Page 1: 3-day detoxA mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good

By Irena Macri & Claire YateS

3-day detoxCleanse & Reset

From Within

Page 2: 3-day detoxA mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good


Written & produced by Irena Macri & Claire Yates

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form

without the prior written permission of the publisher.

DisclaimerThe content of the 3-Day Detox is for general information purposes only and not intended for diagnostic purposes or to replace advice from your primary health care professional. Readers should not begin this dietary program, or take any new supplements without first consulting with their primary health care professional.

The authors assume no responsibility nor can be held liable for any misunderstanding or misuse of the information contained in this program or for any loss, damage, injury caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by any action, or application of any information, food or food source discussed in this program. Reading this material does not constitute a practitioner-client relationship and the information is not intended to substitute medical advice and must not be relied upon in this manner. The authors do not accept responsibility for the failure to seek medical advice from your primary health care professional or doctor.

Do not follow this 3-day detox while being pregnant, wait until after your pregnancy and once you have finished breastfeeding. Then get the advice of your primary health care professional first.

Page 3: 3-day detoxA mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good




Before You Get Started

Top Detox Foods

Detox Plan Day 1 -3

Detox Smoothies


Learn The Daily Rituals

Improving Your Sleep

Reducing Stress

DIY Beauty

After The Detox

About The Authors














Page 4: 3-day detoxA mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good


WelcomeIn our modern, fast-paced life, practicing a little self-care is paramount in order to remain happy, healthy and to feel rejuvenated. The problem, for a lot of us is that we don’t put it very high on our list of ‘things to do’. Maybe we feel selfish if we do something for ourselves, maybe we just don’t feel like we have the time. But we need to make the time – this is the cornerstone to good health.

Often, when people don’t ‘sparkle’ the way they used to or they frequently come down with colds and illnesses, it is because they have neglected their self-care. They have put themselves way down on their ‘to-do’ list.

How many of these modern day stressors creep in on your life?

It is easy to get overwhelmed and feel as though you need a major lifestyle overhaul, and sometimes that may be a good thing. But you know what else is a good thing? Tiny, little micro-pauses in your hectic schedule where you have just a couple of days of ‘you-time’. A mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good health to keep going.

This is where our 3-day mini detox comes in. A simple plan to guide you in a little self-care with gentle food cleansing, daily health rituals, de-stressing, technology unplugging, life de-cluttering and nurture time.

Lack of sleep and too many late nightsOveruse of technology Skipped meals or meals eaten on the runA few too many takeaway meals sneaking into your dietThe need for constant ‘pick-me-ups’Overindulgence in a little too much alcoholToo many treats and sweets at the office

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Before you get started

Plan time for yourselfThis is the time to practice a little self-care so you can stay a hap-py, healthy, and productive person. Block out the full three days and limit any plans as you will be busy looking after you and your health. Be mindful not to organise this mini detox during a work deadline or other busy period. You want to enjoy this time and be stress-free. After the work deadline is a good time!

Recruit a friendWhen was the last time you had a sleepover with a friend? It’s so much fun to reconnect with someone without both of you starring at your phones. Have some quality time chatting, relax-ing, stretching and enjoying nourishing food with a really good friend - it will be a great experience for both.

Brief your partner and familyLet you loved ones and even your friends know about the next three days, so they can support you with this mini ‘me time’. This is simply to avoid them dropping a family gathering on you over this period or expecting you to come out for dinner. Just ask them for a little respect over this time, after all – it is only 3 days!

Reflect and set intentionsIt’s very powerful to set intentions to help you to stick to things and to focus. Think about what you would like to achieve with the 3-day detox. Lower your stress? Recharge? Reset your diet? Get a better sleep routine? Write down 5 goals.

Choose recipes and make a shopping listWe have suggested some delicious dishes to prepare during the 3-day detox but you can use them as a guideline and create yourown salads, soups and smoothies.

Don’t overindulge the night beforeThese 3 days are for you to recharge…they are not for you to be recovering from a hangover or for you to catch up on sleep. Just have an easy evening the night before and get a good night’s sleep, so that you are ready to go for the next 3 days! Your body will thank you for it.

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Top detox foods Detox vegetables

Broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, bok choy, kohlrabi, radish, and turnips all belong to the cruciferous

family and contain D-gluarate, which is essential for liver detoxification.

