the path to creating one shared campus will be a long and challenging one. I’m also aware that we’ve tried this before and have failed. To be successful, our entire community must walk this path side by side, hand in hand. It cannot only be about one person’s vision. All of our voices have to be heard. Plans will have to be developed and debated. Resources will have to be raised. Difficult decisions will have to be made. We must overcome our fears through our faith in each other and in the importance of our community’s purpose. We must overcome our cynicism borne of past failures and present frus-trations with hope for the bright future God is holding out for us. Yes, it may be a hard road ahead. But, to paraphrase Anais Nin, the day has come when the risk to remain tight in a bud

is more dangerous than the risk it will take to blossom. Either we address this issue now, together, our own way, or the mod-ern-day Assyrians will do it for us. So this year, under the leadership of our Visioning Steering Committee, we are going to start the process. Our first step will be to convene focus groups comprised of a diverse and repre-sentative cross-section of our congregation to hear from you about what you would like a synagogue campus to do for you. These groups will not focus on questions of geography - as in which of our current campuses do you prefer - but rather on what features a facility would need to have in order for it to maximally contribute to nurturing communal connection and spiritual engagement. Our next step, which will occur this winter, will be to survey the entire congregation, to hear all of your views and to refine and sharpen what we learned from the focus groups. Again, we won't be focusing on questions of “where,” but rather on “what.” Meanwhile, we will be conducting in-depth analyses of both of our campuses to ascertain the opportunities and limitations of both properties. Once we amass and study all of that data, most likely this spring, we will engage qualified professionals to work with us in designing multiple models for a campus that will meet our needs and desires, as well as providing us with a full under-standing of the values of our current assets and creating mul-tiple models for how we might be able to finance our dreams. Ultimately, perhaps by this time next year, we will ask all of you to weigh in on a final vision for our future home. Then, the real work of bringing our dreams to life will begin. I hope you will partner with us for each step of this exciting journey. Throughout our people’s history, every vision of redemption has involved one people coming together as one community in one space. The vision that got us out of Egypt was joining to-gether and marching through the wilderness to the Promised Land, a country we were to inherit, conquer, and inhabit togeth-er. The vision that saved us from the Assyrians was coalescing around the Temple, one spiritual space where we could gather and celebrate and cry and pray together as one community. And the prophetic vision for the Messianic era is “You will bring us from the four corners of the earth into wholeness and lead us fearlessly into our land.” Deep in my heart I know that the time for our congregation’s redemption is at hand. And it can only be realized by us coming together, as one community, with one home. In the year to come, let us join together, let us be together, let us build together. Let us stand - secure in the faith that we stand strongest only when we stand - together.

Rabbi Knopf [email protected]

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November 2016 Page 13

Men’s Club Matters Josh Cane, President Temple Beth-El Men's Club hopes you had a sweet start to the new year, and that you took the opportunity to enjoy a conversation and a meal with friends and con-gregants under the sukkot at the Brown Religious School and at the Temple. Thank you to the Men's Club members who came out early in the day to raise them up. Thank you also to Frances Goldman, who spoke at the Fall Men's Club Speakers Brunch, that was held on October 30. She spoke on the topics of estate planning and the Life & Legacy program. This month's meeting will be held at a member's home at 7:30 pm on Nov. 2. Please RSVP to [email protected] for details. Our other monthly meetings are held in the library of the Brown Religious School on Parham and are open to all.

Men’s Club

BLOOD DRIVE & Hanukkah Latke Party

Sunday, December 118:30 a.m. - Noon

Brown Religious School→Please Bring a Picture ID←

The holiday season is the biggest demand for blood!Please contact Don Light at [email protected] or (804) 337-0563

to reserve your time to donate.

Also on Sunday, the Men’s Club will host their annual Hanukkah Latke Partyfor the students at the Brown Religious School.

Donate blood and receive a delicious latke made by the Men’s Club!

