Page 1: 21st Sunday of the Year - Year A Sunday 23rd August 2020 · 8/23/2020  · Of your charity please pray for the repose of the soul of: Andrew Graham, John Currie Anniversaries (August):


Admin Office:

126 Victoria Street 9 Carmondean Centre The Lanthorn Kilronan Park

Craigshill Deans Kenilworth Rise 41 Main Street

Livingston Livingston Dedridge, Livingston East Calder

EH54 5BJ EH54 8PT EH54 6NY EH53 0ES

T: 01506 432141 T: 01506 438787 T: c/o 01506 880918 T: 01506 880918

Pastoral Team:

Fr Kenneth Owens, Fr Simon Hughes, Fr Peter Krakowiak SAC & Fr John Semnanke

Email: [email protected] PPC Email: [email protected]

Fr Peter Mobile: 07460 676 278 (text only) Email: [email protected]

Facebook: Livingston and East Calder Catholic Parishes


SVDP Contact Numbers:

St Andrew’s & St Theresa’s: 07342 793611 St Peter’s: 07796 662264

St Philip’s: 07502 031701

21st Sunday of the Year - Year A

Sunday 23rd August 2020

Please continue to sign in for Sunday Masses on a weekly basis preferably by email on

[email protected]. When booking, please say which Mass you would like to attend. It

would also be helpful if you could give your name, address, phone number and email address

each time you book. If you do not have email you could ask a grandchild, friend or neighbour

to email on your behalf. If you can’t email, please phone on Monday, Wednesday or Thursday

between 10.00am and 12noon. Weekday Masses only require signing in at the back of the


The Sacramental Celebration to welcome the adults and children into the Catholic Church is

scheduled for Sunday 30 August at 2.00pm in St Peter’s (PLEASE NOTE THE NEW TIME AND

VENUE). Unfortunately, this can’t be a public event because of numbers, however, we ask

your prayers for Kyle, Sam, Sandie, Reece, Stephen, Olivia, Alex and Gabiya who will all

become full members of the Church at this celebration.

St Peter’s Sunday Masses are now reverting to the usual times ie. 9.30am and 5.30pm. It has

been really great to welcome so many people back to Mass because of the outdoor Mass,

however, the weather is so unpredictable we will leave the 3.00pm Mass for now.

Anyone who is interested in paying their weekly Mass offering online should contact Clare in

the parish office who will be happy to provide bank account details for your parish.

New Dawn in Scotland Virtual Conference on Youtube from Friday 28th to Sunday 30th

August 2020. For more information and the link to Youtube and Facebook, please access the

link via the website - Come and see the New Dawn in Scotland

11th annual conference (virtual). All welcome.

If anyone is interested in joining the Catholic Church, please speak to one of the priests or

email the parish office ([email protected]). We don’t think the RCIA programme will

start soon but it would be good to know who is interested.

Page 2: 21st Sunday of the Year - Year A Sunday 23rd August 2020 · 8/23/2020  · Of your charity please pray for the repose of the soul of: Andrew Graham, John Currie Anniversaries (August):

Of your charity please pray for the repose of the soul of: Andrew Graham, John Currie

Anniversaries (August): Pauline Hughes (6 months), Gerard Hughes, John McGuiness

Date St Andrew’s St Peter’s St Philip’s St Theresa’s

Sun 23 Aug 9.30am Polish Mass PK 11.30am Mass JS Gerry Parr

9.30am Mass SH George Fleming

5.30pm Mass SH People of the Parish

9.30 am Mass KO (in chapel) Confession on request

11.30am Mass KO People of the Parish Confession after Mass

Mon 24 Aug 9.00am Mass JS

Tue 25 Aug 9.30am Mass KO

2.00pm Mass SH Lawrence, Margaret, Desmond & Linda Campbell

9.30am Mass JS

Wed 26 Aug 9.30am Mass KO Timothy McClory

Thu 27 Aug

6.30pm Mass SH Joan Loughrey RIP

9.30am Mass JS

Fri 28 Aug

9.00am Mass JS

Sat 29 Aug 5.00pm - 5.20pm Confession 5.30pm Vigil Mass KO

Sun 30 Aug 9.30am Polish Mass PK 11.30am Mass KO Paul Markey

9.30am Mass SH People of the Parish 5.30pm Mass JS Baby Kuba

9.30 am Mass JS People of the Parish

(in chapel) Confession on request

11.30am Mass JS Confession after Mass

DRODZY, po wakacyjnej przerwie wracam do Was przez moje medytacje i razem z Izajaszem mówiącym o Dawidzie i zapowiadającym Mesjasza – chce zacząć od zawołania JEZU UFAM TOBIE i z 1 czytania wybrać zdanie, które pokazuje PEWNOŚĆ PŁYNĄCĄ Z NASZEJ WIARY: Wbiję go jak kołek na miejscu pewnym; i stanie się on tronem chwały. Wraz z psalmistą chcemy mówić razem na naszych liturgiach Panie, Twa łaska trwa po wszystkie wieki. Z listu do Rzymian warto przemyśleć słowa: Jakże niezbadane są wyroki [Pana] i nie do wyśledzenia Jego drogi! (…) Albowiem z Niego i przez Niego, i dla Niego jest wszystko. Jemu chwała na wieki! Amen. Ewangelia to wyznanie wiary Piotra: Ty jesteś Mesjasz, Syn Boga żywego i błogosławieństwo Jezusa: Ty jesteś Piotr, czyli Opoka, i na tej opoce zbuduję Kościół mój, a bramy piekielne go nie przemogą. I tobie dam klucze królestwa niebieskiego. We wspólnotach wiary Miłosierny Ojciec objawia nam Jezusa - Mesjasza. Wszystko jest łaską, wszystko jest darem, więc dziękujmy za wiarę i przybywajmy na msze wspólnotowe, rejestrując się pod: [email protected]. W każdej innej sprawie piszcie pod email: [email protected] z wdzięcznością za modlitwy i z modlitwą za Was – ks. Piotr

W tę niedzielę jako Polska wspólnota żegnamy ks. Johna z Ghany; proszę napiszcie mu osobiste podziękowania na Jego email - [email protected] A On oczekuje nas w Ghanie, Afryka

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