Onions, garlic, cauliflower, broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts – are all sulphur-rich foods and help with phase II liver clearance.

Green leafy vegetables, legumes, asparagus and broccoli are all packed with B vitamins, which are essential for proper phase I liver functioning and to assist phase II. While carrot, beetroot and tomato are all great sources of liver-loving antioxidants.

Detox fruit & berriesBright coloured berries are packed with liver-detoxifying antioxidants. Lemons, limes and other citrus fruits help to kick-

start your liver and promote good digestion. Oranges, apples and grapefruit contain D-glucarate, which is essential for assisting phase II of your liver detoxification process and clearance.

Avocado, oranges and bananas are all good sources of various B vitamins that are needed for liver detoxification, especially phase I.

Detox herbs & spicesHerbs such as rosemary, thyme, basil, coriander, and parsley

contain a large amount of phytochemicals such as different carotenoids and are packed with antioxidants, vitamins and minerals,

making them very great ‘detoxing buddies’ in dishes and smoothies, as well as adding lots of flavour. Garlic, turmeric, and ginger all great for reducing inflammation, boosting your immune system and helping you feel awesome!

Detox proteinDuring the next 3 days we are eliminating heavy protein such as red meat or poultry, and focusing on lighter options instead such as fish and seafood. We love all protein, but for the next 3-days we want to give your digestion a little rest and nourish you body with omega-3s rich options.

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Detox plan - DAY 1


10 minutes of stretching1 cup warm water with 1 tablespoon of lemon juiceBody brushing before shower Energising Green Smoothie (see recipe) + 1 soft-boiled eggHerbal tea such as dandelion root tea or rooibos tea


Rainbow Salad With Lemon & Tahini Dressing + Sardines (see recipe) A handful of pre-soaked almondsHerbal tea of your choice Get outside if you can


Turmeric Zucchini & Coconut Soup (see recipe)A handful of berriesWarm detox bath with sea salt, ginger and coconut oil (see DIY Beauty)Chamomile teaNo screens for 1 hour before bed; relax and read a book; block out light in the bedroom. Try to go to bed by 10pm.

To do today

30 minute walk (outside) Pack lunch for tomorrow and prepare breakfast ingredientsDeclutter your wardrobe (turn hangers around)Write 3 things you are thankful for todayDrink 2 litres of water3-5 mins of deep beathing sometime during the day

Page 8: 3-day detoxA mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good


Detox plan - DAY 2


10 minutes of stretching1 cup warm water with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice Body brushing before shower Purple Cow Smoothie (see recipe) +1 soft-boiled eggHerbal tea such as dandelion root tea or rooibos tea


Turmeric Zucchini & Coconut Soup (see recipe)Leftover Rainbow Salad1 orange 1 glass of coconut water with mint and limeHerbal tea of your choice in the afternoon


Baked Salmon With Broccoli & Carrots (see recipe)Cup of chamomile teaAvocado & raw cacao face mask (see DYI Beauty)No screens for 1 hour before sleep; relax and read a book; block out light in the bedroom. Try to go to bed by 10pm.

To do today

30 minute walk (outside) You can premake tomorrow’s dinner and lunchPantry detox (throw away junk food, expired foods, toxic oils)Write 3 things you are thankful for todayDrink 2 litres of water3-5 mins of deep beathing

Page 9: 3-day detoxA mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good


Detox plan - DAY 3


10 minutes of stretching1 cup warm water with 1 tablespoon of lemon juiceBody brushing before shower + DIY teeth whitening (see DIY Beauty)Energising Green Smoothie (see recipe) + 1 soft-boiled eggHerbal tea such as dandelion root tea or rooibos tea


Tomato, Red Onion & Basil Salad (see recipe)Leftover baked salmon Sliced green apple dipped in raw honey & tahiniHot chocolate with coconut milk, raw cacao, raw honey and cinnamon


Healing Dahl with Cauliflower Rice (see recipe)Grilled asparagus with garlic and lemon (optional, if you want extra)Nourishing hair mask (see DIY Beauty) + detox bathChamomile teaNo screens for 1 hour before sleep, relax and read a book, block out light in the bedroom. Try to go to bed by 10pm.