Page 14: 30 Tishrei - 29 Heshivan November 2016 · 2016. 11. 2. · November 30 TISHREI NOVEMBER 5

November 2016 Page 14

SISTERHOOD FLORAL FUNDDorothy Walters by Harold & Inge Horowitz

Marilyn Unowitz by Rubin & Eleanor Unowitz

Betty Tabakin Levin by Hattie Shocket

Jennie Riedenberg by Malcolm Kallman

Gladys Smeyne by Toby Rosenthal

Louis Colker by Alan Colker

Victor Zinder by Sonia Zinder

Miriam Buckman by Wendy Jaffe Pois

Anne Chernack by Eugene Ladin

Joseph Meyers by Amy Krumbein

Morris Price by Gail & John Jay Schwartz

Thelma Wise by Barbara & Michael Wise

Terry Simons & Mary Plotkin by Susan Clayman & Frank Starks

Jim Blumberg by Gail & John Jay Schwartz Family

Charles Siegel, Malcolm Kalman & William Rosenberg by Willa Kalman

Mollie G. Kaufman by Gloria Hoffman

Dorothy Marcus Swetlitz by Gail & Sam Genderson

Estelle Finer by Russell Finer

Irwin Heller by Gaby Heller

Father by Walter & Barbara Rabhan

Minnie Messler & Max Barshow by Cheryl Sporn

Morris Horowitz by Harold & Inge Horowitz

Martha Thomas by Patricia Comess

Alfred Arolick by Carrie & Matthew Weber



Father of Robert CanfieldMr. & Mrs. Joey Clayman

Mother of Nathan Elkin Mr. & Mrs. Joey Clayman, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Stahl

Brother of Diane Masters from Mr. & Mrs. Howard Coplan

Sylvia Grandis, mother of Elaine Peck from Mr. & Mrs. Joey Clayman, Rita Stein, Mr. And Mrs. Howard Coplan

Chaim Geneslaw father of Pearl Lieb from Dr. & Mrs. Bob Siegel


Judy Lewis from Eva Brummer

Rick Linas from Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wiener

Steve Marks in CT. From Mr. & Mrs. Milton Rubin, Mr. & Mrs. Richard Backer


Special birthday for Alfred Lehman from Mr. & Mrs. Howard Coplan


Charlie Rose, granddaugh-ter of Marsha & Don Light, Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hessberg

Molly Adler, daughter of Andy & Geri Adler from Mr. & Mrs. Peter Greenberg


Susan Clayman & Frank Starks from Nancy Walter


60th of Betty Anne & Michael Soffin from Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hessberg, Nancy Walter

Order your Sisterhood Cards from:Mrs. Mary Messler (804) 270-7298 Mrs. Gail Schwartz (804) 741-2999 [email protected] Mrs. Nancy Walter (804) 273-9136



Sylvia Grandis Mr. & Mrs. Richard Backer

Dr. & Mrs. Robert Siegel

Carl Hurwitz, father of Barbara Mandel Dr. & Mrs. Jay Levine

Mr. & Mrs. John Jay Schwartz


Alfred Lehman Judy Petrock

Page 15: 30 Tishrei - 29 Heshivan November 2016 · 2016. 11. 2. · November 30 TISHREI NOVEMBER 5

November 2016 Page 15

TRIBUTES Unrestricted funds in support of Temple Beth-El

IN HONOR OFMolly Brynn Adler’s Naming Daughter of Geri and Drew Adler and grand-daughter of Frank & Gene Stahl ~ Mr. & Mrs. Charles Perschetz

Debbie Minden & Gary Goldberg Honoring the birth of your second grandchild, Philip. Mazel Tov! ~ Edith Glock

Alfred Lehman’s 90th Birthday Jeff and Mona Flax

Jim and Gail Plotkin Alice Adams

Rabbi Michael Knopf Don and Marsha Light Willa Kalman Frank Grossman

Betty Anne and Michael Soffin60th Wedding Anniversary Morton and Myrna Norman Bernice W. Slipow Betty Weissbecker

Temple Beth-El Jonas Falik

IN MEMORY OFSylvia Grandis Mr. & Mrs. John Burton, Jr. Franklin Wolf and Gini Blostein-Wolf Leo and Mary Cantor

Rabbi Tobias Rothenberg Laurie and Neil Halpert

OBSERVANCE OF YAHRZEITSiegmund Goodman, Father and Grandfather Edith Goodman Levin and Paul D. Levin

Dorothy Harowitz and Meyer H. Friedman Aaron and Marian Winer

Harry Hoffman Edythe Hoffman

Ben Lott Rosalind L. Reichstein

Lois Izenberg Menkes, Alice Feibelman and Frank Feibelman Neal and Joan Menkes

Barry Spector Micki Spector

Murray Spielberg Howard and Susan Spielberg

Morty Weiman Maryann James

Martin Zinder Victor Zinder

THANK YOUI am truly grateful for the love and support I received from my devoted children, husband, grandchildren, friends and our dear Rabbi Knopf. The healing from my injury is both physical & emotional and the encouragement I am receiving is helping me to move forward.

