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pg. 1 © Susan Browne

30 Days to Magnificent Abundance

Angel EFT

Module Two: What are my Blocks?

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pg. 2 © Susan Browne

Contents Page

What are Blocks to Abundance? …………….…………………….…….…pg 2

Get to Know Your Blocks………………………………………………… 2

About this week’s recordings………………………………………………pg 4

Guilt & Shame………………………………………………………………pg 5

Archangel Michael for Cutting Toxic Cords……………………………… 6

Asking for More Money isn’t spiritual…………………………………….pg 8

Having Abundance Might Change Me…………………………………….pg 10

Fear of my abundance upsetting someone…………………………………pg 12

What if I got Abundant and then lost it? 13

Angel Visualisation……………………………………………………… 15

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What are blocks to Abundance and Why do we have them?

On an energetic level and according to the law of attraction, if we don’t have anything

blocking us from that which we desire then we would already be experiencing this. So what

are the blocks, and what causes them, but more importantly how do we get rid of them? At

base level we can say that we don’t have more money for example because our job only pays

this amount, our outgoings are this amount, there is no way of changing x, y and z. I can see

how this way of thinking is the way for many people. I would ask you while studying this

module to develop a curious and compassionate approach to you and your money blocks and

limiting beliefs around abundance. We are programmed by our well-meaning parents, by our

society, our culture, perhaps our religion to think a certain way. Some of this programming

has been very helpful to us, and other parts may have not. For example, can you think of

something that you heard a lot growing up that has made you cautious, anxious or mistrustful

of money? Sayings such as ‘money doesn’t grow on trees,’ ‘money is the root of all evil,’

‘penny-wise and pound foolish,’ and various religious quotes about riches and getting into

heaven. It’s no wonder some people have money blocks. There are also family traits around

money and even energies that pass on along the generations around money. If it runs in the

family to be unsuccessful in business for example, this trait can have energetic links that we

may need to work on in order to break free from the harmful pattern. The good news is

though that the angels are happy to help us clear these blocks and when we use Angel EFT

we can clear these away and keep them away.

The image I used for the cover of this workbook demonstrates some of the money blocks

people have. I want you to have a think just now, and over this week, what your blocks have

been. There is no need to blame those who taught us unhelpful patterns and beliefs, the

likelihood is that they were passing on what was taught and demonstrated for them, and may

stem back many generations. In this module I have created some Angel EFT recordings

targeting specific abundance blocks, but yours may well be different. It never does any harm

to tap along with someone else’s issue by the way, in fact there are what is called borrowed

benefits from doing so. But if you prefer you can simply create your own tapping rounds

specific to your situation. I do recommend listening to all of the recordings at least.

Sometimes we gain new insights even if the issue is not the same as our own.

Get to Know Your Blocks

It’s a bit like focusing on the negative isn’t it, but we want to get on to focusing on the

positive. Well if we know what the blocks are, knowing also that this is just our loyal

protective subconscious mind trying to keep us safe, we can move forward and work with it.

To get you started, if you aren’t already, on thinking what might be blocking your abundance,

read the following statements aloud. Slowly, read over them and rate how true each one is for

you, 10 being completely true and 0 being not at all true. Also, make notes to remind yourself

what comes up when you say the statements, any thoughts or insights.

I deserve to have the abundance I desire ……………

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My upbringing was really good modelling about money and the messages I got from my

parents and schooling support my abundance…………

I know how to attract more money ……………

I never worry about money …………….

Wealthy, abundant people have obviously worked hard and honestly and got where they are

because they deserve it …………………

If I were wealthy, I would have no problems managing my money …………….

People around me would be supportive and happy for me if I attracted the money I desire


If I were wealthy others would benefit ……………..

I attract money easily ……………

I manage money easily …………….

Money is just an energy of exchange ………………

All the old conditioning people got about it being the root of all evil and makes people bad is

incorrect ………………….