To do today

30 minute walk (outside) Meditate or seat quietly for 20 minutesWrite 3 things you are thankful for todayDrink 2 litres of water3-5 mins of deep beathing

Page 10: 3-day detoxA mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good


Energising Green Smoothie1/4 avocado

1/2 banana

1 cup spinach leaves

1/2 cup coconut water

1 kiwifruit

Juice of 1/2 lime

1/2 cup filtered water

Purple Cow Smoothie1/2 cup frozen mixed berries

1/2 medium beetroot, grated (add all the juice)

1 cup spinach leaves

1/2 cup coconut milk

1/2 cup filtered water

Squeeze of lemon juice

1/4 tsp grated fresh ginger (optional)

Super Power Smoothie1 green apple, diced (core and seeds out)

1/2 banana

1 cup kale or spinach leaves

1/4 cup coconut milk

1/2 cup filtered water

Squeeze of lime juice

1/2 tsp coconut oil

Place all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth and fluffy. Add less or more water for your preferred thickenss and strength of flavour.

All recipes make one serving.


Page 11: 3-day detoxA mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good

Rainbow SaladMakes 2 servings

3 cups mixed salad leaves

2 cups sliced purple cabbage

1/2 red pepper, sliced

1 medium beetroot, grated

1 carrot, grated

1 avocado, diced

1 cup diced cucumber

1/4 cup diced green onions / red onions

For the dressing

1 garlic clove, grated

1 tsp raw honey

1 tsp tahini paste

3 tbsp lemon juice

4 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

Pinch of sea salt

Place all salad ingredients in a bowl. Whisk together the dressing ingredients and toss through the salad just before serving. Serve with 100 grams of sardines or tuna.

Turmeric Zucchini SoupMakes 2 servings

1 tablespoon coconut oil or olive oil

1 large brown onion, finely diced

½ teaspoon sea salt

2 medium zucchinies (about 500 g / 1 lb), diced into small cubes

3 cloves garlic, diced

2 teaspoons turmeric powder

1 teaspoon mild curry powder

¼ teaspoon white or black pepper

1 cup vegetable stock (or water with ½ vegetable stock cube)

1 cup coconut milk (shake the can of coconut milk well before using)

1 teaspoon fish sauce (optional)

Juice of ½ small lime (about 2 tablespoons)

Fresh coriander/cilantro for garnish

Heat the oil in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and sauté for 4-5 minutes, stirring a few times, until softened and golden.

Add salt, zucchini and garlic and stir through, then add the turmeric, curry powder and pepper and stir through a few times to release the aromas.

Add the stock, coconut milk and fish sauce and stir. Bring to a boil, then turn the heat down to low. Cook for 10 minutes, simmering, covered with a lid.

Finally, add the juice of ½ lime and stir through. Serve with a few fresh coriander leaves on top


Page 12: 3-day detoxA mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good


Baked Salmon Makes 2 servings

2 x 150 g / 5-6 oz fresh salmon fillets

1/2 tsp sea salt

2 tsps diced rosemary or thyme leaves

1 garlic clove, finely diced or grated

1 tsp paprika powder

Zest of 1/2 lemon + 2 tbsp lemon juice

2 tbsp olive oil

Broccoli & carrots to serve with

Preheat the oven to 200 °C / 400 °F. Place salmon fillets on a baking tray covered with baking paper. Sprinkle with sea salt, herbs, garlic, paprika, and lemon zes. Drizle with lemon juice and olive oil. Bake for 15 minutes.

In the meantime, bring a saucepan of water to boil and cook broccoli and diced carrots, or other veggies of choice, for 1 minute. Strain and return to the saucepan with your choice of herbs and spices and a little olive oil. I like lemon zest, lemon juice, garlic and sea salt. Toss through and serve with salmon.

Tomato & Basil Salad1/2 Spanish red onion, sliced thinly

1 +1/2 tbsp apple cider vinegar or red wine vinegar

3 tbsp extra-virgin olive oil

2-3 medium tomatoes, yellow and red or amixture of cherry tomatoes

A handful of fresh basil leaves

Generous pinch of sea salt

Generous pinch of black pepper

Juice of 1/2 lemon

1 tbsp pumpkin seeds

Combine the onions with vinegar and olive oil and set aside for 10 minutes. Slice the tomatoes in any way you like. Season with sea salt and pepper and top with pickled onion and basil leaves. Finally drizzle everything with lemon juice and sprinkle with pumpkin seeds. Serve with leftover baked salmon or other tinned fish or seafood of choice.