~ With Love, Halina Zimm

LIFE & LEGACY program and the LIFE & LEGACY logo are trademarks of the

Harold Grinspoon Foundation. All rights reserved.

Thank you to those who have already made a legacy commitment to Temple Beth-El

Judy Crocker Benita Felmus

Ron Felmus Edith & Eugene Glock (OBM)

Brian Imburg Melody Imburg

Dara Hirsch Kurtz

Ben Lewis Laura Lewis

Martin & Arlene Slutzah Nancy Walter

Franklin Wolf & Gini Blostein-Wolf Anonymous

For more information email [email protected]

Page 16: 30 Tishrei - 29 Heshivan November 2016 · 2016. 11. 2. · November 30 TISHREI NOVEMBER 5

November 2016 Page 16

TRIBUTES Temple Beth-El Funds



LILY AND LOUIS FRANKEL FUNDOBSERVANCE OF YAHRZEITSNathan Barer and Sigman Frankel Victor and Dale F. Moes

SIDDUR LEV SHALEMIN HONOR OFBetty Anne and Michael Soffin's 60th Wedding Anniversary Betty Anne and Michael Soffin Marcia November, Rita Stein, Willa Kalman, Charles Kalman, Fred & Margaret Weinberg

IN LOVING MEMORY OF Meyer and Sadie Miriam Fried-man, Solomon and Lena Hannah Winder Our parents, from Marian and Aaron Winer

A. Donald and Mollie Freedman, Frank and Sadye (Babe) Meyer Rosalind and Kenneth Meyer

Shirley “Shifra” Isbey A Holocaust survivor, mother of Mrs. Jeffrey (Lucia) Harrison, from Rose and Joey Clayman

OBSERVANCE OF YAHRZEITAlbert Corn Stan and Mickey Corn

RITUAL OBJECTS FUNDIN HONOR OFBetty Anne and Michael Soffin's 60th Wedding Anniversary Sarah and Milton Rubin

CAPITAL FUNDIN HONOR OFTemple Beth-El The Roukin Family

Temple Beth-El receives another check from Eveready Service ExpertsFranklin Wolf, from Eveready Service Experts, proudly presents a another check to Ben Lewis. Temple Beth-El is a participant in Eveready’s “Friends and Neighbors” referral program. Eveready Service Experts Company provides Heating, Air Conditioning and Plumbing Service to Richmond area residences. The purpose of its “Friends and Neighbors” program is to give back to community organizations, such as Temple Beth-El, in return for its members’ patronage. Under this program, Eveready donates $100.00 to the Temple for each Heating and Air Conditioning System purchased by a Temple member. To date the Temple has received $2,500.00 from the program.

If you, as a Temple Member, need to replace your Heating and Air Condi-tioning system, simply call Monica at 804-482-5533 and she will explain all the details for installing your new system.

A container marked with the "Ronald McDonald House" emblem is available for your Pop Tops in the foyer of the Main Sanctuary and in the Okun Chapel on Grove Avenue, and at the Parham Religious School. Keep those pop tops coming!

Page 17: 30 Tishrei - 29 Heshivan November 2016 · 2016. 11. 2. · November 30 TISHREI NOVEMBER 5

November 2016 Page 17

Y ahrzeits NovemberNOVEMBER 1 30 TISHREIHerbert FlaxA. Donald FreedmanAnne SachsSeymour Nogi

NOVEMBER 2 1 CHESHVAN Sam BiglerLeon WilksHarry H. KleinkopfLena KlineHarry RuthIrving Lax

NOVEMBER 3 2 CHESHVAN Leon J. Grossman Esther PassamaneckSarah F. WaranchIrving Joseph MeyersMorris PeckIsaac A. WassermanAudrey Miller SampsonTheodore Katz

NOVEMBER 4 3 CHESHVANMartin HarowitzCharles BlankHarry SchneiderHerman GoldsmithLouis SteinbergAaron KutakoffHerbert WindmuellerEva SlaterLouis CantorSarah AdelanskiSolomon CantorAnna Siegel Raskind