I feel good about receiving money ……………

Getting the money I desire wouldn’t change who I am or how I behave, or if it did it would

be for the better …………….

So if you got a lot of over 6’s you are in a pretty good place around money and things should

not be blocked. But if you got a lot of low numbers, or even any low numbers, these are your

clues as to your money blocks. To attract money you need to work through old unhelpful

beliefs. They could be different to the ones on the list here, but I hope that in going through

these you got some ideas. You can always tap whilst you are reading through the list too,

since tapping will allow the energy to move and you might get insights on a blind spot.

About this week’s recordings

This week’s recordings include some very common limiting beliefs or abundance blocks that

people report having. Yours may include some of these or they may be different but have a

listen to each of them even if they don’t sound like yours, as they will have a positive

energetic effect anyway and may inspire new insights and also give you ideas as to how to

tap for your own.

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1. Guilt & Shame as an Abundance Block

Key Points:

1. Guilt is about feeling bad about something we did or didn’t do.

2. Shame is much more destructive, as though we are fundamentally bad.

3. Both can affect our sense of deserving.

4. Angels can help us to release blocks to making thigs right if that is appropriate.

5. We don’t always know where shame comes from, it can originate from childhood or

even before.

6. The angels of forgiveness are a group of angels that are helping humankind with

forgiveness towards self or others. They can help us to release guilt and shame and

forgive ourselves.

Angel EFT Round

Call in the angels of forgiveness feel their unconditional love flowing over you.

• HC: Thank you angels of forgiveness

• TH: For helping me to release

• TE: Any guilt from my being now

• EB: I release any shame from my being now

• SE: With your assistance and guidance

• UE: It’s okay for me to release this stuff now

• UN: And I know you are happy to help me with this

• CH: And I know you’ll guide me if there’s stuff I need to do

• CB: So that I can really let this go and feel good about myself

• Th: Because holding myself to ransom like this

• If: Doesn’t benefit anybody

• Mf: And I choose to release any toxic emotions now

• Rf: So that I can increase my abundance

• Bf: And for the well-being of everybody

• Sh: Because my feeling guilty or ashamed

• TH: Doesn’t benefit anybody

• TE: and I release any unhelpful beliefs around that now

• EB: Thank you angels for helping me to do this

• SE: thanks you angels of forgiveness

• UE: For helping me to detach from this pain now

• UN: I choose to lovingly forgive myself

• CH: And anybody else

• CB: So that I can move powerfully forward

• Th: Thank you angels

• If: for giving me this release now

• Mf: I choose to be released

• Rf: So I feel relaxed and calm

• Bf: And really good in myself

• Sh: Feeling light and good in myself

• HC: Three deep breaths, close your eyes, visualise yourself surrounded by the angels

of forgiveness beaming light and unconditional love over you. Be receptive to their

guidance if there is an action you need to take.

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2. Archangel Michael for Cutting Toxic Cords

Key Points:

1. Cords are the invisible toxic links we have between ourselves and other people,

situations, material possessions and memories and they are characterised by feelings

such as resentment, grudges, neediness, clinginess, disappointment, fear, jealousy and

so on.

2. Having a lot of toxic cords draining our energy can inhibit our abundance.

3. Archangel Michael can help to cut these cords.

4. You can do this exercise regularly for best effect, particularly if you have a lot of

cords or if you have had obstinate longstanding ones.

5. If a cord is very stubborn and feels as though it won’t cut, ask archangel Michael to

place the tip of his sword on the cord, shrinking it down a little so it is not so intense.

You may be able to cut it the next time.

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6. Cutting cords between you and loved ones is not harmful and doesn’t reduce love or

connection, think of it as a kind of detoxing, it just cuts off the unhelpful, fear based


Angel EFT Round

• HC: Thank you Archangel Michael for cutting toxic energy cords from me now.

• TH: I give my permission now to release these toxic exchanges.

• TE: So that I can be released and other people may benefit as well.