Page 13: 3-day detoxA mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good

Cauliflower Pumpkin ‘Dal’Serves 4 (reserve leftovers for next day)

1 large brown onion, finely diced

2 tbsp coconut oil

1 tbsp grated ginger

3 large cloves garlic, finely diced or grated

500 grams / about 1 lb peeled butternut pumpkin/squash, diced into small cubes

2 tsp garam masala or mild curry powder

1 tsp turmeric powder

1 tsp cumin powder

½ tsp chilli flakes

1 tsp fish sauce (optional)

2 cups chicken or vegetable stock (I used chicken stock)

About 200 grams / 1 cup coconut cream*

Juice of ½ lime

½ tsp salt

2-3 tbsp sesame seeds

½ medium head of cauliflower, broken into florets

Handful of fresh coriander chopped

Extra sesame seeds & coconut for garnish

*For coconut cream, I used the thickened liquidof the coconut milk. Choose full-fat coconutmilk, with at least 50% cococont content.


In a large saucepan, sauté the onion in coconut oil over medium heat for 5-6 minutes, until softened and slightly golden.

Add the ginger, garlic and pumpkin, and stir through for a minute. Add the spices and stir, then add the fish sauce, stock, coconut cream, lime juice, salt and sesame seeds and stir through. Bring to boil, turn down to medium-low and cover with a lid. Cook for about 8-10 minutes.

In the meantime, either chop or grind the cauliflower florets into small crumbs. I used a food processor and added separated florets in three batches, whizzed a few times for a couple of seconds each time, until finely chopped up but not completely ground up into dust. You can use a knife and chop the cauli super finely.

After 8-10 minutes of cooking the pumpkin, stir in the cauliflower rice and cook together for 3-4 minutes, covered with a lid. Stir a couple of times.

Using a potato masher, press down the cooked mixture a few times to soften the pumpkin pieces slightly. You want some of the pumpkin flesh to become the sauce itself. Serve with fresh coriander and a dollop of coconut cream or yoghurt. A few sesame seeds over the top for presentation.

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Learn the daily routines

Warm water with lemon juiceSqueeze ½ lemon in 1 cup of water and have this after your stretching and about 20-30 minutes before your first meal. This helps to get your digestive juices flowing and helps to boost your liver detoxifying phases.

Gentle stretching Spend 10 minutes stretching your back, hamstrings, upper back and sides. Find your favourite stretching routine online or follow a YouTube video.

30 minute walk outsideAs humans we have a natural affinity towards nature - it helps to keep us healthy but it has been noted that people in the modern world may spend as little as 5 minutes outside daily. Use this time outside to quietly notice your surroundings and enjoy being in the now.

Drink 2 Litres of waterWe are made up of mostly water! Yet we often forget to give our body the right amount of water it needs to function optimally. Have a 2 litre bottle to sip from throughout the day so that you always end up drinking enough.

Limiting technologyLimit your technology use to half an hour in the morning and afternoon. Our modern day lives are ruled by technology. We check work emails at night, we are on Facebook while eating our breakfast – it leads to constant distraction, mindless eating and can even cause a stress response in the body.

3-5 minutes deep breathingSit down quietly and simply start taking long and full inhalations, filling up the diaphragm, followed by full exhalations. We spend most of our time shallow breathing, barely filling up our lungs. Deep breathing allows the nervous system to ‘reboot’ and puts you into relaxation mode – such a simple exercise that has such a profound effect on the body.

Write down three good things that happened todayAt the end of each day or during the day, just jot down three things that you are grateful for that day. This helps to cultivate an attitude of gratefulness and helps you to see all the good you have in your world. Having a positive oulook and grateful nature leads to positive health!

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Improving your sleep

Make time to unwindTurn off ALL technology at least an hour before bed and try to not have any harsh lighting on.

Make Sleep a priority Make the effort to make it a priority and you will notice the health benefits!

Keep regular sleep cyclesAim for 8-9 hours and always try to get to be bed before 11pm (10pm is optimal). Try to go to bed at the same time every night.

Have a night time ritualFollow the same routine every night so your body associates this with rest and bed time. Have a hot shower or bath, use essential oils, do some meditation, listen to some calming music – whatever works for you. Try some of our DIY bathroom treats.