NOVEMBER 54 CHESVANBenjamin S. EngelAllan David LondonJ. N. HudsonSelma G. BeckSadye R. PassamaneckBen KatzLaurence H. LevyManuel ShocketSolomon Albert

NOVEMBER 65 CHESHVANBenjamin ShapiroCharles Ernest HerzbergReva Lehman HoffmanJessie KatchkoRose S. Grossman

Stanley Jack SchapiroSamuel Joshua FreedShirley PlotkinMildred Meyer Eskeles

NOVEMBER 76 CHESHVANJules WasserbergAlan Howard RosenbloomArlyn M. CohnErnestine Rosenbloom

NOVEMBER 87 CHESHVANSarah Kruger CartonIsrael RichmanIris ElkinsJesse LickerRhoda RubinsteinAdeline F. PollackSimon PassamaneckAnna FrishtickYale J. Jurin

NOVEMBER 98 CHESHVANIsadore CohenFlorence R. BrownRose PolicoffLawrence M. FisherEleanor Schwartz SternfieldFannie GoldbergMorton GaryRuth Newman CohenBlanche S. Rosen

NOVEMBER 109 CHESHVANAbraham SilverLibbie PeckCelia SoffinHoney ShapiroCaryl PutchatEsther May WeinbergEsther Bat MoshePaul PeckEthel WolfsonAnita Freeman MarkelSandra L. Grandis Frank

NOVEMBER 1110 CHESHVAN Charles ScherJohn AdamsBertha SussBernard LevittLily Barer FrankelRuby PriceMaurice Tillis

NOVEMBER 1211 CHESHVANMeyer H. Friedman Nat WienerAdele EisenbergLarry Alan MaierErnestine KahnAlbert David Rader

NOVEMBER 1312 CHESHVANWilliam RichmonIsaak GorbatySylvia GordonMark NovickMordechai ben YehudaSolomon ZeidmanAbraham Bensky

NOVEMBER 1413 CHESHVANBetty J. GordonManuel Imburg Mildred ZaleskyMartin Wm. HarowitzAlvin AbramsJerry Lee KirschEdward CohenJoseph Davidson

NOVEMBER 1514 CHESHVANSamuel BerkmanMaurice A. BernsteinHilda PetersielBessie RudlinEsther Abramson WeimanJohn Richard EdwardsHenry J. Schrieberg

NOVEMBER 1615 CHESHVANPhilip TatarskySamuel Maurice MorewitzCelia Goodman Watts

NOVEMBER 1716 CHESHVAN Florence J. HarrisRivka Rachel ZaslerAaron AdinEdna IpsonEtta bat Moshe

NOVEMBER 1817 CHESHVANMorton Nathan Gary Morris FeibelmanAnna D. Feldman

NOVEMBER 1918 CHESHVANLouis PerlsteinMichael GlickHerman Zimmerman

NOVEMBER 2019 CHESHVANAnnie SilverAmelia DreilingerRoberta C. JacobsJerome Beller Philip J. CohenMadelyne David FriedbergLucille Bellamy MonroeMax Marder

NOVEMBER 2120 CHESHVANEva CantorAlbert BleicherManny Max SchwartzEthel SiffShirley Rita KramerIda Smith LaxMax FratkinMartin LubmanSarita Parker GersonLillian K. CohenEleanor SolomonM.Herbert WeissSylvia KesslerJoseph RothenbergLibby Romm Meyers NOVEMBER 2221 CHESHVAN Mark Alan Katz Samuel P. KayneJack FaymanS. Sidney MeyersMorris LipsitzMildred S. PhillipsRona MirmelsteinSylvia Hoffman LevinMary S. RosenbergNechenia Yowell

NOVEMBER 2322 CHESHVANNorbert GreenebaumOra Porcher DennisBetty HalpernSadie Cohen DavidJean Lily FlaxRuby Sibony CansinoKatie GordonEdwin Margolis

NOVEMBER 2423 CHESHVANMary S. KaminskyAllan F. CohenLeon Arthur MerkleHannah C. RudnerMuriel Schapiro

NOVEMBER 2524 CHESHVANSarah MenscherMax RudlinRaymond SakowitzIrwin Artis

NOVEMBER 2625 CHESHVANLibbie M. SteinbergRose SlutskyNorman WogalterSaul RobinsonAnnie PfefferMaurice Weinstein