• EB: I choose to release any beliefs I may have been carrying.

• SE: That its necessary for me to hold onto old resentments and pain.

• UE: I was just doing it because I thought it might keep me safe.

• UN: I choose love over fear now.

• CH: And I trust in the guidance of my angels to lead me to loving experiences.

• CB: Releasing fear from my being as Archangel Michael cuts those cords.

• Th: Feeling lighter and brighter.

• If: Feeling joyful and free.

• Mf: Thank you Archangel Michael.

• Rf: Help me to recognise the cords that I have had and surrender.

• Bf: I surrender now with love.

• Sh: I love feeling lighter and brighter.

• HC: I welcome abundance and blessings now.












Please note I have a free guided visualisation on cutting cords with Archangel Michael if you

didn’t get this already you can get it at

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3. Asking for More Money isn’t spiritual

Key Points:

1. Many spiritual people worry that wanting more money or asking the angels or God or

Source for this is somehow wrong.

2. Suffering or not having much money if you do spiritual work is sometimes considered

par for the course, yet its fine for doctors, window cleaners, chiropodists, mechanics

and lawyers to charge and get paid. Why is this? If you are offering value in whatever

service you offer then you should charge according to the value.

3. Even if you don’t do spiritual work you might have hang-ups about asking your

spiritual helpers for more money, and this frequently comes from unhelpful beliefs

shaped in childhood.

4. The angels of abundance want to help us overcome limiting beliefs such as these, they

want what is for our highest good and spending a lot of energy and time worrying or

being dissatisfied around money frequently isn’t for anyone’s highest good, as it

distracts from their true potential.

Angel EFT Round

• HC: I choose to know it’s okay for me to ask for abundance

• TH: I choose to release any unhelpful beliefs now

• TE: Such as a belief that it’s not okay to want more money

• EB: Such as a belief that asking for more one is not spiritual

• SE: Such as a belief that being poor is spiritual

• UE: I choose to let go of limiting beliefs now

• UN: If I have abundance and enough money in my life

• CH: I can help more people

• CB: If I am struggling for money

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• Th: This is distracting and it drains my energy

• If: There’s really nothing noble or spiritual about that

• Mf: I choose to correct any unhelpful beliefs I have had around money

• Rf: Releasing these in all directions of time

• Bf: And I choose to forgive anybody who contributed to my having these beliefs

• Sh: They were doing the best they knew how at the time

• TH: I choose to know it’s safe for me to ask for more money

• TE: And I choose to know the angels will keep me safe

• EB: Keep me safe from getting caught up in my ego

• SE: And they help me really flourish in my spirituality

• UE: I don’t need to be poor to be spiritual

• UN: I choose to be spiritual and abundant

• CH: I love being spiritual and abundant

• CB: And having the money I want for the things that I need

• Th: And having the money I want for the things that I want

• If: I choose to be calm in the knowledge

• Mf: That it’s okay for me to be abundant

• Rf: I am a loving spiritual being

• Bf: And I love feeling abundant and spiritual

• Sh: Thank you angels for helping me with this

• HC: 3 Deep breaths












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4. Having Abundance Might Change Me

Key Points:

1. People fear that they might become ego based, mean or materialistic if they got the

money and abundance they wanted

2. This is a limiting belief that stops the flow as the unconscious mind thinks its not safe

and pushes it away.

Angel EFT Round

Close your eyes, hands on the heart centre and take 3 deep breaths. Call in Archangel Jophiel

• HC: Thank you Archangel Jophiel

• TH: For helping my thoughts about money

• TE: For helping my ideas about me becoming abundant

• EB: For helping me to see this as a positive thing

• SE: Releasing any limiting beliefs

• UE: any fears that having money would change me in a bad way

• UN: Its safe for me to attract abundance

• CH: I choose to be the radiant being that I am

• CB: No matter what my bank balance is

• Th: And I love attracting abundance into my life

• If: I choose to know that it’s safe for me to be abundant

• Mf: And I have great integrity no matter what

• Rf: thankyou Archangel Jophiel for helping my thoughts around this

• Bf: I choose to have great integrity and be abundant

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• Sh: And to be the wonderful being that I am

• HC: 3 deep breaths, tune in and see those beliefs and how they have change. Ask if

there is anything else you need to do around this.