Practice good bedroom health Have a nice, dark room and keep it on the cooler side, don’t rug up with too many blankets. Do not have smart phones, tablets or any other device in the bedroom. If you have an alarm, wake when it goes off – no pressing the snooze button!

Avoid late afternoon stressors Caffeinated drinks will keep you AWAKE! Limit these to not later than 1pm. Avoid heavy exercise after about 5pm as this impacts sleep quality and don’t eat dinner too late as this will also keep you awake.

Sleep is one of those things everyone lets slip. Why? Because we have a 24 hour ‘go-go-go’ society and believe that missing out on some hours of sleep is not necessarily a big deal. We see sleep deprivation as a badge of honour. Well guess what? Sleep really is THAT important to your health and it needs to be a priority in your life.

Just one single night of poor sleep can impact your hunger levels and lead to over eating! Poor sleep is associated with weight gain, premature aging, poor cognitive function, over reaction to stressors and sugar cravings.

Use the following guide to get your sleep habits in check.

Page 16: 3-day detoxA mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good


Reducing stress

Some of the common signs and symptoms of stress

Headaches, migraines Poor digestion, bloatingEmotional eating and food cravingsTiredness, waking tired

3:30pm slumpAnxietyDull and brittle hair & poor skinFrequent illness

What are some of the major causes of stress on the bodyBusy lifestyle/ WorkloadPoor sleep/ Poor dietOveruse of technologyMoney worries

Environmental toxins Too much exerciseLack of meaningful communicationNot enough FUN!

What stress does in the bodyIncreases blood pressureIncreases blood sugarIncreases heart rate

Slows digestion/supresses immunity Increases blood to extremities Increases breathing rate

How it can impact your body Weight gain/inability to lose weightPremature agingIncreases sugar cravings Frequent colds and flus

Depression and anxietyImbalanced hormonesInsomnia/FatigueGut issues

How to you reduce stressMake sleep a priority Clean up your dietSchedule ‘me time’ Practice meditation/deep breathing

Daily movement/nature walkHave ‘technology free’ daysCatch up with friendsLimit stimulants (caffeine)

Page 17: 3-day detoxA mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good


DIY BeautY

Page 18: 3-day detoxA mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good


DIY beautyAlthough we emphasise the importance of nourishing our bodies from the inside, we also love treating our outer shell with love and care. To go with your 3-day detox, we have put together some of our favourite beauty rituals and treatments you can do in the comfort of your own home. Take your time, sit back and relax, have your favourite music on, de-stress and create your own little home day spa. We recommend getting a few friends together and throwing a spa party - we even provided a couple of healthy mocktails.

Remember to patch test yourself with all recipes first, as some people have more sensitive skin than others. This detox is not recommended for pregnant women, which also includes these recipes as some contain essential oils that are contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

6 slices of fresh ginger

1 tbsp sea salt or Epsom

1 tbsp coconut oil

Detoxifying Sea Salt, Ginger & Coconut Bath

Ginger has many healthy properties but when used fresh or powdered in a bath, it can stimulate sweating helping to get rid of extra toxins. Sea salt also helps to pull toxins out of the body as well helping to soften the skin and relax the muscles. In addition to this, coconut oil will leave your skin feeling silky and smooth.

Body Brushing

Body brushing is a great addition to any detox program as it helps to remove dead skin cells and stimulates the circulatory and lymphatic systems to help eliminate waste. It can also help you to get brighter, smoother and softer looking skin.

You will need a soft, natural-fibre body brush. Look for those made with plant based bristles such as coconut husks or agave plant, also known as tampico or sisal bristle. Use gentle, circular and upward motion strokes, brushing towards the largest lymph nodes of the body – the groin, the armpits and the neck. Only brush on dry skin with dry brush bristles and avoid sensitive area, sunburnt areas, breasts and genetalia areas, and avoid if in an active cancer state or have over enlarged lymph nodes. Seek your health professional’s advice before brushing if pregnant. Follow body brushing with a shower or a bath.

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½ avocado

1 tbsp raw cacao

1 tsp raw honey

Avocado & Raw Cacao Mask

Raw cacao is full of antioxidants while vitamin A rich avocado and healing honey moisturise and nourish the skin. Blend all ingredients together. Smooth on skin and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water. This recipe will make enough for 2 faces so you can either halve the ingredients or eat the rest.