NOVEMBER 2726 CHESHVAN Samuel Jacob Mollen Harry SachsStanley TesslerArthur PinesShirley Romm LefkowitzAbe M. KaminskySamuel David BridgeKatie S. Jacobs

NOVEMBER 2827 CHESHVANShirley GreenbaumPamela S. FinerRobert PerlmanHyman Kaminsky

NOVEMBER 2928 CHESHVANCelia SchneiderHarry F. PerlsteinLila Meizell NOVEMBER 3029 CHESHVAN Kenneth A. CohenLouis A. RudmanMorris S. BandasHerman GoldbergHarry Aaron Maritzer Oscar LewisFlora G. CahanDora E. YedinakIrving Lester LevinPearl Hyman

Page 18: 30 Tishrei - 29 Heshivan November 2016 · 2016. 11. 2. · November 30 TISHREI NOVEMBER 5

November 2016 Page 18

Calendar is subject to change. For the most up-to-date calendar, alw

ays refer to the online version at

Temple B


ovember 2016

Printed N

ov 1, 2016 12:28pm






30 TishreiR

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abbi Aw


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Evening M

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21 C


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Men's C

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32 C


abbi Aw


vening Minyan 5:45p

Cresant H

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Meeting 7:00p

Exec C


Mtg 7:30p

43 C


abbi Aw


amantha Lapkin B

t. Mit.

Candle Lighting 5:50p

Erev S

habbat Service 6:00p

54 C



amantha Lapkin B

t. Mit.

Anniversary B

lessing 10:00aY

om S

habbat Service 10:00a

Tot Shabbat 11:15a

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65 C


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Blessing of the P

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76 C


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87 C


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Sisterhood M

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Crash C

ourse 7:30p

98 C


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School 4:15p

Evening M

inyan 5:45p

109 C


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Board of G

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1110 C


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Veterans D


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1211 C

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1312 C


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Panera 11:00a

1413 C


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Evening M

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1514 C


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Evening M

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1615 C


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Sisterhood C

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1716 C


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1817 C


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habbat Dinners

Candle Lighting 4:39p

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1918 C


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Caitlyn R

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Adult E

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iddush Sponsorship by


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iddush Q&

A 12:30p

Havdalah 5:46p

2019 C


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Family Learning P

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6th grade 10:30aR

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2120 C


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2221 C


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Evening M

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2322 C


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Ritual C


Mtg 7:30p

2423 C


ffices Closed

Thanksgiving Day

Morning M

inyan 8:00a,8:00a

2524 C


ffices Closed

Candle Lighting 4:35p


a Service 6:00p

2625 C


hayei SaraShabbat M


irthday Blessing 10:00a


a Shabbat 10:00a

Havdalah 5:43p

2726 C


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2827 C


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2928 C


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Evening M

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rash Course 7:30p

3029 C


chool 4:15pE

vening Minyan 5:45p

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November 2016 Page 19

WELCOMING FUNDS Both of these funds provide economic assistance to prospective members or members who cannot afford Temple dues or activities

Horwitz-Perlin Welcoming FundMargie & Jake Clayman Welcoming Fund

STUDENT FUNDS for events, Camps, Reli-gious School activities, travel to Israel, or other needs

Beller-Jackson College Mother Fund Send holiday packages to College students twice a year

Celia Brown Fund Aids youth activities at Jewish camps such as Ramah and furthers Jewish education for the children of Beth-El members

Hannah & Philip Kittenplan Fund For students of TBE Religious school for summer study or religious enhancement programs, or for Beth-El graduates for Jewish Theological Seminary study. Includes support for Jewish camps, trips to Israel, etc.