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5. Fear of my abundance upsetting someone

Key Points:

1. If we got the abundance, we wanted someone might be upset.

2. Family are our ‘pack’ for better or for worse and we can feel loyal to family patterns

even if it defies all reason.

3. This can happen also with friends, colleagues.

4. The subconscious mind holds onto these issues of safety.

5. Archangel Raguel helps us with our relationships, and we can ask him to send light to

those people we are worried about upsetting to help dissolve this fear.

Angel EFT Round

HC: Invite in Archangel Raguel, ask him to help with your relationships and what you

feel about abundance and your relationships. Ask him to pave the way for peaceful


• TH: Thank you Archangel Raguel

• TE: For helping me to know

• EB: That it’s okay for me to be abundant

• SE: That I don’t need to worry about upsetting people

• UE: Anybody who would be upset about me being abundant

• UN: Has their own issues going on

• CH: And it’s not a good reason

• CB: For me to stay stuck

• Th: My struggling or not feeling abundant

• If: Is not serving anybody else

• Mf: Certainly not from a higher perspective

• Rf: If there are people in my life

• Bf: Who are jealous of me

• Sh: It’s not my job to play small to protect them

• TH: In fact my doing so

• TE: Would only be feeding their fear

• EB: the angels of abundance are hter for everybody

• SE: And my being abundant

• UE: Is a good example to other people

• UN: My being abundant and radiant

• CH: Is a good example to all my loved ones

• CB: It’s a good example to my friends

• Th: It’s a good example to my colleagues

• If: And all the people that know me

• Mf: I don’t need to play small

• Rf: To protect or please anybody

• Bf: That wouldn’t make any sense

• Sh: Thank you Archangel Raguel

• HC: For helping me to send light to all these people I’m thinking of. I choose peace

and respect in all of my relationships, and my being abundant supprts that.

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Check in, tune in, record any insights.











6. What if I got Abundant and then lost it?

Another fear people have is that they would reach that level of abundance they desired and

then lose it all. So it would be safer not to get that abundance, in order to avoid the pain of

disappointment and feelings of failure. Why do people get this one? It might be a family

inherited one, maybe someone in the family experienced great wealth and then lost it all and

this fear was unconsciously handed down, maybe the person in question has experienced

something like this themselves.

Key Points:

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Angel EFT Round

• HC: Invite the angels of abundance to surround you and also extend them to your

entire family tree. See them going back along the generations, wide and far on all

sides, to people you never met and heard about. See them pouring light and the

energy of abundance on everyone.

• TH: Thank you angels of abundance

• TE: For releasing me and my family of any unhelpful fears

• EB: That receiving abundance is not safe in case we lose it again

• SE: I choose to unsubscribe to any erroneous beliefs such as this

• UE: I choose to know there is endless supply

• UN: I am a beloved child of God

• CH: All of my needs are blissfully met

• CB: And I send light to anyone in my family who had this fear

• Th: It’s okay for me to receive

• If: Abundance is a vibration I choose to anchor in my being

• Mf: It is all around me right now

• Rf: And I choose to feel safe in the knowledge

• Bf: That money is just an energy of exchange

• Sh: It comes and it goes and comes again

• HC: Thank you for allowing me to be receptive to abundance












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Angel Visualisation Module Two

This week’s visualisation brings you on a journey with Archangel Zadkiel, Archangel

Michael, the Angels of Forgiveness and the Angels of Abundance. Here Archangel Zadkiel

works with the violet flame to help clear old patterns from family that still affect our

abundance and clear our abundance blocks.
























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