1 tbsp raw honey, melted or liquid

1 egg yolk

2 tbsp coconut oil

Raw Honey, Egg Yolk & Coconut Oil Hair Mask

This hair mask helps to moisturise and repair dry, brittle hair leaving you with soft, luscious locks.

Combine honey, egg yolk and coconut oil in a bowl. Make sure that melted honey and coconut oil are not hot as to not cook the egg. Apply the mixture to the scalp, working from the roots to the ends of the hair.

Let it sit for at least fifteen minutes before rinsing with warm water. Wash with your favourite organic, natural shampoo.

Teeth Whitening

Mix one part baking soda to three parts water and put some of this mixture on your toothbrush. GENTLY brush your teeth and then rinse and spit out. It is a mild abrasive, so you need to be careful not to brush too hard or use too often as harsh abrasive action can remove enamel.

Learn about other methods to whiten your teeth naturally on our site here.

Page 20: 3-day detoxA mini detox that works amazingly well, does not take up too much of your time and allows you to have that little reset, so that you feel refreshed, recharged and in good


Serves 4

2 cups diced honeydew melon or rockmelon

1 apple, peeled and diced (core out)

Juice of 1 lime

5-6 fresh mint leaves

2 cups filtered water

1 cup ice

For the garnish

Fresh mint leaves

4 lime slices

Sweet & Zingy Mocktail

Place all ingredients in a blender and process until very smooth. Serve with a few fresh mint leaves and lime slices.

Serves 4

2 cups frozen strawberries

Juice of 1/2 lime

1 cup coconut milk

2 cups coconut water

For garnish: fresh strawberry and lime wedges

Strawberry Colada Mocktail

Place all ingredients in a blender and process until smooth and thick. Serve with a fresh strawberry and a wedge of lime.

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After the DetoxCongratulations on finishing your Cleanse & Reset From Within 3-Day Detox. Well done. So where to from here?

Obviously, I would not expect you to keep up this routine long term. After all, it was designed as a little short term cleanse and pick me up. We would not recommend you consume such light meals on a long term basis, this was designed just for the three days to give your body and your digestion a little break.

Please make sure that your regular meals after the detox consist of:

I would love you to try to continue as many of the ‘Daily Routines’ as possible – they will help you to cope with your daily stressors. Never underestimate thepower of small, simple changes. They are simple enough to incorporate intoyour daily life and will profoundly benefit your health. I would also encourageyou to maintain a good sleep routine. Sleep trumps everything else when itcomes to good health and reducing stress!

Did you feel as though you were making headway with positive changes but need more help or would like more guidance? Check out more resources on my website Eat Drink Paleo and feel free to email me with any questions.

Share your 3-Day detox results with me via email at [email protected] or tag me on Instagram or Facebook with #eatdrinkpaleo @eatdrinkpaleo.

Good fats from sources such as coconut, cacao butter, avocado, olive oil, fish, nuts and seeds.

Good protein sources such as free range meats, seafood and possibly some servings of properly prepared legumes or gluten-free grains such as quinoa or buckwheat.

Nutrient dense sources of carbohydrates such as vegetables, fruits and starchy vegetables.

Enjoy a nice treat or a glass of wine every now and again – remember life is meant to be enjoyed!

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Irena Macri is a recipe developer and food blogger, best known for her paleo inspired cookbook Eat Drink Paleo Cookbook. She is a passionate cook who draws on her love of world cuisines and all-natural ingredients to produce delicious recipes

that promote wellness and longevity. She has built a loyal following and an enthusiastic community around her blog

Top 3 wellness tips: get outdoors as much as possible, eat lots of oily fish and have one salad a day!

Favourite super foods: free-range eggs, avocado, oysters and gelato?!?!

Co-author of this 3-day detox guide, Claire Yates is a Nutritional Medicine Practitioner, holding a Bachelor of Health Science, who is passionate about paleo nutrition, health

and having fun! She is the author of Optimal

Health The Paleo Way and is a self-confessed lover of good food and good coffee.

Top 3 wellness tips: Sleep is your best friend, belly laugh everyday and eat a rainbow (coloured fruit and vegetables) daily.

Favourite super foods: Kombucha, garlic, free-range eggs and coffee. @irenamacri @irenamacri

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