Margaret & Kurt Hirsch, MD Student Education Fund Provides funds for students of Brown Religious School for activities designed to strengthen their Jewish education

Robert G. & Mildred Meyer Eskeles Religious Edu. Fund Provides support for religious educ. at Beth-El

Stanley J. & Sidney S. Schapiro Education Fund Benefits individuals for educational purposes, tuition grants, travel, organizational activities

Cantor Morris & Helen Okun Youth Music Scholarship Fund Assists children of Temple Beth-El members in developing their musical talent

Mary & Alex Cohen Education Fund Provides teacher training for Temple Beth-El’s Religious School including in-service training, attendance at CAJE, class-es for teachers to enhance religious school program-ming, and similar training opportunities

Charlotte Sobel Licker Memorial Scholarship Subsidizes+ travel to Israel for a full-time college student who is currently attending school and has satisfactorily completed one college year

Susan & Mark Sisisky Summer in Israel Scholarship Fund Provides funds for a confirmand whose parents are Temple Beth-El members with an interest in Judaism and a desire to learn

New School Fund For capital repairs and improve-ments for Parham Road Religious School building

LEGACY FUND Non-restricted funds to sup-port TBE operations annually

Lily & Louis Frankel Fund Lillian & Dr. Louis Perlin Fund by Joan Ruby

ADULT EDUCATION FUNDSSarah & Meyer Vitsky Memorial Lecture Series Fund To promote Adult Education through lectures, activities, etc.

Susan Marks Cohen Memorial Fund A perpetual endowment for the benefit of Temple Beth-El Libraries. To support all Beth-El libraries, including but not limited to the purchase, housing and maintenance of all forms of printed and other educa-tional materials, to benefit the congregation

DESIGNATED FUNDSArk Fund To maintain or replace ark curtains

Kalman Library Fund To support purchases of books, media, etc. for all Temple Beth-El libraries

PlayPen Pals Fund Provides care & equipment for infants & toddlers during all services

Prayer Book Fund Replenishes all types of prayer books used at Temple Beth-El.

Rabbinic Book Fund To acquire Jewish related books and texts for use by the Rabbi

Senior Services Fund Facilitates programs for our seniors including transportation to synagogue events, programs and the purchase of special materials for programs.

Siegel Torah Fund To maintain, repair and pur-chase all Torahs and ritual objects owned by Temple Beth-El

Temple Beth-El values your contribution to any of its funds. Your kind generosity will be acknowledged in the Bulletin and the recipient(s) will be promptly notified. Simply complete and return this donation form together with your check made payable to Temple Beth-El. The minimum for each donation is $18.00. 



In honor of Speedy recovery of Marking yahrzeit of

In appreciation of In memory of

Your Address:


Your Name:

Your Phone:

Please make a contribution to the following fund:


For (Bar Mitzvah, wedding, etc.):


$400 Simcha Tree Leaf $75 Lev Shalem High Holiday Prayer Book (Large Print)

$18 Contribution

$50 Lev Shalem (Mahzor) High Holiday Prayer Book

$800 Simcha Tree Rock $500 Memorial Plaque $5000 Large Yahrzeit Tablet Other, please specify:

Please send acknowledgement card to:





$50 Siddur Lev Shalem Prayer Book

Credit Card No.

Temple Beth-El Donation FormUse the form below OR go online:

Page 20: 30 Tishrei - 29 Heshivan November 2016 · 2016. 11. 2. · November 30 TISHREI NOVEMBER 5

Bulletin DeadlineFor the December issue, please submit your items

to [email protected] November 18.

TEMPLE BETH-EL3330 Grove Avenue • Richmond, VA 23221

Phone: 804-355-3564 Fax: 804-257-7152

BROWN RELIGIOUS SCHOOL601 N. Parham Road • Richmond, VA 23229

Phone: 804-740-0820

Michael Knopf .....................................................................................RabbiMarian Turk ...................................................................................... HazzanFaith Kallman ..................................................................Executive DirectorRamona Brand ....................................................Director of Youth LearningBen Lewis ........................................................................................PresidentSara Waskin .............................................................................Vice PresidentBonnie Wilensky .....................................................................Vice PresidentNancy Walter ..........................................................................Vice PresidentDeborah Minden ....................................................................Vice PresidentMarci Linas .....................................................................................SecretaryElliott Bender ..................................................................................TreasurerChris Greenberg ............................................................ Sisterhood PresidentJosh Cane .....................................................................Men’s Club PresidentKrista Fidlow ......................................... Communications & Bulletin Editor

Temple Beth-El Bulletin welcomes submissions of articles, photos, and artwork.

Submissions are generally due by the 15th of the month prior to the month of publication and may be edited.

Display advertisements are available. Contact [email protected]

TEMPLE BETH-EL3330 Grove AvenueRichmond, Virginia 23221

Stay Connectedwith Temple Beth-El!

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